#the multivariate is coming
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unproduciblesmackdown · 2 years ago
fr both taylor's quants as mirrors to themself. rian Seen as so meritous and deserving and talked to and tasked with and advised and considered but apparently rian's whole thing is going "huh. wha" and having wendy's level of self-reflection (none). winston who is begrudgingly allowed to sit in his corner and ignored b/c he's undeserving so he can't really be meritous and nobody would look in that mirror b/c it's gonna be So not their reflection. while he just won't stop cassandraing and having all these insights and perception and observations nobody even asked or told him to have and is peak taylor understander and just like taylor: isn't guided by a paper-thin ego but also will take criticism / blame / mistreatment Too Much for his own good
#winston billions#the tragedy of the Lose Lose imbalanced [rian is ostensibly a character but actually a plot device] [winston: ostensible plot device but#actually a character] like yknow we could even some of this out a little. but also once again billions' handling of Gender Things....#that's (mostly) all an issue on rian's side of the Quants Who Are Also You scales#(it's also ofc still relevant re: winston; or anyone; and especially wrt Autistic Character but that's gonna be beyond billions)#(even [society if nonbinary rian] aside like. thinking you simply have one of your rare Cis Women Characters here....come on)#give rian a little more of that '''''worse''''' treatment that would let her be more Funny Little Guy as lets winston be more characterful#even transcending the [they won't give him an arc or C plot that's actually about him or anything] limitations#meanwhile again like Lmfao rian was Meant to be important but that's Only meant taking part in Other People's Plots as [device]#being a plot device is a way to use characters it's not like Inherently Bad but like lmao. rian doesn't get to do anything herself For Real#AND all the plot devicery means she's never gotten to have consistent enough motivations or like. traits to be An Character.#winston's writing is so [here he is to do little a expositing. butt of the joke. minor plot device] that he has way more room to like#just be idiosyncratic & Not have that yanked around by ''prominence''....it happens to All billions characters but it's So bad w/rian#like i can go ''this feels like it's Too Far serving the plot or conflict at the expense of character'' other times w/other roles but like#that'll then also be isolated enough to just ignore. w/rian it's like spent that whole time doing multivariable calculus waiting on more#info more context to conclude anything abt what she's even Basically supposed to be like. even my more generous theories can't hold up#and based on precedent i don't have much hope that remaining [i guess this could be a quality of hers] will either (a) not be contradicted#or (b) get to actually mean anything in any of her arcs which ig now get to be about the [nothing] that is [pay disrespects]#winston isn't bound to get a real arc even last minute but he'll still have felt like more of a character#rian doomed by intending ''importance'' from the start & that they don't seem to have ever had the idea of any more solid foundation#and that billions going ''gender; huh?'' can be like. rian has to go away now; we needed her vagania for diluted cishet man sex scandal#well i for one am really reflecting on Women In The Workplace(tm) now & for what. rian funnier littler guy winston Ever getting a C plot...#a superior tmc timeline....and like as ever rian can be shitty that'd be fine. but if it Means Nothing b/c billions either goes [nuh uh]#and/or b/c either way it just does Nothing with it. that then Is Not character material for her; it more so is For Winston suffering it....#most likely to end with billions just agreeing rian Was so specially meritous & deserving & winston was too cringefail (autistic) to live#even if we get anything Alright / given consideration & care in his material....which will in turn be like eh. as ever; will take it lol#plus ofc fascinating like. can't draw a hard line b/w the Writing & the Performance but still wondering how much of winston's idiosyncrasy#and that sense of character is big time via will's acting. definitely got that foundation in that the Writing = quant kid 2; one-off joke#and the Performance of that material = furiously writing in multiple winston scenes & despite it all bringing him all the way into s7#but he's autistic & typecast so also our hands are tied. could've had more for Either/Both quants; which = more for taylor by extension. f
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hyuckswoman · 7 months ago
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“are you going to bother me again?” you sigh seeing jisung putting his stuff in the empty spot next to you
“of course i am, how is that even a real question?” he says smiling getting ready for the class “do you have a major degradation kink or something? I fail to understand why you would take so much time off your day to piss me off” you ask your eyes trying to scrutinize him. “you talk weird ‘fail to understand’ okay mrs english major” he laughs taking his pen out of his pencil case writing down calculus quietly sighing at how this class was going to beat his ass “whatever” you sigh getting your stuff out to also get ready for the class. your teacher was pissy and scary also you did not want to get overwhelmed so quickly during the semester. in other words, you were not going to let jisung win.
“do you need help jisung?” the teacher was doing quick rounds in the class, assuring that his students were not getting overwhelmed by the exercise he had just assigned. the multivariable calculus class was almost empty for a reason and he did not want to lose his job, so he had to at least make sure the few students attending his class weren’t failing.
upon hearing the teacher’s question, jisung’s first instinct was to look up at you to see if you were making fun of him or not. call him insecure but he had kind of always been jealous of how easy the material was for you. when you threatened to haunt him to- and i quote- mess up his academics he kinda laughed because in all honesty? he was capable of that all on his own. and judging by the look on his teacher’s face when jisung replied “no i’m fine thank you”, he wasn’t the only one who knew that he and him alone could fuck up this college year.
when the teacher quietly called for your name and asked you to help jisung you wanted to laugh in his face and to tell him no, but something about an older man that’s a figure of authority in your life made you immediately respond “yea no problem” because in no way were you ever going to say no to this scary scary man. jisung debated in between being super embarrassed by the fact that he was the only one who struggled with the material (he wasn’t but he’s self-centered so he doesn’t notice other people) or in being slightly happy that the teacher was giving him an easy way to make your life living hell for the next 30ish minutes.
