#the knight in the panther's skin
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Musashi x Tarieli x Guts Lemme draw something like this again, I need a muse one more time :')
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luca207 · 1 year
"ლეკვი ლომისა სწორია, ძუ იყოს თუნდა ხვადია" შოთა რუსთაველი "Lion's whelps are equally lions, though female or male they be" shota rustaveli
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i-merani · 2 years
With all seriousness, Tariel is a babygirl. He is my babygirl.
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youjustwaitsunshine · 6 months
i love you historical epics with prefaces and footnotes i love you bilingual historical epics with side by side verses i love you historical context i love you endless appendices i love you explanation for the historical text that makes up half the book
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samaradiso · 11 months
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i think they like this book maybe
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kunikisss · 2 months
fun fact! there, in fact, exists one (1) singular tarieli/avtandili fanfic on archiveofourown dot org. that i may or may not have read when i was Really into the knight in the panther’s skin while i was learning it in school. and yes, it’s smut
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justsweethoney · 4 months
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jboy44 · 1 year
The panther queen and the Rusted knight.
In the market blake had vanished.
Yang " blake? "
Three little ten year old faunus girls shiw up. Blonde hair cat ears, one has gold eyes, one has blue eyes one has one gold eye one blue eye.
The kittens " hi we are penny pyrrha and alyx why are you looking fir our mommy 😸"
Yang head tilts " ...what?
Milf blake dressed in purple tiger skin jungle girl top and lioncloth oh I time traveled"
Yang nose bleeds ' .......okay...so who is there
Rusted knight riding on juniper killing a jabberwalker
Weiss "...... YOU MAN STEALING CAT......how was it?
Ruby " ...........hot
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olympeline · 28 days
(Second part of this!)
So the day of the trial dawns and Queen Arthur goes to face his challenger. The Garden of Thorns is part of the palace grounds and, like the name suggests, it’s not a nice place to be. Full of bad terrain, wild beasts, and a forest that’s little more than one big maze of thorns the size of knives. Arthur has seen the Garden on many occasions and he’s not afraid. He’s done this too many times to feel fear - or pity - when he faces the latest would-be-King with full intentions of sending him to his grave.
Alfred turns out to be your typical alpha knight; tall, muscular, wielding a sword, and wearing armour with his house’s crest emblazoned on the breastplate. Arthur sees the Jones emblem is an eagle interwoven with the usual Spade backing. Alfred is wearing a helmet so Arthur doesn’t get to see his face, for which he’s glad. It makes it easier to shoot a lightning bolt that should finish Alfred quickly. But Alfred dodges. Good for him. Most don’t even manage that much. Arthur tries again. And misses again. And again. And again. He’s grudgingly impressed at first - it’s been a long time since anyone has lasted this long - but it turns to frustration when Alfred just keeps escaping him. The man is obviously a stunning athlete. He moves like a panther and uses the terrain to his full advantage in a way that speaks of years of harsh training. Soon Arthur is beginning to panic because Alfred keeps getting closer and he just can’t hit the bastard. Those powerful but flashy spells are draining and he used a bunch of them straight off. Has he become sloppy or is Alfred just that good? He has no time to ponder this because soon Alfred is almost on him and Arthur throws pride to the wind and tries to run. Too late. No sooner has he turned his back (stupid! Why did he do that?!) than he’s bowled over with arms crushing his waist and what feels like a full ton of steel and muscle on his back.
