#the kindness’s digimon *wormmon*
digimon-digiworld · 3 months
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reliablejoukido · 11 months
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for @digimon02countdown day 4, Ken and Wormmon. Ken holding Wormmon's little hands 🥺
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black-daisy7 · 1 year
The idea of this is that "what if the energies of Digimon of original Tamers & the Crests became helpful guides to the second group?"
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the embodiment of Wormmon, Ken & the pure essence of what the crest of Kindness means.
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antirepurp · 1 year
Been thinking a lot about Part 5 characters with Digimon, and I think Lucemon would be a very fun partner for Giorno. Lucemon is typically an antagonist in Digimon media, so I think it'd be interesting to give a partner like that to Giorno, who keeps them in check with his strong moral compass.
Also the angel symbolism is just really neat and it works pretty well with Giorno being the son of "God" (aka DIO).
i could see that working too yeah! it could present an interesting dynamic where lucemon's ability to evolve depends entirely on how well they work with someone like giorno, and if he's partnered with a lucemon who doesn't share the same vision as him it would present an opportunity for an arc where one or both of them have to compromise on their views and act beyond strict ideas of good and evil to grow stronger. the only problem that comes to mind is the satan mode that's both visually and thematically the opposite of giorno in many ways, i guess it could make for a nice contrast but it might be a bit much for my tastes lol
also i may have mused about these jojo digimon shenanigans enough to have pucci partner with a lucemon as a way for him to create his new world oop
#im also very fond of my idea of involving digimentals in part5 but that's just me#im going to ramble abt this headworld for a moment but: each part has slightly varying elements to digivolution#part3 is fairly standard; evolving to champion is easier than ultimate and only jotaro can get to a mega stage#protagonist/joestar priviledges etc i think it checks out#part4 has things less restricted bc morioh has a strong connection to the digital world#so evolution happens more often than in part3 and ultimates are more frequent too (mega's still jojo exclusive)#part5 has digimentals that unlock ultimate-level power with no restrictions of normal evolution (a whole topic on itself)#i think they have a drawback of needing to recharge after use though? since the arrow is sparsely used too#part6 is more tamers inspired and involves the ARK digivice's card reader stuff#there's less evolution going on in favor of using cards to give lower-level digimon advantages in battle#ultimates are also more difficult to reach and may require different cards to be achieved#i changed jolyne's partner to a wormmon for stone free similarities and evolving from stingmon it has the option to dna digivolve#which has lead me to consider giving her access to a card with exveemon data to artificially dna digivolve her partner#with some drawbacks i have yet to specify#it could also be neat if her wormmon specifically had this kind of limitation in digivolving#and it spent more time as rookie than any other digimon#only to be one of the only ones to evolve to mega eventually#this is a lot of thoughts of tags so i'll cut it here but yes i have been thinking about this for a while lol
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captainbee66 · 4 months
"Ken, thank you. You took a little detour in getting there, but you kept your promise."
"What promise?"
"Being kind and gentle."
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coleopterabyte · 1 month
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Stingmon is a second generation Digimon-- and a prominent character in Digimon Adventure 2, though it should be noted that due to the nature of Digimon, multiple exist.
I've decided that Stingmon is the optimal character to start this series with, as he (the gen 2 anime iteration) is the first insectoid character I've ever had an infatuation with. My takes may not be particularly hot, but I wanted to start on a positive note. Intro | 2
Accuracy: Stingmon is extremely wasp-coded, though obviously he's lacking as far as having six limbs and an abdomen goes. I like his claw toes, as having two is rather on point for bugs. He gets a point for having two sets of wings, but loses it due to completely lacking a mouth. His antennae are stylish, and bent, but they're in the wrong direction and are shaped like bunny ears. His predecessor, Wormmon, is shaped like a caterpillar, but tbh I'll give that I appreciate that the designers acknowledged that hymenopterans have a larval stage.
There's obvious elements that lend you to telling that this is supposed to be a wasp, but by no means is it trying to be accurate. 2.5/5
Hooh boy. *Hoo boy*. Listen. Hear me out. I love biomechanical aesthetics and this guy might be part of the reason why. I love his chunky exoskeleton, his skinny little waist, and all the detail that goes to show how flexible he is around the joints and muscles. Especially in comparison to other digimon designs, his is simple and elegant without necessarily being cute or ugly.
Iconic, love this guy, 5/5.
Amusement: So, as far as I know, there are two canonical instances of a Stingmon holding a character role: Once as a companion to the antagonist of Digimon Adventure 2, and once as a very minor "forest guardian" role during Digimon Fusion. In both instances, Stingmon is capable and generally cool-headed, but with a sweet side that comes out in the presence of friends and loved ones. I should also note that it was originally very impactful to see wormmon, weak even for a child digimon, evolve into a great warrior. Digimon's writing has always been about the human's emotional arcs as opposed to their titular monsters, so he stands out as undergoing any sort of (not-literal) evolution.
I'm kind of a sap for his tropes, but his story isn't very complex. 3.5/5.
