#the moment i found out her dad was a werewolf
wolfiemun-official · 4 months
I've got like 2 months worth of stuff from my Twitter that is slowly making its way here
My favorite thing is still werewolf Shadowheart keeping Lae'zel and their egg warm
12 notes · View notes
doctorbitchcrxft · 2 months
Heart | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader (Eventual ? ;) )
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore, SMUT 18+ MDNI, elements of dom/sub, oral (m and f receiving), orgasm denial (m receiving), p in v, unprotected sex (don’t be stupid. wrap it up.), face riding (f receiving), begging, cockwarming
Word Count: 6046
A/N: Giving the people what they want. AGAIN. MINORS! GO AWAY!!! SHOO! TAKE A JUICE BOX AND A STICKER ON THE WAY OUT!!
Mobile Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Masterlist
Supernatural Series Rewrite Playlist
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“Here he is, Detective,” the young mortician said to Sam as she pulled the body of a man out of a cold locker. The man had stitches running along his chest, stomach, shoulders, and throat; some reminiscent of deep bite marks.
“That’s a pretty nasty bite,” Sam commented. “You know what bit him?”
The young woman averted her eyes. “I haven’t quite determined that just yet.”
“C’mon, Doc,” you pleaded. “Off the record.” You left Dean back in the motel room once he promised you he’d stay put.
“Okay,” the mortician began, “way, way off the record—”
“Sure,” Sam nodded.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d say the guy was attacked by a wolf. But unless I know that the zoo is missing one of their lobos, I’m going with pit bull.” She eyed Sam cautiously. “I like my job.”
“Yeah, I hear you,” Sam chuckled.
“One more thing. This guy, was his heart missing?” you asked.
She seemed surprised. “Yeah, how did you know that? I haven’t even finished my report.”
“Lucky guess,” you shrugged.
You and Sam left the morgue and began the drive back to Dean. 
“How’ve your nightmares been?” you asked Sam while he drove out of the morgue’s parking lot.
He turned to you quizzically.
“What? I hear you up at three in the morning,” you smirked.
“I get up early anyway. How do you know I still have ‘em?”
“You don’t have a great poker face, Sammy. When something’s bothering you, I can literally see the wheels in your head turning,” you replied.
He sighed. “I’ll get over it.”
You shot him a look.
“It’s just— It’s not just Jessica anymore,” he explained. “It’s my dad, it’s what Meg did while she took me for a joy ride—”
“That sounds dirty, man,” you cut in.
He gave you a playful glare. “It’s like I told you. I’m scared as hell.”
You stayed silent for a moment. “Hey, you’re still you. And that’s all that matters.” You turned to face him in your seat, putting a hand on his shoulder. “You haven’t gone all ‘sith lord’ on us yet. And I honestly don’t think you will. You just… you don’t have that in you.”
His lips curled into a sad smile once more. “Thanks, (Y/N/N).”
“Any time.”
“Any update on you and Dean?”
“Oh, would you look at that, we’re here,” you smirked as Sam pulled into the motel parking lot.
He glared at you. “(Y/N)—”
“I know, I know, we’ll talk later,” you giggled. You headed into the brothers’ motel room. Dean was cleaning his guns on his bed, and you explained what you’d seen and found out from the mortician to him. The lawyer you’d examined wasn’t the first heart-free corpse, but he was the first man. Over the last year, several women had gone missing; their bodies washed up on shore, but were too deteriorated to make out anything besides the fact that their hearts were missing. The lunar cycle was exactly right for a werewolf killing as well.
“Awesome,” Dean grinned.
Sam rolled his eyes. “Dean, could you be a bigger geek about this?”
“I’m sorry, man, but what about ‘a human by day, a freak animal killing machine by moonlight’ don’t you understand? I mean, werewolves are badass. We haven’t seen one since we were kids,” the older brother protested.
“Okay, Sparky. And you know what? After we kill it, we can go to Disneyland,” Sam snarked, making you giggle.
“You know what the best part about it is? We already know how to bring these suckers down.” He held up a silver bullet. “One of these bad boys right to the heart. So, what’s our next move?”
“Talk to the girl who found the body,” replied Sam. 
The girl who found the body had sharp, angular features and beautiful dark hair. You could tell Sam was slightly enamored by her from the second she let you into her apartment. The woman introduced herself as Madison. She showed an older man who’d come to check on her out of the apartment and motioned for you to take a seat at her kitchen table. 
“You must be pretty shaken up,” started Sam. “You were Nate Mulligan’s assistant, right?”
“For two years, yeah,” she nodded.
“So, you knew all about him?” Dean questioned.
“Probably knew more about him than he did. Nate was…” she trailed off, smiling uncomfortably, “he was nice.”
“Nothing, really. I— He had a few scotches in him, and he'd started hitting on anyone in a five-mile radius. You know the type.”
You looked over at Dean, given that was the one thing about him you disliked. “Yeah, I do, actually.”
Dean noticed your look, and he shrank a little at your apparent disappointment. “Did, uh, did he have any enemies?”
“What do you mean? It sure looked like an animal attack,” she said, shifting uncomfortably.
“No, yeah, we’re just covering all the bases. Anyone that might have had a beef with him – a former client, an ex?”
You noticed her discomfort and pressed further. “What is it?”
“Well, this is embarrassing, but my ex-boyfriend, Kurt—”
“Kurt have a last name?” Dean cut her off.
“Mueller,” she answered. After we broke up, he went kind of nuts. He’s… well, he’s kind of been stalking me. He got it in his head that something was going on between Nate and I. He showed up at my office.”
“What happened?” you asked.
“Kurt got into it with Nate; threw a punch before security grabbed him. I was lucky to keep my job,” she explained.
“When was the last time you saw Kurt?” Dean asked.
“A few nights ago. Actually, the night Nate died. We were all grabbing drinks at this bar, and Kurt showed up,” Madison replied.
She shook her head. “Nothing. It was like he was watching me. Then he was gone. To tell you the truth, he scares me.”
“I can understand that,” you told her.
She gave you a smile. 
Madison led you out of her apartment, and Sam wrote his number down for her to call you if she needed anything. 
As night fell, Dean suggested you head to the ex-boyfriend’s house to investigate if he lived in a creature’s lair. Upon arrival, you discovered Kurt wasn’t home. However, you felt uneasy. You chalked it up to the fact that you were breaking and entering, but you’d never felt anxiety in a situation such as this previously. It almost felt like something was watching you.
“(Y/N/N), you okay?” Sam asked you upon noticing your discomfort.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s just… hurry this up. I got a bad feeling about this.”
“Okay, Skywalker,” Dean quipped. 
“Anything?” you asked, ignoring his comment.
“No, nothing but leftovers and a six-pack. No human hearts behind the Haagen-Dazs either,” he replied. You suddenly heard a door open and close followed by a crashing sound coming from outside. You shared a brief look with Sam before running out to the balcony. Down the wall of the building, there were claw marks in the concrete wall, sliding all the way down to the ground.
You cringed at the sight. “That’s just great.”
Seconds later, you heard a gunshot. You ran down the fire escape and out of the apartment, heading toward where you thought you’d heard the gun fire off. When you arrived at a dark alley, you saw the boot of a person sticking out from the shadows. Cautiously, you approached, only to find the body of an incredibly mauled policeman.
“I’ll call 911,” Sam told you and his brother.
Dean bent down to the corpse. “I’d say Kurt’s looking more and more like our Cujo.”
“I don’t know, man, his apartment didn’t scream ‘creature’s lair’ to me. Aside from the fact that it’s a standard bachelor pad,” you remarked.
Dean eyed you unamusedly. “I’m gonna ignore the implication there that all men are animals.”
You grinned. “I’m glad you caught my drift.”
“Guys, if he’s out here, we better check on Madison,” Sam said, interrupting you.
When you arrived at her apartment early in the morning, the older man you’d first seen in Madison’s apartment when you initially visited him peeked his head out of his door. “What’s going on?” he asked.
“Police business, Glen,” Dean responded.
Madison opened the door, her face drooping slightly when she saw you. “What is it?”
You shot a look over at Glen.
“Well, maybe we should talk privately,” Sam suggested.
She nodded, still confused, and led you into her apartment. “Coffee?” she asked.
Sam accepted happily, as did Dean. You still felt uneasy, and thought you might vomit if you had something to drink.
“Has Kurt been here?” Sam asked her as she poured a cup for each of the brothers. 
“Not exactly,” she replied.
“What’s that mean?” you asked.
“Well, he was outside last night. Just… looking. Just looking at me. Has he done something?”
“We’re not really sure,” Sam answered honestly.
“It’s probably nothing, but… we just don’t wanna take any chances. In fact, one of us should probably stay here with you?” Dean suggested. “Just in case he stops by. Where does he work?”
“He owns a body shop,” she replied.
“You mind grabbing that address for us?” 
She nodded and started out of the room.
“Thanks,” Dean called after her.
“Alright, you go. I’ll stay,” said Sam once she was out of ear shot.
“C’mon, (Y/N),’ Dean said.
“What?” Sam questioned. “No pushback? You always wanna hangout with the hot girl.”
“Yeah, well…” the older Winchester trailed off, “Not this time, I guess.”
“You guess?” Sam scoffed. “Who are you, and what have you done with my brother?”
Dean just rolled his eyes, and a smile tugged at your lips. You thought you may have something to do with Dean’s change of heart. 
“Bundle up out there, alright?” Sam said to you and Dean, shooting y0u a knowing look when his brother had turned away. You grinned back at him and followed Dean out of the apartment when Madison returned with the body shop’s address. 
Dean started the drive to Kurt’s place of work, and you eyed him thoughtfully.
“What?” he asked without even turning to look at you.
“I wouldn’t have anything to do with your change of heart about staying with the cute girls, huh?” you asked, already knowing the answer. However, a large part of you just wanted him to say it out loud.
He flickered his eyes over to yours, never turning his head from the road. “No, ‘course not,” he replied. 
You deflated slightly, although you knew vulnerability was difficult for him. You really and truly just wanted to hear how much you meant to him.
“Alright, fine,” he grumbled after a moment of silence. “It’s got everything to do with you.”
A smile spread across your face, heat rushing to your cheeks. “Good. I’m glad.”
*** Later that day, you discovered Kurt hadn’t been to work in a week. But because Dean was “really good,” if he did say so himself, he found out he was probably frequenting his favorite strip club.
You didn’t mind going; you enjoyed hyping the girls up. If you were a stripper, you’d much rather a girl stuffing ones in your bra than a creepy fifty-year-old man. Although, you were slightly concerned about the way Dean’s eyes were glued to the ass of the woman dancing in front of you. You couldn’t lie, though, she was hot. As long as he looked and didn’t touch, you were content.
The pretty girl in front of you bent down to take a ten dollar bill from your hand, wiggling her hips seductively as she did so. You held her gaze as she stuffed the bill in her bra with a few other ones she already earned. 
Dean suddenly seemed slightly possessive. He threw an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side.
“Jealous much?” you asked. 
He used the arm around your shoulders to push your face towards his, kissing you wantonly. You hummed against him just before he pulled away. You nudged his nose with yours, sighing happily. You turned back to the girl dancing only to see the man you knew to be Kurt taking a seat at the opposite side of the stage from you and Dean. You gave Dean a look, and he immediately took out his phone to call Sam.
“I found him,” Dean said, eyes on the girl dancing in front of the two of you. “Oh, yeah, my eyes are glued. Look, Sammy, I gotta let you go. I, uh, I don’t wanna... don't wanna miss anything.” He handed a dollar bill to the stripper and smiled widely when he hung up the phone. 
After about an hour of generously tipping the strippers and having a few drinks, Kurt got up from the chair across from you and Dean. When he’d gotten a significant distance away, you and Dean wordlessly got up from your chairs to follow him. However, not before you turned and said, “Bye, girls!” to the dancers. The one that had been predominantly dancing in front of you and Dean waved and blew you a kiss. You blew one back, grinning. 
You followed Kurt back to his apartment and sat outside, waiting for him to make a wrong move. You readied your gun, jerking to attention when you heard glass shattering. You looked back up to see the lights in Kurt’s apartment were off.
Dean breathed out, “What the—?” and you motioned for him to follow you up the fire escape. You hurried into Kurt’s apartment through the shattered window only to find Madison over the top of Kurt’s mauled body. She turned her electric blue eyes toward you and growled, bearing sharp, bloody fangs. She lunged at you, throwing you to the ground. Dean shot at her and missed, and you used her distraction to get a knick in at her arm just above her elbow with a knife you had stored in your sleeve. She howled in pain and ran out the open window. 
“Motherfucker,” you cursed, uncocking your gun. “Dean, start wipin’ down your prints, we gotta get outta here,” you told him. He tossed you a handkerchief and you took care of the floor where you’d been knocked down by Madison, the fridge from when you’d first gone to investigate Kurt’s house, the countertops; everything. When you were done, Dean helped you climb out of the window without touching the sill or knicking your legs on a piece of broken glass. 
As the morning sun rose, you called Sam. 
Sam’s immediate response to your call was, “You guys okay?” 
“Yeah. It’s Madison, Sam,” you said, cutting straight to the chase.
“What?” he asked.
“Yeah. How’d she get out without you noticing?” you questioned.
“(Y/N), I’ve been here the whole time. She’s in bed, asleep.”
“Well, she wasn’t an hour ago. Check her right arm below her elbow. I nicked her with a silver knife,” you told him.
Sam hung up the phone immediately after. You instructed Dean to go to Madison’s apartment, and he did so. You knocked on the door of her apartment, and the door opened to reveal an upset Sam and Madison tied to a chair by her wrists.
“How you doin’?” Dean smirked bitterly, strolling into the apartment.
“We’ve gotta talk,” Sam told the both of you firmly. You eyed him questioningly as he led you and his brother into another room. “She says she has no idea what I’m talking about.”
“She’s lying,” Dean responded simply.
“Or maybe she really doesn’t know she’s changing, you know? Maybe— maybe when the creature takes over, she blacks out,” Sam argued.
Dean deadpanned, “Like a really hot Incredible Hulk. Come on, dude, she ganked her boss and her ex-boyfriend. That doesn’t sound rash and unconscious.”
“Yeah, but what if it was, Dean? I mean, what if some animal part of her brain saw both those guys as threats? Hell, the cop, too.”
The older brother scoffed. “What are you, the Dog Whisperer now?”
“Look, man, I just… I don’t know, there, there, there was something in her eyes.”
“Sam, don’t let your attraction to her cloud your judgment,” you stated.
He scoffed. “You know I don’t do that.”
“Do you? This isn’t seeming like a completely rational argument, dude,” you argued calmly.
“(Y/N), I just think it may be something she has no control over. You can believe me or not—”
Dean cut Sam off. “Even if she’s telling the truth, it’s not gonna change anything. She can’t control it. That’s bad news.”
“I’m not putting a bullet through some girl’s chest who has no idea what’s happening,” Sam argued, voice rising slightly.
“Sam, she’s a monster, and you’re feeling sorry for her?” questioned Dean.
“Maybe I understand her.” Sam paused, and his voice quieted down. “Look, there might be another way we can get the job done without having to waste her.”
“Are you thinking what I think you’re thinking?” Dean asked.
Sam seemed to understand and took his dad’s journal out of his jacket. “Dad’s theory – ‘lycanthropy might have a cure if you kill the werewolf who bit you, severing the bloodline’.”
“Might have a cure,” Dean emphasized. “Meaning ‘who the hell knows’?”
“I’m not sure about this one, guys—” you sighed, scratching your neck.
Sam shrugged. “It’s worth a shot.”
“We don’t even know where to start looking, all right? I mean, the puppy that bit her could be anyone, anywhere. It could’ve been years ago,” Dean replied.
Sam seemed to realize something. “No. I don’t think so.” He led you back into the room where Madison was still tied up. “Madison, when were you mugged?”
She seemed not to want to answer. Either she really had no clue what was going on, or she was a damn good actress.
“Please. It’s important, all right? Just answer the question,” Sam begged.
Reluctantly, she said, “About a month ago.”
“Did you see the guy?” the younger brother pressed further.
“No. He grabbed me from behind.”
“Did he bite you?”
Madison seemed taken aback. “How did you know that?”
“Where?” Sam continued, ignoring her question. 
She still looked scared, but was honest anyway. “On- on the back of my neck.” 
Sam showed her he was setting his gun down and slowly moved behind her. He gently brushed her hair away and exposed a scarred lump on the back of her neck.
