#the lady in charge said it was OK but to be honest I was not comfortable doing it
ivan-fyodorovich-k · 4 days
I don't really have a strong sense of how to enforce good boundaries with my students and err on the side of extreme distance. I hear people talk about texting their professors and crying in their offices and I suppose I should be prepared for these things if it should ever become my proper career but also anything that you do to become close to a student is just fuel for a future accusation of who knows what
That said, there is something I feel deeply wrong when my students tell me about friends and family members dying and then typing out in reply "the school has counseling services available"
I hate the bureaucratization of human connection, I guess, is the point I am making
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Kiss Me More
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Hi guys :)
I had a request for the last chapter for the serie "Kiss Me", so here it is :)
I hope it will suits you, dear anon.
Enjoy ♥
TW : Mention of cheating
Being Katie McCabe’s girlfriend is something you were hoping to be for several weeks before it happens. You both needed a little of adjustment at first, Katie was sometimes a little bit reluctant to pass to much time with you. You were hurt at first, thinking that she finally wasn’t interested to the idea of making things with you. When she realized that she hurt you, you had an explanation, where she basically told you that she didn’t want things to go to fast. Because a part of her was always scared of something going wrong or something.
You were great now, she isn’t the most demonstrative person in the world, at least when you are not alone. You can live with that actually, both of you decided to hide your relationship to the public for now. Not all of your teammates know about your relationship, but the ones who are your friends know.
Katie makes a point to let you understand that she is in charge in this relationship, but as bossy as she wants to be, you can only see how much she looks for you. When you are not coming to work together, she always waits for you in the locker room to have her kiss before going to training. When you are eating with other of your teammates at the training facilities, she always sneaks her chocolate to you. And you can say that she remembers everything you tell her.
Your favorite chocolate, your favorite flower, your favorite color, the name of the cat you had when you were a kid, where you like to go for a walk, your favorite TV show… She knows everything and she is always proud about it.
That’s the kind of things that makes you realize that she really cares about you.
“Do you really need to go?” you ask in a pouting tone, wrapped around your girlfriend.
Katie needs to go, you know that. She has to go to Ireland for the national break. You stay in London yourself, your ankle being a little sore and Australia only playing friendly, both of your teams decide to let you rest. You’re a little sad not to go have fun with Caitlin, Steph and Kyra, but you will next time.
“Yes, I have to. But I still could take you in my pocket” she smirks.
“I think I’d like that” you smile back.
Katie laughs and you cuddle even more against her, trying to get as much from your girlfriend as possible. It’s only two weeks, but you don’t like when she’s not around. She seems a little less needy than you are, but she never said anything about your behavior with her. Katie being very honest, you know that she would have said something if she didn’t like something you do.
You feel her shiver when you take a big breath in her neck and you smile, letting your finger run on the skin of her abs. But she knows what you’re doing, because several seconds after, she takes your hand in hers.
“We don’t have time for that, my pretty lady.”
“Can’t make it quick?” you tease.
“Not with you.”
She kisses you and you let her, distractedly asking yourself if it’s a compliment or not. But you soon come back to reality, Katie will leave in some minutes now. You’re at her house, you’ve got her cat’s supervision while she’s away. Ella, her sister, has too but she will rejoin her for the game in Ireland in some days.
You will not, because it would be too risky to do it. People would easily understand what’s happening if you go to the game. And with the social media, it would be impossible to hide. You know it. You’re still a little sad, but you don’t say anything to Katie about it.
She seems a little sad when she says goodbye to you at her door. The way she puts your hair behind your ear before kissing you softly say it all. You don’t need Katie to words what she’s feeling because you can feel it too.
“Write me?” you ask when she takes you against her one more time.
“Course. You too, ok?”
You nod, not trusting your voice at this moment. You hide your face on her neck one last time, breathing her sent. But you know you have to let her go; her Uber won’t wait for her forever.
After a last-minute recommendation about Coopurr, she kisses you a last time before running to the car with her suitcase. You can’t help but smile, waving back at her when she does from the back seat.
Katie lost her first game against France and in your opinion, it wasn’t really deserved. Maybe you are biased, but Katie would have deserved to score the goal at the 86th minute. She’s still fuming about her teammates fail and you try to distract her while showing her cat.
It’s seems to work, Coopurr’s purring making her smile. Ella left this morning, and you feel a little lonely here. Thanks god, Lia is in London too and you have someone you like to pass time with you. She is dog-sitting one of the dogs of your teammates and you wonder how it would look like when some of them would have children too.
You were actually walking Calvin with Lia, when you receive a message from one of your friends. You don’t really like when someone send you a “Have you seen that?!” with an article. You were not walking fast because of Lia’s leg, so you don’t have to slow to read it. Maybe sitting on a bench would have been a clever idea though.
You are currently reading an article of a girl, explaining how she slept with Katie McCabe. Your girlfriend. You know that Katie had some hookup before things are getting different between you, but the timing isn’t good. Katie and you are together for four months now. And this girl is literally talking about last week, exactly the day when Katie and her teammates went to a bar to decompress from the training. When you said to Katie that you find it strange, she laughs and answered “Meh we are Irish. Beer is in our DNA.” Which made you laugh at the time, but you are far from laughing right now.
“What’s going on?”
You realize that Lia called your name almost two times before you raise your face to look at her. Not being able to talk, you just give her your phone. You watch closely at her face when she reads it, and you see her passing from questioning to shock. She looks at you straight in the eyes when she gives you your phone back.
“Do you think that’s true?”
There is a lump in your throat that keeps you from talking right. You try to swallow it before talking.
“There are a lot of details.”
Lia nods. There are a lot of details. About Katie and her flat in Dublin, the same one where Ella was living before coming to London too.
“Come on, let’s go home. You need to call Katie.”
You did not call Katie, but you didn’t answer her messages or her call either. You know it’s stupid and maybe a little immature. But you cannot face it now. The betrayal is too hard to support, and you cried so much that you are not sure that your eyes will be white again one day.
You still take care of Coopurr though, the cat not leaving your side when you are at Katie’s house. You know she can see you coming if she wants, she installed security cameras outside and inside the house. Other than that, you just go to your flat to sleep the most that you can. You do not want to face this, maybe if you keep hiding the pain will fade away.
It doesn’t. You are startled awake two days after, with loud banging against your door. You hesitate to go answering, but you are clearly in fear that the person will break your door if you don’t get up.
So, you do, trying to arrange your hair in a messy bun. You are wearing Katie’s Irish away jumper and a pair of black Nike shorts. You’re pathetic. But Lia seems to be more relieved than judgy about your appearance when she sees you. She has her phone in her hand, but the relieved soon let place to a frown.
“What are you doing?” she asks.
She grunts and close the door behind her when she comes in your flat. Thanks god you cleaned last night, tired to be in a messy place.
“Why aren’t you answering to Katie?”
“I can’t” you whisper, following her in the living room.
Lia turns around to look at you and her face softens when she sees you. She hesitates several seconds, before handing you her phone.
“Well, do it now.”
You look at the screen to realize that she was already calling someone for almost 45 minutes already. It’s Katie. Lia encourages you to take it with another nod of her head. You sigh and take it, letting yourself fall in the couch behind you.
“Hello?” you mumble.
“Bloody hell, where were you?!”
You wince at Katie’s tone, Lia taping your shoulder in an attempt of recomfort before leaving for the kitchen. You appreciate the intimacy she offers you, but you would have preferred to have her with you to be honest.
“Why aren’t you answering to any of my text or call? What happened?”
Katie seems on verge of breaking down and that’s maybe what made you snap. You don’t shout with Katie; you know that it doesn’t make any sense to do it with her. She’s loud, but you were always able to talk about things without shouting.
“I don’t know, you tell me?” you say icily.
“I don’t understand.”
You can easily imagine her with her eyebrows frown. You sigh before rolling your eyes. If she wants proof, you’re going to give some to her.
“I’ll send you something. After that, if you have something more to tell me, call me back.”
You don’t wait for her answer before hanging up. You take your phone, looking for the article your friend sent you. You didn’t answer to him, but right now, it doesn’t matter. You sent the link to Katie, before going to the kitchen to give Lia her phone back.
“Do you want me to stay, or can I leave?” the Swiss captain asks.
“You can go, Wally. Thanks for coming.”
“Anytime. Call me, ok?”
You smile slightly and nod, letting her kiss your cheek before she leaves. You just have closed the door behind her when your phone start ringing. It’s Katie, requiring a FaceTime. You answer and Katie’s face is almost white when you see her.
“This is bullshit. I never did that, I swear.”
You sigh, rubbing your forehead. You are honestly so tired, the amount of sleep you had those past hours are not very good. And sad, of course.
“I don’t know, Katie” you whisper.
“No, it’s the truth! You have to believe me, baby please.”
“How can she know all of these things, Kat?” you say wearily. “She even knows that you have a birthmark on your tummy, or how your kitchen is decorated.”
“Ella always made TikTok in that flat before she comes to London! And for my birthmark, it probably visible on some pictures. You know that I give my jersey to kids sometimes after the game. People take me on picture every time.”
You let several seconds passed, trying to listen to her. The last part is true, you saw thousand pictures of your girlfriend in sport bra on the football fields. For the second part you don’t see her making things like this, particularly with the fact that you just have to go on TikTok to see if it’s the truth or not.
“Come on Babe, why in the world would I ask you out if it’s just for sleeping around soon after?”
“I don’t know.”
You are desperate. You want to believe her, of course you do. You know she has sometimes trouble with talking about her feelings, but you never thought about her cheating on you. She’s one of the most loyal persons you know.
“You know what? I’m taking a plane right now.”
Katie is suddenly moving, and the noise of a suitcase that is open is audible from the phone.
“No Katie, you can’t do that. You have training tomorrow and a game in two days against England.”
“I don’t give a damn fuck.”
You almost roll your eyes.
“Katie, stop.”
She listens and look at you, her face dark and her eyebrow frown. She looks determined but she still stopped when you asked her.
“You can’t do that” you repeat.
“Well come to Ireland. I’ll sent you the ticket for the plane.”
“Stop calling me that!” she shouts.
“Calling you what?” you ask, frowning.
She says it like it’s a bad world or something and this time you can’t help but roll your eyes at her.
“It’s your name?” you point.
“You stopped calling me that after we start dating. Stop calling me Katie and come to Dublin. Please.”
That’s how you find yourself in a plane for Dublin, reserved by Katie who put you in first class. You roll your eyes when you realize it and sent her a picture of you in your seat when you are in the plane. Since your call, Katie almost never stops calling or texting you. You don’t understand how she managed to get the time to go to training, but she does. And the pictures of her on Instagram can say you that it’s the truth.
She warned you that she won’t be able to come to pick you at the airport, but you are surprised to see a man with your name on a paper waiting for you. He smiles at you, informing you that Katie sent him to drive you to her hotel.
He talks to you about Dublin and some places during the journey to the hotel, while you are looking by the window. You never went to Ireland before, only for football. Maybe Katie will show you around if you manage to forget your fight. And you definitively need to change the idea you made in your head that Katie really cheated on you.
You know that some of your friends saw the article too, but no one talked about it to you. Maybe because you were ignoring everyone, true.
When you arrive, you hide behind your hood because you don’t want anyone to recognize you for now. You’re really fearing to find yourself facing Ruesha, for example. Katie told you her room number and your hands are shaking when you knock on the door of her hotel room.
It took her several seconds to respond, but she finally opens the door. She looks tired honestly, but she’s at camp so it’s maybe not surprising. She froze a little when she sees you, like if she doesn’t believe that you will actually come. You’re the one breaking the silence, rather awkwardly to be honest.
“Hi” you whisper, waving your hand.
Thanks god, Katie doesn’t seem to mind. She doesn’t laugh, taking you against her. Hard.
“You’re here” she whispers while holding you.
You nod, finding solace in her embrace. You missed her, obviously. It would have felt better to find her without all this drama though. She lets you go only several minutes after, not only releasing you totally. She looks at you and you look back, both of you not knowing where to start.
“I’m sorry for the article” Katie finally says after some time.
You shrug, not knowing what you could answer to that. She doesn’t ask for it, cheating or not cheating.
“Do you believe me now?”
You know that the answer to the question is important for her. Like you said, Katie’s loyal. And it’s one of the things who are the most important for her. You know it, you know Katie.
“I think I do” you finally say very slowly.
You see that Katie is looking at your face and your eyes with attention, maybe looking for any trace of doubt from your part. You believe her, that doesn’t mean that the article was forgotten. The way you felt when you first read it is still very perennial in you.
“Yeah?” she asks softly.
You nod, smiling very lightly when she strokes your cheek. She gives you the impression that you are made of glass, and you don’t know if she ever been so delicate with you.
“Come sit down.”
She takes you by the hand and you let her drag you in her bed. You sit here, next to her, with your back against the headboard. Katie sits in front of you, playing with her thumb and her nails.
“I’m going to talk, but if you have something to say please feel free to stop me, ok?” Katie asks.
You nod, looking at her. You are curious to know what she might want to tell you. Does she even know that girl? Or did that girl create all this story?
“I know that I’m maybe not the perfect girlfriend and I know that our relationship didn’t really start like it was supposed to. I’ll always had a thing for you, but I was scared, I was an asshole, and it was honestly easier for me to just sleep with you and try to pass to something else. That’s what I tried to do, but it didn’t work. I was still thinking about you, even more than before.”
Katie stops to take a breath and you are still looking at her, not saying a word for now. You don’t know if Katie thought about what to say to you, but for now you understand what she’s saying.
“I never slept with someone else since our first time, I couldn’t even if I tried and that scared the shit out of me. It was so hard to deal with the breakup with Ruesha, not because I was still in love with her, but because it was so shit, you know? I really don’t want to have to deal with that once again.”
You nod slowly, still not talking. This point makes you a little uneasy to be honest. You knew that Katie’s ex will be here to the camp. And you don’t know how the hell are all the people doing, because it was hard for you to be ok with the fact that Ruesha was seeing Katie every day and not you.
“But then there was this damn girl hitting on you right in front of me and I couldn’t support it. I was only thinking that you were mine, but you weren’t. And at that point I didn’t know if you wanted to be mine or if my behavior ruined everything we could have. But you give me a chance, and I’ll be forever grateful for it. That’s why I will never do anything and take the risk to lose you, Y/N. I really care for you and you mean more to me than you think.”
Katie never talked to you about her feelings the way she is doing now. You are touched, of course. You were in love with her before you slept together for the first time, not thinking a second that she might be interested in you too. She seems so vulnerable now, her voice shaking a little at the end. Maybe it’s the emotions, maybe it’s because how much she talked. Maybe both.
You softly take her hand in yours, interlocking your fingers together.
“I really care about you too. That’s why this… things was so hard to read. I don’t understand why someone would invented something like that.”
“I dunno. For celebrity maybe”
Katie shrugs, not really having interest in that for now. All that mattered to her right now is being sure that you trust her. That you believe her and she didn’t lose you.
“Are we good?” she asks, searching for your eyes.
“You promise that nothing happened?”
“I swear on Coopurr’s head, babygirl.”
“Ok” you laugh, rolling your eyes.
You can’t hide the fact that this is the first time that you laugh since you red this article on the park with Lia.
Katie opens her arms with a slight smile and you don’t hesitate once second before going for her. Your movement make you both fall in the bed and you smile when you hear Katie’s laugh. You missed it. You missed her.
“God I missed you” Katie mumbles from under you, reading in your mind.
“I missed you too” you say honestly, letting your head rest against her shoulder.
She just hums, stroking your back softly while steering at the ceiling. You feel yourself dozen, you haven’t really had a good sleep those last days. But soon there is knock against Katie’s door and you jump.
“McCabe, diner!”
Katie sighs softly and release you to sit on the bed.
“Is it now that I leave?” you asks, not able to hide your disappointment.
“If you want to. Otherwise, you can wait for me here, I’ll sneak something for you to eat and we can sleep together. Tomorrow morning I’ll make my sister come to get you and you can come to the game?”
“Won’t people ask what the hell I am doing here?” you arch an eyebrow.
“That’s not their business. Unless it disturbs you.”
“It doesn’t”
“So it’s settled then” Katie shrugs, getting up from the bed.
She kisses you one more time before leaving and you decide to take the time to shower. You fall asleep while waiting for her, only taking the time to eat the sandwich and snacks she takes with her in the room before falling asleep again. You slept better in her arms than you did since like forever.
And the next day, when Ella came to take you to Katie’s flat at Dublin, you are feeling good again. Katie didn’t cheat on you.
Ireland didn’t win against England, but you are prouder than ever of your girlfriend. You decide to wear Katie’s jersey and to watch the game with her family in the stadium. Your presence didn’t went unnoticed, but like Katie said, you both didn’t care. To be honest, you even have fun to post what fans like to call soft launch.
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Biggest Venture Bros Beef
Okay like obviously there were a ton of questions left by S7 but here’s what’s bugging me the most:
KIMBERLY MCMANUS, OK. I fell in LOVE with this character just like the dude with the tubes coming out of his head so y’all better not be leaving her ending like that, wtf, does she not deserve love too just bc she is a McManly woman? EXCEPT SHE ISN’T EVEN REALLY SHE’S FEMININE AF AND DESERVES BETTER DAMN IT... YesImightbeslightlytooemotionallyattachedtothisminorcharacterforREASONSOKAYBACKOFF
Also like I was kinda confused about it but was Sheila the one who made it so that Kimberly would be returned to her “True Love” in the mind-wiped state? Like if so, WTF Sheila, I know you’re a villain, but that is BEYOND heartless. How can you sit there and feel sorry for Battle Axe but then do that to another woman in love? And just freaking... WHY????! WHY SHEILA? THE ONLY REASON WHY I CAN EVEN THINK OF IS BC SHE DIDN’T RECOGNIZE YOU, WERE YOU REALLY THAT OFFENDED BY THAT, ARE YOU REALLY SO IMMEDIATELY FULL OF HOT AIR ABOUT YOUR POSITION, EVEN THO YOU’RE A NEW MEMBER AND SHE MIGHT NOT HAVE BEEN BRIEFED ABOUT YOUR ADDITION, YOU MIGHT HAVE RUINED THIS WOMAN’S CHANCE AT LOVE OVER AN HONEST GD MISTAKE?? Even though you already made a show of threatening to beat her ass in a very gross sexist way?
And THEN... In the next episode she’s crying on some other lady (not that it stops her from swiping her wallet too pft) BUT like the crying pretty sure was real and she’s whining about how much better she thinks the other woman looks and how she made better choices blah blah blah like oh my god Sheila like you said honey OWN IT, and WHY should anyone feel sorry for you?? Not sorry, you deserve to sleep in the bed you made, and at least your man is rich and/or still hot and funny when he’s not, but what, Kimberly McManus didn’t even deserve a guy who was NEITHER?? Sheila, quite frankly, go screw yourself if you’re not gonna screw Monarch and/or 21! 9_9 (And if she wasn’t in charge of that decision and I misread that situation even tho Sheila led her there idk well then nevermind but I still hope Kimberly is doing okay dang it, like JUUUST saying VB I know you guys don’t care much about being PC but it’s a lil gross that you can admit that a tubby guy like Gary/21 can be hot but NOOOOO no way can tubby/large/mannish women ever be hot too the exception is only for guys!)
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
Back to You: Casa Amor - Suresh POV
This is for my Suresh Stans that know our boy is going to stay super loyal at Casa Amor! I wrote a little quick POV last night before bed. It takes us from the moment the boys get the text they’re headed to Casa to the moment they learn they’re coming back. I’ll let Fusebox fill in the rest 🤭
@fujiihime  @squishy-noodles @tjsmommy719 
Text pings went off on a few phones.
“Did you guys just get this text?” Finn asked.
“Yeah, it must be a challenge of some kind,” Eddie said. 
“Another one?” Suresh asked. “And today of all days when the villa is imploding?”
“Only one way to find out, let’s go boys,” Finn said as he led the boys outside. 
Once outside they saw two jeeps waiting. And he realized, since when do they ever just get sent away because there’s too much ‘drama’? 
“Is this what I think it means? Is this Casa Amor?” Suresh asks as he looks back at the villa longingly. 
“It can’t be...” Alfie says. 
“Well I cannot be more excited to crack on with some lovely new ladies!! Let’s go fellas!!” Finn said as he hopped in the first Jeep. Suresh got in the second jeep and willed Gemma to come outside. They literally never came out here, so she would have no reason to do so but he just needed to see her face one last time. Needed to know how she felt about him. He knew for him nothing had changed. He would stay loyal at Casa as if they were coupled up, no sleeping in beds, or cracking on with any of the girls. Gemma was the only girl for him. 
The Jeeps pulled up to an equally gorgeous villa estate. The bedroom was a little smaller but it didn’t matter because he’d be sleeping outside anyway. Three days. He’d survived longer. Finn and Eddie both seemed super excited to meet the new girls but Alfie seemed a bit dejected. 
“Alf, you ok?”
“Oh yeah, geez just a lot on my mind. Could’ve done without casa today to be honest.” Alfie said. 
“Do you wanna-“ Before Suresh was able to finish his question four sexy new singles walked in the villa doors. 
“HIYA BOYS!” They shouted in unison. 
“Oh. My. Days!” Finn said as he took a look at all the girls. 
The girls all introduced themselves and gave a little bit of background info. 
Meagan - 23 year old 
Air hostess 
Short, blonde with blue eyes
Molly - 24 year old 
Average height, brunette with brown eyes
Kaz - 22 year old 
Tall, brunette with hazel eyes 
Emily - 25 year old
Tall, blonde with blue eyes 
The girls were all stunners, Finn was already making moves and figuring out sleeping arrangements. 
“Ladies why don’t we head over to that fire pit area and all get to know one another better?” Finn asked. “I think what would make this easier for us boys is if you would tell us who you’re potentially interested in off of looks or what you’ve seen on television so far.” 
“I’ll start!” Kaz said confidently.
“I love a woman who can take charge,” Finn said. 
Suresh rolls his eyes and Alfie notices and laughs.
“Well she’s not here, but Gemma does have excellent taste because the two guys I’d most like to get to know are Suresh and Alfie.” 
Alfie smiles at Kaz and she smiles back. 
“Kaz thank you I should actually take this opportunity to say that although you are all absolutely stunning women I am sorry but I am completely closed off and I’m not open to getting to know you guys on a romantic level. I’m here for you all on a friendship level and I’ll be your wingman! But I’ve found my girl and I’m not fucking it up again. I hope you can respect my wishes and know that I mean absolutely no disrespect towards you at all and I’m sure you are all lovely girls.“
The girls all ‘awww’ at Suresh’s declaration. 
“Wait do you mean Arlo or Gemma?” Eddie asks. 
Suresh glares at Eddie. “Gemma of course.” 
All of the islanders except for Alfie laugh. He just looks at Suresh hurt. They haven’t discussed what happened between the two of them. And he never let Gemma explain but she didn’t say they were over. 
Suresh laid in bed looking up at the twinkling lights thinking about Gemma and how she was probably freaking out as much as he was right now. He heard footsteps making their way over to his bed. 
“Suresh? You asleep?” Alfie whispered. 
“No. Way too bright. And I can’t stop thinking about Gemma and what she’s probably thinking right now.” Suresh said as he sat up on the day bed and faced Alfie. 
“Yeah. Gemma. I screwed that up bad didn’t I?” 
“Can I ask, why did you kiss Kat? I still don’t understand that.” 
“When Kat said you guys were cracking on behind my back I was fuming and then she said she caught you both in an uncompromising position. I was livid. She came on to me and I just gave in. Kat was giving me the attention I needed at the moment. I know it sounds so lame.” 
“That’s all she said uncompromising position?” Suresh asked with an incredulous look on his face.
“Well yeah what more is there to be said?”
“Literally so much more, there’s absolutely zero context to that. Do you want to actually know what happened?” 
“Not really, but I guess I do.” 
“We were just talking at first about us and what we’ve been through and then we started reminiscing about a particular trip we took to Monte Carlo. I’ll spare you the details the memory is very NSFW. It got us both hot and I initiated it, but we kissed. We went at it for a while before Kat interrupted us.” 
Alfie swallowed hard but said nothing.
“Then after you kissed Kat..”
“Wait there’s more?” 
“Let me just finish! I went up to the roof terrace and she was just thinking up there about everything and I apologized to her again for cheating on her because I know that what I did made what you did hurt a little more because it brought back those memories for her. I told her I didn’t want to be the reason she hurt anymore and I wanted to be her person again. I asked her to forgive me and to be with me again. I asked her to choose me. But I told her to not do it that second because her mind was obviously scrambled with what just happened with you. I told her to just tell me that night. And then we left.”
Alfie breathed out loudly. “Wow, yeah that’s a lot. I’m glad you told me. Gemma is a great girl but I think our timing just isn’t right. I’ll step aside and won’t come between you anymore.” 
“Thanks Alfie.” 
Suresh laid out on a pool lounger after a refreshing swim. The sun making the water beads on his abs glisten. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the heat of the sun on his body.
“Mind if I join you?”
He opened his eyes to see it was Molly, the 24 year old teacher from Romford.
“Sure,” he said as he patted the lounger next to him with his large hands. 
“I was hoping your offer from last night still stands and you’re up from some wingman action?” 
“Yes! Who are we thinking then?” 
“Alfie. I know Finn’s his best mate in here but Finn’s been a bit…preoccupied since he’s been here.” They both look at each other knowingly and laugh. “And you and Alfie had a chat last night, right? I was wondering if he told you where his head was at in terms of getting to know us casa girls?” 
“I think he’s well up to getting to know the casa girls! Him and Gemma never officially called it quits before we left the villa but the kiss with Kat somewhat sealed his fate I don -“
“What kiss with Kat?” Molly said looking confused.