Attunement: Insect digimon are a natural part of the digital world-- though in the series' attempt to create an elemental system, they're sometimes grouped with plant digimon. I find that kind of cute, considering how closely plants and insects have evolved together in real life. That said, I don't think there's any particular culture to being an insect/plant digimon? Just that Stingmon had a Lilamon partner during Fusion.
Going to rate this as average as possible because while it's not terribly interesting, it adds a little flavor. 2.5/5
Actuality: 3.375/5
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ahiddenpath · 11 months
Digimon Adventure 02: The Beginning
I just got home from seeing the Japanese audio/English sub. This is not a review, and I doubt I'll feel the same way about it in a few days, because I'm all up in my emotions and I haven't had a think on it. So here is nothing more or less than my visceral, 100% subjective reaction.
Extreme spoilers beneath the cut, spoilin spoilin all day long. Also cussing and blaspheming, apparently I like to keep it classy.
My head is a boiling vat of pudding.
As the film ended, someone screamed, "Toei why you gotta do us like that?!" Someone else yelled, "Jesus Christ I did not need that in my life." As we filed out, another gem: "They had a digital god in this one, and they still didn't unfuck Kizuna." (That last one, I think, while funny, was not relevant. This wasn't about the older kids, they had their turn and several more, lmao).
Some notes:
-Genuinely I was not prepared for a horror. Or child abuse. I love horror games! I watch them nearly daily! Did you know I have only once been more upset/disturbed by a horror video game than I was by this movie?
Did people take their kids to this? Like, that seems totally reasonable to me, taking your kid to digimon!!! Jesus cHRISt!!!!
-I thought my bar of, "I want to see the 02 kids grown up and interacting," was so, so low. I thought my bar could not be lower. But this was Lui's story, not theirs. And this is Toei's story, not mine, so I have to accept that... They wrote what they wanted to. But yeah, the bar I thought was low was not cleared.
-SOMEONE HELP ME, Himekawa is older than Lui. Himekawa's group, they were the first Chosen. Right??? Does the time line not shake out here??? Himekawa was probably about 10/11 when she was Chosen, and she's a full ass adult in Tri??? So, like, I guess the question is, how much older is her group than Lui at age 4? Are they at least 6 years older???? But- God what age would that make- God damn let me get the chart. Shit, I'm lost. Help??????
Shit I liked:
-Lui's second birthday scene
Not the original scene where Lui meets Ukkomon. This is the second birthday, his 8th birthday, where they sit in a dark room full of presents and treats. Ukkomon mentions Lui's parents and friends. They enter the room and proceed to not say a single ducking word while Ukkomon and Lui talk and talk and talk, and it is the creepiest and most atmospheric shit I have seen. Holy shit!!!!
Obviously, the audience already knows shit is fucked up with Ukkomon, but at this point, ooooooooooooooooo baby that tension is HIGH.
-Power in the hands of children
Ukkomon is, like, seconds old when he meets Lui. Lui is 4 and extremely disenfranchised, even for a 4-year-old. Lui wishes for what he doesn't have. Ukkomon devotes his whole self to those wishes.
What happens when a 4 year old meets a baby genie? When that much power is in the hands of the innocent?
You don't want to know, trust me. Lowkey wish I didn't know!!! Christ on a bike!
As much as we love digimon and the Chosen and all of that, it's always been messed up how much power they have, and how much responsibility. It's so much pressure, it's so high stakes! It was really cool to see Toei explore how sideways all of this could go, literally at any moment.
-A few character moments
Honestly that part where a girl is chatting up Ken and Wormmon is visibly pissed is, like, my favorite thing in this movie. Oh! Also I loved seeing the international Chosen, that was so great. The gut scream of WALLACE/WILLIS in the theater when he appeared!!!!!!
My husband said he liked how there was a command center in Imperialdramon's head. I think that was actually some kind of... plane??? Made by Ukkomon??? I have no idea. You know, the place where Ken and Daisuke are accused of flirting.
Stuff I didn't like
-It was half flash back
I'm being a little harsh here, because stuff other than flashbacks happened in the first 46 minutes, but... I checked my phone after the final flashback (not counting Lui jumping into Ukkomon in the end). I was 46 minutes into a roughly 90 minute film. I'm not against flashbacks in principle, and I tend to like new characters, but... This just wasn't what I hoped for in a movie about the 02 kids. I accept that this is 100% subjective.
-It was too damned fucked up for my tastes
Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus H Christ!!!!!
Okay, so first of all, I generally am of the opinion that a lot of recent media has substituted trauma for substance. It's easy to make an audience pity/relate to/feel protective of a character by showing them suffer.
Lui wetting himself was so disturbing for me- in children, that's often a sign of ongoing abuse. I could easily be reading into it, but that combined with the range of age of his bruises (and he had more fresh contusions, too, they start red and turn purple and brown and eventually a yellow green) hinted that this wasn't some one off occasion caused by a sudden spike of stress. That was Lui's life. And he really might have frozen to death that night, if not for Ukkomon.
