#2x02 and the broken staff
wellntruly · 2 years
M*A*S*H - Viewguide, S2
Are you interested in the long-running anti-war situation tragicomedy M*A*S*H (1972-1983), but there are simply so many asterisks and so many episodes?
Well I can’t help you with the asterisks, but nor can I help myself: I started watching all 11 seasons of M*A*S*H, and bringing back for you my viewing selections, chosen for The Qualities.
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I can tell I’ve really accessed the elder millennial (& elder) demographic with my M*A*S*H posting (doing...numbers? hullo!) by, above all, the 80% consistency rating of those reblogging it also adding tags. My people. We gotta find things later.
Season 2! Absolutely, get in here, loved this one: to bits. I did swing around the order again this time, primarily to pace the Hawkeye runs himself ragged episodes—too much of that at once might cause damage, nearly did me. I am kidding: I did not avoid this. Hi broken, I'm Dad!
M*A*S*H - Season 2 Recommended sequence
2x01 ‘Divided We Stand’ - A reintroduction to the 4077th in our second season together through the psychiatric officer sent to investigate whether they’ve all gone mad out there and should be broken up. Spoiler alert: of course, and of course not.
2x02 ‘5 O’Clock Charlie’ - Every day at 5 o’clock, a North Korean pilot flies overhead and tries* to bomb the nearby ammunition dump (*tries). Just chock-a-block with bits. Fun fact: Alda’s foppy infantry drag routine probably the moment I truly fell in love with him—“That’s about it.” This too would have made a wonderful season opener honestly, but we just get two!
2x04 ‘For the Good of the Outfit’ - And now we sit down with a thump: Hawkeye & Trapper try to get the American military to take responsibility for shelling a peaceful Korean village, and learn that the Army, surprise, has no whistleblower protection. No B-plot, we’re just doing THIS.
2x05 ‘Dr. Pierce and Mr. Hyde’ - In this hurt/comfort but we nearly forgot part of it fanfiction, Hawkeye Pierce stays awake doing surgery for…possibly 48 hours if I've calculated this right, but then after that another shift, and another…oh jesus. He stays awake for something like three days, all but spare minutes of it pulling bits of metal out of chest wounds, it breaks something in him, and then for the next night & day more he continues to sleeplessly wander the camp spooking and unnerving people like an irreverent broken ghost. This is probably the best episode I’ve seen yet. Every time you hear the sound of choppers, and he just looks up from the shadowed caverns of his eyes… HUGE ohh honey! episode, and also like, ..fuck. Fuucking fuck. “Dear Harry, Who’s responsible?” I could lovingly detail every single thing that happens in this, very up to and including the warm circumstances of the little closing scene, which I ache over.
2x09 ‘Dear Dad…Three’ - That’s WRITE, it’s another letter writing episode, with a number of differently toned scenes strung together with pretty impressive balance. A tense surgery, a goofy home video that accidentally makes everyone verklempt, a perfectly absurdist staff meeting, and meanwhile: The Gang Solves Racism! Well, corrects a racist. Involves ridiculous antics don’t even worry. Ginger has the funniest part and thank god.
2x10 ‘The Sniper’ - There’s a sniper. This is a situation where this episode is so well written and edited, just sterling 25 minute story construction, that I’ve deemed it too good to be sunk by its one too many sexual assault jokes. I mean kinda makes it even more of a peak early season M*A*S*H episode, if you think about it.
2x12 ‘The Incubator’ - One of my favorites of this season to be honest! An eventual sort of Milo Minderbinder riff on byzantine and corrupt Army supply chains, in which Trapper & Hawkeye wear their dress uniforms and at one point stand in as investigative journalists asking tough questions at a military press conference—hot.
2x13 'Deal Me Out' - A wonderfully pitched antics ep, especially memorable for the deep bank of recurring guest players: Sidney Freedman, Sam Pak, and even Colonel Flagg. I have since started playing poker and it is remarkable how many elements of this exact game have already occurred. Minus the surgery.
