#the labs official
undeadbard · 3 months
Niles was way overdue for a new full body ref, and with Art Fight right around the corner, there was no time like the present
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wolfchans · 14 days
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gaemms-chamois · 1 year
Rhine Lab video they showed at the end of the 4th Anniversary stream
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ruki-mukami-dl · 5 months
Vampire Lab.
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Source: X (Twitter)
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abyssalzones · 3 days
did you guys know there's a t pill option now. I did Not.
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ultrakdramamama · 7 months
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240308 shinee Don't be stressed! Don’t be desserts!🍬🍭🍫
세상에서 가장 달콤한 공장 'Sweet Factory'에는 사실 아무도 모르는 비밀이 숨겨져 있었는데...
어느 날 신입 연구원 Mr. Freak은 누군가가 공장 구석에서 복실이를 납치해 디저트의 단맛을 더하는 원료로 만들고자 복제하는 현장을 목격한다.
복실이를 하루 빨리 여기서 탈출시켜야만 한다!
Mr. Freak은 새로운 인턴 모집을 빌미로 자신을 도와 함께 복실이를 구출할 조력자를 찾게 된다.
[eng tran] Don't be stressed! Don’t be desserts!🍬🍭🍫
In the world's sweetest factory 'Sweet Factory', there was actually a secret hidden that no one knew...
One day, a new researcher Mr. Freak witnessed a scene where someone steals a boksil from a corner of a factory and replicates it with ingredients that add sweetness to the dessert. We need to get Boksil out of here as soon as possible! Mr. Freak helps himself as a new intern recruit and finds an assistant to rescue Boksil.
#sweetescape#스윗이스케이프 #mrfreakslab#mrfreak#미스터프릭 #KEY#키@bumkeyk#SHINee#샤이니
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chirpsythismorning · 2 years
It's giving audience was so distracted with 010 in the opening of s4 that they missed the willel wondertwin evidence right under their noses...
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vexic929 · 3 months
does anyone have a floor plan of S.T.A.R. Labs from the show or do I have to make it myself?
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chatonarya · 4 months
CN Terra Historicus uploaded a new post today for the Lone Trail rerun. It's Saria speaking in a hearing in Max D.C. regarding the events of LT itself and Rhine Lab's plans moving forward.
(General summary here.)
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Of interest is the fact that it mentions RL's collaboration with Karlan Trade and their intention to build facilities in Kjerag to investigate and research the hole in the starpod, as she reasons it won't last forever and they do not have sufficient energy to reproduce that hole created by Kristen again. She also cites Kjerag's advantages such as their altitude and Catastrophe-free atmosphere, as well as the reference opinions of "Speaker Gnosis Edelweiss, who was the chief technical officer of Karlan Trade", which state that only Karlan Trade can build the facilities to RL's standards on the Kjerag terrain.
This is obviously foreshadowing Kjerag 3 and reveals the true purpose and source of that CG from Concept PV 4.
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We know well by now by his BoC skin lore that Gnosis becomes Kjerag's first Speaker of the Parliament in the future, but I'm a little surprised to see it happen so quickly and apparently offscreen at the moment.
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The abolition of the Tri-Clan Council is already a seismic shift for Kjerag, because the Council and the Court have jointly governed Kjerag for almost as long as it has existed. In addition, BoC skins generally (but not always) take place in a nebulous time in the future. To have it casually dropped like this with no development or warning is a little shocking, as I still don't believe Kjerag would accept Gnosis in such a public position of power if his reputation wasn't cleared at some point beforehand.
But perhaps the details themselves will be revealed during Kjerag 3, which is shaping up to be quite big. What's not surprising, on the other hand, is that even as Speaker, Gnosis is still heavily involved in the technological development of Kjerag. He wouldn't dedicate his heart and soul towards building it up (and succeeding!) only to step back and permit some other party to waltz in and do as they please, after all!
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undeadbard · 3 months
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"Imagine it! ME! On the cover of Rogue magazine!!" I had the idea of Niles following a supervillain magazine called Rogue lol
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arkiwii · 11 months
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mystery rhine lab woman woooo send me your best crack theories she's the spirit of rhine lab that haunts this place
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flamestar126 · 7 months
Someone has a crush 😗
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nano30cm · 7 months
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im sure they all get along swimmingly
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Imagine reading a new manga and joking about it being homoerotic and then it gets explicitly stated that one of the protags is gay
If I don't see any weird romance blossom between those two istg-
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skullchicken · 1 year
it's out it's out it's out it's out!!!
Get Bento is the mission I illustrated for Catalyst Games this year! I poured a lot of love, sweat and polish into all three illustrations and - imo I did some great work!
Give it a look if the premise interests you!
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