#the misfits will be next!
green-planets · 4 months
What's more 80's than a Starlight Express and Jem and the Holograms crossover?
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Soooo yeah, the ladies have been StExified!
Jem is a streamlined steam engine- She used to be a regular old steamer until she got an upgrade and a serious confidence boost
Kimber is a café car- tbh, I didn't have much justification for this one, I just thought it would be a cute choice for Kimber. Sometimes her sisters overlook just how much work she does for their passengers
Aja is a repair truck- Does a passenger train really need a repair truck? No, but it fit Aja's personality!
Shana is an observation car- She's on the shy side but she treats her passengers with the utmost care
Raya is a greenhouse car- I know, not a real thing, but who cares! I thought it tied in well with her backstory from the show
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lilybug-02 · 1 year
Deltarune… but Sesame Street
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Berdly would totally be a sock puppet
Part 2 of this
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laundrybiscuits · 2 years
“Eddie,” Robin says, eyes wide in a way that means trouble. “Edward Munson, I sincerely hope your last will and testament is in order, because you are going to completely and totally die when I tell you who just got hired at Scoops Ahoy.”
Eddie groans. “Don’t tell me Tammy Thompson is giving up on her Nashville dreams.”
“No, I hate you, shut up forever, you’ll never guess.” Robin pauses, then in a dramatic whisper she’s definitely picked up from Eddie himself, says: “Steve Harrington.”
“Jesus. No shit?”
“Yeah, I have to train him. Oh my god it’s the worst. He’s so bad at, like, everything.”
She shoves at his shoulder until he moves out of the doorway of the trailer, and flings herself backwards onto his couch. “Like! Okay! I showed up to my shift thinking it would be a completely normal day in which I would be bored out of my skull distributing frozen dairy products to the flotsam and jetsam of Hawkins, and Ned’s like, hey Robin, you’re showing the new guy the ropes today. And then that freaking jackass has the freaking nerve to say—” Her voice drops a full register. “Uhh, nice to meet you, I’m Steve. Nice to meet you! God!”
Eddie cringes sympathetically, sucking air between his teeth. There’s a special kind of indignity to being so completely and utterly below the radar of Hawkins High royalty, even former bearers of the crown. It’s not as if Hawkins is a big town; Eddie’s pretty sure he could pick every single person in the graduating classes of ‘84 and ‘85 out of a crowd. He’ll probably be able to do it for ‘86 too, though he’s trying not to think about it too hard. So he’ll be a senior again (again) this fall, whatever. It’s fine. It’s whatever.
Once in a while, he wastes some time really, really wishing he’d gotten to know Robin earlier in the year. Maybe even last year. For undying friendship reasons, yeah, but also because with her in his corner, he might’ve actually passed enough of his classes to fucking graduate on his second fucking try.
But he’d only actually met her, like actually met her for real instead of passing her in the hall sometimes, when he’d let himself get suckered into rejoining band. It wasn’t like he could’ve brought his guitar in, but he let it slip to Miss Genovese that he could read music and keep time, and they needed someone to wallop the bass drum, and he figured a little experience fucking around with percussion might be the one thing he could salvage from the year. He’d just…been so goddamn tired of feeling stuck, spinning his wheels. Music was something he could actually handle; something he could actually get better at. Something he could master. He's man enough to admit he needed a win.
The actual songs were all stuffy Holst and Sousa numbers, but they’d had some fun technical bits he spent his evenings hammering out for a couple weeks. And then right around the point when he’d gotten good enough to get bored and think about quitting like last time, it had somehow wound up that shooting the shit with the gangly weirdo in the trumpet section was one of the best parts of his day. Unfortunately, by the time they’d gotten close enough for her to start bullying him about homework and shit, it had been way too late to save his chance at walking that ‘85 stage with assholes like Steve fucking Harrington.
Not that Harrington would’ve even noticed, apparently.
“Anyway, the one singular saving grace about the entire situation is that he looks even dumber in the sailor costume than I do, so at least that will make me feel better about my life until he gets fired for burning down the ice cream freezer or something like that. Eddie, I cannot stress this enough: he is so bad at this job.”
Eddie very tactfully does not bring up the litany of screw-ups that Robin’s admitted to over the last couple weeks since she started at Scoops; he just says, “Buckley, it sounds to me like you might be in need of some quality relaxation time this fine evening. I can offer you a nice cold beer, some herbal refreshment…or a fiendishly weird new song to learn with an intro riff that'll make you cry.”
Robin, inveterate nerd of his heart, sits up immediately and chirps, “New song, please!” just like he knew she would. She’s going to run off and elope with his acoustic one of these days, and he’s not even mad about it.
“Coming right up, m’lady,” says Eddie. “I promise this entire Harrington situation will be over before you know it, and neither of us will ever have to think about him again.”