2x11 ‘Carry On, Hawkeye’ - A flu epidemic sweeps the camp, and if the sight of people wearing masks and looking worried isn’t moving enough for you In Our Current Era, the only folks left standing as the war casualties keep coming in—Hawkeye, Margaret, Radar, and Father Mulcahy—trauma bond about it. Exquisite. I adore this one. Also another for the annals of Hawkeye shouting down the line to a superior officer about finding a husband.
2x24 'A Smattering of Intelligence' - Honestly it's not about these slipshod spies: it's because Marlene Dietrich is back in town.
2x20 ‘As You Were’ - Love that when this started I was thinking eh it was probably not making my list. A whiplash episode par excellence. Hot Take! - I think this does the kind of thing ‘Sometimes You Hear the Bullet’ wants to do better than that one actually does.
2x22 ‘George’ - A scene or two into this one, Hawkeye comments in the mess tent that one of the kids they just sewed up was really bruised, and not in a combat way, like in a someone beat him way, and I idly muse, hey, in the version where we kick it up a notch: he was beat up for being gay, and comes out to Dr. Pierce because of course he comes out to Dr. Pierce, the kind chaotic bisexual energy is palpable even behind the surgical mask, and then self-identified Aunt Hawkeye has to figure out how to save him. I would have signed a statement giving up my blog in the event were this to actually come to pass, and done so laughing. But then in the year of our lord 1974, DO YOU KNOW WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED. Good thing my mouth was healing because I yelled.
Oh, and if you’re wondering if Benjamin ‘Homoerotics’ Pierce took this network-granted opportunity to come out as straight—
2x21 ‘Crisis’ - They Were All So Cold, redux, variation: There Was Only One Tent. Not quite like that, although does include Hawkeye and Trap essentially sharing a bed and as many layers of Army surplus as they can scrounge while jibber-jabbering with Klinger as he puts on cold cream and Father Mulcahy does an impromptu stand-up bit in his Loyola sweatshirt, and for this and many reasons, this one about burst my heart in warm coziness. Easily the most endearing & domestic thing this show has done to me yet. I’m compromised. Haha fuck, I’m compromised!
Season 1 • Season 2 • To be continued
#M*A*S*H hours
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samnotsammy12 · 1 year
please tell me this whole season is going to be Eve focused on the mission while Flynn unsuccessfully tries to get her to stop focusing and kiss him
bc that’s what’s happening rn in 2x02 And the Broken Staff and I love it
literally one minute in and we get fleve content this is the best
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flynnscarnation · 7 years
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13 Day Countdown to Season 4 ↳ Day 1: Favorite Season - Season 2 “They’ll need every trick in the book”
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eg515 · 3 years
Eve popping up from behind a tree to steal Prospero's magic watch in the Heart of the Library
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omgbrainstorming · 6 years
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Caretaker Jenkins Appreciation Week #CJAW2018
Day 2 (May 2nd): Favorite Lines or Scenes 
Ok so, first, yesterday’s warning: I still got a fever, hence I’m not exactly compos mentis. Second, I restrained myself to only putting here non-relationship moments as much as possible, saving them for Day 5, or things that I’ve already used yesterday. So, to understand my love appreciation for Jenkins you will have to kinda look at all the Days together and some more which means you’ll see every single moment he’s on screen. Let’s rant.
1x03 and the Horns of a Dilemma: every single time I see that shot I start laughing so much, so here it is! Jenkins in his cute lab-coat, upside-down, head tilted. Gotta love him.
1x05 and the Apple of Discord: Do I need to comment on this? His gestuality and his expression are priceless
1x06 and the Fables of Doom: this scene is so freaking cute - also, I saw @jenksel‘s Day 2 earlier and I was like “I do that too!” I move my arms unconsciously like him every time I use a vending machine and receive some weird looks for it
2x02 and the Broken Staff: possibly one of his best line ever (comically speaking) and so #relatable it hurts
2x04 and the Cost of Education: you know by now that I love this moment because it’s the first time he calls her Cassandra and not Miss Cillian
2x06 and the Infernal Contract: I mean, how could I not put here The Butt Slap™ and his reaction to Eve’s amazing punch? 
