#the moment I get back I am applying for a new passport cause I can’t deal with the stress
dog-botherer · 3 months
Once again I am braving border control as someone who changed their name by deed poll and whose only ID that they haven’t changed is their passport. Normally this is fine as long as my passport matches the name I book a ticket in. However this is a group booking where they know me by the name that is not on my passport and despite trying to ensure they book my ticket in my old name, I’m not sure if they actually have. So let’s see if I have to be left behind and figure out a way to get back across the country with my luggage.
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authorsquidward · 3 years
Summer Vacation, Part One
IZONE Yujin x Male Reader*
[A/N]: I technically planned to release this on November 1st, since I started on October 21st, but procrastination is a huge pain in the butt. Sorry. Also, this comes with a really long build up and set up, just because I intend to make this multi part. This originally had an older photo too, but I’ve replaced it.
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‘Of all the internships I applied to, why this one?’ You lamented to yourself, the aircraft’s engines serving to distract your train of thought, even after it has landed, and now approaches the gate. You had applied to thirty internships, wanting to go abroad for the summer, and gain some experience. Much to your absolute annoyance however, all but this one had rejected you. It’s not the pay that annoyed you, I mean the money they offered you nearly caused you to have a heart attack, but rather the location, Seoul. You hadn’t even been in Seoul since 2010, when your parents sent you to the United States, your sister having debuted as a KPOP Idol only two years earlier. However, an internship was an internship, and it’s not like it was that bad, as long as you stayed away from your sister, you should be fine. Plus, the company was nice enough to allow you to use their connections to secure a cheaper flight, allowing you to sit in business class. 
Your train of thought was interrupted by the flight attendant’s post-landing announcement, which included the weather, and all the other formalities that came with landing. Once that finished, you prepared yourself to disembark, and mentally prepared yourself to handle the juggernaut that was the Seoul Metro, after all, you didn’t have a car, and it didn’t make sense to buy one for a three month stay. Not like you told your sister you were coming either, only your parents knew. 
Finally, the plane was fully parked, allowing you to get off, the aisle seat you chose allowing you to get out more easily, taking out your carryon from the overhead bin. Besides your backpack, the carryon was the only thing you brought, not wanting to have to drag around too much luggage in the event you got lost. Upon exiting, you walk towards immigration and take the line for foreigners, having relinquished your korean citizenship. Why keep the citizenship of a place you haven’t lived in for a decade, after all? 
The immigration line went by quickly, and around five forty in the morning, you were finally able to approach the officer’s desk, handing him your American passport. He examined the passport, asked you to put your finger on a scanner before stating, “Thank you, welcome to Korea,” and sending you on your merry way.  It would’ve been merry, had it not been for the mass flash of cameras that blinded you as you exited into the public area of the airport, followed by some random lady hugging you, with the cameras following you. “For fuck’s sakes. It’s six AM!” You angrily mutter. “That’s no way to greet your sister.” Your sister replies, pouting. “It is, if your sister, is fucking IU, and she just exposed her brother to ten thousand different tabloids.” You reply in a harsh tone, just standing there with the cameras still flashing. If it weren’t for the fact you were wearing a hoodie, and a mask, out of habit, your face would’ve been splattered all over the news by now. 
“Hey! I’m even lending you my car so you can go to work, can’t you at least be little bit nicer?”  “You are! Thank you so much Noona!” You hug her. “Of course, the moment I tell you that, you immediately change your tone. Typical. You didn’t even tell me you were coming back! I had to hear from Mom and Dad!” She scolds me, as she leads me to the parking garage, with her bodyguard following. “Because I didn’t want the first thing I see coming back here to be the assault of cameras that come with you.” You replied, snarky as always. Jieun couldn’t exactly respond, you made a good point after all. You approached the van, the bodyguard opening it up for you. “This isn’t your car noona, where are we going?” You asked.  “We’re gonna hang out all day today!” She exclaimed. You karate chop her head. “I have work in three hours!” You complained. “It’s a sunday! Why do you have work!” Jieun whined.  “I’m onboarding, plus I need to get ready for when the market opens on monday.” Yes, after all, you were an investment banking intern, hence the mind blowingly huge pay, in exchange for the dreadful hours. Not like there was any reason to care about those hours, you didn’t exactly have a girlfriend to take up that free time, your last one left you two years ago, and its been solo riding ever since.  “Can you at least come with me when I do Inkigayo today? I even got you tickets!” Jieun pouted. The pout is even more powerful in person than over video call, and you found it hard to resist. “FINE! What time is it.” You relented, not wanting to see her pout at you any longer. “It’s three fourty PM, so I’ll pick you up around one thirty ok? Thank you so much!!!” Jieun tried to hug you from the side seat, only to watch as you repulsed towards the door. “One forty five.” You responded. “Fine. You’re so cold. This is why I want you to come with me!” Jieun replied. “Why so you can find some random girl to melt my ice cold heart?”  “Exactly!” She enthusiastically replied. “No thank you. I’ll come see you, but I don’t want to date some KPOP Idol. I don’t want that kind of attention.” Jieun silently just hummed, as if she had some secret plan, which worried you. The conversation ended there, and you assumed that it was because she didn’t want to expose her plan if she actually had one, or was planning to catch up later at night. Either way, the drive to the office gave you time to admire the Seoul cityscape, differing entirely from the California cityscape you had become accustomed to, living in Los Angeles, skyscrapers present as far as the eye could see. In fact, no city in California could even be compared, Seoul was just that different. This is exactly the reason why you chose to go abroad for the summer, wanting to broaden your horizons, see the world outside what you’ve known.  
“See you at 1:30 then!” Jieun shouted as you stepped on the path leading to the office you’d be working at for the next ten weeks, waving back at her in response, before continuing on your way. After checking in with the receptionist, being directed to the proper floor, and having been shown your desk, as well as how to login to your computer, you finally got to meet your boss for the next ten weeks. “It’s nice to meet you sir.” You bow, greeting them. 
“Nice meeting you as well, I trust they’ve already taken care of setting you up?” Your boss replies. “Everything but the ID, it’ll take a week for that one.” You reply. “Well, that’s ok then, welp, I’d do a whole elaborate introduction, but we have a client to meet, I’m Lee Sunghoon.” He’d say as he began walking, you following behind introducing yourself. “I trust you know how much you will be compensated right? You’re prorated at ₩105 Million [$90,000], meaning your base pay will be ₩2 Million [$1730] a week, and any hours you work over fifty two are paid at time and a half or ₩76,000 [$64] an hour. This isn’t wall street so the pay isn’t the same.” He continued. “Yes I understand sir. What would you like me to do?” You responded as the two of you approached the meeting room. “Sit, watch and take notes.” He states as he opens the door to reveal a beautiful girl, about your age, a man in a suit, probably her lawyer, and what seems to be her mother.  “Good Morning to everyone, I assume this young lady over here is Ms. Ahn Yujin?” Sunghoon would ask. You’d stare at the girl, and she’d stare back at you and smile, showing off her dimples, leaving you speechless. Though you weren’t supposed to say anything anyway. “Yes, this is my daughter, Mr. Sunghoon, because her birthday is soon, I’ve brought her here, instead of just telling her what you tell me. The account is supposed to be hers in the first place, and it’s time she learned about this stuff.” Yujin’s mom replied. Yujin would whisper something to her mom, only for the mother to give her a dead stare, and whisper back, something about being lazy and it being her hard earned money.  “Ahh... yes...” Sunghoon would take a small stack of stapled papers out of his padfolio, handing you a copy, and all of them a copy, “I assume you are here to finalize the ownership transfers and other paperwork, to take effect on her birthday?” “Yes.” The Lawyer would finally speak up. You’d examine the paper, widening your eyes visibly at the amount of money the girl had. You questioned whether or not you overheard their conversation right. Is this actually her hard earned money? The girl had nearly ₩1.2 Billion [$1 Million] in this account. Refusing to accept that such a young girl had earned that much money, ironically ignoring how much money your sister had earned as a young girl, you attributed the amount of money to being daddy and mommy’s money. “Ok then, I’ll prepare the paperwork.” Sunghoon looked at you, before continuing “Can you please explain to Ms. Ahn Yujin all the details regarding her account, in the other room, so I can focus on preparing and explaining the paperwork?”  Yujin visibly lit up at hearing that. “Understood, Ms. Ahn, please follow me.” You instructed. “Which one?” Yujin joked, causing chuckles from everyone but you. She then got up and followed you out of the room. “So what do you do here?” She asked. “Well Ms. Ahn, I’m actually interning here, I’ll be writing reports, watching Mr. Lee meet with clients, and other various things.” You respond, noticing that it seems as if she didn’t shower. (A/N: IZ*ONE Chu Countdown Yujin Teaser) “Please call me Yujin, it feels weird when you look the same age as me.” She pouted, as you opened the door to enter the room with her. You both sat next to each other as you prepared to explain the stack of papers.  “I apologize, Ms. Ahn, but this is a professional setting, and you are an esteemed client, I cannot possibly accommodate that request.” You reply. “What if we made it unprofessional?” She slyly replied, smirking. You wondered whether or not she was under the influence at the moment. After a moment of thought, you decided to just ignore that comment and move on. “So just as your mother seemed to have instructed, contributions to this accoun-” You were interrupted by her getting uncomfortably close to you, due to her standing up to look over your shoulder. You glance with your eyes to the left, and seeing under the shirt she wore due to the bent over position she was in relative to you. You couldn’t see if she was wearing a bra, but you saw enough to make you doubt she wasn’t wearing one. “Is there a problem?” You asked. “Oh nothing...could you tell me what that is?” She smirked before asking you, pointing at the contribution history.  “That’s the amount of money your parents have been putting in from their income, and the dates of when they did it, which we then invest.” You respond in a manner to try and discern whether its her money or her parents. “Oh no, it’s not my parents money. All of that was earned by me through the work I do.” She replied, leaning closer to the point that you could smell her scent, and her breath hit your ear as she replied. At this point, you could barely control your blush, and were beginning to redden up, which she noticed.  “Oh what do you do for a job?” You ask. “Same job as you.” She replies, clearly lying. Now people in your line of work made a ton of money, but this girl couldn’t have been old enough to have even racked up this much in Korea. You racked your brain to figure out a way to catch her in her lie. “What’s your secret?!?! I only make two million a week!” You feint admiration, in order to catch her, your professional attitude slowly breaking down, due to the situation you were in. “Wait, you only make two million? I didn’t know your work paid that low!” Yujin replied, before covering her mouth, realizing what she had done, causing you to smirk at your victory.  “You could’ve just said you didn’t want to tell me, you know.” You plainly stated.  “But I wanted to impress you...” She replied, before muttering, “You really don’t know who I am....” “What did you say?” You ask, seeing her mouth continue to move. “Nothing! Just explain away please!” Yujin exclaimed, before you began explaining the details, going from trying to what you assume was, come onto you, to a more professional tone, Midway, she asked you for a pen, and you handed it to her, and continuing to explain. She seemed to write something on a Post-It Note on the table, and then hid it in her pocket, but you assumed it was nothing and continued on. However, Yujin’s actions made that completely impossible after a couple of minutes as her breath continuously assaulted you, which was trouble enough before she started putting her hand on yours.  “Ummm...Ms. Ahn?” You ask. She leans in your ear, and whispers, “Yes?” Her seductive tone further loosening any sense of self control you had.  “It’s a little hard-” Your cut off, her hand moving onto your thigh. “What could be so hard?” She asks, mischievously smirking at you, “Come on, don’t be so dense.” You finally decide to let go and point at the clear glass window, reminding her that people can see through the meeting room. Luckily, no one seemed to be looking. Yujin blushed for a bit, and entered a state of deep thought, before she clearly had what seemed to be an ‘A-ha!’ moment. “What if I give you a sneak peek?” Yujin proposed. What did she mean by that? “What do you mean, please spell it out for me.” You add in a bit of your own teasing, much to her chagrin. “How about I give you a hint?” She smirks, “The preview involves me going under the table, where no one will see.” “Have you even done that before? I have so many-.” You spurt out in a confused manner, before she interrupts you, and puts her index finger towards your lip, before using her other hand to unzip your pants, inserting her hand in to fumble through the fabric before finally popping out your cock. “I haven’t, but I’m a quick learner, as you can see....” Yujin smirks, looking directly at you, before dropping down quickly under the table, your cock in her left hand the entire time, delivering a sweet sensation with its softness. She quickly got into position, and within seconds you watched as her tongue landed on your shaft, moving upwards like one would lick a lollipop normally.  “Are you...sure...you haven’t...done this before?” You struggle to get anything out as she assaults your dick, as if it were an ice cream stick she couldn’t get enough of. She immediately stops after you ask however, only to give you a pout, before taking your dick completely into her mouth, attempting to go all the way down to the base, as if in direct response to your insinuation she was lying about not having done it before. However, her actions would’ve completely betrayed her, assuming that was her intention, because she didn’t even come close to going all the way to the base, gagging midway through. “Dosh thish look-” Her gags break her sentence, rendering her completely unable to speak. Having some experience yourself, while her blowjob wasn’t any good, for a beginner it was amazing, not to mention, the turn on of having someone as beautiful as Yujin slobbering all over your knob, her drool somewhat staining your pants, a problem to worry about later. 
What should be taking your attention, is the drop dead gorgeous woman putting all her effort into what is her first blowjob, you. You use your hand as a brush for her hair, running it through her soft and silky locks, as you chase the high that comes closer and closer to fruition, hopefully sooner than later, as much as you’d like to savor the moment of your life.
Well, seemingly understanding the current situation, or feeling your worry, she upped her assault, her gags seemingly skyrocketing in intensity and frequency, until you grab the back of her head with both hands and thrust, shoving your cock as far down her throat as possible, as you release glop after glop of semen, in what is the best orgasm you’ve ever had in your years of living. Your high lasts a couple of seconds in which all feeling in your body has been suspended by the high. As you come down from it however, the door to the room opens, with your boss and Yujin’s mother walking in...... [A/N]: Hopefully ya’ll enjoyed my first smut, part two to come soon!
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zeldasayer · 4 years
I transcribed and translated Pedro’s interview from GQ Germany for all of us. I tried translating as good as possible but bear with me, English is not my mother tongue. By @sixties-loser
Pedro Pascal, the star from “Game of Thrones”, “Wonder Woman” and “The Mandalorian” talks about becoming an adult, film, fashion, corona – and a painful surgery in the exclusive GQ interview.
It seems almost eerie how empty the streets of LA are in the sunshine. Meanwhile a new normality seems to be coming to Europe, most people in L.A. are still cutting their own hair. Many have not seen their friends for half a year. The pandemic is out of control. The reaction towards it too. Inviting someone into their garden for a “distance drink” can cause the same distress as suggesting to switch spouses.
Therefore, it was particularly surprising that Pedro Pascal immediately accepted. He accepted the drink, not to switch spouses. He is one of the rising stars and newcomers this year – if it wasn’t for corona sending the whole film industry into a forced vacation, there would most likely not have been time for said drink. After having his skull crushed in “Game of Thrones” followed the lead role as a DEA agent hunting Pablo Escobar in “Narcos” in 2015 and now he is stepping towards big Hollywood films. From the 1st of October onwards the Chilean-born actor will be starring in the blockbuster “Wonder Woman 1984”. Moreover, the second season of the “Star Wars”-series “The Mandalorian” on Disney+ starring him as the lead is going to air in October this year – but he will be underneath a helmet. Well, we all are under a helmet in 2020 in one way or another. We want to meet the man who a few years ago still worked as a waiter in New York, whose parents were political refugees who found asylum in Denmark and settled in Texas and whose son one day signed up for a theatre group in High School.
Then, the cancellation! While we were in the middle of fixing up the house and the garden for the drink with Pedro and organizing the fashion shoot, which was not easy considering the safety measures in L.A., his management called with an unfortunate message: Pedro – no, not sick with corona – had to get emergency surgery because of a damaged tooth and was lying in bed with a swollen face that was hindering him from speaking and taking pictures. The sun is shining onto empty streets. And our empty garden.
A few days later he nonetheless arrived at our front door without a swollen face but still with threads in his mouth. He was not chauffeured by a limo-service but he came with his own car – he even picked up his make-up artist. He is helping her carrying all of her utensils into the house and declares: “I’ve got time today!”. What a celebrity! It seemed like we did not want to ask him how he made it to the A-List of Hollywood but he wanted to ask us how we made it to the A-list. Pedro Pascal! Yes, what kind of a celebrity?
Pedro Pascal: Sorry for messing with your plans. The surgery was an emergency.
GQ: Really? We were wondering whether the swelling wasn’t the product of a secret visit to the plastic-surgeon. Apparently, they are drowning in work because of the quarantine in Hollywood.
PP: I have to disappoint you. A few days before our appointment I was rushing to the hospital with a fractured tooth and the worst pain in my entire life – a hospital in which treats people with severe cases of corona. I was unable to reach any dentist! Right in front of the parking lot a specialist called me back. The pain was hell despite the ten injections I got. The doctor said I was not an exception because a lot of people are grinding their teeth because of all the stress.
GQ: What are you most afraid of at the moment?
PP: How the government is handling the pandemic is worrying me more than the virus itself. This shortage of intelligent management of the crisis is a moral shame. The leadership crisis in this country is turning us all into orphans – destitute and abandoned.
