#the melon heads
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yourapple56-blog · 1 year ago
Lo, the Melon Heads of Kirkland, Ohio!
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embervalencia · 4 months ago
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Some stretching
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biboomerangboi · 1 year ago
Sometimes I think about Zuko being the Firelord and I just giggle like yeah it is an angsty situation, yes it’s got great fanfic material but guys your just going to give a 17 year old a whole country. Like not even a normal trained from birth Prince you’ve got a guy that was officially the Crown Prince for like 3 years and then he was out at sea causing problems. His special skills include hunting the avatar, B&E, being buddies with mythical beasts, prison breaks and customer service and you gave him the ultimate power to do whatever he wants. Not to mention he’s got friends who are just as insane and feral and he’s got all the money. Toph and Sokka are going to talk him into the most insane purchases in seconds. Guys c’mon.
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ajitomiel · 1 year ago
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altruistichellhound · 2 months ago
Beastars Boyfriend Head cannons!
I’ll be doing a separate post for the shishigumi. Let me know if you want anyone added to this.
I made this as non specific and gender neutral as I could. I wanted everyone to read this and imagine themselves as whatever person/animal you see yourself as.
Legoshi cannot control his tail around you. Smile at him? furious wagging. Laugh in the sweetest of ways? furious wagging. Kiss him? He’s taken off like a helicopter with how fast his tail is going.
Absolutely loves being close to you! Cannot get enough of your scent, breathes it in more than the air around him.
Territorial of you, anyone looks at you and he’s pissed. Not that you can tell, or anyone else really. Isn’t outright jealous/confrontational unless you are out right disrespected. Absolutely not afraid of getting in fights for you.
When Legoshi is comfortable he will go on and on about his interests. He is so incredibly smart, especially when it comes to bugs. At this point you’re pretty much an entomologists.
Teaches you about the way of the sea and some of the seas language. (You’ll probably be pronouncing it wrong the same as him..)
At the beginning of your relationship he found it hard to communicate his feelings, now he fully able to express his wants and needs. It works very well for the both of you as he is an incredible listener.
Very oblivious…
Loves taking you on dates, especially private ones like picnics and star gazing.
You>Anything else
If you don’t come from a deer family of high value you’ll be his secret.
He might not show it with words but lord does this man love you.
Endless, and I really mean endless gifts. You offhandedly mention something you like? Oh what’s this, he bought it for you! He’s out and he sees something that reminds him of you, bought it. “Oh that’s cute!” Boom he bought it.
Secretly likes it when you give him massages. Poor man is so stressed out he needs that extra care. He wants a quiet life with you. One where he can be the beastar but come home to your little cozy home where it’s soft and quiet.
Knows you guys simply cannot exist together but pretends like it’s not reality…
Openly jealous, “I don’t like him”. Tells you when he thinks someone has bad intentions. Tries his best to protect you but sometimes it’s slightly misguided.
Acts like he needs to be the dominant one in the relationship but really likes it when you take control.
A balance of all out luxury dinners and simple little cafes you two like to frequent.
If it comes to it he would give up everything, including his relationship with his father; for you.
Works out in front of you totally not on purpose. Flexes his muscles when you just happen to be looking at him.
Gohin is such a tease! Doesn’t matter what it is he’ll make fun of you for it. If you don’t like it he’ll tell you it was just a joke but he takes it very seriously and makes sure not to tease you like that again.
Tries his best to keep you away from his work. If you want to help he will tell you no until you persist so much he caves. While he loves you he cares about your safety more, so much training. He will run you until you colapse; he would never forgive himself if something happened to you.
Tea after training/work. He enjoys making you two a drink then sitting and talking about your day between sips.
Even if it doesn’t feel like it I promise you he listens. If he is busy or stressed he will respond with simple, hmm and mhms. However, he heard everyone word and won’t forget what you’ve told him.
At first he’s an awkward kisser, but he’s a quick learner and you’ve never had a better kisser in your life.
You remain the light of his life.
Childish. Not necessarily a bad thing but sometimes you want to beat him with a stick.
PDA to the max, you’re his and he’s yours. Why shouldn’t the people know? Hold his hand and steal quick kisses please.
Not the best at planning things but he’ll try his best. His goal is to make you happy and have something that will last.
Doesn’t really think about a serious future that much. Not that he doesn’t want to be with you, just that he hasn’t planned ahead enough to really put thought into marriage and a possible family.
This man makes you late to almost everything. Unless it’s the club, he is not on time.
You basically aren’t ever not laughing. He loves to see you smile and squirm around while you laugh so hard your stomach starts to hurt. Surprisingly his jokes are actually funny and land quite well.
All his friends know you very well, all he does is brag about how amazing and hot you are.
The sweetest man to have ever existed.
Had a crush on you for thee longest time before he either got the courage to talk to you or you finally went up to him.
Wants you to be happy, in his mind he can never do enough for you. He doesn’t want you to be happy, he needs it. If you are sad or angry he tries his darnedest to make cheer you up in a way that suits you the best. Listening, taking you out, leaving you alone, really whatever you need he will give.
Snores. Not loud though, sweet little snores and huffs throughout the night. At this point you can’t sleep without hearing him.
Always smells weirdly good. Like it’s unnatural how he always smells the same and it’s never bad. He could sprint three miles and still smell insanely good. When asked about it he just shrugs.
Constantly blushing! He can’t help it around you, doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together.
You trim his bangs. He lets you but in all honestly doesn’t trust you after you cut them way too short last time. He won’t tell you that though.
Suspiciously calm, makes him a good listener but sometimes it’s frustrating when he doesn’t get mad with you.