2x10 and the Final Curtain: because I can’t stop laughing at the term “mid-life crisis” (you know, immortal ‘till a certain f*cking Noone got in the way but that never happened) and at Cassandra’s interested expression because “in that moment, I swear, we were-” all Cassandra 
3x05 and the Tears of a Clown: I mean, this scene didn’t have me in tears. Not at all. *starts crying again*
4x08 and the Hidden Sanctuary: this was probably one of the most important scenes of season 4 for me, because here, he’s the only thing making sense to her, the only thing centering her, and for someone who’s had panick attacks, that spoke True Love maybe even more than the Tea Party and the Cucumber-Sandwiches-Scene-which-we-are-not-talking-about-because-it-never-happened-nope. 
Gifs number 2, 5, 6 and 7 are mine, the rest I took from Google, but number 9 (and I think numbers 3, 8 and 10 too) are from @flynnscarnation, if you recognise something as yours, tell me and I’ll credit ^^
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thewhumpproject · 6 years
Comic Book TV Whump Catalogue (WIP)
Marvel, DC... all the superheroes getting the super knocked right out of them, listed here (at least, a bunch of it)
Gotham – Gordon:
1x01 – Fight, sliced hand, knocked out, and again, strung up
1x03 – Falls from quite a height
1x05 – Thrown by strong man
1x07 – Punched, shot in side, shot in leg
1x08 – Tased, fight, cut arm
1x10 – Fight, choked unconscious
1x13 – Fight/punched  
1x20 – Hit
1x21 – Cut hand
2z02 – Fight, beaten
2x03 – Gassed, fight
2x08 – Car crash, drugged, tied up
2x09 – Fight, almost garrotted, near explosion, fight
2x10 – Cuts own hand, tased, strung up, punched, fight, knocked out, beaten, passes out
2x11 – cont. wakes up
2x15 – Caught edge of explosion
2x16 – Beaten, ‘stabbed’
2x17 – Electrocuted, shot, passes out
2x20 – Fight
2x22 – Honesty serum
3x03 – Hit over head, takes himself to hospital
3x07 – Drugged, hallucinations
3x08 – Punched
3x09 – Fight
3x11 – Thrown through glass, knocked out, beaten up
3x12 – cont. injuries and scrapes
3x16 – Hit
3x19 – Caught in blast, hit, captured
3x20 – Thrown, knocked out, buried alive
3x21 - cont. infected by virus - anger, hallucinations
2x15 – Fight
2x20 – Almost strangled
1x10 – Fight, cut arm
1x17 – Stabbed  
2x10 – Stabbed, hit with flying blade
2x11 – cont. stab injuries, tased 
2x14 – Fight
2x20 – Swordfight, stabbed leg, thrown out window
3x01 – Fight, knocked out
3x09 - Beaten
Penguin:2x09 – Recovering
(I know... this one sort of just stops but I’ll type it out here eventally)
Iron Fist - Danny: 
1x01 – Drugged, (psychiatric) hospitalised – restrained, sedated
1x02 – cont. hospital, restraints, sedation, beaten
1x03 – Fight
1x04 – Knocked out, fight
1x06 – Fight, cut arm
1x07 – cont. general fight injuries
1x09 – Fight, passes out
1x10 – Stabbed
1x11 – cont. stabbing
1x13 – Fight
Daredevil - Matt: (you might as well watch every episode of season one)
1x02 – stabbed, chest injury, fight
1x03 – cont. injuries, fight
1x05 – Caught in explosion
1x06 – Falls through floor, knocked out
1x07 – Tased
1x08 - Fight
1x09 – Fight, stabbed multiple times
1x10 – cont., recovery
2x01 – Shot in head
2x02 – cont. head injury, fight, head injury
2x03 – cont. head injury, tied up, knocked out, fight
2x08 – Fight, shot w/ arrow
2x09 – cont. recovery, fight
2x10 – cont. mild fight injuries, head slammed into table repeatedly
2x11 – Thrown off a boat
Vladimir: (2Dads from Sea Patrol)
1x05 – Caught in explosion
