#the last time i was ever in Ontario was when i was like 10
yourplaceinaugust · 3 months
i am way too lazy to actually search for this but since mbav takes place in Ontario i wanna know whether they're closer to Ottawa or Toronto. bc Erica mentions flying into the city in 1x01 and yes there are several cities in Ontario, but it would also make sense that she's referring to Toronto or Ottawa bc those are the two main cities in Ontario (Ottawa being the capital of Canada and Toronto being the capital of Ontario). but mainly i wanna know this bc in 1x07 Ethan's dad gets hockey tickets for Ethan and Benny and then they trade them off to the guys who tried to attack them so it would make more sense that it's a major NHL game instead of just like a local game or something bc of the hype around the tickets. so i need to know if the game was a Toronto Maple Leafs game or an Ottawa Senators game
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fannyyann · 1 year
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Matthew Tkachuk, the Panthers’ goalie-goading throwback, delivers hits — and wins — when it counts
by Hailey Salvian and Jeremy Rutherford 
Matthew Tkachuk put his father in “timeout.”
That’s why Keith Tkachuk, an 18-year veteran of the NHL and one of the league’s best American-born players, wasn’t available to talk about his son’s remarkable run that has taken the Panthers from “biggest disappointment” to one win from the Eastern Conference finals.
On a Toronto radio station in March, the elder Tkachuk called the Panthers “soft.” By many accounts, that assessment was accurate at the time, and the words seemed to light a fire under the team — as did Paul Maurice’s tirade on the bench the same day during a game against the Maple Leafs.
Florida won its next six games and went 6-1-1 down the stretch to qualify for the playoffs.
Now, there’s no time for distractions, and Matthew wants to keep a lid on his pops, who informed The Athletic of his “timeout” via text.
After upsetting the 65-win Bruins in the first round, the Panthers are the betting favorites to win the Stanley Cup, leading 3-0 in their second-round series against Toronto with a chance at a sweep Wednesday at FLA Live Arena.
And the 25-year-old Tkachuk — in the midst of another career year that would have been MVP-worthy had it not been for Connor McDavid’s otherworldly season — has led the way, from scoring game-winning goals and delivering rousing speeches in the room, to delivering cross checks and goading goaltenders into fights.
He’s the player people love to hate, and he’s building a following of haters as he pushes the Panthers along in the postseason.
And even though the person who’s been most influential in Matthew’s career isn’t talking, others are. The Athletic spoke with a dozen people who for years have tracked Tkachuk’s brand of hockey — he’s a highly skilled agitator (a modest 6-2, 201 pounds) who opponents hate to play against.
Keith — known as ‘Walt,’ a nickname given to him by Winnipeg Jets teammate Eddie Olczyk because his surname was so similar to former Ranger Walter Tkaczuk — was traded to the Blues in 2001. Matthew, only 3 years old at the time, would start playing hockey with a youth program in St. Louis. Let’s just say he wasn’t a phenom.
Chantal Tkachuk, Matthew’s mom: They thought they were getting this ringer of a kid. We went to his first game and he was terrible. He was by far the worst player on the ice.
But that wouldn’t last long. Tkachuk improved steadily, adding a diverse skillset, and working through minor hockey, the U.S. national team program and the Ontario Hockey League.
Jimmy O’Brien, longtime family friend, owns OB Clark’s bar in St. Louis: They had a goal in their backyard, and 50 pucks would be lying in the driveway. Anytime you pulled up to the back of the house, you had to watch from running over the pucks because the driveway was littered with them.
Jon Benne, longtime family friend and strength trainer: I used to take wrist shots at him, and he’d knock them into the net. So when I see him tip a goal in now, I’ve seen that a million times.
Jordan Janes, St. Louis Junior Blues coach (2009-10): Matthew would do some of these between-the-legs (moves) before anybody was doing that. I would always look over at Keith and smile because in my mind I’m thinking, “Holy s— ,” like this is incredible that a 14-year-old is doing this. But you could tell that Keith, who was a “go to the net hard” type of guy, it drove him crazy.
O’Brien: His father told him, “If you ever do that stuff in a game and it doesn’t work, you won’t get off the bench.”
Taryn Tkachuk, sister: He’s not going to do that stuff just to do it. The through-the-legs goal against Nashville, he was like, “There was no way I could’ve shot that regularly.” He practiced that all growing up, so he knows he’s going to be able to do it.
Rob Simpson, assistant general manager of the London Knights: He would try new things all the time. It speaks to how smart a player he is. He was always trying to be creative in different ways to produce or make plays based on what he is seeing against defenders or what they’ve done against him before. He’s always been a creative, out-of-the-box thinker.
There are elements of Tkachuk’s game that can be traced back to the fact that he is Keith Tkachuk’s son.
Don Granato, Tkachuk’s coach with the U.S. National Team Development Program (2013-15): I think you can give some credit to — if not genetics, then just being around his father over the years.
Chantal Tkachuk: When Keith was still playing, they got to go down to the rink, skate after practice. Some of the players would play around with them.
O’Brien: He was a rink rat. He was always hanging around his dad, always going to his practices.
Barret Jackman, Blues defenseman (2002-15): I remember the coaches would have to come by and say, “Hey Walt, practice was supposed to start 10 minutes ago. Can you get Matthew off the ice?”
Benne: Matthew would be sitting on the bench the whole practice, and Keith would come over and say, “Watch T.J. Oshie. Watch how he goes into that corner and comes out.” Matthew would just be sitting there with a helmet on, just absorbing it all.
O’Brien: It’s hard to get a better education in the hockey world than sitting there with professionals and watching them at a young age.
Chantal Tkachuk: Every night, we always watched hockey. The boys would get up before school and the first thing they would do is turn on NHL Network.
Taryn Tkachuk: That was the only thing we really watched on TV. We never really watched other shows on Disney channel.
Chantal Tkachuk: Keith retired in 2010 and stepped away from his career and took almost five years off. In that time, he totally devoted all his time to youth hockey. That happened to align with the most important developmental years of the boys’ lives.
Janes: Keith knew what it took to get there. He demanded a work ethic out of his boys. Goals or not, assists or not, he just wanted to see you work. If you worked, Keith was happy. He knew if you did that, everything else would come.
O’Brien: One of Walt’s favorite things to say is, “Hey, you didn’t win? Play better!”
Taryn Tkachuk: Oh, he says it all the time. If someone didn’t play as well and maybe they’re complaining, like, “The ref did this or that,” or, “The other team wasn’t letting me do this,” my dad is just like, “Play better!” Nothing else. It’s just “Play better!”
Janes: That quote is the most Keith quote I’ve ever heard.
Growing up, Matthew was always competing with his brother Brady (23), and sister Taryn (20). Whether it was roller hockey, basketball or a made-up game they called “trampoline football.”
Benne: Matthew, Brady and Taryn would be on the trampoline, which was enclosed, and I would throw the football in the air as high as I could into the trampoline. It became an MMA wrestling match to see who got the football.
Taryn Tkachuk: I don’t even know how the game got made up. I just remember it being very physical. Literally whoever had the ball, you were about to get decked.
O’Brien: We were playing a two-on-two basketball game, and there were some of the most violent fouls you’ll ever see in your life. I had a bloody nose when we were done.
Taryn Tkachuk: If we were playing basketball, Matthew would never let me just go in for an easy layup. Of course he was going to foul me.
Jackman: I remember during one of the lockouts, Matthew was 15 at the time, and he skated with some of the NHL guys. I went into the corner with him, thinking I was going to play him hard. He tried to reverse hit me, and then he came out of the corner with the puck on his stick. He didn’t back down, even at 15, and I was in my early 30s.
Chantal Tkachuk: The most somebody hates to lose, that would be him.
Tkachuk committed to play at the USA Hockey National Team Development Program a few years before his first season there. But, at 16 years old, there was a learning curve playing with the national team and in the USHL, an under-20 league. In his first USHL season, he scored only 17 points in 33 games. He would double that production one year later in fewer games.
Granato: We knew of his talent, but in his first year, his production wasn’t there.
Nick Fohr, U.S. NTDP associate coach (2013-15): He wouldn’t shoot it. He literally wanted to show off those hands all the time.
Granato: I would tease him a bit. I’d say, “Hey Matthew, do you like to score?” And he’d say, “Yeah.” And I’d say, “No, you like to stickhandle.” He was so good at it, but I needed him to see that he wasn’t going to be that up-and-down-the-rink player.
Fohr: He wanted to have that agitator piece to him because it was kind of ingrained into him at that point, but he wasn’t big enough or strong enough to do any of that stuff at 16 years old.
Chantal Tkachuk: It was the second year in the program. That was the point where we thought he could make it.