“Oh, that’s just a love bite,” Dean snarked. “Believe me, that could have been a lot worse. Where were you at the time?”
“Walking home from a friend’s loft,” she said.
“Let me guess. Not too far from Hunter’s Point?” Sam questioned.
Madison nodded, eyes bleary in confusion. You could tell some of this was beginning to make sense to her, and agreed to sit with her while the boys went into another room to talk.
“So… you really have no idea, do you?” you asked, sitting in a chair across from her.
She didn’t answer you.
Your tone immediately shifted. “Look, lovebug, I don’t think you get what’s going on here. I’m gonna need you to answer my questions, okay?” 
She scoffed. “What, about the fact that you guys think I’m a fucking werewolf? You realize you sound insane, right?”
“You’re a pretty good actress, I’ll give you that,” you said. “And… if you are telling the truth, I’m sorry. I’m sure you didn’t ask for this.”
She was silent for another moment.
“But you have to understand how this all looks, okay?” you continued. “People that are connected to you— Kurt, the lawyer that was creepin’ on you— they wind up dead. Then, you attack me after you kill Kurt, and things are just supposed to be all hunky-dory now? Just because you say you can’t remember?”
You seemed to have grabbed her attention. “Kurt’s dead? Oh, my god.” She began to cry softly.
You were conflicted. She seemed to be genuinely reacting to what you were saying, and you wanted to believe her. However, every instinct within screamed at you to put a silver bullet through her chest. “Madison… can you at least understand how this looks to me? Whether you think I’m crazy or not, do you at least see where I’m coming from?”
She laughed humorlessly through her tears. “You mean, if I was a deluded psycho who pretends to be a cop hunting for monsters? Yeah, I’d understand where you’re coming from.”
The boys emerged from the room. “Alright, (Y/N), you’re with me,” Dean asserted. 
*** You and Dean went to Hunter’s Point, the werewolf that had “mugged” Madison’s assumed hunting grounds, and searched for the monster. You heard a woman scream, and the two of you ran in the sound’s direction. The woman, presumably a hooker, was being dragged across the pavement by her ankles toward the werewolf.
“Hey!” Dean called. 
When the creature looked up, you and Dean shot at it multiple times; each hit landing in the center of the creature’s chest. The hooker immediately scrambled away, not even sparing a glance to you and Dean.
“Hey, don’t mention it!” Dean called after her.
“Take it easy,” you scolded. “She’s scared.”
The two of you turned back to the dying creature on the ground, and you discovered it was Glen, Madison’s neighbor.
“It happened... again,” Glen coughed. 
You knelt beside him.
“Where am I?” He asked you. “H–help me. Oh, god. Oh my god.” He choked again, coughing up blood. 
“Alright, easy, Glen. Just take it easy,” Dean told the man.
You and Dean watched as the older man’s eyes glazed over and his shuddering subsided. Your heart almost broke for him; he truly seemed to not understand what was happening to him.
The morning after laying Glen to rest, you and the brothers sat outside Madison’s apartment in the Impala. You planned to wait out there till the next morning to see if Madison transformed, or if you really had cured her. 
Dean was explaining Glen’s death to Sam. “It was sort of sad, actually. Glen had no clue what was going on. Hey, why do you think he turned Madison instead of just killing her in the first place?”
“I don’t know. I mean, he kind of seemed to have a thing for her,” Sam suggested.
“Maybe his primal instinct did, too. Maybe he was looking for a little, uh, hot breeding action.” Dean wiggled his eyebrows.
“Yeah. Something like that.”
“So?” you questioned, leaning over the back of the seat.
Sam eyed you quizzically. “So what?”
“Madison…?” you urged.
“Oh, whatever.”
You lightly shoved his shoulder. “Don’t ‘whatever’ me, kid, you liked her.”
“(Y/N/N), she thought I was a stark-raving lunatic,” he deadpanned.
“Yeah, a stark-raving lunatic that saved her life,” you challenged.
“Yeah, but she doesn’t know that.”
Madison suddenly appeared at Sam’s rolled-down window. “You know, for a stake-out, your car’s a bit conspicuous. What are you still doing here?”
“Honestly? Uh, we’re pretty sure you’re not gonna turn tonight, but we’ve gotta be a hundred percent, so… you know, we’re… lurking,” explained Dean.
“I know this sounds crazy—” Sam began.
Madison cut him off. “Sure does. Well, if we’re gonna wait it out… we might as well do it together.”
She led you and the brothers back up to her apartment. Madison seemed to hesitate before she spoke once inside. “You were telling the truth, weren’t you? About everything. What you did— it was to help me.”
Sam nodded.
“I did all of those horrible things,” she said remorsefully, “when I turned.”
“You didn’t know,” coaxed Sam.
“So, when will we know for sure? Moonrise?” she asked.
“No, I don’t think so,” the brunet answered. “You turned middle of the night last night. I think we’ve gotta hang in until sun-up.”
You watched Sam carefully, and Dean gave a tiny nod. “Well,” the older brother began, “it looks like we’ve got ourselves a few hours to kill. Poker, anyone?”
“Always,” you said. 
Several games later, the sun sank, and the moon rose. Dean laid his gun on the table, and Madison and Sam watched him with unease.
“Oh, no, you guys talk,” Dean chuckled awkwardly.
Hours later, the sun came up.
“Does— Does this mean it worked?” Madison asked hopefully.
Sam sighed in relief. “Yeah. I think so.”
Madison threw her arms around Sam. “Oh, God, thank you. Thank you so much.”
Dean cleared his throat, and you jabbed him with your elbow at his interruption of their moment. 
Madison laughed. “You, too, Dean. Thank you. Same to you, (Y/N).”
You nodded. “Well, Dean and I have some, uh… stuff to go do.” You pulled on the older brother’s jacket, lugging him out of the room. “Bye, Sam, bye, Madison.”
“Smooth,” Dean commented once you were out of the door.
“Look, I didn’t wanna be in there any longer than necessary. Room stunk of sexual tension,” you chided.
“Between me and you, or Sam and Madison?” he smirked.
You scoffed, “Smooth,” mocking his earlier statement. 
As soon as the door to the motel room was shut, Dean’s lips were on yours. You shoved his back against the door, pushing his jacket down his shoulders. You bit his bottom lip eagerly, and he moaned into your mouth.
“(Y/N), what are you doing to me,” he groaned.
“Shut up,” you ordered, tugging his hair harshly. You shoved him down onto the bed and teasingly ghosted your lips over his clothed chest all the way up his neck and stopped just before his lips. He tried to lean up to kiss you, but you wouldn’t let him. 
“Stop teasing,” he growled, almost sounding pitiful.
You tsked. “You didn’t ask very nicely.” You rolled your hips over the hardening bulge in his jeans, and he groaned again. 
“(Y/N), please,” he whined.
“There’s my boy,” you grinned, leaning forward to kiss him. His hands were all over you in an instant, and you kissed down his neck. You got his shirt off before taking his pants off and palmed him through his boxers.
“(Y/N), stop it,” he begged.
“Stop what?” You took your hand off, worried you’d done something wrong. 
“Teasing,” he whined. “Just touch me, please.”
You’d never seen him so spaced out before. The shit-eating grin returned to your face, and you went back to dragging your fingers along the underside of his shaft through his underwear. “I am touching you,” you playfully said.
He thrusted up into your hand. “Oh, god, you know what I mean.”
“I don’t, actually,” you cooed. 
“(Y/N), please suck my dick. Please, sweetheart. I need you,” he begged.
“Atta boy,” you said, happily taking his boxers down his hips. You began teasing the tip of his penis with your tongue before taking the whole thing into your mouth. You sucked on him earnestly, and his hips stuttered, trying to thrust up into you. You held his hips down firmly, but couldn’t keep his hand from winding in your hair. You felt he was close to ejaculation and quickly took your mouth off him. 
“What the fuck?” he questioned, chest heaving.
You gripped the base of his cock harshly. “Watch your mouth,” you said lowly. 
“Oh, god, sorry, sweetheart. I’m sorry.”
You grinned at the thought of having such a tough and strong man turning to absolute putty in your hands. 
“I-I wanna touch you. Please,” Dean heaved, clawing at your shoulders.
You slinked up his body, sitting gently on his stomach. Dean pushed your shirt up, running his hands underneath it to get to your breasts. He groaned as he squeezed one in each hand, and you threw your head back at the feeling of him tweaking your nipples.
“Sweetheart,” he started, “Ride my face. Please.”
Heat flooded between your thighs at the thought. “Okay,” you said, suddenly feeling nervous. You pushed your jeans off and hovered over his face. You were afraid to settle onto him completely, but that trepidation was quickly subdued by Dean grabbing your hips and pulling you down onto his lips, his large hands firmly keeping you there. You moaned instantly when his tongue immediately found your clit, sucking harshly. 
You eagerly rolled your hips against him, half trying to escape the immense pleasure and half trying to move toward it. Your orgasm approached quickly, and you screamed his name as you came.
When he finally released you, you moved off him to reveal a shit-eating grin spread across his glistening face. You gathered up the slick that had collected on his mouth with two of your fingers and shoved them into his mouth, and he sucked them harshly. You got back on top of him, settling right over his hardened dick.
“You ready for me, baby?” you asked.
He responded by thrusting against you, catching you off-guard. You gasped and lined up with his cock before slamming down onto him. You rolled your hips in time with his, and he pulled you down to his lips to kiss you. Dean’s erratic thrusts were making you dizzy, and he soon rolled over on top of you to finish getting the both of you off. You dug your nails into his shoulders, and he buried his face in your neck as the two of you came together.
Gasps and moans filled the room around you as you both rode out your highs. Dean stayed fully inside you, even after he came, and adjusted the two of you to where you were lying on his chest with his dick still inside you. Completely content, you fell asleep on top of Dean. 
*** The next morning, you woke up before Dean as usual. His cock had softened, but was still nestled firmly inside you. You gingerly slid off him and moved to go get showered and dressed, only to have him grab your hand as you tried to step away to get a fresh set of clothes. 
He hummed, “Morning,” and pulled you back down to him.
You giggled and yelped as you came crashing down back to the bed next to him and pecked his lips. “Hi, handsome.”
He kissed you again. “Y’know,” Dean started, kissing you once more. “I’ve never—” kiss, “—let anyone—” kiss, “—besides you—” kiss, “—do that to me.” 
“Well, good. I’m happy to be the one and only,” you smiled against his lips, standing once more.
Just as you and Dean had finished getting dressed and were going to head for some breakfast, there was a pounding on the door. You opened it to reveal a completely breathless Sam.
“ She— she turned,” he said.
“What?” you asked, shocked.
“I couldn’t grab her in time,” he continued sadly.
Dean came up behind you and put a hand on your waist to let you know he was there. “We’ll find her, Sammy.”
Sam continued to panic as you headed down to the Impala. He told you Bobby knew severing the bloodline wouldn’t work, and any other hunter he’d called said there was no way to cure a werewolf.
“How come she didn’t turn when we were with her?” Dean asked. 
“Dean—” Sam began.
Dean cut him off. “So, what, you put her to bed and then she wolfed out? Maybe she’s gotta be asleep to turn.”
“What the hell does it matter, Dean? Look, we’ve gotta find some way to help her, some legend we missed or something.”
“Sam, I don’t think so, man,” you chimed in. “Somebody would’ve known about it.”
“Well, then we have to look harder! Until we find something,” he protested, welling up with tears.
“Sammy, I don’t think we’ve got a choice here anymore,” Dean sighed. “I hate to say it. She’s a sweet girl, but part of her is—”
Sam cut him off. “Evil? Yeah, that’s what they say about me, Dean! So me you won’t kill, but her, you’re just gonna blow away?”
Before Dean could argue, Sam’s phone rang. “Madison, where are you?”
Upon hearing that, you and the brothers quickly got to and into the car without needing to say a word to each other. “Alright, hold on, Maddie. We’re coming to get you, just stay where you are,” Sam told her before hanging up the phone.
*** Back in Madison’s apartment, she sat clad in a shirt Sam had been wearing the day before at her kitchen table. Dean’s favorite gun sat before her, and she eyed it, emotionless. “I don’t remember anything. I probably killed someone last night. Didn’t I?” she asked hesitantly.
“We don’t know that yet,” you reminded her.
The brunette looked up to Sam. “Is there something else we can try to make it go away?”
“We’ll find something. I mean, there’s gotta be some answer, somewhere,” Sam tried.
Dean’s voice rumbled through the air. “That’s not entirely true. Madison, you deserve to know. We’ve scoured every source. There’s just no cure.”
Madison turned back to Sam and then looked over to you. “Is— Is he right?”
The younger Winchester stood and turned away, choked up.
“We thought about tying you up, but one day, you’re gonna bust out,” you told her. “And then… someone else dies.” You paused thoughtfully. “I’m sorry. I am.”
“Me too,” Dean added.
Shakily exhaling through her tears, Madison resigned herself. “So, I guess that’s all there is to it, then.”
Sam turned back to her. “Stop it. Don’t talk like that.”
Your heart broke at the sight of Madison picking up the gun and walking it over to Sam. “Sam, I don’t wanna hurt anyone else. I don’t wanna hurt you.”
“Put that down,” he begged.
“I can’t do it myself. I need you to help me.”
A tear slipped down Sam’s cheek. “Madison, no.”
“Sam… I’m a monster.”
“You don’t have to be. We could find a way, alright? I can. I’m gonna save you,” he said, although you know he didn’t believe what he was saying.
“You tried,” she sighed, crying harder. “I know you tried. But this is all there is left. Help me, Sam. I want you to do it. I want it to be you.” 
He shook his head. “I can’t.”
“I don’t wanna die. I don’t,” she continued. “But I can’t live like this. This is the way you can save me. Please. I’m asking you to save me.”
Sam shook his head again, and Madison watched him intently. Cautiously, Dean walked up behind Madison and gently took the gun from her. Sam immediately stormed off to another room.
You exchanged a look with Dean before following his younger brother. 
“Sam,” Dean said, holding up the gun. “ I’m sorry.”
The brunet shook his head, still crying. “No, you’re right. She’s right.”
“Sammy, I got this one. I’ll do it,” Dean replied bravely.
“She asked me to.”
“You don’t have to.”
“Yes, I do. Please.” He held out his hand for the gun, tears flowing steadily now. Dean couldn’t seem to manage handing it to him, and you carefully took it from his hand. Sliding a hand up Dean’s back to comfort him, you held the gun out to Sam. 
Standing with Dean, rubbing circles over the middle of his back with your thumb and tucked into his side, you watched Sam walk out of the room.
“Just wait here,” he told you. His whole body tremored, and his face shone with tears. He hesitated a moment before moving toward the other room. 
Now that it was just the two of you, Dean clutched your hip harder and allowed a tear to roll down his cheek. You stood by him silently, allowing him to allow himself to feel for a brief moment. And then, you flinched at the horrible sound of a single gunshot coming from the next room. 
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
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— ​𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐇𝐨𝐠𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 | @tubadorashifts
(( these questions are amazing! i have so so much i want to say about my life at hogwarts that i get overwhelmed aaaa so this is PERFECT! this is also my longest post yet, so buckle in yall i'm about to overshare on the internet ‼️))
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1. If you’re DR is set in the 90s/70s - How different is it to modern day? What are some changes you like and what changes did it take a while for you to get used to?
this question might be difficult to answer, as in my DR I am fully involved in the wizarding world and I don't really have that much contact with the muggle world, but definitely the technology! that might seem like a no-brainer and something to be expected when shifting to Hogwarts, but I wasn't expecting how different it would be. the hardest thing for me to adapt to was not being able to pull out my phone to take a picture whenever I wanted to. there were so so many little moments when I was at the Burrow where I would have the most perfect photo idea and I would realize I don't have my phone and realize I left my old film camera in my room. getting used to carrying that thing around and learning more about it (as my dad (arthur) brought it home for me one day and we fixed it up in the workshop!) is such a hassle sometimes. AND I HAVE TO DEVELOP FILM... which is rewarding in the end but sometimes I miss the instant gratification of a smartphone!
a change I do like is the style of music, both wizarding and muggle. I feel like the popular wizarding bands definitely reflect the 90s atmosphere in music, with many different new songs that have changing sounds in alternative rock and sometimes even annoyingly catchy pop songs. many other wizarding bands have themes that go all of the way back to classic jazz, so the range is INSANE. the music is truly so immersive, as the wizarding community is generally in favor of playing all types of music (at parties etc) both wizarding and muggle. truly an education!
