calypsomarshall · 3 years
( &. @ofedwrds )
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Okay. Okay.
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calypsomarshall · 3 years
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     conor turns at the voice, pausing for a moment because he doesn’t think he’s seen her this evening yet. “oh, hey,” he finally says once he realizes that he’s probably staring, offering her a smile. “have you been having a good night so far?”
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      Callie thinks she notices his gaze linger, although she chalks it up to wishful thinking. She smiles in return. “I have, actually. This feels like it might be the best event yet.” A beat. “And how about you, Mr. ‘I Hate Social Events’? Having fun?”
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calypsomarshall · 3 years
“I need to tell you something,” Carmen blurted out to Calypso. She had had more than one tequila filled drink and it was washing away her inhibitions. Plus she hated lying at her friends. “I’m leaving Gallagher. I’m gonna go back to MIT.”
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      Callie blinks as her friend comes up to her, a crease forming between her brows immediately at that phrase. As she listens, the crease disappears as her eyebrows raise and lips part slightly. “...Oh.” She wasn’t expecting that. “Well, I can’t say I won’t miss you terribly, but... If you think it’s best for you, do it.” She tries to reassure her, small comforting smile forming.
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calypsomarshall · 3 years
“i did look in a mirror before i came down,” she teased, laughing softly. she grabbed callie’s hand and intertwined their fingers without thinking too much about it, dragging her toward the bar. “if you told me, i forgot,” she started, turning back toward her friend and looking at her expectantly. “did you bring a date? because if i’m going to monopolize your time, i need to know who i’m pissing off.” 
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      “Well then.” Calypso laughs, squeezing gently as the other laces their fingers together. “Oh, uh... No date.” Callie smiles ruefully, thinking about how that’s been her answer for every single one of these events so far. “So feel free to monopolize away.” She tacks on with an added grin. 
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calypsomarshall · 3 years
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his  lips  will  curve  at  her  eyeroll ,  small  shrug  from  his  shoulders .  “ yeah ,  but  i’m  not  looking  at  most  people .  ”  shut  up ,  jae ,  yes  you  are .   “  —  aw ,  you  wanna  dance  with  me ,  callie ?  okay ,  okay ,  no  need  to  beg . ”  he’ll  laugh ,  palm  extending  out  for  her. 
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      Calypso hates to admit that no matter how insincere, the comment manages to bring a little warmth to her cheeks. She succeeds in suppressing the urge to roll her eyes again — but just barely. “You wish.” And yet she reaches out and takes his hand nonetheless. “I am... Not wonderful at dancing. Just so you know.” 
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calypsomarshall · 3 years
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“No matter where you end up, knowing a little bit of fighting will do you good,” Parker smiled. It meant you knew how to defend yourself, and how to think on your feet. “You’re welcome, you’re the one who put in the work though.” He’d take a little credit. “Any more TE classes on your list? I’m glad to hear there’s at least one familiar face around next year.”
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      “I think that’s a safe assumption.” Even outside of the spy world. “Well, I guess.” She shrugs, never one to take a compliment easily. “As much as I hate to admit it, I haven’t actually thought that far ahead. I... Had some thoughts about leaving. But not anymore.” Cal offers a tight lipped smile. “But I’ll definitely take some form of TE next year.”
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calypsomarshall · 3 years
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      “  𝚒  𝚍𝚒𝚍  𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢  bartending  and  the  art  of  eavesdropping  so  i  guess  that  has  something  to  do  with  it  ,  ”  satomi  chuckles  ,  spinning  the  shaker  tins  in  one  hand  .  “  it’s  not  too  much  to  ask  for  a  mojito  .  fair  warning  that  the  tricks  might  not  be  as  flashy  .  ”  they  set  the  tins  down  to  grab  another  mixing  glass  and  a  muddler  .  “  just  a  plain  mojito  ?  i’m  pretty  sure  the  bartender’s  got  some  strawberries  too  .  ”
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      “I think I managed to do better at the eavesdropping aspect of that class, but... I also enjoyed it quite a bit.” Calypso shrugs, eyes still following the other’s movements with rapt fascination. “Still impressive to me.” She laughs, then blinks. “Oh, that sounds incredible! Honestly, just work your magic and surprise me.” She grins. 
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calypsomarshall · 3 years
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            “oh, i am definitely bragging about this to my cousin. i mean, gallagher is pretty wealthy. i think we can pull off the whole having beyonce come to our end-of-the-year party.” mags notes, already sneaking pictures whenever she can because when else in her entire life would she be able to see beyonce live?! “just say beyonce came to our school. big names come to schools all the time anyway.”
