#the links: actor marks link leads to Heist With markiplier
faeriescorpio · 12 days
Markiplier Ego Dashboard Simulator
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guys.... can we please not put pranks in the living room? sorry but i keep setting them off and i dont think i was the intended target... i twisted my ankle.... sorry...
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Hello?! Why Are You Not In My Office Right Now?!
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🎤 you-know-who-i-am Follow
I need volunteers for my next great adventure! Anyone who's moderately handsome and/or beautiful but not as handsome/beautiful as I am who can play a mute supporting character sign up Here! Your payment will be in exposure.
#acting #actorlife #im the best
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⬛️ dark_darker_darkest
I'm getting tired of everyone's antics.
Please vote in the poll promptly so that I can determine what should be done in time for next week's ego meeting.
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🐿️ king-of-the-squirrels-daily Follow Based on your likes!
I'm the King of the Squirrels!
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💘 senpai4ever Follow
I need help 😭
🎀 warfstachetonightshow
omw what is it
💘 senpai4ever Follow
need to dispose of a body
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👍 i got you
⬛️ dark_darker_darkest
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🎤 bim-trimmer-official
Don't forget everyone, my show Hire My Ass! is on tonight at 5pm! Watch as this new round of contestants face tricky trivia, harsh truths, piranhas, and more! You can also see the show schedule at www.hiremyass.com/schedule!
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reminder that this is all unreality! go ahead and click the links and vote on the poll tho
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farores-oak-tree · 5 years
“A Heist With Markiplier” Theory
Okay, so I know Mark has said that canonically, the box in A Heist With Markiplier contains only the BTS and Bloopers videos. I also know Mark is very much a “word of god” type writer, and has stated whatever is not presented in video format is usually not canon. However, I had a lot of fun crafting this theory for me and a friend, and I wanted to share it here. :)
SPOILERS FOR HEIST AHEAD! Also for Who Killed Markiplier and A Date With Markiplier, but those are over two years old now. You’ve been warned!
So, hear me out. What if, rather than just being a meta link to the bloopers, the “Box” in A Heist With Markiplier contains the curse afflicting Markiplier Manor, and the source of Darkiplier/Wilford Warfstache’s power?
I know it sounds like a crack theory, but hear me out. The majority of the endings don’t point towards this theory at all; the only indication that it would be even SLIGHTLY related would be the glitching when Heist!Mark first picks up the box (which could just be the anomaly beginning but still). However, it was on one of my rewatches, specifically the one containing Professor Beauregard and the “canon ending” that this theory slapped me across the face.
For the most part, Professor Beauregard is just another stereotypical character created by Mark: the science nut, spouting big words and crackpot theories. But her dialogue, specifically describing the anomaly, gave me several flashbacks to Who Killed Markiplier. Here I’ll break it down into different phrases that caught my attention.
1. “You haven’t noticed things going unnaturally fast?” Multiple time jumps occur in Who Killed Markiplier, with two obvious instances coming to mind: the District Attorney going to sleep after the party in Episode One and waking up seconds later, and when Celine leads them upstairs for her seance in Episode Three, when it skips from bright daytime to the middle of the night. The jumps where Abe gets dressed after asking for his fingerprinting kit and Celine sets up her table after asking for her bag are minor examples as well.
2. “Things happening out of order from one another?” You could argue that the random teleportation from one room to another, from upstairs to downstairs, could be an example of this. Additionally, though the party in Episode One takes place from the District Attorney’s perspective, the events hop around in a montage, which considering the context of the rest of the series is more than a little weird.
3. “Strange coincidences?” There are only a few instances of this: Celine showing up right when Abe and the Colonel are fighting, Mark falling from the ceiling right as the District Attorney comes down the stairs, and George mentioning the “one reason” he’ll enter the house directly before Celine is possessed.
4. “Bizarre memories of things you haven’t even done yet?” During Celine’s seance, the District Attorney views a premonition of their conversation with George on the grounds. Also, when they are “teleported” from upstairs to Abe’s investigation room, Abe’s yet-to-occur conversation with the Colonel is audible in the background.
5. “All within the last 24 hours?” This could just apply to the Heist being compressed in a one-day time frame, but the events of Who Killed Markiplier also occur in a roughly 24- to 36- hour period.
Now, the gathering of evidence is all well and good. But it still doesn’t offer an explanation as to why. Why would Heist!Mark go out of his way to steal an artifact that causes such anomalies, and more curious, why would he hide it from the viewer? The answer is simple: Heist!Mark is equivalent to Actor!Mark, and his quest for the box is an attempt to defeat Darkiplier, the so-called villain in his story.*
Dark’s words in Ending 31 are what get me here. “Do you really wanna know what’s inside this box? The truth. Not the lies he’s told you, but the truth.” Dark is adamant that the Viewer discovers what is inside the box, rather than be simply told by Mark, who he clearly sees negatively: “same snake, different skin.” Mark assumes that the Viewer will believe him, but he also wants to make sure that Dark doesn’t get his foot in the door. By taking the box, he has control over his only enemy, power that would be invaluable to any protagonist. He doesn’t object (much) to Professor Beauregard destroying the box in the “canon ending,” perhaps because he was intending to do it himself. Destroying the box, to him, could’ve also meant destroying Dark (and by extension Wilford) and ending his “game” once and for all.
But clearly, destroying the box doesn’t work. In the canon ending, Mark asks the Viewer on a date, which is implied to be A Date With Markiplier. And thanks to the Meta, Chocolate, and True endings of that series, we know that not only is Actor!Mark alive and well, but Dark and Wilford are still here. Markiplier Manor has already done its work, and Mark’s enemies are here to stay. Their very existence causes the temporal inconsistencies Professor Beauregard was trying to stop: time jumps, out-of-order events, and memories of events that never occured.
TL;DR: The box contains the curse inflicted upon Markiplier Manor, which in turn gives Darkiplier and Wilford Warfstache their powers.
Phew, that was a doozy! This is probably the longest text post I’ve ever written in my life. It occurred to me the second or third time I watched AHWM’s true ending, and I knew I had to share. This isn’t meant to be taken as “canon” by any means, since Mark is ultimately the creator and decides where his work goes, but I loved piecing the puzzle together! You could argue for the curse coming into play in DAMIEN and Wilford Motherloving Warfstache as well, but that would make this post even longer than it already is, and I’ll spare y’all’s brain cells.
*I know that not everyone subscribes to the theory that Date!Mark is the same as Actor!Mark, but I thought it would be a fun little connection all the same. Again, don’t take me too seriously, I was just having way too much fun with this!
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rabble-dabble · 5 years
Sup peeps,
I wrote a story a few hours after the AHWM trailer came out, and it was the second one I've ever written for the Markiplier world. It's not very in depth with any other character's than "us", but I'm still kinda proud with it. It's been a full day since AHWM has been released, and it's not exactly including on anything in it since it was written before it came out, but keep in mind if you want NOTHING to do with it or want to avoid it just keep scrolling. Anyway, here's the story!
My left temple throbbed dully as if willingly concentrating on making my night more painful. I ignored it, though, in favor of watching the short but descriptive trailer in front of me. The Markiplier channel had released it what seemed like hours before, and the swarming masses of gullible creatures swooned upon the video, pointing out the different creatures that had been featured within the short time frame. They had their gathered masses together, showing excitement and curiosity towards the large project, but I showed concern. I had read from one being that there was to be a collective about half a big of 100. That meant there was a lot of data to comb through. 
I had a strong, disturbing feeling that he was in there. He did show up in a state of pride and teasing his photograph, of which I and others could tell was becoming ripped and faded at its brassed fit frame, but that didn't mean it was him outright. He wouldn't show his weakest link so easily. He was showing it in a fit of power, and that is what gave me the idea that he had to be in there. It was too alluring and big for him not to be. 
I looked carefully, closely. My eyes ran over every scene, every detail as it whizzed by on the small screen. It was so intricately constructed, ideas and different paths creating the different worlds that seemed to have no correlation to each other. That was another reason for him to be here; there was so much element for him to work with. So many paths that it was impossible he wouldn't resist placing himself in any of them, or at the very least placing a world of his own within there. He always did love creating stories, and it would be no surprise if I found something relating to his work within it. Perhaps the whole thing could be considered his work, but there was a difference between the world and the world from his point of view. He had a talent for bleeding both together. 
My heart thumped quickly. I took a shallow breath as I pressed replay. So this is the introduction that was made, and in less than a few day’s time, there was to be an entire series. In less than a few days, there would be a world to discover.
And to him, conquer. I inquired into my curiosity for a free second, the consequences fleeing my mind for a moment. How would I reach him? What path might there be to find him, and would just the slightest choice lead me there? Perhaps I would go against Mark's words of following the path, or would I get what I wanted from divulging blindly? And I could imagine what there might be, what I could discover and if, perhaps, it would be him to finally answer my questions. 
Unease set back immediately, though, and I found myself troubled. It would most certainly be better to just imagine he would not be there, or if he was confirming not there at all. I know that not every bump would be his cause, but most certainly every cause could have been his doing. I shouldn't trust every sight even, because perhaps it was not just him himself. It seemed too relaxed to have the presence of Darkiplier, but with the scheme of a heist and the presence of the actor of the Detective, I had no reason to doubt that Wildford could be appearing, or even perhaps the stranger things that were not yet discovered. The protected object at the very end of the video, which seemed to be some sort of box or stone object containing a jewelled cap, seemed significant in a way that told me there was more to its purpose than a suspenseful ending. Mark was novelistically intelligent, and although no writer was perfect, he did write with purpose. 
What was this world you had created, Mark? Why would you tie yourself into a fresh setting, and not indulge the others you sought to make villains of your story?
It hit me that this time, realistically, we were the villains. A heist - a heist with Markiplier. What were we stealing, Mark? What was your angle to set us, yourself (possibly) and our narrative view as the robbers, intent of stealing in your perfect, heroic world?
The throbbing had long since left me. Instead, it had been replaced by an impeccable feeling within my soul, that there was something afoot with this new scandal. I chewed my lip slightly. Goosebumps rose my arms hairs even though my hand had sweated from holding my warm phone. The world had blurred around me as I wondered, and now it came back to all my senses that feeling of anxiousness. 
I will wait, Mark. I will wait for your world to reveal itself so that I may piece together what you are thinking. Even if you aren't personally attending, I have no doubt you will at least leave a trail for wherever you are truly going to. 
And I won't fall behind. Not this time. You had better keep a long look over your shoulders because soon, I will catch up. I will reach the end of where you left off. Soon, one way or another, the story always ends. 
And I will be there at yours. 
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