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becausebuckley · 5 months ago
michelle's buddie fic recs: week 41!
another excellent reading week <3 this list is spoiler free for season 8: for season 8 fic recs, click here!
this is a mix of fics with all ratings, so some include NSFW content. please take a look at both the ratings and the fic tags before reading!
if you come across something you like in this list, remember to show some love to the author by leaving kudos and a comment!
for thy true-love take | lecornergirl/@clusterbuck| 1.9k | T
Chimney Han and the ethics of slipping your coworkers love potions. chimneyhen bestieism!! this felt so them <3
from the ground up | blueberrytwoberry/@blueberrytwoberry| 17.5k | M
And so, really, the last thing he needed when he got home at the end of a long shift was to find a massive, weird-ass dog curled up on his front porch. And yet, there it was. just this morning i realised what a goldmine animal transformation aus can be and wow this was exactly what i was looking for!! the maddie scene had me giggling, such a lovely fic!!
i can't sleep without you | Buddiesmutslut/@buddiesmutslut | 1.9k | G
He can exhaust himself with a workout or a good shift or a night out, but by the time he climbs into his bed, he lays awake for hours, replaying his mistakes over and over again. He’s barely sleeping, beyond exhausted and he just wants to go home. so so soft and so lovely <3 exactly the comfort i needed earlier this week
i didn't know (that it could be good) | rainbow_nerds/@rainbow-nerdss | 27k | E
They're friends, that's all there is to it. Until Eddie lets himself into Buck's apartment unannounced, and finds him in a compromising position. That should be nothing, just something to laugh about down the line, except afterwards, it's like a switch has flipped, and neither of them can get it out of their minds. okay yes yes the smut is good the clothes sharing is nice the sexual tension is so there but can we talk about the butterflies?? just read this and you'll know what i mean it will be so worth it i promise. a new favourite for sure <3
i'll be the north star that takes you home | marviless/@marviless | 7.9k | G
in which eddie is moving back to el paso for the summer, and buck is deeply in love. listen the idea of eddie moving to el paso hurts me and also hurts buck BUT when it leads to fics like this i suddenly don't mind anymore <3 the airport scene!!
i'll keep your brittle heart warm | reeseofmind | 12.8k | E
5 times buck and eddie wear the other's clothes + 1 time they don't wear much of anything. i've been deep in the clothes sharing tag and this was one of my favourite finds <3
in synchronicity with the score | therainbowsedge/@therainbowsedge | 30.2k | E
“How long have you gone without scening?” And isn’t that a loaded question that Buck doesn’t even know how to start responding to. i have such a weak spot for fics like this. this has some gorgeous descriptive passages and looks into buck's mindset in this au!
love like woven thread | renecdote/@renecdote | 1.9k | G
the one where Eddie is a clothes thief and Buck kind of loves that about him. the ultimate hurt/comfort fluff clothes stealing fic <3 so lovely!! i reread this while working on this rec list actually hehe
steal my abuela (you already have my heart) | anarchyat4am | 4.6k | T
“Hey,” Eddie says softly, “You really showed up for me yesterday. Thank you.” “Course,” Buck says, “We had fun.” “Fun? You sat in the ER with my abuela for three hours.”. buck and abuela!! i love them together so much!! family feels indeed <3
vary my days | Chash | 12.6k | T
After Christopher leaves, Frank tells Eddie to get a hobby. Eddie picks Legos, Buck picks crochet, and they both wait for Chris to talk to them again. eddie and the legos my absolute beloved <3 such a fantastic working of these characters!!
you've haunted me so stunningly | playinginthunderstorms/@playinginthunderstorms | 9.6k | T
Five times Buck and Eddie hold hands, one time they do by proxy, and one time Eddie freaks out about it. holding hands!! so so hurt/comfort in the best way possible. i was saving this one for a bus ride home after a long day and it hit the spot exactly <3
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sailormoonandme · 7 months ago
The Last Sailor War Chapter 2: She is Legion a.k.a. SAILOR CHAOS vs SAILOR MOONS FROM EVERY CANON!
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Ao3 Collection: Sailor Moon Cosmos Movie Epilogue
<Please,  will you  help me!?  
I am Sailor Cosmos. I am a version of you who hails from another universe, one similar yet different to your own. My powers have enabled me to on occasion glimpse into your reality, charting its placement across the multiverse. But until now I’ve been incapable of contacting anyone outside my home universe.  
My ultimate enemy, Sailor Chaos, has eliminated almost all life in my universe and now seeks to tear down the very fabric of our dimension. I have done my best, but I lack the power to stop her reducing my universe to nothingness.  
My last resort was to use my own essence as the basis for this telepathic transmission. If it should work, it will find you, and other versions of myself from across the multiverse, and at the most temporally stable points in your reality’s timestream, forging a ‘tether’ between our shared souls. My hope is that you will let me bring you to my universe where you can lend me your energy. Together, there is a chance we will be able to end Chaos once and for all!>  
Wisps of Chaos’s smoky body snaked away from her. Breaking off completely, the wisps began dividing. The smoke ‘shards’ started reshaping themselves before they finally solidifying, the void shuddering.
Sailor Chaos was surrounded by nothing less than a whole army. Or rather, several armies.
“You aren’t the only one who can bring  back-up !” chided Jadeite. Behind him, several Shadow Galactica members snickered. 
“We are extensions of Chaos herself,” added Nephrite. “Forged from the imprints left by all who drew upon her power, even indirectly.” The Amazon Trio nodded in affirmation.
Amidst an assortment of Genius Loci and Snow Dancers, Danburite spoke up. “We’ve even got our own mental link.” 
“So our Mistress can direct us properly.” Zoisite grinned, his smile creepier than the jagged maws of the nearby Daimons. “Not that we can’t fight somewhat–”   
“–Independently,” finished Kunzite. As if to emphasise the point, Prince Demande flourished his cape and performed a mocking bow from the other side of the ranks.
The speaker was obscured by a crowd of Death Busters and Dead Moon Circus members. 
“... There are only eight of you…” 
The crowd parted, Black Moon Clansmen and Dark Kingdom Youma turning towards their comrade. 
“... And five thousand of us! ” roared Queen Beryl.  
A mad glee came over Sailor Chaos. “ATTACK!”
In an instant, hundreds of Youma, Droids, Daimons and Lemures were pressed up against the barrier. The shield weakened just enough for a single, familiar Youma to rip her way inside. As her comrades further dismantled the shield, Morga rapidly advanced upon the eight Usagis. Brandishing her talons, she–
“Moon Tiara Magic! ” 
Morga screamed and crumpled into dust.  
Despite penetrating the barrier, Chaos’s army halted, psychically sharing in their mistress’s shock and confusion. 
“I guess I shouldn’t be surprised you Negaverse dweezals would try something like that!” Said a second Super Sailor Moon. "Hey guys, you can call me Serena!"
Summary: Gathered together by Sailor Cosmos, Sailor Moons from across the Multiverse (and canons) make a last stand against Sailor Chaos and her army Sailor Moon's old enemies!
Ao3 Collection: Sailor Moon Cosmos Movie Epilogue
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luimagines · 4 years ago
How about the Reader calling out the Chain by their shared name to gian the groups attention? What would their reactions be? If this takes place after they realise they love you, how would they act to the reader calling them their name and not their title? Hope this isn't too much!Just curious about your input.
Let me tell you that I got excited to do this one!
I personally head canon that reader calls them Link when they're alone with them. Because it's still their name regardless but it wouldn't be fair to the others. Not to mention confusing if it slipped out.
But with the idea I came up with for this one?
Works out just fine. Hehehe
I wanted it to be after they realized they loved you like you said but as I started writing this I had to focus more on the action instead but I hope this is ok. It’s implied that they like you- or at least I tried to imply that. Who knows if it actually got across or not.
Let me know what you think!
Boys under the cut! Reader is right below!
The forest was quiet.
Really quiet.
It was the kind of quiet that naturally set the group on edge for any possible ambush attacks as your traversed through the green and you all tried to keep your ears open for anything that would have given your invisible enemies away.
It was paranoia at it's finest.
But that was fine. You were fine. The group was fine. You all just had to be quiet for a little longer until you all reached the end of the forest and could breath a little better.
At least that's what you were telling yourself.
For a moment you could see a clearing, thinking it was the out- you remember how nice it was to finally some of the sunlight with the leaves and branches blocking it.
Letting your guard down for the fraction of a moment was admittedly your first mistake.
Your second mistake was not immediately whipping your shield over your head to block the blows when you heard the familiar twang of a bow string.
Multiple arrows hit your group all at once. Like an avalanche of piercing blows raining down upon your group. Most of them avoided getting hit- thankfully- and were quick to spring into action.
You saw Wild take a shot and you were sure that Warrior was shot as well but you were too preoccupied with the protruding sticks in your leg and shoulder blade to take account of any more injuries your boys may have sustained.
This wasn't ideal but you could still move and you could still fight. You had a potion in your bag that hung by your hip and you were prepared to take more damage now that the fight had commenced.
When the raining arrows dispersed, the group scattered to take down the approaching monsters.
You were no exception.
With your sword now in hand and shield properly equipped, you ran toward the first of the lizalfos that broke the tree line.
You cut it down as fast as your injuries would have allowed you and you spun around as a second one dashed by your side, hoping to cut in a blind spot.
For every monster that you felled, another came to take its place and it kept you stuck in one area, unable to disengage and help your friends as you heard struggle with their own hoard of monsters.
Suddenly a piercing, sharp and throbbing pain entered your hand and you drop your sword at the contact. You're forced to jump away from an opportunistic swing and you looking down to see how an arrow has gone completely through your hand.
Not only have you lost your sword, your main hand is out of the question as well and there's not much you can do to assist or fight back in this state. There's still two lizalfos in front of you and it's not hard to gather that they know you're vulnerable now.
It's not looking well for you.
Somehow, this massive roar, from a beast you've never heard before, thunders through the forest. It's close to you and you can hear it approaching.
The monstrous call sends the two lizalfos away from you and you take a breath before trying to find the quickest get away point to avoid getting any more hurt than you already are.
But then you see it.
The origin of the call and your feet freeze mid step.
It's massive and you have no idea what it is.
It has the body of a horse with black and white stripes colored all around it's whole being. It had arms like a man and a head like a lion's and it's coming right for you.
You start running away and somehow snap the arrow from your hand from the long side so only the flint head is left. It send another electrifying shock up your arm and you cry out from the pain. The pain is enough to nearly trip you over and from your periphery you see the beast raise it's arm and twirl a weapon from it's hand. It's spinning too fast for you to properly see what to is but it's also massive and looks heavy and he's about two seconds from throwing it in your direction.
You're forced to keep running.
"I need help!" You scream and take a sharp left to try and throw off his aim. It doesn't work from what you can hear behind you. "I'm gonna die!"
No one answers your call.
In fact, you don't see any of them anymore. If you paused for a moment and tried to hear past the blood pounding in your ears you know you'd probably hear them fighting. But you can't, so you don't and you feel the absolute horror of your situation dawn on you and freeze your veins.
"HELP!" You scream again, trying to take as many turns as you can.
You're getting tired.
"Someone help!"
Someone! Anyone!
The thundering gallops of the beast has stopped but you can still hear it's spinning weapon. Actually it sounds likes it's-
A rope hit the center of your body and the weights you thought you saw wrap around you in both directions, tying your arms and legs together roughly and tight enough that you know it's cut off circulation.
You feel a weight travel upwards before you hit the ground and can barely feel the hit on your head when it runs out of rope.
Your world goes black.
Wind was lucky enough to not get hit at all when the attack first came.
He sees Wild get back up and rip his arrow out of his torso and Warrior takes the arrow out of his tunic in a similar manner, not actually getting pierced by it.
Wind feels the adrenaline begin to kick in the second the monsters break the tree line.
Everyone scatters to take the creatures down and he’s no exception.
The monsters seem to be normal this time around and he’s glad. He takes a second to take a deep breath and scans the horizon trying to figure out exactly where everyone went.
Time and Twilight are close to each other, fighting nearly back to back as they takes down all the monsters around them in quick succession.
Legend and Hyrule are behind him, not fighting together but near enough where they’re in each others line of sight. 
He doesn’t know where Wild went off to and he can’t see Warrior even if he hears him grit out his frustrations just beyond the tree line.
Sky and Four and also no where to be found and he has to stop what he’s doing when the next monsters jump at him.
Suddenly a new monster roars and it’s not one Wind is familiar with. He’s beginning to feel the nerves of the battle sink in and he hopes that the others have enough experience under their belt to deal with the new threat on the field because he doubts he can do anything about it.
That’s you. 
Wind glances over his shoulder and sees nothing. He gulps and tries to finish off the bokoblin as fast as he can to get to you. With a quick prayer, he hopes that the new creature isn’t anywhere near you and that this battle ends faster than usual.
“Someone help me!″ You cry again and Wind grits his teeth, striking the bokoblin as hard as he can. With a familiar cloud of purple smoke surrounding him, he dashes in your general direction.
Wind slows to stop despite his better judgment- completely being overtaken by the frozen fear in his veins.
You’re asking for him. He needs to help you. He doesn’t know where you are. He doesn’t know where to start. He doesn’t know how he’s going to do this.
He sees Wild dash off faster than what should be possible into the forest and somehow finds it within himself to follow him.
Hyrule and Legend are quick to follow the trail to where the monster has to be and pass him in no time.
What he sees freezes him a second time. 
Wild on top of the monsters back- something that Wind has never seen before- you’re trapped and captured, completely wrapped up in rope and blood and there’s something- multiple somethings- sticking out of your body.
Legend doesn’t hesitate to break out of his funk first and blast the creature with his magic rod to hell and back.
Hyrule follows his lead and attacks the beast with a flaming spin attack, aiming for the monsters knees and underbelly.
But you’re not moving through all of this.
In fact, it looks like you’re not reacting at all.
You’re completely unconscious.
Wind takes a breath and grips the hilt of his sword tighter. He knows that you’re both young- but seeing you held up, bloody and wounded, like a flag over the monster’s weapon- makes him see- if only for a moment- how young you really are.
And he’s pissed.
Wind charges the monster without any second thought and goes for the same tactic that Hyrule had. Getting on his knees, he slides under the beast and cuts the entirety of the underbelly. With the four of them attacking the monster, Wind hopes that they can get you the help that you clearly need.
It still drags on though and Wind is in a bit of a loss at what to do make it end faster.
You’re bleeding.
You’re hurt.
You could be dying.
He couldn’t get to you in time.
He grits his teeth and attacks with more ferocity- as much ferocity that he can muster and tries to go as deep and damaging as he can.
He loses himself in the movements and the battle. He forgets about Wild- about Legend- about Hyrule- and when the monster finally dies- it catches him off guard.
But the universe seems to want to do him a favor.
He’s right under you and you fall on top of him and into his arms. He places you as gently as he can onto the forest floor and slips his blade under the ropes, snapping it upwards to cut them. With the pressure gone, he works on getting you out of there.
Hyrule at some point ends up next to him and takes out your multiple arrow shots, healing you as he goes.
But there’s more damage to undo than Hyrule is capable of healing.
Wind looks over you and tries to look over your person without moving your body wrong and injuring you further. He sees your bag and opens it, reaching his hand inside to pull out the potion you were saving.
He feels like he could cry but he’s not entirely sure what causing it.
Wind uncorks it and begins to administer the potion over your wounds just as Wild unleashes a fairy over you.
Both begin to work their magic and Legend takes it upon himself to pull Hyrule away before he passes out.
“What was that thing?” Wind blurts, watching you intensely for any change in your demeanor.
“A lynel.” Wild replies. “A strong one too. Are you hurt Wind?”
“No. I’m ok.” Wind clenches his hands against his pants.
After a minute of waiting, the fairy leaves, doing all that she can for you and heading the other way.
He can’t see the potion outwardly fix anything else and Hyrule’s magic has been tapped out.
They’ve used all that they can the heal you and yet you’re still not waking up.
Out of the corner of his eye he sees Legend pull Hyrule away from you entirely- trying to keep him from healing you further and risk passing out. It annoys Wind because he wants to see you be better but he takes one breath to calm the pounding in his ears and he can still hear the others fighting.
“Wind.” Wild says. “Stay with them, ok? Be with them when they wake up.”
“Alright.” Wind moves closer to your side and crushes your hair out of your face. “Go help the others. We’ll be here.”
Wild pauses but nods and ushers Legend and Hyrule away- leading them back into the fray to help the others with the last of the monsters.
Your clothes are bloody and caked and beginning to harder because of it.
But you groan.
Wind lets the tears fall from his face and collapses onto your chest. 
“Link?” You ask and raise your hand to drop it onto the head of the person.
“I’m here.” Wind’s voice cracks but he doesn’t pay attention to it.
“Oh Wind...” You pat him. “Good. Good. You’re here. You came.”
Wind thinks to the amount of time he’s wasted just standing by in a panic but doesn’t let you know that.
“I came.”
“Everything hurts Wind.” You whimper. “Did I almost die?”
“Don’t say that.” He snaps. “You’re fine. Ok?”
“Good.” He looks up at you. “You’re going to be ok. I promise”
“Ok.” You close your eyes and keep your hand on his shoulder. “I trust you.”
He’s gonna leave your side for a while.
Despite the monsters around them and the arrows that have pierced the group in multiple ways, Legend was sure that this wouldn’t last very long.
But then he hears the unmistakable roar of a lynel.
Which isn’t... ideal but nothing the group (or himself) hasn’t handled before.
It was a bit harder now but again- shouldn’t last long.
“I’m gonna die!”
Legend whips his head in your direction. The words to tell you to stop being dramatic right on the tip on his tongue until he realizes that he doesn’t see you.
Which means that you’re farther away than he thought.
Which means you’re also a lot louder than he thought.
Which means- well- you mean it.
Legend doesn’t think twice.
He kills the monster in front of him with a solid swing and b-lines toward you- fully intent on coming to your rescue.
To his left he sees the lynel and stops dead in his tracks. He didn’t realize it was as close as it was, not can he figure out what happening exactly but-
It’s in the same direction the lynel went in.
The lynel is heading in your direction.
And you’re already in trouble.
Legend doesn’t hesitate to activate his peagsus boots and charges after the monster. The moment he catches up, he swings his blade deep into the beast’s side and watches in horror, as it turns to face him and holds your bloodied body up high and laughs.
Or at least the lynel equivalent to a laugh.
Guilt rips through Legend’s system and he’s forced to grit his teeth and bare it. Your hits look bad and he’s at fault for not reaching you sooner.
He trades his sword for his magic rod and fires everything he can at the monster, trying his hardest to both keep his distance and avoid hitting you.
It’s instantly not looking good.
Legend is tiring out quicker than he thought he would and the monster doesn’t look any worse off than when he started this song and dance.
Luckily, or maybe not so luckily, Wild comes charging in with his flame blade and spin attacks against its knees.
The lynel buckles for a moment and Legend takes a risk.
He fires at the monster’s paw where you’re being held and watches as the ropes around you catch the flame. You drop in seconds and Legend dashes to get you out of the way- not seeing or hearing Hyrule run up behind him and take his place in firing against the lynel.
Legend grabs you and drags you across the battle field, trying to shield you with his own body and hide you against the surrounding bushes so that the lynel doesn’t think of going after you again.
He reaches in your pocket where he know you stash your potions and prays that it’s there.
When he finds it, he doesn’t waste any time in getting to work its magic on you. He tries to take stock on your injuries. the arrow in your hand, your back and your leg. The massive hit on your head and the multiple cuts you’ve gained just by existing in this point in time and your previous fights.
Your clothes are a little singed thanks to him but the flame hadn’t actually touched you.
Legend breaths a sigh of relief.
One less thing to worry about.
He... doesn’t have any other potions and he wasn’t the one to carry the fairies this time around. There’s little else he can do on his own now. Hyrule can come can heal you and the idea kicks him into high gear.
He stands. “HYRULE!”
“WHAT?!” The Traveler snaps back.
“Heal them!” He may be begging a little in his voice. “This is bad!”
Hyrule pauses momentarily and jumps out of the way of the lynel’s back swing. “Take over.”
Legend nods and jumps back into the fight. Wild had been holding his own, somehow managing to get on the back of the beast and strike it where he couldn’t fight back. Unfortunately it moves the lynel to buck and kick wildly, not giving Legend any chance to get closer to attack without the risk of injuring himself in the process as well.
But he’s pretty tapped for magic as well... 
Screw it.
It hurt you.
Nearly killed you.
It has to pay.
Legend takes his sword and spins it in his hand. He takes a steadying gulp of air and moves in.
At first it’s a lot of dodging flying limbs and simply nicking it where he can. 
But Legend begins to get impatient and the monster doesn’t go down in the burning heap of flame and destruction Legend wants it to.
So he decides to take a page out of Wild’s book.
With a hard kick to the creature’s belly, Legend grabs a fist full of its mane and hoists himself on the side. Wild has done some damage on the monster’s back but it’s still fighting and doesn’t seem to be going down with that alone. Legend takes his sword on one hand angles it to properly plunge the blade between the lynel’s shoulder and neck.
He puts his whole weight onto it and nearly pushes Wild off of the monster in the process of trying to go as deep and damaging as he can.
He pulls it out and strikes it again in a similar manner.
And again and again.
And again.
And again.
It’s still not enough.
Legend roars himself as his rage and anger fully encompasses him.
He drops his blade off of the side of the beast- not intentionally- and grabs his magic rod once more.
His magic has replenished itself somewhat but it’s not enough- he knows this- he doesn’t care.
With a battle cry harsh enough to scare even the mightiest of warriors, he fires all that he can at the lynel’s head and doesn’t stop.
Soon- perhaps too soon for Legend’s anger to be satiated- the monster finally collapses for good and disappears into the familiar purple smoke.
Both Wild and Legend fall to the ground without the body to hold them any more, Wild with a little more fan fare than Legend.
With reason.
Legend sees you beyond the smoke and he can somewhat register Wild shaking his shoulder to get his attention and his attempts to get him back onto his feet but it’s all in vain.
Legend passes out.
Hyrule’s heart freezes in place and he whips around to where he hears the call.
It’s your voice, he knows it anywhere but it’s never been a source of panic for him. So this is new. You almost never use his name, their name, the name and in any other situation he would think of you trying to get the groups attention but-
He didn’t even think it was possible for you to sound like that. 
So panicked and shrill, borderline a blood curdling scream followed by silence.
His blood goes cold and he thinks you’re calling for him... And he’s not there to help you...
He doesn’t know where you are or where to begin looking for you but he ditches the fight in front of him and sprints to where he can only assume you are. Hyrule tries to be as light on his feet as he can, pushing himself to the fastest he can be without tripping over himself and eating the dirt.
He reaches the clearing once again, where the attack started and gulps down as much air as he can manage.
He doesn’t see you. 
Sheer unadulterated terror grips his whole body and he runs to where he thinks he saw you go.
He calls your name and takes a look around the clearing, trying to see through the trees and the foliage to no avail.
“No...” He whines and gulps again to clear his throat. “Where are you? Don’t do this to me, please.”
Hyrule takes off running again, trying to retrace their steps and get to where he thinks the tracks lead you but he’s not making a lot of progress.
There’s a second roar.
He heard the first one but he wasn’t in a position to do something about it until you called for him. It’s his only hint and he runs toward the sound without thinking ahead if only to help you in your time of need.
Hyrule breaks through the tree line and nearly runs face first into the side of the weirdest colored lynel he’s ever seen. He takes only one second to compose himself before he charges up his magic and unleashes his fire spell, spinning against the beast and cutting into it as much as he can. 
In the time it takes for the spell to die out, Hyrule can here Wild join the fray and see him just beyond his flying hair line, as he jumps on top of the beast and begins hacking away.
“This from your Hyrule?” He yells up at his companion.
“One of the strongest there is!” Wild yells back. He screams your name a second later and pulls at the beasts mane in fury. “It has them! They’re unconscious! Oh my god, that’s a lot of blood...”
Hyrule blinks and runs around the beast, avoiding all the flying hooves as it attempts to buck Wild off of it’s back.
He almost sobs when he sees you.
You look awful.
There’s a unmistakable arrow through your hand, one in your back and one in your leg and your back is covered in blood. By the looks of it your hands are beginning to turn purple and the ropes appear to be strangling every inch against you.
You are also, very much unconscious.
He missed it. He didn’t to you on time.
BUT he can still get you out- he can still heal you- he just needs to get you away.
He takes a few steps backs, doing all that he can to aim this right if the monster would stop moving for just a second.
Out of the corner of his eye, just as he launches the astral sword, he sees it. 
A shadow.
His sword flies through the air and impales the beast in the wrist that holds you captive but it’s not enough to let you go. Granted, Hyrule’s a little glad that it didn’t since he only now realizes that if you were to fall, there’s no one to pull you out of the way and away from the hooves.
But the grip loosens somewhat and you’re beginning to be lowered to the ground without the monsters consent.
It’s a start.
The shadow for its part rushes forward and past him, sinking into the massive shadow of the beast. Nothing appears on it’s back where Wild hold on with wild abandon but it shows on its back on the forest floor.
Hyrule runs toward you, and manages to get a grip on the ropes around you before your ripped away with the monster’s backswing.
The momentum knocks him off of his feet and he watches as Legend comes up next to him at fires his magic rod at the monster’s head.
He sees the shadow get up, as if it was riding the lynel and takes a long and thin line, ramming it into the lynel head’s shadow. The beast howls and yells as if the injury was real and Wild is finally forced to jump off as well unless he was taken down as well. In its agony, the beast lets go of the the ropes holding you and you flop uselessly on the ground where you land.
With his heart in his throat, Hyrule runs toward you, grips your shoulder and tries to pull you away from the beast and the fight.
He can see it, the shadow, fighting where the monster cannot reach.
Legend and Wild are quick to join him, letting the lynel deal with the problem on its own and the three of them take care of your injuries. Wild is quick to deal with the multiple arrows while Legend cuts off the rope restraints around you.
Hyrule doesn’t know where they planned on taking you- but he’s never known monsters outside of his Hyrule to try and take captives.
He can’t fathom why they would want you.
As soon as Legend gets all the ropes cut they scramble to get the pressure off of you and Hyrule doesn’t hesitate to let the flow of magic go through him.
Between his astral sword and his flame attack, he’s beginning to feel a little drained but he can’t afford to let himself slip. He can feel the multiple cracks and dents and damage done to your skull from the hit it had taken and he’s afraid of what it might mean when you wake up... if you wake up... please please please wake up...
Hyrule gets jolted back to reality when he feel Legend’s hand on shoulder, violently shaking him. It was enough that it startled him into stopping the spell and Hyrule’s head clears a little. “Wild has a fairy- slow down.”
“I have to-” He gulps and tries to get the flow of magic going again. “I have to make sure they’re ok. They got hurt so bad Legend- I can’t-”
“But don’t kill yourself trying to fix them! We still need you too!” Legend shakes him again and pulls him away, creating the window Wild needed to take over and uncork the fairy bottle.
Hyrule whines and he barely registers your name leave his leaves.
The sounds of battle continue in the distance and the trio (well, Legend and Wild) are reminded that there still monsters about and friends that could very well also need help.
“Hyrule, get them out of here.” Legend stands and grips his sword in his hand. “And no more magic. Just wait for us to finish and get them to some place safe.”
“Ok.” He gulps and he gently tries to place his hands under your head.
Hyrule moves slowly and unsurely. His head feels light and he knows he may have over did it. He tries not to let Wild or Legend see it but if he’s being honest with himself then he can say that Legend can read him like an open book and he’s a horrible actor.
He tries to stand and misplaces his step but shoves Wild when he goes in to help him. With his other arm, he hooks your knees and picks you up with added help of his power bracelet. 
He’s tired now.
“Got any idea of where I can go?”
Legend and Wild hiss and share a look. Hyrule turns around and sees the shadow hop away from the now dead body of the lynel before merging with his own. Hyrule’s heart stops momentarily before it points to the direction just beyond him. 
He doesn’t saying anything and follows its lead, trying to get from his friends as fast as he can and into the safety that only distance can provide right now.
He’s never seen a shadow quite like this one before but if it’s concerned about your well being then he’ll let it slide for now. Maybe the others will know something about it when he asks them later?
Right now, he needs to not trip and pass out and he needs to take care of you.
He thinks he can manage that.
Sky didn't know what to think about the forest around him. It seemed to be just as the same as all the others but there was admittedly something in the air here and he didn't know how to make heads or tails of it.
Suddenly it all goes still and he's quick to pull his shield over his head and duck down. He hears some of his comrades cry from the unexpected shots that rain over them but he focuses on you and how you've been hit.
He doesn't have the time to register anything else before his muscle memory throws him into a fight and he's forced to strike any and all lizafos in his path.
He knows the group can hold their own, he knows that you can hold your own- so he's hoping that your hits were only minor.
He fights as he normally would and is pleasantly surprised by the ease of it. If only if it weren't for their sheer numbers that comes against them.
But then he hears the roar.
It takes a second to get past the initial panic of uncertainty- it's not a call from any monster from his Hyrule and there's nothing substantial that he can compare it to.
But he's traveling with this group for a while and he now knows what it is even if it's a little later than his instincts should have figured it out.
A lynel.
He take a large breath to replenish himself and turns around from the newest fallen monster.
Someone is going to have to go deal with it.
He hopes it's not him.
But then he hears you scream.
You're too far away to make out what you're saying but it's frantic and fearful.
Sky wastes no time in running in your direction and trying to make it to your side before anything happens to you.
"Someone help me!" He hears you cry.
He pushes himself faster.
He trips on a root.
Flashbacks take over his mind momentarily before he pushes himself up and begins to feel his heart pounding faster than any fight driven adrenaline could provide. He can't fail to save someone a second time.
His breathing is beginning to feel labored but he can't risk this.
Sky gulps whatever air he can afford to take and begins running.
The lynel from the before roars in victory just as Sky breaks through the tree line.
It's worse than he could have.
Not only did you clearly take multiple shots from the earlier strike but they've somehow captured you with a rope that looks too tight to be without consequence and as you swing from the motion of being picked up, Sky catches a glimpse of the back of your head, where one of the weights rests.
Sky feels his hands clench and he raises the Master Sword skyward instinctively, calling upon the holy beam to fire it at the beast.
It does the damage but the beast doesn't go down.
Nor does it let you go.
Enraged and without much forethought, Sky charges and does not hesitate to strike when the beast is still trying to recover from the blow.
Sky strikes against the beast's back to keep on the ground for a moment longer before slicing off the hand that holds you. It falls to the ground with a subtle thump before the monster manages to snap beyond the pain and jump away from him.
The blood falls from the wound like a down pour and lynel roars again in pure anger and hatred, glaring directly at Sky for the audacity to strike against it.
Sky couldn't care less, in fact he welcomes it.
He's quick to jump over your body and place himself between you and monster, rage fueling him beyond every breath he takes.
The lynel jumps and reaches for its own sword now that it's been limited to one armed weapons.
Sky raises his blade skyward for another beam and watches in satisfaction as the beast fails to block it and takes the full damage.
Wild jumps into the fray and fires what he can at the lynel before turning to Sky. He takes a moment and pauses, glancing at the disembodied paw, the blood, the massively harmed lynel and eventually spots you as you lay on the forest floor.
"Get them the help they need." Sky snaps at Wild before he can question anything. "Leave this one to me."
"How did you even manage this?" Wild drops his bow and takes out a knife, cutting away the ropes that bind you.
"Holy blade."
The lynel roars again and stands to face Sky head on once more.
But it's injured before it can even try.
Legend and Hyrule come out of the woodwork and fire at it with all the magic they both can produce in a flurry of blows.
Sky can feel the beginning's of relief seep into his system and it alerts him to how tired and spent he really is- enough so that he knows that if he continues to push it, he might not be able to breath properly for a while.
But he can't bring himself to care, you're still hurt and the monster that caused it is still standing.
He can go on a little longer.
Just a little longer.
He grits his teeth and charges while the lynel is distracted, slicing across it's shoulder blade and using the momentum and purchase he finds when the blade gets caught on the bone to heave himself onto the monster's back.
The lynel can not longer stand and falls to its knees, weakened further more by Legend and Hyrule's efforts.
When Sky feels the lynel shift forward, he thrust the Master Sword in front of him and pierces it through the head, growling animalistically when he sees the blade come out the other side.
The monsters explodes in a familiar purple smoke and he braces himself as his feet hit the ground.
With a gulp, he holds his breath and runs back to you with Hyrule and Legend close by.
It appears that Wild had given you a potion (or three) and was trying to get you to slowly sit up. Arrows gone.
"Ow... My everything hurts." You sob and try to keep from moving.
Sky collapses next to you and lands harshly on his knees. "Oh thank Hylia you're alive."
"Hey Sky." You try and move your arms and eventually settle for entangling your finger into the back of your head. "Oh, ok, ouch, that's worse. What happened? What was that thing?"
"Lynel." Hyrule moves to your other side and lets his magic flow through his fingers. "The big horse like cat thing? We call them lynels. Tough to fight and to beat. They are typically to be avoided."
You sigh in relief from his healing spell and Sky narrowly avoids doing the same thing.
"I hate them." You mutter
Sky coughs up a laugh and tries to hide from the others how much he's actually spent- you need more attention right now. "We all do."
"Is it dead?"
"Sky made sure of it." Legend juts his thumb in his direction and the way you blink and look his way, makes Sky feel more bashful than he should.
"But it was huge!"
"Well Sky was pissed so safe to say it didn't matter."
"Legend." He says in warning.
"You know I'm right." Legend smirks.
"Are there still monsters?" You sit up fully now and shake some of limb free from whatever you must be feeling.
"Technically " Wild hisses. "But you're done. Hyrule, Legend, let's go get the others. Sky, make sure they don't go back in the fight."
The you're no good to fight either does not go unnoticed in Sky's eyes.
"Fine." He spits and sits a little closer to you.
The other three run off back into the forest and away from the two of you.
"I'm sorry." Sky blurts.
