#the mad doctor appreciation club
The Receptionist
(AKA: I couldn't explain the basic concept of this blog without going overboard) TLDR: You are an investigator that must get information, but are trapped in the club's hideout. So... Ask away!
TW: Possible Blood Mention ("red stains"), Captivity
"Oh! Welcome! Welcome! Please, come in!"
You flinch at the sound of the receptionist's voice. Looking ahead, you see a strange man sitting at the dirty, dingy desk of the check in area. He waves you over, bright eyes gleaming behind his cracked glasses. Standing, you walk over to him.
Your job is simple. You are an undercover investigator, trying to figure out whatever this "Mad Doctor Appreciation Club" is truly planning, as well as the crimes that have been committed. By pretending to be a simple visitor, you plan to sneak in, get information, then sneak back out. You WOULD call the information in as you get it, but your phone has no signal here. Plus, someone might catch you.
The receptionist introduces himself, his movements rather stiff and robotic as he makes a dramatic gesture towards himself "I am Mr. [INFORMATION REDACTED]! You can just call me Mr. Receptionist! What is the reason for your visit, along with your name?"
"I am (Y/N). I just want to look around and ask these doctors some questions. I have always admired their work." You watch as the odd man cocks an eyebrow, saying "I never thought a private investigator would be interested in the work of our beloved mad doctors. That is no problem, however. I shall give you the... GRAND TOUR... Of our beloved hospital." Suddenly, the man shoots to his feet, beginning to walk into a random hall.
Following him, you look around the old walls of the hospital. It looks like the place they are staying in has been abandoned for a very long time. The walls and floors are cracked, with the lights barely holding onto their place in the ceiling. Down the hall, you can hear a bunch of shouting and screaming. "Mr. Receptionist, may I ask what is going on down there?"
He stops abruptly, turning on his heels to face you. "This shall be the first batch of doctors you meet! They hang around the cardiac ward, which is here. There is the Medic, Dr. Ludwig, Dr. Randolph, and Dr. Takuto Maruki. A few others like to roam the halls here, but reside in different wards. Dr. Hauser stays in the library near here. Go inside while I go fetch him."
Slowly, you nod your head. You take a few steps towards the room, only for Mr. Receptionist to call out "HEADS UP! Most, if not all of the doctors there speak English as a second language, and like to talk to each other in their mother tongue. They will speak English for you if you don't understand German or Japanese, or just want to speak in English. I just wanted to let you know, because if you hear them speaking to each other in a language they know you don't understand... they might be plotting something. Or gossiping, I don't know really. Except for Dr. Maruki. He's a sweetheart who wouldn't hurt a fly! Ta-ta!"
You sigh, rubbing your forehead, before walking over to the tattered door and knocking. The various voices behind the door all grow silent, before it suddenly swings open. The man who answered has a very concerned and panicked look on his face, clasping his hands together as he asks "Are you here to pick me up? Please! Tell me you are! I really don't belong here! That's not to say anything negative about the others-" "Maruki! Give the person some space! Also, come back here! We need you for this next test!"
Suddenly, the poor fellow is yanked back by a red gloved hand, with a new person stepping into the doorframe. He adjusts his glasses, grinning like a madman as he speaks, his voice holding a German accent "Ah! Hallo! My name is Dr. Ludwig, but call me Medic. There's another Dr. Ludwig in here, after all. Come in! Come in!"
You are shocked still by how... eccentric this man is, as well as how the other man was practically dragged back into the room against his will. However, you enter the room, not wanting to upset him. Knowing that this place is probably filled to the brim with madmen, madwomen, and mad-anything-in-between means that the best course of action is to not upset any of them.
He room is a mess, with medical tools all strewn about. There's an operating table at one side of the room, which seems to be covered in red stains. The room is also extremely loud, not due to any arguing anymore, but instead due to the various birdcages filled with what seems to be doves. Besides the birds, the room is also a bit crowded. There's the man who answered the door, which you are pretty sure is Takuto Maruki due to what the Medic said, the Medic himself, a man who looks almost exactly like the Medic that is comforting Maruki, and another man sitting at a small desk while talking on a rotary phone.
The Medic grins, clasping his hands together as he gestures around the room at the various people. "That man over there is Dr. Maruki. Don't listen to him about not belonging here. He is insane in his own way! The man who looks like me is the other Dr. Ludwig. Call me Medic, and him, Dr. Ludwig. The man on the phone is Dr. Randolph. He has a bit of a temper, so make sure to be careful! Any questions?" You look around the room, trying to think of something to ask, before responding "Uhhh... yes. Is umm... is he okay? He looks a bit pale?" You try to point over to Dr. Ludwig in a manner that isn't obvious, but are pretty sure you failed, as Ludwig himself is the one to respond.
"I'm fine. Just tired. How about you ask Medic about-?" Dr. Randolph suddenly spins the rolling chair he is in, beckoning the Medic over to him, saying "We need to talk. Ask Maruki something, instead. Be quiet."
You stand awkwardly, sighing, before asking "So... Dr. Maruki... how did you get here?" He runs his hands through his hair, sighing "Well... I don't know. I just woke up here, randomly, and now no one will let me leave." "I'm sorry to hear that..." "You are an investigator?"
You tense up, tilting your head at him. "How did you...?" He shrugs "Well... when you spend so much time in a room full of people who like to speak German, you pick up on some of it. I just heard Dr. Randolph say something about an investigator."
As if on cue, Dr. Randolph asks "What's your name?" "Uhh... (Y/N)." "Alright. Thank you, Mr. Receptionist." Then, he hangs up the phone. He points to you, saying "We can't let you leave, now. You have been designated to a... What did he call it? Oh, yes. You are now a permanent visitor. Congratulations on being the first."
Well... at least you'll now get a lot of information... even if you can't share it. There's no use in running when most everyone here could probably destroy you in an instant.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
I'm Making a Side Blog! YIPPEE!!!
It's going to be a blog for The Mad Doctor Appreciation Club! I'll reblog the first post once it's complete!
Things I plan to include on this random blog:
•Mad Doctor Appreciation posts - we gotta show each individual doctor enough love, lets be real. There will be posts to show each one our appreciation for their work! Some might just take a bit longer if I have to do research on the doctor, but don't take that as a lack of appreciation and love for them!
•Shitposts/Crackposts - The lifeblood of any blog.
•Ask the Doctors - Ask the club members about their day! Or night! Or their work! Ask about anything, really!
•Member Initiations - When new doctors join the club, there will be a post initiating them into this... special organization.
As of right now, I mainly just need to set up the blog appearance and such. OwO
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t0ast-ghost · 6 months
Episode 30 (Operation Annihilate) WE MADE IT! Though I had a bit of difficulty with this post because they fucking deleted my draft and then brought it back. For no goddamn reason.
Here we go:
- Kirk is staring straight into the sun
- As always kids when avoiding things in space, go to the left
- Yelling at Uhura will get you a punch at most Jim. If she can’t do something about the comms then no one can
- It looks like a college building. Imagine going to college and you see the landing party just appear like that
- “They tried to brain us with these clubs.” Brain you?? Yeah, Jim?
- Spock and McCoy being there for Jim after his brothers death
- Aurelan’s fucking SCREAM (props to that actress)
- IT FUCKING BIT SPOCK. Kirk is losing everyone today...
- McCoy looks so concerned for Spock while operating on him
- As soon as Spock gets on the bridge he pushes McCoy lol
- “These restraints will no longer be necessary. Neither will your sedatives, doctor.” Spock says this with the most pain in his voice, McCoy just crosses his arms and gives him a look like 'nuhuh'
- “I am a Vulcan… There is no pain.” No gain but seriously I can hear it in your voice- damn there goes the restraints
- Bones is fucking furious. He wants to help Spock but the only way he can do anything for him is to have him rest in sickbay
- As soon as Spock is within arms reach of Bones again, he’s scanning him
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- gentlemen.. what is this
- “I understand your concern. Your affection for Spock.” Why don’t you just call him out then, Bones. Takes one to know one.
- The fact that Kirk found the answer and that it was fucking light. If I were McCoy or Spock I’d be pissed off
- Continuing on that… what is this???
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- “Do you know what one million candlelight square inch can do to your optic nerves?” He asks this like ‘are you stupid?’ But it’s full of care cause he thinks it stupid that Spock is going to sacrifice himself
- Bones is so so worried I can’t I can’t what
- Everything Bones does to try and get Spock out of it is that he gives Spock the chance to get out himself, tries to give him goggles, makes a frowny face the whole time, says that Spock is the best first officer (he shouldn’t be put in danger), he bargains with Jim a bit, and he still has to do this :(((
- aheem
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- Don’t be mad at Bones you bitch, that decision was just as much yours as it was his. I swear to god they all fucked up but holy crap he’s feeling terrible already
- They’re gooping. (edit: I don't know what this means anymore)
- “Bones, it wasn’t your fault. Bones. Bones.” Kirk comforting McCoy. It’s so tense and it breaks my heart. They won’t be truly fine until Spock is fine.
- “We tend to ignore it as you ignore your own appendix.” Good line and I'm glad Spock is okay now but also that's so so convenient
- And now: The last couple minutes of conversation between Kirk, Spock, and McCoy that had me squealing and giggling
Kirk walks over: Mr Spock, regaining eyesight would be an emotional experience for most. You, I presume, felt nothing.
Spock: Quite the contrary, Captain. I had a very strong reaction. My first sight was the face of Doctor McCoy bending over me.
McCoy: Hmm, ‘tis a pity brief blindness did not increase your appreciation for beauty, Mr Spock.
Kirk (as if he didn’t start this): If you gentlemen are finished, would you mind laying in a course for Starbase 10, Mr Spock?
Spock: My pleasure, Captain.
McCoy while leaning against Kirk’s chair: Unusual eye arrangement. I might have known he’d turn up with something like that.
Kirk: What’s that, Doctor?
McCoy: I said, please don’t tell Spock that I said he was the best first officer in the fleet.
Spock turns around dramatically: Why, thank you, Dr. McCoy. (Spock gives him the raised eyebrows)
This episode is so…
Episode written by Steven W. Carabatsos
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stephdragonness · 6 months
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(sequel scene off from "Broken Heart 💔 valentine AU", try intrepid how 👀 - "look at me." / "let me look at you." so go with me on this just idea i came up with, just write out scene)
"The two Had their Valentine dinner, it was decided to continue the date to a local club where had special "valentine couple discount happy hour/dance". the two had few drinks before doctor gave signal he wanted to take his date onto dance floor.
Dr Cortex "Shall i have this dance" pulling out all charm he could.. he was enjoying the night with his unexpected blind date and like show more appreciation for her, he present her his hand out to take like a gentleman.
Steph: "hmm alright" she giggles at his manner "So Doctors know how to dance hmm?" she went take his hand and got up from her seat to join him.