GQ: How did you spend your time over the last few months?
PP: I spent it with frozen pizza and sweatpants in Venice Beach. I live in a rear house that’s in a family’s garden. Actually, there are a lot of good takeout places nearby but for some reason I just love pepperoni pizza from the supermarket.
GQ: That does not really sound like movie star-lifestyle. What does it feel like being suddenly stopped from top speed to zero?
PP: Regarding what is going on around the world one should hold back one’s own mental turmoil. I would be lying if I was saying that I am not disappointed. The whole team put a lot of heart and work into the production of “Wonder Woman 1984”. We had a lot of fun on set. I wished to travel around the world and introduce the film with the same lively energy.
GQ: You come from a politically engaged, socialist family that fled from the Pinochet-regime in Chile. What do you remember from that time?
PP: My sister and I were born in Chile but I was only nine months old when we first found asylum in Denmark. From there we quickly came to San Antonio in Texas where my dad started working as a doctor at the university clinic.
GQ: Texas is not known as a socialist utopia. How did you assimilate?
PP: San Antonio is not a Cowboy-town but very diverse with big Asian, black and Latino communities. I remember it as a romantic place, culturally open. The culture shock only came as we later moved to range county in California. There the atmosphere was suddenly white, preppy and conservative.
GQ: How were you received in California?
PP: I’m still ashamed of the fact that I did not correct my classmates when they kept on calling me Peter. I am Pedro. Even if I didn’t grow up in Chile the country and the language are still a part of me. I was very unhappy in that environment. However, I was fortunately able to go to another school close to Long Beach where I felt more comfortable. Through the theater group at that school I found my way.
GQ: Were you able to visit Chile as a child?
PP: Yes, when my parents made it to the list of expatriates that were able to travel to Chile without consequences. First, there was a big family reunion and then my sister and I stayed there for a few months with relatives while my parents went back to Texas. They likely needed a break from us. They got us when they were very young, had a buzzing social life and my mother was obtaining a PhD in psychology.
GQ: Was your mother a typical young psychologist who wanted to apply her theoretical knowledge at home?
PP: You mean, whether I was her guinea pig? For sure! I remember strange tests and sittings that were disguised as games where someone was watching me react to different toys. I cannot have been older than six but I was already aware of the dynamic. My favourite thing was being questioned about my dreams. That was a wonderful opportunity to come up with fantastic stories.
GQ: Was that your first performance?
PP: Of course! My mother worried about my strong imagination because I was living in my own fantasy world rather than reality. I hated going to school. I was always categorized as the troublemaker. At one point, the topics at school became more interesting and my grades also went up. There are so many kids that are unnecessarily diagnosed with learning disabilities without considering that school can be abhorrent. Why is it so accepted to be bored in class when there are so many stimulating ways to convey knowledge?
GQ: Considering al that has happened this summer around the world: Do you believe that we can seriously demand social change now?
PP: I Hope so. After lockdown, the first time I went out was to protest for “Black Lives Matter” on the streets. The energy was peaceful and hopeful until the police provoked severe conflicts. Nevertheless, we cannot run from problems like we used to this time and we cannot distract ourselves from them either. It seems like the pressure of the pandemic led to a new clarity: We cannot go on this way.
GQ: The “Wonder Woman 1984” Trailer revives the optimism of the 1980’s. From today’s point of view, it seems almost nostalgic.
PP: That’s right. You really are happy for two hours. The director Patty Jenkins created a film full of positive messages. We shot in Washington D.C., then in London and Spain – this sounds like I am talking of a past time.
GQ: Do you miss traveling?
PP: I’m just now realizing the privilege of just packing up one’s stuff and being able to fly anywhere. An American passport used to guarantee unlimited travel. And that’s why it the small radius of our lives is actually unimaginable. Over the last years I often retreated for a break after shootings because I was constantly on the move and overstimulated. My friends were already complaining I had become too comfortable. We all took social contact for granted and are only realizing now how dependent we actually are on human contact. Over the last weeks I often longingly thought about all the parties and dinner invitations I declined.
GQ: In L.A. people spend more time at home or nature than in other metropolises that are more geared towards public life. Could this city become your second home after New York?
PP: My Real Home are my friends. I have been a nomad since I was little and I do not have a place where I have put down roots. Up until not long ago my physical home was a place in between departure and arrival. Therefore, it was something I did not want to complicate through the accumulation of stuff. On the contrary: Without having read Marie Kondo’s book I have freed myself from excess baggage over the last few years and I lived relatively minimally.
GQ: Is there nothing you collect or something you just can’t throw away?
PP: Books! I even still have the literature I read when I was a teenager and when I was in college. Recently, I stumbled upon a box full of old theatre manuscripts and materials from my time at the New York University. I also cannot part from art easily, just like I cannot part from lamps or old photos. On the other hand, I can easily get rid of furniture and clothes.
GQ: Do you remember roles that were really only completely defined through the costume?
PP: Yes, I am particularly thinking about “Game of Thrones”. At that time I understood for the first time what it meant to be supported by a look. This is thanks to the costume designer Michele Clapton. She created very feminine robes and brocade coats for my character that nevertheless looked masculine when worn and I felt very sexy in them. Of course, Lindy Hemmings power-suits and Jan Swells bleached hairstyle for the tycoon-villain in “Wonder Woman 1984” were very important as well. At first I did not really see myself in the role because the cuts and colors of the 80s do not really fit my body. I’m more the 70s type.
GQ: Do you incorporate those inspirations into your personal wardrobe?
PP: In my free time I choose comfort over a cool look these days. Sometimes I miss the times when I expressed myself through a certain style. It is hard to imagine that I went to Raves as a teenage in the 90s; I was a real club kid with ridiculous outfits: overalls, balloon pants, football shirts and a top hat, like in Dr.Seuss’s “Cat in a Hat”. Later in New York I was hanging out with a group of people that felt it was very important to have a certain style. The fact that I am basically only wearing sweatpants everyday is actually tragic.
GQ: whoever plays roles in comic book adaptations becomes a bodybuilder and eats ten chicken breasts a day. You don’t?
PP:My body would not agree with that. It is hard enough to stay in shape normally. When you’re in your mid-forties you have to live with a lot more discipline. Up until before my tooth-incident I worked out with a trainer in my garden multiple times a week to keep the quarantine body in check.
GQ: Apart from the personal trainer, are you in a steady relationship?
PP: I am not ready for that yet. Maybe at some point I will be but until then I’ll let it be. I can’t even offer you absurd corona dating stories.
GQ: What would annoy you the most if you were your own roommate?
PP: I can be quite controlling. I have to conjure all my humanity to prevent myself from going through my entire film collection. When I don’t want something I cannot keep it to myself or be passive-aggressive, I always have to take it to the frontlines. Other than that, I tend to have tunnel view: when I am not feeling well I cannot imagine to ever feel better again. I have trouble relativizing my emotions or to wave off problems. Method-acting would really not be for me. This is why I try to only work on projects that feel good, where there is mutual support and encouragement.
GQ: When we were trying on the clothes earlier you spoke of a lack of self-confidence. How does that get along with a career like yours?
PP: Isn’t it interesting how these characteristics and circumstamces relate? Self-worth comes from inside but it is also influenced by what society values because we often internalise the public gaze. I have lived in New York for 20 years, I studied there and made a living by working as a waiter until my mid-thirties because the theatre and film jobs I got did not pay the bills. There were so many times I was almost there. The disappointment of having missed the perfect role or opportunity by a hair’s width can be crushing. When should you give up and what is plan B? That is a question that is not only on many actors‘s minds but also on many others minds who struggle for a living – no matter how much potential they have or how close they seem to be to the top. We are seeing now how our narrow definition of success destroys society. At the same time, we are realizing that where we come from and the color of our skin still decide whether we can exist with dignity.
GQ: What are the positive aspects of a relatively late success as leading-man?
PP: I feel like I can decide over my own life without the pressure of having to accept projects or to have to present a certain identity on social media. This is for sure also because I am a man. Regardless of age, Women have to try harder to stand out.
GQ: Life always consists of risk management – now more than usual. For what would you risk losing something?
PP: Generally, when you never risk something you might never get ahead. That is for friendship, love, work and creativity. I have to be ready to take risks for the things that really matter to you.
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itshysterie · 6 years
[2018] Going to Music Shows for EXO
Please do not repost any of this, you can share just by linking the post!
Because many people have asked (and accused me of being ‘selfish’ for not sharing when most of this is easy to figure out via other tutorials), I’m going to make a general “guide” on how to go to music shows for EXO!
As a disclaimer, I can’t give you just one set of instructions, because the requirements, methods, etc. used by SM’s fanstaff can differ even within the same promotion period! So this could be confusing, and it’s still important to be checking the official notices to see what you need to do / what you should bring.
The Notice
Notices are posted on the ‘Notice’ board on the official website, because EXO (and SM groups in general) do not have official fancafes.
The notice will say what time the prerecording is (listing two times if there is more than one - like during comeback week, or if there is a postrecording for the next week), what time fanstaff will give out entry numbers, how you can attend/apply, and what you need to get in.
There is no set time for the notice being posted. During promos it is good to check frequently if you plan on going, or when possible to even be waiting near the venues for music shows the night before, just in case it’s first-come-first-serve (선착순) entry. I’ll explain the different ways of applying below. 
Here’s an example of the notice from last week’s comeback for TEMPO at Music Bank.
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The Methods
For EXO, it can either be 선착순 (first-come-first-serve) or applications (신청 - 참여 신청 [application to participate], 사전 신청 [prior application]) held through e-mail or Naver Forms.
When it is announced as 선착순 (first-come-first-serve), the line/list cannot begin before the notice is posted. Often fans will wait around the venue where people line up, and the moment the notice is posted, someone will yell out “NUMBER ONE!” (일번!), people crash in towards them, and once a line of some sort is formed the people at the front of the line by that person will start giving out numbers.
When there is a lot of fans waiting around before the notice is posted, this can be chaotic. (Tends to happen when the notice is posted late, so people know it will be 선착순 instead of applications). Sometimes there are no people around yet, and the first person there doesn’t want to be in charge of managing the list, so people will wait in a line until someone who wants to manage the list comes.
The person will generally ask for your name and the last 4 digits of your phone number. This is so when they do name-checks that it is you in line, not someone else. The person making the list will then stay there all night, managing the list/writing down new names, and then holding periodic name checks overnight.
For EXO they tend to do name checks once every 3 or 4 hours, and the final check is around 2 hours before fanstaff come to give out numbers. This can vary, so make sure you listen closely or ask what time the next check is each time. If you are late for a check, even by one minute, you are cut from the list.
After the last unofficial name check, generally fans will stay IN LINE or at least not wander far for the next 2 hours until fanstaff show up. Sometimes they’re early (and sometimes late), and it’s better safe than sorry after staying awake all night.
When it is 신청 (applications), SM often will use e-mail (jokingly called the 멜림 “mail-lympics”) or Naver forms (폼림 “form-lympics”). On both e-mail and the form, the SM fanstaff will compile a list of the number of applicants whose e-mails/forms are submitted first at the assigned time.
The post will say what time applications will happen, and you need to send it exactly at the application time. Even if you do, it’s not uncommon to not get on the list.
For e-mail, they post the e-mail you need to send to, and the format of the e-mail subject line. You have to follow the format exactly or they will not accept your application no matter how quickly you send it. The format occasionally changes (whether they want your full birth year/just the last two numbers, whether they want hyphens in the phone number or not, which order the information is sent in, whether there’s a final backslash, etc.) so it’s important to check the format each time the notice comes up.
An example of the format is :
Being the date and name of the show in the brackets [ ], followed by you FULL NAME as it appears on you ID (and EXO-L card), your birthdate, and your phone number. The post will have a section listed as [참여 신청 방법] or [신청 방법], and for e-mails it will have the 양식 (format) listed. ALWAYS check closely! I suggest copy-pasting the format and entering your information. 
The body of the e-mail always is kept empty. They will reject your application for even having something written in the e-mail.
SM will then post the list of applicants who were first in their inbox, often late at night, and either it will be 선착순 (first-come-first-serve) among the applicants, or they will assign numbers for entry. If it’s 선착순, follow the instructions above for 선착순. If not, make sure you’re still earlier than the time listed for fanstaff arriving! If you’re late, you will be cut.
For Naver Forms they ask for similar information. Make sure you include your full name as it is on your ID and your EXO-L card, a Korean phone number, and your birthdate. Make sure you do not hit ‘SUBMIT’ (제출 / 확인, depending on the form) until the actual application time!
If you submit your application too early, even by accident, you will not be on the list. You also cannot re-apply, because duplicate applications are also immediately cut.
They will check all of the information asked for. Remember the phone number you put down, because they will ask you either the first four (앞번호 ap-beonho) or last four (뒷번호 dwit-beonho) numbers of the phone number to confirm your identity. It’s best to use the actual number for your phone/SIM card, because in the case of a sudden change in time or location they will send texts out to the number listed.
The Requirements
This is where it gets more complicated, because they will change what you need every day. I would recommend taking EVERYTHING that might possibly be listed if you are not confident in your ability to check the notice in detail.
They will always require -
PHOTO ID (사진부착신분증) : This must be your passport or Alien Registration Card (Korean ID).
EXO-L CARD (EXO-L 모바일카드): The app! It MUST be registered under your REAL NAME with your real birthdate. You also need to be actually on the app, which requires wi-fi / data. It cannot be a screencap. They will check if it’s actually the app!
OFFICIAL LIGHTSTICK (VER. 2) (공식야광봉) : Just this promotions they switched to requiring the 2nd version (white) lightstick. They check if it turns on! Make sure you have fresh/new batteries, and DO NOT leave the battery pack screwed on in your bag! The Bluetooth function will drain batteries even when your lightstick is not on.
If you do not have these you will be immediately cut from the list, no questions asked. You will be cut if your EXO-L card is not your real name, if it doesn’t match your ID, or if it’s a screencap. You will be cut if your lightstick will not turn on or. ALWAYS make sure you have these.
Other varying requirements - 
DIGITAL DOWNLOAD RECEIPT (음원, 음원 구입내역) : Often SM only requires you to have the title song downloaded, but always make sure! Generally it MUST be from Melon, MNET, or Soribada, on an account under your real name (they change the sites occasionally, but Melon and MNET are always included). YOU NEED TO HAVE THE ACCOUNT INFO PAGE SHOWING YOUR USERNAME AND FULL NAME, TOO. Make sure both screencaps / pages show your username, and that none of the information on your user information page is ***ed out.
If your print-out is not right, they will let you run to a nearby place to print it and run back. If you do not know print shops nearby I would suggest taking the loss and accepting a lower tier. You will be pushed to the back of the line, but you will not be pushed to a lower tier (often having all the items = tier 1, and it goes down based on which items you’re missing). 
ALBUMS (앨범 *** VER.) : When this is included, it is the most recent album. You must have the actual CD, and it’s best to have the case as well. (For ‘Don’t Mess Up My Tempo’ I am guessing they will require the case, because the CD looks the same for all versions.)
!! They OFTEN change which version / the number of versions they want. Some days they might want just one album, any version, other days they might ask for more than one or ask for specific versions. During Monster/Lucky One, some days they would want both Korean version albums, other days they would want the Chinese and Korean version of Monster, and on other days they wanted all four versions. !!
Fanstaff & The Recording
ALWAYS listen to fanstaff. Do not fight with them. Do not break the rules.
Even if you are given a number, you are not guaranteed to get in. The broadcasting stations can sometimes change the number of fans who are allowed in. This is not the fanstaffs’ fault. (It is often fans’ fault, for breaking a rule / being unruly, either while lining up or the week before.)
SM fanstaff has in the past cut all foreign fans from a line, or given foreign fans priority below Korean fans (regardless of residency status) because of one or a few foreign fans breaking the rules. Do not be the person responsible for this.
General Rules :
NO PICTURES, NO VIDEO, NO AUDIO RECORDING. : This includes with your phone. You cannot take pictures inside of the studio whatsoever - not selcas/selfies, and not even of the stage. SM fanstaff is so strict about this that you generally are not allowed to even have your phone out doing other things once you are inside the studio. Remember: A Korean fan might be told off/kicked out, but a foreign fan being caught might not only cause you to get kicked out, it could have bad consequences for all foreign fans. Getting caught by security instead of fanstaff can cause the entire fanclub to be kicked out and banned from the recording.
NO CALLING OUT TO THE MEMBERS. : I know this doesn’t really make sense. You want to cheer and call out and fangirl/boy. But SM is very strict about staying completely quiet except for the official fanchant, even when they’re performing. Between takes you need to stay as quiet as possible, too, even if EXO is on stage. Fans freaking out between takes/on standby can cause delays in the prerecording, and annoys the staff during the recording - too much can cause the broadcasting station to let in less fans the following week, so SM fan staff tries to be safe and just have fans be absolutely quiet except for the fanchants. (You also shouldn’t talk over a whisper even with the people next to you.)
I highly recommend trying to understand at least basic Korean before coming to an SM recording. The fanstaff often will not make the effort to try and speak a different language with you (though it depends on the person, how rushed they are, how rude fans in general are being that day, etc.) If you did not understand or missed something, try to ask the Korean fans next to you in line what has been said.