"For what?" You tilt your head. "You killed the thing, right?"
"Yeah but-"
"Then there's nothing else to do."
"I didn't- I wasn't fast enough." Sky bite his lip and turns his head to look the trees instead of into your eyes. "This could have been avoided entirely."
"No offence but I doubt that." You roll your eyes and rest your head on his shoulder.
Sky stiffens at the contact and chances a glance in your direction.
"I'm tired."
"Time will kill us if he finds us both asleep." Sky mutters, even if the idea is really tempting right now.
"I think we've earned it." You reply. "Time can bite me. I like... almost died... I think I should nap time compensation."
Sky wraps his arm around you before he can chicken out and tries not to think to much on your second sentence. "You sleep then. I'll keep a look out for more monsters."
"You'll protect me?"
"With my life."
Time was quick to pull out his sword and shield, taking refuge behind it as the arrows rained down upon him and the group.
He saw Wild take a shot in his side and he heard Warrior curse under breath as he drew out his own weapons.
Time took a breath and charge at the first monster who was brave enough to show its face. He trusts the boys to take care of the hoard as they approach and continues to fight. Somehow, the group disperses and they're not back to back anymore.
He's not sure if it's a good or bad thing just yet.
Somewhere in the distance he hears you shout and out of concern, Time buys himself enough to look behind him by kicking the monster in front of him in the chest and sends him flying.
Time doesn't see you.
Time grits his teeth and tries to finish the beast in front of him as fast as he can because that cry... did not sound good.
Time hears a thunderous roar and feel his blood go cold.
It's not native to his time or Hyrule but he's seen one from his time on this journey, he can recognize it now, and he knows this is trouble.
A lynel.
He turns to try and find where it's coming from but there's too many lizalfos and bokoblins for him to deal with before he can go anywhere else.
His blood in pounding in his ears and it's hard for him to hear anything beside it and his own laboring breaths.
He can hear the creature arrive in the middle of battle, sees it in his periphery and he tries his hardest to disengage to go deal with the higher threat.
It's you.
Time's heart plummets and he runs from his fight into your direction, hoping to get there in time.
But he doesn't know where you are and the monsters are still running rampant.
Ice is dunked over him and there no way to prepare his for the absolute terror that courses through his veins when he hears your voice nearly tear your throat apart. It's enough of a shock that he actually comes to a dead stop not willing to accept the reality of what just happened.
He's never heard you scream like that.
Not to mention that you're calling him and are crying for him to come to your rescue. He can't fail you.
He run, sprints and tackles anything that tries to get in his way. He sees the lynel throw its weapon and turns his head just in time for it make contact with you.
It wraps around you in a practiced and fluid motion and he can see one of the weight hit you in the head.
You fall and lynel runs toward you, picks you up by the rope and holds your now unconscious body up in the air like a trophy before it turns around to run away.
"NO!" Time gives chase and shoots the beast by its knees to get its attention. "GIVE THEM BACK!"
The lynel doesn't seem to be at all effected by the shots but it does turn around to see what the deal is.
Time keeps running toward it. He's not entirely sure how he's going to take this behemoth down but it has you, has hurt you and now it has to pay.
Again, not that he has any idea of how to do that.
Luckily, he's not the only one who heard your call and Wild wastes no time on jumping on top of the monster and begin attacking it from behind. Time's sure that Twilight would have something to say about that later but he'll let the cub have this one if he succeeds.
Hyrule and Legend come out of the woodwork nearly at the same time, each firing their respected types of magic at the beast.
Time's heart plummets again when they come close to hitting you.
"CAREFUL!" He shouts without any restraint in his voice.
Time is terrified for you and admittedly... he's a bit at loss at what to do.
But he refuses to stand by and do nothing.
With Wild and Legend attacking what they can, Time follows Hyrule example by taking out his sword and begins hacking away at the beast.
He trying to avoid anything having to do with your side and even slides under the beast with his blade held high, slicing the entire underside of the creature.
This one is stronger than Time remembers them being and only vaguely recalls when Wild mentioned about their colors having meaning. All he knows is that he needs to get you out of here and fast.
The window of opportunity opens just a sliver and Time forces his hands in to rip it open all the way.
The lynel refuses to let go of you even as it's fighting against the boys and trying to trample Time as he thinks.
In one solid movement he arcs his sword behind you as you swing down and he cuts the lynel's hand up to the wrist. The beast lets you go out of shock and Time dives toward you as you fall.
He catches you and rolls, crying in anguish when he gets a bruising kick to his back.
Even if he's almost certain that his back should have been broken by that kick, he rolls away from the fight even more, fighting the weights off of you to free you from the ropes.
"Are they ok?" Hyrule shouts from the sidelines.
"NO!" He shouts back without much thought, focusing more on how the blood, your blood covers almost the entirety of your back and how your hands have begun to turn a little purple.
"Head injury and circulation has been cut off from multiple limbs! Three separate arrows in their back, leg and hand." Time shouts and tosses his weapon to the side. He takes out his last fairy and uncorks the bottle, letting fly over you and begins to work on taking out the arrow while you're unconscious, only marginally hoping you won't wake in the middle of it if only to avoid the pain.
He's more than upset with himself.
Not only is your life in danger right now and he can't immediately fix the problem, but he didn't even know you got hit in the initial contact. Time begins to blame himself even if he knows it's stupid and tries to project his feels to the real culprits.
You don't appear to be waking up any time soon and Time feels an all encompassing rage descend over him.
He stands and picks up his weapon, turning to the beast as the boys are begin being flung away from it.
He moves his arm in a circle, trying to loosen up his muscles before he attacks.
He takes a breath.
And he charges.
He manages to get in the monsters blind spot and impales his blade deep with its side.
The lynel roars and turns to face him, but Time keeps his grip on his sword and is pulled in the spin instead. As the monster realizes that Time is still where he can't reach keep, it keep turning, jumping and bucking to get Time away from it but he holds on.
As the beast tires itself out, Wild comes back and fires a well aimed arrow in the lynel's eyes and it bursts into a blue cloud and out of existence.
Time growls at the lack of action and instead throws his weapon at the nearest monster that comes through. It bursts into another cloud on impact and Time finds that it still doesn't quell his absolute rage.
"Link..." He hears you groan.
Time turns around and catches you attempting to sit up with Legend's and Hyrule's help. Hyrule has his spell flowing from his fingers over your form and you blink away what confusion you can.
"Where am I? What happened?" You place your hand to the back of your head and gulp. "Is everyone ok?"
Time sighs in relief, his anger almost dissipating on sight.
"Hold on. What's your name?" Legend places a hand on your shoulder.
You answer.
"How many fingers am I holding up?" Hyrule raises up three fingers.
"Se-seven." You frown and squint. "That's not right."
"No. No it's not." Hyrule sighs. "That's it for today then, right? They've got a pretty bad concussion. We need to keep them awake for a while. Arrow wounds seemed to have healed nicely though."
"Anyone have a potion?" Legend yells into the atmosphere.
"Some of us are still fighting!" Four shouts back.
"Help the others." Time says. "I'll get them out of here. I already used my fairy on them so anything else may have to wait."
"You already used a fairy?"
He nods.
"Time..." You look up at him. "Where were you?"
Your words strike him through the heart and he kneels next to you, trying not to look you in the eye and burst into tears.
He picks you up without another word and nods towards Hyrule and Legend.
They take the hint and run back towards whatever fighting is still happening.
"Are you ok?" You place a hand against Time's cheek. "I thought I heard you but you were really far away."
"I'm fine." Time answers, gripping you a little tighter against him.
He's not fine.
But he's gong to make this up to you. He swears it.
Four was stuck in his own head when the attack happened.
He was lucky enough that he only received a quick cut to his cheek before his instincts kicked in and pulled his shield over his head.
He heard multiple people around him grunt but was immediately throw across the field by a lizalfos kick to his chest.
Four pulls his sword from behind him and wasted not time to strike back.
There was no more time or opportunity to even think as he was quickly swarmed by the hoard of monsters. Four has at least four monsters in top of him, trying to knock him down to size and keep him on the ground but Four wasn't going to go down so easily.
Wind comes up from the side and knocks two of them down from behind, giving him a quick wink as he rushes to fight against the bokoblins that have entered the scene.
Delighted by the help, Four does a spin attack to knock the other two down when he hears something that makes his blood go cold.
A roar.
A monstrous being has now entered the battlefield and Four hopes that he can help knock out the lesser monster while the others take on the lynel.
Four makes the executive decision to leave it to the more experienced of the group to take care of it. He can work on lessening the numbers so that they can concentrate on the larger one.
But then he hears something that makes his blood go cold.
"Someone help me!"
It's you.
You're panicking.
You're in trouble.
Four takes a breath and moves his head around his immediate area. He tries to calm his heart before he all but spirals into a panic so that he could properly help you.
Where are you?
What was once ice turns to stone in his veins instead before he dashes in your direction.
Forget the monsters right now.
You need help.
You called for him.
All previous thought of taking this with well calculated decisions vanishes out of the proverbial window.
Any thought of taking calmly has gone out the proverbial window.
It's just the thought of you in danger, waiting on him to rescue you.
His coarse takes him right in the path of the lynel.
He sees you, captured and held high like some victory trophy and absolutely coated in what can only be your own blood.
Four makes the downright stupid decision with all wild abandon to throw his sword as hard as he can at the monsters face.
It makes contact and sinks deep.
But it doesn't kill the creature.
When the creature doesn't let go of you either, Four is nearly shaking with the amount of restrained fury he has yet to release.
While the beast in injured, he sees Wild come up from the tree line and fire multiple shots right where his sword is, making hit after hit and the creature jumps back-
Right into Hyrule and his flaming spin attack.
Four runs toward the lynel, no longer caring for his own safety and ignoring how he doesn't have another weapon out.
The one thing he does have though is his favorite pocket knife- so he decides once again to make a very stupid choice.
Time will have an aneurysm should he ever learn about this.
Four jumps from the creature's knee when it dips down and grips onto the mane to hoist himself up. In one swift movement, even as the creature has gone blind at this point and is constantly taking damage from both other boys, Four pulls his legs up and wraps them around the arm of the beast and climb up to where it's holding you.
He grips the rope with one hand and holds his knife with the other and begin to work his way through the material.
It takes a few panicked seconds but the rope is freed.
With one end still being held by the lynel, it spins you around until you hit the ground with a dull thud. Four drops after you as soon as he sees you're freed and manages to catch you somewhat from hitting the ground at full force- even if his plan was to use his body as a pillow.
His arms wrap around you instantly and together he rolls you away from the fight and away from the lynel's trampling hooves.
He gulps when he lets go of you, taking quick inventory over your injuries.
He's quick to reach into your pocket and pull out the healing potion he knows you have and opens it. Legend runs toward the two of you with a fairy in a bottle and tosses it in Four's direction.
The lynel is still standing to the side and Legend nods to Four before activating his pegasus boots and runs to help slay the monster.
Four takes out your arrows and lets the fairy go to heal your wounds in whatever way she can. He moves over and picks up your head when the fairy moves away, placing it into his lap and opens your mouth with his thumb on your chin.
Slowly, he pours the potion, being as careful as his shaking hands will allow to not choke you with it.
He feels stunned.
You were always on top of everything.
Always coming to their aid instead and always seeming to know what to do next. It's something he's always loved about you.
But the one time you need him them, where were they?
How did he they let you get so hurt?
"Am I dead?" You groan and Four will ever deny crying when you look up at him. "Oh, hi Four... did we die?"
He snorts, it's wet a little unbecoming of him but he doesn't care. "No, but you gave it your best shot."
"Huh..." You shift and are immediately met with all the injuries that haven't been healed yet. "OH! Oh no! Not dead! Defiantly not dead! I'm in too much pain to be dead!"
"I'm sorry." Four says out of habit.
"Not your fault." You groan and roll off of him. "Is the thing dead?"
Four looks up and sees that yes, in the time that he tending to you the trio had managed to kill the lynel.
Wild then runs up to you both with a very familiar sword in his hand. "This is yours I believe."
Four stands and takes it before something can happen to the resident Champion. "Thank you."
"You have quite the arm." He comments. "That went deep."
"Four's super strong." You say in your pained delirium. "Like SUPER super strong. I bet he can pick you up."
"Ok, we need to get you out of here." Wild fights the smile that threatens to appear when Four blushes..
"Please." You whimper.
Four takes pity on you and picks you up as gently as he can manage. "The others are still fighting..."
"I'll let them know where you went." Wild winks and dashes off to finish the last of the monsters.
"Four?" You gulps and try to get as comfortable as you can. "Thank you."
"Every time. I promise."
Twilight had a suspicion that something was going to happen the minute the forest had stilled of natural sound.
He gripped his sword and held his shield at the ready just in case.
A part of him felt a little silly but he knew better than to ignore the gut feeling. It came with his heightened senses and he wasn't about to toss away hard earned lessons because of falsified paranoia.
The attack came as he knew it would and he was quick to put his shield over his head, pulling Wind under him as well to avoid the barrage of arrows. Some of the others weren’t so lucky, he knew instantly by their calls of distress but was forced to fight the minute the monsters stepped into the light. There was no way for him to check how badly the others would have been hurt except for when he would eventually pass them on the battle field.
He lost himself in the motions- muscle memory doing most of the work in his case as he took down every lizalfos and bokoblin in his path.
Then he hears it.
The mistakable roar of a lynel.
He groans at the very thought of it. With more theatrics than he’s willing to admit, Twilight cuts down the monster in front of him and makes turns around to go fight the beast, leaving the lesser monsters to be dealt with by the group.
“I’m gonna die!” He hears you scream.
His heart stops and what was once a brisk jog turns into a full out sprint in your direction.
“HELP!” Your voice picks up in intensity and Twilight urges himself to go faster, to meet you before the beast can.
Twilight jumps over a line of bushes just in time to see you run down the trail- blood already trailing down your back and dripping off of your hand.
He sees the lynel stop for a moment before releasing its weapon.
It makes contact and it stops you in your tracks, capturing your limbs together and causing you to fall. He runs over to in tandem with the monster but he’s not fast enough to catch the lynel while in full gallop.
While a scream tears through his throat, Twilight wishes momentarily that you were sticking near Epona at the start of all this (and therefore him) instead but he gives chase without much thought in any sort of plan to save you.
With a quick whistle he calls for his horse and she comes running without any hesitation. Twilight sets himself up during the run and jumps on Epona’s back. He’s quick to move and direct her after the monster and pull out his bow in favor of his sword.
His shots cause the monster to roar once more in fury and it stops to face the upcoming opponent.
Twilight growls with just as much intensity and keep firing, urging Epona to run around the beast, in a circle to avoid any full on hits. 
The lynel takes the blows with little thought and steps back, dropping you the process and charges at Twilight.
He’s not quick enough to get out of the way and is forced to jump off of Epona less she fall on top of him and crush him.
Epona does take the brunt hit of it and does in fact fall over. Twilight gets to his feet as fast as he can and takes his sword out again. While it takes a moment to breath from colliding into another creature, Twilight asses the damage.
Epona for her part gets up and dashes quickly off to the side and away from the monster. He knows that she’s hurt but with the lynel turning around to face him, and Twilight does not miss the way the lynel glances at you in the process, he doesn’t have time to go and check on her.
Instead he jumps in front of you and swings his blade with all his might at the offending creature as it makes it way over to you.
It howls in angers and does so once more when Legend comes flying in through the foliage and blasts the beast directly in its face with his magic rod.
It gives Twilight a window of opportunity and a bit of breathing room now that the lynel has changed targets... for now.
He spins on his heel and kneels by your side, cutting into the ropes that surround you and tear them away from your body. He gulps a bit at the multitude of arrows that protrude from your flesh and he idly wonders if it was from the first attack or from the battle field.
The lynel throws Legend off  of it and Twilight turns around once more to charge at the monster, using his own momentum against it to jump on its back as he stabs as his blade as deep as he can manage into the beast. The monster roars once more and begins to buck with Twilight holding on by the hilt of his blade and the mane of its fur. 
This is a familiar sensation to Twilight and he moves his body to compensate for the added motion to stay on.
From on top of the beast, he sees Hyrule and Wild join the fray and grins as feral as he’s willing to show as back arrives.
Wild is quick to follow his lead and jumps next to him as the monster bucks and also begins to whack the beast. Twilight manages to pull his blade out and repeats his earlier motion, urging his sword with all of his strength to go deeper and do more damage.
Luckily, Hyrule has spotted you and has rushed to your aid with Legend on his heels while the lynel is being handled.
Wild chitters angrily at the fact that lynel still stands and he hops off to begin firing as many explosive arrows as he can at the beast.
Never mind that Twilight is still there.
But he’s a good shot and Twilight focuses on staying on top and keeping his blade within the monster as it jumps back and back and it eventually cornered by a small cliff side.
For one moment everything stills, from either the creature tiring itself out or from Wild running out of bomb arrows but Twilight takes the moment for what it is and once again pulls his blade out.
With one final push, he plunges it back into the monster at a higher spot and feels only marginally satiated when he see the tip peak out on the other side of the lynel’s face.
It disappears into the typical purple cloud and Twilight narrowly misses a sharp rock on the way down. Wild runs to him and gives him a hand.
“Were you trying to blow me off?” He raises an eyebrow at the younger hero as he catches his breath.
“You stayed on didn’t you?” Wild pats him on the shoulder and gives him a once over. “You’re fine.”
“They’re not.” Twilight looks in your direction and runs over.
Luckily, Epona stands over you as well, relatively unharmed except for the few scratches on her side. Twilight sighs in relief at the sight of his horse still standing tall. He’ll have to go easy on her for a few days, maybe a few weeks but she’ll just fine after some tender loving care.
You on the other hand...
You groan and finally open your eyes by the time he reaches you. “I did not do so great that time.”
“Well at least you’re not dead.” Legend rolls his eyes and helps you sit up properly.
“What happened to...” You pause and look up at Twilight, concern and horror filtering over your face. “What one earth happened to you?”
He blinks and furrows his eyebrows. 
Then he looks down.
His pants are coated in the monster’s blood and it’s traveled all the way up to his naval- but that’s not what it looks like.
“Rancher, were you pissing blood or something?” Legend stares at him in the same amount- if not than a little more- horror as you were.
“Twilight...” You start and frown, only now looking between them all with a little more clarity in your eyes. “Did that thing cut off your-”
“It’s not my blood!” He’s quick to reassure you. “Not my blood.”
“Twilight took a lot of stabs to the creatures back.” Wild answers for him. “Since he was riding it then it drips onto the pants.”
“It does look like he needs to be checked though.” Hyrule bit his lip. “Are you alright?”
“A bit winded but more or less unharmed. You?” He wipes the sweat from his brow and tries to ignore the way his pants are beginning to dry.
“More or less the same.”
“Everything hurts.” You groan and flop back onto the earth. 
Twilight smiles slightly at the sight and takes a large calming breath. You’re going to be ok.
Warrior’s blood goes cold.
Multiple instances of fallen soldiers and allies alike flash over him a cold panic and his feet move before he even has the chance to register what he’s trying to do or where he’s even going. 
There’s a recurring mantra in his head that circles around like sirens in the dead of night. 
He can’t be late. He can’t fail. It all falls on him. He has to win. He has to save them. He can’t lose.
He’s forced to duck down in a flurry of rushing limbs and flying fabric when he nearly crashes into the monster head on.
Warrior doesn’t hesitate to raise his sword and slash the underbelly of the beast, still lost in the programming of muscle memory. He only comes back into hiself and the present when- after a few minutes of fighting this things without much damage being done to it- Wild comes from behind and fires as many arrows as he can in quick succession.
The surroundings clear up a little more and Warrior rolls out of the way to not be stomped on.
He looks up with wide eyes and forces to get back onto his feet.
He’s not back in the war. There’s no army or fallen soldiers that are gasping out their final breaths.
Until he looks up.
Warrior sucks in a breath when he finally registers your hanging form. You’re soaked in your own blood and there’s arrows sticking out of you that clearly couldn’t be dealt with at the time. Not to mention the ropes around you have been turning your hands and fingers purple.
Legend joins in the time he’s been stuck staring at you and has begun to fire as much magic as he can at the beast. “WAKE UP PRETTY BOY! WE’RE NOT DONE HERE!”
Warrior snaps back into action- the anger that dripping into his system slowly gets him worked up into a frenzy. At first he merely attacks like he would any other monster because he doesn’t want to believe that you’ve been bested by this creature. Nor the possibility that you’re injured beyond repair. But the more he attacks and the more he’s focused on trying not to injure you further- he’s hitting harder, slashing deeper and aiming for any all vitals that he can reach.
Somehow, in his rage, he’s managed to get him under the lynel and spins his blade to slice the legs as many times as he can before the beast is forced to fall from the damage.
Warrior is so lost in himself that he never noticed Hyrule arrive and successfully get you away from the lynel.
Legend breaks away to help Hyrule with getting the rope and arrows away from your body- leaving the stronger lynel with Wild and Warrior. 
While the two of them get to work their magic on healing you, Warrior notices belatedly that there’s more free space to work with when fighting so he takes advantage of that.
But he miscalculates.
In one false move that Warrior tries to duck away from, a rogue hoof comes up when the creature tries to stand again and it nicks Warrior right above his eye, sending him flying away form the beast.
Warrior ignores the blood that’s pouring into his eye and gets up nearly as quickly as he went down.
Wild for his part has noticed the change in energy and has jumped away from the lynel to settle for more ranged attacks... And to get away from Warrior...
Warrior rams his blade into the monster, tilting it upward to slice as high as he can reach into its massive neck.
The lynel has weakened to the point where lifting its limbs has become a tedious and strenuous task. 
Warrior takes advantage of this.
He does not notice Wild leave him either until the lynel disappears in a violent explosion of purple smoke.
He stands there, chest heaving and arms trembling- the weight of his rage and adrenaline leaving him stunned when the object of his aggressions is gone. He snaps his head up in a violent fashion to see Wild, Legend and Hyrule stand over you, magic pouring over them in waves.
He runs to you and has to be restrained by Wild when he nearly runs all of you over. “How are they? How bad was it?”
“Are you ok?” Hyrule asks instead, just turning in time to see Warrior coated in not only the creature blood- but having his eyebrow swollen and red- his own blood weeping down the side of his face and into his tunic and scarf.
It’s uglier than he’s ever going suspect without a mirror. 
“Are they dead?” Warrior asks again.
Hyrule turns his magic to Warrior standing up and making room for the soldier to take his place on the ground. “No, but they’re not waking up after a potion, a fairy and my magic.”
Warrior doesn’t think twice about kneeling on the dirt and takes your hand reflexively. “Do we have anything else?”
“They took a bad hit to the head, it’s all on them now.” Legend places a hand on Warrior’s shoulder and sighs.
There’s a moment of silence amongst the group, the sounds of the others fighting still nearby. “They’re going to need help. We’re not done here.”
Whatever relief Warrior might have felt at the new of your being stable is quickly dashed and once replaced by the need to rain absolute hell fire on the enemy.
“Someone needs to stay with them.” He finds himself saying.
“I will.” Hyrule gulps, letting the spell drop at last. “I think I’m tapped out my magic for a while anyway.”
“Then rest and don’t push yourself either friend.” Wild nods and runs off. “Take care.”
“Watch over them Traveler.” Warrior doesn’t look his way and grip his sword as tightly as his fists can manage. “We won’t be long.”
Legend and Hyrule share a look as Warrior runs after Wild searching the nearest monster to fall victim to his anger.
He can’t be late. He can’t fail. It all falls on him. He has to win. He has to save them. He can’t lose.
Wild growled, pushing himself up from the ground and ripping the arrow that had lodged itself into him out of his side.
He couldn’t feel it anyway- it was his scarred side.
With practiced ease, he takes out his bow and fires it at the first monster he sees. He knows that the others scatter as quickly as the monsters break through the tree line to take them down.
He searches for more numbers that aren’t being dealt with immediately. 
Not seeing any, he runs for higher ground and jumps into the biggest tree in the area, striking at the bokoblins more so than the lizalfos.
Bokoblins are the easier enemy to deal with- he tells himself. Lizalfos have obnoxious armor that can be difficult to get around- not to mention they’re smarter and faster. So the group will need to spend more of their attention on the lizards from hell than the easier enemy.
They’re annoying but Wild makes do.
But as he gets lost in the moment and the mission- he hears it.
A lynel has appeared on the battle field.
Being in the group long enough has allowed to learn that he’s only one of few that know what it is and how to deal with it.
He steels himself and jumps down from the tree- eager to get rid of the threat and help his friend through the thick of it.
“I need help! I’m gonna die!” Wild’s head snaps to the left, just barely seeing the lynel run in the same direction of your voice.
Wild’s voice gets caught in his throat and he sprints as quickly as he can after it.
It can’t get to you. There’s no way the universe would allow this to happen. He can’t let that happen.
“HELP!” He hears you cry again.
It’s once again to his left and runs toward you instead of the lynel, not even bothering to try and hide the absolute panic on his face.
“Someone help!” You yell and he’s too focused on honing in on where you are exactly to even worry about where the lynel is in comparison.
He ends up somewhere in the middle, you to his left and the lynel to his right.
He see the whole thing happen- not even registering the power level of this particular monster when he sees it.
The lynel stops and lines up its shot 
It lets go and you collapse onto the forest floor, blood slowly beginning to pool by the back of your head. He didn’t even get the chance to answer you- you’re out before you can even see him there.
But the lynel still charges forward and Wild knows he can’t let it get to you regardless.
He runs toward you- not where near as quickly as the lynel but he shoots his trusty bomb arrow at its feet before it can get to you- watching in twisted satisfaction when the monster is instead flipped over you and lands directly on its back on the other side of the clearing.
He runs to you, looking over his shoulder to see the lynel jump to its feet again, now raging at a different level than before. He takes a short sword out of the shiekah slate and cuts the ropes around you, using the bomb rune to blast the creature again when it tries to run back over to you.
The blast doesn’t send the monster very far like the first one but it still buys Wild enough time to get the last of the ropes off of you and pick you up.
Legend comes in from he side lines and fires at the beast like there’s no tomorrow. Wild’s psyche breaths a quick sigh of relief at the appearance of back up and he tries to find a decent place to put you as he goes to deal with the monster.
It’s only when he’s putting you down- hidden behind some bushes and branches, does he see your other wounds- the arrows and he almost sobs at the sight. He thought it was just the hit from the lynel but you’re losing more blood than he thinks he can keep up with. Wild takes out the fairy and unleashes her, whispering to her to check your head first while he deal with the the arrows.
He doesn’t know if she can understand him as much as the koroks do (it wasn’t a fairy from his Hyrule) but he sees that she somewhat understands. He takes care of the one through your hand first and worries about splinters for a moment before someone smacks his hand away.
“How about you go help Legend?” Hyrule doesn’t  snap but it’s not necessarily a friendly tone at the moment. “I’ll take care of them but Legend can’t fight that thing on his own.”
Wild looks up and belatedly sees Legend try to dodge the strikes of the high level lynel instead of actually hitting the monster.
Wild takes one more look at you and your blood on his hands and nods to Hyrule. He doesn’t hesitate to run toward the monster and jumps on its back as its distracted.
He holds on by its mane and takes out his frost blade freezing it in place before unleashing as many blows as he can get with his knights claymore.
Legend however, somehow misses the memo and fires his fire rod at the lynel- getting rid of the effect of his own blade.
Wild doesn’t pay too much attention to it.
He switches to his thunder blade and strikes the beast right behind its head.
The shock knocks him off of its back and he lands harshly on his own back before shooting multiple bomb arrows at the monster. Legend goes for more ranged attacks when he sees the kind of artillery that Wild is unleashing on the monster and wants no part of it.
Wild gets his shots to strike the lynel in the face, going for more blood than he thinks the lynel even has- but all he knows is that the beast has to pay.
He stays close to the lynel, using as many flurry blows as he can get it, switching between the frost blade and his thunder blade as they both charge up and as many bombs as he can get going at once for the beast to fall.
He falls into a pattern and knows the monster very well after just two minutes of this. It’s from his Hyrule and Wild feels a small part of him shrivel in guilt at something from his world coming after you.
But that just means he’ll have the honors of getting rid of it.
Despite Wild’s obvious pattern of weapon switching and bomb usage, the lynel isn’t any wiser to his moves and continuously takes the damage that Wild is giving out- not even having the chance to strike the young hero. 
Legend at some point in all of this has moved away from the battle entirely and has joined Hyrule in healing you, even if it’s only to shove a potion down your throat.
Wild gets lost in the motions, enough so that he even trips over himself and falls face first in the monster’s loot.
He grabs it out of habit before sprinting over to where he knows he hid you.
You’re just beginning to wake up.
“Link...” You call out. “Where did you go?”
Wild bite his lip and drops to his knees next to you, gripping your hand with shaking hands. He looks to Hyrule with a silent question.
“They’ll be ok.” He says in a quiet voice. “Took a bad hit to the head and the arrows could have been better but nothing vital was damaged and they should be ok with some rest and time.”
Wild nods and sighs with relief.
“Link...” You blink your eyes open and look around you. “Oh hey... Everything hurts.”
Legend snorts and crosses his arms. “It took a lot of magic to get you to this point again.”
“I’m not dead?”
“You gave it your best shot.” Hyrule shrugs with an awkward smile on his face. “But we love you too much to let you go like that.”
Wild chuckles quietly and feels the shakes travel from his hands to the rest of his body until he’s sure it looks like he’s vibrating instead. His whole nervous system is fried but you’re ok- you’re alive. Wild thinks he can cry.
“Cool. Cool. Thanks.” You sigh and rest your head against the forest floor again. “Glad I’m not dead.”
“We are too.” Wild laughs a bit louder and it’s wet and quiet but you hear it.
You smile in response.
“Wild here is especially happy about it. He pretty much took on the lynel all by himself.” Legend lets out a breath. “It was a tough one. What was wrong with t? Was it infected like the others?”
“No. Just strong.” Wild shakes his head and lets go of your hand to brush your hair gently away from your face. “It was my Hyrule- I’ve fought a few like those before.”
“Lynel...” You try the word on your tongue like slow molasses flowing through a jar. “I hate them.”
“Yeah...” Wild laughs a little louder again, a little more genuine- adrenaline leaving his system and leaving him tired and drained. “We all do.”
You’re ok.
He’s ok.
It’s ok.
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kohanayaki · 4 years ago
.:Time and Time Again:. (Marauders Era x Reader) Ch 7
Severus looks back on everything that went wrong.
tw: non-consensual kissing/harassment, trauma responses
LINKS:   CH 1   CH 2    CH 3   CH 4   CH 5   CH 6   CH 7   CH 8
Ch 7 .:Things Unforgivable and Things Left Unsaid:.
Graduation day at Hogwarts was supposed to mark the beginning of a new adventure for you. Instead, it marked the day you decided that whatever it was between you and Severus Snape, friendship or otherwise, it was over.
Or at least that's what you had thought. Of course, the universe just loved making things more complicated for you. You were working with Charlie in Romania when you had gotten word that Severus defected from the death eaters and was now working as a double agent at Dumbledore's behest. He continued teaching Potions at Hogwarts, and was even indited as a member of the Order. If anything, that only solidified your decision to go to America instead of staying in London. You didn't even know what to think. Of course you trusted Dumbledore, confusing as the man was, but you didn't know if you could really trust Snape again. You had worked towards forgiving him; over time you moved past what happened, but it was difficult to really say it was 'resolved' when you quite literally haven't spoken a word to each other in over a decade. You didn't even know where to start.
For the entirety of your seventh year, you didn't speak a word to Severus. It was hard to imagine that such a tight knit trio like the one you, him, and Lily had formed could crumble in an instant, but that's exactly what happened.
The end of your sixth year at Hogwarts was a quarter Snape would never forget, no matter how hard he tried. It was when everything fell apart. . .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   1976  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“James!” you yelled, running to the top of the hill where he and the rest of the Marauders had Snape held upside down.
“What are you doing?” you said, immensely hurt and trying to keep your voice steady, “You said this would stop, you promised. . . you swore.”
“(Y/n), I. . .” James trailed off, immediately feeling guilty. As he turned to you Snape dropped to the ground, attempting to scramble to his feet but finding his ankle twisted.
Sirius moved towards you to say something but you put your hand up firmly.
“No,” you said, “not a word out of you, Black.”
Sirius stared at you, wide-eyed, shrinking back as you called him by his last name for the first time in a long while. Not Sirius, not Pads. Black. As if your whole friendship had just been reset.
“And you two,” you said, addressing Remus and Peter, “how could you let this happen?!”
All four boys looked at you in shame, none of them daring to verbally respond.
Suddenly, Lily came running up the hill, having fallen behind you in your quick pace.
“Severus!” she panted, rushing over to him, “are you alright?”
Snape was in an angered daze, not even registering the words being said around him. The blood rushing through his veins felt like lava, his heart pounding in his ears, his chest, his tongue. His face burned with humiliation and hatred. Pure fucking hatred for James Fleamont Potter. For Lily to see him like that. . . for you to see him like that, pathetic, helpless, in need of your help once again. He wouldn't have it. He was a master of the dark arts now, he didn't have to fucking take this. He would curse Potter into the next century, he would—
Snape's eyes snapped open, not even realizing they were closed. The world came rushing in around him and he was suddenly acutely aware of Lily's hand on his arm. He reeled back at her touch as if he'd been burned.
“Don't touch me!” he screeched, startling the redheaded girl. Her eyes were filled with concern, but all Snape could see was pity.
“I don't need any help from you, you filthy Mudblood!”
And everyone in the clearing stilled.
The color drained from Snape's already pale face as he realized what he'd just said.
“Lily. . .” Severus whispered; pleading, desperate.
“Don't come any closer,” Lily said, her voice stone cold as tears welled up in her eyes.
“I'll kill you,” James said lowly.
“Prongs, no—”
“I'll kill you, you slimy bastard!” James growled, Remus moving quickly to hold him back.
You stood in the middle of it all, staring at Severus. Severus, who'd always told Lily that blood status didn't matter. Severus, who you and Lily always stood up for no matter what. Severus, who you thought you had feelings for up until this exact moment.
Without even thinking you stepped forward, grabbing Lily's hand.
“Let's go, Lils,” you said, your expression unreadable as you looked down at Severus. Lily squeezed your hand back gratefully, fighting the sobs racking her chest as she turned around and took off with you.
“(Y/n), wait—” Snape tried to get up but found himself shoved back down to the ground by Sirius.
“No,” he said sharply, “you don't get to say anything to either of them, you hear me?”
“What?” James spat, “you're sorry? Well sorry doesn't cut it! You say a word to her after what you called her and you'll wish you'd never have been born.”
Snape's head hung low, that wish already present in his mind.
“Leave him,” Remus said, this time not out of mercy, but malice; letting Snape wallow in his own misery as he left with his friends, looking for you and Lily.
Soon, Severus was left alone. Just as he began, and just as he should have never hoped for anything different. Was this it? That's how it was going to end? One mistake, and the only two people he'd ever cared about were ripped away from him.
No. He decided he had to apologize properly, consequences be damned. If those Marauders wanted to beat him to a bloody pulp afterwards, that was fine by him. He just needed to talk to Lily one more time. To tell her how deeply sorry he really was.
He took off down the hill, sprinting towards the castle and completely ignoring the burning pain in his ankle. He rushed through the grass, ignoring the looks he received from the other students walking by. He ran past the oak tree, through the castle gates, flying through the corridors and cutting across the courtyard when he skid to a stop at what he saw.
Lily and James stood in the center of the garden, her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer as his lips captured hers. Her eyes were still wet with tears, the tears that he had caused. Severus didn't do a thing. His presence remained unknown to them as he slunk away back to his common room, heart silently breaking.
He was too late.
Nothing was the same after that.
Lily insisted that if you wanted to remain friends with Snape, as she now referred to him, she wouldn't hold it against you, but she made it very clear that she would never forgive him herself. But it wasn't as easy as wanting to stay friends with him or not; he'd changed that day.
After some time to let things settle down you tried to approach him, but he only became more and more hostile towards everyone, including you. You hardly saw him anymore. The only time you occasionally spotted him was when he was walking around school with Malfoy, Mulciber, Wilkes, and Avery, unable to look you in the eye lest you see the utterly crushed expression on your face as he fell deeper and deeper into the dark side.
You held your books tightly to your chest as you made your way to Hagrid's hut for one of your last Care of Magical Creatures class. You were being paired up with a few lower classmen to teach them the ropes for feeding all the creatures Hagrid kept in the meadows. You were a tad late, having been preoccupied at lunch, speedwalking to try and arrive on time when you saw a flash of silver-blue light emit from inside the forest. You could hear warbled shouting and laughter coming from the same direction, and your instincts told you to run.
However, because your nerves were on high alert, that also told you someone in there was in danger, and you couldn't just walk away from that. You drew your wand, abandoning your books by a rockface and moving towards the commotion, the distorted shouting soon becoming words.
“Oh come on, you little runts, you lot can do better than that!” you recognized Mulciber's voice.
A young girl shrieked as a giant acromantula barred its fangs at her, its front legs raised and poised to attack. Her friends were huddled in a corner, more students who couldn't have been older than second or third years, being forced to watch by Avery and Wilkes.
“How's this for Care of Magical Creatures, eh?” Mulciber taunted as he walked over to the other students, pulling a young boy out from the group.
“No!” the girl cornered by the spider cried, “please, don't!”
“Aw, how cute,” Mulciber drawled, “is this your little boyfriend, huh? Shame.”
The boy screamed in fear as he was suddenly lifted into the air by his ankles, forced to hover right above the spider just out of its reach. You wanted to wretch as you watched the scene unfold, unable to keep yourself hidden any longer.
You leaped into the clearing, a quick flick of your wrist relieving Mulciber of his wand. You did the same to Wilkes as he turned to you.
“Well well, why am I not surprised?” Avery scoffed. Right behind him stood Severus, his expression vacant.
“Grab this, and get to Professor McGonagall immediately,” you shouted to the younger Gryffindor students, tossing them a gold galleon. As soon as they touched the coin, the portkey shot them all back to the castle.
“Why are you always the one spoiling our fun?” Mulciber sneered.
“Someone's gotta do it,” you said, putting up a brave front although you were under no illusion as to your situation. You weren't fourth years anymore, and you were alone this time. They'd been studying the dark arts for the past two years. You knew you were outmatched, even with your dueling skills.
“Oh, come on, (Y/n), don't be a bore.”
You turned around at the sound of the familiar voice to see Rosier, an easy grin set into his face. Your heart dropped.
“So you too, huh?” you chuckled bitterly, “and here I thought you were one of the few good ones left.”
“You're not really that naive, are you?” he tutted, “you had to have known I would be inducted eventually. Might even get Barty to join us, even if he is a little nutty.”
You went for a stunning spell but found your wand spinning out of your hand before you even saw him move.
“Not so fun to be on the receiving end, is it?” Rosier said, “you're not the only one versed in non-verbal magic, (Y/n). In fact, I'd even go so far as to say we've surpassed you. Lucius will be furious, but I like you a lot, so I'll re-extend his old offer for him. Join us.”
You had no wand, no backup, no way out of this, but you stood your ground nonetheless.
“Eat shit,” you seethed. Rosier glowered at you, taking a few menacing steps forward. He grabbed your jaw firmly and you grit your teeth.
“I don’t think you heard me—”
He reeled back as you spit right in his face,
“You bitch,” he growled, wiping his face in disgust, “clearly no one ever bothered to train you.”
Without your wand you were really only left with one option, ready to defend yourself by revealing your animagus form, but you never got to take the first step forward.
You stopped in your tracks as a veil of what could only be described as pink fluff drifted over your mind. A smile immediately appeared on your face, and a giggle rose in your throat.
Severus looked at Rosier with horror, the rest of his crew looking among themselves uneasily.
“What do you think you're doing?” Snape hissed, “are you trying to get us all expelled?”
“So what?” Rosier said, “we've used the killing curse loads of times.”
“On insects, you loon,” Snape shot back, hoping his concern for you was masked enough.
“Don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt your precious (Y/n), Sev.”
The nickname made his stomach churn. You used to call him that. Lily used to call him that. No one else did. No one else got to.
“Release them,” he said, raising his wand, “now.”
“Put that away,” Rosier's eyes narrowed, a smirk sliding back onto his face as he got an idea, “hey, (Y/n)?”
“Yes?” you answered, your voice dripping with honey.
“I don't think Severus likes you being under this spell,” Rosier said, “but you like it don't you?”
“Mmm hmm,” you nodded, your head feeling like it was floating, “it feels so nice.”
“You know what else would feel nice?” Rosier goaded, “if you gave our friend Sev here a kiss.”
Severus' heart dropped to his stomach.
“You're sick, Rosier,” Snape said, his voice close to tremmoring.
“You don't have to act like you don't want it,” Evan chuckled, “we've watched you putz around (L/n) like a fool for years. Besides, they want to. Isn't that right, (Y/n)?”
“He's right,” you said, your voice deceptively melodic, “I love you, Severus. I've always loved you.”
And in that moment, Snape had never hated himself more. Because he didn't care that Rosier was making you say the things you did. He didn't care that you were under the influence of a curse. All he could hear was the words he longed to hear spill from your lips, over and over like a skipping record.
I love you, Severus. I love you, Severus. I love you, Severus.
He played the words on repeat in his head. His heart was beating almost painfully in his chest, so much so that he hardly even noticed you slowly walking towards him, wrapping your arms around his neck like Lily had done to James. And when you leaned forward to kiss him, his selfish desires held him in place.
It had lasted a fraction of a second, but he didn't pull away. It was the greatest regret of his life that he didn't walk up to Rosier, break his nose, and curse every single person in that clearing instead of doing nothing, knowing full well you had no control over your actions.
When his eyes drifted open and met yours and his stomach twisted into ugly knots, fear and panic wracking through his spine. Your eyes were completely empty, irises a vacant white, and in that moment it felt as if he were kissing a corpse.
Suddenly the color returned to your eyes, and fear immediately filled them. Snape grunted as he was shot away from you, unable to move when he hit the ground. The other Slytherins looked around for the assailant, but they had no time to react when every single one of their wands was pulled from their hands. McGonagall stood there, expression the same as ever but clearly brimming with fury.
“(L/n), come,” she said, ushering you over and taking you protectively in her embrace, “we'll get you to Madame Pomfrey.” Her eyes narrowed dangerously as she regarded Snape and the rest of their group, “As for you,” she said, “Mr Filch, secure them in the dungeons until the Headmaster calls for them. And put all of their wands in the lockbox.”
“With pleasure,” Filch said, almost blending in with the trees behind her.
“Are you alright?” McGonagall asked you as she helped you back towards the castle.
“No,” you said, honestly, “n-no, I don't think I am.”
“No amount of apology could ever equate to the remorse I feel that this happened to you, (L/n),” she said earnestly, “I am truly sorry. This was completely unacceptable, and I will see to it that the proper measures are taken for their punishments. Expulsion would suit just fine, but even if the Headmaster disagrees, I will personally ensure you never come into contact with any of those boys again.”
“Thank you,” you said, your voice sounding hollow in your own ears.
You didn't remember walking the near half-mile to the infirmary. Madame Pomfrey's words felt so far away, as if she were speaking underwater. You just remembered laying down in the hospital wing bed as she checked you for any lasting damage, and as soon as she'd turned her back you'd just wept.
That night, Snape found himself in the Prefect's bathroom, leaned over the sink and watching the water rush into the drain. His hands clutched the marble sides of the basin so hard his knuckles turned white, every breath catching painfully in his chest before he forced it out to take another shaky inhale. He was an idiot, he knew. There was no fixing this. Not really. First Lily, now you. Was he just predestined to lose everyone in his life?
He paused. No, he didn't deserve to think like that. Everything that had gone wrong was his own doing.
When he heard the door to the bathroom open he whipped around, ready to curse whoever dared to interrupt him until he saw you standing there, your eyes red from crying and the Marauder's Map clutched in your hands like a vice. He was half certain you were a hallucination, but as soon as he pulled himself to the present, he rushed to apologize. You had to know how horrible he felt about what he did, even if you would never forgive him. He made the mistake of being too cowardly to properly apologize to Lily, he wouldn't make that mistake again.
“(Y/n), I'm—”
“I know you're sorry,” you said callously, “and I know you mean it. That's not the issue.” you took a breath to collect yourself before you continued. This was so much harder than you thought it would be. Maybe this wound really was too fresh right now. You thought you'd be able to handle this conversation, but your prior feelings weren't making this any easier.
“Why did you do it?” you asked quietly, “Better, why did you do nothing? You were my friend, Severus.”
Whatever was holding back the flood of emotions in him, it snapped at your words.
Were. Past tense.
“I don't know what I was thinking,” Snape said in exasperation, though it came off more as anger directed at himself. His hands threaded through his messy black locks, his eyes nearly manic. You'd never seen him unravel quite like this. He was desperate to fix this, to keep you in his life. “No, I wasn't thinking at all, (Y/n). I couldn't, not when you were . . . not when I. . .”
Don't say it, don't say it, don't say it—
“Not when I've fancied you for years.”
Snape knew immediately that he had made a mistake. The expression on your face made his stomach twist, and he knew there was no taking back what he said.
“No,” you said, tears welling in your eyes, “Severus Snape, don't you dare say that. What, do you think that just makes this all okay? You're an oblivious idiot, you know that?”
Your heart ached so bad it felt as if you couldn't breathe.
“Do you know how many times I wished you would have kissed me?” you said shakily, not bothering to hide the hurt in your voice.
Snape was sure his breathing had stopped, eyes wide with shock. He couldn't have heard that right. Did you really feel the same way about him? But reality hit him in the face when he saw your expression. This was no heartfelt confession on your part.
“For you to just. . . for it to happen like that,” you said, still struck with betrayal and disbelief, “If you've ever respected me, you never would have let that happen. I was under a curse, Severus. And you took advantage of that— of me. All because you were too much of a coward to just tell me how you felt. And then you go on and say you've liked me this whole time as a last ditch effort to save our friendship? How the hell did you expect me to react?”
He had nothing to say to that. He blamed himself entirely. Every verbal blow you struck he gladly took, he would have sat there still as stone if you hexed him, but you refused to draw your wand at him. You just stood there, staring straight through him with unbelievable hurt in your eyes.
“I can't do this, Severus,” you said, “please, just. . . just leave me alone. I'm not saying I'll never forgive you, but right now I can't even begin to think about that. Not now.”
You looked like you wanted to say something more, but your mouth snapped shut, and Severus saw the finality in your eyes. He stayed glued to the spot where he stood long after he watched you leave, his eyes trained on the door you'd slammed shut.
If you thought Snape had made himself scarce after what he said to Lily, after what he did to you he practically vanished. He no longer sat underneath the tree that had become so symbolic of your former trio. He no longer roamed the Slytherin common room, or even the Great Hall for meals. Instead he would walk through the forbidden forest alone, or hole up in some empty corridor purposely hiding but hoping you would walk up to him. You never did.
The people who did find him in the few days that followed were the newly named Marauders, though incomplete as they arrived without you. As he glanced down at the parchment in Lupin's hand he had no questions about how they'd located him. Snape grimaced, not bothering to get up from his seat beneath the stone pillar. Anything they did to him was what he deserved.
James stepped forward from the group first. His expression was unreadable, but Snape saw the way his jaw was set firmly in place, fists clenching and unclenching at his sides. The Slytherin had expected Potter to come at him guns blazing, sending a flurry of verbal attacks and hexes his way. However, James Potter simply stared down at his former enemy with a look that met in the intersection of barely contained anger and utter disappointment.
“You didn't deserve them,” he said coldly, his voice oddly level.
“I know,” Snape glared, but not feeling very self-righteous.
“No, you don't,” James said, his voice rising steadily, “you will never know what you put them through. You sat there while your lunatic friends used an Unforgivable Curse on them, and you took advantage of them. I don't care if you know, I'm going to throw it back in your face, because it's what you deserve.”
“I think it's clear that (Y/n) doesn't wish to speak with you any longer,” Remus said, “if for some inconceivable reason they want to in the future, they'll approach you. Don't you even think about going about it the other way around before they're ready and willing to talk. If they ever are.”
“It's settled, Severus,” James said simply, “you're officially not worth our time anymore.”
Snape blinked up at him, trying to recall a time when Potter had ever called him by his actual name.
“Don't get us wrong,” Sirius glared, “the only reason we aren't throwing you to the Womping Willow is because we know the last thing (Y/n) would want is her friends getting expelled because of them.”
“We'll leave you alone now,” Peter said grimly, “just like you've always wanted.”
And they were telling the truth. They left him completely alone, not speaking a word to him after that; 'they' now including you and Lily, which destroyed him more than any amount of bullying had before. He watched from afar as you grew closer and closer to the Marauders. . . no, you were a Marauder. It was only natural that you became almost like a family in your seventh year. You, James, Peter, Sirius, Remus, and Lily had become as inseparable as Snape thought you, him, and Lily were, but he'd ruined that. He had ruined every good thing that had ever happened to him and pushed away every important person in his life.
The last time he saw you was graduation day. Everyone was running around excitedly, dressed in the ceremonial jewel-toned robes of their respective houses as they awaited Dumbledore's speech. You had been sitting with your group as usual, now having carved out your own spot at the Gryffindor table, when you noticed that Snape was nowhere to be found.
You frowned, wondering why he of all people had to slip into your mind on a day like today.
“You alright, Fangs?”
Sirius' voice snapped you out of your thoughts.
“Yeah, I'm fine. . .”
His handsome features contorted in concern, but that easy grin slid back onto his face as he nudged you with his shoulder.
“What, you worried you're gonna miss us?” he smirked, “this isn't goodbye, you know. We'll all see each other at the Order meetings—”
“Which you always seem to talk about at an extraordinary volume,” Remus shushed him pointedly. Sirius brushed him off with a roll of his eyes.
“(Y/n), are you sure nothing's wrong?” James asked from across the table.
“I'm alright, Prongs,” you said, “I just. . . you know what? I just remembered I left something in my dorm, I'll be right back.”
Your friends exchanged worried glances as you got up from the table, taking off towards the Slytherin common room. It wasn't a total lie, but your intentions went against your better judgment. After today there was a very, very good chance you would never see Severus again. What he did wasn't okay by any means, and it would take more than an apology or a simple conversation to forgive him, but you needed closure at the very least. Not for him, but for you. You deserved that much.
You swiped the map off your bedside table and opened it fully, your eyes quickly picking out Severus' name near the cellars only a few rooms away from where you were. You took off quickly down the hall, reaching the intersection where all the dungeon's corridors converged when you spotted him. Your heart stopped.
His left sleeve was rolled up to his elbow, as was the person's standing across from him, their back to you. Even though you couldn't see the second person's face, you recognized who it was immediately.
Evan Rosier.
He wasn't on the map before. . . how had he gotten in?! He'd been expelled after the day he cursed you. Did he somehow find a way to bypass the anti-apparition charm?
You felt your breathing hitch, fear creeping under your skin. There, on both of their arms, was a tattoo of a skull, a serpent weaving its way through the mouth and eye sockets in an undeniable pattern.  You stopped breathing all together. You knew Severus had fallen into the dark arts, but to actually be a death eater? To be proudly showing off that awful display of radicalism along with the person who had used an Unforgivable Curse on you, who had invaded your free will and taken over your body. . .
Severus must have felt you even from the opposite side of the hallway, because something pricking at his skin told him to look up, and when he did he wished he never had. You were looking at him for the first time in over a year, your eyes full of terror. Rosier followed his gaze, but when he looked over his shoulder there was no one there.
Severus sighed, trying to push the less than pleasant memories out of his head. He knew by now he was likely the last person left in the house besides you, Harry, and Sirius who were all staying here. Something like hope had sparked in his chest when he saw the faintest ghost of a smile on your lips as you saw him for the first time since graduation. He wanted to talk to you, to tell you he knew he deserved nothing from you, but he would spend the rest of his life trying to make it right if you would only give him a chance after all this time. In truth, he missed his friend. With Lily gone, you were one of the closest things he had to that left.
Against his better judgment, Severus made his way up the stairs, silent as a thestral as he headed for your room, but he stopped in his tracks when he reached the top. Sirius' door was cracked open the slightest bit, and what Snape saw inside made his blood run cold. You were sitting next to Sirius on his bed, your head resting gently on his shoulder. As you craned your neck to look Sirius in the eyes, that's when Severus saw it— the way the Marauder looked at you. The way his face seemed to light up, the spark that returned to his gray eyes, the utter adoration in them.
And just like that, Snape was a seventeen year old boy again, transported right back to that courtyard garden, watching Lily and James share their first kiss on the day he had made one of the biggest mistakes of his life. His heart shattered silently, though his departure was not so quiet as he took off down the stairs as quickly as he could. He grimaced at his own feelings, ones he knew he had no business owning.
As he was about to open the front door to leave, his instincts suddenly screamed at him to turn around, and he was just barely able to cast an invisibility charm as you began to come down the stairs. He held his breath as he looked at you. He knew he had no right to think so, but you were still beautiful like this; dressed in pajamas, hair disheveled, eyes still sightly puffy and red. He saw you look around, knowing you had no doubt heard his rather noisy descent of the staircase, and he cursed himself for not leaving sooner. Your eyes searched what should have appeared to be the empty space in front of you, but he saw you look him in the eyes, and he knew that you knew.
“Severus?” you called his name out softly, and the sound felt like a strike to his face.
He wanted nothing more than to say something to you, talk to you, hold you. But his mind flashed back to the way you had been with Sirius, and his words died in his throat. He said nothing, trying to remain unphased at your hurt expression as you turned around to walk back up the stairs. As soon as your back was turned to him, he left, unable to bring himself to do anything more.
Once again, he was too late.
Read chapter 8 here!
Taglist:  @sleep-i-ness, @blackpinkdolan, @parker-natasha, @ornella0910 @undertaker1827 @thatwierdo-koemi @nxstalgicnxbxdy @calaryssia @aleksanderwh0r3 @juggysgirlfriend @beautifulsweetschaos @kattirin @mialupin1 @crazy-obsessed-fangirl, @youcantbesirius​
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otptings · 4 years ago
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-Idol ~ Kun
-Genre ~ Sick Fic, Smut, Fluff
-Warnings ~ insomnia, lack of appetite & weight loss, pillow princess by force, oral (f receiving), passionate fucking, dry humping? (she's half naked but he's fully dressed), daddy kink, rough sex, choking, degradation,
-Word Count ~ 2.9k+
-Synopsis ~ Sleeping never comes easy to. You've tried everything from exercising, to warm milk. Maybe the one thing you've been missing is some late night loving?
-A/n ~ loosely inspired by sky Insomnia, the rose insomnia, and dreamcatcher sleep-walking. best to listen to any of those songs as you read it, might help set the mood even though those are all break up songs lmfao. I also have my ko-fi link in my bio help raise more money to help me buy essentials for my emotional support animal, I cannot work at the minute because of my treatment for type 1 bipolar disorder, and door dash doesn't allow me to save up abundantly enough, if you could even only share it I would greatly appreciate it. anyway hope you enjoy this and thank you for reading
Sleep and you have always had a complicated relationship. Fighting sleep as a kid, climbing out of your bed after your parents tucked you in, playing with your toys until you passed out among us. At sleepovers you were always the one who stayed up all night, too excited to actually get tired.
As a teenager spending nights before school desperately trying to finish homework, staying up until the early morning hours, quickly taking a shower before running to the bus. If you had no assignments your crush at the time would distract you, joking and blushing until it was time to leave for school, bags under your eyes prominent, but the loss of sleep was worth it.
Now the only thing you wanted was to sleep.
Insomnia took over your life. Staying up sometimes days at a time, struggling to calm your racing thoughts that were determined to keep you up at night. They won most nights. Laying in your bed, struggling to get comfortable or staring up at the ceiling, willing sleep to overtake you. Even with the medication from the doctor you struggled to get more than 3 hours a night.
You tried other remedies too. Drinking warm milk with cinnamon and vanilla, the warm concoction soothing but never tiring you out. Exercising before bed that truly made you feel amazing but never worked to tire you out, only forcing you to feel the soreness in your body as you laid in bed. No electronics before bed helped you finish multiple books series that you had wanted to start but never had time for, but didn't work.
Everything you tried was in vain. Sleep continued to evade you, and it only took a higher toll on your physical body.
Your appetite started to lessen, your weight slowly declined. The bags under your eyes only got deeper and darker. Concerns about your physical state came form your friends, their worries growing as you continued to get worst and worst. It came to a peak when you almost passed out at an outing, shaky from the constant stream of caffeine that you were consuming in order to function properly, your eyes fluttering close as you collapsed into their arms. Concern was properly covering their face, and they rushed you to the hospital, you were too weak to even try and decline them.
At the hospital they gave you strict instructions to stay home and rest, with someone watching you over to make sure that you were properly taken care of. Along with instructions you got even stronger medication, 20 mgs stronger than what you were currently taking.
Kun being the thoughtful person he is offered to watch you while you were on bedrest. He was the best candidate out of your friends, the others practically pushing you to accept him.
Kun has been the best assistant? nurse? friend that you could ask for. Constantly at your beck and call making sure that you were drinking plenty of water, cooking you fresh homemade meals, and making sure your medication was taken on time. Along with that he also did the awkward task of helping you to the bathroom, since you were still shaky and weak at times.
He did this all without complaint, catering to you everyday and making sure that you were cared for. Sometimes when he wasn't busy with his own work he would sit and watch a drama with you, or just engage in conversation telling you about his day, and the funny things he did and heard.
Having him helping you 24/7 for 2 weeks straight, had caused some unwelcome feelings. Your friends weren't surprised at that, having been part of the reason why they suggested he did it, knowing your past feelings for him. With only a week left of your bedrest you were saddened at the thought that he was leaving, going back to only talking to him once or twice a week whenever the friend group hung out.
Kun had actually been the one who surprised you. Seeing that you were still up one night, thoughts of him running through your mind when he entered your room. Upon seeing you awake he sat on your bed, holding your hand as you asked what's up. You weren't truthful. Who would be truthful in that scenario? 'Hey actually I was up thinking about my crush on you and the desire that I constantly have to kiss you."
You were positive that wouldn't have gone through well.
Kun rubbed your hand soothingly, listening patiently to you as you lied about what you were thinking about, fake worries and complaints about going back to work. Offering you advice was always Kun's strong suit so you were ready for some good advice despite your lies.
That's what got you in this peculiar position.
Lip tucked tightly between your teeth, the taste of copper on your tongue. One hand grasping at the pillow behind you squeezing it tightly between your fingers, the other intertwined with dark blue hair as you tried not to pull too hard.
Kun thought the best thing to clear your mind was sex, and who were you to deny his generous offer.
You felt your hips jerking as tongue pressed his tongue against your hole, shallowly fucking into you. His free hand rubbed up your thigh, the sensation combining with him eating you out causing your mind to start to go blurry. His hand continued to glide up, before pressing down on your hips, forcing them down on the bed.
Without the ability to move you could only lie there as he continued to tongue fuck you. The fire in your stomach increasing, and Kun seemed to know it as he kissed your clit before sucking on it aggressively, causing your first orgasm to rip through your body.
Kun continued his ministrations, licking up your cum causing the fire to come back threefold. Kun sucked on your clit, flicking his tongue over it as you wriggled from the sensitivity. He seemed to be made for this, the way his tongue knew the perfect ways to fuck you open, and he hadn't even involved his fingers or cock yet.
Pulling away from your cunt you saw your juices covering Kun's mouth leaking down his chin. His hair was sticking every which way how you were messing, and pulling on it. Kun looked like all of your wet dreams had happened to come through.
"So pretty." A laugh let his mouth, a smiling spreading over his lips.
"Wish you could see yourself," Kun slid his hand up and down your thigh, rubbing it soothingly, "You're gorgeous. I've been wanting to do this for so long."
Kun changed the positions so that you were on top, straddling his thighs. You could feel his cock straining against his jeans, rubbing over your oversensitive clit in the best way possible. A whimper left your mouth as you started to rock on him, but Kun stilled your hips. His hand slid to your chin, rubbing his thumb along the side of your jaw.
"Can I kiss you?" You didn't bother answering, meeting him halfway. His chapped lips moved against your own as if you've done it before, there was a familiarity to it that made you wrap your arms around his neck pulling him flush against your chest. Sliding his hands up and down your body, lips moving in sync against yours. You nipped at his lip, causing a loud groan to leave his mouth as he opened it for you. Sliding your tongue into his mouth you reveled in the feeling of him taking dominance. His hands gripping your ass tightly, his tongue roughly dancing with yours.
You pulled away, placing your hips on his shoulders as you continued to grind against him. Another groan leaving his mouth as he moved you against him, forcing you to press down harder and faster against him.
"God baby." He leaned back as he looked at you, admiring the way you moved against him, needy and wanting to cum again. "You're so need baby. Who's got you like this hm?" You dropped your head back, continuing to rock your hips against his. Kun felt his cock twitching in his pants at the sight, grabbing the back of your neck and pulling you close to him, placing kisses along your neck and collarbones.
"Kun I need you." You tried to sound strict but it came breathy, a moan following it as he kisses over your jugular, nipping at it before listening to your 'command'. Flipping you over he gave you a peck, before pulling away to take off his clothes. You decided to join him stripping out of your shirt and throwing it across the room.
Kun crawled back over you, but he stopped just taking the time to stare at you.
"I need to say this before. I'm not just fucking you because of your insomnia, I'm not just fucking you to fuck you." Kun intertwined your fingers, "I really like you. I don't want this to just not mean anything to you, when I really like you. Even thought we're doing this backward I hope you can at least think of going on a date with me." You felt your face heat up, and the familiar feeling of fluttering in your stomach at his confession. Placing your hand on his cheek you leaned up, placing a quick kiss on his lips.
"I like you too Kun. More than I can put words to." A big smile spread across his face as he leaned down, showering your face with kisses. "But if you don't put your dick in me right now, you might not ever get that date." A laugh left his mouth as he placed one last kiss against your check, before grabbing the base of his cock and rubbing it up and down your cunt. Collecting some of your juices over his tips he looked down as he pressed into you, muttering a fuck at the sight of you taking him in so well. You threw your head back feeling the fuzziness come back, feeling how well he slid into you.
When Kun bottomed out he placed your still intertwined hands on the pillow beside you, his other hand sliding back to your hip.
"Fuck you feel so good." He growled as he waited for you to adjust, feeling your tight walls practically sucking him in.
"Please move. Please I need you." Kun placed a gentle kiss on your pouty lips before pulling. Thrusting back into you he set a slow pace, being gentle with you not forgetting that you were still on bed rest. Your other arm wrapped around his neck, pulling you closer to him. Feeling skin against skin as he continued to slowly fuck you, enjoying the feeling of him being close to you.
It was more intimate than it should've been, being the first time that you two were having sex but with Kun it felt right. This was more love making than casual fucking and you wouldn't have it any other way. The coil in your stomach started to tighten, Kun's groans helping greatly to push you towards the edge, but the pace he had set wasn't doing it for you.
"Kun." He slowed down, hearing the desperation in your voice and not wanting to hurt you.
"Yes baby? Am I hurting you?" You could hear the slight panic in his voice and shook your head, before meeting his eyes.
"Faster please. I need you rougher." Kun pushed your hair back, before cupping your cheek.
"Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you, you were just hospitalized."
"Please fuck me harder. I need you to ruin me daddy." At your words Kun's eyes darkened and without warning he thrust into you hard, causing a punched out moan to leave your mouth.
The mood changed just the way you needed it to, instead of being slow love sex Kun was fucking you. Hips meeting during every perfectly timed thrust, hitting deep within you as the sound of his balls smacking against your ass filled the room. He let go of your hand, instead opting to grab your waist and pulled you to meet him halfway on every thrust.
Ceaseless moans leaving your lips at the feeling of him fucking into you so beautifully, filling every inch of you. Opening your eyes that hadn't even realized had closed you were met by the sight of Kun, sweat glistening over his abs and dripping down his face. His hair plastered to his forehead, as he bit his lip harshly trying to hold back his groans. Your neighbors should really thank him for having some self control.
Kun slowed down as he lifted your legs up, pushing them towards your chest, folding you in half as he continued his rough pace. This new position causing you to feel him in your chest, the feeling of fullness completely overtaking you as you orgasmed for the second time. He fucked you through your orgasm, the tingly feeling spreading towards your hips as overstimulation set in. Even though his cock was dragging against your walls beautifully, blunt tip pressing into your g spot it started to get painful.
The feeling of it being too much, but not enough at the same time. Tears welling up in your eyes, as Kun pressed against your legs pushing them back further and forcing his cock impossibly deeper.
"F-fuck daddy please." You didn't even know what you were begging for anyway, him effectively fucking you dumb, his hands gripping your thighs tightly to the point where you knew you'd have bruises the next day.
"So tight around me, your pussy is sucking me in even after two orgasms? What's wrong baby? Two isn't enough, you need me to milk another one out of you?" You couldn't respond to him, only listened to him as he spoke, groans leaving his mouth harmonizing with your moans almost.
"Poor baby is fucked dumb," A cruel laugh left his mouth as he stuffed two fingers into your mouth. You sucked on his fingers, twirling your tongue around them. "Can't even speak, only babble and suck on my fingers huh? Lucky you're so cute. You liked being called dumb huh? Can feel the way you're pussy clenched around me? Must be close again." You could only let out a muted moan, Kun's fingers still pressed against your tongue, gagging you effectively.
Pulling his fingers out of your mouth he slid his hand around your throat, tapping his too soaked fingers on the side of your neck.
"So close baby. So. fucking. close." Punctuating his words with an extra hard thrust in between you had lost the ability to think, his hand gently around your neck, more like an accessory but just at the thought of him choking you felt yourself drooling, his thrusts still reaching that spot inside of you that was so deep it'd never been touched before.
As if hearing your thoughts, Kun's hand tightened around your throat, pressing you against the mattress. You came at that moment, Kun's tip hitting your g spot perfectly. Your eyes rolled back as you felt like you had exploded, all of your energy draining out of you with your third orgasm of the night.
At the feeling of you clenching around him so tightly, practically holding you in place Kun pulled out and quickly jerked himself off, cumming over your lower stomach. Kun marveled at the sight of you laid out below him, lips swollen from biting them, hair frizzy from rubbing against the pillow, his white cum painting your stomach, a light red mark around your neck from his hand.
Kun let you sit for a couple minutes before carrying you to the bathroom for a well needed shower. Setting you on the toilet, he let you pee while he started the warm. When you were finished and the water was warm enough Kun helped you into the shower, letting you lean against him as he started to clean the cum from your body.
"Are you okay?" You looked up at Kun, basking in the feeling of the warm water running down your body as Kun rubbed the soapy loofa over your body.
"Never felt better." A crooked smile spread across your face, too tired to even continue the conversation. Kun kissed you on your temple , seemingly sensing it and helped you rinse out. After getting you redressed and back into your bed with clean sheets, Kun went to go to the living room until you grabbed his arm.
"Can you stay?" Even after having sex Kun was still nervous to sleep in the bed with you, but he obliged hearing your soft, sleepy voice. Climbing into bed with you he pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms around you.
"Thank you." Kun hummed, the vibration spreading through his chest and making you giggle.
"Taking care of me." Kun placed another kiss on your head.
"You don't have to thank me. I wanted to care for you. Now get some sleep." Cuddling further into Kun, the beat of his heart along with the rise and fall of his chest lulled you to sleep.
For the first time in years, you slept like a baby.
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littlemisskookie · 5 years ago
Piss Off Your Parents
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Piss Off Your Parents Ship: BadBoy!Jungkook | RichGirl!Reader Description: Roommates!AU | BadBoy!AU | FakeDating!AU | In an effort to piss off your parents you move in with their worst nightmare- a boy with tattoos, a rock band, and an irresistible charm. Warnings: Dom!JK, Daddy Kink, D/S Themes, Spanking, Pussy Spanking, Intercourse, Rough Sex, Dirty Talk, Creampie, Fingering, Oral, Multiple Orgasms, Squirting, Size Kink, Hair Pulling, Praise Kink, Lots of Pet Names, Angst, Fluff, Drug Use (it’s just weed) Word Count: 16,411 A/N: Based on the song 18 by Anarbor! This ends my hiatus! I’ve been writing this for literal months so I hope you guys like it. Happy Early 3rd Year Anniversary!
"Oh, you must visit us in Morocco! We got a summer home there not too long ago, and it's absolutely divine!"
"You don't say? We were thinking about visiting there! It was between there and Budapest."
"I went to Budapest not too long ago, actually. Remember when I was telling you about Belgium?"
"Belgium? I remember Prague..."
"Oh yes! Prague, that's it. Well, it was the trip after-"
You rolled your eyes, internally groaning as you listened to your mother speak with the Senator's wife. You hated going to these. The senator loved to host "intimate" parties, which mainly compromised of the 1%. Everyone knew it was because the next election was coming up, and he wanted to raise funding. As if he needed it, you mused to yourself, admiring the interior of the mansion. Spilling wine on a nearby couch would cost as much as some student loans.
Still, you were the daughter of a wealthy family, trust fund baby among other things. Your college was paid for, not including the bribing, and you were the darling among many. Daddy's little jewel, and one of the few brats who wasn't forced under the scapel at 16.
You couldn't stand the boys in that circle. They were all the same, figuring that a man of their "status" should have a trophy equally worthy. Or perhaps they wanted an arranged marriage, no bullshit, simply in hopes of linking the family businesses together and gaining your father's support. Often times they were just men who had never heard the word "no", and didn't like hearing it, wealth be damned.
You feel sick to your stomach, seeing one of your "suitors" eyeing you when he enters. He's different from the others, no suit adorning his figure. Instead of a suit and tie, he wears all black, leather jacket and combat boots. The graphic tee is tucked into his ripped jeans, accentuating his tiny waist. You peak at the tattoos on his hands, and the jewelry he wears. Lots of rings, some earrings, and a chain necklace, with a matching one on his pants. He had long hair that hung around his ears, making it where he had to flip his hair to see what was in front of him.
You felt as though the world had stopped, holding your breath as you simply stare at him. He gives you a charming smile, surprisingly cute dimples showing up on either cheek. It felt as though the breath had been knocked out of your lungs, and your stomach was doing flips.
"Oh, that boy! I told him to dress for the occasion," the Senator's wife scowled. She smiles towards you and your mother. "If you'll excuse me."
As soon as she scurries away, you turn to your mother, eyes wide with wonder. "Who's that?"
Your mother gives a judgemental stare to the boy as he's approached. "The Senator's son- Jungkook. You grew up with him when you were about toddlers."
"The Jeons created that?" You couldn't believe it. Those two had sticks shoved so far up their asses you were sure you could see the end whenever they opened their mouths. You would've remembered growing up with a specimen like that. "How come I haven't seen him until now?"
"His parents sent him off to boarding school in Switzerland, hoping it would whip him into shape. It didn't. After he got his degree in college he decided to make some rock band. Apparently he's back in town to work with this new record label- or was it to own his own guitar shop?"
"So he's some baddie rock star?"
"Dear, I told you to speak properly. Like a lady." Your mother sighs. "But in other words, yes. Figures the Senator would make the living embodiment of teenage rebellion- though I'm surprised it's lasted this long."
"I'll say." You hadn't been able to do anything of the sort. Your parents were strict to whip you into the shape, not allowing any form of rebellion, though you have your tiny ways. You learned to appreciate the little things. So when you looked at the Senator's son, in all his indie-rock glory, you couldn't help but admire him.
"I'll see you in a bit, Mother. I do believe I have to acquaint myself," you say, sliding away with ease.
You're long gone, though, the lecture Jungkook was surely hearing now over as his mother stomps away, shaking her head. You combed your fingers through your hair, hoping you looked good. You wore a tight red dress, though it wasn't too revealing, as well as a matching set of diamond earrings. Don't even mention the carats on your necklace.
"Hey," you say, giving the coy smile you had mastered so long ago. "Jungkook, right?"
"That's me," he says, taking your hand to bring it up to his lips, winking at you. "And who do I have the pleasure of meeting?"
"Meeting?" You feign slight offense. "Don't you remember me? Y/N. We grew up together as toddlers." Before he has time to take it seriously, you let your expressions melt back into a smile. "Though I wouldn't worry too much about it- it was long ago."
"I don't think I'll be forgetting you again any time soon," he says, a smirk on his lips.
You giggle at that. "So what brings you here? Doesn't seem to be your kind of scene."
He shrugged. "My dad's the senator, as I'm sure you already know. He figured I'd be able to bring in a few dollars with promoting to our 'friends', along with getting me on the 'right track'. AKA his track. Y'know, politics and that sort of stuff."
"I get that," you nod. "My parents have been pushing me most of tonight to find myself some new boyfriend here."
"And why haven't you? I'd figure a gorgeous girl such as yourself would have no problem."
"The problem isn't with me, mind you," you say, sighing. "Let's just say that most of these guys aren't exactly my-" You nod to the suitor who had been eyeing you the entire time, though he now glares at Jungkook. "-type."
"They aren't my type either," Jungkook jokes, waving in acknowledgment to the man. He leans in close to whisper in your ear, and you can't help but feel your knees go weak at his scent. Was that cologne or did he naturally smell good? "What exactly is your type then, hm?"
"I'm talking to him."
He smiles at that. "Good move, princess."
"Who do you think you're calling princess?"
"Oh? What would you like to be called, then?"
"Wouldn't you like to know? You already have too much power over me. That would just be my one-way ticket to doom." You let your fingers twirl around a lock of his hair, admiring how soft it was. "My name will do for now."
"Fair enough," he chuckles. "Do you want to get some fresh air on the balcony? It's just that wonderbread over there seems like he wants to pick a fight, and I'd rather not get blood on that white shirt of his."
"Is that why you're wearing black? So the blood won't show up?"
"You're wearing red- it'll do just as well."
"Touché. No fighting tonight, though. Wonderbread can't even handle a nosebleed."
"Lead the way then, Y/N."
You're happy to do so but already find yourself cringing as Wonderbread catches up with you before you can leave. "Hey! Y/N! Where are you going off to? The party's just started"
"Jungkook and I are just going to get some fresh air," you assure him, trying to smother the rising feelings of annoyance as well as the urge to groan.
"Jungkook, huh?" Wonderbread looks him up and down, eyes squinted, glaring at his appearance. "The senator's son?"
"That's me," Jungkook says in response.
"You don't look like the type," Wonderbread mutters.
"You mean boring?" Jungkook snorts, giving his own dirty glance up and down Wonderbread's form.
"What are you insinuating?" Wonderbread's face was already getting red. It was always so easy to offend these sorts of guys. They could dish it, but not take it.
"I mean black is slimming. You should dress in a way that flatters you, y'know?" Jungkook plasters on a fake smile that could rival your own. He reaches for Wonderbread's tie, toying with it between his fingers for a few moments. "But judging from your choice of baby blue, I don't think you do."
"Why I oughta-"
"I think now's a good time to get that fresh air!" you say, pushing Jungkook off in the direction of the balcony. "Right, Jungkook?"
He simply shrugs, taking the hint before stalking off in that direction. You're about to follow him when Wonderbread yanks on your arm, a scowl on his face. "I thought you had better taste, Y/N. That you were smart."
"Let go of me, please."
His grip tightens. "Didn't your parents tell you to stay away from guys like that? He'll just get you into trouble- they always do. What with their piercings and tattoos and drugs- stay away from that. He had a choice and could've been like that, but it's clear he wants to be a rebel and get himself in jail."
"I said let go of me." You try to pull your arm back, but he stays firm.
"Why don't you just listen to me and stop for a second. Guys like that will just hurt you. They hurt everyone around them, including themselves. They're scum-"
"I said-"
"Don't be an idiot and stick with your own kind."
"If you don't let go of me right now, I'll scream. I don't care," you grit.
Wonderbread scowls again, muttering to himself as he finally lets go of you. You rub your sore arm, glaring at him. He simply scoffs. "You'll be the laughing stock when you go crying back to your parents."
"Have you ever considered I don't want to be like you people? Like us? Look around, Wonderbread. None of us are happy. You clearly aren't because you can't get laid, at least not by 'your own kind'. I haven't done anything with Jungkook, I just met him tonight and we're getting air, and even if I did, it'd be none of your business. So stop staring at my rack like you have been for the past hour and get a life."
You turn on your heel, marching over to the balcony, leaving Wonderbread far behind you. Jungkook's waiting for you, leaning on the railing.
"Are you ok? I saw some of that back there. I wanted to help, but I didn't want to go all 'Alpha Douchebag' like other guys. Besides you seemed to be able to handle yourself at the end."
You huff, brushing your hands through your hair. "I'm able to defend myself once in a while. I'm not some damsel in distress."
"Never said you were, princess. And trust me when I say I'm no white knight."
"That's why I'm here with you instead of Wonderbread."
"No one with a personality spicier than flour would want to stick around with Wonderbread," he responds.
"You've got a point," you huff. "Guys like him are hard to shake off."
"It's not hard to see why. You're gorgeous and rich, double whammy," Jungkook winks.
You groan. "God, not you too. Besides, you're one to talk. You waltz in here, dressing like sin, son of the senator no less, and you don't expect girls to fawn over you?"
"Who said I didn't expect it?"
"Plus, it's different for guys and girls. In this sort of society guys just want a trophy wife. The girls want a trophy too, though. The hottest guy, the richest guy- a provider," you state. "The gender roles of the high class still stay in the 50s, I'm afraid."
"So you followed me out here because you see me as a provider, huh?"
"Did you invite me out because you saw me as a trophy?"
"No." He shakes his head, his locks bouncing as he did so. It was strangely attractive.
"Well if I just wanted a provider I'd stick with Wonderbread. He'd be more than willing to 'provide' for me."
"The only thing softies like that can't provide is an orgasm," he bluntly says.
You burst out laughing at that. "Oh my god, don't-"
"I'm just saying," he chuckles. "Besides, it's not all that bad. So you're hot and rich- boohoo. First world problems, am I right?"
"I know, I know, I'm privileged but- God, it's annoying."
"It's just a few guys who want to marry you- what's the big deal?"
"What's the big deal?" You hold out your hand, tallying off the reasons. "My parents are pressuring me to marry young, wanting to trust their wealth to a man they don't even know rather than the daughter they raised. I'm constantly sexually harassed, and most of the time when I reject the guy he either doesn't take the hint or just says I was fat or ugly to ease his bruising ego. Everything I do is perceived as a ploy to get a man, and the other chicks go as far as to slut-shame me or say I think I'm better than everyone else because I'm some SJW who doesn't want to get boob surgery to please a man, despite the fact he'll probably be sleeping with an 18-year-old when we're 50 and hating ourselves."
"If it helps, I think your tits are great as they are."
"Did you listen to anything I said?"
"Of course I did, baby. But you have to keep in mind when a guy hears the words 'boob surgery' he tends to tune in more," he jokes. "But yes, I get your struggles. I grew up in the same environment, for the most part."
"Why aren't you out here trying to win a trophy, anyway?"
"Didn't you hear? I was sent off to boarding school. It's good to see an outside world that doesn't cater to your every need," he shrugs. "You know, a world where women are more than trophies and guys are more than the thickness of their wallets."
"Instead the thickness of their cocks?"
He winks. "Now you're thinking like me."
"So you got outside perspective and chose to follow that instead of a life that would've provided you with everything?"
"What can I say? I've got passion for things outside of elections and sexism."
"Let me guess- you're in a rock band, ride a motorcycle, and play guitar," you roll your eyes. "Color me impressed."
There's a moment of silence, and you turn to him, finding him bashfully stunned. "No shit! You're actually all of those things?"
"I'll have you know I own a guitar shop along with the band. Have to pay the bills somehow."
"Oh my god- you're like every teen girl's wet dream! The living embodiment of a Harry Styles fanfiction but without the toxicity!" You guffaw. "I can't believe this. I should've known. Leather jackets, long hair, tattoos- fuck!"
"Yeah yeah, you've made your point, princess."
"I mean, I thought I was a bit of a parent's worse nightmare when it came to youthful rebellion but you're the icing on the cake," you continue. "Fuck, you'd piss my parents off."
"Getting turned on by the thought of it, little girl?" he teases, trying to get you to back down, quirking a brow at your amusement.
"You know it," you flirt back, tugging at his belt, fueled further. "I love nothing more than showing them I'm more grown-up than they realize."
"Oh?" He starts to take you seriously, gulping. "I would've figured a Daddy's girl like you would've loved pleasing her parents."
"I guess you could say I'm a different kind of Daddy's girl," you wink. You laugh at his serious expression, knowing your little joke was in full effect. "Calm down, Jeon. I'm not going to fuck you on the balcony- despite how my type you are."
"I'm your type?"
"Haven't I made it obvious?" you snicker. "I told you I loved nothing more than to piss my parents off- and you're the embodiment of that. I could see my dad's face going red already! I mean, motorcycles, rock band, tattoos, leather, guitars- already my type, but it's the cherry on top."
"You're weird about that, huh? I knew some girls were into this whole look, but I wouldn't have figured it was for the same reason as you."
"All girls who are attracted to guys like you are attracted for the same reasons," you muse. "Daddy issues."
"Makes sense," he hums. "But I'm not all that dreamy, princess."
"Oh? Explain."
"I drink."
"Vodka I hope."
"I also smoke. Weed."
"Better than vaping like the 'cool kids'."
"I'm broke."
That's the one that takes you by surprise. "How's that? You're the senator's son."
He shrugs. "My parents cut me off after I came back from boarding school and told them I wanted to join a rock band and make a guitar shop. They hate my look as much as your parents would- though they brought me here in hopes that those my age could rub off on me in time for the election. I make enough to live in my apartment and provide for myself, but I don't think I'd be able to be the same kind of 'provider' as Wonderbread over there."
"Well, what do you think I'd use Daddy's card for?" you say. "It has been gathering dust..."
"God, you're serious about this," he laughs. "I'm on a fast track of getting a rich girlfriend and I didn't even have to lift a finger. I'll have to start calling off my other girls soon enough."
"Not quite," you say, pressing your finger against his lips. "There's one thing that'll prevent me from dating a guy like you- no matter how appealing you may seem."
His brows furrow in a state of confusion. "And what's that, princess?"
"There's one thing that's very consistent about men like you- what, with your 'bad boy with a heart of gold' persona," you say, tilting his chin up a bit. "Heart breakers. All of you. In all of the stories, fiction or reality, it ends the same. A broken heart one way or another, even temporarily. I'm guessing with you it'd be those other girls you mentioned. If not that, arguments because of how different we are. Or perhaps it'd be my parents saying enough's enough and taking me away or something- I don't know. It's the only thing that my parents and Wonderbread get right, though."
"So what does that boil down to?"
"It boils down to the fact that I wouldn't fall for someone like you."
Jungkook chuckles at that. "I don't think you'd be able to choose whether or not you fall for someone, princess. I've been told I'm quite irresistible."
"I'm sure you are- but I made my choice the moment you stepped through those double doors," you smile, tapping his nose. "I'm not going to be another broken heart. That I guarantee."
"Oh, you read too much fanfiction. What Harry Styles fanfiction gave you this mindset? The Bad Boy's Rich Girl?" He laughs. "I see it now. I assure you, baby, I'm a lover, not a fighter."
"I can handle fighting. I was raised in it. A lover like you isn't what I need."
"Are you sure? I'm confident in my loving abilities."
"Ha," you flatly say. "Sure you are. Choke me, baby."
"Give me the safe word first, baby."
You roll your eyes. "You're no good for me."
"You'd break my heart."
"Like so many others'."
"You'll call me?"
"At 2 AM."
"God, you're sleazy."
"You love it, baby."
"Shut up and put your number in my phone so I can wait two days to text back."
You and Jungkook had been texting non-stop since the senator's party. Surprisingly enough, between the banter and flirting, he was a very genuine person. He was caring and sent the same memes, though you were considering unfollowing meme accounts so that you'd be pleasantly surprised. Damn him for having the same sense of humor as you.
You were in the middle of spamming the skull emoji when your mother called for you. You rolled your eyes, huffing as you put down your phone, checking your appearance once more in the mirror. Your parents told you to get dolled up for the evening, and you could only hope they were taking you to see the musical that was in town.
Once you glided down the stairs, however, you were supremely disappointed.
"Y/N," your mother beamed, "this is Jin. He's a doctor, and he's involved in-"
"Non-invasive surgery," Jin interrupted, already pissing you off. "Pleasure to meet you- your parents told me all about you."
"Pleasure's all mine," you say through gritted teeth, already absolutely pissed. You turn towards your mother. "May I talk to you for a moment?"
"Of course, sweetheart." You see her internally roll her eyes as she escorts you to the kitchen, where you immediately turn on your heel.
"This is the fifth boy you've brought home for me to date! How many more do you need to bring for you to realize I'm not interested in them?"
"Sweetheart, you have to understand-"
"Understand what? No means no. I don't like any of them. The fact you won't stop pressuring me into dating strangers isn't helping, either."
"We just want to see you settled down with a proper gentleman-"
"Settled down!? I'm in my young 20s! I'm nowhere near menopause, for your information. I've got my whole life ahead of me before I even have to think about marriage."
"Don't raise your voice at me, young lady," she fumes. "What, would you rather we bring... bring a Jeon Jungkook?!"
"Is that what this is about?"
"We know you've become affiliated with him, yes. We're trying to get you on the right path."
"To hell with that noise!" you burst. "Jungkook is no less- no, more of a man than those dweebs that walk in! You want to know why? Because he's honest! I know these guys better than you. They might act all nice and charming to you guys, but that's just because they're after your money. You can't seem to see that, however, because it's not your tits they're staring at! It's not you who's the trophy. It's not you who is sexually harassed and seen as a prize to be won!"
"Young lady, I won't stand for such behavior!"
"I'm a grown adult, and I'll date bastards like Jeon Jungkook if I so please," you huff, turning away. "Tell Jin it was so nice to meet him, but unfortunately another 'proper gentleman' is keeping me occupied."
You stomp away before she can grab you and force you on your date, and by the time you're in a secluded area, you burst into tears. You simply wish your parents could see you as an adult who is capable of making her own decisions. That you're allowed to live your life and you're different from them and that's ok. They couldn't seem to get it through their thick heads, however.
You were sick of it. Absolutely sick of it. Over 20 years of this bullshit, and now it was worse, what with them pressuring you to jump into marriage with someone 'respectable'.
There had to be some way to get back at them. To get it through to them. To get back at them for their bullshit or get them to see you're not some naive 16-year-old or something.
With a shaky hand, you pick up your phone, dialing the number to call your friend.
"Jungkook? Yeah... yeah, I've been crying. Can you, uh, do you think you could do me a massive favor?"
Jungkook had to admit, it came as a surprise when you asked to move in with him.
It really didn't register with him, however, until you pulled up in front of his building in your luxury convertible, boxes filling up every inch of space.
He had no problem with you becoming his roommate- after all, you promised you wouldn't bother interfering with his bachelor lifestyle. In fact, he was quite amused.
Fake dating. Your deep-rooted frustration for your parents was quite apparent, but he didn't think it'd go this far. You'd live with him for a while under the guise of boyfriend/girlfriend, at least to your parents. He didn't quite understand the revenge scheme or how it worked, but he understood enough. Between your choked up sobs, you had explained the plethora of men your parents have brought to your house under the guise of a date when in reality they were trying to pressure her into marriage.
Even if that hadn't been happening, Jungkook would've let you come in. You two were friends. You had insisted that you would pay your half of the rent and wouldn't become his actual girlfriend, and admittedly, Jungkook liked the thought of a roommate.
"What happens if your parents cut you off?" Jungkook had questioned you, knowing how rough it had been for him when it happened.
"Unbeknownst to my parents, I have a job," you explained.
"What? You said you just used your father's credit card when we first met!"
"I barely knew you! Now that I know you're not some creep I can tell you. If you must know, I'm the assistant to some chief executive for a fashion company."
"The Devil Wears Chanel?"
"It's The Devil Wears Prada, but close enough."
Still, he couldn't help but feel a bit worried for you, especially now that he saw you again. You lifted your designer sunglasses to reveal tired, worn eyes, a look only achieved through crying. He greeted you with a smile, however, hugging you once you stepped out of your car.
"How you holding up, princess?" he questioned, giving you a warm embrace.
"God, better now, thank you." You melted into his hug. "Thank you for doing this. It means a lot."
"Hey, I promised to piss off your parents, didn't I? I'm a man of my word," he chuckled. He stepped back, combing over your hair affectionately. "Now, here's the deal, oh precious fake girlfriend of mine. As roommates, we've got a few rules. Rule number one: No fucking after 3 AM. Despite my many escapades, I have a bedtime. Rule number two: when one person cooks, the other washes the dishes. Simple. Rule number three: Be honest. We're living together, so we've got to be honest. Lying, secrets- none of that. You've got something on your mind, you say it. We'll yell at each other for a few minutes and settle it. Sound good?"
You nod. "Sounds like a plan."
"Alright. And the fake dating rules, baby?"
"Nothing much. Drive with me once or twice to visit my parents, to show we're 'serious'. We can go into details about our story if need be. Keep up the act around rich brats."
"Sounds good," he chuckles. "Already turning into a Wattpad fanfiction, isn't it?"
You smile weakly, a light giggle escaping your lips. "Oh god, it really is, isn't it?"
"Hey, there's a reason they're popular. We've just got to do it better." He looks back towards your car filled with boxes. "Here, let me help you with your things, Your Highness."
"Why thank you, my humble servant," you say, getting a box yourself. "I sure do love a big strong man!"
"If only I weren't a peasant boy who worked at the stables."
"Indeed. You're filthy- I shouldn't even let you touch my valuables," you snicker, "but I suppose you'll have to do."
"You're right about the filthy part," Jungkook winks.
Being roommates with Jungkook wasn't what you expected.
Your work was getting more hectic, so you were arriving later than usual. It absolutely exhausted you, and you'd be stumbling in, kicking your heels off at the front door only to collapse into Jungkook's arms, who would wait for you. Every. Single. Night.
You had told him that he didn't have to wait for you. His work ended at 6, and even the nights when he'd play with his band wouldn't go too late, as they play until midnight for their usual gigs.
Still, he had insisted. Something about not wanting you to feel alone. You'd never tell him how much you appreciated it. Instead of the vast, empty mansion, you lived in, where the only thing that would embrace you was dust, you lived in a small, messy apartment and collapsed into a pair of warm arms.
On the few days you were off you were able to properly spend time with your roommate. Every other Friday would be movie night, where one of you would pick the movie for the two of you to watch, all because you believed the other was "tasteless". Nevertheless, it was time you truly enjoyed, and you were genuinely disappointed whenever you had to miss it because of your job.
Living with him was domestic in a good way. It was a friendly face to come home to every day, a warm hug to embrace you whenever you kicked off your heels. It was burnt bacon on some mornings and lazy Sunday clothing to borrow whenever you felt like it.
Sure, it wasn't always the greatest. Often times you guys would bicker over some basic chores and neatness. Jungkook left his clothes everywhere in the living room, and you'd leave all your heels in a heap in front of the door. However, you thought it'd be worse.
You were suspecting people over every other night, all as tatted and pierced as he was. Weekly bong parties where they'd try to hotbox the apartment, maybe. Women draping themselves over him every other morning, wanting to stay for the day, glaring at you because they saw you as a threat.
There was some of that, but not really. Jungkook, when it came down to it, was just another ordinary guy. Human. He'd have some of his bandmates and friends come over once in a while, and they were just as handsome and tatted as he was. They were polite and friendly, though, and didn't even leave much of a mess behind. Jungkook would get weed for the two of you to smoke once in a while. As for the women? Well, there was only one woman you had encountered.
It was a Friday night and you were able to come home at the usual hour, kicking your heels off and letting out the high ponytail you had in your hair. You massaged your scalp, making eye contact with Jungkook from his position on the couch. You strut over, plopping yourself down by his side and positioning yourself where you can lay your head in his lap.
"How was your day at work, princess?"
"Exhausting," you groaned. You'd never admit it to Jungkook, but you had warmed up to the nickname as of late. It made you feel warm inside. Special. You weren't a princess. You were his princess.
His fingers start running through your hair, giving you a gentle massage as he hums in understanding. "Want to talk about it?"
"Just the same old shit, honestly. You'd figure I'd be used to it by now."
"You'd figure," he chuckles. "Well, I'm glad you're working hard. It might be difficult, and the boss may be a bitch, and the pay lower than it should be..."
He smiles. "But... if it makes you happy, then I'll support you."
"God, I think you're halfway to fixing my daddy issues already," you grin. You look up at him, noticing his long hair was styled, and a leather jacket adorning him. Typically when he was in the apartment he'd simply lounge around with uncombed curls and glasses, one of his baggy white shirts revealing the tatted sleeves you loved. "Hey, what're you all dressed up for?"
"Oh? This? I've got a date tonight," he shrugs, eyes back up on the TV.
"Oh," was all you could manage to say. He had said it so bluntly like it wasn't a big deal. Well, it wasn't. He was your roommate. Why should you care whether or not he's got a date? It's not like you had feelings for him or anything. That would be ridiculous. It would only complicate things.
Jungkook was your friend. He let you move in with him and comforted you in your time of need. Sure, you guys flirted a lot, and there was a lot of physical affection, from combing through each other's hair, cuddling on the couch during movie night, or tight hugs on especially rough days. But none of those meant that he liked you. Maybe you just kept thinking back to the air of mutual attraction, the first night you met. Maybe you had lulled yourself in a false sense of comfort, thinking of him as a boyfriend.
But he wasn't. You guys didn't kiss. You guys didn't have sex. You guys didn't even say anything about liking one another. For all you knew, he saw you as a sister at this point. The two of you knew each other like the back of your hand at this point.
Besides, the worst thing you could do was fall for your roommate.
Not an option.
Still, there was a feeling in the pit of your stomach that made you squirm in discomfort. You felt... unsettled, by the thought of Jungkook with another girl.
Was she pretty? Was she like you? Or was she more like him? Was she covered in tattoos and a cute septum piercing to go along with it? Did she have brightly colored hair and like punk rock? Yeah, you could picture Jungkook with a girl like that. They'd make an aesthetically pleasing couple.
"So, tell me about her," you say, realizing the two of you had been silent since you got lost in thought.
He shrugged again. "Not much to say. She's nice. She's been visiting my shop a lot recently. She's got some old guitar that she refuses to let go of, so she visits me for repairs. She visits so often I started to think she was breaking it on purpose. Eventually, she asked for my number and... well, now I've got a date."
"Cool," you nod. "What time do you have to leave?"
"I'll probably leave to pick her up in about 15 minutes," Jungkook says, looking down at his phone. "Actually... I think I have to leave now. I lost track of time."
You raise your head to let him up, and he checks himself once more in the reflection of the microwave in the kitchen. You chuckle, walking up to him and straightening out his clothes, fixing his hair a bit.
"There we go, now you look... maybe presentable," you smile.
He laughs a bit at that, ruffling your hair. "I promise we can have movie night tomorrow. If not, you can pick. We can even watch that god awful Fifty Shades movie you've been bugging me to watch."
"It's for the irony! We'll be watching it to make fun of it!" you exclaim, part of your usual banter about the series.
"Uh-huh. Just don't get horny based on that garbage, or I'll have half the mind to kick you out," he jokes. He grabs the key to his motorcycle and grabs the extra hot pink helmet- the one the two of you had picked out together once you started riding with him. "Don't bother staying up for me, ok? You need your beauty sleep."
"Is that your way of saying I'm ugly?" you say, quirking a brow in a comical manner.
"Absolutely hideous," he grins, kissing the top of your forehead. "Sweet dreams, princess."
He shut the door behind him, and you felt your heart sink in your chest.
Maybe you did feel something for Jungkook.
She wasn't exactly what you were expecting.
To be fair though, there was no way for you to expect waking up to a nude woman in your kitchen.
Typically you would've ignored Jungkook's suggestion for you to go to sleep, instead opting to head to bed once he left. You had been completely wiped from the workday, and could barely keep your eyes open. Maybe your body simply had pity on you, choosing to put you in REM sleep before you had to hear the two of them having sex.
Maybe you thought Jungkook was the type to do it at the girl's place. Maybe you thought he was the type to kick the girl out as soon as the deed was done. However, he was neither.
You had woken up to go to the kitchen, prepared to make your morning cereal when you heard the sizzling of bacon on a pan. Ah, Jungkook must be making breakfast. No doubt he's burned it again by now- something about not liking the bacon to be too fatty. The two of you really knew it was because he couldn't cook anything other than ramen.
"Jungkook, are you- oh shit!"
Instead of your edgy roommate, you were greeted by a woman wearing nothing but an apron. Literally nothing. She had been turned away from you, and you had gotten a full view of her ass and sideboob through the apron.
Out of instinct, you cover your eyes, hearing her shriek.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't know someone else lived here. You're not his girlfriend, are you? He told me he was single!"
"What? No, no! I'm his roommate, Y/N," you say, slowly peaking through your fingers. She was facing you now, and though she couldn't change at that moment, the apron covered up everything. You let out a sigh, lowering your hands.
"Oh, well nice to meet you, Y/N!" She smiled brightly, offering an awkward hand. "I didn't know Jungkook had a female roommate."
You shake her hand, quirking a brow. "You didn't see all the shoes by the door?"
"I was a bit... preoccupied, so to say," she chuckled awkwardly. "I'm Solji."
"Nice to meet you, um, Solji," you say. "You're Jungkook's date from last night, right?"
"Yeah." Solji tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear, and at that moment you completely get it. She's pretty in that natural kind of way. The kind of pretty that looks gorgeous without makeup, but would probably look good either way. Anything she did could be done with grace.
Jungkook walks into the kitchen in only a t-shirt and briefs. "What was that scream about- oh."
"Hi, Jungkook." Solji's voice is breathy, as though even seeing Jungkook again made her dizzy. You knew that feeling all too well. "I-I'm sorry. You were asleep and I couldn't bear to wake you up, but I thought it'd be rude to leave, so I thought I'd make breakfast! And then your roommate..."
"Y/N," you help, noticing she had forgotten your name already.
"Y/N! Right, sorry." She smiles apologetically. "And then Y/N walked in..."
"We're good now though, I think we were both just startled," you say. You look between the two awkwardly, an air of silence hanging over the three of you. "I, um, need to... pee."
You exit the situation as quickly as you could, holing yourself up in your room for the majority of the day. It isn't until later that day, when you lounge in the kitchen, stuffing your face with pop tarts after doing your best to avoid social interaction that you see Jungkook.
"Hey, Kook," you say, wiping the crumbs off your face. You probably looked like a mess right now, from lounging in your sweats. You couldn't care less, though. You were starving, and Jungkook had seen you worse. "Where's Solji?"
"Hm? Oh, she left."
"She left? But she seemed so happy to be here."
"Well, then I guess a more blunt way to put it is that I kicked her out," Jungkook shrugged.
You're stunned by his clarification.
As though sensing your shock or judgment, Jungkook quickly changes the topic. "So, movie night tonight? Since we missed it last night? I can make the ramen."
"I... yeah. Let's do it."
He grinned. "Great! I'll get alcohol too, and we can take a shot every time they say some cringy dirty talk."
You rolled your eyes, unable to hold back the smile that tugged at your lips. "You really want to destroy my liver, don't you?"
The two of you didn't speak of Solji again.
You still hug on tightly to Jungkook's waist as he rolls up to your parents' mansion, clinging even after his motorcycle comes to a complete halt.
"You know, I'm pretty sure your waist is smaller than mine," you note, finally loosening your grip. You had seen Jungkook shirtless plenty of times- the man child had a tendency to prance around the apartment half-naked. Still, his abs were rock hard- and you felt so squishy in comparison.
"That's just because I work out, baby," he chuckles, taking off his helmet and giving his locks a dramatic swoosh of freedom. He grins boyishly at you, helping you take your helmet off as well. "It wouldn't kill you to get out of the apartment for something other than work, you know."
"Excuse you! I work out plenty in the confines of my room," you fume.
"Sure- like those little girl weights do anything," he jokes.
"Well, I oughta-"
"Miss Y/N."
The two of you look up at the front door, the butler looking at you with that usual scornful expression of his. He glowers at you and your fake boyfriend, giving a sneer. You'd figure after all these years the man would show a little warmth towards you- but then you remembered it was your parents who were paying him, not you.
"I do believe your parents are expecting you and your... boyfriend, miss," he says, eyes scanning over Jungkook with clear disdain.
Jungkook only grins in response, putting the helmets up and helping you hop off, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "Lead the way, chump."
The butler scoffs at that, turning on his heel to follow Jungkook's orders as the younger man giggles. One of Jungkook's favorite hobbies, as it turns out, was pissing off rich people. Must be the socialist in him.
"Chump?" you question, raising a brow. "What century are you from?"
"Oh, don't say that. Besides, I highly doubt I would've been let in if I had called him a cuck."
"I'm surprised we even got this far."
Jungkook, determined to help you piss off your parents, had decided to wear a plain black t-shirt that revealed as many tattoos as possible, as well as chains and hoop earrings. His jeans were ripped, his sneakers were scuffed, and he was the most handsome man to walk the earth.
Your parents had insisted that you finally visit them. You had never been away from home for this long, and they had suspected you'd be on your knees groveling by the first week. Still, you held your own and seemed to be doing well for yourself. So naturally, they had to see the boy who agreed to take you in, who they were sure would break your heart by this point. Perhaps they'd beg for you back while they were at it.
They didn't do that, however, instead greeting you with a hug.
"Darling," your mother says, giving you that familiar tight embrace that left you unable to breathe. "We've missed you."
"Missed you too," you grunt. "How have you two been?"
"Fine, fine, the usual," she says. Her eyes glance over the two of you, and Jungkook quickly locks his hand with yours, fingers interlocked as he gives a tight squeeze of support. "And... you two?"
"Thriving," Jungkook interjects. "She really takes care of me. I don't know how I got along without her."
"I don't do much- he's the one who usually stays up to make sure I'm home safe, as well as help me with the dishes... Or at least tries." The two of you exchange a small smile at that.
"I see..." Your mother's mouth goes small, and at that moment you have a hard time reading her. Or maybe she was having a hard time reading you. Maybe she could sense something was off. That the two of you weren't real.
Your heart started racing in your chest, and you silently prayed to yourself that she wouldn't be able to see through your ruse.
Before you could overthink further, however, she smiled. "Lunch, then?"
Your father claps his hands in delight. "Dear, you'll be glad to know we have your favorite! We had the cooks make it especially for you."
The four of you walk to the dining room to eat, and Jungkook leans in. "Wait, what's your favorite?"
"It's literally just spaghetti."
Surprisingly, lunch went better than expected. Your parents asked you and Jungkook exactly how you two came to be, and you had your story under lock. Most of it was the truth- you had reunited at the Senator's party and gotten to know each other through becoming friends. Eventually, the two of you began to form feelings, dating a bit before you decided to leave your parents and move in with him. You explained a lot about the living arrangements between you two, aside from the fact you two were just roommates. You'd explain small things like movie night and how you'd leave your shoes by the door, or how he'd burn anything that wasn't ramen and how he'd wait for you to get home every night without fail.
Before you knew it the lunch was over and you had to leave. Jungkook was getting the motorcycle started, making sure everything was in order while you hung back to speak to your parents at the front door.
"So..." You trailed off, unable to start.
"So?" Your mother looked at you quizzically. "Dear, remember what I told you about finishing everything you start. That includes sentences."
You take a deep breath. "So you're not going to insist I move out of Jungkook's apartment?"
Your parents exchanged looks before turning back to you.
"That was our original plan, however," your father sighs, "it appears that this isn't a situation we can put in our own hands. We'll let you two stay together."
You furrow your brows, confused. "Wait, what? You're letting me stay with him?"
"Of course, darling. We know you may think of us as evil capitalists, or whatever the liberals try to convince you of-"
"-but we aren't evil enough to stand in the way of love."
"Yes, love," your mother sighs. "We were prepared to demand you move out the moment you got to the door, but you look at that boy the same way I look at your father, and the way he looks at me. I suppose you reminded me of how we were in the old days."
"Besides, you do seem very comfortable with the boy. More sure of yourself. Perhaps it is beneficial for you to be living away from your parents- after all, we won't be here forever," your father says.
"Don't say that," you say, frowning.
"It's true, dear. Not that we want it to happen any time soon, or to be morbid, but we're simply glad there's going to be someone to take care of you after we're gone." Your mother looks back to Jungkook, who is now looking at the three of you with curiosity. "He might not be the most dignified boy, despite the fact that he comes from such a prestigious family. However, he loves you, I can say that much. I don't think he'll break your heart any time soon."
"If he does though, I'll kill him," your father threatens.
"You won't be killing anyone," you assure him. "Jungkook treats me well."
"That's all we ask." Your mother gives you a kiss on the forehead. "Love like that can't be faked, my dear. Who are we to step in the way?"
You give the two of them a tight hug, tears springing in the corners of your eyes. You wipe them away quickly before looking back at Jungkook, who was still waiting for you patiently. "Well... I should get going."
"Remember we love you."
"Love you, too."
You put down the hot pink helmet, silent. You and Jungkook had just arrived back at the apartment, and neither of you had said a word about your parents.
"So..." Jungkook trails off. "What'd your parents say? Right before we left? It seemed pretty serious."
You were silent as Jungkook continued.
"Let me guess- 'You can't go out with that boy! He's a good for nothing, disgrace-'"
"They said they liked you- us." You cut his impression short. "They said love like ours couldn't be faked. They're letting me continue to live with you."
"...Oh." Jungkook clearly didn't know how to respond to that. He was stunned, a deer in the headlights.
The two of you are silent, awkwardness hanging between you two.
"Ridiculous, isn't it?" you say with a nervous chuckle.
Please say it isn't.
"Yeah, totally," Jungkook laughed along, his smile matching yours. "Must mean we did a good job of faking it, huh?"
I wasn't faking it.
"Maybe we should go into acting," you smiled. "Prepared to have me live with you forever?"
"Always, princess," he grins, ruffling your hair. "You know I can't have a moment go by without you by my side."
"If only my parents could've heard that."
"Yeah," he chuckled. "Love like that can't be faked- little do they know."
"Yeah." You wave it off with a laugh, putting an end to the awkward discussion.
Little do they know.
Tonight was the night you were finally going to see Jungkook's band, Obsidian Chaos, perform.
Sure, he had many other performances, but you were never able to make them because of work. Your boss, however, seemed to have an extreme case of the swine flu, and therefore was unable to perform her duties. Code: Day off.
So here you were, in a bar that would have any other girl of your social standing shriek in horror. Everyone here looked something like a freak show in a conservative's book, and the place reeked of weed and liquor. You were living for it.
You were singing along to one of the band's newest songs. You knew the words already, having listened to the songs on repeat using your Spotify Premium.
Jungkook looked good on stage- his skin shiny with sweat as he poured his heart out into the songs. He was really revving it up on the guitar, the bassist and drummer both keeping up in stride. They were truly something special, and you found yourself glad that they were a bit more underground. It made you feel like you could keep them to yourself.
It wasn't until they finished you were able to meet the bandmates.
You had never met them before, as they were always practicing in the drummer's garage. They didn't have much need to go to Jungkook's apartment.
They were similar to him, though, also dressed in dark clothing with piercings and tattoos. Equally as hot, in your opinion.
The drummer greets you. "So you're the girl our precious guitarist is going on about!" He picks you up and gives you a hug, twirling as he did so. "I'm the drummer, Jimin!"
"Hey, Jimin!" You didn't even mind how affectionate the guy was, as it didn't seem perverted in the slightest. Perverted hugs were something you had to get used to at a young age, sadly. You shuddered to think back to your father's friends who would give you tight, lingering hugs at 14, all in hopes to feel your developing breasts against their chests.
"Ignore him, he always acts like a puppy whenever there's a pretty girl," the bassist says, extending his hand for you to shake. You did. "I'm Yoongi, the bassist. If I had known Jungkook's roommate was so gorgeous, I would've smoked some of his weed a long time ago."
"I could've just brought it to you, dude," Jungkook says, rolling his eyes.
"I don't trust your shit, man."
"You guys were great up there," you compliment, grinning. "I seriously think Obsidian Chaos is my most played artist on Spotify. The name's pretty neat too- both pretentious and edgy."
"Well, thank you. Jungkook here wanted our name to be ReBex- but luckily seniority rules. We've got a new album coming up soon- Jungkook's gotten a lot of inspiration to write, as of late," Yoongi says. "I wouldn't have thought a girl like you would be into our music, though."
"What's that supposed to mean?" you say teasingly, feigning offense.
"You don't exactly fit in here, sweetheart. You stand out," he chuckles.
"How could she not, though? She's hot!" Jimin exclaims.
"So I'd blend in a bit more in something like this?" You yank Yoongi's beanie off, messing up your hair before sliding it on. You pose in it, wiggling your brows as though to get under Yoongi's skin. "I think I look better in this than you do."
"I agree," Jimin says, smiling.
Yoongi only smirks at that. "I agree too- but I think you'd look better in nothing at all, personally."
"Is that so?"
"Hey hey hey!" Jungkook jumps in before the sexual tension can jump further. "Rule number four! I'm adding this now- no fucking the members of Obsidian Chaos!"
"Wouldn't that include you too?" Jimin questions.
Jungkook thinks for a moment. "Revision! No fucking my bandmates."
You all laugh at that.
Jungkook wasn't sure what was keeping you so late.
Today you were supposed to be out clubbing with a few of your friends. You definitely deserved a night of fun, and seeing as you weren't lounging around a mansion anymore, your preppy friends hardly got to see you. Jungkook told you he thought it was a good idea for you to be dragged out, and despite the fact he wished he could've come with you- just to keep an eye on you, of course- he had to tend to the shop and write songs with Obsidian Chaos.
Still, this was a ridiculous hour. He had gotten used to staying up this late for you- your job was an abhorrent one, in his opinion. No one should have to stay at work for that long.
The only thing that was keeping him awake was the worry that wracked his brain. Even he didn't club this late- and he had been to quite a number of clubs.
His heavy lids stayed pried open as he wondered where you were. Were you all right? Was everything ok?
What if you were hurt?
What if you had gotten into an accident on the way there? Or the way back home?
What if some creep roofied you? What if your friends had left you at the club?
He shook his head, running his hands through his hair. No, he had to stay optimistic. You were a grown woman, you could care for yourself.
He began biting his nails as he read his messages to you, asking when you were coming home. It was a nervous habit he had picked up as a kid. He couldn't believe he was regressing back to these habits, yet, here he was.
He huffed, grabbing a jacket, on his way to the club, when suddenly he heard the rattle of the doorknob.
You burst through the door.
With someone else.
The stranger was all over you, his hands roaming up and down your skimpy dress. You awkwardly kicked the door shut, your eyes firmly shut and mouth pressed against his. You moaned when he pinned you against the door, your wrists trapped in his large hands as his mouth began to travel to the nape of your neck, leaving marks in his wake.
Jungkook was frozen, immobile as he watched you hook your leg around the stranger, drawing him closer, pressing his body impossibly closer to your own. The stranger let out a husky growl that had you shuddering beneath him.
There was something oddly familiar about the stranger, though Jungkook knew he had never seen him before in his life. Maybe it was the tattoos that peaked out from beneath the sleeves of his leather jacket. Maybe it was the combat boots or the multiple ear piercings, or even his shaggy hair.
Jungkook couldn't help but realize the man's alternative style was eerily familiar to his own.
It was at that moment you finally opened your eyes from the pure bliss, only to come face to face with Jungkook.
You gasped in surprise, quickly pushing against the stranger's shoulders to pry him off you. "Taehyung," you said in a serious tone, though you sounded breathless.
The man grunted, confused as to why you wanted to stop. He got off of you, turning around to lock eyes with Jungkook.
"Oh, sorry man, didn't see you there," Taehyung chuckled. "Was occupied, you know?"
Jungkook finally found the words to speak, though his mouth felt dry. It felt as though his tongue were too big. "I- yeah, no worries, dude. I'll leave you two to it."
"I- Jungkook," you said.
"Shit, is she your girl?" Taehyung questioned.
"No, my roommate," Jungkook answered. "I was just waiting for her to get home- make sure she's safe and all."
"So you wouldn't mind if we...?"
"Just, um, keep it down. I'll be heading to bed."
"Sweet, bro," Taehyung grinned, turning back to you, leaning in to give you a kiss.
Jungkook finally unfroze, quick to turn on his heel and retreat to his room. He could go to bed now, seeing that you were home safe and sound. He should have no problem falling asleep, what with the anxiety and worry no longer plaguing him.
Despite this, however, as well as the soundproof headphones he had on his ears, he wasn't able to get a wink of sleep.
It was probably apparent the following morning. He had bags under his eyes and kept looking as though he'd faceplant into his cereal.
"You look like shit this morning," you remarked, reaching over to tousle his hair.
Jungkook noted that your new boyfriend was nowhere to be found. You seemed well put together. Your hair was pulled up in a bun instead of the bed head he had been expecting, and you wore the same pajamas as always. Maybe it was the post-sex glow that made you seem so lively.
"Don't worry about me," he yawned, stirring his spoon around in the cereal. He usually loved Lucky Charms, but he found his appetite... absent. Addressing the elephant in the room, he sighs. "So, where's your boyfriend?"
"Boyfriend?" You looked at him quizzically before a look of realization painted your features. "Oh! You mean Taehyung?"
"That's the fucker."
"I kicked him out once you went to bed," you shrug.
"We... Well, we didn't do anything. I wasn't in the mood to have sex last night, I guess," you clarified.
"I... um..." Jungkook didn't know what to say.
"Yeah, so... sorry if you put on those bulky headphones of yours. Knowing you, you just played Waterparks at full blast in an attempt to block out noises that weren't being made," you chuckled nervously.
"You didn't have to kick him out on my account," Jungkook said, scratching the back of his neck. "It's still a bit before 3. It's not against the roommate agreement."
"No, no, don't worry. I wanted to," you said, offering a weak smile. "I was just... tired."
"You sure? I mean it- you don't have to stay abstinent on my account. I've brought someone home before. It'd be hypocritical of me being upset with you doing the same."
"I mean it, Jungkook, I wanted to.  I just wasn't in the mood."
You seemed to be in the mood before, Jungkook thought. Had he not walked in, he had no doubt the two of you would've gotten more hot and heavy than earlier.
Jungkook felt guilty for ruining your potential hook up. "Alright, well, if that's what you wanted, my guy."
Your smile faltered a little. "No princess?"
Jungkook chuckled warmly at that, reaching forward to pull you in. "My bad, princess," he said properly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "I was just relieved that you were here and safe. I won't lie when I say I wasn't worried- I was just about to head out to look for you."
"Thank you for staying up so late for me."
"Anything for my princess."
"I'm pretty sure your father would send a SWAT team on my ass if he found out I was letting his little girl do this," Jungkook laughed, watching as you coughed after taking a hit.
"Shut-" cough "-the fuck up, Jungkook."
The two of you were sitting on his couch, smoking weed. It was the first time you had ever smoked pot with Jungkook, as the moment you got home after a long day at work, you asked whether or not you two could smoke together. Well, demanded was a more accurate term. Jungkook didn't question it though, instead giving you that same, obnoxious, amused smirk.
"Is this your first time smoking weed, baby?"
"I haven't smoked since I was 16," you say, taking another hit, letting it settle deep into your lungs before coughing numerous times. "It was only twice with some guy who thought I'd blow him if I got high enough. My first time I didn't feel anything despite four hits. The second time I took 6, but his weed was so weak I didn't feel much. Man, was he pissed."
"A guy like Wonderbread, I'm guessing?"
You laugh. "Alas, even commoners feel privileged. I'll let you know though I didn't even touch his little cheesedick."
"You just used his pot and took advantage of him, huh?"
"Oh please! That's not it at all. Either I take advantage of him than the other way around. His intentions were totally sketchy, hoping I'd become inebriated enough to fulfill the lewd fantasies he had garnered. If he was willing to waste weed on a girl, he should've left it at that. I didn't owe him anything. No matter how much shit guys give, whether it's weed or Lamborghinis, you don't owe them anything. You don't owe them love, sex, or a relationship. It's their choice whether or not they want to buy your affections, but those feelings cannot be owed. Women are not in debt to men because they fool themselves into thinking that they deserve blowjobs because they're 'nice' or 'waste shit' on the woman."
Jungkook whistled. "I sense a lot of pent up anger today. I gotta say, I never expected you to demand my stash. Wait, no, I did. But I expected it sooner."
"My boss is a bitch," you mutter. "She's great at her job, and I admire her, but God, she's a cunt."
"What'd she do?"
"She's just-" You let out a frustrated groan, taking a deep inhale from the blunt before puffing it out. "She's so condescending and demanding. She expects me to be little miss perfect and thinks I'm lazy because I'm privileged. It's like no matter how hard I work and prove myself she still can't see me as anything other than a spoiled rich brat. Every tiny mistake I make confirms it, and every big accomplishment goes ignored."
"Are you unhappy enough to quit?"
You sigh, taking another hit. You could feel it setting in now. Your limbs felt lighter, but your head a little heavier. One thing was for sure- this shit was a lot stronger than what you had at 16. "No. I love my job, and I still respect and admire her. I may complain about it a lot, but I still love it."
"You complain about me a lot, though, princess," he laughed, nudging his thigh against yours. "Does that mean you love me?"
"Well, yeah."
Jungkook tenses up at that. "You do?"
If your head wasn't as cloudy as it was now, you wouldn't have opened your trap. You felt uncaring, however, speaking freely as you took another hit. "Yeah, I do. I love you. We've lived together for months, Jungkook. You're one of the people I'm closest to. You mean the world to me."
You lean your head against his shoulder, fluttering your lids as you shut them, concentrating on his breathing. The rise and fall of his shoulders lift your head along with them, and he lets out a chuckle. His fingers comb through your hair, doting. "I love you too."
You take a hit, playfully blowing some of the smoke in his face. "I'll always be your princess, right?"
He smiles again. "Didn't figure you as the affectionate stoner. Usually, you're acting like a brat, y'know."
"What can I say," you hum, nuzzling your nose into the crook of his neck, planting a small kiss there. "Pot gets my panties wet."
Jungkook freezes underneath you, and you continue, sucking lightly on the skin to leave small pink and red marks, nipping a bit. You put your blunt in a nearby ashtray and find yourself climbing into his lap, his blown-out pupils locked with your own.
You wouldn't be doing this if you were sober. But right now you were releasing every pent up frustration you had- whether it was anger towards your boss or the sexual attraction you felt to Jungkook.
Jungkook's silent, only staring at you, waiting for your next move. You place your hands on his chest, feeling how quickly his heartbeat raced. You wondered for a moment if yours was doing the same.
And then you stopped thinking.
Your hands slid up from his chest and around his neck, tangling into his long locks as you close your eyes and kiss him. He kisses you back after a few seconds reaching behind you to put out his blunt before gripping onto your thighs, tugging you closer to his body.
You two were completely intertwined, wrapped around one another like ivy, a small, intimate moment that felt so grand in the scheme of things.
And then it stopped.
Jungkook pulled back, gripping your arms to push your chest a few inches from his, ending the kiss. "We can't."
"Why not?" You weren't angry, but rather curious. Your voice didn't even show a hint of confusion, instead instantly accepting it. Maybe it was the sober part of you that knew what you two were doing shouldn't be happening.
"I just... We're roommates."
"I don't remember not hooking up being one of the rules."
"It's an unwritten rule not to sleep with your roommate, I think," Jungkook says, his cheeks turning red. It was as though he were admitting he wanted to sleep with you.
"But you flirt with me all the time and act like you want to..."
"Fuck, I do, princess, I do." Jungkook brushed your hair out of your face, looking into your eyes with as much sincerity as he could muster. "But I don't want to be like that asshole you met at 16, or Wonderbread, or any other asshole you met. I don't want you to think I had ulterior motives or I'm trying to take advantage of you in this state. For all you know I'm exactly like the asshole before but with better shit."
"But you're not, Jungkook. You respect me, I know that."
"Just trust me on this, ok? Nothing changes between us." He presses a kiss against your forehead, as though to further confirm it. "I still love you, of course. You're my roommate, after all. It makes living together a lot easier. I just don't want you to wake up and see me as another douche who saw you as nothing more than a status symbol."
Your voice is quiet, like a child who's parents were disappointed in them. "Ok."
"You did nothing wrong, Y/N."
You nod your head. "Mhm."
Jungkook sighs, gripping onto you tightly before standing up, walking you to your room. "C'mon. Let's get you to bed, princess."
Usually, when something was up between you and Jungkook, you'd resolve it quickly.
You guys had been roommates for what felt like forever, now. Of course, you had issues. Of course, you've gotten into arguments. Typically you'd resolve it quickly.
After the encounters with Solji and Taehyung you guys talked about it immediately. Even the smaller things. One time Jungkook accused you of hating a new song he was working on, and you guys argued about it then and there. Another time he had been lazy and forgot to do the dishes, and you had been in a bad mood and lashed out over the small detail. Another time you were just looking to fight for the sake of fighting, and Jungkook called you out on it, resulting in, what do you know, more fighting.
This time, however, was different.
The two of you were barely talking, mainly speaking in grunts and noncommital nods of the head. Neither of you really even used the living room anymore, simply going into the kitchen to make food and eating in isolation in your rooms.
Jungkook still waited for you to get home, though. He wouldn't greet you, however.
You two still kept up with your dishes and cooking, sometimes leaving the food for the other on the countertop.
You started lining up your shoes instead of kicking them to the side, as though to be more mindful.
Both of you hated it, though.
A week without interacting with the person you lived with? Who treated you as a best friend? Agony.
Jungkook was the one who acted on it.
He knocked on your door before opening it. "We need to talk."
Clearly he had just gotten back from hanging out with his bandmates, what with the slight sheen of sweat on his forehead and his locks looking particularly unruly. He hadn't even bothered taking off his leather jacket. You could only guess that he marched directly from the front door to your room. It was such a stark contrast from you, who was only wearing pajama shorts and a tank top.
"Why?" You felt shame and embarrassment, your cheeks burning red. Every time you looked at him you could only think of when he pushed you away. When you had made a fool of yourself and climbed all over him. When you made him uncomfortable and overstepped your boundaries. When you ruined everything.
"You know why." It was clear Jungkook was in a confrontational, no-nonsense mood now, having finally mustered up the courage to face this head-on. "We need to talk about that night."
"We were high-"
"No, it was more than that. Otherwise, we wouldn't be in this... this funk."
You could feel tears springing up in your eyes. "Yeah? So?"
"What do you mean so?"
"I mean so?" You let out an exasperated sigh, still unable to meet his eye. "Who cares?"
"I care!"
"I don't want to have this conversation."
"Well, I do." He kicked the door behind him, crossing his arms. "Why're you acting so weird?"
"What? I'm not the only one acting weird, you know. It's a two-way street," you seethe.
"I've been making attempts! I have," he insisted. "I tried talking to you just yesterday in the kitchen when you were washing dishes. You just ran away to hole yourself up in your room. We need to move past this."
"I'm sorry, ok!" You fume, crying out the words. "Is that what you wanted to hear?"
"Sorry for avoiding me?"
"Yes- No-" You bury your face in your hands. "I'm just... I'm embarrassed, ok? You wouldn't understand."
"You're embarrassed because of that night? Because- what, it's me?" Jungkook tilted his head, as though wanting you to meet his eye. "Any other guy and you wouldn't be acting this way."
"Yes, partially because it's you. You said nothing would change between us but clearly it has," you sighed. "I fucked everything up, Jungkook."
"No, you didn't. I told you that you didn't do anything wrong."
"But I did! You respected me at least, and stopped it from going further because you knew that I wasn't in the right mindset or wasn't capable- I don't know, but the point is that you put in my feelings and thoughts for if I'd be sober and such, especially with that big monologue I had given. But..."
"But what? I don't get it. Did I do something wrong?"
"No, you didn't. I'm glad you respected me. But I didn't respect you." You wiped at your eyes, frustrated with yourself. "You were also smoking that night. Yet you thought of me and if I was in the right headspace to consent or think about things, but I didn't think about you. I of all people should've been able to realize that."
"Oh." Jungkook seemed stunned, as though that wasn't the answer he was expecting. "Y/N, it's ok. I've got a lot more resistance than you do, and I'm a lot bigger. I wasn't nearly as affected as you were."
"It still doesn't take away the embarrassment of climbing all over you. I feel stupid," you huffed.
"You're not stupid-" Jungkook stood in front of you and reached out, only to have his hand slapped away.
"Shut up," you hissed. "You're not the one who made a fool of themself."
"Don't lash out at me, princess. You didn't come off as stupid or anything else- you're just overthinking as always."
"As always?!" you mimic. "You're full of it, you know that? God, I hate you sometimes."
You try to push at his chest out of annoyance, but it grabs your hand, keeping it there. "Say that again, I dare you," he growled.
You gulped, able to feel the deep vibrations against the palm of your hand.
You were quiet, whimpering as he towered over you, with you still sitting on the bed and him standing before you. Your eyes lock with his, finally, his hard glare making you cave in on yourself, all of the rage dying within you, leaving something else in its wake. Sensing your submission and the shift in the air, Jungkook only lets out a dark chuckle, leaning in.
You lean back, falling onto the bed as he climbs over you, one leg between your own. You brace yourself, feeling your muscles get tight as he hovers over you, not touching you. You feel the anticipation build as his nose grazes the side of your neck, similarly to how you did that night. His scent overwhelmed you, despite the fact you should've gone nose blind to it after all this time. Still, his cologne and natural scent overpowered you, enveloping you completely.
"You know, I'm getting real tired of your attitude, little girl."
You stiffen at that, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine.
"Have you had any alcohol, or smoked anything, or taken anything that might affect your senses?"
"Huh? No?"
"Do you want me to touch you, princess?"
"Be a big girl and tell me what you want, baby."
Baby. Princess. Little girl. All names he had called you before, but tonight they hit differently.
"Do you want me?"
"I want to hear you say it, Y/N."
You took in a deep breath. "I want you, Jungkook."
He smirked at that. "That's a good girl."
Before you had time to process anything, he was positioning you where you were lying on your stomach beneath him, with his knees on either side of you as he straddled the backs of your thighs.
He yanked down your shorts, exposing your panties before giving a sharp spank to your ass.
"You know, it's really unfair that I call you so many pet names and don't have a special one of my own," he says, his voice hot in your ear. "Don't you think so, princess?"
You shuddered beneath him. "Yes."
"Yes, what?" Another spank.
You groaned at the sensation, burying your face into the mattress as you muttered the words.
He pulled your hair, lifting your head so you couldn't hide your face. "What was that? I don't think I heard you. What did I say about using your big girl words?" There was a rain of spanks with those last few words. You could feel your ass start to warm up now.
"Yes, Daddy," you said, biting on your lip from the pain of the slaps. The pure irony of the daddy kink being used, no doubt because of your daddy issues. Your revenge against your parents using Jungkook had finally come full circle.
Jungkook grinned, giving you two more slaps, this time as a reward. "Now was that so hard?"
You feel his fingers go down to the wet spot on your panties, now sticking to your folds, evident from your arousal. You shook your head, gripping the sheets. "No, Daddy."
"Mm, I think my princess liked her spanking," Jungkook hummed, twirling the pads of his digits around your clit, watching you squirm beneath him. "Did you like being put in your place for being such a brat?"
"Fffffucckkk." You couldn't think straight, your hips raising from the bed to buck at his hand, needing more friction.
"Such language, princess." He gives a quick swat to your pussy, watching you twitch and yelp in surprise. "I would've thought a little rich girl like you was taught to avoid such language."
Jungkook was generous as always, giving you what you needed as he continued to pet your folds and rub your clit. He seemed to know exactly how to touch you, drawing small circles as he admired how you squirmed and panted into the sheets. You'd wiggle beneath him, your skin still red from his earlier ministrations.
"I-I'm gonna-" You bit into the sheets. You've never cum this fast with anyone before, and over such a small thing. Jungkook was just rubbing you over your panties and you were losing it. You'd never live this down.
"Oh? Gonna cum in your panties like the disgusting little girl you are?" Jungkook let out a dark, sinister chuckle, leaning down so his lips could be felt at the shell of your ear. "Go ahead and cum, dirty girl."
You felt yourself come undone, thighs shaking as you moaned into the sheets, knuckles turning white from how hard you were gripping them. Jungkook rubbed you through it, letting you see the orgasm until its end.
You panted as he flipped you onto your back, petting your hair as you came down from your high. He pressed his hand against your cheek, letting you feel the cool metal of his rings against your hot skin. "How're you doing, baby?"
"I-I'm good," you murmur, eyes drooping and fluttering. "Thank you, Daddy." You turn your head to the side, capturing his thumb in your mouth, sucking on it lightly as you twirled your thumb around it, tasting the metal against your buds.
"Fuck," Jungkook groaned. "You're gonna be the death of me."
Slipping his hand away, he pulls your clothes off, one by one, until you were completely bare beneath him. Your panties are the last to go.
"I think you've ruined these," he chuckles, pulling on the waistband of your underwear to let it snap back against you. "Now it's your turn."
You don't bother covering up, comfortable with him and in your own body. Jungkook grins, leaving a trail of kisses down your chest as he descends further down.
He spreads your legs, arriving at his destination. You let your fingers gravitate to his silky hair, tugging to bring him closer to your goal. He chuckles at the action, answering your request as he lets his mouth finally meet your folds, laving his tongue over the area to help you relax.
You gasp at the feeling, arching as he gets quick to work spreading you open with two fingers so he could have easier access to the area. Your thighs twitch as his tongue finally brushes against your clit, and upon noticing how sensitive you still were, he runs his tongue over it, again and again, a smile evident as you let your thighs tense with every movement.
It wasn't until his lips finally suctioned around it that you felt his finger slip into your entrance as well. It was easy, no friction necessary from your copious arousal, and the feeling overwhelmed you. He crooked his finger up as he pumped into you, finding the bundle of nerves with ease as you found it harder and harder to contain your moans. Before long he had to insert another finger, scissoring the digits to stretch you out.
"So fucking tight," he panted, breathless as he continued to place sloppy kisses against you, rubbing your g-spot in an effort to see you squirm. "Gotta stretch you out to take me. You're so small, I'll probably break you."
"I want you to break me," you reply immediately. "Please, please, please, Daddy!"
Jungkook let out a smirk at that. "Seems like that bitchy attitude is finally replaced with manners. Since you asked so nicely..."
His mouth returns to your cunt, french kissing and sucking harshly on your clit has his hand hammers into you, rough and sloppy thrusts helping catapult you towards your high. Before long your eyes were rolling back, hips rising into the air as you feel your high overpower you, and you were cumming against Jungkook's tongue.
He eased his ministrations, slipping his fingers out despite your whine at being empty. He let his tongue run over your folds, soothing them before he came up for air, lips meeting yours with a sloppy kiss. You realized the two of you hadn't kissed at all since this whole ordeal, and you pulled him closer between your legs, pulling him closer as you let your tongues dance together.
He breaks away again, but keeps his forehead against yours, as though to assure you he doesn't intend on ending it just yet. "How're you holding up, baby?"
"Mm good," you hum, still high on bliss. You reached down to his crotch, palming it, pleased to feel the stiffness beneath the material of his pants. "Want Daddy's cock."
"How can I say no to that? You just can't get enough, can you? C'mon then, take me out so I can get inside that dirty cunt."
You do as you're told, finally able to get his cock free as you hook the waistband of both his pants and boxers around his thighs. As you do so he takes off his leather jacket, tossing it to the corner of the room.
He pumps himself, jerking off into his hand as you watch. He was about as big as you expected- then again you always fantasized about Jungkook having a big cock. One by one he was fulfilling all of your fantasies, and creating even more.
He pressed the head of his cock against your pussy, rubbing up and down the slit for lubrication. You ogled his size, wondering how much the stretch of his girth would burn. As though reading your mind, or just the expressions on your face, Jungkook stops. "Are you sure you want me in this messy cunt of yours, baby?" he questions. "We can wait. I can eat you out some more if you want."
"No, I need you inside me," you immediately respond.
He can't help but grin at that, cooing at you with a condescending, sickly sweet voice. "No please? So demanding. Spoiled little princess, used to getting what she wants." He pushes inside of you inch by inch, and you hiss at the stretch, loving the slight burn.
When he bottoms out inside of you your foreheads are pressed together, hot and sweaty, but oddly intimate. A single tear runs down your cheek, and he reaches up to wipe it away, cradling your cheek.
"Look at me, Y/N."
You do so, eyes locking with his. "I'm ok," you confirm before he can ask. You were able to read his expressions as easily as he could read yours. "Move, please."
He nods, doing so, starting a slow rhythmic pace as he pumps into you. You groan at the feeling. You couldn't remember the last time you had been intimate with someone, especially someone who fills you up so completely, unable to even avoid the sensitive parts within you.
Soon Jungkook was picking up the pace, the thrusts becoming harder and quicker, more precise as he lifted himself up onto his arms to look at you, admiring how your eyes would roll back every now and then. He reached between you two, spreading your lips apart with two fingers to properly look at how well you were taking him.
"Fuck, you're just sucking me in baby," he hissed, doing his best to compose himself. "This pussy was made for me, wasn't it? No one else."
You moaned at that, biting your lip. "D-Daddy..."
"That's right- Daddy. This pussy was made for Daddy, all for him," Jungkook went on, now beginning to rub your clit with your thumb, feeling you clenching down on him with his words."Remember that. Who am I again?"
"My Daddy."
"That's right. Yours. Who's the only person who can fuck you this way?"
"You. Fuck, Daddy, I'm gonna cum. Let me cum for you?"
"Good girl. And who are you going to cum for?"
"You Da-Daddy- ffffffuck-"
"That's right, cum for me. Give me one more, I know you can. Be a good little girl and cream on my cock. Get me as nice and messy as your dirty little cunt."
Your eyes rolled back as your third orgasm shook through you, more powerful than the first two. Droplets of cum sprayed out, getting all over both you and Jungkook. You moaned, shaking as Jungkook groaned in satisfaction.
"Fuck, you just squirted everywhere," Jungkook said, his thrusts getting sloppy. "You're so perfect."
"Cum in me, Daddy. Use me," you asked, looking up at him with pleading eyes. "Use my body."
"Shit, shit, shit-" Jungkook grabbed your wrists, roughly pinning them to either side of you as he thrust into you like a mad man, using your body to jerk off before finally, he was erupting inside of you, filling you to the brim as he bottomed out inside of you. He panted, hands squeezing your little wrists like a vice. You were positive there would be bruises by the morning.
Soon he collapsed on top of you, sweaty and out of breath. He rolled over, chest heaving as he stared at you, grabbing you and tugging you close so he could bury his face in the juncture of your neck, acting as the big spoon as you two cuddled.
You slowly regained your breath, reaching back to comb through his hair.
"Just stay like this for a minute," he said, eyes closed and voice soft, a stark contrast to his dominating demeanor before. "Let me just hold you for a few minutes and then we can go take a bath, ok? I'll take care of you."
You let him do exactly that.
The morning after didn't feel as awkward as you had expected, Instead of the uncomfortable air that had been left after the two of you made out, it was oddly comfortable. Not the kind of comfortable that was there before, with you two bickering and joking with each other, but rather a far more affectionate one.
The two of you had been waiting for months to be able to touch each other how you wanted, and now you had the opportunity. You weren't able to keep your hands off of Jungkook, and not even in a sexual way. You'd let your hands roam freely over his body, whether it was combing through his fluffy hair or feeling the broad expanse of his chest, and the hard muscles beneath his band tees.
Jungkook wasn't much better. You'd be doing as simple as making yourself a bowl of ramen and he'd press up behind you, wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in your hair, breathing in your scent. It was like nothing was between you anymore, and it felt so right. Jungkook was your best friend, your roommate. The man you had lusted and pined after for what felt like forever. He just got you.
Or that's what you thought at least.
The two of you were watching a movie again, as always, but instead of the casual arm draped around your shoulders you two were completely intertwined, ignoring the movie as you two shared small, slow kisses. You let yourself melt in the moment, the taste of him addictive.
He gives you that look that you love, the one where his gaze is deceptively soft and solely focused on you.
"You know," he says between pecks, "I meant what I said before."
"Meant what?" you smile.
"That I love you." He pushes a lock of hair behind your ear, staring at you. "I think I've been in love with you since my father's little party."
You stiffened.
In love?
That was very different from the love you had interpreted.
You plaster on a fake smile, hoping he didn't notice how you had tensed up. "Is that so?"
"Mhm," he hums, pressing a small kiss on the tip of your nose. "Did you mean it when you said you loved me?"
"I did," you tell him, burying your face into his chest to avoid looking at him, focusing on the vibrations of his chest as he hummed with delight, wrapping his arms tighter around you as he pressed his lips against the top of your head.
That night you slept in his bed, his arm wrapped tightly around your middle. You didn't get a wink of sleep that night, and the moment he rolled over to his side, you knew what to do.
When Jungkook woke up, you were gone.
You had seemingly left no traces. Your bed was neatly made, your dresser drawers were empty. It was like you didn't exist.
Jungkook was absolutely distraught. He had the shop closed down for a bit, instead choosing to lay around in the apartment you once shared, playing the same few chords on his guitar.
He was angry. He was sad. He was pissed and frustrated and miserable and confused. He felt so stupid for fucking everything up. He wondered if what you said was a lie. Was everything between you a lie? It had to be. How else could you just cast him to the side like that? Like he meant nothing to you?
In the end, it seemed you truly were just using him. He should've known any affections you had for him were just some phase. You were just indirectly lashing out at your parents and using what you knew would piss them off. He knew that since the beginning, and still let himself get fooled.
That didn't stop him from sulking, however.
It wasn't until Yoongi barged into his apartment that Jungkook was forced to do something.
"What the hell man? You've been skipping out on practices- where have you been?" Yoongi looked around, seeing the apartment a mess.  Jungkook didn't look much better, sitting upside down on his couch in sweats and greasy hair, strumming on his guitar. "Jesus Christ, dude. I got you were a mess from the lyrics you've been sending me, but this takes the cake."
"What do you want, Yoongs?"
"I want you to pick your ass up and get out of this funk! I've noticed you haven't been running your shop for a little bit, and it seems clear to me that you've just been sulking around. Where's that roommate of yours? I would've thought she'd tell you to get over whatever it is you're sobbing about and do something about it."
"I don't want to talk about her," Jungkook muttered, striking a chord that had many of the notes clashing.
Yoongi winced at the sound. "I always thought that you two weren't just roommates. She always looked at you how a puppy looks at their owner- and you weren't much better."
"Well, she's gone now," Jungkook said bitterly.
"What happened?"
"She didn't love me, simple as that."
Yoongi shook his head. "That's a lie, dude. That girl was crazy about you."
"Well, that's what happened. I told her I was in love with her and the next thing I know, I wake up and she's gone."
"Maybe it was something else," Yoongi shrugged. "Then again, you knew her better than me. But you can't let some girl keep you cooped up in your apartment. Sulking isn't going to bring her back. Obsidian Chaos is going to be releasing the next album in just a month- you need to have your shit together by then. Don't tell me that you want to quit the band."
"No," Jungkook sighed. "It's just... I miss her. And I feel confused and-"
"You feel about a million emotions, my man, I know. And none of them are exactly helping to motivate you," Yoongi finished. "Do you really want her to see you in this state, though, when she comes back? If she comes back?"
"No," he admitted.
"You can't expect her to come and save you. You've got to save yourself first. She was never responsible for your happiness- remember that. Pick yourself back up and who knows, maybe she'll be waiting for you."
Jungkook did pick himself back up after that. He took a shower and opened the shop, going day by day, and though he still felt heartache and longing for you, he was able to pull himself together a bit more with each passing moment.
Obsidian Chaos released their next album, Oblivion, shortly after. Jungkook wrote most of the lyrics, and every single one was about you. Maybe it was like a siren call, trying to call you back to him. Luckily for them one of the title tracks blew up on a few websites and apps, giving them a lot of coverage and publicity. Their popularity had blown up overnight, radios constantly playing the hit song, making it impossible to escape their sound.
It was a rainy day, about a week after the release of Oblivion when there was a knock at the door. Jungkook thought it was a bit too early for him to have stalkers, but he was precautious, looking through the peephole.
To his surprise, it was you. Your hair was soaking wet, your designer clothes sticking to your skin. Your makeup seemed to be running a little.
Jungkook immediately swung the door open, shocked. You were here. You were really here.
"Hi," you said, your voice meek and small. "Can I come in?"
Jungkook stepped aside to let you in, closing the door behind him. He was speechless. There were so many things he had wanted to say to you, weeks of planning some long monologue for nothing. It felt strange seeing you in his apartment, despite the fact you had been there countless times before and lived there yourself. You seemed foreign, out of place, even though it hadn't been that long.
"Congrats on your success, by the way," you said, filling the silence. "Oblivion seems to be a big hit."
"You heard it?"
"I stayed up all night waiting for the release. Besides, your song plays everywhere I go. People love it. I couldn't escape your voice even if I wanted to."
"The song was about you."
"Yeah... I know." You wiped your wet face, taking in a deep breath.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?" Jungkook finally asked.
Your breathing was shaky. "I came to apologize. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but... It was wrong for me to flake out like that, to leave without explanation."
"Why did you?"
You seemed unable to look him in the eye. "Every time a guy told me he loved me, that he was in love with me, it turned out to just be to use me. It was a way to get on my good side and use me for... Well, ulterior motives. When you said you loved me, I had spent so much time convincing myself that you didn't see me that way that I assumed you only meant platonically. Even if I wanted it to be in a romantic sense. When you confirmed, though, that you were in love with me, it just sparked so many memories of guys before. I was stupid. You've proven time and time again that you're honest and genuine, and that you respect me in a way those boys never could, but I couldn't handle it. I needed time away to figure my shit out. So I left and went to my parents', and I told them everything. The fake dating, the roommate situation, the job, that you were in love with me- all of it.
"My parents have been wrong about a lot of things. About what I should be, about what kind of guy would make a suitable husband, but they were right about one thing." Your eyes finally locked with his. "I was stupid to let you go, especially when I'm as head over heels over you as you are for me."
"So..." Jungkook didn't know what to say, overwhelmed with your speech. "What does this mean?"
"It means I love you too, Jungkook. I'm in love with you. I meant it when I said it back then, the same way you meant it. I took a taxi and ran over here as soon as I realized that. I've been in love with you for God knows how long, and I want to be with you, for real this time. That is... if you'll take me back."
Jungkook couldn't help but melt at that, smiling as he pulled you into a tight embrace, despite how your wet form began to dampen his clothes. "Always, princess."
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twistedtranslations · 4 years ago
Rook Hunt - The real culprit is... you!
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You can unlock this story by getting Rook’s SSR Dorm uniform
Translation under the cut
Rook calls Epel “himeringo”, the Japanese word for plumleaf crabapple. I shortened it.
As we know already, Epel sometimes slips in his country accent, hence the weird wording.
Chapter 1
Vil: …8…9…10! Next up is the camel pose. Push your chest out and lean your upper body backward. Hold your ankles with your hands and keep that pose.
Everyone: Yes!
Epel: Ugh… Rook…
Rook: What is it, monsieur Crabapple?
Epel: I came to help with the shooting of the next work of the cinema studies club, but… Argh! Why are we doing yoga… Ugh?
Rook: Epel, you know, it's because we wanted you to take part in relaxing activities. If people relaxed, they will become more flexible mentally, and more active in discussions and communication. Yoga is the best exercise to improve your blood flow, metabolism and it soothes your mind. Moreso, your posture and physique will become much more beautiful! That's why Vil does yoga before his cinema studies activities.
Epel: I, I see… Is there…. An easier method?
Rook: By the way, Epel. You should bend your back more if you want to call it a camel pose. Okay, I will help you out and pull your arms back!
Epel: Eh, no, I'm fine- OUCH!!!!
Rook: Hahaha, monsieur Crabapple, you're body is quite stiff.
Savanaclaw Student A: Hey, look, it's the guys from the cinema studies. What a weird-looking pose is that! Man, I'd be way too embarrassed to wriggle like that in front of everyone.
Cinema studies Student A: Why are you guys butting in suddenly? This is just yoga…
Cinema studies Student B: Leave it be. Those muscle brains from Savanaclaw wouldn't understand our graceful bodybuilding.
Savanaclaw Student B: Huh? Are you picking a fight!
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Rook: Oh please, there's no need to get angry! Why don't you join us? We can polish our beauty and deepen our friendship with yoga!
Savanaclaw Student A: Who'd do that! Beauty won't fill your belly. C'mon, let's go.
Epel: … friggin' irritatin'. Rook, I don't know how or why you could invite those guys…
Rook: I thought they might understand the benefits of yoga if they did it. How regrettable. Oh, me of all people! While I was talking, I forgot to help you out. My bad, let's continue.
Epel; Um, no, I don't need it… OUCH!!!!
Vil: Epel?
Epel: Ah… Vil.
Vil: I thought I heard a crushed frog's ugly cry, but that was my imagination, wasn't it?
Epel: Ugh… I'm sorry, I'll pay attention to it.
Vil: Rook, I think there will be no problems if you are by his side but… If anything happens, I hope you will "properly" discipline him. Not only does he lack in manners and aesthetics, but many other facets as well.
Epel: Is… that so?
Vil: Didn't you get frustrated when the Savanaclaw students reprimanded you? Do not involve Pomefiore in trivial arguments. Understood?
Epel: Understood…
Vil: Rook. If Epel quarrels with other dorm students during the shooting period… I will expel you two from the cinema studies- no, the dorm.
Epel: … I'm only here because you asked me to help.
Vil: Did you say anything?
Epel: Nuthin’- I mean, I said nothing.
Vil: In any case. Please refrain from idiotic behavior that could tarnish Pomefiore's name.
Rook: Oui, Roi du Poison. Leave it to me!
Cinema studies Student A: Those three seem to get along well as usual…
Cinema studies Student C: Epel and Rook are amazing. Leaving out the fact that they're from the same dorm, they can talk to Vil so casually. Perhaps I'm still too nervous because I saw him on the TV and in magazines before I entered the college?
Cinema studies Student A: Right. They're amazing for being able to to talk with him without constraints.
Interior Hallway
The next day
Epel: Ah, Rook.
Rook: Hello, Epel. You're here early.
Epel: Yes. My class finished early…
Students: Congratulations!
Rook: You guys too… We are the most enthusiastic people in the club today.
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Rook: Vil isn't here today because of work, therefore I will instruct you on the activities…
Cinema Studies B: … Is something wrong?
Rook: La vache (Oh the cow)… how terrible. Look at that.
Epel: Argh! Vil's clothes are torn into pieces!?
Cinema studies Student A: And it's not only his clothes but also the photo sets on the wall…
Everyone: !!
Epel: The heck, what are those weird words written in red…
Rook: "A defective beauty"… It must be a message from the one who tore up the clothes. Fufu, this is quite a case… And a direct declaration of war on us!!
Chapter 2
Rook: Fufu, this is quite a case… And a direct declaration of war on us!!
Epel: Is there anyone in the cinema studies club who’d tear up his clothes with ill intent…? Who would do that…
Cinema studies Student A: Hey, those marks on those ripped clothes… Don't they look like they've been made by sharp claws?
Cinema studies Student B: Claws… Then this could be the work of the Savanaclaw students. But why would they…
Cinema studies Student A: … Could it be those guys from yesterday?
Epel: Do you mean the ones who made fun of us..?
Cinema studies Student A: Yeah. The guys from Savanaclaw said it then, right? "Beauty" won't fill your belly.
Cinema studies Student B: So a Savanaclaw student with a grudge from yesterday wrote a message on the wall and tore up Vil's clothes?
Epel: If they didn't like it, they can face us up front. This is cowardly.
Cinema studies Student A: Epel, you are a good person. Even though you aren't part of the cinema club, you still get angry for us.
Epel: I ain't forgivin' them for goin' behind our backs… I mean, we cannot allow them to do this.
Cinema studies Student C: Yeah. We won't stay quiet about these precious clothes being destroyed!
Epel: Yeah! Let's search for those guys from yesterday and have'm complain to our face!
Everyone: Yeah!
Cinema studies Student A: Hey, wait everyone- ... And they went.
Rook: Oho, everyone seems very passionate.
Cinema studies Student A: Rook, are you not following them?
Rook: The sadness of losing such a beautiful thing stunned me for a moment.
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Cinema studies Student A: … I see. I'll stop Epel and the others.
Rook: Oh my, to be in such a situation on the day Vil isn't here. Or to be more precise, "because he isn't here". Moreso… "A defective beauty". I should solve this case before Vil returns. 
Rook: I should investigate to see if I can find evidence that links to the culprit. Let's start at the place where the fabric was torn. …As I expected. It's not a scratch even though it resembles one. They used 25 cm long scissors with 9 cm long blades to cut it. From the angle of the tears, I can guess that the culprit is right-handed. They held it with their left hand by the torso and used their right hand to cut from the shoulder to the waist with the scissors… 
Rook: The culprit is probably around 168-172 cm. That narrows it down a bit! Fufufu…  Even though I've experienced the hunt for an animal's traces many times, it still elates me. Oho, I can't let myself get carried away. I have to concentrate on the investigation… … Aha. I see… Fufu, I have deduced the animal. Now it's hunting time!
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Savanaclaw Student A: Shut up! We didn't do it. Who gives a shit about your clothes!
Epel: If there's anythin' you wanted to say, tell 's up front instead of harassin'… you're so unmanly, senior.
Savanclaw Student A: What!?
Cinema studies Student B: If we cannot agree and don't progress then… We will have a duel!!!!
Savanaclaw Student B: Hah, come at me. I don't think you culture boys will be much of an opponent though.
Everyone: HAAAAH!!
/Fighting sounds
???: Stop it!
Savanaclaw Student A: Huh…
Cinema studies Student A: All our magic was swept away!?
Epel: Rook!?
Rook: Turn your magical pen in, everyone. It's forbidden to use magic for your personal struggles. Besides, you’re in the wrong by blaming them. They have nothing to do with what happened.
Epel: Huh…
Savanaclaw Student B: Pf! You got us involved in some weird stuff. We did nothin' so we're off.
Cinema studies Student B: … How foolish! If they didn't do it, then please tell us who did such a horrible thing!
Rook: The cause of this tragedy is deep love. The real culprit is… You!
Chapter 3
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Rook: The cause of this tragedy is deep love. The real culprit is… You!
Cinema studies Student B/Epel: Huh…
Cinema studies Student C/D: No way…
Cinema studies Student A: …
Cinema studies Student B: He can't be the culprit, Rook! He's the costumer of the cinema studies club!?
Cinema studies Student A: That's right. You saw it, right? That "A Defective beauty", what a disgusting and criminal declaration!!
Rook: Yes, I saw it. That felt out of place. As the Savanclaw students said, they don't only not care , but even negate the very existence of "beauty". Despite that, do you think they would use an eloquent expression like "Defective"? While I was thinking about that, I inspected the garment that seemed to be torn apart by claws carefully.. And followed the clues to you.
Cinema studies Student A: Why… Me?
Rook: The scratches on the garments. They were cut by scissors in the shape of a beast's talons. And by examining the traces of your cut, I could deduce their height and their dominant arm, which happens to concur with yours. And there's more evidence. What I hold in my hand right now is a piece cut from the garments… Look at the lining?
Epel: The lining? What's wrong with it?
Rook: It's loosely sewn. This garment hasn't been used once for a photoshoot, and it's not the only part that doesn't harmonize well on the camera… Vil is the kind of person who strives for perfect quality from the fabric to the sewing and the accessories. He wouldn't have let this shoddy tailoring pass.
Epel: Um, so someone tore up the garments of the cinema studies club. But it was a fake, and not the real one…? I, I'm confused.
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Rook: He hesitated at the moment of the crime when he was about to tear Vil's clothes, so he replaced it with a fake. The essential part is that the fake was made intending to fit Vil perfectly. There are only two people besides Vil that know his measurements exactly. The first one is me. And the other one is…
Epel: The costumer… who is in charge of taking his measurements?
Cinema studies Student A: Ugh…
Rook: I suggest you don't make more excuses now. Won't you tell us your reason?
Cinema studies Student A: I-, I did it because… I was jealous! You and Epel get along great with the esteemed Vil!
Epel: Huh! You think we're getting along great? The only thing he does is scold me though…
Cinema studies Student A: That's plenty! I admire Vil, studied what he likes, and devoted myself with all my might to the cinema studies club! Even so, I never got any closer to him since I enrolled! So I tried to make you two fight the other dorms…  and have you expelled from the cinema studies club.
Epel: Well ain't you a peach…
Cinema studies Student A: … I'm sorry for causing an inconvenience to everyone in the club. I'll take responsibility and quit the club.
Rook: Quit the club? Non!! That would be outrageous, my dear costumer!
Everyone: Huh!?
Cinema studies Student A: W-Why…
Rook: This case. His love for Vil created and destroyed it. Thus… Love only won't make you able to finish a piece that can be mistaken for the real thing. The way your fingers assembled this with thread and needle, it's actually beautiful. If the cinema studies club were to lose a talent like yours, Vil wouldn't be pleased. Your atonement will be your contributions to the club.
Cinema studies Student B: It's just as Rook says. You are the best out of us at dressmaking, if you weren't here it would stump us. Come on, let's go back to the clubroom. Let's repair this garment before Vil comes back from his work!
Cinema studies Student A: ! Y-Yes!!
Rook: Okay! That settles one case.
Epel: Rook! That was splendid. You are so observant, to tell it's a counterfeit just by the seams.
Rook: Ah. That was a lie! No one hand-sews anything these times. They all use a sewing machine. You can't see that with the naked eye, right? It was a trick.
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Epel: Huh… Huuuh!? Then how did you know it was a fake?
Rook: Fufufu, the truth is much simpler. Smell. The counterfeit clothes didn't have a single atom of the characteristic and unique mellow fragrance that Vil has, so I knew immediately.
Epel: What!? That investigation method is kinda… gross, you know?
Rook: Listen, Epel. I regard the information you can get by smelling highly, as it's useful for hunting. You can know the places one visited or in this case, the person's characteristics, by the traces of their smell. For example… sniff sniff. What you had for lunch today-
Epel: Argh!? S-Stop this!
Rook: Hahaha! Just kidding. My nose isn't that good either.
Epel: I thought you were amazing like a detective, but… maybe you're really just a weirdo.
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horanghaes-gaze · 4 years ago
Got7 reaction to false lashes
Heyo~ I know that it’s been forever since I have posted anything, so I decided to post a piece of writing for you guys, I hope that you enjoy this reaction and again, I am so sorry for not posting in a while. School has just been drowning me and I haven’t had the time to post, but I am back and better than before. Please request something as it helps me write and post more. And if you do request something, please check my Things to Know page which is linked in my bio. Thank you so much, and once again, I hope you enjoy!
You had just gotten back from date night and were getting ready to go to bed. You were removing your makeup and Jaebeom was finishing up brushing his teeth. Both of you got into bed and were turning on a movie to watch before going to sleep. Snuggling up to him, you were getting comfortable before remembering that you hadn't taken off your lashes yet. Sitting up you said
"I'll be right back I have to take my lashes off,"
He looked at you with confusion written all over his face. Looking at you up and down as he tried to gather his thoughts.
"Your...your what?" he asked slowly.
"My lashes, I forgot to take them off earlier"
"They come off? Because mine don't, I love you, but you're making no sense right now" he stated.
You laugh at how he was genuinely confused. You thought that he knew they were fake since you left your lashes out numerous times before. And if he hadn't caught on from that, you thought that he'd caught on when you took him makeup shopping that one time.
"Can I take them off?" he asked in the middle of you laughing.
You nodded your head as you scooted closer to him, closing your eyes.
"Just pull gently, and slowly, but not too slow," you instructed.
He took a deep breath as his fingers touched your lashes. Exhaling, he started to pull, and when you opened your eyes, they met an amazed Jaebeom. Letting out another small laugh, you close your eyes again. He gently cupped your face with one hand, taking off the second lash with his other hand. Placing your used lashes in the palm of your hand, he said
"I didn't mess them up, so you can use them again"
Shaking your head, you got up to go throw them away. He let out a small gasp as he saw you casually toss them in the trash.
"Won't you need those again?!" he let out, worried for your lashes.
"No, I can always get new falsies, Jae," you said nonchalantly, snuggling up to him again.
"Well, I think your real lashes are better and less freaky since they don't, you know, come off," he said, kissing the top of your head and playing the movie again.
You had gone out drinking with some friends for a girls' night out and promised to call Mark when you needed a ride home. He knew that you didn't hold your drinks well and that you would probably be wasted by the time you call. And he was right. How'd he know? Because you had called him saying
"Heyyyy, Mark! I kinda need you to maybe pick me up...yeah. And also, I have to do this now or I'll regret it if I don't, but ...Ikindofhaveareallybigcrushonyou haha. Okay, anyway, see you soon, thanks!"
He laughed after you hung up, glad that you still had a crush on him despite dating him. Grabbing his keys, he left to go pick you up before you confessed to another guy, which is something he wouldn't appreciate much. Parking the car, he made his way inside, immediately looking around to find you. He was about to text you when he got a tap on his shoulder, turning around, he saw your friend trying to keep her hold on your hand as you were trying to run away. Thanking your friend, he got a hold of you, smiling as you giggled like an excited high school girl around her crush. And then you just slumped down on him. He caught you before you hit the ground, carrying you to the car. 
He woke you up after getting home, helping you get cleaned up and showered. Before he got you into the shower, he had to take your makeup off. You were being quite the handful, thrashing around as he tried to wipe the makeup you had on. He had gotten almost all of it off, only your lashes left. For some reason, you really didn't want him to take off your lashes because you moved around even more than before when he said 
"I just need to take off your lashes and then you can shower,"
"No, absolutely not!" you yelled out, slipping away from him again. 
He sighed and sped walk to you. The two of you wrestled each other until he finally just sat on top of you. His legs were criss-cross apple sauced on your legs as he held you in place and cupped your face, quickly pulling off your lashes before you put up more of a fight. He got up and pulled you up, too, pushing you into the shower. He walked out into the bedroom, grabbing one of his hoodies for you to wear since he knew you found them comfy, and because he thought you looked cute in them.
"I'm done," you said as you walked out in only a towel, coming over to give him a kiss. He gladly accepted and handed you the change of clothes he picked out.
"Do I have to put clothes on? We could always, you know..." you said suggestively at him.
"I like that idea a lot..." he said smiling at you. 
Your eyes lit up, getting excited.
"...so keep it in mind for when you're sober," he said giving you another kiss. He laid down on the bed, waiting for you to put the clothes on.
"I don't have to be sober," you start.
"y/n, no"
This was the first time that you were staying over at his place and you were excited to finally get to cuddle with him to sleep for a full night. The both of you were getting ready for bed and he had offered to help you remove your makeup. You agreed and let him wipe off your makeup for you. He was doing a good job of making sure that your face got thoroughly cleaned and to be gentle as well. He was in the middle of taking off your eye makeup when suddenly he stood up and yelled
As he was asking if he had hurt you, you were laughing at how panicked and hectic he was. To make it even worse for him, you just tore off your lashes and threw them in the trash. He let out a yelp as you walked to throw them away, asking if you were insane and how you could just rip off your lashes like that.
"Jackson, they're fake, I can buy new ones, it doesn't hurt or anything," you explained.
He refused to believe you, taking your face in his hands and looking at your real eyelashes. Questions spilled out of his mouth and every single answer you gave confused him more and more.
"No, I can't do this, girl eyelashes are so weird," he finally stated, deciding to not dig further into this.
"Not really, I just stick them on with glue and take them off,"
"GLUE?!" he screamed, the look of confusion coming back on his face.
You shook your head, finally deciding to just show him.
"Here, I'll just put some lashes on you since you're so perplexed over this," you said, grabbing a pair of new lashes from your bag.
You held his face steady as you blew on the glue to make it tacky, placing the lash on his eyelid. You adjusted the lash to sit on his lid properly, making sure that it wouldn't fall off. After putting on both lashes, you turned him to the mirror, letting him see how he looked. 
"So that's how lashes work," he said, finally coming to a realization.
"Yes, this is how they work, Jackson," you replied.
"Girl, I look fabulous with them though, you have to admit," he said, pretending to flip his hair.
You laughed, telling him that you needed to go to bed and that he needed to take them off. He shook his head, stating
"Are you kidding me? My eyes have never looked better than this,"
You shrugged, getting into bed simply saying that he would get no cuddles to sleep. Once he heard the words leave your mouth, he aggressively tore off the lashes and jumped into bed. He wrapped his arms around you saying
"How dare you try to take away cuddles from me,"
"It's either cuddling with me or the lashes, baby," you answered.
"It'll always be you, princess," he said, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
You and Jinyoung had just returned home from shopping and were unpacking everything. You were busy putting things away in the kitchen and he was putting things away in the bedroom and bathroom. Jinyoung was putting away the bath products you guys had bought along with leaving your makeup on the counter for you to sort out later. He was getting to the bottom of the bag and pulled out a little box with "false lashes" written on the box. Now, Jinyoung was a rational person for the most part, but right now, all he could think was: she's been wearing eyelash wigs the whole time?
He walked out into the kitchen holding the little box and went to ask you about it.
"Hey, honey, you've been wearing wigs for your eyelashes this whole time? How does that even work?" he asked, holding the box up for you to see. 
You were confused as to what he was asking since you didn't know what he was talking about when he said "wigs for your eyelashes". And as you turned around and saw the box, you pieced together what he meant by "eyelash wigs", and it made you laugh a little at how he referred to them. Jinyoung stood there, watching as you slightly bent over in laughter and it made him even more worried and confused for you. 
"What are you laughing at?" he finally said.
"I'm sorry, but they're not 'eyelash wigs', they're just falsies, Jinyoung" you explained.
Although it didn't help him much, since he still didn't understand what falsies were. You took the box out of his hand and walked him back into the bathroom, opting to just show him. You put some mascara on and curled your natural lashes as he watched in fascination. You then took out the falsies and trimmed them, then putting on some glue and blowing on it a bit. After putting on the lash, you showed him the before and after on each of your eyes. The way it clicked all together in his head was apparent from the face he made, his mouth forming an 'o' shape as he understood. 
"So they're not wigs for my lashes, they just help my natural ones look fuller, silly," you told him.
"Well, what was I supposed to think? All the box said was 'false lashes' so I just assumed that they were like wigs"
"Alright, whatever, but since you know how these work now, you can help me take them off after a night out"
"Uh, how do you take them off?"
To answer him, you just pulled off the lash, leaving him in a worried state as he thought that you were about to pull off all of your lashes.
"You don't need them, I think you're beautiful on your own. Plus, those freak me out" he finally said, leaving you in the bathroom, who was laughing once again.
You and Youngjae were going through your closet since you were about to move in together. You were packing the things in your room, and when you got to packing your clothes, it became a little fashion show of you showing him all the outfits you found and had hidden in your closet. His eyes lit up every time you walked out of the bathroom to show him, truly thinking that every single thing you tried on and showed him looked absolutely amazing on you. Granted, maybe it was more you than the clothes that made it look amazing to him, but either way, he enjoyed seeing you have fun showing him all the outfits you put on. After you tried on all the outfits and packed all of your clothes, you both laid down on your bed, basking in comfortable silence. 
"I can't believe that tonight is the last night that I'll sleep in this bed," you said, interrupting the silence. 
"And I can't believe that after tonight, I get to fall asleep with you in my arms every night, and wake up to your beautiful face every morning," he said, smiling and rolling over to take you into his arms. 
You two stayed in that position, smiling at each other with the most love-struck gazes anyone could give to another person. Suddenly, you sat up, startling him. You then just took off your lashes as they had been annoying you the whole day. Earlier that morning, you didn't put on enough glue so the whole day, they felt like they were falling off. Since you took them off in a fast and abrupt manner, Youngjae sat there with a horrified look on his face. He had never seen someone rip off their lashes before, and here you were, ripping yours off without flinching even a bit. He sat up and cupped your face in his hands, looking over your face worriedly before checking your eyes to see that your lashes were still there. He then let go of your face, a look of confusion now painting his features as he looked at you.
"They're just false lashes, Youngjae, I didn't actually rip my lashes off," you explained. 
"So...they don't hurt?" he asked.
You shook your head, "Nope, not at all, it actually feels kinda nice at the end of the day"
"Do you put them on everyday? Will I see that when we get ready in the morning and for bed?" he asked. 
"Well, not every day, I usually just put some mascara on, but I put them on sometimes when I feel like it," 
"Okay, good, because I don't think I'll ever get used to that"
You laughed a bit, reassuring him that next time, you'll warn him before taking your falsies off. He took you back in his arms, hugging you with his chin resting on your head. He always loved it when you laughed, especially when he's the cause of your laughter. He wants to make sure that you can be happy as much as you can. He wanted to make you smile for as long as possible. To him, you are what makes his smile stay and why he feels like the luckiest man in the world, so all he wants to do is make sure that you know that and feel the same way.
You two were at the mall together, having decided to go on a shopping date. Taking the escalator upstairs, holding a couple of shopping bags, you remembered that you needed to buy some makeup and skincare.  When you told Bambam that you needed to go get some things from the cosmetics store, he had no problem agreeing. In fact, throughout the whole day, the two of you mostly went to places that you needed to go to, him following you, helping you carry your bags, and giving you some fashion advice here and there. Trailing behind you as you walked into the store, he looked around, seeing some things he recognized and used on himself, along with other things he saw that confused him. One of those things was the false lashes, which is why he got a little concerned when you stopped and took a look at them. He was even more bewildered when you picked a few and turned to him.
"Which ones do you think look better?" you asked, holding up a few pairs. 
"Uh, isn't that what mascara is for?" he asked back, confused. 
"Well, yeah, but these just help make them look fuller is all, kind of like hair extensions"
"Oh, okay, I see, I see," he exclaimed in understanding. He didn't fully understand, but he got the basic gist of it. Looking at the ones you had held up, he picked a couple that he thought would accentuate your eyes and add to your makeup. 
"Not too extravagant, but not subtle enough to be unnoticeable, good choices, Bam" you said, placing the lashes in the basket you had grabbed when entering the store. 
The two of you went to go check out after you had grabbed a few more things that you needed. Of course, he refused to let you pay since you were his princess and deserved the best, in his opinion. He didn't mind paying for you at all, it's not like he couldn't afford it, but something he loved about you was how you knew fully well of that fact and still insisted on paying. He smiled a bit as the cashier handed him his card and receipt, remembering times when the two of you had fought over the bill. He took the bag, adding to the bunch that he already had, and walked with you as you left the store. 
"So where to next?" he asked enthusiastically, wanting to make sure you got everything you wanted.
"Home" you answered, feeling a bit tired after the hours you spent at the mall, and just wanting to cuddle on the couch with your boyfriend. 
"Then home it is" he replied with a smile, leading you outside to the car.
Yugyeom sat on the bed waiting for you as you got ready for dinner. It was a surprise fancy dinner that he planned and got a reservation for since you two didn't get to go out on dates much. You had just finished your makeup and were rushing to change into your clothes. Checking the mirror one last time, you sighed as you saw that one of your lashes had fallen off when you were changing. It was still half attached to your eyelid, but you took it off, quickly walking back into the bathroom to glue it on again. Yugyeom stayed sitting on the bed for a moment, confused at what he just saw. You did not just rip your eyelashes off, no ma'am, that's impossible. He got up and walked into the bathroom, watching as you applied glue onto the lash band. As you were placing it on your eyelid again, he spoke up. 
"What are you doing...?" 
"I'm just putting my lash back on, Gyeom," you answered. 
"Yours come off?" he asked another question.
You chuckled, finding his curiosity adorable. "No, these are just fake ones, I can just put them on and take them off whenever I want" 
Looking at him through the mirror, you could see his head tilt to the side, your answer clearly not satisfying his interest. 
"But if you have real ones, then why bother putting on fake ones?"
"They help make my real ones look fuller"
"But you said that that's what mascara is for"
"It is, but these help make them really look full"
"But you look beautiful without them"
"I literally wear them every time we go out, you just don't notice"
"I don't notice because you are beautiful whether you have these thingies on or not" he answered again, this time with more determination in his tone. The two of you often did this, going back and forth with each other on the most random topics. It was one of those things that was special in your relationship with Yugyeom that you had with no one else. With him, you could talk about everything and nothing and still thoroughly enjoy the conversation, time ticking away more slowly to you when this happens, 3 hours felt like 3 minutes with him. 
"We'll lose out reservation if we don't leave now," he said, breaking your chain of thoughts. 
"Well, now that I have my lash back on, let's go enjoy this dinner," you say, making your way to the car, excitement evident on your face. A smile could be seen on him as he got in the car with you. But what couldn't be seen was how nervous he was the whole dinner... or the ring in his pocket. 
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nonstop-haikyuu · 4 years ago
Social Media Apologies
This is my first fic with the Haikyuu Headquarters server! And it's my first Daishou fic, as much as I love that snake bastard!! This month's SFW prompt was "meet ugly" so this is about Daishou serving a ball into reader's face which leads to him groveling on social media. Honestly, I hope you guys like this!! Here's the link to the masterlist!
For years, I had a string of bad luck that seemed to follow me around no matter where I went or how I acted. My parents cited bad karma or a curse placed upon me when I was a child. I simply called it life being an asshole. When I gained the job as the Sendai Frogs trainer, I knew the dangers of what I was getting into. Volleyballs were constantly flying across the gym and it wasn’t uncommon for someone to catch a spiked ball to the face.
For the most part, I had managed to avoid any strays that came my way, whether it be me blocking the hit or the players that I worked with saving my ass.
That changed the day that we played Yotsuya Motor Spirits. Admittedly, I wasn’t expecting the day to be anything special, especially since Kyotani, Koganegawa, and Kei had finally started working as a team, with their fellow players supporting their talents both as a trio and separately.
“Hey, don’t let them in your head, okay, Kyo? And Tsukki, please don’t rile them up too much. I really don’t want to deal with their coach coming to rip our heads off cause you want to be a dick.” I encouraged, crossing my arms over my chest. The two rolled their eyes at my usual pep talk then mumbled their agreement, turning towards their opponents. Kanji bounced eagerly in front of me and asked, “What about me?”
“Just take it slow, okay? Don’t rush your sets,I know you can do this.” I replied, patting him on the shoulder. He grinned at my words of wisdom and they soon walked away to line up, prepared to take their stances on the court. The first set passed without anything too out of the ordinary, with snide comments and smug grins exchanged between the net.
It was the second set that seemed to make the match all the more interesting.
Daishou Suguru, an outside hitter from the Spirits, was the man responsible for the shift of the atmosphere. I was returning from the trainer’s room with a bag of supplies, knowing that at the next timeout, Tsukishima and Kanji would need tape for their fingers. Along with that, our libero would likely want his knee braced better, due to an old injury.
I was walking on the corner of the court when the whistle blew and Daishou took his stance for his serve. I glanced up for a brief second to see who would take on the receive, only to realize that the ball was hurtling towards my face at a pace much too fast for me to hide from. Shouts and gasps filled the stadium as I slammed to the floor. Blurry faces crowded around me and I faintly acknowledged the fact that my three friends were looming over me, waving their hands in front of my face.
“Hey, hey, easy. Just lay back, okay?” Kei encouraged, pressing a gentle hand against my shoulder. I groaned at the pain in my head and nose then mumbled, “Hurts. It hurts. What the hell happened?” Kyotani masked his snarl and bit out, “Bastard snake nailed you in the face with a serve. Might wanna hold still, Coach thinks you have a concussion and a broken nose.”
“You realize that I can hear you, right? It’s not like I meant to hit them. I was shooting for a service ace, give me a break.” Daishou replied, rolling his eyes.
“Shit, this hurts.” I grumbled as Tsukki pressed a wad of tissues under my nose. Daishou knelt beside me and murmured, “Hey, I’m really sorry about hitting you in the face. I didn’t see you there.”
“I’m kinda pissed that you serve bad enough to hit someone on the sidelines.” I snapped, pushing myself up. Kogane’s eyes widened at my bitter tone and harsh words, then Daishou spat, “You were walking in front of the barrier. You should have enough brains to know to walk behind it.”
I jerked my head towards the wing spiker, groaning at the sharp jab of pain and bit out, “Maybe you should learn how to serve properly then. If your serves are that high, then you’re not doing something right.” Kyotani helped me to my feet then I heard the snake hiss, “Bitch just needs to learn where to stand during a game.”
An argument between Tsukishima and Daishou began to rise with Kogane attempting to coax his teammate out of the fight. Kyotani braced against me then grumbled, “You never know when to stop talking, do you?” I let out a bitter laugh and mumbled, “He’s the one who will have to deal with the backlash. And I’m the one with a broken nose!”
He patted me on the shoulder and replied, “I’ve learned that you usually get screwed by what you say in the end.” He was right but shit, I was really hoping that I would escape any trouble that followed.
I, in fact, did not escape the results of Wednesday’s game. Kyotani, Kogane, and Kei came to visit me in the trainer’s room on Saturday, my first day back from my concussion, and they showed me the results of my broken nose and bitter words towards Daishou.
“Sendai Frogs’ Trainer and Motor Spirits’ Wing Spiker in the midst of a social media battle? Daishou Suguru has gone to social media to publicly apologize to the Sendai Frogs’ trainer after a stray serve broke the trainer’s nose and left them with a concussion. As of right now, the Sendai Frogs have not addressed the situation. The wing spiker seems to be desperate for a response and his fans seem irritated with the lack of acceptance from the trainer. ” Kei read off, raising an eyebrow in my direction. I scoffed at the ridiculous headline then snapped the first aid kit shut as I bit out, “Give me a break. He’s the one who won’t stop tagging me in his stupid apology. I mean, why should I accept his apology twice?”
“Because it’s good publicity and if you don’t accept on social media without a single ounce of sarcasm in it, I think you’ll be finding a new job.” our PR manager answered, entering the room. We twisted at the statement and I snapped, “What are you talking about? I could be fired over this?”
“Not my idea but the Motor Spirits’ manager is pissed that you’re not replying to him publicly so the fans of his team say that you’re being a stuck up bitch.” she replied, crossing her arms over her chest. I groaned and flung myself on the trainer’s bed, whining, “This isn’t fair! I’m the one with the broken nose and he’s the one gaining the sympathy? Ugh! Fine, I’ll tweet him now.”
Yanking out my phone, I opened the Twitter app and constructed a tweet, “Daishou-san, I accept your apology. I’m sorry for taking so long to accept publicly.” I clicked send on the public message and grumbled to myself as Kei chirped, “You think the public will leave your little feud at that?” A simple chime followed his question and I glanced down, surprised to see that Daishou had privately messaged me.
“How about dinner on me? I’d really like to make it up to you.” Kei blinked in surprise at the statement then laughed, “Are you going to accept? It’s been a while since you’ve been on a date. I mean, people already think you guys are a thing.”
“Seriously?! Who asked you anyway? Hmm. I mean, I guess I could go out with him?” I asked, tapping my chin. My best friends continued to laugh as I thought over Daishou’s offer then mumbled, “I guess it can’t get worse than it already is.” Typing a quick response, I hovered over the send message then Kyotani huffed, pushing the button himself. We loom over the phone screen, waiting for his response, then a new chat appears with an address linked and a simple, “Tonight, 9 pm. I’ll see you there.” I tilted my head back then asked, “What am I thinking?”
“You need a boyfriend, that’s what you’re thinking.” Kei supplied, patting me on the back. I came to a stand then stated, “I guess I should go get ready for this date, then.”
��You’re gonna have a great time!” Kanji called out, laughter following me out.
9 pm came surprisingly slow, likely due to my repeated glances at my watch. The ramen shop was actually a ten minute drive from my apartment and I often frequented it during the weekends. I was thankful for the familiarity and lowkey manner of the shop. It would provide some comfort to me.
Bowing briefly at the shop owner, I glanced around and spotted Daishou in the corner. He smiled at my appearance then pulled out the stool across from him. I settled down on the seat and he admitted, “I’m not going to lie, I kind of thought you weren’t going to show up.” I laughed at his statement then replied, “I wasn’t sure if you were going to come. Tsukki definitely wasn’t confident in you showing up.”
“Well, Four Eyes is best buds with Kuroo and that cat hasn’t liked me since middle school. You look beautiful by the way. I really am sorry about breaking your nose and giving you a concussion.” he remarked, scratching the back of his neck. I pressed a gentle finger to the bridge of my nose then stated, “Don’t worry about it. Neither of us could really do anything about this. You’re a persistent asshole, though. Why did you ask me out for dinner?”
He paused at the question and answered, “I thought you were pretty. And I like that you didn’t let me be an asshole. At least, not without a fight.” I laughed, shaking his head, and chirped, “You thought I was hot while I was being a bitch? Are you a masochist or something?”
“More of a sadist, if I’m being honest.” he blurted out, playing with my fingers. My eyes widened at his bluntness then he leaned forward with a remark, “But that can wait until after dinner. What would you like?”
We glanced over the menu and I found myself studying Daishou. His hair was relatively short, barely hanging on his forehead and it looked soft until the ramen shop’s lights. Green eyes flickered back and forth over the options and my gaze continued down to petal pink lips. His tongue flicked out and I’m surprised to see that he has a tongue ring, with fangs in place of normal canines.
“Snake bastard… I thought Kyotani was being a dick, not being serious.” I mumbled, reaching to cup his face. He startled at the sudden touch and his eyebrows furrowed together, asking, “Can I help you with something?”
“Fangs… you have fangs.” I breathed, focused on his mouth. He laughed at the awe in my voice then replied, “I was born with them. I got my tongue pierced right after college on a bet.” He wiggled his tongue afterwards and returned his attention to the menu as the server approached our table.
“Hello! What can I get for you?” I turned with a smile as I gave my order then dropped my hand away from Daishou’s face so he could answer. Once she wrote down our selected meals, she gave a small bow and informed us that our food would soon be out.
“I’m sorry. You must think that I’m a crazy person for grabbing your face like that.” I apologized, burying my face in my hands. He laughed at my embarrassment and tugged my hands down before he chimed, “It’s okay, I thought it was cute. Honestly, a lot of people are turned off by the fangs. Something about how it’ll hurt if I kiss them. So it’s nice to have someone fascinated by them.”
“I really like it actually. It looks really good.” I murmured, a shy smile stretching across my face. He smiled in return then asked, “So how did you end up as the trainer for the Frogs?” I let out a laugh and answered, “I used to go to Aoba Johnson with Kentarou and went to college with Tsuki. When they joined the Frogs, I heard they were hiring an athletic trainer so I put in an app. Now I’m here and stuck with three blond idiots.”
“Hey I’m not an idiot!” a growl interrupted, jerking our attention to the table behind us. Three men sat there with awful disguises and I could feel my fury beginning to bubble.
“What the hell are you three doing here?” I spat, jerking out of my seat. Daishou started at Kyotani, Kanji, and Kei, the two glaring at Kentarou for blowing their cover.
“Idiot! They haven’t even had dinner yet and now they know we’re here!” Kei hissed, slapping his teammate on the shoulder. I slammed my hands on their table then demanded, “Why are you here?! Which one of you morons thought of this bright idea?”
“Group effort?” Kogane supplied, ducking his head to avoid my glare. Our server returned with our food, with concern across her face then Daishou stated, “Could we get our food to go? Please? We had something come up and can’t stay to eat.” Kei turned with a bitter expression then asked, “Do you think that I would let you go on a date with him by yourself?”
“Yes! I’m a grown adult and I figured you would at least trust me enough to watch over myself! Daishou-san, I am so sorry for this! I didn’t think these three would be this dumb. My apartment isn’t too far from here if you’re still wanting to go on this date?” I asked, turning my attention back to the wing spiker.
He gave a grin and answered, “I would love to. I’ve already paid so I’m ready to go when you are.” The trio began to protest as we walked out of the shop and I shot a glare over my shoulder, hissing, “You follow us and I will end you.” They settled back in their chairs and sighed, shaking their heads.
I turned back to Daishou and he wrapped an arm around my waist, murmuring, “I think we make a pretty amazing couple, what do you think?” I leaned into his side and said, “I think you’re right.”
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prettywordsyouleft · 4 years ago
Magnetic - Part 4
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Summary: You and Kihyun hadn’t worked as a couple. The fighting was endless, and no make-up sex could repair the damage unfolding between you. Years on, you cross paths with the man again. Will it be the same as before?
Pairing: Yoo Kihyun x female reader
Genre: exes to lovers / angst / romance
Warnings: mentioning of intimacy but nothing detailed.
Word count: 898
Prompt: “It’s dark. No one is going to see you.”
A/N: This is for the Challenging Words February challenge. The intention of this story is to be shorter in length than my usual series. Most parts will be under 1000 words.
This drabble series will be updated every day during 15-21 February.
Preview | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7
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You became addicted again.
What started with spoken concerns about the past continued with endless thoughts about one another and renewed contact. One taste wasn’t simply enough, and you had met with Kihyun on four new occasions now.
You were convinced Kihyun was someone special in your world to have crossed paths with him a second time and feel this connected, this great together already.
Of course, it wasn’t so simple to just slip back into a relationship with him either. You were nervous about doing so. Although both intimately and on a communication level, things were going better than they had ever before, you still were worried about the past haunting you both.
“Maybe we’re the type who should remain like this,” you murmured as Kihyun whispered sweet nothings into your ear.
He tensed but only for a little.
“Sleeping with each other?”
Propping yourself up on an elbow, you tenderly kissed his shoulder before catching his gaze. “We’ve always been great at this aspect.”
“The best sex I’ve ever had was always with you. Especially now.”
“So we shouldn’t ruin that with dating again.”
“You don’t want to?”
“I don’t want us to fight and be toxic again,” you confessed, and Kihyun nodded.
“Besides, I kind of promised my friends I would never date you ever again.”
He chuckled and pulled you on top of him playfully, helping you so you were straddled over his waist. “I could only imagine if they caught us now. Sneaking around like this.”
“Well, what they don’t know can’t hurt them,” you mused, leaning down to meet his lips in another passionate embrace.
However, it wasn’t long until you felt caught out by your friends. Thankfully, you lived alone, but both Lauri and Claudia had gotten married and lived a block over. Meeting them for coffee two days later, you noticed the way they looked at you. “What? Do I have something on my face?”
“Yeah, you look satisfied.”
“I did sleep well last night,” you mentioned with a grin. “They say you can face anything with a good night’s rest!”
“No, it’s more than that. Your eyes are brighter,” Lauri observed, and her wife agreed. “You’re holding yourself differently too.”
“Are you seeing someone?” Claudia concluded, and you laughed and shook your head.
“I’m not in the mood for dating.”
“You know, it’s a little strange. I saw someone– now don’t get alarmed about it, Y/N. The other day, I was down here getting coffee for Clauds and I, and I swore I saw Kihyun here grabbing a drink.”
“Kihyun?!” Claudia asked, darting her eyes between her wife and you repeatedly. “The Kihyun?!”
“How many Kihyun’s do we know?” Lauri replied and then watched for your reaction. You hoped you looked only semi-curious and not panicked as you were feeling inwardly. “He looked good. Maybe he’s seeing someone.”
Both women looked at you, and you laughed airily. “Don’t link him to me. It’s just a coincidence.”
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“You can’t stay over tonight,” you told the man settling into the bed beside you after winding down from the high you had both recently travelled together to.
Kihyun laughed. “So your friends saw me. What are we? Teenagers with a curfew?!”
“Maybe I don’t want to listen to them berate me about us.”
“If they can’t accept what you do as a grown adult, then they’re not true friends,” Kihyun told you, rubbing your arm gently. “Besides, you made it clear about this arrangement being only physical.”
“I did, didn’t I?”
“Stop stressing, baby,” he stated softly, and you were too stunned by the use of the old nickname to argue any further. Kihyun realised his slip up and sat up. “Maybe I shouldn’t stay tonight.”
“That’s a good idea,” you agreed, helping him gather up the work suit you had all but ripped off of him on the way to your bedroom earlier. He put on his shoes at the front door and opened it, stepping outside. You went to wave him off, but Kihyun shook his head, tapping on his cheek with a finger.
“Send me off properly,” he teased, and you disagreed, your gaze darting down the street both ways. Kihyun’s smile softened. “It’s dark. No one is going to see you. Or me.”
Taking in a deep breath, you stepped down to where he waited for you and slipped your arms around his neck, kissing him softly.
Kihyun’s lips lingered around yours when you pulled away. “Do I really have to go?”
“I don’t want you to,” you admitted with a whisper.
“I’m not sorry for calling you baby, either,” he confessed, kissing you again before hoisting you up into his arms and carrying you back inside. “I’m not sorry for any of this.”
“We have nothing to be sorry about,” you told him as you loosened off the buttons to his shirt and latched onto his shoulder.
Kihyun’s urgent movement stopped, and you lifted your head to see why. After soul searching for a moment, he blinked several times before blurting out, “I’m still in love with you, Y/N. I know I shouldn’t be, but for me, this isn’t just a fling. Even after everything, I still want to be with you.”
You slipped out of his arms and onto your feet, staring wide-eyed at him, fear for the past and hope for a future overwhelming you.
Part 5
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
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skellebonez · 4 years ago
Smoke, Flasks, and Unfinished Tasks: Chapter 11
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Chapter 1 Link!, Chapter 2 Link!, Chapter 3 Link!, Chapter 4 Link!, Chapter 5 Link! Chapter 6 Link! Chapter 7 Link! Chapter 8 Link! Chapter 9 Link! Chapter 10 Link!
Summary: Things are coming to a head. Poor Red.
Warnings: descriptions of blood and injury, self depreciation, mentions of past abuse, mention of one character dismissing their own abuse in the past in passing
Chapter 11: Escalation and Benefaction
Jin was not expecting a celebratory parade when he managed to sneak his way out of his confinement, but he wasn’t expecting the dead silence that greeting him either.
“Hmn... maybe she can’t keep her attention divided up between the four of us as easily as I thought,” he muttered to himself. “Or maybe my extra tricks back there actually worked.”
There was only so much one person could pay attention to at any given moment, and Jin was looking to take advantage of that fact. That, and the fact Jade face didn’t know how easy it would be for him to set up a continuous loop of some of his past actions (pacing, laying down, pacing again, kicking the bed, etc) to distract her into thinking he had given up in frustration. Should she ask him something and he not answer, he hoped that she would be able to believe that he was giving her the silent treatment.
As for being on the outside... he needed to be careful. He had an extra cloak on him now, something that he knew would only fool the system for a short while and something that he couldn’t share with the others. If he had been able to, they all probably would have been out of here by now.
He needed to be quick, he needed to be silent, and he needed to use everything about the Calabash he and Yin had built from scratch deep in his own memory to his advantage.
... now if only he could remember the stupid shortcut key code so he wouldn’t have to wander around like a headless chicken...
Mei held back a wince as the blood on Pigsy’s back ceased flowing. It was much more than he should be able to survive losing, transparency to it allowing her to look at it without much more reaction. It worried her how the rest of it had started not to bother her, the sight of exposed bone quickly vanishing after that. Now, once she was able to properly ignore it, it was gone as quickly as it had appeared.
She tried to think back to what MK and Jin had told her about the Calabash. Jin knew the inner workings of the machine (for some reason he called it more of a  Lotus Eater than the original type of artifact the Calabash of old was, but she had no idea what that actually meant), but he had never actually been inside of one that was trying to work on him actively. Only test runs, and they weren’t a match for the real deal like MK had gone through.
The Monkie Kid had made one thing clear, smell in particular was dulled. And as long as the biting coppery smell of blood wasn’t there fully Mei knew she could handle this. None of it was real.
There were other things to look out for, little glitches that would showcase weaknesses in where the machine was trying to make things work but failed.
She’d seen a few of these so far, watching the monkey dancers she’d seen two of them buffer like on a live stream and then jump forward back into position. She watched as a cat seemed to teleport instead of jump from one food stand to another. The more she paid attention to them instead of her friends the more of them she began to notice.
The Calabash didn’t seem to be doing as good a job trying to keep four different people contained at once as Princess Jade Face seemed to think it was. Or maybe the fox spirit just didn’t care as long as the job was done.
“What’cha thinking about over there?” Tang voice called out from behind her. The parade was long since passed, faster than she thought it would have come to think of it, and the four of them were making their way back to Pigsy’s food stall. The festivities weren’t over with yet, they still had customers to feed and then they had to pack everything up, and-
When Mei turned to look at Tang they were all on the ground, a crowd surrounding all of them and half staring at the bodies while the rest stared at her sword. Brilliant and green and shining with freshly spilled blood.
“Bud?” The fake Wukong asked softly, stepping forward with a look of concern on his face. “Are you ok?”
“No,” MK answered honestly without even thinking, fighting the urge to take an immediate step back away from the sight of his mentor. Every time he looked his face seemed to flicker back to the one from not even a few minutes ago. Cold. Angry. Disappointed.
“No?” Fake Wukong repeated, looking at him for a second before scowling. MK did not fight the flinched step back this time as he shook his head, looking at his student with disdain. “Why did I ever pick someone like you to be my successor anyway? Damn, my brother was right, you are the worst possible choice for anything.”
“Wh-what?” MK asked, eyes widening in shock. “B-brother?”
Fake Wukong scoffed, looking more like Macaque in his motions than Wukong. MK didn’t know if this was making what was before his eyes better or worse.
“I knew you were dumb, Kid, but damn,” Wukong shook his head, and despite the fakeness of his words that still hurt. That hurt deeper down than he would ever admit to anyone out loud. “I didn’t know you were this much of an idiot. Your own boss is Zhu Bajie and you can’t even put the pieces together to realize that’s the brother I am talking about? Pathetic. I should have picked Mei, she would have been so much better at this than you. Or Red Son, even-”
MK didn’t pay attention to the rest of the Monkey King’s tirade. He couldn’t. He did what he was second best at. Not paying attention. He let his mind unfocus and wander and think about the only thing in this conversation that he latched on to.
Pigsy was Zhu Bajie's reincarnation. He knew that, he’d known that since he and Wukong had reunited and Pigsy got so angry at his mentor for not recognizing him even in his newest life. But he had forgotten just how important that was over time. He knew the stories, he knew who Sun Wukong’s enemies wore... and he knew who Zhu Bajie’s were. Pigsy was his father figure, the man next to Tang who had cared for him the longest and next to Wukong also cared about him the most. Pigsy was as close to Mei and Red Son as he was now. He’d called them both his kids before.
MK wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box, he would readily admit that both Mei and Red Son were smarter than him in multiple ways, but the fake Wukong was wrong. He wasn’t an idiot. And now he knew exactly what Princess Jade Face actually wanted, what she was trying to do. He’d had it happen before, long ago with other people. Unfortunately for him, he was also smart enough to know that whatever happened to the three of them now... she probably didn’t care. They weren’t the ones she was truly after at all.
“Are you even listening to me?” Fake Wukong snapped, glowering down at him with even more anger than before. But then he softened, sighing as his form glitched and his concerned visage took back over. “Bud? I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me... can you forgive me?”
“Yeah,” MK said softly, nodding his head down. Now he focused, taking in everything around him and deciding on what to pay attention to. The monkeys that were with them during training glitched. He couldn’t hear the wind the way it should have been. The incense that should have been burning at the memorial shrine was not there. “I’m sorry Monkey King, I promise I can do better.”
He gave his widest and most fake smile, the one he had used on so many time and time again.
“OK,” Fake Wukong smiled, and the world glitched around them.
Red Son knew that to a lot of people this wouldn’t have been as bad as it seemed to him. Red Son knew that to a lot of people this would seem like something he should have been able to move past and forget. Red Son was like most people at first. Berating himself for not being over it, for being hurt, for running what his father said to him over and over in his head as he told himself “it wasn’t that bad, he barely even did anything why are you upset?”
“What I said back then,” DBK growled out, placing Red Son down once they were far away from their food stall. He didn’t hurt him, but the tight feeling of being held that way lingered. “When the spirit possessed me? I didn’t like the idea of thinking I had thought those things myself.”
MK and Mei were not "a lot of people”. They were the only two that knew what had happened between himself and his father on the day of the Lunar New Year festival. Not even Sun Wukong knew why he had fled to Flower Fruit Mountain to seek him out that day.
“But now I know you truly are a disappointment,” he continued, just as he had that day. His voice was low, both in volume and in tone, but the words his Red’s ears like they were screamed at him. “To throw everything away for something as petty as... what? Fear? Pain? You are a demon! Our whole lives are fear and pain! You have grown soft, under that teaching or over time I do not know which, but I have no place for a weakness like you.”
Red Son said nothing. There were no glitches. He had said nothing before. He clenched his fists, bit his lip, remembered what Mei and MK had told him.
His father scoffed, reaching forward with a claw to rip the necklace hidden under his shirt off his neck. The phantom pain of his neck burning from the pull as the chain snapped lingered longer than anything else here had.
“You are a disgrace,” DBK bit out, sounding for all the world like he had just been insulted in the highest degree. “You’re barely even my son. No... No, if you’re going to fall down to this? After your mother and I fought so hard to get you back? After I was trapped for so long because of you? Then I don’t have one.”
The world glitched forward a bit. He remembered, he had tried to argue with his father. But he hadn’t listened. The glitch ended and he was backed into a corner, his father’s huge face in his own as he scowled. He was intimidating him. Never touching, never laying a hand on him.
“Then prove it, calf. If you are my son, if you aren’t the disappointment you have proven yourself to be time and time again, then show me,” he stood back to his full height, scowling and eyes glowing in energy. “Go to the Little Thief. Join him. And either defeat me in battle, prove to me by besting me that we should no longer fight... or bring me his head.”
And that was it. His father jumped, leaving him behind feet from the food stall.
Disowned. Abandoned. With two impossible tasks.
Red Son slipped to the ground, shaking as he remembered what Mei and MK had told him when he told them the truth. Of why he flew to Flower Fruit Mountain, the one place where his father could never follow. Why he had let Wukong take him to Pigsy’s Noodles when he found him on the beach, sad and alone and soaking in the ocean water he had crashed landed in. Why he had been so hesitant to get close to anyone but was so willing to offer then any information or tech they needed.
Mei and MK told him that he was hurt. That it was ok that he felt hurt. That what his father had done wasn’t something to just get over. What his mother had done was much the same. That he was hurting because they had hurt him.
The steam that was his tears that billowed out from the corners of his eyes told him that he thought they were right.
“Oh... my poor little cub,” a soft voice rang out from behind his ear, and Red Son didn’t even have the chance to jump before arms that only felt half there wrapped around his shoulders. “Had I known that my husband would treat you this way I would have come back sooner. You don’t have to go back to him, you know.” The soft chuckling in his ear was warped, glitched, but sounded too close to not be from her. Princess Jade Face was smiling in the corner of his eye, soft and warm and terrifying.
“I don’t plan on hurting you, Red Boy. I promise.”
Red Son did not believe her.
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fearfulkittenwrites · 4 years ago
Healing (Because Gotham’s Winter Hurt You)
Based off of this fic, by @catxsnow
Word Count: 1231
Notes: Hello! If you haven't seen the post linked, please do before you read this work, or it might not make too much sense. It's 1000% worth the read. Also, be kind if you choose to comment, please. This is very personal and feels very raw. I wrote all of it down in one go and decided not to add anything to it after it was done, so it's all rather emotional to me. All that said, I hope you enjoy it!
“But... that’s just wrong.” Roy says, staring at Dick with concern.
Dick shrugs.
“He didn’t notice.”
“Well, he fucking should have.” Roy frowns, exasperated. He never wanted to break Batman’s face as much as he did now.
“I was the one that insisted on the uniform Roy.” Dick says “I should’ve just thought about that.”
“You were nine.” Roy shoots back “And you hadn’t even spent an entire year in Gotham to know what it’s winters are like.”
“I was smart enough to know that winters are cold.” Dick stares back at his friend “Besides, if I didn’t say anything it’s because I could take it.”
The redhead almost feels tears welling up in his eyes from how angry, frustrated, and scared he was for his friend. But he pushed those away; this wasn’t about him. He’d have time to cry and yell when he was alone in his room. He could put all of his frustrations into arrows and shoot them off into dummies during training. Right now, this was about Dick.
Roy reached across the table to hold his friends hand.
“He’s just such a little soldier, this one.” Jason’s voice popped up in his memories “He never sees how wrong Bruce is, all of the time. Would probably die for the man.”
Dick didn’t hold his hand, but he wasn’t pushing it away.
The acrobat’s eyes dropped to the ground.
“He didn’t mean it, he just never noticed it Roy.” He mumbles “He didn’t... It’s not his fault. He’s not a bad man. He’s not. He’s Batman, he can’t be a bad man.”
Even from the distance, Roy could see the wetness in Dick’s eyes.
“Dickie,” He calls “Dickie, look at me.” Dick shakes his head, like a stubborn child “Please.” Roy says in a softer voice.
He couldn’t just allow his friend to suffer like that.
He couldn’t let his friend keep on believing the ugly lies he had told himself.
Slowly, Dick peels his gaze from the floor and his sapphire eyes meet Roy’s. He was wrecked, just as much as he usually was; little cuts and bruises still healing from the fights, cheeks beginning to hollow from how little he had been eating and dark eye bags from the lack of sleep – and maybe lack of iron in his diet. But now, now there was another, brand new layer of mess. Now there were tears, threatening to spill out.
“It wasn’t his fault.” He still mumbles, and Roy couldn’t help but notice the ugly strands of saliva that clung to his friends lips as he spoke. The redhead wondered when was the last time he had eaten today.
“It wasn’t... It can’t be his fault Roy.” Dick sobs, but he’s holding Roy’s hand now. Roy’s thumb slid gently across his friend's skin, feeling a scar from a small cut that had healed weird “It can’t...”
Roy could understand what he was trying to say.
It wasn’t his fault, because if it was his fault, every single certainty I had in this life will crumble right in front of my eyes.
That’s what Dick was feeling.
And it broke Roy’s heart that he’d be the one to kick down the first block of a painful domino trail.
But there was no one else there to do it.
Roy walks around the table they were sitting, not letting go of Dick’s hand for a second until he was close enough to pull him into a hug, shielding him from the world, hoping that this would make things easier for his friend.
“Dick. He should’ve noticed.” He says, pulling back to look at Dick, really look at him for the first time in some time. Dick looks down and shakes his head so Roy nods to contradicts his movements “Yes, yes he should have.”
“No, I-I should’ve said something, he wasn’t a mind reader, it’s not-”
“Dick, you were nine and he was your father.” Roy grabs his shoulder gently, trying to get Dick to look at him again.
“He just... you can’t blame him for... he just didn’t see it, it’s not like he was beating me...”
“Yes, but that’s still bad.” Roy insists “You understand how it’s still bad, right?” Dick still shakes his head “I need you to understand that, Dick. I need you to try to understand that this was bad.”
“I was just cold, it’s not that big of a deal-”
“Dick, you had hypothermia. Several times.” Roy says “It was a big deal.”
“No, no, it’s fine, I survived, and I’m stronger now, I’m-”
“Dick,” Roy grabs him harder now, almost desperate “It’s still bad. It shouldn’t have happened.”
“It’s not like he was actively abusing me, Roy.” Dick mumbles.
“Neglect is still abuse, Dick.” Roy says softly.
The silence in the room is palpable.
If one was to bring a butter knife to the room, one would’ve been able to slice through it and spread on toast.
“Dick. Neglect is still abuse.” Roy repeats.
“I-I,” Dick sobs, loudly “I know.”
The acrobat’s shoulders shake violently with the tears, rising and falling in a way that seems almost painful. Roy was grateful he was the one that had been there to talk to Dick. None of the other Titans, with the exception of Donna Troy, would have been able to handle this, and surely none of the bats. Dick rarely cried, but when he did, it was ugly and uncontrollable. Years of repressed tears falling out, screams ripping through his throat in an attempt to push out the pain he felt, drool staining faces and clothes, snot down his chin until his body gave out and he became a limp shell of a man, sometimes for a day or two before he could properly recover.
How’s all this repression working out for you, Batsy?
Roy pulled him into a tight hug.
“I know.” Dick mumbles between sobs “I know, I know. I know.”
Roy simply held him tighter, feeling Dick clinging to his clothes, fingers trying to grasp something, anything at all to support himself as he tried desperately to disappear, to melt into Roy’s chest, to become a puddle and be promptly cleaned by his surprisingly neat team. Of course, he couldn’t find enough support for that, and he fell from his chair, bringing Roy down with him. He still clung to the man, mumbling incoherent apologies.
“Shhh... it’s fine...” Roy tries to calm him down, fingers running through his hair and a firm hand on his back “It’s fine. I’m here, just let it out Dick. Let it out.”
And Dick does just that. Not by choice, but because the dam had already burst and it would take him some time before he could build the wall back up.
Roy wishes he could turn that dam into a river so bad.
Dick cries for what feels like an eternity, and it’s still not enough. He screamed into Roy’s chest for way too long, until his throat was hoarse and there was no way someone in the building didn’t know what was going on. Dick didn’t care, he couldn’t care, his mind just didn’t register it. And Roy didn’t care either, because there was no shame in this. Because if this was the first step towards Dick’s healing then whatever discomfort that may linger in the tower was worth it.
Hey! If you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging? It helps spread my fics so more people can see it and it makes me very happy.
Regardless, thanks for reading!
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alittlebitgoofy · 4 years ago
if i had my way i would be yours - chapter four (taywhora)
here we go the girls are still fighting but how long can they last, thanks to zyan for her god tier patience in betaing, hope y'all enjoy the chapter :)))
ao3 link
Tayce felt her heart shatter the more time passed. 
A’whora refused to acknowledge her existence at the best of times, and glared at her if she got too close; it was painful to watch someone who used to brighten up when she came into the room turn away from her any time they were together. She spent more time in her room than was healthy, trying to formulate a way to get a conversation out of the girl who seemed so unwilling.
A’whora felt it deep down. She was too stubborn to admit wrongdoing, still furious at Tayce. Bimini had made a point about trying to talk it out when she simmered down, but that day didn’t seem to be coming anytime soon. Looking at Tayce made her blood boil, she silently cursed her feelings the longer their silence lasted. 
The part of her that loved Tayce more than anything wanted to reach out, to hope it was just a fuck up and she didn’t mean it; but her pride wouldn’t let it break her resolve, grumbling any time she had to deal with her roommate. 
It hurt to look at her for too long. Something was off, she was obviously upset. Though A’whora’s mind got foggy every time she saw her standing there. A mix of craving for her loving warmth and betrayal at everything that had happened. 
There was a small part of her, buried deep down where she’d never let it grow out of control. The feelings she’d had for Tayce for years, bubbling up now and then, but locked deep down to avoid any troubles. She wanted to hold Tayce, to kiss her pretty face all day, and not think about anything. Only focusing on the warmth that radiated from her when she held A’whora close. 
She wanted someone she couldn’t have. It was the straw that broke the camel's back, leaving her almost unbreakable in her fury.
Almost. Tayce was always good at breaking down her walls. 
A’whora heard a scream followed by a crash. 
Tayce bolted out of her room looking terrified, dragging the blonde with her without a word and handing her a glass and piece of paper. Her mind didn’t process everything at first, only moving to get rid of the spider she now saw on Tayce’s bed. It was somewhat amusing how scared she got of a bug, though now wasn’t the time to laugh about it. 
“Fuck me, you’re a big bitch aren’t you,” A’whora murmured, capturing the bug quickly and fittingly to get the paper under the cup.
“Please get rid of it,” Tayce begged, fear creeping into her tone in a way she would never let happen. A’whora felt weakened at it, quickly managing to get a hold of the creature and let it out the window. 
“Hey, it’s all gone. It’s okay,” she quietly reassured the brunette, approaching her slowly as to not startle her. 
Tayce quickly jumped at her, pulling her into a tight hug that thawed through all the longing she’d had. She melted into it, being so close to Tayce felt like home, though still not processing everything. Her mind was slow to catch up on the situation, only focused on Tayce panicking and holding her close as if she’d saved the world. 
Tayce’s heart pounded with A’whora in her arms. She didn’t know how long this would last, if something would happen and she’d continue her cold streak. She missed this, she missed her more than she knew how to express.
A’whora finally caught on as Tayce let her go, her face going from pleasant to a scowl at a record speed. She huffed, letting out something about “how Tayce always needed her help with these things” and swiftly turning to leave. Tayce grabbed her hand out of instinct, cracks finally showing on her face; her eyes pleaded in a way her words couldn’t. A’whora ran through so many emotions quickly, at first she crumpled at the pain in her roommate’s eyes, wanting nothing more than to hold her until it all stopped. 
Then came back the anger, the fury of everything, and refusing to give in to her being a bit upset. It fell to the wrecking ball of her ever-present affection for Tayce, she resolved in a blank look, not moving but not letting out any of her inner feelings. She watched, waiting for Tayce to make the first move. 
“I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, Aurora. Please, listen to me?” Her voice cracked with the rush of emotions. Everything finally started pouring out as she squeezed A’whora’s hand tight. 
“I didn’t mean it, none of it. There were so many things going on, I’m so sorry I took it all out on you. I can’t deal with this, you being furious at me, and me not being able to explain anything. It hurts, so fucking much. I just want you with me, and you don’t want to talk to me and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if you’ll even forgive me, but I can’t deal with the tension every time you see me. It hurts to see someone you love so much look at you like you’re the worst thing in the world.” Tayce spilled it all, speaking in quick bursts as her breaths shuddered. She looked at A’whora through frantic eyes, trying to gauge a reaction as she stayed stone-faced. 
She moved after she knew Tayce was done, guiding her to sit on her bed and calm her breathing. She didn't say anything at first, only coaching her through the breathing and trying to process everything she just said.
It ripped her heart out of her chest, she felt awful. She’d never stopped to consider if something might have caused everything. It didn’t make Tayce’s short temper and the way she had acted right, but it wouldn’t hurt to try to talk it out a few days later. She clung to A’whora in a way she never had before, as if she didn’t keep her full attention on her she’d slip through her hands to never be seen again. 
There was also the part where Tayce used the word love, but she didn’t have the mental energy to unpack that yet. 
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gotten so angry about you not saying something, there was clearly something wrong, but I got so frustrated and ended up making it worse. I’m so sorry I made you feel like this.” A’whora kept her eyes trained to the floor, not wanting to know Tayce’s reaction just yet. Her arms tightened around the blonde, pulling her into her chest without a sound. A’whora glanced up at Tayce to see a small smile finally place itself on her face. She felt something on top of her head, the brunette’s hair trickling down her shoulders as she cuddled as if her life depended on it. 
They stayed like that, neither knowing what to say nor if they had the words to say it. Actions spoke louder than words as they stayed locked together, A’whora hugging her tightly in return, relaxing into Tayce properly for the first time in a while. 
A’whora was the first to speak up, squirming slightly in Tayce’s arms as she tried to grab her phone out of her pocket. 
“Hey, do you want to order something? I feel like I owe you something after everything,” she spoke tentatively, anxiety bubbling up in her stomach as she thought about how upset Tayce had been. It was at least partly her fault, she needed to make it up somehow. 
“You don’t owe me anything, we both fucked up, and I forgive you. Though if you’re offering to pay, then absolutely!” Tayce laughed, ruffling her roommate's hair with her usual hyper laughter. It made A’whora laugh too, relieved to finally see her favourite person again, no longer masked by her anger or whatever had been going on with her. That was something to talk about whenever she was ready. 
They settled on Nando’s. A’whora ordering herself and Tayce the same burger that happened to be both of their favourites. It made her realise just how much their lives were intertwined. Tayce’s favourite foods quickly became a shared favourite. A’whora showed her the pot noodle sandwich, and Tayce showed her every little thing she loved off of every local takeaway the self-proclaimed best way to make beans on toast. 
They settled together on the sofa, something playing in the background as they giggled and chatted like they always did. It felt right, as if they were back to some sense of normality—though one thing still hung in Tayce’s mind. She desperately wanted to explain everything but there was still part of her stopping it all. She couldn’t muster up the courage to say any of it, even skimming over the details of her irksome feelings. 
It didn’t feel right to blurt out her sexuality crisis over a messy burger covering both of their faces and hands in sauce, much to A’whora’s annoyance. She grumbled about it while trying to catch all of it with a napkin, grimacing at Tayce who gleefully licked it from her fingers. 
“You’re such a hound, slurping that sauce off your fingers like that.” She laughed, a sound that made Tayce feel like she was floating. She’d always joke about her stupid laugh that sounded too much like a seal but it was one of her favourite things. 
“You’re such a priss, having to clean everything so meticulously. Have some fun girl, dirty it up a bit.”
A’whora shoved her, grumbling how it wasn’t bad to be clean, how Tayce could learn something from her. It never stopped being so amusing to find her so irked by small things, like how Tayce would often leave a mess and just shrug it off. It was fun to have a slight neat freak and a tornado in the same flat though they always somehow made it work.
“Wait, did you tell me to dirty it up? How do you know I don’t already?”
“You’re disgusting, get your mind out of the gutter, you whore.” 
“What? You said it, I’m just saying, there’s one place I can be dirty.” A’whora laughed as Tayce looked at her, half amused and half appalled. She knew she found how easily she talked about this stuff funny, if not a bit of a shock during a friendly conversation. 
“I don’t believe that, no way you suddenly flip around when you’re in bed with someone.”
“Well you can’t talk, at least I have good sex with people. Every time you’ve had someone over it sounds so underwhelming. Sounds like the guys you go for don’t know what a vagina actually is and just hope for the best when they whip their dick out.”
“A’whora, please stop talking.” Tayce couldn’t believe the ease of how that came out of her mouth, innocently looking at her as if she hadn’t just openly talked about her very private roommate's sex life right in front of her. 
“What? I’m right.” She shrugged, giggling at the way Tayce shook her head. 
“Well, I won’t be going after any men for a while.” Tayce unconsciously murmured her thought, A’whora picking up on it and staring at her with sudden intrigue.
“What do you mean?” 
Tayce froze. She realised quickly where this was going. A’whora wouldn’t let up until she gave a believable answer. Saying she was giving up on dating wouldn’t satisfy her and she’d sense something was missing no matter what she said. How the hell was she supposed to tell her when she could barely accept it herself? 
Why was it so hard to say? 
“I’m bisexual.”  Once again her internal monologue slipped out audibly, it took a second to realise exactly what had happened, the fear paralysing her as A’whora turned at her, face scarily serious. 
“Is that why you’ve been so off? Because you were questioning?” A’whora asked tenderly, her hand coming to rest on Tayce’s shoulder supportively, thumb running over her shoulder to try and calm her down a little. 
Tayce could only nod in reply, unable to verbalise anything.
“Hey, I’m proud of you. It’s not easy to deal with this, I know it’s new and scary, but it gets easier and you’ll be embracing this part of yourself before you know it. I’m always here if you need it, this changes nothing, okay?” Her words were the anchor Tayce needed back to reality, She pulled A’whora in for the second tight hug that day. She couldn’t help but laugh at how easy it ended up being. The one person she’d been freaking out over was her biggest supporter, of course she would be. 
“Thank you, I love you so much, Rory.” Tayce smiled, stroking A’whora’s hair as they parted. For her part, A’whora smiled back at her, giving her an exaggerated thumbs-up that made them both burst into laughter, lightening the situation and leaving them giddy with the resolution of everything. 
A’whora did notice that was the second time Tayce said she loved her, it made her heart pound in her chest at what it could mean, though she knew she meant it platonically.
If only she knew how A’whora felt about her, though those words were better left unsaid. 
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thecatprince · 4 years ago
Newspaper Clippings
Read on AO3
This is a one-shot inspired by @manyfandomsonelog‘s fantastic fic What You Can Stand (go check it out). All of the characters, the universe, and events prior to this one-shot are all by her.
I just wanted Roman and Virgil to be happy and soft and married, so here they are (with a smidge of angst). I hope you like it Log!!
Relationships: Prinxiety
Summary:  10 years after the events of What You Can Stand, Virgil and Roman are happily married and reflect on their pasts.
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Virgil sat on the floor, looking through a box he hadn’t opened in a while. The contents of the box weren’t really that special, just old newspaper clippings, some whole pages with bolded headlines and photos, others just a couple of lines, some cut carefully from the paper, others ripped hastily. Each of these clipping detailed another heroic save from the amazing Mr Spectacular, or the next attack from the villainous Nightmare. Some of the pictures showed a dashing Roman, muscular and strong, his face incredibly boyish. In all of his pictures he was posing victoriously, hands on hips, staring into the distance, the classic hero pose (and a pose that did an excellent job of highlighting his jawline in Virgil’s opinion). Other photos were of a sullen Nightmare, pale and brooding, blending into the shadows. His face was mostly hidden by a mask and Nightmare was not known for being a good subject to photograph, but occasionally there was a photo that managed to capture his eyes, and Virgil almost cringed at the fear and anger he could see in them.
“Virgil?” a voice behind him said, soft and gentle and calming. Virgil looked up and met the eyes of his husband, who smiled and sat next to Virgil on the floor.
“Oh wow, it has been a while since I have seen these!” Roman exclaimed. Virgil gave a huff of laughter and moved to snuggle up to him, curling his legs against Roman’s and resting his head on his shoulder. Roman smiled fondly at Virgil’s affection and put his arm around his husband, pulling him in closer.
“Gosh, I remember this,” Roman said, picking up a clipping with the headline ‘Spectacular boy once again saves the day’ and a photo of Roman next to a little girl who looked no older than 4. “She was stuck in a burning building, the only one there and I got her out. She was really sweet, called me “Mr Speccy-lar”. I hope she is doing alright.”
Virgil picked up a clipping off the top of the pile. The headline read ‘Local Villain causes destruction to Spectacular home’. “I only toilet papered the house, that headline is a bit dramatic.” Roman gave a hum of agreement, his focus taken up by another clipping, this one reading ‘Spectacular Hero once again defeats vile Villain’. The photo on the clipping showed Roman flying over Virgil, who was on the ground. Roman in the photo looked triumphant, while Virgil looked angry and defeated.
“One of our first real fights,” Roman murmured. “We were so young.” Roman’s voice sounded rather gentle and forlorn. Virgil sighed, and shifted away from Roman slightly, picking up another clipping. This one had no headline or article, just a photo of Virgil, one of the only good ones. His eyes were visible in this one, and Virgil could almost feel the fear, anger and even apathy that emanated from them. Roman noticed how he reacted and turned his focus onto him, watching Virgil carefully as he stared at the clipping, an almost indecipherable expression on his face.
“I was a bad person. I shouldn’t have done what I did. I hurt so many people.” Virgil whispered, almost to himself. Roman placed his hand on Virgil’s shoulder, drawing his attention back to him.
“Virgil, you were lost and scared and alone. Your actions and motivations, while inexcusable, were understandable. I hurt you so much beforehand, and you had no support system. People only improve when they get external love and support. How can we hold it against them when they don’t?”
Virgil opened his mouth to counter back, but Roman cut him off before he could say anything. “And you have improved so much, because you got the support of Logan and Patton, and eventually me. I know you aren’t proud of your past, I’m not proud of mine either, but Nightmare was a scared, lost, lonely little boy who had had a bad life and no support, and the Virgil I know today is a strong, loved, kind, considerate, amazing, supported man with a family who loves him and a very handsome husband.” Virgil gave a small smile at the last statement. “My point is, you made some serious mistakes, but you have grown and learnt so much, and that is what you should focus on. You are a different person now, and while that doesn’t erase your past, you shouldn’t focus on it.”
Virgil smiled gently at Roman and moved over to hug him. Roman gladly accepted the hug, pulling Virgil into his lap and holding him close. “Thank you,” Virgil murmured into Roman’s neck. Roman didn’t respond, just squeezed his husband tighter. They stayed like that for a little while, just holding onto each other, surrounded by clippings headlining some of their biggest achievements and greatest mistakes. Eventually Virgil lifted his head from Roman’s neck and rested their foreheads together.
“I love you,” Virgil said, staring lovingly into Roman’s eyes. Roman moved his hand to cup Virgil’s face, his thumb rubbing gently across his cheek.
“I love you too,” he responded. The two of them lent in for a kiss, gentle and sweet, as were many of their kisses. Roman threaded his fingers through Virgil’s hair, and Virgil rested one of his hands on the base of Roman’s and the other on his waist. Their lips worked together like they were made for each other, gently pressing against each other. Virgil couldn’t get over how amazing it felt to kiss Roman, even though he had done it a million times before. The two of them broke apart after a couple of minutes, slightly out of breath.
“I would love to kiss you for the rest of the night, but we do have a family dinner to get to in about half an hour and you know how Logan hates it when we are late.”
Roman gave Virgil a quick peck on the lips before the two of them cleaned up the newspaper clippings and put them back into the box. ‘Family dinner’ was a thing Roman never thought he would ever hear without freezing up and freaking out, but now it was a weekly thing that Roman actively looked forward to. It was always enjoyable sitting next to his wonderful husband, hands linked together underneath the table, opposite Logan and Patton, talking and laughing over a delicious meal. It was a safe and secure and loving environment, and Roman never thought he would ever get over the fact that he was happy while being with people he considered family. He loved Logan and Patton and everything they had ever done for him, and he knew that nothing he ever did would properly repay them for how much they had helped him and Virgil. Roman had made some mistakes in the past too, and the fact that he was happy and safe and comfortable with his new family was something Roman never would forget or take for granted.
He watched as his husband put the box back into the bottom of the wardrobe wear it was kept. How he had managed to be with a man as incredible as Virgil was something he would never understand, but he was incredibly fortunate to have him, and Logan and Patton, in his life. Things were terrible in the past, but they were good now and that was all that mattered.
I hoped you liked the fic Log and that I didn’t butcher any details! I have no idea what you have planned for the ending of the fic, but this is what I imagine!! (I also just really wanted them to be happy and married after all they have been through so far).
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kyber-kisses · 5 years ago
Hymn (Part 4)
Winchester Brothers x Sister!reader
Wanna start from the beginning? Here is the Masterlist!
Warnings: a good amount of feels and angst. . but there is fluff!
Summary: Y/N Winchester has wrestled with demons ever since her mother died, but when her younger brothers lives are in danger it’s their souls she fights to save, because isn’t that what a big sister should do? (Based on the song Hymn by Joel Porter) 
A/n: *Throws chapter at you and runs away* Have fun! (gif created by the lovely ellen-reincarnated1967)
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“What do you think your doing?” Your voice slightly raising as you stepped back into the motel room, shutting the door softly behind you with a loud click.
“Definitely . . . Not jumping on the bed?” Dean tried, both him and Sam staring down at you from their perch on the nearest bed.
“Wow. I’m convinced.”
“It was Deans idea!” Sam quickly pointed, his little hand lightly smacking against Deans face as he did.
“I leave for three minutes and you guys go crazy? Now I know I can never leave you guys again, which is disappointing-“ you sighed. “Seeing as I was gonna give you guys this extra bag of funyuns.” You slowly pulled the bag out of your hoodie pocket, instantly making Dean freeze.
“Okay, wait we’re sorry.”
“Oh are you? I said no funny business while I was gone.”
“Yes! I’m sorry! Can we have them?” Dean was practically vibrating at this point, teetering on the edge of the mattress.
Narrowing your eyes, you let a silence fall between you before giving in and toss the bag onto the other bed. “Fine, go to town. No crumbs on the bed.” It didn't even take a second before the middle child was vaulting over the space between the beds and ripping the bag open.
Sam grimaced, not making a move from his spot at all. “Funyuns are gross.”
“Yeah, well that’s why I got you this-“ being a subtle as you could, you passed Sam the candy bar you had grabbed from the vending machine with a quick wink, his eyes lighting up as he grabbed it.
“Thanks, Y/N.”
“Yeah, don’t tell Dean.”
“I won’t.”
“Pinkie promise?”
He linked his small finger with yours. “I pinkie promise.”
*. *. *. *. *. *.
“Sam? . . . Sam!”
Suddenly snapping back into reality, Sam whipped his head around took at his brother. “What?”
“I’ve been talkin to you for the past five minutes, have you even heard a word that I’ve said?”
“. . .yes?”
“Wow, you are a terrible liar. What the hell were you even thinking about?”
Pressing his lips together the younger Winchester contemplated whether or not to say anything. You were always a risky topic . . . Especially to Dean, and seeing as his brother had been in a decent mood most of the drive he really didn’t want to take that away.
“Dude, seriously. Tell me what’s going on in that weird head of yours.” Flexing his hands on the steering wheel, Deans eyes bounced back between the road and Sam.
“Y/N. . . What else do you think I would be thinking about right now?”
Dean sucked in a breath before he nodded his head in understanding. “Wanna talk about it?”
“Not really. She’s gone. What’s it matter?”
He expected Dean to snap, lash out- like he did when they were younger and the wound still fresh, but instead he was silent. . . Only because he was trying to remember everything he could about his sister, both good and bad. He needed something to keep him grounded. For instance, You had been good at making people laugh, you’d take things in directions people wouldn’t expect- lewder, darker, more absurd— then ambush them into responding. Some of Deans humor stemmed from your own, he liked to think it was his way of keeping you close. Along with a love for old western movies and a passion for classic rock.
Happy thoughts. Just keep thinking happy thoughts, Dean. Just because Sam brought up Y/N does not mean you need to get bitter.
Turning his attention towards the radio, the hunter played with the volume until it was a soft hum that could easily be spoken over.
“You remember when Y/N used to play music in the mornings while Dad was gone on hunts?”
Sam let out a soft chuckle as confirmation. “You mean with that dinky old radio she got at a yard sale for like three bucks?”
“Yes! That’s the one!” Dean snapped his fingers, a grin tugging on his lips. “And it wasn’t even the good music we usually listened to in the car. . . It’s was like shitty upbeat soul and R&B.”
“You know she would probably smack you on top of the head if she heard you say that, right?”
“Yeah, probably-“ Dean chuckled, flicking on the turn signal as he turned onto a narrow two lane street. “Anyways you know how’d she dance around to it too? For like the soul purpose of embarrassing is even though there was no one else around?”
“Yeah, and she couldn’t dance worth a shit.” Sam added, smiling as he slowly began to remember.You were always doing stuff to get them to smile or laugh because you knew that in a lifestyle as dark as your families, you needed to keep something lit.
The rest of the drive felt lighter. . . Easier after that small conversation. Even after decades of absence you somehow still managed to put smiles on their faces.Still working hard even in death.
And then Dean pulled into the cemetery and that light and happy feeling he had had moments ago flickered and faded like a dying candle and he could feel his insides slowly beginning to twist as his face dropped. He turned off the engine and barely got two steps from the car before the feeling was too much and it felt like he was being crushed.
“You know what? On second though this was a terrible idea. Why did we do this? We shouldn’t have done this. Why the fuck did I suggest this?” He quickly rambled, backing towards the car and reaching for the keys again. “Let’s- lets just go home and forget I ever suggested visiting this place-“
The older Winchester didn’t get very far before his brother was letting out a sigh and pushing him forward again. “We drove all this way. You’re not backing out now.”
“Dude, we both agreed we would do this. Let’s start with just a minute and go from there.”
There was silence for a moment before Dean huffed and stopped resisting his brothers pushing. He felt like a kid again coming back here. Hell the last time he had been here he still was one. Even though they never found a body, their dad was decent enough to pay for a headstone, a place to come back to.
And then they never did.
The cemetery was cool, dew still on the grass as the morning sun began to peak through the trees and light haze. The place was empty except for them. . . Because who visits a cemetery at 6:30 in the morning? Dean sucked in another breath of fresh air, jamming his hands into his pockets despite it growing warmer out as the sun began to rise.
“You know, we probably should have brought mom with us. It’s kinda a dick move on our part to do this and not tell her.” Dean grumbled, eyes already glued on the headstone ahead.
“She’s still on that hunt with Jody. I didn’t really want to bother her.”
“Oh yeah, you’re totally right.” Dean snarked. “Would hate to remind good ol’ mom that her first born has a headstone right next to hers.”
“Why are you being such a dick? You suggested we visit.”
“It’s nothing, Sam. Just drop it.”
Gripping his brothers shoulder suddenly, Sam halted Dean in his tracks. “Nice try. Tell me what’s going on. You were fine ten minutes ago.”
Dean gnawed on the inside of his cheek for a moment before letting another sigh sleep through his lips. “Do you remember that case we worked a few weeks ago with the psycho spirit that caught us?”
“You mean reverend Johnson? Yeah, why?”
“I keep thinking about what he said-“
“Dean, he was a vengeful spirit. He was crazy.” Sam shook his head, dropping his hand from his shoulder. But Dean squeezes his eyes shut as if trying to forget. The words from the reverend still banging around inside his skull. Bad guys really needed to stop it with their monologues.
“What I’ve seen is that the lord provides for those who need it. If you don’t have something, that generally means you don’t need it, or you don’t deserve it.”
At first it had made perfect sense and Dean had just gone with it. He didn’t have his sister because he didn’t deserve to have one.
But then again, by that logic, they didn’t deserve a home when they were younger, and they didn’t deserve to love their sister and be safe. Y/N didn’t deserve her life.
“You’re right.” Dean nodded, in hopes of getting Sam to back off. “You’re right. Dude was crazy. Just hard to get those fuckin words out of my head.” He mumbled, the two of them somehow turning in unison to look at your headstone a few yards away.
It was like the granite slab was staring them both down. The two brothers both afraid to get closer. . . Because to Dean it was like having to face the truth all over again. You were gone. Here reality was set in stone (Pun intended). But then his legs were moving before his brain was and he was kneeling down the wipe the dirt and dust away from your name, calloused fingers smoothing over the engraved letters.
“Why’d you have to go be a hero, huh?” He whispered under his breath, feeling the sudden and familiar sting of on oncoming tears.
He could remember it all so clearly still, how you had thrust your rifle into his hands and quickly tugged on your oversized canvas jacket. How the wind had whipped at your partially pulled up hair when you swung the door to the motel room open. How you told them you’d be back and then never were. Dean wondered if you would still be the same now. Back then he was still too small for his flannels and still wasn’t sure how to aim a gun properly. If you were still alive what would you have looked like now? Would you be taller? Would your hair be longer? . . . And would you have recognized what he and Sam had become?
Would you recognize them at all?
“We shoulda brought flowers or something.” He mumbled, picking the few stray weeds that had grown around the base of the stone. He was fidgeting. He did that when he was uncomfortable.
“We can always go get some. We ain’t too far outside of town.”
Dean mumbled a soft I guess as he rested his chin on his knee, arms looping tightly around his leg as if trying to mimic a hug.
“I think I’m gonna call mom. She would want to be with us for the next stop we make. . . We can always come back here too if she really wants.” Sam spoke up, extending a hand to help pull his brother up.
“Do what you think is right or whatever. I’ll be in the car.” rising to his feet, Dean wiped the dirt from his hands onto the front of his jeans. If he stayed here another minute he was bound to start crying. As He began the trek back through the maze of headstones, his fingers absentmindedly tugged on the piece of fabric on his wrist. The bit of flannel gave him a sense of comfort, because sometimes a bit of cloth could feel like love, and that was all he really wanted right now. It was one of those moments in which he realized how many things he had lost that mattered. Dad. Bobby. Y/N. Sure he had lost mom, but she was back. The rest were still gone.
All he wanted was the chance to see Y/N again, to hear her say I missed you, and I've come home.
SPN Taglist:
@familybusinesswritingbro​​​​​​​​@a–1–1–3 @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​​​​​​​ @music-is-all-i-need @agusdoti​​​​​​​ @callmekda​​​​​​​​ @jordangdelacruz​​​​​​​ @orphiceseum​​​​​​​ @andthatsmyworld​​​​​​​ @marvelfangirllll​​​​​​​​ @fandomnerdespressourself​​​​​​​​ @gladiosamicitias​​​​​​​ @castielsangelsx​​​​​​​ @lxstgxrl-ck​​​​​​​ @tis-i-the-wayward-idgit @amendoise @phoenixuprisingsstuff​​​​​​​ @ericalynne007 @kaitlaitlaitl​​​​​​​​  @totallyluciferr​​​​​​​​ @supernaturalenchanted​​​​​​​​ @dolanfivsosxox​​​​​​​@supernatural-ocs @emptycanvasposts​​​​​​​ @akshi8278​ @defenderrosetyler​​​​​​​​ @heyyy-hey-babyyy​​​​​​​ @idksupernatural​​​​​​​​ @vicmc624 @all-will-be-well-love@busy-bee-angel-misska @starsandmidnightblue​​​​​​​​ @lilulo-12fanfiction​ @beanie-beebo​​​​​​​​ @xoxoaudreymarie​​​​​​​​ @greenarrowhead​​​​​​​​ @mrsjenniferwinchester​​​​​​​​  @mysticalfuncollectorus​​​​​​​ @brebolin​​​​​​​ @biahblue​​​​​​​ @noahandthegiraffe​​​​
HYMN Taglist:
@biahblue​​​ @brebolin​​​ @noahandthegiraffe​​​ @psych0crybaby​ @beetears​​​ @supernaturalenchanted​​​ @skyelikestowrite @leej2468​ @vicmc624​ @let-me-luve-you​​ @lilwinchester67​
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heavenly-roman · 5 years ago
The Talk
Plot: “Dee never thought they would have to have “the talk” with five grown men, but lo and behold, their life was full of surprises.”
Warnings: sympathetic deceit and remus, swearing, coming out (and the fear that comes along with it), a lil bit of crying and embarrassment, misgendering (due to not being out yet), kissing ((i promise it isn’t as much of a doozy as it sounds like))
Pairing(s): roceit, platonic drlamp(?? is that what it is ?? idk)
Word Count: 1148
if you liked this, consider buying me a coffee?
Taglist (bc i have one now!!): @emo-disaster
(ao3 link!!!)
Dee never thought they would have to have “the talk” with five grown men, but lo and behold, their life was full of surprises. 
No Girls Allowed ;(
Dear Devin Hansen (6:17pm): hey guys
Dear Devin Hansen (6:18pm): can you meet me in the living room? I have to tell you something
JD-lightful (6:20pm): uh sure dev?
Patton me, are u aaron burr, sir? (6:22pm):  yeah of course!!!!! You okay?
Dear Devin Hansen (6:22pm): im fine pat, just hurry up, im anxious
H. Chandler (6:23pm): isn’t that virgil’s domain?
Drama-Turd (6:25pm): remus, stop it.
Drama-Turd (6:26pm): devin, I will be downstairs soon. 
Drama-Turd (6:26pm): and roman?
H. Chandler (6:27pm): uhhh yes lo?
Drama-Turd (6:29pm): you’re never allowed to choose my nickname again.
Dee sat patiently on the couch, leg bouncing nervously as the others filed into the living room, faces all showing various levels as curiosity. Logan appeared last, and Dee took a deep breath.
“So,” they said. “I have to tell you all something.”
“Dev, if you’re about to tell us you’re gay, we know,” Roman laughed.
“Hey,” Patton scolded. “Let him talk, he’s clearly nervous.” he turned to Dee, saying, “Go ahead, Devin.”
Dee cringed at the use of their birth name, not going unnoticed by Remus, but he decided to let Dee talk and confirm his hunch. 
“Well, actually, I-” Dee sighed, feeling a pit in their stomach, and decided to take a page out of Virgil’s book, ripping off the band-aid. “I’m non-binary. My pronouns are they/them, my name is Dee.”
There was a cacophony of shocked noises, causing Dee to wonder why they didn’t just do this in the group chat. Their hands became clammy and their leg started bouncing even more than before. They held their head in their hands, feeling regret and shame creeping in and tears of embarrassment prick their eyes. The murmurs ceased and they looked up, wiping their tears, to see five concerned faces. Patton was the first to speak up.
“So, Dee,” He said softly, reaching his hand out to grab Dee’s. “I guess that means we have to change your nickname in the group chat?”
“Dee Evan Hansen!” Remus quickly shouted, causing Dee to bark out a laugh.
“I was hoping for Sincerely, Dee, actually,” They chuckled.
“Both are appropriate nicknames,” Logan nodded, unlocking his phone to change Dee’s nickname.
“Hey Dee?” Virgil called. Dee nodded, signalling him to continue. “Pain in the ass is a gender neutral term, right?”
Dee shoves him, laughing. They sobered for a moment, “Seriously guys, I… I really appreciate how cool you’re all being about this.”
“Of course, Dee,” Logan smiled. He stood, “Now if you’ll excuse me, I have work to get back to.”
Logan left, and the others slowly trickled out of the room,  leaving just Dee and Roman.
“So,” Dee started. “You’ve been awfully quiet.”
“Yeah, I-” Roman sighed, and turned to face his friend. “I just… how long have we been misgendering you?”
“Oh, um, not long-“
“Okay, it’s been… about five months.”
“It’s fine, Ro,” Dee grabbed his hand reassuringly. “I’ve been introducing myself properly to everyone else I meet.”
“Oh, so you’re just letting your best friends misgender you then?” Roman sassed.
“No, no, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean that.” Roman squeezed the hand that was holding his. “I’m sorry that you didn’t feel comfortable enough to come out to us-”
“And I’m sorry if we did anything to invalidate you, or-”
The actor at least had the decency to look sheepish. “Oh, sorry.”
“It wasn’t anything that you, or one of the others did to stop me from telling you guys. I just… I needed to be sure of my identity. You had no negative affect, Roman,” Dee comforted. “Do you… have any questions?”
“Just one,” Roman said.
Roman shifted closer, and Dee absently noted that they were still holding Roman’s hand. “So, you’re still attracted to men?”
Dee flushed, though they tried their best to hide it with sarcasm. “No, Princey, I am suddenly attracted to,” They fake gagged and shuddered, “girls.”
Roman chuckled, “So that’s a yes?”
“That’s a yes.”
Roman shifted closer again, causing Dee’s breath to catch in their throat. Roman leaned in, brushing his thumb against Dee’s bottom lip. “Is this-”
“Roman if you do not kiss me right now-”
Roman rolled his eyes affectionately and leaned down to press their lips together. Dee snaked their hand to the back of Roman’s neck, holding him there. Roman’s hand moved to cup Dee’s cheek, and god, if Dee could stay in this moment forever, they would.
Unfortunately for them, Dee needed to breathe, and therefore reluctantly pulled away from Roman.
“Dee, I-”
“Don’t talk, just keep kissing me.”
Roman acquiesced, a smile on his face, as he leaned down again to capture Dee’s lips once more. 
No Girls Allowed ;(
H. Chandler (10:37pm): attention peasants
Patton me, are u aaron burr, sir? (10:37pm): Roman, be nice!!
JD-lightful (10:38pm): what do u want roman
H. Chandler (10:39pm): Dee and I
H. Chandler (10:39pm): are no longer friends
Drama-Turd (10:40pm): That is rather unfortunate. 
Drama-Turd (10:40pm): Should we make a secondary group chat and remove one of you from this one?
Patton me, are u aaron burr, sir? (10:41pm): Roman, sweetie, is this because of Dee coming out to us? Because if it is, I’m afraid I’ll have to take their side
Sincerely, Dee (10:42pm): Roman
Sincerely, Dee (10:42pm): that is the WORST way to tell them we’re dating
Sincerely, Dee (10:43pm): also thank u for taking my side pat love u
H. Duke (10:43pm): HA CALLED IT
H. Duke (10:43pm): SUCK IT
Patton me, are u aaron burr, sir? (10:44pm): love you too, Dee!!!! <3
JD-lightful (10:44pm): :((((((((
JD-lightful (10:44pm): pat thats flippin gay
H. Duke (10:45pm): also yeah happy for u guys i guess
JD-lightful (10:45pm): im not
JD-lightful (10:46pm): because now i lost twenty bucks
H. Chandler (10:47pm): wait wait wait
H. Chandler (10:47pm): you bet on us????
Sincerely, Dee (10:48pm): yeah guys how dare you
Sincerely, Dee (10:49pm): (remus if i dont get half of the loot im ending our friendship)
H. Duke (10:50pm): sure thing double d ;)
H. Chandler (10:50pm): hit on my partner again i dare you
H. Duke (10:50pm): okay
H. Duke (10:51pm): hey dee you’re cute we should go out sometime
Sincerely, Dee (10:54pm): hmm okay
H. Chandler (10:55pm): OKAY THATS IT
And if Roman removed himself from Dee’s arms to go fight his brother? Well, that’s none of their business.
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