#the librarians 2x01
tildeathiwillread · 4 months
"My mates and I are actually about to rob the museum!"
Ezekiel what the fuck kind of pick-up line is that
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justreckin · 11 months
Honestly, if my partner had spent the last three months dismissing my very valid concerns about the kids, diminished my position at work, and then clearly been put off by another being just as prickishly observant as he is, I would also let the very pretty, suave, British man flirt with me.
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queenofglassbeliever · 7 months
General Librarians timeline based on info given in the show.
Overall, the show happens over the length of just over two years.
1x01 - 4x12
December 2014 to March 2017
The tethering ceremony is meant to happen on the spring equinox. Which in 2017, was on March 20. So, I'm think 4x11 and 4×12 take place right around then. Cause we knew the equinox was getting close and the Library needed to be tethered as soon as possible.
4x06 - 4x12
February 2017 - March 2017
4x06 "And the Graves of Time" is the episode in which Nicole is stabbed by Rasputin and Jenkins sacrifices his immortality to save her. At the beginning of the episode, Jenkins states that the equinox is 41 days away. Putting the episodes events in roughly early February 2017. Going back a little further to 4x03, we know that happens in December 2016 because it's a Christmas episode.
1x01 - 2x01
December 2014 - September 2015
Going back futher, the opening of 2x01 reveals that 1x01 happened 9 months ago. And in 2x05 we learn that 1x10 was 4 months ago. We also know that the LiTs have been working separately for about 3 months between 1x10 and 2x01. Leaving about a month between 2x01 and 2x05.
1x10 - 2x01
June 2015 - September 2015
2x01 - 2x05
September 2015 - October 2015
1x01 - 1x10
December 2014 - June 2015
Since there are 9 months between 1x01 and 2x01. And there's months between 1x10 and 2x01. Then there's 6 months between 1x01 and 1x10.
A breakdown/recap
1x01: December 2014 - 2x01: September 2015
2x01: September 2015 - 2x05: October 2015
2x05: October 2015 - 4x03 December 2016
4x03: December 2016 - 4x12 March 2017
A few other "timestamps."
2x10 is about 3 weeks from 2x08. Jenkins says they've all been under Prospero's spell for 3 weeks.
There's 4 weeks between 2x10 and 3x01. Jake says something about 5 artifacts in 4 weeks.
The time between 3x08 and 3x09 is about 2 months. In 3x09, when Monkey King says Jake's training is complete. To which Jake responds with that he hasn't even been there 2 months.
And about 3 to 5 weeks between 3x10 and 4x01
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 8 months
Imagine how wild it would be watching CM week to week as it first aired and going from seeing shrimp Reid in 2x01 to seeing him with a haircut and glasses and wearing sexy librarian clothes in 2x02. I would die. Pussy anhiliated
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littlehobbit13 · 7 years
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13 Day Countdown To The Librarians Season 4 ↳ Day 10: Your favorite outfit: “Jenkins’ Suits”
I can’t think of a one-off costume I’ve been particularly crazy about, but Jenkins is the definition of “dapper” in those suits!
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eg515 · 3 years
soooo... Cassie is gay, right? it's not just wishful thinking or me reading into it, right? right?? 👀
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eliotspencerr · 4 years
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CASSANDRA CILLIAN being a BICON   ↳ requested by @kurtwagnermorelikekurtwagnerd
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flynnscarnation · 7 years
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13 Day Countdown to Season 4 ↳ Day 1: Favorite Season - Season 2 “They’ll need every trick in the book”
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ex-vengeancedemon · 3 years
Payback and Performances
Summary: Set at the beginning of Season 2 after Buffy gets back from summer vacation in LA after having been killed by the Master. A what-if scenario where in episode 2x01 When She Was Bad, Buffy dances with Spike instead of Xander to make Angel jealous.
Alternate version of my fic "Hey Jealousy" written from Spike's POV instead of Buffy's.
Read below or on ao3.
Well this was the joint. The Bronze. What kind of tosser named this dive anyway? Supposedly this was the slayer's regular haunt, according to the Annoying one and his lackeys. Spike wasn't sure how much longer he could play nice with the locals. Then again, maybe he wouldn't have to. He may just have gotten all the useful information from them that he was going to get. Which didn't amount to bloody much. Oh so she liked this... what even was this place? Bar? Dance club? Bar dance club? Much more of this music and he'd really be needing a drink... didn't have to be booze. The only other things he had learned from his new colleagues was that her watcher was the school librarian and she tended to move around with a group of nerds. The irritating lack of information was the cause of this little bit of reconnaissance. Gotta get to know a slayer a bit first before you kill her.