Fanstaff are there to make sure as many fans as possible get into the recordings, to make sure everything is as organized as possible (which doesnt’ always go too well), and to keep people from breaking rules that would reflect badly on the fandom and on EXO. Don’t make more trouble for them than they’re already having to deal with.
(( A story: At the Music Core recording for Tempo, security put us into the seats, and some girls with higher numbers ended up a bit closer to the front than fans with lower numbers. A handful of fans decided to loudly complain to security/fanstaff [even though other fans were telling them not to], which almost caused the prerecording to be cancelled / delayed, caused way more trouble than necessary, and made the fanstaff cry because they had fought to get as many people as possible into the recording. These fans caused more than 200 who could have gotten into the ‘Tempo’ or ‘Ooh La La La’ recording to be sent home without seeing anything, after waiting overnight. Yes, sometimes it’s unlucky and it sucks when that happens, but don’t ruin things for everyone just because you’re unhappy. ))
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seecourtneytravel · 6 years
October 5th and 6th, 2018 (Friday and Saturday)
Cebu, New Friends, Excursions
When I went to bed in the hostel, I just laid down and was still in my day clothes. As mentioned before, some idiot from our 8 bed dorm turned off the AC. Maybe it was too cold but I woke up burning up inside early in the morning.
After the AC was turned back on, I kind of layed in bed for a little bit. I looked up the nearest gym available. For some reason it’s so refreshing to me to go to a gym in a different place. I found they had anytime fitness around the corner and I was pretty much jumping for joy inside because I’m a member back home.
I wasn't really interested in having breakfast first so I left with just my phone and headphones. Anytime fitness was literally around the corner in the top floor of a four story plaza.
I walked in and went to the front desk. I said to the woman working, “hi, I’m an anytime fitness member in the states and don’t have my key fob, can you look me up?” She looked pretty resistant off the hop. She immediately said “sorry, we can’t look you up here. But you can pay 500 pesos for a day or 3000 pesos for the month.” I was taken aback. I told her I am already a member and paid that in the states monthly already. I said, “I’ve gone to anytime fitness in other countries and they could look me up. This is the first time I’ve ever had issue because anytime fitness happens anywhere anytime when you’re a member.” She half ass looked me up when the flag on the search box was still showing the Philippines. It said “not found.” She then asked if I had ID. I showed her my license and passport on my phone. She said it wasn’t enough. I told her to get the manager.
The manager came out and had a disappointed look on his face as he introduced himself. I told him the story and he said “Sorry, but if you don’t have a key fob you can’t come in.” I told him I wasn’t expecting to be near an anytime fitness in the Philippines. He then went back to saying that even foreigners always have their key fob when they come and asked me why I didn’t have mine.
The argument had my blood boiling. I then showed them my bank statement that I just had money withdrawn from my bank account October 1st from the company. They said it still wasn’t proof. Then I said what if I had my dad take a picture of it. The manager said he would need to see a live video. I was thinking you gotta be kidding me.
I called my dad on Facebook messenger and it was already 11pm for him. He got up and looked in my room and found my one set of car keys. I had to inform him he had to go on the hunt for my other set that had a purple key fob on it. I felt bad, I made him look in my car, in my bombed messy room, and it took him a while before he stumbled upon them on my dresser.
I showed them the live video of my dad holding up my keys in the camera. Then they said “well what’s the number on the fob.” I asked my dad and he said needed to find a magnifying glass because the numbers were so small. He hunted all around the garage and found it with some digging. I gave them the number and the 1 hour or so ordeal was done. It was principal I went through that because I’m a paying member. They finally let me workout after all that and I killed a great workout. People probably think, “you’re in the Phillipines why are you stressing over the gym.” I’ve kind of lost my gym mojo since being here. It was like I found my home when I saw their was an air conditioned, non polluted, clean gym to go to. And I had a membership!
After the gym I went back to the hostel where they had some cheap food options. After I ordered I saw Anna. Anna was one of the girls from last night that was sitting in a different group. I asked her what her and her friend Carys were doing for excursions. Anna said she would ask Carys and come back in a few minutes while I was eating.
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Anna is from Scotland and Carys is from the U.K. and they just arrived to the Philippines. They are also nomads in their 20’s. Anna’s travel stories are incredible, she has has spent five years working in and out of many countries. It makes me feel like my moments of traveling in a country for a month is the equivalence of me going from NY to Canada for a week. She can actually say she had lived in places like New Zealand and Vietnam.
They came back to the table and Carys was extremely hung over after last nights shinanigans. They both arrived earlier in the day and started drinking many hours before I arrived. Anna and I encouraged Carys to maybe put something in her stomach. She ordered an oatmeal and a smoothie but was unable to touch it. She excused herself to go to the bathroom. When she came out she was all smiles and was much perkier. She was able to take in some of her lunch.
We sat at the outdoor picnic tables for what felt like hours of just talking. Once we decided on a tour I told the front desk. I excused myself from the girls so I could walk around the area we were in and maybe find a nail salon.
After walking for a while, I couldn’t find A nail salon anywhere. I did stumble upon a massage spot. For only 250 pasos, I experienced the most painful foot massage of my life.
I got a message from Carys while I was walking back that they were going to go to a cafe bookstore called “books and brews.” I replied yes and was almost back at the hostel. When I got back they were already ready and we headed out.
We made it to the bookstore through a random restaurant alley. It felt like a New York City speakeasy. I ordered the soup and sandwich with a latte. The other girls also ordered a hot latte. It was funny because we all shared that we were normally all or nothing when it came to having drinks. I typically don’t drink alcohol much at all. It doesn’t interest me to have “one or two beers.” I’d rather have coffee or water. Depending on the crowd, my surroundings, the atmosphere, and most importantly, how conversations are going- all depend if I dip into the “I’ll have a blue moon.”
I urged the ladies I had to go back because I had to use the bathroom and the toilets there didn’t have rims. It would be okay if I just had to pee, but I couldn’t squat for like 5 minutes straight for other duties. Filipinos must have quads of steal.
Also, I was supposed to meet Kevin out later. He said there was a table that Blui reserved. We left the restaurant and I started getting ready. Kevin messaged me he was on his way to pick me up. It was the first time I was in a car in the Philippines that wasn’t a taxi!
Kevin picked me up, he was dressed really well. Made me bummed out that I had a pour selection of clothes. I had to be up and ready BY 4am for the excursion the girls and I were taking. Kevin had a 7AM flight to catch to Manila. We figured it would be a short night.
We arrived to the bar Blui and his friends were supposed to be. I guess they were on Filipino time. After a few drinks, I thought I saw a recognizable face. “Is that the mayor from ABCD beach in Guiuan?” He came out of his vehicle with a woman. Kevin had no idea he would be here and we waved him over. It’s crazy that he also came from an entirely different island and to run into the same face. He also flew out of Tacloban to Cebu.
After an appetizer was ordered, Blui and his guests finally arrive after 11pm. We were all pouring sweat in our outside table while the inside was air conditioning. Everyone was content being outside, I kept having to go inside to use the bathroom but really just to catch the cool air.
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Time flew, 4 mojios later it was already 230am. Kevin dropped me off at the hostel where my head literally hit the pillow and in an hours time my alarm went off at 330 to get up for the excursion.
4am whale shark tour
I actually didn’t feel as terrible as I thought. Carys and Anna got in the back of our private transport car and I sat front seat. I wanted to sleep the three and a half hours to the whale shark tour. I have a really hard time sleeping in cars naturally but our driver made it so much worse. He constantly started conversation, and as the front seat passanger I wanted to be polite and talk to him a little.
Constantly, the driver would ask..”So Mam, in your country…” over and over again. With different questions from wages to asking me if I could get him a job as a driver. He then asked me if I knew any mechanics to help get him a job. I said flat out, “I really don’t know, literally go there and apply yourself everywhere.” I had to tell him “okay I’m gonna sleep now. My eyes are closing..” he would say “okay mam you sleep now.”
As I tried to sleep I felt like the guy was intentially speeding up to slam on his breaks. By far the worst driver ever. We were all jolted around the car unnecessarily. It was very frustrating. I would doze off and it’s like he was speed, brake, and swerve at the same time causing my head to bounce off the side door. I would look up in a slight panic and it would be a straight road in front of us. I would give him an annoyed WTF look but didn’t have the balls to say anything. If he became a driver in the states he would lose his license first week. Or run a family over.
We arrive to the whale shark tour at about 8am. It was already packed and we had to wait about 45 minutes until our numbers were called. After we waited we all jumped aboard these boats that would take us maybe 30 yards from the shore line. They had 8 whale sharks they were feeding and allowed us to get out and swim with them but not touching them. It was scary and surreal At the same time. There was a time the biggest one was coming straight at me with its mouth opening and closing like some kind of jaws. I saw him through my snorkel and panicked sloth holding on to one of the balancing bamboo beams. The boat men laughed as I screamed. Turns out, I survived. It was cool because Carys had a go pro and caught some great photos.
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After the whale sharks we were able to grab lunch. The girls and I sat down and ordered some food. I noticed the driver was sitting afar not eating. When the food came out I went over and invited him to join us. I scraped half of my food onto his plate which was abou 6 shrimp and a ton of seasoned noodles. He began speaking Waray to the server and she brought out pork and rice for him as well alone with an orange soda. I was a bit confused but I guess he could have managed to order his own and I lost half of my meal for nothing. He shared some rice with me.
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It came time to pay for the meal. We all dug for our last dollars and worked on configuring how to pay for the drivers additional add on meals. Afterwards he got up and said “ready?” And had no intention of paying. His meal was the most expensive one to pay for so we were all taken back that he added on to the bill. There was also no thank you in return. It was just a bit awkward.
Kawasan Falls
We then headed to the waterfalls which was another 2 hour drive. The spazzing drive was turning our stomachs. As we were just arriving, Anna said “good because I think I was going to be sick.”
We arrived and it was an obvious path the the falls. We were bombarded by locals demanding money and entrance fee in which we forwarded them to our driver. Our excursion was supposed to include our entrence fee and the driver kept asking us to pay. Our driver disappeared for about 15 minutes and then arrived again with another man. The other man was eager to take our photos and was acting as a “tour guide.” The girls and I caught on that he might expect payment at the end. They all voted me to tell him that we didn’t need a tour guide. I went up to the guy and was pretty blunt. “Hey sir. We don’t need a guide we want to be alone- thanks.” He proceeded forward without responding. We didn’t see him for a bit.
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We arrived to the huge heavy flowing light blue waterfalls. It was heavily commercialized with a lot of rules and a lot of areas where you had to pay money if you wanted to do anything. You had to rent a life jacket if you wanted to swim close and had to pay 300 pesos if you wanted a table. We did our own thing and refused both. The other guy returned who started to ask if we wanted our photos taken. We blatenly ignored him and took our own photos of eachother. We kept playing around with the “throw your hair back” photos. water was freezing but amazing.
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Once we left we had our tour guide take us to the hostel in Oslob where whale sharks were. We tipped the driver 300 pesos for driving us back. The hostel we arrived to was very basic but beautiful. It was called Salangers hostel. It had at least 16 dorm bunk beds in the one room with us being the only people at the moment.
The first thing that caught our eye was this adorable puppy that was half Dalmatian and half lab. It was the first dog I’ve seen that was actually a pet. What is more heartbreaking is that his name was Buddy. I had a delmation and labordoodle and the labordoodle’s name was Buddy.
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The hostel owner gave us a ride to downtown Oslob which was tiny and we as dinner at a pizza shop. We don’t even eat much just craved mango juice and a salad then tricycled back.
When we returned, the Canadian from the hostel 7 in Cebu city was there. He was like “hey Courtney!” I said “Sam!” It’s crazy how I kept running into the same people all around. Sam was from Vancouver Canada and was traveling alone while he is out of work. Where he has already gone is where I’m going. We were kind of on the same path but opposite. He was easy going and comfortable to be around.
Sam sat outside and picked up this cute kitten that was meowing around him. I was so surprised he did that but also happily impressed. The animals are so unpredictable here, were finally in a spot where a puppy and kitten are easy to handle and play with like your common domestic animal in the states.
Just as we were about to head to bed a guy from the Congo came in who was also traveling alone. He spoke French but lived in China. Him and Sam planned the whale sharks the next day.
I chose a bottom bunk and put my ear plugs in and eye covering on. The beds were worse than prison beds and it felt like we were upside down.
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sarahlwlee · 4 years
31 Stories in 31 Days: Name
What is this? As part of celebrating Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month (May), I am writing a story every day about my experiences as a Chinese Malaysian immigrant in America. My friends and family have provided numerous one-word prompts to help me create these stories. Today’s word prompt was contributed by Meg B. and the word is “Name”. Thank you Meg for your contribution and thank you everyone who stopped by to read my story today.
I was born in Malaysia with the name “Sarah Lee Ling Wei”. On my birth records, it’s only “Lee Ling Wei”. The name “Sarah” was considered a nickname growing up and my mother was concerned that I wouldn’t like my selected English name. She left it out of my birth records so that one day if I truly didn’t like it, I would choose a different English name for myself. According to my mother, this happened to my older sister where my mother gave her the English name Elaine, but she chose Hannah as her preferred English name when she was older.
Little did she know, nor I, how much the name Sarah would become a significant part of my identity.
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Throughout my schooling years, I have always introduced myself as Sarah Lee Ling Wei. My teachers would make a note in brackets on the class registrar that my name included “Sarah”, even though it wasn’t officially on my birth records. Every time when a new teacher would read the class roster for attendance, I would say, “Teacher, my name is Sarah Lee Ling Wei and I’m present.” I am sure those teachers were annoyed at some point due to my obstinate behavior of getting my name right when all they had on record is my Chinese name.
When I was 14, I was baptized in a Lutheran church and they provided me with a baptism certificate that included my English name. I was so elated to have a piece of document that had my whole name and I kept it in a bright neon orange plastic binder to ensure it was kept in pristine condition. This document became critical when I joined an American transfer college degree program in Malaysia.
During my first semester in college, I failed my first 100-level class in Computer Information Systems (CIS). I remember viewing my results online at a computer lab in college and feeling shocked as well as owning my failure -- that I deserved this grade. I have never failed a class or test before, neither was I an A student in all my years of schooling, but somehow in that moment I gave in to my inner doubts and told myself I wasn’t cut out for college. After viewing the results, I drove to the nearest movie theatre to catch an international movie and cried in the theatre by myself.
I knew eventually I would have to drive home and tell my mother the bad news. When I got home my face was red and swollen from crying and my mom asked me, “What’s wrong, Sarah? Why are you crying?” I tearfully told her that I had failed my CIS class and that I wasn’t cut out for college. She sternly said to me, “Sarah this can’t be right. You poured all those late nights into building that website for your group project -- you did the whole thing. Also, you’re good at computers, how could you have failed?”
My mother, who has always come to my defense whenever she perceived some sort of injustice has occurred to me, took the car keys from my hand and told me to get in the car. She drove me to the college and asked me where is my CIS professor’s office located at. I walked my mother to my professor’s office and feared the potential retaliation from this professor. Every time my mother intervened with a teacher as about my studies or well-being as a child, it has been my unfortunate track record that those teachers end up hating me and finding ways to make my life a living hell. You can imagine my trepidation as we walked to my professor’s office.
My mother knocked on the door and the professor stepped out to talk to my mother, while my face was still puffed up red from crying. My professor was puzzled by how I looked and asked my mother, “What’s wrong? Why is Sarah crying?” My mother calmly explained to the professor what had happened and inquired why she had given me a failing grade. To my professors shock and surprise, she said, “Sarah didn’t fail. In fact, she was the only student in class who understood the material and mastered it quickly. I didn’t give her a failing grade.”
The professor looked up the class registrar on her computer to find my grades and she couldn’t find my name. What we found out was the name on record is “Lee Ling Wei” and she couldn’t remember anyone in class with this name. Thus, she gave a failing grade to a student’s name she didn’t recognize. After the professor figured out what had transpired, she immediately fixed the grade to an A and apologized to me for the distress she had caused. She continued to speak highly of my academic performance to my mother and as both of them continued to talk about me, my mother called me a silly girl for not double checking with the professor.
It was a huge relief that I didn’t fail the class, but it was also a turning point for me that I couldn’t continue existing on paper as “Lee Ling Wei”. So from that day onwards I researched the process for changing your name legally and of course similar to most bureaucracy it wasn’t an easy process. You had to show proof as to why you were changing your name. A few of the examples of proof included marriage certificate, adoption papers and as I read through the complete list, there was only one option that I would qualify to show as proof -- a religious certificate. In this case, a baptism certificate that illustrated my complete name “Sarah Lee Ling Wei.”
I wrote a statement, had it notarized, filled out a lot of paper work, waited in several lines, swore before a judge that the information I provided is true, and paid a lot of fees for every paper work I had to file -- until finally I received an official letter in the mail that the government had officially approved my legal name change. With that letter I was able to show proof at the Identification Card department to produce a new MyKad (a Malaysian government issued form of identification) and subsequently took my new MyKad to the Passport department to issue a new passport with my new legally changed name.
Ever since then, I never had to worry about my name being incorrect or being misidentified as someone else. This was a defining moment for me because it shaped my character to never accept a fate that wasn’t created by me.