Dr Cortex: he gave a smirk back at his date, his ego charging up. "im very adequate with many forms of dancing.. i used to be quite Hip back in the 80s (disco cortex skin)." he takes her into simple waltz with slow music played in the club.
Steph: she thought to herself how sweet the doctor been, they chatted over dinner there occupation, hobbies and general life things...she maybe new to wumpa islands/ Wumpa Town and have heard of some notorious story's of the Mad Doctors lived on the wumpa islands, so hearing him say his name was a surprise, she was not going judge the man from rumours, he happen be rather awkward mostly at the start but then relaxed and show more his better side, no mad doctor malice then his ego to gloat of his work but she didn't mind him, she like nerdy types anyway.
Two took time to dance and sway to music, 'bee gees -how deep is your love' played in background and was soothing to souls of the room, even there were few passing glances from people who knew the mad doctor and gave a scowl of dislike.
Steph: "Very smooth Doctor... you got some moves on you i didn't think someone of your state could do, hope your full of more surprises tonight to enchant me."
Dr Cortex: "Hmhmhm A Scientist like me always have few tricks up his sleeve, tho You are the one Who is Enchanting tonight." it was cheesy of him bounce back the
Steph: she could feel her cheeks warm up at his compliment, her heart swelled she locked eyes with the doctor Infront of her, she lit out soft snark from her lips" if you keep making smooth moves like that.. im not going able to walk soon." she smiles softly to doctor she whispers low " im glad my other date ditched out, cause i got better deal right here with a handsome Doctor"
Dr Cortex: he could only chortle softly from his throat and stared back at his date, her smile made him melt away any malice/grief of his other date cancelling on him cause seem found someone better, "just beautiful night with a beautiful lady" he return the compliment.
Thier night was going on very sweet and maybe just be more in making between them.💘
©toysforbob©SIERRA-Activision/Vicarious Visions©spyro ©ToyForBob©Beenox©Activision© Crash Bandicoot Doctor Neo Cortex ©OC/FC/ART©StephDragonness© Tools~ClipStudioPaint|X-Do Not Steal/Trace/Repost my Art-X| https://stephdragonness.carrd.co/ Links to my Other Medias
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nockergeek · 11 months
For the past two years, my partner and I have spent October watching horror movies. Some are films we know, others are new to us. Each year, we try to theme the movies; 2021 had Undead October (all vampires, zombies, and ghosts), and 2022 had Otherworldly October (all threats from space or other planes of reality).
2023’s theme? Kingtober - all movies based on stories by Stephen King.
We try to watch a movie everyday, but sometimes life gets in the way. The last two years, we’ve ended up with around 21 movies watched. We’re just shy of three weeks in, and up to 14 movies.
Our reviews so far:
(Note: these reviews are our opinions. As always, your mileage and tastes may vary.)
Movie 1: Carrie (1976). Stephen King’s first published novel, the first film adaptation of his work, and one of the best. The direction and cinematography is fantastic, and while maybe not scary, it tells a tragic tale of a girl victimized on all sides. Highly recommended. A.
Movie 2: The Shining (1980). I’m a fan of the book, and… I have notes. I’m with King on this one - Kubrick did not make a good adaptation. He has a great sense of framing shots, but no sense of humanity. Jack’s slide into madness feels more like a facade cracking. C at best.
(Yeah, that one’s going to be controversial. I know it’s a very famous film, and Kubrick is a director with vision, but I don’t feel like he gets people well. Also knowing what he did to Shelley Duvall makes it hard to watch her scenes.)
Movie 3: Doctor Sleep (2019). An intriguing sequel to The Shining, and you definitely need to have seen that film to appreciate the visuals in this one. Better characters, but a far more complex plot that doesn’t quite fire on all cylinders. Decent use of Chekov’s boxes, though. A high B-.
Movie 4: Silver Bullet (1985). A passable popcorn werewolf movie. Good story (Cycle of the Werewolf is a good novella) marred by some rough acting, uneven pacing, and some really bad effects. I’m guessing they didn’t have Rick Baker werewolf money. A solid C+, and very watchable.
Movie 5: Cat’s Eye (1985). A perfectly serviceable anthology with two thrillers based on short stories, and one new kid’s fantasy/horror story. Really only marred by horrible synth music. It would get a B, but Drew Barrymore gets flipped off by a troll, so it gets an automatic A+.
Movie 6: The Dead Zone (1983). One of the best King adaptations so far, easily up there with Carrie. David Cronenberg is a fantastic director, and he and Christopher Walken tell Johnny Smith’s tragic story of unwanted psychic visions with craft and grace. This one gets a solid A.
Movie 7: Creepshow (1982). George Romero and Stephen King’s homage to old EC horror comics. It’s intentionally campy and wonderfully stylish, with vivid colors and dark comedy throughout. Good use of animated interludes, which really drives home the comic book feel. A fun B+.
Movie 8: Christine (1983). The tale of a boy and his evil, possessed, regenerating murder car. John Carpenter does a great job adapting the book to film, and has some fantastic shots, the best of which is Christine in flames chasing a bully down like the devil itself. Another solid A.
Movie 9: Children of the Corn (1984). Wow, this movie was bad. Poor pacing, terrible effects, high-school-level acting, multiple characters making dumb decisions, and odd exposition kids ruin what is otherwise a neat concept. Such a letdown after the last two films. D-.
Movie 10: It (2017). This one was solid, a very good adaptation. It did a good job of ratcheting up the terror, making you want to see how It was going to mess with the members of the Losers Club, and had good character arcs too. Let’s hope Part 2 holds up as well. This one gets an A.
Movie 11: It Part 2 (2019). So, yeah, the follow-up was just about as good as the first one. Excellent pacing with moments to breathe and laugh between the horrors, and a surprising amount to say about trauma and healing. Maybe a bit overlong, but still good. B+.
Movie 12: Graveyard Shift (1990). A movie about an old textile mill with one hell of a rat problem. This one is both over- and under-acted at the same time, and the lead has zero presence or charisma. Mildly entertaining, though, in a campy way. Still better than Children of the Corn. C-.
Movie 13: 1408 (2007). One skeptical writer vs. the most evil room ever. Purely psychological/paranormal horror, and excellently written and acted. Lots of fake outs and mean-spirited twists in this smallest of haunted houses. Among the best we’ve watched so far, and an easy A.
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clarktooncrossing · 9 months
Giraffe's Eye View: Christmas Specials Special (2023) | A Christmas Carol Goes Wrong
Chestnuts are roasting on an open fire. Jack Frost is nipping at your nose. Mom and dad can hardly wait for school to start again. All the dogs in the neighborhood somehow learned to bark Jingle Bells in sync. Yet retail workers are still more annoyed with Mariah Carey. Snow is getting shoveled, tossed, and formed into sentient beings leading parades without permits. It makes for an excellent distraction as the Krampus abducts children for bad behavior. Fruitcake is exchanged only to find its permanent home in the garbage. Terrorists have hijacked the Holiday office party right before your boss can give you a Jelly of the Month Club membership as your bonus. And of course, the Turducken has returned to wreak its fiery vengeance upon an unsuspecting world! If all this doesn’t put you in the Christmas spirit, perhaps these following Holiday specials will!
Greetings people of today and robots of tomorrow! It is I, Santa Clark, your geeky giraffe friend with a deep love of Christmas! My obsession for the yuletide is rivaled only by Maleficent’s hatred for it, which is saying a lot considering she once teamed up with Mad Madam Mim to kidnap the literal Spirit of Christmas. Yes, that really happened. I know this due to my annual pilgrimage to the Island of Misfit Specials, home to obscure or nerdy festive media ranging from movies, TV episodes, and comics. It’s no easy journey. Constantly I find myself confronted by sinister snowmen, genocidal gingerbread men, and worst of all, crappy commercials. Getting stabbed in the foot by a candy-cane wielding cookie is one thing, but I swear I’ve seen that ad for Wilbur’s White Elephant Gift Emporium more times than I’ve seen Miracle on 34th Street! Sometimes at night I catch myself reciting that jingle. Wilbur’s White Elephant Gift Emporium: Where Christmas meets Convenience! Huh, maybe Maleficent had a point.
Nah, my deep-rooted appreciation for this time of year can weather even the most moronic marketing! It helps that most of the merry media I’ve seen have put me in the perfect Holiday mood! Examples include the time a Ninja Turtle found himself trapped in a truck full of stollen toys, a drunk department store Santa stumbling onto a wish-granting magic bag, Big Bird nearly becoming a popsicle, Gwenpool waking up in a world where Galactus took the place of jolly ol’ Saint Nicholas, a terrifying tree stump trying to slaughter some saps over a stupid ship war, and the year when Death gave the Little Match Girl the greatest gift of all. Needless to say, I thought I had seen it all. That is, until I took my friends on a trip to the Island, tasking them to find me new, strange, seasonal specials to review! Some of them were fair, finding me festive favorites as comforting as coco in front of the fireplace. Others were fiendish, wanting to feed off my misery like Gremlins after midnight. Regardless of how naughty or nice my companions were, I’ve compiled all of their suggestions into a makeshift advent calendar! So stay tuned everyday until Christmas to see how badly my buddies can shred what little sanity I have left.
On the eleventh day of Christmas, my buddies gave to me...
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Freddy Mercury once said the show must go on! It’s a credo that The Cornley Polytechnic Drama Society takes to heart. For better or worse. You can bet your butts that any production they undertake is bound to be a disaster. Actors will be injured, props will be destroyed, the set will randomly combust at least once, and grandmas will get run over by reindeer. Or more accurately, foes of Doctor Who will get run over by elderly aunts. Still, the one thing you can say about a Cornley Drama play? They’re anything but boring! It’s why the Goes Wrong brand of comedy has become so beloved over the last decade. Much like the Simpsons before them, Mischief Theater began entertaining audiences with their own chaotic Christmas capers before airing two bonkers specials on the BBC. Said specials adapted both Peter Pan and A Christmas Carol, my fellow Figment fan Hannah (princessofDisney27) requesting I look at the latter. Thankfully both can be found for free on YouTube so long as you don’t mind ads. Who’s more miserly: Ebeneezer Scrooge or the folks running YouTube? You make the call! In any case, let’s look at A Christmas Carol Goes Wrong to see what they get right.
A lot, obviously. Starting with the fact that these British bozos have hijacked the show. Turns out the channel best known for Fleabag didn’t want these misfits back after botching Peter Pan last year. I don’t see what the big deal is! Just because Peter’s shadow caught on fire, Tinkerbell nearly got electrocuted to death, and Captain Hook hijacked a Teletubby doesn’t mean these talented actors shouldn’t be given a second shot. In case you’re wondering, yes, all that actually happened. Have I mentioned these programmes are insane? This one is no different as the cast try to retell this Charles Dickens classic. 
