#the maize nation
theinfamousmaybelle · 13 days
When I turn off the lights, it's not the dark I'm afraid of...
it's the thing that keeps turning them back on...
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ruin-loves-tea · 1 month
Your wish is my command, anonymous.
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The Video:
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lionheartlr · 4 months
Botswana, a landlocked country in Southern Africa, offers a unique blend of spectacular wildlife, rich culture, and vibrant history. This travel guide will take you through everything you need to know for an unforgettable visit to Botswana. Brief History Botswana, known as Bechuanaland during the colonial period, has a rich history dating back to ancient times with early hunter-gatherer…
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#1966#a landlocked country in Southern Africa#adventure#africa#and has since established itself as one of Africa’s most stable democracies.#and Kasane Airport#and major credit cards are accepted in most hotels#and rabies are recommended. A yellow fever vaccination is required if you are coming from a country with yellow fever. Q: What languages are#and Setswana is the national language widely spoken by the locals. Q: Is it safe to drink tap water in Botswana? A: In major towns and citie#and shops.#and unique cultural heritage. Whether you&039;re seeking adventure in the wild or a serene escape#and various dishes made from millet and maize. Botswana offers an enriching travel experience with its incredible wildlife#and vibrant history. This travel guide will take you through everything you need to know for an unforgettable visit to Botswana.#bogobe (sorghum porridge)#Botswana#Botswana has something for every traveler.#Botswana&039;s main international gateway is Sir Seretse Khama International Airport in Gaborone. Other important airports include Maun Air#Chobe is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts. Moremi Game Reserve: Located in the Okavango Delta#close to Chobe National Park.#destinations#europe#except for citizens of certain countries who are granted visa-free entry. It&039;s advisable to check the latest visa requirements before t#has a rich history dating back to ancient times with early hunter-gatherer communities. It gained independence from British colonial rule on#hepatitis B#hospitable people#in rural areas#it’s advisable to drink bottled or boiled water. Q: What are some must-try foods in Botswana? A: Must-try foods include seswaa (pounded meat#kenya#known as Bechuanaland during the colonial period#Moremi is known for its diverse ecosystems and abundant wildlife. Makgadikgadi Pans: One of the largest salt flats in the world
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assiraphales · 1 year
anyways (I say this as someone who is deeply critical of the united states government, military, unchecked capitalism, police, etc) I am SICK of people treating america as if it has no cultural value or positives so..... I love u 85 million acres (bigger than italy) of national parks. I love u harlem renaissance. I love u groundhogs day. I love u sweet tea and fried chicken and jambalaya. I love u apple cider donuts and maizes on crisp autumn days. I love u 95k miles of coastlines and new england fisherman and hand knitted sweaters. I love u halloween where millions of people dress up and give candy to strangers and carve jack o’lanterns. I love u small talk and small towns and potlucks and bringing over casseroles to your struggling neighbors. I love u cowboys and ranch hands and arizonian cactus. I love u appalachian trail and dirtbikes and divebars. I love u sparklers and fireflies. I love u mark twain and toni morrison and emily dickinson and henry david thoreau. I love u rock n roll i love u bluegrass and hippies i love u jimi hendrix and nirvana and CCR and janis joplin. I love u victorian houses and jonny appleseed and john henry and mothman and bigfoot. I love u foggy days in the pacific northwest and neon signs and roadside attractions. I love u baseball and 1950s diners and soft serve. I love u native american art and pop art and poptarts. I love u blue jeans and barbecues and jazz musicians 
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murderousink23 · 10 months
11/24/2023 is Unique Talent Day 🌎, Teachers' Day 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫🇹🇷, National Sardines Day 🐟🇺🇲, Buy Nothing Day 🇺🇲, Flossing Day 🇺🇲, Maize Day 🌽🇺🇲, National Day of Listening 👂🇺🇲, National Native American Heritage Day 🇺🇲, You're Welcomegiving Day 🇺🇲, Black Friday 🇺🇲, National Illustration Day 🇬🇧
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clefadrylcanines · 1 year
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May 3rd, Jonathan Harker’s journal
(Mem., get recipe for Mina.) I asked the waiter, and he said it was called “paprika hendl,” and that, as it was a national dish, I should be able to get it anywhere along the Carpathians.
I had for breakfast more paprika, and a sort of porridge of maize flour which they said was "mamaliga," and egg-plant stuffed with forcemeat, a very excellent dish, which they call "impletata." (Mem., get recipe for this also.)
Recipe blog casually interrupted by nightmares and the howling of wild dogs. I’m sure it’s nothing.
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ami-ven · 2 years
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Happy National Maize Day!
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eleanor-arroway · 11 months
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times, places, and practices that I want to learn from to imagine a hopeful future for humanity 🍃
the three sisters (squash, beans, maize) stock photo - alamy // anecdote by Ira Byock about Margaret Mead // art by Amanda Key // always coming home by Ursula K. Le Guin // Yup'ik basket weaver Lucille Westlock photographed by John Rowley // the left hand of darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin // photo by Jacob Klassen // the carrier bag theory of fiction by Ursula K. Le Guin // article in national geographic // the dawn of everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow // braiding sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer // the birchbark house by Louise Erdrich // photo by John Noltner
I'm looking for more content and book recs in this vein, so please send them my way!