(ETA: First chapter of this fic has been edited/expanded and posted on AO3)
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csoisoi · 1 year
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ifrit's tail makes delicious food
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opal-owl-flight · 5 months
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Theres a band led by a kraken girl, with moves that slay on stage and in turf wars.
Made after going on several winning streaks! Experimenting with this coloring style too...
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anitrendz · 1 year
Top 10 Anime Best Boy Winter Week 4
Two daddies slowly rise towards the top! Rei jumps forward to second place after an unexpectedly soft scene where he picks a sleeping Miri up, while Kazuki jumps up 5 spots to 4th for being the overprotective yet stern dad. Himuro also debuts in 5th place after weeks of unbridled love, admiration, and affection for his Fuyutsuki. Junta debuts in 6th place.
To keep our charts interesting, you all should head over to our website and vote!
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ask-my-memoir · 4 months
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???: "......"
The Zoroark continues walking. It seems that he is not in the mood to talk. Perhaps following him into the hedges will give you a better idea as to what he's up to.
Thank you for the ask!))
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redpanther23 · 1 year
Don't Fence Me In (a Gene Autry cover)
I don't know if I'm enough of a musician to pull this one off, but I was really feeling the lyrics
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juulz · 9 months
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Never have I ever
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boombambaby · 4 months
[ Closed Starter for @adorable-feisty-misfit ]
One word; Yzma. One minute, Kuzco was strolling through the palace halls at a relaxed step, admiring the long line of portraits of himself in various poses and states of dress lining the walls. His newest royal advisor kept pace with him, walking by his side and steadily reading off of a list of ‘to do’ items to be completed or dismissed within the next week. They were still running damage control from Yzma’s power grab, removing all traces of her likeness from the palace and deciding what if any of her ‘changes’ could be kept. “. . . The royal bust she commissioned for the front entrance— “ “Scrap it.” “— Eggplant colored drapes lining the throne room and adorning all of the public hallways within the palace— “ “Nope. Eggplant, shmegplant. Who even likes that color?” A pause, and he chuckles at his bad attempt at a joke. “You know what I mean. Forget it. Next.” “— She sent a courier to each village to speak with the village leaders and figure out when their harvest would be complete for her coronation ceremony.” “Hm. Might not be a bad idea to keep at least part of that one.” “— She planned a new temple to be built in your honor, to be finished by early next week.” “Nope. Not dead. X-nay, the emple-teh. Next.” It continued like that for some time, the two of them making their leisurely way towards the throne room where he was to oversee the peasants complaints and delegate responsibility for new projects to his council. Kuzco dismisses his advisor as they turn the corner, waving him off so he can head to the throne room proper to meet with his Royal Scribe ahead of the peasant petitions-- which is exactly when he spots what looks like a lost . . . child? Wandering around the halls. ". . . Well, this can't be good."
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xwhitenoise · 1 year
Currently 3/4 of the way through Misfits and Magic, and have also seen maybe half of A Court of Fey and Flowers, and I would just like to say how deeply funny it is that Brennan will craft PCs who are eccentric and kind of intentionally off-putting in some capacity but one of the other PCs will look at him and go “god I wanna bone down on that so hard” gfjdkgfdjl
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hehe-hoho-ohno · 1 year
Snippet from the next chapter of Misfits under the cut!
Someone grabbed his shoulder. “Excu-“
Ingo yelped and stumbled back, clutching his nose. “Ow! Sorry! Sorry!”
Emmet’s knuckles stung. He was on his feet now, his chair knocked over. He didn’t remember getting up.
“Ingo?” He could still feel the resounding shock up his arm, and the sharp crack of wood echoed in his ears. He reached out and his heart dropped when Ingo flinched away. “Did. Did I hurt you?”
“I- I’m sorry,” Emmet wrung his hands, unsure what to do. “I’m sorry! Are you okay? I didn’t mean to! You surprised me. Don’t sneak up on me like that!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I won’t do it again,” Ingo promised, muffed by his hands.
“That’s not- You’re not in trouble. That wasn’t punishment. It was a reflex, I wasn’t thinking! If I knew it was you I would never-“ Emmet choked on his words. Knowingly, he would never, but he’d done it all the same, hadn’t he? No amount of excuses would change that.
He wanted. He wanted to brush Ingo’s hands away, cradle his jaw, and see the damage for himself. Fix it. Somehow. But Ingo had flinched and surely that would only make everything worse. But this had to be fixable. It just had to be.
“You can hit me back!”
Ingo stared up at him with more confusion than fear, which felt like a win in Emmet’s book. “Pardon?”
“Punch me!” Emmet enthusiastically shouted. “Then we will be even. Fair’s fair!”
He opened and closed his mouth a few times. “No, I… I’m not sure that’s…”
“It’s not a trick. You get one freebie.” Emmet held up a single finger. “As hard as you like. No retaliation. I won’t be mad.”
“I am Emmet.”
“I’m not going to hurt you.”
His smile froze. “Are you sure.”