2. If you’re part Veela/Metamophmagus/Mermaid/siren/werewolf etc. what is it like?
being a siren is still a change I am getting used to in my new DR, but it is absolutely something out of my biggest fantasies. as a girl who loves the sea and all her mythology, actually being a part of the sirens and learning about all of their folklore is a sacred experience I hold so dear to my heart. the life I have lived as a siren (even though my actual shift was quite short) feels so innate and like something I won't ever forget.
with being a blood-related siren comes many many things I didn't fully expect. there is a siren language (which I can speak in that reality), rituals and ceremonies that I noticed, and certain abilities that are passed on through family. there is also the wizarding public, who looks to sirens with curiosity because they are so closely related to merpeople and veela, yet they have such a distinct culture of their own. because there are so little sirens that engage with the wizarding world, I am kind of known as "that siren girl" and sometimes people say it negatively, but it is usually people who take the merfolk classification of "beast" very seriously and they are a bunch of idiots CONTINUE
3. Where do you change into your robes on the Hogwarts Express?
the Hogwarts express is completely different (length wise) on the inside than on the outside. when I first got onto the train, I was completely blown away when the twins and I walked into a long compartment that looked almost like a diner. they were serving pear & apple cider and I thought it was so cool that they had a bunch of different train areas. I walked around with Ginny during our train ride, and we found a bunch of these changing rooms / bathrooms and I remembered changing there in previous years so that is where we went!
inside of these bathrooms, it definitely has an expansion charm because it feels small while also having a lot of space for many students?? kind of like how the train expands or shrinks to fit the amount of compartments needed? also, these rooms are definitely hot spots for seeing other students bc tell me why I saw half of my year while I was in there for maybe 20 minutes??
4. If you’re an exchange student - How does the sorting ceremony work? Do you get sorted with the first years regardless of what year you’re in or do you get privately sorted somewhere else, like Dumbledore’s office?
this has only happened twice that I remember, and both times the students were sorted before the first years and Dumbledore gave kind of a mini introduction to their year and where they came from. personally, I would've been so scared to be individually introduced like that, especially in a new school with people I've never seen before. But Hogwarts is just kind of crazy like that, and the random outings by staff in front of the entire Great Hall never get boring I SWEAR!
5. Is Hogwarts a lot different to how you imagined? Is it like the movies or was there any changes?
I'd like to say the hours I've spent touring the castle on games like Hogwarts Legacy would prepare me for it, but I was still absolutely blown away (and I don't say that lightly)! the biggest thing for me was the sheer height of the castle! it is kind of a thing among newer Hogwarts students to not look up at the towers from the ground, as some people get this kind of reverse-vertigo? other than that, it definitely has the same vibe as the movies, except things feel waaay more spread out in my DR. I swear, in the movies Harry and Ron are getting to class in ten minutes, and I can barely get to my next class with my 30 minute passing time IT IS SO STRESSFUL. especially when I go from Care of Magical Creatures all the way to Advanced Herbology on tuesday mornings LIKE I AM RUNNING they are on opposite sides of the castle. I get the same feeling when I walk into the Grand Staircase and see all of the steps. I'm definitely debating adding a floo-network for easier transportation, but it is quite fun to feel like i'm getting a workout while exploring my favorite place ever!!
6. What are some classes you weren’t expecting to like as much as you did?
def divination! everybody kind of hates on divination for being a class that people only take when they have a free hour and nobody really takes it seriously, but I love the atmosphere so much and it feels like the kindest part of the castle when I am in my Advanced Div. 1 class. because I am in the advanced class (which prepares for OWLs), everyone there genuinely wants to be there and I am obsessed with the teacher student ratio of that class. there are probably less than ten students taking advanced divination and we all know each other so well and so far it has ended with us practicing techniques on each other or just filling in professor Trelawny on what is happening throughout the castle. sometimes in a class that small it just ends up being a bunch of divination nerds gathered around a table with the professor reading tarot or something ! it is my little safe haven in a castle so obsessed with intense schedules and such
6. And the opposite - What are some classes that you didn’t end up liking?
in my uni-structured Hogwarts, you can stop taking certain basics classes after your third year, so DADA was OUT. i never really liked that class because I remember always thinking that the environment was super energetic and one of my friends (??) El was kind of my academic rival in that class and that mf never left me alone. i am definitely built for more personalized classes and that is okay! Hogwarts has something for everyone once you pass the basics! also, FUCK HOME STUDY CLASS. i signed up for that class because it was supposed to be a general home economics class that teaches basic spells for around the house (like cooking, cleaning, sewing, etc) but the professor is an absolute NIGHTMARE and she reminds me of rita skeeter somehow?? also, Fred and George took that class as a joke (seriously, nobody has any idea why they took it), and now it is just constant bickering between professor and students. every time I've stepped into that classroom this week, I've wondered, "how are the boys going to harass professor reen today??"
7. Is it strange to be in Hogwarts if you grew up watching the movies? Id imagine it to be a bit surreal
it is so unbelievably surreal. my first night at hogwarts, I hardly got any sleep because I was so overwhelmed with excitement (and I say that so sincerely). all I wanted to do was run around the castle at night and talk to my roommates for hours and I couldn't wait for breakfast because everything felt so amazing. I have been shifting for a couple of years, but Hogwarts was always the place I had been waiting to go to and I wanted it to be special and when I finally was there and I was running my hand on the castle stone behind my bed it all hit me. my entire childhood felt complete. I wasn't worried about anything anymore, and I couldn't believe that I finally made it to the place i'd considered as "home" almost my whole life. in addition, hogwarts no longer felt like something I had only seen on a screen. when I shifted back a day ago, I went on pinterest and saw some photos of the dorms and the great hall and it felt so strange? kind of like if you saw a photo online of a place you've been to in your daily life, and you knew the way around even if the photo didn't show every detail? there was a new awareness of having lived in these places, and I had memories attached to simple things like a photo of the Great Hall from the movies!
8. Have you made any friends in school that aren’t mentioned in the books or movies? Talk a bit about them
if you've seen any of my previous posts, I talk about my little group of friends that live in Ottery St. Catchpole (and some of them don't exist in canon)! one of my closest friends is a girl named June Smithey, and she is a slytherin in my year. we both take advanced div. together and she is so sweet!! her twin brother is El, but he doesn't seem to like me very much and is always competing with me for NO REASON. he always has to hang around us though bc he is Cedric's best friend and sometimes Ced and I are attached at the hip. another best friend of mine is a girl named Vanessa Nacky, and she is a sixth year prefect. everyone calls her Nessa, and she is such a mum figure to all of the younger students and she is so liked by everyone in every house! she is dating Oliver Wood and they are so insanely good for each other I CAN'T THINK OF A BETTER COUPLE TRUST ME
9. How long does the Hogwarts express take? If it takes very long - apart from talking to friends, what things do students usually do to occupy their time on the train? Are there different types of games in the wizarding world or popular magazines among witches/wizards?
the Hogwarts express usually takes 7-8 hours! apart from talking, some of my friends and I read the old issues of the Hogwarts newspaper (called the Hogwarts Legacy) and we speculated about what the next year would entail. there is also the diner-areas where they serve small lunch-like snacks (unlike constant candy from the trolley) and different drinks! also, in the movies they made it seem like students could only stay in their compartment the whole time, but that is not how it was like during my journey. people constantly got up to go visit with other friends and see each other after summer, so talking never really got boring! people also compare collected cards (which is a big thing in the wizarding world) and there is even a couple of chess tables in one of the train cars. other than that, reading and sleeping are very popular, as the first day of term is always a very late night and sometimes people just need a little quiet time!
10. What is it like sharing a dorm? Who are you sharing a dorm with and do you like your dorm mates?
thankfully, I went into my DR already being best friends with my dormmates, so each night really felt like an organized sleepover! we each have our own little alcoves where we can keep our stuff and our beds, so I never really felt overwhelmed being in a busy dorm. I share a dorm with Angelina Johnson, Alicia Spinnet, Iris Fawcett, and Fay Dunbar! I am thankful that most of these lovely girls are on the quidditch team with me, so we really are very close and we spend many nights talking from our beds when we should be asleep :') the whole situation did turn out very well for me, though, as some people in Hogwarts do not like their dormmates very much and are stuck wishing they can become a prefect to get their own dorm. (cough, percy and oliver wood)
11. What is quidditch like? Do you like it or have you decided it’s not for you?
I am OBSESSED with quidditch. in my desired reality, the quidditch season hasn't started yet, but I scripted that I was going to become seeker and I am so unbelievable excited! back at the burrow, we played many small games in the back field, and even though I scripted I would be great at the sport, I genuinely enjoy trying to learn new tricks and improve my ability in other positions (i will never be a good beater I swear 😔). quidditch is such a ceremonial experience for students at Hogwarts.. and there is really no escaping it!! I grew up fascinated by the whole strange concept and rules in this reality, and even if you think the whole idea is stupid the crazy crowd will definitely make up for it bc we all band together for quidditch!!
also, if you choose to get involved in the different leagues and tournaments, there is truly so much content and magazines that are released weekly YOULL NEVER GET BORED! quidditch is such a culture in the wizarding world, and it is comparable to muggle sports leagues and all of the devoted fans that sit down weekly to watch. at the burrow, when the league games are broadcasted on the WWN, we crowd around the radio in the kitchen and sometimes even have dinner while the game is playing if it goes late! and don't even get me started on the WORLD league...
12. Is there anything in the wizarding world that surprised you?
the amount of errands the average wizarding family goes on! to the average movie watcher, it feels like during the summer the students all go home and then the only places the parents go are the Ministry. this was far from the truth for me! at the burrow, mum (Molly) would let me take the floo-network to Diagon Alley whenever I needed to get my film developed, and sometimes she would let some of us go in groups to get supplies / materials for crafts we are doing etc! also, there is another common wizarding market in Birnam that many people go to for fresh produce and lots of cooking things. Molly goes pretty frequently, and when I went once over the summer, I saw people from school there and it is kind of a small hangout spot for wizarding families. another common place to go is Prelly's, which is in the heart of diagon alley and everyone AND THEIR MOTHER has been to Prelly's. it is comparable to a grocery store, except everything is marketed magically and it is so chaotic in there all of the time. that store is so cherished in the wizarding world, I don't think i've ever been to a magical household that doesn't have something from Prelly's. I was so surprised to learn that even wizards had places to shop for groceries 😭
13. What is your favourite place to spend time in Hogwarts/Hogsmeade? Do you have a secret place where you and your friends hang out?
I haven't gotten to explore Hogsmeade that much yet, but inside of Hogwarts there is a small inter-house common room that is called the Selkie Commons. it is located near the main Viaduct and it overlooks the lake through big windows in the stone. it gets its name from the series of stained glass dividers that show pictures of yellow selkies as you enter the room! this place isn't very secret, though, as many people come here to study and sometimes it can even get kind of loud late after dinner. however, this place is technically considered a Study Hall, so it closes at 10:30 and we are limited to hanging out inside of our common rooms :,)
other than that... the art wing. there are certain classes offered for magical art, and a lot of my friends also dabble in those classes because they are such a nice break and the evironment is truly amazing! there is a main studio space, so sometimes we sit in there after school hours, but there is also a little gallery hall that is filled with art books and student works over the years, and sometimes it is fun to sit in there and talk with the portraits and experience the art that students have made years before me. nobody really goes in this specific gallery hall, so we can usually hang out in there late at night until it closes!
15. What are some things in your DR that you couldn’t live without?
my "endless quill"! when we went to diagon alley to shop for school supplies, I used a good portion of my personal money to buy that quill, as it was a newer model that was becoming more popular among students. I didn't know how useful it would be until I actually started using it day-to-day in class! at hogwarts, we are allowed to use pencils and sometimes pens on little notes, but for assignments it is strictly quill and ink and I HATE redipping my quill every couple of lines. I think it is so genius and I am so glad I saved up for it bc it is SO WORTH IT. if you have experience shifting to hogwarts and writing with normal quills, you might feel my pain ‼️
another fun thing is my shared journal! my friend Iris enchanted these journals that can be written in and seen by each other, kind of like Tom Riddle's diary but for multiple people. whenever my main friends and I are separated in the castle or in vastly different classes, sometimes we will leave little notes for each other and then they will all see it the next time they open the journal. we have useless conversations with our friends in different houses in the middle of the night, and it is like our little wizarding form of texting. IT IS MY FAVORITE!!
16. Does butterbeer taste as bad as it does here? (I tried it a couple years ago on the Harry Potter tour in England and it was so gross)
i'm probably so biased (as I LOVE the taste of butterbeer here), but I can say that it does taste slightly different than what it does at the Harry Potter theme park when I went. the cream soda base mixed with the butterscotch topping is definitely an aquired taste, but in my DR it is not as fizzy and it has more buttery undertones? I definitely agree that the fizzy soda they use in this reality is a little jarring, but when I tried it in my desired reality it just warmed my body and left me so comfortable?? I am such a fan, and I have spent so many nights in this reality trying to replicate the recipe bc IT IS SO GOOD. so far, i've found that adding butter extract really helps! i'm a butterbeer defender till the day i die ‼️
17. Spill some drama about random students. Like who cheated on who, what student is a little bitch etc. lol
oh my fcking god I have so much I could say?? I never anticipated talking all about the "random" students, but i am finding that spilling drama about some of these idiots is so enjoyable and if anyone wants more posts abt this I CAN DELIVER ‼️
to begin, I think we should talk about a seventh year slytherin man named Matteo Pearce. he has lots of family in italy and he was doing school years at some fancy italian wizarding school, and he recently just came back to hogwarts this year?? BAD CHOICE. for some reason, the ENTIRE student body is obsessed with him and he always goes around saying seductive shit in italian and i hear the older gryffindor girls giggling about it all the time in the common room. BUT THAT'S NOT ALL—— before he left, he was dating a gryffindor named Poppy (Matthews, i think?) and they kind of had a bad end to their relationship when they moved. so poppy went all GIRLBOSS and became Head Girl, and now all of her "friends" in her dorm hate her bc she has been ignoring Matteo even though he CLEARLY fancies her still. so, on the SECOND week of school, Poppy decided that she would speak to him again and get on good terms, but when she found them he was snogging a DIFFERENT gryffindor girl (and one of poppy's "friends"). the other girl was named Holly Lauren, but when we found out it was her, none of us were surprised bc Holly is always starting things and we could've guessed it was her. I always think it is so funny bc in Fred's second year of school he was actually trying to be friends with Holly (he had a little puppy crush) and every time that girl does something irresponsible I remind Fred of the bullet he dodged ‼️
also, Louisa Bones has a huge crush on Cedric, and she tells EVERYONE but Ced actually likes her roommate Mia Edwards more and won't stop talking about her. which sucked for me to hear bc I was trying to make Cedric my man but whatever 😔
18. Is there any holiday traditions that Hogwarts has?
I haven't been there long enough to experience a lot of the well known holidays, but during the equinox we have a Mabon feast! this is one of the main times during the year that the classic Hogwarts apple pies are made, and the Cooking Club always has sm fun with it!! as for christmas/yule season, in my desired reality there are yearly Yule Balls that occur during Yule, and there is always a giant party for older students that is had and it is tradition for people to try and stay up all night and then sleep on the train that goes home for holiday. kind of like a giant all night celebration before heading home to family!
I am also so so excited for the Halloween feast because we get the day off and a lot of the students carve the pumpkins that are displayed around the castle / in the Great Hall. also, the newspaper ( the Hogwarts Legacy) always makes a giant Halloween edition and from what I've heard it is pretty amazing (and has a lot of secret sections!)
19. Have you been to any of the other Wizarding schools and what are they like? Have you met any of the students?
I will come back and semi-answer this question when we have the Triwizard in a couple of years! I do want to make a Beauxbatons transfer student DR though, just to practice my mediocre french ‼️
(( I covered question 20 already!))
21. Favorite spell to do in your DR?
this is so basic, but definitely Accio. I never knew how much I would love a spell until I got to use accio for the first time! I don't usually use it for grand things though, and it usually occurs when I am getting ready in the morning and I have something across the room. but it is random all of the time and I think it is making me lazy but oh well!! my non verbal / wandless use of accio is also improving tremendously, but that is something that usually comes innately with sirens! IM LEARNING!!