Speaking of anger he hasn’t really gotten mad with you. Maybe a few spats here and there but he has never once raised his voice at you.
Worst sleeper in the world! Moved, kicks, loud sleeper, talks. How did he kick you in the face? You don’t know and neither does he. Scares the crap out of you, “He’s coming.” You proceed to violently shake him until he wakes up and reassures you back to sleep.
Really likes playing video games with you or just doing things quietly next to each other.
Tries his very best to control himself around you after what happened. Really doesn’t matter to him what species you are he’s constantly afraid of hurting you. Cannot let go of you even if he’s afraid.
You on the other hand aren’t afraid of him. He told you what happened and you understood him. He would never hurt you, or so you think.
Protective as hell. Does not matter who it is no one will ever get to you.
Practically worships you. Would kiss the ground you walk on if he could. Lives to serve you, you want something it’s already been done.
Constant cuddles, he always wants to be the big spoon unless he’s sad. Being around you makes him feel powerful knowing in that moment you are untouchable. When you hold him he feels vulnerable, he hasn’t decided if he’s okay with that feeling yet but he knows that it feels good to be the one being protected for once.
Really likes cooking with you and for you.
Best way to describe him is annoying, but in the best way possible.
Can, and will, talk your ears off. Constantly yapping about something and expects you to listen. He’s offended if you ask him to give you even a second of silence.
Really loves it when you touch his horns.
Best lashes in the room, better than you and he will constantly brag about this. He tells you he’s joking (he’s not).
He’s just a little bit of a freak, “Eat me.” Doesn’t matter if you’re a carnivore or not. “What the hell Pina?” You can’t tell if he’s being serious…
He knows absolutely everything about you. Some things you didn’t even know about yourself! Not only does he know you but he knows everyone else. Tells you all the best gossip and keeps you up to date with rumors even if you don’t care.
Definitely needs someone to keep up with him.
Crazy but that’s okay!
Would kill someone if you asked him to. Neighbor pissed you off? Gone. Boss is being a dick? Gone. You tend to abuse this fact.
Okay he does not know how to express his love for you. He’s not even sure if what he’s feeling his love. He knows he oddly doesn’t want to hurt you but is that love? Who knows he’s just going with it.
This relationship is pretty much the definition of playing with fire.
You get to see such a different side to him, quiet and maybe even a little soft. Sad maybe? Is it an act? You don’t know but you’ve decided it’s okay not knowing you. Even when you have that nagging feeling that you should care.
Potentially likes you so much because you are very similar to him.
Won’t ever tell you or anyone this but he likes it when you hold him. He also enjoys that you aren’t afraid of his fangs. Will bite you if you let him.
Would both love and hate you even more if you were a hybrid.
Biggest softy with you. Would do absolutely anything for you, to him, you are nothing less than the universe.
Thinks you are the most wonderful thing to have ever graced this world. He loves to show you it too. Random gifts, always brings you fresh flowers before your last ones die.
Evening walks are the best with him. As the sun turns the clouds orange and pink he’ll tell you about his adventures as a youth and his previous dreams of becoming the beastar.
The best support you’ll ever have. He whole heartedly believes that you can do anything you set your heart to. Encouraging your passions and making sure whatever you need to meet your goals is there for you to use.
You’ve never felt so safe than right by his side, and rightfully so. No one would even think to mess with you with him around.
Everyone knows you too are together, he’s made sure of that the way he runs around bragging about you.
Tries his best to keep you and work separate. This is not only for your safety for also for him. He never expected or wanted a relationship because of his goals but when he saw you he just couldn’t let you go.
Manages balancing you and protecting the world pretty well. Though, he is in fact just a man like everyone else.
Missed dinners often which turns into arguments which ends in mutual apologies and making up.
He is so tired. Needs you to rub his shoulders and lightly scratch his back.
Can’t really sleep but if you tell him stories or hum softly while playing with his mane he knocks right out.
Keeps you out of the public eye because he knows that if he didn’t you’d have a target on your back. Constant security watching you from afar.
Makes sure to provide a good life for you first and foremost, but also is very focused on changing the world. It is a relationship based on understanding on both ends. Compromises have been made.
You are the closest thing to his heart and constantly on his mind.
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thenationofzaun · 4 months ago
Out of every fantastical thing in Arcane, the most unrealistic thing to me is Sevika not killing Caitlyn in 2 seconds
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deadwooddross · 4 months ago
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FINALLY Got this sketchbook out! Lots of Idoodles..a lot of colored ones too because there were some old sketches I had just lying around for a few years, I'll be posting a few soon. More of the same, my eternal battle to distill their essence down and find their three most distinct shapes, because apparently one direction simply wasn't good enough Sketchybook is over on PATREON
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assfuckmcgriddle · 1 month ago
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feng-shui71 · 2 months ago
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sweet serenades
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haiiii ur art is so cute omg,.,. /gen Scag kinnie here to nervously suggest Folly and scag interacting,. /nf
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Floor 112: YAPPER
folly you can't just lean on her like that
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inatungulates · 4 months ago
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Melon-headed whale Peponocephala electra
Observed by kenny_well, CC BY-NC
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sludgekludge · 2 months ago
stop pointing shit out about the helluva designs i'm still caught up on asmodeuses tiny head ever since you pointed it out /lh
no. look at it
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i want you to look at it
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cooplagoop · 3 months ago
Say what you want about the 3rd season of Beastars, but you can't deny that Legoshi identifying Melon by his leftover piss in a urinal is a certified Paru Itagaki freak moment
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mo-ok · 9 months ago
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drewiresora · 11 months ago
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Orange <3
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syrva · 10 months ago
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freehand tattoo for practice c:
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