you mentally sighed as you knew what was coming but still glided your paper over to jisung’s side to at least give it one fair try and then automatically give up when he doesn’t take you seriously. so you began to explain. “in this example we’re trying to find this partial derivative so x is the constant right? so basically what you have to do is apply this limit formula since y is the constant and the derivative is with respect to x. the reason why we can use this limit formula is because the limit definition of this partial derivative is basically the same as the one for the derivative. im sorry if that wasn’t super clear but just yea i’m shit at explaining” you say fully expecting him to throw a jab at you for being a nerd (as if you guys don’t share the same classes)
“no i get it, thank you. i just don’t understand why we’re not considering the other variables” he says furrowing his brows further “it’s because that’s not what’s asked when doing partial differentiation that’s it. we’re focusing one variable at a time that’s why it’s partial…i think” you answer “oh okay that makes sense. so for this one this would be the answer?” he asked showing you his notebook. he has neat handwriting. atypical for a man. “yea, at least that’s also what i found but we might both be wrong” you shrug not too confident in your own answer (even if you literally cannot think of any other way to solve this mess).
and if him taking you seriously when you explained the material instead of bothering you or making fun of you did not surprise you enough, him constantly showing you his answers and asking you questions for the rest of class did. what really shocked you to your core was when he asked if you could tutor him with some classes some day, seeing as tough you guys literally shared every class.
he was also very shocked when you replied “no, suck my dick you ass. im not forgiving you for snooping through my phone just yet”. and he laughed a lot. this semester was really going to be fun for him.
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4. no tutoring
last chapter masterlist next chapter
notes : sorry for the late chapter!
taglist: @kgyam4 @sunghoonsgfreal @injunnie-lemon @nctrawberries @222low @multifandomania @joyzluvr @starwonb1n @222brainrot @sinsgaybutthatsokay @defzcl @lostinneocity @junviadinho @mrshwang-park @skepvids @wonbin-truther @jkslvsnella @jising-jisang-jisung @nanaxwi @polarisjisung @amrqxz @jirsungs @haechansbbg @dalsosapple @pookime @pinklemonade34 @lotties-readings @roseangelxfuma @jiiieun @inosfavgf @mystverse
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spacedace · 2 years ago
So I have an idea for a dp x dc fic and I'm going to throw it here since i need to get it out of my head and i'm not sure i'll ever actually write it (and as always if anyone finds my rambles interesting any/all of it us up for grabs to run with):
Elle ends up crashing into the DC universe while exploring, but despite all the dimension/multivariate nonsense that always goes down (or maybe because of it) she can't actually get back, and the levels of ectoplasm are a lot lower than most dimensions which weakens her quite a bit.
There's enough for her to survive, and use her powers a little bit, but using them too much makes her get really weak/maybe even causes serious harm depending on how much she uses.
She finds this out when she tries to open a portal home and both fails to open the portal & passes out as a result of trying. Cut to Elle waking up in Cadmus and realizing "ah, fucked up unethical science, I am familiar with this fuckery" and escapes.
In the process of escaping she comes across Kon, who isn't "finished" yet. He's alive and aged up to a teenager, but isn't quite done with his programming/whatever (this idea came to me based entirely off what I've gleaned through fandom so I don't know the canon of Kon's whole time with Cadmus). Elle immediately realizes "Oh clone baby, that's not good" and breaks him out and takes him with her.
Kon in this doesn't know he's a clone of Superman, he doesn't know a lot of things considering how early into the clone info-dumling process he was in when Elle broke him out. He barely knows language and how to read. What he does know for sure though is that Cadmus is Bad and Getting the Fuck Out is Good so he's down to go with Elle
Queue them becoming friends and being on the run together, learning about this world/dimension together and coming to see each other as family. Eventually they end up in Gotham because it's one of the places that naturally has a higher ectopalsm level and because if you're in the right area no one cares if you have no legal ID (in some circles it's a plus).
Kon gets a lot of odd jobs before eventually ending up working at a strip club or burlesque bar or something (my idea is that it's years after escaping so he's in his early 20s at this point and not just a fresh baby clone anymore and he gets into it because he likes it and it's good money) while Elle uses her ghostly knowledge/what powers she can to work as like a psychic or something like that.
Meanwhile Justice League (with alive again Superman) have found out about the escaped Superman clone and, along with Cadmus, are desperately trying to track him down. The info they have is a bit murky, so they think it's actually *two* clones, one that had Martian dnd also thrown in to the mix based off a short clip they managed to find of Elle phasing through walls.
My idea is that it'd all finally come to a head when Constantine pulls Tim (and maybe also Damian) in on a JL Dark case that involves the Lazerus Pit and for reasons ends up having to hire Elle to help. I'm thinking it's a thing that Elle is a pretty respected name in certain magic circles due to her expert knowledge on the Infinite Realms, though she refuses to work for most people who seek her out - even though the money would be good - because usually it's only evil assholes that want to hire her.
She makes a deal with Jon to help (in exchange for something that would let her get a message to Danny letting him know what happened or something like that) and Kon joins in because there's no way he's trusting a dude Elle calls the "drunk soul slut" with his baby sister unattended, he doesn't *care* if she could handle herself it's not happening.
Anyway, Tim/Kon (and maybe some Damian/Elle) shenanigans during a Lazerus Pit/demon hunting road trip where eventually everyone figures out who Kon & Elle are, Elle manages to get a stable portal setup so she can go home and come back whenever she wants (Kon getting adopted by Danny? Kon getting adopted by Danny) and Kon joining Young Justice and having a good relationship with Clark (who had a lot more time to deal with things before meeting Kon and learned about him as a person before learning he was Clark's clone).