When I completed the Malaysian portion of the American transfer degree program, I was ready to take on the next chapter of my education in Kalamazoo, Michigan. I had all my immigration paper work with my correct name and I had a student visa reflecting the same. It was a very exciting time for me -- traveling overseas and to be away from home for more than just a couple of weeks.
Arriving in Kalamazoo was quite an experience. I remember the first time I set foot on Western Michigan University’s (WMU) campus and feeling so lost. Part of our itinerary when we arrived in Kalamazoo was to figure out our living accommodation at the dorms and attending the international student orientation. The international student orientation was filled with Bronco spirit and it was awkward. International students like me who didn’t know the fight song were in quiet observation because we just didn’t know the culture and practices that many other WMU college students have become accustom to.
In addition to experiencing a different campus cultural experience, we were also provided a letter from the Offices of International Student Services to apply for a Social Security card. We also had to apply for a Bronco Card and also a Michigan Identification Card in order to access a variety of benefits on campus. At this point I felt comfortable navigating bureaucracy and paper work to ensure my name was legal and also that I was on legal standing in this country.
I filled out all the paper work for a Social Security card, had money on hand to pay the application fees as well as this letter to prove that I was a student at WMU who might be applying for employment on campus. The paper work part was easy, what I didn’t anticipate was the interview with the Social Security staff who was processing my paper work. First of, they were confused about which part of my name was my last name when they looked at my passport. I told them it’s Lee. Then they asked me which part of my name is my first name. I told them my English first name is Sarah and my Chinese first name is Ling Wei, all of that is part of my first name. At this point, I thought to myself that they were clearly not reading the paper work I had filled out because it was laid out very clearly on paper.
What came next defined the rest of my existence in America of how I talk about myself. The Social Security staff person who was processing my paper work was baffled by my explanation regarding my name. He then explained to me that he is going to hyphenate my Chinese name (Ling-Wei) and my Chinese name is now my middle name. I had never heard of a middle name before and that wasn’t what I was raised to understand as my identity or how identify myself. I didn’t know how to respond at the time and just nodded in agreement thinking to myself, “If this is the only way I am going to get my social security card, then my name has to be listed this way.” This is how my name on my current official documents are listed, “Sarah Ling-Wei Lee.”
A part of my identity changed due to this act of simplification. However, I didn’t think very much of it at the time because I knew who I was and the order of how my name was just the nature of different naming conventions and cultural systems. Reflecting back on this experience, I realize I had changed the way of how I introduce myself to people over the last 17 years in Kalamazoo. More specifically, I have dropped my Chinese name completely, or now my middle name, from conversation and leveraging the levity of a renowned baked good called “Sara Lee” as part of my introduction spiel. Anything else would be a pronunciation or hearing test for the recipient and there is nothing worst than having someone butcher your name in public.
Today, I am extremely comfortable with just Sarah Lee and it doesn’t diminish my pride for my Chinese name or my identity, even though not many people call me by that name in America. My mother from time to time calls me by my full name, especially if she is upset with me. She enjoys regaling me of how I got my Chinese name. I was born during the first Uber Cup badminton competition in Kuala Lumpur and it was featured on the television that my mother was watching after she gave birth to me in the hospital. The renowned women’s badminton player at the time was Li Lingwei and I was named after her that year. Unfortunately, I can’t play badminton well for the life of me but I can hit a birdie from time to time.
If you would like to read more stories about my lived experiences as a Chinese Malaysian immigrant living in America, check out the full list of “31 Stories” project I did in celebration of Asian American Pacific Islander month in May 2020.
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bregjetokorea · 5 years
3. University application
In this post I was initially going to track all the preparations I am doing before leaving for Korea but I realized it was going to be too lengthy. I did try to code in page jumps but Tumblr didn’t want me to do that, so I decided to break it up into two parts: application and final preparations. This is the first part. It’s still long because the entire process, from being nominated to being accepted, took over 3 full months! I tried to just create a log of each step I took in this process. Perhaps boring, perhaps not. Here we go.
  Nominated for a semester at Myongji
September 24, 2019 
Today I received the news that I have been nominated for a semester abroad at Myongji University (명지대학교)! I am very happy because it was my first pick. My dad is also really happy because I told him Park Ji-Sung is a Myongji alumnus (actually, he really didn’t care). Next to being happy I’m also relieved because my friend and classmate Bo-Jenna was nominated as well, so we get to go together! Maybe it’s my anxiety playing again but going together feels a lot more comfortable than going just by myself, knowing that I’ll always have a friend there who is going through the same culture shock as I am, who I can always check with and I won’t ever feel like a complete loner. So, there’s that, I am really excited!
Getting nominated is however just the first step of a semester abroad and a torrent of information will be coming my way in the next few weeks. Below is a broad overview of some practical things that I should expect the next coming weeks:
My home university will send a nomination to my partner university in the next two weeks, and they will tell them that they wish for me to study at their university.
Within a few weeks, the partner university will send information about the application and possible forms.
I will register with the partner university, following their guidelines and submitting the requested documents. It is very important to familiarize myself with the deadlines of Myongji university!
After submitting the application, the partner university will inform me about the status of the application.
Once I have been accepted, I can make all the necessary arrangements, for example flight tickets, visa, etc.
So that’s it for now. I will update once I know more.
  Application time!
September 30, 2019 
I received the application information from Myongji University! The deadline is quite tight so the first thing I did was try to make an appointment with my doctor for a consult on which vaccinations I need for traveling. I need to provide proof of vaccinations and test results in my application. I also checked my health insurance but so far it seems nothing needs to be changed for traveling abroad and even my vaccinations will be insured (when I found out my brain made a mental dance of joy because dear lord jesus I didn’t know vaccinations were that expensive). I still need to look into other insurances like liability and travel insurance but I’ll save that for later, it’s not part of the application. I have 2 months to prepare all the documents I need. Usually deadlines and me are not the greatest duo and I end up submitting everything the latest possible moment, but now I am really serious when I say that I’d really like to have everything ready within the next month. That way there might be a small chance of being accepted sooner so that I can apply for a visa well in time. And let’s be real, I think I’m really gonna need this attitude in Korea too considering the competitive culture.
  Getting vaxxed
October 16, 2019 
Today I finallyyyyy had my doctor’s consult regarding my vaccinations. I guess I was a little too enthusiastic when making my appointment because initially I booked with an institution that wouldn’t insure my vaccinations (always check the fine print, guys), so I had to cancel that one and wait LONG (only two weeks but I’m impatient). But in conclusion, the consultation really is something you cannot skip because which vaccinations you’ll need to get all depends on your personal situation and your budget. The ones I got today are: Hepatitis A/B and DPT. I need to get a few repeat vaccinations and have a blood test done, but I’m not sure if I can do all of this within one sit yet. Which is kinda annoying because I have to take a half-day session off for it. But it’s all for a good cause of course and I’d rather not have jaundice or putty-like stools or whatever may be the weird ass symptoms of all those scary diseases. 
Going to my doc is of course not the only thing I have done so far. A few days ago I had my visa pictures taken. It’s early but I needed new pictures for the application so I thought it would be wise to combine these. Visa photos can be no older than 6 months so I’m good. There’s a lot more to it actually. Korean visa photos need to have a white background and a whole lot of other specs that are different from Dutch passport photos. This is another thing that I never would have thought about, but I’m glad the kind man at the photo studio knew exactly what to do. Furthermore, I have filled in most of my application forms and have received all of my recommendation letters. I requested all of these from the international office at the beginning of the application because apparently every document needs to be signed and it could take some time. But honestly everything is going a lot faster than I thought. The only documents I still need are my blood test results and a transcript from my home university, but that is just a waiting game for now.
  The things I’m willing to go through for traveling... amazing
October 28, 2019 
And yet I got jabbed another needle in my arm; a Mantoux shot to test if I’m tuberculosis negative. It hurt a LOT more than the vaccinations... like a burning stingy sensation, so you’ll be warned if you ever need to have this done. I would have gone to get this tested way earlier but my doctor was quite confused about how to test for tuberculosis at all. I don’t blame them; Myongji is saying some contradicting things in the application form (the language barrier problems have started, guys). After some consulting I am now pretty sure I just need to provide negative test results. But… my doc called me last week telling me I couldn’t get it done with them, so, today, I traveled all the way to the health services location, that of course is nowhere close to my home, to get my shot. Also, I was a bit stupid and got lost in the hospital while looking for the tuberculosis center (it isn’t located in the hospital itself, lol) so I came in late. But everything else went pretty smoothly, I told them to have the statement prepared in English, and I will need to come back in 2 days to pick it up. 
Meeting my travel buddies
October 30, 2019 
This morning I picked up my tuberculosis test results. They were negative, luckily; I didn’t endure the veritable hell that was ~ that shot ~ for nothing. Or maybe I’m exaggerating a little bit about how intense it was, who knows. Anyways, the morning was a fast process (I didn’t get lost this time) and I could, fortunately, get my statement written in English like I had indicated two days ago. 
After that, I went to Eindhoven, where my home university is, because they organized a pre-departure event this afternoon for all students who are going abroad in the Spring semester. It was nice coming back to university for once and seeing my friends again, as this internship life is draining all the energy out of me and don’t meet with them often anymore. It was also fun to see how many people from different study programs chose to go abroad. We first sat in on a plenary session on how to prepare for our minor abroad. Then a student shared her experiences of living abroad in the US. But then came the fun part: a networking event where students could mingle and meet the other students travelling to the same country! So, I finally met a bunch of people who are going to South Korea! I was so surprised to see how many people are actually going and even more surprised plus a little relieved to hear that most people’s main motivation to travel wasn’t because of Hallyu. I also heard from a bunch of people they didn’t get to go to their first choice, so I’m obviously really happy that Bo-Jenna and I do. Eventually I met the 4 other students who are going to Myongji. They seem really nice and everyone’s super excited. We created a group chat in which we can discuss the application. This one girl had asked Myongji for a course list of the English courses and she shared them with us, so we can actually start to already make a selection for the learning agreement! We also talked about housing and gained some helpful insights from the others. It for sure was an interesting afternoon!
  Finishing touches
November 13, 2019 
Another afternoon was spent at the doctor’s to have my final vaccinations injected. An interval of a month was needed in between the first two hepatitis combo vaccinations. I will receive the third one once I return from Korea to be fully protected. I also had a regular checkup including an eye test and blood pressure check. What I still need though, is a blood check for hepatitis B. I thought I could get this done today, but apparently I can’t. My doc told me to come by next week but I am scared I won’t make the deadline so I made sure to plan for this in two days, which could be too soon, but I’m willing to take a risk. Not sure if the results are going to be what I hope for, but they have to be.
We also found out a couple of days ago that all Myongji students, including exchange students, are required to take Chapel classes (?? are they called classes, I don’t know??), which will be FUN because we didn’t know about it before applying. I of course knew Myongji rests on a Christian founding spirit and education policy but I never thought Chapel is a must thing for every student. Myongji students actually opposed resistance to chapel requirements over a decade ago. And classes will nowadays, apart from praying, singing hymns and listening to sermons, also feature different programs like dance performances and lectures that convey Christian values to students in a more friendly way, and to attract the attention of non-Christian students. So, I’m guessing it will actually not be that bad after all and I’m quite interested in learning how this works in an educational environment. It’s funny because the country expert we met at the pre-departure event told me we would tops see a cross on the classroom walls when it comes to Christianity presentation. She didn’t know about it either. But I’m fine with it really, I am Christian after all, I just need to get used to the idea.
Last doctor’s visit
November 15, 2019
In the early morning I went to my doctor’s again to get tested for hepatitis B and to check my blood type because I didn’t know. I called my GP and the hospital I was born in but there weren’t any records of my blood type so only thing I could do is get tested for it as well. I will get the results of both hopefully early next week. And then I’m done y’all!!
Bo-Jenna has already sent her application to Myongji and the housing company URSeoul a couple of days ago. Which is good because we are planning on sharing a room together, which she mentioned in the form, so they already know that we are going to be applying together. We will be living in Twin City Namsan which has the most convenient location ever as the building is connected to Seoul Station and subway station. They have partnered with Myongji and therefore also offer shuttle buses to the university. They work with a first come first served principle so it’s a good thing they at least know us now. They told us that I need to send my registration form, for them to send us invoice, so I’m just waiting until I get the results right now. Kind of a bummer but we need to pay all of the rent up front but I guess that’s normal in SK.
It’s getting annoying now
November 21, 2019
More waiting! I called in on my doc two days ago but the blood tests results weren’t in yet. They told me to call them today, so I did. But when I called, the results still weren’t there. My doc said they would call the lab asking why it took so long. Turned out, the results were actually already there so they faxed it to my doc. My mom picked up the documents, and everything was fine, until I saw they put on my sister’s name on the document.... Apparently, the lab made a mistake... The correct stickers were stuck to the blood tubes, but because my sister had done a stools test earlier this year, she was in their system and I wasn’t yet. And since we’re twins, they blatantly assumed it was me that was in their system. The lab promised me that the correct documents will be digitally forwarded to my GP tomorrow. I’m really mad because they haven’t even checked my social security number which is like ?? normal procedure ?? So goes to show, I am glad I set the goal of being done a month early because if I hadn’t then maybe I would have missed the deadline.
I applied...!!!
November 22, 2019 
My sister picked up the correct test results for me today. Luckily they came in well. With this, I could finish my application!! I have applied!!!! This afternoon I sent my application to my home university and they will send it to Myongji. I also applied for the housing right after. So now we wait!!
December 6, 2019
It’s been two weeks since I applied, and I feel a bit weird by just waiting, especially since I have been so busy until now. I have been looking up information about applying for a visa and I have started picking courses. Only thing is, I think the course list we were provided with isn’t really up-to-date. I feel like courses are not described well etc. I e-mailed them about it but they sent me the same one. I know the official course list is not going to be out until February, so I guess I’ll need to be making changes to my learning agreement when I arrive in Korea. But my home university told me it happens a lot and that it’s not that big of a deal.
Furthermore, the housing company has never replied or affirmed my application. They also said they would contact Bo-Jenna last week, which they didn’t. I decided to shoot them a message on KakaoTalk (most popular instant messaging app in Korea) yesterday but they haven’t replied to that either, while I can see it has been read. So yeah, don’t know what’s up. Guess they’re busy but I think it’s a bit strange. And so we wait!!
Housing Problems
December 13, 2019
Received an email from Myongji today regarding the second Seoul off-campus dormitories (the one we applied for). I now understand why they never replied to me. Myongji partnered with the housing agency, but apparently, the contract between the housing agency and the landlord is no longer available due to an internal problem. They said that if we want to stay in the building (Twin City Namsan), we have to contact the landlord ourselves and it would mean the condition of the contract (room type, cost, etc.) would be different from what they offered initially. For this reason, Myongji gave us the alternative option to stay in the on-campus dormitory. We have to decide on this quickly because we need to send the application form in 5 days.
December 16, 2019
Myongji sent us a different application form for the on-campus housing that allows us to choose a roommate. Bo-Jenna and I discussed it and we are going to apply for a double room. It’s quite the downgrade from the room we initially opted for in Yongsan but there’s not much time to find some other place anymore without spending all my savings on rent. Location-wise it’s great; we won’t have to take public transport to go to class every day. It’s only 20 minutes by bus to Hongdae. And it’s suuuuper cheap compared to Twin City Namsan. But there’s a lot of rules and restrictions that come with living on-campus. There is, for example, a curfew, the room is super limited, probably not that many international students, just a lot of strictness. Which isn’t necessarily bad, but I would like a liiiitle more freedom to... you know... do whatever. I guess we’ll have to live with it. I’m glad we at least have a place to stay. And we do save a ton of money so there’s more room to do fun things.
University Acceptance
January 7th, 2020
Hooooray. It took a while, but I received the UAL today which means that Myongji has accepted my application. We were sent the certificate of admission and the rest of the acceptance packet by email and they will send a physical version to my home university as soon as possible. However, I was checking if all my personal information on the certificate was correct and found that they made a mistake in copying my passport number. I emailed them about it as fast as possible (which was 5:30 am for me, rip) so I hope it can be changed in time. 
Also, my learning agreement got accepted by my home uni faculty and the exam committee so I now have official permission to follow a semester abroad. I only still need to have it signed by Myongji but that will happen soon so I won’t mention it anymore.
January 8th, 2020
Myongji took care of the mistake and has been in contact with the Korean embassy in the Netherlands to verify. Everything is ok now. I was also added to a Naver Band group chat by Myongji with other exchange students where all information regarding the exchange semester is discussed. They promised to send housing updates in there as well. I’m so excited, guys!!!
As these were all the preparations I needed to do for the university app, all the next steps (visa, flight, insurance, etc.) will be discussed in a different post which you can find here. :)
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stuckinthekookiejar · 7 years
Spring Day pt. 5
Pt. 1 || Pt. 2 || Pt. 3 || Pt. 4 || Pt. 5
Jimin x Reader ft. Taehyung
Series Genre: Angst/Fluff
Series Summary: You knew that married life with an idol would be challenging. You just didn’t know that it would be this challenging.
Word Count: 1724
A/N: not edited (...as always ^^;) expect a shit ton of errors 
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A strong pit feeling in your stomach formed as you sat in the taxi on your way to the airport. It felt as if you knew that you had forgotten something. In a blink of an eye, you hastily grabbed for your purse and dumped out all of its contents paying no attention to the confused driver of the car. 