Spike moved away towards the edge of the dance floor, sliding seamlessly between the dancing patrons. She wasn't here. Not yet. But someone else was. Spike did his best to put bodies between him and his old pal, keeping carefully in the shadows. No need to go ruffling Angelus' soulful feathers. At least, not before he found the slayer. Spike had heard that he was going by Angel now, feeding off vermin and such. Pathetic really. How the mighty have fallen. And what was up with the hair?
On the bright side, if the slayer didn't show up, he could certainly make a night out of messing with Angel. The ponce was just standing there, staring intently at the door of the establishment. The few people who had attempted to speak to him had been curtly dismissed. Angel's seeming fascination with the door had allowed Spike to more or less have a run of the place. He could probably slaughter everyone on the balcony without Angel even raising an eye. What'd he think was gonna waltz through that door? Redemption? An evil demon? A blood bank? Elephants on parade?
Spike plucked a full cup out of some co-ed's hand as they walked past.
"Hey man!" the guy with the Hawaiian shirt protested. Good thing for the shirt too, it was the only thing the dullard had going for him it seemed. "What gives?"
Spike took a drink out of the cup and made a face. "Mate, that's the worst piss I've put in my mouth since the prohibition." Spike tossed the cup aside, spilling liquid on a few of the dancers and earning him a few glares.
The man muttered under his breath but scampered off when Spike shot him a toothy grin. He didn't know why the humans got so worked up over his real face. It was just for an instant. Sure was funny to watch though. As Spike suspected, Angel remained completely oblivious to his little scene. All the better.
Finally, Angel straightened, tensing up as he did so. Spike eyed the door. Whatever Angel had been waiting for, this was it. And then the devil walked in.
Although walked certainly didn't seem to cover it. More like strutted. She removed her long black coat that extended just as far as her little black dress. The back was low cut, exposing what was meant to be a scintillating amount of skin. She looked good, and she knew it. So this was the slayer. Buffy. She matched the photos. He was a bit surprised. This was clearly a girl out looking for trouble. And you know what they say: go looking for trouble and you're sure to find it. Not exactly what he had been expecting, but it would make things more interesting. Slayer on a bender. He loved a good bender.
The surprises didn't stop as Angel approached the vampire slayer. So the git had a death wish then? Probably couldn't take one more day of rat. However, instead of staking him, they just... talked. Well, that was anticlimactic.
Spike couldn't hear what they were saying, but he examined them carefully from afar. She seemed flippant, even laughing. He seemed dour. Then - what was that? Was that hurt? Did she hurt Angelus' feelings? Realization dawned on him as he broke out in a grin. This was just too good. Spike could spot a heartbreak from a mile away. The vampire was in love with the slayer. Poor Angelus. Couldn't be a man, couldn't be a monster. Forget Fortuna, Spike's new favorite deity was irony. If only he could get a picture of that crestfallen face, really preserve the moment.
The slayer brushed passed Angel - giving him the cold shoulder so to speak - and headed out onto the dance floor. Spike was somewhat amused to notice that she was quite literally turning heads. Confidence has that effect. All about confidence. Put on a good show. His amusement turned to concern as he realized she was moving directly toward him. Had he been made? 'Suppose it was too late to slink off. Bugger it. He could give her a damn good show. Plenty of people around to threaten and all. Then again, he wasn't sure exactly where she was stashing the stake...
She stopped in front of him, apparently reaching her intended target. She was at ease, seemingly not bent on killing him. At least, not right then.
"And just what can I do for you?" Spike asked, raising an eyebrow with a smirk.
Buffy tilted her head slightly as a small smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. It suddenly struck him that she wasn't intending on staking him at all. Apologies Fortuna, I'll never slander you again.
Buffy cocked her head towards the crowd of people moving along to the music. "Well this is a dance floor. Dance with me."
His eyes widened slightly and he glanced over at Angel, the movement almost imperceptible. Angel seemed to be struck in some sort of shock. Guess the cover was blown.
Spike let out a low chuckle. "Who am I to refuse a lady?"
Buffy took his hand and pulled him out into the center of the dance floor. Now this was a laughable turn of events. Spike shot a smirk over at Angel. He was paler than usual and his forehead was creased with concern... and fear. No good mate, all that worry will give you wrinkles. Angel's eyes never left them. Spike also noticed that Buffy was casting furtive glances over Angel's way. Lover's tryst then. Even better.
