#the magician's birthday
vinylla-shake · 8 months
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Uriah Heep - The Magician's Birthday (1972)
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annihilorak · 8 months
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01. 11. 1972 51th Anniversary of one of my emblematic and elemental albums, soundtrack of special moments/people/diverse emotions: the amazing Uriah Heep's - "The Magician's birthday".
...For it must end as it began and then start again...
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mulleswineuniverse · 23 days
Uriah Heep - Sunrise
From the album “The Magician’s Birthday” - 1972
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luxmoogle · 10 days
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𓆛˚。 9/6/2024 // Happy 90th anniversary ˚。𓏲 𓋒 𓏲 𓏲𓏲 𓏲 the finest duck of all, Donald Duck! ˚。˙· 𓆝.° 。𓆛˚。
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fluffylord · 3 months
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TWELFTH DOCTOR | 9.01 The Magician's Apprentice
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yumenari · 18 days
Guys did you know today is the birthday of the loml (and their snake familiar)
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smilestrawbunny · 3 months
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY @arcadekitten !!!!!!!! I hope you have the absolutely sweetest day ever because you deserve it! I drew Olympia and Cassio having the time of their lives to celebrate the special day <33 I’m so beyond lucky to call you my friend!!!! Here’s to another great year of living!
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felicitywilds · 10 months
The Magiciatron
A couple of posts came across my dash recently in quick succession about Crowley and Aziraphale’s costuming, and boy howdy did they get me Thinking™. The details of those posts are not super relevant, but they did inspire this one and were quite insightful, so I’d recommend giving them a read anyway, as well as the several other posts I have linked throughout where ideas were taken. Please do give those a read/reblog as well!
And then take a look at this post I saw:
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“You’re not trying to trick me, are you?”
Now kindly consider the fact that Crowley is beside Muriel’s left shoulder (like an angel) and the Metatron is on Aziraphale’s right (like a demon). And notice, like I did, that the lapels on his coat are some of the lowest we’ve seen. Which, for an angel-who-isn’t-Aziraphale, and you know, the literal fucking voice of God, is pretty fucking weird. But I digress.
Because what’s important here is that you’re reminded, like I was, how weird it is that the Metatron is wearing so much black.
Surely the most important angel we’ve ever met-- who up to this point, has only ever been depicted as a brilliantly glowing white head, and is (stage blocking-wise, literally) above inhabiting the typical corporations that other angels have, even while in heaven-- surely he would be sporting the cleanest, purest, whitest clothes imaginable, right?
But... he isn’t. He’s not wearing grey or beige like any of the other angels, or even white like Muriel’s constable uniform, he’s wearing black. That’s weird! Angels don’t wear black! Oh... well except when they’re magicians, of course:
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(X, X)
But even in his magician costumes, Aziraphale retains many elements of his angelic nature: the upward-pointed lapels; the white cuffs poking out of his sleeves; the floppy bow ties; the single-button or open jacket revealing the soft gold and velvet vests. This is merely a flashy costume! Don’t worry folks, he’s still the same, good old angel underneath!
The Metatron, on the other hand, does not have any of these angelic indicators. Underneath his magician’s coat-- which is big and loose, falls closed in front of him in a way that obscures his suit, and has extremely downward-pointing lapels-- he wears a dark tie, and a very normal-looking, white, pinstripe shirt. No angelic tartan to be seen, either. It’s a very understated, business-minded look compared to Aziraphale’s flashy stage getups. Also worth noting imo is that in many scenes, the Metatron has his hands in his pockets, which obscures his form even more.
Now this might be indicative of something more, some larger scheme we haven’t deduced yet, but by itself it’s a brilliant move by the costuming department, adding yet another perfectly conniving layer to the Metatron’s manipulations:
Dress him in the magician’s coat and send him on stage, where his tricks are hidden in plain sight...
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Engage the audience to participate in a dramatic reveal...
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Reassure his volunteer that his props are completely normal by offering them up for inspection...
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Have the assistant do all the flashy presentation for him...
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So that while the audience is distracted, they fail to notice...
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... that a swap has been made...
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And then the curtain falls. Show over. Audience fooled. Job well done.
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The End.
