#the last thing I need right now is period anxiety on top of everything
robinwinghood · 8 months
Ugggghhhh why does this have to come right on time to mess up my birthday againnnnn
0 notes
obsessedtomone · 9 months
Unravel Yourself Before Me ⛓️ Chapter 6 - The Exposé▸Shigaraki x femReader
Chapter Summary:
◤“Are you serious right now? Me being scared shitless means I’m into him? Did you hit your head on the way here?” you ask, starting to feel actually annoyed.
“But it’s not just that and you know it!” They smack your arm, beautiful eyes boring into yours and peering at your soul. 
Of course it isn’t just that, but you’d never admit you feel anything for this fucked-up asshole to anyone, let alone your own damn self. ◢ Setting: University AU - No quirks (unless degenerate personalities count) Tags: Slow burn, Eventual Smut, Unhealthy/Toxic Relationships, Humiliation, Mentally Ill Reader, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Enemies to ??? Warning: Dead Dove – Do Not Eat | Mind the tags TW: Implied Su/Self H, Dubcon, Reader has a super shitty past like actually, Shigaraki Tomura is his own warning.
AO3 Crosspost | Chain Divider by firefly-graphics
Chapters: One • Two • Three • Four • Five • Six • Seven
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Chapter 6 - The Exposé
All the noise, the chatter, the people—they drown out the silence as you sit like a loser in the corner of the busy shop, waiting. 
With your leg bouncing—one of your many nervous tics—you cast an anxious look around you, unable to shake the feeling that everyone is watching you, even off campus. You’re hiding behind the safety of your hood, blankly seeing people going about their day, while you were waiting for Taylor to show.
“Girl, if we’re going to discuss fucked-up shit again, I really need something to sweeten it up” is what they told you over the phone, after your little mental breakdown in the hallway. 
So they picked their favorite—and unfortunately a really fucking popular—bubble tea store in the area, for the both of you to have a talk in. 
You’re torn between periodically checking your watch, your phone, or your surroundings, visibly on edge as you alternate doing so.
Conjuring whatever your therapist—or reddit post—told you to do when you’re having a huge panic attack and you’re not home, you begin taking deep breaths. You focus on the things around you first, the different smells, the people. The wallpaper that's slightly torn, in the corner where you’re sitting. 
You look around, try your goddamn best, and unsurprisingly—it doesn’t fucking work.
It doesn’t, because save for your three different types of anxiety medication you take every day, nothing fucking works. You stopped taking heavy meds after you figured the worst of everything had passed, after life finally became somewhat stable, somewhat bearable.
 So instead, you ride that nauseating wave of anxiety pulsating within you, and wait as patiently as you fucking can for it to just stop.
Shigaraki managed to do a number on you today, because you made sure you took off as soon as he’d left, not having the stomach to bump into more horny, borderline assailant creepy jocks anymore. 
It was more than enough that your phone was blowing up with an incredibly stupid amount of assholes, messaging you, harassing you at regular intervals, and sending you enough dick pics to last you a lifetime. All in the span of a single fucking day.
You wanted to turn your phone off, but unfortunately, it was also the only way to contact Taylor outside the comfort of your PC, so you ended up just muting it, turning the notifications off and sucking it the fuck up until you got home today.
Your friend still had classes that they were eager to skip, in order to hurry and meet with you, but you managed to convince them to stay by compromising—hence your sitting down in an overrated bubble tea store, right in the middle of a crisis.
With a sigh, you sip on your plain black coffee, scrolling through social media and passing as much time as you can before you even have to think about dealing with him. Luckily, it didn’t take more than an hour, and the movement you see from the corner of your eye is a familiar one. 
Taylor is dressed up in a slutty black mesh crop-top and a high-waisted pair of black leggings. A few flashy accessories and a pair of sunglasses sitting snug on top of their head, are complementing their skimpy club outfit nicely.
“You do realize winter starts in like a month, slut?” you ask, a knowing smile playing on your lips, pure relief coating your gaze at the sight of them before you. 
You’re not alone, you’re not alone, you’re not alone.
Not this time.
“Oh yeah? Well how about—you shut the fuck up? It’s fucking winter all year ‘round for you, bitch!” They smile back at you, but a thought seems to cross their mind and their expression slips back into one of concern. “Are you doing okay, babe?”
“I’ll manage. Do you wanna order now, or?”
“It’s fiiine, I can always steal from yours and order later.” They wink at you, yoinking your drink before your very eyes, and you watch in horror as a major crime is about to unfold, right in front of you.
“Hold! Dude, it’s—”
“Eeww! Gross! How can you even drink this shit?!” Your friend basically throws the drink back at you, splashing some on the table and immediately getting back up to order. 
You look at them through half-lidded eyes and speak in a bored tone, “If you would’ve asked first, I could have told you what it was.”
Taylor shows you the bird, mouths a ‘fuck yourself’ and makes their way to the counter to order. “Aaand we don’t know what he’s talking about? Like, at all?” they say, sipping on their milk caramel white tea diabetes and asks you.
“Nooo fucking clue. He kept talking like a goddamn psycho about this ‘pReSeNT’—” you reply, doing air quotes and mocking his stupid fucking voice, “—he’s got for me. I don’t know where, or what it is. Half expecting to find a dead body in front of my place today, tbh.”
“Hmm, guess we’ll have to wait and find out. Sucks, but there’s not much we can do, babe.”
Then, your friend starts eyeing you curiously, seemingly weighing something in their mind. You roll your eyes. 
“Shoot. You’re not done.”
As if possessed, Taylor instantly lights up and throws a series of incredibly inadequate questions at you.
“Okay, okay, so—what did he smell like? Everyone says he looks like he doesn’t shower, and wears the same clothes all the time! Is it true? I’ve only seen him from a distance. And, and, oh! Do you think he’s interested in you? There’s no way he’s not, right? I mean he was fucking with you, but I’ve never heard of him interacting with anyone like that—getting all close and personaaal, pinning them to the freaking wall! Two times?! C’mon!” They go off, giggling, as if Shigaraki was truly just a misunderstood guy, a hopeless romantic, and not a rich psychopath who gets off on breaking people's bones and making girls cry.
If your friend notices the blatant shock on your face, they don’t react to it.
“So, I have a theory, okaaay? I think… that he kind of likes you? I mean I heard he’s beaten the shit out of female students before, for literally less than the shit you pulled, so he’s definitely cutting you slack. Oh, right! How come you didn’t pepper spray his ass? You never hesitated before.” A snicker escapes them when they can’t help but imagine it. “Bet it would’ve been so fucking funny to blind Shigaraki Tomura! He’d literally fucking kill you. Gasp! Do you think he’d screech?!”
You sigh, shaking your head and looking out of the window. “I fucking can’t with you.”
“Well?” They cast an expectant glance in your direction, waiting for you to respond until a frustrated exhale escapes your lips.
“Fuck, okay. You’re lucky I’m short on friends,” you say, as if you had any friends at all, and your gaze turns into a playfully irritated one, making them wiggle their perfectly-shaped tattooed eyebrows at you. “First of all, you have to stop humanizing him. He’s literally just a psycho.”
“A psycho you’re into,” they shamelessly add, batting their fake eyelashes innocently. You blink at them, taken aback by their audacity. “C’moon, all these years I’ve known you and this guy is the first who’s doing a number on you? Just look at you! You’re not acting like yourself! Be fucking for real, girl.”
“Are you serious right now? Me being scared shitless means I’m into him? Did you hit your head on the way here?” you ask, starting to feel actually annoyed.
“But it’s not just that and you know it!” They smack your arm, beautiful eyes boring into yours and peering at your soul. 
Of course it isn’t just that, but you’d never admit you feel anything for this fucked-up asshole to anyone, let alone your own damn self.
“Listen, you can lie to yourself as much as you want, babe, but I’ve been around for way too fucking long for you to be able to hide that shit from me. Just sayin’.”
You roll your eyes and click your tongue.
“Whatever, you asshole.” 
Taking a sip of your bitter drink, you start mentally preparing yourself to entertain your crazy bitch of a friend. They nod excitedly, waiting for you to continue. 
It’s like they completely forgot the entire reason you’re here right now, but you brush it off because this is nothing new to you. You’ve known them long enough to know that, despite their perfect popular appearance, they still have flaws. Major flaws. And frankly it didn’t bother you. 
“Dunno. I don’t think he doesn’t shower—and who the fuck cares if he wears the same clothes everyday? I do too? Are people seriously that fucking shallow?” you ask, brow furrowing at the nasty shit that Taylor and their peers seem to talk behind his back. “He smells fine. No B.O, just cigs and uh… cologne, maybe.” 
You leave out the part where you don’t think you’ve smelled any sort of perfume on him before today, looking warily at your friend, who’s toying with the rim of their cup, using the tips of their forty dollar acrylic nails. 
“And how the fuck should I know if he’s into me? He’s fucking weird all the time. His eyes are—when he looks at me… I don’t know. It’s intense. Like that bastard already knows everything about you and still expects you to disappoint him in some way. It’s really fucking weird, I’ve never met anyone like that before, so he is special, alright,” you scoff before continuing, “Also, kind of fucked that you believe some rumors and parrot the same shit your friends say. You literally said you don’t know him personally, and I bet none of your fake ass friends know him either.”
You shouldn’t defend him. You know you shouldn’t defend him, but you can’t fucking help it when you’ve been through the same shit your whole life. People just like to say things, and maybe some of the things they’ve said are true, but—
“What? Bitch I literally know someone who just looked at him wrong, and came back the next day with a broken arm and his dad losing his job. Don’t give me that.”
“Oh? Looked at him wrong, huh? He for sure didn’t say he looked weird, called his outfit shit, or made fun of his scars and skin problems, right? No way he’d said something disrespectful to his face, like the fact that he maybe doesn’t shower. The fuck you on? I’ve seen the way people look at him at school.”
Taylor narrows their eyes at you, scoffs and looks away. 
A pang of anxiety replaces your irritation and you’re about to try to smooth things over, when they finally reply.
“Okay, fine. The guy thought it would be funny to steal his watch and prove he can get away with it. He lied to us too, by the way. But it’s not like he didn’t fuck with you too! He’s literally pushed you and invaded your privacy, threatened you and acted like a creep! And god knows what he was referring to earlier!” They fold their arms defensively.
Your friend is right, he does seem like an unpredictable individual, and you shouldn’t defend him over them. After all, you still haven’t told them about the ugly bruises. 
“Sorry,” they begin, a remorseful look on their face and your eyes widened. “I shouldn’t have said all that. I know people acted like shit around you too in highschool. Still think that you should be careful, though. He’s violent and scary and I know I was messing around earlier, saying he’s interested in you, but I said that because no one has seen him with anyone on campus. Not unless they got into a fight. He’s acting super weird around you.”
You glance at the (now cold) drink in your hands and your shoulders slump forward. “It’s fine. I’m… sensitive because he’s scared me, and it pisses me off how weak I am. I thought I got over most of my mommy and daddy issues, but it only took a bigger asshole to bring them out of me again.” 
Honestly, you wish you had the courage to beat his ass even if it meant he’d be beating yours in return. That way it would at least feel like you’ve tried.
“Honey, no. No, no, no. You’re not weak.” Taylor replies, your eyes becoming wet as they take your hands in theirs and their soft voice melts your heart. “You’re like, the strongest bitch that I know.”
“Shut up.” You look away, frowning with a blurry vision, as your tears threaten to spill over.
They squeeze your hands softly, expression full of understanding. “I’m serious. We’ll figure this whole thing out, okay? Sorry for being nosey, that was really fucked of me.”
“It’s fine, that’s not the issue. I’m just really tired, I think.”
It’s definitely not fine, but you know they mean well.
Your thoughts were running at a hundred miles per hour now, exhaustion catching up with your foggy brain.
Click —
You unlock the door to your apartment and look around to see if anything’s out of place. Maybe even for a dead body that wasn’t so out of the question anymore.
You double and triple check, going into every room two or three times. Everything’s where it’s supposed to be, and no one seems to have broken into your apartment yet.
If you somehow went back to the version you were this morning, you’d find the way you act right now to be kind of silly.
You were not, though, not anymore, and you know better now. After a well deserved warm shower, you sit down on your cheap thirty-dollar IKEA chair and boot your PC up. You decide that for the next few hours, gaming will be your best coping mechanism for all the stress you’ve gone through today, while you sit around, waiting for the other shoe to drop. 
You only manage to get through a couple of hours though, watching the timer of your League queue go up when your phone goes off. After pushing one side of your headset off of your right ear, you pick up.
“Yeah? I thought I saw you like five minutes ago, did you really miss me that much?” you joke, but it falls super flat when you hear Taylor exhale your name shakily. 
Alarms were suddenly going off in your head.
“What? What’s wrong? Are you okay?!”
Did he do something to them?!
“H-Hey, um. C-Can you check—S-Sorry, it’s really hard to speak right now,” they choke up.
Your own voice starts shaking and you frown at your white walls. “That’s okay, it’s okay. T-Take your time, I’m here. I’m listening. Should I come over?” 
“N-No, hold on. Okay.” They take a deep breath before going on, “Do you remember t-that social media platform for college kids in our city? The popular one. T-The one where I hooked up with that douchebag who asked me to peg him, five minutes into our date?” Taylor took a pause and sniffled. “You didn’t wanna make an account because it was ‘normie shit’ and ‘a waste of time’, r-remember?”
“Yes? Taylor, what the fuck’s happening? Get to the point, please.”
“W-Well, I’ll send you my login info now, and you can c-check it yourself, hold on.”
You hear plastic nails tapping in quick succession on what you assumed was the screen of their phone.
“Can you tell me alread—”
“Hold on! Y-You have to see this, I—I really can’t,” they say, sniffling again and your brows pinching even more.
While waiting, your leg once again starts bouncing anxiously and your phone finally gets pinged. You put your friend on speaker, quickly typing in the address and login on your PC.
“So? What am I supposed to see?”
“J-Just keep scrolling, you’ll find it. I’m so fucking sorry, honey. We’ll go to the dean’s office, or the police… w-we’ll—fuck—we’ll get this sorted out, okay?” your friend attempts to reassure you, but they sounded like they needed it more right now.
You scroll for a while, still having no clue about what you’re supposed to find, listening to Taylor mumble some more and scrolling through random post after random post of annoying frat guys your friend follows, exes, friends, etcetera.
“I still don’t know what I’m supposed to—”
Until your eyes zone in on it, your first and last name displayed at the top of the post. [ Hiiii everyone!!! I’m the hot emo chick in your computer science class at Weston NexTech! ]
* Click Image Attachment
You swallow emptily, clicking on the first attachment.
Dread fills your lungs and suddenly—you’re unable to breathe.
What greets you is your barely legal self. Staring back at you. 
It’s a selfie—your selfie—arm hooked under one of your legs, and pulling it upwards, while you use your other to raise the strap of your thong, teasing the viewer… your ‘boyfriend’ at the time. 
It all clicks at once and you immediately understand what this is—
Revenge porn.
[ So, I bet that got your attention, right? Hehe! You better read closely now! 
I’m making a post here because I’m suuuuper fucking bored, 
and I was hoping you guys could cheer me up! :3 ]
* Click Image Attachment
“Babe? Y-You okay?”
“Hold on,” you reply snappily, feeling the tips of your digits turning painfully cold.
Your bare ass is on display in the second image, bent over the bed and looking back at the camera. Your stomach twists with heavy nausea.
You remember these pictures.
[ I’ve never done this before, but I looove attention <3 and 
since you guys have got nothing to lose, we should all play
a game, okay?! Yaay! 
I’ve always been shy and I thought it 
would be fun to get to know everyone before
I graduate, so this little honor student 
is going to cut you a deal, yeah? ]
* Click Image Attachment
You thought that maybe Taylor hung up on you, but in reality you just stopped being able to hear anything.
With your heart pounding wildly, you glance at the engagement and notice there are about two thousand people who’d liked the fucking thread. 
Two whole thousands, and the thread doesn’t even fucking end there.
[ At the bottom of the thread you can find my email
and phone number! :D
And who knows, if it’s going really well, maybe I’ll even invite you over to my place!!!
Or depending on how this goes, I could share my 
address with everyone! Wouldn’t that be fun? ]
* Click Image Attachment
Suddenly, a lot of today’s events start making sense to you. 
The random phone calls, the spam emails, the people looking at you funny and jocks almost sexually assaulting you on the way to class.
[ You better hurry now, before it’s too late
and I change my mind! Hehe! 
I’ll be posting new clips every Tuesday, at 11 PM, 
make sure to watch them all!
So please, please, please! Text me, call me, or
hit me up IRL! I’d like to get to know as many of you hotties as I can <3
Keep in mind that I’m shy and I like assertive guys, 
so don’t worry if I say no! I really, really like rough roleplay 
as you can see below!
Till next Tuesday and thank you for the likes!!! <3 ] 
* Play video
You must’ve shifted realities, because your body stopped feeling like your own. 
Why were you here again?
Ah, because you decided to cut Shigaraki out of your project.
Or maybe because he’d asked to play with you and you were too stunned to respond to him.
Would you have played with him if the stun wore off that time, if he’d asked again? Probably not.
So then, you’re here because the two of you met at the convenience store, way back.
What had you said to him that day? Couldn’t you have just gotten out of the way like a normal human being? But he wasn’t mad the next day when he’d met you in class.
That means you must have fucked up badly, multiple times, right?
This is your fault. It’s always your fault.
But there’s no time for that, because you partially tune into reality again, and now you can hear Taylor crying softly on the speaker of your phone.
With a shaky grip on your mouse, you press play on the clip and the first noise you hear is your dealer fumbling with the camera, trying to set it up.
It’s been years. 
This was a different time of your life, one that you’d like so desperately to erase from your brain, from your history.
You were high, and not on life, no.
You’re high on something crazy, like heroin. It was one of the first videos too, you remember. You can tell by the amount of scars and bruises you can see on yourself. And you’d let your dealer… your sort-of-ex, take pictures of your body as another form of payment, after sexual favors became too boring for him. 
But it didn’t stop at that. 
No, that was only the start. He’d started recording videos of the two of you fucking—really low quality amateur pornos—and then, as the months passed, he’d realized he could talk you into trying pretty much anything if he dangled the right prizes in front of your eyes. 
You were way younger, really fucking stupid, always under the influence, with no safety-net and constantly daring life over and over to really mess you up. It meant you didn’t give a fuck about your situation, of some insignificant videos or pictures… at least at first.
If anything you used to like the attention from him. 
From anyone.
But that all had changed, once you started cleaning up your act, once you were able to become confident again. You made him delete all of them, you really did, but the bastard must have had backups, something that did cross your mind at the time, but you thought—hoped—that he at least wouldn’t share them with anyone. He was a coward and a criminal after all. One that you had a lot of dirt on, in case he decided to fuck you over. 
It should’ve been fine, you should’ve been safe.
Unless someone like Shigaraki managed to get a hold of him, threatening or paying him off to get what he wanted. Yeah, that must’ve been it.
But you haven’t gotten the slightest clue as to how he put two and two together to find your ex. You’d almost completely changed your identity since. 
However, that must not matter for someone of Shigaraki’s caliber, because you’re now staring at the evidence that more than half of your university has had access to.
“Taylor,” you say in a monotone voice, a quiet tear escaping you.
“Y-Yes? Hun, I’m s-sorry. I’m r-really so-rry.”
Pain thrums through your cells and your chest hurts. You don’t know how to comfort them.
You don’t know how to comfort your fucking self.
“It’s… not the full video. He’s—he’s splitting it into parts. He’s planning to fuck with me by posting them week by week before class, so that he’ll be able to gauge my reaction. Like an actual psychopath.”
Your eyes glide over the thread quickly once more. Then, again. Reading it over and over.
Ah, he’s insane. Completely, utterly, off-his-fucking-medication insane. 
You thought maybe your stupid fucking brain was playing tricks on you but no.
He’d left you a message. In the thread.
He’d actually left you a message.
You open notepad on your PC and write it down, side by side.
[ I bet that got your attention, right?—You better read closely now—I have got nothing to lose—We should play a game—I’m going to cut you a deal—It’s over—Depending on how this goes—I’ll share your address with everyone—You better hurry now, before it’s too late and I change my mind ]
You lose. Game over
Taylor is calling your name. You blink. Twice.
“W-We can go to the dean, right? T-They should understand. W-We’ll go together and—”
“No,” you interrupt, a feeling of numbness washing over you. “I’m not sure they’ll believe me. Plus his dad’s a big shot.”
“Please, we can—we can go to the police! He—He can’t get away with this!”
“It’s fine. I’m hanging up, okay? I’ll try calling him and if that doesn’t work then… I don’t know. I’ll just try calling him.”
“What? No! Don’t! We need the police—please, please, let’s go to the police!”
“You know I can’t do that, Tay. I’ll talk to you later. It’ll be fine,” you lie, cutting them off and hanging up.
Your hands are shaking, as you stare at his name in your contacts list.
‘You lose’ he’d said. ‘Game over’
It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay, you chant in your head. You’ll be okay, you’ve been through worse, you’ll be okay.
“Yeah?” a hoarse voice replies with a curse under his breath, seemingly distracted, as sounds of a mechanical keyboard bleed through the phone speakers and up against your ear.
“It’s… It’s me.”
Then there was silence.
Until you hear a strange sound. It takes you a good second to realize that he’s fucking giggling.
“Uh-huuuh. What did you want? I’m busy,” he says while your hearing attunes to him mashing his keyboard louder. 
You take a deep breath. “Take it down.”
“Hmmm? Take what down? You should be more specific, I’m not really following.” Shigaraki smiles and you could fucking hear it in his voice.
Your eyes screw shut, anger already bubbling within yourself. “You know what I mean, stop playing dumb. Take. It. Down.”
“Aaah, I don’t have time to play games with you, so either get to the point or—”
“What do you want, Shigaraki? Hm?” you growl, quickly losing your patience. “Do you want me to blow you? Sleep with you? What do you want from me?”
“Whoaaaa, what the hell? Chill! Do I look like some desperate fucking loser to you?” he says it, like he doesn't know. “Only idiots would think to fuck ugly bimbos like you, and it seems like you’re pretty much used goods at this point anyways, haha. Honestly, who’d fuck you at all ever again? I’ve seen all the shit your ex did—” He inhales sharply, key taps becoming frantic on the other side of the line. “Fuck! They’re on B, planting! Spinner, fucking TP there, stop wasting time, FUCK! HEY! Do you want to win, or what? Oh, you do? Then fucking LISTEN to me.”
After a long second of him huffing and puffing in your ear, it finally clicks in your brain. 
Shigaraki is gaming, playing with his buddies, relaxing while you feel like your life is falling apart for the 1000th time this month.
“Okay,” you finally say.
“Okay? Okay, what?” he scoffs. “You know, you should try a little harder, moron. I told you what to do before, if you want me to help you.” Shigaraki pauses, focusing on his game for another moment. You watch your animated wallpaper turn into a dark screen due to your inactivity—until he snorts. “Yeah, maybe you do enjoy this kind of thing, after all. I wouldn’t really put it past you. After seeing those vids, boy, gotta admit.” He whistles and his mic peaks. “Didn’t think you were the type! Ahh, does the faculty even know? I wonder how they’d react, knowing their adorable little honors student was spending her free time fucking low-level druglords, getting high and recording shitty rape-porn!”
“What I do with my life, in private, is none of your fucking business!” you yell into your phone. “Do you even know how old I was in those? What I fucking went through? Did you not fucking see? Yet you still decide you wanna go ahead and dox me?” you ask desperately, voice cracking multiple times. “What kind of monster are you? How low can you fucking stoop, like actually?”
What were you trying to do? Appeal to his humanity? Does a guy like this even feel empathy? The last few ones in your life didn’t, and they were all really fucked up too. What’s the chance he’d listen? Probably none, but what’s the point in holding back anyways?
“Damn, don’t get emotional, man. Not my fuckin’ problem you let your shitty ass boyfriends fuck you up like that—Fuck, shut up! Wasn’t talking to you, idiot. Yeah, I’m in a call, focus on the fucking game!” he yells at his friends before continuing, “Listen, got anything else to say besides bitching and whining at me? Last I recall, I gave you two fucking options, and so far you’ve chosen to ignore both. So explain to me why I should do anything for you, hm? Make it count, too, ‘cos I’m really tired of hearing you cry in my fuckin’ ears.”
Wow—he was just… wow.
“I’m sorry,” you say honestly, breaking that apology record after all.
“Mm? Come again? Couldn’t hear ya.” 
Tomura smiles expectantly.
At last, the breaking point. He’d hoped that ideally, it would’ve happened in class, with you kneeling before him in front of all NPCs to see, but this was okay too. He’s going to cut you a little more slack, you didn’t know who you were dealing with, after all. 