Once he can breathe again, Arthur yells, spits, swears like a sailor, twists and fights like a trapped cat. But Alfred’s strength is monstrous and the knight flips Arthur onto his back and pins his arms above his head with one hand as if Arthur were no more than a child. His scent crashes over Arthur then and makes him shudder and flush with mortification as something twitches with interest in his groin. It’s a very pleasant alpha’s musk that makes Arthur’s head spin as his mind suddenly fills with images of leather, golden fields of corn, and summer meadows soaked with sun. Arthur can’t appreciate it though because he’s really panicking now. He has to get away and fast or he’s doomed! How could everything go so wrong so quickly?! But then Alfred speaks and it makes the Queen of Spades freeze like he’d been hit with his own blizzard spell. Alfred says his name and his voice…Arthur isn’t sure but that voice. Does he know it? No, he doesn’t. Does he? No! But…even so, it does something to him. Then Alfred pulls off his helmet and his face…He’s gorgeously handsome. All chiseled jaw, sun kissed, freckled skin, golden locks, and eyes like the clear, open sky. But Alfred’s good looks aren’t what keeps Arthur from moving. That voice and that face are stirring things long, long forgotten.
“Arthur, do you remember me?”
Alfred asks and Arthur can’t breathe. Alfred looks and sounds so serious in that moment and for some inexplicable reason Arthur wants to snap and tell Alfred this intense countenance he’s putting on doesn’t suit him and the prat should cut it out already. Then Arthur’s stupor turns to anger and he remembers just where the hell he is. He’s suffered a setback but he isn’t beaten yet and now the fool has exposed his most vulnerable area. Arthur only needs his hands free long enough for one good spell. He calls fire to burn Alfred through the metal of his gauntlets, but the flames gutter. He tries ice but all that manifests is a cool breeze. Lightning turns to a shower of sparks. Caustic poison doesn’t even make the gauntlets smoke. Alfred just watches his struggles, blue eyes unreadable. Arthur’s anger flares to embarrassed fury mixed with the return of extreme panic. This has never happened to him before but, for some reason, his magic refuses to obey. As if something deep inside Arthur won’t allow him to harm this Spades-cursed golden haired knight. Powers useless, Arthur abandons dignity and thrashes and struggles, even tries to lurch up and bite Alfred but he can’t reach. Alfred is just too strong and it can’t be natural. Even with those broard shoulders Arthur can see under the armour. Alfred has a grip like steel. Arthur is smaller than him but he isn’t helpless. His panic boosted thrashing should be eliciting some kind of reaction but Alfred is still as stone. No, it can’t be natural! There’s some kind of magic in this one and Arthur would be intrigued if the situation weren’t so dire. In the end his strength is exhausted and Arthur falls back, panting, grinds his teeth and screws his eyes shut so tears of rage won’t fall. It’s all happening too fast for true despair to set in yet but Arthur is getting there.
Then Alfred speaks a third time in that serious voice that Arthur knows is wrong for him without knowing how he knows. Alfred asks Arthur if he remembers him again and Arthur looks up at him - vision humiliatingly damp and blurry - and violently shakes his head. Tells Alfred he doesn’t and demands to be let up and for Alfred to fight like an alpha instead of toying with him like he has been. Alfred looks disappointed but Arthur won’t feel sorry for him. His eyes go wide with fright when Alfred raises his sword with his free hand and speaks a final time in that sorrowful tone that still will not suit him no matter how many times he insists on using it:
“Forgive me, my Queen.”
Arthur barely has time to yell: “No!” and “Wait-!” before Alfred brings the flat of his blade down on his head, knocking the mage out cold.
Half an hour later the palace is thrown into an uproar the likes of which not seen in a hundred years over the sight of Sir Alfred of House Jones emerging from the Garden of Thorns with Queen Arthur’s unconscious form cradled gently in his arms. The news spreads like wildfire, first all through the castle, and then on to every corner of the kingdom. Their long wait for a King of Spades is over: Queen Arthur has been caught at last.