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
Early mornings are chilly in Los Romero, a village high up in the mountains of western Guatemala. As in other predominantly Mam villages – Indigenous Maya people who have lived here since pre-Columbian times – households come quietly to life before dawn. Isabel Romero, a grandmother with long black hair, used to feel somewhat trapped in hers.
“I was afraid of speaking because I was cooped up at home. I didn’t go out,” she says, explaining that like many Mam women, her days were dedicated to the hard work of running a household with little money, and she rarely spoke with other women. “I worried a lot and had headaches.”
Residents of Los Romero live mainly from subsistence farming, growing maize, beans and squash, or grazing livestock. Almost 50% of the population is Indigenous in Guatemala, Central America’s biggest economy, but they do not share in its prosperity. Indigenous women in particular are discriminated against and dispossessed, with a life expectancy 13 years lower, and a maternal mortality rate two times higher, than the national average, according to the World Bank.
In Romero’s village and throughout the region, a community-based collective of women’s circles has been quietly improving Indigenous women’s lives, empowering them to find voices that have been suppressed through centuries of marginalisation.
It was a long process, but Romero’s headaches and fear are now a thing of the past. These days she gets out to workshops, meetings and women’s circles. She shares her knowledge of weaving traditional textiles on a backstrap loom and has a leadership role in the women’s group she co- founded: Buena Semilla (Good Seed).
The initiative emerged from Maya Mam women’s experiences, when French physician Anne Marie Chomat brought them together for interviews for her doctoral fieldwork in 2010- 2012. The simple act of gathering with others and sharing their experiences had a profound impact on the women, many of whom are still dealing with the traumatic legacy of Guatemala’s civil war.
During the 1960-1996 armed conflict between leftist guerrilla groups and the military, more than 200,000 people were killed, overwhelmingly Indigenous Maya civilians killed by the army. Another 45,000 were ‘disappeared’. A truth commission concluded that the state committed acts of genocide...
“There’s so much chronic stress and other issues that are not being addressed,” says Chomat, Buena Semilla’s international coordinator, who now lives in Canada. “So much healing happened in that space of women connecting with other women, getting out of their houses, realising: ‘I’m not alone’.”
Once Chomat’s fieldwork was finalised, several participants decided they wanted to continue meeting and with Chomat came up with the idea of women’s circles. With the help of a grant, the project got going in 2013 and now more than 300 women in two municipalities participate every week or two in circles, each comprising roughly 10 to 25 women.
Wearing traditional embroidered huipil blouses and hand-loomed skirts, the women gather, arriving on foot via the dirt roads that weave through the villages. They meet in a home or community building, or outside when they can for the connection with nature. The circle opens with a welcome and a prayer and then the group engages in breathing and movement exercises. Next up is discussion of the nahual, the day’s name and energy according to one of the interlocking ancient Mayan calendars, traditionally used for ceremonial practices. “Here in Santiago Atitlán it is only maybe 20% of people who speak about [knowledge of nahuals], so we are reviving it,” says Quiejú.
Then it’s time for the sharing circle. “More than anything, it is speaking what they have in their hearts,” says Quiejú. But every time and each circle is different, even though the leaders all work from the same guide, she says.
Sometimes circles will have a guided meditation. Sometimes they’ll have a workshop to learn weaving, or another skill that can help them earn money. Sometimes they eat together. Sometimes they cry. Often they laugh. No matter what, they generally end with a group embrace...
Only 1% of Guatemala’s national health budget is designated for mental health, and nearly all of that goes to the country’s one psychiatric hospital. Most mental health professionals are concentrated in the capital, offering psychotherapy and prescribing medications. For those in rural areas, there is little discussion of mental health or access to services.
“There is nothing for the preventative side, to work with families, to work with communities,” says Garavito. However, he emphasised that the concept of buen vivir (good living) among many Indigenous peoples in Latin America, which includes the traditional festivities, ceremonies and community of everyday village life, inherently incorporates good mental health. “Mental health is a fundamentally social concept and that has been a historical and common practice among Indigenous peoples, without them calling it that.”
...Financial constraints also pose challenges. Since 2020, Buena Semilla’s budget has been funded through crowdfunding and small grants. Staff and leaders all work part-time and many volunteer unpaid, but most circles now meet bi-weekly due to a squeeze on funds...
[Note: If you'd like to help, you can find out more and support Buena Semilla here, at their website.]
Despite the challenges, interest keeps growing. Elsa Cortez joined a circle earlier this year, motivated by her sister’s positive experience with Buena Semilla. In her mid-20s, she lives with her parents and as well as helping to run the household, she weaves belts, drawing from a basket full of spools of brightly coloured thread. She did not go out much before.
“There was a mentality that women were only supposed to be in the home or should only do certain things. That’s how we were raised,” she says. “My family was like that too.”
