#the love confession spilling out of them both and being followed by rushed heated sex afterwards
shadowglens · 2 years
daeran is able to easily tell when someone is lying to him except when it’s amalice, to the point where he resigned himself to his own death because it’s what she told him he deserves
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neopuppy · 3 years
Dive Into You: Part 4.(M)
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Preview: “What brings you into confession today?”
Pastor Lee’s voice sounds through the small wooden booth around you. Uncomfortably shifting in your seat when the reality of confessing your sins to the one who brought them into this world settles.
“Pastor… what does the bible say about pre-marital sex with two brothers?”
“At the same time?!” Pastor Lee spits out abruptly, gagging on his words.
“Separately Pastor!”
Pairing: brothers Jeno/Haechan x female reader
Word Count: 4k
Genre: pwp, church boys AU, smut, love triangle, brothers nohyuck, a little angsty
Warning: sacrilegious themes, explicit language, master manipulator Haechan, innocent Jeno, corruption, cheating, religious innuendos
Smut Warning: dry humping, fingering, in public setting
Part 1–>
Part 2–>
Part 3–>
“Oh my gosh goodness, that woman is old enough to be his mother!” Your mother gasps, hand over her chest. Haechan strutting into mass with, quite frankly a woman old enough to be his mother. Scantily clad in a tight skimpy hardly there dress. Arm securely draped around her waist. Your jaw falls open following where he leads her into a pew. Both Mark and Jeno sharing looks, back and forth between you and Haechan. Mumbling whispers erupting throughout the crowd of church-goer’s gathered.
“Isn’t that woman just a bit too mature for Pastor Lee’s son?” A voice behind you whispers. Conversations sparking around faster. Pastor Lee awestruck at the podium, slack jawed similar to you and others questioning what Haechan is doing. Your mother scoffing eavesdropping in on everyone muffling their words.
“That is just disappointing. Such a promising young man, wasting his time with an old whore like that.” She lets out a sound in dismay. Never noticing how you hide your face behind the scripture for today's mass. If you muted everyone's speaking enough, sure enough, you’d be able to hear your heartbreaking this very moment. Blinking away hot tears threatening to pass over the rims of your eyes.
Your mother may have not noticed, but that didn’t mean the altar boys missed the way you sunk into your seat. Sadness taking over your features as Haechan relaxed in the pew across from you. Arm around this woman’s shoulders, large smirk displayed. Jeno and Mark gave you many warnings, too many. Your stubborn fault for not listening…always insisting to do things your way. Maybe this was how life worked? How could you have expected a guy like Haechan to want you for more than sex?
Your eyes lift to the ominous cross hung above the altar where you let Haechan commit sin with your body. This church becoming more like a place to drag your mind through hell than anything. Ah, but what was really the point in letting yourself get upset over this? He used you, like some brainless naive idiot you danced along to the pied pipers fiddle.
With a few rapid blinks you return to stare at the floor until this dragging mass ends. Catching Jeno’s gaze before you land on the dirty brown itchy carpet. His lips part open, surprised when your eyes lock on each other. The question passing through his mind all too obvious in his stare. A silent ‘are you ok?’ that you didn’t even deserve from him.. Forcing a smile, your eyes end on the floor, defeated. What if Jeno was the angel on your shoulder that you turned a muted ear to? Turning the volume up for the devil on your other side. Consequences, that’s what the bible was all about wasn’t it? Learning your lesson and living with the aftermath.
Eve bit into the apple of temptation, you were no different.
“Father Lee insisted we provide fruit along with baked goods. Health is wealth!” Your mother slaps an apple in your palm. Turning to greet approaching bodies with a shining bright small. Like a wire hanger was propped in her mouth.
“Watermelon! My favorite!” Mark’s brows wiggle, picking up a plate of vibrant fruit. “The fruit of salvation. You know fruit represents, pleasures.. overindulgence, temptation.”
Mark holds up a slice of bright red watermelon. Pale light in the bible room dimming it’s flavorful beauty. Admiring it as if it’s the best thing in the world. He takes a large bite, avoiding seeds. Juice spilling down his chin, speaking between chews- “Can’t always agree with the bible I guess.”
“That’s shocking coming from you..” you look at the apple in hand. Thumb rubbing over a bruise developed on the red yellow coating.
“Nothings perfect right? Only God is perfect. Look at that apple, bruised but still serves a purpose. Sort of like us, we have our flaws but we’re doing our best.” Mark shrugs, devouring the rest of his watermelon.
“You’re pretty logical when you’re not quoting Samael 6:66 all the time.” You smile, earning the jaw drop from Mark as expected.
“Now that is just blasphemous, you little harlot!” Mark scoffs. Damn finger waving about in front of your nose. “Jesus said..”
“Save the quote, I’m not seeing the gates of heaven anytime soon.” You quietly interrupt Mark. Setting down the apple with the other fruits. Some more pristine then others, none perfect. How could perfection be defined anyway..
“I’m pretty sure my invitation to the sky above got revoked years ago.” Perfection spoke up. Jeno standing by, catching the tail end of your conversation. Hands shoved into the pockets of his tight black jeans. Form hugging black t-shirt tucked in. Defined trimmed waist leading down to sculpted long legs. Physique of a God if you’d ever seen one.
“Gods for sure not the only perfect being..” you mumble under your breath. Mark and Jeno’s eyes both lifting to you curiously. Smiling, shrugging off a response. “Well I’m sure you redeemed yourself with all that bible camp stuff. God loves shit like that.”
“Does he now?” Jeno’s arms cross over his chest. Forehead wrinkling in surprise. Mark muttering into another bite of fruit how you needed to stop cursing all the time.
“He doesn’t communicate with me, but I’d imagi-…” Haechan’s loud laughter cuts your speech off. Entering the room with that woman old enough to be his mother. Pulling them closer to the table filled with coffee, pastries, fruits. Shifting side to side anxiously as they near, stomach bubbling in.. embarrassment? Was it because Mark and Jeno knew?..or could at least assume very well.
“Aw nono, you already changed out of your cute little altar boy get up? Wanted to introduce my girl to my cute innocent little brother. Now you just look like hot topic threw up on you or something.” Haechan pokes at Jeno. Smirk plastered across his face. Jeno’s ‘fuck off’ reply coming in like garbled words.
My girl?! My girl? All of a fucking sudden? Hag. Haechan wasn’t even sparing you a glance. If he was trying to make it clear there was nothing between the two of you- he didn’t need to try much harder. Accepting the situation the best to your abilities or not wasn’t going to stop the rush of tears attempting to streak down your face. A quick spin had you racing out of the church, Jeno’s neck snapping catching sight of your back exiting.
“You’re such a dick Haechan.” Shoving past his older brother, Jeno pushes past a few bodies. Running out of church behind you.
“I didn’t watch the porn because there was a watermelon in it…BUT there was a watermelon in it…” Mark’s eyes lift expecting to see you and Jeno. Too engrossed in his favorite snack. Haechan staring at him dumb founded.
“This is exactly why I don’t believe in God.” Haechan’s head shakes, teeth clicking. Nudging the woman at his side to agree with him. “He’s my distant cousin. Emphasis on distant.”
“Hey! Wait up!” Jeno catches up to you easily. Long legs sprinting out faster than you were moving. Hand wrapping around your arm, revealing your wet tear stained face with a turn. His face instantly falling, chest moving up and down returning to a regular breathing pace.
“It’s ok..” hands lift covering your face. You should be accustomed to this sensation of embarrassment by now. Hunching in, sobbing harder the more it settles in. Humiliating deeper because it wasn’t some secret you could live with. Jeno knew exactly how easily you walked into his brothers trap.
His hands shook, staying still in the air near your head. Internally resisting the immediate urge to comfort you. Arms dropping, hands flopping down by his sides. Lips pursing annoyed he couldn’t bring himself to even touch you. The fact was- you weren’t interested in him. You were another broken girl, crying at his feet over Haechan. Ignoring the stinging pain in his chest, from watching you break down. From knowing why you were in such pain. Who knew either way, Jeno wasn’t going to admit it.
“I can.. take you home..”
His delicate rasp reaches your ears past muffled cries. Pouting, rubbing your palms across wet heated cheeks. Reminding yourself in the back of your mind how you probably looked like shit. The last way you’d prefer for Jeno to see you, not that it mattered.
“Don’t wanna go home..” you sigh into your hands, shoulders shaking trying to control yourself. “Dad’s home..”
Jeno looks around, eyes falling on his bike under a large tree. Shaded from the bright daytime sun. Mouth lifting to one side, he could take you to the diner? The book shop was closed on Sundays to prioritize mass.. or maybe..
“I got a place..” Jeno pulls your wrist. Sad face reveal causing another type of tight clench in his chest. “Come with me.”
Gently leading you toward his bike, unclasping the helmets attached along the back. The memory of riding attached to his back still drawing impure thoughts to your mind. No idea who you even were anymore. Riding around on the back of an attractive boys motorcycle. Losing your virginity in church of all places.
Arms circling around his flat stomach. Jeno smelled nice, clean and fresh. Nothing too strong, your nose tempted to dive in with a deep inhale. Opting to rest your chin on his broad upper back where it dipped down the middle. Not bothering to question where he was going to take you, grateful he even cared.
He cared.
“What is this place?” You cautiously stepped forward. Looking down the ledge of the cliff Jeno had brought you to. Setting the helmets back on the bar attached at the end of his bike.
“I guess I come here to get away.” He shrugs, moving to stand by your side. “Small town, not many places to go. It’s hard when you’ve lived here all your life, everyone thinks they know you..”
“Yea..” guilt gnaws away at your gut. You were no different from everyone else. Like your mother looking at Jeno with preconceived notions, judgement. “It’s hard when you’re the town pastor’s son, I can only imagine..”
“Pft.. cause he’s so innocent. Somehow brain washed everyone into forgetting he cheated, knocked up my mom while still married to Haechan’s..”
“Oh…” scuffing your boots nervously against dirt. Sparing glances Jeno’s way. Chiseled jaw having you ready to swoon like some sad teenager passing her crush in the hallway. Mind so far away distracted, screaming at yourself that Jeno’s trying to have a deep conversation with you. “I didn’t uh…know that about your dad.”
“He just lucked out my mom didn’t tell anyone about the church intern fresh out of high school that she filed divorce papers over..” Jeno says, removing his jacket. Holding it open for you with a questioning look. Your eyes widen, immediately caving in a moment of weakness. Allowing him to drape the material around your shoulders. Fresh scent engulfing your sense of smell.
“You’re really.. nice Jeno. Considering everything, I have to admit I expected you to be more like Haechan..” you express, pulling the jacket around yourself tighter.
“We aren’t that different, growing up together will do that. Someone has to be the scapegoat, unfortunately it’s always me. Typical younger sibling syndrome right?” Jeno rubs his exposed arm, muscle tank revealing bits of tattoo. You nod to his words, unable to picture Jeno and Haechan getting along like two loving brothers.
“Your tattoo… your dad doesn’t know about it right?” You inquire, returning to topic back to Jeno. Ready to forget his brothers existence, at least for the time being.
“Oh yea..he’d probably ship me off to Jerusalem, peace core or some shit.” Jeno laughs, pushing the loose cut off sleeve up. Further exposing the evil creature blaring into your vision.
“Why a demon?”
“Why not right? I lost my faith in religion when my dad kept coming up with new excuses for why his sins were forgiven. God isn’t real anyway.” Jeno finishes. Eyes narrowing, expecting a reaction from you.
“I think you’re right actually..” you nod, softly smiling. Awestruck eyes staring into yours, satisfied. “..I should probably get home. Didn’t even tell my mom I was leaving. She’s gonna be so pissed..”
“Ah yea..can’t have that. She’s pretty intense huh?” Jeno scratches his throat anxiously. The voice in the back of his mind yelling at him to do something now. “..I’ll take you home.”
You take languid drawn out steps together. Tension surging between your bodies like electric shocks. Jeno reaching for his helmet. Fingers hesitating to open the clasp.
“Can I ask you something?” he looks away, teeth digging at his bottom lip. Was that nerves?
“Of course” you promptly respond, bouncing on your toes.
“If Haechan..hadn’t.. I don’t know, gotten to you first..” Jeno cringes. Focusing his eyes on the ground. Ending his curiosity there, struggling with his hope that you’d ever like him.
“What do you mean?” Your brows furrow, moving in, closing the space between your bodies. Jeno’s eyes meet yours, giving away the intent behind his question. “..you..why are you asking? You don’t..”
“It’s nothing, forget it.” Jeno’s head shakes, realization hitting you. Guys like Jeno never gave you the time of day..
“Would you have?” Boldly your hand lands on his, pulling fingers away from the helmet. Still wearing his jacket, could you be more oblivious?
“I wanted to..” those words are all it takes. Pushing up on your toes, lips smashing on his. Fever like heat raising your confidence to go for it. Jeno’s been good to you- the cold demeanor a cover up for how painfully shy you make him.
Hands find your hips, pressing you against the seat of his bike. Ass digging into the warm leather, jacket falling from your shoulders. Jeno kissing you back needy, full of desperation, loud breaths passing through his nose. Finger nails scraping the material of your dress, gathering the fabric up. Skin rubbing on the sun kissed bike under you. He presses in, tongue flicking out, asking for permission to enter. Fisting the cotton shirt on his chest in a wrinkled mess. Mouth parting so fast, too fast. Wet tongues eagerly meeting, rolling against the roof of your mouth.
Jeno’s groans are hot, raspy and deep. Affecting you quickly, sinking back on the bike when his hips roll between your thighs. Hard on tenting angrily in tight jeans. Grinding against your soaking core.
“God I..” Jeno mumbles on your lips, lapping spit across your mouth. His own pouting out cutely, blood tinted lips shining in outdoor light. “I really…whoa..fuck..”
“Jeno..” your arms lift, wrapping around his neck. Bringing your bodies together impossibly close. Pained moan trapped in his throat, thrusting in anguish. Craving to bend you over on his bike, slap your ass and fuck you until you can’t even remember his brothers name.
Jeno’s thumb shoves between your wet mouth, tongue swirling around. Groaning louder with another crushing thrust. Cock screaming for release, working up a faster speed. Demanding movements bouncing you on the bike. Eyes falling shut sucking at his thumb, picturing the length prodding at your walls sitting heavy in your mouth instead. Both of you growing needier with each dry hump against each other. Calves finding Jeno’s hips, lifting yourself up writhing against the hard fabric of his worn jeans.
“You feel so good..fuck..” Jeno captures your upper lip, sucking harshly. Hips growing furious, thigh muscles flexing tightly. Dragging sweet panted moans out of you, thumb opening your mouth. Saliva drooling past both of your lips messily, chins coated in each other.
“Please..” you whimper, pleading. Unsure what you could be begging for. Jeno nods reassuringly, gripping the back of your neck. Hand falling from your mouth, finding space between your legs. Drenched underwear shoved aside, sliding long fingers up and down. Catching your wetness, palm covered, landing loudly on your mound. Jeno finding your clit, pressing down hard. Surprised scream releasing from your chest. Tongue covering your exposed neck, nipping at dips.
“Can I?” Jeno’s fingers prod your opening up entrance. Head nodding rapidly, eyes wide. Gliding past your convulsing walls. Groaned curses repeating from his lips, finding way deep inside of you. Slender pretty hands working you to a heightened pleasure. Jeno continuously licking around your jaw, catching parted lips in bites. Hard enough to leave you a swelling pained mess, lips pursing out asking for more.
He lets your neck go, face dropping, forehead hitting his shoulder. Tattoo coming to life so close up, licking the expanse inked skin. Jeno grits his teeth, whimpering with squeezed eyes. Hand squeezing your hip, fingers jabbing in and out. Thumb circling your clit with expertise, nothing innocent in his touches.
He squirms on your thigh, member begging to fuck you open. Resisting to need for himself, fully focused on getting you off. Enjoying the way your eyes roll, tongue hung out letting your mind succumb to his touches.
Your hips jump up, wriggling into the thrusts of his fingers. Reaching far deep within, hitting every delicious spot. Lips landing together in a bruising sloppy kiss, muffling strained moans. Jeno’s thumb pressing down just right on your clit, precise fingers hitting where you need him in repeated motions. Trembling around him, walls gripping tightly. Jeno’s motions slowing down, letting the climax high wash over you. Softly tracing kisses atop your burning cheeks, staggering down to your neck. Soft nips turning into hard bites, leaving marks of himself behind.
“I..” Jeno’s forehead rolls over yours, skin dragging against his. Nose nudging gently at you, nerves still clouding his sense. Hard breaths landing on your face, eyes finding yours, mind returning back to you. “I want.. I like you.. I need…..I want..to take you out, like…date out...”
You nod a bit too excited, nose hitting his. Jeno’s stressed words making you clench up around his fingers yet again. Another pained groan blended into a sigh sounding around you. “I want that so bad Jeno.. I really want you.”
“What brings you in to confession today?”
Pastor Lee’s voice sounds through the small wooden booth around you. Uncomfortably shifting in your seat when the reality of confessing your sins to the one who brought them into this world settles.
“Pastor… what does the bible say about pre-marital sex with two brothers?”
“At the same time?!” Pastor Lee spits out abruptly, gagging on his spit.
“Separately Pastor!” You shriek out. Fingers stopping your lips, wondering if Pastor would recognize your voice. It’s not as if you spent time speaking to each other much..
“Well..” Pastor Lee’s throat clears, adjusting the collar tightening around his neck. “That’s..good to hear. Are you planning to wed one of these men?”
“Wed?! Like marry?” Your forehead creases, thinking it over. It was way too early to even consider such a thing. “I’m not pregnant pastor!”
“That’s…that’s good news my child.” Pastor audibly swallows. Sweat gathering at his hairline. “You..wish to know what the bible has to say about this?
“Am I going to hell if I choose to…have intercourse with both of them? I’ve only slept with one..”
“Only?” The pastor sounds flabbergasted. Gulping down another loud breath of air. “You won’t go to..hell over this. You need to repent for your mistakes none the less. God is good, and forgiving.”
“So, I’m not going to hell right?” Your frazzled tone sounds around the booth. Growing frustrated the longer he skirts around your questions.
“Yes my child, of course God does, but!-…”
“….God forgives all right? Like…God will love and forgive me even if I do happen to…somehow…you know..fornicate with uhm..” you chew on your thumb nail, catching yourself ready to say- ‘your sons’. “..siblings?”
Pastor Lee becomes frantic on the other side of the confessional booth. Fingers quickly turning through thin pages of his bible. Murmuring sounds of ‘uhm’ between, buying extra time to find an explainable excuse for why you absolutely should not do such a thing.
“Now my child.. yes God loves you, of course. I cannot say he would approve of you doing this! What about the brothers bond you could end up destroying?? That would be greed and lust! Those are sins child, sins!” Pastor Lee exasperates. Patting a handkerchief along his sweating forehead. Small towns hardly ever brought him confessions this extreme.
“Pastor, did you not have sex out of wedlock once too?.. more than once! With two different women! Does God approve of that?” You sit up straight. Hand slapping over your mouth after speedily replying. Shit, God probably didn’t care much for this conversation, that’s for damn sure..
“Child of God! now..” the pastor continues, avoiding your accusations. “Are you going to go through with this regardless of what excerpt from the bible I give you?”
“Yes father…I believe so..I really like this guy..” you timidly say. The thought that the pastor could have you in mind making your stomach turn.
“Well then..” with a heavy dissatisfied sigh, Pastor Lee continues. “Twenty hail Marys and Fifty our fathers should do it.”
“Fifty?!” your mouth falls open, disbelief stricken by the idea of sitting here for the next three hours repeating prayers.
“Make that seventy child. Ten for each seven deadly sin.”
You pause for a moment, hand on the door knob ready to exit. Mouth gaped considering asking what the bible says about losing your virginity in church. A minute of contemplation later, you decide it’s best to add another fifty hail Mary’s.
“Thank you so much Pastor Lee!”
It felt a little scary, but fun, getting ready for your date with Jeno. Of course you still wanted to leave an impression, even with his confession.
Repeating it in your mind over and over again: A. Date. With. Jeno.
Holy fucking shit. What alternative universe had you stumbled into moving to live here. Maybe the best way to get over someone really was by getting under someone else…younger brother and all. God had to be real if this was how your love life was playing out.
Walking up to Jeno, he was a complete vision. Black messy hair pointing different directions, as if he just ruffled it and said ‘good enough’. Leather jacket all too tight over his defined rippling biceps, like a second skin. Silver chain necklaces shining under the sunset across the orange red sky behind him. Hoops adorning his ears making the sparkle in his eyes come to life. The large steel ball chain necklace catching your eye against his pale thick neck. Imagining him on top of you coated in a sheen of sweat. Cold chains dangling down on your skin..
“Isn’t this… your brothers car?!?” Your eyes nearly bulge out of sockets asking the question. Drawn out of the quick fantasy you’d almost drifted into. The cherry black trans am practically glowing behind Jeno.