Spinning around to face him, Buffy slowly raised her hands above her head and began swaying her hips to the music. It was a slow, sultry song, which was perfect for taunting one's jilted former. Spike placed his hands on her waist and pulled her closer as he moved along with her. He could almost start to like this music. It was different than the type of dancing he normally did with slayers. Probably not something he should make a habit of, although she was making a tempting case for it.
He leaned in closer to her ear and said, "Name's Spike."
"I don't remember asking," Buffy replied, moving her arms down over his head.
Ouch love. Fine then. Names get left at the door.
Spike grinned back and pulled her flush against him. "Oh you're a fiery one. I like it. Got to appreciate a girl with flair."
Buffy locked eyes with him, holding his gaze for a moment. Curious. She had green eyes. He was going to enjoy watching the light leave them. A light blush rose in her cheeks as she broke eye contact. She hastily turned around with her back facing Spike, wrapping his arms back around her waist as she did so. He let his hands wander slightly as he looked over at Angel, who stood rigid as a board. Spike mimed biting into Buffy's neck - letting his face transform into that of a demon for an instant - then raised a finger to his lips. Now now Angel, let's not do anything rash.
He leaned back down next to her ear and asked, "Is that your beau over there?"
"What?" Buffy asked, startled out of an almost trace-like state.
Her eyes drifted immediately over to Angel, who seemed to be sweating in the metaphorical sense of the word. Of course, Spike assumed that was exactly what she wanted. A reaction. Well, she was certainly getting one.
"The git you've been eyeing," Spike replied, smirking against her ear. "What'd he do to merit this little show?"
Instead of answering, she reached up and put her hand behind his head, moving slowly down and then back up again. He momentarily forgot about Angel as his hands traced lightly along the curves of her body, barely concealed under the thin layer of fabric. She certainly knew how to give a performance. And he wasn't exactly rushing to give up the charade.
As she moved his head back down to her neck, she finally answered, "Wouldn't you like to know?"
Spike turned her around and placed his arms on her shoulders, locking his hands behind her. "Bloody right I would. But, I'll settle for evening the score. Want to give him a real show?"
An idea had hit him. Something that was sure to get under Angelus' thick skin and even their scorecard.
He took her chin between his thumb and index finger and lifted her head up slightly. This time when they locked eyes, Buffy didn't look away. Taking that as an invitation, Spike leaned down and kissed her. The kiss started out slow but quickly deepened as he leaned her backwards slightly, holding her firmly by the small of her back. She tasted familiar. Spike placed it easily - she tasted like fear. Although he doubted he was what she was afraid of at the moment. He traced his hand up her spine and smiled into the kiss as he felt her shudder. He hoped Angel was watching. Wouldn't want him to miss a moment of this. It was only fair really. Payback's a bitch.
Buffy pulled away, her skin slightly flushed, as the song came to an end. "Guess that's curtains."
"A gentleman would walk a lady home," Spike replied, still holding onto her waist.
It'd be such a shame to end the night so early. And without spilling even a drop of blood.
"Are you a gentleman?"
"Wouldn't you like to know?" he replied, mimicking her earlier line.
He raised an eyebrow at her and offered her his arm. She hesitated for a moment before accepting it. It really was too good to be true. And pissing off Angelus was just icing on the already frosted cake. Alright slayer, how about you, me, a little deserted alley with no witnesses?
Spike winked at Angel as they walked to the door. All the fear on Angel's face had been replaced by pure unadulterated rage. Been a while since Spike had seen that expression. When was the last time? Boxer rebellion maybe? Buffy glanced back at Angel and Spike registered her surprise. Guess he hadn't ever been that pissed at her before. Cute.
Buffy and Spike had only gotten maybe 10 yards outside the Bronze when he heard the metal door slam open. Spike sighed. Of course, Angel would have to ruin all the fun.
Angel came rushing out of the Bronze and yelled after them. "Buffy!"
Spike took his arm back from Buffy and gave her a charming smile. "Well, I think that's my cue."
With that, he walked off - not bothering to hurry - with his hands in his pockets, leaving a bewildered Buffy behind him. Angel had broken out into a sprint and was barreling toward her, her gallant savior and what all. No matter. There was always next time. And he had a feeling this time would be stuck in both their memories for a good long while. He knew he wouldn't be forgetting it anytime soon.