1x06 – cont. + shot, home surgery, falls through floor, punchy cpr
1x06 – Caught in explosion, shrapnel in chest, hospitalised
2x10 - Shot
2x08 – Shot, poisoned, home surgery
Castle (Punisher):
2x02 - Fight, shot in arm, knocked out
2x03 - cont. inuries, fight
2x04 - Tasered, captured, tortured, 
2x06 - Hospitalised (injures seen are present to some extent for the rest of the series)
2x09 - cont. injuries, fight, stabbed
The Defenders - Matt:
1x03 - Fight
1x06 – Knocked out
1x07 – cont. unconscious
1x08 – Cut, fight, various injuries
1x06 – Knocked out
1x07 – cont. unconscious
1x06 – Gassed, knocked out
1x07 – cont. unconscious
1x06 – Knocked out, unconscious
1x07 - cont. unconscious
1x05 - Fight, slashed in stomach
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. - Ward:
1x01 - Drugged
1x02 - Shot, fight
1x08 - Keeps reliving childhood trauma, passes out, super strength and uncontrollable rage due to a staff, fight, exhaustion
1x09 - Fight, knocked out
1x10 - Fight, shot in shoulder
1x11 - cont. shoulder injury
1x13 - Sliced arm
1x18 - Beaten
1x19 - cont. injuries (two cracked ribs and a zygomatic fracture), beaten in flashback
1x22 - Fight, nail gunned, knocked out
1x15 - Knocked out
1x22 - Broken arm, drowned
1x13 - Hit with toxin/knockout grenade
1x13 - Shot
1x14 - cont. shooting
1x10 - Drugged, captured
1x11 - Tortured
Constantine - Constantine:
1x01 - ‘Shock therapy’
1x03 – Knocked out, captured, tied down, drugged, arms slit to be bled
1x08 - Shot
1x09 – cont. shooting injury, (healed through) possession, blacks out, exorcised
1x11 – Hands nailed to wall
1x13 – Electrocutes self, bleeding eyes
Arrow – Oliver:
1x01 – Nightmare, tased, kidnapped
1x02 – Shot with arrow in shoulder (memory)
1x03 – cont. shoulder injury (memory), shot in arm, poisoned
1x05 – Tortured (memory), fight
1x09 – Shot with arrows in back, fight, falls out window, hospitalised
1x12 – Beaten and dies, revived (memory), drugged
1x14 – Shot
1x20 – Fight
1x22 – Drugged, kidnapped, beaten, beaten again
1x23 – cont. chained up
2x02 – Shot in leg, stabbed
2x03 – Caught in explosion (memory)
2x04 – Shot (memory)
2x08 – Beaten, drugged
2x09 – cont. drug/toxin
2x15 – Fight
2x20 – Fight, injured leg, hospitalised, minor car crash
5x20 – Caught in explosion, impaled in side, gassed, exhausted, collapses, given adrenaline, ‘hospitalised’
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juliethebibliophile · 7 years
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Good morning Librarians fans who follow me on here for things! Its premiere week! Happy Season 4!!! Below you can find my binge-watching schedule for celebrating and preparing for the new adventures and excitement!!!(This is all of course contingent upon finals but I digress) Also keep an eye on my Instagram to see me sporting different merch every day, and maybe even look out for some vlogs! Happy @librarianstnt Premiere week LITs!
MONDAY 12/11 -1X01 And the Crown of King Arthur/ 1X02 And the Sword in the Stone -1X05 And the Apple of Discord(my favorite episode!) -1X10 And the Loom of Fate -The Librarian And the Quest for the Spear
TUESDAY 12/12 -2X01 And the Drowned Book/2X02 And the Broken Staff -2X09 And the Happily Ever Afters(fave season 2!) -2X10 And the Final Curtain -The Librarian and The Return to King Solomon’s Mines
WEDNESDAY 12/13 -3X01 And the Rise of Chaos -3X06 And the Trial of a Triangle(Fave season 3!) -3X10 And the Wrath of Chaos -The Librarians and the Judas Chalice -SEASON 4 PREMIERE AT 8/7 CENTRAL ON TNT!!!