Fohr: He played most of his second year with Auston Matthews and Jack Roslovic, which was an unreal line. Auston was the marked man, and Matthew — after being around his dad — was like, well, “Auston is my center, nobody is touching him.” And he started to become that guy. Any little scrum, he was right in the middle of it to make sure that his teammates were taken care of.
Granato: By the midpoint of the second year, he was playing just like he plays in the NHL right now. He was great in the same areas of the ice, great in the same ways.
In the 2016 Memorial Cup Final, the London Knights were in overtime against the Rouyn-Noranda Huskies. Tkachuk, in his first (and only) season in the OHL, took the puck up the left side, toe-dragged around a defender and scored the game-winning goal.
Aaron Berisha, London Knights teammate: At first, it looked like he was on a harmless rush.
Simpson: Matthew could always elevate at the right times.
Robert Thomas, Knights teammate (2015-16), and family friend: We always joked that Christian Dvorak actually tipped it, but obviously Matthew got all the credit for it. Just a big-time player making a big-time play.
Simpson: It’s not just by coincidence that he’s big in the right moments. He puts in the work.
Fohr: He’s in those moments because it’s just who he is. You saw it on the overtime goal against Boston. He knows somebody’s got to go in there and get the puck, somebody’s got to go screen the goalie.
Simpson: He wasn’t the one who shot it in the net, but if he didn’t have the sense and savvy to pop out and screen the goalie, it doesn’t go in.
Fohr: It’s no surprise that you see him do it in overtime in Game 7 because he does it every shift, every game.
Janes: The way Matthew was (growing up) and the way he is today, he will do what it takes for his team to win a hockey game. Period.
Because of his ability to stir up drama on the ice and (at times) cross the line, Tkachuk is one of the most polarizing players in the league.
Fohr: He’s that guy that everybody hates unless he’s on your team.
Benne: I don’t think Matthew came into the league fearing anybody. He just played with that edge, like, “I’m here, I’ve arrived, and look out!”
Granato: He could stoke a situation and get it stoked and get everybody’s emotions running on overdrive. And then, even in a highly emotional state that he stirred up, he will execute where many, many skilled players cannot.
Fohr: If he’s agitated somebody somehow, now a little bit of their focus is on Matthew and it takes just a little bit of focus off what they’re good at and impacts so much of the game.
Granato: It’s like a diversionary tactic, and a highly effective skill that he brings. He’s always ready to score the goal after he disrupts the situation, where other guys just want to take his head off. He never loses sight of, OK, while you’re trying to do that, I’m going to be scoring a goal.
Benne: He’s just going to play hard. He’s going to hit you, and he expects to get hit himself. If you watch that game against Toronto, he hammered two guys, and then he got hammered. Not whining, that’s the way the game goes. That’s the way he plays. He’s pretty fearless out there, but I think he plays right on the line. That’s where he wants to be.
Thomas: It was in full force in London. He’d always find himself mixing it up. He’s feisty and he’s got all the skill in the world. Some people just have it, and he definitely has it.
Berisha: It’s funny when people play against him and say, “Man, I hate playing against him, he seems terrible.” He’s actually one of the best guys ever.
Taryn Tkachuk: Matthew has this switch. Off the ice, he’s a completely different person: super nice, super fun. Once he steps on the ice, the switch just goes off and he puts on these different goggles and just has this compete level that you don’t even know how to explain.
The most common ways to describe Tkachuk: He’s a throwback. He’s a unicorn. He’s just like Keith … and maybe better.
Eddie Olczyk, TNT analyst, former teammate of Keith (1991-96): You see (Matthew) and it’s like turning back the clock 25, 30 years to when we played with each other in Winnipeg.
O’Brien: Walt played in an extremely physical era, and the way Matthew plays is refreshing because it’s a throwback to how it was all the time.
Janes: One thing Keith taught these boys at a young age was, if you want to score, you’ve got to be around the net. They got that right from Keith. They just took it a step further as far as their skillset goes.
Fohr: It’s just a place he’s not afraid to go to. Some players are. They don’t want to go there because it’s a hard area to play in because the D are big and strong. There’s an art to getting there and doing it the right way and Matthew has mastered it.
O’Brien: When Walt was playing, you’d see a big guy out there and you wouldn’t think a guy like that has deft hands. But Walt had sick hands, especially tipping pucks. And that’s one of Matthew’s strengths, too.
Olczyk: Matthew will make a play and you go, “Well, there’s Walt.” It’s eerie, but it’s not surprising that the boys are a chip off the old block.
Chantal Tkachuk: To this day, they tease me because skating has always been Matthew’s deficiency, so they make fun of the fact that I taught him how to skate. Keith will take credit for everything else.
Granato: Matthew plays the same kind of style as his dad. He just does it with more talent.
Fohr: To be a thorn in the side of the opponents and then have that elite ability on top of it, that’s pretty special.
Simpson: It’s very hard to find hockey sense that is that elite but also comes with the poise to make the play when it matters most.
Taryn Tkachuk: He’s literally doing every single aspect of what different players bring in a hockey game. It just makes him so unique.
Benne: Matthew doesn’t care what the media writes about him. Matthew doesn’t care if the fans boo him. Boston is going to hate him now, and Toronto is going to hate him after this series. But that’s what drives him. He wants to perform. He wants to put on a show. But more important than anything, he just wants to win.
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Here we go again. The criticism of SH’s Sassanach Gin tour is as expected. Not everyone has to like what he does. That’s fair. But that continuing narrative that he takes advantage of his fans? Sorry, but that’s a hard no for me.
Personally I don’t know how the actual fuck he does it. Ten years in and he is still gracious and accommodating to all his fans, even those that cross every line. How is unsolicited groping ever acceptable? I think he is far too affable. But the he’s taking advantage of his fans continues. If all he wanted to do was was an Outlander pump and dump cash grab, not only is he doing it all wrong, he’s working far to hard. Rather than invest his own money and produce a craft product, he could have purchased a house brand equivalent of whisky and gin, and concentrate on labels. Imagine limited edition pumpkin spice, thanksgiving, Christmas, new year’s, Valentine’s Day, shirtless-you get the idea- SH limited edition bottles. I think he’s looking beyond that and trying to build a brand.
There’s also been a lot written about the individual appearances and signings. I would never camp out at midnight to get a place in line, but a 6-8 hour wait? There are a small group of gals that I follow and Dm with, that I would gladly grab a lawn chair and sunscreen and happily take my place in line with. Not sure if they would be as keen, but @khccbc1745, @kiaora45, @harriethattie, @caldineens, @collectido, @ maryofboston, @ Stargazer74 , @andorra97 and many more, who take the time to not only comment, but call me out when I get things wrong(which I have been known to do) you know who you are- I’d wait in line, with any of these women, in a heartbeat. Even though we range in age-40-80- I don’t think we would have a single second of silence. With a group, you take turns getting coffee, snacks, lunch…quick SH selfie, hotel nap, dinner and drinks. I think that’s the part people don’t get when they see the long lines. It’s not for everyone, but it’s also for most a once in a lifetime thing. Go ahead and laugh, a couple of years ago I was the first to make fun of people like me, but scrolling through the fandom has become one of my favourite things to do, and something I don’t have to share with other family and friends that will never understand the joy of all things Outlander and SH😊. The other thing that most people don’t get is that, and I think I can speak not only for myself but the other amazing women in the fandom, we really don’t take each other that seriously. This is fun, and for me definitely a guilty pleasure bc🥸I’m so happy that I have these like minded people I can commiserate with because I just watched the last mid season episode of season 7. How dare they say…to be continued next year. Next year? Ffs.
On a final note, a fun fact. If we didn’t have tickets for tennis, I definitely would have gone to the Scottish festival in Fergus Ontario to see our very own hometown boy CV, and RR and for once be able to post some original pics. Not far from home, I’ve been to the festival in the past- definitely have Scots in the family tree including a competitive bagpiper- and its always fun. I’ve really enjoyed CV as WR in the first part of season 7 and really looking forward to watching his story unfold. But having to wait until next year to watch the second half of season 7, and who knows how long before season 8 airs. Don’t even get me started about DG, and the timeline for the release of book 10. Seriously considering a class action lawsuit for the cruel and unusual punishment inflicted by DG when she said Jamie’s ghost story would be revealed in the last page of book 10. Why DG? Why? On the other hand, I can take my time scrolling, commenting and posting about season 7. If I was a patient person, which I’m not. So for now I’ll make due with the ongoing commentary of how people around the world refer to the “pineapple swim trunks” SH sports in an upcoming episode of MIK 2. Something budgies….🦜🏊‍♂️🩲…
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glamphantasm · 6 months
thank you for the tag @melverie - I'll be answering these as the person behind the damaged oc, who usually inhabits @hostilemakeover territory
15 Questions Tag Game
01 - Are you named after anyone?
Nope. Literally was given "the only name your father and I didn't argue about." - the exact response I got.
02 - When was the last time you cried?