Thanks to Buena Semilla, those dynamics have started to shift in some families, including her own, says Cortez. Now she is exploring the idea of starting a circle specifically for girls, to help build their self-worth and self-esteem.
“It used to be difficult for me to socialise or chat, but now I am starting to socialise more easily,” says Cortez. “In the group I feel like it is psychological therapy every time we meet.”
-via Positive.News, December 8, 2023
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specialagentartemis · 5 months
Hey, would you be willing to elaborate on that "disappearance of the Anasazi is bs" thing? I've heard something like that before but don't know much about it and would be interested to learn more. Or just like point me to a paper or yt video or something if you don't want to explain right now? Thanks!
I’m traveling to an archaeology conference right now, so this sounds like a great way to spend my airport time! @aurpiment you were wondering too—
“Anasazi” is an archaeological name given to the ancestral Puebloan cultural group in the US Southwest. It’s a Diné (Navajo) term and Modern Pueblos don’t like it and find it othering, so current archaeological best practices is to call this cultural group Ancestral Puebloans. (This is politically complicated because the Diné and Apache nations and groups still prefer “Anasazi” because through cultural interaction, mixing, and migration they also have ancestry among those people and they object to their ancestry being linguistically excluded… demonyms! Politically fraught always!)
However. The difficulties of explaining how descendant communities want to call this group kind of immediately shows: there are descendant communities. The “Anasazi” are Ancestral Purbloans. They are the ancestors of the modern Pueblos.
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The Ancestral Puebloans as a distinct cultural group defined by similar material culture aspects arose 1200-500 BCE, depending on what you consider core cultural traits, and we generally stop talking about “Ancestral Puebloan” around 1450 CE. These were a group of people who lived in northern Arizona and New Mexico, and southern Colorado and Utah—the “Four Corners” region. There were of course different Ancestral Pueblo groups, political organizations, and cultures over the centuries—Chaco Canyon, Mesa Verde, Kayenta, Tusayan, Ancestral Hopi—but they generally share some traits like religious sodality worship in subterranean circular kivas, residence in square adobe roomblocks around central plazas, maize farming practices, and styles of coil-and-scrape constructed black-on-white and black-on-red pottery.
The most famous Ancestral Pueblo/“Anasazi” sites are the Cliff Palace and associated cliff dwellings of Mesa Verde in southwestern Colorado:
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When Europeans/Euro-Americans first found these majestic places, people had not been living in them for centuries. It was a big mystery to them—where did the people who built these cliff cities go? SURELY they were too complex and dramatic to have been built by the Native people who currently lived along the Rio Grande and cited these places as the homes of their ancestors!
So. Like so much else in American history: this mystery is like, 75% racism.
But WHY did the people of Mesa Verde all suddenly leave en masse in the late 1200s, depopulating the whole Mesa Verde region and moving south? That was a mystery. But now—between tree-ring climatological studies, extensive archaeology in this region, and actually listening to Pueblo people’s historical narratives—a lot of it is pretty well-understood. Anything archaeological is inherently, somewhat mysterious, because we have to make our best interpretations of often-scant remaining data, but it’s not some Big Mystery. There was a drought, and people moved south to settle along rivers.
There’s more to it than that—the 21-year drought from 1275-1296 went on unusually long, but it also came at a time when the attempted re-establishment of Chaco cultural organization at the confusingly-and-also-racist-assuption-ly-named Aztec Ruin in northern New Mexico was on the decline anyway, and the political situation of Mesa Verde caused instability and conflict with the extra drought pressures, and archaeologists still strenuously debate whether Athabaskans (ancestors of the Navajo and Apache) moved into the Four Corners region in this time or later, and whether that caused any push-out pressures…
But when I tell people I study Southwest archaeology, I still often hear, “Oh, isn’t it still a big mystery, what happened to the Anasazi? Didn’t they disappear?”
And the answer is. They didn’t disappear. Their descendants simply now live at Hopi, Zuni, Taos, Picuris, Acoma, Cochiti, Isleta, Jemez, Laguna, Nambé, Ohkay Owingeh, Pojoaque, Sandia, San Felipe, Santa Clara, San Ildefonso, Tamaya/Santa Ana, Kewa/Santo Domingo, Tesuque, Zia, and Ysleta del Sur. And/or married into Navajo and Apache groups. The Anasazi/Ancestral Puebloans didn’t disappear any more than you can say the Ancient Romans disappeared because the Coliseum is a ruin that’s not used anymore. And honestly, for the majority of archaeological mysteries about “disappearance,” this is the answer—the socio-political organization changed to something less obvious in the archaeological record, but the people didn’t disappear, they’re still there.
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blueiscoool · 1 year
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Ancient Mayan Nose Ring Made of Human Bone Found in Mexican
More than a thousand years ago, a priest in Mexico donned a bone nose ornament and conducted a ceremony in honor of K’awiil, the Mayan god associated with maize and fertility.
At least that’s what experts believe happened after they discovered a nose ring made from human bone at the Archaeological Zone of Palenque in Chiapas, according to an Aug. 29 news release from Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History. It’s the first find of its kind from the site.