Anyway there would be a scene at the end where Kon would be in his superhero suit for the first time and just:
Clark: Did you choose a hero name yet?
Kon: Yeah, I figured I'd go with Supernova.
Clark, feeling touched: Yeah? Any particular reason?
Kon: It's cool, it has 'Super' in the name, and really it just seemed the easiest option, I'm used to responding to Nova, so *shrugs*
Clark: Yeah? Why's that? Nickname?
Kon: I guess kinda? It's my stage name at the strip club I work at
Clark: what
Tim, brain shut down by this revelation: ...do you do private shows?
Clark: w h a t
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bambiesfics · 1 year ago
Sub!Ellie Williams x Tease!reader
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You pouty little bitch, you loved it didn’t you? You were in your prime, being on your hands and knees underneath Ellie’s desk, the one that held the multivariable calculus homework the pathetic brunette had left open & neglected. The one that you were currently tucked away under.
It held homework that Ellie wasn’t paying any attention to at all—matter of fact— it was homework that she had neglected in favor of unbuckling her belt—pulling it flat against her hips until the prongs popped out—in a haste attempt to shove her underwear and pants past her slim hips, and over the jut of her hip bones and creamy thighs.
Ellie had parted her thighs and carded her knobby fingers through the top of your hair to get a good. solid. grip. to prepare for what was to come.
And there you were, licking up her pink slit like the good little girlfriend you were. Like the good little girlfriend you always want to be, only for Ellie. Your pretty eyes were nearly rolled to the back of your fuzzy brained head, as you greedily milked the musk and slick dripping from Ellie’s cunt onto your tongue. It left you wholesomely fog-brained and pussydrunk. Ellie muttered a litany of crude curses under her breath, curses that could make a Pacific sailor blush pink.
A constant onslaught of “Fuck” and “YES! Ungh” and “Fucking love that little mouth” trembled from between her bitten red lips.
You wanted to be a good little girlfriend to her—a sweet, well-behaved one. But really, you were wholly the opposite. You were the reason she was here, glassy eyed with her clit twitching in your face instead of finishing an assignment that was due in three hours. You were a naughty fucking tease. You were always distracting your girlfriend away from her responsibilities, teasing her with your tits pushed in her face as she ducked her head down to read over notes. Or teasing her with the outline of your ass pressed against your thin sleep pants. Pathetically bending over to throw out balled up paper in the tiny trash bin next to her, as if Ellie was an idiot. Yet the worst of it, the thing that really made you an absolute tease: Was that you were teasing her with that pink little tongue you kept digging into her twitching hole.
You kept up the long licks over her clit, and down over the dip of her vagina until Ellie got so sexually frustrated with your pathetic performance at eating her out, that she grabbed both your chubby cheeks in her mean grip—lifted her hips off the wheeled computer chair and grinded her clit aggressively into your drooling tongue. Dirty, whiny moans garbled from your throat. And quick short breaths came from hers as she came all over her Dickie’s work pants, where she was face fucking you.
You continued to suckle on her spent clit until the sensitivity had overwhelmed her so much she had to grab your puffy cheeks again.
“Hmm, El?” You responded earnestly, while kneeled between her caged legs, on her carpeted floor.
She dropped her head until it met her chest, her body deflated in the seat.
“Fuck. Just….fuck.”
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fairytale-poll · 1 year ago
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Dimension 20:
Knight in invisible glass armor who turned the heel of her slipper into a spear and impaled the Fairy Grandmother with it to escape her false happy ending. Part of a team of princesses who want to destroy the entire fairy tale world to spare themselves and everyone else from eternally suffering. Gives weirdly good life advice.
A badass warrior in glass armor who stabs her fairy godmother with the heel of her glass slipper
Neverafter sweep!!!! Also, she is cool. Wears glass armor, tried to kill her fairy godmother with a spear, also tried to kill her stepmother.
She wears armour of glass and fights against a prewritten destiny
This Cinderella's story takes place in a world where all the fairytale characters exist but their stories have all gone wrong. It's a horror Dnd campaign, and there's also a multivariate concept where if people die, they're basically just reborn in a worse version of the story. Cinderella here is an NPC and is part of a faction called the Daughters of the Crown, which is a group of rebel nialaistic princesses who want to destroy the Neverafter to be free. She stabbed her fairy godmother in the chest with a glass shard from her shoe and she's a crazy powerful fighter. She wears full plate armor made of reflective glass so that she's essentially invisible when standing still. She's super badass but still is caring and funny. In the final battle when the PCs are fighting the Daughters of the Crown and other bad guys, she turns to their side after the other princesses are defeated and other giant villains come in, including her step mother, who became an eldritch horror. She stabs her stepmother through the heart with a shard of glass after dismissing the stepmother statement that she hurt her because it was destiny, saying that it doesn't matter if it was free will or destiny, she didn't like it. TLDR: She's a badass black woman/princess/knight
This woman has been through so much Shit. She has to go through the usual suffering of Cinderella (dead parents, abusive step-family) and then find out her entire life is a lie, just a story where she has no agency over her life? Her suffering is for someone else's amusement? So she's doing bad. Her stepmother also tries to destroy the ENTIRE universe after snapping. And okay. Maybeeee Cinderella tried to kill some people (mainly the campaign's party) but after she lost everything I can't help but feel a little bad for her. Thank you for your time.
Once Upon a Time (in Space):
She spent decades searching every moon and planet trying to find her wife (Rose), who was kidnapped on their wedding day. Eventually, she found Rose, and they embraced, only for Rose to die in Cinder's arms. And so Cinder killed the king who had kidnapped Rose by punching through his chest and into his heart.
