#the lila and adrien friendship of my dreams consists of them both knowing the other is lying and therefore for some reason this allows them
ponytailzuko · 2 years
oh my god, could you elaborate on how lila would be adrien’s foil? i’ve been rotating that idea inside a microwave for the past few minutes
i'm not sure if i've ever talked about it on this blog but i am actually quite obsessed with lila and adrien paralleling each other so thank you for the ask anyways!!!
first off, i have to make a disclaimer... idk what they're intending to do with lila in season 5. i'm just going off of season 4 and before. they might take lilas character an entirely different direction than how i've read her so far. god bless!
i think lila and adrien are interesting as foils because they are both parallels and inverses of each other. adrien and lila are both the new students who are trying to make new friends, and both of them kind of fail at this at the beginning. adrien with the gum, and lila with being exposed by ladybug. adrien even points out in chameleon that they're not that different and he understands where she's coming from! the difference is that lila keeps grudges in a way adrien doesn't.
i also think lila and adrien are also just... natural liars in a way marinette isn't. (marinette having to come up with a whole scheme to disprove her identity compared to adrien just coming up with a casual lie about "oh is that an elementary school" in the kwamibuster ep comes to mind. also adrien having a whole ep called lies lol.) adrien has to lie often because it's a way of survival in his house, and lila lies in order to maintain her social status. they both put up "masks" for social acceptance. i don't really think adrien is exactly faking, but i don't think he's really able to be his genuine self often. he's good at compartmentalizing. lila does straight up lie because she doesn't believe that her genuine self can achieve what lying does.
but then they are also inverses... adrien has never been anywhere but his home and has an overbearing father, as well as the fact he's famous with a modeling job he doesn't want... meanwhile it seems like with lila's diplomat mother, she's moved a lot and her mom seems pretty distant. lila wants to model! she wants to be famous! in this way, they want what the other has.
i think it'd be interesting to have a lila-adrien rivalry similar to the chloe-marinette rivalry. especially since lila starts to model with adrien, so they actually have time together isolated from everyone else, so that gives opportunities for interactions and plotlines outside of just school and with the class. i think they bring out interesting aspects of each other's character that no one else really does? adrien straight up threatens lila in the ladybug ep, i'd love to see them doing backhanded shit like that more often. alas...
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miss-inkwell · 5 years
Chloe analysis
So I’ve been rewatching season one and two because in order to do a proper analysis I need Chloe from day one.
I have a lot issues with Chloe even though she’s not as bad as before.
I still have to address what she’s done so this is gonna be long.
Her past issues and good moments will definitely be mentioned.
She was a straight up bully all she did was humiliate others and treat them like garbage. She’s also a total brat and treats Sabrina like a slave and that’s only addressed in the evillustrator. She shoved a poster of Adrien in girls faces to make them jealous and upset. She even said to Sabrina she’s not crying enough that’s just awful. Also when she was laughing at Kim confessing his love that was cruel. There are more examples unfortunately that she does.
I can see how she just doesn’t care about others feelings because her mom doesn’t care about her and treats others with disrespect. Which is part of the reason why I feel so bad for her because she just isn’t loved.
I may be listing a lot of her mistakes in this but she stating them along with her good moments are crucial.
(This was supposed to be a gif of Chloe laughing at Kim while he has food on him but for some reason the gif isn't working)
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Parents and Other Adults
A lot of people think that she gets her traits from her mom which is true but she also gets her behaviour from her father. She uses her father’s influence for everything because she knows she can get what she wants. It doesn’t help that the adults are extremely incompetent and total pushovers, I mean she got Alya expelled in Lady Wifi and she did nothing wrong! ( the same thing Lila did to Marinette) The mayor of Paris abuses his power so much he got Roger fried because he wouldn’t break the law for him!
She also called the fire department for no reason she should have been punished greatly for that! In Darkblade when they were running for class rep she said that the she’ll do what her dad does which is ruin her opponents reputation. How can you display this kind of example to a 14 year old girl!?
Her mom is equally terrible she just fires people and treats them as lower class citizens and Chloe mimics her behaviour with the insults and the “utterly ridiculous” thing! I know it was meant to be comical and at times it was because Audrey is as extra as Chloe. The way her mother acts though is just despicable. Chloe went through a lot and I did feel bad for her though when she wanted to take Marinette to New York and not Chloe. The fact that she called her unexceptional was just awful! Her parents are terrible examples for her and she needs a better role model in her life. I know Jean Claude tries but he can only do so much especially since she disrespects him greatly.
It really doesn’t help that her father dotes on her and does whatever she wants. It unfortunately increases her vanity because he buys her so many things.
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Chloe thinks very highly of her appreance to point where it’s very shallow. She probably looked at herself in the mirror a lot when she was little too. That’s an issue because even though it’s not a bad thing to care about your looks if care too much you can become very self absorbed like Chloe. She really only cares about herself and what she can gain. Ladybug on the other hand is someone she admires and who she should look up to.