Experts described the artifact as “una nariguera,” which translates to a nose ring in English. However, photos of the object show that it was more like an ornament that sat atop the wearer’s nose.
The 2.5-inch-long and 2-inch-wide adornment is made of a human tibia (leg) bone, archaeologists said. It was likely used by elites, specifically rulers and priests, in attempts to personify their god, K’awiil.
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Experts said the bone artifact is engraved with a depiction of a man in a headdress and ornate jewelry. His left arm has the Mayan glyph “ak’ab’,” which means darkness or night. He is holding a long thin object, and beneath him is a human skull and long bones placed on a bundle of cloth.
The depiction in the bone expresses communication with gods and ancestors, according to experts.
The nose piece was unearthed from a ritual deposit buried between 600 and 850, archaeologists said. The deposit commemorated the building of a new structure, known as House C, at a palace.
Officials said they also found animal bones, obsidian blades and charcoal in the deposit.
Chiapas is in southeastern Mexico.
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Gift for @villetela
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Made "My Dear Florist" Sun in Gacha for you!
The Code to Get It:
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harry-hollands · 11 months
who does it better?
alex turcotte x f!hockey player smau
for all my alex turcotte lovers 🫶🏼: @hischierhaze @babydollmarauders
authors notes: reader is born in 2003 (2 years younger than alex, same year as luke hughes), takes place in 2025
*the girls in the pictures are not a depiction of you; they are merely placeholders bc my goal is to have you imagine yourself 🫶🏼*
WARNINGS: hate on an unspecified national team (you can imagine whatever country that team is from except team canada LOL), team canada (both men and women) wins bronze, soft and hard launches, language, relationships
part 2 (can be read as a standalone)
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liked by badgerwhockey, yourbsf, and 3,876 others
yourusername: off to a strong start 🫡
tagged yourbsf, kevinfiala22, badgerwhockey, lakings
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mattboldy: why?
yourusername: @/mattboldy why what?
mattboldy: @/yourusername the last pic???
yourusername: @/mattboldy i’m a die hard kings fan and kevin fiala is my spirit animal
mattboldy: @/yourusername you need therapy
yourusername: @/mattboldy im my own therapist 🫶🏼
badgerwhockey: our favorite goalie
liked by yourusername
yourbsf: my teletubby !!! (affectionate) 🥹🫶🏼
yourusername: @/yourbsf my walking shin destroyer (derogatory)🥹🫶🏼
fan1: aint no way yn was referred to as a teletubby 😭
fan2: @/fan1 they’re so unserious i love them
fan15: kings fan confirmed??
yourusername: @/fan15 this is old news, why do you think my number is 32?
edwards.73: i stand by my statement that you’d look better in maize and blue
yourusername: @/edwards.73 you’re biased. and wrong. definitely wrong.
edwards.73: @/yourusername but you’d see me more often !
yourusername: @/edwards.73 all the more reason to stay! hope this helps 🫶🏼
markestapa: @/edwards.73 HAH
lhughes_06: eddy is wrong. red is definitely your color
yourusername: @/lhughes_06 you’re just biased because you wear red.
lhughes_06: @/yourusername no comment
yourusername: @/lhughes_06 i also distinctly remember you calling me every night practically begging me to transfer because and i quote, “wisco doesn’t need you, we do!”
lhughes_06: @/yourusername nuh uh!
yourusername: @/lhughes_06 you’re a fucking child
dylanduke25: goalie, noun; In ice hockey, the goaltender is the player responsible for preventing the hockey puck from entering their team's net, thus preventing the opposing team from scoring. The goaltender mostly plays in or near the area in front of the net called the goal crease.
yourusername: @/dylanduke25 pest, noun; an annoying person or thing; a nuisance. (affectionate)
dylanduke25: @/yourusername ☹️
dylanduke25: @/yourusername 🤭
yourusername: @/dylanduke25 bitch. (AFFECTIONATE)
trevorzegras: red is definitely your color, just the wrong school
yourusername: @/trevorzegras oh im sorry i thought a college dropout said something to me
trevorzegras: @/_alexturcotte @/yourusername are all of you wisco students mean or just you two?
_alexturcotte: @/trevorzegras @/yourusername we’re nice! just not to you!
yourusername: @/trevorzegras @/_alexturcotte hope this helps college dropout 🫶🏼
trevorzegras: @/yourusername @/_alexturcotte ALEX IS A COLLEGE DROPOUT! WE SPENT THE SAME AMOUNT OF TIME IN COLLEGE
yourusername: @/trevorzegras @/_alexturcotte and i like him better than you
trevorzegras: @/yourusername 🤨
_alexturcotte: hey we have a lot in common i think we’d get along great!
colecaufield: @/_alexturcotte stop the madness
yourusername: @/colecaufield @/_alexturcotte nono let the man speak!