“Shit...” the word left your mouth so effortlessly when you saw just what you were missing, “Um, I’m so sorry sir...but do you mind turning around?”
Jimin began to rummage through his dresser for some fresh clothes. 
A part of him felt apprehensive for having Taehyung over. What if he found something that might link you to him? What if he found out that he was married? Would he feel put off? Would he not want to be friends with him anymore?
But Taehyung was Taehyung...Jimin knew deep down that his marriage with you wouldn’t cause Taehyung to cut him off, so he contemplated telling him the truth. 
But Jimin also knew that he signed a contract. He agreed to keep everything about his marriage locked and hidden. Jimin loved him to bits, but he didn’t want to take the risk of Taehyung accidentally blurting out his little secret. And so, he decided to keep Taehyung in the dark. 
Sweat trickled down everywhere along his body. He began to ponder the idea of taking a quick shower before heading out to hang with Taehyung. In the ensuite bathroom, he started to run the water, but as he started to undress he noticed something peeking out from under a pile of unlaundered clothes on the floor. He kicked the clothes to see a passport lying there. Jimin picked it up,
“How did my passport get here. I thought I....” but then he opened it to see your face. It wasn’t his passport. It was yours.
And then, as if it were on cue, he heard the voice that would normally make his heart flutter...only this time it made his heart drop at the speed of light.
With an exasperated push, you shut the door and knocked on the taxi driver’s window to which he responded by rolling it down, 
“Do you mind waiting for me? I’ll be out as quick as I can. I’ll pay extra if I have to.” 
With the incentive of cash, of course the driver would wait for you, so quickly you dashing up the steps and to your apartment. 
The metal key fumbled in your hand, “Dammit Y/N...” you scolded yourself, “How the hell could you leave your passport at home...”
Finally, the door opened with a loud creak and you stepped in without taking notice of the extra pair of shoes at the front door, 
“Jiminie?” you shouted as you made your way to the kitchen, “Have you seen my passport? I think I left it...”
You turned the corner hoping to see your husband eating the dinner you had prepared for him earlier in the day, but you were met with a stranger. 
The stranger had the same kind of confused glint in his eyes as you did, 
“Um...who are you?” You squinted your eyes at him. His face seemed kind of familiar, but you couldn’t recall just where you’ve seen it before. 
A chunk of the gimbap you made fell right out of his mouth and he dropped to the floor to clean up his mess, snapping you out of your thoughts. Soon the adrenaline started to kick in as you began to realize that an actual stranger was in your kitchen eating your food. 
How did he get in? Was he a thief? What if he kills me?
Words couldn’t really form, your tongue was tied. However, the stranger didn’t seem hostile in the slightest. He was kinda slouched, he looked just as frightened as you were and the only weapon he had in hand was the mushed up gimbap he was trying to scrape off the floor. 
“Who are you?” Even though you probably sounded terrified, you were grateful that you somehow got your vocal chords to produce something. 
The man looked up at you, “I could ask you the same thing.”
“Well, I asked you first. Now, who are you and why are you in my apartment?”
Quizzically, he tilted his head to the side, “Your apartment?”
“Yes, my apartment. Now tell me who you are before I call the police.”
“Woah there,” he stuck his palm in the air in front of him letting the gimbap fall back onto the ground, “I’m not an intruder, I swear. My name’s Taehyung and I’m a friend of Jimin’s. He let me in, I swear.”
“You’re Jimin’s friend?” A small taste of doubt lingered on the tip of your tongue.
“Yeah, I am. He’s in his room changing right now, so just ask him when he comes back.” Once he saw that you were beginning to wash away some of those doubts you had held onto, he slowly got up and grabbed a napkin from the table, “So I told you who I was, now you tell me who you are.”
You thought that maybe it might be a foolish idea to reveal your name to a total stranger, especially since you weren’t sure if he was lying to you. He could be an actual thief for all you knew. But if this man was telling the truth, if he really was a friend of Jimin’s, then you wouldn’t want to make your first impression by dousing him in the pepper spray that you’d often carry around, 
“I’m...I’m Y/N. I’m Jimin’s...”
“COUSIN!” Jimin came in panting, “Yeah...this is my...cousin.” 
You looked at him with so much more confusion than when you found Taehyung eating your food in your kitchen, “Jimin...what do you mea...”
Before you could continue, he walked over to you and slung an arm over your shoulder with a bit too much strength. It felt like he was almost putting you in a headlock. 
Taehyung didn’t seem to notice anything out of the ordinary and his smile seemed to grow even wider after Jimin introduced who you were,
“Oh! You’re Jimin’s cousin? It’s so nice to meet you! I didn’t know you had family in Seoul, Jimin.”
“Erm, yeah. It’s quite expensive living in the city, so we thought it would be good if we room together...just us...cousins...living together...” A new layer of cold sweat formed along Jimin’s brow, “My dear, precious cousin! Look! You’ve left your passport in the bathroom!”
He shoved the green booklet into your hands, “Oh, well look at the time! Y/N, you’ll miss your flight at this rate. I’ll walk you to the door!” 
Just as Jimin started to pull you out of the kitchen, Taehyung interjected, “Wait...”
Jimin stopped. You could feel his hands clam up real quick. Taehyung continued,
“Why was Y/N’s passport in your bathroom?” 
“Uh...” You eyed Jimin waiting to see if he’d give up whatever game it is he’s playing and just tell Taehyung who you really were, “Well....Y/N and I....we...we get our passports mixed up! Yes, we took a small trip once and I accidentally took her passport when we got home...”
You really couldn’t see how Taehyung would ever buy that excuse, but you were proven to be wrong, 
“Oooooooh, okay!” He laughed and rubbed the back of his neck, “I actually did that a couple times before too.” 
“So...I’ll be showing her out then! I’ll be back soon, Tae.” Jimin tugged at your wrist and dragged you to the door like his life depended on it. It was only when he pulled you down the stairs and stepped outside in the open did you get the chance to finally say something,
“What the hell was that Jimin? Cousin? Since when was I your cousin?”
“Y/N....let me explain...” He took a moment trying to formulate his words,
“Well, spit it out already! Why did you lie to your friend about me?”
“I...I was going to say something to you eventually, Y/N... I didn’t mean to keep this from you but...”
“We have to keep our marriage a secret.” 
“What...” Your voice trickled into a soft whisper. You felt a sharp pang to your heart. You couldn’t believe what he just said, “What do you mean we have to keep out marriage a secret?”
Jimin looked to the ground, too ashamed to look at you in the face, “It was one of the conditions set by the company...I couldn’t do anything about it.”
“But doesn’t that only apply to the public? Can’t you at least tell your friends about...us?”
“I can’t risk anyone keeping such a secret, Y/N-ah.”
“So...so you mean to tell me that nobody knows that I exist...and on top of that you lied to your friend about me being your cousin? What the actual fuck?”
Jimin tried to grab a hold of your hand, but you pulled away before he could, “Y-Y/N-ah....what’s the point of telling people that we’re married, anyway? It’s not like they’d care. I-It’s no big deal.”
“No big deal? Keeping me under wraps as if I’m some dirty little secret and having to lie to the people around you about who I am is no big deal? Maybe to you, it isn’t, but it’s a pretty big goddamn deal for me, Park Jimin.” 
Behind you, you heard the taxi driver honk his horn telling you to hurry up. You huffed and turned around and headed toward the car with all kinds of feelings stirring within you,
“Yeobo...we’ll...we’ll talk about this later, okay?” 
You stopped momentarily and took a quick glance behind you, “Yeobo? What do you mean ‘Yeobo’? I’m not your yeobo anymore because apparently, I’m your cousin, remember?” 
Jimin felt a strong taste of bitterness from your words. As he heard the car door slam with a loud thud, he crouched on the ground and scratched frustratingly at his hair. 
The taxi drove away and you sat in the backseat looking at the image of Jimin get smaller and smaller through the rear-view mirror. 
The taxi driver glanced at the mirror. He didn’t speak or ask any questions. He just simply reached over to into his dash compartment and handed his customer a tissue so that she could wipe away the tears that trickled down her face. 
Gif not mine, credit to the owner
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bettername2come · 7 years
Protecting the Protector
“What the fuck?” May Parker shouted.
Peter Parker could count on one hand the number of times Aunt May has dropped the f-bomb when she knew he was listening, so he knows she’s pissed off, like he knew she would be. Which is why he’d tried to keep this from her in the first place.
Peter turned around slowly, mask in hand. “Uh, it’s a cosplay?” he said weakly.
May crossed her arms. “Bullshit. Try again.”
“Okay, um.” Peter sighed. “I’m Spider-Man.”
May rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I know that part.” She stood there waiting for some kind of additional explanation, while Peter racked his brain trying to figure out what he needed to say to her to keep him from being grounded till he graduated. College. After a moment of just staring at each other, May uncrossed her arms and reached for the door. “You’ve got two minutes to put on something less ridiculous and meet me in the living room.”
She slammed the door shut and retreated back to the kitchen to pour herself a large glass of wine. This was not a conversation she had ever thought she would have to have with Peter, certainly not alone. God, she wished Ben were here. He’d know what to say to get through to Peter. She took a sip of her wine and headed for the couch. Okay, fine, maybe he wouldn’t, but at least she wouldn’t be doing this part by herself. She wondered vaguely if there was a YouTube tutorial on how to talk to your kid about his newfound superpowers.
Peter’s bedroom door opened and he walked in slowly, dressed in jean in a t-shirt and sat down in the chair across from May. “So, uh, on a scale of one to ten, how mad are you?”
“Mad? I don’t think ‘mad’ is gonna cover it, Peter?” She took a deep breath. “How long?”
“How long what?”
“How long have you been lying to me, Peter? ‘Cause you sure haven’t had these powers your whole life. I’m not that unobservant.” Right? She hadn’t just overlooked this for the past ten years, had she?
Peter stared at the carpet. “Eight months.”
“Eight months?” May repeated and she honestly wasn’t sure if she’d expected it to be longer or shorter than that. “So before…”
Peter nodded, still not meeting her eyes. “Yeah. Before.”
“I got bit by a spider.”
“A spider bite. You’re telling me this all happened because of a spider bite?”
“I think it’s safe to say this was not a normal spider.”
“Yeah, obviously,” May replied.
“I mean, I didn’t think anything of it when it happened and then,” – he gestured towards himself – “everything happened, and I didn’t want to freak you out, but I wanted to help people, so I made the costume and I went out there, and I wasn’t gonna tell anybody, but then Mr. Stark saw the YouTube videos –“
“Mr. Stark? Tony Stark knows you’re Spider-Man? So that whole Stark internship is a lie?”
“Technically I am working for Mr. Stark, and you know, learning the ropes, so it’s kind of an internship.”
“You were supposed to be learning science,” May snapped. “That son of a bitch came into my home and lied to my face about where he was taking you and why! God, and you came home hurt and you lied to me about it!”
“I didn’t lie. Steve from Brooklyn gave me the black eye.”
“Steve from…CAPTAIN AMERICA gave you a black eye?!”
“Yes,” Peter said in a small voice.
“Does Captain America know who you are? ‘Cause I got to tell you Peter, I’m really feeling left out of the loop on this one.”
“No, just Mr. Stark. And his head of security. And Ned. And Liz’s dad.”      
“Liz’s dad? Liz’s dad who tried to kill you knows who you are?!”
“This is why I didn’t want you to know! I knew you’d freak out.”
“Damn right, I’m freaking out. You’ve been lying to me, Peter. For months. And going out putting yourself in danger, with Tony Stark of all people and I just – “ May stopped and took a deep breath. “Give me your phone.”
“Give me your phone.”
Peter passed the phone over. Yeah, grounded. Definitely grounded forever. No phone. No Spider-Man. Nowhere but home and school for, like, ever. He knew this was gonna happen.
May surprised him as she began scrolling through his contacts.
“What are you doing?”
“I’m looking for Tony Stark’s number,” she said without looking up. “Is it under T, S or I?”
“You can’t call him!”
“The hell I can’t,” May replied. She sighed, eyes still locked on the phone. “Peter, you’re a kid. You’re supposed to make dumbass decisions, it’s part of growing up. I know. I made my share of them. Tony Stark, on the other hand, is an adult. He’s supposed to know better, so I can and will call him and find out what the hell he was thinking. Damn it, where is his number?!”
“I don’t actually, uh, have his personal number,” Peter said.
“Then how is he contacting you? Email, Skype, some top-secret, superhero-only communication device?”
Peter decided that mentioning Karen and the communication features in the suit would be a bad idea. He gestured towards the phone. “Happy Hogan. Mr. Stark’s head of security.”
May nodded, finding the contact and making the call over Peter’s protests.
On the third ring, Happy answered. “I just dropped you off, kid, you can’t possibly have gotten yourself into trouble that quickly.”
“You’d be surprised,” May answered, studying Peter and judging by his reaction he can hear what Happy’s saying. “This is May Parker. I’m trying to reach Mr. Stark.”
“I, uh,” Happy stuttered before regaining his composure. “What is this in regard to?”
“In regard to him flying my nephew halfway around the world without my permission and putting him in dangerous situations he had no business being in,” May said.
“Um, Mr. Stark’s busy at the moment. Could I have him call you when he gets in?”
“Listen, Mr. – Hogan, is it? – if Mr. Stark doesn’t want me speaking to every blogger, news outlet and government agency about the fact that Iron Man is recruiting kids to fight his battles for him, he will be at my door within an hour. We both know he can beat the traffic.” She ended the call and tucked the phone into her pocket. “I’ll just hold on to this a little while longer.
Peter stared at his aunt with wide eyes. “You wouldn’t, like, actually tell anybody would you? I mean, that was a bluff. You were bluffing, right?” he asked.
May pointed towards Peter’s bedroom. “Go to your room. We’ll finish talking when Stark gets here.”
Peter rose to his feet and headed to his room. He closed the door and leaned his head back against it. “I am so dead.” Maybe I should just make a run for it, he thought.
“And Peter Benjamin Parker, don’t even think about going out that window!”
Peter sighed. So dead.
Forty-five minutes later there was a knock on the door. May opened, to see Tony Stark standing there in a dark suit. She crossed her arms. “You picked the business suit. That’s a bold choice.”
“The other one’s parked on the roof,” Tony replied. “It tends to make the civilians twitchy when there’s not an alien or demi-god around. May I come in?”
May backed up, sweeping her arm towards the living room.
Tony walked towards the living room. “I’d sit down, but I’m thinking you might prefer to yell at me while we’re both standing. That bluff about calling the media, it was a good one. But we both know you couldn’t do that without naming the kid involved and you’d never put Peter in that kind of danger.”
“No, you seem to have that part covered,” May said. “What were you thinking putting a fifteen-year-old kid in the middle of battle between superheroes?”
“I was thinking he could do it,” Tony said. “And I was right.”
“He could’ve been killed!”
“Let’s be real here, for a moment. None of those people were fighting to kill.” Tony held up a finger. “Okay, King T’Challa was out to kill, but he was on our side and just gunning for the Winter Soldier.”
“You realize you’re really not helping your case right now?”
“Yeah, I’m starting to see that. You know, I take back what I said earlier, this might be more of a sit-down kind of situation.” Tony settled down on the couch.
May sat down across from him. “What makes you think the rules don’t apply to you? You have a whole battle with Captain America about regulations and accepting limitations and you kidnap a kid and sneak him out of the country to fight on your side in a battle he didn’t even have a stake in.”
“I didn’t kidnap anyone!” Tony said, just a touch too defensively.
May took a deep breath, remembering Tony has his own set of issues. “I know Peter wanted to go.  He idolizes you. Inside the suit and out. But he’s fifteen. He can’t just leave the country without permission. He doesn’t even have a passport.”
“He did mention that.”
“What would you have done if something had happened to him? If he came home really hurt? Or worse?”
“Started on an intense cycle of shame and self-loathing that would ultimately lead to some very poor decision making,” Tony said. “I’m gonna say something I don’t say very often, so you probably want to pay attention: I was wrong. And I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have put the kid – “ May raised her eyebrows – “Peter in harm’s way. I realized that. I tried to correct it. But taking the suit back didn’t stop him from putting himself in harm’s way to do the right thing. I could take the suit, walk out that door and never look back and it wouldn’t stop him from having those powers, and it’s wouldn’t stop him from being the person you and your husband raised him to be. Peter is an amazing kid.”
“I know he is.”
“Do you? Because this is a kid that saved the life of someone who tried to kill him. Who almost got himself killed trying to save a ferry full of people. Who created a webbing I haven’t been able to duplicate after two months of studying it. He’s an abundantly kind, smart person. One of the best I’ve ever met, and I’ve met some of the best.”
“That doesn’t change the fact that he is still a kid. He’s in high school. He can’t drive. He can’t sign legal documents, including those accords you were so keen making the Avengers sign. He’s not ready for that.”
“I know that,” Tony said. “More importantly, he knows that.”
“So where exactly does that leave us?”
Tony shrugged. “Why don’t we ask the kid what he thinks? Since he’s been listening to us this whole time anyway.” He turned towards Peter’s door expectantly, and slowly the knob turned and Peter peered out sheepishly.