(End of part 2! This is turning into a real Thing, huh? Worse luck for poor Arthur. Maybe 😉 )
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subnitida · 11 months
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Mamuka Tavakalashvili
Georgian miniature from a 17th century manuscript of Shota Rustaveli’s poem The Knight in the Panther’s Skin (ვეფხისტყაოსანი)
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k4txlulzz · 9 months
i headcannon dick grayson to be PARTIALLY georgian/kartveli/ქართველი:3 (and no i don't mean the state i mean the COUNTRY in the caucasus region) because i like projecting a lot and its how i show love for my favorite characters tehee🤭 ANYWHO if i recall correctly his dad is non-romani in the current canon (he's white american i think?) so i just made him georgian instead! that makes grayson romani from his mom's side and georgian from his dad's side; im leaving the stuff with his romani heritage as it currently is in canon because i dont think its my place to really get into all that cuz im not romani myself
but i AM georgian so i'll just portray a part of his character that i know best<3 just want to focus on what im 100% educated on and familiar with cuz again, its not my place to portray something i dont have experience with/am not part of
i have a ton of other little headcannon tied to this and the main one is that bruce is also georgian + since wine is an incredibly important part of our culture (its what we are known for) and there are a ton of georgian wine companies, in my hc bruce inherited a very successful huge wine making business! i felt that if i made bruce georgian too it would connect them more and it did!! they talk to each other in georgian often + at first bonded over "the knight in the panther's skin" aka "ვეფხისტყაოსანი"/"vepkhistkhaosani" which is an huge epic poem that is like a second bible to us, i got the idea for dick's georgian name from there<3 one of the characters is named avtandili (ავთანდილი) and he's my favorite + reminds me of grayson sometimes so i just went with that! plus it suits him; i headcannon that bruce and dick would quote this epic poem to each other often:) OH AND speaking of bruce !! his georgian name would be abesalom/აბესალომ and the georgian version of his last name wayne would be-vakhtangishvili/ვახტანგიშვილი
bonus hc->wally is georgian(at least partially) as well and his georgian name is vazha/ვაჟა
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wh33zy · 8 days
Uhh I dunno if you still accepts asks atm, but I’ve been reading your fanfic for Kotetsu and I LOVE WHAT YOU DONE FOR HIM!!! Honestly thought S2 was gonna give him focus since I was sure from seeing the opening as he was seen closing his locker and that left me to believe (oh there’s gonna be a huge arc for Kotetsu?) but fast-forward to the end, THAT NEVER HAPPENED 😭
So I’m glad this fic exists so I pretend this was actually Season 2. Also, if you had to make a visual for Kotetsu’s Invisible Crusader costume (+ his and Barnaby’s stealth suit) what it would look like?
HOWDY! I do accept asks! Thank you so much for sending me one!!
I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKE IT!!! THANK YOU!! I'm also so nervous every time I post another chapter lol. My intention with No Good Deed was to give myself the series 2 that I wanted. I treat it like American comics where this is canon but it's just my universe. If I had the drawing talent, I would LOVE to make this into a comic book!
But DO NOT GET ME STARTED ON HOW BADLY THE WRITERS FUMBLED S2 OR I WILL RANT FOR PARAGRAPHS. I was also hoping that it would be focused on Kotetsu (expected it actually because the focus is always flipflopping between him and Barnaby). There's SO MUCH about Kotetsu and Ouroboros that we still don't know about!
I also wanted a specific focus where Barnaby was the support this time BUT could give crucial insight as someone who spent a good portion of his life doing investigations/getting obsessed with getting justice. Like WHY have that be a main part of his backstory and then be like "oh, well, he's done with that now, who cares?", especially when he STILL doesn't have answers about Ouroboros?
It just felt like if S2 decided to not add in three new random unlikeable characters, an entire Ryan backstory, all the casual friendship episodes in the first season, fiercely not letting Kotetsu and Barnaby stand no less than five feet away from each other 90% of the time, and making L.L. Audun a random adversary (and not even connect to ANY of the heroes by making him a past villain of Kotetsu's or SOMETHING), then the show would have made far more sense to be called TIGER & Bunny.
We also probably would have had less cringey and cooler fight scenes but I digress.