_alexturcotte: @/colecaufield @/yourusername yeah let the man speak!
colecaufield: @/yourusername @/_alexturcotte 🤠
_alexturcotte: @/yourusername well, we both attended wisco, you’re a kings fan, which hey what a coincidence, im a kings player, and i know kevin fiala and can introduce you two!
yourusername: @/_alexturcotte interesting points, i’ll get back to you in a few business days
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liked by _alexturcotte, colecaufield and 4,917 others
yourusername: national champs and b1g 10 champs baby ! im so unbelievably proud of these girls and everything we’ve accomplished. not only are we back to back b1g 10 champs but we played our hearts out and got the national title too!
thank you wisco for being my home for four years, and thank you to this team who’ve made me the player and person i’ve always strived to be.
to the gophers, you played an outstanding game and im proud of the hard fought game you guys gave me.
next time i see you girls, we’ll be competing for worlds and some of us will be separated but that doesn’t mean it’s the end. LA and worlds, here i come 🫶🏼
tagged badgerwhockey, gopherwhockey, b1ghockey
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yourbsf: i cant believe you’re graduating 😭
yourusername: @/yourbsf i cant either 🥺
yourbsf: @/yourusername i also can’t believe *they* convinced you to move back to california 🤨
yourusername: @/yourbsf what can i say? the offer was enticing 🫡
fan32: i’m violently ill. i can’t believe it’s been 4 years already, and she’s leaving 😭
_alexturcotte: im so unbelievably proud of you and everything you’ve accomplished. glad to see that my negotiation skills payed off :)
yourusername: @/_alexturcotte it was an easy decision, i get my favorite canadians as roommates! best deal ever! @/jordanjs224 @/francesco.pinelli71 @/quintonbyfield @/brandtclarke55
yourusername: @/_alexturcotte but also, thank yous 🥹🫶🏼
_alexturcotte: @/yourusername i should’ve seen that one coming. but also, you’re welcome <3
jordanjs224: @/yourusername @/_alexturcotte ROOMIES
francesco.pinelli71: @/yourusername @/_alexturcotte ROOMIES
quintonbyfield: @/yourusername @/_alexturcotte ROOMIES
brandtclarke55: @/yourusername @/_alexturcotte ROOMIES
slknight35: @/colecaufield excuse me? 🤨
colecaufield: @/sknight35 uhh…gotta run!
yourusername: @/colecaufield THANK YOU! THAT’S MY FAVORITE FUNSIZED FORWARD <33
slknight35: @/yourusername @/colecaufield HAH! you’re my new favorite person
colecaufield: @/yourusername @/slknight35 i don’t like this 🤠
yourusername: @/colecaufield tough shit cockfield
badgerwhockey: unbelievably proud of you! thank you for four amazing years and helping us get back to back b1g 10 champs and back to back national titles. we’ll miss you endlessly ❤️
yourusername: @/badgerwhockey admin 🥹🫶🏼
lhughes_06: THAT’S MY BEST FRIEND!!
markestapa: @/lhughes_06 *OUR
edwards.73: @/lhughes_06 @/markestapa ^^
dylanduke25: @/lhughes_06 @/markestapa ^^
luca.fantilli: @/lhughes_06 @/markestapa ^^
adamfantilli: @/lhughes_06 @/markestapa ^^
yourusername: @/lhughes_06 @/markestapa i think im crying harder then i have ever cried in my life 🥹
erikportillo: 🤩
liked by yourusername
trevorzegras: 🫡
yourusername: @/trevorzegras a man of many words, the enemy of silence people
jackhughes: you’re way out of his league
fan38: @/jackhughes jack??? what do you mean???
_quinnhughes: @/jackhughes the only thing we can agree on
_alexturcotte: @/jackhughes @/_quinnhughes to be fair i don’t think anyone is on her level.
fan39: @/_alexturcotte ALEX???
yourusername: @/jackhughes no im just out of your league
_quinnhughes: @/yourusername welcome to the family you’re my new favorite hughes!
lhughes_06: @/_quinnhughes @/yourusername i would be offended but honestly? real. she’s already mom’s favorite. she said that her and dad were booking flights to watch her at worlds
kevinfiala22: congrats 🎉❤️
yourusername: @/kevinfiala22 oh.
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liked by yourusername, quintonbyfield and 20,277 others
_alexturcotte: two teams, two world titles, two gold medals, one nation, and my girl
tagged usahockey, trevorzegras, arthurkaliyev34
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fan32: the way alex included the women’s team too 😭
fan15: did not see alex soft launching his relationship on my bingo card for this year
trevorzegras: mr. game winner
_alexturcotte: @/trevorzegras mr. tournament point leader
jackhughes: @/trevorzegras @/_alexturcotte i’m mr. goal leader
_alexturcotte: @/jackhughes this ain’t about you
jackhughes: @/_alexturcotte BETRAYAL. BETRAYAL EVERYWHERE.