22. If you’re related to someone in the books or movies - what are they like?
being related to the Weasleys is one of the best choices I have made in ANY desired reality. at first I was worried that I wouldn't fit in in some way, but when I first shifted and Ginny came running into my room with the newest Seeker Weekly and I got to experience the dynamic play out, I knew that these lovely people would impact my life in more ways than I could imagine. For starters, having Molly as a mum is like having another best friend. she is always there to recieve my letters, and she is also there for each of her children when they write. sometimes we wonder if all she does is write to us, because we each get personalized letters and she genuinely enjoys hearing about what happens in our lives. Arthur is the most uniquely supportive of dads. he may be gone most of the day at the Ministry, but he always takes time to pick up things that he thinks we would like so we can fix them together in his workshop. the older siblings are hardly around, but they do write and Charlie and I have surprisingly kept in touch! (mostly because of my magical creatures class HE LOVES that someone else is interested in it). Percy is quite similar to how he is in canon, but when he is genuinely happy it is so contagious to be around. recently, he confessed to dating Penelope Clearwater, and we got to have her over for dinner. certain people bring out the best in him! the twins are as expected! since we all have birthdays in april of the same year, we were inseperable throughout childhood. something I love is how involved I am in the creation of their little business! they get so passionate about the things they care for, and I think other students assume they don't care, but that is far from the truth! the weasleys are so family oriented and we take family dinner and talking about our days very seriously! they all have hearts of gold and the compassion of that family is so admirable <3
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if you've read this far, thank you so much for sticking around and letting me explain this life of mine that I hold so close!
as I was writing this, I only realized how little I actually covered and how much I could talk about my DR. I still can't believe that I have finally shifted to Hogwarts??
happy shifting everyone!
tonight is your night!
— 𝐝𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐧𝐞
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vivwritesfics · 1 month
Hungry Like The Wolf
Chapter Fourteen
She hadn't seen her best friend, Lando, in years. She didn't run into him the last time she was visiting her father and she doubted she'd see him this time. Things were different now. She wasn't aware of his furry little problem. Just like she wasn't aware of the vampires plaguing the town.
Vampire!Oscar x Reader x Werewolf!Lando
Series Masterlist
Dedicated to @faithshouseofchaos
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Lando disappeared out of her house that night. He didn't care about getting caught as he ran down her stairs and leapt through her window.
The shattering glass had her entire family waking up, but Lando didn't care as he chased the unfamiliar scent. NOT SAFE! NOT SAFE! NOT SAFE! His mind screamed at him as his paws hit the ground.
Before Toto could leap out of bed and discover what all of the commotion was, Lando had disappeared into the woods, chasing after the unfamiliar wolf. He was going to do anything to keep her safe.
As soon as Lando had disappeared into the woods, she had her phone up to her ear. Panic had her heart thudding in her chest as she waited for the phone to be answered. He wasn't quick about it, either. She couldn't understand why it was taking so long for him to pick up, why he wasn't answering the phone immediately.
"Hi," Oscar said, voice groggy like he'd just woken up. But that didn't make sense, since Vampires didn't sleep.
But she didn't have time to unpack that. "Oscar, he's gone," she said quickly, her gaze fixed on the woods. It was almost like he'd reappear if she looked hard enough. "He was in my house and then he just ran off! I don't know what to do and I'm panicking!"
"Okay, okay, I'm on my way." He didn't say goodbye, but she knew it would only be a matter of minutes before he was there. A matter of minutes for him to get across town and into her house.
A knock at her door had her jumping. Before she had a chance to open it, her father was striding into her room, eyes wide with panic. "Are you okay?" He asked quickly, looking around for any sign of an intruder.
"Dad, I'm fine," she replied and slipped her phone into her pocket. She glanced back towards the woods before returning her gaze to her father. "I asked Oscar if he could come over. Is that okay?"
"More than okay," Toto said as he released a breath. His family was okay, and that was all that mattered.
It was moments later when the door bell rang. She stepped around her father and rushed down the stairs to pull open the door. There stood Oscar, chest heaving as he stared down at her. "Are you okay?" He asked as he stepped into the house and wrapped his arms around her.
"I'm fine, Oscar," she said quickly. She looked past him, but she could see nothing. No sign of Lando. "But he just ran off. He went through the window and disappeared!"
But Oscar looked past her. "Mr Wolff," he said as his fingers moved through her hair. "Have you guys got anything you can board the window up with? I can help."
Toto looked around. "We'll find somewhere to stay for the night," he said, his arms around his family. "Do you think you and that other boy can come by tomorrow and help me fix it?"
"Of course, Mr Wolff," Oscar replied. His arm was still around her and he walked her past them and up the stairs. Toto looked at him, but his expression was more grateful than anything else. Grateful that her daughter had found someone so caring.
Oscar got her into her bedroom. He sat on the bed as she began packing an overnight bag. "What way did he go?" Oscar asked as he looked out of her window.
"The woods," she said as she shoved a pair of jeans into a bag. "Osc, he jumped through the fucking window! What if he's hurt?"
"Relax, sweetheart" said Oscar as he stood up. "I'll find him, okay? I'll make sure he's okay and bring him home, okay?"
"Okay," she said and wrapped her arms around him. "You be careful too, yeah?"
"I will," he reassured her and kissed the top of her head.
Oscar disappeared out of her window. He pulled it open and jumped out, landing like a gymnast (get it?) before he disappeared into the woods.
Oscar wasn't a gifted tracker. It was usually Logan who did the tracking out of the vampires. But calling him to help track down Logan was suicide, especially under the light of the full moon.
There were so many scents to pick up, it was hard to sort through them all to find Lando's. But it was there, leading him in the direction of the Pack house, or leading him further into the woods. The one further into the woods was the freshest, so that was the one Oscar followed.
He moved swiftly and listened carefully. The wolves were too far away for him to be able to hear them, but he was still careful. There was no telling what they'd do if they found him, not with the full moon affecting them.
The scents of the woods and a new scent were distracting, but Oscar kept on. He was getting closer to the edge of town, and more smells were filling his nose. It was headache inducing and he just wanted to stop. Shut it all out and stop.
But Lando was close, he could tell.
And there he was, at the edge of the woods. A road separated them and the next town over and Lando was just staring. He was on two feet, body naked and chest heaving.
"Lando," Oscar called as he approached. He pulled his hoodie over his head and held it out towards him.
Lando's eyes were yellow as he stared at him. His teeth were still sharp, not all the way transformed back into a human. "Lan," Oscar whispered. He held his hand out, tried to grab a hold of him, but Lando was still.
Oscar stepped closer. Close enough to grab his hand. Lando didn't move as Oscar's hand closed around his own. "Come back to me, Lan."
As if hearing him for the first time, Lando sucked in a deep breath and squeezed his eyes shut. When he opened them again, they had returned to their usual pretty colour. "It was another wolf," he said as he stared across the road. He didn't care for the cars zooming past, but stepped back when Oscar pulled him back. "Smells like a pack."
"Tell me what happened," Oscar said gently. He took the hoodie from Lando's hands and pulled it over Lando's head, helping him to get dressed into it.
Lando kept the hood on his head, almost as if he was trying to hide himself. "He was by her house, just watching. What if a new pack encroaches on our territory? And why was he waiting by her house?"
Oscar's hand was gentle as he placed it on Lando's back. "It's okay," he said, much like what he had said to her in her bedroom. "We'll talk to Mark and the Pack and see what we can do."
Lando gave a nod. At the slight pressure Oscar placed on his back, he started forward. "Do you know you jumped through her window?" Oscar asked him with a slight laugh.
Lando's eyes went wide. "I did?" He asked.
"Yeah." Oscar laughed slightly. "We're helping Mr Wolff to board it up tomorrow."
Lando looked at him. "Is she okay?" He asked, voice quieter than Oscar had ever heard it before.
"She's okay," Oscar confirmed.
Good. That was all that mattered.
Permanent Taglist: @biancathecool
Series Taglist (CLOSED): @cmleitora
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perseephoneee · 11 months
Can you do a isaac lahey imagine where the reader us on her period and freaks out and doesn't know what to do so lydia tells him what to do
hehe yes omg
period talk (isaac lahey x f!reader)
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warnings: fluff, period talk, dumb boy
a/n: try the drink mentioned if you want to imagine running through hogwarts on a winter day.
↳ masterlist ↳  want to be shipped with a fic character?
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Isaac wouldn't admit it, but he loved the cold weather. He liked when the winter season would hit, and holidays were a topic of conversation. Holidays were the only time his Dad treated him like he was actually proud of him, and despite that fucked up relationship, Isaac couldn't help but romanticize the season. It's why, when Beacon Hills hit a new low for the weather, he was excited to see you at school. Perhaps he could even convince you to skip class and get hot coco with him.
Unfortunately for him, your period had started therefore your mood was sour. The cold just added to your discomfort, and you basically hissed at him when he came by your locker.
"Woah, what did I do?" Isaac recoiled, a nervous laugh on his lips. You took a deep breath before turning and facing him.
"Nothing, you did nothing," you sighed. "I'm just...not doing great."
"Whats wrong?" Isaac inquired, brows furrowed and concern evident on his face. You loved your cute werewolf boyfriend, and while he was very helpful, he probably couldn't do much for you right now.
"I'm on my period," you admitted with a twinge of shame. Talking about these things was never fun, even to someone you trusted. A blush coated Isaac's cheeks as he processed what you said.
"Should I, uh, do something?" Isaac stammered, hands in his pockets.
"Just be you, I'm a big girl and can handle myself," you chuckled, lightly slapping his arm as you closed your locker and started in the direction of class. Isaac stood in the hallway a moment longer, before deducing a game plan and targeting the area of the school he knew the familiar red head would be. She was typing on her phone when he ran up beside her, backpack slung lazily over his shoulder.
"I need your help," Isaac said hurridly, earning a squeak of surprise form Lydia. She set two angry eyes at him, and he resisted the urge to run away. Women did not like him much today.
"Stop sneaking up on me like that," Lydia rolled her eyes, putting her phone in her purse. "What is it?"
"Y/N is on her period, and I want to help, but I don't know what to do, and you're a girl and you're smart so I thought you'd have some ideas?" Isaac rushed, lips pressed in a thin line as Lydia cocked a brow at him.
"Why do you have to make everything so dramatic?" Lydia huffed, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Isaac sent her a look though that showed that he wasn't going to figure anything out, anytime soon. "Look, unless she asks for products, don't bother trying to buy her them-- you'll likely get the wrong ones anyway. Get her her favorite warm drink, a heating pad, blanket, maybe an activity or something calming."
"Drink, heating pad, blanket, activity, got it," Isaac listed out everything, brows scrunched together in concentration. "Anything else?"
"Yeah, during this time, she's always right. Even if you think she isn't, just agree that you're wrong and she's right. Otherwise, she'll claw your eyes out," Lydia crossed her arms, daring Isaac to challenge her. He stayed quiet though, and she loosened up her stance. "I have to go, have fun, don't get killed."
Isaac was never that great at social cues, but he really liked you, and that was enough. Ignoring the uncomfortable feeling taking pit in his stomach, he skipped out on school to go get the necessary things Lydia listed. Starting off with a butterbeer chai, a concoction you created (two pumps caramel, two pumps toffee, caramel drizzle, and chai); going to CVS for a heating pad and a blanket; then finally the bookstore down the street where he found a book you wanted (after searching through his phone for fifteen minutes trying to find the text where you mentioned wanting a new release). By the time he had finished his grand adventure, school was out and he would be able to surprise you.
You were having a crappy day with a side of more absolute garbage, so you were very pleasantly surprised when your golden hair boyfriend comes bounding up the street as you exit the school building.
"Woah, where's the fire?" you chuckle. You finally take notice of the bags he's carrying, as well as the drink.
"These are for you," Isaac stutters, passing you the drink. You peer in the bag and can't hide the grin on your face as you take in the plethora of supplies he got. "I know you weren't doing well, and I felt bad, so I got some stuff."
"Isaac, you are the sweetest puppy of a boyfriend a girl could ask for," you smile, wanting nothing more than to pick him up and twirl him around (he is too tall, you are too small). "How did you know what to get?"
"I asked Lydia," he mumbles, staring at his feet. You fight back a chuckle.
"Probably the smartest thing you could've done."
"That was my thought process as well," he chimes, scratching the back of his neck and shooting you a grin. You lean up, kissing him on the corner of his mouth and looping his arm through yours.
"C'mon, lets go hide from the cold together and I'll bitch to you about life," you chime, the cold dusting yours and Isaac's cheeks in shades of pink.
"Sounds perfect, just like you," Isaac smiles, kissing the top of your head as you walk off back home.
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Kitten surprising Min with her old school uniform and a lil role play. His mind is racing from the skirt and the memories and he can like touch her how he always imagined her
you're so absolutely right, kiwi. this was a humongous brain moment.
i've had this ask in my inbox since mid-august bc i just had to write something I HAD TO since it stirred something within me. thankfully, i recently figured out how i wanted to go about this, and finally got to writing it💜
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Pairing: Werewolf!Minho x Human!F.Reader (one of the main pairings of my WereRoomies series, but you probably don’t really need to read any of the other instalments to understand this one, although it's highly recommended!). | Word Count: ~3k | Themes & Warnings: Supernatural/Fantasy AU · Smut · Fluff · Established Relationship · role-playing as high schoolers (disclaimer: they’re both consenting adults fulfilling fantasies of their past, neither are genuinely attracted to minors in any way) · nipple play · unprotected penetration [piv. no barrier method, but reader is on birth control] · a smidge of a breeding kink · cumshot · barely proof-read as it usually is with these “drabbles”...
minors do not interact.
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Oh, how sweet you sounded when you said his name like that… It was just how he’d dreamt it’d be. He’d heard you before, of course. But not in this situation, in this particular setting…
“My dad could be home anytime now–Oh, shit…” Your words got caught in your throat the second he bit one of your nipples. How could he not, when you were on his lap, with your uniform shirt open, and your bra just down enough for him to play with your chest.
“Shh, it’ll be fine, kitten”, Minho mumbled against the swell of your breast, leaving a love bite that he hoped would be visible when you wore one of your low tops. “If he were to come home, you know he doesn’t bother us when we’re doing our homework…”
You whined as soon as his mouth reattached to your nipple, as he gently rolled the other between his thumb and index finger… Your hands buried in his hair, keeping him close while you rolled your hips to find some friction against his crotch. The pressure had his mouth salivating further, borderline drooling all over your nipple like the dog he’d recently become.
Or, at least, in this fantasy, he had probably been turned a few years prior…
When you and Minho had come to your father’s house today to help him clean up some of your old stuff from your childhood room, Minho certainly hadn’t expected for the afternoon to take him right here. To him sitting on the edge of your bed, dressed in his school uniform, with you sitting on his lap, and dressed in your school uniform.
It had been such an impromptu thing… You found the pieces of clothing at the bottom of your dresser, forgotten from the last time you wore them in your final year. Back then, you always kept a spare change of Minho’s uniform for those nights when he unexpectedly stayed over.
‘Ohhhh, you should put it on. I used to love how the uniform looked on you’, you’d told him as you handed him the dress shirt with the school’s logo on it, and the white vest top he used to wear under it.
‘Alright, but only if you put on yours. The whole thing. I also loved how you looked in that uniform’, he’d told you immediately, because it was the truth. That plaid skirt and the white button-up used to make stellar appearances in his teenage-hormones-driven wet dreams. 
He used to feel embarrassed about it. You were his best friend in this world, and the fact that he found himself daydreaming of how it’d look like if he took a peek under your skirt, or how it’d feel if he buried his face in your cleavage, certainly made him feel guilty.
Now, as an adult well into his twenties, after you both shared your affections, he no longer felt as guilty about it. Especially after learning that you yourself had those thoughts about him back then, too.
When you put on that uniform shy of fifteen minutes ago, Minho was reminded of all those thoughts he used to have, of all the sleepless nights and hidden chubs at school… It hit him then that maybe this was exactly why he loved seeing you in skirts so much in present day. A result of his teenage-self’s never fulfilled desires.
Sure, he couldn’t button his shirt since his shoulders and arms had broadened with age, and your skirt was certainly much shorter than it used to be, but that didn’t stop either of you from falling into your roles.
‘Mmm… It’s almost like we have just come back from school and are getting ready to get some work done’, you chuckled as you looked at yourself in the mirror and adjusted your thigh high socks.
That sentence alone lit up the bulb in his head, it sparked a naughty little idea that he knew you’d either entertain or laugh about. Either result was fine by him, so he had no qualms when he walked behind you, and looked at you through the mirror.
Calling your name as he placed his hands on your waist, Minho had asked you to turn around to face him. ‘There’s… there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you for so long… Please don’t be mad…’
Minho feigned nervousness, like he was once again that boy that had seemingly unrequited feelings for his best friend.