Suit Inspiration:
My vision for Wild Tiger's crusader suit was VERY much inspired by some of the early versions of Marvel and DC costume designs. Considering that Kotetsu would have been a crusader in the 60s very early 70s.
I was thinking something like Wildcat (DC) and Black Panther (Marvel) but with green tiger stripes, green claws, and a cape added like this:
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BUT add the overall shape of Wild Tiger's cowl of his first suit so it comes across like more of a Tiger than a panther:
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^^^Like this! I don't know WHY they got rid of the ears OR the cape!!! Not to mention I theorize the reason WHY Kotetsu is so clumsy in the Apollon suit is because it's BIG, HEAVY, CLUNKY ARMOR and he's used to lightweight, skin-tight, and having a full range of motion. AND I have the wildly unpopular opinion of preferring his first suit over Saito's.
NOW for the stealth suits for Wild Tiger and Barnaby:
SO I don't have the clearest vision here for them, but this is what they're supposed to be giving a mix of-
The Batman Beyond suit
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and The Arkham Knight's suit:
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BUT in their individual colours of course.
Kotetsu's helmet has the same ears that his first suit does and has claws, Barnaby's helmet has ears too but they look like the ones his regular Apollon armor has already.
Again, thanks SO much for the message and the ask! Please don't be shy to send asks my way as I very much welcome them!
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mask131 · 6 months
The Dionysos gallery (3)
We continue our journey down the gallery put together by the Museum of Wine to explore the depictions of Dionysos and his cohorts through the art... Previous item of the gallery was here. Today... Dionysos' entourage. And we begin with...
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The Triumphal Cortege of Dionysos, by Maerten van Heemskerck
A) The Procession of Dionysos
(As usual all text here is loosely translated from the website)
The motif of the Procession of Dionysos, or Cortege of Bacchus, tends to be heavily inspired by Ovid's description of this triumphal parade within his Metamorphoses - but it is the culmination of Dionysos' entire earthly life.
To shield baby Dionysos from Hera's wrath, Zeus took him far away from Greece, into the land of Nisa, where he was entrusted to nymphs that raised him. Once adult, Dionysos discovered the grapevine and how to make wine. But Hera struck him with madness, and he wandered throughout Egypt and Syria, before finally reaching Phrygia where the goddess Cybele welcomed him, healed him, purified him and initiated him to her mystery cult. Now sane, he returned to Thrace where the ruling king, Lycurgus, proved himself hostile to the young man and tried to imprison him. Dionysos escaped Lycurgus by fleeing to the Nereid Thetis who welcomed him under the sea. But Lycurgus captured the Bacchants that were with Dionysos - before the god rescued them and struck Lycurgus with madness, making him cut his own leg and kill his son with an axe as he believed he was cutting Dionysos' plant, the grapevine. When Lycurgus regained his sanity, the land was cursed with sterility and the oracle announced only the king's death would return fertility to the soil: he was torn apart by four horses.
Dionysos then left Thrace to go to India. With a magical and supernatural army, he managed to wage war and conquer the land - and this is where the "triumphal procession" motif comes from, as he paraded in a (typically Roman way, since Ovid was the source of descriptions) chariot in a chariot pulled by panthers, decorated with ivy and vine, and followed by Silenos, satyrs, centaurs and Maenads.
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Bacchus' Triumph, by Benvenuto Tisi
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Bacchus' Triumph by Nicolaes Moeyaert
Here, Bacchus' chariot is a large barrel of wine pulled by two angry panthers. The cohorts of Dionysos are joyful and merry, drinking a lot of wine - but a few details have to be caught. To the right, there is a satyr vomitting. Behind him, there is a knight all in armor, and a sick old man visibly suffering from the gout. The painter was thus trying to warn the audience about the negative consequences of alcohol abuse: near Bacchus' procession, war and disease lurk.