_alexturcotte: @/jackhughes i still love you babe 🫶🏼
usahockey: history. made.
liked by _alexturcotte, jackhughes, trevorzegras, colecaufield, yourusername, _quinnhughes, lhughes_06, and arthurkaliyev34
fan38: highlight of the men’s tournament is when the announcers practically had an aneurysm with jack, quinn, and luke on the ice 😭
fan39: @/fan38 my highlight was watching the guys get excited watching the gold medal game for the women. luke and alex (and a good chunk of the canadian men) looked like children in a candy shop watching yn make saves
colecaufield: WOAH WOAH WOAH (first proud of us) WHO THE FUCK?
yourusername: @/colecaufield language cockfield!
colecaufield: @/yourusername sorry i mean WHOMST THE FUCK?
yourusername: @/colecaufield yeah, okay.
_alexturcotte: @/colecaufield proud of us too!
colecaufield: @/_alexturcotte NO NO NO WHO IS THAT IN THE LAST PICTURE ???
_alexturcotte: @/colecaufield yes.
yourusername: we did that <3
_alexturcotte: @/yourusername we did, and im proud of us beyond comprehension <3
francesco.pinelli71: @/yourusername @/_alexturcotte whats going on here ? 🤨
quintonbyfield: @/francesco.pinelli71 @/_alexturcotte @/yourusername young love 🥺
francesco.pinelli71: @/quintonbyfield that’s crazy 💀
brandtclarke55: thank god you you both kicked *their* asses
jordanjs224: @/brandtclarke55 me and my homies hate *them*
yourusername: @/brandtclarke55 @/jordanjs224 i aim to please 🫡
lakings: 🥇 👑 🏒 🥅
liked by arthurkaliyev34, _alexturcotte, quintonbyfield, francesco.pinelli71, jordanjs224, and brandtclarke55
fan5: history was made for both team canada and team usa. both men and women for canada won bronze while both men and women for the united states won gold. im going to sob oh my god 😭
fan32: @/fan5 i’ve been crying since the conclusion of the men’s tournaments 🥹
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usahockey: In honor of our men and women making history by both winning gold at the World Championships this past weekend, we highlight two players of the tournament, goaltender Y/N Y/LN, and center Alex Turcotte. The two of them both attended the University of Wisconsin and played for their respective hockey teams.
Y/N Y/LN spent four years with the Wisconsin Badgers and helped lead the women’s team to 3 consecutive B1G 10 Championship Titles (2023, 2024, and 2025), and 3 consecutive NCAA Championship Titles (2023, 2024, and 2025).
In the tournament, Y/LN had a .937 save percentage, and a 1.42 GAA, which propelled the U.S to a gold medal and a world title.
Alex Turcotte only spent one year with the Wisconsin Badgers and had 9 goals and 17 assists for 26 points in 29 games played.
Turcotte turned pro in 2020, and unfortunately dealt with a few setbacks with illness and injury before having a breakout year in the 2023-2024 NHL season. He is now a core member of the LA Kings alongside roommates, Francesco Pinelli, Quinton Byfield, Jordan Spence, and Brandt Clarke, all of whom also participated in the World Championships and won the Bronze medal for Team Canada.
Now comes the debate we all have been waiting for:
Who did it better? Y/N Y/LN or Alex Turcotte? Let us know down below.
tagged yourusername, _alexturcotte, badgermhockey, badgerwhockey
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fan32: Y/N is the only correct answer. if you think anything else, that’s your opinion, but your opinion is wrong
fan15: im a huge turcs lover but Y/N absolutely did it better. she could literally wear a trash bag and she’d still look like a bombshell.
liked by _alexturcotte
fan15: TURCS???
yourbsf: Y/N 100%. she’s my wife and this is my biased opinion coming from a 100% certified turcs hater.
yourusername: @/yourbsf i love you 😭🫶🏼
trevorzegras: Y/N. it’s not even a competition. HAVE YOU SEEN HER???
_quinnhughes: @/trevorzegras the only time i’ll ever agree with you
jamie.drysdale: @/_quinnhughes real.
trevorzegras: @/_quinnhughes i expected this from you. but @/jamie.drysdale FUCKING OFFENDED???
colecaufield: as much as i love alex it’s Y/N 100% 😭
liked by yourusername and _alexturcotte
lhughes_06: Y/N. no fucking competition.
edwards.73: @/lhughes_06 on behalf of everyone i think we can all agree that it’s Y/N no debate.
markestapa: @/lhughes_06 @/edwards.73 FR
yourusername: @/markestapa @/edwards.73 @/lhughes_06 my favorite and forever hype men 🥹
jackhughes: alex, buddy, you’re a stud, but i’d be fucking lying if i said that you do it better
yourusername:@/jackhughes ew you’re making me feel emotions 🥹
_alexturcotte: @/jackhughes @/yourusername please ignore her she does in fact feel emotions like a normal person
jackhughes: @/yourusername good. ❤️
francesco.pinelli71: on behalf of the roommates (oh my god and we were roommates) at our household meeting, we all came to the unanimous conclusion that my best friend, Y/N, does in fact, do it better.
quintonbyfield: @/francesco.pinelli71 as a witness to this household meeting, i can in fact, attest to this statement
jordanjs224: @/francesco.pinelli71 even if alex is my boyfriend, i, in good conscience, cannot state that alex did it better. Y/N does and continues to do it better.