Oh right this all happened that same day, there was no way the casa girls could’ve seen all the drama that kicked off in the villa the same day they arrived.
“Shit, ok I need to backtrack a bit because we had a lot of drama happen in a short span of time. Basically Gemma and I kissed in the bedroom, Kat caught us, she told Gemma she’d keep it a secret, we had a truth or dare challenge and the islanders dared Finn to kiss the girl he found most attractive and he kissed Arlo and gave her a bit of a striptease.” Molly’s eyes go wide as Suresh continues. “Then Kat is beside herself that Finn would so boldly kiss another girl during the challenge so she says at least she’s not the only one in the villa being mugged off and she said Arlo and Alfie just so you know Gemma and Suresh have been cracking on right under your noses. It kicks off Alfie is pissed he runs off doesn’t let Gemma explain anything Arlo is fuming. Gemma is trying to find Alfie to explain what happened and she opens the roof terrace door and Kat and Alfie are up there kissing. They get into words and I finally find her and I tell her that I’m done playing games and I only want her and that I want us to be together. And then we get a text that we’re going out for a boys night and we show up here. And I never got to say goodbye to Gemma or to see if she felt the same and now I just have to wait the three days to see how she feels about me too.” 
Molly’s mouth is open in shock. “This all happened the day you arrived!?!”
Suresh smiles. “I know. Hence why we were all a little beat down yesterday.” 
“Well, not everyone.” She says as she looks in Finn’s direction. He has his arms wrapped around Kaz’ waist in the kitchen. He whispers something in her ear and she laughs uncontrollably. 
“Those two were so loud last night, you and Alfie were lucky to sleep out here on the daybeds.” 
“Wait that brings us back to our original point, Alfie! Sorry for getting us sidetracked there. Look I think if you want to make a play for Alfie, show him you care I think he likes that. I think he’s open to getting to know people here. Last night he didn’t say he was shutting any doors when you girls were asking so that’s always a plus.” 
“Thanks Suresh!” She said as she gave him a small smile. 
“No problem, do you want me to maybe mention we had this chat?” 
“Hmm.. only if you think it will help.”
“Ok then!” 
Molly walked away smiling to the kitchen.
The boys had finally received their luggage from the girls and Arlo was clearly pissed at him. She didn’t pack a single matching or well put together outfit and she packed two pairs of shoes his loafers which he loved, but only went with specific outfits, and they didn’t go with anything she packed and his slides for the pool. He prided himself on looking well and he knew he was going to be looking pretty terrible these next few days unless he borrowed something from one of the guys. 
“Alright guys anyone have anything decent I can borrow? Arlo was clearly fucking with me when she packed my bag. She packed brown and navy trousers with a purple top and an orange top. Literally no black or white or basic colored tops. The only nice outfit is the recoupling outfit, and I’m obviously saving that for Gemma. And look at the shoes she packed for me.”
The boys all start to laugh.
“I love that this is your biggest problem right now,” Finn said.
“You should talk, Finny! What’s Kat going to say when she hears about Kaz.”
“Relax, didn’t the text say we’re on a lads holiday!? I’m doing exactly what lads do on holiday! LADS ON TOUR say it with me boys LADS ON TOUR!!”
The boys grumble in response.
“Oh you’re no fun. Besides I have my eyes set on greener pastures tonight.” 
“What do you mean?” Eddie asked.
“Did you boys see Emily in that string bikini today I think I’m going to have to take a closer inspection tonight.”
“You need to grow up,” Suresh said rolling his eyes.
“Aww Resh don’t be like that! You can have a taste of the pie too! Gem isn’t even yours again. You’re in a grey area. Dive in the deep end!! The waters fine.” He said laughing. 
“Are you planning on bringing one of these Casa girls back or are you just moving mad and cheating on Kat and dealing with the consequences later.” 
With that Finn straightens up, “I’m not cheating on Kat,” he said through gritted teeth. “We never talked about exclusivity which was apparent when she kissed my best mate.” 
He takes one final look in the mirror and says, “Well boys, Emily is waiting for me.”
“Alfie, you ok? You’re unusually quiet.” Suresh asked.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he said with a smile.
“Listen, I know I’m not your usual wingman/ best friend in here but I had a chat with Molly today and she’s really into you and wants to get to know you better.” 
“Really? She’s a 10,” he said smiling.
“If I were you, I’d pull her tonight and get to know her better. And although I LOVED hearing the absolute patterns of your snoring why don’t you sleep inside with her tonight?” 
Alfie laughed. 
“Good shout.”
The sun glared down on Suresh. One more night here and he’d be back with Gemma. This energized him. He got up and headed to the kitchen to make coffee. 
A text ping was heard from the bedroom. 
Early text. Could only mean one thing. A challenge. This had to be villa vs casa. 
He walked into the bedroom as Alfie read out the text. 
“A special prize? What could that be? I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before,” Emily said wrapped up in Finn’s arms. Kaz glared at her from two beds away as she sipped from her custom Love Island water bottle. 
“Alright then girls let’s get dressed!” Molly said from Alfie’s bed. 
Suresh looked at him with raised eyebrows and a smile. Alfie blushed back at him. 
“Looks like we should get ready too then boys! We can’t have the girls showing us up.” Eddie said. 
“Oh Eddie,” Meagan said as she gently stroked his chest.
The islanders sat around in a boy / girl formation  already with a strategy formed, ready for quick kisses. 
“Alright boys don’t let me down today! I want to win that special prize it has to be good!” Finn said excitedly as they waited for the first text to come. 
Text ping
“It’s mine,” said Suresh. “The tallest boy has to snog the girl of his choice for 10 seconds.” 
Finn ran to Meagan and lifted her in his arms, at 5’3 she was tiny compared to his 6’4 frame. With one arm he was able to grab her backside with one arm while with the other he held her face close to his and kissed her passionately. The other islanders cheered but Eddie glared at him. 
“3…2…1…” Finn carried on kissing Meagan.
“That’s enough Finn! We said 1!” Eddie said.
“Oh sorry mate, must’ve not heard you,” he said laughing as he placed Meagan back down on the ground. She was visibly flustered but took Eddie’s hand to guide her back to her seat. 
Text Ping 
“Casa wins” Alfie reads.
“That’s how it’s done boys! Let’s keep the momentum going” 
Text ping
“The oldest boy has to snog the oldest girl,” Eddie reads. “Who’s the oldest girl?”
“It’s me!” Emily says as she rushes over to Suresh, she goes to snog him but he just gives her a short peck instead. 
“Booooo that’s not a snog!” Finn shouts. 
“The text said snog mate,” Eddie says.
“I don’t care about this stupid game guys.” Suresh says. 
“Well isn’t Gemma the oldest girl?” Eddie asks.
“No, her and Dana are both 26,” Suresh says. 
Text ping
“Main villa wins” 
“Well one of them just got a nice snog…wonder which one,” Finn said.
“Fuck off, Finn,” Suresh said.
The games continued, Casa Amor and The Main Villa were tied for overall games. This next game would determine tonight’s overall winner. 
Text ping 
“The fastest trio to complete an underwater kiss wins it all.”
Without hesitating Finn grabbed Kaz and Emily’s hands and ran for the pool. The three jumped into the middle holding hands. They swam closer to one another and dove in for the underwater kiss. 
“That was fast,” Alfie said. “There’s no way the girls beat that. I don’t want to see what type of guys the girls have other there for them to beat that time.” 
Before Finn and the girls are out of the water a text ping comes through. 
WOOOOOO!!!! The islanders celebrate by all jumping into the pool. 
The boys were gathered in the kitchen fixing up a few snacks and drinks for the night ahead. 
“So where’s everyone’s head at then,” Suresh asked. 
“I’m really starting to a feel a spark between Molly and I. We have loads in common and that kiss in the challenge today was amazing. I think I want to try for a real outside the challenge kiss tonight,” Alfie said.
“Get It! Alf! That’s what I like to hear!“ 
“Do you think you’d take her back?” Eddie asked. 
Alfie thought for a moment and looked at Suresh. “I know this puts Gemma at a vulnerable position and I wouldn’t want to risk her going home but I think I would want to bring Molly back.” 
“Don’t worry about Gemma,” Suresh said calmly. 
“Well you can’t exactly save her at the recoupling, Suresh, that’s the only reason why he’s worried about her,” Finn said.
“If Gemma goes, I’m going too so it doesn’t matter,” he said.
“You’d really walk? Even if she was like ‘I don’t want you anymore, Suresh,’ when you got back there?” Eddie asked. 
“Honestly? Yeah I would. Gemma is the only girl I want and if I can’t have her right now I just need to leave and go home to take some time for myself.” 
“Wow. You like her more than I think we all knew mate,” Finn said.
The boys were all silent for a minute and a text ping was heard. 
The girls rushed out from the dressing room.
“Hey boys did we just hear a text?”
“Yeah I think it’s mine,” Suresh said.
“Oh. my. Days! Boys we need to deliberate now!” Finn said.
The boys walked over to the swings.
“Alright boys I want this, I need this,” Finn pleaded. 
“Who would you even take, it’s not like you’ve even attempted to make a genuine connection in here. You’ve literally just tried to get with as many girls as possible,” Eddie said seething still hurt from Finn’s kiss with Meagan earlier today. 
“Alright Eddie boy calm down! Meagan is a sort I had to give her a little kiss, but my heart is between Emily and Kaz! And this hideaway night would help me with this decision.” 
“Emily’s a bit more shy then Kaz and I think maybe a more private night away I could get her to open up a bit more. And we can see if we have a deeper connection, if you will.” 
“So, you’re just done with Kat then?” Suresh asked confused. 
“I told you this the other day, we’re not exclusive and she’s kissed my best mate!” 
“I get that, but are you actually willing to bring one of these girls back and risk Kat’s place in the villa?” 
Finn ignored Suresh and looked at Alfie and Eddie, “Are you guys sending me and Emily in or not?”
“Do whatever you want mate,“ Suresh said as he walked away. 
Every other morning he woke up eager that another day had passed and he was one day closer to seeing Gemma. Today was finally the day and he was absolutely nerve wracked. What if she didn’t feel the same anymore? What if she found someone better in the main villa? A Suresh clone who’d never cheated on her. 
But then he thought about their kiss. If Kat hadn’t interrupted them, it would’ve led to more. They were hungry for each other. It wasn’t just him, he knew it. He saw it in her eyes when they parted. Even when she ran after Kat, she turned back to look at him with a want so deep in her eyes he almost begged her not to go. To stay. Who cares if they all knew. Their last chat on the roof terrace when he asked her to forgive him, to give him another chance, he’d hoped she could see he would move heaven and earth to make things right again. He loved her. This wasn’t a temporary fleeting love, this was a forever imprinted into his heart type love. His whole life could begin again tonight. Their life. He knew they wouldn’t be able to be together “officially” at least for another week because they weren’t currently coupled up but he would sleep with her in the daybeds, on the floor, on the sofa, on the roof terrace, on a tiny lilo in the pool if it meant he could be with her again. 
He heard a door open across the garden and he saw Finn and Emily leaving the Hideaway. Both looking a bit disheveled. Finn gave Suresh a cheeky smile, “Good Mornin’ Resh! Last day in paradise with these lovely ladies! Excited to get back to Gemma?” 
“Can’t wait!”
With that a text ping is heard
Alfie and Eddie run outside.
“Let’s go reunite you with Gemma then!” Finn said smiling.  
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emkay512 · 3 years
Just For Tonight
What if it had been Liam’s idea to have house Beaumont sponsor Riley in his social season? And what was Liam’s night like after he dropped off Riley in the very first chapter?
A/N: I watch a lot of rom-coms and chick flicks and couldn’t stop thinking about Liam and came up with this 🙃 This exists in my OUAT universe, so I’m using those tags, I hope that’s ok and you enjoy!
Thank you at @sfb123 and @queenrileyrose for pre-reading and giving me that extra confident boost! I think I was marinating on this too long! Lol 😅
Warnings: Some language, but that’s about it.
Tags: @burnsoslow @bbrandy2002 @ao719 @kat-tia801 @sincerelyella @charlotteg234 @neotericthemis @queenrileyrose @kingliam2019 @iaminlovewithtrr @amandablink @iluaaa @jared2612 @sfb123 @twinkleallnight @tessa-liam @secretaryunpaid @ladyangel70 @gkittylove99 @texaskitten30 @shanzay44 @ofpixelsandscribbles
Word count: 1,676
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Liam’s head was swimming. He and Riley just piled into a cab to escort her back to her apartment after their midnight rendezvous with the Statue of Liberty. That kiss she gave him on the ferry had him dizzy, he was losing his inner fight to remember his duty bound responsibilities and wanted to embrace her again, but he also didn’t want to lead Riley on.
As if Riley was reading his mind, she broke the silence and asked, “hey, Liam?” Liam focused his gaze on her in reply, “what if just for tonight, we indulge in ourselves a little?” Liam lifted his brow in confusion.
“How do you mean?”
Riley was feeling quiet vulnerable with her idea, but in keeping with her own suggestion, she explained, “I have a feeling about you. That you’re used to putting your priorities and desires dead last in life. I’m even a little afraid that you may come to regret this night with me because you will convince yourself you had over indulged by allowing a little personal pleasure in your life. I’m saying, don’t do that. And I won’t either. I’m not sorry for opening up to a prince I know I’ll never see again. So… so how about you do the same?” Riley felt her cheeks blush and she looked up at him to see his eyes soften, knowing he was moved and would agree.
“Ok.” Liam smiled genuinely, she was completely right, and now thanks to her, he wouldn’t allow himself to feel any shame for enjoying this night. “Ok, Ms. Riley Brooks, I’ll do the same. Just for tonight, I will feel no shame for enjoying myself, for letting my heart call the shots for once.”
“Good.” Riley almost felt her eyes well up with tears from both the most sincere happiness she was feeling mixed with sadness of the night ending. Just then, the cab slowed to a stop right in front of her stoop. “Well, this is me. Good night, Liam. Thank you for the unforgettable evening.”
“Riley,” was all he could whisper before they both leaned in, closed their eyes, and surrendered into their goodnight kiss. Liam had relaxed completely, and it was Riley that deepened the kiss. She had parted her lips for him and he allowed himself to touch his tongue to hers, reveling in her sweet taste. He took one hand to cup her cheek and his other hand around her waist, both hands pressing her body as close to his as possible.
At the sound of the cabbie clearing his throat, they parted, both a little out of breathe. With smiles on both their faces, they said at the same time, “well, good night.”
They awkwardly laughed, and Riley touched her hand to his 5 o’clock shadow and said, “I think you are amazing, and thank you again for tonight.” She offered him the sweetest smile and then moved to exit the cab.
Liam replied as she was making her move out, “goodnight, Ms. Riley, and just so you know, I will never regret this night.” It was the right thing to say, as he saw nothing but elation on her face as she gently shut the car door and turned to walk into her apartment.
After giving the cabbie the name of his hotel, Liam leaned back in the backseat of the cab with nothing but stars in his eyes. He couldn’t believe the night he just had, and he was too far gone in his euphoria that he wouldn’t allow himself to think back to the reality that awaits him. Just for tonight. Just like they had said. He would allow himself to close out this night on his love sick high.
Upon his arrival back to the suite he was sharing with his friends, Maxwell was the only one still up. Liam could swear that his good, cheery, friend, Maxwell Beaumont, operated on constant energizer bunny batteries and actually didn’t sleep.
“Well, well, well… couldn’t quiet pull off the next-morning-walk-of-shame, my prince?” Maxwell knew Liam hated the formalities among his friends so he knew right away that Maxwell was in a full ball-busting mood. But Liam didn’t care. And to his dismay, Maxwell noticed. “Whoa. What the hell is that dopey look on your face!? You did get laid??” Maxwell was sincerely perplexed because he knew that a one night quickie was unlike Liam, but he could think of no other explanation.
Liam chuckled and shrugged, knowing he was unable to shake the grin off his face. No, he didn’t get laid. But he did get kissed. Twice. By a woman he knew he wouldn’t shake from his thoughts, for probably the rest of his life. Just for tonight. He continued the mantra in his mind. He’d let his mind wander to the idea of seeing her again. “Calm down, Max. She just showed me a very lovely evening. She pulled off a trip to the Statue of Liberty. Just for me.” Maxwell was not missing the stars in Liam’s eyes and couldn’t resist in fucking with him a little more.
“Huh, so your tryst involved another lady? Ya know, Lady Liberty? Kinky.” Liam rolled his eyes, that’s not even creative or funny, he thought to himself. “Wait, so how in the hell did you pull that off? I know you get shit done, but a last minute late night boat ride in a foreign country to impress a girl? How did you do it?”
“I didn’t. It was all the other way around. She called in a favor to impress me, and as you can see, I was quiet taken.”
“Well damn, sister’s got some moves! I mean, look at you, I’ve never seen you so smitten!” Maxwell was still muttering some mockeries at Liam, something about Liam being a smitten kitten. But it was something else he said that stuck out to Liam. Sister. Maxwell had call her a sister. After a second, a wild idea popped into Liam’s mind.
“That’s it! That’s it, Maxwell you genius!” Maxwell blinked up at Liam, very unsure what part of his rambles got Liam so excited. “House Beaumont still needs a sponsor for the social season, right?”
“Uh, yeah. That’s right.” Maxwell was clearly not putting two and two together.
“Catch up, Beaumont! Her! Riley! What do you think? We could catch up with her in the morning and ask her to join the season under your house. Well?”
Maxwell was grinning from ear to ear. He thought it was such a good idea that he was disappointed he didn’t think of it. “You’re on. You and I can find her in the morning before your early flight back and if she says yes, I’ll bring her back here to get the guys caught up and she’ll fly back with us.”
“Genius! Ah, I could kiss you right now Maxwell! I’m gonna try to catch some sleep before the morning.” Liam said while pumping his fist in excitement and he half jogged into a separate room to fall asleep.
The next morning, Liam and Maxwell caught sight of Riley walking up to her bar. Maxwell still had a curious amount of energy in him and next thing Liam knew, he was jogging ahead to Riley with his hand in the air to get her attention. “Hey! Hey, Riley!” Liam kept his pace as Maxwell rushed ahead.
Riley whipped around to see Maxwell charging at her. “Oh, hey. It’s you. One of Liam’s friends, Maxwell, right?”
“Yep! Good memory! Anyway I’m glad I caught you. I’m here because I want to formally invite you to Cordonia to participate in all the festivities for Liam. Normally you wouldn’t be allowed to join, but I want to sponsor you!” Maxwell could see the shock and confusion on her face as he continued to explain. “I’m from a noble house, but I don’t have any sisters so we don’t have anyone in contention to marry the prince. Instead we get to pick any girl to sponsor, and I pick you!”
“Wh-why me?”
“I’m not doing it just for you.” Just then Liam caught up and strode into the scene.
“Good morning, Ms. Riley Brooks.” Liam used his most husky and calm voice possible. He knew he was about to be asking a lot out of her.
Riley instantly picked up Liam’s voice as he walked up and greeted her, “Liam? What are you doing here?”
Liam approached and grabbed her hand, bringing it up to his lips for a quick kiss. He met her eyes as he explained, “I’m here to do the same thing my good friend, Maxwell, is here doing. I want to convince you to come to Cordonia. Everything he said is true. You can participate as his sponsor.” Riley moved her eyes from Liam and looked just over his shoulder at Maxwell, she was trying to decide if he was someone she could trust and someone whose house she wanted to join. She saw a very promising and honest smile on his face, and she felt comfortable. She then looked back to Liam, who was still holding her hand.
“I… I don’t know.. that’s a big commitment..”
“Look,” Liam said quickly not wanting to lose his momentum. “I’ll level with you, Cordonia won’t be like New York, but there’s something about you. About us, that I trust. There’s something here Riley, why not give it a shot. Come on, I know you feel it too.”
She most certainly felt it too and she thought about last night and the opportunity that could be ahead of her, versus her current shitty bartending life in New York, and she came to her decision. “Ok,” she smiled and looked him in the eye, “I’m in.”
“Yes!” Maxwell shouted from behind them, “go pack your bags, this is going to be the adventure of a lifetime!”
Riley looked at Liam and said, “I guess we’re shooting for more than just for tonight, huh?”
Liam replied, “heh, yeah I guess you’re right.”
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catchmewiddershins · 4 years
if it's too much trouble, could I request a pt. 3 of the ‘overhearing their crush talking about them’ with oikawa, akaashi and yamaguchi?
Thanks in advance and have a nice day!💕
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Haikyuu Characters Overhearing their crush talking about them - pt 3:
Includes: Oikawa, Akaashi and Yamaguchi! 💖 SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG 🥺 I’m so glad you asked bcs I needed a reason to write a third part hehe
He could barely keep his eyes open. Contrary to popular belief, Oikawa wasn’t a monster, he couldn’t keep pushing and pushing and never feel the consequences. Interhigh was approaching again and he was desperate to win, desperate to see the national court just one time before he left high school, desperate to prove that all of the blood, sweat and tears that he had poured into this sport wasn’t futile. So he’d stayed awake, he trained until late at night and woke before the crack of dawn to practice. And now he was feeling the toll, incapable of focusing on the words of the teacher at the front of the class, he let his mind drift, getting shocked out of his skin when the bell rang for lunch.
Floating down the corridors, he almost fell asleep standing up until he walked into a door frame. Then, as he rounded the corner he heard your voice. Oikawa had been harbouring feelings for you for a while now, ever since you’d been kind to him outside of the usual fangirl devotion - you’d helped him hide from a few of them while he was late for practice, and he’d been trying to work up the courage to confess to you. He was just... worried that you’d assume he was asking in a playboy manner, rather than from sincere feelings. Suddenly, he paused, having heard his name in passing from your conversation.
“Why do you want to go to a volleyball match? Like at interhigh?”
“Because Oikawa’s playing and I wanted to cheer him on!” There you were, you sounded so cheerful, it made his heart flutter and heat sprang to his face.
“Isn’t he that guy who’s really pretty? I hear that tons of people are swooning over him, you’ll have a lot of competition if you wanna blend in.”
“I mean yeah... he’s pretty but that’s not why I like him!”
“What, you’re different from the rest? Why do you like him then, if not his looks? They seem to be the only thing of his that are of note.”
His heart sank a little, there it was again, that focus. His hair, his eyes, his face, people complimented him on them left and right and it made him wonder if that was all he was worth - is that all he is? Just a pretty-boy athlete?
You sounded... indignant?
“I like him because of his skills, for one! Have you seen his serve? That thing looks as if it could turn my face into a pancake! And besides that, he’s such a great leader! His team clearly flourishes with him as captain, I saw one match where he couldn’t make it and they were only working at 3/4 max of the potential that Oikawa is able to draw out of them - it’s incredible! I worked on a project with him once and he was both in charge and so considerate! He’s more than his face, you know.” Your hands moved passionately and he could imagine the sparkles in your eyes as you talked, the way you occasionally did about your favourite media or facts.
He was in deep, and your rant at your friend gave him the nudge he needed to confess immediately... or maybe at interhigh.
He nodded as you spoke, having been asked to help tutor you for the upcoming exam, as you had a few things that you were stuck on. He’d accepted immediately, since he was absolutely smitten with you. Nobody had been told about this, not even Bokuto, because he would tease Akaashi to kingdom come if he found out - or he’d try to set you up, which would be even worse. Gently correcting a mistake you’d made in your work, he took the time to appreciate being so close to you. Akaashi loved to spend time with you, since you’d become tentative friends due to sitting adjacent to each other in Biology, and since you occasionally came to his matches, but only when you had the time.
There was a slight noise as his phone buzzed in his pocket, and, taking it out, he saw a text from Bokuto, saying that he’d forgotten where the bibs for practice were stored and that he was outside the classroom so that Akaashi could point him in the right direction. Stepping outside with a sigh, he showed Bokuto which way the storage cupboard was, and gave him very clear directions on how to get back to the gym from there, along with another, not really that sincere, apology for having to miss practice to tutor you. However, just before he opened the door again to the spare classroom that you were working in, his ears picked up the sound of your voice, on the phone to one of your friends.
“Yes I am getting tutored by Akaashi!” His curiosity was piqued, was your friend interested in him or something? He couldn’t hear the sound from your phone speaker, but your response sent sparks through him.
“No, of course I haven’t confessed to him - It’s not like he likes me back! Besides, we are actually supposed to be working!”
“Yes, I’m sure I like him! He’s so considerate, and he explains things really well, and he always knows how to help, and he’s gorgeous.”
Oh. Oh Oh Oh! You liked him! He couldn’t stop the beaming smile that shone across his face as your conversation with your friend trailed off, leaning against the wall outside and trying to quell the ache in his cheeks that came with such a wide, lovestruck grin. His ears were pink and his eyes sparkled, and if anyone had walked past him at that moment, they’d say that he’d never looked more alive.
He walked into the classroom, glowing, and sat back down next to you before clearing his throat. He could see redness in your face as well, and mustered all his courage to do what he’d been wanting to for a while.
“Hey... I’ve really enjoyed spending time with you today and... I was wondering if... you’d maybe like to go out with me sometime?” 
Your resounding yes made this the best day ever.
It was a Saturday, sunny, warm, and boring. Yamaguchi had decided to try and pass the time by going for a quick stroll down to his favourite café, passing through a lovely green park on the way, where he walked around, looking at the different species of flower, and the fish in the ponds, throwing a few crumbs of bread to them as he passed. To be honest, the only way for the day to be more perfect would have been a backing soundtrack, then it would have felt like something directly out of a feel-good film. 
Coming to a new street, he wandered past a few shops, until he came to where he’d been meaning to come. The sweets sold here were the best, and getting one, plus a lemonade, to take away while he walked was just an extremely relaxing thing to do. He was planning to go and read a book in the park, to soak up some of the sunlight and enjoy the lovely afternoon.
The bell tinkled as he pushed open the door, and his nose was caressed by the smell of baking bread and sugar. However, as he approached the front to order, he spotted you and a couple of your friends sitting in the corner, near the window, all of you nursing some cold drinks and chatting with one another. His heart jumped into his throat, the sound of it pounding in his ears. The lady at the countertop, who had got to know Yamaguchi relatively well, since he came here so often, leaned over and grinned at him.
“Do you know them?” She asked, a twinkle in her eyes. At his nod, she giggled and said to him, “Whichever of them you like, you should say so! I bet they’d say yes!”
He thanked her, quietly, and smiled, knowing that she only meant well, and waited at the side of the counter for his order to be ready. As he waited, your voice drifted over to him from your seat at the window.
“So, do you like anyone?” One of your friends said with a laugh, you appeared to be having one of those lighthearted discussions that good friends sometimes have about such things.
A blush sprang to your face, and you brought a hand to your eyes, “...Maybe...” Leaning forwards, your friend gestured for you to continue. You sunk further into your chair in embarrassment.
“Ok... so you know... Yamaguchi?”
“Yamaguchi?” Your friend replied excitedly.
“Yeah,” smiling, your gaze drifted a little, as if you were lost in thought. “He’s just the sweetest, honestly, so supportive and kind, he helped me out after I tripped over the other day, and, when I missed one of the maths lessons, he talked me through the material... he’s lovely...”
Grinning, your friend patted your hand, relaxing back into their chair, “Well, he’s definitely not the worst person for you to be crushing on, you’ll need to drop some hints though... want a hand?”
“Stop it!” You whined, bringing your hands up again to cover your tomato-red face as your friend laughed.
Yamaguchi left the café with three things, a pastry, a lemonade, and the resolve to ask you out the next time he saw you. He practically skipped down the lane as he went back to the park, joy filling his heart.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
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holykillercake · 4 years
Strawberry and Cigarretes
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pairing: Sanji x Reader
word count: 2.6k
highlight: ¨Everything hurt, and for the first time, you wished to forget what the ocean sounded like.¨ 
warnings: slight angst
notes: This was a request from @vemuabhi​! <3 Very special because it was my first ever request! I wanted to doge the obvious path (which I almost took) and do something that didn´t involve Whole Cake Island, so maybe it is not the biggest angst (hats off to Mr. Oda cause he is Father angst) but I did my very best! I hope you all enjoy and Happy Birthday, Sanji-kun! <3
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𝕃𝕖𝕒𝕧𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕞𝕖𝕟𝕥𝕤, 𝕙𝕖𝕒𝕣𝕥𝕤, 𝕠𝕣 𝕘𝕠𝕠𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕠𝕦𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕤!
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Do you remember when you were a kid, and you´d find a shell laying on the sand? And you would pick it up and put it on your ear, hoping to listen to the ocean? It´d always make a smile grow on your face before you tossed it aside and jumped into the water.
That time was different. When you heard the ocean share its endless secrets and tell its adventurous stories, you just wanted to sit there all day and listen. 
This specific event happened a couple of months after you joined the Strawhats. Chopper had borrowed you his stethoscope cause you thought it was cool, and in the middle of thousands of things you´ve already heard in your life, good and bad, the heartbeat was something that you were oblivious to. 
Some would think that asking to hear someone else´s heartbeat was weird, but inside the Thousand Sunny... well, those guys put ¨weird¨ on another level, and you would have to work your ass off to surpass that. 
Chopper got all blushed when you leaned closer to his tiny and furry torso, Usopp told you stories about a war he once won but had to have his heart replaced by a lion´s, Franky said that if you wanted to see a heart he could simply pull it out for you, Brook invested on the same ¨Oh, I don´t have a heart. Yohohoho¨ joke, Zoro let you listen to his wrist, Nami and Robin almost had you sinking into their generous breasts, and Sanji... you left him for last because you didn´t know how to ask him. So you just tiptoed quietly inside the kitchen, sneaked behind him, and tried to listen to his heart through his back. You feared that your nose would start bleeding if he faced you while you were doing it. 
That was exactly what he did, by the way. He poured more water into the stew he was cooking and turned around, putting out his cigarette so ashes wouldn´t fall on you. Immediately you began to sweat, your breath quickened, and hold the stethoscope with a steady hand became a herculean task. 
His lean fingers moved to the collar of his blue shirt and started to unbutton a few, enough for you to have better access. At that point, you believed that the reason why you weren´t bleeding yet was that you were slowly having a stroke, and Sanji´s action was God´s gift to you for being a good person while alive. 
Then he didn´t do anything else, just put both hands in his pockets and waited while you listened to every single bubble popping inside his chest like you were afraid to miss one. In the end, he tucked a lock of hair behind your ear and went back to his stew.
But that was all about it. The following months were just like any other, the crew kept acting as weird as their minds allowed, and you kept shutting whatever your stupid heart was yelling at you. Although... if you could be honest for one moment, deep down you were hurt. 
Maybe you scared or crept him away with your childish curiosity. Maybe he had noticed your feelings for him and got disgusted. Well, not disgusted, he probably didn´t like you the same way and didn´t know how to tell you, so keeping words to a minimum was his way to go. 
He stopped singing and twirling around you, he´d rather call your name respectfully; when you shared the night watches, he just remained quiet by your side, answering briefly to your questions or comments; he even stopped trying to sneak into your baths or make suggestive comments - which you didn´t love before, but you know, you only miss something when it's gone. 
The whole crew had noticed the change in both of your behaviors, but they too were not sure how to address it. Whenever someone asked something about it you would say ¨Really? I didn´t notice anything.¨. Either too proud to confront him or too afraid of the truth. 
¨Oi, you ok?¨ Zoro asked, breaking into your personal bubble of sadness. 
You knew it was Zoro because you two were taking the night watch, but you didn´t expect him to show interest or concern about your upset state. 
The night was chilly, so you were sitting on Sunny´s grass, arms around your knees, holding them close to your chest to keep the warmth. 
¨Why do you care?¨ you answered bitterly, but he didn´t mind since he was the king of freaking Bitter Land. 
¨I don´t. But I´ll go crazy if I hear you sigh one more time.¨ he sat close to you, not too close, just enough for you to listen to each other.
A chuckle left your mouth involuntarily, you never expected his grouchy temper would come in handy in times like this. Then your frowned expression came back, and you let out another sigh. 
Before you realized Zoro had pushed you with his Sandai Kitetsu scabbard, making you fall to your side with a squeak. 
¨I told you.¨
You sat again, taking some grass off your leg ¨Yeah. Can´t deny it.¨
¨Yeah, you´ve been doing that a lot lately.¨ 
He didn´t look like he was teasing you, his eyes focusing on the line where the sky met the ocean, where the stars disappeared and became blurry white brushes on the water. 
¨I... I don´t-¨
¨I think you can do better than the stupid cook.¨he kept his usual tone ¨ But I guess we don´t get to choose these things.¨ 
You were taken aback by his words, and despite you trying to fight your lips from trembling and tears from falling, it was useless. You had been crushing these feelings inside you for too long, and it killed you the more you ignored it. 
The swordsman wasn´t saying those things because he loved you or anything like that, but because the entire crew - except for Luffy - had already noticed and began acting weird about it. And despite being the captain´s duty to solve any problem or an uncomfortable situation, your captain was a bit too oblivious, so he had to step in. 
Besides, his nakama was getting hurt. He didn´t care about the ero cook. 
¨If you want me to beat him up... just let me know.¨ 
He said it to cheer you up - not that he didn´t mean, he´d do it for much less - but nothing seemed worth smiling for now. You just bit your lip in order to avoid an embarrassing whining, since you were unable to stop the painful tears from rolling down your cheeks. 
Everything hurt, and for the first time, you wished to forget what the ocean sounded like.
¨W-What should I do?¨
¨That´s not my problem to solve, Y/N.¨ he stood up beside you ¨But sometimes, when I have a difficult problem that I can´t solve my way...¨ his gaze still locked with the horizon ¨... I think about what my captain would do.¨ he left without any further words, leaving you not only sad but confused as well. 
You slept on it for the next couple of days, still not understanding what he meant. Maybe he just wanted to leave the conversation and said whatever came to mind. But even that didn´t fit right. If he didn´t want to be stuck in an uncomfortable conversation, he wouldn´t have started one. 
So you took as a personal mission to observe your captain until you learned how to think like him, hoping that figuring that out would solve your problem. 
You had joined the crew as a historian, the person responsible for writing down every adventure meticulously, every tiny detail of every battle, and every glorious victory along the Strawhats journey. So in one dusk, when you were in charge of the night watch with Robin and the moon was full and bright, you took your journals and began rolling through the pages, looking for a pattern, something that anticipated every major decision of your captain.
You even borrowed old diaries from the time you were not part of their crew. The stories lacked details, but they served to paint a picture. Basically:
Luffy insults an ugly lady, saves a kid, eats something, finds Zoro, beats the crap out of a crazy marine, saves the day, gets his first crewmate. 
Luffy gets eaten by a bird, then vomited in a town, finds Nami, eats something, is put in a cage, beat the crap out of some pirates, saves the day.
 Luffy wants a new ship, meets Usopp, eats something, gets thrown from a cliff, beats the crap out of some pirates, saves the day, gets Going Merry and a liar. 
Luffy wants a cook, explodes a restaurant, becomes a waiter, eats something, meets Sanji, beats the crap out of some pirates, saves the day, gets a cook. 
Luffy eats something, finds the fishmen, goes for a walk, is thrown in the water, beats the crap out of some pirates, saves the day, gets a navigator.
Luffy wants a doctor, eats everything, fights some crazy ass bunnies, climbs a mountain, meets Chopper, beats the crap out of some pirates, saves the day, gets a doctor. 
Luffy eats something, wants to fix Going Merry, meets Franky, loses Robin, beats the crap out of some world government agents, saves the day, gets an archeologist, a shipwright, and Thousand Sunny. 
Luffy hears a ghoulish singing, finds a speaking skeleton in a busted ship, has his shadow stolen, beats the crap out of some Warlord of the Sea, gets a musician.
When you finished the last journal, the weight of your body pushed you to the floor, and you laid on your back for a couple of minutes, overwhelmed by the amount of information in your head.
¨I know what to do...¨ you took a deep breath ¨... I´m gonna eat something.¨
You mumbled something to Robin, telling her that you´d be back in a few minutes, and wandered to the kitchen. 
As soon as you entered the room a sweet and comforting aroma like whipped cream and strawberries invaded your senses, making your head turn to the counter immediately. 
¨Y/N-chan...¨ the cook said.
You opened and closed your mouth a couple of times, looked at him, and then to your feet, your fingers fidgeting as a sign of your anxious state. 
¨D-Didn't know you were awake.¨ you marched to the table and helped yourself with some sugar cookies.
¨Oh... It won´t take much longer...¨ you heard his muffled voice somewhere in the back of your mind, all you could hear was the blood pumping in your ears ¨... cake because today is my birthday and I thought we...¨ your vision was focused on the cookie jar, crushing the granular biscuit with your fingertips ¨...and I...I didn´t know if-¨
¨What would Luffy do?¨ you whispered to yourself.
¨What would Luffy do?¨ 
The question wasn´t for him, it was for you. You felt something growing inside your chest, like the blood that pumped in your heart was boiling and burning, giving you the strength and courage you needed. 
¨I have been trying to find answers to a lot of things, you know?¨ you stood up to face the cook, palms spread on the table, ¨I ... do you hate me, Sanji?¨ 
He stopped what he was doing and let the knife rest on the cutting board. When his gaze found yours, there was no way back. That is what Luffy would do. He´d eat something, do whatever came to his mind, and deal with the consequences. No need to go back. 
¨Y/N-chan... why do you...¨
¨I mean, I ask this because...¨ you clenched your hands, cursing yourself for feeling the need to cry ¨I can´t take this anymore, Sanji! If I did something to offend you or if I said something...¨ your voice was broken and weak, and you were a mess of tears and sobs ¨You don´t have to love me back, that´s not what I am saying, but... I can´t stand-¨
¨Y/N-chan... why do you think I hate you?¨ he wiped his hands with a towel and made his way towards you, slowly.
¨Oh, come on, Sanji... You treat me differently, you´re cold and distant, you don´t say a word to me even when we share night shifts! If you don´t hate me, then this must be a sick game you´re playing.¨ your legs felt wobbly, and you sat back in the chair, not being able to face him anymore.  The courage and strenght you had minutes ago was gone.
You just watched him get closer and kneel in front of you, his cold fingers gently brushing away the hot tears on your cheeks. 
¨I could never hate you, Y/N.¨ he said softly ¨I am sorry I made you feel like this, I am sorry I made you cry...¨ his fingers touched your trembling lips. 
¨Then why...¨
¨I didn´t want to scare you away like I always do, Y/N... I know I can be too much sometimes, with the nose bleeding and everything. But that´s how I am, and I didn´t want you to think of me as an idiot... so I prefer being silent, then say something stupid and... ¨ 
¨You don´t have to say this. I don´t need pity talk...¨you spoke as more tears fell, giving him a chance to take his statement back.
¨I have to, Y/N. But not because of pity talk.¨ he gently pressed his forehead against yours, like bunnies do when they apologize. 
¨Then why?¨ 
¨Because I love you, Y/N.¨ the blonde closed the space left between the two of you, kissing you passionately. 
He helped you get up without breaking the kiss and leaned you against the kitchen table, his hands holding your body close while yours ran through his golden hair. His mouth tasted like strawberries and cigarettes, a flavor to which you could easily get addicted. 
You parted the kiss just enough to get some oxygen, your noses were touching, and you could feel his heavy breathing against your skin. 
¨I didn´t know today is your birthday...¨ you whispered, afraid that this was a dream and you´d wake up alone again. 
¨Yeah, I was hoping to get a Happy Birthday from you, you know.¨ he chuckled.
¨I think you´ll be getting more than that.¨
You stared into each other´s eyes for a moment before he pulled you to a hug. When you leaned against his warm chest you heard it again, the same babble of the ocean, only this time you smiled, knowing that it wanted to listen to your stories and secrets as well. 
¨Happy Birthday... I love you.¨
¨I love you too, Y/N.¨ he kissed you again.
¨Please, don´t have sex on the dinner table.¨ you jumped when Robin spoke.
 When you turned, you saw all your crewmates dressed in pajamas and messy hair staring back at you with sparkly sleepy eyes. You spot Zoro back in the crowd, you smiled and gave him a silent ¨Thank you.¨. You couldn´t help but wonder how the guy who manages to gets lost walking down a straight path was able to guide some sense into you. 
In any way, you´ve found it. Inside of his chest, inside of his heart was the All Blue you heard so much of. Maybe that was the thing with it, and why only a few people found it. Everyone assumes that it is a place, where the four Blues meet, but it´s easy to forget that when you´re a pirate the ocean becomes the essence of who you are.
Little did you know that Sanji had found his All Blue too.
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jaedreaminn · 3 years
My Snack
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Pairings: Reader x Jaemin ♡
Genre: Fluff, Crack.
Word Count: 2.6k
Stupid. That's what you call yourself (Jaemin too and your parents and your friends and your neighbour and the lady down the street) on a regular basis.
There standing in front of you laughing his ass off was your best friend, Na Jaemin. You were standing in the middle of your school courtyard, covered from head to toe in your long awaited lunch- spaghetti. Such a pity.
It wasn't your fault that the loud sounds from Renjun and Haechan trying their best to taunt the other were distracting, or the fact that Jeno was near them trying to befriend a cat (where had it even come from) who kept hissing at him and was this close to scratching him had caught your attention, so you could help but slightly worry or the fact that the youngest two devils, Chenle and Jisung had brought a fake can of worms and were dumping them in Haechan's satchel and the thought of how Haechan (who hates any form of insects) would react was playing in your brain. Maybe it was also the way Jaemin had smiled at the two 'Angelic Devil's' as he liked to call them but then noticed your arrival and winked and blew a kiss towards your direction like the flirt he was, was what made you trip on your own feet. Launching your favourite dish of spaghetti high into the air and land straight on your head a second later. Nope, no you definitely didn't trip because of a kiss. It was the other thing distracting you, and it was gravities fault the plate fell back onto your head.
Somehow, you couldn't seem to get mad at the fact that Jaemin was laughing at you instead of helping you because of how his eyes lit up when he laughed and how his low chuckles calmed you.
So instead you did what anybody else would do in that situation. You stood there stuck to the ground and pouted.
Looking at your sulking state Jaemin beamed at you and made his way towards your spaghetti covered self taking off bits of it off your hair.
“You know,” he said his infamous smirk playing on his chapped but pretty lips “I get that your stubborn, but I didn't think you'd go that far t- OW!” As realisation on what he was saying dawned on you a punch to his gut was all you needed to shut him up. Maybe not. “You know what you said and now-ow ooowwwww ow ow ow OK I'll shut Ow OOW UP!” You glared at him as you threw a series of punches his way to make sure he shuts up. Plus, he was a dramatic ass, and you knew none of your punches ever hurt him.
“I know what you're going to say,” you said and Jaemin opened his mouth to speak again, but before he could “Don't you dare say that” you cut him off, venom in your voice and Jaemin knew better than to anger you more than he already had.
“Oh well,” Jaemin sighed in defeat as he wiped the sauce off your face. How romantic. “Lunch is coming to an end, and you need to get changed. So I'll buy you a sandwich from the cafeteria and sneak it to you during Maths” and he smiled. Cute you thought, in a platonic many years of friendship way of course.
You simply nodded and made your way towards your locker where your spare change of clothes was when you had a thought which made you smirk in victory crossed your head. You immediately turned on your heels and yelled in a devilishly sweet voice “Jaemin-ahh”
He looked at you confused and so did the rest of your friends who didn't do anything to help and just laughed at you and go back to the bickering.
“You're the first person to approach me,” you said, and you could practically see the screws turning in Jaemins head “You know what I said.” you said in a sickeningly sweet tone and Jaemins jaw dropped as low as Felix's jaw when he realised he's terribly screwed in the year-end UNO tournament, and Jaemin stood there dumbfounded finally realising what's happening.
“You know what this means” you sang out more than said as you waved at him and sent him a wink and a flying kiss, turning on your heels and skipping away. You liked to think that maybe after years of watching the master flirt you've learnt a good amount to have actually made Jaemin blush.
You definitely weren't affected by what you said AT ALL. If anyone said you tripped a bit more with each skip you took they were as blind as your principal Lee Soo Man.
Jaemin on the other hand did. He really did blush as you walked away.
Jeno walked up to the now shyly smiling Jaemin “So what did y/n say?”
Jaemin didn't answer staring off into the distance, so Jeno pinched him making him yelp and glared at the boy who glared back, and let's be honest no one wants to be caught in a glare down with Jeno so Jaemin simply sighed and said “She said she's a snack” and Jeno raises an eyebrow as if asking Jaemin to go on not convinced that just all she had said.
“So I obviously denied it and y/n being stubborn as she is said that guys would like her even if she's covered from head to toe in actual food” by now everyone was carefully listening to the conversation.
“I told her she's delusional”
“Then” Jisungs soft voice asked anticipating what was to happen next.
Jaemin sighed and looked at the floor “She bet that she would do it and the first person to approach her when she's covered from head to toe in food is the person she's going to date” there was a one-second pause.
And then the loud laughter coming from their group made a lot of heads turn. Chenle fell to the ground laughing, dragging poor Jisung who he was earlier leaning on with him too. Hyuck had tears in his eyes and was holding onto Jeno who was doing the same all while hysterically laughing. Renjun tried and failed not to laugh and instead tried to comfort Jaemin but his red face and watery eyes weren't exactly subtle.
However, between Renjun’s laughing or chocking no one could tell he managed to get out a “That's why the great flirt Na Jaemin was flustered” and somehow the laughs got louder. Jaemin just stood there turning all shades of pink and red.
Finally, when the laughter calmed down a bit Haechan looked at the pouting Jaemin “Aww poor Nana got himself into a mess again here let me give you some candy to cheer you up” and reached into his satchel. Jisung and Chenle sat up straight looking at Haechan in anticipation and Renjun and Jeno also looked.
Haechan on the other hand was clueless and was just trying to pull out candy from his never ending stash of candy when “It should be right- AAAAAAHHHHH!” The bag flew five kilometres away from the way Heachan launched it across the ground upon seeing this 'slimy legless wiggling poop insects' as he likes to call them in his bag.
Chenle and Jisung immediately snickered and gave each other a high five giving themselves away as the culprits to Haechan who was glaring daggers at them. They realised that they were discovered when Heachan yelled and charged at them ready to strangle both, so they started running away from the very VERY angry Haechan yelling all sorts of profanities at them.
This time Renjun didn't hold back his laughter instead, he laughed so hard he fell on his but causing the demonic duo to stop and laugh but run as soon as they realise Haechan is still trying to murder them.
Jeno shook his head at the sight and smiled. He then turned and walked towards Jaemin who was zoning out again.
“So....” Jeno started and Jaemin looked at him “You and y/n are dating now?”
Jaemin sighed.
Jeno tripped and fell onto the floor.
Jisung had crashed into Jeno.
He was laughing at Chenle who had tripped over the Renjun who was laughing his ass off on the grass and fell face flat while running away from Hyuck.
Haechan couldn't stop himself from running.
He tripped over Jeno and Jisung too.
Everyone was on the floor.
There was lots of shouting.
And laughing.
And Jaemin answered Jeno's question as this all took place in sequence like Domino's.
He whispered a quite 'yes' and walked away.
No one noticed.
Everyone was now on the floor all tangled up yelling at each other to get up first.
No one noticed Jaemin's smile as he walked away either.
You got your promised sandwich in your shared math class with Jaemin. You felt a little too bold today, so you sent another wink and flying kiss his way.
You may have also overly enjoyed his flustered face, so you held his hand as you walked to your next shared class P.E. and you may have smiled in triumph when Jaemins cheeks turned pink and he got all shy.
You also may have been a little too bold so when no one was looking you kissed his hand and then skipped away. And maybe that felt a little more than Platonic to you.
That's the thing it was always maybe, you never had a definite choice of words because you were always confused, so it was always maybe.
School soon ended, and you waited for the only person who walks home with you because you go the same way- Jaemin. You knew that he would be late. He always was. Every Wednesday. He shared his last class with Oh Miri, and he always helps her pack up and carries her things for her to her locker. It's because he obviously likes her. And you think they'll be a cute couple and you'll be happy if Jaemin finally asks her out. You really will be happy for him. Really.
You bid goodbye to Renjun and Chenle as they both head home. You said bye to Jeno too as you pass the turf where he has his practices. You see Haechan at the gate and wave bye to him too. Jisung and you talk about a new way to prank Renjun this time before he too has to leave.
You frown now and look at the time on your phone, was Jaemin latter than usual? Turns out he wasn't late and the low voice that whispered “missed me?” which startled you a bit, confirmed it. You turned around to come face to face with Jaemins smile that you are convinced produces light because of how bright it was.
“So...babe, how was your day?” Jaemin asked cheeky smile on his face. You shook your head and chuckled slightly as you answered him “It was good Nana you can stop joking around now”.
You saw Jaemins smile falter for a second. Or maybe you just imagined that. Nope, no definitely did not imagine that because now he was full on pouting.
“You're already breaking up with me y/n? But I thought we loved each other” he said using his sad baby voice.
You roll your eyes at his antics and held onto his arm ready to drag him “Come on Nana we need to go home”
“Aww but today's our first day! Shouldn't I get a first kiss!” Jaemin protested still not moving as you tried to pull him. Thank god you were facing another direction so he couldn't see how much that made your face heat up and how flustered it made you. You knew he was only joking. Right. His tone didn't sound the least bit serious. You're just imagining things.
You gave him, what you hoped sounded like a small laugh instead of a strangled one “Seriously stop kidding I'm pretty sure it won't help with your Oh Miri situation”
It was weird to see Jaemin so confused, but maybe it was because he was confused about how you knew about his crush when he hasn't told anyone yet.
“What situation with Oh Miri...?” Jaemin asked still confused. Still keeping up the act huh.
“Oh please, I know you like her and chill I'll help you out if you want. I don't really see any reason for you to hide your crush on her. She's really sweet and you two would make a cute couple and if you keep up this act it might be misleading to her considering she's still around and will think you're taken” you kept in rambling but stopped when you saw Jaemins blank expressionless face.
The atmosphere felt awkward, so you said a “yea...” to kind of end your entire ramble and to cut through the sudden silence.
“Oh” was all that Jaemin said.
“So I win?”
“I win don't I?”
“The bet”
“You didn't date me, you owe me” Jaemin simply said shrugging.
Then realisation dawned on you, you bet him that you would date the first person that came up to you.
You sighed in defeat “Fine you win. Where do I treat you this time”?
“Not just treat me” Jaemin shook his head “Take me out on a date where you of course pay” he smiled that stupid smile of his and your jaw dropped.
“If you think about it you're losing without actually loosing” he smiled.
And you kept looking at him in shock. But what about Oh Miri...?
“See you didn't date me” he fake pouted “But I wanted to date you and since I won the bet and could ask for whatever I'm asking you to date me” Jaemin smiled his mischievous smile.
”I-” you started but couldn't form a single sentence.
“It's okay I know my genius left you speechless.” he said putting his hand on your head and leaning on it.
“I got a free meal and a girlfriend because you can't win bets” he smirked and ran for it because now you snapped out of your dazed moment and were ready to jump him.
Jerk played you like a guitar.
“THIS IS CHEATING” you yelled as you chased him all the way home.
You did catch up to him enough to throw your pencil case at his head. He whined. You smiled. He smiled. Things went good.
You went on that date. The two of you were official now.
You were always indecisive about your feelings and always stuck on maybe so Jaemin just made the right decision for you.
“You know you should ask me to be your girlfriend properly” you had said on your date.
“You want dramatic?”
“I'll give you dramatic” Jaemin had replied with a smirk.
You should have known not to trust that smirk because trouble (for you) always followed it.
Trouble happened Friday morning.
There in the center of the hallway stood your boyfriend with a shit eating grin. The reason for that grin being the hallway that was entirely covered with posters of your face poorly edited onto a burger with the wordings 'My Snack' on it.
You shut your eyes and slowly inhaled and slowly exhaled through gritted teeth.
Your eyes snapped open.
“YOU CAN'T YOU LOVE ME” was heard at the end of the hallway form Jaemin who had already bolted.
“Then you better run cus I'm breaking your Legs!”
“Already running!” The now barely audible voice of a rapidly retreating Jaemin was heard.
You brought Jaemin coffee because you felt bad for attacking him.
“I can kiss you now but what more has changed” Jaemin sat pouting with his coffee in his hand after being attacked by you.
You laughed and kissed him.
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steadily, evenly
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She's all sweetness and light with Coach and Schmidt, but with Nick, for whatever reason*, Jess throws these dick-stiffening flashes of being a full-on Fourth-of-July firecracker.
They argue about whether the concept of “ladies’ night” sets back the cause of feminism.
“… in conclusion, Nick, there's ultimately no such thing as a 'free drink.'” “Wow, ok, then, Jess. Ya know, I was gonna do my usual thing the next time you and Coach and Schmidt came down to the bar and not charge any of ya, but instead I guess I'll let them drink for free and only charge you." "Wait— gosh dang it— that's different than 'ladies' night— that's 'friendship night,' so'—" "Nope, Jess, you said it — you believe there's no such thing as a free drink, and I wouldn't want to offend ya by offering you one, so—" "UGH! Nick Miller, you are TWISTING my WORDS!" "Yeah, just like I'm gonna twist the lime in that drink you'll be payin' for, Jess."
They argue about whether sinks are things that need to be cleaned.
“Sinks get washed every damn day when we use them, Jess. Unless you’re telling me ya don’t use soap to wash your hands or clean your dishes? Where were ya raised, in a barn?" “No, Nick, but apparently you were. In a weird, gross barn without proper sink hygiene." "'SINK HYGIENE' IS REDUNDANT, JESS. SINKS ARE HYGIENE." "AND YOU, NICK, ARE FREAKING INFURIATING."
They’ve even sometimes argued about arguing itself.
“Debate team does count as a team sport, Nick. It has ‘team’ in the name, and it has uniforms, and it has coaches, and I should know, because I’m one of them.” “Are ya out of your mind, Jess? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. DEBATE TEAM IS NOT A SPORT. Sports involve being athletic.” “Hmm, interesting… so you’re saying the brain isn’t a muscle?” “Oh, my GOD.”
He doesn’t know yet exactly what it means, and maybe he’s fooling himself, but he’d venture that more than half the time, she's the one who initiates their verbal sparring matches. The one who tosses the first lit match — steadily, evenly, knowing exactly what she's doing.
He takes that strange, wonderful gift and runs with it every goddamn time it’s offered. - from chapter one ("steadily, evenly") of strawberry tea, my newest Nick/Jess story. Set in S1, it's an alternate unfolding of their getting-to-know-you phase — and, eventually and inevitably, their getting-it-on-for-the-first-time phase. be forewarned: though the honest-to-goodness smut is yet to come, this is NSFW from the start. *OBVIOUSLY it is because THEY ARE IN LOOOOOOOOOVE but they don't know it yet, the delightful bozos.
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nicomrade · 3 years
🥰 pls go off about miss fujiko....
you know that thing that goes "everything is sex except sex which is power"? miss fujiko understood that perfectly and she knows love is control and she needs control over her own life. and i think her 'femme fatale' characterization and her 'business woman' characterization get to that same thing, it's just that one has her get control through her Female Qualities and the other has her get it through Money. she girlbosses gaslights gatekeeps because shes not going to be made to feel small/powerless (again?) and well, who doesnt want things to go their way. who doesnt want to be in charge. who doesnt like to make the law bend under their boot. who doesnt like to feel powerful, important, feared.
and i think ok so i dont have an opinion on her backstory cause i think it fits her a lot to not have any of her past really Defined cause, who IS fujiko mine? where does the liar and manipulator end and where does the person begin? is it even worth it to make a distinction? and its made obvious in the 3rd episode of her mini series cause here she is under a fake name and a wig looking after kids (fujiko doesnt like kids) being a Nice Woman Lady and she befriends goemon that way and then she reveals shes actually Fujiko Mine, evil liar deceitful manipulator etc and its like well . . . . fujiko no offense but arent both of those personas? didnt you show some of your true colors while wearing the wig and arent you lying with your hair down? arent you both the mask and the wearer? isnt there a middleground, a compromise between the two identities? arent you just buying into the misogyny thats been projected onto you? neither madonna nor whore etc etc etc
AND... ok i have 2 more things i wanna bring up the first one is really quick so she hums and sings kinda often all things considered right? in part 1 ep 2 shes introduced singing in the shower (sorry about that scene btw) and in part 2 she befriends nessie (!!) because shes singing and the cryptid likes it, theres more exemple of this kinda thing. so my little head canon is that her dream job/fantasy job/whatever is to be a musical actress? like shes happy being a thief/spy/etc and if she wasnt one she prolly would do something else but she leans against her bike sometime and thinks well thatd be neat wouldnt it..... Performing... doing her little songs... in pretty costumes... on a stage......
i was gonna bring up her backstory episode frm part 1 but i already told you about it like 3 times so ... im still kinda mad about how part 5 wrote her cause like yeas good explore her relationship w lupin pogger but also dont make it look like SHES the one left wondering about the others feelings. its like. eveyrone knows lupin loves her he tells her every morning and zenigata knows it and everyone knows it SHES the one sending mixed signals (queen behavior) with a complicated relationship with sexuality (due to using it as a weapon/tool like dont even get me started on how her refusing to kiss lupin CAN be read as her refusing to TRICK him because she uses her sexuality to TRICK people and its become so hard to dissociate the two) wtf was i saying. OH YE AND SO HER asking HIM what his feelings for her are is out of character and nonsensical he shouldve been the one to be like "hey fujicakes so u saved my life this is poggers and all but i havent seen you in 9months, last time you said you needed space from me and now ure just flirting like nothing happened? what the fuck?" and her arc being you know. . . . having to be honest with people for once in her life wouldve been way more interesting than putting her in a literal cage in a wedding dress sitting on her ass :)
BUT i dont wanna make it look like her whole character is tied to lupie they couldve gone w something entirely different too. what if they made her pass the bechdel test for once PLEASE give her homoerotic interactions with the (adult) npc girl this time please please please youre NOTHING
IN CONCLUSION: I'm not sure what I'm looking for anymore / I just know that I'm harder to console / I don't see who I'm trying to be instead of me / But the key is a question of control (depeche mode a pain that im used to)
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beann-e · 3 years
long drabble of me dreaming my favorite haikyu characters are power hungry Hollywood stars that the industries made into assholes
also to thank everyone for 600 followers !! 😯
Tw! kuroo slander, akaashi slander, pushover y/n, emotional manipulation at its finest
I promise there was a point in time when we were I know we were I- I know I was
Yet , why are we sitting in front of a small old lady who's telling me we're both liars
That we were never that— we were never
" happy? " your voice came out short a small scoff of a laugh leaving your wide opened mouth
" y-you — he's happy — we're — I — I am happy " your eyes darted around the room looking for a shining piece to focus on for your jumpy eyes to land on
" he-he's happy I-i'm happy " your breathing quickened
" w-we — what is happy exactly anyways" you screamed
" w-what is it " you screamed at the top of your lungs rattling everything in the room ,everything , everyone ,and every nerve
" you can't feel it —you'll never feel it don’t--dont harp on it " a deep voice came out
" it's ok — really " your body tensed as you still felt everything inside you going haywire your eyes moved over to the person you once knew
the person who sat on the opposite end of the shared couch trying to move as far away from you as possible or that's what he wanted to do
" I-I - am I — why "
his voice came out stoic and short " you don't have the ability to"
his hand moved down his face " we're not happy because you can't be "
your body shook you felt the room going cold arms locking around yourself you need to be held you needed to be told you were right that everyone else was wrong this had gone on for too long
" come on get over here " he smiled softly
" come on pretty girl " he moved his head to show a smile on his face as you quietly moved shifting your body a bit over to him
" almost there come on I won't hurt you " your body stopped
" who said anything about hurting me "
he paused a small thought in the back of his mind coming to light
' damn i've screwed up '
" y/n hey — " you moved back to your end of the couch faster then he could reach out to grab hold of you " shit y— "
" do you two tend to always go back and forth like this "
the old lady sat watching " you , y/n , convincing yourself of something thats nothing shy from wrong and you , akaashi convincing her that everything's ok" akaashi's hands dropped and so did his smile
' asshole I knew he was faking '
" are you blaming me? " his voice came out tough and questioning almost as if daring her to answer correctly knowing that would ruin his image of himself and cause him to overthink your entire relationship
" i've done nothing but be there for my wife , for my love"
he turned to look at you panic spread in his eyes as the gears in his brain started to turn his thoughts already leading his mind down the path of overthinking" y/n we don't need this — let's go i'll call kuroo an—"
" no " you screamed " h-he can't help kuroos — he's just as bad please g-go away "
you pulled your knees to your chest as his eyebrow raised his eyes slowly moving down to your feet that sat on the edge of the couch a low cough coming out of his throat as he moved his gaze between the heels of your feet that were placed on the couch and the lady that sat in front of you
you dropped your feet quickly and moved back to a nice position your arms thrown over your crossed legs and back straightened your shades moved down on your nose— earrings hanging loosely to your ears and hair styled to perfection rivaling your inside appearance
Your hand came up to smooth out the dress that you wore for presentation hands playing with the fabric of the item
" you look fine y/n " akaashi’s voice came out soft. The lady in front of you smiled at the male to your left knowing a compliment could go a long way right now with the dark energy that had been placed in the room
you could feel his code for ‘ your being extra now y/n “
" really I mean it " he pressed " did you hear me "
‘ stop right now or your gonna give us away ‘
you quickly jumped " y-yes so sorry for not answering the first time I — "
" it's ok y/n we don't mind " the old lady’s voice rang out in understanding
" she's right we came here for you so — "
" no you two originally came here for you —that is what i was told by miss y/n "
he looked away and to his side staring at the window trying to calm himself down he was never one to show his anger he’d always played it off so well behind his calming persona but, his mind —his mind was anything but calm.
" y/n did you want to keep going " the old lady questioned eyes glowing and darting over you pristine appearance you really did look like the definition of money to her
your head moved in a small motion to look at akaashi out of the corner of your eye seeing his gaze on you as everything in the room slowed to a stop when his gaze moved to the door behind the older lady your eyes darted to the door seeing kuroo walking in a small smirk on his face
" actually miss y/n can't — we have an interview in 10" the old ladies face moved into a happy and excited smile you praying to the gods she wasn’t one of those people
" oh — kuroo " she screamed out In shock
the tiny bit of hope for help you’d finally thought you had a hold on left your body immediately with the knowing thought of ‘she’s a—
" I-i'm a — i'm a fan — I— "
he smiled down on the older lady pulling her into a hug as his eyes stayed locked on yours a wink coming out of the motion as akaashi turned his head back to the woman at hand ignoring his ‘friends ‘ advance on his wife " I love to meet my fans— especially when their as pretty as you "
" you are even sweeter than they show you on tv —you charmer you "
" i'm no charmer — i'm just being honest " he laughed " your pretty well set up here "
he looked to you " I see why she decided to come here —actually it's a bit nicer than I expected —inside seeing as though it's in the middle of no where and kinda I guess trashy on the outside "
he was picking on you with his words explaining codes that only you could get ‘ you picked the furthest place away from me and I still found you are you stupid ‘
the old lady smiled " yeah it's for people - like y/n here who don't want to be found out you know "
he smiled " yeah I get it — your a saint for doing things like this — y/n's never had anyone who can take care of her let alone listen like I can —I mean her husband yeah but he’s kind of unavailable but me im there always anytime any-day—she wants a lot from me she’s a beggar by nature y’know “ he sighed as you winced at his next words
“ everyone always seems to be out for her money or really just using her talents for their own benefits —making her seem stupid really. They exploit all of her—well she really only has them but her weakness—“ he looked at you from the corner of his eyes before he laughed “ like gullibility “
" I feel bad —really I'm always here if she wanted to come back "
he looked to you as she asked " do we want to come back y/n? "
‘this choice is not yours ‘
she smiled as kuroo moved a bit more to the middle of the room where the couch and chairs were placed his eyes sharply pointed at you " your always open to come back y/n "
‘ come back to another therapist and ruin your image like this again I dare you ‘
you smiled small at kuroos offer " no actually i'm fine I — I got to say what I wanted "
" that's good — that's nice — if you wanted to say more or talk when you have time y/n just call kenma he'll set up a professional ride for you "
he moved to talk with the older lady " and you — is there anything you need —- payment maybe for the time she did take up "
" oh uh no no for free on the house "
" what no —no i'll leave something for you " kuroo moved to grab his wallet as he sat a hundred yen coin on the table on top of a book that caused him to look twice with a squint his hand moving to rub over it anger obvious to anyone who knew the real him behind his outside appearance.
You shrinking when he rolled his shoulders back to you it looked like he was releasing anger to not snap at you and calm himself down but to everyone else it seemed like he was just stretching
" woah — this is actually a really cool notebook “ his voice went low “ y/n did you see this notebook”
‘ did she write anything about you in here —anything at all ‘
you shook your head slightly causing him to skyrocket and land to that space in his head that always pissed him off.
" yeah I use it for all my daily messages—everything my clients say too— it's one of a kind "
" oh really " he laughed at her words laying charm on discreetly knowing it wouldn’t take much " so I wouldn't be able to find it even if I wanted to — that's kinda cool but kinda sucky at the same time "
he smiled as she moved to pick up the book and hold it out to him " n-no you can find it look it's right here in your hands take it please free of charge "
he shook his head " I could never — you said you had stuff in there—your clients private information in —in this book of yours "
" nothing too important—they wouldn’t mind and it also has everything I wrote for y/n in there it’s up to her anyways if you read it so just take it "
he reached out and grabbed the book " see now I have to leave you with something please is there anything you want I mean— "
he looked her dead in the eyes but you could feel every word he said being directed to you " I hate to leave people unsatisfied "
she shook her head before speaking cutely she was completely out of her mind, she’d not only granted kuroo the access to your private health screening but now accepting his money and offer
‘ can fame really allow anyone to break rules ? do people love their stars this much ? ‘
" just — just an autograph would do great " he smiled moving faster than light as he held the notebook moving over to the woman's poster on the wall
" oh I see i'm already up here " he laughed as he grabbed a sharpie off her desk and scribbled his autograph all over his face on the poster " and ta-dah"
she smiled and mumbled out a thank you as he moved to hug her akaashi getting up and walking towards the door this wasn’t how this was suppose to go this was supposed to be the day you got out of their hands out of the industries hands
" thank you so much for what you did today " he said as akaashi moved to speak
" thank you ma'am for your time " the two males moved to the doorway as the lady followed them closely behind to the door to close it when they left
" no problem I have another person coming in soon so I hate to cut this short " she said as her voice came out with meaning
' oh she's talking to me ' you were still sitting there on the couch face to the floor as you hesitated to bring it up to face the two males in front of you
Your hands shaking as your finger played with your clothes again the hem of your dress in between your pointer and thumb
" love , let's go " Akaashi spoke a smile showing through his words your legs locked as you didn't move your lips trembling eyes glazed over but your shades doing you justice and covering them from everyone in the room
Or at least those who didn't know already — those who hadn't been through this already which was only one person here and she wasn't either of the 6"0 tall males that stood across from you
You body jumped as your heard a loud snap travel through the room
' those are his fingers he just snapped at me —like an animal '
you looked up to see kuroo smiling his finger made up in a snap showing he'd done just what you thought he did his hand moving to only one finger pointing to the space next to him his hand low to not pull the ladies attention to his motions
" y/n come over here " his voice was still light but held everything that you knew he meant behind it " we have an interview in 5 minutes "
your legs shook wobbly before standing
your body moving over to the males before walking out the lady smiling before closing the door kuroos grip on your upper arm strong as you three made your way to the black car parked out front as he yanked you in the backseat after him , gnashing his teeth before fixing his suit and tie body scooting over to allow more space. Akaashi scooting in to trap you in the middle kuroo hitting the drivers shoulder two times signaling them to drive
The car was quiet akaashi looking out the window his pointer finger drumming on his pants leg kuroo staring straight ahead at the back of the drivers seat
Your eyes let the tears drop that you held back in the room as kuroos hand swiped at the shades you wore flinging them across the car and straight in between akaashi's feet as he moved to pick them up and grip them tightly in his own hands going back to calmly looking out the window ignoring the scene that was about to take place next to him
" take these fucking glasses off—your not fucking fooling anyone "
your body shook at the action " are you mad—mad at me " you said softly your voice barely a whisper kuroo didn't even have it in him to scoff " I sense i've made a mistake " you kept going
" oh you sense huh " akaashi's voice came out in a short laugh before his mouth closed speaking quietly to himself“ god how can someone be so — so dense and just lack so much —” he sighed “ intelligence “
"your so fucking " kuroos voice came out loud as he gripped his pants in a strong hold
" so so so fucking stupid " he said anger present in his voice trying to put emphasis on his words that were attacking you and shaking you only making it harder to look at either men in the car
" you — I swear on my fucking life — y/n — if you go in here and fuck up — "
he put up one finger " one — one fucking time "
he wanted to make sure you understood
" ill fuck you up y/n I swear — one time that's it that's all do you understand me "
your mouth moved tears moving into it as akaashi spoke for you voice dry he was just so tired of this so tired of the constant yelling and mistreatment you were put through all because you weren’t smart enough as a child to choose a different dream job "trust she gets it — she heard it the first time "
he moved to speak under his breath " she's heard it many times "
the car stopped as kuroo turned to face you his hand cupping your cheeks his pointer on your cheek and thumb on your chin holding you in a death grip making you look at him
" i'm repeating myself because you've shown me your nothing more than a stupid chick who can read a script— so lemme say it one more time " his eyes were hard on yours his face showing no remorse for the painful emotion shown on your face
" if you go in this interview and fuck up once — even so much as take a restroom break to go sniff whatever the fuck mattsukawa had you do last time — i'll fuck you up so bad they'll think your next role is a horror movie and your the fucking monster "
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jess-the-vampire · 3 years
Sky And The Forces Of The Multiverse, Chapter 50
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Luna had to admit, this was kinda embarrassing for her, even if it wasn't her like...actual mom. But it had to be done, she was just going to have to talk to her face to face. Honestly it even seemed to be a relief for the queen, who wanted any excuse not to deal with her own mom right now, even if it meant seeing a criminal.
Though she had to admit, this was...unexpected.
Being called over for luna to confess to her in such a way was...odd.
In fact she was sure the girl didn't even have the ability to cry up until this point.
"And look, i never meant to cause so much harm...i really do want to help, so if there's anything you need me to do, i'll do it...i won't get into any more trouble if i can prevent it. I'm sorry i wasn't truthful about my intentions and broke into your stuff constantly, and i'm sorry you had to send my own other mom out there to go and find me when i ran away".
Star was a little...speechless, to say the least.
Eclipsa on the other hand, she seemed to find this whole thing VERY entertaining, which only made things more humiliating for luna. But luna needed her here just as much, especially since eclipsa had pretty much seen everything in her head up to this point. Luna had to do everything in her power to not back out of this and keep herself going, spilling everything out to them.
"Look, i...am no longer going to keeping avoiding you and i'm going to do my best to...improve, and work with you...despite how much i've been avoiding it. I've already spilled everything to marco, judas and sky...and they all know well that i'm...not good at working with people. So...i'm going to change that, and...i'll...make things up to everyone...".
"You sick or something?", eclipsa teased, "This doesn't seem like you much at all, what happened to being so independent and not wanting to worth with us adults?".
"Look, i'm not saying i'm happy about it...but it's clear my methods aren't getting me anywhere right now, and...everyone hates me. I hate to even admit it, but...i don't...like being alone like this. The girls and guys weren't exactly...great, i hate issues with them...but...they...care about me. And all i've done is treat them like dirt and push them away...and i...i feel bad". Luna had never really properly admitted something like this before, in fact it made her feel like a different person, she must have been so defeated, more then every before.
Eclipsa frowned, luna actually seemed...genuinely sad and it was...hard for her to process.
"I felt bad when i left judas behind because he was one of the only people who liked me and had any trust in me...and i know why i did it and why i felt i had to do it...but i didn't feel good about it either because i know he wanted me there with you all. I've never really had much as far as friends, even back home and now that i actually felt i had one...it feels worse that i might've lost them...i hate to admit when i'm wrong...but...i...i did screw up this time. I was thinking so strategic that i never planned...for something like this...".
Star shifted in her seat, her gut retching as she mumbled out what she wanted to ask most of all.
"Am i... really that bad of a mom in your world?".
Luna didn't seem to know exactly how to answer that, actually wait, she did.
"Yeah, i'd say so".
She was still luna after all, even if she was having a change of heart for her actions that didn't mean she was going to be a entirely...nicer person.
Eclipsa snorted in laugher as Star gave her kinda daughter a face of frustration. Luna glaring at her back with an equally frustrated face on her end, guess it was clear where she got it from.
"Look, don't take it too personally, you're technically not exactly the same person anyway. But i needed to get this out of my system and you're technically my mom so...i'm getting it out of my system...even if i'm not supposed to be telling you so much about other universes...i'm just trying to get you to trust me...and i'm not sure how else then to...not do things my way...".
"So...you instead choose to confront me...who has nothing to do with your stuff back home?"
"Look, my mom isn't here, i can't talk to her here, but i need to get it off my chest and...you're what i have...you're the person i need to confront properly. Eclipsa is here because she can tell you if i'm being honest or not. I've never ever properly talked about this stuff with my own mom back there and i thought this might help me cope with...everything".
She huffed and pulled on her locks, sighing and feeling...like she wanted to curl up.
"Look...and this is hard to say...i miss her...i miss my moms...i've never really said it here but...i miss them, i miss them annoying me and causing me pain and trying to take care of me and get me outta war and...i've been pushing it back to focus on the mission and ignore all of it...but i know that's the truth...that i wish i had them here...that they were still here".
"Luna dear...".
"No, i needed to get this out, i've been piling up since i got here, i've barely talked about anything in my life and how i feel about stuff, and it...didn't help. Sky and Judas saw for a bit, they saw me start to break down at the changes and i forced myself to maintain and relax...but i just...i wanna go home, i want to stop feeling so stressed and i want them to like me again...surprisingly. I thought i didn't care but...i think i do, i never felt so...hurt...knowing sky...actually cares about me...it's...strange".
"Well, admitting that is a good step".
She looked up at eclipsa, "I know i'm a mess, everyone knows i'm a mess...i just...need things to go right...and...if that means changing things up. I'll do it, even if it kills me, back home i'm just very used to making all the choices. I tell everyone what to do and they do it, no question, and if they don't do it i go in there and do their jobs for them, it's me and it's how i opperate...and...it doesn't work here".
"Well here you're not in charge, even as much as you'd like to be", eclipsa looked over to star, "Besides, you can boss them around all day, but i think it's clear things are more effective without all of that, trust and care tends to always work out better...because at least if you fail...you still have someone you care about in the end. Not much can be said if they're terrified of you...i would know".
"Alright, you've made your point, i suck...now i just want to see if there's anything i can do to...well...help with that, i want to work with all of you and...fix this with you, but no one really seems to want me to help and...i feel so useless in here.", she was trapped, she couldn't go out and take action even if she wanted to, her owns actions leading herself up to this.
"I...put myself in this position, if i had been more cautious and hadn't tried to go for on my own i wouldn't have been a perfect target for something like this to happen...i was foolish to have even let this happen to me, it's so unlike me...i'm just...i must be falling apart. I'm not as strong as i thought i was...i've never been so...weak then i have been when i got here", she pulled out her wand to show the women, star looking at it curiously.
"But i can't give up, i've never given up in my life...so...for once, i'm listening...whatever it is you need me to do, i'll do. I know i have not done much to make myself seem trustworthy to you and everyone else...but...i need them to trust me, they can't protect me if they can't trust me...so if there's anything i can do...to gain your trust in this situation...", she got down on one need and bowed like a knight.
"I'll do it...".
Star got up out of her seat and made luna stand up, placing her hands on her shoulders, "Hey...i...wasn't crazy involved in whatever happened between you and sky and judas but i could tell it really bothered them, so...i appreciate it that...well...you wanna do right by them. I mean whether that works out is well...up in the air but it's the effort that counts".
"I'm guessing that meeting sky had with you recently got you thinking huh?", eclipsa winked at luna and she grumbled.
"Look, don't tell them how much i care or anything, just help me help with everything...", but eclipsa was swooning, "Aww luna, it's sweet you really care about them so much despite everything...seeing you change because you do want them around is precious.". Luna was slightly red faced as she sat back in her seat and away from her mother who backed off from her.
"Yeah yeah...moving on...i'd...rather not spend too much time thinking about how mad they are with me right now", she quickly looked over to star intently, "I know they have a plan, i've heard mentions on occasion, and i can help...my entire like back home relied heavily on strategy...especially when it came to catching criminals...i may not be able to do much...but...i have skills outside of magic".
"Luna, you know it might come off...the wrong way if someone finds out we're working with you...when you're currently a criminal right? As nice as all of this is and as nice as it is you want to work with everyone and do better, the people of mewni are resting because they think we solved the case and found our culprit, and if they get wind not only are they still out there...but we're working with the top suspect".
"Oh star c'mon that's simple, just say luna has given us some new leads or something to check out if they ask questions. If they think she's the masked lady then ok, but they have no reason to protest about us running around on her orders if it's to help in some way, not all criminals send people around for the wrong reasons. Really just make sure no one knows about where she's from and that she has a wand...don't need another sky incident".
"Oh...right, sky's wand...broke, right?", she clearly hated hearing how a precious family heirloom like that had been smashed in the way it was, only some powerful magic could do something so henious. "Y'know, you could always bring the wand to me and i could take a look at it, i...wanted a better look at it before and never really had the chance, and well something about it-".
"The gemstone right?".
Eclipsa glanced at star, nervously pressing her hands together, "I've had a good look at it too, i know what she's getting at here, that there's something off about it compared to any other wand gemstone we've seen. It's unique to say the least, though i get the impression sky was worried you'd see it and assume the worst of her, which...i can't blame her".
"And she...was probably right, i might've assumed she wasn't being honest with me. Though granted i've seen sky do magic and it would be assuming a lot of her to guess she did that and fooled me this entire time...". That wasn't exactly meant as an insult but it did slightly sound like one as luna did a double take and went back, "I'm just saying, based on what i know...sky...wouldn't do all of this".
"So if you don't think she really is at fault, where do you lie exactly luna?".
She had been thinking about that for awhile, and while there were many ideas to consider, the truth right now was harder. "I...have no idea, the person doing it has so many...unusual things we know about them but i don't know where it leads to. I hate being at a loss but i am, i'm not sure who really is behind it...not that it matters...we can figure it out when we arrest them".
"Well luna, for your sake i hope we find them soon, we can't keep you in here forever and you know how mewmans are when they don't get what they want. Things will get nasty fast, so if want in on the plan then just be sure you know what you're getting into", luna seemed to understand just fine, and star stood up. 'Then I'll allow you a further look at the wand later, in the meantime i suggest...well...dealing with your issues".
It was meant to be a joke, but it was advice as well.
She had a long way to go before she started handling her relationships with people in the ways she should, and it was just going to take baby steps. But she had to admit, talking about this with her mom was actually nice regardless of the context. "Well, thanks for...talking with me...it...means a lot to me that both of you showed up and spoke with me...about everything".
"Well it certainly seems like you needed it...holding that in for so long is bound to have caused problems, now i suggest you get some rest and take it easy...we'll get in contact with you when we can". Luna seemed more put at ease, actually, this had been the best conversation she had relating to getting help in awhile, less tension, less weight on her shoulders...it was...nice.
Eclipsa had to get moving, she needed to get back to her work before she got too distracted again, but star stayed a little longer. This had been the first time she really had the proper time to really think about luna being her kid to an extent, and she couldn't help but feel some form of pity. If this was the result of her own actions in another world, who knows how bad hers now were.
She really needed to do better with sky, she didn't want to see sky end up like this.
"Hey...sky never had many friends growing up, especially female ones, judas has been loyal to her throughout their entire friendship...so...it means a lot to me...and well...i know it would to her, that you wanna do better for her sake. You've...clearly ticked some buttons but...maybe with some time, things can change and maybe you can have a proper friendship with her".
"Maybe...i guess i never realized how lonely i was till i was...alone...even back home i...still had...you".
She looked at star tearfully, "I...i miss you...and mom...your badgering and frustrating actions and constant ogling over me...i want it back, i really think i do...i miss my home.". She felt like pulling out her hair cause she'd never act like this back home, but she couldn't help it, she felt like she needed to get it out, like being strong for so long had finally collapsed on her.
"Well, i can imagine after being here for so long, yeah...you would, but...we'll make sure you girls get home...it won't be forever...even if we do have to get omni involved...which...i know why you all refuse to do and frankly...i prefer none of them find out this happened either if i can help it...but i'm sure your mom...well...me...misses you very much and can't wait to see you again".
"They probably think i was kidnapped...war and everything. My home might be in utter chaos right now without me there.", luna was not easy to kidnapp so they might not assume that at first, but no one would assume luna would go missing for this long without foul play. It was hard for her to not think about her absence causing issues back home, it had been on her mind the moment she even got here but her unwillingness to share info about her home forced her to not speak of it.
For all she knew her home was lost and by the time she got back everyone could be dead.
The other girls at the very least, didn't seem to have that fear.
They could expect someone, anyone, to be home waiting for their return but luna could not in a time of conflict. There was no telling who would be there anymore and if they would even want to wait for her anymore after her behavior, just like sky had said. It made it hard to want to go home even though she had to and wanted to, she feared what she might find.
"You don't know that, perhaps things have gone better then you think, i'm sure someone will be there waiting for you".
"You're just saying that to make me feel better about all of this, sky was right, people don't like me and they're not going to wait for me...i can make repairs here but i can't back home...". She held her head in her heads, slumping, "I'm far too late to fix those things...i know it, you wouldn't fully get it but i've done...some things i'm not proud of but i had to do".
"Such as?".
Luna hesitated, but she did promise to tell.
"Well i may of...mind wiped...a few people...hostages actually".
Whatever star had been expecting her to say, it wasn't that for sure. Not that that seemed like something luna wouldn't do, it did, but she certainly didn't want to think she'd gotten herself into doing stuff like that. But luna had more to say on the matter, scratching her head, "I had to...you did it plenty of times as well, it was kinda a big deal...wouldn't have met ash or cole without it...".
"I'm sorry...who?".
"That's not that relevant, but it did land them in my castle...though i did...well...sorta arrest them and keep them in the dungeons...it wasn't a great first meeting basically.". Well that was an understatement for sure but it did make star more curious, what had she gotten into in other universes to lead to such a mess. She could never see herself mindwiping anyone like that, much less for war or hostage purposes.
"You shouldn't have had to go through any of that luna...been raised to have to do any of that, that's no place for a kid to grow up in...i can't imagine what it's done to you...and what it's put you through". She bit her lips and reached out to touch luna's shoulder, "Look, maybe back home things might be harder to repair...but...don't give up, it's never too late to start fresh if need be".
"But hey, if i know anything about me, the me back where you come from would do anything to see you again, i can promise you that at least...even if i've done some...questionable things. So cheer up, nothing's all lost for now...and hopefully you can sleep better tonight getting that out of your system, we'll talk more in the morning...after a meeting with...my mom".
She didn't seem eager about that, but it had to be done.
"Well if you need any advice...i have...well...been through my own fair share of meetings i don't like being in...so, no i'm not saying to mind erase...we already have enough problems without involving that", star smiled, heading on her way out. "Sounds good, just let the guards know if you want anything and I'll be right here, just try and rest of the time being, you sound like you need it".
"I tend not to trust easily, so...please don't spread all of this around...it would mean a lot to me", she knew she hadn't fully gained their trust but it couldn't hurt at ask at the very least, but star nodded. "Well, if you're willing to improve, then there's no reason for me to act like that towards you, trust goes both ways. So i'll keep this to myself, i'll see you later luna...and thank you".
She carefully closed the door behind her, leaving luna once again in darkness and by herself.
But she did feel a little better then she did before at the very least.
She laid back in her head, twirling the wand between her fingers, a headache growing in her mind from all the conflicting emotions going on in her head. She needed sleep, this was not something that would be handled in a night after all. She needed to relax and rest for once, let others take over an her a backseat to it all. Something she hated but had to deal with until she got updates.
She'd never really taken much of a day off before, she had her moments of breaks but...they were few and far between.
Now she was given time to...breathe.
She sunk back into her bed and closed her eyes, her wand going back into hiding.
Finally having the best sleep she had in months.
"But dad, i wanna see landon!", mason whined, protesting as tom tried to calm him down. The boy had been crying excessively and the demon was trying his hardest to help him feel better, with not as much luck as he'd like. Mason was an emotional child, he got really upset when things like this happened and especially when he was at fault, he missed his garden, his comforts, his brothers.
All of this was making it hard for him to be a happy kid and grow up like a happy kid.
How was he supposed to relax when his brother probably hated him? He promised to help him and look what happened! There was no way landon could want his help now, he was just making things worse. He felt like hiding in his wings and never coming out, even if his dad was telling him there's no way landon would hate him forever for any of this.
Was it too much for him to ask to do a good job? For him to not make things worse for everyone at every turn?
"Mason...please...it's ok, it was an accident and i'm sure landon knows it. You're not at fault...things happen sometimes and it's no use hurting yourself over it...", but mason didn't wanna hear it, even if it wasn't on purpose he still felt guilty. Tom noticed he wasn't helping and quickly changed gears, "Sorry sorry, it's ok to be upset...i know why you are...i just don't want you to hurt yourself over it because it's not your fault".
"Feels like it's my fault...i wasn't careful enough...i made him upset again".
Tom carefully removed the boy's hat and ran his fingers through his hair, sighing, "Hey, you're a kid, you're young...you're going to make mistakes like this. I know i made a lot of mistakes when i was around your age. You're not a bad kid mason, you clearly love your brother and you want to make him feel better...you never meant to do anything to hurt him".
"I just keep getting in the way, every time i try to help or want to help things go wrong...i was better off with my plans, by my self", he sniffed some more and tom continued to sooth him , "C'mon...little bat, you know that's not true, you're the life of the family...you always are here to lover everyone and you do everything in your power to help all the time, that's not a bad thing".
"Things went wrong, i know...things have kinda gone wrong for me too, multiple times, but that doesn't erase all the good you've done...think about all the helpful things you've done", the small demon thinking back to helping with the potion, and the interrogation, and of course working things out with fae. Not to mention his plant knowledge being helpful for cures and medicines.
See...good", tom could notice the smile on the little boy's face, "You can't win them all, sometimes they don't work out, but it's ok. You've just had a few missteps...but eventually they'll move on and you'll get chances to improve and help out without breaking anything or having anything go wrong. You're a good kid mason, and we all want you around".
"You really think landon will forgive me for this? I mean...y'know, he really liked this guy and it meant a lot to him to confess naturally and he got so upset when he backed out last time and now he gets his chance and he screwed it up! I mean i was...i was telling him he needed to tell him because bernard thought he was acting funny but i didn't want...i didn't want to make it worse".
"Well hey, you can make it up to your brother later, after he gets a little space, this is his emotions and he needs the time to sort it out. Later, when things have cooled down you can go over to him and tell him you're sorry. Better you clam down first then try and say sorry while you're crying so much. But considering this whole thing was not on purpose i don't think he can completely pull the blame on you for it happening".
"But i pressed the buttons".
"Yes, but your hand slipped right?"
Mason nodded and tom smiled gently, "Then it's ok mason, it's not your fault...it was an accident, and I'm sure when landon is ready he'll forgive you." The small boy gently nodded his head and tom handed him a popsicle. "Here, have a treat...you've been helping out and doing a good job, you should have something special...just eat it fast...it'll melt quickly with our warm bodies...".
Mason sniffled and accepted the treat quickly, munching it down and making his tongue orange.
"You're a kid mason, a very smart kid, but still a kid...even adults make mistakes like this...it's nothing to feel bad about. We don't love you any less for the stuff you do, because you clearly care about all of us in your own mason way. I think...it was brave of you to push landon to confess, not many people would do that, but...i think if things had been different, he would've confessed because of you".
"You think so?".
"You're better with people then your brothers are, i mean...not perfect of course...we really should've helped get you more friends outside of your plants but...still, you're always so willing to make new friends and greet people. You're always so happy and sweet, you're a good kid, not a perfect kid but that's why we love you...don't try to grow up too fast...ok?".
Mason seemed sweetened by the words, but a little down.
Tom thinking about what else he could do to help.
"Hey if it makes you feel any better, me and your mom's confession of love was pretty embarrassing too, we started dating and i decided to tell them i was in love with them...and well. It was meant to be romantic, at a concert to our favorite band and everything, but it turns out the cameras were on us at the time during the big number and my confession was shown to EVERYONE...it was...not what i wanted to go for".
Mason snickered, his eyes lighting up again, "Everyone?".
"Well at the time it sure felt like everyone, i guess i wanted it to be a slightly more intimate moment but i guess a concert wasn't the place for that. Dumb mistake on my part but marco got over it, they thought it was sweet...so i guess it did work out even if it was super awkward and not exactly the best way to confess to being in love with someone".
The story seemed to cheer mason up, his tears dried and a little bounce back in his step.
"I know it's not fully comparable, but if i can survive that...i think landon can handle this...he's a strong kid...we'll handle the situation as things move forward.", then he paused before taking a deep breath and a toothy grin, "And well, maybe after this we can take a trip back into your garden...properly, i know it's been awhile since you got to go in there just to go in there".
The mere mention of his garden suddenly got mason very excited, like a fresh child all over again. His garden always cheered him up, he could spend hours in there, he quickly hugged his father, tugging him tightly as tom hugged him back, "Thank you". Tom let his son go so he could stretch his wings and they both stood up, "Just because this all is happening doesn't mean i don't get to be a parent, c'mon, let's take a break".
He felt the small boy cling to him and hold his hand, "Can we go to the garden right away? I wanna see how my death bulbs are growing...and pick some flowers...for landon, as an apology...it would mean a lot to me...". The king of demons led the way, holding onto his son tight, "Yeah of course, but ehhhh maybe we outta be more careful in the future of what you plant there...so you no longer sneak seeds it".
"Didn't you have a torture wheel in your bedroom when you were a kid".
"AND WE'RE LEAVING-", tom said loudly, the guards chasing behind them as they went faster.
Honestly landon was happy he had such a good relationship with his mom, he really needed their help when stuff like this happened. Someone to support him and keep him from falling apart, a comforting support system. It made what happened with bernard a lot easier to deal with not feel so bad about, because at least he had someone to help him keep his mind straight when talking about it.
Marco had themselves...well...their own interesting love life, so it at least made landon feel a little more normal knowing he wasn't alone in his insecurities and poor love life. He couldn't bring himself to mess with his contact right now but marco was at least helping him ease up so he could use it and set up a meeting between him and bernard. Because he couldn't put it off forever, bernard would get worried and he didn't want that either.
He didn't want their friendship ruined, no matter what.
"Yeah, i confessed to jackie in a really awkward way too...way back when we were teens. So don't feel too bad, but you ripped off the bandage...so now it's best to talk about it so things between you guys can patch up or maybe get uh...deeper?". Landon rubbed his reddened face, huffing, "It's going to be so embarrassing though, even thought i know i have to".
"All confessions are embarrassing, but you have to do them...especially if you want a chance with your crush".
"It's been a few days now, you think it's really a good time?".
"Landon, you're only asking him to talk, it's about as low brow as you can get with this whole thing...it's better to do it in person then doing it on the compact...so just ask him to talk and we'll figure it out as we go...but you need to say something soon. The more time you take the more time he has to think something's wrong and he at least deserves to know you're ok and want to speak to him still".
"What if i embarrass myself?".
"I've embarrassed myself multiple times in front of jackie when we were getting together, nothing you can do can be any worse then that...so i think you'll be just fine. As long as you keep yourself together and be honest with him, like we said before if he doesn't want you around anymore...that's on him. And if you need any help, i'm always here for you ok?", marco patted landon's shoulder gently and the demon nodded.
"Ok...going in".
Who knew sending a text could make you so stressful?
Landon had to pull up the conversation texts, nearly bringing back the flood of emotions he had all over again, but he needed to remained focused. Thankfully bernard hadn't said much about the video directly. No all of his texts were mostly asking for landon and if he was ok. Landon's absence must've really worried him and he was probably freaking out since landon talked to him so often.
All of their talks going to nothing was like whiplash, and it made both of them feel sorta empty on the inside.
Landon: Hey, can we talk?
It was short, but sweet, he just hoped bernard didn't well...get into the whole deal right away. He wanted bernard to just agree to meet up and not address what had happened until then, otherwise he might start freaking out again. He didn't even know when bernard might get the text, and the anticipation was going to kill him in the mean-
Quickly a response was texted out.
Had bernard been waiting near his phone for a response?
Bernard: Yes
Landon gulped, thankful he didn't mention..."It", marco looking over his shoulder and nodding to him.
Landon: I'll come to you, tomorrow, k?
God he must sound so much like an idiot but if bernard thought so he didn't say it.
Bernard: Ok
He felt a sigh of relief, ok, he got that part of the whole thing taken care of. Now they just had to meet up, and talk about landon's confession, and hopefully avoid making things more awkward between them. Something that was easier siad then done and made his stomach churn just thinking about it. But marco seemed impressed so far, hugging landon gently and prepping him up.
"See, that wasn't so bad?", they were being as encouraging and supportive as possible but they weren't at the worst part yet. Landon was going to have this conversation alone, one on one, so marco couldn't be there to tell him what to do or say. He was just going to have to go in there and do his best, and social skills weren't exactly something he was well known for.
"I'm gonna make a fool outta myself...aren't I?".
Marco chuckled and shook their head, "Have more faith in yourself landon, it'll be ok, just do your best...you can prep for tomorrow. In the meantime, we can take a break from this and you can help me with something real quick". Honestly a break away from this sounded like more then a good idea right now, landon following marco as they made it into marco's redecorated office.
Having the castle back in order was great, and a great excuse to change up some things.
Though why marco needed landon here was unclear until marco pulled out some papers, "Alright so the thing is we're going to try sky's plan and spy a little on the bar you hanged out at...wait no, it was a coffee ship right?". Landon's face annoyed, did he look like someone who spent his time sneaking into bars? Marco laughing it off as they continued.
"Anyway, you know it better then anyone and we were hoping you could help".
"Like...with what? I just hung out in the box all the time, i'm not much useful for anything but that, the place isn't very big you won't get lost or-".
"No no", the human continued, "We want you to play, and be in on the undercover thing".
Landon stumbled for a minute, trying to process what his mom just asked of him. "Wait, you really want me to be involved in this plan stuff? You don't even really know if it'll help, we might just waste our time in there, it's not like the criminal will just waltz into another food spot and hide inside...like...what are the chances?". Marco agreed of course, but it was more then that.
"Landon, we know, we just also know this place you went to gathered some strange characters as well, so it's a good place to get some gossip...hearing from citizens might help, and it might be better to just keep ourselves hidden just in case of hidden enemies...you have to at least admit it might be good to hear from people outside of just us...and if it makes you feel any better...it's not just there, this is just the underworld spy crew".
Landon raised an eyebrow, "Wait, you got more?".
"We do, this is just the only one that involves disguises sky made...we're not fools landon, the more info we get the better...we can then figure out more information...maybe even where they're hiding. Your coffee shop is just perfect because all kinds of people go there, but it's so small we might not draw too much of a crowd who will know who we are".
"I dunno if you want me...i'm not good at these mission things, every time i go on a mission with any of you things go horribly wrong...", by marco insisted, "I'm coming with to keep you all safe...we want you because not only do you know the place, you're also a musician, you're perfect to tag along with the girls in disguise because you can perform in the back and access places we can't".
"Are you sure it's good to bring me though? I...i don't want to risk getting hurt...one of the last times i was in there...i almost got into a fight".
Marco's tune suddenly changed, quickly back to comforting the demon, "Wait...you almost got into a fight in there? Landon...i had no idea, how come you never brought this up?". The boy shrugging, "I never wanted you to know i was sneaking over there and hanging out in the royal booth place...for privacy...admitting that happened meaned admitting my place and...i might lose it".
"It's great you want to trust us more and are getting me involved, but i'm dead weight".
"Well, i can't make you if you don't want to, so if you can't it's ok i'll just find someone else or handle it on our own. I'm glad you're not hurt...i had no idea that place could really get so...dangerous...maybe i should consider getting better protection if we're taking the girls into this...we spread out so many of our guards to spy at this point we're getting low on people we can use".
"Is that why there's not as many guards around?", landon hadn't been paying that much attention but he could tell the place wasn't as swarming with guards as it used to be, not since they sent the underworld works back home. "Well, we had no choice, though we would prefer to keep as many here as possible we need people out there to help us find this person...so it's just something we had to go...so we're going to be protecting our own place mainly...".
Something about that seemed to make landon more uneasy.
"Actually, i'll go".
Marco raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure, what changed your mind?".
"Well, i feel safer around you guys then well...being here without you actually...", he was biting his lips rather nervously, "I wasn't here when they attacked but well...judging by how terrfied angel and sky were of it...i might prefer to not be the next person kidnapped like that so...and i guess it would help me perform in front of people".
"You can back out if you want-".
"No, i'll go, you helped me i'll help you, even if i think the idea might not go anywhere...but...if you ask me, your best chance of getting anything...is by going to the performing arts showcase...lotta people show up there. I mean anyone can just ask to perform there for the evening but the busiest i see the place is during performing arts nights where many people show up to see many different professionals perform...would draw a large crowd".
Marco smiled.
"And you thought you were dead weight, c'mon landon,".
Landon blushed profusely, "I guess i know some things since i've been outside the castle more then judas or mason, even if i'm not that skilled with magic and fighting and everything you guys are skilled with. But don't expect me to know everything, i've just been there long enough to know what the best food is and whose the best performers and whose regulars there and all of that.".
"Well, you think that's useless, but i think that might be rather handy...not every hero needs to be a powerful fighter landon, sometimes the best heroes are the ones who are observant, know what to avoid and what not, one thing about you i don't think enough people notice is you're good at observing, you can tell when someone seems trustworthy or not and you notice things others don't".
"I mean, i guess you're not wrong about that-".
He never really noticed this about himself before now, never even considered it.
"You're not useless landon, you're more handy then you know, we all have our skills".
He thought for a moment, before fiddling his hands together, "Hey mom...i know your keeping the wand away from me for now but...my markings and everything...i really do want to learn". Marco understood, arm wrapped around them as they headed out of the office, "I know you do, and i'll help you...but not now...it's not a good time with everything else...there will be time when things die down".
"But i could help...i've seen you do powerful magic".
"Yeah but i'm trained, you're not, and right now we just have bigger things to worry about...it's going to have to wait...i'm really happy to see you're excited about these new powers but they're dangerous for you to learn without help and help isn't ready yet". God, he would be so grounded when his mom found out he had been trying to do magic without any help.
"Eclipsa is willing to teach me...", he mumbled, grumpily, stopping marco in their tracks.
"Wait...she said that? I'm not sure she has to time to be dealing with that, she no longer can even teach angel and sky anymore! As nice as that offer is, she doesn't even fully know how our magic is...sure it has many similarities to butterfly magic but not completely. What we have is unique to us landon, and it took both star and tom to help me get a grasp on it...eclipsa can only go so far".
"But this is important to me, why is this any different then helping me with bernard and taking time into that?", he didn't meant to come off so rude when he said that but it kinda just came out that way and marco's face quickly grew upset. "Landon, helping you with your personal relationships is one thing, helping you learn magic is another, the least i can do at this time is help you deal with your crush, and deal with your emotions...but learning magic takes months...years...time we do not have".
"I just...mom, i never feel like anyone pays much attention to me...you guys always focus so much on judas and landon and...now something crazy just happened to me and none of you want to even help me with it or anything...i'm not trying to take up your time but like...", oh great, now he was getting emotional again, but at least marco hadn't left or anything.
"Oh landon, we're never trying to isolate you...your older brother is cursed and your younger brother is still growing...we had to give them extra attention to help them, we never meant to hurt you like that ." Landon was silent, mumbling as marco continued their speak, "I'm sorry we haven't given you the time we should, we're busy so often...and i guess time gets ahead of us...we should've taken more time for your specifically".
"I...know you never meant anything by it..."
He limply shrugged his shoulders, "I know you and dad don't hate me or want to hurt me...or love me less, i just feel...so alone sometimes...like i don't matter or my interests don't matter...like i want...my issues to be at the center at some point. I guess it's selfish to want that but...sometimes i feel so alone in our family...like i don't matter as much".
Marco touched landon's face gently, thumbs tracing his cheeks and wiping some fresh tears, "Landon, we love you so much, you matter a lot to us, we should've done better for you as parents, that's entirely on us and you have nothing to be ashamed about. I wish you told us this sooner, but i promise we'll do better from now on when it comes to you especially".
Landon believed his mom, but-.
"You're still not going to teach me magic though...i can tell".
"Not now, but...i will, i promise", marco quickly kissed the boy's cheek and sighed, "I'm glad we talked about this, i felt neglected a lot too when i was a kid, and at the time i didn't even have siblings yet, my parents were just busy with each other to pay me much attention. The last thing i need is to repeat the same problems with my own kids if i can help it, i know all the issues that came with that weren't really...great".
"We...have a lot more in common then i thought", the teen mumbled, "I guess it's no wonder we get along and everything, super weird though". Marco smirked, "You're just a little me, my baby boy. I think it's cute, glad tom didn't hog all the genes for you three...and i must admit, it's nice having someone who can understand what i dealt with...when it came to having magic...i got so confused...and scared even". Landon wiped away his embarrassment to change the subject before his mom could come up with more cute nicknames for him.
"Did you ever hurt anyone?".
Marco eyed their son like they thought they were being accused of something and landon quickly changed their tune before they hit a nerve.
"Look, magic is super dangerous, i just wanted to know if things ever went crazy when you tried to use it...like with sky and her mom sometimes.", it was also to make him feel better about how his magic had been going so far but marco didn't need to know anything about that aspect. The human shyly nodding, "Yeah...a few times, but it's all part of the learning process.".
"And it didn't scare you off?".
"Landon, you've known me, you know i don't get scared that easily. I've fought things bigger then our castle, learning magic is just like learning any new dangerous skill. It starts off scary and freaking you out but surely and slowly you get things together and suddenly you can handle it better. Every queen has had their fair share of mistakes, you're bound to make some".
"How bad did it get?".
"Well i did once send your father to a new dimension, but he came back in one piece", the laughed at the memory, "We got pretty crazy back then, but we always had each other, i never would've known what i was doing without them". Landon felt himself welt up, he really was trying to learn without any help, sky didn't even want to really help him, worried he was up to something.
Which he was, but still.
"Mom, do you worry about what'll happen when i'm able to do magic like you do?", the queen eyeing him curiously before snickering, "Landon, you've gotten into a lot of trouble recently but no, i'm not worried, you and your brothers are very sweet young men and i trust you'll be careful. I mean you might get into danger a few times but i think in the end you'll do the right thing".
Great, more stuff to make landon's insides jump around like crazy, exactly what he needed right about now.
"Hey...with jude's curse, if he's really been controlling it the entire time...does that mean we're not in danger anymore? Like...it's not alive and everything so...things should be fine now right?", though marco looked like they wanted to say yes, they shook their head. "It's emotion based...it reacts based on stress and anxiety, and...if judas doesn't know what he's doing...it can act up".
"So you're saying judas can still kill us in his sleep if unchecked...?".
Marco gritted their teeth, attempting to smile through them, "Yeahhhhh, but we should be fine, we can sort it out". That did not ease landon's mind at all, not even a little bit, "Well then i hope for our sakes he's in control of his own mind enough to make sure his mind doesn't make a giant scary monster appendage kill us off without him being able to handle it", he huffed under his breath.
"Well as long as he keeps that charm on, at the very least his mind will be free of intrusion. He's been going to bed with it on, i don't think he'll be taking it off anytime soon".
They headed on their way to inform sky of landon's recent indoctrination into their team , landon following behind with a lot of stuff currently on his mind. Mostly about whether he should admit to what he was doing to his mom. His mom was his most trusted person ever, he should say something about this to them. But if he did he would be in more trouble and sky might find out what he was doing.
And if she knew, everyone else would know too.
And she just so happened to be the person who knew landon wanted to magically attack the creature in the mask, which would just make him look even worst then he already did.
"Landon? You're being quiet, anything else on your mind?", their voice suddenly made landon jump, guess he had been lost in his thoughts for the moment. His mother seemed actually rather suspicious, landon going back to silence. "Landon, look, you've gotten yourself into a lot of trouble lately by trying to do things alone, and i know you don't want to do things alone, you want help...right?".
"Yeah", landon said, without hesitation.
"Honesty is important landon, especially in a team, no more going behind people's backs...you need to start telling people things, Every time you've done so it's made things rough...with everyone, you know that right?". They were starting to sound a little stern and that's when landon really knew he was in trouble, "I know you've had a hard time, especially with people...but...it'll be harder to work together if you're not open with them...".
They finally made it to sky's bedroom and marco sighed at their son's silence, "Landon, i won't force you to talk if you choose not to, but if you're keeping more secrets from us...i just want you to know...be careful ok?". Landon swallowed the spit in his throat as marco knocked on the door, he could always tell when his mother was disappointed in him.
The guilt welting up inside him.
Sure, the magic thing wasn't a huge deal but at the same time...maybe it was a big deal, especially to everyone around him. His mother had just helped him deal with his crush and now he was ending that off keeping his mouth shut about trying magic alone. He didn't know why he was like this, why he both wanted company and pushed everyone away at the same time.
He felt like such an idiot.
"Sky, we're here, and landon said he's going to help!", sky opened the door, sunny and lexi already inside and inviting them in. "Good, cause this is going to be annoying enough as is, i've never in my life had to memorize a script and try and get it somewhat perfect...at least having another face there might make this whole thing a tad less awkward then it already will be".
"Oh sky, it won't be so bad...at worst, i'll take over for you...plus, we get to see sunny perform and that's never a bad thing".
"Yeah but...it's just for the night right? I'm pretty sure if we go there TOO much we might freak people out, i doubt no one is gonna notice who we are eventually...especially you and me, you run the literally underworld this is taking place in...". Marco smirking, "Well, that's probably why I'm attending as myself then trying to play a character, at least you girls get masks".
"They do?", the demon boy perked up, "Can i have one?".
Last thing he wanted was for everyone to see his face right about now, or...anytime really.
"Considering i'm helping design you all masquerade outfits for jude's party, yeah, you can have an extra i got lying around".
"That's a lot of work sky, maybe you should take a break, we could always get some designers to help you out", marco noticed how sleep deprived sky was starting to look, having to go back and forth between so many people in the last few days. She had to see judas, and angel and his family, check up on nora, meet with her mom, even meet with meteora or jackie under some circumstances.
And that wasn't even all of them.
She had to see luna, go over what eclipsa was finding, and of course help sunny with these outfits which also took hours of time.
She had to be exhausted.
"But-", she yawned, only proving marco's point.
"You're still a kid sky, this is starting to become too much, we'll spread these responsibilities around some more...so you don't have to do so much...get you some help if you wanna do the costumes". That's when sunny headed up, holding sky's sketchbook, "She's made some REALLY cool designs! her art is so pretty you guys gotta check these out!".
Sky blushing furiously as sunny scrolled through the book for the lucitors.
Even landon seemed impressed, momentarily distracted from his guilt.
"You make stuff like crazy...how did you design this many outfits?", sky pointing to her compact, "Me and mel talk a lot more these days, she's crazy about that kinda stuff, she sent me like...a million refs for me to use...so thank her on that one...she even wanted to come herself even though i said it was a bad idea. But knowing her, she'll make her own outfit and join anyway".
She yawned again, "Anyways, how'd the crush thing go? You uh...get that whole deal handled?". Landon blushing red before crossing his arms, "Yeah, by tomorrow we'll have it figured out...i hope.". Marco looked over their script and back to sunny, "Ok, so landon has a few more details about the place we're going to, so he can get your all updated for this sneak session".
"You sure anyone of importance will even show up?".
"Worth a shot".
"It better be worth it for me to lose so much sleep over it and have to perform in front of tons or people i don't know, i've had to fight some seriously messed up stuff and yet...this is still some of the worst stuff i've had to do", she still hadn't forgotten the last time she had to perform and nearly killed her mom, she was sure something like that would happen again if she didn't break her wand.
"Sky it'll be fun, think of it like...practicing with angel and stuff!", sunny's words waking sky up from ehr tiredness, before she rapidly started grabbing stuff.
"Shoot shoot, today was the day and and angel planned to hang out for his...make up thing".
"Wait, you're still doing that? At this point i figured you guys wouldn't even bother with the whole thing".
Sky quickly grabbed her stuff, "Yeah we decided to do it today since i made a little free time and he was comfortable with his mom being safe for a bit, not that we're going anywhere, just meeting up in the garden to eat and stuff...i can't be late for that, he's been freaking out so much when it comes to trying to make things up to me for so long and-".
"Sky, hold up, we haven't gone too into-".
"Just talk to sunny, i'll see you later, bye!", and she left quickly before anyone got a chance to stop her, marco looking at sunny, who shrugged and giggled at sky leaving in such a rush, "It's ok, this is important to her too, she and angel had a lot of tension so i think she's happy for them to finally move on from it and have a nice moment together".
"Well, she could've said something a bit earlier, but alright, we'll just handle things together right now"., marco took a seat on sky's bed, stepping over the messy floor that made them tense up. They were always so clean themselves and seeing this...really got to them, though it was barely much different then tom's and their room on certain occasions.
Figures star would let this slide tho.
"Ok sunny, update us".
"Well, lexi has been really shining, she has some great ideas for a proper trap we can set up, we're thinking we could bring back sky's bubble charm and encase the culprit with it, they wouldn't be able to move so it's perfect to catch them without anything bad happening! We're thinking maybe we can bug a fake wand with the charm or something, as soon as they touch it...BAM!".
She motioned a big bubble.
Landon actually seemed impressed with the idea, it could actually work, that was the kinda creative thinking he wanted to do when it came to magic. "Huh, that's a decent idea...but like...just in case, you guys have like...a backup plan? At this point i'm just expecting things not to go well because they never go well...so i'm just gonna hope you guys are prepared".
Sunny looked over to galexia, "Well, kinda...but it's not as safe, mostly because it requires putting the entire room possible to sleep and with them wearing a full mask it's hard to say how much that would work...i guess they do breath under that thing though". Landon and both marco's faces were in full agreement, that that was a very poor backup plan if things went bad.
"Uh...sunny, maybe we outta avoid sleep spells...last thing we need is to put anyone in serious harm and sleeping will make way too many of us incapacitated unless we're all wearing masks...and not the masquerade kind either", the demon girl smiling sheepishy, "Yeahhhh i guess you're right, we haven't been sure what to do...it's too risky to attack".
"Well here's an idea...maybe we could paralyze her?".
Marco looked over to landon questionably, "Look, angel can...vemon bite people right? Makes them freeze up? Either that or sky tazes her, clearly that's worked out pretty well at stopping people". He was mostly rambling but marco actually quickly seemed to be taking it seriously, "Y'know what landon? That's not a bad idea, that would actually work".
The contemplated a little before ushering them together as a group for a huddle, "Ok, here's an idea-".
"Sorry i'm a bit late-".
"We can reschedule if you-".
Sky plopped herself down on the blanket, nearly all out of breath as she looked to angel with an embarrassed expression. "You put a lot of work into this, i won't make you push it forward even more then you have...". She dumped out her bag to reveal the treats she brought, "Can't forget the rolls, though i did bring some other treats from the kitchen too".
Angel then noticed the snacks engrained with insects, food from his own kingdom and his gaze turned soft. "You asked the chefs to make food from my home? That's...really nice of you...thanks sky". Sky shrugged before grabbing a sandwich from a nearby platter, "It's good, i know this whole thing isn't much, but it's a good start...i'm happy having an excuse to have a break".
Angel eyed her over, taking a roll instantly, "You look tired...more tired then you looked before...are you ok?". Sky sighed, taking another bite, "No, i am pretty tired...taking over for judas really showed me how much he carries the team...not that this is all him, i'm the only one who can make all these good outfits anyway...and meet with my mom so much".
"I'll help if you need...", the prince said without hesitation, "You don't have to do all this by yourself, you can just ask and we'll help you out with all of this, you shouldn't have to do everything". But sky was quick to shut him down, "Angel we're already asking a lot of you to make you bait, not to mention everything with your mom right now, i can't ask of you to do this stuff too".
"Sky, you need to care about you too? Right?".
"Well, yeah...but...you all need me right now...i can't...get lazy", she sunk her shoulders, "I've slacked off before, and this isn't the time to do it, not after what happened, i don't want to be the reason things go horribly wrong all over again, i want things to go well and be handled well so i never have to worry about you all again like i did before now".
Angel hesitated before patting the girl's shoulder, "I don't...think that makes you lazy...i think it just means you need time to yourself to make sure you handle everything else even better, right? You can't protect us if you're falling asleep". She mulled over his words, shifting in her seat, "I've just been...seen as such a weak queen for so long and i want to prove myself...now i have a real chance and...it's a lot...i have to admit".
"Yeah, i can see that...but queens also need help right? We said we'd help each other...so...lets continue to do that, remember...you don't have to prove yourself to anyone, we already know how cool you are". Sky snickered, "Reminding me of my own lessons, thanks, i needed to hear all of that...i get too caught up in all of this pressure sometimes...".
"Well it's not being helped with...all of this".
She laughed, "No you're right about that, but i guess in a way it sorta did me some good, i've never felt more...in charge before. Judas usually was the leader in most cases and now...i am...i get to make the calls for once and get out of my comfort zone...so i guess in the end it isn't all bad...even if it does leave me super tired all the time and overworked."
"We can end the evening early if you want to sleep more or something-".
She quickly put a hand over his mouth, "I'm spending this time with you, i'll sleep later...when i get the chance, besides...it's not like i can canc-". Then she looked over to see him texting on the compact he was gifted, curiously looking up at him, "Uh...what's up?". Angel looking back at her like he'd been caught doing something bad, "I...just cleared your schedule, found someone to take up all your other occupations today so you can rest".
"Wait...what?", the princess quickly tried to process what angel said, baffled.
"You now have the rest of the day off, you're free today".
Sky was stunned, "How'd you do that so quickly?".
"Sky, you have a lot of people who can help with some of these tasks...i just asked if they wanted to handle them themselves and they said yes. So now you have katrina checking on luna, nora is going to help sunny, and your other mom is helping eclipsa". He said that like it was so easy, did they all have nothing else to do but help? Of were they helping because she was sky?
Angel blushed as sky kept looking at him, "Look, i uh...i've been trying to get more social...with other people, so well...i have a lot of their numbers now, and well...so yeah i'm going to take advantage of it to help. You need more rest, and time to chill, so i'm giving you time to chill if you want. Otherwise you might pass out from just sitting here and that wouldn't exactly be any real fun for me".
"I'm...impressed, you got them to help...easily".
Angel rubbed at his arms, red faced, "They just...really care about you...and well...i've gotten better at...talking to people". He actually kinda thought sky might be mad at him for taking away her plans for the day, but she actually didn't seem mad at all. She patted him on the shoulder, "Well, hey...if we get more time to hang out today and do some crazy stuff, i can't complain too much".
"You...really wanna hang out with me for the rest of the day?".
"Well, i kinda have to now don't i?".
She was teasing him, and he felt his ears flicker.
"Thanks angel...i guess you're right...i need a little more time off to breath...things are just...getting a little ahead of me And well...i'm worried...", she went a little silent, "If things go poorly, you might get hurt...you more then anyone else. I just want things to go smoothly, i'm tired of watching you all get hurt...and if things go wrong we might not get another chance".
"I know what you mean...but i think i'll be ok, if you're protecting me".
"Angel, you know we're not that strong at magic, i don't even have my wand anymore! I want to protect you, and i said i would, but i'm worried i won't be able to...i've...never done magic without my wand. That's something your species has over ours, you don't need a wand, i do...for now...i can't do what you do without more time to practice".
"Well, maybe it's a good time to start...practicing...i could...teach you what i know? And well, you've heard of the dipping down thing right? We have something similar...so maybe...we could work on it...together?", he was making it sound more awkward then it needed to be. But they did make a great team when it came to learning magic together, "Maybe it's too much, but if you want-".
"Actually, i like that idea...until my wand gets fixed".
She sent him a nice smile and a hair ruffle, "In fact, we got extra time now, let's start after this...". She nodded to the open garden, the perfect place for them to practice their magic attacks, Angel staring at his hands. He hadn't done magic in a little while and he still remembered when he went beast mode a little too well but...they needed anything they could get now to protect themselves.
"Sure, couldn't hurt".
She noticed him staring at his hands before grabbing one of them, trying to relax him.
"Hey...thank you, for...everything. Really...you're...you're a great prince angel".
Angel's ears pressing against his face, "Hey, thanks for well...giving me a chance...i know i don't deserve one...but...it means a lot to me".
"Bug sandwich?", sky said, picking up one before handing angel one.
He raised to it the air, asking sky for a toast.
"To the plan?".
She snickered, bumping the foods together.
"To the plan, and no more of us in danger ever again".
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manggojooz · 4 years
Foolish Love, Fake Love (Part 9)
pairing: idol!Jungkook x bodyguard!reader
word count: ~3,050
genre: idol!au; angst; romance; drama; enemies to lovers sort of thing
warnings: none
previous part: Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 |  Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 |  Part 6  | Part 7 | Part 8 
summary: If all you can give me is a fake love, then I will be the fool to pretend that it is all true.
Taglist: @a-hopelessly-imaginative-girl  @dollwithluv @sweetcheeksdna @yeontanie21 @peachygiraffe14 @jeontaes-world  @forvever-ddaeng @namjoonsslutakakoreanmanswhore @apurpledheart @ggukkieeee​ @witchxlove 
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“So… will you run away?”, for some reason you were the one trying to avoid Jungkook’s eyes as he shot that question at you.  
You knew deep in your heart that you are overreacting because you harboured some feelings which you really should not have in the first place. You knew even deeper down that you too, were a fangirl at heart who had a “fantasy” of what kind of person Jungkook was. These were the reasons why you were particularly hurt by his actions. That is not to say that what he did was right, but you knew that if it was someone else who did the exact same thing to you today, you would not be as angry as you are now.  
Yuri must have felt the stifling silence last for too long.  
“Anyway it’s better if we drive over, why spend money grabbing a cab at this time?” she whispered into your ears before turning up her volume and raising her eyebrows at Jungkook, “Your car is parked in the basement I would assume?”
Jungkook squeezes into the lift next to you and you shifted closer towards the angled metallic corner, contemplating once more whether to hit that button that said “B1”.  
Just as you reached out to press it, a much longer and slender finger darted out of nowhere and did the job for you.  
“Yeah, I parked it at the basement,” Jungkook replied to Yuri.  
In the brightly lit carpark, Jungkook walked ahead towards his car. Yuri and you followed behind him as Yuri tried to convince you that someone should take the assistant driver seat.  
“It’ll be too rude if both of us sit at the back, and I think ideally you should be the one in front,” she reasoned.  
Jungkook unlocked his car and you could see him looking towards the two of you. Yuri made a short dash to the opposite side of the car from where Jungkook stood and was about to open the backseat door when she sees you approach Jungkook directly.  
“I’ll drive.” your tone was instructing.  
He looked stunned for a moment, “Uhh... it’s ok I can just-”  
“Either I’m driving or we are not taking your car.” the determination in your voice was unwavering.  
He pursed his lips and slowly nodded.  
You stretched out your head to catch Yuri’s eyes above the roof of the car, tilting your head as if telling her she better hurry get in the front door on the other side instead of the back.  
Yuri looks nervously at you, then at Jungkook, then back at you. With an undetectable sigh, she slid into the front seat of the car.  
The drive was less awkward thanks to the music that filled the air in the moving metal container. Very occasionally, you winced a little from the pain in your shoulders when you had to turn the steering wheel. Yuri looked at you with concern but since she had no idea what had happened to you yet, you just shook your head to indicate that you are fine. After parking right outside the police station, you frowned when Jungkook alighted from the car and locked it.
“You don’t have to come in with us, it’s late, you should head back, thanks for lending us your car for the trip here,” you said rather crudely.  
He looked unsurprised, “I didn’t come all the way here just to head back immediately,” he wasn’t trying to sound snarky but for some reason you always felt a dash of mockery when he spoke. He cleared his throat a little as he ignored your stares and headed into the building.  
“I told you, I have no legal guardian! She's not my guardian! You can try to call her, but I'm sure she’ll just ignore your call or scold you for calling her,” a rather shrilling voice was directed at a police officer looking tired and frustrated.  
“Umm.. Excuse me, I’m looking for Detective Park Moon...” you asked a uniformed policeman sitting close to the entrance of the police post.  
“Oh? Are you Ms. Y/N? Here! Here!” the tired looking police in plain clothes shot up from his desk waving at you.  
As if instinctively, Yuri and you were alert at the attention that his shouting drew towards your crowd. Immediately both of you started scanning the surroundings and you noticed how many people had noticed who was part of your party.  
“I think you should go, we can’t get things done while having to be concerned with you here” you turned to Jungkook and uttered in a hushed tone. You were not sure if you made it sound like he was a nuisance but you were just genuinely concerned by the situation.  
Uncertain how he understood your intentions, you observed his features that had a steeliness to them. “I don’t think it’s in any way wrong for me to be here when this incident occurred partly due to me” he replied with a firm tone before forging on ahead deeper into the crowded station.  
You pulled Yuri aside slightly and told her to contact Sejoon. She concurred and headed out to make the call in a quieter place while you calmed yourself as you made your way towards the culprit who was clearly a teenager.  
For the tenth time in the past three minutes, you regretted taking Jungkook’s car to the station.  
“Oppa! Can you at least take a selca with me?” her voice sends goosebumps down your back as you approached, not out of fear but out of amazement.  
“Were you the one who followed up to the filming location and locked her in the washroom?” Jungkook asked tonelessly.  
“Yah, it was me. Oppa, tell me what’s the real reason?” she whined.  
Jungkook’s eyes grew slightly wider, “Real reason for what?”  
“You can’t really be dating her right? Even your saseang fans don’t believe that you are dating her since you only met her recently and there were no signs of it before” she talked really quickly but in a lowered volume.  
“Hey hey young lady, you are not the one who’s supposed to be asking questions around here,” the detective quipped.  
“Hi, Detective Park,” you finally reached his table to introduce yourself.  
“Hey, you are not really dating our Oppa right?” the girl questioned you in the most straightforward manner possible.  
You ignored her and spoke to the detective instead, “She’s the one?”  
“Yah, I’m the one!” she stood up to almost match your height while blurting, “I locked you there and sprayed water all over you. To be honest... if I was strong enough to carry that bucket of mop water, you would have been in a sorrier state than-”
“Sit down” you said, with the kind of force that did not manifest in volume but in its charisma.
You did not actually expect her to follow your orders, but for some reason she bit her lower lip lightly and sat down whilst mumbling. There was a brief moment of silence. You glanced at Jungkook who was still standing, rather out of place, across from you. Perhaps she didn’t want to seem too unruly in his presence. He met your eyes for a second, but then quickly looked away; you were used to this by now.    
It felt like a million years before you finally made it to a private questioning room at the back of the station. Yuri had returned and your party of three were now tucked into the dimly-lit windowless room with the defiant girl. By now you had her name – Kala, or at least that was what you heard Detective Park call her. After some persuading, Detective Park had agreed to let you guys talk to her alone. At least in your mind, the goal was to assess if she poses any future threat.  
“You said earlier that there were other sasaengs? Are they involved in this too or was it only you?” you questioned her.  
“Why would I tell you anything?” she snorted.  
“Detective Park spoke to me just now. Because of your age, if I decide not to press charges they will just let us settle the matter privately” you explained.  
“So what do you want from me?” it was funny how she sounded more demanding than you did.  
“Apologise to her!” Jungkook shouted. 
But at the exact same time you were demanding, “A list of the sasaengs you know..” 
Jungkook and you clearly had different endgames in mind.  
“Isn’t it too much to ask for both” she stared at you whenever she spoke meanly. 
“I’ll drop the charges if you give us the list of the other sasaengs you are aware of” you offered.  
He must have been baffled at how your priorities were wrong.  
“How is that even important? She needs to apologise to you for what she did!” he huffed.  
It did make you think for one moment but you answered a little too quickly for your own good, “In my line, nobody apologises to us for such things and we don’t expect it but our job is to prevent-”
“Your job? She didn’t do it because you are our bodyguard, she did it because she thinks you are my girlfriend!” Jungkook raised his voice exasperatedly.
Kala was squinted at the both of you before cutting in, “I guess we are not wrong when we say you are not really his girlfriend right, Imposter?” she broke up your argument with Jungkook.
“Don’t call me that... and also for the last time, we are not here to answer your questions, do you get-” you were increasingly annoyed at her.  
She scoffed with a glint in her eyes as she stood up and took a step towards you. “I’m sorry for what I did to you...” she paused and stared you down almost challengingly, “... and I will give you a list of the sasaengs I know.”  
Needless to say, her sudden change in stance shocked all of you.  
“What... why are you... what are you...” you were stammering, while Jungkook and Yuri frowned at her suspiciously.  
“Oppa,” she suddenly turned to Jungkook, “I am not a sasaeng...” she uttered, causing Jungkook to scoff faintly. “Oppa, I know you don’t have to believe me but I will show you with my actions. I believe in you. If you are doing this, there must be a reason why. I won’t pester you about it anymore, I'm just happy to know that you are not really dating her in real life” her smile was odd but you finally realised why she had a change of mind.  
Jungkook must have been shocked too as his mouth was slightly agape but there were no sounds coming out. 
“Kala... umm I think there’s a misunderstanding here, actually I-” you grabbed onto her wrist in your desperation to try to salvage the situation.  
She flings away your arm forcefully before side-eyeing you and proclaiming, “You are a very unbelievable fake, just so you know that, none of us would actually believe you were real.”  
You blinked, trying to wrap your head around the feeling that engulfed you; it has got to be your shoulder hurting the swing, of course, it has to be. However, all these years if there was one thing you learnt as a fighter and a bodyguard, it’s that the pain shouldn’t stop you from doing what you need to. Swallowing hard, you thought about it once more.  
You grabbed Kala’s arms tightly and strongly this time. “Well, you better believe it, because if you or anyone else doesn’t, then your Oppa here will be in some trouble” you stated unequivocally.  
“I know that” she responded haughtily, trying to struggle out of your grasp, looking warier this time around. You eventually let go and she turns to address Jungkook with that same smile, “and that is why I will show you with my actions. This will be our secret.”  
On the way out of the police post, Jungkook twirled his car keys in his fingers while contemplating his best option.  
As Yuri and you walked past him, he suddenly grabs hold of Yuri and handed her the key.  
“I’m a little sleepy, I think I shouldn’t drive... and... uh... she drove here... so it’s your turn...” his ears were flushed red because he stammered really embarrassingly, how is this the best reason he could have given after thinking over it so many times.  
Yuri looked surprised but surprises are probably nothing new around here anymore, so Jungkook heaved a sigh of relief when she took the key and made her way towards the driver seat.  
In the backseat of his own car, Jungkook stole glances through the rearview mirror trying to catch a glimpse of you.  
“Ah by the way... did you call Sejoon?” you suddenly questioned Yuri.  
“Yeah, he said he was still caught up at the company and he told me only to let him know if there’s anything to worry about,” Yuri replied.  
“He’s still at the company at this hour?” you gasped.  
“Yeah... something about having a meeting with Yeonjoo’s managers too...” Yuri mumbled.  
“Oh...” you replied somewhat knowingly, sadly.
That night you lay in bed for a long time. As long as the night was. Going through all that had happened from that fateful dinner all the way to being called an imposter in dimly lit questioning room.  
Why did it feel like it was you being questioned in the confines of the cold dark walls?  
A tear gathered at the corner of your eye. You turn to lie on your side, momentarily forgetting that you had hurt your left shoulder. Wincing, you turn to the other side instead, this time the tear that had gathered dripped onto your pillow.  
“Imposter...” Kala’s face kept appearing in your mind.  
“Well, you better believe it,” your own words also rang in your mind.
“Well...” you thought to yourself, “you better stop believing it...” before you closed your eyes, trying to find some peace in the dead silence of the night.
Yoongi was bored out of his mind during the meeting they were having and he kept fiddling with his phone so much so that Sejoon tapped his thighs and gave him a little signal to focus on the discussion.
He sighed and put down his phone and Sejoon looked curiously at him.  
“What?” he mouthed.
“You hungry?” Sejoon whispered?  
Yoongi looks at his phone displaying a sleuth of delivery food options and turns it off.  
“I thought you were hungry just now, why aren’t you grabbing lunch?” Sejoon asked as Yoongi headed towards the recording studio after the meeting ended and he told the boys he won’t be joining them for lunch.  
“Ah, that” he digs out his phone again and handed it to Sejoon, “I wanted to order something to deliver to Y/N’s dorm, she’s resting today right? Is her shoulder better now?”  
Sejoon looked surprised while catching hold of Yoongi’s phone, “Uhh... I’m sure she can order her own food.”
Before Sejoon ended his sentence, Yoongi grabbed his phone from Sejoon’s arms, “Forget it then.”  
“No no no!” Sejoon snatches the phone over, “I think we should still send her something and since you are feeling generous today, why not... we send her some-”
“How about that sashimi platter thing? Wow they even deliver that now? Can someone with a fracture eat sashimi? Is it good for them?” suddenly the words were pouring from Yoongi’s mouth as he cut into Sejoon’s sentence. 
“I think she’s allergic to that, maybe we should go with the chicken soup or something” Sejoon replied as he eyed Yoongi a little too closely. 
“Oh she is?”, Yoongi gasped but notices Sejoon’s stare. “Hyung, you decide then, just give me my phone back when you are done” he put up his nonchalant front again as he turned to head to his studio.
Everything seemed augmented, you were submerged in a room full of water, but you had no difficulty breathing. A sharp ringing and a muffled banging kept coming from the door. You struggled to go over, but the current in the water kept you from it.  
“Who is it? I need to get the door...” was all that ran through your mind.  
The banging grew louder and louder, clearer and clearer and suddenly everything morphed into reality. You stir awake. Lying in your bed, you realised that the painkiller you took earlier must have knocked you out.  
“Coming...” you shouted weakly as you dragged your heavy body from the sheets.  
Finally you pull open the front door to your apartment and came face to face with an impatient young man.  
“Here’s your order,” he quickly shoves a paper bag into your hands and turned on his heels to leave.  
“What- I... Hey! I didn’t order anything!” you shouted after him but he did not even bother.
You took the package inside and checked the contents – it was chicken soup with abalone and the order sheet clearly stated your address. You left the brown bag on the kitchen table, having insufficient capacity to try to deduce where it is from or who it is for.  
Hazily, you stumbled to the couch nearest to you and plopped down into the cramped space even though a longer couch was just a few steps away. Good thing at least you made sure to lie on your side which was not suffering from a swollen shoulder.
You vaguely heard a familiar tone ringing in the stillness of the apartment. Sounded like your phone ringing. You frowned slightly at the thought of having to move again and bargained in your own mind. “It’s probably nothing urgent right? Nobody will die just because I miss one phone call right?”
And then the ringtone stops, much to your relief.  
The frown had just about faded from your forehead when the doorbell rang this time.  
In a bout of annoyance-fueled energy, you pushed yourself out from the sofa and beelined for the door, eyes half-opened.  
“Who is it?!” you spat in the most annoyed tone you could manage in that state of sleepiness as you burst opened the door.  
Jungkook’s face showed how much he was taken aback by your “welcome”.  
“Me- uh... I mean it’s just me,” he stuttered while looking like a Christmas tree decorated with a dozen different shopping bags hanging from his arms.
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
Unrequited Love
CW// Pet whump, dehumanization, human trafficking, amnesia, hot water burns, exhausted whumpee. Pretty mild one honestly. ^^
Ok i didn´t notice it before, but THIS is the corrected version. Idk what happened.  Also taglist? I didn´t tag y´all???
Taglist:  @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @giggly-evil-puppy @cowboysrappin @haro-whumps @burtlederp @neuro-whump @comfortforthepain @whumps-the-word @whole-and-apart-and-between @broken-horn @ashintheairlikesnow @rosesareviolentlyread​ @starnight-whump @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @as-a-matter-of-whump  @whumpasaurus101 @grizzlie70​ @twistedcaretaker
During the party, Zarai had gotten the contact she needed to talk to Dune’s Ceo. Or at least the first of three people she needed to stablish contact to get to Gil Jefferson.
So while she was hopping around searching for the phone number of her client, asking for extensions and generally being absent, the whole team needed her approval to finish their jobs. So Albus was the one in charge now.
“Albus, can you check this out and tell me if its ok, please? Was a question he heard at least ten times a day now.
“Serra, talk to management on the next floor and tell them we need the results now” he would nod and fly downstairs.
“Serra I need your sign for this budget…” Zarai had given her authority to do that after Robert’s visit.
“Serra I need your sign for this budget…” Zarai had given her authority to do that after Robert’s visit.
Any problem the marketing and development team had was managed by the albino with a few wretched nerves and increasing eye bags. Then he would inform an overly tired Zarai that everything was in order. But there was always a small mistake she would notice and make him fix in shouting everyone on the office was too surprised to never have seen Albus cry from.
Despite the shouting making it all the way to other side of the office, he simply remained calm, waited for her to finish and then apologized before going to fix it. He just continued to work efficiently. Until there were no mistakes to get yelled at.
Sometimes, one of the new trainees would ask him if he was alright, but he would look at them with a funny look and change the subject. If he was to be honest, he had fully expected to be properly punished when they were alone, at home. He was so grateful he could hang his role as Albus Serra for a moment and allow himself to be only Al, the pet who didn’t hide his collar.
He was bent over some newbie’s desk when he straigthened up with a smile “Now, you just need to click this button, and you will have the whole system on your drive in a few minutes”
The newbie looked at him with adoration “Thank you so much, mister Serra!” He had said with a gleam on his eyes that made him blush.
“Mister Serra, I’ve a few questions about the report I sent you” Albus trotted to the woman.
“Ah, yes. I checked and it’s looking fine. I already sent it so, dont worry about it and give a hand to Ryan, please” the woman blinked “I know it’s not part of your job but look at them…” he cocked his head to the glass covered office of five people laying over their desks, one fully crying and the other lost in infinity. “You’ve got a degree on computer engineering right? The development needs to find the exact problem today. Please lend them a hand”
“Yes, sir” she had answered before walking away. Albus froze for a moment. An strange feeling sitting on his stomach.
He didn’t have time to wonder what it was when he was called again.
Albus was staring at the ceiling, serving himself some coffee from the machine at Tony´s office when he blanked out for a second and heard the man yelp.
“Albus it´s spilling!” he shouted loud enough to make the boy react. His half open eyelids fixed on the cup and then on the floor before taking lots of paper and wiping the floor with it “I´m sorry! Imsorry,Imsorry,Imsorry” he muttered before the man grabbed his right wrist and pulled down his soaked sleeve to reveal a growing red spot “Dude you burnt yourself! Are you ok? Does it hurt?” he said lifting him up.
Albus head spinned wildly enough to make him stumble against a wall. The man passed an arm around his waist “Jesus, Albus, what´s wrong?” Albus groaned while rubbing his eyes with his other hand.
“I´m sorry, I´m just… I´m… I´m ok, it doesn´t hurt. I promise I´m sorry” he told the man as he put him down on his chair.
“Hey, hey, it´s ok, it´s just some bean water. Look at me” the boy pulled his red eyes to look at his friend “I´ll go get some ice to put on that, yeah? Sit here for a second” he waited until the boy nodded to walk out of the office. Albus stared at the disaster on the floor and felt horrible. He looked around and found some kleenex on the desk. He hoped he wouldn´t mind and started wiping the floor again.
“Mister Serra?” The trainee asked him outside the office. Albus looked up at him and then at the floor. “Mister Serra you´re green! Please lay down, I´ll call someone to clean that up” the boy trotted to help him sit on the chair again.
“i-it´s fine. I´m ok, Jeremy” he said feeling his head puffy. The boy left him there for a second and then leaned on the frame of the door.
“Lee, can you get me some chocolate from my backpack? Mister Serra isn´t feeling well!” he shouted as the boy shrank on his seat.
“Mister Serra? Does he need some water?” a feminine voice asked with a worried tone. Possibly the intern from last week he had to sign her papers for.
“Yeah! and get someone from cleaning!” Albus heard a reply and felt his cheeks burning as Jeremy knelt next to him.
“Thank you” he whispered to the blonde. He directed a genuine smile at the albino. “Mister Serra has helped me a lot since I got here. Please don´t thank me. It´s the least I can do for you, mister!” Albus felt himself sink into the chair further as Lee handed him Jeremy´s candy bar.
“You´re looking a little pale, mister” She said when he was about to take a bite. Jeremy was about to say something when he heard himself laugh. Lee smiled triumphantly.
“Still, mister, have you slept enough? I saw you doze off during the report meeting with the interns yesterday…” Jeremy continued, his cheeks burning red. Albus swallowed feeling guilty someone had seen him fighting to keep himself awake.
“Don´t fall off yet, soldier, we still got work to do” Sasha came inside the office with Tony behind her. He put the ice on his burnt hand and he didn´t even twitch. The four stared at him with worry. “Does it hurt?” Sasha asked him. Albus didn´t look up, only shrugged.
“Thanks Tony…Sorry for the mess” he apologized putting his hand away. He tried to stand up, but his legs refused to do so.
“Don´t mind it. But maybe you should stay here for a moment” He bit his lip.
“I still have work to do…” he tried to stand up, but Sasha pushed him back to the chair.
“Well, then it´s a good moment to just rely on us for help. You have that meeting with the trainees again don´t you?” he nodded slowly. “You two” she directed the trainees, who squared up instantly “Make a summary and send it to me before clocking out. I´ll make the paperwork and Tony will help with the mails” The boys both responded with “yes, ma´am” Albus jumped trying to stop her, but Sasha gave him a freezing look. “You rest here, workaholic. You trying to imitate Zarai with her unhealthy habits? Just eat your candy bar, boy”
“But we´ve got that meeting with…” she put Tony´s coat on his shoulders.
“You´re in no conditions to listen to old men talking about how far to the right a letter should be to increase sales a 10%” she rubbed his back before pulling away “Just sleep a bit yeah?” she silenced him.
He tugged the cozy coat over his shoulders close to him. Hiding his face with it. “Thank you…”
Sasha smiled and pulled everyone out of Tony´s office as the cleaning lady took care of the mess. Jeremy and Lee walked out the office wishing him to get better soon after leaving some more candy. He thanked them and saw them snickering to each other as they went out.
Albus pulled his knees close to his chest and the coat covered his back when he fell asleep against the desk.
Tony´s coat was warm.
He never mentioned it to Zarai, but when he was working at home that night, or well, the early morning of the next day, he received a photo from Tony.
It was him curled up into a ball in the chair with only his white hair sticking out of the brown coat.
“A wild tired cinnamon roll has appeared!” Tony wrote below it.
Sasha keysmashed and put lots of faces laughing.
Albus just shook his head and grinned before he continued working.
Didn´t stop until dawn when Zarai came in to tell him they were leaving in a few minutes.
He arrived to the office with the same exhausted face from yesterday but when he came out, Lee was there with a coffee on her hands.
“Jeremy sends you this sir” she said to the mute boy.
“I…uh…thank you, Lee” he said as he shifted the coffee cup and saw it had a number and a smiley face. He looked up at her with his cheeks fired up. “Uh…”
Lee simply walked away before he could say anything.
He showed it to Tony and Sasha at lunch and snickered to the other “Aren´t you popular, boy! I´ve also had girls ask me for your number!” Tony howlered
“What?” Sasha grinned as he blushed
“But you´re taken already aren´t you? With that freckled boy you always talking about”
“Sann?” Albus widened his eyes. “Oh, I…no, no. It´s not…” he remembered his smile at the party, the tuxedo and the rose on his chest, his dimples, his hair looking like fire in the sunset and immediately went silent. “I wish but It´s more complicated than that”
Both leaned on him. He let out a heavy sigh before staring at the city from their table on the roof top.
“I met him two years ago, but I don´t remember anything from that period. I know I learnt what I know back then…but it´s blank. I feel like something important happened…but everytime I try to remember it´s like…it just hurts and it´s uncomfortable” he said rounding one thumb with the other “I want to remember that meeting, but I can´t. I just recently remembered some… things” he continued to explain, the images of handlers touching him all over came to his head. The shocks. “And then there´s…” the problem that´s he´s someone else´s pet and I´m not supposed to get close to him. “Anyways, it´s messy” he smiled at his quiet friends “It´s dumb to say that I would be completely fine just by seeing him being happy even if I´m far?”
Both stared at him for an uncomfortably long time.
“Does Zarai know of your amnesia?” Sasha asked bluntly, playing with the bracelet in her left wrist. Albus had to shrug.
“Did you have an accident or…?”
Albus had to think hard about it. “…maybe I had someone hit my head repeatedly…” Sasha opened her mouth outraged “No, no it´s ok. I don´t know for sure. I just remember feeling numb after a hit” he hurried to explain. “Can we change the subject?” he asked closing his eyes, feeling ill suddenly.
“…ok” both laid back on their chairs as Albus sighed relieved “You should get that head checked up tho´. Two years is a long time, Albus” Tony told him.
Albus bit his tongue to not spit he didn´t remember most of his life anyways. Or his parent´s faces, or his own name.
He instead tried to put a smile. A mask that pleased everyone was easier to pull than try to uncover the truth.
“So, please help with Jeremy? I don´t wanna break the poor boy´s heart”
It took a while for them to talk normally to him again, but in the end, Jeremy was understanding when he explained he was not available. In fact, he had smiled and thanked him for being honest and Albus could pull an all nighter in peace because of that.
He cried on Lee´s shoulder later at the bus station, but that was something Albus didn´t need to know.
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that-bajan-kid · 4 years
Boku No Hero Academia Chapter 277 SPOILERS
("Fuck off Dad. I'm my own man now." -Shigaraki Tomura 2020)
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Honestly Gran, you should have seen this coming. You of all people should know that Midoriya i-will-break-all-my-bones-if-it-means-i-get-to-save-one-life Izuku is allergic to obeying authority.
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Midoriya said fuck you and my quirk, Aizawa is more important. Speaking of Aizawa he looks stuck somewhere between being touched and absolutely horrified.
Aizawa thinks back to that time he told Midoriya he couldn't be a hero, which honestly wasn't the best first impression, and Bakugou comes in with A.P Shot: Machine Gun which looks really powerful. Except that it's not because Shigaraki literally shrugs off his attack and calls the explosions "little fireworks". If four of my favourite characters weren't in mortal danger right now I would be feeding off of Shiggy's dgaf energy.
(Edit: I am currently feeding off of Shiggy's dgaf energy.)
Midoriya tries to restrain Shiggy with Black Whip and ends up being dragged along for the ride instead. Shiggy says he's not really interested in them right now when Bakugou tries to intercept Shiggy again and it looks like he's about to give Bakugou a bitch slap to heaven but Enji shows up in time to punch Shiggy out of the way. Nice to know you're still trying buddy.
(Edit: I'm only just now noticing the blood coming from Enji's nose and mouth. Eh, he'll be fine.)
Endeavour's first and immediate reaction upon seeing his two trouble making interns is to ask where the fuck his son is and I think that's adorable but I digress.
Midoriya tells him that it's just him and Bakugou and now I'm half expecting Todoroki to just appear out of nowhere. Enji refocuses his attention on Shigaraki, who is already on his feet after being punch, like, 30ft across the ground by fists engulfed in flames but I guess that's just the norm for him now.
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Enji has given up on trying to keep Izuku and Katsuki out of the fight if he was ever trying to begin with and tells them to support Aizawa and tells Bakugou to make sure Izuku doesn't get snatched. Meanwhile, Shiggy's objective has switched to grab Deku and run.
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YO WHAT THE FUCK! Has he gone full on AFO now. How the fuck is Midoriya going to explain this? He's gonna have to tell them. Shiggy looks like what ever thread was holding his fractured mind together just snapped and I feel really bad for him. This isn't even dgaf vibes anymore, it's just insanity and I find myself thinking, not for the first time, that they really should just unplug AFO's life support.
(Edit: Low-key waiting for OFA to take over Izuku's mind too to complete the circle)
Ok nevermind Shiggy hasn't completely lost it yet and both him and Midoriya are very confused by what just happened. Enji uses Hell Spider cause it worked so well the first time while Shiggy not only realises AFO spirit or whatever TOOK OVER HIS MIND FOR A FEW SECONDS, he also takes this opportunity to call AFO out for his MASSIVE ego and straight up tells him not to fuck around with his body and that he has his own reasons for wanting OFA, and I stan that so hard. If only Shiggy wasn't actively trying to kill everyone.
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(Edit: I was joking here but the Madlad actually did it.)
The last time I stanned Shigaraki this hard was the Liberation Army arc. You go Tomura. Be your own man. You don't need that asthma riddled potato head looking ass. Also I like how Hori drew him and AFO together like that. It's like even as he's saying it, AFO is right on top of him.
(Edit: LMFAO)
I really need to keep reading lol. Shiggy says he wants to be better than AFO and then proceeds to DECAY AFO'S IMAGE, permanently cutting ties with him. I think this might be a worse outcome to AFO taking over his body but we'll see.
Gran kicks Shiggy and tells him not to trample on Nana's heart anymore to which Shiggy responds "Who the fuck is Nana?" with the most dazed and confused look I've ever seen in my life. I guess it makes sense since he never found out what her name was. That or he just doesnt remember her. He did decay her and the rest of his family in his weird dreamscape.
Gran thinks back to how defeated AM looked after they found out who Tomura was and comes to the conclusion that Shigaraki breeds pain and suffering where ever he goes, which is a valid assumption to make considering *gestures wildly at the last 10 chapters*.
Gran and Enji charge at Shiggy and Shiggy gets this look of death on his face and it scares me.
Tomura uses jump and avoids them both in favour of going directly after Midoriya instead. Bakugou, of course, expected this and pulls the pin on his gauntlet that's aimed at Shigaraki. I have a bad feeling about this.
All the pros watch in mild horror as Bakugou proceeds to release a bigass explosion right on top of Shigaraki. Bit the real question is: Did it work?
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I don't even know why I'm surprised, Hori's been pulling this shit for weeks. I should be used to it by now.
Alright, let's see how much shit they're in now.
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Well shit.
Imma be completely honest with you, I completely forgot about Mt. Lady. I was honestly expecting everyone to be trampled.
I also noticed the Giganto is trying to head in the same direction my children are in and I don't really appreciate that. I like that you sorta make out what's left of the league on Giganto's back. They look like little beans (>w<).
Anyway, show of hands all those who think Bakugou's explosion actually did anything besides blocking Aizawa's line of sight. No one? Yeah, I didn't think so.
Until next time.
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sassyduckqueen · 4 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 48
Welcome to the battle of the fathers. First, we have Tom aka Weredad. Though through out the chapter, he's referred to the beast. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter :D so next up will be Guitar Villain. Should be fun to write :D
Chapter Forty-Eight: Weredad (1/2)
"Girl, I'm glad you don't hate me," Alya sighed on the video chat. Marinette let out a sigh.
 "Of course, I don't hate you but I really hope you've thought about what everyone said," She replied as Alya played with her hands. She looked hurt and guilty, causing part of Marinette to tell her that it's ok and all was forgiven but all wasn't. Alya went too far this time and many people got hurt. Marinette had apologized to Luka about the whole thing but he told her it was ok and that he should have been more firm too. Luckily, Juleka didn't blame either of them. She was still annoyed at Alya's actions, which was understandable. Even Nino had ripped into Alya. She did get akumatized over the whole incident. However, it wasn't because she felt like she was wronged but because she had come to regret her actions so she didn't become Lady Wifi. Instead, she became Deplora, an akuma that had the ability to make people say all of the things they regret doing. She kind of looked like a mourner which was strange. She went after Juleka but only so she could apology, which had surprised Marinette. However, she was very easy to defeat.
 "I have," She mumbled, nodding before looking at Marinette. "I know I got akumatized again but I'm gonna do better I swear,"
 "That's good, Alya," Marinette smiled as she heard a thump. She yawned and stretched, causing Alya to chuckle. "I'm gonna get going. Gotta get some sleep,"
 "No worries, girl," She smiled. "See you later?"
 "Sure," She smiled, waving at the camera. "Bye, Alya,"
 "Good night, Marinette," Alya grinned before she hung up. Marinette got up and climbed up to her bed. She climbed on top of it and reached up. She opened her skylight before pulling herself out of it and onto her balcony. Anatis was stood by the edge and was glancing out to the city.
 "Hey," She stated, making him look back at her. "Haven't seen you here for a while,"
 "I'm not intruding, am I?" He asked, making her smile. "I can go if you want,"
 "No need," She smiled, walking over to him. She noticed  he looked a little tired and sad. "Are you ok though?"
 "Yeah... I just..." He muttered before sighing and pushing his fingers through his hair. "I guess I'm not really ok... Juleka got akumatized again. I know it was a few days ago but it still haunts me... and I ripped into Alya. She ended up getting akumatized again. While I don't regret telling her off, I feel like it's my fault she was akumatized,"
 "Hey, that isn't your fault," She gasped, taking his hands in her. "Alya knew what she was doing when she lied to Juleka and she got akumatized because she felt guilty. You told her how it is and showed her that actions have consequences. Besides, I think it worked. Alya's been trying to make it up to everyone. She actually took down the interviews with Lila. I think she still thinks Lila is been honest but she told me that she took them down as they put Lila in danger. Of course, Lila isn't happy with that but she hasn't showed it in front of Alya. I think she's really trying to change and that's because of you,"
 "I... thank you, Marinette," He smiled, making her smile back before he gasped and pulled away as if he realized what he had said. "I am so sorry, Marinette. I don't mean to just throw this all on you. I'm a ter-"
 "Anatis, it's ok," She smiled, gently pushing his hair back. Anatis's cheeks went a little bit pink as she grinned. "Want some cookies? I made some earlier,"
 "Sure," He smiled, causing her to smile back before she walked over to the skylight. She climbed in part of the way but stopped and looked over to him.
 "You can come inside you know," She grinned before disappearing into her room. He smiled a little before following. He climbed off her bed and down to her chaise longue, sitting down as he waited for her. A few minutes later, Marinette climbed back through, holding a plate of cookies. Anatis smiled as she walked over and held out the plate to him. He took one and began to eat it.
 "Amazing," He mumbled, smiling. "What would I do without you and your cookies, Marinette?"
 "Probably buy some from a bakery?" She grinned, making him chuckle as she picked one up and began to munch on it as well.
~A Few Days Later~
 "That's Marinette's room!" Anatis gasped as Gigantitan threw his lucky charm, which happened to a giant plastic donut, right into the bakery. Lady Noir looked at him in surprise but then she remembered that he visited Marinette quite a bit. He looked panicked and fearful, making her heart flutter a little before she grabbed his arm, causing him to look at her. "We have to help her,"
 "The best thing we can do is defeat Gigantitan and cast the miraculous cure," She informed, making him take a deep breathe and smile at her.
 "You're right," He nodded, making her smile before he took out his yoyo. "And I've got a plan,"
 "That's the spirit, Annie," She grinned before the two of them charged into battle. It didn't take them long but soon the two of them had defeated Gigantitan and Anatis threw up the donut, casting the cure. Relief flooded through him as the cure restored Marinette's room but before he could jump up there and see if she was ok, Gigantitan turned back into August and fell back to Earth. Lady Noir caught him and gently cooed at him, making him smile before her ring rapidly beeped. He gently took the baby from her arms and told her to get going as his mother approached. "Thanks, Annie. I'll see you later,"
 "Bye," He smiled, waving at her before turning back to August. "Let's get you back to your mama then I can check on Marinette,"
 August giggled back and made grabby hands at Anatis before he walked over to his mother and handed him back to her, thanking him for saving her baby. He simply replied that he was doing his job. He waved to August then threw up his yoyo and swung off. He landed on Marinette's roof and looked around. He felt his panic begin to rise as he didn't see her around.
 "Marinette?!" He gasped, afraid that his miraculous cure hadn't worked on her. What if she had been killed? Could the cure even bring back the dead? He frowned but heard footsteps. He turned around and let out a sigh as he saw her walking over to him.
 "Anatis?" She questioned, a little surprised. She went to say something but he walked over to her and pulled her into a hug, completely catching her off guard. She gasped as she realized he was shaking. She wrapped her arms around him. "Anatis, it's ok... I'm ok,"
 "You could have been killed," He whispered, looking at her. She couldn't but blush at the gentle look in his eyes. 
 "Hey, I'm here and I'm safe," She smiled, gently placing her hand on his cheek. His eyes widen in surprise at the action and she quickly pulled away her hand, going red. "S-Sorry.."
 "No... I'm sorry...I'm not acting professionally so forgive me. I just... I can't bear the idea of you been hurt...I needed to know you were ok..." He mumbled, looking to the side before looking at her as she blushed a little before he pulled away. "I'm sorry if this seems creepy and I know you don't really know me but I care about you a lot, Marinette,"
 "Anatis, you do realize I consider you my friend," She stated, making him look at her with surprise as she took his hand. "So I don't find it creepy and I know it's hard to get to know you with the fact that you're a hero and all but I care about you too. You've saved my life more times then I can count and you were one of the only two people to believe me about Lila... so thank you for everything you've done for me..."
 She suddenly hugged him, surprising him before he hugged back, closing his eyes. A gasp suddenly pulled them both out of their little world, causing Marinette to jump back as she saw her father staring back at them with huge eyes. 
 "Well, I never," He gasped, climbing out. "Whoa,"
 "Papa! It's not what it seems!" She gasped as he climbed out. "Anatis was-"
 "Making sure Marinette was safe," Anatis gasped, holding up his hands as his earrings beeped. He gasped, touching his earrings. "I have to go... um... bye?"
 "Wait," Tom gasped, gently grabbing his shoulder. "Why don't you come have Sunday brunch with us tomorrow?"
 "Papa!" Marinette gasped, going bright red.
 "Um... I don't want to intrude..." Anatis mumbled, making Tom laugh.
 "You won't be intruding at all," He smiled. "So tomorrow at 11 o'clock. Don't be late! I'll make some macarons!"
 Anatis went to say something but his earrings beeped again and Tom had already climbed back into the house. Marinette gasped and went bright red before turning to Anatis as his earrings beeped again.
 "I'm sorry, Marinette. I have to go," He gasped, taking out his yoyo and swinging off. He would have stayed longer but as soon as he swung down to an alleyway, his transformation dropped, causing him catch Tikki. He took out a cookie from his pocket and gave it to her. She smiled and began to eat it before noticing him frowning. 
 "Luka, what's wrong?" She asked as he began to walk back to the Seine. 
 "Mr Dupain invited me to brunch tomorrow..." He mumbled, making her look at him in surprise. "I think he thinks that Anatis is Marinette's boyfriend so he invited me..."
 "You don't seem happy about it," She mumbled, making him sigh. "Don't you love Marinette?"
 "I do but I can't... what if this puts her in danger?" He asked, frowning. "I love Marinette too much to ever want to put her in danger,"
 "I see," Tikki nodded. "What are you going to do?"
 "I'll go there tomorrow and explain," He mumbled, getting a nod of Tikki as they reached the boat. "I just hope they understand,"
 ~The Next Day~
 Luka took a deep breathe as he walked towards the bakery. He intended to transform closer to the bakery but he stopped when he saw some roses on sale. Deciding to get one for Marinette, he walked into the store and brought a pink rose. He paid the florist and left before moving into an alleyway and glanced around. Tikki flew out of his pocket.
 "Why a pink rose?" She asked, making him glance at her.
 "Ma told me that pink roses mean I admire you," He replied, glancing at it. "I admire Marinette a lot. She isn't just a pretty face to me. She's brave, kind and gentle,"
 "That's really sweet," Tikki smiled as he smiled back before he took out his phone and glanced at the time. It was ten to eleven. He took a deep breathe before calling on his transformation. He walked over to the bakery and noticed it was closed before moving to the side door and rang the doorbell. A few seconds later, the door opened, revealing Marinette. To his surprise, she was dressed in a different outfit. Instead of her usual clothes, she was dressed in a cute summer dress and ballet pumps. Her hair was done in a loose bun with a strand down and she had a light blush on her cheeks.
 "Um... hey..." She mumbled, taking his hand and pulling him in. "I'm really sorry about all of this. Papa insisted I wear something nice and-"
 "You look lovely," He smiled, making her cheeks go red but before he could stay anything else, her father rushed over and pulled him into a bear hug.
 "Welcome to our home!!" He declared as Sabine came over.
 "Tom, let the poor boy go," She gasped, making him drop Anatis. He said a quick apology before putting him down to face Marinette. He rushed over to Sabine and watched them like a little child on Christmas day.
 "Um... this is for you..." Anatis mumbled as he held up the rose, causing Tom to grin. Marinette blushed and took it, smiling a little before the two of them kissed each other on the cheeks as a greeting. Tom turned to his wife with an excellent grin.
 "Oh! He brought Marinette a pink rose! How romantic! Marinette loves pink!" He gasped, gesturing towards them. "You already know each other so well!!"
 "Papa! Everyone loves pink," Marinette gasped, holding the rose. "It doesn't mean anything... right?"
 "Um... pink roses actually mean I admire you so th-that's why I got it... I think Marinette is really brave and I admire her for that..." Anatis mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck as Marinette went the same shade of pink as the rose. Anatis gulped as Tom looked like he was about to explode. "B-But I don't really know her that well..."
 "Love at first sight!" Tom sighed, making Marinette sigh. "How romantic!"
 "Papa!" Marinette gasped, looking embarrassed but Tom rushed over and dragged them both over to the table.
 "Have a seat, kids," He grinned, moving over to the kitchen. "I'll bring out the first course,"
 He hummed to himself as he began to prepare the food. Marinette gasped and covered her face with her hand as Anatis played with his hands before turning to her.
 "Um... Marinette?" He asked, making her look at him. "I... um... I need-"
 "Volia!" Tom declared, putting down a dish. It had some food on there that were heart shaped. "Sweethearts' vol-au-vents! For two of course!"
 "Papa, you're embarrassing us!" Marinette gasped as she noticed Anatis look around nervously.
 "Nonsense!" Tom declared, grinning. Anatis gave him a nervous look before picking up one of the hearts and eating it. "Tell me, Anatis, is been a superhero a steady profession?"
 "I'm sorry what?" Anatis gasped, glad he had swallowed the food. At the same time, Sabine said Tom's name and Marinette covered her face again, groaning. 
 "What?" He asked, looking at his wife before turning back to Anatis, looking for an answer.
 "Um... I don't actually get paid for it..."  He admitted before looking at Tom. "Besides, been a superhero is really dangerous,"
 "Exactly!" Marinette gasped, seeing where he was going. "I should definitely get a more stable boyfriend,"
 "Nonsense, sweetie," Tom grinned, making both Anatis and Marinette frown. "Anatis won't be a superhero all his life! Once Hawkmoth is defeated, he won't need to run round on the rooftops with a yoyo saving people,"
 Marinette just stared at her father with a mixture of shock and irritation.
 "I know!" He gasped, clicking his fingers and making Anatis jump as he raised his voice. "He could work in the bakery with me! I could train you, young man,"
 "Papa! Anatis doesn't want to be a bakery!" Marinette gasped as Anatis nodded, agreeing with her.
 "See?! He would love to! Everyone loves bakers!" Tom gasped before holding up his hands. "The Dupain-Anatis Bakery! Doesn't that sound great?! Oh, I can already see little bugs running around the house!"
 "Papa!" Marinette gasped as Anatis went bright red.
 "Oh and hamsters! You do like hamsters right? Marinette loves them!" He gasped, getting a little bit in Anatis' face. He looked a little nervous before letting out a breathe when Tom looked back at Marinette. "What did you want to call your future one?"
 "This is a nightmare!" Marinette gasped.
 "That's right! Nightmare!" Tom chuckled before pulling a face. "A bit of a funny name, isn't it? Oh well. I'm bringing the Souffle,"
 He grabbed the trays before moving them into the kitchen and took something out of the oven before presenting it to them. Anatis blinked as he saw it was heart shaped. 
 "Volia! Hmm?" Tom grinned but Sabine cleared her throat.
 "Why don't we let Anatis tell us what he wants to do?" She suggested, causing Marinette to look up. "Anatis? Is there anything you want to do?"
 "Um... I really shouldn't talk about my hobbies or dreams..." He muttered, frowning before sighing. "Which brings me to something else. Mr Dupain, Mrs Cheng... Marinette... here's the thing. You're really nice people and it's very kind of you to invite me for brunch but... um.... Marinette, you're an awesome girl and I admire you a lot but... I can never date you... not as Anatis... I'm really sorry, Marinette..."
 "Anatis..." She mumbled as Tom and Sabine gasped. "I know and it's ok. I've tried to tell Papa that you're in love with someone else..."
 "Right..." He mumbled, glancing to the side. He let out a sigh before glancing at her. "I'm really sorry, Marinette,"
 He noticed how Tom was looking at him. He honestly looked like he wanted to strangle him. He gulped a little before turning back to Marinette. 
 "Um... I should go..." He mumbled, getting up. "Thank you for having me..."
 He headed to the door and  walk out it before going down the stairs, letting out a sigh as he did. Marinette frowned a little but not because Anatis had to reject. She felt sorry for him as he had always been honest with her but her father didn't let either of them explain and just assumed he was her boyfriend, which he wasn't. Not that she wouldn't love him to be. Of course, she had thought about it. She sighed and turned to her father, causing him to looked up at her. She shook her head and walked over to the stairs, causing her father to gently grab her arm.
 "Sweetie, are you ok?!" He gasped, causing her to nod. "You don't have to pretend,"
 "Papa, I'm not pretending. I've known Anatis is love with someone else for ages," She gasped, shaking her head but she could see in his eyes that he didn't believe her. She sighed and pulled her arm from his hand, causing him to take the rose. "I'm gonna go to my room,"
 She headed up there and flopped on her chair, letting out a sigh. Plagg flew out of his hiding place.
 "So how did it go with Bug boy?"
 "Well, Papa embarrassed us and then got annoyed because Anatis said that he couldn't date me," She sighed, making him blink. "So as expected, he rejected me but this should haven't happened in the first place!"
 "What do you mean?"
 "Well, I tried to tell Papa that Anatis isn't my boyfriend," She sighed, shaking her head. "And if he had listened to me in the first place, Anatis wouldn't have to gone through this but now my papa is annoyed at him because of his own assumption!"
 Plagg went to answer but before he could, Marinette's whole room was in engulfed in a purple smog, making her gasp and call out to him in panic. He went to fly over to her but a purple smog wall separated the two of them.
 ~Outside the Bakery~
 Luka sighed as he sat against the wall of the alleyway. As soon as he was out of anyone's view, he detransformed and gave Tikki a cookie. She was sat on his knee as he sat with his arms resting on his arms. She gently put a paw against his arm, making him look up. He knew rejecting Marinette as Anatis was for the best but it still hurt him to do so. 
 "You can always confess to her as Luka," She mumbled, making him frown.
 "I can't even write a song to tell her how I feel," He mumbled, looking down. "Besides, why would she like me as Luka? Luka isn't a superhero or interesting. I can't even talk or make sense... I love her, Tikki... I love her so much but she doesn't love me. Sure, she likes me but only as her friend..."
 He sighed and wiped under his eyes. 
 "It's not that I'm ungrateful for her friendship... it's just... I wish I could tell her how I feel but every time I've tried something goes wrong or I don't make sense..." He sighed, making Tikki frown a little but before either of them could say a thing, people began to scream. Luka jumped up and rushed out of the alleyway, gasping as he saw a purple smog going up into the sky from Marinette's room. Luka gasped and took a step back as the smog lifted, revealing a giant stalk with thorns. He rushed back into the Alleyway, causing Tikki to fly up to him. "Tikki! Spots on!"
 He transformed and rushed back out, heading straight into the bakery. He ran up the stairs and into the apartment. Sabine was sat on the floor, looking at the giant plant in shock. He rushed over to her and helped her up.
 "I'm so sorry, Mrs Cheng," He mumbled as she dusted herself down. "This is my fault..."
 "Of course not, Anatis," She gasped, placing her hand on his shoulder. "It's Tom. No matter how much I tell him, he always takes things too far,"
 "I'll get Mr Dupain back to his senses and save Marinette... I promise," He replied, though the promise is more to himself then Sabine. Sabine glanced at him before placing her hand on his arm again.
 "I know you will, Anatis," She smiled, making him nod. "Will you wait for Lady Noir?"
 "I can't afford to," He admitted, making her nod but frown a little. "She'll understand. She's cool like that,"
 "Marinette mentioned you were in love with another girl," Sabine asked, causing him to look at her. "Is it Lady Noir?"
 "No, Lady Noir is great but she's my friend..." He muttered, making her nod. "The girl I love... I've been in love with her since I first met her... she's the song that keeps playing in my head..."
 "You really love this girl, don't you?" Sabine asked, making him blush a little.
 "Yeah, she's amazing," He smiled before frowning and shaking his head. "Don't worry, Mrs Cheng. I'll save Marinette,"
 "I have faith in you, Anatis. You're a good person," She smiled, making him smile. "Never apology for your feelings,"
 "Thank you, Mrs Cheng," He smiled before moving over to the bottom of the stalk. He jumped up through the gap and landed on part of it before taking out his yoyo. He threw it upwards, causing it to wrap around one of the thorns before he attached it to his belt and pulled on it, causing him to fly upwards. He glanced down a little and saw the city disappear as he pass through clouds til he came to where his yoyo was. It was wrapped around one of the thorns in a circle area. He undid it and jumped down, landing on the lower curve before glancing around. He literally could see nothing but clouds and sky, which was beautiful but he needed to focus on saving Marinette. He looked up and saw a platform made from the stalk. He threw his yoyo up and wrapped it around one of the other thorns, pulling himself upwards and landing on the platform. He glanced around but saw no one there. "Marinette?!"
 No one answered as he walked forward before he looked up and saw more of the stalk. It rose up a good few feet and had formed a ball at the top. He realized Marinette must be in there. He frowned as he began to walk over to it.
 ~Inside the Ball of Thorns~
 Marinette gasped as she climbed over more thorns and stalks. She was certain that her father had been akumatized due to Anatis' rejection. She jumped down and looked around before cupping her hands over her mouth.
 "Plagg!" She called out. Her voice echoed as she looked around. No answer. "Plagg!!"
 Again, no answer. She frowned and moved her arms around her waist as she looked around.
 "Marinette?!" Plagg's voice suddenly echoed, making her gasp and look around. "Marinette?! Where are you?!"
 "Plagg! I'm over here!!" She called, rushing towards where she heard him. However, the more she tried to find him the harder and more confusing it got. Marinette stopped and glanced around. "Plagg! I can't find you!!"
 "I can't find you either!" Plagg called back as he floated around. "It's a magical prison and I think it's trying to stop me from finding you,"
 "There has to be a way out of here," Marinette muttered as she glanced around. "There has to be,"
 "Marinette?!" Anatis called, looking around. Suddenly, a number of vines aimed at him, causing him to jump out of the way and using his yoyo to protect himself. The platform shook as something heavy landed on it, causing him to look up. The beast in front of him had black and brown fur with green pants that were ripped and vines wrapped around his wrists, ankles and waist. He also had a huge moustache and bright yellow eyes. "Mr Dupain?"
 "How dare you come back after what you've done!" He snarled, jumping up and diving towards Anatis. He gasped and rolled out of the way, causing the beast to hit the area he had been standing. He straightened up and let out a growl.
 "I'll always be here to save Marinette!" Anatis replied, causing the beast to charge at him and try to punch him. Anatis dodged it and used his yoyo as a shield.
 "She's safe from you and all the boys who will break her heart!" He growled, throwing a fist at Anatis. He jumped over him and out of the way.
 "I didn't want to break her heart!" He shouted back. "But-"
 The beast used part of the vine to hit him before he could finish his sentence, knocking him of the edge. Anatis managed to grab the edge before he fell and pulled himself up but the beast grabbed him and threw him across the platform, causing him to fall hard on it before the beast jumped at him. Anatis managed to dodge him, causing him to growl and throw more fists. He jumped out of the way and landed on one of the thorns but before he could jump to another, a vine wrapped around him, causing the beast to pull him.
 "No, you don't! I forbid you to rescue her!" He growled, spinning him around before slamming him into the ground. "You don't deserve to save her! From now on, no else but I will protect her,"
 Anatis groaned but pushed himself up before facing the beast.
 "And are you gonna protect her all her life?" He asked, glancing at him. The beast growled and charged at Anatis, forcing him to use his yoyo as a shield.
 "Exactly!" He growled, slamming his fists on it, breaking through and grabbing Anatis, throwing him into the stalk. "I'll keep her safe from sadness, hardship and anything else that can hurt her,"
 "But you'll be hurting her!" Anatis shouted back, making the beast charge at him. He charged back and jumped over him, wrapping his yoyo around him. "You'll be the one to cause her the most pain by isolating her from the world! Do you really want that?! Do you really want be the same as the girl who made her become Princess Justice?! Do you really want to leave her alone and scared in a prison of roses?!"
 For a second, he thought he had gotten through to him but the beast broke out of the yoyo's string and grabbed him, throwing him against the ground.
 "She will never be alone!" He snarled as Anatis got up, holding his side. "Someday, a prince will come! A prince worthy of her, daring enough to face me, who will brave the many faces and pick the magic rose for her! He will be worthy of taking her from my guard!"
 "She doesn't need a prince to do anything for her!" Anatis growled, surprising the beast. "Marinette is brave enough to pick that rose for herself! She isn't some price to be won and I wo-"
 A number of vines slammed into him, cutting him off before he jumped out of the way. He took out his yoyo, spinning it as he faced the beast.
 "Bring it,"
 ~Back in the Ball of Thorns~
 Marinette let out another sigh as she stopped trying to push the giant vines. It was doing no good as they wouldn't budge. She wiped her forehead with her arm before glancing around. If she couldn't get out that way, she had to find another way. She glanced around, frowning. She couldn't rely on becoming Lady Noir as the prison was keeping Plagg from getting to her and it appeared that no one could get inside the prison, meaning Anatis couldn't get to her plus she doubted her father would let him anyway so it was down to her. She glanced around again before gasping as she noticed a golden beam of light. It appeared to be highlighting something. She looked closer and gasped as she saw a rose on a pedestal in the middle of the beam.
 "That's the rose Anatis gave me," She muttered before stepping closer. A sound echoed, making her frown in confusement and look around before she noticed a vine swinging towards her. She jumped down, causing it to miss her before she got back up and looked back at the rose. More vines were swinging, making her frown before she clicked. It was an assault course. She smirked and clicked her neck. "Ok,"
 She took a deep breathe and began to run through the swinging vines, sliding over some and ducking under others. She had to be careful and made sure to keep her balance but she managed to get by. All she had to do was running across a vine that resembled a bridge and climb up to the rose. She let out a sigh before pushing up her sleeves and grinning.
 "I can do this!" She gasped before running across the vine as the place echoed.
 ~Outside of the Thorn Prison~
 Anatis dodged the vines that the Beast was directing at him before jumping up. A vine wrapped around his waist and slammed him into the stalk repeated before dropping him onto the floor. The beast walked over to him, causing Anatis glanced up at him.
 "I w-won't stop trying to save her..." He gasped, pushing himself up before a number of vines attacked him again, repeatedly slamming into him before pulling him against the stem and wrapping around him so he was tied to it. The beast growled as he glanced up. "I won't give up on trying to free her..."
 "I forbid you to do so!" The beast growled before lifting his fist and repeatedly slamming into Anatis' face until he had a closed up eye and bloodied lip. The beast pulled back the vines, causing Anatis to fall to the floor.
 "I'm not... giving... up..." Anatis gasped, trying to push himself up but the beast grabbed him by the neck and lifted him up. Anatis glanced at him with a weakened expression as he tried to get free and punch the beast. "I... won't... never..."
 "You're not worthy of my daughter," He growled, beating him more til he was practically unconscious before dragging him over to the edge and holding him over it. Anatis weakly opened his good eye as the beast smirked. He intended to drop him off the edge. A purple mask appeared around his eyes as Hawkmoth ordered him to take Anatis' miraculous. The beast smirked and reached for his earrings, taking one of them off. The other one began to rapidly beep as Anatis' costume began to slowly disappear.
 ~Inside the prison~
 Marinette jumped across one of the vines and grabbed onto a couple of thorns, using them to climb up to the rose. She got close enough to it and reached it, grabbing it. She plucked it out, smiling as she did but it turned to dust in her hand, releasing the akuma. As soon as it was destroyed, the sound of cracking and the prison broke apart, causing her to fall. She managed to grab onto a large vine but she screamed as she fell. 
 "Marinette!" Plagg called as he flew over to her. "Buy boy's in big trouble!"
 "No time to wait then," She grinned. "Plagg! Claws out!"
 She transformed into Lady Noir and jumped off the vine. She could see her father falling as well as Anatis but his costume was slowly disappearing. Lady Noir brought her arms to her side, causing her to fall faster before she put them out again, slowing her down.
 "Mr Dupain!" She called, making him look at her. "I need Anatis' earring,"
 "O-oh right," He muttered, holding it out to her. She took before diving over to Anatis. He looked like hell but luckily on part of his costume had disappeared. She ignored what she could see and fixed his earring onto his ear, causing his costume to reform. He slowly opened his eye as he felt her hand on his cheek.
 "Lady Noir... Marinette..." He muttered, making her smile a little.
 "She's safe. I got her to safety," She stated, causing him to nod. "We need your lucky charm,"
 "K-Kay..." He muttered, throwing out his yoyo. "L-Lucky charm..."
 Luckily for them, the ladybugs created a huge boat, catching the three of them. Anatis slumped to the side, causing Lady Noir to grab his yoyo and throw it out, catching the akuma and releasing the purified version before she glanced around. She turned to Anatis who was trying his best not to loose unconsciousness while her dad looked like he was able to freak. 
 "Annie, hold onto that pole," She ordered, causing him to do so. "Mr Dupain, do the same,"
 "R-Right," He nodded as she summoned her cataclysm, destroying the lower part of the boat. She grabbed the sail, a pole and some rope before creating a makeshift glider. They glided to the ground, causing Tom to cover his eyes as they landed in front of the bakery. Sabine rushed out as soon as they did, embracing Tom as Lady Noir picked up a piece of the glider. She let out a sigh and turned Anatis to hand him the pole but caught him as he flopped against her, clearly tired and hurt. She smiled gently before throwing the pole into the air.
 "Miraculous Ladybugs!" She declared, causing the pole to burst into the cure. It swarmed over the city and the bakery before swarming around Anatis, restoring him back to normal. He blinked and pulled away from her as he went bright red.
 "S-Sorry," He gasped as he looked to the side before his eyes widen. "Marinette!"
 He turned to run into the bakery, followed by her parents. Lady Noir let out a sigh and jumped up onto her balcony before sliding into her room. She slid down the banister of her stairs that led to her bed as she dropped her transformation, causing Plagg to hide when her parents and Anatis rushed in. Her father hugged her, causing her to gasp. 
 "Papa, I can't breathe," She gasped, causing him to let go of her.
 "Sorry... it's just... I was so worried," He gasped, holding her shoulders. "You were so heartbroken because of..."
 He glared at Anatis, causing him to flinch and look away.
 "Papa, stop. I wasn't heartbroken. I was annoyed because you didn't listen to me," She replied, causing her father to look at her. "But even if I was, Anatis is allowed to have feelings for people and he can reject or accept whoever he wants. I'm just glad he's my friend,"
 "Marinette..." Anatis muttered, glancing at her. "I'm sorry..."
 "You don't need to be," She smiled before turning to her parents as Anatis's earrings beeped. He sighed before climbing up on the roof and disappearing through the skylight, causing Marinette to turn to her father with crossed arms. "Papa, I hope you don't hold this against him,"
 "I won't, sweetie," He replied, nodding as she let out a sigh. "I'm sorry again,"
 ~Later that Night~
 "Hey, bug boy," Lady Noir called out as she saw Anatis. He was sat on the edge of a building, looking down. "You ok?"
 "Not really," He muttered, sighing as she sat next to him. "Today sucked so much,"
 "Well, you did go up against one hell of a beast," She pointed out but he sighed, still looking down. "Hey, you can tell me,"
 "You remember that I mentioned I'm in love with a girl..." He muttered, making her nod. "I had to reject her today..."
 "Oh, that- Wait! Marinette is that girl!" She gasped, looking at him. "But... why did you reject her if you're in love with her?!"
 "Because of Hawkmoth," He sighed, making her frown. She never considered that. "As far as she knows, I'm in love with some girl but she has no idea it's her. I keep on telling myself it's better that way since I'd want her to know who I really am underneath the mask. Maybe if the circumstances were different, I would have told her today but it isn't... it would put her and her family in danger... I can't... no, I won't do that,"
 "Annie..." Lady Noir whispered before hugging him. She pulled away and glanced at him.
 "Besides, it's not like I intended for this to happen. I was just making sure she was ok after Gigantitan's attack and her father saw me hugging her and jumped to a conclusion. I couldn't reject his offer as I had to go since my timer was about to stop," He sighed, looking down. "I tried to let her down as gently as possible,"
 "I'm sure you did," She nodded before glancing at him. "But why don't you just confess to her in your civilian form?
 "Because I suck at words," He sighed, resting his chin on his hand. "And it's not like I haven't tried but every time I do, something goes wrong,"
 "Ooh," She nodded, deciding to ignore that she somehow knows Anatis' civilian form. "So you have been trying to keep our deal?"
 "Yeah but things keeping on getting in the way," He sighed, leaning his head on her shoulder. "I'm sorry to moan like this,"
 "No worries, bug a boo," She smiled, gently patting his head. "Personally, I think Marinette is a very lucky girl to have your attention and your reasons are very noble. You clearly care for her a lot,"
 "I do..." He muttered, sighing. "I can't tell you why but she means a lot to me and I just want her to be happy, even that means having to let her go,"
 "But you deserve to be happy as well,"
 "Not if it puts her in danger," He replied, looking sad before smiling a little. "But don't worry about me, Lady Noir. I'll be ok,"
Next Chapter: Chapter 49 
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