#the little chick cheep
fernandomontesfilms · 9 months
O Pintinho Piu - Versão Do Os Wiggles - Português
Did you know that the Brazilian Children's song "O Pintinho Piu" was originally released in 1957, after the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer cartoon studio shut down?
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teenagetumblers · 9 months
O Pintinho Piu - Versão Do Os Wiggles (10-30-2011)
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kedreeva · 3 months
Corona today hatched 4 of her 5 eggs, and then left the nest. The 5th was cold when I got there, but it was cheeping, so I brought it in and put it into the incubator with a bunch of warm water to keep it humid.
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10 minutes later it pipped the shell and an hour after that it was out. Here's a 4-hours-old peachick:
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I waited until dark, and then walked out to where Corona was sitting with her other 4, and shoved the chick under her in one quick motion. She bitched at me a little, but ultimately refused to move. In the morning, she will have 5 chicks instead of 4, and be none the wiser.
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Years ago I was told - repeatedly, by everyone, and sometimes in quite nasty ways - that it's impossible to put chicks under peahens at night, that it doesn't work. But I've done it a bunch of times and... It's always worked. There's no reason it shouldn't work, if it's being done correctly.
At any rate, Corona now has 5 chicks- 3 purples, a bs, and one that may be bs pied or white. Hard to tell yet.
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wheels-of-despair · 9 months
@oneforthemunny's one-derful year The Title: The One Where Eddie Missed An Egg The Eddie: Cowboy!Eddie The Prompt: Cowboy!Eddie and Sweet Girl's Animals The Summary: Sweet Girl hears an odd sound and must investigate. The Words: 400ish
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What the hell is that noise?
You lift the pan of sizzling eggs off the burner and listen closer.
A new bird coming to admire your flowers, perhaps? You make sure the stove is turned off and walk to the window to peer out. You can't place the culprit. You shake your head and return to the counter to pull down a plate for Eddie.
Your hard-working cowboy is due to return for breakfast in just a few minutes. He'd have worked up quit an appetite by now.
It's definitely coming from near the window. You quickly return to it and look out again, scanning in every direction. There's the robin, and the pair of sparrows. They're regulars; none of them sounds like this.
You reach for a sweater to cover your nightie and step outside into the cool morning air. You stand quietly on the porch in your bare feet, waiting to hear the sound again so you can follow it and figure out what it is.
You tread carefully across the worn wood toward the steps.
Left. You descend the front steps and turn.
It's coming from the bushes. You peer over into them…
A tiny blob of yellow catches your eye.
It's a little chick.
"Where did you come from?" you ask. You reach down and scoop it up and instinctively bring it to your chest, and it immediately quiets. The poor thing's feet are cold. You can feel its little heart beating.
"It's alright, little baby," you whisper. "I'll keep you warm."
"Whatcha got there?"
You turn to Eddie and reveal the chick.
"Guess I missed one," he smiles, rubbing the back of his neck. "You know what that is, don't you?"
"It's a chick. A baby chicken. It's gonna grow up and become one of those peckin' monsters that you're so scared of."
"Not this one," you coo, holding the chick up to your face and nuzzling your cheek into its fuzz. "This one's my baby."
"Aw, hell," Eddie groans, knowing this thing's never going to leave your side. You grin and pet your fluffy little sweetheart. "What'd I tell you about wearing clothes and shoes outside?"
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wingedanon · 6 months
*They walk into Crow's house and walk up to him, holding his kids in their hands*
Hey! These little guys went up to me and told me that they wanted their dad!
[Honestly forgot about this.]
*Crow rushes over*
chrrp chrp cheep?
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ghost-bxrd · 1 year
Talon wonders what it is doing here, alone. Humans this size tend to be well protected by their nest mothers and fathers. Has the little one wandered off?
Talon coos again, scooting a little closer.
No matter. The tiny human will go cold if Talon leaves it here, and unlike with Talon humans do not become warm again once they are returned to better temperatures.
The tiny human whines in fright, its face buried in its arms, and Talon stops its advance, confused.
It had been sure the sound was the same one their owl mother had used on the chicks. Perhaps it means something different to humans?
Talon tries again with a quiet trill, crouching low against the ground to make itself appear smaller. Tiny humans do not like being towered over.