brandtclarke55: @/francesco.pinelli71 no one can do it better than Y/N
_alexturcotte: can confirm, Y/N does it better
fan15: @/_alexturcotte WHAT DOES THIS MEAN
yourusername: @/_alexturcotte thank you <33
fan32: @/yourusername @/_alexturcotte WHAT IS HAPPENING
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liked by _alexturcotte, yourbsf, and 39,015 others
“i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart)
i am never without it
(anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)” - E.E Cummings
in conclusion, i do it better.
tagged _alexturcotte
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_alexturcotte: my love <33
liked by yourusername
yourbsf: yeah. okay. im fine 🥹
liked by yourusername
yourbsf: please take care of my girl 🥹
_alexturcotte: @/yourbsf always and forever
yourbsf: @/alexturcotte oh.
francesco.pinelli71: my roommates (my best friend and her boyfriend) 🫶🏼
liked by yourusername, _alexturcotte, quintonbyfield, jordanjs224, brandtclarke55, and lakings
quintonbyfield: my boyfriend and his girlfriend 🥹❤️
yourusername: @/quintonbyfield my boyfriend’s second boyfriend 🫶🏼
quintonbyfield: @/yourusername IM HIS SECOND BOYFRIEND??? @/_alexturcotte explain yourself right now.
_alexturcotte: @/quintonbyfield listen, i got seduced by @/jordanjs224 im sorry you found out this way
jordanjs224: @/_alexturcotte @/quintonbyfield is it me? am i the drama?
jordanjs224: homewreckers stick together 🫶🏼
yourusername: @/jordanjs224 we’re about to be the biggest headache for our boyfriend and roommates 🫶🏼
_alexturcotte: @/yourusername @/jordanjs224 i don’t like this.
jordanjs224: @/yourusername perfect.
_alexturcotte: @/jordanjs224 @/yourusername I REALLY DON’T LIKE THIS
brandtclarke55: MY PARENTS !
yourusername: @/brandtclarke55 MY SON !
_alexturcotte: @/brandtclarke55 @/yourusername that’s not our son
brandtclarke55: @/_alexturcotte @/yourusername ☹️
yourusername: @/brandtclarke55 don’t listen to your father he’s delusional
brandtclarke55: @/yourusername okay mom !
_alexturcotte: @/yourusername 🥲
colecaufield: @/yourusername AHHHHHH (my best friend found someone who makes him happy and it happens to be my new best friend 😭🫶🏼)
liked by yourusername, _alexturcotte, lhughes_06, jackhughes, trevorzegras, and _quinnhughes
elblue6: ❤️
liked by _alexturcotte, yourusername, and lhughes_06
lhughes_06: i would kill for yn so tread carefully. i have a full college hockey team willing to do anything for her so consider that before doing anything. i don’t care if you are my billet brother and lived with me for a couple of years.
_alexturcotte: @lhughes_06 🤠🫡
_alexturcotte: i love you my sweet girl. now and forever.
yourusername: @/_alexturcotte i love you too, my love. forever and evers <33
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liked by yourusername, jordanjs224 and 28,189 others
“You’re where I stand, hearing the sea, crazy for the shore,
seeing the moon ache and fret for the earth.
When morning comes,
the sun, ardent, covers the trees in gold,
you walk towards me,
out of the season, out of the light love reasons.”
- Carol Ann Duffy
she definitely does it better :)
tagged yourusername
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yourusername: my beautiful boy, thank you for taking a chance on me, and loving me for a little over a year. i know starting a relationship long-distance isn’t ever ideal, but we made it work and because of it we grew stronger. you are my present, and my future, and i can’t wait to see where life takes us, hopefully, together, side by side. i love you to the moon and to saturn <33
_alexturcotte: @/yourusername my beautiful girl, thank you for being there for me when i felt like i was alone. i wasn’t expecting to find someone as ethereal as you, but the universe always finds a way to shine a light when everything is pitch black. you helped me heal mentally through the frustrating setbacks at the start of my NHL career, and for that i have no words to express the gratitude i have for your abundant amounts of patience. you are my future, and i will be content anywhere as long as you are by my side. i love you to the moon and to saturn ❤️
a/n: thank you so much for reading !! feedback and reblogs are always appreciated! all my love !!!