“I am quite certain.” Ingo rubbed his nose and looked up anxiously. “It was just an accident, wasn’t it?”
Emmet did not like how uncertainly he asked that. Did he still think Emmet socked him on purpose? Guilt gnawed on his insides like termites. “Yes. Accident. You startled me.”
Ingo nodded, satisfied with that answer. “I will endeavour not to do so in the future.”
“That. Is a good idea. Yes. But.” He grimaced. It felt wrong to be shifting the onus of preventing a repeat incident on Ingo. Emmet had punched him. “Not your fault.”
“It’s not yours either.”
“I hurt you.”
Ingo waved him off. Emmet noted with great relief that he looked undamaged. “It’s nothing, no harm done.”
Liar. Emmet’s hand still stung. He hit hard. “Okay. Good. You can still hit me back. If you want.”
“I have no desire to do so.”
“Okay. Fine.” Emmet flexed his fingers and tried to act normal. They stood in awkward silence. Ingo absentmindedly brought his hand up towards his face, then caught himself and lowered it again. “Are you sure?“
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sakura-code · 8 months
Does Yako die in the misfit AU since chapter 4 is a rescue mission for Yuma does Yako still go through with his plan or does he push aside his anger to protect Yuma or does he get more angry seeing the person who kills his wife be the one to basically torture his traine/child
I actually plan to have Yakou live, mainly because I want to. I think there can still be impacts and character development without Yakou having to die, mainly because his plan will have grave consequences, whether he succeeds it or not, and the Detectives would not be happy he does such a thing either.
Again, like I said before, Chapter 4 will not be the rescue mission like I originally intended, and will instead be kind of similar to in-game with canon divergence.
Though I won’t lie, I do love the scenarios where Yakou’s anger turns to protective Yakou Fathero for Yuma (and the other detectives to an extension). I mean, Dr. Huesca has done experiments on Yuma before, like using his blood for Homunculus experiment and scanning his spiritual aura and bond with Shinigami and testing and experimenting on his developing Forte, Coalescence. But I’ll look into seeing how I can possibly have Dr. Huesca living past chapter 4 or not.
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dragonofthedepths · 2 years
Mairuma AUs Walter Park edition
Feral child 11.8.22
Iruma gets lost on Kararagi Street and instead of freaking out he just goes straight back into Survival Mode and becomes a Threat. Team Balam is freaking out looking for the sheltered rich kid and meanwhile Iruma has maimed several demons.
When they find him they have a realization. Iruma is adopted. Sullivan is domesticating this child not sheltering him. ‘What have you brought into your house Sullivan?’ Those who knew Opera as a child are like Oh No Not Again.
Shiida gets adopted 11.8.22
Iruma is so used to abruptly being informed he has relatives/friends/that he’s doing something now (Sullivan, Azz, Kerori, ect) that when Shiida calls him her little brother in Kararagi Street he’s just like ‘ah... guess I have a big sister now. I wonder where in the mansion her bedroom is.’ Sullivan doesn’t question it either when he comes to pick Iruma up, much to Shiida’s alarm when she is taken home with them.
In other words Shiida gets herself accidentally adopted and has a family now because she called Iruma little brother one (1) time and he’s so good at rolling with the punches that he accidentally takes other people with him.
She does not manage to get out of being introduced to team Balam on account of the death grip Iruma has on her hand. Azz is overjoyed to meet another member of Iruma’s family.
Lord Sullivan immediately begins ardently insisting Shiida has always been his granddaughter. (Well, “has always been” by lack of admitting to anything prior to this fact.)
Kirio after getting his call from Baal: *looks back longingly at Iruma* ‘wait why is Shiida there?’
More Special Treatment Than Any Other Class In Babylis History 11.8.22
The Misfits are all being groomed to be Demon King, or, failing that, 13 Crowns, from the moment they reopen Royal One. Sullivan declared this plan and the rest of the Bablys staff is on board. They don’t care what the other two Greats or the rest of the 13 Crowns and ancestral ruling body of the Netherworld might want, they have decided this is going to be the next Government.
(Hence why Kalego does something like challenge four 1st years to fight a beast designed to take out any and every full-grown adult that came at it in an entire amusement park.)
Day (437/100) in my #∞daysofwriting @the-wip-project
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anitrendz · 1 year
Top 10 Anime Boys Winter Week 5
Amane remains on top, but Kazuki climbs up one to join his fellow buddy daddy, Rei. Will both dads eventually dethrone Amane? We'll see what the voters have to say next week!
Bell, Senpai, and Jun enters for the first time. Himuro has sneakily climbed up from where he originally started as has Junta.
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willtheraven1 · 1 year
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Poor Ally is being bullied by the other pups for being different from her brother and her family. They called Miscolored, Mix-up and Defective. They even tease her and hurt her.
She doesn't like to be different.
This oc belongs to @nate-drawzz.
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