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Bacchus' Triumph by Nicolas Poussin
This painting depicts Dionysos' triumphal return after his victories in India. At the bottom right you can see a river-god: he symbolizes the river Indus, and by extension the entire Indian subcontinent. The Oriental nature of the journey is also shown by how a Maenad riding a horse is wearing a leopard's skin. Silenos has a vine in his hand, and while Bacchus holds a thyrsus, his traditional attribute, all the other symbols are however typical of a Roman general and of the "triumphs" of the military of Ancient Rome - for example the red cloak typical of triumphing Roman generals and Roman emperors.
B) Silenos
Silenos is both the teacher and adoptive father of Dionysos, and as such he follows him everywhere. But Silenos is also the personifiction of Drunkenness, and as such he is at the same level as the other minor deities present in Dionysos' parade, such as Comos (merriment/festivity) or Coros (Satiety). From Renaissance onward Silenos became a recurring pictural motif. Tradition depicts him as a joyful and pot-bellied old man, as ugly as he is lustful, his drunk state making him grotesque. "Silenus" also became a generic term to designate an old or elderly satyr.
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The Misadventures of Silenus, by Piero di Cosimo
In this painting, Silenos actually appears three times. In chronological order, we first see him at the center of the picture. hile still riding his donkey, he tries to get honey from a hive in a hollow tree, only to be attacked by the bees. On the left we can see him being healed with berry juice, while on the right people are trying to put him back onto his feet.
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Drunk Silenus, by Jose de Ribera
Here Silenos appears as an obese human. The one that holds his head is his father, the god Pan.
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Drunk Silenus, by Pierre Paul Rubens
C) Satyrs
The satyrs are ambiguous creatures, half-goat half-man, who lived in the wilderness. Associated with the Maenads, they formed together the "Dionysian cortege" that paraded with the god. They are also associated with the god Pan. They are frequently hanging out or flirting with nymphs, minor deities renowned for their youth and beauty. Nymphs are female spirits that inhabit most places within the landscapes: they are found within woods and forests, in valleys and meadows, by streams and rivers, in mountains and grottos... They are also typically associated with various major deities - including Dionysos.
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Nymph and Satyr, by Christiaen van Couwenbergh
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Two Satyrs, by Peter Paul Rubens
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Satyr drinking the juice of a pressed grape, by David de Haen
D) Maenads and Bacchants
The Maenads are the female followers of Dionysos, who escort him in all of his adventures, including his journey to India. They are his servants, not his priestesses, but they do have an important role in his religion and in his worship. They participate to all the mysteries and all the festivals in honor of the god. They are dressed with lion skins, their chest bare, and they hold the thyrsus, a lance surrounded by ivy. They personify the orgiastic spirits of nature, and are renowned for their frenetical dances that place them in a mystical ecstasy. Some heroes fell victim to their inhuman strength - the Bacchants (Roman name of the Maenads) were known to act like ferocious and savage beasts.
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The Dance of the Bacchants, by Charles Gleyre
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Pentheus hunted by the Maenads, Charles Gleyre
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The Death of Orpheus, by Emile Lévy
E) Centaurs
The centaurs are creatures appearing as half-men half-horses. They are part of the Dionysian procession, and for the Ancient Greek they symbolized all of the bestial appetites (drunkenness and lechery). Their fight against the Lapiths was an allegory for the fight between civilization and savagery.
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The Battle of the Lapiths and the Centaurs, by Piero di Cosimo
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The Battle of the Lapiths and the Centaurs at the wedding of Hippodomy, by Karel Dujardin
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Battle between the Lapiths and the Centaurs, by Lucas Giordane
These three paintings depict the same legend. Pirithoos married Hippodamia and invited all the Olympian gods to his wedding. However, since there were most guests than the palace could contain, Pirithoos had to place several of them within a cavern nearby - a fresh and shadowy, very pleasant grotto. Within this cavern were Nestor, Caeneus and several Thessalian princes, alongside Pirithoos' cousin the Centaurs. The Centaurs were not used to drinking wine. Upon sensing its smell, they rejected the fermented milk they had been offered, and swallowed all the wine. But in their ignorance, they took the wine without cutting it with water as it was tradition - as such, they took pure alcohol, and became so drunk that when the bride arrived with her handmaidens to salute them, a centaur named Eurytion broke all the furniture and took her by the hair to drag her away. All the other Centaurs imitated him, snatching away all the women and girls (and young boys) they could find, and trying to rape them all. Pirithoos, with the help of Theseus, went to rescue Hippodamia - he cut off Eurytion's nose and ears and, with the help of the other Lapiths, he threw the mutilated Centaur outside of the grotto.