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flynnscarnation · 7 years
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13 Day Countdown to Season 4 ↳ Day 5: Favorite Character - Let’s be real, I’m a slut for Ezekiel Jones
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flynnscarnation · 7 years
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insp. | The Librarians Shipathon 2017 | Week 10 - Jassekiel |
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eg515 · 3 years
Ezekiel Jones teaching Frankenstein's monster how to use tinder is not something I expected to see
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omgbrainstorming · 7 years
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For the #13DaysToLibsS4
Day 6: Your Favorite Villain
Again, how am I supposed to choose?? There are too many great villains and almost-kinda-I-don’t-know-villains!
- 1) Morgan Le Fay: and the main reason ain’t even “she’s the greatest sorceress evah” (because “witch has too much gender baggage”), but because I love her accent??? My non-English mind got really hyped at listening to her, sorry. At the same time she hurt my Jenkins, so I hate her??? But she’s hella sassy. #lovehaterelationshipgoals (1x07, “and the Rule of Three”)
- 2) Evil!Cassandra: can this even be considered “villain zone”? Dunno, but I’ll put her here anyway because she was awesome. The pressure thing she did to Lamia? I had goosebumps for five minutes straight. And it just shows how much her wonderful mind is powerful and how freaking much her heart is actually even more powerful. ❤️(1x05, “and the Apple of Discord”)
- 3) Lamia: she had so much potential. Because you know she’s bad, but at the same time you gotta love her. And in the AU where she’s the Guardian? Loved her. (gif from 1x04, “and Santa’s Midnight Run”)
- 4) Frankenstein: because, I mean, he’s the classic giant with a golden heart and I loved the scene in which Ezekiel teaches him how to use Tinder. (2x02, “and the Broken Staff”)
- 5) Ariel: can she be considered a villain because at the beginning she was helping Prospero? Let’s just put her here. Again, as with Morgan, I loved her accent so much??? And the fact that she is clearly on a sugar high 24/7? Precious. (2x09, “and the Happily Ever Afters”)
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juliethebibliophile · 8 years
Beautiful Discoveries I Made Rewatching 2X02 “And the Broken Staff”
I’ve only seen this episode once really, when it premiered, maybe twice, because I never had a good copy of it. But my wifi was out tonight and so I plopped in my DVD and made some tea and watched. And I discovered that this episode definitely deserves a spot amongst my favorites and it has so many great little quirks. Some of these quirks I knew already, others not so much
Things I knew about already
Eve and Flynn wanting to bang 24/7 good lord I forgot how much of a honeymoon stage they were in at the top of season 2 get off of each other for 2 seconds for the love of...
Frankenstein’s creature on Tinder
Hug it out for humanity
Flynn using the curse of the Scottish play and me ecstatic to finally have a show that utilizes it while simultaneously panicking about Flynn saying M@cBeth on a stage.
Eve and Flynn were both theatre kids. EVE AND FLYNN WERE BOTH THEATRE KIDS
The tree of knowledge being all tiny and Flynn tricking Prospero into thinking it was the big gnarled one and Eve being subsequently very turned on by this string of events
Things I had forgotten/rediscovered
Ok just the idea of what the fictionals are and why they are able to come into being. It happens when a story is read so often and loved so much that they gain power
So basically what I’m saying here is Harry Potter and friends are out there in our  world fight me
The tree of righteous indignation
“Knowledge isn’t old or gnarled or knotted. It’s young...always growing. That’s the thing about knowledge. No matter how much you think you have, there’s always room to grow”
Ok but really that’s gotta be one of my favorite quotes from the show now good lord it’s like the epitome of the mentality of the characters on this show and people like them. I never get to see people like this on TV and its so refreshing?! Holy shit?! WHY HAVE I BEEN BLESSED WITH THIS GIFT OF A SHOW?
And last but not least
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