“Hey,” he said.
“So you’ve got all these enhanced spider senses, and you couldn’t tell your aunt was standing right behind you?”
“They’re better at seeking out threats,” Peter said. “May’s not a threat. Except maybe to my superhero career.”
“Sit down, Peter,” May said. He did. “What is it you want?”
“I want – I want to help people,” Peter said. “I know that sounds lame and way too simple, but it’s the truth. I have these powers and I’m supposed to do something good with them, I know I am. I don’t want to lie to you, and I don’t want to freak you out, but if you tell me I can’t be Spider-Man anymore, we both know I’m gonna do it anyway eventually.”
“I can say from experience that that is definitely true,” Tony piped up.
“Just tell me what it’s going to take to keep me doing this, May. Whatever you say, I’ll do it, but, but I gotta do this,” Peter said. “I can’t just let the bad things happen. Not anymore.”
May froze for a second, the memory of a police officer in her doorway flashing in her mind, but she quickly pushed it away. She couldn’t focus on that fear right now. She had to think about Peter, what was best for Peter.
“No more leaving the country,” May said. Peter nodded his head enthusiastically. “If something comes up out of the country. We’ll deal with it when the time comes, but no more surprise trips to Europe. I don’t even want you going to Jersey without telling me, you got it?”
“Yes, definitely.”
“No accords. No working for the government. Stark, you were right. I don’t trust them with Peter’s identity, especially not that Ross character.”
“For what it’s worth, I don’t like him either,” Tony said. “Neither does Banner.”
“Well, something we can all agree on,” May said. She focused on Peter. “So you stay here. You do your – “ she sighed – “your superhero thing here. You will get your homework done. You will not sneak out of this house anymore, and you will not do anything that is going to give me a heart attack, you got it?”
“Yes, totally. Definitely. Thank you, Aunt May.” Peter jumped forward and wrapped his aunt in a tight hug.
“I’m not finished,” May said. Peter pulled back, and May turned her gaze toward Tony. “You are going to give him a real internship. Something that will get him actual scientific experience that he can put on a college application. And an extremely powerful letter of recommendation that will bring a tear to the eye of whoever reads it. And you’re going to listen to him. He is going to get backup. No more of this taking on illegal arms dealers by himself. Got it?”
“Yes, ma’am,” Tony said with only a trace of irony.
“I reserve the right to change these rules when necessary,” May said. “But for now, you can keep being Spider-Man.”
“Well, now that that’s settled, I better be getting back before my fiancée thinks she’s got another PR disaster on her hands,” Tony said, rising to his feet.
“Fiancée?” Peter asked.
“Yeah, it’s been a really busy day,” Tony replied. “Adios, Parkers.”  He closed the door behind him.
“So if everything’s cool, I should probably head out on patrol,” Peter said, getting to his feet.
“Oh, no way,” May said. “You are not going anywhere tonight.  You are so grounded.”
“But, May, you said – “
“You fled the country, Peter!”
“I’ll be in my room.”
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ladybloo · 7 years
Harry!!! On Ice, the Reprise
So months and months ago around when I first watched Yuri!!! On Ice I got really into the fanfic type where crossover adoptions happen. And since Harry definitely could of used some parental love during his childhood, he becomes the adopted kid of Victuuri. A lot of the original head-canons can be read here. @cinnappo helped out a lot with the initial stuff and got me really into it too!
Flash back to the present, I notice some comments on the original post, and I was honestly surprised it managed to break 100 notes, but I figure if people like it, then that’s enough to motivate me to do more!
So here is Part 1 of how I think the adoption and life of Harry Potter goes with Victor and Yuuri. 
Harry!!! On Ice (working title)
Synopsis: Harry Potter is adopted by Victuuri (Victor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki)
(Part 1) Before Hogwarts and adoption
Victor and Yuuri are visiting England, potentially taking a brief break between seasons to visit and sight see. Inevitably they come across a skating rink.
The Dursley family is at the rink because a classmate of Harry and Dudley’s invited ALL of their class to the rink for their birthday party. The Dursley’s were not able to foist Harry off to the crazy cat lady neighbour, nor to Vernon’s sister. Plus it would look odd if Dudley went and Harry did not (Dudley complained, no one was happy)
At one point Dudley ends up complaining because he fell one too many times (…so…once) and thus Vernon and Petunia take him to the cafeteria to get ice cream. ((added point- Vernon was probably not too bothered by ice skating because Hockey is a MAN sport))
Little Harry is left by himself, with maybe a concerned parent or official helper dude around the rink asking if he’s okay.He mostly shies away, but determinedly keeps doing his best.
Enter the Nikiforov and Katsuki
Victor and Yuuri notice a little boy who is so small trying his absolute best to skate around the rink. Of course they look around and no one seems to be really looking out for the boy, and for someone his age and obviously very new to the ice, there should be Someone keeping an eye on him. But bar some quick concerned or curious glances, no one really looks twice at the kid.
One moment Harry is alone and doing his best not to fall down again, the next suddenly to adults are beside him, wearing friendly and warm smiles. Now, Harry has heard all about stranger danger in classroom by teachers, and once from Aunt Petunia (and he’d unfortunately never forget Aunt Marge who threatened bad and strange little boys got taken away by terrible men)- however he is in a public space and they seem so friendly and nice (he doesn’t get nice very much these days).
Yuuri and Victor introduce themselves to little Harry, and ask where his parents are-
“They died.”
When they ask where his guardians are, he points towards where his aunt, uncle and cousin are. Victuuri are then introduced to the sight that is Dudley scoffing down a large ice cream, hot dog and can of fizzy juice, Petunia sneering down at her cheap ice rink tea but smiling and wiping at her precious ‘Dudders’ face, and finally Vernon cheering his son on as he’s a growing boy, going to be just like his dad. What they take not off however out of all of this, is their complete lack of concern for their missing child, who is presumably the boy next to them.
For now however, Harry seems quite content on the ice, and his supposed family don’t show any concern. So instead of leaving the boy to it, Viktor and Yuuri offer to help Harry skate, would he like that?
“Yes please.”
SO. Victuuri keep company with Harry, going around the rink and helping him out and time just flies by. They get small bits and pieces from Harry as he grows more comfortable with the two men. Then it all unfortunately comes to an end. Vernon can be heard, yelling ‘BOY! Where are you!’, causing Harry’s head to snap up alarmingly fast.
((I’m not quite sure what happens in between, Perhaps Yuuri and Victor go and introduce themselves to the Dursley’s? Maybe they ask if they’ve thought about putting Harry into classes, because in their opinion he has some potential and talent? I don’t quite know, but either way Victuuri watch as Harry leaves with his family, and they are left with a bitter taste in their mouths and their insides clenching with worry.))
The Dursley’s aren’t happy with Harry talking to Victor and Yuuri (and I’m fairly certain Vernon would have some extra choice words, especially after seeing the matching golden rings on their hands), and make sure to ground him and so on- the usual Harry is unfortunately familiar with. But as he curls up to sleep that night, he can’t help but remember the warmth he felt despite the chill of the room when Victor and Yuuri skated with him, endlessly patient and kind. Little Harry falls asleep that night and wishes.
((This is where somehow Harry meets Victuuri again and they keep up steady communication whilst they are in England. I can’t say what yet, however I am swaying towards either Victor maybe offering skating lessons to both kids (dudley only going cause vernon thinks it could get him on hockey path who knows), or magic from Harry somehow brings them together again, who knows?? I certainly don’t!))
Eventually their stay in England is coming to an end, and everyone is heartbroken about it. Harry is so upset, and Victuuri have fallen in love with the kid who seems to have taken to ice skating and also with them. They also know enough (but not all) of the kid’s home life and they think ‘we could do better’. And that pretty much how Victor and Yuuri both decide that they want Harry to be their kid.
Harry cries because he doesn’t want Victor and Yuuri to leave. They care about him so much but they are leaving and he’s going to be alone again with nothing but disdain and neglect. Harry doesn’t want them to go.
Insert Victor and Yuuri jumping through various internet searches and appointments with officials on how to adopt a child, especially on how to adopt a child and take them back home abroad.
A/N Honestly I’d love for the Dursley’s to be arrested for child neglect and so on, but I have a feeling the magicals would keep butting in somehow if such a big fuss occurred. For instance, perhaps in the past Harry was taken by social services, only to be returned later due to the work of some memory charms being applied liberally. Granted, with this being set in a modern AU, social media would definitely beat the magicals hands down, especially with news like ‘Top Figure Skating Couple, Victor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki Press Charges For Neglected Boy During England Holiday’. But I kind of want to do a Matilda sort of route with this, where the Dursley’s freely give Harry to Yuuri and Victor (with maybe just a little bit of threatening or pressure from Victor, showing them just how far they’ll go to gain custody of Harry. Social media is a weapon Victor is very skilled with after all, not to mention the other friends they have. Obviously there are still various forms to fill out, and they’d definitely more than likely have to rearrange stuff about (i think i read something about staying 10 weeks in total with kid before adoption?) but they’d work it out somehow.
Both Victor and Yuuri tell Harry they have some, hopefully, good news. Harry asks if they are staying.
“I’m sorry Harry, but we can’t stay here in England with you.”
“…but if you want, we’d like for you to come home with us.”
Cue happy crying.
A lot of crying, and hugging.
A/N For concerns about the whole ‘blood wards’, I think Harry would be okay. He’d be taken to either Russia or back to Japan to meet the Katsuki family, and since Voldemort was more of a UK threat when he popped up, I doubt the rest of the world had much concern over him, especially if supposedly a child killed him, so they wouldn’t be too starry eyed over the ‘boy who lived’, or even at all. Kids wouldn’t have grown up with him as their bedtime stories, nor would they have bought (grossly inaccurate) books that claim what happened that night. Magicals wouldn’t really look twice at the kid for the time being, other than him being the newly adopted kid of figure skating celebrities. So with his scar covered by his hair and outfitted in some new attire with a new passport, Harry makes his way safely out of England and the UK entirely.
SPEAKING OF SOCIAL MEDIA AND CELEBRITIES, Harry is more than likely first introduced to Japan where he can settle in with brand new grandparents and a new, much more nicer and pleasant auntie in Hasetsu. Hasetsu is also much more relaxed, the perfect place to get Harry more used to a life with his new loving parents and all that comes with them (although they eventually return to Russia and harry is introduced to the life of being in the media’s eye because he has two amazing dads).
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ink-consequential · 7 years
Ink Consequential: Autumn 2017
Jana A
When you ask me what it’s like where you’re from, my tongue stumbles against the words. I’m unable to understand the question.
Do you mean, what it’s like in my childhood bedroom where my walls are painted pink and yellow and my stuffed animals have been discarded to the top shelves? It was too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter, and I miss my bed dearly. No one in my family would remember to knock before opening the door to tell me that it’s time to eat or to check if I have enough blankets or to ask me about my day.
Do you mean, what it’s like in the house I was raised in where the stones are colored with age and my grandmother’s garden spreads like the gardens of Eden? Full of life, full of noise, full of love, full of family. Each apartment is a foreign country, but my grandmother and uncle and aunt and cousins were frequent travellers. There was always food to be shared; there were always loud arguments to be had, blaring in my mother tongue.
Do you mean, what it’s like in the city I loved and hated? The traffic is always awful and obnoxious men throw “compliments” like grenades, but it has the prettiest sunsets I have ever seen. The dusk makes everything golden: the old white stone buildings, the cracked pavements, even your own skin will glow with the day’s last remaining rays of sunshine. Downtown, people sell used books on the sidewalk. They sell brightly colored spices in glass jars, and the doorways of those little shops always smell like a feast. I miss the call to prayer, taking over everything for just a minute, five times a day. I miss the music they play in coffee shops, violins and heartbroken sighs that are somehow always full of hope. I think the children in my city all have the world’s brightest eyes and most mischievous smiles. Sometimes they will try to sell you roses or gum or bitter chocolate and you should always refuse. Sometimes old men or women in my city will invite you in for a cup of tea, and you should always accept. The deep wrinkles in their brown skin seem as though they might gather dust, as though they have been forgotten for hundreds of years. You could live to be a thousand and you would not have know half of the long lives they have lead. They have seen the world pause its rotation and turn the other way. If you start to smell smoke, you should pause and turn the other way.
Do you mean, what’s it like to have this passport? What’s it like to live in this country with its imaginary borders drawn on our behalf with an invader’s pen? What’s it like to see the barren deserts and urban crawling cities and little villages around the olive tree fields and know that it’s all home? Well, I always complain about the weather, but I wouldn’t prefer any other climate. We are millions and millions of people, some of us who have nothing, but we collectively chose to open our doors for people in need.
It’s a lot like a warm embrace. It’s a lot like you.
Keep reading for poetry, short fiction, and more!
Our Goodbye
Elise Alarpy
I cannot hold onto you, You are footprints on the sand. Fleeting and washed away, I hope you understand.
I loved you so fiercely, More than you could know. But I must give you up now, It's time to let you go.
You are nothing but a memory, A wound that cannot heal. Time took you too soon from me, But what we had was real.
I feel your loss so keenly, My heart is a phantom limb. The world has lost its colour, And now everything is dim.
But I know I must move on, There are battles to be won. I am a wilting flower, Slowly blooming in the sun.
Despite how much I miss you, It is time to say goodbye. Just know that you are in my thoughts, And no one loved you more than I.
A Salesman’s Game
Esther C
The tornado sirens were blaring across the parking lot, but she wasn't afraid; it was Wednesday. The last sounds echoed against the storefront in time with the twinkling fairy lights in the window. The door dinged when an elderly woman walked in, supporting herself with a cane.
She greeted the customer with a plastered-on smile, adding just enough crinkle to her eyes to make it seem genuine to older eyes. They exchanged pleasantries, and she left the woman to shop.
The game had begun.
She offered assistance in any way that she could. Some things were easy to convince the woman to buy, especially when she whisked things away to the checkout counter before the lady had a chance to second-guess herself.
The game was about fear.
Fortunately for her paycheck, the elderly were often easy marks. Buy the candles, she'd suggest. You'd hate to be caught without light in a power outage like the one that happened last year. Some took more convincing, but most were happy to follow the suggestion.
The game was about doubt.
Winter's coming up here pretty soon; are you sure you have enough blankets? You know how heaters like to go out at the worst possible moment, and fireplaces can only do so much.
The game was about influence.
Now this, this was the fun part of the game: it was where all of the pieces landed on the same square and affected the other decisions. This was the element that changed with every mark. Once the fear and doubt are planted, then the player knows that they have influence. There's a sale going on if you get just half a pound more of sugar; it'll only cost a few more cents overall. Reaching out for the canister, obeying the command to wait to dish it out, but not moving to put it back.
The game was about patience.
A beat or two pass, and the player stands a little straighter. She mentally urges the lady to get the half pound more, gently shaking the scoop to level it out, the sound of the sugar filling the silence.
You'd better make it an extra pound while it's on sale, the woman says.
She smiles and acquiesces.
The game had been won.
On Divorcing My Father
Katherine Sorensen
Do you see my father over there? He is the man his daughter mourns, the memory of a superhero, the man she loves in vain.
His pride is too loud, he can’t hear the sound of his daughter telling him that he broke her heart.
But his daughter glued her heart with the help of her mother, the wisdom to know that women don’t need men to make them strong.
My father ended the conversation, forcing a girl too young and polite to say things she didn’t mean, because a man’s ego is too fragile.
Do you see my father over there? He is the one talking to the girl who is smart enough to know she no longer needs him.
Danielle Jeanne
Despite what many believe, it is not in the middle of the night when the supernatural roam the streets. The supernatural, being what they are, are not constricted to time or circumstance like the mere mortals they live with seem to think that they are. Ghosts are especially terrible at doing what humans expect of them.
It was reading three fifty-five in the afternoon on the clocks around the city on a sunny Saturday when the street lights on 23rd Street began to flicker on and off. A baby begins to cry across the street as it feels a rush of energy flow through them, making the child’s father confused by the sudden outburst from the once happy child. The little nightlight in the corner of the room turns on.
The apartment below doesn’t appear to fare any better from the curious little spirit. Maxwell begins to bark at the lamp in the corner of the room, giving away his owner’s secret of harboring an unregistered pit bull in her home. She gets up from her bed to calm down her dog (god? Her dog god? The spirit isn’t sure) down enough for her to go back to sleep so she can worry about the consequences in minute detail later.
The couple on the first floor, however, is not amused. Simon huffs out a breath, muttering mild profanities while Irena finishes loading the laundry. Upon inspection of one of Simon’s shirts, Irena notices a few specks of crusted, rusty powder on the left sleeve. Heaving a sigh, she liberally applied the peroxide she kept near the washing machine just for cases such as these. She knew Simon was out with the boys this morning, but he had sworn to go meatless until the witch hunt had gone down.
“Hon, why is there blood on this shirt that I know I saw you wear this morning?” Irena asked him.
“Blood? What bloo—Oh! Blood! Well you see, today’s Henri’s birthday, and he wanted to celebrate the traditional way, and we, we—I mean he—he got a little out of control, you see. He might be on the news tonight, just so you know! He has gained so much weight, I doubt you will even recognize him, sweetheart. Going pig’s blood has really done a number on his metabolism,” Simon answered honestly. There was no point in lying to someone who had been able to hear his pulse for the past 50 years.