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      “You think? Because I have this friend back home who loves her — you think I can get an autograph for her?” The words all rush out in a string, before Callie blinks and catches up to herself. “I just think it’s so random. Incredible, but... How?” 
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calypsomarshall · 3 years
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“And I’ve missed you.” It was nice to see her again and in person this time. Their last meeting ended in a disaster and when he did apologize, it was through voicemail. For Emmett, this was a second chance to do better and not be a dick. “I’ve been great, how about yourself?” A beat. “But pause on answering that, picture first. Smile!” 
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      Callie beams, so glad they’ve had this chance to reconnect, and dutifully smiles and poses for the photo. “I’ve been doing good.” She shrugs lightly. “This year has been crazy, but... I dunno. There’ve been good things as well as bad, I suppose.” Her smile quirks up quizzically. “What’s been going on with you?”
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calypsomarshall · 3 years
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calypsomarshall · 3 years
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      “Hey, stranger.” // @ofedwrds
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calypsomarshall · 3 years
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      “Do you think I can tell my real world friends that Beyonce came to my end of year party? Because what if they ask where? Or look it up? I don’t want people thinking I’m a liar.” The words rush out as if they’ve just occurred to her, right as she finishes another cocktail. // @magsrome​
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calypsomarshall · 3 years
OPEN STARTER // @gallagherstart​​
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     “you think there is a shoe check in or something?” raina says, nose wrinkling as she shifts from foot to foot. “because my feet are killing me, i’m really close to just going back to my dorm to get flats.”
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      “I really don’t see why you can’t go barefoot for a little!” Calypso encourages. “Or we could go sit for a little.” She smiles reassuringly, before her smile falls. She’s already emotional about so many of her friends leaving, but the idea of not having her roommates next year... “Oh, don’t mention the dorm.” She pleads, expression turning plaintive. “I can’t stand the idea of not living with you all next year.”
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calypsomarshall · 3 years
LOCATION && WITH WHOM : : BALLROOM W / ANYONE @gallagherstart​
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“It’s not a true Gallagher party if I don’t get a picture with everyone so do me a favor and get over here.”
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     “EMMETT!” Callie exclaims, spotting him the moment he starts talking to her. “I’ve missed you.” She admits, a smile tugging her lips. She’s regretted the way they left things all year, and though she got his letter, this is the first she’s seen him in a long time. “How are you? Oh, and yes, photo for sure!”
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calypsomarshall · 3 years
LOCATION  :  ballroom  ,  bar
FEATURING  :  @gallagherstart​​
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      𝚒𝚝’𝚜  𝚏𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐  𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝  they  find  themselves  commandeering  the  bar  the  moment  the  bartender  says  they’re  on  break  .  they  toss  a  bottle  up  in  the  air  ,  easily  catching  it  in  the  same  hand  as  the  other  holds  two  bottles  .  satomi  pours  the  liquids  into  the  mixing  glass  ,  stirs  it  and  pours  it  into  another  glass  to  serve  .  leaning  against  the  counter  ,  they  turn  to  spot  someone  at  the  bar  .  “  any  drink  requests  ?  ”
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       Calypso watches the other with rapt fascination, eyes wide as they toss bottles in the air and not spill anything. “You look right at home.” She grins, leaning onto her elbows on the bar top. “Hm... Is it too much to ask for a mojito?”
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calypsomarshall · 3 years
“you look… absolutely stunning,” aileen confessed, biting down on her lower lip as she looked over calypso’s outfit (maybe even slightly checking her out). “how did i not know this is how you were going to look? it is not like i don’t know you’re going to blow my mind! i’m impressed each time.” she leaned in, pressing a kiss against her friend’s cheek before turning to the rest of the party. “do you want to get a drink?” she asked, looking back at callie. // @calypsomarshall​
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      “Um, have you seen yourself?” Calypso enthuses, eyes wide as she takes in her friend’s appearance. They were both definitely checking each other out, but she’s a few glasses of champagne in and they’re both hot so why not! “But thank you. I feel good tonight.” She smiles, a slight blush rising at the other’s lips on her cheek. “Oh, absolutely!”
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calypsomarshall · 3 years
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Parker smiled over at his former classmate, “So you made it out of finals alive.” Poor choice of words, he realized after they were out. “Are you more confident in your self-defense now? You showed a lot of improvement.”
closed @calypsomarshall​
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      Calypso opens her mouth, about to be self-deprecating, but pauses. “You know what? Yeah, actually, I am! I put in a lot of work and I’m happy with where I got. And thank you.” She nods, smiling. “I’m optimistic for next year.” She’s speaking both about her class and the year in general, she realizes.
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