Making up said cast is Chris Bean (Henry Shields), portraying the main miser much to the ire of his louder and larger costar Robert Groves (Henry Lewis). Not contempt with playing the non-speaking Ghost of Christmas Future, the egotistical maniac makes it his mission to completely incapacitate Chris. In the process he falls through the floor in Scrooge’s home, shoots renowned screen actor Derek Jacobi in the neck with a blow dart, smashes a large crate over poor Tiny Tim (Ellie Morris) before assuming the role himself, and generally proves why he’s my favorite member of the ensemble. Seriously, Robert might be the biggest reason my cheeks began hurting from laughter. It’s true what he says, anything you can act he can act LOUDER! Even his phantom persona is loud. Whenever this creep cadaver hits its head on the set you can hear Robert going, “Ow.” By gosh is genius!
Besides the constant bickering between Henry and Henry, Dennis Tyde’s (Jonathan Sayer) Bob Cratchet is frequently forgetting his lines. The recurring gag is used to epic effect here, the nervous nitwit having to utilize the surrounding set to recall his dialogue. His colleagues best hope none of the backdrop is turned around or blocked, otherwise Dennis has no hopes of remembering even the simplest lines. He has no coins in his coin purse or a clue as to what’s going on. Uoy sselb! It’s certainly frustrating for Sandra Wilkinson and her boyfriend Max Bennett, portrayed by then real-life couple Charlie Russel and Dave Hearn. No idea if they’re still together, but it makes for cute on-screen chemistry. Especially when it’s a case of opposites attracting, Sandra the screen-loving Miss Piggy type while Max is a doofus unclear on the concept of ‘fiction’. He at least makes for a great Ghost of Christmas Present despite weeping over a false presumption that his love plans to dump him once the story’s over. Look on the plus side buddy, at least that’s one less gift you have to wrap! 
I joke, but honestly all the emotions land perfectly, both humorous and heart-felt. All of these weirdos are way more interesting than Whatsherface from Power Rangers. Blame that on a balance of witty writing and amazing acting. There’s more members of the company I’ve yet to mention who all kill it whenever on screen. Like when Annie Twilloil (Nancy Zamit) gets a prop gun stuck to her hand after an unfortunate glue incident, Jonathan Harris (Greg Tannahill) learning why Jacob Marley hated his chains so much, or technical director Trevor Watson (Rob Falconer) raining pizza down on London before wrecking it like Godzilla! It’s too funny for words, I’M DYING!
However, where it fails is in the actual adaptation part. Like most iterations, the devil’s in the details. Some incarnations fare better than others when streamlining the story. Not so much here, mostly in regards to Scrooge’s visits by the spirits. His past is almost entirely skipped over, sole focus placed on the break up with Belle. Eh, I’m sure his crappy childhood, deceased sister, or first job at Fezziwig’s isn’t important. Luckily they make up for these failings by giving the Cornley cast their own spin on the story. Chris is ready to move on and leave his troupe behind, though not before selfishly stabbing them in the back first. Upon seeing his character’s grave he realizes how selfish he’s been, apologizing to his amigos before finally letting Robert play the part. Rather a clever subversion, actually. Though really, even if you’re like me and are hung up on changes by that, you’ll be too busy busting a gut to notice. Compared to other Christmas Carols this is by far the funniest. Make up your mind Bob, are you gonna give to charity or not? WANG!
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Though if your taste for brilliant British comedy isn’t satisfied yet, feast your eyes on The Nativity! In this second season episode of The Goes Wrong Show, the BBC has finally cut funds to these twits, hence why the birth of Christ is sponsored by Brookshaw Corporate Finance. Even Jesus loves cash! Blessed be the writers who thought up this running joke. Later when the Three Wise Men visit Joseph (Hearn) and Mary (Russel) in the manger they’re given gold standard accreditation, frankincense-ible advice on all their financial interests, and low-cost myrrh-gage rates. Badum tish! Fear not; for behold, it’s more than just painful puns. We also have the piano catching fire during a performance of Silent Night, desserts in place of a desert, an idiot innkeeper, nine wise men, John the Baptist, and Robert Grove as the Archangel Gabriel. All I need to say here is: Halo! On top of the cunning comedy, the set design is stupendous! It’s made to look like a pop-up book, pages turning to reveal a new location full of new mistakes to be made. I’d go on about other yuletide offerings by these professional screwups, but really I should save them for future reviews. For now I’ll close the book on the Cornley Drama Society and turn the page to reveal a familiar frog.
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I posted 6,975 times in 2022
That's 1,720 more posts than 2021!
937 posts created (13%)
6,038 posts reblogged (87%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 6,332 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#stephen strange - 925 posts
#strangebatch - 699 posts
#benedict cumberbatch - 694 posts
#doctor strange - 679 posts
#doctor strange in the multiverse of madness - 627 posts
#fanart appreciation - 532 posts
#trials & tribulations of a writer - 288 posts
#defender strange - 275 posts
#beautifullystrange - 256 posts
#loml - 244 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#at the end if the summer they used to give out tee shirts with that summer's theme on them to kids & adults alike - if you filled your sheet
My Top Posts in 2022:
She Wore Gardenias In Her Hair - chapter one
a Stephen Strange x Female Reader fan fic
summary: It's an historic day for Stephen Strange, and those that know him best. His wedding day. It must've taken a very special woman to capture the heart of this Master of the Mystic Arts--let's see if the day turns out as romantic as his fiancee is hoping for. And if this once very confirmed bachelor finds the sort of happiness he'd never dared to dream could someday be his.
characters: Stephen Strange, Female Reader/Y/N, Wong, Cloak of Levitation, more to follow in future chapters
genre: pure, unadulterated romance
rating: general...for now 😉
word count: 2.6k
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Stephen hadn’t gotten quite the full night’s rest that he’d been hoping for. Well before midnight, he’d seen you to the door of the suite your parents and sisters had taken for the holiday weekend and had lingered as long as he could before kissing you goodnight--tasting your sweetness one last time before the vows to come, which would change both your lives forever. Then he had opted to walk several blocks downtown towards Bleecker Street, just to take the time to reflect upon the momentous step he was about to take. One which Stephen had never imagined actually taking place, either in his old or new life. But one he knew now was as wonderfully inevitable as the fate that had brought him to Kamar-Taj--a broken man who, by virtue of his once unbearable misfortune, had discovered that his true vocation was unselfish service to humanity. Well worth the price of the loss of both his hands’ utility as a surgeon par excellence—as well as the loss of most of his petty vanities.
When convenient, he’d ducked into an unlit alley and portaled the rest of the way back to the Sanctum. Cloak, along with Wong-- who took his responsibilities as Best Man with dedicated relish-- had been waiting up for Stephen in the small study attached to the Sanctum Master’s rooms. In lieu of a bachelor party—the groom had flatly rejected the idea of such an event at the very first mention of such—but knowing Stephen’s educated taste for bourbon, Wong had managed to purchase a seven-year old bottle of Maker’s Mark Weller Special Reserve (certainly with the proceeds from his Shanghai fight club wins, Strange assumed). “A toast to the bride, my friend,” his fellow master told him, cracking the seal on the bottle and pouring out into two antique crystal tumblers that had been part of a gift to the New York Sanctum from Benjamin Franklin--whom history failed to report, had dabbled in a bit of magic himself from time to time. 
“How you ever stumbled upon such a smart, gentle woman with a heart soft enough to tolerate your ego and overlook your usual rash behavior, remains a continual wonder to me,” he announced, and then chuckled warmly, slapping Stephen’s back for good measure, “But I’m damn glad you had wisdom enough to not look the Universe’s gift dumbly in the mouth, and took her up for all that she is worth!”
His glass still raised, Stephen nodded his head in unstinting accord. “I’ve never agreed with you more, Wong. As the most undeserving of men, I can only think I must have done something very right in my…” he framed his next few words in a one-handed air quote, “…‘in my youth or childhood’ to be given the mercy of her love. And I plan to give her every reason to stay by my side, every chance that I’m allotted.” He took a long quaff of the rich, amber fluid, enjoying the good burn as it went down.
“See that you do,” Wong grunted, before swallowing down his own.
Soon enough, Wong capped the bottle, telling Stephen he had promised you to make sure your fiancée’s sleep went uninterrupted; except for the most dire of emergencies, Wong would be taking up the mantle of Sanctum Master until the newlyweds returned from their too-brief honeymoon. Thus, he had practically ordered Strange off to bed, although Stephen was happy to oblige. He had already planned on meditating, hoping it would ease him into a night with dreams filled with only the best of things. With only you.
It wasn’t wedding jitters or a case of cold feet that had denied him his full rest. ‘Twas sweet anticipation of what had longtime been unthinkable for Stephen—pledging his heart in a lifetime commitment to a wonderful soul who understood him as no one in his past ever had and loved him without reservation despite the wealth of flaws he’d been working to overcome since he had had dedicated himself to protect and defend Earth as an initiate of the Mystic Arts. This night, his mind had wandered back to the lucky day he’d first seen you in Metropolitan General’s ER.
Stephen had been there to visit with Christine Palmer—their first face-to-face meeting since he had Blipped back into existence. Both their schedules had been hectic and overfilled. His with attending to shoring up the cascade of fissures in, and allaying the disruptions to, this reality’s stability, in the wake of his necessary tampering with the integrity of Space and Time to resurrect countless lives across the Universe. She with an overwhelming host of medical emergencies brought on by the sudden return of patients that had disappeared five years ago, mid need, and new ones created when those Lost tried to piece together their old lives in a world that had long since moved on. Watching Christine in action, confident, commanding, and compelling in her unique way, had left Stephen aching in places he hadn’t had time to even consider since his return. That old ache, which could never be satisfied, to be a doctor once again, and jump into the fray at her side. And the quiet ache of knowing that he had missed his chance to love her properly—as they both had deserved of him—and build themselves a life together.
Still, Stephen had hung back a while, envying the vital purpose of the doctors and nurses all around him. There were so many new faces since his tenure there had ended, some much younger and more fresh-faced then he ever remembered being throughout his internship and residency. A pretty, dark-haired nurse attending to a crying preschooler caught his eye. The little girl seemed to be lost, having apparently wandered in off the street. He found himself moved by how gently the woman took the child in hand and calmed her down, eventually making her giggles bubble forth amidst the hectic ER. There’s a special kind of magic in that, he remembered thinking; one I never mastered, nor even attempted. But this one makes it look effortless. Stephen had assumed correctly, that you had a background in pediatrics—and was doubly impressed when he went on to discover you were a board-certified midwife as well.
The next time he’d seen you, he’d stopped by the hospital cafeteria to grab a quick cup of coffee with Christine. Touching base only, for she had made sure that Stephen understood she was seriously involved with someone. She’d already been seated when he got there, with a large cup of coffee waiting for him, just the way she remembered he preferred—and was deep in conversation with the pretty nurse from that day in the ER. He ended up sitting opposite you, with his old flame making introductions, but having to dash off a few minutes later at the behest of her pager.
Left alone, the two of you had settled into a comfortable conversation, which went on longer than it felt—a good half hour until you had to excuse yourself to meet a laboring mother-to-be in Admissions. Before that, Stephen eventually mentioned having seen you with the crying child that afternoon—and you dared to ask if he was the Doctor Strange from the Avengers. The hero who had traveled through time to find the solution to set the world to rights. He’d been quite taken by two things at that first meeting: the honest respect in your eyes—not hero worship, but a smart appreciation for the work he did and the painful sacrifices you had intuited he had made in that arduous quest…and the pretty shape of your mouth. The easiness of your smile and the tender looking fullness of your lips. Lips that any man might speculate had been made especially for kissing. Even then, he’d been willing to wager your kisses would be as magical as your bedside manner with that young girl. So that as you rose to say goodbye, he couldn’t not ask for your number—eagerly hoping that you’d agree to see him again, and sometime soon.
Nineteen months later, you were practically living together, as well ensconced in his Sanctum quarters as in his life—and Stephen had never looked back. Not once. Your relationship had grown so naturally, and you had quickly acclimated to the magical aspects of life as a world-famous Sorcerer’s girlfriend, with your feet planted firmly in your work, and your arms ever ready to welcome him home from his extra dimensional travels and supernatural battles. You’d filled his heart with a happiness he had never anticipated could be his, and his bed with the warmth of being well and truly loved—and a passion that brought back the vigor of his youth. Forcing him to set warding spells to soundproof every room of his quarters; you might appear decorous to your patients and co-workers, but you sure knew how to let him know how much you loved him—and how very well he satisfied you.
For Stephen, your relationship was the one good thing that came out of The Blip. If not for those five years, you’d never have met—as you would still have been in training for your dual career. And likely with your age difference, he wouldn’t have given you a second look. The twelve-year gap was a helluva lot better than seventeen. You were mature enough to know what you wanted, without needing to compromise to get it. While being young enough to remind him that life didn’t come to one, hat in hand—one must pursue happiness with the gusto of youth, even with silver at one’s temples. As he had pursued you; as you had pursued one another.
Yes, the two of you were naturals together alright; your softness and compassion, your sly sense of humor and loving heart, the perfect fit with his sometimes snarky and tunnel-visioned angles and edges—and that the deep heart, which he had only come to realize was his since discovering the mystic arts, was most fulfilled when he was doing the right thing. No matter the personal cost.
It was your second Christmas Eve together when Stephen slipped a modest diamond ring upon your finger. By New Year’s Day, you’d set the date, and now it was here. Memorial Day weekend, late spring in New York City, a long weekend that would enable your far-flung family and friends to attend. Stephen’s guests were far fewer in number. Except for an estranged brother, he had no immediate family. He had never had the time or inclination to cultivate a coterie of friends in his old life, although those he’d made among his fellow Masters were loyal and true. He was glad to tailor the wedding plans to your needs, for your happiness had now become his own. Besides, Stephen firmly believed that he was getting the better end of the deal.
His trip down memory lane had soothed him enough to override the low-level beat at the back of his brain, which had grown more and more insistent in the past week. I’ve never been husband material…I’m too cocky and self-absorbed, too impulsive and sardonic, to be the life partner you deserve. And my life’s work now—it’s not at all conducive to domestic bliss. Not when I can’t say with any certainty where in the world, or worlds or dimensions, I’ll be at any given time—let alone the ordinary…tomorrow. Plus, he just couldn’t shake the overall feeling that he simply wasn’t good enough for you. Stephen knew very well how you would answer each of these justly arrived at estimations of himself, with a loving wisdom that dispelled his doubts and reservations as though there were as insubstantial as the ghosts of his past. Seeing himself through your eyes was the sole remedy that made him feel worthy of the love you offered him.
And so, sleep at last overtook him, and when Stephen awoke by habit, just a few minutes before his alarm, he couldn’t remember nodding off, but knew it was thoughts of you alone that had ushered him into his rest. Unlike habit, Cloak was hovering bedside, and even without the physical connection usually required for him to read its emotional state, Stephen could feel that its nerves were near as frayed—for his sake--as a typical groom’s on his wedding morn. “Everything’s going to be fine—I promise,” he chuckled as he swung his legs over the opposite side of the bed, “You know that. Besides, you’ll be with me the whole time, and no one besides Y/N and Wong will even have a clue.” Cloak approximated a nod, and then zipped over to the wardrobe, where Stephen’s suit hung waiting. “It’s hours until the ceremony—relax, please. Keep this up and you’re gonna make me nervous.” Cloak’s shoulders drooped a bit, and it floated over to the window, nudging aside the draperies to let in the sunshine and keep watch until Stephen would be suiting up for ceremony.
A knock upon his sitting room door spurred Stephen to grab his robe before padding over to answer it. He opened the door to find Adept Miriamme with a loaded breakfast tray. A vegetarian omelet, with sides of bacon and sausage, buttered toast, orange juice, and fresh coffee. He could smell the added chicory rising above the rest of the aromas, and his stomach rumbled. “Master Wong wanted to be sure you had a good breakfast, Doctor Strange,” the timid Miriamme squeaked, and Stephen had to refrain from chuckling again. The new initiates seemed to be getting younger and younger these days—or was he simply getting older?
“Thank you, Adept,” he told her, motioning her to put the tray on the end table beside the two-cushion sofa.
She nodded, looking very much in awe of finding herself in the Sanctum Master’s rooms, set it down and quietly headed to the door, before turning back. “Best wishes on the day, Sir.”
He grinned, “Thank you, Miriamme. It’s kind of you to say so.” She smiled back, looking a mite relieved her chore was done, and then left him to his breakfast.
Stephen was surprised at the hardiness of his appetite, grateful for Wong’s wise provision, and ate nearly every morsel--while realizing that the next meal he sat down to would be as a married man. So many firsts to come, so much to look forward to. And he planned to experience each of them to the fullest. Before his life in the mystic arts, he had sleepwalked his way through the simple joys and pleasures of life, always in pursuit of more spectacular things; of fame and accolades, and the considerable fortune that came with them. His vocation in the Mystic Arts had proven to him that a humble life of real service had so much more to offer than that of his medical career. While you had taught him that love—real, honest, head-over-heels, unselfish love—was the key to the exact happiness that had eluded him since he’d set out on his journey as an adult.
Enrapt in these pleasant musings, feeling the sweet butterflies of anticipation for all that he was gaining today, Stephen checked the time before jumping in the shower. He smiled to himself as steam filled up his bathroom, knowing that his wedding gift to you would be delivered soon. Imaging the beautiful smile that would light your lovely face once you finally opened it.
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215 notes - Posted April 25, 2022
MCU Stephen Strange as a Dad:
with Peter Parker/a son: 
He’s sometimes gonna be a hardass because he knows how much potential Peter has, and he wants to nurture that for when he’s not around to look after him--but most of the time Stephen tries to calmly reason with him. He admires Peter’s big heart, especially because it couldn’t have been easy having lost his parents so young, and then his father figure, Uncle Ben, and his mentor, Tony Stark. 
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And when The Kid does the right thing, all on his own (which Stephen quickly realizes is as natural to the young man as his brown eyes and fair skin)--and even more when he surpasses Stephen’s expectations--Dad!Strange is so flipping proud of his boy, to the point where he’ll get all choked up and instructs his son ‘just don’t tell Wong about this, he’ll never let me live it down’.
with America Chavez/a daughter: 
Stephen would start out all ‘okay young lady..’ and ‘you’re gonna get a stomach ache’ and ‘didn’t I try to warn you not to...’, but pretty soon he’d be all soft and doting and want to spoil her because she’s had a rough life, and he can see she’s much braver and stronger than she gives herself credit for. He’d be the Dad that waits up for her when she’s out late with her friends/gf, but pretends to be asleep in his chair when she comes home a few minutes past curfew, letting her believe she got away with it, while he’s just happy she’s home safe and tried her best to respect his wishes. He’d love to accompany her to the Father-Daughter dance, but only if she asks without any prompting, because to suggest it himself would be very uncool. 
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247 notes - Posted May 26, 2022
Here is a Stephen strange prompt for you that I wrote down for my one shots thought it would be cool to see your writing for it. "Broken Cup" reader or character a coffee shop worker sees Stephen with his shaky hands struggling with the cup and he drops it breaking it. Or could be them two alone at home when she hears the cup break.
Hope you have fun dear!
I wrote this part before I got really sick--though it doesn't contain an actual broken cup, the spirit of it's there. Since I'm not sure when I'll feel up to finishing it, I figured I'd share what I already came up with. Hope you enjoy it @ravencatart xx
pairing: Stephen Strange x Female Reader
rating: wee bit of angst, mostly fluff
word count: 1.2k (so far)
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His tremors were pretty bad today. She couldn’t help but notice-–and given the precipitous fall in temperature the past couple of days and the scent of the coming snowstorm in the air, she really wasn’t surprised. Because she’d been feeling it too. In the bones of both ankles, broken years ago and patched up with metal plates and multiple screws. And in scars of her own, which she painstakingly hid from the world, as they symbolized the weakest and most desperate time in her life.
Since mid-November, when the first serious frosts had settled over the Village, he had taken to wearing gloves with the fingers cut off at the second knuckle. She had guessed he chose to keep the ends of his fingers exposed to allow him better control in gripping things; it made sense that he would want direct contact with his skin to be certain he had objects well in hand. But even those gloves couldn’t hide the painful looking scars that ran the length of his fingers, and in the months since he’d been coming into the coffee shop (usually two or three times a week, and sometimes even four) whenever she got close enough, she made sure not to stare. It was more than common courtesy—her own scars, which she went to painstaking lengths to conceal, had taught her just how it felt to get the curious, and worse, pitying looks they summoned from strangers.
Silver Fox—that’s what she had named him, based not only on the white streaks of hair at his temples, but because he struck her as the embodiment of the word distinguished…and because he was the finest looking man she’d ever seen.
Looks that had a movie star quality about them. Cheekbones fine enough to out-pretty most super models. An endearingly crooked sort of smile, that started on the left corner of his mouth and—if he had reason to smile broadly--spread gloriously to fill his handsome face, like sunshine filling the sky after a sudden spring downpour. Plush lips, full and tender looking, like they were made for kissing, surrounded by a well-trimmed moustache and goatee. She often wondered how he managed that, with the way his hands trembled at times. Maybe he had a significant other who helped him with that; she knew he probably wasn’t married, as he wore no wedding ring.
And his eyes. Breathtaking, really. Pale, crystalline blue in the vivid sunlight that came through the plate glass window of the store front, though at times she could swear there were swirls of green and even gold in their depths. He seemed a keen observer of the world, like his exotic, mesmerizing eyes didn’t miss a trick. Sometimes she caught him watching her, and she always blushed, wondering if he discerned that she’d developed a wicked crush on him.
Today, Silver Fox had ordered a chocolate croissant (one of his favorites; he clearly had a sweet tooth) and instead of his usual black coffee laced with chickory, hot chocolate with a double shot of salted caramel. Elise—the new girl—had served it to him in a ceramic mug. She didn’t know any better, and apparently he hadn’t thought to ask for a disposable cup instead, as she herself would’ve known to fill out his order.
He had placed both palms around the mug, probably enjoying the heat of the beverage upon his damaged hands, and his eyes were closed, as though he was concentrating hard. She watched him take a deep breath and exhale hard, like he was bracing himself for a difficult task. And her heart went out to him as he lifted the mug barely an inch, lowering his mouth to the shaking beverage to take a single sip. That was never going to do. She just had to help him, somehow.
Without a moment’s hesitation, she set the slice of white cheddar-topped apple pie in front of another regular patron and turned without a word to grab one of the thick, cardboard to-go cups and filled it to the brim with the sweet chocolate, hit it with two shots of salted caramel, and then topped it with a generous spray of whipped topping, the finishing touch a drizzle of caramel over the cream.
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253 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
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Can someone please explain to me why my heart does a little lurch when I see him this way? I mean, I don’t even know 838 Stephen, and yet I love him and wanna protect and cuddle him. 
What is this power that Stephen and so many of his Variants have over me? Is it the witchcraft of Benedict Cumberbatch? Or perhaps because my love for Stephen Strange has taken on a life of it’s own?
259 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
For the Stephen Strange x Female Reader prompt: how about a cute fluffy little thingie where the question comes up whether Cloakie ever needs to get into the washing machine?
I hope you find this cute & fluffy, Nonny. Thank you for the prompt, it feels good to stretch my writing muscles, and I'm hoping it helps get me in the writing groove again!
pairing: Stephen Strange x Female Reader, established relationship
characters: Stephen Strange, Reader/Y/N (also a practitioner of the Mystic Arts), Cloak of Levitation
rating: general audience, fluff with undertones of mutual longing
word count: 1.5K
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You had left Stephen to sleep in this morning. As happy as you were to have him safely home at last (and having proved both your relief and delight to him three times in all, throughout the very delicious, velvet dark of night) you had awakened to watch him sleeping peacefully (his battle wounds already on the mend from the healing spells you’d cast when he finally stumbled through the portal from Crete), and had resolved to make him take some much deserved downtime for at least a day or two.
And so, you had silently slipped from his bed, loathe to leave his warmth behind, but fully intent upon spoiling him rotten in even the most mundane ways. Sorcerer Supreme he may be and a heroic, selfless servant to humanity, but he was still a flesh and blood man, and he deserved every ounce of the love and attention you planned to lavish upon him. You soon had his favorite, non-magical, breakfast foods prepared and left warming in the oven for once he was awake.
Next, you had gathered his discarded, slightly bloodied but heavily battle-singed tunic and leggings from the bathroom floor (where they’d fallen when you’d peeled them off of him the night before) for a thorough laundering, and once they were clean and dry, you worked the restoration spell yourself, instilling each magical stitch with protective charms and all the love that bloomed anew within your heart each day you were blessed enough to call yourself his woman. Though Cloak was in obvious need of a good washing too, it had flitted off the very moment that Stephen had let himself sag into your arms, and you hadn’t seen a flash of it since. You decided to track it down later, determined to relieve its Master of that chore as well.
Tiptoeing into his bed chamber, you found that Stephen had flipped onto his stomach, his arms tucked beneath his pillow and the sheet nestled around his waist—so that you went all soft inside, biting your lip against a longing sigh at the sight of his warm, inviting flesh. His broad shoulders that carried so many thankless responsibilities. His perfectly toned expanse of back, marked here and there with battle scars, which ever drew your loving attention, as though you would give him the sweetest, most gentle gratitude, which an unknowing world owed him for the protection he provided it. Aye me, you thought; the lover’s sigh of Juliet often came to mind when you looked upon his beautiful form, amazed in knowing that his heart belonged to you as much as yours did to him.
“I can feel you watching me,” he mumbled into his pillow, his sleepy voice so rich and deep that a thrill ran through you and settled in your solar plexus. You had to tighten your grip on the laundry basket, defying the sudden urge to jump his bones.
“I wasn’t sure if you were awake yet,” you tried to reason, blushing as much from the fib as from the spark of desire he had conjured without even trying. “I didn’t want to disturb you, darling…”
Stephen gave a sinful sounding groan, and with some effort and a wince or two, turned onto his back. Obviously, he was still feeling the effects of his struggle to cast a trio of immature Lamias back into the Shadow dimension from whence they had escaped; likely he needed another rubdown with the charmed salve you had treated his muscles with last night. “I was hoping you had every intention of disturbing me, honey,” he replied, smirking wickedly and patting the mattress beside him.
“Stephen,” you tutted, setting the basket with his clean robes on the foot of the bed. “You needed your rest, and…well…” you shrugged, looking away from the warmth of his gaze, trying to maintain a semblance of decorum, “…so I decided to…putter…”
His smirk grew into his trademark, shit-eating grin. “Putter?” he chuckled, “Pray tell, my saucy sorceress, how exactly did you putter?”
When he looked at you this way, it got harder and harder to concentrate on whatever task was at hand, let alone expressing yourself cogently. You knew for a fact that Stephen enjoyed how flustered you got when he turned on the charm, and how easily you turned to putty in his hands. You squared your shoulders, trying your best to keep your cool. “I’ve got breakfast keeping warm in the oven, and…I took care of your laundry…”
“You didn’t need to do that, honey,” he replied softly, sitting up and patting the bed again, looking touched by that modest tender of your affection. “I don’t expect you to take care of me that way, sweetheart.” Stephen reached his hand out to you, the heat of the moment quietly banking, as a sort of wonder filled his gentle blue eyes.
Of course, that was enough for you to take a seat and slip your hand into his. “I know you don’t, but…but I like taking care of you, darling. It makes me happy. And since I can’t be with you when you go into those…dangerous situations…” Tears prickled your eyes, but you blinked them back, remaining as resolute as ever to keep him from seeing how much you worried about him when you couldn’t be there to protect him even a little. “Since I can’t help you fight your battles, the least I can do is make your life…comfortable, and…well, worry free.”
He raised your hand to kiss your knuckles. “You already make coming home the best part of any day, honey. Which is the surest motivation for me to give whatever enemy I’ve gotta face, a swift and mighty kick in the ass.”
Though you rolled your eyes, you allowed yourself to take his loving assertion to heart, then leaned in to brush your lips to his, lingering as you asked, “So, um…you ready for some brunch?”
“Not until you’ve given me a proper good morning kiss,” he husked, and cupped your jawline in his free hand. At his prompting, you parted your lips, allowing Stephen to deepen your connection, well beyond what anyone would consider ‘proper’. You hummed contently when he finally released you, and then opened your eyes to catch him grinning as he teased you, “Yup- I’m definitely…famished…now.”
You gave a little shiver at the innuendo, considering it a promise of later satisfactions, and stood up to hang his sorcerer’s kit in the closet and put away the rest of his clean clothing. Stephen slid out of bed, clad in his comfiest pajama bottoms, and pulled a well-worn, gray cotton tee over his head. You caught a flash of red out of the corner of your eye, as Cloak ducked its collar just inside the doorway. Noting your attention, it zipped away, leaving only a swirl of air in it’s wake, while you called after it, “Hey! I was looking for you this morning. You’re due for a good wash up before you leave the Sanctum again.”
Stephen came up behind you and planted a kiss just beneath your ear, while sliding both arms around you. “Yeah, not a good idea, sweetheart,” rocking you gently, “Unless you’ve got a degree in cat-herding I don’t know about…”
“I’m sorry- what?”
His breath tickled the sensitive skin of your neck as he chuckled, and you felt his amusement in the soothing vibrations of his chest against your back. “I discovered early on that Cloak prefers to see to its own…maintenance. Except when it’s experienced some kind of physical damage that requires magic—or a tailor—to repair…”
“Seriously?” You wondered for a moment if your boyfriend was teasing you again.
“Absolutely,” he assured you, “For some reason I haven’t been able to decipher—since it’s an open book about everything else—Cloak is a creature of privacy when it comes to…bathing.”
You had to giggle at that. “And I suppose it prefers to shower when you’re not around?”
“God, no,” he laughed, urging you into the hallway and on the way to the third-floor kitchen, where brunch awaited, “Once we’re out of the way, Cloak is gonna indulge in a good, long soak in my bathtub. So, we need to steer clear of my chambers for, um…about an hour…”
You smacked his shoulder lightly, “Now you are teasing me!”
See the full post
654 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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alikaheroes · 2 years
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I posted 4,911 times in 2022
That's 1,159 more posts than 2021!
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4,701 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 4,058 of my posts in 2022
Only 17% of my posts had no tags
#tom hardy - 1,151 posts
#best of - 740 posts
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#house of the dragon - 520 posts
#daemon targaryen - 304 posts
#doctor who - 234 posts
#rhaenyra targaryen - 231 posts
#movies - 229 posts
#peaky blinders - 210 posts
#mad max fury road - 204 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#and if polly enjoys that for slightly unhealthy reasons bc she’s severely under appreciated & still grieving her children literally let her.
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Tom Hardy as Reggie Kray in Legend (2015)
@potter-solomons @khanbike @hecatemoon87 @tomhardysforeheadlines @solomons-finest-rum @sciapod
92 notes - Posted February 20, 2022
The Ride (NSFW)
Request: Hello lovely, can I request a Eddie Brock  smut, where Eddie and reader and some friends are out exploring the night life when it's time to go home, Eddie's bike gives up and the other guys can't find a cab that late so we're all stuffed into one car so we have to adjust and ladies have to sit on laps and it's all funn, music's loud, jokes. And then the reader feels Eddie's erection underneath her. P.S Eddie always had hots for the reader but never told her... 
Take it from there <3
Warnings: NSFW Smut below cut, 18+ readers only, please
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The flashing lights and pounding music echoed through the walls of the club as you were standing in the parking lot. Your friend, Eddie Brock hopped on his bike and tried to start it, but nothing was happening. In the meantime, the guys tried to call a taxi but with it being a Saturday night in San Francisco, the wait would be far too long.
"Man, I really don't want to call an Uber. They're gonna be like $200 tonight or some crap." Jason huffed. Eddie shrugged.
"I gotta call someone to tow my bike so I can get it fixed tomorrow. Besides, an Uber might be fun with all of us. We're already riled up so it can add more to this already crazy ass night!"
"Yeah!!" ��you chimed in, pressing down your skirt. "I just wanna get home and change and have some bath bombs!"
"Ooooh, nakey time, huh?" Eddie joked. You flipped him off, smirking, and the others all laughed.
"Please!" Sarah, one of the other friends added in. "It's pure Heaven to take a bath bomb!"
"Well while you’re all yapping about bath bombs, our ride is here! It's not that expensive, but we all gotta squeeze in. Ladies, sit on the guys' laps!" Jason cried out, right as the silver Toyota pulled up. There were 3 guys and 3 girls. The guys crammed inside as the girls sat on top of random guys.
Eddie, however, began to feel his heart race. You were sitting on top of him, and while he always loved to joke around with you, unknown to you at the time, he always had the hots for you. He felt you were gorgeous, funny, smart, and just a great friend. You met at work a few years ago where you were an intern then became a full fledged staff writer. He admired how smart you were and how you were always able to match his wit.
Soon the car began rolling.
"Ah you fellas out clubbing I see?" the Uber driver asked. "How about some of this?"
He turned on the radio and began playing some dance music. Loud. It suddenly became a party in the back seat. The girls...well, began wiggling their asses and the guys started dancing along as well.
"Oooh it's getting hot in herrrre" Jason sang to the tune of Nelly's song, completely off beat with the EDM music the driver was playing.
"You're so crazy, Jason!" Sarah, who was sitting on his lap, said, as she tried to make up her own lyrics to go with the EDM. Jokes were flying everywhere but Eddie was having a hard time concentrating.
You were sitting on him and you weren't just wiggling your ass--it felt like you were grinding into him. And Eddie was getting incredibly turned on by it. He felt himself getting hard and tried to move a bit away from you, but you kept grinding even harder. You knew what was going on. Suddenly, Eddie's heart almost stopped when he felt you reach down and grab him through his pants.
By now he had a full erection and you looked over at Eddie. He tried to look away but he couldn't resist feeling your stare.
"I'm sooo sorry, I got excited and---"
You cut him off, smiling.
"Oh, I can tell!" you just smiled at him, continuing to grind into him. Eddie was confused as to what you were doing.
"All right, take care!"
His thoughts were interrupted when the Uber driver pulled up at the apartment. Everyone got out the car and left, Eddie and you being the last ones to leave.
You lived on the same floor and quietly walked into the building. The others said their goodbyes and went into the elevator, but Eddie didn't even process what was happening with them. Their elevator left just as another one opened. You walked into it and he followed behind.
The minute the doors closed, you grabbed Eddie's head and pulled him in for a kiss. Eddie couldn't believe what was happening. It became passionate incredibly fast, your tongues dancing as if you'd been lovers for years. Suddenly, Eddie pulled away.
"Y/N....?" he whispered.
The bell of the elevator rang as you came to your floor and the doors opened.
"Come on!" you smiled, motioning your finger for him to follow you.
"To...?" Eddie asked.
See the full post
100 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
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Two Bronsons!!
105 notes - Posted May 31, 2022
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Jason Momoa and Tom Hardy, April 7, 2022
From nashmotorcycleco’s IG story
106 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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118 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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stray-kaz · 2 years
Elvis and Austin!Elvis Ask game:
Let’s start off gently shall we? Because this most definitely devolves into thirsty madness later, you’ve been warned…and also, we are all at various stages in the Elvis fandom, some of us have been suckling the gospel of EP from birth, others just had their sexual awakening with the 2022 movie, and then there’s the ones among us with frickin’ doctorates on the man. All are welcome, it keeps us colorful. Feel free to pick and chose which of these you want to answer 
•When and what was your first exposure to Elvis Presley? It would have been singing Hound Dog and Blue Suede Shoes in primary school.
•And what was your first impression? I honestly didn’t have an impression at, say, eleven years old. They were just songs to me.
•Lace shirts or jumpsuits? Lace shirts.
•You can steal one of Elvis/Austin’s outfits, what’s it going to be? The pink suit.
•C’mon, we know you’ve been watching/reading old interviews and random footage of the man, so what’s your favorite random Elvis quote? Goes something like: “If I ever thought what I did was hurting anybody, I’d pack up, go home and I’d never sing another note.”
•Did you find Austin Butler’s lips distracting despite them being in a movie about the King of plush upper lips? (Be honest now) No, but his hips were.
•What’s an aspect of Elvis’ character you wish more people appreciated? His striving to find and follow God.
•You meet Col. Tom Parker for the first time, forewarned with the knowledge of what a scumbag he is, what do you do?:  A. nothing, you’re a coward who doesn’t care about abused golden-hearted men B. you give the Colonel a stern telling off C. you encourage Elvis to leave him and break the contract E. you slap a legal document against that fat suit and declare “Mrs. Claus is bringing you a lawsuit” F. you waste no time with formalities, it’s a letter opener to the juggler for that piece of trash. C, and maybe D, too.
•What was your favorite aspect/scene from the Elvis 2022 movie? When he strides out in stage at the hayride and when he starts to “wiggle”.
•You can choose only one song or piece of media to convince someone to become an Elvis fan, what is it going to be? The 2022 film or the live performance of If I Can Dream in the ‘68 Comeback Special.
•How many children would you give Elvis Presley from your own -or theoretical- womb? (listen to the beast in ya, your feminism won’t serve you here) If I lived at the same time as him (as I am already married and have kids), I’d give him three.
Where are you hanging out with EP, his bedroom with the teddy bears, Club Handy, his private jet or Graceland? The teddy bears are freaky as heck, so Club Handy or Graceland.
•What is the peak Elvis era? warning, this says an awful lot about you… Boo to you lol, I will always say young Elvis era is my favourite, though I have never heard a voice more perfect than in If I Can Dream.
•How long have you been an Austin Butler fan (be honest now, God is watching) Since June 26th, the year of our Lord, two thousand and twenty two.
•What kind of Elvis chick are you? -a 1950’s prospective wife material that he’s already sampled, a 1960’s filmset fling or a Vegas torrid backstage affair? 1950′s prospective wife.
•Is Austin Butler an honorary southerner now? Answer options: A. hell no, California can keep his sweet cheeks. B. hell yes, he’s practically been possessed by the soul of the King of the South. B.
•Pick your poison in the fan-fiction realm: angst, fluff, smut, fluffy smut, angsty fluff, angsty smut?…or is reading about Elvis Presley an acknowledged health hazard? Anything fluff, maybe with a touch of spice.
•Spit or swallow for this man? (And if you don’t understand this question move right along) Neither. Gross.
•Would Gladys approve of you? Take your above answer into consideration. Oh, she would love me. Raised in church and a real daddy’s girl.
•Which of Elvis’ cars is your favorite? The pink or dark purple Caddy.
•What are your odds for besting this man at karate? Zero. Nil. Nada. None. Zip.
•If you could meet Elvis and have enough composure to tell him something, what would it be? I would hug him and tell him that he did lasting things, that people are raised on his music decades after he was gone and he did real good. And I’d probably ask for a kiss lol.
•What’s a hobby or pastime of yours you wish you could share with Elvis/Austin!Elvis? I would read with him.
•What’s the Elvis 2022 quote you’ve been mumbling to yourself ever since you heard it? I get lyrics from Suspicious Minds stuck on a loop, and “shove it up your nose”.
•What are your top 3 go-to Elvis songs? Polk Salad Annie, Little Sister and Return To Sender.
•If you could spare him one tragedy what would it be? Being squeezed and squeezed by the colonel until there was nothing left.
•Is there a modern artist that sorta scratches for you the itch that Elvis’ absence leaves? None really, but James Arthur is pretty dang smooth.
•How did you react at the end of the movie when In the Ghetto started to play A. I got up and fixed a snack because I have no soul, B. I left feeling alarmingly horny, C. I was impressed but didn’t realize how affected I was until days later when it was still with me D. I cried buckets they had to bring in a mop E. I may have appeared emotionless but in fact my soul was leaving my body and I don’t think it’s returned quite yet. Shocking to myself, B. And maybe a little bit C.
•If you’ve got a favorite gif or photo insert it here and bless us all
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This is one of my all time favourite gifs ever, hands down. He’s so gorgeous. Pretty boy.
Thanks for tagging me, Jo! @karamelcoveredolicity​
Ok, now go and tag a couple mutuals
@foreverdolly​ @succsessions​
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wip tag game
Thank you @toppingjeffsatur! Current WIPS from most to least completed (ish) is an /oh god/ list but HERE WE GO for anyone who is not on the server and as such, has no idea what I'm doing half the time until it posts. XXL! Club fic: When the cats are away, the mice will play OR Phayu really should have known to be suspicious when Rain was so /fine/ with him staying late again. aka Rain goes clubbing with Pai and baits Phayu into fucking him in a club bathroom Alt Chapter 7: Rain knows Storm has this whole thing about not texting apologies when he's in the middle of doing something bad but- but- he really should let Storm know that he never did get around to studying and he went to his codeline meeting instead. He'll just... he'll do that. He'll text storm and then he'll go out and have the conversation with Phayu. Single Dad! Phayu: what happens when you suddenly give the man with too many jobs a child and an overly attached 19 year old. Alpha Rain: Two betas walk into a bathroom- none leave. /or/ Phayu is an omega that lets people believe he's a beta for personal reasons and he just accidentally set off late-blooming Rain's alpha puberty in a school bathroom. Server! Snow: ..... Rain has a twin brother who has groomed him from birth to be the /perfect/ mix of highly innocent and highly suggestive. He gets more than a little pissed off when Phayu ruins the balance by giving the baby his first real erection in a school bathroom. They all fuck about it- eventually. Baby Snow: ..... server version of Snow gets up to some fucked up caregiving kink with their Daddy Phayu while his brother is away on a school trip. Don't /look at me/ Fuck or Die: Pai doesn't say 'who would dare cause trouble here?' that night at the race. No, what he says is 'Didn't you hear? They caught a rat trying to sneak in.' and Phayu /knows/ that it's Rain and that he needs to *get* to him before Pakin kills him. He just doesn't expect the consequences of claiming that Rain is an angry boyfriend, mad at Phayu over a misunderstanding. Sick Fic: Rain is too sick to appreciate Phayu dressing up in a doctor's costume. That doesn't stop Phayu from letting himself be talked into it. Kidnapper Phayu: Rain runs into the stranger who fixed his tire at a bar on his way 'to the mountains' with one of his friends. Phayu is already plotting to make Rain 'forget' all about his trip in a back alley when he realizes that Rain's friend is involved in some shady shit and Rain is about to become a statistic. Nobody gets to make Rain a statistic except him. Massage Therapist Phayu: An old injury flares up when Rain stops working out at University. Massage Therapist Phayu is *happy* to help him improve his quality of life- but is it weird if your massage therapist calls you a good boy? Top Rain! Edging fic: ... Rain edges his darling Erotic Hypno: Rain gets an email that tells him to open it when he's alone. He doesn't recognize the sender, and the uni has been warning the students about scam emails but like- how can an audio be a scam? This is me @ing any writer who follows me who would like to share what y'all have been up to!
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msclaritea · 1 year
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Apart from the stunning yet dangerous Black Widow, the Marvel Cinematic Universe was full of male superheroes. However, as time went by female superheroes started emerging left and right, starting with Elizabeth Olsen’s Wanda Maximoff aka Scarlet Witch. The addition of Wanda was not only appreciated by the fans, but Scarlett Johansson, too, was a big fan of the move.
Scarlett Johansson once stated that Elizabeth Olsen’s entry into the Marvel Cinematic Universe brought a bit of homeostasis to the superhero world by bringing testosterone levels down. Both actresses have nothing but kind words for each other and were glad to be working together on the movies. In fact, Scarlett Johansson was so amazed by her co-star that she felt as though Elizabeth Olsen’s passion brought her to shame.
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In an interview with Sirius XM, Scarlett Johansson went on and on about Elizabeth Olsen and couldn’t stop complimenting the actress. She started off by stating how much of a relief it was to have another woman in the MCU apart from herself and Cobie Smulders adding that the testosterone levels were too high before.
“It was so great when Lizzie came on because, y’know, we had [Cobie Smulders.] It was basically the two of us kind of holding down the fort. And then when Lizzie came on it semi-balanced out. It was very heavy on the testosterone for a very long time, and now it has like…it calibrated.”
The Lucy actress then stated that she was “amazed” to see what Olsen could do on the sets. And while it’s not as if playing Black Widow was a piece of cake, Johansson believes that Olsen’s portrayal of Wanda brought her work to shame.
“What she was doing was so hard. Even the physicality of what she was doing was so hard that I would work with her, and I was amazed at what she was creating out of nothing. That she created this whole…again, this physicality. And her character has such a sensuality to her, and she has such a passion. I was amazed by it. It put me to shame.”
Well, it sure looks like Johansson is a part of the Olsen fan club. And who wouldn’t be? The woman somehow manages to steal the spotlight every time she is on screen (Watch: Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness). Olsen’s MCU debut, Age of Ultron went on to make $1.3 billion at the box office."
I don't know where to begin. My mouth is getting dry just reading this THIRST.
Oh wait. Yeah, I do. A brief walk down memory lane:
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I think someone's just pissy because the campaign to run Benedict out of the MCU and garner Olsen a Solo Witch project both failed miserably. I'm so glad I kept receipts of the past two years, showing how Snyderbots aka Warner Bros/DC were very active around the Wanda trolls. Again, a nonstop hateful campaign against Disney and Benedict, but shit like this affects the actual fans that still hang around social media. It was not like this when I was young and it pisses me off to no end seeing a company target a competitor's fans in such a nasty way. And Olsen went along with all of it. There is ZERO chance she was not aware.
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Welcoming NEW Members!
We are lovingly initiating The Doctor (Dead by Daylight), Hannibal Lecter, and SCP 049 to The Mad Doctor Appreciation Club!
The Doctor has an electric personality, fit for our lovely free environment!
Hannibal Lecter has an exquisite taste in dishes, giving everyone the fuel they need to continue their work!
SCP 049 has the determination to help his patients, with his willingness to go to extreme means fitting in perfectly with any mad doctor's laboratory!
We are so happy to welcome such brilliant minds into our club! -Mr. Receptionist
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chronicbeans · 1 year
How could you forget medic for the crazy doctor appreciation club!?
Don't worry, we got medic there! He's near the bottom of the list I think. Unless you meant a medic from somewhere besides Team Fortress 2. If so let me know I need to know more mad doctors. Pls the need to know more of them is crippling me-
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red-doll-face · 3 years
Hi! Can you write some headcannons for Doctor, Nemesis, annnd Oni or Pyramid Head reacting to a survivor purposely sandbagging their s/o in a trial? Whether or not s/o decides to do something about it is up to you! Love your work btw 💜
Lmao getting sand bagged in dbd is kind of funny not gonna lie, had a trickster once who face camped a nea for sand bagging me, I miss him a lot Thanks ! I appreciate it 💖🥰😍😘😳
Dbd Killers x gn s/o getting sandbagged
Herman ‘The Doctor’ Carter
Sort of pauses, curious. His mouth in a permanent smile, it's hard to know what he’s thinking. He won’t hit you, simply moving past you and continuing to the survivor that sandbagged you.
Corners them and shocks them over and over, essentially torturing them into madness.
Does not let you watch but you may relish in the screams. Makes sure they are dead before you.
Does hope you survive the trial, if you're close he’ll let you out but if you're not he will gently hook you. A hand to soothe on your cheek.
Will not shock you after that, taking it sort of easy but just know; you're prey just the same to him, even more fun to chase than your useless little teammates.
Nemesis T-Type ‘The Nemesis’
If someone pushes you in front of him, he catches you awkwardly, luckily his instinct to focus on one person at a time kicking in.
He makes sure you're okay, setting you down and making after the person who decided to push his s/o in a trial in his face in the hopes that he would hit you instead.
Runs them down like a semi truck, roaring, brutally stomping and battering.
To Nemesis, this is his way of showing loyalty, dedication. Surely you know he will do whatever it takes to protect you, keep you safe.
Lets you watch him kill and maim your teammates and lets you go, no one but you escapes this trial.
Kazan ‘The Oni’ Yamaoka
One of your little friends has betrayed you, honestly feels bad, finds it so naive of you to not expect it.
He gives you a glance, Kazan will take vengeance for you today, bashing them over the head with his club, unfortunate that he is still tied to the rules.
He hooks them, let’s you see it, reveling in your nod of approval. Watches them die with you, quality time with you.
Thoroughly enjoyed the process, more than he thought he would, happy to kill for you and show you why he is worthy of your attention.
Let’s you go, can’t wait for one of your idiotic teammates to try that again.
Pyramid Head ‘The Executioner’
No personal feelings in it for him, he’s been given a job and by god he will do it. Hits you, a little sad to hear your cry of pain.
Will however, leave you alone, chase them down and make them pay, give them a punishment for being so greedy, selfish.
Lucky for him, it’s his job to give out such punishments.
Will not let you watch as they die and if he finds you afterwards, he will chase to down and hook, takes no pleasure in it.
Happy to see if you get out, stand and watch dutifully as you run out the exit.
Thanks for requesting ! I’m happy to be receive them and writing them again, 💖💖💖
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subject-2-change · 3 years
Top 10 comfort characters (pt. 1)
OKAY! Finally here to do this... @crazy-fangurl1 tagged me in this forever ago, but I went overboard, as usual, and now I'm making this a series.
1) Varian - Tangled the Series
No. I will not explain myself. You all know this. I post about it all the time. He's like 70+% of my content. He's why I'm on Tumblr. Just look at him. This little nerd. I love him with my whole heart. Don't fucking talk to me.
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2) Ninth Doctor - Doctor Who
I love him so much! He's such a puppy. I think he is severely underrated. He's so optimistic, and has to be following the war doctor. All the times he turns away from his own impulsive and destructive tendencies. Like in episode 13 when he says to the Dalek Emperor that lovely line, "coward. Any day." Which is especially delicious after episode 6 when he kind of pops off in a rage and there is that incredibly raw line, "you would make a good Dalek." I could go on about this wholesome bean, but this gif basically sums up why I love him. He's just absolutely fantastic
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3) Takashi Morinozuka - Ouran High School Host Club
My love. My darling. Travis Willingham? Flawless VA, even though Mori is a man of few words. I'm a sucker for a strong silent type. He is aloof yet he isn't apathetic, in fact he cares so deeply, especially about Honey. He's brooding, yet a bit ditzy to be honest. He goes hard for his friends. Takashi is just the scoop you up in his arms and make sure everything is okay kinda guy. I adore him.
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4) Entrapta - She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
I can say nothing bad about her. A neurodivergent PoC in a show is fantastic. I love her energy, her intellect, the effort she puts in for her friends. Her and Hordak? OH MY GOD. If I had a nickel for every time I put a morally grey mad genius who is recruited by the bad guys because they are more appreciated there, only to later be redeemed by the good guys though their actions had legitimate justification even if they were wrong, on this top 5 comfort characters list, I'd have 2 nickels.
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5) Saiki Kusuo - The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Look at this little tsundere fucker. He loves his friends. The idiots. The absolute buffoons. He pretends like he doesn't care. Oh but he does. Enough to set the world back a year every year to stop an apocalyptic event, despite constantly complaining about everyone all the time. I love the hard shelled, wildly powerful boy who is secretly a big softy. He complains, but look at this smile. Yare yare...
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Part 2
hurt characters part 1
hurt characters part 2
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argethara · 2 years
A/N: Hello, argethara reporting! I’m back from customer service hell. Here’s a piece to celebrate my freedom. A sweet crackfic from @levihanbaryo‘s pool of prompts. I hope y’all are still obsessed with levihan as much as I do. If not, why???
Oh, and btw! Levihan Baryo admins and participants are working hard to finish a zine for our beloved ship. Please support and root for our works soon! 
You can also hang-out with us in our Discord server. Just DM me for the link.
Okay, here goes my trash.
PROMPT: Levi got a huge crush on Dr. Hange Zoe so he decided to receive an extra dose of vaccine from them. 
C/W: Profanities, crack medical process (please this is the prompt given, don’t be mad)
(Context: Yes, this is COVID-19 vaccine. Yes, in our country, people get 2 shots of the vaccine and 2 booster shots. Yes, we don’t have a lot of the J&J brand.) 
It’s not everyday that a person like Levi Ackerman gets nervous as shaking, heart popping out of his chest kind of nervous. Heck, he wasn’t even an inch close to this scared when he was brought by his uncle to a clinic one random day to finally be an actual man. He didn’t even cry after the procedure. Didn’t flinch when he got home with a pain worth his life on his official man dong. And he’s barely eleven years old then. 
Levi “the strongest” Ackerman wasn’t this restless on his first job interview too. 
So why does meeting a doctor for a vaccination schedule make him squeak?
Goddamn, it’s more embarrassing to think that he does mixed martial arts in his free time and he’s acting all anxious on his seat for a second-long puncture on his skin.
Levi stands up and sits on the next chair. It’s almost his turn and he can feel the rush of blood in his veins more, the sweat profusely dropping and staining his baby blue button down shirt. His eyes grow when he tries to peek and the wetness shows on the fabric. He immediately closes his arms to his sides, sitting straight and looking around, trying to find that familiar face. 
And there they are. In one corner of the hall, he can see them talking with an elderly woman and throwing the used syringe in the biohazard bin. Levi starts gawking as his surroundings fade into view and his focus tunnels to the bird nest on their head, sliding his vision on the gorgeous bridge sitting nicely between their never-fading, blazing hazelnut eyes, crinkling as their wide smile brightens the whole place. 
 A noise ruins his pink slow motion filter. 
“Neeext!” “Neeext!” 
His knees start to wobble a bit. The nurse gives him a strange look. As he draws near, he realizes something that makes all his shakiness replaced with cold disappointment. 
After sweating and doing all the math in his head, the person they came for stands up and says, “Better get back to the hospital. See you tomorrow, Dr. Yeager!” 
“Thank you for assisting today, Zoe. Oh, if you see Eren around, tell him to go home early,” Dr. Yeager replied.
“Copy that, Doc! Your son really bakes amazing stuff, I’ll make sure to buy some eclairs for my interns.”
“You bet. Rest too, sweetheart.”
No, stay, Levi wishes silently.
The person laughed beautifully, loudly. Levi stops on his tracks, which the nurse guiding him obviously didn’t appreciate.
“Sir, it’s your turn-” 
And Levi does his mental calculation again as he watches the person fix their things, preparing to head out of the facility.
He looks at this Dr. Yeager which eerily reminds him of his spiteful mixed martial arts club mate in college. Who also likes to say, “Don’t let them know your next move” when he’s about to lose the match. 
Don’t let them know your next move
Don’t let  them know your next move
Don’t let them know your next move
He hates to admit but he does exactly what the pathetic monkey is chanting in his head.
He does the unexpected.
Looking at the nurse that is already frowning harder than he could, he frowns his hardest, clenching his chest with a fist, and kneels dramatically on the floor. “Eugh” “Eugh!” 
The nurse watches him heartlessly as she sighs. 
He drops down to the floor further with his hands on his chest, emphasizing the “Eugh” as he continues. He feels his face is so red at that point. He has never done this all his life. 
His eyes are still closed. He is becoming more self-conscious and realizes this is the most regrettable decision he has made. Or not, his mind debates. If he gets the attention of that damn doctor, bugging his wits to its end every night, then this shitty act might be worth it after all.
Good fucking thing that I’m a hundred kilometers away from my city.
The things I do, just so I could call you mine.
Mikasa’s playlist started consoling him away from his current state. Oh to do some stupid teenage lovesick bullshit when you’re in your thirties. 
“Sir, please calm down! I’m Pieck, a nurse. Where does it hurt?”
Levi opened an eye. The snobbish nurse is near him. 
Fuck, just get out here. 
He glances at where the person is and they are watching him. Good, he rolls a bit towards Dr. Zoe, bumping to some chairs.
The damn nurse held him in place by his shoulder. 
“Sir! Open your eyes. Please tell me where it hurts so I can help you. Try not to move much.”
Go fucking away!
Levi has the urge to yell but his act will be caught and he doesn't want his efforts to fail. He’s already doing a ridiculous way of getting their attention, and might as well succeed. 
“I- I, my b-brain an-d my heart fucking hurts,” he suddenly said.
Yes, my brain is at the edge. I don’t know how to keep up nor end this shit I started.
“Huh? Can you stand, Sir? What’s your name?” Nurse Pieck asked. 
God, help me. 
“No.” I won’t stand unless Dr. Zoe will get me up. 
The nurse makes him lie on the ground and he complies, not knowing what his next move will be anymore. Seems like he’s not stupid enough to pull of a stupid decision like Zeke does. His fist is still on his chest to keep the act straight.
“What’s happening?” 
“Oh, Doc Zoe! He’s sweating and panting hard but I haven’t checked any vital signs yet. He said his brain and heart hurts. He’s been like this for two minutes now.”
“Alright. Thank you, Pieck.” Levi feels a presence on his right side. 
He opened his eyes to the brunette when they touched his forehead. 
The pants got harder.
Fucked. I am fucked. Why did I do this?
“Sir, can you speak? What’s your name?”
Their sparkling brown eyes are at him. Curious, like he’s a fucking specimen in the lab but that’s alright. He made them stay. 
His chest actually tightens. Breathtaking. 
Dr. Zoe chuckled and he blinked. Shit, he almost forgot he’s acting. 
“What’s your name?” They repeated.
“Levi,” he muttered. 
“Okay, Levi, I’m Dr. Hange Zoe. Is the pain still there?”
“A-ah, Y-yea. It’s… I can’t breathe properly.”
“Rate your pain from 1-10.”
“Earlier 8, now it’s 5.”
“Can you stand?”
“Now we’re talking!” They beamed at the nurse and the latter rolled her eyes.
“You can leave Levi to me now, Nurse. You can attend to the others.”
Pieck huffed, “I can handle this, though! You’re about to go out.”
“It’s okay. I still have some time. I’ll just go to the cafe next time.”
Pieck gives him a look one last time and goes back to the other people on the line. Dr. Zoe helps him to sit on a chair. They’re smiling like it’s business as usual but it’s enough for Levi’s heart to actually palpitate abnormally. 
“Ah, can you hold on for a minute?”
Levi nods as a response. He dares not to look around. He knows they’re still watching. Especially the witch that was assisting him earlier. Her eyes are sending laser beams from afar, he can tell. 
They step out and he watches them instead. 
When they get back to him, they give them a cup of water. And they both sit quietly as he downs the liquid.
The doctor takes a breath and smiles as he glances to their side. 
“How are you feeling?” They inquired.
“Better.” He muttered.
“That’s quite a scene, eh? Have you had any experience like that before?”
His ears turn pink. “This is the first time.”
“Can I?” They raised their manual sphygmomanometer. 
He nodded.
They measured his blood pressure. Staring at him closely from time to time. 
Damn, they smell like sweat and isopropyl alcohol. 
I should say something.
Shit, almost done?
They bite their lip when focused.
That’s sexy.
“It’s higher than normal but you’ll survive with a bit of rest and water. You should cool down if you wanna get the vaccine today, but you can return to-”
“No.” The doctor is surprised with his firm tone. 
“O-oh. You might be a busy person. I understand-”
“No, I’m not busy I, I just-” he stutters.
“Ahh… Oh!” Hange holds his hands in theirs and Levi almost freaks out. He likes it, though. They have warm, comforting hands.
“Do you have trypanophobia?” They whispered.
The person is closer to Levi than he allows people to be with him on normal days. But he is now basking in their attention. It is a successful mission. No matter how fucked the method he did.
They nodded consolingly. “That’s okay. No shame on being afraid of needles. I know a lot of people who are the same. They even run away or faint sometimes. Some doctors do too! I’m proud of you for conquering your fears and getting this vaccine…”
Doctor Hange Zoe rambles about the benefits of vaccination and how to defeat his fears. He hears the name of a psychiatrist that can help him with his problem. Their speech goes from one ear to the other. The highlight of his day is not only that he managed to talk with the doctor this time, he was also touched, comforted. 
“...And you see, all the citizens of the world are being monitored right now. Paradis even has a database of all the people who already had the vaccine that’s been distributed. Oh! Good Ymir! I haven’t asked your whole name yet.”
“Levi Ackerman.”
And it happens so fast. He’s now sitting on a chair in one of the booths. Being taken care of by THE Hange Zoe themself. As soon as they’re done, he grabs the opportunity to exchange numbers. “I’m passionate about recovering from fears! Please get in touch when you’re ready to talk with a psychiatrist. He’s a friend of mine but I highly recommend him for his expertise you know…”
Another five-minute monologue on his mental health and he doesn’t give a fuck anymore. He rarely accepts opinions of others yet it feels like heaven that they’re overly worried about his well-being. 
The day ends with him taking an hour flight to Sina where he actually lives and works. 
On the following day, he wakes up and crawls on his bed with a heavy body, burning deep to his bones from the side effect of the vaccine. 
He smiles as the notification pops out messages from his precious Hange Zoe.
“Hi Levi! This is Hange in case you didn’t save my number. How are you? I’m sorry, I forgot to register your name yesterday! I was talking a lot and I forgot and I know it’s my negligence as a doctor. It’s a very rare mistake on my part. Please forgive me! I’ll do it immediately when I get to the hospital.” Sent 6:12 AM.
“You must be sleeping. I want to inform you about the registration. System says you already completed your set of vaccines in North Sina General Hospital a week ago. But maybe it’s a system error. Let me ask this to my colleagues.” Sent 7:00 AM. 
“Hi, Levi! Did you forget to take your last booster shot last week? I’m afraid I gave you a fifth one. Do you know that there are only 2 sets for the initial and 2 booster shots? I’ve committed two offenses against my practice already if that’s the case. Oh God! I was so careless, I forgot to check the database beforehand.” Sent 7:24 AM.
“Remember Dr. Smith, the psychiatrist? He said the database is very very updated. OMG. Can we talk?” Sent 7:50 AM. 
9 missed calls from Sunshine <3
He chuckles weakly. The fuck he’s gonna tell them. That he’s a stupid simp?
Levi presses their number to call them back. 
“Levi! Oh my God! How are you? I’m really sorry! I think-”
He laughs. They sound like they care about him.
“I- huh? Hello? Are you okay?”
“Don’t worry.”
“You don’t have to worry. It’s entirely my fault,” he coughs.
“A-are you sick?”
“No, uh yeah, but it’s just a side effect of the vaccine. It usually goes away after a day of rest.”
“So did I really give you a third booster shot?” They are sniffing on the other line. 
“Oh no!” The cries get louder. 
“Shh, shh, hey. Doctor, listen. Can I tell you something?”
“Hm?” sniffs, “Yeah, anything. I’m really sorry.”
“You really don’t remember me?”
“What do you mean?” 
He sighs, “That’s disappointing. We even laughed with the children in the orphanage together.”
“Yeah, five months ago, The Ymir’s Heart For Angels Foundation event.”
There’s silence. Levi looked at his phone, checking if they hung up already.
“You might’ve been too busy to remember me. Sorry for acting stupid. It’s not your fault. I didn’t know we could only get up to four shots. And a fever won’t kill me, you know that too. Someone told me you’re a doctor in Shiganshina and I happen to be in the area for business. So I tried visiting you but you weren’t in the hospital for two days. It’s almost my flight so I got desperate and went to the vaccination center.”
“Do you have a fever?” They cut his confession. 
“Well, yeah, kind of.” He admits. 
“You kinda deserve that.”
“Hm, yeah.” He laughs at their annoyed voice.
“Do you have family taking care of you?”
“I’m alone. Ah- I have a cat, if it counts as family.”
“Mr. Ackerman, I’m not joking with you.”
“Neither am I, Dr. Zoe.”
Someone is calling the doctor from their end. He waits and relaxes on their words he barely understands. Their end goes quiet after some time.
“Doc? Hange?” He asks.
“Don’t risk my license to meet me next time.”
The phone beeps as his caller ends the call. 
“Call me tonight” Sent 1:15 PM.
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