A battle ensued that lasted all night, and during which Caeneus the Lapith was killed. This was the start of a very long war that would forever oppose the Centaurs and their neighbors the Lapiths.
F) A last thought
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André Lhote's "Bacchant"
The character of the Bacchant reappeared within the art of the 19th century, all the way to the beginning of the 20th. Originally, the Bacchant attracted the artists in its role of member of the procession of Bacchus, the thiasis - the Bacchant (or Maenad) is primarily the priestess of Bacchus/Dionysos, and has specific attributes: a skin belonging to a wild animal (usually a panther), a cup of wine, a crown of ivy or vine, a thyrsus... But the Bacchant of the 19th century, entirely devoted to the service of the god of wine, becomes a being of flesh. She listens and obeys to her impulses, she shows a savage sensuality, she offers to the artists the possibility to depict an ecstatic, equivocal nudity - not to say licentious. Slowly, painters and sculptors will use the myth as an excuse to depict the eroticism of a body arching and rearing. The bacchant loses her mythological attributes, and becomes simply a naked woman, free from all constraints. However, the idea of drunkenness and sensuality is well-kept.
The Bacchant of André Lhote is an exemple of this new Bacchant: she is a naked and fleshy woman with generous curves. In a posture of lascivity and complete abandon, she eats grapes in honor of Bacchus within a rural landscape. She celebrates the sensuality of the pleasures of life. Rodin created on the same motif erotic drawings that he called "Bacchant". Indeed, to call a naked, sexual model a "Bacchant" was a way to avoid the fury of the numerous "Leagues of Virtue". This results in the ambiguity of the title, since the modern Bacchant is very different from her Antic sister, even though they are united by the presence of wine and grapes.
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sityvaeuli · 1 month
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,,და ისევ მარტო ვზივარ ლოდებთან,
უკვე გათავდა წამი გოდების,
ახლა არავინ არ მელოდება
და მეც არავის არ ველოდები"
-ტერენტი გრანელი
🖌️Lado Gudiashvili -Illustration to the poem "The Knight in a Panther's Skin"
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bonefall · 2 years
So uh I saw a post about ShadowClan have like mushroom related names and out of curiosity I decided to look up what kind of mushrooms can be found in England and like.
List of clan affixes that I think are made possible because of mushrooms found in England: Prince, Pavement, Medusa, Macro, Scaly, Inky, Blushing, Stainer, Spring, Fieldcap, Peel, Snake/skin, Grisette, Death/cap, Amanita, Agaric, Panther/cap, Blusher, Destroying, Angel, Funnel, Jelly, Smoky, Bracket, Bolete, Ascot, Hat, Ruby, Scarletina, Satan, Slippery, Jack, Sepia, Penny, Bun, Summer, Polypore, Bulgar, George, Amethyst, Winter, Dryad, Saddle, Shaggy, Parasol, Trooping, Aniseed, Miller, Inkcap, Club, Webcap, Alfred, Cake, Dapperling, Beef/steak, Velvet, Funeral, Bell, Rust/gill, Cinnamon, Pie, Elfin, Terracotta, Lion (if it's like an au where the cats don't know about lions tigers and leapords), Mane, Parrot, Wax/cap, Jubilee, Hood, Sulphur, Fibre/cap, Widow, Curry, Milk/cap, Fenugreek, Blewit, Dome/cap, Pestle, Mosaic, Fairy, Champignon, Morel, Porcelain, Egg/head, Mottle/gill, Dyers, Maze/gill, Stink/horn, Oyster, Shield, Goblet, Liberty/cap, Butter/cap, Russula, Charcoal, Geranium, Brittle/gill, Earth/ball, Cauliflower, Turkey, Knight, Custard, Truffle, Rose/gill
Would the cats have that many names for all of these species of mushrooms so that all of these names can work? Probably not. Are all of these mushrooms capable of being found in the same general area that the Clans live in? Probably not. But do we really care? Especially when you can have names like Beefsteakpaw or Georgestar?
Honestly I LOVE the idea of breaking up Mush/shroom into a prefix and a suffix, and I've considered using -cap as a suffix. I also have actually used Morel, Button, and Truffle for OCs (Plus Reishi, which I've found growing where I live so I allowed it for a FanClan set locally)
Personally I just filter out plants/fungi that have human names and stories attached to them, because I LOVE warriors-ifying stuff like that. Queen Anne's Lace, for example? I'd adapt the story into being about the first Warrior to discover weaving. They who worked their pads to cracks, leaving a little drop of blood in the center of the flower.
So there wouldn't be a Queenpaw or an Annepaw, but the plant would be called Snowheart's Lace and any cat named Lacepaw would know the story by heart.
Plus, I just have a softness for ShadowClan. I'd love for them to have all these amazing stories for their apprentices. I wonder what they'd think of Rusty, if he joined ShadowClan? They could have named him Rustpaw after rustgill mushrooms! It could have been taken as a good sign.
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sparkingspider · 9 months
Name: Janine Aglalia
Alias: The One Born in Light and Darkness
Status: Alive
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 29
Birthday: April 19
Height: 5’11 (180.3 cm)
Eye Colour: Dark Violet
Hair Colour: Black
Occupation: Magic Knight Captain
Country: Clover Kingdom
Squad: Fuchsia Panthers
Janine is a fairly tall, athletic woman with shoulder length raven hair and dark violet eyes. Whenever Janine gets excited, her pupils narrow to cat-like slits.
Ordinarily wearing casual attire along with her Fuchsia Panthers robe, across her back lies a set of nasty scars and burns that Janine claims stings whenever they come into contact with water.
Coming off as an incredibly crass person at first, Janine has an open disdain for royalty that makes it difficult for most Magic Knights to even understand how she was made a captain in the first place.
In spite of this, her squad understands her feelings greatly, a few members even sharing them as they are privy to how royals had originally ruined Janine’s life.
When she isn’t taking potshots at the upper class, Janine is often described as a party woman, very frequently holding celebrations for her entire squad and sometimes even more. When asked about this, Janine has commented that she throws these parties because any night could be a Magic Knight’s last, so they should have happiness fresh on their mind.
On top of all of that, Janine is a monster in combat, stating to love the atmosphere and rush of battle with all of her heart, as she believes her true purpose is to one day die protecting her squad and she is committed to dying happily.
Battle Prowess: As a Captain of the Clover Kingdom, Janine’s magical prowess is staggering, even taking into account her peasant upbringing. Her attribute in particular, Ultra Violet Magic, is said to have the abilities of both Light and Dark Magic at its full potential.
Magic Attribute: Ultra Violet Magic
Magic Forms:
Creation Magic:
Ultra Violet Spear
Ultra Violet Death Net
Disco Death Ball
Blacklight Spine Shield
Technicolor Talons
Technicolor Pounce
Collidescopian Nova (NEW)
Lightless Hunter (NEW)
Dual Spectral God Rending Spear (NEW)
Reinforcement Magic:
Mana Skin
Mana Zone
Janine’s birthday is a reference to the year blacklights were invented, 1935.
The 19 is the day she was born on, while April is the fourth month, in between 3 and 5.
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