‘I really, really like you… Can’t stop thinking about you. How’d it be like to kiss you, to feel you close in ways other than platonic. You’re my best friend, and I cherish that deeply, but I just… I like you so much’, funny thing, how those were pretty much the same words he’d wanted to say to you back then. Words he had practised in front of the mirror a few times, but he was always too much of a coward to actually tell you.
You looked at him in what Minho figured was feigned shock. Oh, how he loved you… You just knew him so well, and knew exactly what he was doing without saying a single word. ‘I… I like you, too. Have liked you for so long, Minho…’
Minho had cupped your cheeks and pulled you in for a kiss. He kissed you as if he’d never done it before, desperately, hungrily, no time for being tender and soft when all he’d wanted was to devour you whole. And you had retaliated, of course. You’d pulled him close by the collar of his shirt and pressed your chest to his, kissing him with fervour.
‘Even if I’m… If I’m now…’ A beast, was what he wanted to say as he spoke between kisses. Minho had maybe fallen a little too well into this role of his younger self. He could still remember how insecure he used to be about his condition, how he looked down on himself after being infected with this goddamn lycanthropy… Those were feelings that no longer existed within him, he had now long since accepted this was part of him. If anything, with time, he’d embraced it. 
‘I’d like you even if… Even if you were a worm’, you replied simply, making him giggle, which in turn made you giggle.
Minho scooped you into his arms after that, and he walked the remaining steps to your childhood bed so he could sit on it with you on his lap. In no time, he was groping you over your shirt, under your skirt, and you had started to beg for him to touch you more.
His instincts were stunted, you knew that, he knew that, but that didn’t mean he didn’t have this animal side to him. Sometimes, especially when he was horny, that animalistic side of him took over his logical mind, and, back when he was a teen, he could recall having a harder time with certain feelings and emotions like these. So, he let them cloud his reason a bit as he fulfilled this little fantasy of his…
Minho ripped your shirt open, the buttons flew all over your room, and you gasped when he buried his head between your breasts. The thing was also a bit too tight on you, so he was sure you wouldn’t miss the garment if it got ripped a bit in the process.
You scrambled to take a hold of his hands, bringing them to your chest so he could fondle you over your bra, once again begging him to touch you. To ‘Please, please, Minho, touch me. I need it. I need you…’
And he was sure his cock was about to pop out of his jeans with how hard it got at your desperation.
So here you were, grinding into each other, on your childhood bed while Minho feasted on your tits.
“Fuck, that feels so good, baby. Harder. Do it harder…” 
How could he deny you when you sounded so needy? When he’d wanted to do this for so long? 
He bit harder, pinched harder, pulling strangled sounds of pleasure out of your lips. The more attention he gave to your chest, the more you rolled your hips against him, effectively pulling sounds of pleasure out of his lips.
His senses were flooded by you. The smell of your arousal on your lavender scent, your weight of him, the taste of your skin on his tongue, all combined had him almost delirious, especially when his free hand found its way under that godforsaken skirt of yours to tightly grope one of your buttocks.
“Baby, I think I’m… I might…”
Fuck, if you came just from him playing with your chest and you grinding your cunt on the tent in his jeans, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to contain himself. Although, he supposed coming in his underwear would’ve been a very accurate representation of what would’ve happened if his teenage self had ever had the opportunity to have you on him like this…
Minho couldn’t help but groan when you tightened your grip on his hair, when you started to roll your hips faster, harder… God, all he wanted right now was for the girl of his dreams to come, he needed to feel you trembling in his hold, to drown in your scent so he could convince himself this was happening.
Seeing you come, holding you tight while you did, was just absolutely delightful. You bit on your fist to keep your moans contained, while your whole body shook with your release.
Minho had to make the conscious effort not to blow right then and there. He was sure that if this had happened back when you were still that young, he would’ve certainly done so. He imagined that this would’ve probably been your first sexual experience together, that you’d laugh about how he soiled his underwear and how needy you’d been, before you laid down and cuddled for a bit…
Maybe you would’ve had sex a different time, on a different day where you were sure your dad wouldn’t come back home… But this wasn’t about being fully realistic, this was about having fun while fulfilling a shared fantasy.
“Fuck, Minho, baby, stop… I’m sore…”
Minho finally pulled himself away from your chest, mumbling a very unconvincing ‘Sorry’ before he attached his lips to the pulse point on your neck, relishing how fast your blood was pumping in your veins.
“You’re so fucking hot, my kitten. I’ve been dreaming of this moment, y’know?” He mumbled in your ear, taking one of your breasts in his hand to fondle the flesh, with special care to not stimulate your nipple too much.
“Me too, baby…” You were still trembling occasionally within his arms, taking deep breaths to get your racing heart to slow down inside your chest. “I’ve wanted this so bad… Even… Even touched myself thinking about it”.
“Mmm, fuck…” Minho started sucking love bites on your neck, following this faint need in his gut to leave his mark on you. “Have you?”
“I have… Sometimes, I did it while we slept in the same room”.
Minho wasn’t sure if this was you playing your fantasy, or if this was a real thing that happened, but, being honest, it didn’t matter. It made his mind disconnect completely as soon as the words came out of your mouth regardless.
Before he could even register it himself, he had stood up and thrown you on the bed, eliciting a shaky, surprised gasp from your lips. In a second, he was on you, kissing you hard, messily, even desperately. Your limbs wrapped around him, your arms around his neck, and your legs around his middle, bringing him further down to lay flush against you in your heated kiss.
He was dizzy, lightheaded, and for a second, he almost believed he was in the past, that he was making out with you on your bed after school, that he was about to lose his virginity to his best friend.
“Fuck, I need to put it in…” Minho barely detached his lips from yours while he spoke, just kept messily kissing you between words as he ground his hips to your core. “Please, please let me put it in… Need you…”
“We–we need a condom, Min”, your hands found their way under his top, where they settled to caress his back, making him shiver. “I don’t have any here”.
“Fuck, I don’t have any, either”, Minho left your lips to instead attach his own to your collarbones, to nibble on the sensitive skin, making you whine. “I’ll pull out. I got quick reflexes, it’ll be fine, please…”
He certainly was playing into this horny-teenage-boy thing all too well. Although, he was sure his younger self wouldn’t have been this stupid to believe just ‘pulling out’ would be an effective contraceptive, and surely neither would you. After all, back then, your dad made sure you both knew about being safe, which Minho was grateful for to this day. 
Regardless, the very real implant you had in your arm made it so he could play like this, so you both could play like this.
“Shit, you’ll pull out?” Your hands trembled when they found his backside and squeezed him. “You would, wouldn’t you?”
“Promise, kitten. Cross my heart”.
One of your hands left his bum to move to his crotch, where you cupped and squeezed him and overall felt him over the fabric of his jeans. He couldn’t help but buck his hips to let you feel as much as you could of him. “Fuck, okay. But Min… I’m not sure this will fit…”
“It will. I’m sure it will. It has to. You trust me, no?”
With a deep breath, biting your lip, you nodded. “Trust you with my life”. 
When Minho pulled himself away from your hold, he just had to tell you how fucking gorgeous you looked with your hair all messy, your tits out, your ripped shirt, and that fucking skirt… The hem pooled on your belly, exposing your underwear and the mouth-watering wet-patch on them.
God, he wanted a taste… But there wasn’t enough time for that right now.
Minho hastily unbuttoned his jeans, pulling them and his underwear down just enough to free his length. You swore under your breath, taking him into your hand and spreading the pre-cum that had beaded at the tip so you could easily stroke him. 
“Baby, please…” You guided him to your core. With your free hand, you pulled your underwear to the side, and dragged the tip of his cock all over your folds. “Need it. Need you, Minho…”
One day you’d be the death of him, he was sure. 
Under normal circumstances, Minho would’ve stretched you open with his fingers, he would’ve made sure you were absolutely ready to take that annoyingly big alpha cock of his. But he figured skipping the step would be a bit more… in character.
“Oh, fuck, fuck…” Minho pushed himself into your heat slowly, letting your walls adjust to his length with what he hoped wasn’t much discomfort. He knew that if there had been any, you would’ve said the word that would immediately stop everything you were doing. “That’s so fucking tight…”
You whined, not necessarily in discomfort, but in that way that made him know you were feeling impatient. Wrapping your legs around his hips, you tried to push on his backside to get him to get in already. “Please, I need it all. Now”.
“Shit–!” As soon as Minho bottomed out and had propped himself on his forearms, you took a hold of his hair and pulled him down for a messy kiss.
There was just so much spit. Everything was so sloppy and messy and he was honestly enjoying it way more than he ever thought he would.
“Fuck, you’re so hard… Can’t believe you fit”, you mumbled breathlessly against his lips, releasing his hair to place your hands on his back.
“Didn’t doubt–Shit, if you keep clenching like that I’ll come, kitten… Didn’t doubt I’d fit right in. Isn’t this cunt for me? Hm? Hasn’t it always been?” Minho didn’t even give you time to respond, he just started to thrust, a borderline animalistic pace that had you biting on his shoulder to muffle your moans.
There was nothing but heavy breaths and desperate groans and whines and moans… Nothing but the sound of skin slapping against skin and the headboard hitting the wall and your nails sinking on his clothed back…
Minho vaguely realised he was growling with each thrust. Like an animal. He was making all these sounds like the animal he was. And every time he did, your body just immediately reacted. Either by clawing at his back, or biting harder on his shoulder, or clamping hard around his length…
It was honestly driving him crazy. It reminded him that, ultimately, you accepted him, that you loved him just as he was. What an odd, but pleasant reflexion to make when you both were fucking, and pretending to be your teenage selves at that.
“It–It is”, you meekly mumbled after a while, and Minho, a bit puzzled, pulled himself away from your neck to look you in the eyes. “It’s yours. Has always been. I’ve always been”.
Minho swore loudly, throwing his head back once your words registered properly in his hazy mind. Your cunt was his, you were his. You’ve always been…
That reassurance, coupled with the vice grip of your walls, got him so incredibly close…
“Fuck, kitten, gonna come. Need to–need to pull out”, Minho was panting, drunk on the pleasure he was feeling and the fog clouding his reason.
Your legs tightened around his frame, keeping him as close as you could while he kept thrusting into you. “What if–What if you don’t?”
“Oh, God… Don’t say that…”
“Why? What if I want your puppies? Hm?”
He was going to die. Minho was sure he was seeing the gates of heaven open up right in front of him.
“C–can’t. We can’t…” Shaking his head, Minho tried his best to hold back, a titanic effort with how fucking good you were making him feel, with how fucking in love with you he was.
“Can’t…?” There was a pout on your lips, highlighted by your blown pupils, and Minho, once again, shook his head in response.
Minho just desperately shook his head. “Kitten, baby, please…”
The hold of your legs relented. Minho immediately straightened himself and pulled out of your warmth to take his cock in one of his hands while the other gripped your hip tightly. One, two pumps and he was groaning deeply, coming all over your underwear, over your mound and your now only partially exposed folds.
The sight was nothing short of exquisite. Your wrinkled, open shirt, your tits still falling out of your bra, with your nipples slightly puffy after all the attention Minho had given them, the skirt hunched at your waist, and your underwear drenched in his cum… 
Minho felt light, satisfied, and, as he tried to catch his breath, he just took you in.
After a few moments of silence–silence, save for the sound of your heavy breathing and the ringing in his ears–a grin made its way to your face, and, a second after, you broke into laughter. It made him laugh, too. Maybe uncontrollably so.
“Oh, that was awesome”, you chuckled, wiping the tears that had collected in your eyes at your outburst. “So good”. 
“Totally agree”, Minho leaned into you to press a brief kiss on your lips before he left the bed to find a face towel from your dresser to clean up the stupid amounts of cum that had come out of his stupid monster cock off of your body.
“‘Suppose it was a good thing that my dad isn’t coming until very late today. It would’ve been seriously awkward to explain what was going on if he found us… Well, like this”, you started shrugging your shirt off as soon as Minho had finished cleaning you up, and proceeded to work the couple of buttons on your skirt.
“I don’t think he would’ve appreciated the sight, to be honest”, Minho chuckled, getting out of his shirt and vest top as well to put his t-shirt back on and do his jeans. 
As soon as you two were dressed properly and in clean clothes, you both laid back down, unbothered by the soiled sheets. Minho simply pulled you into his arms, and pressed a brief kiss on your forehead before he hugged you close.
“Kitten…” Minho mumbled against your hair after a while, dragging his hand up and down your back in a gentle caress. “Was that true?”
You absentmindedly traced patterns on his chest, shapes that he could’ve sworn were hearts and stars. “Was what true?”
“Y’know… that thing about… About you touching yourself while I was in the same room…”
You pulled yourself away from his hold a bit so you could look him in the eyes. A smile came to your lips, right before you started opening your mouth to speak.
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suugarbabe · 11 months
You are SO amazing love, never let anyone tell you any different. I WILL fight them 😤
Tysm for considering wolfstar!daughter, i think youd enjoy the current fics that are currently out for it. Most of them are x fred or george and it just reminds me of you everytime.
Sorry, this is probs going to be long 😬
For the prompt though, i imagine they came about reader when remus found her on a full moon as a toddler werewolf, abandond in the forest (last yr hogwarts or graduated doesnt matter, whatever you decide) and when Sirius finally finds Remus the next morning he's shocked, confused, and then melts. Big, tall, broard Remus has this small bundle of cuteness wrapped in his sweater trying to cuddle into him.
Whether youd like to continue on from there or do reader growing up or a time skip is up to you. Same as if James dies or not, whatever your brilliant mind decides 🧡 but if it helps this is how i see the family dynamic:
I think Sirius would be the overprotective kind of dad, never failing with that wonderful sense of dramatics!
While Remus is the calm voice of reason that talks himself down when he feels like he might be going a little overboard.
Of course we're Uncle Reggies little star, he will be mean to another child if they hurt you. He and James are constantly arguing over who's the better uncle.
James is the uncle that gives you alcohol illegally and doesnt adhere to a curfew.
So skip to hogwarts in some of the last years (im a ravenclaw so i always imagine reader as a ravenclaw but anyhouse would be fun to explore) and reader makes it official with Theo or Enzo. Harry's a tattle tale and tells his dad who then brags to Reggie, who the apparats him self the Sirius' to demand answers because "who was this vile thing that dared touch his star?? Boyfriend?!?! Fucking over his dead body!!" Fully expecting Sirius to agree with him. But he doesnt, he just sighs because at least they made it til 6th/7th yr before boys started, he'll give the poor boy a chance first. And then Remus bursts in and has a full meltdown. Thats his little wolf; his baby. She can have a boyfriend. A BOYFRIEND!?! He might puke. No this isnt allowed. Boys are gross. And nasty. And theyre going to hurt her. But not before he hurts them!! He's going to put the fear of godric into this boy! RIGHT NOW!! Wheres his wand? He needs to go to Hogwarts.
Its so unexpected that both Black brothers are frozen. Until Remus starts searching for his wand and Sirius has to calm him down while Regulus goads him on. And through all of it, reader and Enzo/Theo were standing at the door to 'meet the parents'.
And then however you want it to go from there love! So sorry that was soo long and rambely. Of couese no pressure to write it and take whatever creative liberties youd like!!
Thank you love x
The group had made an agreement that the girls would all get a flat together, as would the boys. So naturally Sirius, James and Remus planned and found one for themselves that was 'absolutely perfect' as Sirius put it since it back right up to a large patch of woods; 'Perfect for you, Moony'.
In the moment Remus had rolled his eyes, but truly he was thankful. By the last full moon of school, Remus had managed to transform back to himself without completely passing out. After the fourth full moon in the flat, Remus was able to still decently function after his transformations.
What neither Sirius nor James expected happened and they didn't know how to react initially. Sirius and James had lost sight of Remus toward the end of the night, now both transformed back to themselves looking for him.
When Sirius found him, he didn't expect the scene he walked upon. Remus shoulders were hunched over, and at first Sirius thought he was crying. But the closer he got, he realized it was not Remus making those noises, but...a child?
"Moony...what the bloody hell is that," Sirius voice was cautious, he was still convinced he might be hallucinating.
Remus turned around slowly, "She's like me, Pads. She...she was a tiny little wolf, I swear it." Sirius was skeptical, but the way Remus was looking down at you, every doubt was melting away. The way your tiny hands gripped on to Remus's sweater.