Actual deep sobbing? I can't even remember. Tears? Ugh. Playing P3Re right now. It's wrenched a couple out of me.
03 - Do you have kids?
I have dogs. And about a million oc-types.
04 - What sports do you play/have you played?
Softball as a kid. I think that was about it?
05 - Do you use sarcasm?
I'm sorry, is there other ways of communicating?
06 - What is the first thing you notice about people?
i tend to do a general sweep over them. whatever catches my eye is different for everyone - sometimes height or hair, other times an accessory or an attitude.
07 - What's your eye color?
Blue. Pale-boring-blue.
08 - Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies. I have a thing where I'm like... not great with happy endings. They make me roll my eyes too much. A good moderate ending though? A+
09 - Any talents?
I'm an excellent mimic - accents, tone, all that. I cook really well (although I think that's more of a skill - I've done it for like... ever. probably longer than a lot of y'all have been alive), I'm told I'm an excellent leader. I think that's a lie.
10 - Where were you born?
New York - upstate. not city. there's a LOT more to NY than the city, I promise. I grew up opposite Toronto on Lake Ontario for anyone who knows the geography.
11 - What are your hobbies?
Uh. Spending way too much time thinking of fictional men. That's the main one really. Gaming. I'm looking forward to the latest FFXIV expansion, and I'm kind of a whore for Persona mainline games. I try to read, but untreated massive stupid mental issues have made that almost impossible.
12 - Do you have any pets?
2 dogs! One is a gigantic labrador retriever (seriously - I grew up with these beasts. he's the tallest one I've ever known, and at 110lbs he is SKINNI), and an 85lb ball of attitude wrapped in black and white fur. The genetics claim he's pitbull/akita/pyr/chow... but I dunno if I believe it. he's an absolute freak though.
13 - How tall are you?
5f7. so, like... idk. 170cm? is that about right?
14 - Favourite subject in school?
Art and English/Literature. I loved French until I got a horrible teacher.
15 - Dream job?
I don't dream of having a job. I dream of finding an enormous drum stuffed full of cash that will allow me to waste my life chasing pleasure and fun instead of working.
tagging: anyone who wants to <3 (low/no pressure tags to @arklayraven & @daemonicdorset)
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pumpkajelly · 6 months
Get to Know Me Tag Game
@silverskulltula I love doing these thank u for think of me! 🦇
🍃 1. Are you named after anyone? All three of my middle names are after people! An aunt I've never met, my father, and my father's sister (also an aunt but I know her)
🍃 2. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday but it's been an emotional time in my life lately
🍃 3. Do you have kids? No, but I'd like to have two some day.
🍃 4. What sports do you play/have you played? Haven't ever been a huge sports person but I used to really enjoy dodge ball (if that can be included) and volley ball. The most I've ever enjoyed a sport was when I was doing fencing in university. I'm pretty decent at lunges actually!
🍃 5. Do you use sarcasm? It's been said
🍃 6. what’s the first thing you notice about someone? Clothing, maybe? I like to see the different ways people express themselves through their fashion!
🍃 7. Eye color? Hazel (the bluey-green kind)
🍃 8. Scary movies or happy endings? Lately I've been really enjoying psychological horror movies like The Menu, Cabin in the Woods and Nope! I used to really not be into horror but more recently I've really started appreciating the different ways themes are tackled in a movie that aims to scare/horrify/disturb! Cabin in the Woods said 'What if in a situation with literal axe-wielding redneck zombie murder family the real horror was systematic, government-ordained violence?' and I loved it for that.
🍃 9. Any talents? For drawing! There's always more room to grow but I'm happy with the art skills I do have. I'm also pretty decent at writing and telling stories, I'd say!
🍃 10. Where were you born? In Ontario! Oakville, if that contains any significance to anyone 👶
🍃 11. Hobbies? Video games, drawing, RP (whether it's written or TTRPG style), writing letters, and cooking! I also watch shows here and there and enjoy cooking / history youtubes.
🍃 12. Any pets? My beloved cat Cheshire! We usually call her Chess she's 13 and developed Cat Asthma this year
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🍃 13. Height? 5'
🍃 14. Favorite school subject? English
🍃 15. Dream job? I really want to be a researcher. I have a bachelor's in psychology, and to be a psych teacher and researcher is pretty up there, but lately I've been considering what it might mean to take that research interest in other directions!
I'll throw some tags out here but if I miss you and you still wanna do it please do I love to read these thangs
@doeraymmie @clairric @nakimochiku @first-renegade @arandomeldritchbeing @yourpsychothicccgf @final-girl-lorde @kinryouku @cinnamintal @corosiaspara @interclouds @confettigraffiti @darkvampire111-blog @orionsvoid @justlikeloving
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such-a-barbarian · 8 months
Weekly Tag Game!
I've been MIA on vacation with the family, so I've missed a few of these. But I am now back in the land of ice and snow so figured I hop on this one quick! Thanks to @francesrose3, @juliakayyy and @jrooc for this week's tags and to all the lovelies who tagged me last week in things I didn't respond to. 😝
name: Kell
age: closer to Noel then Cameron
star sign: a non-believing Aries
your first language: English
second language: I can speak a grade 9 Ontario level French, which basically means I can say very useful phrases like "I am a pineapple in a library".
favorite lip product: The Body Shop has a line of Hemp products including a lip balm that I am a big fan of.
the best food dish you can make without a recipe: My hubby is a big fan of the meatballs I make. I also make a pretty mean hidden veggie mac and cheese (the things you learn with toddlers at home...)
If you drink tea, what kind? I have a cup of Tetley orange pekeo every morning.
If you drink coffee, what roast do you usually get? I do not drink coffee
favorite thing to watch on youtube right now: Besides Gallavich scenes on repeat? My top watched channel is the Try Guys. 🤷🏻‍♀️
favorite thing to watch on youtube in 2012: Honestly, probably Buzzfeed. lol
favorite item of clothing right now: My oversized bright pink hoodie from my local independent ice cream shop, with the most adorable ice cream logo on it.
favorite item of clothing in 2012: probably also some type of oversized hoodie
three movies you recommend: Not really sure if these fit the 'fandom' category but my 3 fav movies of all time: The Princess Bride, Best in Show and The Newsies.
your favorite concert: This is tough, I've seen a lot of great shows! But many moons ago when my hubby and I were first dating Everlast came to a music fest in town. My hubby is a huge fan so we went together and it was a miserable day, pouring rain and cold, but we had SUCH a good time. Cause of the rain it was a pretty small but mighty crowd and Everlast was awesome. It is just such a good memory for me!
have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Nope. This is the only fandom I have ever really participated in and it's been lovely!
have you ever left a fandom because of the fans? Please see above
the best tv show you watched last year: Schimgadoon! Just finishing season 2 now and I am so very sad season 3 wasn't picked up.
do you have a fancasting you just can’t let go of? I will never be over the fact that Arianna Grande was cast as Glinda in the Wicked Movie when they could’ve had Dove Cameron.
a ship you’ve abandoned: I was super into Belle and Shawn from Days of Our Lives back in the day. I read a bunch of fanfic, but never really interacted in the fandom. But once the original actors left the show and I grew out of high school they lost appeal to me.
on a scale of 1-10 how willing are you to share your ao3 history? haha. share with who? on tumblr? probably 10 - nothing would shock any of you. With a random person in my everyday life...probably zero. haha
do you have a fandom tattoo? (do you want one?) I am tattoo free and at this point in my life will mostly remain that way.
what fandom do you wish was bigger? 🤷‍♀️
has a finale ever ruined a show for you? Definitely. The worst for me was How I Met Your Mother. It still makes me so mad.
have you…
swam in an ocean? Many times. Just last week in fact! Thank you, Mexico!
ever been vegan/vegetarian? Nope, we try to do meatless Monday in our house to mix things up but I enjoy meat too much to go full vegetarian.
gone skinny dipping? yup. It is a backcountry camping must!
gone skiing? A ton! It's been a few years since being pregnant/having babies isn't conducive to skiing, but I adore it. It is my favourite winter activity!
been to a convention? nope.
I’ll tag @tanktopgallavich @transmickey @callivich @zutaralesbian @iansw0rld @krysmiss @lupeloto @catluvver118 If you feel like it this week!
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czarcaustic · 8 months
~ 15 questions & 15 friends ~
tagged by @bobbyskid :)
1. Are you named after anyone?
2. When was the last time you cried?
About a week ago because I've gone back to college and the first two weeks were overwhelming and I was like DO I EVEN WANT TO DO THIS? and had an existential crisis. I'm fine now.
3. Do you have kids?
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
I played baseball for many years as a child and I used to cycle/trail bike ride regularly in high school and for a couple years after, but I moved to the city and people kept stealing bikes from my house :( I'd like to get back into it, it's just kind of a pain to try and keep a bike in the city
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Sometimes. I don't think much more than the average person.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Aw geez, I dunno. Faces, I guess.