See? He can be merciful as well.
Your jaw tightens, eyes becoming glassy with wet sadness for the nth time today.
“I’m fucking sorry, o-okay?”
The weight comes crashing on you all at once, and you finally break down crying in front of the devil himself. 
You hear him saying ‘BRB’ and after some shuffling, the line becomes completely silent, save for your pathetic sobs. 
Is he just listening to you suffer? Was he that fucking cruel?
“I-I’m sorry for being such a—such a bitch to you in the store—f-for talking to you in class and g-getting you in trouble with the professor. I-I’m really fucking sorry. I didn’t know better,” you sob. “I shouldn’t have—shouldn't have talked out of turn, shouldn’t have upset you—” Your voice cracks and you choke, “I-I wish I’d never talked to you. I was stupid. R-Really, really stupid to cross you. Will you please, please take the thread down? I’ll make sure I’ve learned m-my place. I won't bother you again.”
You sound so pathetic even to your own ears, as you descend into the beginnings of a panic attack. It’s over. It’s all over. Your life is going to be destroyed after this. You’ll lose your scholarship, Taylor will leave you and you’ll finally buy that rope and fucking hang—
He should be feeling thrilled, ecstatic even, now that he’s finally gotten to crush you.
You, with your filthy fucking mouth, always cursing at him, always talking shit and trying to piss him off. You, who are like everyone else in this world, who’ll sneer and think you’re better than him. He’s put you in your place where you belong, like everyone else who tries to fuck with him. 
Held back, even.
That’s right, he’s holding back right now. He’s given you a choice and you finally used that stupid brain of yours to take it.
He should be feeling on top of the world, but instead he feels something twisting within him, hearing the broken desperation in your voice.
Ahhh. Anger. He’s feeling anger.
You wished you’d never talked to him? To never bother him again?
Shouldn’t you wish to be nicer? For him to forgive you? For him to like you?
The fuck kind of apology was this? Why were you so fucking clueless?
“That all?” he replies to your sobs, bored and indifferent.
“What?” you whisper.
“Is that fucking all, I asked. Are you fuckin’ deaf now or something?” He raises his voice at you and you flinch.
“I-I don’t u-understand, I’m being genuinely—”
“I DoN’t unDerStaAanD! Fucking—cry more, bitch,” Shigaraki mocks you. “You’re wasting my fucking time, so if that’s all you have to say, I’m hanging up.” 
Fuck, he’s let himself become defensive. He’s being irrationally angry right now, losing his cool.
This hurt feels new to him, and he’s only ever felt it around you. That’s right, it’s your fault.
It’s your fault you disrespected him when he’d asked to play with you. It’s your fault you thought you could get away with getting him in trouble, it’s your fault he’s feeling this way right now.
It’s your fucking fault, and he’s angry, so very angry that someone like you is able to get to him, to hurt—
You feel your knuckles turning white from the pressure of your fingertips against the plastic case of your phone.
“Can you stop being a fucking child f-for one f-fucking second, and talk to me so I can understand?!”
“There’s nothing for you to understand. You’re fucking retarded, and I’m gonna make sure you can’t set a single fucking foot outside your house, without feeling scared that rapists and stalkers are camping next to your door. Stupid bitch, maybe I’ll post the entire fucking thing today, give ‘em your address and get it over with,” he grunts, voice low and cold. “I lost the game too, ‘cos of your sorry ass.”
“—really fucking hate you, Shigaraki! But you’re used to people feeling like that about you, aren’t you? Fucking with my life—with people’s lives like you’re some—what? Some god?” you spit, abandoning all your reasoning. 
If he’s going to destroy your life too, might as well go down with a fight, right?
“You’re not, though,” you laugh bitterly, million thoughts racing through your head and you feel like your brain is gonna split. “You’re really not. You’re just a… you’re just a pathetic unoriginal asshole, and I can’t fucking believe how stupid I was to let myself—to ever think—to stoop so low and fucking feel like you’re—to fucking like someone like y—” 
There’s silence.
And then you hear Shigaraki inhale softly.
Blood drains from your face. 
Were you just about to… were you confessing to him?
Stupid, stupid, fucking stupid.
Your thumb hovers over the ‘end call’ button. Fuck this.
“What? What did you—what were you saying?”
“Fuck off,” you whisper, shoulders slumping.
“HEY! Repeat? What did you say? You can’t believe you what?” His voice is eager as he presses you, but you’re already checked out of the conversation.
“I said, go fuck yourself asshole. Pray I kill myself before I have to see you again.”
“If you fucking dare to hang up now, I swear to fucking GOD,” he yells, volume peaking again and you just end the call, turning your phone off and slumping in your chair.
Then, you giggle deliriously at the memory of you defending him a few hours ago. 
What were you even saying? Ahh, right! ‘Don’t pick on him because of silly rumors. Don’t say stupid shit if you don’t know him!’ 
You’re so fucking stupid. Why the fuck did you friendly fire at your best friend of all people? They were right. He’s just a piece of shit. You’d even cried in front of him, begging him to stop. You’d fucking apologized.
Pathetic. That’s all you are. Fucking pathetic.
“Fuck this whole world, honestly,” you whisper to yourself. 
Getting up, you grab your phone and use all your force to throw it across the room, hearing it smash against the wall and then fall to the floor. You hope it splintered and broke, the way you feel like your life has.
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all-about-kyu · 2 years
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Pairing: Newfie!Jaehyun x Basenji fem!reader Genre: fluff, very minor angst Rating: PG
Warnings: mentions of periods, anxiety, stress, pregnancy Summary: That weird feeling still lingers after your heat is done and after you’re set in a schedule for uni. You prepare for the worst and take a test. Word Count: 1,304
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“It can’t be that bad!” your friend tries to calm you down.
“This is different! What if I am?” you panic.
Your friend, Taeyong and Doyoung’s girlfriend, sits you down on your bed and reminds you to take deep breaths. Then, she takes your hand in hers and lets out a sigh.
“I know you’re scared, but you should rule it out even if you aren’t. Rather safe than sorry.”
You nod. You know your friend is right. Rule out the chance of you being pregnant, even if it ends up being that you’re late for your period (and you’re both ridiculously clingy for no reason). You’re glad Doyoung and Taeyong chose to go out with your boyfriend today. There wasn’t a chance of him catching you taking the test or your current stressed-out state.
“Let’s go to the store and buy a test, even if you don’t take it today-”
“I’m taking it today.” you say decisively.
You’re a nervous wreck. The box feels like it weighs three tons in your hand. The implications it has with it scare you. You know Jaehyun wants kids, and you do too, but not right now. You’re barely starting uni and don’t have any absolute stability other than your part-time jobs. Despite not being able to smell your scent, your friend reaches over and grips your hand again as she’s driving.
“It’ll be okay. Even if you are pregnant, you know you have Yongie, Doie, and me. And all our other friends will back you up too. When have you ever known Jungwoo to turn someone away?”
“Never,” you chuckle, thinking about your hyper puppy friend, “Sicheng either. Or my high school friend that did track with me.”
“Exactly,” she hums, “it’s all going to work out.”
When you return to your apartment, you hadn’t expected Jaehyun, Doyoung, and Taeyong to be there. Usually, seeing your boyfriend and friends makes you feel ten times better. Right now, though, it made you more anxious. It took everything in you not to let your scent change too much. Maybe just play it off as academic stress and nothing more. Jaehyun sees you, and his tail starts wagging a mile a minute. Doyoung whines about being smacked with it before pushing his younger friend in your direction.
“Hi, pup,” he smiles, hugging you tightly, “what did you buy?”
“Nothing.” you respond shortly, tensing up slightly.
You vaguely hear your friend whispering to her boyfriends. You try to pay it no mind and hope Jaehyun doesn’t catch anything off with you.
“Are you okay? You seem-”
“It’s just classes.” he gives you a concerned look, “Really!”
“If you say so, let me take-”
“I got it!” you cut him off again, pulling the small bag to your chest.
You pry Jaehyun’s hands off you finger by finger until you’re free from his hold. You can see how he feels dejected by the action.
“We better get going.” Doyoung sighs, “I have some homework to do.”
“Yeah, I have to get ready for fieldwork next week.” Taeyong adds.
You nod, “I’ll text you later,” your comment is directed at your female friend.
She moves to hug you, “It’ll be okay. I’m right here if you want me to be.”
You turn and give your boyfriend a sweet smile once your friends are out the door. You feel guilty for withholding the truth from Jaehyun, but you don’t want to stress him out if you don’t need to. He’s been on the top of his game since he joined the university’s soccer team. Even with the short amount of time you’ve been in uni. You’ve been doing pretty well on their track team, too, but not thriving at the level of Jaehyun. The last thing you want is to worry him.
“Babe,” you hear him sigh, “what’s really going on? I can smell and feel it.”
“Um,” you stall, avoiding eye contact, “it’s just school.”
“Don’t lie to me.” he deadpans, “I can see plain as day that you have a pregnancy test in that bag.”
You burst into tears, ears flattening against your head, tail curling underneath you.
“I’m sorry, Jae. I didn’t want to scare you or worry you. I wanted to keep it from you and only tell you if I am pregnant and-”
“Calm down, pup,” he hugs you again, putting out calming pheromones, “if you are, I’ll be happy, be the best dad I possibly can, even if I have to drop out of school. If you–” “Jae, you can’t drop out of school. You’re doing so amazing right now and–”
“Listen to me,” he calms you down again, “If you are, I’ll do anything I need to do to be a good dad. If you aren’t, I’ll still be happy because I know we’ll be more prepared for a baby in the future. I love you no matter what happens.”
“I love you too.” you sniffle.
“Go take the test, and I’ll be here to support you.”
Once you get to the bathroom, you pull the door shut and follow the instructions on the box for the pregnancy test. It said it could take up to five minutes to show the results. Yours, of course, didn’t even take thirty seconds to show two bright pink lines. You rub your eyes, hoping you’re seeing things. It doesn’t change, though. Two bright pink lines remain on the reader. You feel a bubble of anxiety rise in your stomach. Your scent must’ve gone sour because Jaehyun knocks on the bathroom door a moment later.
“Can I come in, pup?” he asks softly.
“I’ll come out in a minute.” you respond.
You hear his footsteps retreat, and you stare at the small plastic test for a few moments. This is happening. You’re in the first week of uni and find out you’re pregnant. You and Jaehyun aren’t even nineteen yet, and here you are, having to consider raising a family. You take the plastic in your hand and pop the door open. The moment you step foot in your bedroom, your eyes meet Jaehyun’s.
“It’s…” you sigh, “it’s positive…”
Jaehyun’s tail starts wagging violently, making a thud noise on the mattress whenever it makes contact with the plush surface. You’re on the verge of sobbing, you have to throw your entire education out the window now, and Jaehyun doesn’t seem to see the seriousness of the situation. You frown at him, and he tries to hide his happiness. His tail betrays him, though.
“Jaehyun, this is serious!” you chastise him, “I’m pregnant! You don’t seem to understand how serious this is. We both have scholarships through sports that require us to be full-time and maintain a certain GPA. We can’t do that if we’re parents. I’m not about to be that mom who throws her child at her parents so I can go to school.”
He stands up and walks over to you. He looks at the test and then back to you. Immediately, he envelops you in a hug.
“I know this is serious, pup, I really do. I can’t help but be excited, though. We can always go back to school later in life. I want nothing more than to raise a family with you. I know it’s scary, and we’re young… we’re really young… but I’m over the moon right now.”
“So?” “So, we’ll talk to the advisors for our majors and figure out a plan. We could probably drop down to one class a semester. We’ll probably lose our scholarships, but our baby is much more important than that.”
“We’re really going to be parents…” you sigh.
“We are, and I couldn’t be happier.”
You start crying again, “I love you, Jung Jaehyun.”
“I love you too, pup.” he smiles, wiping a few tears away.
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COPYRIGHT STARLITMARK 2023© ALL RIGHTS RESERVED — reposting/modifying any fic, or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations are not permitted.
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arttheclown · 1 year
paragraphs of bad mental health stuff under the cut don’t mind me 💀
i love finishing school and realizing i truly need to begin adulthood and focusing on things like building a writing CV and getting my driver’s license and most importantly breaking away from my severely controlling & emotionally abusive mother and then just. every bad fucking thing from the last 10 years hitting me in the face lol. my father’s deterioration and death and a really violent incident with him i don’t like to talk about. a lifetime of my mother micromanaging nearly everything i do, abusing me, gaslighting me, and refusing to let me grow up to this day. a string of abusive and manipulative codependent friendships that ended in ugly and sometimes public falling-outs. my grandpa dying in march and my grandma having to live on her own now. having to see my sister go through a lot of the same shit that i have and desperately hoping she can be helped in time so she’s not 2 years away from being 30 and just falling the fuck apart lol
i’ve spent so many years saying i’m fine and i’ll get over it and move through it but everything has gone still right now. i can’t run anymore. i physically cannot lie and downplay things and say i’m fine anymore. i am unable. i have become a people-pleaser to the point where doing things purely for myself — sometimes knowing i’m the one who gets more out of it than anyone else — is a foreign concept to me. i cannot do things anymore if i feel i’m mostly doing them to just please someone else because then i start panicking & i know that’s progress but god!!! it feels like shit!!! these growing pains hurt so bad!!! and then i start agonizing over potentially disappointing people and uugghuhh i don’t like it. i don’t like it at all.
i want to do things but everything feels so fucking terrifying right now. realizing the extent that i’ve been traumatized is miserable and i don’t even like admitting it because then i feel like i’m lying or trying to get attention. i don’t know if i have fucking ptsd because that’s such a severe disorder but at the very least i’m going through a period where even little things petrify me & sometimes just getting through a day feels like an accomplishment. i love food and i’ve been agonizing over making sure i’m nourished properly on top of dealing with selective eating that i’m almost positive is because of my autism. i am a small person — if i lose any more weight i will get sick and that frightens me. and i’m painfully aware that the reason this is probably happening in the first place is because i am so used to worrying about SOMETHING that my mind can’t accept peace and is now inventing issues and it sucks. this isn’t a new issue for me but it sucks. it feels like hypervigilance or something. idk.
i kept hoping that maybe i would bounce back on my own like i’ve done in the past and maybe i can but i don’t know if i’m able to waiting and how many pep talks i can keep giving myself, nor do i want to constantly rely on others for comfort. i’m fortunate enough that i live in a part of the world where i don’t have to pay for doctor’s appointments so i might just go and see if mine can get me some help because 🥴 i don’t know how many bad weeks i am capable of having right now! i’m gonna be honest!
it’s going to suck likely paying for therapy. it’s going to suck potentially finding a new therapist if it turns out i’m uncomfortable with the one i’ve had since childhood because don’t get me wrong he’s a nice man but i don’t know if he even recognizes i’m autistic on top of other things lol. i really do not want to end up on anxiety medication or antidepressants and want to believe self-medicating with weed is enough but i don’t know anymore.
i just needed to write these feelings out somewhere. i can’t silently carry them with me anymore. they’re too heavy. i hope things get even a little easier soon.
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kruel-kilo · 3 months
my intuition will never let me down like..
it was a gamble/uncertainty but i knew i would have to force this one. i literally did not care the consequences like… i’ll go to jail idgaf, i would be in a better place. cause then i’d know. & it turns out it was actually quick & easy. i’d pay top dollar signss for that kind of conclusive closure, with hella other things in my life. no more thought, no more consideration, no more energetic exchange?? in one go?
& now … this particular, i’d have to say top 5 hardest dichotomies, is now settled. with no potential progress or lingering life. the past was the past but that is all that exists, until forgotten. if not entirely, at least majoritily. like damn i really did use to suffer so much. i really did use to willingly be bread crumbed. i forgot how delusional i was back then. i forgot how i tried to protect myself early on then ended up changing my entire self for someone who discarded me like none of that sacrifice mattered.
i’m not one to hold grudges, it’s easy for stuff like that to feed on you. how i feel it’s the opposite, bc a grudge is still a connect. like still a continuation of care connected to hurt emotions. still felt.
but i had long ago settled my emotions. whether i liked it or not, often times when the other parties definitive felt withheld. i’d either have to wait & cater, or force.
i think the part that triggers the most/ is the hardest to conceptualize/ get over, is how the roles completely reversed from how it began to how it ended. but how completely neglected i was when i found myself in the same position as that person was in the beginning. i was unhappy for such an extensive period; but i stayed because i believed in love & that it was enough, to overcome the challenge. & it appeared so for a minute. but when the time came when lost myself because i was literally secluded & isolated from everyone; when i constantly brought anxiety & turbulence & restriction… suddenly it wasn’t worth it anymore. & the overwhelming majority of feelings left were distrust, disgust. unambiguously i had to be removed. not separated, blocked entirely.
but it all works out & i finallyyyy got what i needed. feels like..detoxification. at least the release of a heavy load derived in such. big picture type beat. the mundane is the past. the effort & time & sacrifice, & constant attempt at holding my side of the relationship down, is equated only to that one relationship. whether it last 1o weeks or 10 years, that’s just the work that came along. in the end, it’s not pertinent to the larger theme of love & life. or relationship. just what i had to do for that one in particular. it’s relevant because of growth & evolvement. that part is inevitable. but on a broader scale. i’ve got the rest of my life to continue to try, continue to discover.
my point is that in the grand scheme, the existence of everything entailed in a long relationship is relevant to the work required right then & only then. i don’t regret it & i wouldn’t change it. things change, and people change. so it’s okay to take what still applies & discard the rest.
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queenscharacters · 9 months
"How are you feeling?" Niko to Sasha
Sasha’s lower lip wobbled at her boyfriends question. Truly, anything could make her cry lately. The thing was, she was very meticulous about when she’d cry and who she’d let see her cry. Her room was a safe haven if the door was closed, but no where else in the house was safe. She didn’t want to put any more stress on her mom and Robbie.
Of course, she’d been updating Niko on the situation. It meant so much to her to know that he cared, that he was putting in the effort to be there when he could, but she was overwhelmed. Not being able to see him as readily as she liked wasn’t helping either. “Not great.” She admitted, her voice tight. She didn’t know why she was bothering to try hiding her tears. It wasn’t like they wouldn’t fall by the end of this conversation.
“I can’t show my mom I’m nervous, or she’ll be even more nervous, and I just want her and my brother to be okay.” She whispered, burying her face in her hands. The memory of Robbie finding her during her 5th period last Monday continuously rung in her mind. It was sure to give her nightmares for years to come. “And I’m tired. I’m not sleeping that much; I think I’m now an insomniac, which is adorable all things considering.”
She wasn’t being dramatic, either. Sasha was seriously tempted to ask Alice if she could prescribe her some high quality melatonin or whatever, on top of ordering maybe a psych consult for anxiety. Maybe a call to her aunt would do more risk medication in general. She made a mental note to call her when she got off the phone with Niko.
Sasha chewed on her lip. “I don’t want to leave, but I really want to see you. If it wouldn’t bother my parents, would you mind coming over?” She knew Niko wasn’t as comfortable coming to hers as she was to his, given her stepfather was his headmaster and everything, but she really needed him right now. She doubted her mom or Robbie would mind, but she wouldn’t dream of not asking them first.
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driftingmoonmenace · 1 year
Hi, hi! I saw your vent post and I hope it's okay if I drop here for a sec!
I just wanted to say that it's ok! Imposter syndrome is one of the toughest things to battle with, especially when it comes and latches to something that is important to us and we care about a lot. Because we want it to be good, but the image in our heads doesn't tend to match what we make and it brings a lot of self-doubt. And there are a lot of wonderful artists and writers in this fandom (you included!) and getting inspired is as easy as getting self-conscious about not feeling like you are doing as much or even enough. It's a feeling that sucks and combating it is very hard, because it takes time and trying to push back against those feelings whenever you recognize them.
So I would like to say, don't feel bad for feeling like this! It's not gonna help at all if on top of the anxiety you beat yourself up for feeling it at all.
I would like to assure you that what you make is very appreciated! Your style is characteristic, your designs are fun and pretty, and the stories you make are great!
From one self-perceived slow artist to another (I never know if my next drawing or writing of anything will come out in a month or several from the last!), I also want to say that I completely undertand how all that feels. I had a period of several years where I just was so burnt out that I didn't feel motivated to create anything for that amount of time. It's one of the hardest things to find how to find joy in what you make without worrying about numbers and people's reactions, and also letting yourself work at the pace that works for you. Perfectionism rears its ugly head to make projects anxiety inducing to the point there is so much prep work that we exhaust ourselves with the idea that all of that will not come out how we want anyways so trying is futile.
But that's perfectionism lying to you. Because there are so many things you can be proud of that you've made! All that time that you have put into them has gotten your skills all the way to where they are, and while I know amount of engagement is something that will make the doubts come back up frequently, I think it's necessary to take a deep breath and know that not a single moment of the time you've spent creating and sharing stuff has been wasted or not good enough. You have so much you have done because you allowed yourself to enjoy what you were making. And the happiness from that might make it seem like you have to push yourself to make, make, and make, because otherwise it will all go away, but pushing yourself like that might just make it all seem too much and too exhausting and it becomes something to dread instead of something to look forward to.
I know you probably know all this already, but hearing from someone else  can be helpful sometimes if convincing yourself is difficult (which it is!)
I apologize if I overstepped a little and the vent post was meant to be just that, to express how you've been feeling. But just in case, I did want to leave this here. To let you know it's fine! It's fine to take your time and not push yourself if it means you can win against the anxiety, because going at your own pace is what allows you to create! It's also ok to not create for a while if it helps to detangle yourself from those feelings of inadequacy (in fact, maybe setting the objective of NOT thinking about creating at all could help, because then it's your goal to sit back and relax. Put a big pause button on everything and enjoy a small brain vacation!)
(Personally, I love your Club AU and I'm definitely looking forward to whatever you have planned with it! When AUs outside of the pizzaplex started coming out, yours was one of the first ones I came across and it has stayed in my mind since then! I'm 100% willing to wait, so there's no rush yeah? )
Your stuff is great! And if making and not sharing is what will help you right now, I say go for it! If you need a mental break from drawing, also go for it! Just make sure it's to help you take care of yourself and not beat yourself for it! You haven't "failed" in art, or in the fandom. Anxiety and expectations might have strained you a bit, and that's hurting right now, but it will heal and it will get better.
Aaaa sorry that this is so long and rambly! So I should probably end this here haha (also no pressure to respond to this!)
Take care, friend! <3
I can't thank you enough for all the such kind words and support, Chaotik!! And for the advice too!!!! I greatly appreciate all of it and wholeheartedly agree. 💕
Imposter Syndrome is such a difficult thing to deal with, it's true. And it's unfortunate that so many people suffer from it. (It's hard for me when anything I create that I deem 'good enough' feels like a fluke, then anything I deem otherwise feels like a failure.) Plus the added high expectations you tend put on yourself. I wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone, especially something you feel is so ingrained in who you are. It's really exhausting when you feel like you gotta go, go, go all the time on top of all of that too!!
I def feel that with the whole 'idk when art/writing will happen' thing. Sometimes I'm on my A-game and can pump out a lot of stuff in a week. Then other times I'm barely managing to do anything for several months unless the stars magically align. It can get frustrating but I know there's no use in forcing myself since I've really burnt myself out over the years. Taking a step back to focus on myself is something I'm just now learning to get better at. And boy howdy have I improved on that front along with setting boundaries for myself since joining the DCA fandom with how wholesome and positive it is! It's still a work in progress, but progress is progress after all!
(btw you didn't over step or get rambly on me, so no worries on that, ok?) 👌💕
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swtki · 4 years
Dancing Days - Edward Cullen x Reader Smut
Anonymous said: 19&24 on edward smut? love ur writing!
A/N: Thank you so much :) also I’m so happy everyone is h*rny for Eddy. I decided I want to explore more period times with Edward, changing his persona in a certain decade, but still ultimately being in the same universe as cannon. This will play into the readers character a tad bit.
19: “Fuck me like you want people to know”.
24. “Thing is, I’m a virgin”. 
I brushed my hair into its usual part, making sure I looked flawless. The year was 1976, I was a senior in Highschool. It was a wonderful time to be a teenager, no longer afraid that my friends would die in Vietnam. Even in my dinky little Washington town, the culture was becoming our own. 
The Led Zeppelin record playing on my record player stopped suddenly, alerting me that I was no longer alone in my room. I turned, my expression soft as I saw my boyfriend, Edward.
“Whats up with you and this album? Everytime I come in, its always House of Th Holy on repeat.” I rolled my eyes, lifted the record in question off of the tray, and put it back snuggly in its case. 
“I can’t help it, Ed. Robert just speaks to me. I’m sure you’re like that with Louis Armstrong.” I waved my hand, walking back to my mirror to finish getting ready. 
“Maybe, but the music you listen to it’s...” Edward paused for a moment, sitting on my bed. “It’s suggestive, Y/N.” I turned to him, my eyebrow raised.
“Suggestive? What’s that supposed to mean?” I placed my hands on my hips, and waited for him to explain.
“Well, for one that one song says ‘Sipping booze’, I quite think that is blatant alcohol reference.” I looked at him, dumbfounded. Then, I started to laugh, and I walked over to him. Instinctually, he pushed his head into my chest, enjoying the comfort it brought him. 
“I love you, but god are we from two different Mars.” He chuckled, sending a rumble through my chest.
At school, I was an average kid. Fair grades, many friends, many ex friends. When Edward was paired up with me in math, I got through his cold, stone skin. At first, he was annoyed when I would fuck off, leaving him to do the work himself. Understandable, and once I realized how rude I was, I stopped. I talked to him, prodded him truthfully. I would ask him once we started dating if he had noticed me previously, because I had never noticed him. 
“Yes, I noticed that you were the only one who didn’t acknowledge me. Ironic I guess.” 
A year into our relationship, I would never let him go unnoticed. We walked the halls, hand in hand. Our outlooks were so different when it came to life. He was modest, I was free spirited. Edward was different from my boyfriends previously, I didn’t want to fuck things up, and I refused to even risk it. 
School went slowly that day, possibly because my head was focused on what I would ask Edward, my boyfriend of one year, about sex. About us and sex. 
I hadn’t told him that I wasn’t a virgin, I was worried he would only want a virgin girl, after all they can never look at you disappointed and say “I’ve had better.” A definite plus. Many a nights I tried to imagine him, moaning completely under my control. I wanted him, but I didn’t know if he wanted me. Surely in 50 years he had found a good fuck. I worried that he would be into someone else, forever tied to a vampiress. 
The end of the school day couldn’t have come sooner, my anxiety rising as I got into Edwards car, starting a long silent car ride. I tried to keep my mind off of it, an attempt to avoid the conversation until we were at my house. I kept my mind busy with the lush scenery outside of the passenger side window. 
“So... I know you want to ask me, and I know the answers to what I would ask you.” He said blatantly, putting the car in park outside my front lawn. 
“I don’t wanna talk out here Ed, lets go inside.” I swung my bag onto my shoulder. Thats the thing with Edward, I never have to say anything, just as long as I think it. 
My house was empty, making it easy for Edward to follow me upstairs to my room. I shut my door behind us, then turned to him. Unsure of what to say, I breathed in deeply.
“How long have you known that I wasn’t...you know?” He smiled, sitting on my plush navy sheets. 
“Y/N, I knew before I met you what I was getting into. Your ex had a lot of thoughts about that one night where you guys-” 
“Oh my god okay ew.” A blush rose upon my face, and I saw Edward laugh as he watched my body fill with embarassment. “Well why didn’t you say something?” I asked.
“I figured if it needed to be brought up, it would be. You and I aren’t exactly a physical couple so I didn’t worry too much.” I walked over to my bed, taking a seat next to him.
“I see...I mean it wouldn’t be a big deal for me so if you want to...” I bit my lip at him, his gaze turned to the other direction.
“Thing is, I’m a virgin.” My expression went from a seductive look, to a puzzled one. I wondered if I had heard him correctly. “I’m old school, Y/N. It wasn’t like how it is now when I was human. People didn’t just have sex in highschool, unless they were married because the man was off to war. So, it hasn’t been on the menu for me. You’re the first girl I’ve dated in fifty years, you know. And no, there was no vampiress or anything.” I smiled.
“Well, I don’t wanna scare you or push it or anything. It’s just you know-” 
“You want to touch me, to be touched by me.” his eyes trailed back to mine, looking deep into my soul.
“Yes, I want you, Edward.” I pressed my lips to his, pulling away jut as it got intense. I could feel his disappointment. “I want to...but I can’t let you down. Tomorrow night. I’ll call you and we can talk about everything we want out of it, I’ll give you a fucking fairytale, my love” I chuckled.
I called him that night as I had said I would. We talked about my first time, and everything I liked, followed by what he had seen on video, what he wanted to try, and his fears.
“I don’t want to kill you, darling.” He said.
“Then don’t. I won’t let you.” He laughed at me, enjoying my lack of seriousness.
The next night rolled along with a quick pace. I looked at the clock and saw that it was time for me to start getting ready. 
I made myself look simple, a small bit of makeup and hair product, but otherwise just a tank top and jeans. Sometimes, dating an old fashioned guy was a pain in the ass. Always complaining about suggestive behavior. But other times, my shoulders counted as being half nude.
“You look stunning, as per usual.” Edward said, stepping into my room. He was tense and barely moved. “I don’t know what to do..what usually happens with it if I’m not the one doing everything.”
If he had any blood flow, he would have been blushing right about then.
“We don’t have to do anything you know. We can just lay down and watch a movie if you want to, I just want to make you happy, Edward.” I walked over to him and put a strand of his messy auburn hair behind his ear. Without hesitation, he pressed his forehead to mine.
“I want to, thats the part that’s been eating me away ever since I met you. I want to make you feel good, I just don’t know if I’ll lose it and-“ I cut him off with a kiss.
“Even if you break my pelvis into pieces, I’ll still be happy. I’m always happy when I’m with you.” we both smiled, and suddenly the thick tension that once filled the room vanished. “I’ll take care of you tonight, just as long as you’re doing it for you. I just need to know you’re doing this for you, and you need to be sure you wont roll over afterwards and hate me.” I said, my hand clasped in his marble one.
“I want you, Y/N. I have no doubts that I’ll want you afterwards, too.”
I pushed his head down, level to my own. Our kiss was deep, filled with a years worth of hunger. My hands tugged on his hair, making him whimper. Suddenly, I felt my feet lift off the ground as Edward carried me to my bed. With a soft thump, the plush sheets surrounded my body. It was a contrast of warmth on my back, and Edwards cool body on my top.
His hands were balled into fists, clutching my duvet as if his life depended on it. I pulled away, panting for air.
“Sorry, I forget you need air.” He smirked. I rolled my eyes in response.
“Well, its a shame you don’t. Because I intend on taking your breath away.” we both made small laughs at my remark.
“What now?” He looked at me for guidance.
“Get on your back.” I said.
We switched positions, he was now on the bottom. My legs straddled his torso, I sight he visably enjoyed. I slithered my hands up to his head, cupping his face as I kissed him again. My left hand left its post, reaching down to the buttons on his shirt.
I paused, looking up at him once I got to the last button.
“Does it...work like normal or...” He threw his head back and laughed.
“It doesn’t have spikes, I can assure you its just like a humans. But Emmet did tell me to pull out so...I’m kind of worried about the implications of that but-“ I leaned down to shut him up with a kiss.
His hands were still at his side, resting on the bed. I picked up his wrists, and placed them on the side of my thighs. He squeezed them lightly.
My hands roamed over his bare chest, cool to the touch. I lached my lips onto his neck, causing his back to arch below me. I could feel his excitement beneath me, it gave me a big self esteem boost. His hand reached along my waist, tugging at my shirt. His eyes lit up at the sight of my bare chest. He reached for me but I pulled away to slide down onto my knees.
He looked confused, like I had left him high and dry.
“Sit on the edge.” I said softly, my knees burning slightly due to the rough carpet underneath them.
He rid himself of the unbottoned shirt, slidding over to me once finished. My hands slowly stroked his thighs, he was desperate for some type of touch.
I smiled, tugging on his belt until it came undone. He stayed silent, looking at me like I was the only thing in the world. I unbottoned the trousers, tugging on them. He kicked them off and was left in his breifs.
“Is it okay if I..” I looked up at him and he nodded frantically. I palmed him over his underwear, feeling how hard he had gotten from kissing. My fingers latched onto the waist band, pulling them down to reveal a pale yet pink cock. It wasn’t too big, but deffinitley satisfactory. I ran my finger over the tip, earning a small groan from the vampire. My eyes trailed up to him, so I could see him when I took him in my mouth.
He let out a breathy moan, eyes focused on my mouth. His lips were parted ever so slightly. I bobbed my head, and grotesquely sexual sounds arose from my throat. I felt Edward move a strant of hair out of my face, he looked at me like I was a god.
“Fuck..Y/N if you keep doing that there wont be anything for you, dear” He said in a breathy moan. I pulled back, my mouth feeling sore and tired. “Do you still want to?” He asked, grasping his hands on my waist.
“Yes, I fucking need you.” I threw off my jeans, I would worry about finding them later, I needed him. He layed back down, propping his head up on my pillows. Our lips collided in another kiss as I leveled myself with him.
“Are you sure?” I ask him, stroking his hard member.
“I’m sure.” He pecked my lips again as I got ontop of his lean figure. I spat in my hand, lubing up my needy hole.
“How do you want me to do this? I mean like slow? What do-“ He said with genuine worry.
“Fuck me like you want people to know” I whispered, “ Fuck me like you want the entire neighborhood to know that I’m yours and yours only.”
“I can make that happen, love.” He flipped me over, now being back to where we first started. He lined up his cock with my hole, running it around the tight area. I put my fingers in his hair, making a slight tug as he pushed into my body.
Pleasure filled my body as he filled me up, his cock stretched my insides in the right ways. Without pausing, he started to push his hips into mine, making sure not to hurt me.
He reached down to suck on my neck, adding to the pornagraphic moans in the room. My hands travled to his back, scratching my nails down the cold stone like skin. His moans echoed in my ear.
“Y/N, I can’t be on top I’m going to crush you” I laughed at him, tapping his side so he fell onto the bed. I swung my legs over him, sitting on his perfect cock.
“Perfect, fucking amazing.” He said as I steady myself onto him. His face was in a euphoric expression, the most relaxed I had ever seen him.
I began to rock my hips, sliding him in and out of me. His hands grabbed onto my hips, guiding me. Everything was a euphoric experience. My gut filled with that wonderful sensation.
“Edward I’m gonna cum, oh my god” I moaned out, picking up my pace.
Suddenly, the world went still. My eyes went black and I saw stars as my orgasm washed over me. My moans echoed in the room as my body twitched. A few thrusts up into my body and Edward pulled out of me, rubbing his cum out onto his hand.
I layed there panting while he sped to the bathroom, and came back with a clean cloth, wiping down my body. He put the cloth down, pulling up his underwear and handing me mine. I slipped the fabric on, slipping under the covers.
“Get in here, I wanna kiss you”
He laughed, obeying and slipping beside me. Our lips reunited in a soft clash.
“I love you so much, dear.”
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redhead-batgal · 3 years
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Type: Two-Shot {A really really long part-one}
Part Two: Here
Pairing: Fem! and Librarian! Reader x Dick Grayson/Nightwing
Content: Cursing, flirtations, violence, reader with serious anxiety and some minor implications. Fluff, so much fluff.
P.S: An OC of mine is making an appearance in this so yeah just a heads up, it’s not the reader but she will be in it. Anyways, enjoy!
Word Count (So y’all know what you’re getting yourself into): 12,709 words
Y/N: Your Name, L/N: Last Name
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You hadn't meant for anyone to see, you thought that after hours of no patrons it would be fine, however you were wrong. It was more embarrassing than anything, embarrassing all because it wasn't just anyone who had caught you. No it just had to be the first man you found yourself crushing on since the nasty break up with your Ex, Daniel. It just had to be Dick Grayson who caught you dancing through the aisle as you reshelved books, of course it did. It was just your luck.
A pop song had played on the radio as you drove in to work and it had gotten stuck in your head, when everything went quiet at the library, you felt the need to sing. And singing, usually led to dancing, reshelving the books was just for something productive to do really.
You had just slid a book back onto the shelf when the song in your head had a melody that seemed perfectly twirl worthy. So, you started twirling. And then you kept twirling, hoping to spin your entire way back to your desk to grab more books. However, before you made it to your desk you slammed straight into someone.
Instead of going tumbling to the ground like you expected, you felt hands on your waist steadying you. Blinking, you looked and found Dick Grayson smiling at you.
Heat flushed your cheeks and you're fairly sure you let out a squeak or a squawk in surprise, due to the fact that Jason suddenly began coughing and hitting his chest. That unfortunately made you realize exactly what had just happened.
Twirling and slamming straight into Dick.
Fucking shit.
You felt like an idiot and shame burned bright on your cheeks. You were seconds from going into an all out panic at not only being caught doing your guilty pleasure, but you had seriously embarrassed yourself in front of your crush. A habit that you wished had died in high school.
Almost as if he sensed your panic, Dick instantly let go of you and took a step back. You nodded in thanks, feeling the terror climb up your throat as the thoughts slammed into you.
He's going to think you're too weird, he'll never talk to you again
You tried to push the thoughts back or counter them. It wasn't true, Dick was nice and something as small as catching you twirling wouldn't drive him away right? ....... Oh no, this wasn't good. He was probably never going to forget this, forever remembering you as the bumbling fool who twirled right into him.
As if he'd think of you, The thoughts seethed.
You forced a smile and it was then you realized he had said something to you. He was looking at you expectantly... he had asked you a question. A friendly smile was on his face and you tried to remember what he asked you.
Taking small glances at his face you realized that you had squeaked out a sorry instinctively after slamming into him. But other than that you couldn't recall what he said and even more panic raced over you.
He's going to think your an ass for not listening when he was speaking, it's rude and you are one
Resisting shoving your face into your hands you let out a small sigh and squeezed your eyes shut. If you wanted to answer his question, you were going to have to ask him to repeat it.
You ran through possible excuses and two popped into your head instantly.
Sorry long day, could you repeat that?
What was the question again?
The first one seemed perfect so you opened your mouth to speak and then you met his gaze.
He blinked and you saw the confusion on his face and you nearly wince. You knew that you could get it if you tried again.
Unfortunately you were wrong.
Wincing you put a hand to your face and dragged it across it. Avoiding his gaze with your hands balled into fists you raised your voice slightly.
"Uh. sorry. can. you. please. repeat. the. question?" You remark slowly, pausing to make sure none of the words blur together again.
"Oh, yeah sure. I asked what you were doing that caused you to run into me? It looked like you were having fun, so I got a little curious. "
"Oh uhm, well- uh it's super embarrassing, so I- uh- like- yeah." You stumbled over a reply before holding two thumbs up.
He looked at you confused for a moment before you decide not facing him was the best way to get through this. Moving quickly towards your desk, which was only a few feet away, you internally began planning your own funeral.
Moving behind the desk you sank down into your chair and spun around. Finding the top of a dark head you blinked until you saw the head raise and realized it was just Damian. He looked at your for a few seconds before narrowing his eyes and placing a book on the counter.
"Last time you recommended this book."
Picking up the book you looked at the title and cover. It was a standalone book by an author you rather liked, when the young boy had asked for a recommendation you nearly jumped for joy. Recommending books was one of your favorite things to do as a librarian.
"Yes, did you like it- sorry. Did you enjoy it?" You asked as you flipped through the pages, a habit to make sure nothing was stuck in the book and to keep you calm.
Something you realized with the youngest Wayne, was he preferred to be treated as an adult- or how he thought adults should be treated. So you pretend he was a scholar and talked to him as such. Damian appeared to be happy with the way you treated him and didn't completely hate you so you were content... at least for now.
"It was... adequate. Do you have any other recommendations?"
A smile played on your lips as you set the book down and a calming wave raced over you. Books were the one thing you could talk about and never falter, they were the one thing you knew so much about that you were sure you couldn't mess up talking about it.
"Well this author has multiple books that they've written... what was it about the book that made it... satisfactory? Was it the plot, the characters, or the writing style? Maybe even the genre?"
Damian's brow furrowed and you realized he didn't exactly know what he liked about the book. However, before you could offer to pick out another book for him, the boy nodded and stepped back from your desk.
"I will look into the other novels. Thank you."
He turned and began heading towards the aisles, the smile exploded on your face and you called after him.
"Happy to help."
Less than a minute later, Dick followed Damian shooting you a small smile. You instinctively looked down as your shame from earlier slammed into you yet again. After a minute or two you looked up and noticed how both he and Damian were out of sight. A sigh of relief escaped you and Jason came up to your desk, an eyebrow raised.
"You really fucked that up, you know." He remarked, setting a few books down.
Due to him constantly coming around and talking to you about books, you had become somewhat comfortable around Jason.
Rolling your eyes you waved a hand at him, "Oh buzz off asshole."
With a small smile on his face he raised his hands and shrugged. He apparently found your humiliation amusing, which did not surprise you. 
"I'm just saying." Jason said with a mischievous smile on his face. 
You gave him an irritated look and replied, "And I'm just saying I never asked."
He blinked almost in surprise and he raised an eyebrow at you and you dropped his gaze. Despite knowing him fairly well you still had a hard time looking him, or anyone else really, in the eyes for long periods of time. There was only really one person you didn’t mind looking in the eyes... and that of course was because it wasn’t his eyes you were looking into, but a mask. Before your thoughts could drift towards your vigilante friend a comment yanked you back into reality. 
"Well someone's touchy today."
You gave Jason a look, he was seriously testing your patience today. It was bad enough that he just stood there and laughed as you made a complete fool of yourself in front of your crush. You had expected him to at least help you out a little bit but he didn’t even though he knew how you felt about his brother... Maybe it was because of that.
He smiled at you and that only intensified your anger, you glared at him and he took a step back looking slightly defensive. If there was one thing about yourself you were proud of, it was your glare. You had been told that it scared even the bravest of Gotham’s vigilantes... though now that you think about it that was probably a sarcastic comment. 
"Hey,” Jason began leaning onto your desk, “as your friend I felt I should tell you."
Rolling your eyes you shook your head and began checking the book Damian had returned back in, "Of course you did."
Out of the corner of your eye you saw him narrow his eyes and move in closer to the desk. He was giving you a look almost as if he was daring you to say that again. 
"What's that supposed to mean?" He asks his voice pitching.
Sometimes, he’s rather sensitive. Shooting him looks out of the corner of your eyes you tried to fight off the smile that was working its way onto your face.
"Take a guess."
He lets out a slight huff and curses under his breath as if he realized you were messing with him. Peeking at him you find Jason shaking his head, a amused-yet-irritated smile on his face. You reached over and grabbed a couple of books in need of reshelving and placed the one you just checked in on top. You stared at the cover of the book at the top of your stack and you realized to reshelf this book you would probably have to see Dick... something that you really didn’t want to do. 
Suddenly you replayed what happened in your head and embarrassment washed over you yet again. Fiddling with the pile you bit your lip then you shot Jason a look, hesitating slightly before you finally asked.
"Was I obvious and awkward or just an awkward mess?"
He shrugged as he gave you a look of contemplation. Rubbing his face he remarked, "Well I can't really say because I know you have the hots for him."
Your jaw dropped and you swatted at him, your face turning pink. He ducked away from your hand laughing and you glared at him. You cleared your throat and looked around. Standing no more than three feet away was an old lady you knew by the name of Whitney. She was sweet, but she loved to gossip. And you hardly needed your personal drama- well not drama, love life- it wasn’t really even your love life... you hardly needed personal things out and about, being talked about during Thursday’s bridge club. 
The only way you could continue your conversation in any privacy was to walk around and reshelf books. Picking the pile up, you paused to slide the book on top to the bottom, before you began walking towards the aisle. Motioning with your head for Jason to follow you.
“Come on,” 
You walked to where the new book on top needed to be reshelved, it just so happened to be on the other side of the library to your relief. You slid the book back where it belonged then set your pile on an empty space on the shelf in front of you. Leaning against the shelf behind you, you grabbed at a loose strand of hair that you missed when pulling it up into a messy bun that morning. Twirling the stay strand around your finger you let out a sigh and looked at Jason. You felt as if you had to explain. 
It wasn’t just a minor crush you had, not really. After the whole mess with Daniel you were honestly surprised you could like any man that way again. Yet somehow you found yourself feeling that way about Dick, he was nice and funny, and sweet and- you could go on and on. Letting out a sigh you bit your lip again.
"I do not have the hots for him, I- I-." You stumbled to explain exactly what you were feeling. 
"You fancy him?" Jason inquired, a smile quirked on his lips as he leaned in. 
You laughed slightly, shaking your head, "Have you been reading Jane Austen again?"
"No,” He replied, his smile slowly fading, “what is it about him that you like?"
“Well,” You began hearing your voice crack slightly. 
You didn’t really know how to explain it, and trying would only make you feel like a bitch if you didn’t explain it right. 
“I don’t really know how to explain it,” You sighed before you unraveled the strand from your finger and put your hands behind your back, “He’s super nice and sweet and funny. He- he’s nice to me but he doesn’t pity me despite knowing about... despite knowing about what happened with Daniel. I know that I find his presence comforting-”
Jason snorted, then remarked, “So comforting that you can’t speak?”
You let out a scoff and shook your head.
“He’s just so....”
“Ridickulos?” Jason laughed as he shook his head, “I’m sorry I had to do that one. If he found out I didn’t he’d never forgive me.” 
You rolled your eyes and shoved Jason before studying the bookshelf in front of you.
“Amazing, he’s fun and cool and- I have a hard time talking around him because- because I think I can’t really compare to him. I mean I’m a mess most of the time, barely able to make a coherent sentence without having to repeat it a bajillion times and yet he doesn’t treat me differently. I get so scared that if and I were to become friends he’d find out how weird I actually am and suddenly not want to be friends with me anymore. Worse when I talk I fear that I’ll say something stupid and the same thing with happen. That he’ll never want to talk to me again and my crush will literally end up crushing me. Even though I know that’s not true. He’s- he’s like everything I need.”
You faintly remember a phrase you had said the moment you realized you liked him. It played in your head as you waited for Jason to respond. 
All The Man That I Need
It was fairly true, as far as you could tell he was all the man that you needed. But you didn’t exactly fully know him so you couldn’t definitively say if the statement was correct. It’s a good thing however that you hated definites.  
“Well, what about the other guy?”
Other guy? You blinked as you realized what exactly Jason was referring to. You had told him that you were spending time with a vigilante, as friends of course. It was strange to think you had befriended Nightwing without really trying at all. Maybe making friends wasn’t as hard for you as you thought... well it didn’t exactly help that you did see him as a friend however he was, for the longest time, your celebrity crush. 
Befriending him was a reality check of sorts, he was a hero, but he was also just a guy. A guy who you surprisingly got along well with. However the reality check also made you realize no matter how awesome he was in person there could never be a relationship with him. He was a vigilante and you could never know his identity. That idea got promptly thrown out when you began to find yourself taking solstice in his visits back when you and Daniel were together. 
“I thought I told you,” You began with a sigh, “that it would never work out.” 
Jason shrugs and pulls a book off of the shelf examining it. He opens the book and looks at you. 
“You did, but I thought it couldn’t hurt to keep your options open.” 
Rolling your eyes you leaned over to see that in the book he opened characters were reading from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Jason hums slightly before he closes the book and taps your head with it.
“Reading a lot of Shakespeare recently?” You question instead of protesting, protesting was what he wanted and you were beginning to feel the effects of socializing.
“More or less,” He replied, reshelving the book. 
He turned fully to you and a light appeared in his eyes. Jason got a devilish look on his face and you suddenly began to fear what was going to happen next.
"Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"
You narrowed your own eyes and shook your head. To many possibilities for what could go wrong, better not, "I’d rather you didn't."
Jason leaned in, his eyes glittering as if he had a plan formulating in his head and in your experience Jason’s plans never went well. However before you could reaffirm your decision he commented, “Might make him jealous."
You blinked a few times, the idea seemed interesting. It was tempting as hell until the little voices, the negative Nancy’s as your mother used to call them, began to speak up.
As if he’d ever be jealous over you
He has to like you in the first place, he probably thinks you’re a freaky weirdo.
You swallowed trying to not let the harsh thoughts hurt as much as they actually did. Shaking your head you shot Jason a grateful smile.
"No, it's okay,” You paused as an idea popped into your head, “But I could compare you to a summer's day."
Surprise was frozen on his face for half a second before he snorted and rolled his eyes. He gave you a look before replying, "Eh, well I don't think it is accurate."
".... You could compare him to a summer's day." You said before you could think it through.
Without even missing a beat Jason replied, "Or you could,"
No, you couldn’t. If you tried, even though he wasn’t actually there, you’d probably combust due to embarrassment and it would be just your luck if he just so happened to be walking up as you did it. Anyways you weren’t very good with sonnets. Poetry and rhymes were a bit easier but regardless it just wasn’t your thing. 
"I’ve never really been one for sonnets, Besides it'd be more accurate if you did it." You informed him with a shrug.
"Of course it would."
His words were a bit sharp, as if something was bothering him. You decided to ignore it considering that it wasn’t really your business. However what he said was a challenge in itself. He was basically saying you were chickening out. He wasn’t wrong but he had no right to call you on it. 
"Are you implying what I think you are?" You asked, trying to keep your tone light. 
“Probably.” He shrugged, smiling that devilish, his voice softer than before.
Narrowing your eyes you crossed your arms and remarked, “For the sake of this friendship, I’m going to disregard that comment.” 
His eyes lit up once again and you realized you gave him what he wanted, while you didn’t know what it was for you did know what it was. An opening. 
“And for the sake of this friendship I am going to compare you to a summer’s day.” 
This was probably going to be the funniest or dirtiest thing you heard this week, and you honestly didn’t mind. You were getting exhausted and needed a good laugh. As they always say, laughter is the best medicine.
“Oh no,” You replied, pretending to tremble while weakly laughing. 
Ignoring your comment, he held his arms out towards you before he dramatically declared, “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”
Without hesitation you deadpanned, “No,”
He shot you a glare, taking a step forwards before getting the dramatic look on his face again, gazing past you he took in a breath.
“Thou art more hot and more smelly.”
You laughed slightly before he shot you a chastising look and continued,
“Rough farts do shake the tiny arm hairs of me,”
Giggles began to build up your throat, but you pushed them back as Jason waved his hands around the air almost as if he was trying to swat a fly. 
He took in a breath and looked directly at you, “And summer’s air hath all to gross a smell,”
Pressing a hand to your face you shove back your laughter and you nod at him a few times. His face is frozen, his hands hanging limply at his sides and you realize he’s stuck. Shaking your head you wait a moment when an idea for the next line pops into your head. 
“Sometime too wet the back of my neck shines?”
His face lights up and he smiles at you before remarking, “Oooo good one.”
Slipping back into the dramatic, Shakespearean crack actor he holds his hands out again. Forming his face into what you can only assume is a regal expression he continues, 
“Sometime too wet the back of my neck shines.... and often is it’s slick complexion....”
He paused for another moment and began snapping his fingers as if the word was on the tip of his tongue. 
“Dried.” You piped up nearly biting back laughter.
Pointing a finger at you he exclaims, “Yes!”
Jumping back once again into the persona he shoots you a wink out of the corner of his eye. You roll your eyes as giggles escape you. 
“And often is it’s slick complexion dried. And every fly from fly sometime declines.”
You give him a look, laughter fighting to be released before shaking your head and shaking your hands.
“That doesn’t make sense.” 
Jason swats at you not breaking his gaze, he had locked in on something behind you and you hoped it wasn’t a person, “Hush, I’m not done.” 
You snorted and then let out a cough to try and subdue the oncoming barrels of laughter that were threatening to explode from you. 
“By swat or by swatter’s shrieking ass stumbling.”
That was the last straw, giggles, cackles and chortles escaped from you and you pressed your hand to the shelf behind you to stay standing. 
“Oh my fucking gosh- stop- please.” You wheezed in-between your laughter.
Jason gave you a look and you tried to stop yourself from cackling.
 He waited until you had quieted down a bit to ask, “Should I do the next line?”
“NO! NO, I can’t take- I couldn’t make it through another.” You exclaimed shaking your head. 
Letting out a sigh Jason shot you a look that looked a little bit to much like pout for you to take seriously. 
“Can I at least say the best lines?”
“You’ve thought that far ahead?”
Giggling slightly you sighed then nodded, “Fine.”
Slipping back into the Shakespearean actor persona he held his hand out almost exactly mimicking the classic Hamlet pose. The mere action of him going back into the act had you giggling again. He opened his mouth, covering your own with your hand to stop yourself from interrupting him anymore; you let out a slight snort. He stepped forwards and you pressed yourself against the shelves to get a better view of him. 
“When in eternal thighs to highs thou grow’st.”
A mixture between a wheeze and squeak escapes you and you have to squeeze your hand over your mouth and nose to stop yourself from cackling again. From where you stood, you could see Jason’s eyes glowing almost as if he found this amusing as you found the new sonnet funny. 
“So long as men can’t breathe,” He remarked, “or bi’s can’t pee.”
Another hybrid of a sound escaped you and you could see his shoulders shaking. He straightened himself out and began to finish,
“So long lives the bitch that gives fuck’s not to thee-” 
You couldn’t help yourself, it wasn’t like the other lines where it practically mirrored the syllables of the original line, the new last line was a mess. 
“That’s not rig-” You protested as you fought off a grin. 
Suddenly his hand was covering your mouth and you gave him a shocked look that momentarily stopped your laughter. After the shock left the laughter returned in ten-fold. Giggles escape you and you tried your hardest not to meet his gaze however you couldn’t help yourself, looking Jason in the eyes you saw how serious he was and you giggled even more. He removed his hand and you bit your lip to stop yourself from snorting again, it was the laugh of yours you hated the most, made you feel a little too much like a pig. 
Jason looked beside you and you were thankful, though he could be an ass sometimes he was nice enough to try and help prevent your anxiety or at least make it less intense. Your body began to shake as you fought off any and all laughter. You needed him to get through all of it so he wouldn’t repeat it. Covering your mouth with both hands you pressed against the shelves and squeezed your eyes shut
“As I was saying,” He remarked, “So long lives the bitch that gives fuck’s not to thee... and scene.”
Peeking an eye open you find Jason bowing and you lose it, your hands barely make it away from your face before you explode into a fit of snorts that don’t seem to stop. Your body begins to bend and you begin caving in on yourself, letting your head hang down you continue to laugh and snort. Rising back up you press a hand to your chest in a hope to make the laughter stop but it is in vain. You felt your cheeks flushing and your blood rushing to your face as you tried to quiet down.
Jason smiled and you took a breath before giggling relentlessly. Shaking your head you realized despite how funny it was you did have some critiques. 
“Can you say that stuff about bi’s?” You asked your breath nearly hiccupping as you snickered.
He shrugged before pressing a hand to the bookshelf right by your head and winking, “I am bi so I can say whatever the hell I want.”
“All-righty then, kiddo.” You nodded snorting as you moved your hand from your chest. 
Suddenly someone walks up however they speak before you can turn, “Hey guys, what you talking about?”
Something about the tone was off to you, you didn’t know exactly what but you knew that whoever the person was, they weren’t happy. 
Simultaneously both you and Jason say, “Nothing.” 
Giggling again you smile at Jason and look over to find Damian and Dick. Usually panic would flood you and slowly it was, however you still had laughter floating around your chest and it was slowly escaping you like a leaky faucet. 
Damian narrowed his eyes, “You were talking about me weren’t you?”
For a moment you were confused until you blinked, realizing that he thought the two of you were laughing at him. Thinking for half a moment about what you were doing made more laughter push through. However it’s not only normal laughter but scared laughter. It was something you noticed in the middle of your junior year, when in moments of high fear or panic where you didn’t know what to do, you laughed.
“N-no.,” You tried to start, but upon seeing Damian’s upset face terrified giggles stopped you, “we- we weren’t talk-talking about you.” 
Jason cleared his throat and you had flashbacks to when he was beginning the sonnet, a snort bubbled from you. It was loud and very pig-like causing your entire face to turn a brighter red than it already was. 
"We might be,” Jason said, “whatch-ya gonna do about it pipsqueak?"
The tone he had made the laughter begin to die in your chest, you knew that Jason and Damian didn’t get along well most of the time. You just didn’t know why, some days they seemed fairly close other days it seemed like they would rip each other’s throats out.
"I'll make you stop Todd." Damian seethed and your laughter vanished with one last hybrid squeaking snort. 
Moving away from you, Jason took a few steps towards Damian, shoving his hands in his pockets, "I'd like to see you try gremlin." 
"Stop calling me names Todd."
Jason laughed and looked back at you, you shot him a warning look but he ignored you, "Or what short-stack? You gonna bite my ankles?"
"Jason-" Dick began when Damian interrupted him with a snarl.
"Go on, keep calling me names, see what happens."
The two boys were closer now, a mere three feet away from each other. Without even thinking it through you stepped in between them and raised your hands as if to push both of them away from each other. Shooting them both a reprimanding glare you watched as the fight died from both of them pretty quickly.
Sighing in relief you lowered your hands and nodded before noting the stack of books that needed to be reshelved on the shelf almost gathering dust. 
“Alright boys, behave now. I’m going to go and reshelf the rest of these books. When I return I expect the two of you to be getting along, or else.” You remarked moving towards the books.
Jason stepped out of your way and seemed to understand the entirety of your threat, Damian on the other hand didn't.
“Or else what?” He asked his eyes narrowed
Picking up the books you turned back to him and raised an eyebrow, “Do you really want to know?” 
His shoulders sank down and Damian fully backed down. He looked away form you and you nodded satisfied. Turning you left to go reshelf the books. You got down to the last one when a young girl stopped you. 
She looked up at you with big eyes and asked, “Do you have any books I could read?”
You stared at her sweet face for a moment before pulling a book off of the shelf and handing it to her. She took the book with a bright smile on her face and she turned and left. Staring at the last book in your hand you slid it back where it belonged and spun around. 
Instead of finding a bunch of shelves you found Dick standing behind you, internally you screamed and you felt your eyes widen instinctively. He smiled and leaned in towards you. 
"Have any recommendations for me?" He asked
Panic washed over you and it was suddenly hard to breathe, you loved to recommend books but him asking was like someone asking to see your diary. 
Fumbling for words you replied, "Uh-I- uh well- what. do. you. like?
It was then that you realized Dick was here with you, which meant that the boys were left alone. Alone and unattended, while of course that could be a good thing. It also meant that they could trash the library, Jason could tell Damian about your crush, the small boy had a habit of blurting out things he found not secret keeping worthy! 
Giving Dick a worried look you stepped forwards and rushed to ask him, if he did in fact leave them alone,
“I’m sorry what?” He gave you a very confused look.
“Did you leave them alone?!” You nearly shrieked as panic overtook your body.
“Uh yeah.” 
Turning you ran down two aisles back to where Damian and Jason were. Surprisingly instead of finding them in an all out battle you found them cackling.
"You- you are amazing. And so fucking dense." Jason breathed out in between his laughter. 
"What?" You asked completely and totally surprised as the panic began to slip away from you.
"Nothing, nothing at all Y/N." He sighed wiping imaginary tears. 
You were astonished and confused, how could they do that? Go from being at each others throats ready for blood to buddies in less then ten minutes? Shaking your head you let out a sigh and went to turn around when you spotted Dick in the corner of your eye. You then remembered he asked for a recommendation and were thankful you had an excuse to run away.
It wasn’t that you didn’t want to recommend a book but more as it was hard to think straight around him. Your brain turned to mush and it was hard for you to bring any good books to mind. Looking at the shelf across form you, you spotted an old favorite of yours. Throughout all of high school it was your comfort book and it might just be the perfect book for him. 
Yanking it off the shelf you turned and held it out to him. He took it from you smiling slightly as though he was extremely confused but wanted to be polite. 
“What’s this for?” He asked
“Gookbood.” You mumbled out after you accidentally met his gaze.
You were stuck, of course you had the option to look away, however if you did you’d only feel even more embarrassed, if you kept looking however.. let’s just say you think it’d be bad for your health.
“What?” Dick asked leaning forwards clearly trying to hear you better.
“Bokgood-” You began before you realized you messed up only to try again, “Ookkbod.”
Slamming your eyes shut you clenched your fists and nearly yelled, “GOOD BOOK.”
With that you kept your eyes closed and turned walking away as Damian and Jason cackle at you. Probably at your inability to even form coherent sentences. Instead of heading back towards your desk you moved past it into the backroom, gathering your things as fast as you could you headed towards the front desk. Upon seeing you, Marian, the head library gave you a worried look. 
“Everything alright Y/N?”
“Uh, yeah I’m just gonna end my shift early.”
“You’re shift has been over for an hour dear... though you usually stay till closing...” Her tone told you that she was worried. 
Closing your eyes again you winced but then you heard Marian sigh and you peeked an eye open seeing her typing something in her computer.
“If any one asks...” You began before wincing again as the thoughts hit you.
As if they would
“If anyone asks, I’m not feeling well. Alright?” 
Marian nodded a small smile on her face as she looked at something in one of the aisles, "Go on Y/N, have a good weekend. I’ll see you again on Monday.” 
She waved you along and you hurried out the door. Before you could even make it to the parking lot you spotted one of the libraries regulars. Mira, was a few years younger then you and very excited about books. Unknown to her and probably himself, Jason had taken a shining to her. 
Upon seeing you her eyes lit up and she hurried over to you. Smiling brightly Mira enthusiastically greeted you.
“Hi, Y/N. I know you’re probably about to head home but I just wanted to tell you I loved the book you recommended and say hi.” 
Her face was it’s natural pink and she seemed to realized how much you were freaking out. Her smile slid from her face and she reached out a hand as if to try and comfort you before she put it back down. 
“Are you okay?” 
You didn’t exactly know what to say. While Mira was a constant and almost as close a friend to you as Jason was, you couldn’t exactly tell her what was going on. 
With a weary sigh you turned back towards the doors to see Dick, Jason and Damian walking out them. Even more panic raced over you as they spotted you and Mira. 
Mira hummed slightly before patting your arm and turning towards the boys, they began to approach. They were only a couple of a feet away when Mira stopped them.
“Hi,” She said grinning brightly, “I’m Mirabilis Cadman, but everyone calls me Mira. It’s nice to meet you.” 
You watched for a moment as Dick hesitated, Damian gave Mira a scrutinizing look and Jason, well Jason seemed to be completely unaffected however you knew better. Mira held her hand out to Dick and he shook it.
“Hey, I’m Dick Grayson. This is my little brother Damian. Pleasure to meet you.” He replied smiling
For a moment a strange look crossed Mira’s face her smile faltering then she blinked and looked to Damian for a moment. Then she noted the book he was carrying. Smiling again she also held her hand out to him. 
Shooting him a wink she remarked, “Good choice, glad to see one of you has taste.” 
It was then that you remembered how one night after Mira had volunteered to help you clean up the library after a long day of elementary school classes coming in you had told her of your crush on Dick Grayson and how it seemed that, at the time he was ignoring you. 
Meanwhile Jason was trying to hide cackles behind coughs. Hitting his chest twice he gives Mira a amused look before he held his hand out to her. Once she took it he said,
“Sup, Jason, Jason Todd.” 
Mira blinked twice, confusion was clear on her face for a moment before she shrugged and let go of his hand. Looking away from the two of them you noticed how Dick was staring at you.
Mira eventually caught his line of sight and you watched as her eyes widened slightly. She kept the smile on her face though. Dick gestured to you and began to speak, “We need Y/N, she is just-”
“She isn’t feeling well,” Mira explained and you noted the hand behind her back waving for some reason, “But, I’d be happy to help you out in anyway I can. I know this library like the back of my hand. I spend a lot of time here... maybe too much time.” 
You watched as she continued to wave and realized she was signaling you to leave. She was helping with your get away. As you hurried towards the parking lot and your car you know one thing for sure. You owed her big-time.
It didn’t take you long to get to your car, as you fumbled with your keys you came to a realization. 
You recommended him, Dick Grayson, a book. He frequently came to the library and sometimes tried to talk to you. He would want to talk to you about the book. Which meant the possibility of embarrassing yourself in front of him again, and no Mira to save you. 
Fucking shit
Insomnia was a bitch, but it wasn’t just anyone’s bitch it was anxiety’s bitch... then again so were you. 
It was probably close to three a.m. when you decided you were hungry and climbed out of your very warm bed to wander into the kitchen. Unfortunately flies had beat you there, while there was only two or three, but they annoyed the hell out of you. Picking up the fly swatter you spotted a fly a few feet away from you and you lunged forwards swinging your arms and legs. You slapped at the fly and successfully hit it. Pretending to bow to a cheering crowd you mouthed ‘thank you, thank you.’
Standing up straight you held your fly swatter like a blade and a thought popped into your head.
Ninja, fly ninja, you are the fly ninja.
Jumping around as you let out soft hi-yah’s and other ninja noises you tried and failed to hit the two flies. Creeping up on one of the flies you swung the flyswatter out and smacked it into the wall. Jumping and doing a side kick you remarked,
“Hoi-yah! Take that fly! No one can best me. Because I’m The fly ninja.”
It was then you heard the chuckling. Blinking you turned and found standing in your kitchen in his blue and black glory, your friend, Nightwing. The thoughts slammed into you as you found yourself stumbling back towards your couch. 
He just saw you looking like a fucking idiot, you are never going to live this one down
However instead of freaking out, when you saw the incredibly amused look on his face you found yourself irritated. You froze for just a moment before you grabbed a pillow and chucked it at him. He dodged it with a laugh.
“Wouldn't ninja fly be better.... wait no that's a fly who is a ninja,” he mused while laughing and dodging yet another pillow you threw. 
He thinks your weird, he’s probably laughing at yo-
“You,” Nightwing said, yanking you out of the thoughts, “have the worst taste in cereal.”
Blinking you found him standing in front of one of your cupboards, crossing your arms you gave him a look and he closed the cupboard. Turning towards you he leaned against the counter with one hand, effectively blocking your way into the kitchen.  
“Just to let you know.”
Rolling your eyes you snorted, then pushed past him to get into your kitchen. Yanking a cup from your cupboard you walk over to the electric kettle and fill it with water before turning it on and placing the mug next to it.
"You,” You began as you walked back out of the kitchen, ”break into people's apartments in the middle of the night, what right do you have to judge my cereal?"
He snorted and rested his elbows on your counter. Behind him Red Robin slipped into your kitchen and began raiding your cabinets for coffee, which as of late, was normal.
“True, but do I really deserve such scorn from the fly ninja?” 
Behind Nightwing you see Red Robin pause and turn towards you. He mouths ‘fly ninja?’ tilting his head in confusion. Biting your lip to hold back laughter you smiled and then shrugged. He nodded and turned back to raiding your cabinets. 
Looking at Nightwing you raised an eyebrow and then rested your elbows on your counter before placing your face in your hands.
“You broke into my apartment, startled me. Insulted my ninja abilities and then you insulted my cereal choices. So yes, I do believe you deserve my scorn.”
Nightwing held up a hand in disagreement as he shook his head. Behind him the electric kettle steamed then clicked off, “I did not insult your ninja skills. I- I was admiring them.”
Narrowing your eyes you fought off a grin as you replied, “So you say.”
Usually you would be worried saying stuff like this to even the closest of your friends, however, despite your sometimes snarky remarks and extreme weirdness Nightwing continued to come and visit you. Which told you that it didn’t matter how weird or much yourself you were he wouldn’t leave... or at least you hopped so. 
Taking on a playful tone he remarked, "Well someone's grumpy." 
Holding up a hand you waved it at him as Red Robin grabbed a mug and began pouring the water into it, the instant coffee right next to him.
"Listen- listen I haven't had my tea yet." 
Nightwing blinked once and then he pushed off of the counter and he laughed slightly. It took you a minute to realize he was confused and a little nervous.
“You don't drink coffee?"
"Caffeine and I don't get along." You said with a shrug.
This only seemed to confuse him more, he shook his head and looked at you slightly astonished before he asked, “Then why do you have so much of it?”
Smiling, you met his gaze and pointed behind him, “Turn around.”
Turning he looked and saw Red Robin stirring a cup of coffee. He paused and watched with you as Red Robin pulled a small energy drink from his belt and he poured it into the cup. Nightwing walks over to him and picks up the mug from his body language; it looked as if he was giving Red Robin a scolding look.
"You know this is probably gonna kill you right?"
Red Robin shrugs and replies, "It was bound to happen sooner or later."
A giggle escaped you and both Nightwing and Red Robin turned towards you. You cleared your throat as Nightwing smiled and Red Robin looked at the two of you. A strange expression passed his face before he shook his head and headed for the fire escape.
“You owe me a new mug.” You remarked pointing a finger at him.
Nightwing looked startled then he gestured to the fire escape exclaiming, “No, he does.”
You shrugged as you headed into the kitchen “He’s your underling.”
“Red Robin is not my underling.” 
Though you couldn’t see him you could hear his tone. He sounded offended and a little upset. From this you could tell that he respected or at least had a lot of respect for Red Robin. 
A memory tickles the back of your mind, someone calling Red Robin little bird. You didn’t exactly remember who but your bet was on Nightwing. 
“Fine, he’s your little bird. Isn’t that what you call him?” You remarked with a shrug. 
You blinked a few times and sighed, “Oh, well anyways he’s still a kid and if he drinks that much coffee I doubt he could actually get me a new mug. I mean he literally has to steal coffee from here... maybe I should get disposable cups.”
A surprised look crossed his face, “Wait, he does this often?”
“Yeah, but usually he drinks all of the coffee and leaves the mug.”
Nightwing hums and he nods as if was contemplating something. Maybe it was why Red Robin did what he did or maybe it was something else. 
“Huh, he must like you if he keeps coming back.”
Letting out a snort you nodded before sarcastically remarking, “Or he likes the coffee.”
Not understanding you were using sarcasm, Nightwing shook his head, a fairly serious look on his face, “It’s instant coffee I doubt it can be that good... It’s a high honor to be liked by Red Robin.” 
“Sure it is...” You rolled your eyes not fully believing him, before you could stop yourself you said, “no one likes me, or at least they shouldn’t”
"Well I like you."
You blinked and looked over to him, he was giving you an innocent look and you blinked again. You couldn’t have heard what you just did right? People wouldn’t tell someone- they wouldn’t tell you they liked you to your face... right?
"Wait, did you just say what I think you said?" 
A smile appeared on his face and he nodded slowly, “Yes, I did in fact say that I like you."
He likes you, he just said so, and repeated what he said. So, he must really mean it, truly mean it. Before you were going about in unknowing and now the reality of everything hit you. 
Of course you were aware people who were your friends liked you, but no one had really ever said it to your face. You were shocked and a little embarrassed. 
A sly grin appeared on Nightwing’s face and he leaned in towards you continuing, “You are the fly ninja after all.”
"Oh my gosh.” You replied as you shoved your face into your hands trying your hardest not to laugh. 
“By the way I’ve been meaning to ask you the fly ninja to all flies or just certain ones?”
You closed your eyes, shaking your head as laughter bubbled up in your lungs. Nightwing ignored your attempts at withholding giggles and continued. 
“Like is it only fruit flies and the ones that hover around bananas or?”
Biting your lip you pulled away from your hands your face red, forcing the laughter back you looked him dead in the eyes and replied, “All flies obviously, I’m not discriminatory.”
He smiled and laughed. Silence cleaved the air and you felt nervous tension arise in you. 
Quickly clambering for a topic to talk about you asked, “What were we talking about again?”
“About how I find you very a-peeling.” 
You hesitated for a moment before giving him a disbelieving look. You shook your head, “... did you just- no. I’m not gonna, no.” 
Pretending it never happened, you look away from him and move towards your couch leaning against it you let out a sigh. 
“Read any good books lately.” Nightwing asks from your kitchen, a clatter of sorts following him, most likely he was raiding your cabinets as well. 
“Of course,” You sighed, working as a librarian meant that you always had a good book, “What about you?”
Almost chuckling he replies, “Well I’m reading a book about anti-gravity... It’s impossible to put down.”
“That’s terrible.” You smiled, shaking your head trying not to laugh as well. 
“Oh I know.” He laughed.
With a sigh you looked over your shoulder momentarily to see him looking into one of your cabinets. Not wanting things to go silent you decided to ask a safe question that will continue the conversation at least for a little while.
“How was your day?”
“It wasn’t too bad,” He began and something in his tone made you narrow your eyes, “Somebody stole all of my lamps. I couldn’t be more de-lighted. And this morning I wanted to take pictures of the fog but I mist my chance. I guess I could dew it tomorrow.” 
Biting back laughter you turned away from him, placing your face into your hands, “Stop. These puns are too cheesy.”
“But I thought they were gouda.”
You froze rolling your eyes as a slight snort escaped you, “Dude.”
“It’s cheddar if you don’t get mad.” He continued.
Shaking your head again you closed your eyes trying your hardest to tune him out before you burst into a fit of laughter once again. 
“I swiss you had the same humor as me. I won’t provolone this anymore. After all, I havarti taken this too far.” Nightwing snorted laughing as he made pun after pun. 
“Oh ma gosh.”
Looking towards the ceiling you fought off a grin and the laughter, the tired laughter that was building up in your chest. 
“I colby a better parmesan and stop all these cheesy pins but I ricotta continue.”
Before you could stop yourself laughter escaped you as you turned towards him again to see him looking at you with a mischievous smile on his face. You laugh a little harder and his smile widens, “Brie the way, how was your day today? I saga know.” 
Letting out a snort, you smiled at him and decided to try a pun yourself, “That wasn’t very puny.”
For a moment a look of surprise crossed his face before a grin broke out across it and you felt your heart do a strange little fluttering jump.
Shaking his head he laughed, remarking, “Oh! That’s terrible, I love it.” 
Your heart did an even bigger fluttering jump and you looked away from him. You didn’t exactly like what was happening. But you knew. Trying to change the subject before your heart fluttered again you moved around the arm of the couch and sat down. 
“How was your day actually though?”
You froze for a moment, it was a rare occasion in which Nightwing only said one worded replies. Usually it meant there was something he didn’t want to talk about or something he really wanted to vent about or ask advice about. 
Not even turning towards him you stuck your hands under your legs and swung them slightly.
“Eh? Why eh?”
There was a pause, almost as if he was hesitant to reply, but then after a breath and silence filling the room making it slightly awkward he replied, “Girl troubles.”
This didn't really surprise you. Girl troubles were common amongst your guy friends, and since you were one of the very few girls who they didn’t ever plan on dating you were used to giving advice. However a strange sort of ache began in your chest and you felt hurt. 
Just a friend, The thoughts whisper almost menacingly, he just sees you as a friend.
Ignoring the ache and the vile thoughts nipping at the back of your mind you raised an eyebrow and turned over your shoulder smiling playfully at him. 
“Oooo do you like someone, as a civilian?... Wait, no, you like a civilian.” You corrected yourself, blinking a few times as you finally began to feel tired. 
Instead of a reply, at first you hear the door to one of your cabinets open with a loud squeak. A rustling for a moment then the cabinet creaking closed. He was stealing your food. A soft smile and feeling appeared and you brought your legs up to your chest. Placing your chin on the dip in between your knees you sighed. 
Honestly you didn’t mind but, it frustrated you a little though, that you were always going to be the best friend never the girl boys fell for. You were for friendship, not dating. Something you were beginning to wish you realized just a little bit earlier, maybe this would then all be easier. 
“Yes,” Nightwing finally replied, “and it was just so frustrating because it seems like she hates me and likes my brother.”
You blinked and for a moment you thought about looking towards him, but you knew if he did he’d realize what he said. You had to approach this carefully, wrapping your arms around your legs you hum slightly before asking somewhat casually,
“Oh wait, you have a brother?”
“Ye-,” You practically see him nodding before he stopped himself. 
Curiosity got the best of you and you decided to push your luck just a bit . 
“It's one of the vigilantes isn’t it.”
Silence followed your question and you looked over to see him giving you a look. A look that said to stop talking, not to press further because you were hitting the nail on the head. 
A smile of disbelief appeared on your face and you pulled away from your legs, eyes wide. 
“Oh my gosh they are all your siblings aren’t they? But obviously they’re adopted. I know Signal’s black, I’m ninety-nine percent sure there was a blonde batgirl and a red-head, Blue Bird literally doesn’t look like any of you, and no one is able to see Black Bat’s face. Oh and don’t get me started on the Robin brigade.”
As you began rambling your hands flew around your face in a flurry of motion. The vigilantes were one of your favorite non-book things to talk about. Mainly because of the one in your kitchen but you really weren’t going to ever get into that... hopefully. 
“You’re not wrong, “He sighed before pausing, “...Robin brigade?”
“I’m not getting into it.” You shook your head turning back away from him. 
You weren’t about to tell him how ever since the first Robin came into play you like the vigilantes. Not about your opinions and theories, especially not when a lot  of them were about him. Waving away the question you decided to change the subject. 
“Anyways back to your girl problems. Why do you think she hates you?”
You could hear him munching on something as he probably contemplated how to explain the problem to you, “Well she never talks to me willingly, and when she does she always mutters or ends up sounding really angry.”
Twirling a strand of hair around your finger, you thought for a moment about what he said. It sounded a lot like what happens to you. Maybe this girl that he likes, also has anxiety and likes him, or it might just be because he makes her nervous. 
“She might just like you dumbass,” You snorted, rolling your eyes, “I know that’s how it is for me. I mean with the guy I like-, I can’t even say one word without messing it up. So I have to slow it down. ”
You heard more munching and the crinkling of a bag before he mused, “Hmm, you think so?”
“Yeah, or you just make her really nervous.” 
It was more than likely, for you it was both which only made matters more complicated and frustrating. Sometimes you wished you were normal, then this wouldn’t be a problem at all. 
“Makes sense... by the way do you think if you practiced you could talk to him?”
Practice? You had tried practicing in the past, but whenever you tried to talk to him your anxiety took hold of your mouth and you spat out a word jumble instead of what you really wanted to say. 
“Probably not, my anxiety always freaks me out telling me that I’m gonna say the wrong thing and scare him away because I’m too weird or something.”
He walked passed you into the living room before flopping down on your couch. You notice the bad and his hands and for the moment you decided to ignore it. 
“Well just think about it this way, you’re super cool and awesome. And if he can’t see that he doesn’t deserve you.”
You paused for a moment. and looked over at him in slight disbelief, “You think I’m cool?”
“The coolest.” He replied smiling at you. 
It was then that you noticed the bag he had was your Cheetos. While you didn’t mind, at the moment you felt... awkward. Standing up you walked over towards him and flopped down next to him. You needed someway to feel less awkward without sounding like a bitch... then you got an idea
“Aww, that's sweet...” You began turning towards him with a smile, “but if you take my fucking Cheetos again we’re through.”
For a moment you think you’ve made things worse until Nightwing bursts into laughter. Shaking his head he sighed and passed the bag over to you, with the bag now in your hands you looked over to him and took a moment to think over what he said. 
You’re super cool and awesome. And if he can’t see that he doesn’t deserve you
Sighing you sat down next to him and rested your head on his shoulder, pulling a small handful you ate some Cheetos then offered them to him. He began taking some.
Was he telling the truth? Or just trying to make you feel better by saying that. Not knowing which was correct you felt you had to ask him.  
“Do you really think that he wouldn’t deserve me if I make a fool of myself?” You asked as you felt him wrap an arm around your shoulder.
You heard him hesitate before you looked up to see him giving you a contemplating look. 
“If you make a fool of yourself he should be saying something like... like. I think- I think I might just love you a little bit.”
Snorting you rolled your eyes, looked away and remarked without thinking, “Sure he should because unintelligible gibberish is the way to a man’s heart.”
“If he’s worth shit he’ll think it’s cute. I know I do.”
You knew he was flirting with you, you knew because it was something he did regularly. Something that was common with his personality. He constantly, he was never serious of course, that much you knew. So when you looked up at him slightly snorting to see him staring at you a soft and serious look on his face your heart did the fluttery jump and your stomach flipped.
Fucking shit 
Looking away from him you felt your cheeks beginning to flush red. He was nice, he helped you feel a little less like an asshole, less like a bitch, more like a person. A good person. He made you feel cared for... and- and loved. He was amazing and a lot like All the man you’ll ever need-
Wait, no. No. It couldn’t be like that- no. He was hero- a vigilante. You would never be able to know his real identity. You wouldn’t ever actually able to be with him. No matter what your heart felt, no matter how spilt it was you couldn’t even entertain the thought.
His voice yanked you from your spiraling train of thought and you blinked. Giving you a soft smile he asked the question again. 
“How was your day?”
Happy to not have to think about your feelings again you raised your head off of his shoulder and turned to him. Fully prepared to rant and bare your soul. 
“Rough, honestly I made a complete and utter fucking fool of myself. I mean I panicked so much and I laughed, I full on laughed out loud. Cackled even, at the library. I never do that, and to make matters worse my crush, he asked for a book recommendation and I realized that he left his brothers, the two most chaotic people I know alone with each other and I panicked.” 
You were talking quickly, shaking your head as the words stumbled from you, embarrassment following it. For a moment Nightwing was nodding as if he understood when suddenly he sat up straight, looking at you slightly confused. 
“Wait, wait. What happened?” He asked an eyebrow raised.
“Well he asked me for a book recommendation and I realized that he left his brothers alone and I panicked and cursed at him before running back to make sure they weren’t trashing the library.” You explained again waving your hands about yawning afterwards. 
He blinked twice then gave you a shocked look for a moment, “Your crush? Wait, he asked for a book recommendation?”
“Yeah! And then I realized that his brothers-”
Before you could finish he interrupted you a strange look on his face, “Did he say anything else?”
Blinking in confusion you raised an eyebrow thinking over what he said, then you shook your head, “What? Oh uh no I don’t think so.”
“Hmm,” He hummed slightly a smile on his face before he relaxed back onto the couch, “okay.” 
Feeling confused and a little worried, you wanted to talk about how he was acting weird but didn’t know how. So you decided to continue talking about your day. 
“Well after seriously embarrassing myself by going that I fumbled over my words while trying to give him a book. Then I decided to flee so I wouldn’t embarrass myself anymore. I was like five minute away from leaving when a regular- Mira- I’ve talked about her before. Well she came and started talking to me, I swear that give has like a sixth sense because she instantly knew I was freaking out and was able to help me avoid my crush and his brothers... speaking of brothers. I’m like ninety-nine percent sure one of them likes her, or at least is interested.” 
Nightwing was smiling and he had an amused look on his face as if something was very interesting. Chuckling he looked to you seeing the confusion on your face he sighed before nodding. 
“Interesting...sorry but somethings on my mind. When you start to have an anxiety attack or think about something can you accidentally tune stuff out?”  He asked eyebrows raised
You blinked a few times before nodding and leaning against the couch once again. 
“Oh, uh yeah. Sometimes I’m spiraling into an anxiety attack or anxious thoughts I accidentally tune people out... well what happens is that the thoughts overpower my ears.” You nodded with another yawn. 
He nodded and gave you a strange sort of look, you were having a hard time focusing, blinking you kept your eyes open. Rubbing at your eyes you sighed. 
“Tell me about your brother’s fuck ups on patrol, I need a good laugh.” You muttered as you held back a yawn. 
“Okay then,” He replied laughing slightly. 
Leaning against his shoulder again you grunted slightly. After your long day you were finally feeling tired, tired and safe. Nightwing was saying something to you, but you were having a hard time paying attention. Your eyes kept fluttering shut and before you knew it you were asleep. 
A few days later, you were in the library at your desk going about your daily routine when you spotted Jason in an aisle of book inspecting the pages of a heavy chapter book. Before you could spot any of the other Wayne boys Mira appeared in your peripheral vision a book in her hand and a smile on her face. 
“Okay, before you stop me I just want to say this book is amazing and when you have the time I want to talk to you about it because I need to talk to someone. All the people in my apartment complex are like fifty and above, married or five and under.” She paused for a moment a look of realization crossing her face, “Of course married people aren’t hard to talk to it’s just they don’t want to talk to me and I’m rambling sorry.”
You almost laughed, Mira seemed flustered, something you hadn’t seen ever. The ends of her hair were peeking out of her black hat in an array of different shades of purple. With flushed cheeks and her hazel eyes wide, Mira looked like something was bugging her. 
Leaning on the counter you let out a sigh, but noticed Jason approach towards your desk. A sly smile of sorts appeared on your face. If Jason was in fact interested in Mira a little push wouldn’t hurt, right?
“Unfortunately,” You began with a heavy sigh, “I don’t think I’ll be able to talk for a while... however, I’m sure Jason wouldn’t mind talking to you about it. He was actually the one who got me on the book.”
You gestured to Jason now stood behind Mira. For a moment, Mira froze before turning around, a tight smile on her face. She shot you a slight look of panic before she let out a breath and nodded. 
“Uh, if your willing.” 
Jason smiled at her and nodded. She nodded as well before giving you a quick wave goodbye. Watching them go you noticed how Mira stopped in an aisle still in your eye-line and sat down on the ground. Without even questioning it, Jason sat across from her. 
The library was quiet enough that you didn’t really need to strain yourself to hear what the two of them were saying. You watched as Mira opened the book, hearing Jason say,
“So about the other night-”
Before he could even finish Mira interrupted him her cheeks and ears flushing a dark shade of red, “I’d prefer not to talk about it please.” 
Nodding Jason let out a slight sigh before replying, “Alright.”
You were curious on what exactly had happened between the two of them, but before you could give another thought to it Damian walked up a stack of books in his arms. Raising an eyebrow you gave him a look,
“Starting a project of sorts?” You questioned as you began to check the books out to him.
Damian let out a slight huff before he nodded, “Father said I couldn’t get another pet until I know how to properly take care of it.” 
You paused for a moment to look at the books, they were non-fiction books about a variety of different animals. Spanning from monkeys all the way to squirrels. Shaking your head you bit back a laugh as you imagined Bruce Wayne’s face when Damian brought in all the animals.
“Hmm, I think there might be some more books about animal care in aisle five.” You remarked off handedly noting the gleam in Damian’s eye. 
“Really now?”
You nodded as you began to set the books to the side, pointing you showed him which aisle you were talking about.
“I can hold your books to the side while you go and grab some more, I mean you’ve got to cover all the bases right?”
While usually language like this would cause Damian to give you a look of distain, he bee-lined straight for the aisle. You laughed and turned to watch him when you spotted a guy standing right next to Mira and Jason.
“Are you here for me or him?” Mira asked not even looking up from her book. 
The guy blinked and a extremely confused look crossed his face. He gave Mira a baffled look as he said, “Why would I be here for him?”
A mischievous smile appeared on her face for just a second before she looked up at him, shock all over her face.
“Why the hell wouldn’t you be here for him?” She exclaimed gesturing towards Jason, “Have you seen him? He’s fucking gorgeous!”
You had to shove your fist against your mouth to stop from bursting into laughter. You watched Jason do something similar as his face turned red as his entire body shook. 
The guy went quiet and didn’t say anything else. Mira sighed and shook her head looking back to her book. 
“Well if your here for me fuck off, if your here for him…” She trailed off as if to let Jason finish her sentence.
He did, “Fuck off as well.”
A look of slight surprise was on Mira’s face as she looked to Jason, a smile playing on her lips. “Oh really?”
He nodded and her smile widened before she looked back to her book, looking surprisingly happy. 
“Awesome,” She remarked as she flipped the page, “anyways you heard us, fuck off dude.” 
The guy glared at the two of them and turned away cursing. You laughed letting out a sigh as you saw Jason and Mira share a look before they began talking about the book. 
Looking away from them you noticed Dick leaning on your desk a smile on his face. You flinched feeling your entire body beginning to panic. 
“Oh, uh,” You remarked before giving him a smile in return, taking in a breath you continued, “Hi.”
“So I read the book,” He says as he pushed up from the desk. 
“Oh,” Is the only thing you can say, your mind felt blank as terror began crawling into every part of you. 
Breathe, you told yourself, remember what Nightwing told you. If he can’t see the real you he doesn’t deserve you
You nodded and tried for a genuine smile on your face. Something flickered on Dick’s face and he smiled brighter. 
“I was hoping we could talk about it over lunch or dinner.” 
You blinked, once, twice then three times as what he said was slowly sinking in. It took you a second to realize he just asked you out. Internally you began to scream, externally your pretty sure the smile was frozen on your face as a look of confusion began at the corners of your eyes. 
Taking in a breath you laughed slightly, nodding you let it out and tried your hardest to speak slowly. If you fucked this up you would never live it down, not only to anyone who heard the story but to yourself. 
“Oh, that. sounds. fun! Sure.” You replied smiling.
It occurred to you, that you would be talking about the book amongst other things. And no matter his opinion you could give him other book recommendations. As excitement for the upcoming date raced in your veins a thought popped into your head, one of the whispers.
What if this is a prank? What if it’s all a practical joke being played
You hesitated for a moment before pushing the thought away. it wouldn’t-couldn’t be a joke. Dick was nice, nice and sweet. As your nerves began to climb up your throat you took another breath in. 
You had to trust, you could do that. Shoving away your worries you focused on the fact that you could recommend more books... something you realized he didn’t know.
“Icabevrecbak-” You began before you heard yourself. 
Heat flushed your cheeks and you squeezed your eyes shut wincing. Peeking one open you didn’t dare try looking at him. 
You can do this, you just had to breathe
“Sorry,” You began not looking at him as you breathed and tried to take it slow, “I meant I could recommend more books if you liked that one.”
“It’s fine.” Dick said waving a hand as if to brush off the apology, “Honestly I think it’s cute.”
You froze, it felt as if your brain just short-circuited. Blinking you felt yourself give him a look of disbelief.
Honestly I think it’s cute, echoed in your ears and then you heard what Nightwing said the night before,
If he’s worth shit he’ll think it’s cute. I know I do
Blinking you realized that he continued to speak. Instead of pretending what was going on you gave him a confused look and he smiled. 
“I’d love if you recommended more book. How does tomorrow sound?”
You didn’t exactly know what was happening but you heard yourself replying, “Uh, great.”
You felt as if you were in a muddle, you could see what was happening and hear it but you could really feel anything. Faintly you heard a ringing and for a moment you were scared you were gonna pass out. A nervous laugh escaped you as you tried to breathe. An even wider grin appeared on his face and he leaned in towards you. 
“You get off at four right?”
Nodding you continued to reply almost robotically, “Uh yeah.”
“Well I’ll pick you up from here then.”
You blinked, the muddle was slowly fading and you were finding yourself again. Clearing your throat you nodded again. You could feel your heart in your chest doing it’s fluttery jump as your stomach did non-stop flips. 
“Okay.” You breathed out blinking again.
Dick nodded then shot you, what you can only imagine his classic playboy smile which sent your mind into a tizzy.
“I’ll see you then.”
“Uh okay, bye.”  You mumbled out as you watched him walk away not exactly sure about what just happened but fully aware that you had a date with him the next day. 
Holy fuck, you had a date with Dick Grayson. You couldn’t believe it, and as you felt your excitement race over you you remembered what Nightwing had, essentially, told you.
-You’re super cool and awesome. And if he can’t see that he doesn’t deserve you. 
 If you make a fool of yourself he should be saying something like... like. I think- I think I might just love you a little bit.  
If he’s worth shit he’ll think it’s cute-
Pressing your face into your hands you tried your hardest not to blush. Not only did you have Nightwing’s words playing in your ears but the feelings you had for both him and Dick. 
You were completely and totally torn in half. After a moments thought you sighed. Maybe the phrase All The Man I Need wasn’t entirely true. After all one guy hadn’t exactly met all you needs, however if the both of them did have qualities that you needed- 
No, no you weren’t going to think about that. After all right now you needed to focus on one guy, he was after all the one you were more likely going to end up in a actual relationship with.  You had to focus on Dick Grayson... for now at least. 
For now. 
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biisexualemma · 3 years
unrequited pt.2. peter parker
word count: 3.6k
warnings: anxiety, panic attack? i guess kind of
requested: yea a few people asked for this lol
plot: you haven’t seen peter for weeks and start to worry about him
a/n: i finished re-writing this late last night and i’ll be honest with you i haven’t checked it over so sorry if there are any mistakes but i’m tired sis goodnight! lmk if you like this! pls comment / share!
pt.1 / marvel masterlist / multi-fandom masterlist
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"ned... you're so wrong for so many reasons," m.j.'s expression was flat, her eyes rolling before she continued to fight ned on who was really the strongest avenger. you were supposed to be working on a group project for your history class but somehow the topic of the avengers came up and the conversation derailed. ned was making a, somewhat, compelling case for the hulk but m.j. was clearly winning with her argument for wanda.
"nobody even knows the full extent of her powers... and the hulk? what? he's gonna smash some more?"
you sat quietly, chin in the palm of your hand, listening in and out of the conversation. you didn't really feel much like contributing. you would occasionally chime in to support m.j. but mostly you just heard the noise of their bickering and let it happen.
you didn't want to be that person, but your mind was (much to your frustration) completely consumed with thoughts of peter. and at the worst time, you had so many tests coming up, and essay deadlines were also creeping up on you. usually you were on top of this stuff, but your mind was preoccupied almost all the time.
because of peter, who was no where to be seen. in the past few weeks he had stopped showing up to school all together. ned said it was something to do with tony stark but you had a feeling it was more than that. you didn't know how to explain it.
you hadn't spoken to him in a long time now, and you didn't exactly leave things on good terms. it was the longest you'd gone without talking since peter called you a poopy head in the third grade.
you just couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. especially since you had no idea what he was getting up to, peter was known to get himself into some messes when he was left to his own devices. and you just knew ned was lying to cover for his best friend but that only made you feel even more out of the loop.
everything felt a bit off without peter around, like something was missing. that, on top of the guilt and worry you were feeling, was turning your head to mush. last time you'd spoken to peter, he was erratic and wounded and desperate. something bad had to have happened for him to be gone this long.
the bell rang, signalling the end of your last period for the day, and the rest of the week seeing as it was a friday. you snapped out of your daze, jolting as your eyes focused back on your surroundings.
"what time did you say again, y/n?" your eyes drifted to m.j. who was collecting her notes on her desk, her eyes meetings yours, waiting for your answer. a crease formed between your eyebrows, you hadn't heard a word of the conversation before right now. m.j. seemed to realise this, rolling her eyes at you with a playful smile. you did this a lot lately, she was getting used to it. "homecoming? what time did you want to meet tonight?"
"oh," you nodded, still sitting at your desk as your classmates hustled around you. "right, homecoming— i— uh—"
"tell me you're still coming," ned interrupted, his eyes wide suddenly, clearly desperate that your answer was anything but no. "c'mon we've had this planned for ages!"
"no— yeah— of course i am," you nodded quickly to reassure him. "yeah— sorry— i just spaced. is seven good for you guys?"
they hummed in response, nodding.
you packed up your books, shoving them into your bag, still in a slight haze with all these thoughts running through your head about peter. you couldn't think about homecoming, it seemed trivial now compared to the worst case scenarios running through your mind. maybe you could try to call peter again? you thought to yourself as you quickly left the classroom, forgetting about m.j. and ned and homecoming, your muscle memory alone leading you to your locker.
you swapped out your books from your bag with the ones you needed to study from for your biology test next week. after slamming the locker door shut, a familiar face was met with yours.
"jesus," you muttered as he stood inches away from your face, your heart racing from the shock. clutching your books to your chest, after nearly having a heart attack, you let out a loud sigh and furrowed your eyebrows. "peter? where the hell have you been?" you regained some of your composure, enough to find some anger in you towards him. he was the last person you were expecting to see today.
"you're ok?" his usual soft brown eyes looked sunken and tired, his hair was scruffier than usual and his lips chapped as they hung open, his eyes scanning over you.
your mouth hung open to speak but he just shook his head as if answering his own question. he gripped your forearm, urging you to walk with him. you dug in your heels, yanking your arm back, wanting him to slow down and explain before you went anywhere with him. "will you just walk," he muttered sharply when you tried to resist him. "please," he softened quickly, his eyes meeting yours.
you frowned, uncomfortably shifting the stack of books in your arms as peter pulled you along behind him hastily. you watched his eyes shifting about the hallway as students weaved around the two of you, his grip not loosening for a second. he was definitely up to something stupid and dangerous that he absolutely should not be involved in.
he'd dragged you all the way out into the parking lot, pulling you aside and away from the crowd of people.
"what's going on? why do you look like— i mean no offence but— you look like crap," you couldn't help but show some level of concern. no matter how complicated your feelings were for him at the moment, he was still your best friend, and he looked like hell. you couldn't stop yourself from staring at him.
"i need you to just— stop talking and listen to me," the look in his eyes made your heart beat a bit faster, your eyes darting between his trying to understand his urgency. "you're not safe—"
"no— i'm fine—" you were never very good at doing what you were told. you glanced down at yourself, perfectly safe and standing in front of him. "see?—"
"no— no you're not," he gulped, his eyes darting away from yours for a split second. "i'm taking you home and you have to stay there. ok? please."
his voice was horse, cracking when he spoke. you didn't understand any of it. peter was the friendly neighbourhood spider-man, what the hell had he gotten himself into that had him this worked up?
you tilted your head slightly, he couldn't think you'd blindly do whatever he said. you needed some answers. "pete," you mumbled, shaking your head with a faint frown. "can't you just tell me what's going on? you're kinda' scaring me."
"i screwed up," his face contorted, his eyes screwing shut for a second and his nose scrunching. you were glued to him, following his mixed expressions trying to understand what was going through his head. he took a deep, shaky breath, running a hand through his hair. "and i know you— you hate me and the last thing you wanna' do is listen to me but i need you to do this for me."
"alright," you said after a moments hesitation. you just wanted him to relax. all your pent up anger and hurt that you'd felt over peter had dissipated quite quickly. you were too occupied with trying to ease some of his stress, and if that meant becoming a homebody for a few days, you would do it. "alright— don't worry. i've been putting off my english essay for a week now anyway, it's about time i cracked down on it."
you tried to ease the tension, act like he wasn't asking much of you. he let out a heavy sigh, looking over at you with those brown eyes. "it's homecoming tonight, i know w—"
"is it?" you feigned forgetfulness, not wanting to make him feel any worse than he already did. you shrugged. "i was never one for socialising anyway."
peter knew you better than that. he knew what he was asking you to give up. "i'm sorry," he took a step closer to you, his hands hovering in front of you, unsure that you wanted him to touch you. "i'm sorry you got dragged into this."
your eyes lingered on his hands before you pulled back up to his stare. you pursed your lips and shrugged. "i'd feel better about it if i knew what i was getting dragged into," you pulled away from your conversation for a second to slip your books into your bag. "walk me home and you can explain everything."
and he did. he told you all about the vulture, the weapons, what really happened during the decathlon trip. all of it. right up to when the vulture figured out his identity— which lead to him finding out about aunt may, about his friends, and about you. he told you about how he'd spent the past few weeks figuring out where the vulture's next major deal was being held, how he'd messed up so bad and how mr stark had taken his suit.
by the time he'd finished, your mouth hung open slightly. you didn't know how he'd been dealing with all of this by himself. spider-man helped old ladies cross the street and returned stolen bicycles, he didn't fight men in bird costumes to stop illegal sales of dangerous advanced weapon tech.
"peter, this sounds pretty dangerous," you spoke up after he told you about his plan to intercept the vulture's airplane heist. "don't you think you should just call happy? or tony? this sounds like iron man territory."
"i can't do that," he sighed. "besides, i already tried happy— he's not taking my calls right now. something about a time out."
you let out a heavy sigh, having taken everything in that he'd told you. you had reached your door, peter standing behind you with his hands stuffed in his pockets. you motioned for him to come in but he hesitated, opening his mouth to decline. "c'mon," you grabbed his arm and tugged gently. "this heist isn't happening 'til late tonight. you can keep me company 'til then."
"maybe, get some rest, too, you really do look like hell," he let you pull him inside, following behind you. he ignored the second dig you had now made about his appearance.
"may must've been pretty mad when she found out you'd been skipping school?" you collapsed onto your bed, crossing your legs over and watching peter perch himself on the edge of your bed. he leaned forward, his hand running over his face with sheer exhaustion.
"you have no idea," he groaned, holding his head up with the palm of his hand now. "i'm pretty much grounded for the rest of the year. and i have to send her a pic' of me sitting in every one of my classes from now on," you nodded, pursing your lips because that sounded about right. "but mainly she was worried."
"well, she wasn't the only one," he glanced at you over his shoulder, his eyes lingering there for a while. you breathed through your nose, looking away from him and down to your hands to give yourself a moment. you'd forgotten how difficult it was to have him look at you like that. "you just took off with no word, peter."
he turned his gaze away from you, focusing on the wall in front of him, his eyes glossy. for weeks that last conversation with you had been sitting at the back of his mind. he knew he'd handled everything in the worse possible way. he tried to protect you, hurt you by doing so, and then had everything he tried to protect you from blow up in his face anyway.
"i haven't been able to think clearly for weeks," you gulped, scared to meet his gaze again, in fear that you might lose your confidence. "i missed you. and i was worried out of my mind about you."
"y/n—" his voice was quiet.
"and i know i was the one who told you to leave. but i was hurt and sad. i'd convinced myself that you felt the same way, and when you—" you closed your eyes for a second, feeling him watching you. you hadn't been able to say any of this out loud for weeks and now it was just spilling out of you. "anyway— i shouldn't've punished you for that. they are my feelings i need to get over. it wasn't your fault and i'm sorry i made it seem like it was."
he shook his head faintly, sniffling slightly, catching your attention. "i screwed up," he shook his head a little harder, pushing himself up off your bed, his back turned to you. "i screwed up so bad," he ran his hand over his face, his thumb and forefinger pinching the bridge of his nose. your eyebrows knitted. "it wasn't supposed to turn out like this."
"don't," you shook your head, willing him to stop. "it's not your fault. i shouldn't have—"
he cut you off, turning to face you as he did. "i'm in love with you," his mouth hung open slightly, his eyes now stinging red. "i was in love with you then, and i'm in love with you now. i think i always will be."
your eyebrows unknitted, your mouth opening to speak but nothing came out. you watched his hand tug on the ends of his curls, his eyes locked onto you the entire time, trying to read your expression.
"i was trying to protect you and it went completely wrong—" his breathing was erratic. "i thought you'd be safer if i distanced myself—" the look on his face was breaking your heart. he knew how stupid it all sounded now he explained it out loud. "i screwed everything up— and now you're in more danger than ever— because of me."
"you— you—" your brain was trying to keep up. you shook your head. you had spent the past month telling yourself that everything you thought he'd felt for you wasn't real, that you'd over thought everything he'd ever done for you. you'd been telling yourself for a month to move on. "you didn't screw up, pete. i know you. whatever you did, you did for the right reasons."
the lump in your throat was growing as you tried to keep some kind of composure. it wouldn't do either of you any good to get upset with him when he was worked up like this. he didn't need to be told he'd made a mistake, he was already painfully aware.
"you don't— you—but— i—" he was hyperventilating, completely vulnerable as he fell apart in front of you.
"pete," you mumbled carefully, climbing over to where he was stood, hand in his hair and he pulled on the loose curls, his eyes wide with anxiety and stress. you moved your hands to his, pulling them down to his side and giving them a small squeeze. "calm down," you cooed. "everything will be ok."
you trailed your hands up to his shoulders, giving them a soft squeeze before pulling him into a tight hug. you wrapped your arms 'round his shoulders, one hand moving to the back of his head, running your fingers through his hair. his head ducked, burying into your neck, his arms wrapping around your waist in a desperate grip. his breathing was heavy at first, uneven and jagged as he clung onto you. your heart was beating out of your chest, you were sure he could hear it, but you held onto him as tight as you could, pressing your whole body against his trying to offer him as much comfort as you could.
after a while of standing around, holding each other, peter's breathing began to grow softer and slower. he began to notice the sweet scent lingering on your skin. his lips innocently hovering over the curve of your neck, breath fanning against your skin. you could feel goosebumps growing on your skin, the hair of your arms standing on end.
"better?" you mumbled softly. he gave you a faint nod in response, his lips leaving your skin as he pulled himself back from you. your hand slipped from in between his curls and down to the neck, your thumb brushing over his skin as he looked straight into your eyes. you gulped, eyelids fluttering.
he was a state to behold. his nose was pink, under eyes wet, your eyes trailed down to where his lips parted. he hiccuped a breath. you tried to push away the impulse to kiss him because he was clearly vulnerable. you didn't want him to later regret anything. "thanks," he mumbled breathlessly. "i don't know what happened there."
you pouted your lips, about to reply when peters eyes fluttered down your face, catching you off guard. his eyes lingered and you noticed his head tilting down and nearer, his lips catching onto yours before you could register what was happening. it was soft, gentle and didn't last longer than a couple seconds before you had to force yourself to pull away.
"peter— you're overwhelmed right now so maybe we shouldn—"
your whispers against his lips where cut short, he pressed his lips to yours again. unable to resist now he'd had a taste. his arms tightened around your waist, pulling you back flush against his chest. you swallowed a gasp, feeling his full weight behind the second kiss. his lips pushed against yours a little more desperately this time, you fell back a step, peter's arms where the only thing keeping you upright at this point.
both your hands where either side of his neck, trailing up into his hair where you pulled softly at the roots of his messy curls. he let out a soft moan against your lips, and you stumbled back once more, your thighs hitting your bed.
your hands quickly slipped down to his chest as you gently pried him off you. your head was spinning a little, his lips were plump and pink and the way he looked at you, with pure love and obsession, made you want to kiss him again and again.
"did you mean it?" you muttered breathlessly.
his eyes trailed back up from your lips, his gaze locking with yours again. he noticed the vulnerability and fear in your eyes now that he was paying you his full attention. he felt a wave of guilt hit him, knowing he was the one that put that look there.
"yeah," he hummed. "i did," he said with his chest. "i do. always will," he was breathless.
"you're not just saying it 'cause you've missed me?"
he shook his head quickly, shutting down any traces of doubt in your mind. "i have been in love with you since that summer we took that trip to coney island when you threw up after you ate too much cotton candy."
your scrunched up your nose at the memory. "gross."
he shrugged. "i don't know what to tell you. that's just when i knew."
your lips twitched into a small smile. "you should probably get some rest," you diverted the topic, trying hard not to kiss him again. he looked so tired. he had poured out months worth of anxiety and stress all in the past ten minutes. "you can't chase bad guys if you're half asleep."
he wore a half-hearted smile, his mind clearly flickering back to the task he had to take on later tonight.
"you can crash here if you want," you motioned to your bed.
"y'sure? i don't wanna get you in trouble."
"mom's working late, so you're good. plus she loves you, pete," your hands slipped down to his, giving them a quick squeeze of reassurance.
"sure she'll still love me when she finds out about us?" he quirked an eyebrow, the small smile on his lips was sloped and tired.
"m'sure," you hummed, biting back your growing smile at the word us. you moved him to sit on your bed again, his hands lazily holding yours. his eyelids fluttered as he looked up at you, a small crease forming between his eyebrows again. you could tell his mind was wandering again. "lie down, you need to rest or you're no good to anyone."
he nodded hesitantly and followed your instruction. "i'll sleep better with you next to me."
his voice was soft after you'd turned your back on him to leave him to rest. you rolled your eyes faintly, smile tugging your lips again. "is that right?"
he hummed, his arms outstretched, waiting for you to fall into them. you dragged your feet back over to him, biting the inside of your cheek, the corner of your lip twitching upwards. "there's a scientific reason behind it but my brain's too sleepy to think right now, so you'll have to take my word for it."
his words slurred together, his eyes rolling slightly the longer he forced them open. you just nodded. "alright, spidey, just this once."
"hm," he hummed as you climbed in next to him, his arms wrapping around you and immediately pulling you against his chest. "thanks," he muttered, his lips pressed against the top of your head. "don't know what i'd do without you."
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ivyglow · 4 years
Mine | Anthony Beauvillier
A/n: this idea came after we had a very sexy- I mean- Angry* Anthony pushing Sidney Crosby. Barbie and some anons send the good energy and so althought it took me forever here it is *cheers*. A huge thank you for @barbienoturbby​ for sending me some specific ideas (sharpies, choking etc hehehe), putting up w my random messages in the middle of the night or being a insecure bitch, ILY BARBIE! Huge shout out to @sebs-aston​ for proofreading this so fast *you’re amazing, liv!*.  PS. More than ever I’m gonna need your feedback because I’m an insecure bitch and this is my first time writing smut (freddie was thigh riding, I don’t consider it too much). So please just lmk if you like it or hate it <3 
Word count: 4k
Warnings: smut, mention of chocke, spitting, oral -female receiving- and all those dirty stuff. 
Summary: after getting angry on the ice, you decide to make Anthony angry in bed too. 
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You knew Tito was a dom in bed as soon as you met him: he helped you to sit and to get up on your first date, and he led you to your car with his hand on your lower back. One month into getting to know each other, you were planning a gathering with his friends and he was the one to assign everyone with a task. Some days he would use fewer words and stick with hand gestures or eye contact to tell you what he wanted or what he was silently saying. 
So when you two had sex for the first time and he was on top, you were not surprised, you also weren’t surprised when he asked how would you feel about hair pulling, choking, and tying. And, well, you’d never tried any of this, so you were honest with him, knowing that honesty was the key to make things work. He promised to go slow, and he watched you intently while he did everything just to make sure you were comfortable. You can still remember how it felt when he first stretched you, how your heel went to his back to accommodate his waist better, how this movement gave him the perfect angle to go all the way until the end. 
You also remember the hickeys he left on your skin, mostly on places where your clothes could hide, but some you knew he purposely made for people to see. And people saw, indeed and also heard. He got a noise complaint twice because his old bed would scratch and bang on the wall, and that wouldn’t be a huge problem if it was anyone else, but it was Anthony, a hockey player, at that point -your boyfriend-, and he had the stamina to go for hours. A chug of water, maybe a fruit snack, and less than twenty minutes later he was ready to go again - or he would use these twenty minutes to get you off with his mouth and fingers. So the noise complaint was very much expected. 
Now six months into the relationship, this wasn’t a problem anymore. Tito bought a new bed, and even talked with a friend about the possibility of getting soundproof walls. That’s why you were drinking your water and eating one of his energy bars while watching the game. The dynamic after games was usually very sexual, it didn’t matter if he was on the road or at home, you would find a way to get off, either phone sex or spicy pics. He never left you to your own hands. 
The Isles were playing against the Penguins and you knew he was pissed off because of their losing streak against that team. That made him angry with some specifics players too. When he got home last night, you just cuddled together and went to sleep, he was tired and fuming because of their loss, and he probably heard a handful by his coach. Because of those losses, you knew he was going to skate his way around the ice tonight more than ever, and, especially, that he was angry. 
You were laying on his couch when the game started, the Isles skating around the ice in a way you would have bet was a premonition for another loss, but ten minutes in things started to go differently, and that was the exact moment when you sat and gripped Beau’s shirt before an amazing shot hit the Pens’ net. They kept the rhythm on for the next two periods, although they were pretty much stressful- a handful of times you caught yourself holding your breath or cursing. The last two were also a stage for your boyfriend’s anger. He was pissed in a way you’d never seen before on the ice, and when Sidney Crosby pushed Pulock, Tito had had enough and shoved the opposition’s player on the ice. Torn between finding it hot or funny, you chose the latter letting out a loud laugh. Yet, when another exchange of pushes happened between the Pens’ superstar and Beau you sure felt the heat taking up space inside your body and you shifted on the couch. There was another goal and the game kept on providing stress and anxiety for the fans, but you were stuck on the scene your boyfriend had just put up. 
He was usually like this in bed, but not that much on the ice, and seeing that happening outside the four walls left you with a lingering warmth inside your body, and not the cute warmth you usually felt when he cooked for you or told you how much he loved you. But the warmth you got whenever he bent you on the kitchen counter or held your hand tight while going down on you. 
It was past midnight when you heard the door open and close, the soft click making your heart beat faster. He was home. You heard the thud of his bag on the floor and his steps bringing his scent closer to the living room where you were sitting on the couch wearing only his jersey and his favorite lace.
“Hey you, winner,” your voice echoed in the dimly lit apartment and you could see his lips curling in a small smile.
“Hey, babe,” his lips found yours on a quick peck and you looked up for more contact, but Anthony was already walking to the kitchen. 
“Are you ok?” you asked, barefoot padding the floor until you reached the stool.
Your boyfriend was already busy cutting some bananas in a bowl, “Yeah, just a little stressed with the game and hungry,” he answered.
“But you won,” you stated in confusion. 
His eyes scanned you for a second before going back to his task. The silence was everything you needed to know: he really was not in the mood for long talks after the episode, but you were a woman on a mission and you knew exactly what to do to get Anthony riddled up. 
“You guys had a great game…” you began, cautious with your words and actions, hands reaching for a banana on the fruit bowl. “How was playing against Sidney Crosby?”
You saw how his eyebrows raised slightly before pouring honey on his bowl and whipping his fingers with his tongue. You knew the action wasn’t supposed to be filthy, yet you’ve been dating him long enough to know that he knew every action of his could be seen as sexual at some point. 
“It was normal, he’s a normal hockey player like any of us,” his tone is nonchalant. 
You suppress a grin, “he’s not like any of you, he’s Sidney Crosby. Just last night he reached his thousandth game,” Tito’s now chewing on his fruit and you can see how the motion seems tighter after your words, still you keep going, “he’s like a superstar! I would love to meet him any of these days…” you trail off busying yourself on biting the banana you just peeled off. His eyes trained on how your lips wrap around the piece of fruit, your tongue purposely darting out. Your boyfriend chooses silence again and you huff rolling your eyes. 
“Did you just roll your eyes at me?” he queries, eyes on his bowl, jaw still clenched tight while biting another piece of his fruit. You dart your eyes in another direction while biting your banana again, this time without so much care on giving him a hard time. “I asked you a question, y/n,” his tone was sharp and his voice low. You shake your head. 
He grabs his water bottle before chugging half of the content, “Cat got your tongue? I swear I just saw you poking it out while eating that banana to provoke me,” he tauntingly  gives you a defiant look. 
Anthony motions for you to come to him and you follow his orders willingly, eager to finally have your way with him. You’re within arm’s reach when he tugs you closer, making you stumble in the middle of his big thighs. In a blink of an eye, you feel the sting on your butt cheeks, his big hands finding it again one more time before grabbing your chin. “You can’t even wait for your man to eat,” it’s a low grunt and he seems more annoyed with your playful smile, and you see the perfect opportunity to tease him a little bit more, “You could eat something else, there’s nothing stopping you…” 
With that Anthony seems to lose his judgment before swinging your body on top of the counter, “you’re being such a brat tonight” his hands grab your butt squeezing it hard, “that’s not how you get the things you want” 
“No? Then why are you about to fuck me?” you mock him knowing damn right that this would only make him go harder on you. 
“Crisse,” (holy shit) his French accent makes your pussy throb. You loved when he talked in French to you.
His big hand pushes you back in a swift motion, the same hand spreads your legs for him, and it’s only a second before you’re fully laying on the counter. Still wearing only a lace thong and his jersey, you know the former is about to be ripped out of you. Anthony drags his fingers from the bottom of your belly to your breasts before gifting you a devilish smirk as soon as he notices you’re not wearing a bra. 
“You think Sidney Crosby is the superstar, but you know damn well I’m gonna be the reason why you’re seeing stars tonight,” he whispers before sitting on the stool and kissing up to your thighs. His lips are sticky from the honey and because they’re cold it sends chills running through your warm body. You stretch your arms to reach his hair and he hums grabbing your wrists harshly, “no hair pulling for you tonight,” his murmurs hit your skin and you let out a small whine. 
In order to play with your sensations, you see him taking a long gulp of his cold water. You know it will make his mouth colder and slicker, and you know he’s only doing it because he’s planning to spend a long time between your legs.
And that he does.
You sigh when his lips finally reach your pussy, the shock it causes is good and you can’t help but close your thighs in an attempt to bring him where you are really yearning for his lips. Nevertheless, that’s not what he has planned for you, and he drags his mouth between your pussy lips long before finally wrapping his lips on your clit and humming in pleasure. 
“Oh fuck,” you let out a whine when his fingers reach for your nipple and twist it hard. His wet tongue flickered on your clit and he dived in deeper, making you feel all of him, from his stubble that was starting to grow to his full lips, you could feel it all.
“Anthony,” you try to form a sentence in the exact moment he pushs one finger inside of you, but your voice comes out as a prayer. A plea for more. 
You were a sinner for him.
“You taste so good,” it’s a pleasure mumble and it comes just before his palm strikes your butt cheeks in a firm slap. “I could spend days here, bébé” 
“Anthony,” you try again and this time he laughs with his lips still wrapped around your clit. The vibrations send shivers through your whole body, your toes curl and you try to reach for his hair again before his hand holds both of your wrists. 
You’re close and he knows it because he adds another finger and curls it. It’s a ‘come here’ motion and from another dimension, you were almost able to hear him whisper the same words in French. 
“Give it to me,” he demands, and you do as said just as another finger hits your right spot. For some seconds the kitchen’s ceiling turns black with dots and your vision goes blurry. Toes curling, the pitch on your belly button finally making its way out just like the curses and moans that leave your mouth. Most of them being his name and how good he makes you feel. 
You’re not even done with your high when his big hands grab your ankles bringing your body to the edge of the counter and making you sit. “Open your mouth,” he demands. 
You moan, eyes rolling back from pleasure, “put your tongue out for me, má chérie,” his hands, now holding your jaw, tighten around you. There’s a whimper of bliss and you part your lips wide bringing your tongue out just like demanded before he spits on your mouth. 
“See how good you taste?!” Anthony hums and you swallow it before poking your tongue out again and licking from his glistering chin to his lips. The action fuels a passionate kiss and it’s seconds before your weak legs wrap themselves around his waist bringing him closer. Your core finds the bulge on his pants and you whimper feeling aroused again. 
Your boyfriend is fast to grasp the underside of your thighs bringing your body close to his before making his way towards the bedroom. You take your time licking and kissing his neck and jaw until your body hits the mattress and he’s unbuckling his belt.
“Take it off” he commands, unbuttoning his dress shirt. You’re fast to obey taking off the jersey you’re wearing, now you’re fully naked in front of him. 
“Hands,” you put both of your wrists together and he fastens his belt around it tight. 
From the way his eyebrows were slightly up to his lips parted, you knew he was about to give you another orgasm, you knew that he wasn’t done and he wouldn’t be any time soon. 
“Do we have a safe word tonight, bébé?” his full lips find your jaw and neck and he nibbles on your ear before sucking harshly on your neck again. 
His purpose is to mark you, not only where people can see, but also where they can’t. Just like your waist is being held with such fierceness, you know it’ll leave prints there. You hum a yes dropping your head to the side so he can have more access to your skin, “use your words, you know I need to hear you say it,” he whispers now bringing his mouth to your nipples and biting it lightly. You whimper, “our safe word is blue.” 
“Perfect,” you can feel his smile on your skin and when you reach for his hair with your hands tied, he pushes them up. His strong arm swings on top of your belly and he takes his time on your breasts before making his way lower. There’s a pitch bubbling on your belly again just with the idea of it and he gives you mischievous grim kissing and licking your thighs. 
“Beau,” you whine already feeling your legs weakening again.
“I told you I was hungry, you were the one who suggested the meal,” the funny remark is accompanied by a flicker of his tongue on your cunt. “Now I’ll only stop when I’m satisfied.” 
You curse closing your hands and trying to bring your waist up. He shakes his head, “huh huh, that’s a bad girl attitude,” he spits on your pussy and you moan loud, “and you know exactly what we do to bad girls in this house, don’t you?” 
You nod and he chuckles.
“I know, sir.” 
“Now, there’s my good girl,” he praises finding your clit and holding it carefully between his teeth, “now give it to me just like you suggested,” he murmurs before diving on your pussy, his tongue gentle and slow, in contrast with his solid arm pinning you to the bed and his rough behavior. 
It would be a long ride and you would feel every step taken, because each one would bring you closer to the inevitable. You felt urgency though; you wanted him to fuck your brains out already. But Anthony took his time, and you knew he was being good because he let you cum in the kitchen even after you provoked him. When his point finger entered you, your eyes couldn’t focus and you knew you were closer, yet instead of giving you a release, your boyfriend took his kisses to your thighs grinning at you one more time. 
“You’re so beautiful,” he speaks under his breath, eyes trained on your pussy. Yet you don’t feel ashamed, because it’s Anthony, and he knows you like the back of his hands, he knows what to do to make you comfortable and he knows how to make you feel good. He would praise and love your body rightly, so you let him. You spread your legs wider and gave him a lopsided smile. 
“Please,” you plead again that night; however, he follows your request this time. 
Anthony dives in again, licking and spitting, flickering his tongue and using his fingers. Giving you what he got and what he knows you like. Your body is fast to answer, your waist trying to go higher to find his mouth, your toes curling, your head shooting back and your eyes rolling. 
He got you there. Fast.
And he made sure to ride you out of you high, this tongue not the least careful with your sensitive bud, while cleaning you up he kept licking it lightly. Full lips brushing it with dedication. 
“Now I want you on all fours,” there’s a dirty smile on his glistering lips and you hold back another moan with the image of Anthony sitting between your legs, face glowing with your cum, “allos y,” (c’mon). You turn your body, holding your hands before supporting your head on the pillows, ass up for him.
There’s the noise of a slap and the sting on your butt cheeks, right before a soft kiss is placed on top of the surely red mark. His hands roam around your body and you shiver when he grabs your hair. “Crisse, tu as l'air si chaud,” (holy shit, you look so hot) Anthony slaps you booty again and finally slips his finger at your entrance feeling your wetness pool around. You’re already ready for him again and he seems pleased with the realization. So pleased it doesn’t take long for him to slip inside of you hitting just the right spot. Your body shots upward and he holds you by your waist keeping your butt bent. 
“Anthony,” you moan loudly when he starts moving ruthlessly inside of you. There’s something hot about how his body is being aggressive and you are taking it all, how his hips are almost knocking your body down, “right - fucking - there,” you whine and he keeps going, this time grabbing your hair and making your body lean towards him. 
“Whose name are you screaming tonight, bébé?” he mumbles bending his own body on top of yours without completely letting go of the position. 
“Yours,” your answer between groans. 
“Let me hear you” 
And you do.
You say his name out loud and clear, and you’re almost sure the neighbors are going to hear it. Yet you do it again and again while the sound of your voice is mixed with the noise of his skin hitting your skin and his feral grunts. He’s big and hard inside you and every time he goes out to get inside again you can feel your pussy stretching out to accommodate him. 
“Beau,” you moan and he chuckles leaning his body down to kiss your back. You see from the corner of your eyes when he finds the black marker on the top of your drawer, you can almost see his head working on ideas, and then he’s grabbing the sharpie you were using to write on your sticky notes earlier today. 
His body is straight up again and his movements are now slower, as he unclasps the marker and you feel its cold material hit your skin. There’s a long up and then down movement, you’re almost sure it’s an M, and then there’s a harsh line of an I, you can hear his grunts louder and he stops himself for a second before shooting his body towards yours again. The sharpie finds your skin again, this time to draw an N, you knew he was doing it big, not only for his eyes, but for you to feel and to know exactly what it was as he wrote the last letter, an E. 
You roll your eyes when he closes and throws the sharpie somewhere in the room before leaving another one of his blows on your butt cheeks. Anthony swings his arm around your torso bringing you up to him, your back hitting his solid chest, “you’re mine,” and that’s what it takes for you to come undone on his still hard cock. Your whole body trembles and your vision goes blurry again, there are tears in your eyes, and this time your moans turn into screams of satisfaction. 
He keeps fucking you through your high and you curse dropping your head back on his shoulder. His hand sneaks in front of your body to touch your sensitive clit, and you hold it sinking your nails on his skin. “Oh fuck,” he grunts drawing his finger deeper. You’re not sure if your body can’t take so much pleasure.
“Let me ride you,” it’s a prayer, a plea, a cry, and you can feel his lips on your neck before your bodies are turned and you’re on top taking him deeper, touching new spots. 
“That’s it, bébé,” he praises you and you roll your hips using your last energies. His hands find their way to your thighs and his short nails dig on your skin bringing you impossibly closer. There’s a deep grunt from him and a small whine from you. It’s hard for your eyes to focus, and you use your body to pin his down and your tied hands find his neck before squeezing it. His hips shot up under you and you scream, tightening your grip on him and squeezing his dick inside of you. 
You can feel another knot on the pitch of your belly, but this time it feels different to recognize this new sensation. That’s when you notice the wetness under you dripping onto his cock to his belly button and in the bed. 
“Fuck,” he moans, “Oh shit, you’re squirting,” his big hands go to your back and he keeps shooting his hips up to meet your pussy, “that’s it, bébé, give it to me once more,” and you’re squeezing him one last time before giving both of you a mind-blowing orgasm. Your body tumbles on top of his and this time things go pitch black instead of blurry. You can still feel his hot body under you and his rapid heartbeat, but your body is fluttering and there’s nothing in front of you. There’s only his body. There’s only your boyfriend existing under you with his cock still deep inside of you. 
It’s seconds before his caresses on your back become some kind of poking, “y/n?” 
“Huh?” you mumble, your voice raspy. He chuckles.
“Fuck, you passed out,” he sounds proud and you giggle. 
“That was the best sex we’ve ever had,” you confess without finding the strength to move your hands and caress him back, but Anthony keeps the tip of his fingers moving softly around your body, “I think I should talk more about Sidney Crosby, huh?” you joke and his hips shot upward making you moan Anthony’s name. Although he just came, he’s still hard and deep inside your soaked pussy.
“What were you saying?” he questions with a smug grin. “I think you were saying something about a certain player, Sidney Crosby maybe?” 
You arch your eyebrows, “who’s Sidney Crosby? I only know Anthony Beauvillier,” and he laughs at your answer before kissing your lips softly. You know there’s gonna be a time for water and a fruit snack later and then he’s going again, because he’s never done until you’re completely wrecked, the only name able to escape your lips being his. 
Taglist: @smit41 @mybrokenshitthoughts @linasobsessions @hoiyheadharpies @barbienoturbby @barzysandmarnersbitch​ @elitebarzal​ @fallinallincurls​ @starswin​ @sortagaysortahigh​​ If you wanna be added to my taglist you can send my your user in here
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whythinktoomuch · 4 years
i. apocalypse now & then
Kara touched down, her boots meeting the earth with a metallic clunk that was promptly swallowed up in the dust and utter grayness of her surroundings. The warnings came immediately—insistent beeps, bright red numbers and figures flashing before her eyes.
“How’s it looking?” asked the tinny voice in her helmet, and Kara sighed.
“Yeah, you were right. Place is infested,” she said, studying the mess of debris and desolation that seemed to feed directly into the faint horizon in every direction. “Kryptonite readings are off the charts. There’s either a tower nearby, or mines just planted all over. Maybe even both, if i’m Iucky.”
Alex let out a harsh breath. “Look, I know you’re not going to leave until you find those people, but you better watch your fucking back out there, okay?”
“Hm… don’t I always though?”
“You ask that every single time, and every single goddamn time, I have to re-mind you of all—”
“All right, all right…” Kara said, rolling her eyes. “Just stop worrying so loudly already, jeez. I’ll keep you posted the entire time.”
“Like that was ever an option.”
“Love you too,” Kara said breezily, and she began her search.
She explored the area in proportioned sections, slipping periodically into x-ray vision, keeping her feet drifting an inch off the ground at all times. You just never knew these days. By now, Kara had stepped on enough lead-wrapped kryptonite mines for one lifetime, which coincidentally had been the same number of times it took to gray almost the entirety of Alex’s head. Or so Alex claimed anyway.
Apparently, over two decades of this sort of living could do that to a person: make them older, but also, steal away every last bit of their sense of humor. 
Whenever Kara happened upon a particularly extensive blind spot—jagged slabs of lead piled on top of each other—she took her time. Carefully sifted her way through all that rubble, with a spare bit of rebar or her heat vision from a safe distance. Calling out to any potential survivors that could have been trapped underneath. But as she steadily neared hour two of her search, it was starting to look like a lost cause. That whoever had sent that distress signal must have since succumbed to the environment, like so many others already had done before them.
Then Kara heard it.
Whipping her head around, Kara strained her ears to their very limit, all the while silently cursing how muffled everything sounded in this godforsaken suit of hers. It took a minute or so to hone in on it, but she finally made out the distant voice.
Help us. Save us. We’re down here.
Kara snapped into action, already hurtling full-speed toward the source of the cry. “Alex, I found them.”
“About fuckin’ time,” Alex said, but the note of relief carried through the speakers loud and clear. It always did, of course, given the scarcity of such a feeling as of late. “All right, get them out of there, and hurry your ass up. You’ve already been out there for too long.”
The voice grew louder and more distinct as Kara approached it, and eventually, she could even distinguish other people in the mix—their whispers, the muted beats of their heart seemingly punctuating every word, and all the shallow breaths of air in between. She counted at least five separate individuals, five more lives that she could potentially save from this impossible landscape.
But by the time Kara reached the point where the voice was sounding from below rather than from the distance, her excitement had all but waned, receded back into the ever present anxiety hanging in the air.
“… Fuck,” she huffed out, staring at the large swathe of broken rock and dirt and twisted metal beneath her, the letter K spray-painted all over the surface in a faded green. “Alex. They’re in a mine-rigged shelter.”
“Forget it then. Just get out of there,” Alex said, all rather predictably. “We can send an extraction team with defusers in the morning.”
“But that’ll take too long,” Kara protested. “It would take days, just for a task force to cover all that distance, and these people need help now.”
“No. I want you to put down a marker and come right the fuck back home,” Alex said. “That’s your last kryptonite filtration suit! If anything happens, if you sustain even the slightest bit of damage out there, you could—”
Kara cut the feed and swiftly locked her comms from all available channels, employing one of the few tips Winn had passed onto her before he died. Because Alex didn’t understand. How could she, when she wasn’t the one who had to listen to these desperate cries for help from people just barely out of reach.
She floated outside the presumed blast radius, planted her feet firmly to the ground, and went to work. Uncovering the buried shelter bit by bit, one sizable mass of charred rubble dug up after the other. It wasn’t easy. The kryptonite in the area, though not exposed, was much too close for comfort even through her suit. And it made the sun hotter, everything heavier, and Kara’s progress as slow as it could possibly be.
But all that—the sweat gathering on her brow, the soreness burning up her lower back—was a very small price to pay when weighed against the lives of at least five people in need. So, Kara kept going. She kept burrowing deeper into the earth with her bare hands, until the sun was but a small twinkle above her head and her fingertips were brushing against a patch of warmed metal.
And she could hear them better now. They were so close.
Kara pressed her palm against what had to be the outer wall of their shelter. “Hey, can you hear me in there?”
“Please help us!” came the frantic response, only somewhat muffled now. “Please get us out! We can’t breathe in here!”
“Okay! Okay… I’m gonna get you out, okay?” Kara shouted back, heart thumping hard in her ears. “Just… hang on.”
A quick once-over was all it took to determine that the wall before her—like most other surfaces nowadays—was naught but a few inches of commercial steel, coated in a thin layer of lead. And as such, all it would to take, of course, to break into such a structure was—THUNK!—a single punch from the Girl of Steel herself.
Kara ripped a hole in the wall, using her heat vision to melt down the edges as she tugged the entire thing apart. Eventually satisfied with her efforts, she was just about to crawl through her rather crude but functional doorway when the speakers in her helmet abruptly flipped back on.
“—him back to life, and just… throttle him for showing you that trick!” Alex was practically hollering in her ear. “Why would you ever need to do that anyway? The whole frickin’ point of the—”
“Whoa, Alex, Alex, it’s fine! I’m fine! Just shh!” Kara hastily cut her off. “I’ve pretty much got my foot in the door already, okay? So, I’m helping these people whether you like it or not.”
“Yeah, you fucking better,” Alex said with a scoff. “I want to look these people in the eye while you explain to me what was so goddamn special about them that you had to…”  
And Kara barked out a laugh, shaking her head in wonder as Alex continued to chew her out in a way that only sisters could, apparently. “Hey, you can do whatever you want, okay? Just let me bring them home first.”
“Fine. Just don’t kill the comms this time.”
“Oh, I would never.”
“Kara, I fucking swear to—”
But the rest of all that swearing quickly faded into the backdrop, as Kara finally poked her head into what should have been just another underground refuge from everything their world now had to offer. Because ten feet below from where she had burrowed her way in, was not a handful of dehydrated people waiting to be rescued—only masses upon masses of thick coils and plates of smooth black metal shifting about.
That’s when Kara realized that it’d been quite some time since she’d heard a cry for help. And soon after that was when a muted click! sounded, then somewhere down there in the midst of all that darkness and mechanical movement, came another loop of voices calling out to her.
“Oh shit…” Kara whispered, and at least ten sets of glassy eyes flicked up to stare at her. The pre-recorded voices immediately cut out, and the entire room lit up in a vibrant green as the machines all powered up with a collective hum. “Shit, shit, shit, you were right!”
“Right about what?” Alex demanded, but Kara was too busy heeding her long overdue advice of getting the fuck out there to respond.
Kara burst from the ground in a flurry of dust and clattering scrap metal, already heading for the horizon at full-speed. She needed to put as much distance as possible between her and the decoy shelter. It was nothing short of an honest-to-Rao miracle that her sudden escape hadn’t tripped any of the mines on-site, but now, it was only a matter of time.
Still hurtling away, Kara threw a glance over her shoulder just in time to see the first three drones break through the surface, already mindlessly chasing after her. Then the third and the fourth crashed right on through after them, which abruptly led to a series of rapid beeping, which abruptly led to a violent disturbance in the air that stole away all the sound from the world and knocked Kara right out of the sky.
(next part here)
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hmslusitania · 3 years
ngl everyone standing around claudette like that was just, what?? like, does no one else in LA have an emergency? and what she did was good, not gonna deny that, but it's not something josh hasn't done before or abby or sue or maddie or anyone else, y'know? and then she was so mean to may for no damn reason?? and josh just stood by and said nothing and THEN he gaslit may about it. idk what they're going for, but so far i hate it
Anon 2 said:
no but the "i have to get home and feed my cat." "you have a cat?" "no." thing literally had me going biiiiiitchhhh what is your fucking issue? that was just so unnecessarily mean. and like, i know this storyline has just started but i hate it and i don't really get what they're going for with it. esp not with josh gaslighting may as well, which tbh seems ooc for him. the whole thing is just uncomfortable.
Anon 3 said:
Claudette reminds me of one of my coworkers too, I’m currently at my desk after having had to speak to her and it has only aggravated my anxiety further along side my period.
I am going to be super curious where they're going with Claudette. My friend @starry-eyed-guttersnipe theorised when we were watching the episode last night that we're going to learn that Josh did not lure Claudette away from her last job, she was on the brink of getting fired and abandoned ship at the first opportunity to come her way, and I think she's bang on the money.
To the two of you who used Tumblr's favourite buzzword gaslighting, I'd just like to remind everyone that for it to be gaslighting, there does have to be an element of intention about it, and the person needs to be lying about something on purpose, and from the very little we've seen, Josh has no idea he's wrong. He is wrong, and he's coming at it from a bad angle, but based on a few of the expressions he had during the Claudette scenes and his comment about them "coming up together" I think -- for now, since we know almost nothing about this storyline yet -- they were in the same training group the way Maddie and Linda were, and I get the impression they were friends. Whether they were genuinely friends, or whether Josh had the arguably reasonable internal defence mechanism of "befriend the mean girl so she's not mean to me" remains to be seen. I'm going to be very interested to see what Sue has to say about it all the next time we have her there at dispatch. My hope is Sue's gonna be the one to show up and be like "Oh yeah no we had to take her because Valley was about to fire her."
On a more general note, I think whatever this storyline with Claudette ends up being, it's going to be relatable to a lot of us. Because who among us has never had a coworker like Claudette? They're awful, even when you aren't the person they've picked to turn into their verbal punching bag the way Claudette seems to have picked May (and had previously picked Linda, apparently, but I feel like the timeline saw her leave pretty soon after Linda and Maddie's group was hired). People who are wandering around your work place being mean and catty to make themselves feel like the top dog are just gross, and we've all had the displeasure of knowing one. I'm looking forward to May besting her in a dispatch call and the veil of disillusionment getting torn off Josh's eyes.
I personally have liked dispatch storylines since season 2, I find logistics interesting, so as of right now, it's the most concrete storyline I'm looking forward to observing this half-season. On account of everything else still being sort of ephemeral and nebulous as yet, with the exception of Chimney's storyline which is just heartbreaking. I'm looking forward to May getting to grow into her own and kick ass and take names. It's what she deserves.
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burning-omen · 4 years
Mutations and pleasure headcanons
Characters: Kurt Wagner, Scott Summers, Warren Worthington III, Peter Maximoff
Warning ⚠️: N*fw
Kurt Wagner:
It’s not part of his mutation but it’s worth mentioning, he’s flexible. To the point that it might be unreasonable.
He can fold himself into so many goddamn position and he’s strong enough to hold them for however long he needs to
Anyways, he has 100% just disappeared durning sex.
One moment your railing him into the mattress the next the entire room is covered in blue smoke and Kurt is nowhere to be seen.
About 10 seconds later he’s back with an extremely flustered look in his face.
Before you could question him about where he went he told you he was going to bed. He climbed in next to you and faced the wall for the rest of the night
The next morning he practically begged you to forget that it happened but to also say away from Logan for a few days.
And that’s how you figured out where he landed.
Your avoidance didn’t last long because at some point the next day you ran into Logan, who just let out a long sigh before patting you on the shoulder and walking away.
A few days later Kurt’s over it, just a freak accident, right?
Nope, happened again the next time you had sex with him.
After this kept happening he, begrudgingly, went and asked for help from no other than Logan!
The conversation was basically “hey Logan you fuck a lot right? Can you help me with my sex-teleporting problem?”
And he did, pretty much told him he just needed to be more in the moment mentally so his body wouldn’t take him out of it physically. (whatever that fuck that mean)
After he re-figured out how to stop teleporting spontaneously he decided to use this to his advantage.
I would like to introduce you all to a concept that I like to call “teleportation as a form a teasing”
Intentional teasing wasn’t one of Kurt’s strong suits so he figured that it might help
The first time it happened you were not prepared at all.
You were watching tv, as one does, your mind wandering off as some show played.
There’s Kurt, looking determined but you could see he was nervous.
Carefully he climbed into your lap, staring down at you for a moment then leaning down, pressing a quick kiss on your lips, he kept going, kissing you over and over again.
He grinds himself against your thigh, groaning softly as sped up. The fabric of his underwear somehow hits every nerve just right.
You watched him as you gently kissing his neck and the bit of exposed chest just above the collar of his shirt.
“You’re bold today, sweetheart.”
“I-i know.”
And just like that, he was gone. A cloud of blue smoke left behind.
You knew this was different from the other times he’d disappeared, then he’d been so absorbed in pleasure that he just POOFED away. This was different, you barely even started, you hardly even touched him and he was gone. And even if it was an accident, he told you he had that under control now.
You just hoped that he hadn’t lied to you.
A few minutes later you wandered into Kurt's room, watching him from the doorway as he frantically arranged and rearranged the things on his desk. A nervous habit of his.
He tries his hardest not to look over at you, focusing incredibly hard on all the stuff on his desk.
He refused to look up even when he heard you close and lock the door, or when you walked up behind him, pressing your body against his as you wrapped your arms around him.
“I know you can hear me sweetheart, you wanna tell me what happened earlier?”
“Really? Nothing? Didn’t feel like nothing..”
Feel a little bad for him, he doesn’t know how to tease correctly.
You’re going to have to make him admit to attempting to tease you through the ultimate means of fucking him into the mattress until he’s seeing stars.
Scott Summers:
And now, a list of things you couldn’t do with Scott before he got some semi-permanent glasses:
Roughly fuck his face, because if you did and you knocked his glasses off you’d, at the very, very least, have your entire dick cut off.
Fucking him too hard. Period. It sounds fun but who’s going to pay for the holes in the ceiling or continuously replace your mattress when giant holes are inevitably burned into him?
So if he doesn’t have some semi-permanent glasses by the time you two start having sex everything’s going to be extremely soft and gentle
But the moment he shows you the new glasses it’s over for him.
He’s getting railed on/in/against everything you could think of, because you can do that now without bodily harm or thousands of dollars worth of property damage.
Have y’all been caught having sex in a place y’all shouldn’t be? Yes.
Do you give a flying fuck? No!
No Scott can’t do anything on his own the next day because moving hurts but hey, he had fun.
Warren Worthington III:
Hey Siri, define wing kink
For y’all’s that don’t know “Wing Kink is a related trope which often appears in wingfic (or in fanworks where a canonical character has wings), in which the character's wings are an erogenous zone and caressing them produces pleasurable feelings.” - the fanlore wiki
His wings, when you first started having sex with him, were completely off limits.
He made that undeniably clear to you.
Not because he didn’t like having them touched, but more because he didn’t think you’d like touching them.
All of that went straight out the window a few months later.
He was drunk, which had recently stopped being a normal occurrence for him. He tries to break out of his alcoholism, but it’s a slow and painful process. Instead of just outright stopping all at once he decided it would be better for him to just slow down. It works, he’s not drunk every minute of every day anymore so that’s better. He’ll drink on the weekends, and maybe take a shot before bed but other than that he won’t drink too much. But tonight he was drinking with Logan and in his attempts to keep up with him he’d ended up drunk out of his mind.
He cut himself off, he knew that if he drank more he’d blackout and he didn’t know what he’d do if he did.
So he stumbled all the way back to your room and tripped on literal air.
The sound of him hitting the floor woke you up.
Sitting up you saw Warren laying face down on the floor, giggling like a fool as he made multiple attempts to get up only to end up right back on the floor.
“Warren, it’s 3 in the morning, come lay down.”
You wanted to go over and pick him up. But you knew how he was about his wings and being touched in general.
After a few minutes of coaxing and encouraging him to get into bed he finally did.
Basically plopping down on top of you with a tired grin spread across his face
Burying his face in your chest, he closed his eyes.
After a few minutes you thought he was asleep, but you were proven wrong when he let out a long sigh and looked up at you.
“Fucking hold me..”
No, he doesn’t know how to ask for things nicely he’s a little bastard
You try and avoid his wings at first, gently draping your arms around his shoulders.
But that very quickly frustrated Warren, causing him to grab your arms and forces them around him and his wings.
Before you could try and say anything about it you could hear him snoring.
You sighed, deciding to deal with the breakage of limits could be talked about in the morning.
When you woke up Warren was already awake, still laying on your chest, just staring at you. His cheeks turned a light pinkish color when you looked down at him.
He wouldn’t say anything. He just stared at you for a solid 10 minutes before rolling over onto the other side of the bed.
He’s afraid that in his drunken state he’d made you uncomfortable, which led him to the never ending spiral of anxiety that made him say his wings were off limits in the first place.
Asking him what was wrong just led to him apologizing without actually saying what for.
Throughout the rest of the day he avoided the subject which made him ultimately avoid you.
You see? This is why you should talk to your partners, guys.
It took him awhile but he eventually said what he needed to say.
Lightly running your finger through his lower feathers can be a way to get him in The Mood or to calm him down after a particularly rough sex (it helps with his sub drop)
This ones a bit more romantic but kiss his wings, especially the little part where they connect to his back.
He’ll melt, just straight up die on the spot because it’s just so nice and soft and feels so good.
Try not to be to rough with them, it hurts a fuck ton.
His wings are still off limits in certain aspects.
No using them to overstimulate him, he doesn’t like it. No pulling on his feathers, it hurts in the Not Good way.
But do kiss, massage, pet, and run your fingers through them.
He was very nervous when he first let you touch them, unintentionally flinching away when you reached for them.
Run your hands through his feathers while he rides you, he won’t last very long if you do.
praise him and call them beautiful, it took him a long time for him to learn to love himself and his mutation and he needs to be reassured sometimes
Just be careful with him stg I love him so much
Peter Maximoff:
Zoom zoom bitch
He fast
He has the nicest ass because of how much he runs
He can and will grab you and take you back to his room if he’s feeling especially needy.
And then he’ll act extremely bratty despite the fact that he brought you there.
He vibrates.
Most of the time unintentionally.
It’s his version of shaking, so he definitely does it when he cums
“Peter, what the fuck are you doing?”
“Just...give me a moment..”
He’s gotten too eager before and fallen off the bed while trying to change position.
When I say this man gives the best blowjobs in the history of blowjobs I mean it
His tongue vibrates too. That added with the fact that he has no gag reflex AND no shame? Rip
Quickies, anywhere anytime.
Cameras can be covered in less than a second and he can have both of you looking relatively decent before anyone comes in.
You have to guide him while he rides/fucks himself onto you because he might hurt you or himself by going too fast.
He’s not aloud to use his speed when given sexual orders
Usually after being punished he’s much more shy and nervous.
Making him do things slowly only adds to that.
Make him get on his knees in front of you? Gone, he’s so blushy and embarrassed at just being in that position.
Make him strip and prep himself while you watch? Ceases to exist
Will beg and cry for you to let him speed up, but he’s just putting on a show.
Grinding against pillows or folded blankets with some kind of plug up his ass is his preferred method of masturbation because he can go as fast as he wants without worry.
He’s ripped holes in a few blankets and pillows and has very unsuccessfully hidden.
“So are we not going to talk about the hole in my brand new blank?”
“No we are not.”
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kookingtae · 4 years
falling into you (pt. 8) PREVIEW
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pt 1 | pt 2 | pt 3 | pt 4 | pt 5 | pt 6 | pt 7
→scenario: Jungkook’s innocence is like a breath of fresh air in your wild life, and though you know you’re toxic for him, you just can’t seem to stay away.
→genre: college au, slow burn, mutual pining, shy/nerd jk + bad girl oc (mature themes)
→a/n: so i’m not finished with pt 8 yet, since it’s such a climactic chapter it’s taking a bit longer than i anticipated unfortunately BUT i dont want u guys to think ive forgotten about it!!! i know u all are waiting so patiently, and i cannot thank you enough from the bottom of my heart <3 i hope this preview keeps you excited for what’s to come!
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Jungkook could never face Y/N again.
God, how could he, knowing that he’d not only finished in five minutes like a pubescent teenager, but also in his pants while she was on top of him?
Embarrassment didn’t even begin to describe the mortification he felt. He’d never wanted the earth to swallow him whole as much as he did in that moment. Sure, he was aware of his slight social anxiety, the way he was constantly looking to bolt from uncomfortable situations—but this was different entirely. This was new territory for him; he’d never done anything remotely sexual with someone else, period, much less with the girl who hung the stars, moon, and sun in his eyes. What was he supposed to do? There was nowhere to escape to in his own bedroom, no running away from his problems that made him uncomfortable. No, he had to stand there with his head down and his crotch dripping wet while he practically begged her to leave. He had never been so ashamed of himself. He had never felt so pathetic.
But then Y/N surprised him like she never failed to do: she’d given him reassurance, another kiss even, while telling him that she actually enjoyed the experience—went so far as to say it was the best in her life. Now he knew she was lying to spare his feelings. Of all the men Y/N had been with, there was no way a virgin cumming untouched in his pants was the best of them. She was cruel to make him believe otherwise, to give him false hope.
He wouldn’t allow himself to think any differently. He couldn’t allow himself to get hurt.
Which was why he made it his mission to avoid her at all costs—something he’d gotten very good at over the past few months, and the past few weeks, specifically.
But in the same way he’d learned from the patterns of her daily routine and used them as a means to remain hidden, she’d also learned his and utilized them to her advantage as well. It was the only explanation as to how he was turning a corner inside the art building (about to take the rear exit, since she usually waited for him out front) and suddenly she was standing right in front of him.
He instantly skidded to a halt, heart rate shooting to astronomical levels and eyes widening on their own accord. “Y-Y/N,” he stuttered out involuntarily, the sight of her causing every single detail of their time spent together to come rushing back to him like a tidal wave ready to wipe him out.
As if he needed another excuse to think about the moment they shared that had changed him forever, about the way her moans sounded in his ear and her body felt on his lap and the way she touched his cheek, his neck, the way her lips felt on his skin, god help him—
Already he could feel the beginnings of a blush start to rise to his suddenly hot cheeks, and he cleared his throat and shifted his weight from one foot to the other to keep from springing yet another boner in front of her.
He slid his books in front of his waist, just in case.
While she usually approached him with the natural ease of self-confidence and charm, today she seemed worried, unsure. She chewed at her lower lip—something he didn’t think she really ever did, as he would certainly remember the way it stirred within him—and looked up at him beneath delicate lashes that framed her eyes.
He didn’t have it in him to keep from outright staring at her beauty.
“I… I missed you,” she finally murmured, and he felt the breath physically whoosh from his lungs to join his butterfly-filled stomach all the way at the floor.
It had been a few days since he’d last seen her, since she’d been in his room that night where they opened up about their past and confessed how they truly felt about one another and shared the most life-altering moment he’d ever experienced. He missed her too, god he missed her. He missed everything about her the moment she left his side—would picture her face in his mind as soon as she left his field of vision. But for some reason unknown to him, she was too kind to him, spared his feelings despite knowing what little experience he had. There was no way he’d be able to satisfy a girl—mentally, physically, emotionally—who could have anyone she wanted. Perhaps she pitied him. Either way, if she wouldn’t put a stop to it, then he would.
Or so he’d try, but alas, nothing ever went according to his plans where Y/N was concerned. And here she was, three simple words mumbled into existence and he couldn’t even remember his own name, much less why he’d been trying to fight this.
She seemed to expect he would say nothing—either that or she’d grown used to his silence—because before he had enough sense in him to even think about responding, she was speaking again. “How have you been?”
The question was asked with deliberate, genuine curiosity and concern; she really wanted to know if he was okay, how he was handling things after what had transpired between them. And no matter how hard Jungkook tried to fight this, fight her, fight himself, he was only human.
And so he stopped fighting.
“I– I missed you too,” he breathed out, and it was like a weight had been lifted from his shoulders and relocated to his gut. He tensed at his confession, mentally berated himself for his words even though she’d been the one to say them first. He felt like he couldn’t breathe, what with the way his throat locked up.
Though the second he witnessed the smile that sprang to her tantalizing lips, he felt as light as a feather floating in the breeze.
“You did?” Her eyes lit up, sparkled under the fluorescent hallway lights that still managed to capture all of her beauty despite the unflattering lighting. He didn’t think it was possible for any scenery, not even that of a dull and stuffy university building, to make her appear any less breathtaking than she always was.
“I was so worried after I left last week,” she continued without prompt. The mention of his premature finish had him stiffening in dread, though she didn’t let enough silence fester between her words for the anxiety to claw its way up his throat. “I didn’t want you to beat yourself up. I’ve noticed you tend to be too hard on yourself sometimes.” She glanced up at him with the hint of a sheepish grin dancing on her lips.
Her expression said it all: that’s an understatement.
And this shocked him to his core, because she was absolutely right.
Just how well had she gotten to know him in their time spent together over the last few months? And how? And why?
The last question would always boggle him until the end of time; he would never understand why she was interested in him. Why was he the one she had feelings for, when she claimed she never had feelings for anybody? Though he supposed he could ask himself the same thing: why did he feel things for Y/N that he had never felt for anyone else in his life? And the answer was quite simple, really: because it was her.
He didn’t know what about himself was so special to make him stand out in her mind, and as a result he still couldn’t help but be skeptical, even after her confession. But it wasn’t like he had any choice in the matter on what to do with that skepticism—not when his heart kept leading him back to her.
At some point after her accurate description of the inner turmoil that’s been plaguing his mind, his mouth had fallen open slightly. He couldn’t hide the surprise from his face even if he tried; he was speechless.
Y/N gazed up at him, not seeming in any hurry to rush the conversation along, and for that he was grateful. He’d never met somebody so patient and understanding before—just another reason to make Jungkook’s heart flutter with endearment. And it was no secret to himself anymore that he yearned to be in Y/N’s presence for as long as possible whether he was aware of it or not.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed, you know,” she continued as if she could read his mind, and that was when he realized the way his eyes avoided hers and the fact that his skin was the color of tomatoes must’ve been dead giveaways. “I meant it when I said that was the hottest thing I’ve ever experienced.”
Jungkook balked, practically choking on his spit at her forward, shameless words. He didn’t think he’d ever get used to the way she spoke her mind so openly without any fear holding her back. She’d gone through so much in her childhood, in her life—Jungkook not even knowing the half of it, he’s sure—and yet she was still so strong and brave and everything he wasn’t. He couldn’t help but admire the person she was today, despite all the prejudice and judgment he’d held for her when they first met.
He realized now that he was too quick to judge her, to write her off based on rumors and first impressions. He realized now that he was too quick to do that to a lot of people. Just how long had he closed himself off from others based on his skewed, morally righteous perspective? His whole life, if he had to say.
The epiphany that she was physically prying open his third eye with a crowbar, that he was now self aware and changing for the better for her—for himself—hit him all at once.
It was the most frightening sensation of his life, the introvert in him wanting to crawl back into his shell where it was safe and comfortable and dull. But deep down he knew it was also for the best.
“W-why?” He heard himself asking before he knew what he was doing. “Why do you keep saying that?”
He had to know why she insisted on standing by her statement that his mishap was not only hot, but the hottest ever. Why did she insist on lying to him, on giving him false hope? She spoke her mind in every other situation, or at least that’s what he assumed; why did she insist on sparing his feelings in this incident? Was he really that pathetic? Did she pity him that much?
She simply blinked at him once, twice, before: “Because I really like you, Jungkook.”
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As if in slow motion, you could visibly see his eyes expand to the size of saucers at your words.
You would’ve found the sight comical had the situation been any different. But the way he continued to disbelieve that you could have feelings for him, that you could be attracted to everything about him despite who he was, despite his inexperience—it made your heart break in your chest. You now knew from where this inferiority complex stemmed—he’d told you himself about his family situation—and if anything, it made you want to rebuild his confidence that much more. He needed to see himself the way you saw him.
But you also didn’t want to overwhelm him, either. And you were more than willing to walk that fine line with Jungkook no matter how long it took.
“So are we on for a study sesh tonight?” You continued nonchalantly, wanting to return things to normalcy for him as much as possible before he ran away mid-conversation as he’d done so many times before. You wanted to ease his self-doubt so he’d stop avoiding you—like he’d been doing the past few days—as much as possible.
Jungkook blinked as if trying to adjust from the whiplash of your subject-change. “U–uh… if you want?”
“Of course I want to,” you replied without missing a beat, not caring how desperate you seemed so long as he didn’t question where you stood. You took a step forward, unable to help the intangible, magnetic draw you felt to him as you gazed up at him beneath your lashes. “That is… if you want to.”
You watched in agony as a gulp slowly raked its way down his throat.
“I–” his voice was hoarse before he cleared his throat. “I uh, can’t tonight. I have to study for math.”
You weren’t even sure how one studied for math, but you weren’t about to question the expert. “That’s fine! We could… do it tomorrow?”
Jungkook chewed at his bottom lip, an action he always did when he was internally struggling with something before he finally nodded his head yes in a slow, hesitant manner. “N–not in my room though,” he added as an afterthought, and when your gaze snapped to his he had a pleading expression in his eyes.
A mix of emotions rolled through you. On one hand, you were horrified at the possibility that he thought the only reason you wanted to study again was so that you could get in his pants. Which—okay, you’re not going to lie, you would love to have a repeat of last week—but that definitely wasn’t why you wanted to see him. He meant more to you than just a means to get off, which was what you’d thought of flings in the past. You didn’t want him to be just a fling, though.
You didn’t want to think of the meaning behind that fact right now, either.
But on another hand, you understood where Jungkook was coming from. Maybe it was because you’d studied him enough over the past few months to learn some of his behavior (for once you finally saw the appeal of studying), so you knew that level of intimacy was probably extremely overwhelming for Jungkook and he needed a moment to step back. Hell, it was even overwhelming for you, and that was saying something. Never had your senses, your heart, your body, your soul been attacked like that with such an abundance of emotional pleasure, and you hoped with all your might that Jungkook was feeling the same—that that was the reason he needed a breather from being alone with you, and not the fact that he just didn’t want to be intimate with you.
Oh god, had you misread the situation entirely? Had Jungkook hated everything about that night?
Suddenly you were feeling sick to your stomach. The thought of you misunderstanding his confession—or worse, him changing his mind completely—made you want to escape to a dark and desolate stairwell and cry in the hidden nooks of the windowsill again; the irony that not only would you be pulling a Jungkook by escaping mid-conversation, but that the stairwell was also the place the two of you had your first real conversation, wasn’t lost on you.
“M–my roommate is staying in, studying for finals.” The sound of Jungkook’s voice was like a breath of fresh air whooshing into your lungs after almost drowning underwater. You blinked out of your inner turmoil, focusing on him. “So he’ll be there, i–in my room, this whole week.”
And suddenly your heart was warming with relief, hope, appreciation, like flowers blooming in the spring after a torrential downpour. Just when you thought you had him figured out, this enigma of a boy continued to surprise you. It was usually easy for you to hide your emotions—you’d been doing so for years, always wore a mask around others so that they couldn’t see the real you—and yet somehow, Jungkook must’ve sensed them anyway. He sensed the doubt, the pain, the fear that you vowed never to cage you crawling up your throat and threatening to consume you whole, and he eased it. He didn’t want you to misunderstand him. He wanted to reassure you.
If anything, that was just a testament to how Jungkook had broken down your walls—how much you had let him in, how well he was able to read the emotions you wanted to keep hidden. Your mask had begun to break, the real you showing through the cracks, and Jungkook was still standing here. He hadn’t run away.
You fought the urge to grab him and slam your lips onto his.
“Not in your room, then,” is all you managed to breathe out beneath a fluttering smile.
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bwbatta · 4 years
six - confessions
Abstract: Draco and you are just friends so doing him a favour and pretending to be his girlfriend wouldn’t effect your friendship right?
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Warnings: Swearing, slight angst
Word count: 2960
A/N: I’ve been waiting for this one, turn it upp! ...I won’t lie, i’ve been putting off writing this purely because I don’t want to stop writing this. Anyway, the final part is finally here and I’m so happy to be sharing it with you all! 
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Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist | Part 5
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Draco signed his name quickly and looked back at the letter he’d written. It was simple enough to get his point across, yet the repercussions from sending this could be huge. 
The blonde heir was adamant though. If this is what it took, then he would gladly accept whatever consequences came his way. He could figure it out, he always did. 
Taking a breath in to help stabilise his thoughts and nerves, he quickly put his quill down before he wrote anything else that wasn’t needed. Reading it through once more, he made sure his words were enough for now. 
I apologise for not responding sooner to your previous letter, I was at a loss for a while as to what to write.
I understand our family values and as much as I uphold them for our family’s benefit, my relationship or any of my relationships are my choice. Whilst she is not pureblood, she is not muggleborn either and both of her parents have magic, which is why I ask you to at the very least consider giving Y/N a chance.
With respect, I will not determine my relationship on your opinions, especially since you haven’t met her.
You understand there aren’t many things I would go against you on, but this is something I feel particularly strongly about. 
Nodding his head, he quickly folded the letter and attached it to his family’s owl. With a screech, the bird took off. 
All Draco could do now was wait.
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“Please?! You’re the best person at charms that I know, you would be my favourite person on earth?!”
“Y/N please, Flitwick might push for me to be kicked out of Hogwarts if I don’t pass this test”
You snorted unattractively as you walked down the corridor, arms riddled with books. On your way to the Herbology greenhouses for your afternoon lesson, you were blitzed by Blaise who had been trying to convince you for the last five minutes to help him write his essay which was due in a couple days time. 
Blaise and you had nearly made it into the greenhouses when Professor Sprout stopped him at the door.
“You’re not in my class today Mr Zabini, I suggest you get heading towards your own class before you’re late.”
The elder witch gave him a stern look to which he smiled at, trying to lower her strict exterior. 
“I just need to talk to Y/N about something really important really quickly, Professor. It’ll only take a minute?”
“No” she rolled her eyes at the boy, “you can do that in your own time.”
“But, Professor-”
“No buts Zabini-”
“Alright Blaise, I’ll do it” you finally caved, seeing as the boy would most likely be reduced to ash from Sprout’s harsh stare otherwise. 
“Astronomy tower, 8pm?”
“Okay bye!”
Without another word he turned and rushed off back inside the castle, heading to whatever his next lesson was, leaving you partially annoyed, partially awkward at the look Sprout was now sending you.
“Inside” she cocked her head towards the doorway and with a defeated look you headed into the greenhouse. 
You hadn’t been back to the Astronomy tower, despite classes, since that fight between Draco and you and you weren’t too keen on returning. Blaise however, had given you no choice in the matter as you probably wouldn’t see him until that time you’d agreed to meet. This meant you’d have to suck up your anxieties about the tower and get over yourself. 
If only it were that easy.
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Your free period was rather quiet today you reckoned but you couldn’t put your finger on why it was so quiet? 
The twins weren’t around and neither were Harry and Ron, yet that was normal since you were studying in the library with Hermione. Though Hermione didn’t really talk much when you two studied, something still felt off.
Not to mention the other thing which was bothering you was how Blaise acted earlier? He was normally the most relaxed person you knew, but his earlier rushed and fretted actions also seemed wrong.
You snorted at the thought in your head; imagine if he was trying to set you back up with Draco at the astronomy tower later?!
Another sigh left your lips as you continued to try and figure out what else felt off. Hermione’s eyes darted from the essay she was writing to you sat opposite her. 
“Is there something bothering you?”
You met her stare awkwardly and shrugged slightly. 
“I don’t know, does something feel off to you?”
“What do you mean?”
“It’s too quiet, you know? I can’t put my finger on what it is though.”
“Maybe it’s because that blonde tumour isn't attached to your side anymore?!” Hermione snorted as she turned back to her work, leaving you staring at her with an unreadable expression. 
Ignoring the remark of how the witch had described Draco, she was right in the way that he did used to surprise you while you were studying. 
Was that it? You were missing him being near you?
You hadn’t really spoken to the Malfoy, only small comments in class when you were next to each other but apart from that, he wasn’t constantly next to you anymore and that bothered you. 
You had to admit you did like fake dating Draco, but that was over, it was a joke, a favour, nothing more. So why the hell would you accept anything to go back to him annoying you, him being at your side constantly, or his arm around you 90% of the time?
Then you froze.
You knew exactly why.
Holy shit, you loved him. Like actually loved him. 
Slowly starting to freak yourself out, you sat back in your chair as your mind whirred around that fact. 
He’s Draco. 
He’s one of your best friends and now everything was so messed up because he’s Draco.
Stubborn, bratty, arrogant Draco.
Who likes Draco?!
And then it hits you again. You do, you really really do. 
Because he’s Draco.
Because he cares about you and would do anything for you. Just like you’d do anything for him. He might be stubborn, but so are you. He might be bratty and spoilt because of his parents, but he actively spoils you just because he can. And he might be arrogant to everyone else, but you know how humble he could be and acts around you. His reaction after you opened your Christmas present proved that enough. 
Holy shit. 
These feelings are going to ruin whatever’s between you, friendship or not, because how the hell could you keep this to yourself? How the hell could you not tell him you loved him?
The only thing was... you were the second person to ask yourself that today. 
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Draco paced in the tower, a letter held tightly in his hand as he waited for you to show up. Guaranteed it wasn't 8pm yet, but he was still so anxious for when you did actually turn up. Were you going to turn up?
A lot of things had flown through his mind today, some putting him on edge as to whether his plan to get you back would work, yet nothing had made him as anxious as when the letter arrived from his father earlier that day.
It was slightly wrinkled now from how much he had fiddled with it in his hands and with a frown, Draco tucked it back into his pocket, forcing himself to take a long breath as he did so and run his hands nervously through his hair.
Not even a moment passed before he heard the door below slam shut and your footsteps approach. A brief flash of panic flew through his body like he’d been electrocuted, what if this was a bad idea? What if you didn’t want him like he wanted you and he would just look like a complete idiot?
All the thoughts in his head however vanished as soon as you reached the top step and your eyes locked on his. 
Neither of you said anything at first and the silence was almost deafening.
“Fucking Blaise,” you rolled your eyes at yourself. “Earlier I bet myself he’d do something like this.”
“It was actually my idea”
“...I see” 
You snorted
“No.” You hid your grin at the look of offence present on his face, “I knew one of you would come up with something like this. I had my money on Blaise as he was the one I spoke to earlier. Despite how much you love being mysterious and complicated Draco, you’re like an open book to me.”
The wizard let out a snort, he had a feeling she would figure something was up. They really did know each other well.
The silence stilted in the air again and felt heavy despite the fresh air surrounding them. 
You looked down, avoiding the blue eyes that watched you. Despite being in love with him, you had no idea what to actually say to him. Luckily he took the lead.
“It was really stupid.”
You frowned, before you forced yourself to glance towards him, eyes catching on how he was looking at you.
“What was?”
“The fact we thought we could pretend and fake an entire relationship with no consequences.”
You didn’t say anything. 
“I mean let’s be honest,” Draco scoffed a laugh, “we really thought that everything would go back to how it was before? That was stupid. Also the fact that the whole ‘having a fake girlfriend’ thing wasn’t really working for me.”
He paused to assess your reaction for a moment before continuing on. 
“We were great as a fake couple, sure. We were also great at being friends, I mean... that was before I kissed you and fell in love with you.”
Your breath caught in your throat at the confession. A smile grew faintly on his face as he took in your reaction. After realising you weren’t going to bolt, he took a couple steps closer until he stood right before you, his toes almost touching your own. 
“This whole fake dating thing was so stupid in so many ways except for one; how it made me realise how much I genuinely want to be your boyfriend.”
Draco shrugged sightly like it was no big deal, but inside he had to remind his lungs to work.
Why hadn’t you said anything yet? Maybe because he can’t stop his mouth from talking? Should he stop talking? His mouth opened again before he could stop himself.
“I want you. I want us. But I want it for real, not some half-assed, pathetic excuse of relationship which is all just an act and makes us question where we stand with each other.” 
His voice lowered to a whisper but you heard him perfectly. 
“Draco... I want nothing more than to be with you.”
“You do?”
“Yes, but I can’t help the fact that I’m not a pureblood and your parents won’t accept me-”
“Wait, okay, hold on.”
Digging his hand into his pocket, he fished out the crumpled letter and attempted to flatten it out slightly. 
“I sent my father a letter in response the one you read the other day and I got this back earlier today. Just... just read it.”
He held the letter out at you with such a serious expression causing you to frown, you took it from him wondering what was in it. Opening the parchment, your eyes immediately flicked back to the blonde once more, only to find him watching your every movement.
I don’t believe you understand the seriousness of what you’re asking from your mother and I. You have a duty to this family to uphold and despite the notion that you wouldn’t disobey me with much, this is still a vital factor of those duties.
Nevertheless, you expressed your seriousness for this girl, coupled with your mother’s bickering about at least meeting her, I will give you one chance. We will meet her if she values the seriousness and significance of our values. If she does not however, then you will end whatever you have with her. 
You understand in the near future, things will change. You need to be as prepared as possible.
Lucius Malfoy”
You read the letter once through, then twice, then once more. Your mind was in a flurry at the words, taking them in and the weight they held. Draco’s parents had agreed to give you a chance, however it came with a price and one you were in two minds about taking. 
On one hand, you could be with Draco and support him through whatever hell was coming your way, as long as you abided by their blood purity mania, which, if Harry was right, meant Voldemort. On the other hand, it meant not having the Malfoy boy in your life.
Your eyes finally left the words and flicked back up to meet Draco’s own. His expression was unreadable as he waited for your reaction.
“Well, that’s intense”
“You can’t really expect anything less from my father.”
“I gathered that.”
Your eyes landed on the elder Malfoy’s name once more and you bit your lip slightly. 
“I said once I would be willing to get mixed up in this for you, and I stand by it, Draco. I don’t know whatever's going to happen in the future but I know I want you by my side through it.”
“I can’t ask you to do that-“
“You’re not asking me, I’m telling you I want you and I’ll do whatever it takes to be at your side.”
“Draco, I love you, let me do this for you. I can play whoever your parents want me to be.”
Draco didn’t say anything more but stared at you with a half smile on his face. Your eyebrows knitted together as you caught sight of it, not really sure where the expression came from. Talking about faking your views on blood purity and Voldemort wasn’t really a cause for smiling.
“Say it again?”
“Say what again?”
“You love me.”
You realised then. You’d told him you loved him in amidst all that but you hadn't even realised it. Well, that’s one way to admit it. 
“I love you,” you said with no hesitation as a smile grew on your own face. “I want you, for real. No fake relationship, just us.”
As quick as you’d finished speaking, Draco’s lips were on yours. It was chaotic, unscripted and messy, but it was real. 
Your hands slid to the back of his head, fingers burying themselves in his hair as his hands gripped your waist tightly, pressing you to him. He kissed you with such passion you swore your heart stopped for a split second.
How the hell had you both faked this for so long?!
Taking a break, he pulled away but rested his forehead on yours, not wanting too much distance. 
“If you’re all in Y/N, so am I. I’ll protect you with my life, you may’ve been my friend first, but you’re everything to me now.”
His lips pressed against yours again, much softer this time like he was trying to memorise and convince himself you were really there. That this was really happening.
“Draco Malfoy, I’m all in.”
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You were surprised the next day for two reasons.
One; for how many people had actually bet on Draco’s and your relationship. George got his five galleons back from Fred again after the news reached them. He happily took the money from his brother before lifting his glass to you from across the hall in thanks. 
Both Crabbe and Goyle owed Blaise 10 galleons, though you supposed he had an unfair advantage, (not that you’d tell the duo). 
But the second thing which surprised you was the letter you received at lunch from the headmaster himself. 
Dumbledore had barely even looked in your direction, let alone spoken to you personally, so the note you got from him asking to meet him in his office later spiked your anxiety. 
“I’m sure it’s nothing,” Hermione shrugged before lowering her voice to a whisper. “It’s probably something to do with the DA or Umbridge.”
“Hermione, I didn’t even think he knew I existed, now he’s asking me to come have a chat?”
“Just go, you’ll never know otherwise and you’ll keep fretting.”
The rest of your day passed quickly and you found yourself before the headmaster’s office later that evening. Taking another quick look at the note in your hand, scribbled at the bottom was a comment about him liking sherbet lemons which stuck out to you.
“Sherbet lemons?”
The gargoyle surprised you by jumping out the way, opening up the staircase to you. Without another thought, you climbed the stairs and knocked on the wooden door. 
“Come in.”
Pushing the door open, Dumbledore turned to face you as you entered the room. With a smile, he greeted you and offered you the seat opposite him as he took his own.
Sitting, your knee started to bounce while your anxiety kicked in wondering what the hell was going on. 
“Y/N- can I call you Y/N? Relax, you’re not in any trouble at all, don’t worry.”
“Can I ask then, why am I here sir?”
“Well, I actually have a job for you if you’re interested? I understand you’re in a unique position where you’re willing to do anything possible to be with the young Mr Malfoy.”
You immediately frowned, how the hell did he know that?!
“What kind of job?”
“A job to join the Order of the Phoenix. I want you to act as a spy for me within Voldemort’s ranks.”
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