And then Cinder got a somewhat happy ending, in which she met Rose's clone who had Rose's memories.
What if Cinderella was a Sci-Fi lesbian? Well here she is. She has a whole love song about searching the stars for her girlfriend after their wedding was interrupted and she was taken away. She spends years searching only to when she finally finds and embraces her watch her be shot. Cinders is so devastated by this that she plunges her wedding ring into the heart of the man who shot her love killing him.
Lesbian space princess who elopes with the terrifying soldier who was previously conquering her planet and spends decades searching for her when they're separated. Listen to her song https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6w9V-gMgBF4
I think the way she punches the evil king through the heart as revenge for her wife is pretty neat.
She’s a revolutionary married to a woman, what’s not to love? From Cinders’ Song: “ When I was a little girl, my mother always told me / "Someday your prince will come, my love" / But as I grew, I knew it was a princess who would hold me”.
her girlfriend got cloned and most of said clones were brutally slaughtered in war and she searched for her girlfriend all throughout the galaxy and when they were finally reunited on the battlefield her girlfriend died. and a clone of her girlfriend who due to technical errors retained her memories, so does that count as the same girlfriend? theseus's girlfriend? anyway vote for cinders she's been through hell
Lesbian!! Has to search for her lost love Rose with her glass wedding ring that changes color when its near its partner!! Gets to embrace Rose once again for one final moment before the villain kills Rose right in front of her!! So Cinders kills him in return!! And she's left as (almost) the only surviving main character from her own album but!! She is eventually reunited with a clone of Rose, and while they cannot have a truly 'happy ever after' together they are the ones graced with the closest thing to it
SPACE LESBIANS (she's in love with Rose Red, who gets kidnapped on their wedding day and Cinders searches the galaxy to find her, waiting for her white ring to turn crimson, indicating that its twin was near) She took her name from the ashes of her burning planet <3 She also killed Old King Cole >:)
shes a tragic lesbian and killed a violent dictator shes literally the best
shes gay shes traumatized she dates both rose red and sleeping beauty. badass space wanderer looking for her wife
Her wife Rose gets kidnapped on their wedding day and Cinders spend the next thirty years looking for her. She finds her (:D) and then Rose dies (D:) and then Cinders kills the guy who killed Rose (girlboss).
shes a lesbian. she lost her wife, Rose (yes, as in sleeping beauty) the day they got married bc she was kidnapped. she spent 20 YEARS looking for her. as soon as she found her wife, Rose DIED IN HER ARMS. Cinders has gone through Too Much to lose this poll
(Her info from the wiki) the Princess of a planet burnt by King Cole's army, after it is ceded by her stepmother. She is imprisoned, meets Rose and plans to marry her. She is released by her godmother for the wedding, then flees when the attack happens, spending thirty years looking for Rose. Her half of the wedding ring will light up when she finds Rose.
"When I was a little girl, my mother always told me 'Someday your prince will come, my love' But as I grew, I knew it was a princess who would hold me I looked to the stars for you, my love" She's lesbian Cinderella IN SPACE. She fell in love with her wife in prison and they ran away to have a secret marriage but the empire kidnapped Rose on their wedding night and Cinders had to leave her behind. She searches for Rose for decades with the glass ring that guides her to its twin on her wife's finger. She finally reunites with her love after Rose rips three supersoldiers to pieces with her bare hands (hot) but then then the evil king kills Rose so Cinders fucking punches through his heart. And then a clone of Rose (who is also lesbian Sleeping Beauty IN SPACE) finds her cradling her wife's body and they have a happy reunion(?) and maybe they didn't have a happy ending BUT WHAT IF THEY HAD EACH OTHER? HUH? AAAAAH
she’s everything. she’s a princess from a long since conquered planet. she was imprisoned to make a statement of the brutal reign of old king cole. she met her wife while she was in prison, a beautiful brutal soldier covered in scars from battles. cinders and rose fell in love, so cinders’ godmother in white broke her out of jail so rose and cinders could be together. they were going to be married, except that OLD KING COLE intervened and kidnapped rose to make her the genetic base of his unholy army. so cinders spends THIRTY YEARS searching the galaxies for her love (and sings a really cool song about it called “Cinders’ Song”) until finally she arrives during the final battle just in time to see old king cole SHOOT ROSE DEAD. so cinders punches the king so hard (with her wedding ring) that he just Crumples Into Dust. the end! (no we do not talk about the fiction.)
lesbian, for one, and for two i don't really care i just think it'd be cool if she got in/if she made it past the first round
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twilightkitkat · 4 months ago
bro I just took my multivariable calculus midterm and that shit was atrocious... I should still be able to get an A in the class if I do decent on the final but what the hell. Her notes are so bad and it's insanely hard to find tutorials for the type problems she does on the internet bc she insists on being special 😭😭
anyway this means more poolverine content coming soon!! bc I'm out of midterm jail after this paper tonight and I need to get out my frustration somehow. I'll finally finish my other Logan au and maybe start a few longfics. Just know that I originally planned on happy endings for most of my stories but if I write hurt no comfort it's because of this midterm. this is gonna start my writer villain arc....
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calnexin · 2 years ago
Sidestep can actually do multivariable calculus but doesn't know because it's never come up before, and the scientists were like, of course that's a thing an average socialite knows
LMAO The idea that the scientists at the Farm were just cramming whatever they can fit into Sidestep’s little head just in case has so much potential
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Sidestep knows multivariable calculus but only knows how to use it in scenarios where math is not even remotely required
baking cookies or something idk Argent: hey how long do we leave it in the oven for Sidestep:
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Sidestep: 30 minutes
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mortalityplays · 1 year ago
these people are never going to forgive us. and we don't deserve to be forgiven after this
I've been trying to think what the narrative of this new century will be like, for future generations. I feel like the 20th century had a fairly clear arc of cause and effect, almost like a story you could tell, and I was imagining the 21st would just have "chaos all the time as the planet boils until we die" as its headline. But I feel like I'm seeing the arc of the 21st being written and it's a lot more bleak than I ever imagined.
I understand what you mean. I suspect every generation feels like this, thrust into conflicts we were supposed to have outgrown and too small to affect the scale of change we feel gestating in our chests. My grandparents grew up in WW2 and expected that to be the last true era of atrocity they would have to fit into their mental landscape. They didn't cope well with the bitter complexity of the politics they inherited as adults. My parents lived through the tail end of the cold war, and my mum has told me often about the senseless nihilism they felt, even as they chained themselves to fences outside nuclear bases and smuggled news back and forth to friends behind the iron curtain. Everything could be snuffed out any day and it didn't matter. As a kid I was dimly aware of ethnic cleansings in Rwanda and then Kosovo, and I was 11 when I watched planes hit the world trade centre. I spent my teens protesting the Iraq war — around the world it's estimated there were around 36 million of us — and I watched all those efforts come to nothing at all.
The good news (I promise this is good news, in a sense, for the moment we're living through) is that narratives in history are an illusion. 'History is written by the winners' is trite, but it’s somewhat true. It might be more accurate to say history is written by the survivors. For as long as we survive, I think the most important role many of us can play is as witnesses. When we look at the 20th century in retrospect, we naturally hunt for lines of cause and effect that can explain the multivarious stories that survived to reach us. Those explanations are how we exercise agency over situations we couldn't change, and how we express the aspirations we're left with. And despite the way it looks after we've settled on our own retrospective storylines, they are never static or unchallenged. We are forever workshopping the moral of our own stories.
My point is, the present is the sharpest edge of history. It hurts, it sucks, and I don't think it has ever made sense. Making sense isn't something history does by itself, it's something we do to it. So if there is anything at all that we can do as petty nobodies far away from today's conflict, it's pay attention. Listen, watch, record, remember, and be active and loud in the process of deciding what each new fucked up day means. It's not enough, but it's not nothing either. I'm sorry it's like this.
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82lead · 2 years ago
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Sex: Female
Species: ???
Age: ???
Other Titles:
The Dead Star
Himeko's Analyst
Walking heater (???)
The Astral Express
The Nameless
World: Astral Express
"To grasp the vastness of your headspace means to grasp every aspect that embodies your being. If you're not ready to embrace the unwanted, then don't be too ambitious."
Feray is a Data Analyst aboard Astral Express. She's worked under Himeko for an indefinite amount of time by utilizing her abnormal mental capacity. Some say that she's everywhere and nowhere all at once.
About time I revealed her 🫠. Meet my first HSR OC! Interactions and questions are open— I'm getting impatient for the Playstation release of the game TvT.
Other info below the cut!
The Truth: The Sea of Quanta is a chaotic passage containing every cruel possibility. They say that dead stars plunge into the sea when they die.. but what if that sea sent those dead stars afloat?
Every Feray in every universe is dead, not a single one fixed to live by the laws of that world. Yet every bygone soul leaves a single fragment that's then carried aimlessly in chaos. It began with one fragment, then two, then it doubles through the years until by some mercy— every dead fragment had come together to form a whole new soul. This revived star retained broken memories of every land that she could've been in, all in the form of incomplete flashbacks.
Be kind to the dead star, for she's defied the multivariate law of her redaction.
Welt doesn't let her borrow his pencils because Feray keeps losing them.
She's Himeko's official Data Analayst, often assisting in the scientist's pursuit without question.
Himeko designed her cape.
Feray is prone to Stellaron accidents due to her unique manifestation. Her co-staff on the Astral Express got used to her seldom absence because they know she'll always find a way back to the train.
She doesn't necessarily bleed, but she can still get hurt. Her skin is like human flesh, but her blood is darker, reflecting iridescent color at certain lighting.
Her weapon is a Kusarigama. It's said that she obtained her weapon from the land overseen by the sustainer of heavenly principles.
Neither she nor Welt are sure who's older, but they're both the Astral Express contenders for oldest member.
Please keep her away from Blade, she's not keen on letting the man touch her weapons.
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shallowseeker · 11 months ago
🎂🎈Happy (one day late) birthday to @whiskeyjuniper (@satinsolace)!!!! 🎈🎂
Everyone remember to go give kudos to these awesome rare, creatively-featuring-Chuck fics:
🌲evergreen endless🌲
(endverse but make it worse, with a spicy fucked up multi-pronged POV courtesy of Chuck Shurley's pervy little voyeur brain)
🌞a happy place to dream about 🌞
(Chuck's obsessed w/Dean and trying his hand at a slow-burn romcom starring..himself)
🎁 Also, here's a birthday oneshot gift I wrote about the eclipse cause I got a little carried away last night: 🎁
I will not be diminished
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Info: Around 2600 words (~10 minutes) 
The problem with symbolism is that it tends to favor multivariate complexity. (Which makes the narrative rules go a little haywire in places, especially when it comes to representing cosmological events.) Moral of the story? You shouldn’t stare directly into the sun, even when its light is temporarily blotted out.
Read here.
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kxantares · 1 month ago
One problem with trying to come up with a fictional world that feels "real": just how incredibly, geometrically multivariate things get past a certain point. Like, right now, I'm trying to sort out some ancient economic history for eight rough "civilisations" (in the broad sense, not some kind of narrow, chauvinistic one) which exist two massive economic catastrophes and a glaciation event before "the current day" (which I'm writing as being a few centuries from now), and… … …there's just so much space for me to fill in even on the one subcontinent they're on alone. (TBF, said subcontinent is probably roughly the size of Africa or something, and it's on a planet with a few times Earth's surface area, but.)
So I'm trying to figure out how to keep things reasonable in light of the fact that this is history for the history for the history of my setting's history, lmao. The goal here is adequately fleshing out societies and economies that are bad in alien but realistic ways, so as to serve as a good historical backdrop for the resulting political configuration, post- the most recent interglacial period abruptly being brought to an end, and how it became a fairly sensible, chill, much-better-than-our-world society that nonetheless isn't just "What if I put barely reskinned Earth socialism-working-toward-communism on another planet?"
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jadecitrusmint · 7 months ago
Hello, I'm starting college soon, majoring in statistics. When I mention my course, people often warn me about its difficulty and hope I'll manage to stay through all years. Could you provide tips on how to persevere until the fourth year? And I want to advance study. What should I focus on studying? Also, would you recommend a laptop or a tablet/ ipad?
Thank youu :3
Hello! I got a lot of the same comments when I picked stats as my major🥲
Two things are key to persevering through a stats degree, (1) not beating yourself up when you fail and (2) reaching out for help when you don’t understand something. Stats has a lot of disconnected but continually reappearing topics and you’ll get confused and fail sometime- that is perfectly okay and normal, you just have to learn to let it roll off your back and do better next time! This is when my second tip of reaching out to professors, other students, or uni resources come in. Your professors want you to understand the content (or at the very least are paid to ensure you understand the content)- go to them when you don’t understand something! There is no shame in asking for help.
All calc, especially your multivariate calc, is very relevant to statistics, so I’d brush up on your calc 1 and calc 2 skills if it’s been a while since you’ve used them. Additionally, I’d review probability rules, and basic things like finding means and variances. Later on, you’ll cover “distributional results.” When you get to these, absolutely keep a running list of these results that you frequently look over!
For narrowing down your interests, I’d recommend exploring finance courses, science courses (chem/bio), and coding courses. Statistics is a super versatile degree and there’s a lot of freedom and flexibility!
I would 100% recommend a laptop for two reasons. As a statistics student, you will likely be coding a good bit; mostly in R, but probably in SAS, python, and possibly matlab as well. As far as I’m aware, there’s no software that allows you to adequately code in these languages on a tablet/iPad. Secondly, hand writing on paper is much better for retention. I have an iPad as well, but I only really use it for homework to save the trees from all my scratch work😅 you could accomplish the same effect with a white board and marker. All of my notes (and even sometimes my homework and practice problems) are on paper since you retain the info significantly better. My friends in the stats major who also have an iPad or tablet for notes have also switched to using pen and paper over the years to help with retention since there’s a lot you need to have memorized.
Feel free to reach out with any more questions, and good luck! You’ve got this ~~
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smokingpotatostuff · 3 months ago
You know, funnily enough, I think the proliferation of stats software has actually significantly hurt the average scientist's grasp of statistics, especially multivariate shit. PCAs and ordination come to mind. When you can just run the code without actually understanding the math behind it and make a visual, it's easy to do something silly or that just makes no sense for your data. The same thoughts apply to the various ANOVAs in theory, but I would hope those are straightforward enough to be obvious when a mistake happens or assumptions arent being met
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jcsmicasereports · 4 months ago
Decreased erythrocyte glyoxalase 1 (GLO1) activity in patients with diabetes with reduced estimated glomerular filtration rate by Dr. Mohsen Kerkeni in Journal of Clinical Case Reports Medical Images and Health Sciences
Background: The glyoxalase enzymes are located in the cytosol of all cells, including erythrocytes, and prevent advanced glycation end products (AGEs) production through the detoxification of the methylglyoxal (MGO). The present study was made to evaluate the GLO1 activity in diabetic patients and it relationship with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR).
Patients and methods: GLO1 activity was measured spectrophotometrically in erythrocytes of 123 participants: 35 healthy subjects and 88 patients with diabetes. Biochemical parameters were measured and eGFR was calculated using the MDRD (Modification of Diet in Renal Disease) formula.
Results: We found no difference in GLO1 activity in patients with diabetes compared to healthy subjects. However GLO1 activity tended to be reduced in diabetic patients with loss renal function. A significant decrease was shown in patients with moderate to severe loss renal function. GLO1 activity was correlated with eGFR, creatinine and urea. Multivariate analysis showed that GLO1 activity was independently associated with eGFR.
Conclusion: GLO1 activity was related with loss renal function in patients with diabetes according glomerular filtration rate.
Keywords: glyoxalase 1, diabetes mellitus, glomerular filtration rate
Diabetes is the most important disease in the wild words including type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes as known as diabetes mellitus (DM), and gestational diabetes [1-3]. DM is defined by chronic hyperglycemia and affected sugars metabolism caused by impaired insulin secretion [4]. Overweight and obesity are two risk factors or metabolic syndrome for developing DM. Indeed, obesity is characterized by excess body fat which is harmful to health, thus generating significant oxidative stress than chronic inflammation [5]. DM, as chronic hyperglycemia, promotes protein glycation and leads to the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs).
AGEs are formed by prolonged duration of hyperglycemia in diabetics and they have long-term toxicity in the body. Indeed, AGEs come from the attachment of sugar to a protein, an amino acid, or a lipid. These toxic products accumulate in all the organs leading to the activation of its RAGE receptors. A high number of publications have reported the AGEs involvement in the development of diabetes complications such as nephropathy, retinopathy, and atherosclerosis [6-8]. These products are not only present, but they also contribute to the severity of the pathology [9, 10]. The pathophysiological mechanisms of the increase in these products are still unidentified, but the formation of these products is done through the precursors of AGEs, also known as highly reactive dicarbonyl stress, the α-oxoaldehydes, such as the methylglyoxal (MGO) has a key role in detrimental effects on cellular function and has a key factor in vascular complications leading to oxidative stress. MGO is metabolized to lactate or acetol [11]. The MGO was detoxified by the glyoxalase system [12]. The glyoxalase system has two enzymes, glyoxalase 1 (EC, S-D-lactoylglutathione lyase; GLO1) and glyoxalase 2 (EC, D-hydroxyacylglutathione hydrolase; GLO2) [12]. Reduced glutathione is an essential cofactor. GLO1 catalyzes the conversion of the hemithioacetal to the thioester S-D-lactoylglutathione. The GLO2 enzyme catalyzes the hydrolysis of S-D-lactoylglutathione to form the lactate. Reduced glutathione is important for the detoxification of reactive dicarbonyls, especially methylglyoxal [13]. Therefore, we aimed to go deeper in the relation between renal function impairment and the MGO system in patients with type 2 diabetes. So, we measured the enzyme activity of glyoxalase 1 in patients with diabetes according their renal function using estimated glomerular filtration rate.
Materials and Methods
Study population
In a cross-sectional study, we recruited 123 participants (88 with type 2 diabetes) between 2019 and 2021 from CHU Taher Sfar in Mahdia-Tunisia. Data included age, weight, and height, history of diseases, smoking, and alcohol consumption. Patients were asked if they used any medication, and blood was taken. Plasma and erythrocytes cells were stored at -80°C. This study was approved by the ethics committee.
Assessments of biochemical parameters
All the analyzes of the biochemical parameters were carried out in the biochemistry department of the CHU Taher Sfar of Mahdia, These parameters were measured directly after collecting blood samples using enzymatic kits. Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) was calculated by the MDRD (Modification of Diet in Renal Disease) formula.
Measurement of GLO1 activity
GLO1 activity was measured according to Thornalley et al. [14]. Briefly, hemithioacetal was produced by incubation of MG (20mM) and GSH (20mM) for 30 minutes in an appropriate volume of sodium phosphate buffer (100mM, pH 6.6) at 37°C. The GLO1 activity was calculated and was expressed in Units/mL. One unit was defined as the amount of enzyme that catalyzes the formation of 1 µmol of S-D lactoylglutathione/min under the mentioned assay conditions.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analyzes are carried out by SPSS analysis software. Data were given as mean or median in the case of non-normally distributed data. Group comparisons were performed using the Student’s t-test or Mann-Whitney test, and the correlation coefficient was estimated using the Pearson or Spearman rank-order correlation analysis. Multivariate analysis was performed, and subgroups comparisons were performed by ANOVA test.  A P-value < 0.05 was used.
Clinical parameters and GLO1 activity between healthy and diabetic subjects
Clinical parameters and GLO1 activity are shown in Table 1. Patients with diabetes had duration of diabetes between 5 and 17 years and had a high body mass index (BMI) which indicates moderate obesity in most patients. Patients with diabetes showed 48% of hypertension, and 31% of hyperlipidemia. In addition, a significant decrease of renal function, including serum creatinine and eGFR, was shown in patients with diabetes. However, GLO1 activity did not differ between the healthy subjects and patients with diabetes.
Biochemical parameters and GLO1 activity according the loss of renal function
Clinical parameters and GLO1 activity in patients subgroups according eGFR were shown in Table 2 and Figure 1. Patients with diabetes were classified in four subgroup as normal, mild, mild to moderate, and, moderate to severe according eGFR. Duration of diabetes, glucose, and HbA1c did not differ between subgroups. As expected, eGFR was deceased from normal to severe subgroups (P < 0.001). For the GLO1 activity there was no difference between normal and mild group, however, a significant decrease was observed between mild to severe subgroups (P < 0.001).
Data are shown as the mean (SD) or median (range), or number (percentage). **Significantly decreased between each group; P < 0.001 * Significantly decreased between Mild to severe group; P < 0.001
Correlation of GLO1 activity with eGFR and other variables
The GLO1 activity was correlated to eGFR (r = 0.257; P = 0.015) as shown in Figure 2. GLO1 activity was also correlated with serum creatinine (r= -0.328, p=0.002) and urea      (r = - 0.300, P = 0.020,). Multivariate analysis showed that GLO1 activity was independently associated with eGFR (b = 0.129, P = 0.038). However, GLO1 activity did not shown any correlation with glucose, HbA1c, cholesterol, and triglyceride.
In this study, we examined the activity of GLO1 in patients with diabetes having normal to severe loss of renal function. According to our results, the GLO1 activity profile did not show a significant difference in healthy and patients. The GLO1 activity tended to be decreased with loss of renal function. We found a reduction of GLO1 activity in mild to severe loss of renal function, and was independently correlated to eGFR.
Most studies showed the role of AGEs and their interaction with their receptors, but there are a few studies about the relationships between glyoxalase system, as a antiglycation, and the loss of renal function. The first old study was done by Thornally et al. showed no significant difference in the glyoxalase enzymes between patients with dibetes and controls. However, Thornally et al. showed an increase of methylglyoxal and S-D-lactolglutathione in diabetic patients vs. controls [14]. Data concerning erythrocytes GLO1 activity in diabetes and diabetes complications are relatively scarce, and the results are controversial. Hamoudane et al. showed significantly lower GLO1 activity and glutathione levels in diabetic patients compared to controls. The levels of GLO1 activity were markedly lower in patients with diabetic complications, especially in diabetic patients with nephropathy [15]. In a study by Pacal et al. GLO1 activity was significantly increased in diabetic patients compared to controls, and was higher in nephropathy patients in stages 1-2, and remained decreased in nephropathy patients in stages 3-4 [16].  Our present study confirms the findings of Thornally et al. [14], Pacal et al. [16], Sakhi et al. [17], and Peters et al. [18]. Furthermore, Peters et al. found that GLO1 activity was lower in atherosclerotic carotid artery lesions, and the effects observed are related to the microenvironment of the damaged tissue [18]. We hypothesize that GLO1 activity may affects also the microenvironment location in glomerular and its vascular tissues under chronic hyperglycemia that induce much production of AGEs precursors such as MGO and may inhibits GLO1 enzyme activity. This AGE accumulation has been closely associated with kidney diseases, and aging. Accumulating evidence demonstrates that the progression of renal tubular damage and tubular aging are often correlated with activation of the receptor for the AGE (RAGE)-AGE pathway or decreased activity of glyoxalase 1 [19].
To our knowledge, this is the first study showing the relationships between erythrocytes GLO1 activity and the estimated glomerular filtration rate in patients with diabetes with normal, mild, moderate and severe loss of renal function. The GLO1 activity decreased markedly with patients when they have moderate to severe loss of renal function. The direct pathogenic role of MGO/glyoxalase system in the development of diabetic nephropathy is strongly supported by animal experiments. Overexpression of GLO1 in diabetic rats reduced the production of AGEs, endothelial dysfunction, and also expression of early markers of kidney damage [20].  Interestingly, knockdown of GLO1 in nondiabetic mice induces kidney pathology very similar to diabetic nephropathy [21]. The reduced levels in GLO1 activity may result also from the deceased of glutathione levels but the most biomarker that affects GLO1 activity was the tissues accumulation of α-oxoaldehydes, especially MGO that are formed during cellular metabolic reactions [14]. Recently, it was well described in a review by Schalkwijk and Stehouwer the involvement of the MGO in many diseases [22]. Lowering the MGO levels can provide new therapeutic to reduce AGEs precursors and their accumulation [23-26]. Recent interesting studies are focused on GLO1 inducers as a new therapy [27-29].
Our study has obvious limitations. We have not measured MGO or MGO-derived AGEs due to the lack of technologies in our laboratory. Furthermore, healthy subjects and patients with moderate to severe loss of renal function subgroup showed small size samples.
In conclusion, GLO1 activity in erythrocytes was independently correlated in patients with diabetes having a decreased estimated glomerular filtration rate.
AGEs: Advanced glycation end products; BMI: Body mass index; DM: Diabetes Mellitus; GLO1: glyoxalase enzyme; HTA: Hypertension; MGO: methylglyoxal
Authors’ contributions
RS, HH, and AM: determined the GLO1 activity measurement, Clinical data, and wrote the manuscript. MK, SA, and AL contributed to the design and the concept of the study. HB measured the biochemical parameters. HZ: provided blood sampling. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.
The protocol has been approved by the ethics committees at the CHU Hospital Tahar Sfar Mahdia. All participants signed the informed consent in writing before inclusion in the study.
Competing interests
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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11queensupreme11 · 1 year ago
Damn, sorry about your shitty prof. When I was in college I had this math prof (multivariable calc) that would make you come in to take his exams an hour before they were scheduled (by the registrar) and if you were late he wouldn't let you take them. Also he insisted that all his classes be scheduled first in the day so in practice the exam started an hour before the building opened and had to get up early. We almost missed it due to being locked out multiple times 😭😭😭 Good luck!!!
He sounds like a nightmare, I hope you left him a bad review on ratemyprofessor 💀
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thats-cantorintuitive · 8 months ago
day 2/7 | 14.07.2024
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some trees. not nearly as lush green as I'd seen.
a bit lengthier update, I suppose.
well, hello again! today was only marginally better than yesterday (i am still not greatly proud of myself, not at all) but. we did some work. might not be reassuringly solid, but maybe in the non-newtonian fluid typa tricky solid feeling, i guess?
well. anyhow. more calculus today (of course). but am near the end of single-variable. will start multivariable tomorrow. also a friend texted me saying that they'd finally started their summer internship report that they'd been sitting on for too long, which frankly, kinda called me out in a not-so-great way, but hey, at least there was some extra motivation to drag myself up today. yeah. we haven't been having the best of days these days.
my prof is yet to reply me back for updates about our meeting (my anxiety is through the roof, with a velocity>>>earth's escape velocity; one might assume that that is the point of Numbness but no. No. sometimes i forget to breathe and i panic-press my Violin for the Desolate playlist in sorry attempts to fend off my panic attacks). i also am planning to maybe talk to my old therapist. but i am slightly (Very) nervous about that too. because it is highly likely that he has forgotten me (i saw him last year, around summer. and i'd already done some tough sessions with him. redoing them would be... yeah, even more tough. also. i have observed a pattern; my summers have been Difficult for different reasons each year since middle school, but that's a story for another day. i should come up with a name for that. and no, Summertime Sadness just sounds too good.)
anyhoo. today's focus time was 3hrs and a bit more. yesterday's was 38 minutes. hmm. there's still a whole mighty mountain, sending me into panic. wish me luck guys, i think i might need it.
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