7. What's your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I really enjoy scary movies but I have found since my mother died I prefer happy endings in most other media.
9. Any talents?
I'm good at art.
10. Where were you born?
Rural Ontario.
11. What are your hobbies?
Hiking, camping, canoeing, painting, making art, writing, playing the banjo uke, reading poetry.
12. Do you have any pets?
I have a dog (Digby) who is 13 years old... I've had her since I was 16 :') ... and we also have an aquarium snail named Speed Racer
13. How tall are you?
5'8" (and a half. I have to add the half because I'm childish)
14. Favorite subject in school?
In school at the moment, Ecology. In art school I liked Painting and Textile Arts, and in high school I enjoyed all of my assorted art classes, as well as Politics, which was probably the best class I ever took because the teacher was absolutely amazing and prompted us to deeply question and analyze the world around us.
15. Dream job?
I would love to just sell prints of my art, and occasionally sell originals or 3D art. Unfortunately I'm a disorganized person and have no head for business. Right now I'm back in school to hopefully get a job as an ecologist, which is certainly something I'm passionate about.
I tag @microsuedemouse, @trexila, @wewontbesleeping, @casfelldown, @jonathanrook, @melanchor, @irisparry, @samblerambles, @killersbabe, but ignore this if it does not SPARK JOY
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111forgiveness · 8 months
Thank you to my wonderful Hel @holedyke for the tag!!! Mwah mwah xxx 🐇
I tag @dreamweavers @flamejob and anyone else who wants to partake !
1. are you named after anyone?
My first name was after an old song, however my middle name, Rita was also my grandmas name, and she was named after the old actress Rita Hayworth because my great grandma loved her lol
2. When was the last time you cried?
Like two nights ago… I was watching Caroline Polachek perform fly to you live and that song makes me emo
3. Do you have kids?
Naur 💋 one day though
4. What sports do you play/have played?
I’ve played a good amount but Ive never been athletic ever but I wished so badly I was growing up. I played soccer, softball, gymnastics, dance and in high school I had a short roller derby career and rugby but I got badly injured and couldn’t play again
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I would probably say just their overall appearance… like how they’re dressed etc. if they smell I notice that too immediately
7. What’s your eye colour?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
I like scary movies better and I love a good terrible hopeless ending
9. Any talents?
Erm… I don’t know I think I’m an okay singer, and I have been told I’m a good writer. Im pretty creative which I would say is probably my biggest strength
10. Where were you born?
Ontario Canada near Toronto
11. What are your hobbies?
I like to read and write when I’m not super depressed. Im on the middle of writing something big and I haven’t worked on it in a minute. It seems like I’ll never finish it but I’m determined to. I also watch a lot of movies and crochet and collect trinkets and physical media
12. Do you have any pets?
A bunny! He just turned five. I had another bunny but he passed away a few years ago
13. How tall are you?
175-178 cm
14. Favourite subject in school?
I LOVED biology. I was so good at it I had like a 97%. I wasn’t good at chem though so I had to drop in grade 12 because I couldn’t do biochem, but ask me anything about the body lol
15. Dream job?
Something in film. I’d love to one day be a filmmaker. I love production work so I’m happy for a while to just be a crew member doing whatever. I’d eventually love to write and direct.
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My favorite NHL teams in no particular order are the Seattle kraken, New York islanders, Pittsburgh penguins, LA Kings, Caroline Hurricanes, Anaheim Ducks (I’m mad at them right now) and the Vegas knights (idk about them anymore tho their fans are kinda mean), and the Minnesota wild!
For AHL (the league right under NHL, they’re minor league if you will. Lots of players have contracts that mean you could go between either at any time) I love the cleveland monsters (my hometown), Coachella valley firebirds, Wilkes barre Scranton penguins, and the Ontario reign! Goalies are my fave players usually, but there are several that I have who aren’t goalies!
I own 10 hockey jerseys at present. I have a problem and I am not ashamed 🤣 I started liking hockey from hockey romance novels and it snowballed. Highly recommend if you’re into that kind of thing!
The nhl is going crazy right now because two of my teams in the eastern conference who weren’t slotted to make the playoffs now probably will and I have ANXIETY.
The player I’m currently obsessing over is Jared McCann from the Seattle kraken! He signed my hat in march when me and my roommate saw Vegas play Seattle in Vegas! And then just this past weekend we saw Seattle play the Anaheim ducks in Anaheim and I got a puck from him during warmups! Seattle is also the only team to have ever had a shut out in winter classic history (4-0 against Vegas) and made it to the second round of playoffs last year during their second year of existence! They are the NHL’s newest expansion team (their AHL team is the Coachella valley firebirds) and sadly won’t make the playoffs this year. The firebirds made it all the way to their championships last year but lost in the end to the Hershey bears (yes they are a real team, it also makes me laugh). Seattles mascot is a sea troll named Buoy and he is a menace to society but that is why we love him!! Anyways here’s a picture of the hat I have signed by Jared McCann!
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COOL! i love lore about friends' interests
is there a reason some teams don't/can't make playoffs? also why are you mad at the anaheim ducks
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so-sures-blog · 2 years
Ok I know I’ve hopped on this train too late, but I wanted to list all the profiles of the TD characters in Reunion cause I couldn’t find good ones
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Alejandro Burromuerto
10 years after Total Drama, Al has become a successful movie star. However, following an unpleasant break up with his former flame Heather Kasuga, he has not been quite the same. Good thing he’s an actor. Alejandro is just as cunning and charming as he was during his time on Total Drama and he is ready to win it all. On Total Drama Reunion, will Alejandro play the game to his favor … or will he realize that some things may just matter more?
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Beth Sweetwater
10 years after Total Drama, Beth is still a sweet and trustworthy woman who is independent and can stand up for herself. She is married and has a son who she raises on her farm. She’s still best friends with Lindsay Hirding and often travels around with her. Now on Total Drama Reunion, will Beth have what it takes to hold her ground? Or will she fall back into old habits like before?
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Bridgette Summers
10 years after Total Drama, Bridgette is quite a busy woman as a professional surfer and a part-time animal rescuer. One of the few couples to actually survive the show’s drama, Bridgette and Geoff are happily married with 2 spritely children, Henry and Shelly. Now Total Drama has been renewed for one final season, and Bridgette is swept up in the season with a promise to return to her children.
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Courtney Prescott
10 years after Total Drama, Courtney has changed a lot since she was a teenager. She has gained humility after the “unpleasant incident” with her lawyers and accepts her losses and shortcomings maturely instead of throwing fits like a 5 year old. Total Drama brought out the worst in her and she realized that her relationships were more important than the game. Now, she has reconciled with Gwen and has a successful career as a lawyer who represents the cheated and abused by game shows and reality TV networks. Before his release from prison, Courtney served on the prosecution team during Chris McLean’s trial. Now a new season of Total Drama has begun, and the resurfacing of a former flame threatens to stir up trouble and Courtney’s post-drama life. On Total Drama Reunion, Courtney will forge unlikely friendships and meet those who hold grudges. How will Courtney navigate these dangerous waters of her past? And will she return to the way she was before?
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Cody Anderson
10 years after Total Drama, Cody now has a stable lifestyle. He is an accountant, has a now-stable Sierra as a girlfriend, and could have everything he ever wants. But … he’s bored. He wants a thrill, an adventure. Will Total Drama Reunion help him prove he has what it takes?
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DJ Benson
10 years after Total Drama, DJ is still the sweetheart with 200 pounds of muscle. A father of 3 now, Kerry, Christopher, and Laura, DJ is the best dad he could be. He owns a restaurant called “Mama’s Gravy” and helps animals at the local shelter. Now on Total Drama Reunion, DJ will reunite with old friends. Will he be able to survive this season’s drama, or will his kind heart be his downfall?
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Duncan Jones
10 years after Total Drama, and after finally being released from prison after All Stars, Duncan has largely moved on from his delinquent lifestyle. He now lives a simple life in Ontario as the owner of a vehicle repair shop. However, Duncan finds his new life upended when Chris McLean is released and Total Drama is renewed for a final season. Duncan agrees to join the original cast to pay off a few debts, unaware of the last-minute inclusion of his old rival-turned-lover, Courtney Prescott. Although she is less than thrilled to be reunited with her ex, Duncan sees this as an opportunity to make up for his past mistakes and re-stoke the fire of their romance.
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Eva Garren
10 years after Total Drama, Eva has come along way since enrolling in anger management classes. After the show was canceled, Eva began to reinvent herself as a world-class heavyweight lifter and a personal trainer. Although she still has an occasional angry outburst, Eva has grown into a more levelheaded person. Now she is drafted back onto Total Drama Reunion. Will Eva return to the rage-filled teenager she once was, or will she finally get the chance to shine?