And yet the tiny human continues to shake, making those quiet, stifled cheeps of distress that make Talon feel on edge like there is a threat it needs to take care of but there’s nothing here except the tiny human and Talon.
— snippet featuring Talon!Dick and a smol Jason
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gofancyninjaworld · 1 year
OPM Manga Update 230 Review: Updates
This is the sort of chapter we've not had in too long: the sort that zips along, catching us up on what's been happening. Finally, the long, dark nightmare of Tatsumaki's tantrum begins to fade. (No, it's not that it's that bad, but 2 chapters would have been plenty).
We start with Flashy Flash trying to find God. No, Manako, who's the next best thing to God. By asking monsters. He's getting nowhere fast, which is anathema to our speedster so he decides to enlist Saitama's help, after he polishes him up. Because what Saitama truly needs in his life is a random drop-in master.
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Anyway, on we go. Much less inflated, in both ego and body, we have Tank Top Master. He has finally worked off the fat (phat?) boost that Fubuki gave him. He misses the strength it came with but the rest of the gym like s him back to his old shape. Speaking of the reset, there aren't many Tank Toppers left: many have retired in the wake of the Monster Association showdown. Tank Top Rockabilly starts to curse their cowardice, but Tank Top Master stops him, pointing out that what mattered were those who still showed up. Besides he had a feeling about tank tops -- and on cue, three C-Class heroes come in to sign up as new recruits.
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Also in a gym but much less happily, we see Super Alloy Darkshine trying to do what he's done so many times before: work off his insecurity. It isn't doing much for him, and, as he peels off his shirt, we see the livid scars left on his torso and hands. He reflects that he simply cannot quell the fear he feels at the rethought of fighting again. We close out this scene with Captain Mizuki watching him with concern.
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The camera moves again (yes, yes, I know -- bear with me; there's method to my madness) and we watch the biggest, fuzziest chick mascot you ever did see help little children cross the road safely. Yes, it's Phoenixman, or Chick Man as he's now known. He catches sight of Child Emperor across the road and the two repair to a cafe. He explains to a very wary Child Emperor that even though he's no longer a chick-sized man, but a man-sized chick, his powers haven't returned and he ekes out a living doing good. Kids love him! It's not too bad at the moment, so what does Child Emperor want with him? Child Emperor wastes no time getting to the point: he wants to know what the monster knew about the bad things happening at the HA, and how.
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Feels like just a few days ago since we left Monster Chick Man cheeping in the rubble -- don't they grow fast? Speaking of fast-growing things, we have a problem in City Y. Yes, this is the city where Child Emperor has his lab -- looks like he's too busy interrogating monsters to look after his patch, and in his absence, we have an invasion of trees. Sentient moving trees announcing their divine purpose to restore the Earth's soils to their former fertility -- by using people as fertilizer. We see three heroes trying to cut them down (or blow them up), setting up a smokescreen to confuse the monsters but they're quickly snared by the tree roots. It looks bad, but then Tank Top Master and several of his Tank Toppers come barging through. Tank Top Master urges the heroes not to sit there but to join them in their charge. They charge forward, sending tree monsters flying and it's all looking good until...
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...obscured by the smoke, they run straight into the Forest King himself. The monster wastes no time picking up the heroes and, starting to squeeze the lives out of them, announces the arrival of new fertilizer.
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Of course, a hero always knows how to pick their moment, and in that moment, all the plant life in the boulevard, even the vines choking the buildings disappear in a flash. Out of that smoke appears a very familiar silhouette. Declaring himself satisfied with Dr Kuseno's work, Genos tells the monster and heroes that he wants a new spar with Saitama (talk about non-useful information!) But first, he had some trash to get rid of. And that is the end of the Forest King, gone too fast to be worth panelling.
We close with a very excited Genos showing his nice new parts to Saitama, who appears to just about have noticed there's something different about his disciple again.
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Correction: we close to the Tank Toppers working out frantically to catch up to machine power. Can't call Tank Top Master a quitter.
Meta below the cut.
Meta: So much to catch up on
You know, I was happy to see Flashy Flash looking for Manako... at least until I heard his reasons for it. If he'd protested to someone that he was just looking for her as a witness too valuable to let some random hero kill, I'd have smiled and called him tsundere. As this is him musing to himself, I'm much less reassured. There's something I find deeply untrustworthy about that ninja.
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People are like tea bags: you never know how strong they are until they're in hot water
Another chapter, another hero group, another shakedown. Earlier, we had seen the Blizzard Group shaken down to the few members who truly believed in what Fubuki did and were willing to seek to grow stronger in their own rights rather than just propping her ego up. This time, we're seeing a shakedown of the Tank Toppers. The good thing about the Tank Top Army is that with its policy of hard work, wearing tank tops, and just doing one's best, it's not as politically scheming as the Blizzard group and has the advantage that people there really do want to work together to do some good. However, a lot of them have also been hiding behind a Class S hero to get points (and wins) easily. With the long night of the Monster Association raid and all it pulled out of them, it looks like many have honestly looked at themselves and realised that they aren't going to be able to give the world what it needs. Tank Top Master respecting that a hero can only give what they can and letting them leave without rancour or ill word is a real credit to the man.
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I've seen Tank Top Master called the Mumen Rider of the S-Class. I don't know if I'd go that far, but he's certainly the sort of guy one could describe as having no side. He's very much of the what-you-see-is-what-you-get persuasion. I loved how he shone in the Monster Association raid. For me the single most impressive thing was him cutting through Mumen Rider's self-deprecating routine and making him the de facto leader of the local rescue operation. And Mumen rose to the occasion without question. Tank Top Master really does know how to pull the best out of people.
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This chapter is no exception when he refuses to berate the heroes who have been trapped by the tree monsters and urges them to get up and press on. Life is been tough for Tank Top Master, but heroism isn't measured in wins and losses: it's not a game, but a belief in doing the right thing whatever the odds. I would like things to go well for him sooner rather than later, but as long as his tank top is strong, let's watch him and cheer him on.
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It's all in how you see it
Something that's too big and too long a topic to deal with here is the role of the subjective in One-Punch Man. ONE did set out to make OPM not a story with a single definitive narrative, but rather one told through multiple viewpoints, and it seems to exist at all levels of the story. Even the idea of a person turning into a monster is based on that person's subjective view of themselves and their place in the world. So it shouldn't be surprising that there appears to be a lot of characters with body image problems, one shown most graphically by Darkshine. Whether the scars on his body are as livid as they appear to him to a third party is irrelevant: to him, they're there, and all the trauma and shock of having the skin he trusted to keep his fragile self safe being breached is right there in front of him. His donning a t-shirt so as not to see it in the gym mirror is painful to see indeed.
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I'd love to say something about Phoenixman/Chick Man but it escapes me for now. In the meantime, I have only questions. How the hell did he grow back to man-size so fast? What exactly has happened to him to so comprehensively depower him? Why is he able to be accepted as a mascot in society? Are there no background checks? Like Child Emperor, I find myself very curious but not one whit trusting.
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Back to the grind
I'm not going to say Genos is back. He's been around in the aftermath of the Monster Association raid, helping Saitama find their old apartment, terrorizing the Hero Association, and just hanging out. He's appeared in reasonably good spirits and decent health, and yet, this is a return of sorts. It's more like he's come off sick leave and returned to work.
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I know people like to pretend to know nothing for argument's sake, but if you've ever burned wood, you know that wet wood is not easy (or advisable to burn): you need dry wood to get a fire going. Living wood is 60% water and takes a lot of energy, such that to get a forest fire you need high temperatures, prolonged dry weather conditions, and a lot of dry underbrush to keep the fire going… and even there many trees don't burn fully. So for a forest of living trees to not just burn up but to be ASHED in a flash, like they're made of gun cotton speaks to a truly terrifying power.
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I'm unsurprised that Genos can do that, and crush a dragon-level monster like it's a bug -- it's been clear he's got the power for a while but it's nice to see him consolidate his hard-won gains.
That said… what the heck is he so keen to show Saitama? I have no idea what Genos thinks he's got to show Saitama that will impress the latter. If nobody else knows, he knows the absurd heights of power from which Saitama looks down on the world. He knows too that Saitama sees him and thinks well of him. And yet he's eager to spar him. Okay, kid. Just don't embarrass yourself, that's all I'm asking.
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thesharktanksdriver · 11 months
The reader celebrating Halloween with everyone...
Also happy Halloween! 🎃🦇⚰️👹
Reader : *knocks door*
Stranger : *annoyed, opens the door* tf do you want?
Reader : Trick or treat! *Raises their basket*
Kid!Corazon and kid!Doflamingo : *does the same*
Stranger : *slams door*
Reader : Happy Halloween! Come on guys! *About to get to the other houses*
Kid!Doflamingo : Wait, we didn't get our treat *drags them back by the shoulder*
Kid!Corazon : So...?
Kid!Doflamingo : So now... We must TRICK *says that with the most menacing look ever*
Mihawk : Halloween is over, (Reader) can you please take the decorative skeleton out of your room?
Reader : His name is Jared! >:(
Mihawk : *Sighs*
Mihawk : can JARED leave the house NOW?
Reader : Do you wanna hear a joke about ghosts?
Kid!Doflamingo : No
Reader : That's the spirit! *Finger guns* :D
Kid!Doflamingo :
Kid!Corazon : *clapping and laughing*
Roger : *Is in a chicken costume* I'm a chicken! And this!
*holding reader, wearing a chick costume above his head*is my little Chicky!
Reader : Cheep cheep mother-cluckers!
Kid!Buggy : Gotta be honest, (Reader), the Halloween decorations are looking great!
Kid!Shanks : Yeah! Where did you get these fake skeletons (Reader)? *Holding a nearly as real skull*
Reader : Fake...?
*shanks and Buggy immediately backs away from reader for at least 10 feet*
Reader : It's a joke-
Reader : Guys, we're out of candy!
Kid!Doflamingo : already? There's only like 3 kids!
Kid!Corazon : Yeah but... One girl said she loved me so I just gave her everything...
Reader : So what do you wanna be for Halloween? *Carving a face on a pumpkin using a stick*
Law : an idiot
Reader : How though-
Corazon coming over holding his clothes happily : Heres the clothes you wanna borrow Law!
Reader :
Law :
Corazon : Why are you two staring at me-
Robin : I thought you're decorating for Halloween?
Crocodile : I am
Robin : You're just holding up pictures of bullets and guns
Crocodile : You said Halloween is for when you decorate the things you hate the most
Robin : I said Halloween is for when you decorate the things you fear the most
Crocodile : Same thing
Reader : *holding the news paper* this says here "A crazy dude wearing a Strawhat, with a mask and black, red sheet over their shoulders running around in [town] stealing candies from children and adults"
Luffy : That was me! *Happily munching a chocolate bar*
- 🛎️Anon!
I love me Halloween madness
Ngl, y/n would definitely dress up as a ghost most halloweens or if their feeling daring they’d go as Roger since they already have the coat for it
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slettlune · 4 months
there's a little bird building a nest under our building's protruding roof shingles and i am willing to die and/or kill for this potential bird family. i desperately need to figure out what species they are so i can offer top notch nutritious food
my friend told me "just wait until the chicks cheeping ruins your sleep" like no you don't understand i'm a coparent now, we're expecting!!
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fernandomontesfilms · 6 months
Fellous Titiou - Al Wiggles 'iisdar (1-3-2013)
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teenagetumblers · 9 months
Il Pulcino Pio - Versione Di Il Wiggles (8-8-2012)
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'The Little Chick Cheep' starts playing.
They'd bow down low with a hand behind their back, reaching the other out to Lucifer.
" Would you care to join me for a dance, my king? "
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Not my usual music but I certainly won't turn down a dance.
*Takes their hand.*
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phoenix-flamed · 9 months
She waited for him in his room, a large box sitting beside her on the table. In the past it had been easier to make him gifts, but Anabella tried nonetheless. “Merry Starlight, Miles.” And she nudged the box closer to him; quiet noises escaped from the holes she had made into the box’s walls. Inside the box was a chocobo chick in white colour.
“I had to think of you and your companion when I saw it. It is friendly and likes to be pet,” she told him and thinking back on his loyal beast had pushed the urge to give him the chance of a new bond — besides it was not as if she wanted to take care of it or even sell it. Where she had even gotten the chick from, Anabella would never tell.
For some odd reason, the thought of Anabella showing up in his room for a change had never crossed his mind -- leading to the man stopping just beyond the threshold. Not only did his expression make plain just how surprised he was to see her, but if that wasn't enough, he very nearly jumped because of it.
Miles was fixing to curiously inquire as to whether or not she needed help with something, but that same curiosity was turned to the box instead. The holes in the sides of the box already implied that its contents were alive, but those tiny little sounds...
The littlest of cheeps. He knew what it was before her explanation, and before he had lifted the lid from it, yet the sight of the chocobo chick -- its plumage the same snowy white as House Rosfield's former royal chocobos -- still drew a sharp gasp from him.
"..Eleftherios..." His beloved companion had been cut down so abruptly right in front of him at Phoenix Gate, and it was only now that he realized that he had never stopped to truly grieve that loss either. Of course the Cursebreaker knew full well that this baby was very much not Eleftherios, and he would neither seek to replace his old friend with this one, nor try to force this one to grow up to be similar to Eleftherios. No, he would love him as he was, whoever that ended up being.
With the same care and tenderness that he had once upon a time lifted and held their sons with when they were infants, Miles picked the chick up from its temporary home and held him close to his chest. His eyes squeezed shut in an effort to hold back the tears that burned at the corners of them.
"Hello there, my new friend," Miles spoke warmly to the cheeping chick while he began to stroke along the bird's downy head. "Hmm... What do you think of the name "Elpis", little one?"
When the man's gaze lifted back to his unexpected visitor, that same warmth was offered to her through his smile and his eyes -- even if the latter did still glisten with a few tears. "Thank you, Ana. He's perfect."
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ohhgingersnaps · 8 days
Flu Game
Ch. 8/8 — Heaven, Iowa T+ | Sebastian/Female Farmer Tags: Hanahaki, Mutual Pining, Angst With A Happy Ending, (this is the happy ending! congrats y'all we have arrived)
Ava very quickly decides that the baby chicks that hatched while she was away are the cutest things she’s ever seen. They’re little balls of fluff, cheeping and scuttling around under the heat lamp, kicking up fresh wood shavings from Robin’s carpentry shop in their wake. Chickens may be vicious and petty and full of bloodlust—which she guesses probably tracks, given that they’re the great-great-great-ad-nauseam grand-babies of dinosaurs—and their beaks may be sharp, but they are also very, very cute. They hold a steady ranking at the top of her Most Adorable Things Of All Time list until around three-thirty in the afternoon, at which point Sebastian finally swings by during one of his smoke breaks, and then they’re immediately dethroned. The chicks are cute, but they don’t hold a candle to the way Sebastian fawns over them. “…And I’ve been calling that one Uma Thurman. She’s pretty quiet, but she can stand her ground, when she needs to. And that one over there is Young,” he’s explaining, and gives a mock-offended scoff when she snorts. “Look, you can rename them yourself if you want, but that one”—he juts his chin at a red-speckled void chick—“really does need to be called Menace, because she totally is one, I stand by that—” Menace runs up to him and taps his shoe with her beak. He laughs and rolls his eyes, but he still cups his hands and lowers them to chick-level. She hops into them with a delighted little cheep, and he smiles as he gently lifts her, rubbing his thumb along her soft, downy feathers. “See? An absolute menace.”
(Read the rest on AO3!)
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What's fuzzy hitch hikers about? :D
It’s a TK’s ark story- Carlos gets more than he bargained for when they try a new farmers market… that is across the street from a petting zoo.
Carlos frowned. “Babe, is that noise coming from your pocket?”
“Maybe?” TK reached into the pocket of his hoodie. His face grew into a smile when he pulled out something… or rather, two somethings yellow and fuzzy out of his pocket.
Carlos was about to ask if that was a tennis ball when two little heads unfurled and looked up at his husband, cheeping.
“The baby chicks!” TK said in an awed whisper, gently cradling two chicks in his hands. “They must have crawled in there and fallen asleep. When did they go in there?”
“Probably the five minutes you spent lying on the floor of a petting zoo so you could kiss a goats stomach?” Carlos suggested.
Thank you for the ask 🥰🥰
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mahoushojoe · 6 months
on the bright side yesterday on the bus there was a young boy with a cardboard box lined with a towel full of little baby chicks and they cheep cheeped the entire time!
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