When Sirius got close enough, you reached out for him, and he was done for. When James caught up with the pair he had the same initial reaction. But like Sirius, one look at you and he was also convinced.
It had taken the girls no time to swoon after you, and the boys were forever grateful. While Remus declared himself your father (Sirius demanding his was Dad number 2). James became your fun uncle (funcle as he called himself, Lily rolling her eyes each time).
To say it had taken a village was not just a cliché, but reality. Sirius was every over protective father, having a flair for the dramatics any time anything happened, good or bad. Remus was more calm, essentially the voice of reason when Sirius was talking circles. You eventually became the perfect mix of the two, which they both loved.
When you got your Hogwarts letter Sirius threw a party, Remus thinking it was a little over the top but Sirius insisted, "Our little star got her letter, we're celebrating Moony." Regulus had brought you off to the side, insisting you owl him if anyone is mean to you, he'll come and fix it, "Even if it's another little twat kid, you let me know, okay Star?"
After fourth year, James let you try his beer for the first time. Sirius lost his mind, Remus reminded Sirius how much worse he was at your age and that if James was letting her try it that it was a better situation than he used to get in to.
What you didn't expect was the commotion that ensued during Christmas holiday seventh year. It was tradition for you and your dads to throw a party on Christmas Eve. You were putting the final touches on the Christmas biscuits you usually made when a loud pop sounded in the living room.
"SIRIUS GET YOUR ARSE IN HERE NOW!" The voice of Regulus rang throughout your house and you instantly froze. Sirius sauntered in, not bothered by his younger brothers tone, "Seriously, with the shouting Reg, what is it now?"
Regulus looked over Sirius shoulder at you in the kitchen before turning back to his brother, "How could you let her, huh? How could you let her do this, with a Slytherin no less? My little star? Who is this vile snake you've let touch our little girl, a boyfriend, Sirius, really?"
You held your breath, fully expecting your dad to lose it, go full on dramatics, but instead he just pinched the bridge of his nose, "Honestly, Reg, calm down. I'm surprised it took us till seventh year for her to finally decide to get a boyfriend, don't get me wrong, I'm thankful," he turned pointing at you, "but I trust her, Reg. And you should too. She's not like us. Really though, darling, a Slytherin?"
Sirius turned to face you and all you could muster was a shrug of your shoulders before your father burst in. "WHAT did I just hear? My wolf has a WHAT? With a WHO? Darling are you mad, who is this boy? A boyfriend? Oh my Godric, I think I'm going to be sick. Who is he, star? Who, tell me now. I'm getting my wand. Sirius, my wand now."
Remus held out his hand expectantly, but nothing happened. Both Regulus and Sirius stood frozen, mouths agape at Remus's reaction before a sly smirk crawled its way onto Sirius's features, "Oh my my, Moony, this is a sight."
At that moment the Potter's all appeared, the air obviously thick with tension. James looked between his friends, "Oi, what did we miss?"
When you saw Harry you were instantly enraged, your inherant traits from Sirius coming in to play, "You little fucking rat, you weasel, you knew I was going to tell them over break, how could you tell Reggie before I could tell my parents, I'll hex you Potter, I swear it!"
You started after Harry, only for James's strong arms to lift you up by the waist and hold you tight, "Woah there, mini Sirius, calm down. I think this might be my fault. Harry told me out of concern and I might have boasted about your feats to Reggie."
You went slump in your Uncle's grasp, "Uncle Jamie...how could you." You were pouting as he sat you down, giving you a tight hug, "I'm sorry, star, I was just so dang proud of you."
You looked over at your parents, Sirius now rubbing Remus's back who was pinching the bridge of his nose. There was a knock on the door, causing everyone's attention to switch towards the distrubance.
Walking towards the door, you looked back with your hand on the handle, "Be nice." The marauders and Harry held up their hands in defense, Regulus crossed his, "No promises."
When you opened the door, Enzo stood there, cheeks slightly pink. "Erm, are you sure it's okay for me to be here?" You laughed slightly out of embarrassment, "How much did you hear exactly?"
"Enough to know I'm more afraid of Professor Lupin than Sirius," he whispered as he followed you through the door.
"Dad, Father, this is Enzo. My boyfriend," You gestured toward Enzo who gave a shy wave.
Remus placed his hand on his own chest, "Oh thank god it's Berkshire. I was really worried, star dear. Really worried. Thought maybe it was going to be the Nott boy."
This caused both you and Enzo to laugh, Enzo speaking up finally, "Merlin, no, sir. Nott's afraid of Y/n actually. So you've done a good job."
"Don't start kissing ass just yet, Berkshire," Regulus stuck a finger out at the boy.
"Uncle Reggie. Behave," you scolded him like a child, he looked down at the floor like one, too.
Sirius stepped forward, extending his hand, "So sorry, my boy. I'm Sirius, Y/n's father. You've met Moony, erm, Professor Lupin, her dad. He's sorry for anything you may have heard through the door."
Enzo grabbed his hand, shaking it firmly, "It's alright, sir. It's a pleasure to meet the men who've raised such a strong woman." Enzo smiled at you affectionately, causing you to blush in front of your family.
"Look at that, Moons. Our little star is growing up," Sirius wiped a faked fear, while Remus was holding back real ones.
You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose like your dad had done earlier, "Alright, who's hungry, hmm? Shall we eat?" You led Enzo towards the large table. Everyone followed suit, both Regulus and Remus grumbling slightly.
As you sat down, Enzo gave your thigh a squeeze. He leaned over and whispered in your ear, "Star, huh? That's cute." You side-eyed him, giving him a slight glare, "You tell anyone, you're a dead man."
Enzo grinned to himself, "It'd be an honor to die by your hands, love."
Across the table, Sirius gave Remus's thigh a squeeze, "She's growing up, Moons. Our little star." Remus nodded, pouring himself some brandy, "That she is, Pads. Our little wolf is a woman now." Sirius scoffed, "She still needs us though right?" Remus nodded, smiling, "We'll always be there for her."
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terrorsmade · 2 months
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the look on his face reads as clearly as if he'd spoken aloud ; oh really ?? brows raised towards brown curls as his head cocks slightly , almost laughably dog - like. his eyes narrow ever so slightly in concentration , confirming exactly what he'd thought he'd heard mere moments ago. ' your dad's home ... or will be. ' isaac starts a silent countdown on his hand ; five , four , three , two , one ... and the familiar sound of a car door opening and closing , audible to both sets of ears. it's almost strange , the fact that chris argent's return doesn't send him scurrying , not like his own father's had. impressive , even , considering the man's former career choice ... but isaac has found himself to be oddly ... comfortable in the argent household these past few months. so comfortable , in fact , that he drops down beside allison on her bed , squinting at the latin text that's laid before her. it's all greek to him , nothing about becoming a werewolf had granted him the ability to understand that language of unintelligible squiggles , yet , he's been here for hours. trying to help in some small way , flipping through pictures and sending snippets out to the brain trust if the situation warranted it. and his eyes are burning , isaac can't imagine that allison is faring much better.
' I don't know how you do this ... ' he murmurs , actively leaning back against her pillows now , eyes closed. ' I feel like my eyes are gonna fall out of my head. '
@villainmade said ; ‘I didn’t hear anything.’ ft ; allison argent && isaac lahey
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swanpit · 3 months
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i decided to also join artfight this year! (also alternate roster here because i cant decide)
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character infos under the cut cos it's gonna be long but you can also check it on this artfight site. you're welcome if you want to draw the ones not on this form
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jaka is based from a local folktale, but now with a new twist. he put himself in quite a pickle, tricking one of 7 deity sisters to be his wife and now they are after him so they can get their missing sister back. during this interpretation jaka will have to choose how he can survive this ordeal. will he choose to surrender…or will the desperation to survive makes him choose the path of no return…? this character were designed to have two possible endings for his character development so feel free to explore both possibilities
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evangeline, a young cat mage, bored of her life and seeking for truth and knowledge sends her to the most fascinating journey around their world and finding out shocking truths about their forgotten world history along the way…in the end she wonders…is this life changing trip worth it? either way there's the moment where her eyes opened and she would never see the world she knew in the same way ever again (bonus gijinka ver!)
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lea, sonic oc, based on news about intersex lions (that's why she got such a thick, bushy mane/hair)
age : 19 zodiac is leo (might as well, it fits anyway) is a gladiator, use claws and leaping attacks a lot, more tendency to counter than block or dodge if she's in a sonic heroes-esque team, her role is "power" probably she'll slowly gets more and more curious about her hair growth and hair care definitely went through trials and challenges to get her power glove/boots set
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more sonic oc, melody, an emo bunny diva (22) very confident and knows how to command the stage, but can also be a drama queen. if she were to fight her style will be dance battler
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and mercury (18) a nicobar pidgeon who works in delivery. her built is speed/flying. her biggest pride is when she can finish her delivery on time, be it shipment or messages (yes her name is from that roman god mercury)
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Dianella (she/her, bisexual, the dead girl in a dead guy's body, died at 23), novice cleric, died in battle, kidnapped and "saved" by a mad scientist necromancer and now she woke up in a body of a dead, dark elf rogue. Eventually she found herself in the middle of ragtag band of misfits living in the necromancer's mansion Alignment, prob lawful good at start, but in naive way due to her upbringing, going to slowly slide to more chaotic/neutral spectrum, but still have the idealistic core at heart. Even tho she mourns the life she once had, eventually she starts to explore the new one that this unlikely second chance gave her, and sees the world from a new point of view.
during the story she spends most of the time on the second body (the dead guy's). whereabouts of her original body is unknown, much to her chargrin.....
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the werewolf girl (name tba, demisexual/demiromantic and traumatized as fuck, age 20) born from demon mother and werewolf father. lost her father on werewolf raid, lost her mother on demon raid on different time. and since then her life is constant whiplash of people pitying her state and yet threaten to kill and make her suffer at the same time (they dont know that her werewolf form and her are the same person) or worse attract unwanted attention from exploitative or overly curious individuals….eventually she finally found someone,a son of an orc chieftain who is the first person who didnt want to kill her but saw her as a rival and they get closer from that day as they learn to get to know each other better. she was known on her wanted poster as "the infernal werewolf" and each incidents she keeps raking her own bounties....
bonus for the character who isnt in the form list :
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big liger who lived off the grid, a mercenary. he has his own small strawberry farm and his favorite is making strawberry jam. the fun uncle/dad type, and his fighting style is mix of street brawl and wrestling
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shadowisles-writes · 9 months
Innocent (Part 1) [Elucien]
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A/N: Here is the first part of my gift to @kingofsummer93 for the ACOTAR gift exchange <3 A big thank you to everyone behind @acotargiftexchange, this is always one of the loveliest events of the year!
Summary: Lucien had always thought his life would be normal—or as normal as it could be growing up in a werewolf hunting family. All it took was one full moon for the truth to unravel in front of him and force him to make hard decisions. His fate was forever changed, and no amount of trying running from it could prevent it from catching up to him.
Huge thanks to @rosanna-writer for the beta <3
Read on AO3
And here I sit alone behind walls of regret Falling down like promises that I never kept - Castles Crumbling, Taylor Swift ft. Hayley Williams
6 years ago - Elain
Elain ran through the field with a shriek. The teenage boy with shoulder-length red hair chased after her, laughing as his longer legs easily caught up with her. His arms wrapped around her and Elain stumbled, unable to slow to a stop. The weight of his body and his own speed drove her off balance, and they collapsed in the grass together.
“You’re going to ruin my skirt again, Lucien.” Elain tried to check her cheerleading uniform for grass stains, but his body on hers covered most of it.
“It’s already too late for this one.” He gave a half apologetic shrug, knowing that she had an immaculate outfit to perform in folded in her closet.
Elain squirmed to look at the short skirt. “Where?”
“Right here,” Lucien grabbed her ass over the fabric and grinned.
“You’re impossible.” She tried to sound stern, but the way she tilted her head up to kiss him gave her away.
Lucien smiled against her lips, then quickly pushed himself to his feet and held his hands out to her. “Come on,” he lifted her until she stood. “I should drive you home.”
“Already?” Elain looked over to the almost empty parking lot. They had stayed long after practice ended, but it didn’t feel like enough time.
“Gotta stay in your dad’s good graces.” He squeezed her hand and led the way back to the locker rooms so that she could pick up her bag.
Elain knew that sulking wouldn’t help, but she was quiet all the way home. It had been four months, and Lucien still wasn’t allowed into her house apart from the occasional dinner. She followed her family to church every Sunday and endured the talks of abstinence and marriage, as if she would even get the opportunity to be alone with Lucien.
All he had ever done was kiss her. Hands wandered over clothes sometimes, but the only time they ever got to be together was the hour they stole after school and practice ended. Often enough, Elain’s father showed up after practice to pick her up and interrupted them, though he’d only ever found them sitting on the bleachers holding hands and talking.
Lucien wouldn’t take any chances and risk her family forbidding her from seeing him, but Elain’s patience was wearing thin. Nesta, of course, was always proper and only seen talking to the boys their grandmother thought would be a good match for her. No one cared enough about Elain to find her a match until Nesta was taken care of, so she was unfairly sheltered instead while Feyre ran wild, too young and headstrong for anyone to bother with her.
“Come on El, it’s not that bad.” Lucien placed his hand on her thigh as he drove.
“Aren’t you sick of it?” She traced the veins on the back of his hand and studied his profile.
“It’s not ideal,” he conceded. “But as long as I get to see you, I’m happy.”
“Don’t you ever get angry?” Elain asked, because she did. She got angry at the world for keeping him from her, for telling her that she was only a child and didn’t know what was good for her when her heart told her Lucien was the one she needed by her side.
“What’s the point?” Lucien glanced over at her and flipped his hand to lace his fingers with hers. “Of course I wish we could have more freedom, but I don’t see another way at the moment.”
“We have a year and half of this ahead of us,” Elain sighed. “I just… I don’t want you to lose your patience.”
“I won’t, never when it comes to you.” He kissed the back of her hand. “I promise.”
Dinner was quiet that evening, as it always was. Elain’s grandmother and her father were the only people who ever really talked. The three girls had been raised to know that children didn’t speak at the dinner table, and as they had gotten older the rule had never truly been lifted. Elain never had much to say to her family anyway, only answering questions when she was spoken to.
It was typically uneventful until her father had to leave the dinner table to answer the phone. The conversation was short and impossible to overhear, and Elain didn’t think any of it would matter until he sat back at the head of the table.
“Who was it?” Feyre asked.
“Beron Vanserra.”
Elain’s heart skipped a beat as she looked up from her dinner. The way her father was looking back at her did nothing to reassure her. Beron never called.
She was just about to ask about the reason when her grandmother stepped in. “We haven’t seen a werewolf in this town in twenty years. What would be important enough for him to interrupt dinner?”
Everyone knew werewolves were the most unpredictable creatures. Elain hadn’t heard of one anywhere near this town in her lifetime, and she could only pray it wasn’t about to change. Some towns were riddled with them, but hunting families like the Vanserras had cleared many areas for humans to safely live in.
Beron Vanserra and his oldest sons were some of the rare people who lived after facing down one of those creatures on a full moon. Lucien talked about it, sometimes, though he still had a few years before he would be forced to follow in his family’s tracks.
“It wasn’t about hunting. Lucien was in a car accident, he knows he picks up Elain for school,” he explained before adding, “You can take the bus tomorrow.”
Elain nearly dropped her fork. She couldn’t have cared less about school or the bus as she quickly asked, “What happened? Is he going to be alright?” 
“I assume he’s going to be in the hospital for a few days at least.” Her father reached for the spoon in the middle of the table and helped himself to more potatoes.
“Well,” her grandmother scoffed. “Good thing Elain won’t be getting in that boy’s car again.”
“I’m sure it wasn’t his fault,” she protested, unable to even look at her food anymore. “Can I call them back after dinner? Just to know if he’s alright?”
“His brothers will be at school tomorrow.”
“Daddy-” Elain began to argue, but Nesta interrupted her.
“I have my final project with Eris due tomorrow,” she said. “I was going to have to call to talk over a detail of the conclusion. I’ll ask about Lucien.”
Everything had happened too fast for him to remember. One moment, Lucien was driving; the next, he was in a hospital bed. He tried to move his shoulder and immediately groaned from the pain that shot through his articulation. His arm was partly immobilized by a splint, and he could only wish they had put it on tighter as he breathed through gritted teeth. The room was entirely white, and the steady beeping by his head was enough of a clue for him to know where he was.