As Simon explained himself, Irena heard the cackling in the wires. Mimi was laughing at Simon through the lights in the building. As she chuckled to herself, the lights began to flair again causing the dog-god-dog to start barking and child to throw another short fit. Irena groaned, placing her head in her hands as she counted backwards from ten. If Mimi was here, then Simon and Henri had really messed up this morning. “I told you that the witch hunt had picked up! Why did you even try, huh? Why put yourself out there for the cops to get a hold of? You know what they did to Oskar last weekend! It was a total horror show!”
“Hey, what they did to Oskar was no one’s fault but Oskar’s! Oskar was a literal witch who was doing literal blood magic to get that girl in his human ethics class. I kinda think the irony was lost on him with that one, but hey it ain’t anyone’s problem now. What Henri and I did was fair game. She was homeless—”
“She? She?! Oh, no sir! That is almost asking to be drawn and quartered by the cops. You know the high value they put on their women here—”
“Their women’s bodies is more like it.”
“All the same to them! Mind, body, the whole package! Serious jail time for you if we’re caught, mister! And don’t forget that I know you’re still here, Mimi! I got some words for you! If you were there to see them do it, then you were there to tell them to back off! ”
“Wait, how come I would be the only one in the apartment to get jail time? You’re an accessory and an actual witch! You’ll be facing twenty to life with me, babe!”
“Oh, don’t you call me ‘babe,’ you son of a…” The conversation faded out as Mimi left the building the way she came, through the wires and back to the light post across the street. Mimi began to make her way to the station to laugh at Henri some more before Irena found a way to summon her back to the apartment. The clocks in the city read four fifteen in the afternoon as Mimi continued to live her death as she’d died in her life—hanging from a wire as she waited to see her friend’s reaction to the chaos that they themselves had caused.
I Dated A Girl
Adrianna Nine
I dated a girl once who was a real peach. She just about smelled like one, too. And even on bad days or ones filled with rain Her smile lit up the room.
I dated a girl once who said she was haunted. Where she went, a ghost also came.  She was so cute that if it weren’t creepy I’d honestly do just the same.
I dated a girl once who loved to paint. On her canvas she’d copy the sky. And when she asked if next she could paint me I blushed so hard I thought I might die.
I dated a girl once who traveled the world. She practically lived on a plane. I would’ve asked her to live with me But she needed a spur, not a chain.
I dated a girl once who dressed in all black Even when it was a hundred degrees. My cats left fur all over her dress And unfortunately oft made her sneeze.
I dated a girl once who was a barista. She tasted like sugar and cream. The first time I saw her was at her café And the whole day then felt like a dream.
I dated a girl once who loved to write. She said it made her feel free. I came to her once with a poem I’d written her And it turned out she’d made one for me.
Esther C
Those of you who follow Ink Consequential closely know that I finally gave up the ghost on my pseudonym with our last issue, which is equal parts terrifying and freeing. Sure, I’m still a person on the internet, but isn’t everybody reading this? I must admit that I do like clinging to my anonymity, to that name I’d chosen for myself. Amelia has twice the syllables that Esther does, but it rolls off the tongue a little better without any plosives and doesn’t have any silent letters lending itself to misspellings.
Amelia means industrious or hardworking, and that’s an image I like to portray. I mean, I’m definitely at work enough to give off that particular vibe, but it’s not just about work. I run a litmag for fun, for goodness’ sake, and it’s been an enjoyable adventure thus far. Speaking of adventure, it was Amelia Earhart who said, “Adventure is worthwhile in itself,” and it’s one of my favorite quotes that isn’t from the Bible (but is anybody shocked by that?). I must admit that I admire her life. Amelia was truly adventurous, pushing and stretching the limits of what it meant to be a pilot and a woman. She wouldn’t take no for an answer, and she never gave up on anything.  She disappeared living her dream, and, while it’s tragic, it’s also very cool. But then we come to Esther.
Queen Esther, a woman formerly admired for her beauty, became a woman admired for her courage. Haman, one of the king’s highest officials, set out to wipe the Jewish people from existence. (In my opinion, he often sounds like a petulant child whenever I read the story, but that’s up for different interpretations.) Anyway, Haman successfully convinces the king to allow the annihilation of the Jewish people through some underhanded means. Chosen queen by the king himself, Esther was in a unique position of power for a Jewish woman: it becomes her duty to beseech her husband to revoke the order. Mordecai (Esther’s cousin who raised her after her parents died and the discoverer of a plot to murder the king) has to convince her to speak before she’s willing to go to the king (something that can bear the penalty of death if done unbidden) and reminds her of something that I often hold close to my heart: “Maybe you were chosen queen for just such a time as this.” So, Esther goes to the king, and (skipping over some events) Haman ends up executed, Mordecai takes over his position and issues a new edict to counteract the old one, and the Jewish people are saved.
With those stories in mind, what do I want people to think of when they think of me? Do I want people to think of Amelia, a woman who dared to dream and was willing to give her life to fulfill it? Do I want people to think of Esther, a woman who dared to stand up for what was right and was willing to give her life to live it out accordingly? I think the answer is both and neither. I want to be a woman who dares to dream, who dares to stand up for what is right. I want to be a woman who lives life boldly, letting faith dictate her steps, relying on compassion to guide her words. I want to be ardent and considerate, someone known for her ideas and the follow-through as well as kindness.
Am I any of those things right now? I couldn’t tell you with certainty. I think I already am a dreamer in that I have hopes for the future. I stand up for what I believe is right by preaching peace and love to those around me, by speaking when I feel called to speak. I don’t know how boldly I live life right now, but I definitely see that the path of faith will take me to that place of boldness. I looked up the definition of ardent to make sure I had the word I was thinking of, and it seems to fit me already—having intense feeling, passionate, devoted, eager—though I have plenty of room to grow into it further. I feel like my kindness can only be judged by the people around me, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t strive for it in my life (usually; I am only human, after all).
I started writing this by asking myself the question, What’s in a name? Just as Amelia means hardworking, Esther means star. Sometimes, I overthink it and feel as though it gives me a deeper connection to the cosmos, to the universe that I believe God created. Sometimes, I think it means that I should be willing to shine in the darkest of times even if my light is only minuscule. Sometimes, I hope it means I’m destined for notoriety and fame—but that’s a little far-fetched even for me. Sometimes, it means that I may never learn everything about the world around me, but that feeling of excitement and wonder is definitely still there. Maybe it means all of these things; maybe it means none of them. But maybe, just maybe, it means that I should be myself, whoever that woman is.
2 notes · View notes
thegregorybruce · 6 years
August 21, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
New subscriber? Welcome to AsktheBuilderland. You can put away your passport now and relax.
Current AsktheBuilderland resident? Please share with the new arrivals, when you bump into them, that I'm not crazy.
Today's newsletter might be one of those where you scratch your head. I say this because it has some indirect tips that might really help you in a bunch of ways. HANG IN THERE with this issue, believe me.
Staircase Survey - Short & Sweet
I can use your input with respect to staircases and handrails. Would you be kind enough to answer just three questions for me?
You can click the photo below or CLICK HERE. What you see in the photo is an over-the-post handrail I installed in the last house I built for my family. Look closely at the painted wood balusters too. See the difference?
Marriage Counseling - Tim Carter Style
Did you know one of my sideline businesses is marriage counseling?
I saved Brett's marriage earlier this week!!!
It's all in episode 19 of my On-Demand Radio Show. Better known as Podcast 19.
CLICK HERE and READ Brett's email first - scroll down - THEN listen to the podcast. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!
Mike's Printer Ink Disaster
A few days ago Mike reached out to me asking if my Stain Solver certified organic oxygen bleach would remove a printer ink stain from the carpet in his home.
I told him, "Maybe".
I also told him trying Stain Solver is the CHEAPEST alternative he has at this point. His other two alternatives should the stain not come out are:
hire a real carpet pro that can cut out the stain and patch the carpet
install all new carpeting
Here's what the stain looked like the day he reached out. Realize he had NOT YET tried my Stain Solver: You may wonder what the ring around the stain is all about.
That's why I'm sharing this story. It's not about you buying Stain Solver, but if you want to buy some, that's great.
As soon as Mike saw what happened he reacted. He told me he went to his kitchen cabinet and grabbed a few cleaners and got to work.
While that may seem like a great idea, it's not what I would have done.
First and foremost, it's ALWAYS EASY to Monday-morning quarterback. But I've dealt with so many good-intentioned homeowners over the years, I've discovered that it's NOT A GOOD IDEA TO TRY YOUR HAND AT AMATEUR CHEMISTRY.
Mike decided at that moment to mix different chemicals - the ink has its own and who knows what's in the liquids Mike started to apply to the stain.
They can react and make things WORSE.
I would have reached for some paper towels or an old clean white rag and put it on the ink and poured WATER on the rag or paper towels to keep the ink WET.
Most liquids that are staining things have water in them. When the water evaporates it can be darn tough, or impossible, to remove the stain. Think about water-based paint. When wet, you can get rid of it. Once the paint dries, it's almost impossible to reverse the chemistry without using a harsh chemical.
The SECOND thing I would have done would be to go to the ink manufacturer's website to see if, by chance, they had any tips on stain removal.
You may want to do this now BEFORE you get into a damage-control situation. If you have liquids around the house that could stain carpet, upholstered furniture, clothes, etc. go to the manufacturer's website NOW and see if they have advice on removing stains caused by their product.
Or, just buy a 4.5-pound container of Stain Solver to have on hand for emergencies.
My Friend David
I want to tell you a story and how it relates to my good friend David Lawrence. He's the only celebrity I know and am friends with. You can't believe how nice a guy he is. He'd give you the shirt off his back.
My newsletter is all about home improvement, but this story is all about how you can tap into your hidden talents to improve and achieve things you never thought possible.
You may recognize David. He's a super talented Hollywood actor that's been in all sorts of shows. Perhaps he's best known for the three seasons he was in the hit series HEROES.
Watch a few of his best takes. CLICK HERE to watch a 90-second compilation.
Here's the full scene from HEROES. I'm pretty certain this is his first appearance in HEROES. CLICK HERE to watch David in the moment. He's darn good.
This short story is about how David and I got where we are and how you can do the same thing.
When I do meet-ups in different cities when I travel to hang out with subscribers like you, I'm often asked, "Tim, how in the world did Ask the Builder get to where it is today?"
It's easy. I reached inside myself and followed a voice that was screaming at me to change careers and do something different.
A few years before I started Ask the Builder, I had the worst experience of my life as a builder. I ended up working for the most loathsome Customer from Hell. She almost sent me over the edge.
I knew that the only way to ensure I'd never go through it again was to NEVER step inside a paying customer's home.
Yes, some of these hellish customers are wolves in sheep's clothing and they don't reveal their true inner self until you're into the job.
Once presented with the Ask the Builder opportunity, I made the most important decision of my life, aside from marrying Kathy.
I took FAILURE off the table.
I reached down deep within myself and decided that I would do everything possible to make Ask the Builder a success so I'd NEVER EVER have to face a customer from Hell again.
It worked for me and it can work for YOU!
Is there something you want to do but you need something or someone to flip the switch inside of you?
David might be the person. In just ten days, he's starting the most remarkable low-cost coaching experience I think I've ever seen.
It could be LIFE-CHANGING for you.
You need to understand I do NOT get one penny from David if you sign up for this coaching. You're not going to believe how low-cost it is.
It's all online, you can participate LIVE or watch his recordings later on your own schedule. It's going to be POWERFUL.
Do yourself a favor. Go watch this short video of David in his own studio. LISTEN to his story and see what you and David have in common. I'll bet you have more than you might realize.
Let me know what you think AFTER you watch David.
That's enough for a Tuesday. Seriously, click that link above and watch David in his studio. Watch the entire video. You'll not regret it.
If you sign up for David's coaching, please let me know. I'll be keenly interested in how you like it.
Tim Carter Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com Ink-Removal Man - www.StainSolver.com Happiness Waves - www.W3ATB.com
Do It Right, Not Over!
The post August 21, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from Home https://www.askthebuilder.com/august-21-2018-askthebuilder-newsletter/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
williamccreynolds · 6 years
August 21, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
New subscriber? Welcome to AsktheBuilderland. You can put away your passport now and relax.
Current AsktheBuilderland resident? Please share with the new arrivals, when you bump into them, that I'm not crazy.
Today's newsletter might be one of those where you scratch your head. I say this because it has some indirect tips that might really help you in a bunch of ways. HANG IN THERE with this issue, believe me.
Staircase Survey - Short & Sweet
I can use your input with respect to staircases and handrails. Would you be kind enough to answer just three questions for me?
You can click the photo below or CLICK HERE. What you see in the photo is an over-the-post handrail I installed in the last house I built for my family. Look closely at the painted wood balusters too. See the difference?
Marriage Counseling - Tim Carter Style
Did you know one of my sideline businesses is marriage counseling?
I saved Brett's marriage earlier this week!!!
It's all in episode 19 of my On-Demand Radio Show. Better known as Podcast 19.
CLICK HERE and READ Brett's email first - scroll down - THEN listen to the podcast. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!
Mike's Printer Ink Disaster
A few days ago Mike reached out to me asking if my Stain Solver certified organic oxygen bleach would remove a printer ink stain from the carpet in his home.
I told him, "Maybe".
I also told him trying Stain Solver is the CHEAPEST alternative he has at this point. His other two alternatives should the stain not come out are:
hire a real carpet pro that can cut out the stain and patch the carpet
install all new carpeting
Here's what the stain looked like the day he reached out. Realize he had NOT YET tried my Stain Solver: You may wonder what the ring around the stain is all about.
That's why I'm sharing this story. It's not about you buying Stain Solver, but if you want to buy some, that's great.
As soon as Mike saw what happened he reacted. He told me he went to his kitchen cabinet and grabbed a few cleaners and got to work.
While that may seem like a great idea, it's not what I would have done.
First and foremost, it's ALWAYS EASY to Monday-morning quarterback. But I've dealt with so many good-intentioned homeowners over the years, I've discovered that it's NOT A GOOD IDEA TO TRY YOUR HAND AT AMATEUR CHEMISTRY.
Mike decided at that moment to mix different chemicals - the ink has its own and who knows what's in the liquids Mike started to apply to the stain.
They can react and make things WORSE.
I would have reached for some paper towels or an old clean white rag and put it on the ink and poured WATER on the rag or paper towels to keep the ink WET.
Most liquids that are staining things have water in them. When the water evaporates it can be darn tough, or impossible, to remove the stain. Think about water-based paint. When wet, you can get rid of it. Once the paint dries, it's almost impossible to reverse the chemistry without using a harsh chemical.
The SECOND thing I would have done would be to go to the ink manufacturer's website to see if, by chance, they had any tips on stain removal.
You may want to do this now BEFORE you get into a damage-control situation. If you have liquids around the house that could stain carpet, upholstered furniture, clothes, etc. go to the manufacturer's website NOW and see if they have advice on removing stains caused by their product.
Or, just buy a 4.5-pound container of Stain Solver to have on hand for emergencies.
My Friend David
I want to tell you a story and how it relates to my good friend David Lawrence. He's the only celebrity I know and am friends with. You can't believe how nice a guy he is. He'd give you the shirt off his back.
My newsletter is all about home improvement, but this story is all about how you can tap into your hidden talents to improve and achieve things you never thought possible.
You may recognize David. He's a super talented Hollywood actor that's been in all sorts of shows. Perhaps he's best known for the three seasons he was in the hit series HEROES.
Watch a few of his best takes. CLICK HERE to watch a 90-second compilation.
Here's the full scene from HEROES. I'm pretty certain this is his first appearance in HEROES. CLICK HERE to watch David in the moment. He's darn good.
This short story is about how David and I got where we are and how you can do the same thing.
When I do meet-ups in different cities when I travel to hang out with subscribers like you, I'm often asked, "Tim, how in the world did Ask the Builder get to where it is today?"
It's easy. I reached inside myself and followed a voice that was screaming at me to change careers and do something different.
A few years before I started Ask the Builder, I had the worst experience of my life as a builder. I ended up working for the most loathsome Customer from Hell. She almost sent me over the edge.
I knew that the only way to ensure I'd never go through it again was to NEVER step inside a paying customer's home.
Yes, some of these hellish customers are wolves in sheep's clothing and they don't reveal their true inner self until you're into the job.
Once presented with the Ask the Builder opportunity, I made the most important decision of my life, aside from marrying Kathy.
I took FAILURE off the table.
I reached down deep within myself and decided that I would do everything possible to make Ask the Builder a success so I'd NEVER EVER have to face a customer from Hell again.
It worked for me and it can work for YOU!
Is there something you want to do but you need something or someone to flip the switch inside of you?
David might be the person. In just ten days, he's starting the most remarkable low-cost coaching experience I think I've ever seen.
It could be LIFE-CHANGING for you.
You need to understand I do NOT get one penny from David if you sign up for this coaching. You're not going to believe how low-cost it is.
It's all online, you can participate LIVE or watch his recordings later on your own schedule. It's going to be POWERFUL.
Do yourself a favor. Go watch this short video of David in his own studio. LISTEN to his story and see what you and David have in common. I'll bet you have more than you might realize.
Let me know what you think AFTER you watch David.