"Angel?" Buffy asked. "What the hell?"
Spike raised an arm up and waved without looking back. "I'm sure I'll be seeing you around, Slayer!" He paused a moment to let his words hit. "Oh, and Angel?" Spike said, turning around and continuing to walk away backwards. "Your girl? Delicious."
He gave one last satisfied grin before disappearing around the corner. See you soon love.
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aceofwhump · 5 years
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Whumptober 2019 - Day 1 - Shaky Hands
Hawaii Five-0 4x19
The Librarians 2x08
Iron Man 3
Downton Abbey 2x01
Lucifer 3x20
The Umbrella Academy 1x06
Supernatural 10x11
Fruits Basket 2019 1x12
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tildeathiwillread · 4 months
The way Flynn immediately starts fanboying about "Sherlock" is so funny to me
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graysongraysoff · 4 years
lkgnsongln. 2x01. we learn nounours 1) is reading sense and sensibility 2) hasn't returned it by the due date 3) instead of going to the library and asking for an extension/explaining he's busy (it's a small town, i bet he could), he's just. avoided the library for who knows how long. i love this characterization lmao
nounours is EVERYTHING to me and it’s because of SHIT LIKE THIS
is there any characterization better than “giant tough cop man could probably lift u effortlessly by the scruff of ur neck and throw u bodily into a jail cell, also is afraid of facing the librarian with his late fees”
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kelligustafson · 8 years
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Jealous Flynn And the drowned book (2x01)
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kinetic-elaboration · 2 years
May 9: Current Media
Just a little summary of my current reading and watching habits.
Jane Eyre: Technically lol. I am stuck at just shy of 100 pages left, and I feel like if I could just concentrate, I could breeze through (comparatively) at least this next bit. Without Rochester and his Dramatic Antics to distract me, I can just continue along, reading about these... fine, not terribly interesting, only slightly annoying people. Feel like Jane has a girl-crush on Diana a little bit? I like that bit. Unfortunately the last four lunch periods I have been too distracted to read more than a little bit, if any at all: Wednesday by the fort building, Thursday by the Reference Librarian Conclave, Friday by leaving before lunch, and today by yet another slightly audible conversation nearby, juuuust long enough to bother me and make it harder to read. I swear I will finish this book.
Dracula: Daily! It feels like this is my main reading at the moment. I’m loving the social aspect. Also I don’t remember the novel that well, so I feel surprised at every turn. The surprising twist for me is that, since I tend to read my Dracula at night, I run the real risk of being spoiled by my tumblr reading group--not really spoiled for the plot itself, but for other people’s reactions, which is a significant portion of my fun.
This long fic: I was on such a roll a couple weeks ago and now I’m stalled with 9k left. It’s not that I don’t like it, it’s just I haven’t read a fic this long in... years. And I’ve been reading so much for work that I just don’t feel up to yet more leisure reading after I get home. I really do want to finish it, not just to know how it end, but because I have such a backlog of interesting fic...
Angie Tribeca: I’m getting to the end of my watch; only 3 more episodes to go. Season 1 was the best, I think, but I’ve enjoyed the whole run. I was skeptical of the set up of S4 but I think.. if there was going to be a S4, rather something really weird than trying to squeeze more out of the original set up. It feels a bit like watching fan fiction--connected to the ‘original’ but not really interchangeable with it--but enjoyable fan fiction.
Orphan Black: Will be continuing my rewatch tomorrow. I can’t believe I’ve gone straight through from S1 and now I’m in S5. I’m gonna miss it when I move on to something else.
Good Girls: My most recent I’m-trying-not-to-binge-this obsession. It’s so hard. I want to mainline it. I’ve finished S1 and last night I watched 2x01 to try to distract myself from a whole bunch of nervous thoughts. Ugh, it’s so good though.
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littlehobbit13 · 7 years
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13 Day Countdown To The Librarians Season 4 ↳ Day 6: Your favorite villain: "Prospero”
I thought about picking Discord!Cassandra because she so amazingly villainous, but I couldn’t justify her as a villain more than a temporary antagonist. Second to her, I’d definitely go with Prospero. I like the way he used stories to achieve his goals, and it was a great twist that he was possessing his own author. Very cool. Definitely a good villain.
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eg515 · 3 years
Cassie greeting Jenkins with a soft kiss on the cheek, and Flynn and Eve with big hugs 🥰❤
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