“It is, isn’t it..” Jeno’s smile lifts into his eyes. Fingers waving around a set of keys mid-air. “Who do you think Haechan learned how to pick pocket from? Still no match to the king.”
Jeno unlocks the car, opening up the passenger door for you. Surprising you first with his tattoos.. now this. Maybe he wasn’t the innocent cute younger brother you’d perceived him as all this time.
The engine sounded alive, Jeno pulling out of your driveway. Better looking than any heart throb you’d see on some terrible basic cable teen drama. Arm reaching around the space between your bodies. Other stretched in front of him. Long fingers attached to pretty veins flexing around the spinning steering wheel. All he had to do was grab your thigh to set you bursting up in flames. Stealing subtle looks at him picturing the tattoo adorning his perfectly sculpted shoulder.
“Haechan doesn’t know you borrowed his car I’m guessing? Won’t he be mad?” You wonder out loud. Jeno’s smile spreading into his cheeks. Eyes squinting under the low sun coming through the windshield. Relaxed in the drivers seat making way down the empty road. Arm closest to you splaying out, fingers wrapping around your exposed leg. Shivers shooting up your heat from where his large palm covers the majority of your visible mid-thigh.
“That’s the plan.”
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taglist: @seuomo @unknown5tar @sunoosi @nabi-nono @ahsshilee-me @safariria @nctlover94 @underjeno @nanascupid @jenorenle @scruffiejelly @mel-yjh @winwiniee @count-your-shadows @sunflowerhae @johnjaespeach @nctflix @notsooperfect @skrtbeepbeep @lanadreamie @nctstrawberrycow @meonlightuniverxse @sunshinedhyuck @haechanswhore @n0hyuck @kpopmultiifandomm @d1nne @neobanguniverse @pewpewpwe00 @abitofafan @haechansworld @born5sos @bockhyun @jen0zen @xuyiyangstan @alexameliamg @negincho @na-na-nakita @jeon-jungkook-is-actually-god @xwanna127x @heyitsbreeeeee @melaninjhs @cacaubs @multifandombtvh @kyngaji @whlplazh @eleanorfreakingchan @classic-antifood @sheytanni @player23 @wavetease @nahyuckk @doyoungssouthernbabygirl
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otptings · 3 years
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♧Requested? Yes
♧Idol; Jaehyun
♧Genre; FWBs to Lover, College Au (Frat)
♧Warning; jealousy, alcohol, unprotected sex, some degradation, fingering, mid sex confessions
♧Synopsis; You and Jaehyun have been friends with benefits for months now, but what happens when you want to be something more. Guess one of you will have to put your stubborn pride aside.
♧A/n I tried to make this just jealous sex but added feelings to it because I am a simp (this has now been edited)
“Yo, isn’t that the girl you like?” Jaehyun craned his head towards Mark in an attempt to hear him better over the music blasting from several speakers spread throughout the frat house. This was a normal Friday at NCT Frat House.
The house was filled to the brim with college students, anyone who was willinging to pay the 15 dollar entrance fee. Everywhere you turned there were drunk college students, dancing and grinding against each other on the dance floor. If you looked hard enough you could probably see the ‘couples’ - read hookups -  dry humping on the couches, or making out in the corners. Clouds of marijuana hung over the crowd on the makeshift dance floor, the stench spreading throughout the house but no one seemed to mind.
Jaehyun turned his head, trying to see who Mark was talking about. That’s when his eyes landed on you. Dancing with some guy with long blond hair. Wearing a small minidress that was slowly getting pushed up from the guy’s hand sliding up your thigh. Your breasts pushed up against his chest, but what Jaehyun saw next made his blood boil.
You were smiling at the dude happily, an absolutely breathtaking smile that should be reserved only for Jaehyun. Jaehyun bit back the growl, and took another sip from his cup, allowing the jungle juice to relax him.
“We only fuck. I don’t like her.” Mark let out an amused hum, giggling a little as he took another sip of his beer. Almost as if he knew something that Jaehyun didn’t.
“Welp,” Mark clapped Jaehyun on his back causing him to stumble a little, he might’ve pregamed decently hard before the party “Looks like she’s going to fuck him instead.” Speaking of the devil, you seemed to hear Mark’s words, because you turned your head and looked directly at Jaehyun.
You smirked a little when you saw Jaehyun poke his cheek with his tongue, knowing that your plan had worked. When Jaehyun turned his head back to Mark you sent him a week, to which he raised his beer the tiniest bit to not leave Jaehyun suspicious. When Jaehyun turned to look at you again, you quickly looked at Yuta.
“I think our plan worked.” Yuta laughed as he moved his hand to your waist, keeping your dress pushed up to tease Jaehyun a little more.
“He’s gonna try to fight me before the night ends.” You shared a laugh, knowing that his statement was partially true. If your plan worked the way you wanted it to, he’d be too distracted. Glancing over Yuta’s shoulder you made eye contact with Jaehyun, even in the dark room you could see that his eyes were darkened, an anger simmering underneath of them.
You knew he was jealous in the way that he took one last sip from his cup, before slamming it down on the kitchen counter beside him, some of the liquid spilling over the sides. Jaehyun began to walk away, turning back one last time before disappearing up the stairs.
“I think I’m in trouble.” Yuta shook his head at how gleeful you were saying the word trouble, feeling a bit relieved knowing that he could still leave the party with Mark as intended.
“Go get your man.” You gave Yuta one last wink before you two went your separate way. Quickly jogging up the steps, careful to not trip over your heels in your haste.
As you approached his room you could see his led lights and hear the soft R&B music flowing through the cracked door, noticeable even over the loud music that was drifting from downstairs. You pushed his door open, seeing him laying on his bed. Arms crossed behind his head as he watched you intensely. You felt a shiver run through you as you closed the door, excitement at the thought of what was to come. Locking the door you turned back around to Jaehyun, smiling sweetly at him as you walked further into his room.
“Strip.” Jaehyun’s voice was deep, in the way it usually is right before he fucks your life up. You slowly took your dress off, sliding it down your legs. Jaehyun’s eyes stayed trained on you, watching as you teasingly took your underwear off, before letting them pool at your feet along with your dress.
Jaehyun stood up, making you feel incredibly smaller than him as he circled you. His eyes watching, almost like a predator stalking their prey as he left no part of you unseen. You realized all too late what was in his eyes as he bent you over the edge of the bed, a gasp leaving your lips. It was hunger.
“You’re such a fucking tease. Making me watch you dance with Yuta,” Jaehyun held both your wrists with one hand while the other roamed your body, goosebumps erupting in his wake, you couldn’t be bothered to realize that he knew your plan the whole time, “so you deserve the same treatment.” His hand slid to your ass, squeezing it hard causing your lips to seperate, arousal coating them even though you’ve barely started. The effects of lust being felt deep in your stomach.
He cupped your cunt, a whine growing in your throat. You tried to grind against his hand but he only pulled it away, causing the whine to actually leave your mouth.
“Jaehyun please.” In response he pressed his growing erection against his thigh. Not letting you feel him where you truly wanted him.
“Why should I be nice to a whore? You’ve been so mean all night, making me watch you dance with a gay guy.” A teasing tone in his voice, his hand roaming over your body again, gliding his fingers through your essence that was starting to drip from your cunt. He pressed his finger against your opening, teasing the tip over your hole causing you to cry out in need.
“Already so wet for me. We haven’t even started,” Jaehyun pushed his finger in barely, before pulling it out. Whines steadily flowed from your mouth as he continued to tease you, giving you exactly what you needed, but not enough of it. Jaehyun decided to listen to your pleas and press his finger into the knuckle, listening to the way that your whines turned into mewls.
Jaehyun leaned down, pressing kisses along your neck and back as his finger steadily thrust into you. One finger wasn’t enough though. You needed more. You were desperate for him.
Having Jaehyun fully dressed above your naked body, doing whatever he wanted to you. Not being able to stop him gave you a different adrenaline rush. Knowing that you could attempt to influence him but he had the overall choice.
Normally that would terrify you, but with Jaehyun it only made everything more exciting. He was in control. The feeling was almost too much, just knowing that you couldn’t do anything. Jaehyun seemed to read your thoughts as he inserted another finger, curling them both while he stretched you.
“So gorgeous. If you weren’t such a slut I’d take my time with you.” You didn’t bother focusing on his words, only worried about the way his fingers massaged into you perfectly.  Jaehyun always knows what you like, and knows the perfect ways to make you putty in his hands. Ruining you for everyone else. Constantly keeping your thoughts focused on him outside of these hookups.
You’d get the sudden urge to text him while watching your favorite shows, imagining how’d it would feel to cuddle up next to him on the stage, or imagine bringing his favorite coffee order before he went to his early morning class. You’d walk through the campus, getting glimpses of him out with his friends. All he’d do is smile at you, a simple greeting shared only between the two of you. You wanted more, but you didn’t know what you actually wanted.
You came back to the present as Jaehyun teased his third finger around your opening, inserting it causing another round of moans to leave your mouth. His fingers never ceased as he laughed at you, scissoring and massaging at your walls, teasing your g spot with every thrust. You didn't know what you should focus on, the dull pain in your shoulders from him restricting your arms for so long or the pleasure from Jaehyun knowing every inch of your body and knowing exactly what makes you tick.
“Such a loud fucking slut. Bet everyone in the party can hear you moaning like a bitch in heat,” A cruel chuckle left his mouth, “and I've only fingered you. Imagine how loud you’re going to be for my dick.”
You nodded quickly, pleas flooding out of your mouth between moans. Jaehyun would never let on just how much he loved your moans. They were always a sign of just how good he made you feel. Only him. He knew he should be teasing you because of your shitty plan but he only wanted to be inside of you, feeling your juices coating his dick, and your tight walls squeezing him.
Jaehyun backed up, quickly dropping his jeans and boxers in a pile beside your dress. He contemplated grabbing a condom but he knew you were a cum slut. Jaehyun rolled you over on your back, switching the position so that he was comfortably between your legs. Pride filled him as he looked down at you, seeing just how fucked out you were already. He cupped your cheek, a sweet movement contradicting the way he’s been acting.
Leaning in he quickly captured your lips, smiling as you eagerly kissed him back. The hand cupping your cheek slid down to your neck, squeezing it gently causing you to moan, one that was swallowed as you kissed. Without warning he slid inside of you, a punched out moan leaving your mouth at the sudden intrusion.
Jaehyun was never one to fuck you slow, so it was no surprise when he lifted your leg and thrust into you brutally. Groans and praises left his mouth, while the grip on your neck tightened. The longer he stayed inside of you, the more he felt his composure slipping. He should’ve been punishing you, but all he wanted was to make you feel good. Especially with the way that your walls kept sucking him further in every time his tip massaged your g spot. Watching your facial expressions as your eyes scrunched up, mouth dropping open as you continued releasing the pretty high pitched moans that he loved so much.
God, he wanted you in every way possible.
“So damn pretty.” His voice seemed to cut through your haze, but he never stopped his thrusts. His raspy voice only aided in bringing you closer to your orgasm. “All mine.” You could only bring yourself to nod at his words, not focusing on them properly. They seemed to flit past quickly, not planting any seeds.  “I want you to be mine. I can’t keep fucking you. I need you in every way.” Jaehyun’s voice got raspier, his voice beginning to break along with thrusts becoming sloppier. Jaehyun was close, and so were you.
Lifting your other leg up he placed his hands on the back of your legs, pushing them back forcing him to fuck you deeper. His hand slid back to your throat, squeezing it once before sliding it down to your clit, rubbing quick circles around it. He leaned down, pressing his lips against yours in a desperate kiss. It had too much teeth and tongue, but it was just right for the moment. Him fucking into you as if it was the last time, whispering dirty words into your ear.
“Cum for me baby girl.” At his words you felt the tension inside of you explode, squirting all over his cock. Your eyes rolled back as your orgasm washed over, squirting all over him and covering his thighs and blanket. Jaehyun pulled out, stroking himself quickly, aiming at your lower stomach as he came, just the way you liked it. Jaehyun laughed as he watched your eyes closed, chest rising and falling quickly.
Jaehyun fought the urge to just lay beside you and go to sleep, knowing that you would complain about being dirty if he did it. Grabbing the baby wipes in his dresser - kept just for nights like these - he wiped himself off, before cleaning you up, being sure to carefully clean in between your legs. Putting on some clean boxers he realized his blanket was soaked, so he quickly threw it in his hamper and grabbed a fresh one out of his closet.
Jaehyun finally slid into bed beside you, pulling the blanket over the two of you and pulling you to lay on his chest. Jaehyun closed his eyes, before feeling you constantly changing your position.
“You good?” Tilting your head up you looked at him, thinking if you should actually confront him about it.
“Did you mean what you said?”
“Hm.” You sat up on the bed, turning to face him despite the sleepiness that was setting in. Playing with your fingers you decided to just rip the bandage off.
“About me being yours?” Jaehyun pulled you back against his chest, linking your hands together.
“Of course I did. I want you.” A smile spread across your lips as you looked up at him.
“I want you too.” Jaehyun let out a laugh before placing a kiss on your forehead.
“Good night.” Cuddling up closer to Jaehyun you closed your eyes, listening to the sound of his breathing mixing with the music in the background.
Happy that you both put aside your pride.
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thefact0rygirl · 4 years
ROUGH BOY, SWEET WORDS | Din Djarin x Reader
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Rating: Explicit 18+
Pairing: Din Djarin x Fem!Reader (no use of Y/N)
Word Count: 3.0k
Warnings: praise kink, affirmation play (is that a thing?), tied up/restrained hands, mention of face sitting, grinding, teasing, penetrative sex (p in v), cowgirl, creampie, alluding to a breeding kink, cockwarming, soft!din
Summary: Din just wants to be held and whispered words of affirmation. He just doesn’t know it. 
{masterlist} {cross-posted on ao3}
Din Djarin has no qualms praising you and showering you with affection, but struggles when you return that same affection. 
And "struggles” is putting it lightly. 
He is a Mandalorian, a warrior. Being treated like porcelain is the exact opposite of what has been ingrained into him. 
Din is also your partner, your riduur. It has taken him so long to become comfortable with the idea that someone as morally grey as him could be likened to a rare stone in another person’s eyes. Over time, he has let down his walls to bathe in your warmth and affection, but there are still moments when he shies away from it. 
Like now. 
Since reuniting Grogu with the Jedi, Din has grown wary of your compassion and sincerity. It feels alienating to him, like it’s wrong for him to accept love when your little clan is torn apart. With your ad’ika gone and your lives in shambles, Din slowly returns to the one stability he knows all too well: roughness. 
Rough bounties, rough words, rough hands.
Reuniting with his old persona as the big, bad bounty hunter, he finds shallow solace in insults and the camouflage his beskar provides. It’s what he knows best. 
Even sex is rough with Din manhandling you in place as he fucks his frustrations out onto you. Not that you don’t enjoy it, oh no. Not at all. Rough Din hits different, but you're worried about him. He is in a state of perpetual tension, shying away whenever you go for something gentler. It’s hard to miss the way he stiffens whenever you try to adore him with genuine flattery. 
It’s then in a rented room on Nevarro that you decide to try something different to make him feel your love. You know he is expecting something kinky when you use your old blindfold to tie his hands to the bedpost. You don’t confirm or deny his assumptions either, opting instead to straddle his head between your thighs, riding his face until he is drenched in your release.
Sliding down his body, you hover over his hips until your pussy is inches away from his throbbing cock. You coo his name like it’s a melody until he looks at you. The room is dim, save for a small lamp in the corner, but to Din, you look like the sun itself, sweat shimmering off your body like the finest silk.
With a coy smile, you ignite his world when you lower your hips until his cock is nestled against your heat. He gasps when he feels your pussy pulsing against his shaft, desire ripping through his veins as his nerves crackle in pleasure. 
Din’s hands twitch against the restraining cloth that keeps him mounted to the bedpost. He could easily break through the flimsy material, you both know that. All it takes is a flick of his wrists for the fabric to tear before he does the same to you. 
But he doesn’t. 
He stays put, watching as you gyrate against him.
The restraints were figurative, anyway, something you wanted to try and he was more than happy to oblige if it meant seeing you in such a salacious position. So luxurious, so spoiled with your head thrown back as you use his body for your pleasure. 
Tugging on your nipples, you pant out, “Stars, I love your cock.”
You start small with your praise, a simple comment he’s heard countless of times before. Something to add that extra spark to your rocking hips, but not enough to scare him. 
You don’t expect him to respond, and your guess is correct. Din groans in response, letting the comment roll off of him without a second thought. Your mouth is open in an ‘o’ and all he can imagine is shoving his cock down your throat. 
“Yeah? My pretty baby wants her pussy stuffed?”
A low gasp escapes you when Din’s thighs twitch under you, the sudden movement causing the head of his cock to catch against your clit.
Biting your lip, you nod, “I love your body. You’re so big, so strong.”
Now that gets a reaction out of him. His brain stutters for a moment as every part of him pauses. His body stiffens under you, but doesn’t reply.
Din tries to reason with himself as each drag of your hips propels him farther in arousal. You don’t know what you’re saying. He doesn’t even know if you really did say…that. Your pussy is throbbing so hard against him he wonders if this is actually a wet dream. Probably best to just avoid it all together.
Yeah, just don’t say anything. 
But then you lower yourself until your hard nipples are pressing into his scarred chest. Nuzzling your face over his heart, words continue to spill from your mouth, “I love your scars. I know you hate them, but I adore them. They mean you fought and survived.”
Without his helmet, Din is an open book. You see it when he averts his eyes to the ceiling, his tan skin flushing to a rosy brown. You could practically hear his mind puttering, the gears working overtime, to rationalize your words as if they were some riddle. 
Because why else would his riduur see anything but adoration and love for him? Right?
Before he can fall further into his unease, your finger tips rub light circles around his nipples as you pucker your lips to assemble a line of kisses. Starting at his sternum you kiss up his neck, over his Adam’s apple, and stopping to lick up your cum that soaks his chin. 
Din wilts from your touch. Your skin is so soft, your kisses so delicate, he whimpers as he feel your hands move to cradle his head. He just wants to feel you, run his rough hands against your silk skin, revel in your softness and forget about the nonsense spewing from your mouth. The bedpost squeaks as he tugs against the cloth.
Feeling your thumb resting at the corner of his mouth, he turns until he places a kiss against the finger pad, as if trying to push away his uneasiness. 
Feeling your breath on the shell of his ear, you confess quietly, “You’re so much stronger than you think and you amaze me, Din.” 
Embarrassment and confusion blend together until they form a strangled protest in his chest, working its way up his throat. He should be the one praising you, not you praising him.
“Why are you doing this?” He asks, pushing his face into your hand in an attempt to hide the blooming red tint on his cheeks. 
“Doing what?” Your hips continue to rock in a steady pace.
“The compliments.” He voice grits out like it’s dragging across sandpaper. 
“Do you want me to stop?” 
He lets out a breath, “I…” He stops, not answering the question.
Din shies away from the praise instinctively, having trouble reconciling his self-esteem with the way the remarks make his cock twitch. He feels warm and tingly, draped under a pleasant haze of affection, but a voice in the back of his head is telling him he doesn’t deserve it.
But he wants to. He wants to so fucking bad. After everything that has happened, he wants to feel okay. He wants to hear words of affirmation from one of the only beings in this forsaken galaxy that matters. 
He wants to hear your voice, even if he isn’t ready to admit it. So, he shuts his eyes, his hips involuntarily twitching as you continue to grind against him. You lean down to press a gentle kiss to his lips. 
“Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum.”
Weaving your hands in his hair, you tug on the curly brown mess at the nape of his neck. You bury your nose against his neck, inhaling his comforting blend of musk, soap, and metal. 
“I love your smell.”
Your tongue drags along the protruding vein on his neck, following it down to the dip between his neck and shoulder. 
“And the way you taste.”
Din calls out your name in an attempt to fight off the warmth of your words, but his throat betrays him, constricting to keep his protests down. 
“And, stars, the sounds you make,” You moan, sucking tiny bruises into his flesh. “Those little whines when you come. I think about those when you’re gone.”
You lift your head so your lips ghost over his. You’re so close and your words are making his stomach churn as blood rushes to his weeping member. 
There’s something in the way you keep grinding against him paired with your sweet words that reminds him of his better self. The one that traveled all across the galaxy, risked his life, all to reunite a little, green boy with his people. He wants to drink your words like a strong wine and enjoy feeling of intoxication.
He lifts his head up to attempt to kiss you, but you sit you up before he can. With your hands letting go of his hair, Din trashes his head to the side at the miss. You don’t miss the way his tenses in anticipation.
“Cyare,” He insists, rosy cheeks turning bright red. 
“My strong and beautiful riduur.”
“Okay, stop.” Din pants, arms pushing forward to break free. 
You don’t miss the sound of breaking threads and you shove his chest with enough force to push him back into the mattress. 
“No,” You growl, eyes narrowing at him.
Eyes widening in disbelief, he chokes out, “Fucking tease.”
“I just can’t enough of you.” You move your arms behind you, hands holding onto his thick thighs as you arch your back and rut faster against him. 
“But you know what’s my favorite?” 
You don’t wait for an answer, you weren’t expecting one. You just keep rocking against him, coating him in your wetness until he’s soaked, your juices dripping down to his balls.
“When you cum inside me. I love it when you drip from me. Stars — feeling your seed filling me, I feel so close to you.”
“Stop,” Hr grunts your name. “Just, f-fuck—S-stop. Before I cum.”
Din hisses for the split second that cool air hits his cock before it’s enveloped again in warmth. Smirking down at him, you hold him tightly in your hand as you lower yourself down, wincing at the familiar stretch as he fills you.
Finally feeling your pulsing cunt consume him, Din lets out a surprise grunt, his hips jumping up, and you have to give him a second to get under control.
“Fuck, cyare,” He whispers, struggling not to melt back into the bed as you grip him like a silk glove, your inner muscles flexing around his intruding length.
Not wasting a second, you start swaying immediately. You’re both too desperate to go slow anymore, you’ve been at this for ages now. Din leans his head back, tilting his chin to take in the breathtaking sight of you, blissed out and lost in the growing pleasure between your legs. Your body rolls with your movements as you bounce on his cock, your breasts jiggling from the force of your hips. Din can’t help but moan at the thought that his tattered body could bring you so much bliss. 
Din is close to his own release, his orgasm carrying him along the edge of climax. And then you start up again with saccharine words. 
“Feel how wet I am, Din?”  
“That’s all you, riduur. Only you can do that.”
Cracking your eyes open, you look down to see Din’s skin colored red in embarrassment. He can only nod, eyes screwing shut as he tries to gain control of himself. He is so close after being teased for so long. He jerks his hips upward, impatient. 
You want to whisper more praise at him. You don’t want to stop until he feels your love, but for now you stop. Din is still hiding, breathing heavily as his hips move in involuntary motions, hard cock throbbing desperately inside of you. 
Leaning down to nip at his ear, you listen to his breath shake, as you bounce on his lap. His cock is easily sliding in and out of you from how wet you are. You’re soaked. 
“Din,” You call, kissing the side of his mouth. “D—Din. Look at me.”
He groans, but follows your request. His pupils are blown out from need and a haze of conflict clouds his brown irises. For all the teasing and mixed emotions your words bring him, he craves them. 
He craves you. 
Your loving eyes, your soft whispers, the purple patches you paint on his neck — they’re the things that show him he is in your thoughts. He watches your eyes as you look at him like he has the stars in his hands. You are just as consumed in him as he is of you. If he captivates you, then he will happily be your captive.
In that moment, all he wants is to touch you. Add a physical stability to your words. He wants to roll between the vowels, let the words sear into his skin like another one of his scars.
“What is it, Din?”
He shudders, pushing his chest up against yours, desperate for the skin to skin contact. “I—I want…Keep talking, but just let me — L-Let me touch you.”
Nodding, you move to the bedpost, but Din is faster. He pushes forward, tearing your old blindfold to shreds while pushing his upper half up until he is sitting up. His hands hold your back to steady you from the sudden movement and to keep you still impaled on his cock. 
With you cradled in his arms, his lips crash down to yours. It’s messy, but steeped in a passion that ignites the purest and most vulnerable versions of yourselves. It’s between your moving tongues that there is a promise of realness that Din embraces, allowing your affirmations to crack his defenses. 
Pulling away, he sees love in your eyes, and when you speak, he welcomes the burning on his cheeks, rolling around in honeyed words. 
“I love you. You’re so strong, so beautiful.”
You sit up straighter, bouncing in Din’s lap. You dig your heels into the bedspread to gain momentum, but you had been at this for an hour, riding his thigh, tying him up, and your movements get jerky and unsteady as the sensation grows more pleasurable. 
“I love you, too,” Din gasps, dropping his head until he is hunched into you. You’re wrapped around him, his protective cocoon, as his breath tattoos Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum into your skin. 
“D—Din! Oh, stars,” You babble into his hair. “So close…”
He growls at the announcement, pulling away from you as he propels himself forward to push you into the bed. You’re now under him, your legs instinctively locked around his waist. 
You’re right where he wants you. You’ve had your fun, now it’s his turn. Holding himself up, he slams back inside your tight pussy.
You cry out, your body seizing and shaking and you struggle to keep your eyes open so you can watch Din’s reaction.
His lips are bruised and red, hanging open on sounds of pleasures and ragged inhales. His eyelashes fan out over his flushed cheeks and his hair is slick and mussed on the top of his head.
“F—Fuck, how did I deserve this?” Din cracks, watching you trapped under him. He’s driving his hips against yours, your body thrusting up from the force of his snapping hips. He may be the one on top, but you are in control. With your little whines and adoring eyes, you’re squeezing his heart and setting his lungs is on fire. 
Chanting his name like a prayer, he buries his face in your neck, inhaling your sweet scent as he loses control. There is no rhythm and rhyme to it, he just fucks you deeper and harder. It’s too easy for him to lose himself to you, in you. 
“Fuck,” he moans, eyes screwing shut as he feels his length enter you, going deeper with each thrust. 
“You’re lovely. Love you so much,” You tell him and Din sobs, clutching at you tighter to him.
“Riduur, my riduur.”
Your heart skips. Not from his words, but the way his voice shakes with the first vowel before entirely shattering my the end. It’s the little whines that escape him as he fucks you harder into the mattress, his need for you spilling into something so powerful he can’t help but moan. 
As Din’s movements become more frantic, you lodge a hand between your bodies and find your clit, rubbing sloppy circles until you moan. The growing arousal ignites your core, ripping through your body as your walls clench around him. Your muscles shake as the wetness between your legs pools, splashing against Din’s groin as you ride out your peak. 
“G-good girl, milk my cock,” Din whispers, chasing his own release. 
His own orgasm takes him by surprise. He can feeling it building, but he doesn’t expect it when his balls draw up and his cock throbs, hot liquid spilling inside of you.
It’s intense — more intense than it has any right to be.
Moaning, he paints your walls white. He continues thrusting through his orgasm, a meager attempt to push his seed deeper inside of you. Maybe even deep enough to reach your womb…
You move against each other, involuntary, shallow shivers as your orgasms drag out, pulling pleasure from ever nerve inside of you. 
“You’re beautiful.” You say, swallowing precarious gulps of air. 
You drop your legs from his waist, releasing at least part of him from your hold. But he doesn’t move, staying lodged between you as he softens. 
Din lets out a dry chuckle, “You’re going to have to wait for round two.”
“I mean it, Din,” You say so much conviction, he is unsure of what to say.
He leans towards you, pressing his lips against yours in soft kiss. You smile gently at the connection and lay back, pulling Din to follow you as he remains inside of you. He lays his head against your chest, letting your erratic heartbeat lull him in a peaceful state.
He whispers, “I know.”
mando’a translations
Riduur - spouse, partner, husband, wife
Ad’ika - little one, son or daughter at any age
Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum - I love you (literally, “I know you forever.”)
Cyare - beloved
taglist: @thundersheild @itsjammin @justanotherblonde23 @ladyjenny19​ @tibbietibbs @zombiexbody @stardust-galaxies​ @tenderclio​ @maulpunk​ @kat-r-in @tibbietibbs
join the taglist
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maliby · 4 years
Diagnosis: Love (31) (M)
Pair: doctor! Johnny x nurse! F. Reader
Word count: 1.9k
Warnings: explicit language, explicit sex scene, choking, dirty talk
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“One more please!” You begged the bartender, your finger pointing to the empty shot glass right in front of you.
Tonight you had come to a bar you didn’t usually go to. You didn’t like the vibes of it or the type of music they played but the one you usually went to was where you and Jaehyun first kissed and you refused to be plagued by the memories.
You were in self-destruction mode. You didn’t want to think, you didn’t want to rationalize, you just wanted to forget it all.
You moved to grab your shot as soon as the bartender with the eyebrow piercing finished pouring the Tequilla into the glass, but disappointment fell on you when somebody took it and drank it before you could.
“You sure are hard to find,” Johnny said as his face contorted due to the burning of the alcohol.
You sighed.
It’s not that you weren’t happy to see him, you just felt like being by yourself. “You drank my shot.”
“Sorry, no more for you.”
“Excuse me, but you are not my father.” You ignored Johnny’s order and snapped your fingers at the bartender so he could refill you but Johnny immediately shot him a look and he turned away.
“Come on, I’m taking you home.”
“I don’t want to go home, thank you very much.” You grabbed your purse to get away from him but his hand on your arm stopped you.
“Johnny let go.”
“Listen, you don’t want to go home, I get it. How about we just go to my place?”
You stopped and looked at him. You knew he wasn’t asking with second intentions but, in your self-destructive mode and with the amount of alcohol inside of you you couldn’t help but think about it.
Jaehyun wanted to dump you out of nowhere? Well, fuck him. You were going to go with Johnny and you were gonna let your body do all the things your mind has thought about. You didn’t care.
Johnny smiled in relief, letting his hand drop from your arm to your own hand and leading you to his car. He opened the door for you and aided you inside before he closed it off and walked to the driver’s side, opening his own door and getting inside with you.
“You know you shouldn’t be driving doctor, you have Tequilla in your blood,” you teased as he put his seatbelt on.
“It takes way more than one shot to get me heated baby.” Johnny placed his hands on the wheel and started the car, the muscles on his arms popping through his shirt and getting your attention.
Even in your drunk state, you knew he was jokingly throwing in that pet name, but you couldn’t help but get all riled up.
“Tell me then, baby, what does it take to get you heated?” You used your most seductive voice and couldn’t help but feel the rush of excitement as you noticed Johnny’s jaw clench.
“There’s a water bottle in the glove compartment, you should drink it.”
You laughed at his sudden change of topic. You were affecting him, and that was all you wanted.
You opened up the glove compartment and took out said bottle. As you were drinking some of the water an evil idea came to you. You looked sideways to Johnny and observed as he tried his best to stay focused on the road, even though his mind was somewhere else. You turned to him and got closer, so close you could see the goosebumps caused by your breath on his skin. You brought the water bottle near his crotch and let some of it spill, an evil smile spreading on your face.
“Fuck Y/N-”
“I’m so sorry Johnny, I didn’t mean to.” You took off your jacket and proceeded to rub him dry, his delicious thighs contracting in the process.
“Y/N what are you doing?” He tried to swat you away, but the way he was getting harder under your touch only made you keep going.
“What does it look like Johnny? You’re all wet, I’m taking care of you.” You got closer to his ear and whispered: “Wouldn’t you take care of me if I was all wet... baby?”
Johnny swallowed, his dick twitching in the process.
“Alright, we’re here.” Johnny suddenly announced before he parked the car and removed your hand from his crotch, making you pout.
He didn’t answer you. He just unbuckled his seat belt and left the car, soon showing up at your side to open your door however, you opened it before he could and joined him outside. He locked the car and led you to his apartment, no words being exchanged between the two of you.
“You have a nice place,” you commented as you got inside his home.
“Doctor’s salary,” he simply said as he put his keys on a glass bowl he kept by the door.
“Alright, listen, make yourself at home, I just need to get out of these clothes.”
“Yes sir,” you winked at him as you watched him go to a hall that you assumed led to his room.
Instead of waiting for him, you decided to silently follow him. When you reached the open door of his room you saw him remove his shirt and his soaked pants, the outline of his ass cheeks on his black underwear causing you to bite your lip.
For a while, your eyes got lost on the definition of his body, imagining all the things you would do to him but, when you looked up you noticed he was looking straight at you from a mirror he had in his room - just like he did at your place.
His eyes were locked on yours, and you took that opportunity to tease him further and undress. You took off your shirt and slowly unbuttoned your jeans, sliding them down your legs. When you reached for your back to remove your bra Johnny suddenly turned around and made his way to you, his hand keeping you from completing the action.
“Stop. We can’t do this.”
“You know why.”
“Don’t you like me?”
“I think it’s pretty evident that I do,” he said while giving a nod in the direction of his erection. “But that doesn’t matter-”
“I like you too.” You grabbed the hand that was still holding your arm and lead it towards your crotch. “Look at how wet you make me Johnny.”
In a matter of seconds, Johnny’s lips were kissing yours, his whole body trapping you against the wall. The kiss was wild and passionate, like a ticking time bomb that had finally exploded.
His hands soon were on your ass, pulling you up so you could circle your legs around his hips. Your crotch rubbed onto his, causing both of you to moan against each other. One of Johnny’s hands made its way to your back and unhooked your bra, making way for his lips to leave yours and find comfort on your breasts. “Fuck Johnny.”
This time felt different than the first time you two fucked. The first time it was something more casual, you found each other hot and immediately went for it, but now? Now, feelings were involved. You had denied yourselves from each other for so long that all those feelings came spilling out.
Johnny turned around and dropped you on top of his king-size bed, his eyes hungrily devouring your semi-naked form.
“You know how fucking crazy you drive me?”
He got on top of you and slid his hand inside your panties once again, them being even wetter than before. His fingers toyed you with expertize and you couldn’t help but moan.
“That night at your house? Do you know how hard I had to hold myself back not to fuck you in that bathroom?”
“Fuck,” you moaned.
“I was so hard I had to jack one off on your couch. How pathetic is that?” His fingers entered you and you couldn’t help but pinch your nipples at the sensation.
“I was left imagining you all wet and beautiful in that shower and how good I’d fuck you in it.”
It didn’t take long for you to cum. In no time you were screaming his name as your walls pulsed around his fingers and your arousal gushed out.
As you were panting Johnny removed his fingers from inside of you and discarded his underwear, his length hitting him on his belly. He reached for the top drawer right next to the bed and removed a condom, immediately putting it on and getting back on top of you, leaving a trail of sweet kisses on your body.
“You know, that night in my house, you weren’t the only one who had to fight back.”
Johnny ceased all movement and looked straight at you, your confession sparking his interest.
“Mmm-mmm.” You hummed in response as you ran your fingers through the skin on his back. “You got me so fucking horny that I had to masturbate in the shower.”
“Is that so?” Johnny started rubbing his cock up and down your pussy, making you moan in return.
“Yeah, I kept imagining you’d barge through that door and fuck the shit out of me.”
Johnny’s eyes darkened even more, your arousal dripping even more out of you.
“Poor baby. You were so hungry for my cock weren’t you?”
“Wanted me to fill up that little cunt of yours didn’t you?”
“I’m sorry baby. I’m here now.” Johnny connected his lips to yours and entered you making the both of you grunt and moan.
“Fuck I almost forgot how good you felt.”
He slowly moved in and out of you, his warm breath tickling your skin. His impressive size was causing you to hiss but you didn’t care - you wanted more.
Johnny immediately abided and picked up his speed, intensifying the feeling of pleasure.
“Fuck Johnny, right there.”
“You’re so fucking beautiful, fuck you’re making me fucking crazy,” he confessed against your skin while his hips drilled into you.
Your hands were pulling on his brown locks as his hands circled around your neck, him clearly remembering how you liked it.
You tried to say his name but the way he was currently pounding into you and constricting your airflow stopped you.
“Are you gonna cum on my cock baby? Is you little pussy gonna milk me dry?”
He let go of your neck for a second to let you breathe properly and answer him.
“Yes. Fuck I’m gonna cum so hard on you baby.”
“Do it.”
Johnny squeezed your neck tight once again as he kicked up the speed in which he was fucking you to another level and soon enough you were coming undone, your orgasm triggering his.
“Fuck Y/N,” he cursed as he spilled inside the condom, your walls clenching tight around him.
Johnny fell right next to you, his eyes looking at you with adoration.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said.
You didn’t say anything. You just nuzzled up into his chest and let yourself relax in the warmth of his embrace, your fingers trailing abstract patterns on his skin.
You both knew you would have to have a talk tomorrow, but for now, nothing would ruin the moment. For now, you would just blissfully be in each other’s embrace and sleep.
Y/N is the new nurse at NCT Hospital - the best hospital in the country. She was expecting it to be a big step in her career, but 'Bad Boy' Doctor Johnny Suh and 'Valentine' Pediatrician Jeong Jaehyun take her by surprise.
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forcefully-awoken · 3 years
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Summary: What she feels, so does he. It has its drawbacks, but mostly benefits.
Pairing: Loki x Sylvie
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: slightly dubious consent, unprotected sex, cunnilingus, angst, pining, idiots in love ™
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It has to be wrong, the way he looks at her.
Morals stopped mattering to him a long time ago, after all what boundaries can be crossed that you can’t come back from in a few decades, one mistake is nothing in the scope of a life that never seems to end. Hell, he and Thor do the seemingly same song and dance every fifty years like clockwork but at the end of the day the only person allowed to kill Thor is him. Their brotherhood goes beyond petty grievances like pretending to be dead, or trying to take over Midgard.
But, he muses, if that’s how he is with Thor, what the hell is he meant to do with her?
Sylvie is… lovely, in her own way, he thinks. Sometimes it feels like looking into a mirror for the first time, being able to truly see what’s being reflected back at him. In her he sees his vulnerability, the desperation to belong, the harsh way she spits her words as if they can shield her from the world. He sees the softness, too, how fiercely she believes in what she’s doing, how her eyes widen seeing new parts of the universe for the first time, the wonder and joy at being a part of it. An extension of himself, a mirror that can touch back.
And therein lies Loki’s problem.
What is she, if not his? Certainly there’s something wrong, something not quite right about the way he looks at her- like he wants to eat her, wants to know if the same points on her body make her moan the way he does? Will she shudder when there’s a hand trailing up her back as he does? He wants nothing more to find some tiny corner of time and space and spend a week cataloging the differences in their bodies. No warning klaxons go off when he looks into her eyes, even when she’s yelling at him, because deep down they both know- it’s inevitable.
Sylvie feels it too, even if she won’t admit it, even if she stops looking in his eyes, turning her back to him when she finally takes a moment to rest. She’s more resistant to him than he is to her, a byproduct of their respective upbringings, he’s sure. She resists, and resists, and starts petty arguments that go nowhere and don’t mean anything in the end, because while Loki jerks himself off with quiet desperation every night, Sylvie only has this to release the tension.
“For being me, how could you be so stupid?!” Her voice is harsh, vitriol trying it’s hardest to seep into every word of it, but all he does is smile at her and think about the way those pretty pink lips would taste against his own. “Are you even listening to me?” Her hair is sparking, the magic too much to be contained, and he wonders if his ever did that without him noticing. There’s a quip on the edge of his tongue, something he knows will start another fight but instead he turns over on his side- for once putting his back to her.
Loki can hear her huff of frustration, something that oddly sends a shiver of pleasure down his spine, makes heat pool low in his gut. He hasn’t felt this way in years, the rush that comes with lusting after someone. He’s made his way through the realms just like a Prince of Asgard should, but after a certain point the names and faces blend together- and yet there is Sylvie, bright and shining like a supernova, a head above the rest with no comparison.
It’s quiet between them, for a little while, at least. Neither of them have been able to get in a decent amount of sleep in what feels like weeks, but time works differently here at the end of it all. He knows the others are somewhere close- Mobius never lets them out of direct sight it feels like, but if he closes his eyes it feels like it’s just the two of them by their little campfire. Everything seems to fade away, until all he can focus on is his incredibly hard cock between his legs.
“D’you know how twins sometimes have a connection?” Sylvie’s voice cuts through the night, a little bit too loud, drawing a little bit too much attention and she must realize because her voice soften when she continues on, “How they can feel each other’s pain? Well, I can feel that.” She spits the last word, before getting up to stalk off to who knows where.
It’s wrong then, how he sneaks his hand down the front of his pants, gripping his cock tightly, thrusting his hips ever so slightly into his fist. Now that he’s looking for it, he can feel the way his pleasure doubles, how it intensifies if he thinks about it too hard. How his hand doesn’t feel so large, how it feels so much softer than normal. How his breath sounds a little whinier, how the head of his cock feels so much more sensitive. He knows she’s feeling his pleasure as acutely as he is, knows it’s probably driving her crazy, but he can’t stop, he only wants more- more of this sensation, more of her, more of everything. It’s almost too much but he doesn’t stop, chasing his high with a practiced ease, biting his lip so his moans don’t escape him.
A thought occurs as he pulls his hand from his pants, trying hard not to get his release on his clothes. Usually he waves it away, off into nothingness without a second thought but now- if she can feel what he does then how far does that extend?
With a furtive glance around to make sure that truly nobody is watching, Loki’s tongue darts out, taking some of his cum into his mouth.
The taste of him explodes across her tongue.
It’s saltier than she remembers cum tasting, but fuck if it doesn’t just rile her up more. Fucking rat bastard- she knew she shouldn’t have confessed that she could feel the dirty things he did at night when he thought he was alone. What is wrong with him, demanding so much of her mental energy with such… mundane things when everything she’d ever worked for was at stake?
She has half a mind to go back over there and kick him, right at the base of his spine, right where she knows it’ll hurt the most (because that’s where it hurt the most for her) but then he flicks his tongue out again, and it’s all she can do to not shove her own hand down her own pants. She’s beyond such pedestrian things, hasn’t had to service herself like that in a while, not since she set herself off on this path.
Sylvie knows that he thinks that this is half her problem, why she’s so prickly, why she’s so downright mean sometimes. But there’s no time in her life for that, there’s only the drive forward, veering off track and into Loki has thrown things completely out of whack, and she doesn’t need to take anything else on. She doesn’t need to complicate things even more.
At least, that’s what she tells herself on nights like tonight, when there’s an electric current running through her veins, a hook behind her collarbone that pulls her in one specific direction. It won’t be worth it- he’ll look at her differently, he’ll expect too much, she won’t like him anymore after that. Her self loathing is too large and encompassing to let her mind rest even for a moment, and she thinks if she looks hard enough into his eyes that she’ll see that same loathing.
They’re the same person, the very thing that pulls them together drives her away, and that’s all there is to it, for her.
But, fuck, if she doesn’t want to give into it. He’s going at it again, somehow, and it’s so hard for her to resist the urge to just relax back into the sensation and let him carry her to completion without even trying. She can feel the way he’s taking his time now, stroking over his nipples, making hers pebble up in response. She bites her lip so hard it bleeds when he trails a delicate finger down his own throat. He’s not playing fair at all, she thinks, but that’s all she thinks before she finally caves.
She’ll show him who the true God of Mischief is.
One hand slides under her tunic, twisting at her nipple so hard it’s almost painful, and she thinks she can hear his tiny yelp of surprise off in the distance. It’s been so long that she almost has to learn her body all over again, but Loki has shown her so much of what he likes there’s a certain path that’s easier to follow. She pays close attention to one nipple, then the other, until she’s panting and she knows they’ll be sore in the morning- every brush of her clothes against them is going to send a thrill of pleasure through them both.
Carefully, quietly, she pulls her pants down just enough to be able to get a hand in between her thighs with no issues. She’s soaked through her underwear, she realizes when she presses her hand against her core. She slips a finger under them, trailing through her folds and collecting enough of her juices to lift her finger to her own lips, tracing them before sucking her finger clean. Her taste is better, she decides, much sweeter than Loki.
Once her finger is wet enough she slips her underwear down as well, rolling her fingers over her clit with an almost leisurely pace. She’s halfway there already, no need to rush anything at this point. This orgasm should be good enough to carry her on for another few decades if she plays her cards right. Pleasure shoots through her at the first brush of her fingers, an undercurrent she hasn’t indulged in years awakening like it was only yesterday. One circle becomes two, becomes three, becomes an easy rhythm that drives her slowly mad.
Her other hand has the more important job, opening her folds, one finger dipping into her cunt, testing the waters as it were. She’s tight, but so wet and needy that her finger slips in easily, teasingly until she needs to add another. Why doesn’t she do this more often? Her two fingers stroke in and out of her lazily, crooking upwards in search of a spot she knows will have her seeing stars, and Loki spilling all over his pants in shock. The thought of that- making him cum from nothing like a teenage boy drives her forward now.
It’s easy now, her fingers slip out as the others circle her clit. Slow and steady wins the race, as the saying goes, and it’s certainly holding true. Every little movement she makes pushes her closer and closer to the edge, and she’s so focused on her own pleasure she ignores the world around her. She ignores the strange connection she feels to Loki, the way it seems to be vibrating, pulsing with life. She ignores everything but the heat that builds in her, under her skin, the addicting way she needs to feel hersel cum.
She’s so close now, so close to giving in, biting back a sob as her hips rock forward, fucking herself down onto her fingers one last time as she finally, blissfully snaps. It’s overwhelming, nearly, her head just above water. Just enough to come down, just enough to feel it-
She feels, as easily as her own orgasm, the moment Loki’s self control finally snaps.
It’s so easy, almost absurdly so, to track her down. She hasn’t gone far, hidden in a bus (which gives him a second of pause- what the hell?), and for fuck’s sake her pants aren’t even back up.
“What the fuck,” It’s a statement, not a question as Sylvie scrambles to correct her clothing. She could do it with magic- hell, he could use his own to make it all disappear but that wouldn’t satisfy the pounding of his heart, the need to tear at her, to claim her.
“Minx,” Loki growls out, hands coming up to stop her own. He doesn’t feel so much larger than her when they’re standing face to face but now that he’s on top of her, it’s completely different. His hands cover hers entirely, muscles flexing as he grips the front of her shirt and just pulls. She know he doesn’t do it entirely on his own but the result is the same, the material gives way and her chest is bare before him. He doesn’t bother to kiss her, dipping his head down to wrap his lips around one nipple, pulling it between his teeth.
Sylvie hisses in response, hands coming up to tangle in his hair, and she means to push him away, she really does, but all that happens is she pulls him closer, a moan spilling from her lips, loud and wanton. His teeth come into play as he growls, switching to pay attention to the other pert bud, one hand holding him above her, the other gripping the waistband of her pants to shove them down even more, pulling back just enough to look up at her and demand, “Take them off.”
She’s got half a mind to deny him, but it feels so good that she obeys without question. Her pants don’t even come all the way off, just one leg comes free but Loki takes the moment to fit himself between them anyways. He moves lower, one leg thrown over his shoulder to hold her open for him. It would feel embarrassing if it was anybody else staring at her so intensely. Now, though?
“Get on with it, or get out!” That’s all it takes from her for him to cover her cunt with his mouth, tongue swirling over her sensitive bud, going further down to tease at her opening, like he’s trying to drink her down. She lets her eyes close, head drooping back as he takes the lead. His clever tongue returns to her clit, two of his fingers pressing into her, scissoring her open, preparing her. His fingers find that sweet spot inside of her so much easier, and she feels it when he finds it, her groan matching his. He works at her for what feels like forever, keeping her on the edge until she can decide if she wants to cry in frustration or take matters into her own hands.
Loki finally gives into what he wants, making his way up her, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, the other pushing his pants and underwear down just enough to free his cock. It’s long, thick enough she knows it’ll feel good, with a flushed red tip and pre-cum dripping from it. He doesn’t bother to ask, just lines himself up with her and starts the slow push in.
Both of them exhale a breath neither realized they had been holding when his hips were flush with hers. If the way she feels, and the way tremors run through his body are any indication, this encounter won’t last long. And so, Loki doesn’t hesitate, pulling back until just the tip of him is still inside of her and slamming back in, so hard she’ll feel it for days, and he’ll feel it for longer. It’s a brutal pace, him trying to carve out a piece of her for himself, to write his name in as many ways and shapes and forms on her until she finally gives into what he knows.
He fucks her like it’s a fight, and sucks a bruise on her neck where everyone will see just for the hell of it.
She, in turn, clenches around him just to watch his hips stutter and drags her nails down his back just to watch his pupils dilate.
It’s give and take, push and pull, two halves that are one.
There’s only their moans, the quiet slap of flesh upon flesh in the small space. The others might know what they’re doing, but Loki can’t find it in himself to care, not when Sylvie is making that face, not when her body feels so good. He has to keep fucking her, has to feel her cum on his cock because he’ll go crazy if he doesn’t.
“Please,” One of them gasps out, but neither can tell who. One of Sylvie’s hands snakes between their bodies, rubbing quick, harsh circles around her clit and that’s it for her- she’s cumming again, almost weeping from how good it feels, how complete she is, shuddering and shaking in his arms.
Loki doesn’t last much longer, after her, and the feeling does overwhelm him. He can’t tell where his pleasure ends and hers begin, but maybe it’s the same thing, in the end. He cums deep in her, unable to move back for even a moment. It’s too much, like a punch to the gut, and when it’s finally over he’s panting, breathing heavily like he’s been through battle. He feels like he’s been claimed, all while he thought he was doing the conquering.
Their eyes finally meet, but whatever Sylvie sees in his, she doesn’t like, flinching back away from him like she’s been struck. Something cold claws its way into his chest, making a home there despite how badly he tries to ignore it. He pulls his softening cock out of her with a soft hiss, oversensitive as hell from being with her.
They right their clothes in silence, neither of them looking at the other, though he can feel the way tension rolls off her shoulder in waves.
He doesn’t bother to look back as he leaves.
There’s only their way forward, into glorious purpose.
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cognacdelights · 4 years
teenage fever
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summary: with the aid of one too many alcoholic drinks, two life-long best friends confess their feelings for one another without using any words at all as the after party dwindles down around them. 
warnings: graphic sexual content. unprotected sex.
The air was thick with a nebula of nicotine and the sweet, yet musty, essence of marijuana as the laidback tempo of the R&B playlist echoed throughout the old, decrepit fishing shack. A legion of half-consumed beer bottles cluttered the kitchen countertops - standing tall beside the few crumpled, empty beer cans. Cigarette butts filled the several ash trays littered around the confined space, creating an unsightly mountain of burnt-out roll-ups that spilled over onto the stained, wooden surfaces. The small, anchor-themed clock which hung proudly on the wall beside the doorway read 4:13 - the incessant ticking drowned out by the calming bass of the R&B music. What had once been a raging, wild house party that had seen almost every troublesome teenager of The Cut had dwindled down into a relaxed, mellow affair, with only a few roisterous individuals remaining. 
Her crimson, platform heels lay discarded on the slate tiles just an arms-length away as her trim, scantily clad body entangled itself with his - her arms loosely coiled around the back of his neck. His jean-clad knee pressed between her sun-soaked thighs, her voluptuous hips moving in cadence with the slowed, sultry tempo of the music as they grinded sensually against his. Her movements were alluringly languid as he placed his bear-like palm against the small of her back, his touch searing her skin through the thin material of her sable, figure-hugging dress. Compelled further into his warm, enticing embrace by the electrifying pulses of energy surging through her petite, intoxicated silhouette, she eliminated the remaining gap between their two synchronised bodies. 
As she peered upwards through her dark, mascara-coated lashes, her hazy, inebriated eyes met with his. The taste of his spirit-laced breath consumed her as their faces hovered just a mere millimetres apart - both hesitant to invade no man’s land; both tentative in escalating their life-long friendship. It was the Don Julio which ultimately coerced the two longing, tipsy teens to take the plunge into the unknown; their soft lips molded together in a leisurely, timid manoeuvre, the ever-lasting agave flavour of the citrus liquor spurring them on in their ardent embrace. Her naturally long lashes grazed against the blush-tinted skin of his cheeks as her eyes fluttered closed - allowing herself to revel in the fervent passion radiating between them. 
Her scarlet-painted fingertips fiddled with the dishevelled ends of his tousled, sandy locks, his own paw-like palms settling on the entrancing, bodacious curves of her hips. Gently, he applied pressure - pushing her heated, panty-covered core against him as she continued to sensually sway to the music. The friction he had created between them was intensely euphoric, but not quite enough to satisfy the zealous yearning which had erupted in the depths of his stomach. Every inch of his being longed for more - more of every intoxicating sensation he could elicit; his hands hankered for the warmth of her exposed skin against his and his lips thirsted for the exhilarating concoction of flavours that she held.
Eventually, he tore his chapped, rose-tinted lips from hers, peppering several tender, affectionate kisses along her pronounced jawline as his lascivious tongue dared to explore more. His lustful lips found shelter in the crook of her neck - placing delicate, loving kisses in the crevices. Relishing in the sweet, floral aroma of her perfume, he began to gently suck on the golden tones of her complexion. She cocked her head to the side ever so slightly, allowing him full, unrestricted access as his pointed teeth grazed lightly over the wet patch of skin. He placed a handful of fragile, rapture-filled kisses over the sensitive area, satisfied by the possessive imprint he had left, before retreating back to the comfort of her lipstick-coated lips; it was almost as if his lips were in a state of withdrawal.
His thin, sinful lips landed upon hers once again, but this time it was different. His tongue valiantly forced its way into her unsuspecting mouth in an act of absolute dominance, yet the motion was devoid of all aggression - more abundant in a deep-rooted craving for intimacy. She contentedly welcomed his exploring tongue with her own, tauntingly caressing it as their lips continued to interlock together in a melodious synchronisation. The heat of his clammy, calloused palm sent an invigorating rush of adrenaline through her dainty, drunken frame as it came to rest against her upper thigh. With his audacious fingers breaching the thin, cotton boundaries of her bodycon dress, he squeezed the delicate skin.
A symphony of hoots and whistles erupted from the distance of the open, arched doorway - as their beloved, closest friends observed their erotic display of affection. The girlish, innocent giggles of Sarah Cameron and Kiara Carrera sounded above the slow, sensuous pounding of the bassline, as their four friends proceeded to throw what she could only assume were condoms at the entranced pair. As the cold, foil wrappers hit against her arched back, she nonchalantly retrieved an arm from behind his neck, gesturing her disapproval of their actions with a stern, rigid flash of her middle finger; they were far too embroiled in one another’s wistful, lovelorn tenderness to acknowledge their friends’ teasing behaviour.
Half in attempt to shield her petite, hour-glass silhouette from the barrage of condoms and half out of pure, carnal desire to escalate their amorous, salacious encounter, the shaggy-haired blonde maneuvered their entangled bodies around - his evident erection pressing comfortably against the sensitive, sun-drenched skin of her thigh. As her scorching, bare skin fell against the cool wood of the kitchen cabinets, a soft gasp surpassed her swollen, plump lips. Delicately, his dauntless hands hooked themselves beneath the shapely curves of her ass, pushing her hypnotic hips upwards onto the beer-stained countertop - prompting the hasty departure of their on-looking friends.
His wandering fingertips slinked towards the boundaries of her soaking heat, encroaching on the black, patterned lace of her thong. Parting their magnetised lips to suck in an unsteady breath of air, she felt his experienced thumb slip beneath the damp material and trace pleasureful figures of eight against her clit. Heat radiated from her sodden core as she instinctively threw her head back at the electrifying sensation. His lips once again found the sensitive skin of her neck, sprinkling adoration-filled kisses along the glistening highlight of her collarbone.
With a breathy moan escaping her velvet lips, she pushed her eager hips forward. A haughty, satisfied smirk etched itself into the foundations of his chiselled features at her pleading movements, attentively sliding his two poised fingers across the length of her folds - lathering them on her sweet nectar before slowly thrusting them into her core. Her desperate, ruby-painted fingertips reached for the buckle of his belt, fumbling slightly as they eased the worn leather free of the metal clasp. Effortlessly popping the button of his light-wash, denim jeans, she tugged down the sticking zipper.
Her gentle, delicate hands were warm against the sensitive skin of his hardened length as they found their way beneath the waistband of his boxers. An aroused, throaty groan bypassed his tequila-stained lips as his stubby, ring-clad fingers caressed the acute nerves of her core - the exhilarating friction of her soft, sultry palm working along his shaft smothering him. Short, staggered breaths and elated whines consumed the small, homely kitchen as they continued to tender to the other’s desirous yearns. Endearment clouded his ravenous, cerulean eyes as they bore directly and intently into hers - a content, adoring smile tugging at the corners of his thin, alcohol-soaked lips as he indulged in the affinity of their exchange.
Retreating from the shelter of her drenched heat, he brought his juice-soaked fingers to his lips - his mischievous tongue lapping up every stray droplet of her honey-like essence. A subconscious whimper vibrated from the depths of her throat, her hypersensitive nerves neglected by the sudden loss of contact, craving his expert touch once more. His covetous thumbs arched beneath the meagre string of her lace-detailed thong, guiding the damp material down her smooth, tanned thighs. As the damp, patterned fabric reached her dainty ankles, the bewitched blonde crumpled her panties in his calloused palm - carelessly stuffing them into the back pocket of his skinny-fit jeans.
Pushing the tight waistband of his boxers down, he released his stiff, poised dick and positioned himself at her sodden entrance. Slowly, sensually, he pushed himself into her heat. Her lipstick-coated lips entrapped his once again as they echoed an unholy harmony of moans and groans between them, his pleasureful movements remaining languid and gentle. Devilishly, the salacious girl captured his swollen, chapped bottom lip between her teeth, tugging gently at the sensitive skin, cautious not to draw blood. A primal grumble crawled out from the deep, dark depths of his throat as he reconnected their tequila-laced lips for what seemed to be the hundredth time that night.
As the seductive, soulful music faded from one song to the next, he skilfully adjusted the pace of his lascivious movements to the laid-back tempo of the familiar chorus. Her ardent hips followed suit - rocking in a heavenly, sultry cadence with his. The off-white cotton of his t-shirt wrinkled under her tight, careless grip, her pointed, vermillion-painted nails digging themselves into his clothed shoulders. Arching her back and smoothly thrusting her voluptuous hips forward in harmony with his, his pulsing length filled her aching core to capacity - eliciting an ungodly, sensuous whine from her luscious, spirit-laced lips.
His slow, seductive movements had taken her by surprise. The naturally radiant, sun-kissed girl had always expected the muscular, sandy-haired boy to be a rampant, raunchy lover; from the kink-fuelled, salacious scandals with worse-for-wear tourists that he often reminisced on, to the smutty, unchaste fantasies - in which he took the starring role - that frequently plagued her wicked brain, she had come to the affirmation that her troublesome, unruly life-long best friend was an untameable animal in the bedroom. However, the sumptuous, indulgent moment she had found herself living in was quite the contrast to her initial opinions of the stiff-jawed blonde. This was an intimate, passionate, emotional affair - and he meant every second of it; he meant every sensual touch, every lascivious kiss, every amorous thrust.
Their leisurely, romantic pace that heeded to the rhythm of the mellow R&B playlist meant that their attentive, enamoured embrace had continued for a prolonged period of time - much to the dismay of their friends. As the steamy, classic naughties ballad dissipated into the early hours of the mid-summer morn, a slightly more up-tempo, modern beat resounded through the old fish shack. Once again, he adjusted his affectionate thrusts, speeding up ever so slightly. Easing into his new found pace, the athletically-built boy with the tousled, shaggy, blonde hair felt his climax nearing. His calloused fingertips gripped on to the curvatures of her concave waistline out of instinct - forcing back the tidal wave of ecstasy he was so desperate to let overwhelm him, refusing to concede before her.
It was merely several, indulgent thrusts later that the sensitive walls of her sodden core clenched around his painfully hard length, the tell-tale, familiar knot of her high tightening in the pit of her stomach. As she forcefully rolled her bodacious hips against his, she began to unravel around his bulging span. Her manicured, ballerina-shaped fingertips gripped firmly onto the varnished pine of the countertop, her spine arching almost unnaturally as her head threw itself backwards in a subconscious reaction to the immense pleasure which surged through her alcohol-laced veins. A harmonious medley of curse words, enraptured whimpers and sensuous moans surpassed her heavenly, sumptuous lips.
As the petite, hazy-eyed girl continued to ride out her euphoric apex, the searing skin of her bare hips meeting with his own forced him to cave in. His valiant efforts to suppress his intense, building orgasm had been thwarted by the unholy slurs which rolled so effortlessly off her salacious tongue - feeling himself erupt inside her sensual heat. Shortening his cadenced, rhythmic thrusts, he dared not pull his aching length completely out. Her acute, hypersensitive nerves could feel his pleasureful load filling her core - the heightened pace of his hips dwindling into nothing as he finished.
Eventually, he pulled his juice-drenched length from the comforting warmth of her heat, tucking himself back into the fabric constraints of his boxers. An adoring, content smile contorted her doll-like features as her clouded doe eyes peered upwards through her thick, mascara-coated lashes into his admiring, indigo orbs. She could feel the blended concoction of their endearing embrace seeping from her throbbing, saturated folds - onto the bare, exposed skin of her thighs - but she didn’t care. She simply placed her swollen, plump lips on his once more, enrapturing the breathless, teal-eyed boy in yet another tender, passionate kiss, her delicate palms resting themselves on the broads of his defined, burly shoulders.
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the-mad-starker · 4 years
VenStarker Fic: Wires Crossed
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For the Venom-X-Change-2020 event on AO3. This fic was written for @zsparz​ 💗
Length: 7292
Summary: Peter was hopelessly in love with a Tony Stark who kept him at arm's length. The reasons why are not what he expected at all.
Notes: canon divergence (venom symbiote bonded with Tony), tentacles, love confessions, idiots in love, first time, rimming, anal sex, size kink, lots and lots of tentacles
There was always something different about Tony Stark. Peter knew it. The rest of the world knew it. It was his genius, his cleverness… a million and one qualities that just set him apart from the rest.
It was a fact that was harmless enough but to Peter, it took a whole other meaning when they met. The shortness of his breath rivaled the sheer excitement he felt upon seeing the older man sitting there, that familiar but foreign smirk on his face.
"Mr. Stark–" One step forward and Peter's spidey senses shot through his body in a flood of dangerdangerdanger. His knees went weak but one sticky hand on the wall kept him from buckling.
"You okay, Mr. Parker?" Mr. Stark accessed him, eyes roaming, while May's eyebrows shot up.
"Yeah, I'm– I'm alright," Peter stuttered as he fought to get his screaming senses to calm down. "Just really… Hungry. I haven't eaten since breakfast. Skipped lunch cause– you know."
It was a weak excuse but they were strangers so he didn't expect Stark to really question it. 
Mr. Stark didn't buy it and something flickered in his eyes… Concern? The older man stood and May followed, worried.
He needed to get himself under control. He was still relatively new to his superpowers so– what the fuck.
Suddenly, Peter could breathe again. As suddenly as it had come, his spidey senses went silent as though nothing was wrong. Was it a fluke? He still wasn't used to all the weird things his body was going through. Doubt and uncertainty was a familiar feeling as he filed away the anomaly for another time.
A gentle but firm hand landed on his shoulder and his heart jumped, startling him back to his meeting with his favorite hero. 
Their eyes met and the telltale signs of Peter's silly crush became evident. Heart pounding, breath shallow, and warmth infused in his cheeks. Looking into those sharp brown eyes, Peter felt… dazed?
"How about we talk in your room, Mr. Parker?" Mr. Stark suggested.
"I'll get dinner started," May offered, "If you want to join us, Mr. Stark?"
The older man gave a warm smile but shook his head. "I don't want to intrude and I'm sure you guys will have a lot to talk about after I leave."
May looked relieved but Peter knew it was only because she felt pressured to cook a decent dinner if Mr. Stark was staying.
"Mr. Parker," Mr. Stark encouraged him with a squeeze of his fingers, "if you'll lead the way."
"Congratulations on the internship, Pete," May added as he and Mr. Stark walked to his room.
Peter didn't say a thing and he didn't need to because as soon as the door closed, Mr. Stark spoke.
"So, Spider-Man, what happened out there?"
Peter looked at him, wide-eyed and ready to deny it. It was futile, of course. Tony got him to confess his identity as Spider-man but as he watched the older man drive off, he didn't think it went too badly.
What Peter hoped to happen and what actually happened are two different things.
Maybe it was his silly crush on the older man, but when Tony Stark personally came to recruit him, he thought they'd actually spend time together. Not that they didn't spend time together but it was so much less than he wanted.
Not to mention that there was this thing that Tony did. It was a thing Peter hated and wanted so desperately to break through but he just didn't know how.
Tony kept him at arm's length. They spent a god-awful amount of time in the lab together and yeah, there were moments where he felt like they really connected but then Tony would reset the next day.
Peter was just his official intern. Kept at a distance. Tony wasn't so formal that he didn't joke or put on any airs but there was this barrier that meant their friendship could only go so far. He was polite in a Tony kind of way but he never took that next step that would deepen whatever it was between them.
At first, Peter was so sure that it was because his crush on the older man was that embarrassingly obvious. Why else would Tony act the way he did? And the thought plagued the younger man because he tried to be professional while being friendly but things just seemed so tangled and impossible.
Maybe, he just needed a chance, he had thought to himself. So he tried and his fumbled attempts at flirting seemed to make the other man smile. But then that thing happened and it was back to square one.
Maybe after some thought… Maybe Tony was uncomfortable with all the attempts Peter made to show his interest? But that was before he had gotten the hint that Tony wasn't interested… Maybe Peter was flirting without meaning to?
They just got along so well that these teasing little banters would start between them and Peter could swear that the older man was interested. But what did he know? He wasn't experienced in that kind of thing and as much as he wanted to rectify that, his heart was set on Tony.
Peter sighed as he entered his bedroom. His bag, filled to the brim with notebooks and books, was tossed carelessly to the side. He was ready to clock out and take a nice little nap until he went on patrol later in the evening. 
His eyes were already drooping closed when his phone buzzed with an incoming message. He checked it more out of habit than actual desire.
Come over.
Peter's eyes shot open. 
The message was from Mr. Stark and like many of his previous messages, they didn't really give him any more info beyond that. And he knew from prior experience that shooting off a "what's up?" Or "??" wouldn't get him an answer either.
If Peter was busy, he wouldn't go. Tony probably just assumed that was the case during the times his mentee didn't pop up. More often than not, Peter was able to make it though.
This time… He didn't even have to think about it. His fatigue evaporated, mind and body invigorated by the thought of spending some time with Tony.
Maybe it was a little sad that he was so eager for the older man's company but he couldn't help being opportunistic. To feel better about it, Peter took a few minutes to shower and change into something more comfortable. 
From Queens to the city, the time passed quickly. It only felt like a couple of minutes had passed by the time he was in the elevator and FRIDAY was directing him to Tony's experimental labs.
When the doors opened, he knew something was wrong. First off, Tony's favorite brand of music wasn't being blasted off the speakers. It was quiet enough that Peter could hear his steps as he walked further into the labs.
But then, there was a mounting sense of urgency growing in the pit of his stomach. It was a peculiar sensation, one that confused him because it felt like his spider senses were trying to warn him but… why would it do that here?
Peter hurried, making sure to keep his steps light just in case there really was a problem.
Then he caught sight of his mentor. Tony was standing in front of his array of holograms, hands planted firmly on the tabletop and leaning forwards. His head hung loosely between his shoulders with the shadows blurring his eyes.
On the main screen, there was some sort of formula being constructed but Peter barely noticed. That was because his entire attention was on the black fluid-like substance that was steadily seeping from Tony's back.
His breath caught and for a split second, he felt like he was in some sort of horror show. Peter could only watch as more and more of that inky darkness flowed over his mentor's trembling body. 
He would've rushed to his side but then his ears caught these sounds that Tony was making– Oh, God… Those weren't the kinda sounds someone would make if they were in pain. That sounded like– His ears turned red, heat mixing in with adrenaline as he stared and stared.
It was… hypnotic. It should've been frightening because what the fuck was that but… Detached from that sense of horror, what he was seeing was almost beautiful. The darkness spilled out, gleaming and reflecting light as it arched all around his mentor. It looked like it was forming a protective cocoon that, strangely enough, gave the impression of possessiveness.
The thing that made Peter take action though was that there was too much of it. It seemed like an endless supply of black kept seeping out of Tony's body and it was simply engulfing him.
No matter how beautiful it looked, Peter couldn't help gasping out his name.
"Mr. Stark…!"
Tony's head jerked towards him, surprised. The brown of his eyes were thin discs, pupils dilated.
All at once, that black cloud rushed back inside the older man as though being sucked in by a vortex. It happened so quickly, surprising the both of them that Peter barely had time to react when Tony dropped to his knees.
Peter was by his side in an instant, eyes rushing over his mentor's body to find any injuries, any anomalies. All the while, his brain was trying to make sense of what the fuck just happened.
"Kid…" Tony mumbled. He was crouched, one knee pressed to his chest and his head tipped down. There was sweat on his brow and his shoulder felt hot beneath Peter's palm.
"Are you okay, sir?" Peter asked. His voice sounded high-pitched to his own ears, just short of panic. "Wha–What was that?"
Tony looked up and there was a glassy sheen to his eyes. Combined with the fever, Peter came to a quick conclusion.
"Were you drugged, Mr. Stark?" He asked, trying to see what other damage had been done. "Should I call 9-1-1? Friday?"
"Kid– Peter," Tony tried to get his attention. Some of the fogginess seemed to recede but it still wasn't enough for Peter. "I know what it was."
Their contrasting reactions to the situation were just so bizarre that Peter was finding it hard to rationalize. But Tony had been an Avenger and a hero much longer than Peter so maybe dealing with stuff like this was just so typical.
"What was it?" Peter asked, trying to stay on track. 
"I was working on something and the stupid thing– Ugh, simply put, I got what essentially amounts to sex pollen into my system and–"
Peter's brain came to a screeching halt. Aphrodisiacs, he knew about those but the term sex pollen seemed to be more intense.
Still, he had to ask.
"Like an… aphrodisiac or something?" Peter hedged cautiously.
Tony grimaced. "Probably worse but nothing I can't handle."
It was only then that Peter noticed Tony's pants were undone. His crouched over position, it seemed, was deliberate in that it hid the state of his undress and more likely than not, any state of arousal the older man was in.
Heat crawled up his neck, no doubt turning his cheeks bright red. It also didn't help that some of that blood flow was directed further south.
His eyes skittered away despite wanting to affirm if Tony was hard. Peter, himself, hunched over a little, hoping to hide his own responding state.
Peter knew that the best thing to do was to retreat but some part of him didn't want to. This thing could be something they laugh about in the future or something they completely bury in the past and never talk about. Or it could be the thing he needed to get Tony to really see him.
Besides, he still had so many questions… He just shouldn't be getting hard when something was obviously off in this situation.
"And that thing that was all over you… Was that something with the um, aphrodisiac?" 
He knew he shouldn't be getting hard and yet… Peter couldn't get the sight out of his mind and his mind puzzled over it, maybe even obsessed over it. 
It was like a void had taken on a physical form but it had also looked fluid in some parts. In others, the thing had looked like it was solid. What really stuck in his mind was how sensual the whole thing appeared but maybe it was his perception of Tony that was to blame, not the way some weird liquid solid moved.
Tony's grimace only deepened and Peter felt bad for putting him on the spot when he was in such a precarious situation. But he knew… He knew that Tony would brush it off if he left now. He would reset and push Peter away.
Peter didn't want that so he clung to the situation.
"That… that was something else, Pete," Tony said hesitatingly.
Were they at a stalemate? Tony could've gotten up at any moment but he just stayed there, as did Peter. At this moment, were they both…?
"I'll explain another time, but right now..." Tony cleared his throat, "I got some things to take care of. If you don't mind."
Peter looked away but forced himself to turn back to his mentor.
"Why did you text me if you were busy, sir?" Peter asked. Then he licked his lips, boldly pushing forward, "Does it hurt or something? Is there anything I can… do to help?"
He was sure that his face was a nice cherry red color. But… He put it out there. Never had Peter so plainly offered himself. He held his breath, hoping wildly that Tony would…
"Text? I didn't..." Tony trailed off, frowning to himself. 
There was a moment of silence where Tony was just looking at him and then he squinted. Kept looking at Peter then at the cell phone on his table then at his hands. Silent microexpressions that hinted at what was going through his mind but not outright giving it away.
Peter fumbled with his own phone for proof, tapping the screen and showing the message.
Tony's eyes narrowed.
"Traitor," Peter heard him mutter, Peter heard him mutter, out of the blue.
Tony then sighed and moved into a sitting position with a groan. Peter wished that he could say he didn't look but he did.
A quick little glance confirmed that Tony was still hard. Peter swallowed the sudden influx of spit in his mouth, feeling hot and bothered.
"Ah-hem," Tony coughed, hiding a smirk behind his hand. He did arch a brow, "I got some weird alien pollen going on, what's your excuse?"
Peter squeaked in alarm, knowing he was caught off guard. He tried to play it cool anyway and subtly moved the corner of his hoodie over the obvious bulge where he was getting hard. 
"I've had a crush on you since... forever?" he admitted, unable to look Tony in the eye.
"You… You did or you… have…?" Tony asked curiously, cautiously.
Peter peeked at him, eyebrows raised. He thought his feelings were extremely obvious.
He had the pleasure of Tony's mouth dropping into a little 'O'.
"Well… damn," the older man exhaled, laughing slightly.
They sat there for a moment longer, both a bit amused at the situation. It seemed so silly that Tony didn't know… Even so, Peter frowned at the lack of answers he was getting.
Hesitatingly, he reached over and squeezed the other man's knee.
"I really do wanna help you, Mr. Stark…" he said plainly, holding the older man's gaze, "and that thing… I wanna know what that thing was… You're obviously okay but..."
Peter continued to lock gazes with him, determined to show his mentor how serious he was.
Tony seemed to be internally conflicted, probably monologuing with himself as he tended to do. Peter, with his best puppy eyes, awaited his answer.
The older man muttered something under his breath before he finally seemed to give in.
"Only a few people know this," Tony started then seemed to backtrack when he said, "You know how I escaped the Ten Rings back in Afghanistan?"
He did. It had been all over the news and later on, when Iron man made its debut, the pieces had been put together on how Tony escaped. He'd never heard it from Tony's point of view though.
Peter nodded, leaning forward and so curious. "Yeah, it was the first Iron man prototype you created. It got you out."
Tony nodded, then a bit more solemnly, he confessed, "The thing that wasn't published was that I… kind of blew myself up. The armor was made of pieces of scrap metal, never before tested, all just theory and aspirations. Anything was better than staying there... So I got out. And I blew myself up in the process."
This was all new information for Peter. It was a hard fact to process… He couldn't imagine a world where instead of watching the news of Tony's return, it would've been a funeral. His blood chilled at the very thought of it.
Tony cleared his throat, no doubt sensing Peter's upset. "I ended up in the hospital, actually. In this little town that Rhodey took me to. They would've flown me to one of the bigger ones but I wasn't supposed to make it from the get-go. My chances of survival were… abysmal."
He lifted a hand, palm facing upwards. A dark plum of fluid spilled out, liquidy and swirling around itself. Even in this tiny form, it was fascinating and hypnotic to watch.
Peter's mind stumbled over itself trying to figure out what it was. Some sort of secret tech? He wouldn't put it past Tony to create something but even this was beyond the impressive display of nanotech his mentor created.
"It's a parasite," Tony explained calmly.
Peter inhaled sharply. "Para–"
Then the thing came alive. It swirled larger, seemingly gathering more of itself out of nowhere. It whirled together like an angry hornet's nest. Not only did it become larger but it grew eyes and a large cavernous mouth followed with tiny razor-sharp teeth.
"Parasite!?" It hissed, voice guttural and offended. Peter's mouth dropped open as the thing swirled to face Tony, flashing menacing teeth. "We are not a parasite."
His mentor was entirely unphased and what was even more confusing was the fond, almost chagrined expression on his face.
"Yes, sweet pea, it's just the scientific term," Tony said as he leaned down and kissed the top of what should be the creature's head. "Okay, fine. A symbiote."
The creature didn't seem placated but it did shrink, the mouth disappearing so only large white sinister eyes peered at them.
"We are Venom," the creature rumbled and Tony smiled, affection shining through.
"This little guy is part of an alien race called the Klyntar," Tony told him. "And sweet pea found me after the blowing up. Saved me, actually… And we've been together since."
The creature didn't confirm or deny but somehow Peter could tell that it was pleased. He wasn't even sure how he made that deduction but the… body? seemed to have settled into a lazy spiral as it swirled around itself.
"This human… intends to mate," the symbiote purred, staring at him with that strange alien gaze. Peter's eyes grew wide.
"It's a fear boner!" he blurted out.
The symbiote swirled towards Tony, almost vibrating with curiosity.
"Yeah, go ahead and search for it," Tony told the creature with a chuckle.
"Ah," the symbiote murmured knowingly after a moment.
Tony lowered his hand but instead of the symbiote retreating into his body, it traveled up his arm and settled comfortably on his shoulder. Like this, it reminded Peter of a cat for some reason.
"The reason why I told you isn't because I need your help," Tony admitted while absently petting the inky void on his shoulder. "Well, not with sweet pea and not with the, ah, sex pollen."
"Tony will need help," the symbiote disagreed, displeased.
"I will not–" Tony refuted, attention switching to the creature.
The pieces clicked into place. What Peter witnessed when he first came in… the way Tony was trembling while that massive inky cloud of blackness surrounded him.
"Was Venom helping you?" Peter dared to ask.
Tony fell silent, debating whether or not to answer. That was answer enough to Peter. He sat there, mindblown, as he digested the implications. Tony and this… creature?
"The symbiote and I have been in a state of symbiosis for… years now," Tony said softly, almost lovingly. "Sweet pea and I… We're like one entity. They can't be separated from me and I can't let them go."
The creature hummed in delight.
"We are one…" it agreed softly.
To Peter, it felt like the world was about to shatter in front of him. He didn't think he'd ever have a chance but of course, finding out would always make it hurt even more. But to find out that some alien creature– Wait.
"Then the… Text? Why did you send it when you're in this state?" Peter demanded. There was a thread of hope there but his face remained neutral.
Now it was Tony's turn to become flustered.
"We have dreams," the symbiote answered instead of Tony. "Dreams of… You. Of the spiderling."
"...Traitor," Tony muttered again. "Sometimes, my other half likes to do things when I'm not looking."
The last part was said with a pointed glare at the creature but Peter could tell there wasn't any heat in it.
"So the… alien para–" the symbiote perked up, ready to hiss when Peter remembered and amended his words, "the symbiote sent the text because you… you want me, sir? Is that right…?"
Tony was definitely flustered but he nodded firmly then clasped Peter's wrist. "But I can't have you. Not when we're like this. We're– We won't separate, Pete. It's why I've never allowed myself to… Not with anyone since Afghanistan."
Peter took a deep breath. He kept looking at Tony's hand on his wrist and thought about it. It took a tremendous amount of trust for Tony to tell him. Even if the symbiote was the one to push for this encounter… Peter didn't think that Tony was entirely unaware of what his other half wanted to do.
As he organized his thoughts, a swirl of black seemed to creep towards Tony's fingers. It… fascinated him. This was an alien creature? He found that once he accepted the revelation, it wasn't that hard to picture it. Well, then again, people like Thor and Mr. Loki existed so why not beings like the symbiote?
The symbiote's little tentacle passed Tony's knuckles and skittered to a fingertip. There, it hesitated before a thinner piece swept past and touched Peter's knuckle. It was so feather-light that Peter wouldn't have noticed if he wasn't watching. It was more like a caress, a soft touch that was just exploring.
Tony and this symbiote were one entity, they both confirmed. And they shared dreams. Did they share desire too?
Peter peered at them, heart pounding as he made a decision.
"I still want to help," Peter said softly, "and… I want more than that."
Tony seemed surprised by his answer but the symbiote swirled around his ear, hissing in amusement.
"Told you so," it teased.
Tony definitely needed help with the sex pollen. It started off mild enough but the symbiote explained it'd only get worse. Peter didn't want it to get worse so they got started.
It was awkward at first and as much as Peter had fantasies of getting fucked in the lab, Tony wanted a bed. His mentor said it because he was an old man but the symbiote seemed to think it was another reason.
Peter was more than happy to follow them to bed, even if he was a little apprehensive. But it was his first time, so that was easily explained. Add to the fact that he was technically having a threesome for his first time…
It was nerve-wracking and yet… When they fell into bed together, it became so easy. Tony's arms circled around him, pulling him close to a firm human body. That was normal. And Tony's lips were so soft… So soft and so hungry as he kissed Peter gently with ever growing fervor.
It was intense and perfect, their mouths slanting together, barely parting except when a moan refused to be contained. It was all perfectly normal as far as Peter could tell. He was so caught up in Tony, in the feel of his mouth, his beard scratching pleasantly against his skin… His roaming hands… It was a dream come true to Peter and he embraced it fully. But then, he started to notice other things.
Soft subtle things like Tony reacting to something other than himself. It didn't make him jealous though. In fact, it turned him on to see Tony's expression start to cloud over with pleasure.
The symbiote was making its move and directing its attention to Tony. It was expected but after a while, Peter became… curious.
So it wasn't by accident that when he encountered one of the symbiote's limbs, Peter didn't pull away. It was curled around Tony's hip and Peter explored cautiously.
It was long and solid but the girth of the limb would be thick in one part then taper off into a thinner point only to grow thicker if it joined another section. It moved sinuously and it… it reminded him of tentacles… Peter caressed it as it had done to him when they were talking. The creature seemed to understand and didn't shy away from him.
If anything, it seemed eager enough to touch him back, curling around his wrist and directly his hand to Tony's firm ass. A slight pressure had Peter squeezing and the symbiote purred, pleased. It then traveled up his wrist and then his arm, a warm sort of weight that excited Peter.
From there, the symbiote fully joined them and became an ever-present force. It was attached to Tony for sure, tentatively spilling outside of the older man's body and boldly, shameless, exploring both of their bodies.
Peter could tell it was very familiar with Tony's.   It was more careful with him. More tentative but so very curious.
He felt every tendril of inky blackness as it slid around them. He felt it brush against his chest, Tony gasping against his mouth as the symbiote teased his nipples.
"Mm…" Peter watched Tony's mouth drop open, pleasure contorting his features. A tentacle caressed his face, urging the older man to kiss Peter once again.
He moaned into it and shivered when he felt the tendril slide down his neck.
"Ah…" Peter ended up beneath the older man, starting up at him with hooded eyes and a bruised mouth.
Host and symbiote had murmured the same word, sharing the same thoughts while Peter panted up at them.
Tony kissed him again and he arched into it, whimpering when something wrapped around his erection. It wasn't a human hand, but as Peter's hips jerked into the touch, he found that he could care less. It felt warm and tight and perfect.
"Tony…" Peter whined. Was this how it felt for Tony when the symbiote touched him?
"It's okay…" the older man murmured against his mouth. "Anything you don't like, tell us…"
His hips bucked into the tight grip and his entire body spasmed as the symbiote rippled around his erection, squeezing gently and massaging his cock like a living fleshlight.
"It's good…" Peter hissed, "so good, sir… Mmm… Want you to touch me too, please…"
Tony groaned, captivated, breath exhaled in a soft sigh. "Oh, sweetheart, you're a treasure…"
Tony took his request and his hands roamed all over Peter's body, learning all the spots that made him shiver and squirm in their hold. And if he felt the symbiote mimicking Tony's touches, Peter didn't protest. He was far from protesting.
"How far do you wanna go," Tony murmured against his jaw. 
He was sucking love bites onto Peter's skin, playing with his healing factor and doing it harder and harder until Peter cried out. It was a miracle that Peter could even process what he was saying.
"We can do it like this… Just running against each other… Making you feel good makes us feel good…"
Peter looked at him through the slits of his eyes. He licked his sore lips and pressed eagerly into the older man's touch. Tony's cock against his hip felt so hot and ready.
"Anything," Peter answered then amended, "everything…"
"Hmm…" Tony's response was a hum of consideration. 
There was some hesitation in that one note though and it was something Peter wanted to eradicate. If Tony and the symbiote were one person, he wanted them and everything they could give him. He was so sure of this, of Tony. Of Tony and the symbiote. 
"There's more," Tony admitted softly as though doing so would scare him away.
"I want more…" Peter almost begged.
Tony's eyes were so dark. He felt like he should be able to see the symbiote lurking there but he saw nothing. Feeling though… He could feel the symbiote now, feel the way it watched him through Tony's eyes.
Peter shivered and spoke to them both. "I want more… I want both of you. I want… Venom."
The answer seemed to be the right one. The hunger in Tony's eyes grew and he took in Peter's trembling body.
"Turn around…" It was said so softly that Peter would've missed it if not for his spider enhanced hearing.
He did so eagerly and when he felt Tony's hands on his waist, he almost melted into the bed. Instead, Tony kept his hips up in the position he wanted while Peter buried his face into the pillows.
Admittedly, Peter had never felt so exposed as he did right then. Tony and the symbiote could see everything, from his cock bobbing in the air between his trembling thighs to the tiny untouched hole between his cheeks.
"Mr. Stark…" he moaned when he felt Tony spread him open.
"We want a taste, Pete," Tony said, breath fanning over his sensitive hole. "Can we…? Wanna taste you on our tongue... Make you fall apart all around us..."
Oh, God…
"Yes, yes…" Peter babbled. "Do it, sir, do it–"
His words trailed off into incoherent squeaks and moans when they began. A wet, agile tongue licked him there and it was the most surreal experience Peter had ever had.
His breath came in shuttered gasps and his palms curled into fists. One pressed against his mouth as though it was possible to stop the dirty little moans he made from escaping.
The older man's tongue swirled around his hole, teasing and licking. Slurping. All these obscene sloppy noises assaulted his ears as Tony made quick work out of him, reducing him into a babbling, moaning mess.
And just when he forgot about the symbiote, it reminded him. While Tony started tongue fucking him, a wet tendril wound itself back around his cock and two smaller ones attached themselves to his nipples.
He whined when he felt them somehow suck on them, like small little mouths teasing every bit of pleasure they can get out of him.
Peter whimpered when Tony pulled away. The tentacles didn't stop though and he squirmed, hips swaying as the symbiote continued, sucking his nipples, pinching them, stroking his cock...
"Get ready, baby, this is gonna be… something," Tony warned. 
Peter barely caught a glimpse of him over his shoulder but what he saw… Maybe any sane person would've been terrified but all Peter saw was Tony. It was a different kind of Tony that was melding with the symbiote but nevertheless, he was still Tony.
He didn't know what Tony was talking about but he trusted him.
The next time he felt Tony's tongue, he did go boneless against the bed. Tony licked him gently, his tongue teasing the sensitive muscle. 
"Give it to me…" Peter whispered. 
A tendril caressed his cheek and he nuzzled against it. Tony had said pleasuring Peter gave them pleasure. Did that mean they shared pleasure just as they did thoughts and body…?
It was a curious thought, one that was blasted away when Tony pushed his tongue back inside. With some repetition, Peter thought he could get used to the feeling but for now, he tried to stifle a gasp and failed.
Then something changed and– Peter cried out as Tony's tongue grew and elongated, filling up the space in his body and brushing against this sensitive spot inside him. He felt it... Reaching so deep inside him where he didn't think it was possible...
"O-Oh…!" Peter stuttered out in a whine. "Oh, God…!"
Then he remembered how the symbiote's form was fluid-like and seemed to expand and shrink at its desire. He did a full-body shiver with the realization that Tony was doing that to him… Tongue fucking him along with the symbiote.
He was truly a mess now. Tears leaked from the corner of his eyes as that long, fleshy tongue played with his sweet spot.
He had asked for more and he was getting it…
"M-Mister… Starkk…!" He moaned, incoherent. 
The symbiote continued to caress his face with gentle tendrils but Peter, teased beyond his limits, didn't want gentle. Just as Tony was licking and tonguing him, Peter, too, put his mouth to good use.
Pleasure… He wanted to make them feel good, both of them.
He kissed the tentacle closest to his face, curled his arm closer so that it was nudged closer. It jerked at the contact but then eagerly traced along his lips as though asking for permission.
Peter moaned and kissed it again. It slipped into his mouth and even though it wasn't a cock and it didn't have the girth of one, Peter still felt so dirty and lustful taking it in. He sucked it like it was a cock, moaning when he heard Tony cry out in pleasure.
Tony's assault continued and it nearly drove Peter crazy. His tongue was reaching in deep inside him… Then he felt something else nudging against his hole alongside Tony's tongue and it was being gentle by slowly working itself in but it was also thicker… He was being stretched even more and it eased itself in, fucking him gently.
He didn't know if it was more of the symbiote's tentacles or if it was Tony's fingers. He couldn't bear to look… The sight of Tony eating him out while he was being fingerfucked would make him come. And he wanted to last, at least until Tony fucked him.
"Mmm–" His words were muffled around the tentacle in his mouth but as soon as he tried, it withdrew. He was left gasping, mouth open in a drawn-out moan.
"Wait…" he groaned desperately, "m gonna come, M-Mr. Stark…"
"Come then, baby…" Tony encouraged him when he pulled away. "We'll lick you clean..."
Even without his tongue, the other insertion continued to pump in and out of him. It was joined by another and another... Slimmer than the first but he still felt it, the way all three moved and pumped in and out of him in varying motions.
Tentacles then…
Peter's head swayed side to side, words escaping him as his hips pushed back in needy little jerks.
"Fuck me…" Peter gasped out. "Please, Mr. Stark… Need it…"
Tony groaned behind him and Peter was almost certain he'd go back to rimming him but then he was hauled up to his knees by a very strong grip. He gasped, shock and pleasure shooting through him like a jolt of thunder.
The hand that gripped his waist was black with the symbiote's flesh and larger than a normal human's. 
He felt Tony's cock press between his cheeks, rubbing against his wet hole. He shuddered and wondered if the pollen could transfer… Via spit or other fluids… If it could, he was certain he'd been dosed too. But the reality was, he was just this needy for the older man, this hungry to get fucked by Tony and his symbiote.
Tony shifted a bit and the large, heavy girth of his cock pushed between Peter's soft inner thighs. Tony was more than human in this state, and his cock, like the rest of him, was being supplemented by the symbiote.
"I could fuck you like this… Or I could fuck you as just myself…" Tony murmured, soft and intimate in his ear. He gently led Peter's hand between his legs, let him feel just how much his cock was different when he was like this. It felt… massive and pressed between his thighs, it looked impossible.
And yet, Peter wanted it. He wanted everything Tony could give him. Even with his breathing shallow, his mind balanced on the dangerous edge of fear and excitement, he wanted it.
"Will it fit? It's so big..." Peter asked, breathless. His fingers curled around the fat tip, rubbing along the sensitive undersides. 
Tony gave a breathy moan of pleasure before he said, "It'll fit, baby, we'll make it fit…"
Peter took in one last shuttered breath before nodding. "Do it…"
Tony was oh so gentle with him when he finally fucked him. Peter felt the strength restrained in his limbs as he did and knew Tony was being gentle on purpose. It was… Peter's first time, after all.
It was a lot to take in but as Tony promised, they made it work. The rimming had helped and, with a flushed face, Peter could admit that the extra attention the symbiote gave him helped too. Properly prepared, Peter's body still struggled to take him in but they were determined to do it. Inch by inch… Tony carefully pushed into him, breath ragged as he took Peter's first time.
Peter gripped anything within reach which was Tony's arms as he took his first cock. White knuckled, he bore through the sensation of being penetrated and God, he felt so full… He whimpered when he felt the press of Tony's hips against his ass and his head lolled against the older man's chest.
"Taking us so well, sweetheart…" Tony praised into his ear, "every damn inch…. Fuck, baby… We can feel it... Feel you squeezing down on us, ah– You wanna get fucked so badly... So fucking perfect for us..."
He felt the warmth of that praise but all Peter could do was moan, helpless and speared open on their cock.
"Let go, baby," Tony murmured. Peter vaguely noted his voice was rougher and deeper. "We'll take care of you… Make you feel so good..."
Some part of him remembered that he was the one that was supposed to be helping Tony but the words escaped him. With his head against Tony's chest, Peter looked at him with glazed eyes. The face staring back at him was monstrous, gleaming black clinging to Tony's tanned flesh and those teeth... Venom's white pupilless eye on one side and Tony's familiar brown in the other.
Peter came with a strangled cry. The combination of the symbiote stroking him and Tony fucking him was too much. He had waited so long that he was surprised he didn't come earlier. 
His release spurted into open air and all over the symbiote's tentacles that had been touching him. More dribbled down his pulsing cock, only to be collected and carried to Tony's lips. Tony kept his promise and licked away every drop.
Even soft, Peter wanted Tony to keep going. He knew he'd be hard in no time.
"Please…" Peter moaned, tipping his face up and hoping for a kiss.
They answered him, leaning down and giving him the kiss he didn't know he was craving. It was wet and savage, Venom's long alien tongue running over his human one. Even then, his lover was careful with his teeth. Peter never once felt the deadly sharp edge of those teeth, just the wet agile glide of their tongue as his eyes slipped closed.
He was fucked gently at first. Every push and pull felt like he was being turned inside out with Venom's alien cock dragging along his soft insides. He was probably ruined for any other, he couldn't imagine sex being anything but this…
His senses were dialed up to a hundred and every caress, every sloppy kiss, every nudge of Venom's cock against his sensitive prostate was just short of overwhelming. The only thing he could do was breathe through it and adapt.
It was a struggle but he was reminded at every turn that this wasn't just a fuck. The gentleness was almost lovemaking and when he finally got used to it… He craved more.
He craved the feeling of Venom/Tony's muscles flexing under his hands, craved the punishing thrusts that he knew his lover was capable of.
Peter worried that the next time he begged for more, he'd be denied. He was never so happy to be wrong.
Once they knew he was capable of taking them, they gave him the more he wanted. Manhandled and practically lifted into the air, each wrist and ankle held firmly by Venom's tentacles, they fucked Peter with careful abandon. He was Spiderman and more than capable of taking a beating but they were Venom and they weren't going to risk hurting him besides bruising up his lips with kisses, his skin with their teeth, and his insides with their cock.
It was more than enough. Tentacles were touching every part of his body, teasing his nipples, rubbing against his cheeks, fucking his mouth, massaging his cock… And smaller but still substantial tentacles pushing in and out of his body, sometimes syncing up with Tony's thrusts and other times moving in contrast to it.
He felt… So… full…
His second orgasm was dragged out of him and by the time the last pulses of cum spurted out of him, he was boneless in Venom/Tony's hold.
"Come…" he murmured against a tentacle teasing his mouth  "Inside me, please…"
He felt Tony's body shudder, his chest working hard to draw breath as he chased after his orgasm. Peter's eyes slipped closed, focusing on the way his lover's thrusts went from smooth and precise to short and sloppy.
He let out a soft cry when he felt Tony come inside. A flood of heat warmed his worn body and it came in several loads as Tony groaned, helpless and vulnerable as he filled Peter up.
They were a mess after. Tony's bedsheets were ruined for sure.
Sweaty and exhausted, but feeling beyond sated, Peter murmured, "Okay, now?"
The older man pressed a kiss to the corner of his lips.
"More than," he replied. He carried Peter into a spare bedroom but instead of leaving him there, Tony joined him under the covers. Now that Peter knew about the symbiote, he could feel its presence like a slight tickle in the back of his mind, his spider senses licking something up that wasn't quite human.
Tony's arm, entirely human, wrapped around his waist and dragged him back so they were pressed Peter's back to Tony's front.
"Round two in ten?" Peter teased with a soft hum.
He felt Tony chuckle against his ear, "That can be arranged." 
The soft tickle of a tentacle along his neck was all he needed to know the symbiote was in sync with those plans as well.
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bangchanstudio · 4 years
Never Have I Ever | Changbin (3/?)
pairing: seo changbin x reader (fem)
genre: university au, awkward friends to ? something more? smut, house party
tw: sex, attempted date rape (spiked drink), mild panic attack, unprotected sex, penetration, cursing, praising, mild dom!changbin kink, oral sex (fem;receiving), fighting?
word count: 6.8k
ch.one | ch.two
synopsis: you’re forced to face Changbin after ghosting him for weeks, and things happen.
note: I suffered A LOT writing this so please SUFFER WITH ME. Shout out to sera aka @seraplantery​ for thirsting over changbin with me and his new fresh undercut as i wrote this 🥺 you the real one✨ again, i would love it if you let me know what you thought about this etc. i would love to interact more with those you read my fics!! 🥰 feel free to drop ideas or suggestions/requests in my inbox~ ps. if you would like to be added to the tag list for ✨NHIE✨ please let me know via inbox/message ❤️
taglist: @seraplantery​ @chang-binnie @synnocence @lordseochangbin​
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“Spill it, sister.” The way Hyunjin crossed his arms and tapped his foot impatiently reminded you of your mother when you were in high school, waiting for a confession after sneaking out to a party the night before with the guys.
Suddenly, the ramen hanging out of your mouth that linked to your chopsticks seemed one hundred times more interesting than looking at Jinnie. He was good at seeing through your lies but mostly because you were such a bad liar.
When your only response was a shrug, he let out an exaggerated sigh. “You’ve been acting sus for days now.”
“How?” You asked, still avoiding his gaze, sipping on your straw.
“Well, for starters, you’ve stopped pestering us about what happened at the party.” He eyed you up and down. “Did you remember?”
“Just that we watched a hot ass morning sex video.” You said wiggling your eyebrows. “Really, there’s nothing going on.”
That was a lie.
The only thing that was running through your mind most of the time these days was Changbin. Since that night you went to see him you couldn’t stop thinking about his touch. His skin. His lips. The way he tasted. Changbin got your number from Chan, but you were avoiding him. He wasn’t one to chase or push either, so when you didn’t reply to his first message he didn’t send another.
Chan already interrogated you about the night he walked in on you blowing Changbin, and asked why you haven’t talked to him. You could only assume Changbin told Chan you were ghosting him, and Chan knowing you like the back of his hand decided to mediate. You were grateful, because he never judged you for being an asshole or ghosting people. You were always like this and you had been told by many people that you were “too much”, but not Chan. That’s what made you love him and run to him. Even when you didn’t run to him because you were too self-conscious and didn’t want to annoy him, he’d go to you. Talking with Chan helped you realize you didn’t know anything at all and that it would all be okay regardless.
“You know what your problem is, (Y/N)?” Chan started two weeks after you went to see Changbin at his apartment.
“No, but I’m sure you’re going to tell me.” You were laying upside down on your couch, feet hanging over the backrest next to Chan who was sitting upright typing away on his laptop.
“You avoid thinking about your feelings. Instead of trying to face them head on and figure them out, you just run away.”
Ouch. The truth of his words stung.
“Just slap me next time will ya?” He rolled his eyes at your remark.
“I’m serious.” He closed his laptop placing it on the coffee table before giving you his full attention taking your hand in his as if you were a child. “Look, you know I love you. I care about you and I want to see you happy. That’s why we need to figure this out together. Tell me, when you look at Changbin, what do you feel?”
That was a tough question to answer. “Do I really have to think about that?” You whined.
“Yes.” He said sternly in his dad voice. “We’re going to figure this out together because if not you’re just going to continue this vicious cycle forever and I won’t stand by it.”
Sighing, you closed your eyes trying to find something, anything that you could put into words.
The image of seeing Changbin for the first in over a year at Seungmin’s house party at the start of summer came rushing back. You were sitting at the bar table in the wide living room of Seungmin’s mansion in a champagne slip dress and red lips talking your half tipsy ass off with your girl friend when she gasped at a hot guy who walked in. The place was overflowing with bodies, the heat made your skin slightly damp and the music was loud. There was a mixture of cigarette smoke and the smell of booze flowing in the air, basically it smelled like a good time.
“Who’s that hottie coming in with Felix?” She had asked shouting over the DJ and pointing at the door with her free hand, drink in the other.
Your heart had stopped and the smile you had plastered on your face slowly faded as you saw Changbin walk in, leather jacket, hood up, hat covering his features, but you knew it was him. He was scanning the crowed, high-fiving and bro hugging Seungmin and Minho as they found him. Minho had turned to find you amongst the crowd and nodded your way, Changbin found you but turned away. He never went up to you that night and you didn’t either.
“I feel sad.” You admitted, voice only slightly above a whisper.
“That’s good, (Y/N). That’s a good place to start.”
[three days later]
“Another party?”
Everyone was gathered around in your apartment eating your food and playing video games.
“Yeah, my parents are going overseas again so it’s the perfect time. I think we all could use a good old fashion house party.” Seungmin, respectable Virgo though he may be, was notorious for his house parties. He always had the best DJ’s, the best drinks and most importantly a big house.
“God knows we need to let loose, especially (Y/N).” Felix smirked over at you wiggling his eyebrows, blocking the pillow you threw at him.
“Besides, it’ll be funner this time since Changbin is back and we’ve been hanging out.” The room went quiet at Jeongin’s comment, just the video game sounding in the background “Oh… was I not suppose to say that?”
“Just focus on your game the grown ups are talking.” Hyunjin hushed the younger boy. “Everything is set to go we just need to go shopping.”
“We?” Everything sounded amazing except parties meant socializing, dressing up and being in public. You had a love hate relationship with parties, about as much as you had a love hate relationship with everything else in life.
The weekend came faster than you could have hoped for and that mean the party did too. All you could think about was how you planned to avoid Changbin, though it shouldn’t be too hard in a house that big. You did it once before. The truth was, maybe you were scared to genuinely fall for him, just as he had said he was afraid of falling of falling for you. The only thing you knew how to do when you were unsure of anything was to run away.
Chan was right and you knew it. Your flight instinct was all you were good at but even you knew it would be your downfall eventually.
“Wear this. From your bestest friend in the whole wide world – Jinnie”
Hyunjin stopped by while you were in the shower and shouted a quick goodbye, reminding you to not be “late” to the party before rushing back out in less than a minute. You pulled your towel closer to your cold body before opening the top of the box and pulling out a really short, strappy, silk red slip dress.
“Does he want me to die of hypothermia?” you mumbled to yourself before doing your hair and make up. All the while constantly checking your phone to keep tabs on Chan’s eta. The best you could do was curl your hair and do some basic face makeup since you loved striking more with red lips rather than heavy eyes. Since the party had a rave vibe you opted for a way heavier highlight than normal and sprinkled a bit of body glitter along your collarbones and shoulders.
“(Y/N), I’m here !” Chan’s voice rang out as you heard him shuffling from the entrance to your room.
“Are you rea– damn girl, who are you?” He stopped dead in his tracks taking you in from head to toe.
“Fuck, this is too slutty right?” You turned from your long mirror to face Chan.The dress fit you well enough, but it was so short and low cut you thought your boobs would fall out at one wrong move, not that you had much to begin with, but this dress sure made it seem like you had a decent amount of cleavage. “Shit, I need to find something else to wear. I swear Hyunjin just wants to make me look like–”
“No! Don’t you dare, you look amazing, you are totally wearing that tonight. Just take a good coat so you don’t get sick.” Just like Chan to nag, you couldn’t help but laugh at his comment.
By the time you both made it to the party it was close to 10pm, definitely late. The taxi left you at the gate at the bottom of a small hill. Making your way up you were grateful you opted for a pair of black boots instead of heels. There were a lot of people making their way up to the house and people spilling out of the house as you got closer. The bass could be heard since you stepped out of the taxi and the closer you got the sounds of chatter, heavy laughter and shouting got louder. Crowds made you nervous but holding on to Chan’s arm made you feel better. After a few drinks you wouldn’t be as nervous or anxious. Alcohol had a way of numbing just about anything.
Stepping into the house the heat of bodies welcomed you, almost immediately encouraging you to take off your coat before handing it to Chan who in turn put it, along with his in the hallway closet. You were familiar enough with Seungmin’s house to be able to use certain areas of his place that would otherwise be deemed unappropriated for others.
“Welcome, welcome friends.” Seungmin said greeting you and Chan with a hug. Hyunjin and Felix followed close behind.
“Wow, (Y/N) that dress looks so much better than I imagined!” Hyunjin didn’t trust your sense of taste when it came to party or club attire so he had the habit of picking things up for you ever since you all started partying and clubbing together junior and senior year of high school.
Felix handed you a drink with a sympathetic look, maybe your nervous were louder on your face than you realized. You looked around the crowd trying to see if you could spot Changbin’s figure but by the looks of it he wasn’t here. Even though you were avoiding him, your heart still sank a little.
Get it together, you scolded yourself.
Before you knew it you found yourself on the dance floor passing between Hyunjin, Felix and a couple of strangers. Drinks and shots started to blur as your nervous melted and you started to feel slightly dizzy at the heat and bass filling your chest. The black lights made everything neon and colorful, there were even bubble machines that left residue of shimmer on everyone’s hair, face and body as they burst.
“Whoa– whoa!” Hyunjin shouted as you grinded your ass on a guy, making you laugh and push the stranger away before turning back to Hyunjin, throwing your arms around his neck and his hanging lazily on your hips. Felix had gone off somewhere, probably the bathroom. “Do you think Changbin will show up?”
You shrugged, not wanting to ruin the fun you were having. “Who knows.”
Eventually, you found yourself alone on the dance floor still as Hyunjin went to look for Felix, probably to do other things with him.
The vibrations of the song were filling you when you felt a pair of hands grab your waist letting you know someone was there, but you couldn’t see who since they were behind you. You let your body lean back into the stranger swaying to the song coming out of the loud speakers. He felt strong and warm though he reeked of weed which immediately turned you off, but you didn’t leave him enjoying his body instead.
“Let’s grab a drink.” The stranger said, grabbing your wrist and leading you off the dance floor, weaving you through the crowd. He wasn’t half bad looking, though, the thought came to you like second nature... but he wasn’t Changbin.
You leaned against the bar, letting the coolness of the marble run up the length of your arms, without thinking you placed your forehead down the bar top to cool off a bit. It felt good against your hot skin and the heat of the room.
“Here you go.” The stranger said handing you the drink with a cocky smile.
You thanked him raising the drink to your lips. He had a dark glint in his eyes that made you hesitate. “Fuck!” You shouted as someone grabbed the wrist you were holding your drink with, jerking it away.
“What the fuck did you put in this?” It was Changbin. You froze as he grabbed the glass out of your hand, still holding onto you. He shoved the glass in the guys face, “Drink it.”
“No way, I got that for her.” He said disgust in his voice, knocking the glass out of Changbin’s hand. It shattered on the floor, but you hardly heard a thing over the loud music that was playing. “What? Is she your bitch?”
“She��s not a bitch and what she is to me is none of your fucking business.” Changbin got between you and the guy, shoving his chest.
Fuck, this was not good. You desperately looked around for Chan or Jisung, anyone that could stop Changbin better than you could. You’d seen him in enough fights to know this wouldn’t end well. Of all the good qualities Changbin had, holding back was not one of them.
“What the fuck man, I was just trying to have a little fun.” The guy shoved Changbin back, though it didn’t have much effect since Changbin had a pretty solid build.
“’A little fun’ by what? By spiking a girls drink? You must be one desperate piece of shit if you can’t get a single girl to sleep with you of their own free will.” Changbin’s words made you go cold.
Did he spike your drink when you weren’t looking?
“No, it’s just funner when their helpless.” The guy retorted.
You could feel the rage boil up in Changbin and spill over seconds before he threw his fist connecting it with the guy’s jaw, sending him stumbling into a crowd. The guy couldn’t recover before Changbin grabbed him by the collar throwing him on the ground and shoving a knee into his chest hitting him again and again.
“You low life piece of shit, I hope you rot in hell.” He said between every punch.
Fuck, fuck, fuck where the hell was everyone when you needed them?! You desperately wanted Changbin to stop fighting. The fact that they had garnered a crowd of on lookers but no one was stepping in annoyed you.
“Changbin, stop!” You pleaded but when he didn’t respond you grabbed his arm just as he was bracing to throw it again, “Please, stop!”
Changbin tensed as he turned to face you, his eyes were scary.. on fire with rage. Your eyes must have been desperate because you could feel his anger slowly start to dissipate. For a moment it was as if everything went quiet and all you could hear was your breathing and heartbeat pounding in your ears.
The stranger seized the moment and opening to escape from under Changbin’s hold and book it into the crowd shoving a few people out of the way.
“Fuck.” Changbin mumbled watching the guy run off, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
He helped you to your feet before taking you by the hand and leading you around the bar and up the grand stairwell. His pace was a little faster than what you normally walked and with the alcohol running rampant in your veins you stumbled and struggled to keep up with him, but he didn’t seem to notice. He was gripping your hand so tight you knew even if you tripped enough to fall, he would catch you.
The hallway lead off to various rooms and people were piling around room entrances and playing various games from drinking games to board games. The bass still sounded throughout the house, but you could hear a little more clearly from up here.
“Get the fuck out,” Changbin pulled you into Seungmin’s room where two people were making out on his couch. “Now.” He ordered.
The couple glanced at each other but did as they were told, which was good on their part. Changbin was scary when he was mad. You were dreading whatever was about to happen because he pulled you away from the crowd probably to scold you for almost getting yourself drugged.
The couple left closing the door behind them leaving you in a dim lit room with Changbin angrily pacing back and forth.
“You are so reckless!” Changbin’s voice made you flinch. You know he didn’t mean to, but he still needed to learn how to control his anger. “Why would you take a drink from someone you don’t know?”
All you could do was wrap your arms around yourself and avoid Changbin’s eyes. You felt like you could melt under his gaze, or burn.
“There are bad guys out there, (Y/N), just waiting for you to let your guard down enough so they can take advantage of you.” He was saying it with good intentions but that still didn’t make you any less angry about it.
“So, what the hell am I suppose to do then? Just not go out? Not drink or have any fun?” Your argument was weak but you hated being pushed around. Especially by Seo Changbin.
“That’s not the point, (Y/N) and you know it.” He stopped pacing taking an abrupt step towards you, your back hit the wall. He took another step cornering you in.
From this close you could smell his cologne, warm and musky. His chest was rising higher than normal, his anger still evident in his eyes and the way he set his jaw. Damn he looks so hot... wait shut up this is not the right time, you tried shaking the thought away but Changbin hit the wall next to your head making you jump.
“Look at me.” His voice was strained.
“Make me.” You challenged, the words leaving your lips before you could filter them out as this is a really bad idea, don’t say that.
He grabbed your jaw fingers digging into your cheeks forcing you to meet his gaze. It annoyed you how much that turned you on, you squeezed your eyes shut trying to control your lust.
“Do you like it when I get rough with you, is that it?” Changbin squeezed a little tighter until you opened your eyes meeting his. Fuck, was all you could think.
“Maybe.” You replied raising an eyebrow. “Maybe I just want to see you go insane.” 
His dark laugh made you tremble.
“You know what drives me insane?” He sneered, “The fact that we had one decent, open conversation and then you ghost me like a fucking stranger you met off Tinder.”
To be fair, you knew it was coming. You shoved him off, crossing the room before slumping down on the couch, kicking your boots off and crossing one leg over the other so you wouldn’t flash him by accident.
He watched you from across the room as you noticeably gathered your thoughts before starting, “I.. I didn’t mean to do that.”
Changbin threw his head back in disbelief laughing before angrily asking if you were serious. You didn’t reply which seemed to only set him off even more. He crossed the large room in three strides before sitting down on the coffee table right in front of you leaning forward, elbows on his knees, face resting in his hands; but you didn’t flinch or shrink away this time.
“Then why did you do that to me?” His voice was lower now, his eyes were closed as if he was struggling just to say those words. As if he was trying to hid the hurt that was laced in that question.
“Because I wanted you to feel the same hurt that I felt when you abandoned me.” The words stumbled out of your mouth again before you could stop them.
You both froze.
It’s not something you consciously had thought out, but as soon as you said it you realized that was it. That was the real reason you were avoiding him, you wanted to get back at him. You wanted him to feel the same pain and loneliness you did when he left. Of what could have been but wasn’t.
“That’s fair.” Changbin concluded before straightening his back. “I don’t blame you.”
You sized him up trying to find any trace that he was lying, but he seemed a little more relaxed now. His shoulders were slack, his breathing was normal, eyes serious.
He nodded. “There is one thing though.” He said placing his hand on your knee before pushing it off your other leg. “I haven’t repaid you for that one time at the apartment.”
Your eyes widened as he pushed your legs apart. “Wh–what are you doing?”
He smirked at your sudden shyness. “I told you. Paying you back.”
“No, no it’s okay, I swear, just don’t mention it.” You clumsily shot up before stepping a safe distance away suddenly cursing yourself for being barefoot.
He laughed with his whole chest before standing up straight. “Come on, you were not this shy sucking me off.”
Your cheeks were burning, you were positive your face was the same color as your dress. Changbin made his way over to you, pushing your hair back behind your shoulder. The closeness of his body, the way his eyes made trails down your neck and collarbones made you tremble again, you tried crossing your arms to keep yourself still.
He noticed you shaking.
“Hey, (Y/N), it’s really okay if you don’t want to. I would never do anything you weren’t comfortable with.” His voice was soft, worried.
“It’s not that,” You trailed off averting your gaze. “It’s just I’ve never been... You know.”
“Never what?” He raised his eyebrow in that way that said, I don’t believe you,”I know you’re not a virgin.”
You rolled your eyes and scoffed, “Of course not, I mean the,” You flailed with your hand trying to get the point across without explicitly saying it, “I’ve never.. you know.”
Realization dawned on his features, “Oh... you’ve never been eaten out?”
“Fuck, yes, Changbin. That. God.” The fact that he said it out loud made you even more shy.
“You’re so cute when you’re flustered.” He said before pinching your cheek and biting his lip.
“This room’s taken.” Changbin called as a couple walked in barely keeping each other on their feet. He shoved them out before closing and locking the door behind them.
“Changbin!” You squeaked as he rushed back over to you, picking you up off the ground and carrying you to the bed before tossing you easily on it. There was a mischievous glint in his eyes, one you hadn’t seen in a very long time.
“Who let you wear this dress?” He asked pulling at it teasingly; undressing you with his eyes.
“Jinnie bought it for me.” You replied. He took off his jacket, the sleeves of his black shirt were cut off revealing his biceps. “Been working out?” You asked not hiding your want anymore.
“Like what you see?” Changbin asked before pulling your legs towards him so your bum was at the end of the mattress.
You nodded, biting the tip of your finger as you gazed up at him. He ran his hands up your calves and thighs before tugging you a little closer to the edge.
“When did you get so buff?” You asked half teasing. He raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, you know just looking out for my health.”
“Sure.” You rolled your eyes laughing.
There was silence as Changbin took you in again, staring down at you, his face unreadable as always. “Would it be okay if we forgot everything for a little while?”
His words made you catch your breath in your chest. Your fingertips grazed his hands on your thighs, slowly back and forth before nodding hesitantly, “That sounds fun” You breathed.
Changbin smiled before slipping his hands under your dress and slowly pulled down your lacy black panties. He got on his knees and spread your legs open, the motion made you squeeze your eyes shut squeaking in the process, covering your face with your hands.
“Ah, what? Don’t tell me you’re still shy.” Changbin laughed before placing small kisses on the inside of your thighs, switching between the two. There was a soft romantic song playing in the distance, so you tried to focus on it to calm your increasing heartbeat as Changbin kissed and sucked small spots on your sensitive skin.
His breath was warm as were his lips and his hands felt like they were burning on your thighs. It wasn’t long until you felt your body longing for more of him. He noticed the way your breathing started to come slightly quicker, the way your legs started to unconsciously shake with want and desire. He saw the way you bit your lip trying to keep yourself from making any sound, and the way you covered your eyes with your arm, hand clenched into a fist.
He smirked wanting to make you break.
“Oh, my god.” You breathed as you felt his tongue trace along your folds. You trembled at his warm touch. He liked the way you looked from this point of view and the way you tasted on his tongue.
His mouth found your clit and you let out a “Fuck,” as he drew circles with his tongue, the sensation sending waves of pleasure that you had never felt before. It was so much better than touching yourself. He went between licking you up and circling your clit occasionally sucking on it making you whimper.
“That feels so so good,” Your hands found their way into his hair pushing it out of his eyes, he looked sexy from here.
“I’m glad you like it,” He hummed still at your core, the vibrations of his voice against your clit making you shake.
You could feel the heat starting to rise, the way that familiar knot was forming in your core. 
But suddenly, you remembered the guy on the dance floor. The way he smelled of weed, the way he pushed his body against your back. The way he lead you off the dance floor and handed you the drink. The drink you almost drank, the one he drugged to... 
The sensation hit you like a truck after a few minutes and you could feel the pleasure start to change into something else, your breathing was coming out faster and heavier. The walls of the room started to close in and you felt like you might pass out. Your thighs were trembling and Changbin had to hold them open to keep you from trying to close them.
“Changbin I– I– fuck, I–,” you couldn’t form a coherent sentence and panic started to rise in your chest. There were black dots starting to dance across your vision, you felt claustrophobic, “Shit, it’s really heavy. Changbin, please,”
 “Please what?” He asked, noticing panic in your voice. But you couldn’t speak all you could do was clench his hair making him stop.
“I– I need to catch my breath.” Fuck why were you panicking now. You sat up clenching your chest trying to focus your breathing. Changbin was sitting back on his knees, he grabbed your face between his hands trying to get you to focus on him.
“Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay just look at me. Focus on me.” His eyes and voice were calm but you felt a small part of you unraveling. Your chest hurt from how hard you were trying to breath, you tried closing your eyes but Changbin got your attention again, “No, (Y/N) look at me, keep focusing on me. I’m here. I’m real.”
Your eyes desperately searched his face trying to center yourself.
“The guy fro–from be–before, I– I’m having a p–anic attack,” You chocked out trying to at least tell him what was happening. It wasn’t the first time he saw you panic, but it had been a very long time.
“Okay, baby, don’t worry I’m right here. Just breathe. Can you tell me five things you can see? Come on, just five little things.” You could only see a small glint of desperation in his eyes.
“H–hair,” You chocked out looking at his dark hair, “Eyes,” His eyes that felt like home...
“That’s great, baby, really great. Three more. Just tell me three more little things you see.” Changbin encouraged, hands warm against your cheeks.
“Nose” that you loved to pinch when you would tease him in high school, “Cheeks,” they were flushed, “Lips,” they were soft and still wet from eating you out, your eyes stayed there.
“Great. Now four things you can touch.”
Your breathing was still heavy but you were a tiny bit calmer. You touched the bed for a few seconds, your dress, his hair and his hands on your face.
“Three things you can hear.” He continued calmly, voice like honey.
You concentrated, “rain, piano, your breathing.”
“Two things you can smell.”
“Beer and... your cologne.” Your eyes were closed but you were almost in complete control again.
“That’s amazing baby, now tell me one thing you can taste,”
“Dos XX.” You opened your eyes, he was smiling softly. “Damn it, Changbin I’m so sorry.”
You felt so guilty for freaking out like that. It was something that was out of your control but you still felt guilty and week for letting it overtake you like that. Especially now of all moments.
Changbin stayed on his knees looking up at you. You felt so embarrassed. Why did that have to happen now, you cursed yourself again. It had been months since your last panic attack but something about the way that guy tried to drug you made you lose your mind.
You pulled Changbin’s arm tugging him to join you on the bed. “Can you hug me for a bit, please?”
He chuckled before kicking off his shoes and climbing onto the bed. He pulled your body back with him as he sat up right against the headboard. His arms were wrapped tightly around your waist as you settled between his legs. He rested his chin on your shoulder half mumbling half singing the lyrics to I will follow you into the dark and swaying you gently. You closed your eyes relaxing against his chest, feeling the vibrations as he sang the sweet words into your ear. You felt at home in his arms, they were strong and safe. Like a fortress.
After a while of being like this you shifted in his embrace enough to where you could look up at him.
“What?” He asked half worried half smiling.
“Thank you for saving me. Or well, not saving me but you know... saving me. I didn’t realize the guy was a total scumbag. I should have been more careful.” You looked down fiddling with your fingers.
Changbin was quiet for a long time before responding. “If you let me be near you again, I promise I will always keep you safe.”
You met his gaze again. “What do you mean?”
“I mean, yes, I like you. A lot, actually. But I understand if you don’t want to be with me in that way or at least not right now, but it would be really great if we could try being friends again.. like before.”
Like before.
That’s all you had ever wanted. Was to go back to how things had been before, but you weren’t sure if that was even possible anymore. So much at had changed, everything was different. You were different.
“Can we go back to forgetting everything... Just for a little while longer?” You asked placing your hand on his neck, pulling his lips down to yours. You felt tired from the panic attack, but you need to feel something. Something that would replace the fear.
“Are you sure this is okay?” Changbin asked, he was hesitating against your lips.
You nodded pulling him into a kiss, your hands getting lost in his hair. Everything seemed to rush, the way your teeth teased his lips and his yours. The way you shifted yourself to lay down on your back pulling Changbin on top of you as you did. The way his hands slipped under your dress feeling your cold skin, and yours tugging his shirt desperately. You pulled the shirt over his head tossing it to the side before he went back to your lips shoving his tongue into your mouth. You could still taste yourself on his tongue and you blushed.
“I really want you to fuck me.”
Changbin chocked at your comment before laughing, “Damn, you can be really bold sometimes. I like it.”
He wasted no time unbuckling his belt buck, he looked so sexy doing it biting his lip, he knew what he could do to you. Changbin discarded the rest of his clothes and pulled your dress off surprised to see you weren’t wearing a bra.
“What?” You teased.
“Nothing, you’re just really hot.” His lips were hot on your chest, trailing down your stomach and back up again. His hands massaging your boobs before taking one in his mouth, he nibbling on your nipple the sensation making you whimper.
You pulled him by his hair back up to your lips, your legs wrapping around his bare waist pulling his naked body to yours.
“If you make me wait any longer I’m going to go crazy,” You whined pouting at Changbin making him laugh. “Oh, fuck,” he said shaking his head, “I don’t have a condom, I forgot my wallet at home...” At this point you were so turned on you just wanted to hit him, but you needed him so desperately. 
“It’s okay, I’m on the pill. Either way, I trust you.” You looked at him as you consented, before pulling his body closer to yours. The tip of his throbbing cock was teasing your entrance and you whined pushing your hips to get closer to him.
Changbin tsked, “You’re so impatient baby girl.”
“I need you, I don’t want to feel afraid anymore.” You didn’t care that the words sounded dumb or selfish, it was the truth.
“You don’t need to be afraid with me around.” He hummed into your neck brushing his head against your cheek, his hair was soft and smelled of mint. “I’ll keep you safe.” his words gave you chills.
“I know that, Changbin.” You didn’t, but you wanted to.
He slowly pushed his tip into your entrance making you squeeze your eyes shut.
“Look at me,” Changbin said grabbing your jaw in the way that was starting to feel familiar. “I want you to know that it’s me, that it’s me and no one else.”
You picked up on what he was hinting at, because there were things he noticed that you didn’t. Like what may or may not trigger another panic attack. He was right, so you kept your eyes open, watching as his face scrunched up as he pushed himself into your pussy stretching you out.
“Oh, fuck that’s tight.” He groaned, voice raspy and deep. “Fuck.”
He waited for you to adjust before continuing to move slowly in and out. You were still slick from before, so even though he filled you up it felt so good. The way he kissed your neck, and left love marks made you whine and tell him how much you had always wanted to do this.
“How many times have you thought about fucking me?” He asked, sitting back on his knees and pulling your waist higher to fuck you at a better angle. These types of positions always made you a little self conscious since he had a full frontal view, but you felt safe under his gaze.
“Too many to count.” You admitted laughing before moaning as he picked up the pace in time to the song that was playing downstairs. The friction felt like heaven and you felt the butterflies in your stomach start to turn into little knots. “Have you ever thought about fucking me?”
“Since the day I met you,” Changbin confessed between moans. “Fuck (Y/N) you feel so fucking good.”
“Changbin,” You moaned his name, eyes rolling back shut. You arched your back slightly as he pounded into you, the increased pace was making you feel hotter. “Fuck, if I would have known you were this good I would have asked you to fuck me sooner.”
He laughed at your vulgar comment, “Where? Like at the hide out?” He slammed into you again making you curse, your walls starting to clench around his cock.
“Yeah, that would have been really fun.” You found his hand and squeezed it. “Shit, I’m getting really close.” “Don’t worry baby you can cum whenever you want.” His words made you go crazy, and he praised you telling you how well you were doing. He pulled your legs up over his shoulder and bottoming you out with each and every thrust.
“Changbin, don’t stop.” You moaned as the sound of his skin slapping yours echoed louder and louder, Changbin’s breathing was hitching and you knew he was about to cum too. “Fuck,” The knots in your stomach turned into heatwaves as you released onto Changbin, he slammed into you harder and faster the friction making you see stars.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” Changbin moaned your name as he came in you, his hot white liquid filling you up and you loved the way it felt. “Shit.”
He fell on your chest letting your legs rest on either side of him, you both struggled to catch your breath but the sound was sweet in your ears. Changbin kept telling you how beautiful you looked in this mess and how amazing you felt. You ran your fingers through his wet hair, admiring his beautiful features as he rested on your chest.
“Hands down,” Changbin breathed, swallowing his spit to hydrate his dry throat, “My favorite.”
You waited for him to finish his thought but he didn’t.
“Your favorite what?” You probed, putting your arm on your forehead still coming down from your high.
“Oh, my favorite sex round.” He said still breathing heavy, laughing. The sound echoing in your chest.
“Yeah, it was pretty fucking amazing.” You agreed. Changbin pulled himself out of you slowly before settling next to you pulling you close. You rested your head on his chest hearing his heartbeat return to normal, the sound bringing you peace.
His hand traced the curve of your waist, and he did that for long time.
Eventually you both fell asleep and sometime through the night, decided to just keep sleeping getting comfortable under the covers and Changbin’s skin pressed against yours.
It was the first night in a long time where you felt like you actually rested well. The morning light woke you and for a few seconds you started to panic, until you saw Changbin’s sleeping face next to yours. Then you remembered the night before, and the amazing things you felt. You calmed your heart and snuggled back into his chest.
“Mm?” he mused lightly.
“Shh, sorry for waking you.” You whispered wrapping your arms around him tightly. He chuckled and fell back asleep in seconds.
That was until Seungmin walked through the door and started yelling every curse word in the book, “What the fuck do you guys think you’re doing in my bed. Wait, fuck, what the hell did you guys do in my bed? Don’t tell me you fucking had sex in my bed that is so fucking gross. Ew! I hate you guys, we’re not friends anymore, get the hell out of my house and wash the damn sheets before you leave I’m telling Chan on you guys..” Seungmin stormed out of the room continuing his rant.
You and Changbin exchanged looks before bursting out laughing.
“I really hope this doesn’t turn into an everyday thing when we have sex.” Changbin said whipping a tear from his eye from laughing so hard. First Chan and now Seungmin.
You prayed to the gods the same thing.
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kiszkakiss · 5 years
Pairing: Jake Kiszka x Reader
[AO3 or Wattpad, if you prefer: x / x]
Summary: I got this request for soft Jake smut. You spend the night with Jake and, when you wake up, he gives you some lovin’.
Warnings: SMUT 18+ YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED, unprotected oral and penetrative sex, cuteness. I hope. I hope I portrayed the cuteness well enough. It’s v sexy and lovey. fingers crossed.
A/N: Hope this satisfies! Also, sorry for the shit title.
[Word count: 1,253]
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Jake had invited you to spend the night while his brothers went on a camping trip. He insisted he was fine with missing out; he just wanted to spend time with you, uninterrupted. You arrived at the Kiszka’s in the afternoon. Jake greeted you at the door with the brightest smile, obviously excited to see you.  He looked like he wasn’t long out of the shower; his hair damp and wavy, cheeks still flushed from the hot water. Pretty necklaces hung around his neck and he didn’t even bother to button his shirt at all. When you stepped inside, you followed him into the living room; watching as his black skinny jeans clung to his legs, accentuating his cute little butt.
The day consisted of listening to some of Jake’s favourite records while chatting about everything going on in your lives. In the evening, you ate dinner together and then you admired him fiddling about on his guitar. You sang along when he played songs you knew and loved; he did his best to harmonise but neither of you were worried about being perfect. You felt like your heart was literally going to burst, watching as his passion for music oozed from him.
It was around midnight when Jake had fallen asleep; both of you clad in just your underwear, with you in his arms and mid conversation, no less. It was adorable, though. His breathing evened out more and more, with each sentence becoming less and less coherent. You started asking questions like “do you know how much I love you?” and he would respond with a soft “mhm” or a slight nod of his head. When he finally fully fell asleep, you cuddled up to him with your hand splayed across his chest and you let yourself drift off to the sound of your loves steady heartbeat.
Jake’s arm must have fallen asleep during the night because, when you woke up, you weren’t wrapped up in him anymore. You weren’t facing him anymore either but you were sure he was still there because you could hear his soft breathing. Whenever you stayed over, you were always the first one to wake up. Usually, you’d wake him up when you couldn’t lay in bed anymore; you’d claim you were a guest in his house and needed to be entertained. You thought you’d leave him be this time, though; considering how fast he fell asleep the night before. You would have turned around to face him but you didn’t want to jiggle the bed too much and risk waking him. So, you stayed on your side, closed your eyes and willed yourself to get a couple more hours.
You had no idea how long you’d been asleep for when you felt Jake pressed flush against your back. His hands were gentle as he caressed your hips and ground his erection against your ass. You smiled to yourself and your hand automatically went to rest on his, the one that was pulling you in towards him. He must have been half asleep because he apologised when he felt your touch and realised what he was doing. “Don’t be sorry. Keep going.” you insisted, grinding back against him. He sighed deeply and continued his movements; his hand beginning to wander down to your thighs, careful and deliberate. You lifted your knee to grant Jake access to your heat but he moved his hand back the way it came and up to cup your breast. He squeezed gently, leaving warm kisses on your shoulder and neck.
When you turned onto your back, giving him a full view of your chest, he immediately caught your lips in a lazy kiss. Your mouths moved together languidly, neither of you in a rush; just enjoying the feeling of one another. Jake pulled away with a small smile, “Good morning, love.” He spoke with a hint of playfulness. “Pretty sure it’s not morning anymore but… this is good.” You giggled at him sleepily and pulled him back down for more kisses.
Jake manoeuvred himself between your legs, still pressing kisses against your lips, and settling there; hovering with his elbows on either side of your head and grinding his clothed cock against the fabric of your underwear. You pulled away with a gasp as you felt him nudge your clit but he didn’t stop. He kept grinding at that angle and started to trail soft kisses down to your neck, pulling quiet whines and moans out of you. When his lips began to trail lower, you found yourself tangling your fingers in his hair. He kept his face close to your heat and looked up at you, raising an eyebrow. You nodded and he pulled your underwear down your legs, tossing them over the side of the bed. You spread your legs for him and he kissed the inside of your thighs, nipping and licking as he went.
The feeling of Jake’s warm, wet tongue against you was unreal. He licked a long stripe from the pool of your wetness to your clit and back; dipping inside. You were struggling to keep still for him, so, he kept a firm grip on your hips, keeping you steady. When he pulled back, his face was shiny with your arousal and you grinned at him with half-lidded eyes. Jake smirked back at you and sucked your clit into his mouth. When he started flicking his tongue, you just about lost it; your head falling back onto the pillows with a groan, hands tugging at his hair and hips trying to buck up, needing more. Jake made direct eye contact as he pushed two fingers inside of you, pumping them in and out slowly. “Jake, love, I want you.” You breathed, cupping his face. “Okay, baby. I’ve got you.” He tugged his underwear down, off of his legs and threw them on the floor to join yours. Leaning in between your legs, once again, he placed gentle kisses all over your face which made you giggle. You reached down and wrapped your hand around his hard cock; you could feel it pulsing. His need was much more obvious then, he was hiding it well.
You helped line him up with your center and watched his face contort as he pushed inside, filling you up beautifully. Jake buried his face in your neck and started thrusting; slow and steady. You wanted him to speed up but you also didn’t want feeling this good to end; felt like you could explode with love and adoration for this gorgeous man, making you feel like… you couldn’t even describe. With breaths becoming heavier, moans becoming louder and orgasms fast approaching, you wiggled your hand down between your bodies to rub your clit in circular motions as you were closer to finishing. The sheer image of you getting yourself off was enough for Jake to quicken his pace, trying to help you get there but also chasing his own high. When your orgasm shot through you, you let out a long, breathy moan. Your back arched but you tried to keep your eyes open, gazing into your loves. The feeling of you contracting around his cock made Jake thrust harder and then spill his hot release right after you.
Still kneeling between your legs, inside you, Jake gave you the softest kiss. “I love you.” He confessed, still catching his breath. “Jake,” you began, “I love you, too. More than you could know.” “Love, I think I know.”
Taglist: @gretastanfleet, @lantern-inthenight, @all-things-19​, @younpeople-oldsouls
84 notes · View notes
iblamebighit · 8 years
interrupted (M) part IV
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pairing: reader x ???
genre: angst, fluff, smut? idefk
summary: part 4 of this trash ass fic. also heavily based in the run mv
word count: 2.3k (specifics 2,328)
warnings/triggers: fighting, swearing etc...
No, no, no… please. It’s not true… It can’t be…
A frenzy of emotions took over you as you barged past the barricade of frozen bodies in the doorway, and stormed up the stairs. This isn’t happening. You pleaded to yourself as you thoughtlessly approached his door with what felt like a withering body.  A mix of music and muffled moans filled the air and with every step, grew louder, almost ringing and echoing throughout your numb mind.
“fuck-Jungkook-yes.” Minah whined behind the wood, but it was Jungkook’s muffled grunts making your stomach twist, and your heart stop. You wanted to sink to the floor, you were visibly shaking.
This couldn’t be Jungkook. Not after last night. He confessed, he kissed you… he… he… He played you like a bitch.
Anger seethed through your bones; you grit your teeth marching to Jimin’s room, and grabbing his box of condoms from his dresser. Returning with no hesitation, you kicked open the door; greeted by Minah’s bare back making your stomach coil. Mustering all the fading strength you could, you launched the box against the wall above the busy bed, the condoms spilling out like rain onto them. Screams of them jumping apart and finding refuge under sex-ridden sheets, filled the hot and heavy air of the room.  
You laughed cynically, and their shaken eyes landed on your shaking hysterical figure, you sounded as if someone should have you locked in a mental hospital, at this point you were so blind with anger, you weren’t thinking as rage clouded your mind and judgement,
“I DON’T THINK STD’s COUNTS AS BEING SICK! SO USE THOSE IF THAT’S YOUR FUCKING EXCUSE!” You seethed, finally reaching their blown out eyes. As your eyes landed on the boy you loved, you no longer saw red. This wasn’t you.
You turned, caught off guard by the rest of the boys who had now gathered at on the landing, mouths agape and eyes wide as to what they had just witnessed. They were all speechless.  
You tilted your head up, to hold back the tears that were starting to blur your vision. All the anger had boiled away, leaving you a numb weak shell of a person.
“y/n…” hoseok spoke out of the silence.
“Thanks for tonight guys...really.” you barely got out, more sounding like a strangled choke than a coherent sentence.
Before any of them could respond, and before you knew it your legs broke out into a run, almost stumbling in your heels down the stairs. you just wanted to get far away from here as quick as you could.
“y/n wait!” Jimin called after you, making you break into a violent sob. As his footsteps broke into a run behind you, your heart beated faster with every step you heard, though your body was resisting; with your muscles becoming stiff, legs growing weak and feet stinging in painfully high heels, you forced yourself to run.
Jimin cried out your name, his distant voice echoing and ringing clear in the crisp air, as he chased after you in the street. But you couldn’t stop. You needed out of there.
Jimin breathlessly stopped losing you at a red light, watching your figure disappear into the dark busy cityscape.
Back at the dorm, Jungkook came rushing out of his room, stopping as his hyungs stood stoic and silent on the landing.
“Shit” he spat realising she had left. A tense silent atmosphere engulfed the landing and all eyes bore deep into the maknae.
“That was fucking low Jungkook.” Taehyung scoffed, before walking off to his room.
“It was her birthday.” Hoseok added, truly disgusted by the youngest’s actions and followed V but into his own room.
Yoongi and Seokjin vanished without a word; they didn’t have to even say anything, they didn’t want to. Disgust and disappointment was evident in their expression especially when they couldn’t look at him any longer; not only did he lie to y/n, he lied to them too.
“How could you do this?” Namjoon snapped. “Not only to us, but especially to y/n… I can’t believe you had it in you to do this.” He mumbled as he too, left Jungkook alone.
All Jungkook did was bite the inside of his cheek, he couldn’t do anything, he knew he was in the wrong here. he fucked up everything. he fucked up the party, he fucked up the trust with his brothers… and worst of all… he fucked up the chance he had with you.
You collapsed at the door of your apartment, falling against the wood. It hurt to breathe, with every sharp painful gasp of air, you choked at the shallow nature of your lungs. You couldn’t feel your legs, you reached down your throbbing stiff legs and finally slipped off your heels. You winced at the pain as cuts, bruises and blisters that met the cold air. But it didn’t hurt anyway near as much as the way Jungkook played you.
You broke into a violent sob on the floor, curling up into a ball. Your mind and your body ached, you didn’t even bother moving onto the sofa or your bed, or even turning the lights on. Instead you lay limp at your doorway, shuddering and sobbing in the silence and darkness.
Jimin huffed breathlessly, watching his pissed sighs and mutters condense and float in the cold night air. He coughed and sniffed from running against the harsh and painful cold to try catch you; but he couldn’t keep up. He knew you wouldn’t pick up but he aimlessly called and texted you.
To y/n:
i know you’re upset.
i know you don’t want to talk.
but please just text me or call so i know you made it home safe.
He wanted to throw his phone. A sudden rush of anger flooded Jimin’s senses. Jungkook broke your heart. Fuelled by this overwhelming feeling, Jimin broke off into a sprint for the house.
“I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT!” Jungkook spat from the doorway, as Minah desperately tried to cling onto him. Jimin slowed, watching the unfolding scene in the dim lighting of the streetlamps.
“You didn’t say that when you were moaning under me.” She coyly teased, her lips scraping his neck and her slender arms snaking around his torso.
“GET OFF ME!” He grunted, struggling and breaking off her vice-like grip. “IT’S ALL YOUR FUCKING FAULT.” Jungkook screamed, throwing her shoes out onto the drive and without thinking, pushed her backward.
Jimin’s instincts shot out like a gun, darting forward just in time to catch Minah from falling onto the brickwork of their drive.
“Are you okay?” he asked, catching his breath. Minah nodded, too in shock to form words. Jimin set her down, as Jungkook came racing.
“I’m sorry Minah I-”
“You’ve done enough.” Jimin growled, his muscles getting tense as he stared the younger one down.
“You lied to us. You fucked Minah. and worst of all… You broke y/n’s heart.”
Jimin grabbed Jungkook by the shoulders, violently throwing him back into the house, Jungkook stumbling backward as the back of his feet hit the doorway.
“What the fuck Jimin.” Jungkook hissed, blood boiling as he stood up.
“You’re not even worth a hit.” Jimin scoffed as he turned away.
Failing to tame the growing anger that heated in Jungkook stomach; he seized the elder by the shoulders, shoving him against the stairs “Shut the fuck up.” He spat, hooking a punch that landed roughly on Jimin’s stiff jaw.
Jimin grit his teeth, tasting the bitter metallic blood drawing from the corners of his mouth; Jimin took Jungkook by the throat, throwing him onto the living room floor. A cry fell from Jungkook’s lips as his ribs hit against the edge of the sofa; wincing in pain and dodging Jimin’s punch he stood up, an arm clutching his side whilst the other tried to land a hit on older boy. Jimin seized Jungkook’s wrist, as Jungkook’s incoming punch narrowly missed him. Jimin swung the youngest round; knocking over the coffee table and all that was on top, with a huge crash. Jungkook charged at Jimin, tackling him, causing them both to stumble over the flipped table, into a heap on the floor of frantic hits and punches. The pair, breathlessly fought, anger and adrenaline racing through their systems. Both blind with anger.
Minah had ran upstairs as soon as the fight broke out, too scared to break them apart on their own. They all ignored her helpless cries, thinking it was just ‘Minah seeking attention again’ but the members all sprung out of their rooms upon hearing the commotion of loud bangs, agonising screams and furniture crashing. They boys met with Minah on the landing, their movements quick as they followed her down the stairs,
“What the fuck is going on?” Namjoon questioned, as they ran down the stairs. The noises growing louder as they headed and burst through the living room door. All eyes landed on the pair wrestling on the floor, Taehyung and Seokjin quickly reacted seizing the pair away from each other, struggling to do so at Jungkook and Jimin scratched and grabbed onto each other, refusing to back down.
“Stop it!” Hoseok ordered, as the rest of the group helped to separate them.
Jimin shoved off Seokjin and Namjoon, who were restraining him. He heaved heavily, catching his breath.
“I’m fine. I’m. Fine.” He reassured, as Jungkook scoffed at him. “I’m leaving.”
“To where?” Yoongi asked. Jimin looked Jungkook dead in the eye before replying:
“To y/n.”
Jimin ran up the stairs to your apartment.
“Y/N!” He called, banging his fist on your door, the sound echoing throughout the silent hallway.
You pathetically reached up  -not even bothering to collect yourself off the floor- and turned the handle.
Jimin hurriedly pulled open the door, about to rush in when he spotted your hunched figure perched on the floor, surrounded by the darkness.
You pitifully hid behind your hair, avoiding any eye contact with him. You had no strength to move. No strength to respond. No strength to react.
He sank down to his knees, speechless… he had never seen you this broken. All for a boy that didn’t deserve you. He gently tucked the hair that fell in front of your face, behind your ears, revealing the face of the girl he fell for, albeit with puffy eyes, swollen cheeks and a reddened nose; he couldn’t stand to see you like this.
The fact you couldn’t look at him, drove you insane. You knew one comforting look and you would’ve burst into tears again. You knew Jimin, in the fact that he knows just what to do to make you happy when any time you were feeling terrible.
“y/n…” he whispered, barely audible, and from that one sound; the sound of your name in that comforting deep raspy voice of his, you couldn’t control the tears. Your hand flew to your face, as if you could hide yourself. He guided your hands to his back and cradled the back of your head, guiding it to the crook in his neck. You melted into his embrace, spilling your choked sobs into his hoodie and his arms provided you with warmth and his hands grazing the back of your head.
“I’m- s-so-sorry-J-Jimin.” You choked out between sobs.
“Shhh-shhh.” he hushed gruffly. “I don’t want to hear about any of that right now… for now, I just want you to be okay again.”
You didn’t deserve him,
“Let’s get you to bed…”, he carefully unravelled himself from you, switching on the lights, making you cower slightly. His eyes fell to the scattered heels, then your freshly scarred feet. “y/n…” he gasped, you didn’t have to look at him to know he was talking about all the new cuts, bruises and blisters, that adorned your skin. 
He bent down, hooking his arm behind your knees and his other arm around your back, lifting you and carrying you to your bathroom. He set you down on the edge of your bathtub, you flinched as your feet came into contact with the cold porcelain. He ran the water, rolling up the ends of your skinny jeans, you hissed as water pooled around the fresh cuts on your skin. He reached down, gently washing all the blood away, it was then when you finally looked at him. He had bruises and cuts on him too… your eyes widened to a cut dangerously close to his eye, without thinking, you reached out to touch it. He winced as your fingertips brushed against it.
“What happened…” you rasped, finding your voice again, but he just guided your arm away.
“Not a priority right now…” he whispered, getting back to cleansing your feet.
You reached your hand down to the water, taking it and swiping your thumb across the graze on his cheek, mirroring what he was doing with you.
The edges of his mouth raised slightly, as did yours, but he cleared his throat, got up and returned with towels. He switched the tap off, taking your feet into the towel and lightly blotted them dry, before carrying you to your room.
He set you down on the edge of the bed, grabbing a long t-shirt from your closet and slipping it over you. You undid your bralette under your shirt, and left him to innocently remove your skinny jeans.
He turned off the lights and tucked you into your sheets,
“I guess i’ll- er -you’ll be okay right.. y/n?”
“Wait… Jimin…”
He hummed,
“Stay.” you whispered. You felt his slight hesitation, and so you begged “Please.”
He slowly slipped himself next to you, under the sheets. You buried your head in his chest, and his arms instinctively held you close. You took comfort in his chest, listening to his heartbeat. It was in that moment, you knew it. It was in that moment you had to say something…
“I love you.”
a/n: i was listening to run throughout writing this and now i have orange jimin feels fml.
shoutout to bae: @bts-sexy-reads who helped so much with this <3
sorry this took so long to post. i honestly have so much workload i want to cry almost everyday.
I love you guys and thank you so much for your love, partience and notes, and of course stay horny, stay shook and stay safe ;)
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