Her relationships with others
Ladybug is someone that she admires and wants to be like. At first it seemed more for attention and less for heroism but it changed a little over time. Once she became Queen Bee she again wanted to be noticed but it was more to appeal to her horrible mother.
I believe she was at her happiest when she was fighting alongside Ladybug in Maledikator, “I always dreamed of doing this...with you.” she said. I really loved the rooftop scene with Ladybug and how much Chloe trusts and cares about Ladybug definitely the best relationship she has.
Things went a little downhill when Ladybug wasn’t honest with her in Miraculer. She had her reasons because Chloe made herself a target for HawkMoth. We were lead to believe that she gave up on Ladybug, but she defended her in Stormy Weather 2. I also don’t think Chloe holds grudges she’s just petty and believes she’ll be the bee again. I do really hope that her relationship with Ladybug continues in a positive sense because they work well together.
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She bullied and teased Marinette her for 3 years and possibly more so it’s no shock as to why Marinette doesn’t like her. She doesn’t do at as much anymore just slight teasing but not to a harsh extent. We never learn why she picked on her so much or on others which is unfortunate. How she acts now is still bad but they don’t interact as much so we don’t see how they are now.
Marinette and Chloe’s family life is contrasted well with Marinette’s supportive and loving family vs Chloe’s. Something else that was great was Marinette’s comment at the end of Zombizu she has a heart but doesn’t know how to use it and she’ll learn if they set a positive example I love that! I really hope that they continue that positive example because it’s kinda working.
However Marinette and Chloe have a similar character flaw which is jealousy which is shown in Animastro. They try these stupid pranks on Kagami which isn’t taken seriously but still shouldn’t be encouraged. At the same time now that she’s so focused on being a hero I don’t think she cares about Marinette anymore. I do think it’ll be good for both of them if they work together positively or just hang out casually.
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This is her worst relationship, Sabrina and Chloe are toxic together. Sabrina may enjoy serving Chloe but that doesn’t make it right and it doesn’t help that Chloe doesn’t do anything nice for her. From season one it’s gone horribly wrong and is still bad. In the evilustrator Marinette calls Chloe out on it and then Sabrina starts to worship Marinette and thinks she has to start doing her homework and stuff. The worst part is that nothing is solved Sabrina doesn’t learn the value of a healthy friendship because she goes back to Chloe. Her behaviour towards Sabrina is really never addressed again and that bothers me.
In Antibug Jean Claude said that arguing with Sabrina is the norm, which consists of insults. Sabrina has unfortunately taken some of Chloe’s terrible traits because she does her bidding. Locking Juleka in the bathroom in Reflekta for example. In Startrain the adults do nothing again her dad is just like protect and serve when Sabrina was talking about serving Chloe. Roger your daughter is being treated like a slave she should be treated with respect!
Sabrina doesn’t understand that being someone’s servant isn’t friendship. I know everyone is really happy that Chloe was protecting Sabrina from the akuma but I just want to know how did we get from Chloe treating Sabrina like a slave to Chloe protecting her? How much will she change after this season? I think in some capacity she does care for Sabrina because we saw in Miraculer that they play together and Chloe seems to enjoy her company. We need to see that more, Chloe liking Sabrina and wanting her around as a friend. She did say that Sabrina was her friend in Miraculer but I’m still skeptical about their relationship.
However even if she does care about her the damage has already been done and I don’t think it can be repaired without it feeling rushed.
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We haven’t fully gone into her relationship with him just that they grew up together and Chloe cares about him. Adrien cares about her but wants her to be nicer to others which sort of happenes in Despair Bear but it was forced because she didn’t really want to be nice to anyone she was doing it for Adrien. However she did help Ladybug when she was in a tight spot but a few good deeds does not a hero make. Adrien and Chloe haven’t been seen hanging out together as much so we don’t really know how he is with her now. Another thing is the party that was thrown that Adrien was against I don’t blame them for being happy that their bully is leaving but I am also on Adrien’s side because no one is useless. It seemed a little mean spirited yet understandable.
The Bee Arc
A lot of people consider this her redemption arc but I disagree. Those two episodes plus Malediktator are character development episodes so that we can understand her more but not necessarily forgive her. There where only two Chloe moments before this to help her character. Zombizu and Despair Bear which I appreciate. Audrey is terrible and should see Chloe for who she is and how exceptional she is. The fact that she wants to be like her is scary. I think my only issue with Queen Wasp was when Marinette brought them together by saying how horrible they where. I love Marinette but this was wrong she should have said some like spend time together see that other people matter and treat others with respect. Finding similar interests that are positive that they can bond over. Perhaps saying that Chloe can make friends if she tries and looks at how she treats others and why it’s not ok. It may not work because they are both so self absorbed to do that but it might have helped somehow.
I think she could do better if she tried, being a hero will definitely make her better. I also think she should be around good people and really notice what others do. She has done a few sensible things like genuinely apologizing and trapping the akuma in Startrain. However this doesn’t automatically mean she’s a good person she still has her issues.