In a way, if I'm right and not just reading into things, this scene was well done. But also, like... I just don't enjoy the substitution of trauma for gradually making us care about a character and understand what they've been through. It seems like some kind of heavy handed short cut, and it usually has the opposite effect on me- thrusting me out of the narrative and making me distrustful of it.
Or maybe I'm just distancing myself, because I genuinely get so upset.
And don't even get me started on the scene where Ukkomon dissolves. I was not ready for that shit. It was just too much for me, I'm sensitive, lmao!
-I'm not sure what I think of the Chosen reacting to Lui's story
I kind of felt like the Chosen were oddly hard on Lui? They weren't actually, in reality they encouraged him to find a resolution with Ukkomon and reminded him that relationships go two ways.
But, like. Could someone have, like... Idk I was really waiting for someone to cry or hug Lui or reassure him or something? Instead it was like, "Poor Ukkomon. He tried so hard and you relied on him too much!"
And my visceral reaction to that was, "UKKOMON KILLED AT LEAST ONE OF LUI'S PARENTS AND MADE THEM MEAT PUPPETS FOR YEARS, JESUS!!!! AND YOU WANT LUI TO GO SEE UKKOMON AGAIN?!?!?!?!?" Like, that whole thing was literally a nightmare??? But Ukkomon was an actual whole ass baby god, and then again, as my husband put it, "Ukkomon did what CPS wouldn't." Lui needed help, stat.
I'm gonna need some time to sort how I feel about this. I can say that, as I watched, I felt like the emotional tone was really off for the last half of the film. All I could think about was the horror, and any time someone criticized Lui, or even told him to go see Ukkomon, I was just like- MEAT. PUPPET!!!! MEAT!!! PUPPET!!!! (Did those kids that Ukkomon made Lui's friends also die?!?!?!). Literally, snow was falling and the Chosen were playing, and my head was like, MEAT. PUPPET!!!!
There's no walking back that emotion, at least not in a 40 some minute window. Not for me, personally. I'm probably going to have nightmares. If I knew going in that this was a horror, I'd be fine with that. But gdi I though I'd see my blorbos having good times mixed with a plot.
Instead, nightmares.
-Lui's final scene with his mother
Lui tells himself, "This time, when I go back in time... I won't rely on Ukkomon for everything" (paraphrasing). He sees his mother inside his memory of his 4th birthday. He says to her, roughly, "Lui loves you, please remember that."
And magically, the mom is kind to him that night.
Now, to be fair, even disastrous relationships can have good times. Maybe it would have been just that night that was better. But there was this feeling of, "Oh, if I just talked to my mother when I was 4 years old and horrifically abused, it would have been different."
That just isn't how that works. If I had to guess, the film is just supporting communication. But god, don't ever point back to the child victim like that. Too bad that 4 year old doesn't know how to communicate with his abusive caregiver! Things might have been different!!!!!
I'm sensitive to this kind of thing, so it's totally possible I'm fixating too much on this or blowing up the importance of this moment. But yeah, not a good emotional reaction to that.
In summary: this was not the film I wanted. In fact, it's a film that will stick on me like a burr, but like. In a bad way? But also it did have some killer ideas. Ukkomon has to be one of the most interesting things to hit Adventure in years. So much power in the hands of an innocent, so disastrous so very fast.
My brain is still pudding. Time for some nightmares. Good night, I hope the film didn't distress you if you saw it! And my sympathies if you took your children, the biggest of oofs (how could you have known??? You couldn't have).
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digitalgate02 · 2 months
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[main post about the Rider AU] [the tag tho]
Rider AU's main cast [2/8] - Ken
Yeah, I'M LATE?! Had this getting dust in my folder... Well, here we go. I'll not make promises about the rest getting finished that quickly (I'm working on more stuff at the same time)
Ken in this AU has a small ponytail (because I always wanted to see Ken in a ponytail, but I'm pretty fine with the canon short-haired Ken thanks to it having some Terui Ryu's vibes) but his personality is still the same as canon: he’s kind and polite BUT because he want to, and if you mess with his beloved ones he might become totally sarcastic, salty and hostile towards you.
Daisuke befriended him in the first year of college, but Daisuke quit quickly in order to pursue the ramen business thing. Ken didn’t have many friends at college back in time so he just wanted to keep tagging along with Daisuke. While he’s studying psychology, he hid a secret from everyone which was… He’s a famous gaming Digituber called ‘The Kaiser’.
No one connected the dots about the courteous Ken with the famous gamer who would simply get SUPER COMPETITIVE and FERAL in online competitions and esports events nicknamed Kaiser. The only person who might know this secret is his girlfriend who’s an excellent technician-bar-hacker who manages his accounts (so Ken can have time to be his real-self too) – Miyako. But Later, Miyako and Ken are acquainted with a young boy named Iori, who’s pretty good at taking the hints and then decide to help them out with his own abilities (no he’s not like a hacker, but he got the skill to help cover traces and find clues to stuff)
Ken also met Rui casually and not related to Daisuke at all – at the cafe shop Infinity, where Rui works at. The day they first met, