#the more grievances i have about social media the more i realize that these are grievances about specifically instagram
cosmikazie · 6 days
i know social media algorithms suck dick and all that but i genuinely think one of the biggest reasons it's gotten so bad is that people are now trying to manipulate the algorithm to their own benefit and as a result a lot of the "trending" things are just filled with total junk.
like yeah. algorithms suck. but they suck worse when the algorithm is essentially primed to deliver you nothing but low-effort interaction bait because people just have an intrinsic need to please an algorithm. and it sucks even even more when you wanna actually step up and grow a following, because so many people have fucked the algorithm up by trying to exploit it and trick it that you're essentially expected to do the same.
i probably sound like a total boomer for saying this stuff and it's probably not that popular of an opinion to have anyways but like. every time i see an artist on instagram or something complaining about "the algorithm" while very obviously trying to use a new engagement boosting trick or a random post with pinned comments that are very obviously paid ads for a fucking meme page of all things i lose another crumb of my dwindling patience
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abla-soso · 8 months
"Anatomy of a fall" is a good movie that I would normally forget about after the second viewing. But I think I keep coming back to this movie because the reactions to it are fascinating to me.
One of the main themes of this movie was that you can't psychoanalyze and frame people's entire personhood and lives based on dissecting a very specific set of events and circumstances. Especially not in a sensationalized case in a court drama.
And what do American feminists do? Isolate a single moment from all contexts and present it as definitive proof of women being the eternal victims in any broken marriage.
The "you're not a victim and I'm blameless" speech became a viral clip on social media, so much so that it made me curious enough to watch the movie. Imagine my surprise when I saw the context of that scene and realized that moment in the fight happened right after the husband accused the wife of cheating and she scoffed it off and tried to guilt trip him for still feeling upset it and about her shameless lack of guilt.
He was being irrationally petty and unfairly judgmental during the fight (most people are when they're mentally ill with intense unresolved issues) and she defended herself against his bullshit and expressed some legitimate grievances, but this was not all. In that "epic feminist monologue" she was insisting he wasn't a victim because she was also trying to absolve herself of all guilt of any of her wrongdoings.
And when she couldn't, she reacted in a physically abusive way. And when she needed to save herself in the trail? She insisted that he was a victim after all, lol. But not her own victim, of course not, but a victim of his own sever mental health issues that has nothing to do with how she treated him.
Yet when the defense wraps up their summary of her husband's psyche and spells out the suicide motive you can hear her tell him: "that's not what he was like!". She had enough honesty with herself in that moment to admit that her husband's personhood and motives can't be summed up by that fight.
It's pointless to make a complete and final assessment of either her or her husband's character based on that emotionally charged fight alone.
The movie's main motif is: "fixation kills understanding". It’s not unusual for married couples to feel like they have a PhD in their partner's psyche, and to some level, they kinda do. They probably know each other better than any other person on Earth – but it’s still not enough, and never will be, to sum up an entire person. And the gaps that are left to fill are up to anybody’s guessing. You can drill down into a relationship to a microscopic level — trying to analyze every comment, every small action, every rumour — but that the more you try to take in, the less you know.
But American feminists would rather feel vindicated about their own ideological obsessions than acknowledge any nuances or moral complexity in any story about gender dynamics, broken marriages, and mental health.
It's amazing to me how they talk about weak married men with such vicious contempt. As if they're morally deficient for failing to live to their "manly duties". As if only married women are allowed to react to mental illness and unresolved issues in petty, unfair, irrational ways.
Perhaps the movie was trying to tell you guys something and you completely missed it.
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aussie-the-hedgehog · 8 months
Okay, I think I need to do this for myself.
I've been rewatching MHA to gear up for season 7. However, it seems I'm also watching to prove something to myself.
It's been nearly a year, and I still greatly struggle with shame of having Ochako as my favorite character. I realize this is a drawn out topic on this blog, but I must air this grievance for the good of my mental sanity.
I feel whenever I'm on Twitter, I see many brutally slander her character. I see criticisms that she has no use in the show. I have witnessed posts circled with threats concerning the topic. It is making me further question why I enjoy the character as much as I do.
To be frank, I care A LOT about what people think - honestly to a fault. I was verbally bullied as a kid for how I looked (I had buck teeth, glasses, and social struggles due to sensory disorders and autism). I struggled to fit in through my elementary and middle school days. I was labeled as "weird" and "a teacher's pet" just to name a couple. I always felt compelled to prove myself to fit in with the kids of my classes.
I also was made fun of for being a Dallas Cowboys fan. Granted, I live an hour away from Philadelphia, but I was picked on quite a bit for liking them.
One day after school in fourth grade, I was on a bus heading to a rec center for after care. The Cowboys were playing the Eagles the ensuing Sunday. If you know anything about the NFL, these two are bitter rivals. They absolutely hate each other. The bus driver was aware I liked the Cowboys. He decided to start a chant on the bus ride, "Dallas sucks!" all the way there to the rec center. All the kids jumped in without hesitation.
I was horrified. I broke down crying. I felt like in that one moment the world was against me. There was a kid sitting next to me who tried to comfort me by saying he's on my side rooting for Dallas. I appreciated his support, but in that moment I just wanted to get off the bus.
When I got off, my mom was waiting and saw me in tears. She scolded the driver for making me cry over a football game. The bus driver was fired the next day.
I will admit I have come to terms with the teams I like (it helps the Cowboys are a meme), but it's still difficult being honest with the things I enjoy. This is especially the case when it comes to the hopeful, compassionate trope in shows.
I look on social media sites such as Twitter. I see all these vitriolic comments directed toward those who enjoy Ochako for no reason. I feel I've been indirectly abused because I am a part of her fandom.
I've said this before, and I'll say it again - she follows the trope I like. She's the glue that keeps the group together. She's loving and kind to everyone she meets. I honestly see her as an honest to goodness daughter. You can call it weird if you want, but it's how I feel.
Now, you can look at all of this and conclude I shouldn't be on Twitter. That is totally fair. I do need to limit my time on social media. However, this remains discouraging in my life. I started watching MHA last February and this issue STILL remains. I'm ashamed for enjoying something morally okay since the fandom is extremely harsh concerning her.
I feel it has to do with my past in being criticized for what I enjoy and seeing the fandom crush anyone who likes the character. Both have come together in such overwhelming ways.
Another factor is one I've mentioned before. I am a guy and should be liking more masculine things. In no way should I be interested in female characters or how they give hope in dire predicaments. Yet, it's something I find admirable because that's just what I like. I have to be alright with that.
In no way am I victimizing myself. This is a grievance I've had to get out. The toxicity from the fandom and my own negative thinking have gotten to my head for me to at least put my fingers to the keyboard. Writing is a cathartic practice for me. Crafting pieces like this is extremely healthy for me.
There isn't much more to be said about why I like Ochako Uraraka. I've made several posts why. You can look at those if you're so inclined. All in all, I hope one day I can be confident in why I enjoy characters like her and not feel a need to care about what others think.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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saintmeghanmarkle · 5 months
Markle Podcasts and the revealing of character by u/ElectricalAd9212
Markle, Podcasts, and the revealing of character I happen to love podcasts.I listen to a variety of them.We talk lots about the negative side of the internet, social media etc.Less so the upside sometimes.I think podcasts are the best thing about the internet so far.I listen to podcasts in the car, whilst exercising, in the evening when doing stuff, even before going to sleep in bed.What makes a good podcast?The key is the presenter.Its a particular charisma you have to have.You must be charismatic and open minded. You have to be intelligent, it really helps if you are witty, you have to be inquisitive, and able to ask questions and engage guests and have interesting things to say.You cannot fake this.You have an intimate relationship with the listener**. The best podcasts are the ones where the presenter feels like a friend you would happily spend time with.**The litmus test for a British person, would you fancy having a pint in the pub, or a cup of tea with this person?Now look at the haughty and arrogant attitude of Markle towards podcasts.She thought it was just something she could do, and have producers do all the work, and she read off a script.She revealed herself as a psychopath and stalker, always playing around her narcissistic narratives and grievances.(“They tried to bury me. They didn't realize I was a seed” --- Psycho Stalker Alert!)Podcast presenting reveals personality. The best podcasts have presenters who are interesting subjects themselves. the podcasts Markle participated in revealed her personality in all its ugliness. Including the cluelessness she had about the form and how that revealed she is an arrogant spoilt 'princess' who thinks minions should do all the work for her, and then she emanates a radiance and glow that will make everyone bow down to her.No wonder she isn't producing any more with 'Lemonada' whoever they are. She's lazy, entitled, arrogant, and most of all, maybe she realises she can't hide how ugly her soul is in the medium she thought would be hers to extend her narcissistic malignancy with. post link: https://ift.tt/iQw13yM author: ElectricalAd9212 submitted: April 23, 2024 at 12:33PM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit disclaimer: all views + opinions expressed by the author of this post, as well as any comments and reblogs, are solely the author's own; they do not necessarily reflect the views of the administrator of this Tumblr blog. For entertainment only.
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diabolicalcunt · 5 months
I feel the need to pin this cause I’ve always been notorious for people loving me when they first meet me, and then finding out that my political views are not extremely liberal. So here’s all the reasons you will hate me once you get to know me. Or not. I honestly don’t care I’m just sick of the ‘You aren’t who I made you out be in my head!’ conversations.
So my unpopular opinions in no order-
1. They/them is something that’s being encouraged by big brother to see yourself as non or less human.
2. DID isn’t real and you just disassociate a specific way. I look like I’ve been drugged cause I fall down ‘inside’ myself like a well and have no reaction time and can barely speak. I’m like a sloth. You pretend to be a anime character. It’s just coping.
3. The concept of trans genocide is fear mongering by big brother and means to keep boundaries between social groups.
4. To build off 3, the push to medically transition underage children is a move by big pharmaceutical companies to create a permanent customer. Because whether you decide to stay transitioned or de transition, you’re going to be on medication for the rest of your life whether you like it or not. There’s also the whole issue with child exploitation. You’ll be judgmental against Dance Moms, but you won’t say anything about a mom who transitioned her child when they were two years old and made them a social media star.
5. Trans men and women who have been charged with a crime belong in LGBT prison wings. Because we have created a culture where male rapists can put on its dress and be rewarded with a permanent stay in the hen house where they can victimize more women and the system will just cry transphobia and call the victims liars. You got a problem with that? I have never seen a trans man pushing to get put in men’s prison. I wonder why… 😐
6. Blair White is queen.
7. I will fight Henry Cavill on sight. I don’t give a shit how bad you want motorboat him. He’s a fucking pedophile.
8. Same goes for David Bowie. When I get to the afterlife I’m gonna make him wish he could die again. Ask me if you want my full on sight list. 😂
9. I stand with Palestine. Yes I think Islam is a horrible religion that is anti woman. I still don’t think kids should die for the grievances of adults and I think it’s fucked up Israel is doing the same shit Nazis did to them and expect us to nod and smile!
10. Qu**r is just as much of a slur as f*g*t or n*gg*r. I don’t use it and if you do I will block you no questions asked. Say gay! Say lesbian! Say…bisexual! 😱
11. Butch women are valid as fuck and I adore y’all . They aren’t trans men, fuck your lesbian phobia.
12. To build off 11, the new LGBT movement has been infected by woke homophobia and the new trans movement is nothing but conversion therapy in a mask.
13 . Radical feminists are women’s last hope.
14. Marvel movies always sucked, we were just kids and ate up the pretty colors.
15. Dune is a white male savior story.
16. Your fave is not autistic, trans, gay or whatever. You just need validation cause you have no confidence.
17. The Boys should have never cast Jensen Ackles and the Supernatural fandom needs psychological help.
18. Too many of y’all try to primp and posture as the gods of your fandom and yes I say that as someone who did the same and stepped away when I realized how cringe I was. Lording over autistic adults and actual children is pathetic. Get therapy and a real hobby.
19. While gender neutral fanfiction has its place. The trend that all fanfiction needs to be gender neutral is literally killing the creativity and frankly the spice to fanfiction. I hate this trend where piece of media needs to be sterilized so it can be consumed by anyone, even people just passing by. It goes against the concept of creating at its core. Sometimes things are made for specific groups. Sometimes it’s made just for you. The things you create do not need to be sanitized to the point there’s no substance, just a hollow consumption. Think of it this way. Would you rather have a hot pizza of your preference or would you prefer to just drink a bowl of water because someone on the other side of the world might not like pizza?
20. The WWE Divas belt was iconic. I get the whole take women wrestlers seriously movement and I agree! But god damn it, it’s a Bratz belt!!! Gimme!!!!!
21. I fucking HATE koalas. They literally only exist because humans have dumped millions of dollars and keeping them alive. If natural selection were allowed to take his course, they would’ve died off 100 years ago. The food they consume has so little nutrition that they have evolved to have the smallest brain to cranium capacity of any animal to create a built in helmet!! Why? Cause they are so stupid they literally fall out of trees and drop their infants!!! They shit on their young and have permanent diarrhea due to the 0 nutrition thing. They carry chlamydia. They’re so fucking stupid they can’t fuck and have to be artificially inseminated to continue the population. If I couldn’t get laid on my own, the government would not drop millions of dollars into making sure I do!! So why did koalas get it? Literally a waste of resources that could be going to feed thousands of hungry children and instead we’re keeping a fucking retarded (I’m on the spectrum fuck you) animal alive who should have gone extinct hundreds of years ago cause it’s supposedly ‘cute’!! God! I hate koalas!
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koscheimaryas · 6 months
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Dear Seth,  I’ve finally come to terms with something I’ve known for the better part of my life: I have one of the nastiest, most ardent, obsessive natures. After so many years, accepting this is not much of a hassle to me. Becoming an adult also means understanding myself to an almost molecular level, and thus getting reacquainted with my good and bad habits is a must, so that I can learn what to weed out and what to keep in order to maintain my health (and sanity). A few of these habits, however, die hard. And there is at least one that I can’t bear to part ways with.
If you had to guess, you’d probably get it right. It’s not that difficult to suspect that I’m talking about you. But it’s not about you as an individual, per se; I am simply referring to the man I came back to every single time when reality proved to be way too gruesome, to the friend I cherished for more than a decade through letters and e-mails. I’ve documented my days for you for too long to be able to drop it as casually as you did, but the only difference is that I don’t really send these to anyone in particular, least of all people you. No: they pile up in my draft box, serving as a virtual diary of sorts. It is no surprise that I’d rather walk on hot coals than contact you again.
It’s been at least eight years since we last saw each other. The funniest thing is that I can’t quite remember when or how our last meeting happened. I can’t remember what you were wearing, where we were, what you told me. I can’t remember feeling sad or anxious or elated about it. All that I know is that it must’ve been the last straw, for I haven’t sought you out ever since then, not even once. For someone that used to depend on you like you held the answers to all of my most troubled questions, I can certainly pat myself on the back and admit I’ve done a good job.
Still, when it’s late at night and the world feels too big for me, I can’t help but wonder just what is going on in your life. If you’re also working too hard, if you also think of me when you finally lie down, getting ready for a sad, worn out sleep, made even more miserable by the sickening replay of my memory in your head, over and over again… I wouldn’t even be able to name the specific afflictions, if you asked me. I also believe that you have your own, different versions of a torment that probably don’t even include me. I’m the only one lost in this narrow stream, swimming endlessly, unable to find the end of you. Where do I even begin?
Seth, I’ve been trying hard to find some solace in the most dubious displays of normalcy. I read more, still play too much ball,  go out with my friends, even tried learning a new language; one that very few people can speak, just so that I can share some curious tidbits of something unknown with the ones around me. Did you know? The Greeks have a word for the complaint without answer: paropono. It stems from the heart’s labor, from the strange attraction of sadness, the grievance. It resounded strongly within me for so long because I, too, understand what it is to shout my frustrations into nothingness; my whole life used to be defined by running after you tirelessly, begging for something, anything you could give me.
I suppose I could end this charade quite easily if I wanted to. Even though you’re not really active on social media, I could simply ask your mother and your father how have you been, what have you been up to. It would be quick, like ripping off a band-aid; they would tell me you’re doing great, that you’ve met someone. That you’re going to be married soon, and that I should expect an invitation… The more I think about it, the more I realize just how therapeutic it is to not know a thing about you anymore. I fear that learning that you’ve moved on would be fatal to me.
For as long as my cowardice lasts, I’ll keep picturing a version of you that is more like what I want you to be: lonely, lost and just as miserable as me. After all, we’ve always been quite good at matching each other’s energy. 
Until next time, 
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astrxlfinale · 6 months
The Reverie.
Guinaifen had only seen some pictures and quick glimpses of it through the social medias she'd follow, the famous hashtag #GOLDENDREAMS hosting a series of stunning pictures of grandiose structures, elegance galore and the occasional pose with Clockie merch. As enthralling as the pictures on the various feeds were, it was the pictures from her star chaser that had truly sparked a curious fire in Guinaifen's heart.
It was so luxurious and it looked so cool in the messages, videos and calls they exchanged between Caelus and her. She couldn't quite set her finger on what she loved the most. The lights, the fashion or all the people (well, the food was right up there of course, but ...food was always up there for her!). There such diversity in every picture.
Oh, to found herself in such golden moment, if only for a minute.
For someone whose roots belonged on the Xianzhou, and whose ambitions didn't always quite fit her wallet, one could almost wonder which Aeon had decided to offer its sympathy to the firecracker. One sister's burden would, in passing conversation, present itself as a grand opportunity. For it had almost been a dream come true when her older sister had come home with grievances of having to travel for some time. It bothered her, for who would tend to the chores of the rowdy household? Who would ensure that her brothers didn't set fire to the kitchen and who would ensure that homework was followed up? No, she certainly could just not just up and leave, grab such a chance... without a demanding push from Guinaifen.
One would have thought that there'd be endless discussions, back and forths between sisters of different natures, but there'd been a single offer which had been enough to sway the dragon. The offer of Guinaifen taking a shift, helping out and working alongside her for the stay. Some hours on, others off.
Oh, and of course, ditch the performance outfit. She'd have to wear a uniform like the rest of the waitresses (dark, tight skirt and blazing red shirt with short sleeves). A small price to pay.
And that simple little deal was what had united her with the dazzling interior of the reception, gold and black, plants and unique people on every angle. Golden gaze had widened, the performer starstruck from head to toe there she followed her sister (and the rest of the restaurant crew) as a duck out of water, turning and scouring every little seat, surface and detail. It was all so massive, overwhelming. When comparing the Xianzhou to this... she truly realized how small everything was, and the fact that every door lead to a dream? Oh, she should probably have paid more attention to the information given by the bloodhound (she had turned to check that out, for a part of her had hoped for an actual hound) to the group. Something about dreams, something about rooms, something about pools, something about (he'd catch her eye in every world, every hour)...
... the familiarity of dark clothes, the expressive features as conversations seemed to be carry out with someone else as well as the meeting of glances (she'd lighten up so much).
" Caelus ! " Guinaifen would shout across the reception's floor before breaking way from the group of waitresses with a I'll be back and the sound of heels tapping against the shimmering floor.
She had work to do, but it would have to wait, for she'd make her way over to him and seal the distance with arms throwing around his shoulders, yanking him into a tight, warm hug. She'd melt against him, face nestled against his neck. "... I finally got to see you in Penacony."
Hope finds a very prolonged, very stubborn path towards death within the life of the Trailblazer. For despite the measures of despair in all of its calculations, falsehoods and means to tear away at the human spirit, he never stops. The uncertainty remains a price for the bridges to be crossed, to delve into a ground of others thriving with potential coupled with their own ambitions.
Never does he hesitate to give it the just attention it deserves. Penacony was a land that gradually showed him the strength of Heart.
Whether at the highs tied with its alignment, or rampant emotions, cries of injustice and decadence that intends to capitalize upon this endless feast. Another mission warranted by Clockie's go-getting hands already had him on the move. For a certain line of perception found itself gleaned. If something pivotal finds itself amiss, then without a doubt, the trail is situated upon the proper track. To see a nurtured fighting soul, the relief of hope or the tearjerking weight of being truly understood, the value of emotions situated within dreams were becoming clear.
Caelus simply found this a cause more than good enough to get his fist into action.
Guinaifen would find that his golden eyes lost no stroke of that resolve. A similar look found when his battlesong thrived and the threatening presence of his bat needed to initiate a 'conversation' with countless foes. Out there within the main plaza of Penacony's hotel, that's when her starting spark, the abrupt and elated call of his name outside of a digital device made him stumble into pausing. That Stellaron heart would pulse strong in recognition, a voice that brings bright summer days, that introduces a warmth of having all others feel involved, a sense of stunned awe would catch him as he turns.
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"Guinaifen--" Was it a dream? A mercy or a taunt by the grand scope of secret technology and the Memoria? Or was he really seeing this? Each step made upon a sharp heel, the sight of her new attire settling with another branch of blazing reds, not to mention, and most importantly those honeyed eyes. His voice briefly finds itself stunned to silence as for a fleeting instant the terrors that plagued him were simply burned, cast into the wonder of her flames as his exhaustion unconsciously eased him.
Only then would he fall into her embrace, the sudden, spontaneous and non-hesitance collision of her form and the secured wrap of her arms. The spiritually weary Trailblaze found himself speechless as his heart stormed within. It was beating due to joy, a reminder of what made him, what made them. For an instant he's simply rendered into speechlessness, all of that determined tension fading away, the sensation of her soft breath and these resilient arms speaking of one thing...
Not even lightyears in all of their boundless distance could keep them apart, this time, from her position colliding into his.
A surge of emotion finds itself burgeoning upon his rib cage, echoing deep and serving as a powerful balm to pain he's endured. There was no hesitation as he'd lean right in, allowing those jacket clad arms to become her protective veil in kind. A hand upon her shoulder, the other settled against the curve of her back as he squeezes, solidifying that her form would not be a cruel gesture or the darkness of a shattered form. For an instant, he's just... Swept away.
The familiar scent of her shampoo, the way he can feel her smile press upon his neck, a shudder racks through him as he gently sways their bodies to and fro. A soft chuckle bubbles up from the Nameless, complimented by a soft shake of the head as he nestled his face as close to her head's side as he could. Strength was returning to Caelus. "I.. you... how. Was there some early tag about my birthday or something here?" Not that it was such a day, but right now, that's what Guinaifen's presence felt like to his weary heart.
A miracle.
Caelus cares so infinitesimally little for the eyes bearing witness to their reunion. What was a journey in the Land of Dreams felt like a vigil lasting for years. To have her here, to be by her side, it was impossible to resist melting into this sense of home. There feels like there's so much that has to be said in a single moment, to catch her up, to warn, to find relief in.
None of it appears however as a shaken sigh enriched with emotion spills with him. The choice, the answer is obvious.
Speak from his greatest potential; his heart.
"I missed you... Guinaifen."
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I am so fucking tired of being mistreated and walked over. In order to be walked upon, you must be lying down. and I'm done lying down.
I am only starting to speak up about these kinds of grievances of mine in recent years because they have brought so much pain for the last 15 years. I have had former classmates tell me I didn't face racism growing up, or that I dealt with bullying. I have had others tell me I have nothing to fear on campus. A tall, white, straight man telling me, a queer jewish asian, that I shouldn't be at the very least worried is rich. I have traveled to more than 25 countries and to all four hemispheres, I think I can talk about where and where I don't feel safe. And right now I have felt safer walking through Istanbul at night than walking around my own city. And this is fully due to the rise in antisemitism. and the lack of support from goyim I have seen for the women who were raped and assaulted on 10/7.
I don't talk about being sexually assaulted and harassed for 6 years by one of my classmates because I have a friend who tells me people should have been nicer to my assaulter. This person also follows my main account, which is part of the reason I created this side blog. I don't want people who know me to see these posts. It's easier talking about deep trauma in front of strangers than people I have known for 16 years.
I am terrified that I will run into him one day. I cry about it at night. I hope that 10 plus years has changed my physical appearance enough to go unnoticed. I think one of the scariest realizations was that he still remembered me in high school, because one of his classmates went to my dojo. And she told me I was still on his list. It terrifies me that I could still be on his mind. I have blocked his family members on social media, because his grandmother and my mom are Facebook friends. Which means he could know what I look like now.
I never express this fear out loud because people around me see me as a strong person, which then makes it hard for me to break down around them. I am the strong person my friends go to for support, but I feel like I would crush them under the weigh of my problems. I mention it in passing sometimes, but I never get into the details. because it scares me to vocalize it.
I have trained in karate and Brazilian Jiu jitsu for 10 years. It took me two years before I was comfortable rolling (bjj version of sparring and training) with male students in full uniform. It took until my 7th year training to be comfortable wearing leggings and rash guard to class. I would wear gi pants and a rash guard, because the thought of men touching my legs with their hands makes my skin crawl. But once the pandemic came around, it was no longer practical to wear gi pants and cheaper to wear leggings. And even though I am one of the highest ranked women at my dojo, I still don't feel comfortable in male dominated classes, especially when I am wearing just leggings and a rash guard. In karate, it took me a few years before I was comfortable wearing just my bra under my gi. because I was worried how it appeared to men on the floor.
I have never been super comfortable wearing revealing clothing, but I have been slowly reclaiming those clothes. And I am slowly trying to overcome this trauma. I spent a good amount of time this summer not wearing a shirt because it was so fucking hot in Portugal (and I only brought seven shirts with me: 3 work shirts, 3 day trip shirts, 1 sleeping shirt). And for the first two weeks, I was living with three men and two women. It scared me at first, but I decided that if I am used to changing around women, and wearing skin tight clothing while grappling, I could wear my bra and biking shorts in my own living space. So I did. and it felt great.
I will keep talking about these events, partially because it makes me less afraid and partially because every time I tell a story, the easier it gets. Maybe one day I will be able to say some of the things in this post out loud. for now I will keep taking small steps
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sistamagza · 5 months
Jelly Babie Publicly Apologizes to Big Save Employee Martha Mazibuko
New Post has been published on https://sistamagazine.co.za/jelly-babie-publicly-apologizes-to-big-save-employee-martha-mazibuko/
Jelly Babie Publicly Apologizes to Big Save Employee Martha Mazibuko
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In the age of social media, the line between empowerment and exposure can sometimes blur. Such was the case when Jelly Babie, a prominent social media personality, posted a video that quickly stirred controversy and backlash. The video in question captured a heated exchange between Jelly Babie and Martha Mazibuko, an employee at Big Save. Jelly Babie intended to shed light on what she perceived as poor customer service, but the aftermath was far from what she expected.
The incident unfolded when Jelly Babie visited a Big Save store and encountered what she deemed to be unsatisfactory service from Martha Mazibuko. Frustrated by the experience, Jelly Babie resorted to recording the encounter and sharing it on her social media platforms, intending to hold the employee and the establishment accountable. However, the video ignited a firestorm of criticism directed not only at Martha but also at Jelly Babie herself.
In the video, Jelly Babie’s frustration was palpable as she confronted Martha, airing her grievances publicly. But as the footage spread across various social media channels, many viewers were quick to condemn Jelly Babie for her approach, citing concerns about public shaming and the potential impact on Martha’s livelihood. Moreover, Jelly Babie faced significant repercussions of her own, losing a substantial number of followers and sponsors on TikTok.
Recognizing the gravity of her actions and the harm caused, Jelly Babie has since issued a public apology to Martha Mazibuko and the broader community. In her apology statement, Jelly Babie expressed remorse for her behavior, acknowledging that she mishandled the situation and caused undue distress to Martha.
“I deeply regret my actions and the pain they have caused Martha Mazibuko and others,” Jelly Babie stated in her apology. “I realize now that my approach was not only misguided but also harmful, and for that, I am truly sorry.”
Furthermore, Jelly Babie emphasized her commitment to learning from the experience and using her platform responsibly in the future. She pledged to engage in constructive dialogue rather than resorting to public humiliation or shaming tactics.
Martha Mazibuko, the focal point of the controversy, has yet to publicly respond to Jelly Babie’s apology. However, the incident has sparked broader discussions about the power dynamics inherent in social media interactions and the importance of empathy and understanding in online discourse.
As the dust settles on this tumultuous episode, it serves as a sobering reminder of the impact of our words and actions in the digital age. While social media can amplify our voices, it also demands accountability and responsibility. Through reflection, dialogue, and genuine remorse, we can strive to foster a more compassionate and understanding online community.
0 notes
I made a stupid fucking caption about friends here that I never ended up liking because I couldn't word it properly so I wrote this
All of my memories are through photos and videos of these friends and maybe I’ll remember them fully someday. I sit on my bed eating a cheesecake and it is 1:16. I think about how I was 14. I am 17 now, i’ll be 18 in a few months. I try to imagine how my mind and thinking has changed in only half a year and it still escapes me. I’m grateful for it but i’m scared of acknowledging how different it was from my first year at high school.
i worry my brain will break doing all of this. But i take it in stride, and i’m not stupid. My brain is changing because i am growing, because of the summer, and because of me. I think differently and it’s something i grieve.
I can see the people around me getting addicted. Trying new things and not letting go, going for more, looking at more in the future. I realize my hypocrisy, but i know i’ve developed a discipline, kind of. i just hope they’re all ok.
some people i haven’t seen in a while and i miss them and i worry they hate me because i was busy for the last month and now i’m fucking things up and overthinking daily and fuck therapy better work when it starts because therapy in my own head is brutal and confusing and complicated and tiring and i’m tired. I’m so fucking tired. I can’t hold myself up and the season is changing. I don’t know what to do. I’ll be fine in the end like i have been before but not knowing how makes everything such an ache, a burden on top of being a burden.
I was more hopeful about the future 2 months ago. and it approaches and my crystal clear plan blurs into nothing more than an afterthought and every time i’m reminded of it i panic and i panic and for fuck’s sake i wish i could ask for help better. i wish i had learned to speak up for it.
I have school in 7 hours and i am 17. the semester just changed and i am in grade 12, my life isn’t over after high school, contrary to what i believed in elementary. I wish peace for myself and i work towards peace with my mental wounds but i can’t seem to fully get there yet, sometimes i question if this good day will last forever and then i sit down, and think.
i wish i was better for my partner, she doesn’t need my overthinking with her exhilarating and fast brain, but i know that she’s locked in at this point and we’ll figure it out.
maybe someday i’ll remember the face in the mirror fully, until then i look at them as if i’m encountering an old friend and look away just the same, because i know things have changed. my face is different, i was 7 and i couldn’t look out my bathroom window, i was 13 and i could, i am 17, and my house is changed. i don’t have a bathroom window and my walls are grey. the vent is falling out of the ceiling and i’m too forgetful to just screw it back in. my curtains don’t have designs that the child me would find faces out of, and my sink is more reflective of me, and not who i wish i would become.
i am 17. and i will be 18. and then i will mourn this age like i’ve mourn the last, and hopefully i will find peace, though i’m afraid i’ve found peace in this grievance. i love life but i hate mine, and my reasons for it getting foggy every day. i must learn to forgive myself, and i hope that will come. i need to let go, and i thought that had to come from blocking some accounts on social media, but i think i’m at peace with that, as i’ve written what i hope stands as a true summary of my feelings for a long time. i love my life, but i hate myself, i love the ability to observe people and culture and places and thoughts and expressions and beauty in so many forms, but i hate myself because i can’t do math or sit still in a chair or not focus with headphones.
maybe i’m a wreck, maybe that is what the later years of growing up is. I was scared that growing up would be boring, or that it would be great and go too quick, but i didn’t know i should’ve been scared that it would’ve been painful.
i hope the peace i long for finds me, and i hope the friends i can co-exist with stay close with me. i wish i was better at expressing the love i have and i hate that the people closest to me are the hardest ones to show my gratitude to, it’s my fault for my racing mind.
I have school in 6 hours, and i remember how my schedule was so different a year ago, how i thought i ruled a different part of the city, and where i bussed everywhere. i’m happy for my partner’s car, and she knows it, just as much as she knows i miss my board. i’m alive because of her. i really would’ve done it. this winter was going to be shit. or maybe i wouldn’t have, i pull back on everything last minute.
i understand why my friends love flowers and their friends and cats and oranges and unheard of niche games and the colour green, but a green somewhere in the spectrum of olive and forest green, closer to forest, and skateboarding and live concerts and music and books and poetry and god i hate that my mind was only aware and not obsessed with these things, these building blocks of my psyche and push me through every single day, i hope to whatever god that someday i’ll be able to express myself in the way only i ever want to and that i’m financially good enough for me and my mom since she puts up with my stupid ass and that my girlfriend stays there with me the whole time and that i get my creative outlets into the world and i hope that one day i wake up satisfied with my achievements, and that i continue afterwards.
i must learn to love myself, but until then i will love my friends the way i wish i could turn it inwards, and maybe it’ll help someone, and that’ll be worth it. i feel most like myself when i’m not doing good, and that’s ok, i’ve started to feel an odd comfort in feeling like myself even if the circumstances aren’t ideal.
i am older now, wiser, i have much more wisdom to gain, and i am appreciative of the good people in my life, i believe learning this early is important and i’m proud i work on it.
i am 17, and the promise of tomorrow calls me to rest tonight.
0 notes
notdonebeingmessy · 2 years
Welp, suffering from another major depressive episode so it's time to talk to myself on a digital platform rather than seeing a therapist.
And so the old song goes for the working class non-gender-specific person.
Someone said the other day that there's a difference between being open and being vulnerable... And after some time processing this, I realized that it's been a while since I've been vulnerable. I used to have no qualms about bearing my soul. To the point where it alienated people because I was voicing all sorts of messy inner dialogues aloud. I was unapologetically screaming my feelings across social media. And that sort of behavior makes others uncomfortable. Even those who you feel are your "forever friends"™️. Once you become cringe incarnate, it doesn't leave you with very many people who would like to admit they're associated with you. What I'm getting at is the commonfolk feel secondhand embarrassment over that sort of candor. You're better off airing out your grievances in front of your 1st world village's town hall... And you're more likely to find someone who'll care that way. Not that anyone should.
So, vulnerability... This thing that I connect with an authentic human experience. I (ever the narcissist) can't help but wonder how this premise of openness vs vulnerability might relate to me.
Why am I so closed up right now? And the most joyless I've ever been? Even though I have a fulfilling job, the love of a loyal so and so, plenty of friends who would probably show up to my funeral as long as it was held on a weekend, etc?
It might be because I refuse to make myself vulnerable. In making myself an inpregnable rock and/or island, I've created a mighty fortress to wither away in alone. Figures. But here I am. I shouldn't allow my depression the satisfaction of me feeling sorry for myself. Or, I shouldn't allow "the depressed part of me" the satisfaction of me feeling sorry for myself. (Whichever sounds most like I'm blaming myself and not an invisible illness.) Maybe it's a moral failing. Anyway, I feel alone.
Even at my happiest nowadays, I feel a massive falta en mi alma-- an actual toll that feels like a slow death. I have this really weird need to be understood. I need to know that someone out there can know me for a collective 75 hours and then tell me exactly how I would react under a certain set of parameters. I don't think that's neurotypical at best. Ha! But no, even knowing me for years, someone on this green earth should be able to decipher me to me by now.
If I think really hard, I can come up with 2 people who seemed to wander upon the cusp of almost knowing me. Only 1 has biblically known me, but 1 or 2 have "known" me. And the former has never "known" me. Isn't that kind of sad?
*In Daria's voice*: Well...
At least someone out there in the ether might be able to relate to this and we can be alone together like in a shojo anime... Or a particular manga by Shin Takahashi.
0 notes
I made a stupid fucking caption about friends here that I never ended up liking because I couldn't word it properly so I wrote this
All of my memories are through photos and videos of these friends and maybe I’ll remember them fully someday. I sit on my bed eating a cheesecake and it is 1:16. I think about how I was 14. I am 17 now, i’ll be 18 in a few months. I try to imagine how my mind and thinking has changed in only half a year and it still escapes me. I’m grateful for it but i’m scared of acknowledging how different it was from my first year at high school.
i worry my brain will break doing all of this. But i take it in stride, and i’m not stupid. My brain is changing because i am growing, because of the summer, and because of me. I think differently and it’s something i grieve.
I can see the people around me getting addicted. Trying new things and not letting go, going for more, looking at more in the future. I realize my hypocrisy, but i know i’ve developed a discipline, kind of. i just hope they’re all ok.
some people i haven’t seen in a while and i miss them and i worry they hate me because i was busy for the last month and now i’m fucking things up and overthinking daily and fuck therapy better work when it starts because therapy in my own head is brutal and confusing and complicated and tiring and i’m tired. I’m so fucking tired. I can’t hold myself up and the season is changing. I don’t know what to do. I’ll be fine in the end like i have been before but not knowing how makes everything such an ache, a burden on top of being a burden.
I was more hopeful about the future 2 months ago. and it approaches and my crystal clear plan blurs into nothing more than an afterthought and every time i’m reminded of it i panic and i panic and for fuck’s sake i wish i could ask for help better. i wish i had learned to speak up for it.
I have school in 7 hours and i am 17. the semester just changed and i am in grade 12, my life isn’t over after high school, contrary to what i believed in elementary. I wish peace for myself and i work towards peace with my mental wounds but i can’t seem to fully get there yet, sometimes i question if this good day will last forever and then i sit down, and think.
i wish i was better for my partner, she doesn’t need my overthinking with her exhilarating and fast brain, but i know that she’s locked in at this point and we’ll figure it out.
maybe someday i’ll remember the face in the mirror fully, until then i look at them as if i’m encountering an old friend and look away just the same, because i know things have changed. my face is different, i was 7 and i couldn’t look out my bathroom window, i was 13 and i could, i am 17, and my house is changed. i don’t have a bathroom window and my walls are grey. the vent is falling out of the ceiling and i’m too forgetful to just screw it back in. my curtains don’t have designs that the child me would find faces out of, and my sink is more reflective of me, and not who i wish i would become.
i am 17. and i will be 18. and then i will mourn this age like i’ve mourn the last, and hopefully i will find peace, though i’m afraid i’ve found peace in this grievance. i love life but i hate mine, and my reasons for it getting foggy every day. i must learn to forgive myself, and i hope that will come. i need to let go, and i thought that had to come from blocking some accounts on social media, but i think i’m at peace with that, as i’ve written what i hope stands as a true summary of my feelings for a long time. i love my life, but i hate myself, i love the ability to observe people and culture and places and thoughts and expressions and beauty in so many forms, but i hate myself because i can’t do math or sit still in a chair or not focus with headphones.
maybe i’m a wreck, maybe that is what the later years of growing up is. I was scared that growing up would be boring, or that it would be great and go too quick, but i didn’t know i should’ve been scared that it would’ve been painful.
i hope the peace i long for finds me, and i hope the friends i can co-exist with stay close with me. i wish i was better at expressing the love i have and i hate that the people closest to me are the hardest ones to show my gratitude to, it’s my fault for my racing mind.
I have school in 6 hours, and i remember how my schedule was so different a year ago, how i thought i ruled a different part of the city, and where i bussed everywhere. i’m happy for my partner’s car, and she knows it, just as much as she knows i miss my board. i’m alive because of her. i really would’ve done it. this winter was going to be shit. or maybe i wouldn’t have, i pull back on everything last minute.
i understand why my friends love flowers and their friends and cats and oranges and unheard of niche games and the colour green, but a green somewhere in the spectrum of olive and forest green, closer to forest, and skateboarding and live concerts and music and books and poetry and god i hate that my mind was only aware and not obsessed with these things, these building blocks of my psyche and push me through every single day, i hope to whatever god that someday i’ll be able to express myself in the way only i ever want to and that i’m financially good enough for me and my mom since she puts up with my stupid ass and that my girlfriend stays there with me the whole time and that i get my creative outlets into the world and i hope that one day i wake up satisfied with my achievements, and that i continue afterwards.
i must learn to love myself, but until then i will love my friends the way i wish i could turn it inwards, and maybe it’ll help someone, and that’ll be worth it. i feel most like myself when i’m not doing good, and that’s ok, i’ve started to feel an odd comfort in feeling like myself even if the circumstances aren’t ideal.
i am older now, wiser, i have much more wisdom to gain, and i am appreciative of the good people in my life, i believe learning this early is important and i’m proud i work on it.
i am 17, and the promise of tomorrow calls me to rest tonight.
0 notes
qqueenofhades · 2 years
I truly think the leftists forgot that Republicans got so far because THEY PLAY DIRTY. Did they forget the fiasco that was Bush v Al Gore? Forget all the racist BS Obama had to undergo and the many obstructions Republicans did to limit his power (Now I'm wondering if this wave of 'Roe v Wade being overturned was Obama's fault' from leftists was started by racist conservatives to divert attention. Hmmm)? Forget Trump's coup attempt?!?!?!?!?!? Republicans don't play by the rules.
I mean, we've established the fact that they struggle with basic reality and relevant political analysis of any type, especially if it involves actually blaming the Republicans for anything without finding a way to make it secretly be the Democrats' fault, so.... yeah. A lot of the early-twenties Twitter clout chasers are too young to remember Bush v. Gore, want to paint Obama solely as a "corporate centrist," and therefore act like that was the only reason his policies were so relentlessly obstructed and gave rise to the Tea Party and the rest of the white grievance backlash. We've also established that they're constantly vulnerable to right-wing psyops and bad-faith disinformation campaigns such as "not voting is a good thing and Hillary should be punished!", which was pushed HARD by the Russian-troll social media interference machine in 2016. It worked because certain segments of self-righteous leftists were predisposed to believe it anyway, and it exacerbated and increased their existing rhetoric. The right-wing slime machine is unparalleled at turning leftists and liberals against each other and knowing which weaknesses to exploit, for the precise reason so they don't get their shit together and vote in a consistent and organized fashion to stop the fascists. Welp.
This is likewise why it's a fucking stupid idea for Biden to make any deal with McConnell and actually think that Mitch will hold to his end of the bargain; he simply does not give a shit about honor, truth, precedent, previous statements, previous actions, or anything except seizing and consolidating Republican power as relentlessly as possible. Even if Biden does go through with this rumored nomination of an anti-abortion judge in Kentucky in order to buy off McConnell's opposition (and he's evidently only getting two US Attorneys for it, which is not a good trade for a lifetime federal judgeship), there's no reason to think that McConnell would honor the deal. He simply does not care what he said to you earlier; it was just a stopgap on his way to getting what he wanted. He will lie to your face and take as much as possible, and the Democrats, while they are a whole lot wiser to his game than they used to be, are still beholden to the fatuous idea that the American public really wants "bipartisanship." Obama tried it even after the Republicans made clear they would spit in his face every time; by the time he realized there was no working with them, he had lost Congress and it was too late to do anything but executive orders anyway. Biden has managed to get a few more bipartisan bills through the Senate, because he spent decades there and the old-school Republicans know him (and besides, he's an old white guy, so they don't have to look like they're doing the brown guy's bidding), but it's still an extremely one-sided relationship. It's infuriating to watch Biden mouth hoary cliches about Bipartisanship and act like the Republicans can be negotiated with in good faith, while they shamelessly fleece him for whatever they can get. Because as I said in an earlier post, he is too stuck in his past thinking and still believes there are "good people on both sides of the aisle" who genuinely have the political process and the country's best interests at heart. I would say, uh, no.
By now, Democrats know that Republicans can't be trusted and Republicans don't care about what anybody thinks except for God King Donald Trump. They have long ago given up trying to win a free and fair election on the merits of their ideas; they know that their ideas are total shit, toxically unpopular, and only benefit a tiny fraction of the most privileged white men in all of America. That's why they have turned so enthusiastically to attempting to rig elections, restrict voting rights, and pack the judiciary with partisan hacks. They don't give a shit what the average American wants, they don't want elections or politicians that reflect what's best for said average American, they don't believe in democracy, and they don't believe in going through a fair competition if it means they might lose. Cheating has been a fundamental part of their playbook for a while, and now it's become the only thing as they continue their jackbooted march to fascist authoritarianism. But, as ever, good luck getting the proud denizens of Cloud Cuckoo Leftist Land to understand that.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
I keep seeing people calling Good Omens queer bating and a I can't help but ask why? I read the Aziraphale/Crowley relationship threw an Ace lens and they are clearly as close to married as they are probably going to get without stepping on holy ground.... and they love each other... why is it considered queer bating?
Personally, I think it's mostly young queer fans turning legitimate grievances on the wrong target. A case of getting so fed up with queerbaiting in media as a whole that they're instinctually lashing out at anything that seems to resembles it on the surface, without taking the time to consider whether this is, in fact, the thing they're mad at. Good Omens is a scapegoat, if you will. The equivalent of snapping at your partner after a long day. Your friend was an asshole, your boss was an asshole, the guy in traffic was an asshole, and then you come home to your partner who says something teasing and you take it as another asshole comment because you've just been surrounded by assholeness all day, to the point where your brain is primed to see an attack. Your partner wasn't actually an asshole, but by this point you're (understandably) too on guard to realize that. Unless someone sits you down and kindly reminds you of the difference between playful teasing and a legitimate insult - the nuance, if you will - your hackles are just gonna stay up and you'll leave the room, off to phone a different friend to tell them all about how your partner was definitely an asshole to you.
Only in this case, that "friend" is a fan on social media doing think pieces on the supposed queerbaiting of Good Omens, spreading that idea to a) people who aren't familiar with the show themselves and b) those who, like that original fan, have come to expect queerbaiting and thus aren't inclined to question the latest story with that mark leveled against it. Because on the surface Good Omens can look a lot like queerbaiting. Here are two queer coded characters who clearly love each other, but don't say "I love you," don't kiss, don't "prove" that love in a particular way. So Gaiman is just leading everyone on, right?
Well... no. This is where the nuance comes in, the thing that many fans aren't interested in grappling with (because, like it or not, media is not made up of black and white categories; queerbaited and not-queerbaited. Supernatural's finale is proof enough of that...) I won't delve into the most detailed explanation here, but suffice to say:
Gaiman has straight up said it's a love story. He's just not giving them concrete labels like "gay" or "bi" or "asexual," etc. because they are literally not human. Gaiman has subscribed to an inclusive viewpoint in an era where fans are desperate for unambiguous rep that homophobes cannot possibly deny. The freedom to prioritize any interpretation - yes, including a "just friends" interpretation - now, in 2021, feels like a cop-out. However, in this case it's an act of world building (they are an angel and a demon, not bound by human understanding of identity) meeting a genuine desire to make these characters relatable to the entire queer community, not just particular subsets. Gaiman has said they can be whatever we want because the gender, sexuality, and romantic attraction of an angel and a demon is totally up for debate! However, some fans have interpreted that as a dismissal of canonical queerness; the idea that fans can pretend they're whatever they want... but it's definitely not canon. It is though. Them being queer is 100% canon, it's just up to us to decide what kind of queer they are. This isn't Gaiman stringing audiences along, it's him opening the relationship up to all queer possibilities.
We know he's not stringing us along (queerbaiting) because up until just a few days ago season two didn't exist. Queerbaiting is a deliberate strategy to maintain an audience. A miniseries does not need to maintain its audience. You binge it in one go and you're done, no coming back next year required. The announcement for season two doesn't erase that context for season one. No one knew there would be more content and thus the idea that they would implement a strategy designed to keep viewers hooked due to the hope for a queer relationship (with no intent to follow through) is... silly.
In addition, this interpretive, queer relationship between Crowley and Aziraphale existed in the book thirty years ago. Many fans are not considering the difference between creating a totally new story in 2019 and faithfully adapting a story from 1990 in 2019. Good Omens as representation meant something very different back then and that absolutely impacts how we see its adaptation onto the small screen. To put this into perspective, Rowling made HUGE waves when she revealed that she "thought of" Dumbledore as gay in an interview... in 2007. Compare that to the intense coding 17 years before. Gaiman was - and still is - pushing boundaries.
Which includes being an established ally, particularly in his comics. Queerbaiting isn't just the act of a single work, but the way an author approaches their work. Gaiman does not (to my knowledge) have that mark against him and even if he did, he's done enough other work to offset that.
Finally, we've got other, practical issues like: how do you represent asexuality on the screen? How do you show an absence of something? Yeah, one or both of them could claim that label in the show, outright saying, "I'm asexual," but again, Gaimain isn't looking to box his mythological figures into a single identity. So if we want that rep... we have to grapple with the fact that this is one option for what it looks like.
Even if he did want to narrow the representation down to just a few identities for the show, should Gaiman really be making those major changes when he's only one half of the author team? Pratchett has, sadly, passed on and thus obviously has no say in whether his characters undergo such revisions. Even if fans hate every other argument, they should understand that, out of respect, Good Omens is going to largely remain the same story it was 30 years ago.
And those 6,000 years are just the beginning! Again, this was meant to be a miniseries of a single novel, a novel that, crucially, covered only Crowley and Aziraphale's triumph in being able to love one another freely. That's a part of their personal journey. Yeah, they've been together in one sense for 6,000 years, but that was always with hell and heaven on their backs, to say nothing of the slow-burn approach towards acknowledging that love, for Aziraphale in particular. We end the story at the start of their new relationship, one that is more free and open than it ever was before. They can be anything to one another now! The fact that we don't see that isn't a deliberate attempt on the author's part to deny us that representation, but only a result of the story ending.
So yeah, there's a lot to consider and, frankly, I don't think those fans are considering it. Which on a purely emotional level I can understand. I'm pissed about queerbaiting too and the knee-jerk desire to reject anything that doesn't meet a specific standard is understandable. But understandable doesn't mean we don't have to work against that instinct because doing otherwise is harmful in the long run. We need to consider when stories were published and what representation meant back then. We need to consider how we adapt those stories for a modern audience. We need to acknowledge that if we want the inclusivity that "queer" provides us, that includes getting characters whose identity is not strictly defined by the author as well as characters with overtly canonical labels. We need both. We likewise need to be careful about when having higher standards ends up hurting the wrong authors - who are our imperfect allies vs. those straight up unwilling to embrace our community at all? And most importantly, we have to think about how we're using the terms we've developed to discuss these issues. Queerbaiting means something specific and applying it to Good Omens not only does Good Omens a disservice, but it undermines the intended meaning of "queerbaiting," making it harder to use correctly in the future. Good Omens is not queerbaiting and trying to claim it is only hurts the community those fans are speaking up for.
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esther-dot · 3 years
Why do people act like Sansa was so unlikeable and difficult to sympathize with in agot. I loved her from Arya's first chapter for God's sake 😭😭😭 when Arya was bitching about her. I always thought we needed totally feminine, prim, proper female characters like Sansa in fiction. There are already too many Arya's and Dany's.
If you begin reading the story thinking that a character’s POV is the author’s factual representation rather than an attempt to give us a a fractured picture via intensely personal experiences/interpretations, it’s easy to accept the premise presented in AGOT, Arya I which is Sansa is to blame for Arya’s misery. Also, the idea of the beautiful girl that has everything who makes less attractive people feel inferior, who mistreats people lower down on the social ladder, that has the potential to tap into personal grievances, so people respond to Arya’s feelings without thinking about any of this from Sansa’s perspective
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Think about that last highlighted bit. If you take that as gospel, you are going to think horrible stuff about Sansa and Cat. Obviously, Arya is upset and and not giving us an accurate reflection of the situation, but it isn’t immediately countered. It takes a while to get a Sansa chapter, and when we do get her POV, it’s after she’s betrothed and getting attention from the prince which seemingly supports Arya’s feelings. That means, even when the turn comes, when Lady is killed, some people are too entrenched in their view of Sansa as the vicitmizer, and Arya as her victim to realize that all along, Sansa has also been a victim.
In fact, in Sansa I we get a glimpse of how Arya’s behavior puts a burden on Sansa and makes her feel bad:
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I have siblings, so I suppose I’m used to the “everyone is experiencing their own version of this event” idea, and I like Arya’s rebellion and Sansa’s dreaminess, so I don’t react negatively to either girl. They’re sisters, of course these dynamics are present! But, if you accept Arya’s attitude toward Sansa as factual, then you misidentify the cause of Arya’s inferiority complex, you might even hold Sansa responsible for the words/actions of their Septa who is cruel to Arya. If fans are stuck reading things this way, instead of realizing Arya’s pain largely comes from being forced into a role unsuited to her interests and personality (in contrast to Sansa who is suited to the role by personality and interests), they’ll decide that Arya is right, her suffering is at Sansa’s hands, although we’re shown (not told, shown) this isn’t the case. I believe the idea is to show how their society fucks over every woman, regardless of how much they attempt to rebel, regardless of how well they “obey” (saying that makes me shudder), but that’s just not something fans can absorb if they hate the girl who suffers in a different way.
More broadly speaking, there are trends in media, so I understand why at one point it was necessary to create characters like Arya who refuse to conform to societal expectations, but, the reaction to Sansa, the way the fandoms tries to vilify her for wanting to marry and have kids, for enjoying romance and songs and stories, well, it proves that we need more characters like her too. The goal should be to have every version of femininity represented in fiction, to be more inclusive and representative, so it’s a shame that a character like Sansa is hated for her interests when so many people see themselves in her.
But, I should also note, my sister doesn’t like Sansa. She doesn’t say anything mean about her, but the character isn’t personally meaningful to her. There’s nothing wrong with that. Different characters speak to each of us. That’s fine. What’s disturbing about the ASOIAF fandom is that it doesn’t stop with “not my fav”and instead devolves into unfair criticism, misinterpretations of her motives and actions, and then really horrific takes.
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nobodyfamousposts · 4 years
Miracle Queen Aftermath
Because there is a disappointing lack of focus or depth for the aftermath of Miracle Queen in canon, I have made my own.
Be warned of: Chloe salt. A lot of it. Chloe faces consequences for things.
Some Bustier salt. Some Adrien being called out on things (but he gets better).
In the weeks following the Miracle Queen incident, a lot had happened.
Hawk Moth had increased his power, and was now able to summon akumas and amoks at the same time.
Master Fu was gone and now Ladybug found herself the official Guardian of the Miraculous—along with the Miracle Box, kwamis, and duties that entails.
Marinette had resolved to let go of her crush on Adrien, and to support him and Kagami in their new relationship together.
And Chloe had been arrested and would now be going on trial for assisting a terrorist.
It was that last bit of news that had caused the most commotion in Paris and the world at large. What people would have dismissed as simply another akuma attack turned into a much greater matter when accusations started to be made about Chloe helping the super villain intentionally. This was soon backed by multiple eyewitness accounts and further proven by leaked video evidence showing Chloe not only attempting to grab a butterfly for herself after she was de-akumatized but even negotiating with the terrorist before the incident in which she betrayed the heroes of Paris and revealed the identities of most of the team.
To say that the people of Paris were outraged was putting it mildly. People were akumatized over it. Chloe was in a secured facility where she had armed guards around to watch her just as much as they were there to protect her. New legislation was being considered to specifically address willingly aiding supervillains. The backlash was so severe that many were calling the mayor’s own position into question.
After all, if his daughter could do all of that, who was to say that he wasn’t also in Hawk Moth’s pocket?
For Mayor Andre, his hands were tied. While he had covered for his daughter and her selfishness in the past, this was one thing he couldn’t overlook. Not when it brought his position as mayor under scrutiny. And certainly not when it opened a probe into his own dealings.
None of this was helped either by the multitude of witnesses of Chloe‘s past behavior. In particular, her many victims over the years.
And there were a lot.
Now that Chloe was actually being held accountable for something, it seemed to have opened a floodgate of outcries as the many people she tormented finally felt able to air their grievances. They came out on TV, on social media, on radio. Stories littered the air and internet of the horrors of dealing with this single teenage girl.
“She tried to cheat during this designing competition. She apparently stole some other girl’s hat design and tried to pass it off as her own.”
“She was the reason the mayor tried to shut down my ice skating rink! To build another gym! Paris has enough gyms! Why couldn’t she just go to one of those?”
“She had her dad shut down Clara Nightingale’s music video and got her akumatized just because she didn’t get to play Ladybug. We waited in that line for HOURS and didn’t get chosen either, but no one else threw a fit over it.”
“She shoved a giant signed poster of Adrien Agreste professing his love to her in my friend’s face just to make her cry! I found out after the fact that he didn’t even know about it!”
“Our entire school was punished for someone pulling the fire alarm except for her because she threatened our principal. So while the rest of us were having to clean up the school, she spent the entire time insulting and making fun of us.“
“Knowing her, she probably pulled the fire alarm in the first place.”
“She tried to crash a train! I don’t think I can emphasize that enough: she tried to crash a train!“
“Chloe Bourgeois joined up with Hawk Moth? Can’t say it’s a shock.”
“Yeah, given how many akumas she caused, I’d been wondering if she hadn’t been working with him all along.”
It wasn’t that unbelievable to the populous. Nor did anyone feel particularly sympathetic towards her for her current situation. Some might have for lack of knowing her, but Chloe had carved herself a special place in the memories and hearts of nearly every Parisian. There was nobody who didn’t know of her or have some experience with her by this point. So when it came out that she was arrested and facing criminal charges, the response was…rather telling.
Practically everyone was calling loved ones as soon as they heard, resulting in high phone and internet traffic. The Ladyblog crashed after making the announcement. Several people threw parties. People over the internet started coming up with a list of “Things We Will Be Allowed To Do Once Chloe Is In Prison”, with a count that currently rested at 139 and was rising quickly. One guy bought 500 cupcakes and just started passing them out to people on the street singing a jaunty little tune from some late 1930’s cult classic American movie. The school had closed down for a couple of days due to several teachers calling out sick—possibly with hangovers from celebrating a bit too hard. Various Queen-related hashtags and memes were trending with each seeming to fight for the top spot of most used. #let her eat cake was currently in the lead. And Mr. Ramier somehow orchestrated a 21 pigeon salute. On Chloe’s rooftop.
As it was, nobody expressed surprise when it came out that she worked with a supervillain. Many were disappointed, shaking their heads and saying “if only something had been done sooner” or blaming the parents and teachers and other adults in her life. Most were angry, mainly that things had been allowed to get this far and that they hadn’t been acted on earlier—particularly after the train incident.
But no. Nobody was surprised.
Except, perhaps, Marinette herself.
Still reeling from the events of Miracle Queen and the aftermath of…well…everything involved, Marinette had been questioning herself. Constantly. Incessantly. Going over and over in her mind all the things she could have done differently. Blaming herself for all the major blows to their team.
She lost her mentor. Her allies have been compromised. Chloe, one of her former allies, chose to betray them all. Hawk Moth had the grimoire now. Marinette didn’t have a grimoire. Fu had no memories.
And it was all because of her mistakes.
Last time, the prospect of never having to deal with Chloe again had been a relief.
Now…it was background static to her.
She could barely hear the announcements and cheers over the endless cycle of her own thoughts.
I should have tried harder. I should have been more aware. I failed them all. This is because of me.
So while everyone else in Paris was celebrating, de-stressing, or just outright reveling in the news, Marinette was grieving. With the help of the kwamis and Chat Noir, she had been trying to come to terms with what happened and figure out the next plan of action.
Hawk Moth had changed the game, so she needed to step up hers.
The days seemed to have passed in a blur. Between working with the kwamis, trying to recreate and retranslate the grimoire, and simply trying to deal with the remnants of Fu’s life that he had left to her, Marinette had barely even kept up with the current state of things in Paris. Or in particular, Chloe.
Not until the day came when Bustier made an announcement.
Chloe‘s trial date was finally decided. And though she didn’t say as such, it was clear that the case against her was pretty solid. There was video evidence. Eye witness accounts. And Chloe’s own words and actions working against her.
The odds were not in her favor on this. Even if her parents did try to help her, she wasn’t going to get off this time. Aside from getting the best lawyers money by, there really wasn’t much they could do.
Maybe that was why Bustier had tried to step in?
“Now class, I have received word that they are moving to the next step with Chloe’s hearing. Right now, they are looking for character witnesses for Chloe’s defense.” The kind teacher explained, causing Marinette to snap to awareness and realize just what was going on. Partly because of the mention of Chloe and her court case.
But mostly because of the sudden dead silence in the class…
To be fair, she wasn’t sure she could say anything either. Marinette felt her throat go dry and her muscles tense. There was a sudden tightness in her lungs that while she could breathe, it felt like she was suffocating. Why was Bustier bringing this up now?
The teacher smiled, seemingly unaware of the sudden tension and Marinette’s slow drowning. “I know this has been a difficult experience knowing that one of your classmates is facing such a trial. And Chloe will certainly need support. So I thought it would be kind if everyone wrote a letter supporting her for the hearing coming up, so the courts can hear about Chloe and understand more about who she is.”
Silence. Dead silence.
Maybe Bustier herself picked up on the growing tension, as she proceeded to move to passing out papers to the class. “I thought it would make for a nice project, so I will give you all the forms explaining the requirements. Take some time to think over what positive things you want to say about Chloe. If you have any questions, please feel free to come talk to me.”
After that, she quickly left the room, citing the desire to let them have this free time to work on the letters.
The class remained silent for a good minute after she left. Almost as if they were questioning if she would return. Or perhaps if she was listening.
“‘Think about what positive things we want to say about Chloe?’ Well that’s easy!” Alix spoke blithely, curling the paper she received into a ball. “Nothing!” She shouted and tossed it over her shoulder. “Assignment done!”
Murmurs filled the classroom. Some sounded uncertain, but most seemed to be in agreement. Or at least expressing distaste for the assignment.
“Is she serious?”
“Does she really expect us to?”
“Of all the worst ideas...”
Marinette could hear them, but couldn’t seem to acknowledge anything around her. And furthermore, she couldn’t make herself respond.
Chloe‘s trial was set for a point in the next few weeks, and at this point there was no denying just what type of person she was. If anything, this was probably the first time that anyone was allowed to actually speak their mind about the girl, and they were all reveling in it. Her classmates in particular.
Marinette couldn’t quite bring herself to.
Sure, Chloe has tried to blackmail her more than once.
And damaged her gift to their teacher.
And attempted to frame her a few times.
And stolen her hat design.
And her diary.
And a Miraculous.
And all of the other Miraculous.
But...she had been doing better for a while there, hadn’t she?
Didn’t she only betray them all in the end because Marinette had chosen Kagami over her for her own selfish reasons? Didn’t Hawk Moth only capture Fu because of her own mistake? Hadn’t Chloe only revealed everyone else because she felt betrayed? Couldn’t Marinette have done more to prevent Chloe turning?
Wasn’t a simple letter on Chloe’s virtues the least she could do?
So why...
Why couldn’t she seem to bring herself to?
Kim frowned, looking at his paper in worry. “We’re not going to get graded on this, are we?”
Nathaniel huffed. “I’ll willingly take the failing grade any day.”
“Hear hear!”
“But if it’s a grade…” Max murmured to himself. Out of everyone in the class, he took his grades the most seriously, so this was no doubt a difficult choice for him. He looked at his paper with a rather conflicted expression for a minute before sighing and turning it face-down on the desk. “No. It’s an impossible task in the first place.”
Kim rested a hand on Max’s shoulder in sympathy. It wasn’t that he cared as much about grades as Max did, but it was clear that the fallout of refusing could be more troubling for the genius who took his academic performance so seriously. If Bustier did make it a mandatory assignment with a grade, it’d be horribly unfair of her.
“What was it Chloe said before?” Ivan asked, looking over his page with a glare. “Once a monster, always a monster? I guess she’d know more than anyone.”
Mylene hugged him. “You’re not a monster. You never chose to be.”
“None of us did.” Nino agreed.
“Nobody did except her.” Alix bit out.
Mumbles of agreement came from the rest of the class. It was clear that none of them were on board with having anything to do with Chloe, much less try to help her with her current legal woes.
There was a large part of Marinette that agreed with them. But even so, there was also a large part of her that insisted she had to do the right thing and help.
She knew she should say something. She was supposed to say something here. Because it was her fault, after all. She was Ladybug. She had to be the better person. Shouldn’t she?
“Marinette? Girl, are you okay?” Alya asked, drawing her attention. “You look a bit pale.”
It was too much. It was suffocating.
“I think I need some air. Excuse me.”
She didn’t know if anyone watched her leave the classroom. She hadn’t even noticed if anyone had chosen to follow her.
Not until…
“Marinette, are you all right?”
She spun around in surprise.
“Oh! Adrien! Hey! Hi! Hello!” She blabbered. Why was he here? Did he come out after her? Why? She didn’t need this right now! She struggled enough with him under normal circumstances, she wasn’t sure she could handle being alone with him now. Her stress over everything was bad enough, but having him approach her set her anxiety skyrocketing.
“Hey,” he replied, smiling at her—and oh, what a beautiful smile. On any other day, it would ease her worries and make her want to swoon, but right now, it just made her more nervous.
“Are you all right?” He asked again. “You didn’t look so well in class.”
“Y-yeah. Just…” she sighed. “I just have a lot on my mind. With…you know…everything.”
He nodded in understanding. “I know what you mean.”
She smiled. She could always count on Adrien to be a calming supportive friend. He was always so sweet and reliable. If anyone could understand or relate to the chaotic mix of emotions she was feeling, he could.
He sighed in sympathy. “Poor Chloe.”
She froze.
“Well, yeah.” He replied, like it was obvious. “I mean, she did a bad thing, but now she’s going through the worst experience of her life. One that could ruin her future. And people are glad about it!” He shook his head. “It’s just too cruel.”
Marinette just stared.
He wasn’t wrong. But…that was what he was worried about?
She couldn’t fault him of course, because Adrien was always so kind and considerate and of course he’d feel for Chloe but…something about this just…pulled at something inside of her and was choking it.
“Chloe is already suffering enough and it feels like no one wants to help her. You heard them.” He gestured back to the classroom. “We’re being given an opportunity to make a difference for her and they’re all just saying she deserves it. Chloe is alone and hurting and they want her to hurt more.”
She felt a denial on her lips but couldn’t give voice to it.
“Everyone is so great with each other. It’s always just Chloe who is kind of on the outside. I know you’ve seen it.”
She hadn’t, actually. Because it was never Chloe on the outside looking in, it was Chloe looking down on them. Whether it was because she genuinely thought she was better or because it made her feel better to do so.
He hesitated for a moment before looking at her. And there was something in his expression that told her he was about to ask something. A gut feeling told her that it was going to be something she wouldn’t like.
“Do you think you could talk to them?” He asked her, looking so sad and despondent that she just wanted to hug him and agree to anything to make that look go away.
He wanted her to convince her classmates to help Chloe?
“I know you and Chloe have had your differences, but you’ve been able to see past her front. And you’ve done a lot to help her before.” He smiled. “Like the party you threw for her after she became Queen Bee.”
A traitorous voice asked if giving her a second chance with the Miraculous she had previously stolen wasn’t enough? Why did she have to feel bad for her leaving and throw her a party to make her feel special?
“Chloe really needs the help right now. And you’re always so good about that sort of thing.” He looked to her imploringly. “Do you think you could try to get them to at least give Chloe a hand? I don’t know what impact it’ll have in her hearing, but any little bit helps, right?”
Go back in there? With the tension and the suffocation to try and convince her classmates to help when she was questioning whether to herself?
But she had to, right? After all, couldn’t she have prevented this if she had acted sooner? Couldn’t she have helped sooner instead of being focused on her own petty problems? Isn’t that what Ladybug should do?
“Please, Marinette? They listen to you. If you asked them to, I’m sure they’d be willing to at least try.”
Her vision started to dim, seeming to tunnel in on Adrien and his sad and hopeful expression. Her thoughts crying about CHLOE and poor CHLOE and how hurt CHLOE was and how it was her fault for CHLOE—
“Oh no! No, you do NOT.”
Marinette suddenly found herself torn away from Adrien by a sudden grab of her arm and pulling sensation. She felt as if she was pushed out of the way by a fierce gale. Like a raging whirlwind had spun her around and behind it.
That whirlwind’s name was Alya.
“How dare you? How dare you try to make my girl be responsible for this!”
Marinette floundered because she had not expected this and oh no now her best friend looked ready to tear her crush’s head off!
“Alya, we don’t have to do this!” She pleaded, trying to calm the other girl down.
“Oh, we most certainly do.” Came another voice. And sure enough, the rest of the class had stepped out as well. All of them looked in varying ranges of frustrated and that frustration was clearly directed at her and Adrien.
Or rather just Adrien, as Marinette discovered when Rose and Juleka pulled her aside and out of their direct line of sight. They were all looking at Adrien, and those were not nice or understanding expressions.
Oh no! This was a disaster! Now everyone was upset and she should have just agreed or said something sooner!
Completely unaware of Marinette’s inner turmoil, Alya stepped forward and jabbed at Adrien in the chest. “You are not going to make my girl feel bad and try to help someone who has never done a single nice thing for her or anyone.” She spat out, forcing him to back away.
Adrien held his hands up in a placating gesture. “Come on, Chloe is not that bad.“
“Not that bad?” Nino exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief at his friend’s words. “Adrien, Chloe betrayed us!“
“She took over Paris!”
“She turned us into her servants!“
“Not to mention the other things…”
“Do we really have to name each time?” Alya started to count on her fingers. “Chloe CHOSE to take the Miraculous for herself instead of returning it. She CHOSE to transform in front of everyone and reveal her identity to the world. She CHOSE to try and crash a train, risking the lives of EVERYONE on board just to show off. She CHOSE to run off with it when Ladybug tried to take it back.”
“She also chose to continue being horrible to everyone even after Ladybug gave her a second chance.” Nathaniel added, bitterly. “She didn’t get better after becoming Queen Bee. It just became another thing for her to lord over people.”
Alya nodded. “And when Ladybug made it clear to her that she wasn’t going to be Queen Bee again, she felt ENTITLED to something that was never hers in the first place. And because of that, she made the active, knowing, and willful choice to work with Hawk Moth.”
“And out all of us while she was at it.” Kim added. “Turning us into her personal ‘guard’. Making us fight our heroes against our will.” He shuddered. “I don’t know if you were hit by those things, Adrien, but it was NOT a pleasant experience having your body turned into a puppet.”
Adrien wanted to argue that he understood full well, but that was only as Chat. He couldn’t say that here.
Unaware of his inner turmoil, Alya continued. “So no, we are not going to forgive Chloe. We are not going to try and ‘get along’ with her because her own poor choices have led her to have a ‘rough time’.”
Adrien grew nervous at the way the others drew closer to Alya as she spoke, clearly backing her statements as she continued.
“We are not going to defend her or speak up on her behalf to the entirety of Paris she ALSO betrayed. Whatever consequences Chloe has to face—quite possibly the first ones she will EVER have faced in her LIFE—are nothing less than what she deserves.”
“Yeah!” Came the exclamations from the rest of the crowd.
“She didn’t know what she was doing!” Adrien argued.
“Not know what she was doing?! Adrien, she willingly accepted an akuma! She used it to take control of us and revealed us to Hawk Moth!” Alya exclaimed. “That’s just—how can you even justify that?”
With as angry as Alya was, any lesser or wiser man would have backed off.
Adrien…well, she certainly would never call him unwise, so it had to be because he was more strong-willed than that to be willing to stand his ground here.
“Hawk Moth was the one who manipulated Chloe!” He insisted. “And he’s the one who got away scott free and left Chloe to take the fall.”
“And whose fault was that?” Alya countered. “Chloe HELPED him. He only got as far as he did because of her and he only got away because she helped him!”
“Don’t you think this is cruel?” He argued back. “Yes, Chloe was wrong, but she was already called out for what she did by Ladybug and Chat Noir. The entire city hates her. Isn’t that enough?”
“NO!” Alya shouted. “No, it isn’t! Because Chloe has always gotten away with her antics in the past but you’re actually trying to get us to let Chloe off for a legitimate crime here! If Chloe is going to prison, it’s only because she deserves it!”
Around them, several of the others in the class nodded in agreement.
“How can you say that?” Adrien demanded. “Chloe made a mistake and she’s suffering for it! All this time, she’s felt left out and cut off and this only further emphasizes that for her! She’s been alone all this time and now she’s alone and miserable!”
“Then why should that be OUR problem?” Alya questioned, raising her hands in exasperation. “Why are you trying to MAKE it our problem?!”
Adrien drew back, looking genuinely hurt.
"But treating someone badly never made them become a good person."
"Yeah, because letting Chloe have her way all this time has totally made strides in her path to becoming a good person." Alix called out sarcastically.
"If anything, it's made her worse." Max added. "She's gone from simply causing akumas to intentionally becoming one."
Alya cut him off. “But nothing, Adrien! You have to have some gall to be trying to get us to make nice with Chloe after she betrayed us all! And here I thought your little lecture to Marinette to make her feel bad for being relieved that Chloe was leaving Paris was pretty hard to beat.”
Nino blanched at that. “You did what?” He turned on Adrien. “Dude! You know that happened after Chloe tried to crash that train!”
“She was just trying to prove herself.” Adrien weakly argued.
“PEOPLE were on there!” Nino bit out. “They could have DIED because Chloe was showing off! And you got on to MARINETTE? Where was this attitude with Chloe?”
“I’ve called her out!”
“Yeah, one time.” Alya groused. “AFTER the rest of us had spent the better part of the day cleaning up after HER mess. Which she never apologized for or admitted to doing, by the way.”
“And in response, she threw a party.” Juleka muttered.
“It was a nice party, sure.” Rose added quickly.
Alya though shook her head. “But being a good hostess is nowhere near the same thing as being a good person. And before the night was over, you rolled over for her and she went RIGHT back to acting as she always had.”
“She made Mylene cry.” Ivan glared. “She made Mylene cry and you just laughed.”
“I didn’t mean—”
“You said it yourself: ‘she’ll never change’. Except you said that like it was a good thing.”
Marinette looked back and forth between the two, everything inside her screaming at her to help. But she was completely lost on which one she was supposed to help. Because Adrien had a point about what Chloe’s going through but Alya was right about what Chloe did and she needed to do the “right thing” and help Chloe but why did everything Alya say resonate so strongly with her and bring such a feeling of vindication—
No. She was getting distracted. She needed to help. And right now, it was Adrien against the rest of the class.
But Alya was worked up. And Adrien was looking past her to Marinette, eyes begging for help and still so hopeful that she would step in. And Chloe was still in prison and Marinette could fix everything if she just tried so why can’t she try?
“Alya,” Marinette tried. “You told me to give Chloe a chance before after the fire alarm incident, remember? You said we were a lot alike.”
“That was to get you to go to a party!” Alya shouted, making Marinette step back in surprise. “I never meant it like this!”
She stepped forward and took Marinette by the shoulders, holding her sternly.
“Marinette, you are nothing like Chloe! Not where it counts! Yeah, you both can be short sighted when it comes to trying for what you want, but you at least notice and CARE how other people feel! And when you make a mistake, you at least TRY to make it right!”
She shook her head.
“She doesn’t try to.” Alix cut in. “If Chloe was feeling sad and lonely, that was pretty much her own fault.”
Adrien looked like he wanted to argue, but Alix didn’t even give him a chance.
“It wasn’t like we left her out. We went well out of our way to try and befriend her. We invited her to things. We tried to help her. Hell, you said it yourself—Marinette has tried to help her more than anybody! And each and every time, Chloe only took what we offered like it was something we owed her but that she was also too good for. I mean, I certainly can’t recall a time she ever thanked me. Can you?” She asked, turning to the other classmates.
All around them, there were murmurs of agreement. Maybe a couple hesitated as they tried to recall a time—one single moment of kindness on Chloe’s part only to come up empty.
“Chloe’s had a hard time.” Adrien insisted. “You know how her parents are—”
“Oh yes, her ‘Daddy the Mayor’.” Alix rolled her eyes. “Like we don’t hear enough about him every time it comes to something Chloe wants. She only threatens us or anyone with him every other day.”
Adrien shook his head and tried to explain. “It’s only because her parents aren’t there for her emotionally.”
“Again, not seeing how this is our problem? Or justification for anything she’s done to us? Or how this excuses her willingly helping a supervillain?”
“Because we’re her classmates!” He argued back, gesturing to all of them. “Out of everyone, we’ve all had the most interactions with her.”
“All of which were negative.” Came a cutting remark, followed by grumbling.
“There were good times, too!” Adrien insisted with a frown. His eyes spanned over the assembled classmates before they came to rest on one in particular. “Kim, you have to have seen Chloe’s good side. You liked her before.”
“Before.” Kim replied, emphasizing the word and the timeframe it referred to. “But being humiliated and her sending out that pic to everyone in school kind of crushed that crush.”
“How did she even have our numbers?” Ivan asked.
“But there had to be something that made you like her in the first place.” Adrien encouraged.
The taller boy shrugged, uncertain and uncaring. “Maybe so, but was it something that was really there? Or something I just wanted to see? Because I’m looking back and quite frankly, I don’t know what past me was thinking.”
“Wow, that’s deep, man.” Nathaniel whispered.
Seeing Nathaniel gave Adrien an idea. “Wait, Nathaniel! Didn’t Chloe let you put her in your comic?”
“Forced us to, more like.” The artist bit back. “And even when we tried to fit her, we got nothing but complaints from her. It was no wonder we never got past the initial concept art for her character.”
Adrien winced. “It was an attempt, at least?”
Nathaniel wasn’t buying it. “A poor one.”
“She’s been trying to be better.” Adrien was getting increasingly frustrated. This was not how he was expecting this argument to go. “Rose? What about you? You’ve seen it, haven’t you?”
After all, Rose was sweet and caring, always willing to see the good in anyone. Surely she would have something nice about Chloe!
Juleka frowned at him over his focus on her girlfriend and moved to stand beside her. “Don’t push her.”
Still he tried.
“I’m sorry, Adrien.” Rose said, hugging herself. “But Chloe has done nothing but hurt people. And going out of our way to protect her has only ended up biting us.”
That wasn’t true. Not...all the time at least. There had to have been at least one instance where she did the right thing!
Adrien brightened in realization. “Didn’t she catch you when you fell after being deakumatized during Heroes Day?”
The blonde girl frowned. “Well, yes…but she wasn’t very nice about it. Even though I did the same for her before.”
“Rose, come on…”
She shook her head. “I put myself at risk to help Chloe when she was being chased by zombies, and only got turned into one for my efforts. Chloe never appreciated it. She never thanked me. She didn’t even do anything to help when we were trying to keep her safe!”
“We all ended up kissing zombies because of her.” Alix accused, crossing her arms and looking particularly annoyed. “And not just because she caused the akuma in the first place.”
“Why are you pushing this?” Mylene asked. “We’ve been asked. We said no. Isn’t that enough?”
“Adrien, you’ve got a good heart.” Ivan started.
“Easy for him when he’s not the one who has to be on the receiving end of Chloe’s tantrums.” Alix cut in, clearly sounding bitter.
“You’ve got a good heart.” Ivan repeated, sending Alix a look that asked her to back off. “But Chloe…doesn’t.”
Adrien shook his head, remaining insistent. “That’s why she needs help.”
“If she needs help,” Mylene spoke, “It should come from her parents. Her teachers. Any of the adults in her life. She has plenty of adults who are fully capable of helping her. It should not be expected to come from the kids she’s spent years tormenting.”
She gestured to herself and the others around her. “And that’s what she’s been doing: tormenting us.”
“To great joy, might I add.” Max droned.
“She hasn’t been cruel to everyone.” Adrien muttered.
That brought out a backlash of outrage.
“She outted my crush!”
“She insulted Mylene’s cooking and made her cry!”
“She got Aurore akumatized and nearly caused Paris to be incinerated in a volcano!”
“She tried to push Mylene out of the lead role of our movie!”
“She locked Juleka in the restroom!”
But that hadn’t been Chloe. She had stayed with the class at the time. The one who did do it was...
He glanced around until he saw her—a redhead in the background behind the rest of the class. She looked anxious and uncomfortable, and almost seemed to be trying to edge around the class to get to the stairs.
Adrien did seem aware. Or rather, he was focused on the fact she was there.
“Sabrina? What about you? Chloe was your friend!”
Of course she would help! Because who better than her own best friend to speak on her behalf?
The rest of the class broke into mutters as they realized the same.
But Sabrina...bit her lip and looked away. Refusing to even meet Adrien’s gaze.
“Sabrina?” Marinette tried, concerned about this reaction. Sabrina had been Chloe’s best friend—or at least the closest thing she could have to a friend. “Minion” or “Servant” would be more accurate. “Slave” would be more honest.
The girl had been Chloe’s only real fan and follower, and had assisted Chloe in some of her worst plots.
Marinette had briefly seen another side to her. A girl who was so desperate for friendship that she latched onto even the slightest bit of kindness and went to the greatest of extremes to appease the “friend” so they wouldn’t leave her. It was no wonder she had fallen in with Chloe—someone like that was perfect for the spoiled girl. Compared to her, Marinette’s anxieties and need to please were nothing.
And Chloe had pretty much been her world for years.
What must she be feeling now?
“Should we really be getting her opinion?” Ivan whispered. “You know how she and Chloe were…”
“Well, if anyone would have anything positive to tell the courts about Chloe, it would be her.” Mylene whispered back.
Sabrina took a breath and spoke quickly—almost shouting in her rush.
“I’m sorry but my therapist said I shouldn’t!”
That got a surprise. The rest of the classmates glanced to each other before looking back to the girl. Adrien in particular looked shell-shocked. Marinette couldn’t blame him. She felt the same.
Sabrina for her part seemed to tense up, as if ready to defend herself from the rest of the class.
Marinette stepped forward. “Sabrina? Are…you okay?”
The other girl shook her head, looking close to tears.
“After word got out what Chloe did, the police had to question me about Chloe. They were able to see that I wasn’t involved, but they…didn’t like what I told them about our relationship. Afterwards, my dad decided to have me see a counselor and she…has been telling me things that I hadn’t really considered.” She curled in on herself. “They all think I should stay away from Chloe and anything directly related to her…for my own health.”
Adrien frowned at that. “But don’t you want to help Chloe?”
Sabrina jumped. “Of course, I do!”
“Hold up, Adrien!” Nino stepped in. “She just said police took her in because of Chloe!”
“But they let her go…”
“It still happened!” Mylene argued. “It doesn’t matter how nice they are, how innocent you know you are, or if you’re released in the end, it’s still terrifying when it happens!”
"And it only happened to her because of Chloe." Alya added.
Rose, in her infinite sweetness, reached out to take Sabrina’s hand in support. “I’m sorry that happened to you.”
Sabrina sobbed and covered her face. Aside from Rose, no one else really attempted to comfort her. Most of them simply watched her, pitying her current state. But they also remembered how complicit she had been in Chloe’s schemes, so they were conflicted. While they did feel bad for her current situation, there was a part of most of them that noted how she had brought it upon herself by being Chloe‘s lackey for so long, so their sympathy was limited.
Perhaps it was out of awkwardness, or maybe an attempt to give some respect for Sabrina’s privacy that the classmates turned away from her and instead focused on the heart of the argument.
“Man...” Nino tried. “Maybe you should let it go?” Though it was clear from his tone that he knew it wasn’t likely.
Because Adrien had still not given up, it seemed.
He looked around between of the classmates, growing more desperate. But those that remained either looked at him straight on as if daring him to call on them or looked away. A few of them even closed ranks as if to block his view of certain others. It was clear none of them were willing to help him on this.
None of them except…
“Marinette.” He called out, drawing her gaze to him instantly. “You understand, don’t you?”
She bit her lip. “I…”
“Back off, Adrien.” Kim said, giving the other boy an angry frown as he stood in front of her to shield her from his gaze. “It’s not on Marinette to help Chloe.”
“Yeah! She suffered more than any of us!“ Ivan shouted.
“She has been Chloe’s main target for years.” Nathaniel agreed. “She is the last person who is obligated to help Chloe now.“
Adrien winced at the harshness of their words and in their tone. “I just thought that Marinette could help. Like before.”
“Just because she could doesn’t mean she should have had to.” Alya countered. “She’s a teenager. Dealing with Chloe should have been the job of adults. Her parents. Bustier. Damocles. Any one of them should have done something—and if they can’t, the courts will. It’s their job. Not ours.”
“And getting her to help you wouldn’t make a difference anyway even if you had convinced us.” Max said, shifting his glasses. “Chloe helped Hawk Moth. There is nothing we could say that could undo that. And even if we did try, we would either be guilty of committing perjury or aiding in a conspiracy.”
“What?” Adrien jerked in surprise.
“The best we can do is be character witnesses.” Mylene explained. “But this is a court and we can’t claim something that isn’t true! We can’t say anything nice about Chloe when she hasn’t done anything nice!”
Max nodded and shifted his glasses. “Furthermore, our testimonies—even if they were positive—would only serve to create a narrative about Chloe and the type of person she is. They can’t explain away the current evidence against her.”
He rubbed the back of his head. He knew there were issues, but he also knew Chloe. He knew what she could be like. He knew she was a good person deep down. “I know she’s made some mistakes—”
“No.” Alya stated sharply. “Calling them ‘Mistakes’ implies that her actions were unintentional. ‘Mistakes’ implies that people were harmed by accident. ‘Mistakes’ implies that she would have any point learned from them. They weren’t mistakes, Adrien. They were willful acts of cruelty every single time.”
Ivan shook his head, pityingly. “We can’t save Chloe from this. We have nothing to say in her defense. The kindest thing we can do for her is stay silent.”
“She’s better than you think she is. She threw that party once for everyone, remember? You all went.” Adrien reminded them.
“That only proved that she could throw a party and be a good host, not that she could be a good person. There is a difference.” Nathaniel pointed out.
“Not that Chloe could tell.“ Alix sniped.
Adrien ignored the barb. He had given up on getting any of them to listen and now only had eyes for her. His last hope.
“Marinette….come on…please.”
She hesitated.
Everything in her that was Ladybug and her crush on Adrien and her desire to make people happy and take the high road and give second-third-fourth chances wanted nothing more than to give it to him.
There was a long pause. No one spoke.
The other classmates have had their say. They were letting Marinette have hers. And she knew in that moment that if she spoke up…if she did as Adrien wished and tried to help Chloe…she knew they would go along with her. It may be more out of respect for Marinette than it would be out of any sort of forgiveness for anything Chloe had done, but it would still help Chloe and it would still make Adrien happy.
…and hadn’t Marinette already done that enough?
“Did you know?” Marinette started, not looking at anyone. “I would have been well within my rights to press charges against Chloe?”
Adrien balked at that.
“She’s stolen from me at least three times now.” She shrugged. “I mean, sure, I wouldn’t have been able to do anything about my diary since she had Sabrina steal it for her, but she did steal my hat design for a competition and I had proof. I could have pressed charges against Chloe and let her face some consequences…but I didn’t.”
She looked up at Adrien. “I also could have pressed charges for what she did to my gift for Madame Bustier. Since she did break into my locker and vandalize my property while it was still technically mine…but I didn’t.
“Adrien.” She spoke almost in monotone, the only sign of her emotions being how she clenched her fists. “Did you know that after the fashion show, my parents and I took a train to get home?”
He furrowed his brows in confusion. What did that have to do with anything?
“It was the same train Chloe took control of and nearly caused to crash.”
Several gasps resounded around them. Apparently this had not been common knowledge.
“Even if Chloe could have bought her way out of any consequence for the other things, we all could certainly have had her face some major trouble for that one…” Marinette took a shuddering breath. “But we didn’t.”
Adrien frowned. “I…I see that—”
“No, I don’t think you do.” She cut him off. “Because instead of any of that…rather than hold Chloe accountable at any point, I catered to her. I tried to understand Chloe. I tried to make things nicer for Chloe. I tried to excuse Chloe. Time and again. Just like everyone else. Just like you wanted me to. Just like you’re asking me to now. And what did that get us?”
The more she talked, the more words filled out and she was unable to stop the torrent.
“I defended her from Alya after Madame Bustier was akumatized, and Chloe stole a Miraculous and nearly got my family killed. I helped Chloe bond with her Mom—costing myself any chance at a once in a lifetime opportunity in the process—and Chloe tried to get me banished from Paris just for saying she wasn’t a superhero. I threw Chloe a party to show her some appreciation, and she willingly worked with a supervillain to take over Paris. Just to fuel her ego and because she felt she was owed something that wasn’t hers.”
She tilted her head, considering.
“What is that American saying? Three strikes and you’re out?” Her eyes narrowed. “I have given Chloe more than three chances. I have done nothing BUT give her chances. And clean up after her. And just…try to help her. At no point has she been grateful. At no point did she ever apologize. Or show the slightest bit of remorse for anyone she hurt. Or just…try to do better.”
She stepped forward. Past her classmates. Past Alya, who looked ready to tear into Adrien herself.
“So tell me, Adrien. How much more am I supposed to do? What miracle am I supposed to achieve to help Chloe to be a better person that I haven’t already done?”
“You can just try.” Adrien begged. “Chloe’s alone. She has no one in her corner. You’ve given her chances before! Can’t you find it in your heart to give her another chance this time?”
“Why haven’t you?” Alya demanded.
Adrien drew back in surprise at that.
But the girl wasn’t letting him off. “If you’re so certain Chloe is the victim in all this, then why aren’t you stepping up to help her? Why are you pushing Marinette and the rest of us to do it?”
Alya wrapped an arm around Marinette in support. “If you truly believe Chloe has some sort of inner goodness that only needs the right person to bring it out, then it’s pretty clear Marinette is just not that person. She’s tried enough.”
Alix nodded. “I’m pretty sure she could’ve demolished a brick wall with how many time she’s banged her head against it by this point trying to drag a decent person out of Chloe.”
Others in the class also nodded and gave sounds of agreement to that.
Adrien frowned, lowering his head despondently. “I’m just one person. There’s only so much weight my word will have. I just...I just want to give her the best chance.”
“That’s nice for Chloe, I guess.” Kim muttered. “But not much for us.”
Adrien looked up in surprise. “What do you mean?”
Alya stepped forward, releasing Marinette in the process. “Adrien, why should we as Chloe’s victims have to help protect her? That’s the thing we’re not getting here. WE are the ones she hurt. WE are the ones she betrayed to Hawk Moth. So why are WE supposed to try and save her from her own consequences? Why are you wanting us to?”
Adrien hesitated.
“Can you even imagine what it was like? Being frozen in time. Unable to move or speak? Only able to hear her voice in your head? Feeling your body respond as she’s calling you and being unable to stop?” She clutched her arms, as if trying to hug herself. “Do you have any idea how terrified I was knowing what she was doing to us but being completely unable to stop it? How humiliating it was when she had us bowing to her and calling her our Queen? And then…” She took a breath. “She made us fight our heroes. Ladybug and Chat Noir trusted us to help them and we used the Miraculous they entrusted to us to try and kill them.”
“We were just lucky that they were able to turn the tables on us.” Kim muttered. “I don’t even want to know what would have happened if we had won.”
“Luka still has nightmares.” Juleka whispered. “He won’t talk about it, but he hasn’t had a good night’s sleep in weeks.”
Marinette winced. She hadn’t even considered that everyone else could be suffering ramifications of Miracle Queen as well.
“We could have killed them.” Max stated. “Given the nature of the Snake Miraculous’s power, we very well could have more than once for all we know.”
“Maybe you wouldn’t have killed them?” Rose suggested, trying to be positive. “I mean, Chloe wanted all of the Miraculous, right? She probably wanted them as her servants as well.”
Max glared. “I’m pretty sure I attempted to send Chat Noir into space. Even a Miraculous can’t protect someone from that.”
Adrien tried not to wince at the memory. How he managed to even move enough to activate the Miraculous, he still wasn’t sure.
“We fought against them. We never wanted to, but we did.” Alya bit out. “Not even because of Hawk Moth this time, but because of Chloe. And now you are wanting us to just…overlook the trauma of the whole thing to help Chloe after what she did. For something she hasn’t shown even the slightest remorse for.”
She shook her head.
“I know you’re nice, Adrien. But this level of kindness is a cruelty.”
He winced. And it looked like he wanted to argue. But he just…wilted.
“I just…it feels harsh. What’s happening to her. The amount of hate she’s getting. That her entire life could be over.”
That was true. While they felt her current status was well deserved, it was a harsh sentence for anyone. Especially a teenager.
Nathaniel sighed. “Adrien, it is harsh. Maybe cruel. But fact is that she still brought on herself.”
“Isn’t that just victim-blaming though?” Adrien countered, frustrated now. “I mean, Hawk Moth manipulated her! How was that her fault? He’s the one who did it. She was…” He clenched his fists in anger. “Chloe is a victim.”
“No, we are the victims.” Alya insisted, gesturing to herself and the other revealed former heroes. “We were the ones used to fight our heroes. We were the ones who had our identities revealed to the world against our will. And now we are the ones having to live with the results of Chloe‘s choices, just like we always are.“
Adrien looked ready to argue. And maybe he would have, except...
Nino rested a hand on Adrien’s shoulder.
“Adrien. Dude. Just stop. We have enough to deal with and this…this isn’t helping.”
Adrien frowned at that, concerned by his friend’s attitude. “Nino?”
Nino lowered his head. “I wasn’t going to say anything. Really, I was trying not to think about it. But my parents are currently talking with police about their options. Now that I’ve been exposed as one of the temporary heroes, they’re questioning if it’s not safe for us at home anymore. There is a chance of us having to go into protective custody.”
Alya winced at that, drawing attention to her. “My parents have been talking as well. My mom quit her job. She said she doesn’t want to work for someone who would let their daughter do such a thing and put me in danger. She’s looking at drawing me out of school since it was pretty much Chloe‘s base of operations. And since Chloe is the Mayor’s daughter…and Hawk Moth…and just…everything?” She looked away, clearly anxious.
“There’s a chance we may have to move out of Paris altogether.”
Marinette gasped.
Alya looked to the other girl, sad and guilty all in one. “I’m sorry, girl. I guess I’ve been hoping it wouldn’t be an issue. I’ve been trying to talk them out of it, but it’s hard given everything that happened. Currently, the only reason they’re willing to stay is to see through to the end of the trial. But after that…” She shrugged, shaking her head uncertainly. “Who can say?”
“No…” Adrien whispered in shock.
The others in class came closer around her, trying to offer some comfort and reassurances—what little they could give, at least. This was a situation that was clearly beyond them. Marinette herself hugged Alya tightly for all she was worth, and the other girl held her back just as much, neither wanting to be parted.
Adrien, however, remained on the outside looking in. Watching the people Chloe had tormented even before Miracle Queen and realizing just how badly they’ve been hurt by this. It hit him then—for what was perhaps the first time just how much pain Chloe had caused his friends. And how unfair he had been to expect them to simply deal with it.
He stayed the lone person outside of the circle. By this point, did he really deserve to join in the comfort? To try to be the one to give comfort? After what he had tried to push on them all?
After minutes passed, they were finally able to draw away from each other.
“I’m sorry for not saying anything sooner.” Alya told Marinette. “I guess I was just hoping…y’know…that it wasn’t real. Or that it would go away and things would work out on their own.”
Marinette smiled. “No, I understand.”
And she did. That’s exactly what she herself had been doing for the past few weeks as well. Trying to deal with things without really dealing with them. Working without acknowledging just what it all meant because she was scared she would break down and that would be just one more thing Hawk Moth would have won because of this whole mess.
“I was kind of the same way.” She admitted, and it felt like a slight relief to be able to say aloud to someone. “I’m sorry I couldn’t talk to you about it.”
She still couldn’t, unfortunately. Not about Ladybug and the kwamis and the Miracle Box.
But…she could talk about Fu. How she lost him. How she feels. She could help support Alya and her classmates and be there for them in the meantime.
She…hadn’t lost everything.
Not yet.
And that was the scary thing…
Adrien gaped at the group. He had thought the trauma was bad enough, and that at least could be worked through. But this...
“I’m sorry. I...I didn’t even realize...”
“Adrien, what Chloe did put a major target on our backs.” Alya explained. “Nobody knows how we became heroes, or that Ladybug was the one to specifically choose us and give us the miraculous to use. Nobody knows WHY we were chosen. It’s not just Hawk Moth, any regular criminal can come after us now in an attempt to get a hold of that power. And we can’t exactly protect ourselves.”
She shrugged helplessly.
“We kind of have enough to worry about with the fallout of Chloe‘s actions. And now you want us to try and protect Chloe on top of that?“
Seeing it now, in this light...it was cruel. It was cruel and unfair and hurtful, and Marinette felt horrible for considering letting herself be talked into it.
Adrien himself felt horrible for even suggesting it.
“We all have to live with the consequences of Chloe’s choices.” Alya stated. “So why shouldn’t she?”
Silence followed. It practically echoed throughout the entire hallway.
He said nothing in response. What could he possibly say? He’d known that Chloe was…difficult with other people, to say the least. He’d known the type of person she was. But she was his friend and friends forgive and support each other, right?
But they were right as well. It wasn’t fair to expect them to help Chloe after what she did. Especially once he knew of the level of harm she’d caused them. He felt the horror trickle in. The trauma everyone felt. The knowledge of what they’d been forced to do. The fact that…
He suddenly found it harder to breathe.
Nino could leave.
Adrien could lose his best friend because of this.
And who knew how many of the others would be forced to leave as well. Aside from Nino; Kim, Max, Alya, and Luka were other heroes as well. Juleka was Luka’s sister. And how many of the other classmates might be pulled out of this class and school because it’s unsafe? And Kagami—oh god, she was outted as well. He hadn’t heard from her in a while. Her mother is probably furious. She could move back to Japan because of this. And Marinette…she had been lucky to not be caught up in that fight since she was a hero only the one time, but that could have been just one more thing Chloe ruined for her…
…what about himself?
He paled.
He was longtime friends with Chloe. Went to school with Chloe. Was in class with Chloe. Chloe, who was currently getting a lot of heat from all of Paris. How was his Father going to react to that? The man was always focused on the company and appearances…what would he do now that Chloe had fallen from grace in such a way? Would he forbid Adrien from talking to Chloe again? Would he pull Adrien from school?
…would he ban Adrien from leaving the house altogether?
How was he only just now considering the impact? For himself or anyone else? Of course people would be hurt. Of course they would be upset. Of course people would respond. Somehow, he knew that, and yet he had only been focused on Chloe that it hadn’t actually hit home until now…
And in that light…
It had been selfish to ask. Honestly, he’d known that when he first tried to approach Marinette. But he felt he had to try. Honestly, part of him had known better than to ask in the first place. But at the same time…there was a part of him that still believed things could just go back to “normal”.
…how foolish. That was a “normal” that nobody else wanted. And even more, it was one that was now impossible…all because of Chloe herself.
“I just wanted to help.”
He deflated, losing all remaining fight.
“I’m sorry.”
The classmates glanced between each other. There was much they could have said, but really, anything they could have said already had been. And with him seeming resigned, it appeared there was no longer a need to defend themselves.
Marinette—ever the mediator, stepped up and hugged Adrien.
“Adrien, this isn’t something you can help with. None of us can. What happens in the trial is up to the courts. And what happens to Chloe is up to her.”
Slowly, he reached up and hugged her as well. The warmth and comfort brought some limited solace in this situation. He felt lost. Out of control. Like the world was moving around him and he didn’t know where he was standing much less where he was supposed to be.
They weren’t ready to forgive Chloe. And he couldn’t force them to be. Given the circumstances, he couldn’t blame them. And it was really unfair of him to try. Especially…
“I’m sorry, Marinette.” He whispered to her.
He had tried to use her. Looking back, he had a bit of a tendency to rely on Marinette to fix things when she shouldn’t have had to. Especially when it was for Chloe’s sake. He knew plenty of times Chloe had done things…but he always seemed to overlook how hurt Marinette was because of it, simply due to how well she always appeared afterwards. She was strong and confident, but also a good listener and willing to forgive. It was like nothing really brought her down.
It was due to this that Marinette was often the one he turned to whenever things happened. Because she would listen. She would understand. And she would always try to help, regardless of her position.
In this light…he may have over relied on her too much.
“I wasn’t fair to you.” He admitted. “I just saw Chloe hurting and only thought about how to fix things for her. I didn’t consider your feelings.” He hugged her more strongly. “I’m sorry.”
She didn’t speak. But she squeezed him back.
He felt another body press against him. A quick glance showed it to be Nino.
“I’m still super mad with her. And I don’t like how you tried to push us to defend her after what she did. But I get that she’s your friend and you care about her. I’d do the same if it were you in her place.” He gave a small laugh. “Not that I think you ever would, of course.”
Adrien smiled back. “Thanks.”
This…this felt much better.
Things weren’t okay right now. He still wanted to help Chloe. His classmates were still hurt. People were still angry. Hawk Moth was still out there.
But whatever happened...in this moment, he felt they could make it.
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