Chloe’s moments
Zombizou was a great character moment for her which was before the bee arc. Sabrina said her mom doesn’t remember her birthday. So because she doesn’t seem to be a fan of birthdays and she was jealous she ruined her gift. Even though she really did want to give her a gift. Chloe being mean and ruining things again was bad but necessary. When she apologized to Ms. Bustier I was so proud of her I need more of that. She did give her a gift and that was great.
Chloe is really smart in Style Queen she still tries to help Ladybug at the risk of becoming a glitter statue. In Style Queen we are shown how she interacts with her mother and just wants her love and attention.
She had every right to be pissed when Audrey chose Marinette over her. She had been trying to get her attention for most of her life! Also she’s never been to New York so the fact that she’s taking Marinette must hurt. All she wants is for her mother to be impressed by her. Her calling her unexceptional was the last straw so she decides to become a hero to prove herself. She may have gone about it the wrong way by creating a dangerous situation but I actually sympathize with her. All she wants his her mother’s love and attention.
Her mother ripping her apart on live tv after she failed was definitely hard for her. It was so tough that she gave up and unfortunately was the victim to HawkMoth. “A fallen hero” appropriate Hawkmoth, and when he calls her exceptional and she says she’ll teach them to respect her that says a lot. Unfortunately once again live her mother just says she’s unexceptional, but Ladybug and Chat are there to tell her that it’s ok to make mistakes and I love that. So by doing the right thing she shows how exceptional she is. When she apologizes and smiles it was so genuine. When she asked her mom why she doesn’t love her that was sad. I need more interactions like that from those three it’s so good.
In Malediktor she was definitely in the wrong for reacting like that to her father. She thinks that her dad should just have the power to do anything she wants even if it’s impossible. However after her genuine talk with Ladybug she got it all out. She thinks of herself as useless and that she has no friends so that she really should leave Paris. Seeing the real side of Chloe her she’s being really emotional unfortunately what she’s saying is true about having no friends. She wants to serve a purpose and fix her mistake and it was great! Her fighting with Ladybug was super sweet and the party for Queen Bee was great. More interactions with Ladybug and Marinette please!
In Miraculer she really wanted to be the bee again to work with Ladybug but unfortunately since her safety is on the line she can’t. Fighting off the akuma was very powerful and a great moment for her. She believed in herself and in Ladybug I loved that. When she did work with Ladybug she was really good she went after Mayura and was really worried that Ladybug would think she’s incompetent. That episode really shows how much she cares about Ladybug and how even though she loves being a hero messing really affects her. It also really shows how she views herself which reflects on how much she loves Ladybug. Chloe declining Mayura’s offer and freaking out when she lost her is a lot of character development for Chloe. In the end she’s disappointed in Ladybug because she loved being a hero yet she should have been told sooner. Chloe was disappointed but she handed it pretty well.
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My problem
My issue with Chloe is that she has done a lot of horrible things to others yet it’s mostly forgotten. Also the adults in this show are very incompetent and horrible even Ms. Bustier who was my favourite. Also we haven’t seen a lot of Chole since Lila arrived so we don’t witness her growth. When she is present she’s either being a brat or trying to be good. The barley brings up how much of a bully she was to others so that’s a little frustrating. Her best moments when she does something good are usually Ladybug focused which isn’t bad bad I want her to have great moments with other classmates.
There are no consequences for others actions only scolded sometimes. She may have not ‘caused’ akumas but that doesn’t mean she’s a good person or redeemed. It would have been great if she could learn from time to time in season two. You don’t need to have a Chloe episode in order for her to have character development. She can have an episode with Marinette or Adrien helping in some way or fixing something. It happens a lot with other side characters that Marinette interacts with so it’s possible.
My stance on Chloe
Even though Chloe is a brat who treats Sabrina horribly I still kinda like her. She does want to be a super hero but now she can’t because she announced herself (because she’s ridiculous) to the world. She’s so ridiculous and extra that so I don’t really take her seriously. However I judge her when she’s doing something wrong. Her brattiness is kind of endearing because she’s not causing a lot of harm. She’s still like a kid in a sense with still having her bear and wanting to do makeup on her dad. Also I feel really bad for her because she never really had a good influence in her life that she listened too. I don’t necessarily want her to completely change her bratty behaviour because it’s a part of who she is. She has had a few moments where she does good things but I want that to continue.
Plus she has the best transformation sequence but that’s beside the point.
Overall I really want Chloe to change and grow, if not this season then the next. She has the potential to be good she just hasn’t fully grasped it yet. She needs more episodes and to show that she has changed and showing her interactions with Marinette, Ladybug and Adrien. Setting a good example for her and showing her kindness will definitely help. Delving into details about herself and maybe helping Ladybug without being Queen Bee more often would be nice. It would be nice if she was the Bee again she’s great. As well as making up for her mistakes and apologizing more would be great. I decided to make this post because Chloe may have grown a little but that doesn’t excuse what she’s done and keeps doing. Since Lila is the new Chloe we put her off to the side unfortunately.
Hope you all enjoyed it making these analysis posts are very interesting and fun. I also hope that I didn’t ramble, repeat myself or use too many examples.
Thank you and have a great day!
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