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Ezekiel Miller
10 years after Total Drama, Ezekiel has gone completely feral. Isolated from humanity and left to rot on Boney Island has mutated and damaged Zeke more than could be imagine. With the original cast back on the Island for Total Drama Reunion, will they run into Zeke? Will they recognize him? Will they realize the impact Chris has left upon him? And will they help him reclaim his humanity, or will he be left as a monster?
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Geoff Algolen
10 years after Total Drama, Geoff has fully devoted himself to his wife, Bridgette, and their 2 kids, Henry and Shelly. Geoff still has his chill attitude from when he was a teenager, but fatherhood has molded him into a man of many responsibilities. Now Total Drama is on for one final season, and Geoff and Bridgette find themselves embarking on a new adventure and reuniting with old friends.
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Gwen Ingrid
10 years after Total Drama, Gwen has followed her dreams and is hosting art galleries all over the country, donating the obtained money to charities around the world. Living a comfortable life in an apartment in New York City, Gwen is living her best life with her friends Courtney, Leshawna, and Bridgette, drama-free. Unfortunately, Gwen is tricked into consenting participation for Total Drama Reunion. Surrounded by old friends and enemies, will Gwen have what it takes to make it out of the season unscathed?
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Harold McGrady
10 years after Total Drama, Harold is still the same as ever. Although split up, Harold is still keeps in touch with the members of Drama Brothers even though they lead different careers. Now, Harold along with Leshawna have started their own show called “Dance Zone”. With a new season of Total Drama greenlit, will Harold finally be able to show off his many skills and growth, or will he be brushed off like years ago?
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Heather Kasuga
10 years after Total Drama, Heather has come a long way. She has become a well-known figure in the celebrity world as both the girlfriend to rising movie star Alejandro Burromuerto, and as “The Heather” that debuted on Total Drama. Using her reputation, Heather became a TV host to her own show, called “The World According to Heather” — popular because of her ruthlessness for answers and her skills as a master strategist. However, some things just weren’t meant to last as the it couple “Aleheather” broke it off on bad terms and unknown reasons. Heather hasn’t been the same since, and even a broach on the subject can make the “Old Heather” come out. Now, the former villainess returns to the show that started it all, Total Drama. In this new season, Heather will forge unlikely friendships, and meet bitter enemies. She will have to come face-to-face with not only her past self and actions, but also those she has hurt as well. Has Heather truly moved on? Or is the old Heather still lurking under the surface?
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Izzy Connelly
10 years after Total Drama, Izzy is still as wild as ever. Always liking to be free, Izzy has traveled across the world and went on crazy adventures before she found her passion in producing. She produces the commercials for Owen’s “Choco-Treats” to help him out of his debts. Although she and Owen have an on-and-off fling, right now they are only friends. Izzy is a single mother of 2 crazy, curly red-haired twin boys, Hunter and Patrick. Now on Total Drama Reunion, will Izzy be able to play the game, or will she usurp it all?
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Justin Alika
10 years after Total Drama, Justin is still as gorgeous as ever. He has worked his way up in the modeling industry and yes, while still absorbed with himself, he’s still caring to those in his life. He keeps in touch with his Total Drama Brothers and the fellow contestants he was close with. In Total Drama Reunion, will Justin show he’s more than his looks?
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Katie & Sadie
10 Years after Total Drama, Katie and Sadie are still BFFFL’s. It is like no time has passed between the girls as they have started their post-drama lives together. Now the whole new season of Total Drama together, will the BFFFL’s friendship survive the turmoil?
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Leshawna Edwards
10 years after Total Drama, Leshawna is better than ever. After making a good amount of money from her show called “Dance Zone”, Leshawna was able to move to New York City and start her own dance studio. Now, Total Drama is coming back with one final season, and Leshawna is once again thrown in the ring with both old friends and enemies to square down with. Will she be able to come out on top and earn her crown?
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Lindsay Hirding
10 years after Total Drama, Lindsay is living her best life. Now the wife of her boyfriend, Tyler, she is now the mother of three kids, Kayden, Monica, and Sophie. Finally living her life of luxury, Lindsay is a fashion blogger and social media influencer as she travels the world with her best friend, Beth. Now with Total Drama Reunion, will Lindsay be able to show the world she is more than the blonde stereotype?
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Noah Mathai
10 years after Total Drama, Noah is living a life he never would have dreamed would be his. After competing in a number of reality TV shows with his best friend, Owen, Noah has settled down, married his lawyer of a girlfriend Emma Park, and is having his son, Kieran. Now Total Drama Reunion has swept into Noah’s comfortable post-drama life. Will Total Drama take it all away, or will he finally get the chance to prove himself worthy competitor?
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Owen Whitman
10 years after Total Drama, Owen is still as happy-go-lucky as ever. After competing in a number of reality TV shows as a professional duo with Noah, Owen has earned enough cash to retire. However, after losing his fortune and being in debt due to his excessive eating habits, Owen agrees to become the face of “Choco-Treats Candy Bars”. Thanks for the help of Izzy, Owen’s starred in a multitude of commercials that slowly helped him get on his feet — until Total Drama Reunion, offering a chance to pull him out of his troubles. Owen agrees and returns to show, where he is to be reunited with a few old friends. How bad could this season possibly be?
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Sierra Weber
10 years after Total Drama, Sierra has thankfully said goodbye to her fangirl ways. Now a devoted girlfriend to Cody and a dedicated journalist, Sierra just might be the only person to realize how Chris McLean got unwilling contestants to join the show. Now on the outside, Sierra works her way in to uncovering the truth and taking down her past idol. Can Sierra save the old contestants, or will they fall to the dark secrets Sierra will uncover?
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Trent Davis
10 years after Total Drama, Trent has been touring the country as a solo act musician. Although he initially kept in touch with Gwen, the two have drifted apart over time. While on the road, Trent has caught the eye of many women before he decided to get married. Him and his partner split up, and Trent realize that no matter how many women he’d meet, none would compare to the steely elegance of his first love. But first, he is left to deal with his young son, Everest. Trent moved on with his life, shoving Gwen in the back of his mind as he channeled all his focus into his music and son. But now, he’s pulled back into a final season of Total Drama Reunion, and the situation quickly becomes uncomfortable as he is reunited with his first love: Gwen.
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Tyler Kennard
10 years after Total Drama, Tyler is now the husband of Lindsey and father of their 3 children. He loves to spoil his wife on their anniversaries with lipgloss, flowers, and accessories, and enjoys showing off his athletic skills to his kids. Now, he is swept up in a season of Total Drama Reunion, and Tyler finally sees his chance to shine and show he has what it takes to win it all.
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Chris McLean
Imprisoned once again for his cheating crimes against humanity and the environment, legendary TV host Chris McLean is bailed out by the networking and an army of angry fans in a desperate attempt to revive Total Drama and pass on a new season. Chris agrees, and uproots all the original cast from their post-drama lives. As Chris’s mental state deteriorates, is there any chance of redemption for our favorite TV host?
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mywifeleftme · 7 months
322: Rival Boys // Animal Instincts
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Animal Instincts Rival Boys 2014, Tiny Records (Bandcamp)
Rival Boys were an Ontario indie rock band active in Toronto from the late ‘00s to the mid ‘10s. They were a three-piece comprising sibling vocalists Lee and Graeme Rose (on bass/violin and guitar, respectively) and drummer Sam Sholdice, with a sound somewhat like Vancouverites Mother Mother on a blue day. (Whom, as an aside, I have discovered are now way more popular thanks to TikTok than they ever were at the time—they have 8.3 million listeners a month on Spotify, which is like… 38 times more than the New Pornographers.) Both Roses affect a mewl somewhere between Violent Femmes’ Gordon Gano and Sarah McLachlan, with Lee’s more powerful bellow usually taking the lead. In conjunction with the cold mountain violin that periodically sweeps the floorboards, it gives their otherwise youthful affect a nostalgic somberness. They were emphatically a rock band though, capable of kicking up a surly crunch: they didn’t have the dance rhythms of the Metric/Land of Talk acolytes who were all over CBC Radio 2 (the national public alternative music station) at the time, preferring to lope along like the Pixies.
Rival Boys were no longer a going concern by the time I moved to Toronto in 2017; I discovered them when I found a CD of their 2009 EP Life of Worry in the basement of an Ottawa house I shared with a friend who’d known somebody in the band back in high school. It was the first time I can remember coming across a group remotely in my social radius that struck me as unequivocally good. I listened to that five-song EP to death for a few years, and I still think they really nailed their sound with it; as a result, I had kind of a chilly response to their 2014 farewell Animal Instincts when I found it at a punk flea market. They’d shed just a touch of the raw-boned vulnerability that had made their loose, imagistic lyrics cling like a thin flannel against a harsh wind; a bit less bite to the guitar; a hair less heedless urgency to the vocals. The serviceable cover of Wolf Parade’s “I’ll Believe in Anything” seemed on the nose; the new rendition of EP highlight “Construction Work” didn’t make my heart stagger around like the original.