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stickystickyduck · 18 days
happy birthday to the love of my life (FAUST) and asra
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scribblznsuch · 18 days
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Everyone shut up it’s my beloved’s birthday-
Asra belongs to @thearcanagame
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sixlane · 5 months
tricks up sleeves and all that
rosekiller microfic | 1,180 words | magician Barty, single dad Evan
The first thing Evan thought when his daughter told him she wanted a magician at her birthday party was how did I raise a child who enjoys close-up magic? It wouldn’t have been his first choice, probably wouldn’t have even been his last. He would’ve gone with something classier, more elegant, like a tea party or a day at the museum. Something to live up to the extravagance of previous years. Sure, Eleanor is only seven but that doesn’t mean she can’t enjoy the finer things. 
So, in between meetings and phone calls, Evan researched children’s birthday party magicians, and as you’d expect, not much was living up to his standards. After days of sifting through resumes and background checks, he was eventually able to find a well-designed website with good reviews and speak to a representative who promised to send their best.
This is why Evan is so confused when he opens his front door to find a tall, lanky man in ripped jeans and a worn out t-shirt, his look complete with ruffled hair, an eyebrow piercing, and excessive amounts of tattoos. 
“You must have the wrong house,” Evan says. He thinks he should probably close the door but something about this man is intriguing. He wants to look for just a second longer.
The man leans back to check the address beside the door. “You’re Mr. Rosier, right? I’m here for the birthday party. I’m Barty, the magician.” 
Evan raises a brow. “You don’t look like a magician.”
“Were you expecting a full tuxedo? It’s like 95 degrees out.” A tilted grin spreads over his face, showing off a pointy canine. “Here let me show you.” Before Evan can back away, Barty is reaching behind his ear and producing a shiny quarter, flipping it between his fingers confidently. “Ta da.”
“That’s hardly magic,” Evan says, crossing his arms. He better get a full refund if this is the best they had.
“No, you’re right. That’s just the decoy.” He raises his left hand, and between his thumb and pointer finger he holds Evan’s watch, which had previously been secured to his wrist.
Evan’s mouth drops open slightly. He hadn’t even felt it. “That’s not magic either, that is literally stealing.” He snatches the watch back, putting it on.
“It’s the art of misdirection,” Barty explains. “I do a dumb coin trick, and while you’re paying attention to that, I do something more impressive. It’s like, the basis of all magic.”
Evan doesn’t even know what to say. This man has just pickpocketed him on his own front porch and now he wants Evan to let him into his house? 
At the same time Evan is getting ready to slam the door in Barty’s face, Eleanor appears at his hip, smile wider than a mile across her face.
“Is this the magician, Dad?” she asks, tugging at his shirt while she bounces up and down.
“You must be Eleanor,” Barty says, squatting down so they’re at eye level. He’s performing now, Evan can tell. He lights up and his smugness from before is washed away. “Would you like to pick a card?” 
Eleanor nods enthusiastically.
Barty pulls a deck out of his back pocket and starts shuffling. Evan watches the way his fingers move deftly around the cards. Bending and flipping them expertly before fanning them out in front of her.
“Okay, go ahead. But don’t tell me what your card is, just show it to your dad and put it back anywhere in the deck.”
Eleanor does as instructed and shows Evan the card, ace of hearts, before sliding it back in.
“Thanks Eleanor, that’s great.” He starts shuffling the cards again, adding in flourishes here and there. Evan watches intently, trying to track his every move, see where he might be switching cards out or taking a peek, but he moves too quickly for Evan to stay on top of everything. “Now Ellie, can I call you Ellie?” Eleanor giggles and nods her head. “Your dad here,” he tilts his head up at Evan, “has already seen me do a trick similar to this, but I think I can put a new spin on it, what do you say?” 
Eleanor looks up at Evan, affronted. “Dad! You’ve been playing with the magician without me?”
Evan hears Barty try to stifle a laugh and feels the beginning of a tension headache spreading behind his eyes. “I was just making sure he was up to our standards,” he grits out.
“Don’t worry Ellie, your dad was just doing his due diligence.” Eleanor looks appeased and waves her hand in a motion that tells Barty to continue. He does one last shuffle and then reaches behind Eleanor’s ear. When he pulls back, he has the ace of spades in between his pointer and middle fingers. “So Ellie, was this your card?” 
She looks confused and a little disappointed. Evan holds himself back from kicking Barty directly in the face. “Um… close,” she says. “Mine had hearts on it.”
Barty looks at the card. “Huh. You know, sometimes the cards don’t always do what we want them to so we have to shake some sense into them. He starts waving the card quickly back and forth. When it comes to a stop, Barty holds the ace of hearts where the ace of spades had previously been. He smiles in triumph. Evan still kind of wants to kick him in the face.
Eleanor lets out an excited squeal and rushes forward to tackle Barty into a hug. “Can we keep him, Dad?” she screams directly in Barty’s ear. He doesn’t even flinch.
Evan lets out a resigned sigh. He’s really never been able to deny Eleanor anything, so he steps to the side, opening the door wider, a smile tugging on the corners of his mouth. “Of course Eleanor. Go gather your friends in the living room. Barty will be right in.” He places a hand on her head as she runs by.
Barty stands up and straightens his pants out, sliding the deck back into his pocket. “Good enough?” he asks, shrugging a shoulder.
Evan scrutinizes him for a second, running his eyes over every inch of the man. The line of his cheekbone, the curve of his neck, the way his thumb rubs a circle into the side of his pointer finger. There’s something about him. Evan hasn’t heard Eleanor scream that loud since Pandora got her a bug collection kit for Christmas last year. 
“I want you to know that I keep a detailed inventory of everything in my home, so if you steal something I will find out, and you won't be happy about the consequences.”
Barty smiles, something mischievous glinting in his eye. “We’ll see about that,” he says brushing past Evan to make his way into the living room. Evan closes the door behind him. Right before Barty turns the corner, he throws something over his shoulder. Without thinking, Evan catches it. His wallet. With the ace of hearts sticking mockingly out of the top.
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rastronomicals · 5 months
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9:54 PM EST February 8, 2024:
Uriah Heep - "Echoes In The Dark" From the album The Magician's Birthday (November 1972)
Last song scrobbled from iTunes at Last.fm
File under: UK Hard Prog
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Happy 31st birthday Quentin
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mars-onthe-moon · 1 year
Happy Birthday Hisoka!!!
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Tarot interpretation:
Hisoka ~ The Magician
The Magician’s job is to intercept The Querent (The Fool, i.e Gon) and introduce them to the 4 suits of tarot. Can be seen as a helpful Archetypal character, or as a trickster, a role that Hisoka actively switches between in the anime.
I have made the 4 suits align with villains of our four main characters…
~ Wands - Wands - Hisoka - Gon
~ Cups - Chalices/Holy Grail - Chrollo - Kurapika
~ Swords - Pins/Needles - Illumi - Killua
~ Pentacles - Coins/Jenny - Leorio (based on his “desire” to become a Hunter, “For the money” ~ Didn’t have enough resources to save his friend)
Even though I have yet to read it, I was heavily inspired by the cover art for the manga Witch Hat Atelier as well as antique Victorian art a lot which I was able to find in The Antiquarian Sticker Book.
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The Arcana HCs: Asra and Faust's Birthday
~ it's June 13, so here's how MC might celebrate Asra and Faust's birthday with them. Enjoy! - brainrot ~
You let them sleep in until they're ready to get up
You, on the other hand, sneak out early to collect supplies. For what, some might ask? Well, he's not the only one good at keeping secrets ~
Faust is happy to accompany you while her master snoozes, especially as you promised her unlimited chin scritches and she is determined to get as much out of that as she can
You want them to enjoy a slow morning, so you leave any plans for the afternoon and work on breakfast while the golden morning sun lights up the kitchen
Faust keeps watch so you can focus, and you know Asra's opening his eyes when you hear her excited little voice shouting Awake! Awake! into your mind
This is your cue to climb back in bed to snuggle with them. Breakfast can wait ...
When he is ready to get up, you'll be able to bring him breakfast. One of your errands involved swinging by Selasi's stall, and the lovely baker has given you samples of all his test recipes because he knows how much Asra adores new and unusual things
Selasi also helped you fashion a mini paper party hat for Faust
Now the three of you are piled on the overstuffed, rumpled bed, eating and giggling and watching Faust pose with her hat
You also have to keep coming up with excuses for why Asra isn't allowed to look around certain parts of the shop - pieces of your surprise are stashed in several different corners
"MC -" they're giggling at the edge of the bed, only pretending to struggle against where you have your hands pressed over their eyes to keep them from getting up or peeking. "Tell me what it is!"
Never tell! Faust is wriggling along his shoulders in her own intimidation game, trying her best not to be dislodged by Asra's happy laughter. Friend surprise!
"A surprise, hm?" They get suspiciously still. "How about this?" And the cushion they swing at you is the start of a pillow fight that turns the whole bedroom into a mess
You're trying to figure out how to keep things hidden while cleaning up at the same time when you hear a knock at the door
Right on cue, Aisha and Salim are standing in your shop with beaming smiles on their faces. You bundle Asra out the door to spend lunch with them and spend the next hour or so tidying and closing up
The next stage of your surprise begins when Muriel arrives at your doorstep to help you carry several things up to the palace. Most of what you bring gets whisked away to the gardens under Nadia's watchful eye, and Portia takes the last few bundles with a wink
You stick around for a few hours, helping to set up the majority of the more magical items and finalizing the evening plans. As it nears tea time, you collect a new bundle from Nadia and set off for Aisha and Salim's house
So far things seem to be progressing even more smoothly than you expected. Asra opens the door for you, confused because their parents told them to wait here for you while they went to "run some errands"
"MC?" He eyes the bundle under your arm curiously, a bemused smile on his face. "Is it time for the next part of your mysterious plan?"
"Not yet." You drag them to the couch and pull them down next to you. "Now we take a nap."
He's not arguing with that. You doze with him, knowing that the coming night is going to be longer than he can guess. You shake him gently awake as the sun begins to set, brewing him a quick cup of tea before you hand him the first bundle
"I can open this now?" They smile teasingly and purposefully fumble with the wrappings
Inside is a lovely new set of clothes, Nadia's gift. They're styled and tailored perfectly enough to be suitable for any party, and yet as durable and practical as the best traveling gear
It's twilight when you walk across the palace bridge hand in hand. You can hear and smell the festivities wafting from the palace gardens, and even better is the thrill of curiosity and excitement in Asra's fingertips when he squeezes your hand
They're prepared to be dazzled by whatever delights you and Nadia have clearly conspired to create, but they don't expect the number of people present when the two of you enter the grounds
All of them people he knows, all of them people he's friends with, but so many he assumed he didn't mean anything to. He was expecting to see under ten people, but this number is easily over thirty
They can't remember a time when they were considered a part of a community. For as long as they can remember, they've been a wanderer who found home with the two people they felt most connected to, with no permanent place or support system
This is different. Seeing all these recognizable Vesuvian faces in one place is the proof that there is a community around him, and that this community has a spot for them in it
The evening is magical. There's all kinds of food laid out with puzzles to solve to unlock different dishes, there's floating magical bubbles which play out different comical scenes in whorls of colorful light when they're popped, and there's a game of riddles that lead him on the silliest scavenger hunt Vesuvia's ever seen
Eventually it becomes late enough that even the night owls are beginning to get tired. Muriel disappears briefly and returns with two traveling packs, which he trades with you wordlessly for the shop key
Asra watches in delighted confusion. "MC, there's more? Where are you taking me?"
"Where do you think?" You bid everyone your goodbyes together, Aisha and Salim adding their own mysterious "see you soon"s, and then you're taking their hand and walking through the silvery moonlit fields to meet with a familiar beast
A very sleepy Faust curls herself up under Asra's shirt as the two of you take off. His head turns so he can speak in your ear over the rush of the wind
"We're going to Nopal?"
"Nopal first," you murmur back, "and Zadith after. Your parents say they want to show us where they learned alchemy - and where you got your name from. We'll meet them on the coast in a few day's time."
You won't always be able to plan elaborate garden parties or a month away from the shop for Asra's birthday. But for the dimples that keep appearing and the contented love and joy in their eyes? You'll do it as often as you can
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rosecolorednerd · 19 days
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Finally new art and not a repost lol (tho there will be more reposts in the future bc they’re from my Instagram)
Anyways I recently got back into playing The Arcana and I just really like Asra they are such an interesting character and Faust how could you not love her she’s so cute so this is a birthday drawing for them and for me because I like drawing them.
(I also know there’s controversy around some of the creators I’m aware I just really missed this game bc I used to play it back in middle school)
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