“Oh sweetheart, you’re awake.” Lucien’s mother quickly noticed his eyes were open and reached for his hand. His eyes followed her touch, noticing the IV in his arm and the plastic covering one of his fingers.
At least that arm wasn’t injured, he realized after carefully moving his shoulder to check.  “What happened?” He croaked before clearing his throat.
“You had a car accident,” she explained and handed him a glass of water. “Beron is outside, he’s on the phone with the insurance company,”
Lucien wouldn’t be surprised if his father never came into the room. He didn’t expect him to care beyond the cost of car repairs. Beron hadn’t spent time with him in years, always too busy traveling to nearby towns with other werewolf hunters to care about his youngest son.
“I don’t remember it,” Lucien said about the accident. “Was anyone else injured?”
“No, you only hit a tree.”
“Okay,” he breathed out, at least relieved that no one else had been hurt. “Did I hit my head or something?” It certainly didn’t hurt now, but maybe that was what affected his memory. “I just don’t remember anything happening in the car.”
“I see you’re awake,” a nurse walked into the room and interrupted before Lucien’s mother could start her explanation. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine, I think,” Lucien diverted his attention to answer more questions.
Something was clearly going on with his mother, but she didn’t speak with the nurse in the room. After several questions and a promise to have a doctor check on him soon, the nurse left them alone again.
Lucien’s mother didn’t meet his eyes until she was sitting beside him again. Even then, it was hardly more than a glance at him. The tight bun that usually held her bright red hair had fallen loose, and her light brown eyes were rimmed with red.
Lucien didn’t remember the last time he had seen her so distressed. She was always put together at home, even in the worst of circumstances she could hold her head up and pretend everything was fine. Three of his brothers had been in accidents that sent them to the hospital before, yet she had never looked this pale waiting in their hospital rooms.
“Are you sure you’re feeling alright?” She fussed with the edge of his bedsheet.
“I’m fine. What were you going to say?”
“There are a lot of things I need to explain to you.”
“Just tell me what happened.” Lucien frowned, her reluctance to say anything only making his worry increase.
She kept staring at the bedsheet for a moment, then met his eyes, took a deep breath, and finally began to explain. “There’s something you need to know about your father.”
“What about Beron?” Lucien couldn’t fathom what that would have to do with his accident. Could he be cheating on his mother? Probably, he was a piece of shit and always traveling, but there was no reason to tell him that now.
“I’m not talking about Beron.”
“Let me explain.” She rested her hand on his. “I should have told you this a long time ago, but Beron isn’t your biological father. Many years ago, before I was married to Beron, I met someone. My family wouldn’t have approved, for a million reasons, but we remained in contact through the years, and that man is your real father.”
“How the hell-” The heart monitor beeped faster as he processed the words. “How could you not tell me?” He pushed on his good arm to sit up, betrayal written all over his face.
“Lucien, please—” His mother glanced to the corridor to check no one would come in. “He’s a werewolf.”
Lucien laid back into the bed with wide eyes. He had grown up with Beron’s stories of the creatures, and it was expected he would learn how to hunt them too sooner or later. Every story he had ever heard depicted them as monsters, not people.
They were wild, they did not have feelings, they only killed. It was what he had been taught from the youngest age, it was impossible that his mother could have associated with one, or that he could be one of them.
“I’m so sorry, Lucien. I’ll tell you all you need to know now.” She blinked several times to clear the tears from her eyes. “Last night was a full moon, and you’re old enough that the symptoms are beginning to manifest. That’s what caused your accident.”
“How could you not tell me?” He repeated himself, still too shocked to say anything else.
It was impossible. It was going to destroy his life.
“I thought that because I was human there might be a chance you could escape it.”
“Escape it—they’re going to kill me.”
“Of course they won’t.” More tears rolled down her cheeks.“Your father, Helion, lives far away from here, I called him after your accident. You’ll live with him and learn how to protect yourself, there’s a place for you at the high school so you can still graduate and— I’m sorry, Lucien. I truly am.”
 Lucien’s mind immediately went to Elain. How could he explain himself? She would be terrified, she would hate him before he had a chance to give her an explanation. “I can’t just leave, Elain-”
“Can’t find out.” His mother interrupted vehemently. “It would put you both in danger.”
“I can’t just leave her like that,” he protested, but his thoughts were too frantic for him to figure out what he could possibly say to her either.
“You have to, or you’ll hurt her. Full moons will make you uncontrollable, and you won’t be able to keep it secret. Beron will kill us both, and Elain will be caught in the middle of it.”
Lucien quieted at that and brought his hand up to cover his face. He couldn’t think—could hardly breathe from too much information yet not enough for him to understand it all.
It took most of the day for him to calm down. His mother stayed beside him the entire time, answering every question he had and apologizing so many times he didn’t have it in him to remain angry at her. Beron had always been a horrible husband and father; there was no love lost between them,and he couldn’t really blame his mother for loving someone else.
It would take more than apologies to fix the broken trust between them, but there was no time for Lucien to sulk or reject her when listening was the only way they would both survive. The hardest part was hearing that werewolves weren’t monsters. Lucien didn’t believe he was a monster himself, but would these symptoms eventually make him into one? If werewolves could hide among humans, maybe even fall in love with them, why had Beron lied all of these years?
“Lucien, you need to know-”
“Stop.” He interrupted before she could start another one of her apologies. “I need… I don’t fucking know what I need, but just stop right now.”
“If I could keep you here with me I would,” she whispered anyway “but when lives are at stake-”
“I know they are!” Lucien’s voice rose with anger. “You think I don’t realize what a mess this is? And Elain…”
Lucien sank his teeth into his cheek until he could taste blood. She was too smart for him to just break up with her without an excuse, and it was only a matter of time until she showed up at the hospital. Even with her father opposing her, she was a caretaker, and she would always find a way to be there for the people she loved.
The only way for Lucien to keep her safe would be to make sure he wasn’t one of these people anymore.
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dateamonster · 10 months
catching up on monster high notes!
spell the beans
looooove clawdeens dad joining the parents association he is involved in his childrens education :3 he is making cookies and making friends :3
momdusa is so milfy i could die the gays stay winning once again
dracula is soooo silly hes winning me over i fear
!! momdusa never moved on from high school and falls over so much and loves her wife wow she is the perfect woman actually
its not my dream dad its YOURS
obsessed w everyone wanting to eat clawdeens dad
THANK YOU for explaining the camera/mirror thing with vampires i was wondering abt that
mr wolf and dracula friendship moment 🥺
EXPELBEAST!! i love when they do something fun and goofy with the mh lore
idk if those were lagoonas parents in the mpa but i wish we got more of them there looked so cute
growing up ghoulia
some of these side characters have such interesting designs the purple dragon girl sitting in front of ghoulia was soo cute
i loove when mh does some classic monster movie stuff. ghoulia clone zombie attack rules.
not to be a broken record but i feel like ghoulias ep here would be more meaningful if she was still more noticeably zombie-like. like she says she moves slower than other monsters but i dont like. see that. let her lurch!
casketball jinx
im so happy to see howleen!!
kaiju girlie is such a queen we love to see it
tbqh i think howleen was right for this one
clawdeen both being on the team and being a cheerleader seems like soo much take a rest bestie 😭
do u think clawdeen had a wolf fursona before she found out she was a werewolf? i think so.
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thebramblewood · 11 days
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Happy 20th birthday, The Sims 2! When I quit playing, I was in the midst of an Alphabet Legacy. I'd actually made it to the K generation, which isn't too bad! Went through the old screencaps and found some fun moments. I also had several other families in this neighborhood that I played rotationally, so maybe I'll share them some other time. A bit of context on each picture below the cut!
A cat named Piggy. She was royalty and the Sims merely her servants.
Generation 2 heir Amelia trying to bed her teenage girlfriend while her dad's zonked out right next to her.
That wasn't an isolated incident of inappropriateness, by the way. Amelia was a free-spirited woman who liked to feel the breeze on her tits, damn it!
Living in the university dorms was terrifying. You never quite knew who would make it out alive. This poor townie did not!
This fucking dance sphere thing was next level!!!
I was obsessed with Generation 3's Bree. Everything made her angry. Here she is at a wedding giving big "How dare they assume they can be happy" energy.
Cora slept with a lot of different guys. One of them straight up brawled with her when he found out they weren't exclusive.
Darcy "break dancing," aka dislocating her shoulders and possibly breaking her neck.
I bred wolf dogs for multiple centuries and still never managed to turn any of my Sims into a werewolf. How sad is that?
Ant farms! The animations for Sims watching ants were always so cute.
Ahh, dorm life. Still as wild and crazy as ever.
Every toddler in my game went absolutely feral over pet food.
Was anyone else obsessed with the faces Sims made while potty training their kids?
Alien abduction. A classic!
Another Sim I was obsessed with, Jamie! He was the product of abduction, but since his human parent was a spouse and not an heir, he technically wasn't eligible to carry on the legacy. However, he did everything in his power to make himself the center of attention anyway. This is him returning from his own (first) alien abduction on the night of his sister's wedding.
Jamie complaining about how difficult alien pregnancy is to the sister (also pregnant with an actual potential heir) he was always upstaging.
These poor maids were the unsung heroes of my legacy.
Messing around with your girlfriend in a cemetery...
while your ancestors stand by weeping. Sounds about right.
Soccer was a constant obsession of my Sims'. I was so disappointed when TS4's version of soccer turned out to just be glorified kickball.
I had no idea at the time of course, but the last moment of this legacy I ever captured was a Great Christmas Tree Fire, which feels appropriate. It seemed like something was always catching on fire.
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lythea-creation · 7 months
Breaking the Cycle - Remus Lupin x daughter reader
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summary: (f/n) is the unknown daughter of Remus Lupin. After growing up without parents herself, what will she do when she finds out that Remus is struggling to be there for Teddy?
warning: mentions of bullying
word count: 1.209
Author's note: Feel free to check out my Masterlists and make requests. No reposting please! Reblogging, comments and requests are always appreciated <3 If you like the story/my writing, please don't be shy to say it via comments or asks! It takes you a few seconds and might make my day. It's the best appreciation you can show to a writer you like.
Requested? Yes
I had spent most of my life in the unknown. Not knowing about my parents. Not knowing why weird things were always happening around me. Not knowing why nobody wanted me around.
Things quickly changed when an owl suddenly appeared in front of my window, a letter in its beak. I was not sure if it answered a lot of question or brought even more upon me. But it definitely was a changing point in my life.
Being a witch was the best thing that had ever happened to me.
Instead of being stuck in my orphanage, I was spending most of my time at Hogwarts now. Actually all the time except summer break.
To my surprise I had even managed to find friends. Turns out witches and wizards are naturally weird and somehow I was not standing out anymore.
Finally my life was not completely defined by my lack of parents. There were even people who understood my situation as they had grown up as orphans as well or had been bullied or been an outcast.
For once I had not wanted anything to change at all. But life never played out the way I wanted it to be.
My life turned upside down once again in my fifth year at Hogwarts, the time I had met my dad, Remus Lupin for the first time as he had become our teacher for the year.
It had been a challenging situation for both of us, it still was. He had not known about me. We had found out thanks to Dumbledore who appeared to know absolutely everything, not stopping at school borders.
So from that day on Remus had actually tried his best to get to know me, to build a relationship. It was obvious to me that he was feeling guilty for not taking care of me.
Meanwhile I was having a hard time adjusting. On the one hand I was feeling the whole range of emotions, including anger, hurt and disappointment for him not being there. On the other hand I was aware that it was not his fault either.
Finding out that he was a werewolf had been even more of a shock. But slowly yet steadily we had bonded over the smallest things.
He would tell me about mom and their time together. And when I assured him that I was fine with it, he began talking about Tonks.
I had visited them over the summer holidays as well. Actually it was easier for me to interact with Tonks. I could not help but love her and honestly it was scaring me because she had started shifting into a mother figure for me.
With Remus it was a different story. There were moments we were getting along so well that I would forget about my childhood he had missed out. But then it would all come crashing back down at me and swallow me whole.
Now that I was grown-up, living in my own apartment and finally not being dependent on other people to take me in, it was slowly getting easier to let Remus close. Of course, I was still scared to lose him again, that he would leave me. But at least I knew that the rest of my life would stay the same it was right now.
Sometimes Remus and Tonks would come over to cook and eat dinner together. Or I would visit them for a movie night.
The two of them had even asked me to become Teddy's godmother which I had nervously yet excitedly accepted.
But that did not stop me from wondering when Remus suddenly showed up on my doorstep without any warning.
“Hey, come in”, I offered.
He did not hesitate to do so, taking off his shoes and jacket in the process.
“You didn't tell me you were coming. Is everything okay? You look like you've seen a ghost. Well, not literally. Just a muggle saying”, I pointed out.
Without answering he slipped onto my couch.
I decided to make him a cup of tea first. Apparently he was too upset to talk.
He shot me a short smile as I placed the cup in front of him.
Then I sat down next to him, contemplating what to do.
To my relief Remus started talking on his own: “What if I passed it down? What if Teddy becomes like me? I can't do this, (f/n).”
“You mean being a werewolf?”, I reassured.
“Yes! It won't take long until his birth. I don't think I can deal with that. It would be all my fault”, he proposed.
“So what? You wanna run away?”, I questioned.
The look on his face said it all. I had not even meant it seriously. How could he even consider that?
“You're kidding, right? Remus, he's your son! He needs you”, I declared.
“Like you're my daughter? Come on, (f/n)! We both know that I'm a shitty dad. You still calling me Remus is the best example for that”, he proclaimed.
“No, it's not! I was fifteen when we first met. Of course, I can't just start calling you dad. My life without you has been longer than my life with you. Don't do that to Teddy!”
“I just think that he would be better off without me. Consider it like that … without me he wouldn't be at risk to be a werewolf right from his birth. Without me you probably would have had a dad from early on”, he considered.
“I thought you were the smart one”, I remarked.
“That's not fair”, he complained.
“I know I never told you. But back at the orphanage the other kids were bullying me for my magic. I accidentally pushed water buckets over, made their ball fly high up into the sky, made pine cones fall onto their heads. Of course, nobody believed me that I had not done it on purpose. The adults were punishing me for it. The other kids were always excluding me or even harassing me. It was the same at school. Though there I was bullied because nobody ever came to parents day. Because my lunch wasn't anything fancy but only what the orphanage could afford. I was alone pretty much all the time”, I confessed.
“(f/n), I'm so sorry”, Remus apologized.
“It's not your fault. Fault isn't even the reason I'm telling you this. What I wanna say is … no matter how hard it is for us to strengthen our relationship, my life has changed for the better since you and Tonks are in it. I'm sure it will be the same for Teddy. Don't give up. If you managed to deal with our situation, then you'll definitely find a way to deal with Teddy. Werewolf or not.”
“I guess you're right”, he admitted.
“And if it all gets too much, Tonks and I will still be there to share the load. You're not on your own”, I promised.
“Thank you”, he whispered. “I wish I could have been there for you sooner, too.”
“You're here now. And you will be for Teddy. That's all that matters now.”
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thebisexualdogdad · 2 years
R becoming very overwhelmed when they find out their family is secretly a long line of vampire/supernatural hunters around the same time they start openly dating Hope
Hope Mikaelson x GN!reader
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Growing up your parents always told you to stay away from the kids who went to Salvatore prep, you had no idea why but you listened to them up until when you met Hope.
You had bumped into each other at the coffee shop in town and instantly fell for her but as soon as you found out she was a Salvatore student you thought it was better to keep it quiet until things got more serious. 
After a few months together you thought it was time to finally tell your parents about your relationship and invited her over to your house for dinner. 
Your parents were fully ready to spend the dinner telling embarrassing stories of your childhood as parents do but they recognized Hope the moment she stepped into your home. 
Hope had a weird feeling that she had somehow met your parents before but brushed it off as she had just seen them around town. 
Dinner was quiet, oddly quiet.
"Dinner is really good mom," you say, trying to break the silence. 
"Yeah Mrs. Y/L/N, everything is great," Hope smiles. 
"Thank you Hope," your mom nods.
"So Hope, do you go to Mystic Falls high?" Your dad asks, already knowing the answer but not wanting it to be too obvious. 
"No, I actually go to Salvatore prep," Hope replies. 
"What is it like there?" He questions. 
"It's very… eccentric," she chuckles, "a lot of interesting people." 
"Do your parents live in the area?" Your mom adds. 
"Actually my parents died when I was a kid," Hope responds.
"Sorry to hear that," your mom says with faux sympathy. 