But listening to it now, I think Animal Instincts’ real sin was just not being the record I’d fallen in love with. Life of Worry is special, but there’s plenty to like on the LP. Opener “Fortune” edges the hell out of the listener before finally giving us some of Lee in full thunder; “Young and Old” is a showcase for the close harmonies, wet-eyed violin, and martial drumming that were Rival Boys’ most distinctive element; “Don’t Bloom” gives us a little of everything Lee does well, flowing from a distracted, introverted croon to a high wail that arcs like a flaming arrow at a Viking funeral. On this listen anyway, even the new version of “Construction Work” is doing it for me. There’s a nice closure to the fact that it was both among the first and last things they cut: the original with its blazing, desolate frustration sweeping into a folk reel outro that feels like transcendence; the revision more brittle, reserved, like people on the cusp of leaving adolescence behind giving it one last go, the quieter outro never quite taking off but settling into a low, churchy organ drone. It feels like a dignified goodbye.
Which the record in fact was, although it may not have been clear at the time. Graeme dropped out of the music scene altogether; Lee was quiet for a few years, but soldiers on with the very good Ace of Wands; I’m not sure what Sam’s up to these days. Time moves on—it’s 15 years since the EP, 10 now since the LP. I’m sure for the band members and their fans it feels like barely half that time, like finding a book you set down just the other day covered in dust and all your friends so old all the sudden! If ‘00s indie music can be said to have been about anything, it was surely about digging deeper into the experience of being alive, celebrating the wild joy of it while you can, making something of that. Rival Boys surely made something, and it’s nice to have something physical of it to keep.
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microsuedemouse · 8 months
~ 15 questions & 15 friends ~
tagged by my much beloved @czarcaustic <3
1. Are you named after anyone?
My grandfather!! Courtney was his middle name. (That spelling was originally the masculine form of the name, though it's pretty rare to see it used as such these days.) My middle name is also a family name :)
2. When was the last time you cried?
Uhh... oh it was a couple nights ago, when talking with my parents about my Nana. I still miss her a lot
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. At this stage of my life I can't say it feels super likely ever to happen, though I'd be lying if I said I don't feel a twinge of Something when I meet babies at work lol.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
lmao I have never played any. I am extremely unathletic by nature, and also always struggled to get my brain around the rules of pretty much any of them when I was like, a kid in gym class
5. Do you use sarcasm?
Sure, but not a lot? Probably an average amount I figure
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Man, I dunno - probably their faces or their clothes, depending on context?
7. What's your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Big big fan of both! I'm not a big sad endings guy, though. Even when it feels right for the story, it's usually not my jam. (I guess sometimes sad endings can be good for scary movies, but that's like... sort of its own thing? because it's about The Horror.)
9. Any talents?
This is always a hard question for me to answer, bc I feel like most of the things I'm good at are more skills than talents - they're things I've practiced and developed over time, like with my writing and art. Although I guess it'd be fair, if unusual maybe, to say I've got a couple naturally strong interpersonal skills. I'm very good at communication, including figuring out what other people are trying to say, and I'm also pretty good at making people feel comfortable and understood.
10. Where were you born?
In southern Ontario, in the city where both of my parents did most of their growing up :)
11. What are your hobbies?
Writing (fiction prose, mostly) and the many kinds of thinking that go with it (worldbuilding, character development, etc). Arts and crafts (of many kinds; I'm often bouncing from one thing to another. Currently I'm having lots of fun learning to crochet). Taking in stories (reading books and comics, watching movies and TV, playing games, listening to podcasts - I love stories in all their forms). Goofing off with my family, especially my younger siblings.
12. Do you have any pets?
We have three cats - Neverland, Louie, and Smudge :)
13. How tall are you?
Uhh my ID says 165 cm, so that's... 5'5"-ish? I'm genuinely so incapable of remembering that on my own, for some reason.
14. Favorite subject in school?
It was usually English and art, growing up. In university it was always my courses that delved into genre fiction - science fiction, children's lit, the fairy tale... also that graphic novel seminar I took
15. Dream job?
Iiii. [sweats] I wanna be a novelist, but also, that's hard in its own way, and I think it's gonna take me a while yet to really Get There in terms of my own skills, disregarding the challenges of publishing. Beyond that... is something I've been struggling a lot with lately, because it's hard for me to imagine myself in a job where I'm both content and competent, let alone able to support myself. I've been wondering a lot again about library sciences, lately, but I just don't know. It's tough out here!
I definitely don't have 15 people to tag, but. @izupie @werewolfin @serenabeanie @womanaction @mana-sputachu perhaps, if you're feelin' it?
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industryhbo · 2 years
15 questions 15 tags i was tagged by @yournowheregirl​ and @machine-slays-dragons​ thank you my dears 💖
1. Are you named after anyone? No, my mom had a very common name for her age (you know that 80s movie?) She hated it so she gave me and my siblings all less common names. But our middle names are all from relatives!
2. When was the last time you cried? Listening to TAZ Balance on the way to work a couple days ago lmao
3. Do you have kids? Nope
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? No, i used to but not so much any more
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? I'm not very perceptive so just whether they talk a lot/are friendly
6. What's your eye color? Brown
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings! I hate being scared, I'm no good with horror
8. Any special talents? I'm good at math (just how my brain's wired) and music (my mom taught me when i was very young)
9. Where were you born? Not far from where i live now, ontario suburbs are all the same
10. What are your hobbies? Watching TV, making gifs, writing, Valorant
11. Do you have any pets? YESSS my fam has two pugs named Eddie and Kevin. Also my sister has a cat named Cannoli who is the sweetest cuddliest cat ever and I love him. (i linked pics since they’re too cute not to show)
12. Have you played/do you play any sports? I did ballet, soccer, hockey, volleyball, then cheerleading. Cheer was most difficult of all, it's so intense
13. How tall are you? I think around 5'10"
14. Favorite subject in school? I liked a lot of subjects but music was the easiest and most fun! I took band class and vocal class at the same time lol
15. Dream job? Not sure. I have a degree in engineering but i'm not that good at it lmao. One day I will quit and become a mail carrier for the post office, I think that would be fun tagging @sheisraging @screenwrite @eddie-dustin @blackwithenby @labetalol  @fightingdragonswithwho @alice42d if you want to!
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Thank you @becomingapoet for tagging me. 🙏 I've never done anything like this, so it should be fun! 😊
1. Are you named after anyone?
I'm named after two people, actually – my first name is my dad's (Tim/Timothy), and my middle name is my grandfather's (Michael).
2. When was the last time you cried?
Twice this morning. 😆 I'm a super watery person, so it doesn't take a whole lot to move me emotionally lol.
3. Do you have kids?
Not of my own (in the biological sense), but I do have a 12-year-old stepson who lives with my partner and I half the time, and his dad the other half. There aren't really any words I can say that will do him justice, but he's a wonderful guy, and we have a great relationship. He's helped me grow as a person more than pretty much anyone I've ever met.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Not in the traditional sense. My partner and I have a few semi-sarcastic inside jokes between us, but they're really quite light-hearted and silly — they're never at anyone's expense or anything like that. (I'm also on the autism spectrum, so I'm admittedly not very good at detecting sarcasm lol. Sometimes I even have to ask her whether she's joking about something or not.)
5. What’s the first thing you notice about people?
I notice different things about people at different times/in different situations, but one of the most common is how they treat others.
6. What’s your eye color?
My eyes are brown, but they also appear green at times.
7. Scary movie or happy ending?
I am a definite lover of happy endings, but I'm also a great lover of the macabre, so that's a tough one. I would say my natural preference for peaceful resolution comes out on top, though.
8. Any special talents?
Other than poetry, I'm pretty good at divination, especially via Tarot, astrology, geomancy, and dream interpretation.
Bonus secret talent — I used to be a decent rapper in my late teens/early 20s, which, in all honesty, is where I got my start in poetry.
9. Where were you born?
I was born in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada, but I've lived in Niagara Falls for pretty much all my life, other than two brief periods in Toronto and Hamilton.
10. What are your hobbies?
As an autistic person, my "hobbies" are more like all-encompassing obsessions that I can neither live nor function without. 😆
That being said, I spend a great deal of time studying and practicing esoteric traditions like alchemy, astrology, Kabbalah/Qabalah, Tarot, & ritual magic — and my partner Julia and I also do a lot of teaching in this realm through a blog we run called Spiral Sea Tarot.
I also love studying a number of different world religions, comparative mythology, psychology, philosophy, art, & literature.
I am also a great lover of Chinese/Taiwanese tea and tea culture. I'm especially fond of puerh — a post-fermented tea that undergoes a gradual transformation over several years from a vibrant, yellowish brew to a complex, earthy red.
11. Do you have any pets?
We have a highly-strung, but always lovable muted tortie cat named Maeby.
12. What sports do/have you played?
Mostly baseball, but I've played a bit of hockey, football, and volleyball as well.
13. How tall are you?
14. Favorite subject in school?
English and Psychology
15. Dream job?
I'd love for my partner and I to be able to do our work together on a larger scale, and in more of a full-time capacity than life currently allows. You can't really beat doing what you love with the person you love doing it with!
I haven't been here long enough to get to know anyone yet, so I tag anyone who is reading this. Thanks for your time! 🙏
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fleurcareil · 1 year
Second month recap: July
Driving away from Sleeping Giant on 1st August means I've already completed two full months in the road!! Wow!! 🤩 And most amazingly, I still feel fantastic and am not ready yet to start going home by a long shot... 😁 in fact, I'm starting to get a bit concerned about everything that I still want to do in the remaining time, but I'm sure I'll figure it out!
I forgot to check the odometer but it was probably at around 67500 so that means I drove another 6,000 kilometers in the second month and slightly under 13,000 km in total. I still stick mostly with camping two nights in a row in a park (where I drive the absolute minimum), followed by a series of motels/inns/hotels when I drive larger distances, typically 3-4 hours a day interspersed with several breaks at viewpoints, small hikes, towns etc to get a feel of the area. I generally aim to arrive at my sleeping place by 6-7pm latest so that I have enough time to settle in before it gets dark (long summer hours help!) but once in a while I get there earlier around 3-4pm to get a lazy afternoon. And sometimes I only start at 10-11am taking it easy in the morning, especially when it's crappy weather 😅. The joy of absolute freedom to choose how I spend my days!! 🥰❤
I can hardly believe where I was at the end of the first month as that feels such a long time ago... in Matane in the Gaspesie, Québec. So last month, I did the entire Labrador loop which included a large section of unpaved road and more boreal trees than I ever imagined 😝. Got delayed on the cargo boat back to Québec so that resulted in some last minute changes to hotels and tours, then the ever-impressive sea along the Cote Nord all the way west to Québec City, several pretty national parks in central Quebec that were unfortunately impacted by flooding, a stay-over in Montreal and then along the Ottawa Valley via North Bay - Sudbury - Sault Ste Marie to the spectacular scenery of Lake Superior! 🎉 The diversity in the natural environment from maritime to boreal, from sea cliffs to inland canyons & massive lakes is so incredibly huge, and I'm only half way, as the Prairies and the Rockies are still ahead of me! 😍😍
What is constant though throughout is the friendliness of the people I meet, whether it's the staff at the visitor centres and in the parks, other campers or restaurant guests, or even if it's only a short "great day isn't it?" when you're passing each other on the trail or on the water. Canadians are rightly proud of their local area as well as their country, and are truly wanting to share that with others.
I've also come to realize I'm not alone in wanting to pursue my dreams as many have done so before me; from the scallops farmer in Québec to the inn owner in Ontario, several have shared with me their life trajectory often having moved away from the busy corporate/urban life to focus on what's important to them. No one has perhaps dared to tell me I'm crazy 😜 and it's surprising how many people can in some way relate to Chile 😅 so that makes me hopeful for the future!
Lastly, I wanted to share my reflection on the role that cross-country retailers like Canadian Tire, Tim Hortons and to some extent grocery stores and gas stations play in comforting travelers like me and unifying Canada as truly one country... as part of my job, I've ofcourse always known that CT has 507 stores across Canada but I've never felt what that means until now. When driving for 100-300kms in the middle of inhospitable forest without cell reception and literally only a handful of sideroads and buildings, it's comforting to know that at the end of it there will always be a place to e.g. buy a cup of tea & a donut or propane & kindling 😅. Typically, both CT and Tim Hortons will have signs 5-10km upon approach of a town (though mostly run down and overgrown 😉) and there's a real sense of relief & joy that I've been feeling seeing those signs; a combo of gladness that my car didn't break down or was hit by a moose/bear, and of happiness to be back in the familiar human realm (something like that, not sure how to explain). Secondly, it's also unifying to see the same brands in so many different places, as that creates a bond between all Canadians (in contrast, if you would drive equal distance in Europe you would likely have crossed a border with each country having its own brands/language etc). Having the same stores with the same products everywhere you go in Canada creates a commonality that clearly says: I am in Canada 🇨🇦 (actually, because CT stores are built on a standard proto design, I bought firestarters in exactly the same aisle in Pembroke as in Dryden 🤣)... I don't think this comforting & unifying aspect is apparent when you live in an urban area or only travel locally, but this roadtrip has increased my appreciation of both these Canadian brands (and I'm really not a big Tim Hortons fan although the branch in Marathon was phenomenal) .
I've rambled long enough now and need to light the fire 😃, so here's my top ten-ish of best experiences for the second month in chronological order. Scroll to my previous blogs for pictures!
1. Driving the Labrador loop including the expansive boreal forest and the Manic-5 hydro dam, QC/NL
2. Staying at Battle Harbour Island, NL
3. Seeing icebergs on the trails at Red Bay and L'Anse au Clair, NL
4 Taking the cargo boat from Blanc-Sablon to Kegashka, QC
5. Touring the Mingan archipelago (both west and east islands), QC
6. Whale watching at Cap de Bon-Désir & the Marine Discovery Centre, QC
7. Hiking the Mont du Lac-des-Cygnes at Grands-Jardins, QC
8. Meeting Nabil and spending the day in Vieux-Montreal, QC
9. SUPping at Barron Canyon & Restoule, ON
10. Hiking the pictographs trail at Lake Superior & the coastal trail at Pukaskwa parks, ON
11. Paddling on Lake Superior, ON
12. Guided PoW camp hike at Neys provincial park, ON
There's a few that I omitted such as the Manitou waterfall in eastern Québec, park La Mauricie and the Ouimet Canyon that are must-do's if you're in the area but I can't simply name everything that I did! 😉
I'll need to create better Gmaps next time I have internet on my laptop!
2nd month travel;
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Total travel since 1st June;
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catzy88 · 2 years
Is the Connor McDavid vs. Jack Eichel rivalry finally about to become reality?
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Rogers Place in Edmonton is the stage for Connor McDavid versus Jack Eichel, as division rivals, when the Golden Knights visit the Oilers on Saturday night.
The star centers were drafted No. 1 and No. 2 in 2015, heralded as one of the most talented duos atop the draft in some time. They began their NHL careers eight years ago in opposite conferences, but Vegas’ trade to acquire Eichel last November brought the two competitors closer.
They’ve both had plenty of success on an individual level, with McDavid and his two Hart Trophy wins far outweighing Eichel’s accolades to this point. But neither has won at the level they desire. At least not yet.
Now that they’re both on teams with Stanley Cup aspirations, they’re standing directly in each other’s path as divisional foes.
This has the potential to become the NHL’s next great individual rivalry.
“Any time they play, that’s going to be watched by a lot of people — and should be,” said Mark Seidel, chief scout of North American Central Scouting, who has watched the two develop since their pre-NHL days.
“They’re the best players on both teams. It’s not that different than (Sidney) Crosby and (Alex) Ovechkin, how they used to be when they went head to head. It’s the next step of that rivalry. I think it’ll be that way for a long time to come.”
McDavid and Eichel have played against each other only once in the last 1,000 days. They’re certainly further along in their careers than Crosby and Ovechkin were when their rivalry began, but in leading two of the most talented teams in the Western Conference, they could see a lot of each other moving forward.
“You’ve got two highly competitive guys,” Seidel said. “Connor is legendary. I don’t like how Jack gets portrayed as a sulking superstar. He wants to win something fierce.”
There’s no question that McDavid has been the better player to this point — and that’s no surprise.
McDavid was seen as hockey’s next can’t-miss star before he was even a teenager. He was always the youngest player on his minor hockey teams and always the best. He entered the Ontario Hockey League and dominated that league for three seasons. All he’s done in the NHL is produce. In his six post-rookie campaigns, he’s been the scoring champion four times and finished in the runner-up spot twice. He paces the NHL in goals (15) and points (32) this season in just 17 games.
“I don’t think anyone should compare themselves to him,” Eichel said of McDavid. “I think with what he’s doing, and the way that he plays, he’s just on a level of his own. I don’t try to compare myself to anyone. I just try to be the best version of me.”
McDavid has 729 points in 504 NHL games. He doesn’t turn 26 until January, but his place as a hockey immortal is already secured.
The difference between McDavid and Eichel is vast, which is more a credit to the former than a slight against the latter.
“Connor McDavid is one of the top 10 greatest players ever, maybe top five, and Jack Eichel is a superstar,” Seidel said. “There are 20 superstars in the NHL today. In all ways, Connor has certainly been better.