That's enough for a Tuesday. Seriously, click that link above and watch David in his studio. Watch the entire video. You'll not regret it.
If you sign up for David's coaching, please let me know. I'll be keenly interested in how you like it.
Tim Carter Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com Ink-Removal Man - www.StainSolver.com Happiness Waves - www.W3ATB.com
Do It Right, Not Over!
The post August 21, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from Real Estate https://www.askthebuilder.com/august-21-2018-askthebuilder-newsletter/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
allardjeremyballard · 6 years
August 21, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
New subscriber? Welcome to AsktheBuilderland. You can put away your passport now and relax.
Current AsktheBuilderland resident? Please share with the new arrivals, when you bump into them, that I'm not crazy.
Today's newsletter might be one of those where you scratch your head. I say this because it has some indirect tips that might really help you in a bunch of ways. HANG IN THERE with this issue, believe me.
Staircase Survey - Short & Sweet
I can use your input with respect to staircases and handrails. Would you be kind enough to answer just three questions for me?
You can click the photo below or CLICK HERE. What you see in the photo is an over-the-post handrail I installed in the last house I built for my family. Look closely at the painted wood balusters too. See the difference?
Marriage Counseling - Tim Carter Style
Did you know one of my sideline businesses is marriage counseling?
I saved Brett's marriage earlier this week!!!
It's all in episode 19 of my On-Demand Radio Show. Better known as Podcast 19.
CLICK HERE and READ Brett's email first - scroll down - THEN listen to the podcast. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!
Mike's Printer Ink Disaster
A few days ago Mike reached out to me asking if my Stain Solver certified organic oxygen bleach would remove a printer ink stain from the carpet in his home.
I told him, "Maybe".
I also told him trying Stain Solver is the CHEAPEST alternative he has at this point. His other two alternatives should the stain not come out are:
hire a real carpet pro that can cut out the stain and patch the carpet
install all new carpeting
Here's what the stain looked like the day he reached out. Realize he had NOT YET tried my Stain Solver: You may wonder what the ring around the stain is all about.
That's why I'm sharing this story. It's not about you buying Stain Solver, but if you want to buy some, that's great.
As soon as Mike saw what happened he reacted. He told me he went to his kitchen cabinet and grabbed a few cleaners and got to work.
While that may seem like a great idea, it's not what I would have done.
First and foremost, it's ALWAYS EASY to Monday-morning quarterback. But I've dealt with so many good-intentioned homeowners over the years, I've discovered that it's NOT A GOOD IDEA TO TRY YOUR HAND AT AMATEUR CHEMISTRY.
Mike decided at that moment to mix different chemicals - the ink has its own and who knows what's in the liquids Mike started to apply to the stain.
They can react and make things WORSE.
I would have reached for some paper towels or an old clean white rag and put it on the ink and poured WATER on the rag or paper towels to keep the ink WET.
Most liquids that are staining things have water in them. When the water evaporates it can be darn tough, or impossible, to remove the stain. Think about water-based paint. When wet, you can get rid of it. Once the paint dries, it's almost impossible to reverse the chemistry without using a harsh chemical.
The SECOND thing I would have done would be to go to the ink manufacturer's website to see if, by chance, they had any tips on stain removal.
You may want to do this now BEFORE you get into a damage-control situation. If you have liquids around the house that could stain carpet, upholstered furniture, clothes, etc. go to the manufacturer's website NOW and see if they have advice on removing stains caused by their product.
Or, just buy a 4.5-pound container of Stain Solver to have on hand for emergencies.
My Friend David
I want to tell you a story and how it relates to my good friend David Lawrence. He's the only celebrity I know and am friends with. You can't believe how nice a guy he is. He'd give you the shirt off his back.
My newsletter is all about home improvement, but this story is all about how you can tap into your hidden talents to improve and achieve things you never thought possible.
You may recognize David. He's a super talented Hollywood actor that's been in all sorts of shows. Perhaps he's best known for the three seasons he was in the hit series HEROES.
Watch a few of his best takes. CLICK HERE to watch a 90-second compilation.
Here's the full scene from HEROES. I'm pretty certain this is his first appearance in HEROES. CLICK HERE to watch David in the moment. He's darn good.
This short story is about how David and I got where we are and how you can do the same thing.
When I do meet-ups in different cities when I travel to hang out with subscribers like you, I'm often asked, "Tim, how in the world did Ask the Builder get to where it is today?"
It's easy. I reached inside myself and followed a voice that was screaming at me to change careers and do something different.
A few years before I started Ask the Builder, I had the worst experience of my life as a builder. I ended up working for the most loathsome Customer from Hell. She almost sent me over the edge.
I knew that the only way to ensure I'd never go through it again was to NEVER step inside a paying customer's home.
Yes, some of these hellish customers are wolves in sheep's clothing and they don't reveal their true inner self until you're into the job.
Once presented with the Ask the Builder opportunity, I made the most important decision of my life, aside from marrying Kathy.
I took FAILURE off the table.
I reached down deep within myself and decided that I would do everything possible to make Ask the Builder a success so I'd NEVER EVER have to face a customer from Hell again.
It worked for me and it can work for YOU!
Is there something you want to do but you need something or someone to flip the switch inside of you?
David might be the person. In just ten days, he's starting the most remarkable low-cost coaching experience I think I've ever seen.
It could be LIFE-CHANGING for you.
You need to understand I do NOT get one penny from David if you sign up for this coaching. You're not going to believe how low-cost it is.
It's all online, you can participate LIVE or watch his recordings later on your own schedule. It's going to be POWERFUL.
Do yourself a favor. Go watch this short video of David in his own studio. LISTEN to his story and see what you and David have in common. I'll bet you have more than you might realize.
Let me know what you think AFTER you watch David.
That's enough for a Tuesday. Seriously, click that link above and watch David in his studio. Watch the entire video. You'll not regret it.
If you sign up for David's coaching, please let me know. I'll be keenly interested in how you like it.
Tim Carter Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com Ink-Removal Man - www.StainSolver.com Happiness Waves - www.W3ATB.com
Do It Right, Not Over!
The post August 21, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8247360 https://www.askthebuilder.com/august-21-2018-askthebuilder-newsletter/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
0 notes
andrewmawby · 6 years
August 21, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
New subscriber? Welcome to AsktheBuilderland. You can put away your passport now and relax.
Current AsktheBuilderland resident? Please share with the new arrivals, when you bump into them, that I'm not crazy.
Today's newsletter might be one of those where you scratch your head. I say this because it has some indirect tips that might really help you in a bunch of ways. HANG IN THERE with this issue, believe me.
Staircase Survey - Short & Sweet
I can use your input with respect to staircases and handrails. Would you be kind enough to answer just three questions for me?
You can click the photo below or CLICK HERE. What you see in the photo is an over-the-post handrail I installed in the last house I built for my family. Look closely at the painted wood balusters too. See the difference?
Marriage Counseling - Tim Carter Style
Did you know one of my sideline businesses is marriage counseling?
I saved Brett's marriage earlier this week!!!
It's all in episode 19 of my On-Demand Radio Show. Better known as Podcast 19.
CLICK HERE and READ Brett's email first - scroll down - THEN listen to the podcast. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!
Mike's Printer Ink Disaster
A few days ago Mike reached out to me asking if my Stain Solver certified organic oxygen bleach would remove a printer ink stain from the carpet in his home.
I told him, "Maybe".
I also told him trying Stain Solver is the CHEAPEST alternative he has at this point. His other two alternatives should the stain not come out are:
hire a real carpet pro that can cut out the stain and patch the carpet
install all new carpeting
Here's what the stain looked like the day he reached out. Realize he had NOT YET tried my Stain Solver: You may wonder what the ring around the stain is all about.
That's why I'm sharing this story. It's not about you buying Stain Solver, but if you want to buy some, that's great.
As soon as Mike saw what happened he reacted. He told me he went to his kitchen cabinet and grabbed a few cleaners and got to work.
While that may seem like a great idea, it's not what I would have done.
First and foremost, it's ALWAYS EASY to Monday-morning quarterback. But I've dealt with so many good-intentioned homeowners over the years, I've discovered that it's NOT A GOOD IDEA TO TRY YOUR HAND AT AMATEUR CHEMISTRY.
Mike decided at that moment to mix different chemicals - the ink has its own and who knows what's in the liquids Mike started to apply to the stain.
They can react and make things WORSE.
I would have reached for some paper towels or an old clean white rag and put it on the ink and poured WATER on the rag or paper towels to keep the ink WET.
Most liquids that are staining things have water in them. When the water evaporates it can be darn tough, or impossible, to remove the stain. Think about water-based paint. When wet, you can get rid of it. Once the paint dries, it's almost impossible to reverse the chemistry without using a harsh chemical.
The SECOND thing I would have done would be to go to the ink manufacturer's website to see if, by chance, they had any tips on stain removal.
You may want to do this now BEFORE you get into a damage-control situation. If you have liquids around the house that could stain carpet, upholstered furniture, clothes, etc. go to the manufacturer's website NOW and see if they have advice on removing stains caused by their product.
Or, just buy a 4.5-pound container of Stain Solver to have on hand for emergencies.
My Friend David
I want to tell you a story and how it relates to my good friend David Lawrence. He's the only celebrity I know and am friends with. You can't believe how nice a guy he is. He'd give you the shirt off his back.
My newsletter is all about home improvement, but this story is all about how you can tap into your hidden talents to improve and achieve things you never thought possible.
You may recognize David. He's a super talented Hollywood actor that's been in all sorts of shows. Perhaps he's best known for the three seasons he was in the hit series HEROES.
Watch a few of his best takes. CLICK HERE to watch a 90-second compilation.
Here's the full scene from HEROES. I'm pretty certain this is his first appearance in HEROES. CLICK HERE to watch David in the moment. He's darn good.
This short story is about how David and I got where we are and how you can do the same thing.
When I do meet-ups in different cities when I travel to hang out with subscribers like you, I'm often asked, "Tim, how in the world did Ask the Builder get to where it is today?"
It's easy. I reached inside myself and followed a voice that was screaming at me to change careers and do something different.
A few years before I started Ask the Builder, I had the worst experience of my life as a builder. I ended up working for the most loathsome Customer from Hell. She almost sent me over the edge.
I knew that the only way to ensure I'd never go through it again was to NEVER step inside a paying customer's home.
Yes, some of these hellish customers are wolves in sheep's clothing and they don't reveal their true inner self until you're into the job.
Once presented with the Ask the Builder opportunity, I made the most important decision of my life, aside from marrying Kathy.
I took FAILURE off the table.
I reached down deep within myself and decided that I would do everything possible to make Ask the Builder a success so I'd NEVER EVER have to face a customer from Hell again.
It worked for me and it can work for YOU!
Is there something you want to do but you need something or someone to flip the switch inside of you?
David might be the person. In just ten days, he's starting the most remarkable low-cost coaching experience I think I've ever seen.
It could be LIFE-CHANGING for you.
You need to understand I do NOT get one penny from David if you sign up for this coaching. You're not going to believe how low-cost it is.
It's all online, you can participate LIVE or watch his recordings later on your own schedule. It's going to be POWERFUL.
Do yourself a favor. Go watch this short video of David in his own studio. LISTEN to his story and see what you and David have in common. I'll bet you have more than you might realize.
Let me know what you think AFTER you watch David.
That's enough for a Tuesday. Seriously, click that link above and watch David in his studio. Watch the entire video. You'll not regret it.
If you sign up for David's coaching, please let me know. I'll be keenly interested in how you like it.
Tim Carter Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com Ink-Removal Man - www.StainSolver.com Happiness Waves - www.W3ATB.com
Do It Right, Not Over!
The post August 21, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.
from builders feed https://www.askthebuilder.com/august-21-2018-askthebuilder-newsletter/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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emoryjrice71 · 6 years
August 21, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
New subscriber? Welcome to AsktheBuilderland. You can put away your passport now and relax.
Current AsktheBuilderland resident? Please share with the new arrivals, when you bump into them, that I'm not crazy.
Today's newsletter might be one of those where you scratch your head. I say this because it has some indirect tips that might really help you in a bunch of ways. HANG IN THERE with this issue, believe me.
Staircase Survey - Short & Sweet
I can use your input with respect to staircases and handrails. Would you be kind enough to answer just three questions for me?
You can click the photo below or CLICK HERE. What you see in the photo is an over-the-post handrail I installed in the last house I built for my family. Look closely at the painted wood balusters too. See the difference?
Marriage Counseling - Tim Carter Style
Did you know one of my sideline businesses is marriage counseling?
I saved Brett's marriage earlier this week!!!
It's all in episode 19 of my On-Demand Radio Show. Better known as Podcast 19.
CLICK HERE and READ Brett's email first - scroll down - THEN listen to the podcast. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA!
Mike's Printer Ink Disaster
A few days ago Mike reached out to me asking if my Stain Solver certified organic oxygen bleach would remove a printer ink stain from the carpet in his home.
I told him, "Maybe".
I also told him trying Stain Solver is the CHEAPEST alternative he has at this point. His other two alternatives should the stain not come out are:
hire a real carpet pro that can cut out the stain and patch the carpet
install all new carpeting
Here's what the stain looked like the day he reached out. Realize he had NOT YET tried my Stain Solver: You may wonder what the ring around the stain is all about.
That's why I'm sharing this story. It's not about you buying Stain Solver, but if you want to buy some, that's great.
As soon as Mike saw what happened he reacted. He told me he went to his kitchen cabinet and grabbed a few cleaners and got to work.
While that may seem like a great idea, it's not what I would have done.
First and foremost, it's ALWAYS EASY to Monday-morning quarterback. But I've dealt with so many good-intentioned homeowners over the years, I've discovered that it's NOT A GOOD IDEA TO TRY YOUR HAND AT AMATEUR CHEMISTRY.
Mike decided at that moment to mix different chemicals - the ink has its own and who knows what's in the liquids Mike started to apply to the stain.
They can react and make things WORSE.
I would have reached for some paper towels or an old clean white rag and put it on the ink and poured WATER on the rag or paper towels to keep the ink WET.
Most liquids that are staining things have water in them. When the water evaporates it can be darn tough, or impossible, to remove the stain. Think about water-based paint. When wet, you can get rid of it. Once the paint dries, it's almost impossible to reverse the chemistry without using a harsh chemical.
The SECOND thing I would have done would be to go to the ink manufacturer's website to see if, by chance, they had any tips on stain removal.
You may want to do this now BEFORE you get into a damage-control situation. If you have liquids around the house that could stain carpet, upholstered furniture, clothes, etc. go to the manufacturer's website NOW and see if they have advice on removing stains caused by their product.
Or, just buy a 4.5-pound container of Stain Solver to have on hand for emergencies.
My Friend David
I want to tell you a story and how it relates to my good friend David Lawrence. He's the only celebrity I know and am friends with. You can't believe how nice a guy he is. He'd give you the shirt off his back.
My newsletter is all about home improvement, but this story is all about how you can tap into your hidden talents to improve and achieve things you never thought possible.
You may recognize David. He's a super talented Hollywood actor that's been in all sorts of shows. Perhaps he's best known for the three seasons he was in the hit series HEROES.
Watch a few of his best takes. CLICK HERE to watch a 90-second compilation.
Here's the full scene from HEROES. I'm pretty certain this is his first appearance in HEROES. CLICK HERE to watch David in the moment. He's darn good.
This short story is about how David and I got where we are and how you can do the same thing.
When I do meet-ups in different cities when I travel to hang out with subscribers like you, I'm often asked, "Tim, how in the world did Ask the Builder get to where it is today?"
It's easy. I reached inside myself and followed a voice that was screaming at me to change careers and do something different.
A few years before I started Ask the Builder, I had the worst experience of my life as a builder. I ended up working for the most loathsome Customer from Hell. She almost sent me over the edge.
I knew that the only way to ensure I'd never go through it again was to NEVER step inside a paying customer's home.
Yes, some of these hellish customers are wolves in sheep's clothing and they don't reveal their true inner self until you're into the job.
Once presented with the Ask the Builder opportunity, I made the most important decision of my life, aside from marrying Kathy.
I took FAILURE off the table.
I reached down deep within myself and decided that I would do everything possible to make Ask the Builder a success so I'd NEVER EVER have to face a customer from Hell again.
It worked for me and it can work for YOU!
Is there something you want to do but you need something or someone to flip the switch inside of you?
David might be the person. In just ten days, he's starting the most remarkable low-cost coaching experience I think I've ever seen.
It could be LIFE-CHANGING for you.
You need to understand I do NOT get one penny from David if you sign up for this coaching. You're not going to believe how low-cost it is.
It's all online, you can participate LIVE or watch his recordings later on your own schedule. It's going to be POWERFUL.
Do yourself a favor. Go watch this short video of David in his own studio. LISTEN to his story and see what you and David have in common. I'll bet you have more than you might realize.
Let me know what you think AFTER you watch David.
That's enough for a Tuesday. Seriously, click that link above and watch David in his studio. Watch the entire video. You'll not regret it.
If you sign up for David's coaching, please let me know. I'll be keenly interested in how you like it.
Tim Carter Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com Ink-Removal Man - www.StainSolver.com Happiness Waves - www.W3ATB.com
Do It Right, Not Over!
The post August 21, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter appeared first on Ask the Builder.
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