Dinner continues on with the awkward small talk and you are so grateful when Hope says that's it late and she should be getting back to school.
You walk Hope to her car and kiss her goodbye, returning inside to your parents who are washing dishes in the kitchen. 
"So what did you think of Hope?" You ask them nervously.
"How could you date someone from that school… and Hope Mikaelson of all people," your mom says, putting down the dish she was washing. 
"What do you guys have against Salvatore Prep? And do you know Hope or something?" You ask confused. 
Your parents look at each other and without needing to say a word nod in agreement.
"Y/N, it's time you know the truth about our family," your father states.
They sit you down in the living room, serious looks on their faces. 
"Okay you’re really starting to worry me," you say, no possible idea what they could want to tell you. 
"This town has a lot of secrets and Salvatore prep is the home to a lot of them," your mom states. 
"What are you talking about?" 
"We weren't going to bring you into this until you were 18 but Y/N…Monsters are real, all the stories and legends you heard as a kid it's all real," your dad tells you, "those kids aren't like you, every single of them is supernatural and a lot of them have hurt people." 
"Very funny," you laugh. 
"This isn't a joke honey, the last few decades Mystic Falls has been a hot spot for supernatural creatures thanks to the Salvatore Brothers and the Mikaelson family," your mom explains, "that's why we moved here when you were five." 
"So you're trying to tell me that Hope is what? A vampire? A werewolf" You say in disbelief.
"She's both actually as well as a witch, she's called a tribred and probably the most dangerous of them all." 
"And how exactly would you guys even know about any of this?" You question, "and if you do know about this why would you move us here in the first place?" 
"Because our family has been hunting monsters for centuries and protecting the innocent from them," your father explains, "when we heard about the Salvatore school opening up for kids like them we came here to keep Mystic Falls safe." 
"This is insane, Hope isn't a monster," you say getting up from the couch, "she would never hurt anyone." 
"Y/N wait," your father attempts but your mother puts her hand on his arm.
"Let them go, it's a lot to take in, they just need some time," she tells him. 
You don't talk to Hope for days, too busy pulling all nighters researching the supernatural world and trying to figure out how true what your parents told you really was. 
Eventually Hope gets concerned at the radio silence and goes to Mystic Falls high looking for you. 
"Y/N hey," she says approaching you at your car after school.
"Hope what are you doing here?" You say nervously. 
"I haven't heard from you since I went to your house for dinner? Did I do something wrong?" She asks, "did your parents not like me?"
"I'm sorry I can't talk right now," you say attempting to get in your car. 
"Whatever's going on you can tell me," Hope says, stepping closer to you and going to touch your arm but you pull away. 
You look around, making sure no one was close enough to hear you, "... are you a tribred?" 
"How do you know what that is?" She says in shock. 
"You are, aren't you, god my parents were telling the truth."
"Your parents? How do your parents know about me?"
"Because apparently their fucking monster hunters and expect me to be one too," you say through gritted teeth. 
Hope is trying to process this news but now there's way too many other students around. 
"Can we please go somewhere and talk," she asks and you agree. 
You drive in silence to a secluded spot outside the woods, normally when you and Hope came here to be alone it was for a very different reason. 
Hope tells you everything, the story of her parents, how all her friends that you had met weren't totally human and even about the few encounters she had over the years with hunters that you both assume were actually your parents. 
"So you're telling me there's a magical pit in Georgia that is a portal to a hell dimension that's basically a jail cell to an evil golem named Malivore that wants to murder you so he can take over the world," you say trying to wrap your mind around it all.  
"To sum it up, yes," she nods. 
"What the actual fuck," you shout slamming your hands on the steering wheel. 
"I'm so sorry, I never should have started seeing you, the last thing I wanted is you to be involved in this," Hope apologizes. 
"Hope this isn't your fault, I would have gotten involved eventually. My parents said they weren't planning on telling me until I turned 18 it's just all so overwhelming," you sigh, "I dont believe that you and your friends are bad people and I really don't want to hunt anyone, especially not you I fucking love you." 
"You love me?" She says low and you realize what you just said. 
"Yeah… I do." 
"I love you too," she smiles. 
You lean in to kiss her and she puts her hand on your cheek, gently rubbing her thumb across your skin. 
"What are we going to do?" You ask, your hand on her waist pulling her as close as you could over the center console. 
"I don't know but we have each other and that's all that matters." 
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dramaticvhs · 2 years
7 fics with 100k+ words (Teen Wolf)
I don't make a habit of reading longer fics because I get migraines and once I'm invested I can't bring myself to put them down. even if you're like me and don't read long fics, i encourage you to give these a try if they interest you. these are the longest ones I have bookmarked and I hope you enjoy them as much as I have ❤️
read tags. some fics may contain sensitive content. check pairings, ones included on this list might not be your cup of tea.
1. Don't Savage The Messenger by exclamation
(Sterek, Explicit, Graphic Depictions of Violence, 172,379 words)
There is an uneasy truce between the werewolves in the woods and the humans who live in Beacon Hills, protected by a magical boundary that gives warning any time a werewolf crosses it. Then the sheriff is taken by the werewolves and his son offers himself in exchange.
Stiles promises to serve the werewolf pack, not knowing what horrible use they might have for him. But it turns out his most useful skill is the ability to cross the boundary line between humans and werewolves. Life with the werewolves is nothing like he feared and the werewolves themselves are nothing like the hunters' stories would have him believe.
2. Bodies Can Be Bought But the Heart Cannot Be Owned; Only Given Freely by kyrene
(Sterek, Explicit, Underage and Rape/Non-con, 102,965 words)
In a world where the human race is enslaved by the werewolf race, Derek Hale struggles to recover from the damage caused to his teenage self by the human, Kate Argent. More to the point, he doesn't believe that slavery is right. But each werewolf gets a personal slave when they become an adult and he's long overdue.
The moment he sets eyes on the filthy, naked slave in the corner of the packed warehouse, Derek knows he has to bring him home. But can he ever gets Stiles, who has never known a kind owner before, to trust that he's finally found a safe place?
3. My, What Big Shoulders You Have (The Better to Help You Carry the Weight) by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella)
(Sterek, Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, 285,568 words)
“Talia was just telling me an interesting story,” his dad informed him. Stiles didn’t have the nerve to glance over at him, because he knew no matter how much he argued, the proof was all there. The wolves had found him, Parrish had picked him up on the side of the road, he had a fucking picture on his phone. He was screwed. No point in arguing, all it’d do is piss his father off even more.
“You don’t say,” Stiles offered slowly. “What uh—you know, I like stories. Is it a uh, good one?”
“It seems to be a matter of opinion,” Talia said with another kind smile. “I hear you had quite the night last night.”
Okay, time to cut his losses. He was already fucked, all he could do was apologize and hope she didn’t press for him to get fined and arrested. Given he was her husband’s friend’s son, he had high hopes.
“I’m really sorry,” Stiles blurted out. “It was stupid and-and irresponsible and just—I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have crossed into your territory. I should’ve known better, I do know better! It was a complete lapse in judgement and I am just—I am so sorry.”
4. Where the Real Beasts Are by kaistrex (weishen)
(Sterek, Explicit, Graphic Depictions of Violence, 109,100)
Crown Prince Stiles is gifted a direwolf on his eighteenth birthday by King Gerard I of Venatia. The only instruction? Never remove the collar.
Stiles never has been one to do as he’s told.
5. But I Know (a love like this will end in tragedy) by LadySlytherin
(Steter, Explicit, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, 175,687 words)
What happens when you combine outstanding medical bills with a werecoyote ex-something-or-other, who doesn't understand boundaries?
In Stiles' case, the answer is: Peter Hale as a sugar daddy.
Stiles knew doing this with Peter was probably a bad idea. He knew it wouldn't be easy. He knew his friends wouldn't understand. Stiles also knew he was going to do it anyway.
6. What the Hell Is This, Baywatch? by Jenetica
(Melissa McCall/Stiles Stilinski, Explicit, Graphic Depictions of Violence and Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, 101,913 words)
The summer Melissa expected: A happy reunion with Scott after his junior year of college, a slight uptick in work at the hospital, and a generally quiet couple of months.
The summer Melissa did not expect: A strangely tolerable friendship with Lydia Martin, a hellish bout of supernatural antics, and Stiles Stilinski turning into a hot lifeguard who’s decided he wants to spend his summer giving her some kind of sex-fueled conniption.
Guess which one she gets.
7. Divided Loyalties by LennaNightrunner
(Stackson, Explicit, Underage, 154,031 words)
Jackson returns home after a month spent in London trying (and failing) to start the next phase of his life there. Knowing now from experience that he’d be a fool to try to make it as a werewolf on his own, he asks Derek to take him in as a beta. Derek agrees on the condition that Jackson will do as he’s told. Jackson hopes that, despite the mess left in the wake of the Kanima, he might be able to repair his life in Beacon Hills. Of course, things haven’t really been going the way Jackson has hoped lately...
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Warnings- mentioned abuse (not by yandere), injuries, threats, murder, yandere, protectiveness?, nearly dying, term "mutt" used for reader.
This got out of hand lol. (Also not proofread)
If someone knows the audios I've listened to, hopefully this idea is okay.
Due to something I listened to, I'm now thinking of a hate-turned-to-yandere hunter with a werewolf reader.
An extremely rocky start meeting where the hunter finds the reader alone and traps them, threatening to kill them, but somehow gets prompted to tell their story. The hunter had a family that was killed by werewolves, child taken, and hunter poisoned and slowly dying.
You were heavily abused by the pack before going on the run, so honestly his death threats/promise didn't affect you. You offered to help, which he was very begrudging but eventually accepted.
Days pass as trying to get a lead where his child is, and he slightly grows to like you and learns more of what you were put through.
You both finally get a lead, but he's unable to continue on, rushing against the clock to make sure his child is safe. He even gives you his gun with very potent bullets to werewolves.
You get there and manage to take down most, but there were more than you thought. You had to fight physically, getting too many deep wounds but still pushing on. You were NOT going to let a child go through what you did.
You find a simple 4-year-old child terrified out of their mind locked in a room. Luckily they don't have anything besides a few bruises.
You're against the clock with your injuries, the hunter dying from poison, and the possibility of more werewolves coming. You kneel in front of her, lowering your voice to be more calming for the child. "Hey... I heard about you from your dad. I know where he is, and he sent me to save you. I'm..." Well, not exactly friends. But that little lie won't hurt right now.
"A friend of his. I'm not like these bad people, I promise. Please, let me take you to your da-"
She latches onto you, sobbing uncontrollably. Understandably so.
You pick her up and decide one final thing. Find where they have the lab and destroy everything to make sure no one can get poisoned again. And hopefully a cure.
You manage to find it, and a book even showing the cure in case they accidentally got the stuff on themselves. A syringe filled with the right fluid. You swipe it after a thorough read through of the book (and also bring the book) and quickly get to the car.
You speed back to the hunter's house, and the child bolts into the house before you can even get to her door.
The syringe is still intact as you bolt in too, not caring about your potentially deadly injuries, even to a werewolf.
Entering his room, the child is already hugging him. He looks sickly pale and on death's door. Some blood spots on his blanket. He's trying so hard to lift his body to hold them.
Blood drips from your forehead onto your face, but you're more worried about the hunter.
He coughs again so hard that it's surprising a lung didn't come out. But some blood did, worrying his daughter.
Shit. He needs the injection, NOW. you raise it to his view, and with his little strength he gives you a hard glare riddled with betrayal.
"It's a cure. Found it there when finding the lab to destroy to make sure it won't be used by others. What do you got to lose? If you reject you won't make it. We both know it." You're not going to sugarcoat it for him.
He grows a face of resignment.
"I'll still be here until you wake. I won't abandon you or your child at this moment."
"You... stubborn... *cough* mutt."
You roll your eyes and inject him. He passes out almost instantly. You desperately hope it works.
The child yells for her dad. "It's okay. He's just really sick. He's going to be sleeping for a while."
And for a while he has been. It's been 2 whole days. You constantly check to make sure he's breathing. It's gotten more even, which is a great sign. Meanwhile several of your deep, still-bleeding wounds have gotten infected. All the wolfsbane inside his house and outside severely stunt your werewolf abilities from being able to heal. Not to mention you're constantly feeling sick and have a serious migraine.
But you refuse to leave the house even when the child falls asleep. You need to be at the house when the hunter awakens.
In speaking of waking up, you hear familiar footsteps walk towards the child's room you're laying on the floor right outside of. Not comfortable for your human form, but again, you refuse the child to have to go through more if there are still remaining werewolves.
Theu stop in front of you, making you look up at him, locking eyes. A wave of different emotions flash through his eyes. "Fuck, it really wasn't a dream."
You feel almost too tired to respond. You start to wonder if just breathing around the wolfsbane too long is going to kill you. Probably if your wounds don't first.
You manage to lift yourself up off the floor. "Unfortunately."
His eyes scan your body, several of which are bleeding through bandages again you wrapped around your torso. Flash of worry shows on his face.
"It's preventing you from healing this badly?" You just nod. "But since you're awake and better now, I'll be off. Sorry for using your medical supplies."
He remains silent for a moment. "It's fine. How long was I out?"
You look at the clock. "Almost three days."
"Three days!? And you're still bleeding!??" Your head throbs at his shout, making you put your hands on it. "Some are infected, but it's fine. See your daughter." He doesn't have to be told twice and bolts into the room. His shout seems to have woken her up. Her seeing him makes her yell for him and hug him again.
You feel dizzy... their voices start to muffle. You know what's you happening and you have to get away. The child shouldn't have to see you die.
You trudge towards the door, open and close it.
Your body drops too close to the house. The nearby wolfsbane not even the height of your body away burning your nose and lungs. You can't move farther. Everything sounds deep underwater. You accept what's happening.
"Mutt!!!" The very muffled voice of the hunter yells, slamming open the door and coming outside. It isn't angry or sounding demeaning as before. He crouches down in front of you. His worry overtaking everything.
How funny. The hunter has grown soft for the hunted. A wry smile comes to your face.
"No! You can't die now! I have- I owe you so much. Too fucking much for you to give in on me now!"
Your vision fades as sleep overcomes you.
You're warm. The first thing feeling a blanket wrapped around your body, a pillow under your head, and something soft under you. Your head hurts, but there's the fading smell of wolfsbane around you, reminding you of what happened.
You should be dead, so why is there still a smell of-
"Glad you're back, mutt." A hand you least expected to ever touch you pats your forehead.
You open your eyes to look at him with surprise. That's it. You're dead. There's no way...
"I made sure to move all the wolfsbane a bit farther from the house after dragging you as far away as possible for a while. I wasn't going to just let you die after all you've done for me and my little girl."
You're thankful, but it's weird hearing him say these things when he wanted nothing more than to put a bullet in your head just a week ago.
"And as a thanks, I..." He sighs heavily and runs a hand through his hair. "I want you to live with me and my little girl."
Is he nuts? That poison must have affected his brain. "Thanks, but I'll have to pass. It's still rather uncomfortable being around a hunter, you know?"
His body is rather close, a hand still on your head. "I'm not really giving you a choice. You've been out for a few days yourself, and there have been numerous more werewolves running around. I've surprisingly gotten in contact with other hunters who came here tailing them. I'm not going to stand by and let you or my daughter get hurt again. The others are still around, and I've given strict order that you're off limits for being killed. So you have to stay around me."
Yep, he's lost his mind. "You can't be serious. There's no way they'll listen-"
"I warned them I have no problem putting a bullet through their heads if I even so see them aim a weapon at you. That's why you're only safe with my daughter and I. Which my daughter has also grown fond of you."
I go to sit up, but get pushed down by his hand that still hasn't left your head. Your body still too weak to fight him. "You better listen. I have no problem putting silver on you if I have to, mutt." A warning tone, yet he sounded like he's pained thinking of having to do so. He goes off in thought for a moment while I start to panic.
"You know what? I think I need something better of a name for you. How about?..." He leans really close to my ear. "Dear?"
He grabs my hand before I can weakly slap him away. This is so wrong! His wife was even killed by my kind, and he thinks of this!? "You’re... crazy! Your wife-"
His gaze darkens. "She's already dead. Has been for quite some time already. I've had time to mourn her. Now, I need someone else to be with my daughter and I. My only acceptance will be you, whether you like it or not, dear."
I might delete this. Too tired to think critically on if this is okay posting considering the first part and idea was from an asmr series. Maybe I'll reblog link to it or something. Couldn't find the script author though to tell for sure :-/
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