“It’s unfair to Jack because you’re talking about a generational, top-10 forever player.”
Eichel’s been no slouch, though, with 401 points in 427 career games despite playing the vast majority of them on a struggling Sabres squad. Finally back to full strength after neck surgery and surrounded by a talented cast in Vegas, Eichel is hitting his stride.
He’s nearing a 100-point pace for the first time in his career, leading the Golden Knights in goals (10) and points (21) as they’ve built up the best record in the Western Conference. Perhaps more impressively, he’s taken over all three zones. Eichel has used his unique combination of speed and strength to muscle the puck away from the opposition and convert those takeaways into immediate offense.
“He’s big and he’s a power skater,” McDavid said. “He’s a great player.”
Vegas’ top line of Eichel, Mark Stone and Chandler Stephenson is tops in the league in expected goal share, and Eichel has been on the ice for 13 goals for and only four against at even strength.
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This stat visualization from WaveIntel shows McDavid’s individual stats are otherworldly, but whether it’s the result of playing on a stronger overall team or his own defensive improvements, Eichel’s on-ice metrics are vastly superior this season, especially defensively.
“They’re both world-class players,” said Sharks forward Timo Meier, who was selected at No. 9 in that draft by San Jose. “McDavid is no doubt the best right now, but Jack has shown that he’s up there, too, and he’s a player that’s very hard to play against.
“Seeing them play against each other, and competing, is fun for the fans. Obviously two really hard players to defend and play against. The skill sets they have. The way they can beat you in multiple ways. Both have unbelievable speed, so they are two of the top superstars in the league.”
McDavid had been viewed as the No. 1 pick in the 2015 draft for years. There were times when Eichel got his name in the conversation during the 2014-15 season — even if it was just whispers — but McDavid was the wire-to-wire leader.
“He was a good player (that season),” McDavid said. “He was playing in college and our paths never really crossed. He’s a guy I’ve gotten to know a little bit around the draft stuff. He’s a guy I quite like.”
Meier is from Switzerland but played his draft season for the Quebec Major Junior Hockey League’s Halifax Mooseheads, so he heard plenty of McDavid-Eichel scuttlebutt.
“You could definitely tell how big the hype was around these two guys,” Meier said. “You see these guys and you compare yourself. You always want to be the best.”
The 2015 draft lottery was a made-for-TV special, designed so everyone could find out which team got the right to draft McDavid. Eichel, who was unable to attend the event in Toronto, was merely an afterthought.
“They really weren’t that close,” Seidel said. “The term ‘generational talent’ gets thrown around way too much, but Connor truly was that. The difference was his skating.
“You just knew his skating was going to be that much better than everybody else’s.”
Never was that afterthought status surrounding Eichel more obvious than when then-Sabres GM Tim Murray, whose team had the best odds to land the No. 1 pick, compared the slide down to a player getting the call that he’d been cut from the Canadian world junior team. He added that he felt bad for Sabres fans.
“From our standpoint, you’re talking about a guy who we felt — and it hasn’t changed — was so much different than any other prospect that we’ve seen in so long, probably since Crosby,” Seidel said of McDavid.
“Jack was a really, really good prospect — certainly, a high-end prospect — and the second-best prospect that year. But the gap was significant. There was no team that was going to try to trade up to (No.) 1 and take Eichel over McDavid.”
Eichel didn’t let the noise get to him. Quite the opposite, in fact. He reportedly told teams in his draft interviews that he’d be better than McDavid. That clearly hasn’t come to fruition, but he’s done just fine in his NHL career.
Eichel has now joined McDavid as the best player on one of the Pacific Division’s best teams.
In the Oilers’ case, that descriptor is more projection than reality at this point. After reaching the final four last season, they’re a middling 9-8 so far with below average underlying numbers.
McDavid has been one of the few standout performers. In addition to his remarkable counting stats, he’s the only Oiler to be at least even in goals for, shots for and Corsi for percentages at five-on-five — per Natural Stat Trick. He drives the bus; most others hop aboard when they can.
The way things have gone for the Oilers, it might take a gargantuan effort from McDavid on Saturday for them to beat Eichel’s Golden Knights in the first matchup in the new head-to-head battle.
“I can see how people want to make that a story, but it’s so long ago now,” McDavid said. “I don’t think people are talking about the Taylor Hall and Tyler Seguin (draft) year. Time kind of fades (things). He’s a great player. Vegas and himself are off to a great start.”
There’s obviously no rivalry at the moment. The two have only played against each other nine times.
“Honestly I don’t really look at it like (a rivalry),” Eichel said. “The draft is so long ago, and it’s one or two days and you’re past it. You might use that hype for one season, and you get past the draft and all that comes with it pretty quickly. At the end of the day, you’re going out there with your group, competing against another group, and that’s really just the mindset for everyone.”
In the nine regular season meetings, Eichel has a slight edge with five wins. Eichel has five goals and five assists, including two game-winners, while McDavid has three goals and five assists. The games themselves, however, were little more than a novelty since the Sabres were awful and the Oilers often weren’t much better. Now, the circumstances have changed.
Edmonton advanced to the Western Conference finals last season, and Vegas has gone at least that far in three of its five seasons. After an injury-riddled 2021-22, the Golden Knights appear to have returned to a familiar perch atop the Pacific Division. As each team’s top player, McDavid and Eichel will play major roles in that race — starting on Saturday.
“You always like challenges, as a group and as an individual,” Eichel said. “That’s a big game for us. They’re a team that we want to establish ourselves as competitive with.”
There’s a mutual admiration between the two players as they embark on battles as divisional opponents. It extends beyond the respect they have for each other’s abilities on the ice.
Both players have endured serious injuries that had the potential to drastically alter their career trajectories.
McDavid suffered a torn-in-half PCL, torn knee joint and cracked front tibia when he went crashing into the goalpost in the final game of the 2018-19 season. He returned in time for the next campaign after a grueling summer of rehab work.
Eichel suffered a herniated disc in his neck as a result of a hit in March 2021. The Sabres organization urged the star forward to undergo disc fusion surgery, but after discussions with several doctors, Eichel decided on artificial disc replacement surgery — a procedure that had never been performed on an NHL player at that time.
After months of dispute, Buffalo eventually dealt Eichel to Vegas. He had the surgery performed shortly after, in November 2021, and returned to NHL action three months later. Eichel was in a difficult situation based on the rules written in the collective bargaining agreement between the NHL and NHLPA — which place some control over medical decisions in the hands of the teams — but he remained steadfast on his decision and eventually had his preferred surgery.
“As athletes, as hockey players, I think everybody understands injuries are part of it, and it’s a scary thing,” McDavid said. “Just to see him go through that situation was troubling.
“Players should have a say in what happens to their own body. We’re the ones that have to live in that body for the rest of our lives. I thought he did a good job of standing up for what he thought was right and getting the procedure that he thought was right. It’s good to see him back on his feet.”
The two aren’t close friends, but have followed each other’s careers after sharing draft day in 2015.
“I’ve known him for a while now,” Eichel said of McDavid. “I’m friendly with him if I see him in the summer. If we’re at the BioSteel (offseason camp), or whatever. I wouldn’t say we’re calling each other and seeing how we’re doing, but when I’m around him we converse, catch up and things are good.”
Eichel finished ninth in Hart Trophy voting in 2019-20, his last full season. He’s back to that level now. Of course, McDavid has consistently been on the shortlist of the league’s best players for years.
Eichel’s early work and recent resurgence, coupled with McDavid’s dominance through seven-plus seasons, has already established the two as one of the best 1-2 draft combinations in NHL history.
The standard-bearer remains Hockey Hall of Famers Guy Lafleur and Marcel Dionne, who were selected with the first two picks in 1971. Seidel already has McDavid and Eichel ahead of the 2009 pairing of John Tavares and Victor Hedman. He ranks them as the best duo since the 2004’s Nos. 1 and 2, Alex Ovechkin and Evgeni Malkin — two more surefire Hall of Famers.
“The top of that (2015) draft is as good as we’ve seen in a long time,” Seidel said.
Winning will only heighten the legacy of the player who does so.
A playoff matchup or two during the next few springs will no doubt kick a nascent rivalry into overdrive, as it did with Ovechkin and Crosby’s battles.
Ovechkin and Crosby have 63 head-to-head meetings in the regular season and have faced each other in the playoffs four times.
Considering McDavid and Eichel’s ages, and the current landscape of the Pacific Division, a playoff series or two between them isn’t hard to imagine.
“(For Eichel) to go head to head with McDavid, that would be a seven-game series that I would certainly pay to watch,” Seidel said. “Fans want to see the best players on the ice and those are two of the best in the league.”
(Photo: Andy Devlin / NHLI via Getty Images)
Source: Is the Connor McDavid vs. Jack Eichel rivalry finally about to become reality? via The Athletic
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