-soph <33
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The UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization coined CSA in 2009 to describe practices aimed at increasing farm resilience and reducing the carbon footprint of a global food system responsible for up to 37 percent of annual greenhouse gas emissions. Since then, however, observers say that CSA has been usurped by the Gates-led corporate alliance, with programs like Water Efficient Maize for Africa serving as green-painted Trojan horses for industry. “CSA is an agribusiness-led vision of surveillance [and] data-driven farmerless farming, [which explains why] its biggest promoters include Bayer, McDonnell, and Walmart,” said Mariam Mayet of the African Centre for Biodiversity. “From a climate perspective, it entrenches the global inequalities of a corporate food regime. There’s no system shift at all.” Octavaio Sánchez, the grizzled director of Honduras’s National Association for the Promotion of Organic Agriculture, contends that policies that promote true resilience must focus on regenerating soils through the use of organic fertilizers, crop rotation, and the preservation of native seeds able to adapt to changing conditions. These are the cornerstones of a global agro-ecology movement that has emerged from the seed and food sovereignty coalitions of the past three decades. The peasant-led agro-ecology movement—with La Via Campesina and AFSA in front—rejects the familiar refrain from agribusiness promoters that it is condemning farmers to permanent poverty and stagnation. The movement’s position is supported by both a growing literature of case studies and the development of scientific agro-ecological practices. When Gates Foundation officers were preparing to launch AGRA in 2006, researchers at the University of Essex published a study showing that agro-ecological practices increased yields by an average of nearly 80 percent across 12.6 million farms in 57 poor countries. The authors concluded that “all crops showed water use efficiency gains,” which led to “improvements in food productivity.” The UN’s High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition recommended in 2019 that governments support agro-ecological projects and redirect “subsidies and incentives that at present benefit unsustainable practices,” a judgment based on similar studies undertaken around the world.
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murderousink23 · 2 years
11/25/2022 is National Blood Donor Day 🇧🇷, Buy Nothing Day 🇺🇲, Flossing Day 🇺🇲, Maize Day 🇺🇲, National Day of Listening 🇺🇲, National Native American Heritage Day 🇺🇲, You're Welcomegiving Day 🇺🇲, Blasé Day 🇺🇲, National Parfait Day 🇺🇲, Shopping Reminder Day 🇺🇲, Black Friday 🇺🇲, White Ribbon Day 🇬🇧, International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women 🇺🇳
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whencyclopedia · 1 month
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Homolovi or Homolovi State Park (formerly: Homolovi Ruins State Park) is a cluster of archaeological sites that contains the ruins of eight pre-Columbian Ancestral Puebloan (Anasazi) and Hopi pueblos in addition to some 300 other remains and petroglyphs. Homolovi lies within sight of the Little Colorado River in a floodplain, 2 km (4 miles) northeast of Winslow, Arizona in the United States. Archaeologists believe that Ancestral Puebloan peoples and the ancestors of the Hopi tribe once occupied these settlements, which spread out along a 32 km (19 miles) corridor on the Little Colorado River, at different intervals of time from c. 1250-1425 CE. Two pueblos - Homolovi I and Homolovi II - each contained more than 1,000 rooms in ancient times, and 40 ceremonial kivas are scattered throughout the park. The Homolovi ruins are unique in the ancient Southwest as they have helped archaeologists better understand the cultural transitions and social changes that occurred in the region during the 13th through 14th centuries CE. Four of the sites at Homolovi are listed on the U.S. National Register of Historic Places, and the park is currently managed by the Arizona State Park system.
Geography & Prehistory
Homolovi or Homol'ovi is Hopi for “place of the little hills,” and Arizona's Hopi Reservation and Hopi Mesas are located only 84 km (52 miles) north of Homolovi. Lying in extreme close proximity to the Little Colorado River (Hopi: Paayu), Homolovi is situated in the Great Basin Area Desert Grasslands and is 130 km (80 miles) southeast of Flagstaff, Arizona, 117 km (73 miles) from Wupatki Pueblo, and 217 km (135 miles) west of Gallup, New Mexico. Homolovi covers a total area of 1,800 ha (4,500 acres) and sits at a high desert altitude of 1494 m (4,900 ft). Homolovi only receives about 178 mm (7 in) of precipitation annually.
Scientific and archaeological research has shown that nomadic, prehistoric peoples occupied the area that now comprises Homolovi intermittently from c. 4000 BCE- 400 CE. The Little Colorado River made the area somewhat attractive to an array of fauna: cottontail rabbits, jackrabbits, beavers, prairie dogs, porcupines, waterfowl, fish, elk, deer, and antelope come to the river seasonally. Ancient prehistoric peoples and tribes came occasionally to the region while hunting and migrating seasonally, but they did not construct settlements within the region until c. 500-600 CE. The reasons for this are likely due to the area's very dry climate and lack of wood and storable food resources. When possible and climatic conditions were favorable, early sedentary people hunted and gathered like their prehistoric forebears, but they also began farming, growing corn, beans, squash, and other small crops. It is also known that they grew cotton for textile production. Yucca and rice grass have grown in the area for several millennia, and indigenous people utilized rice grass as a staple food when the maize crop failed.
There were two periods of inhabitation of Homolovi prior to the construction of the pueblos at Homolovi in the 13th and 14th centuries CE: an Early Period from c. 600-900 CE and Middle Period from 1000-1225 CE. When favorable climatic conditions existed in the 11th and 12th centuries CE, indigenous peoples built small pit houses as opposed to large-scale constructions made of adobe. These earlier occupations of the area around Homolovi appear short-lived and sporadic, lasting around a decade or two. This pattern of periodic settlement and abandonment is likely due to changing local environmental conditions and the Little Colorado River. Depending on the year, the river could be bone-dry due to lack of rain or prone to flooding due to heavy snowfalls near the river's headwaters. It is known that the Little Colorado River was flooded regularly in the early 1200s CE and that the decades leading up to the 13th century CE were wet.
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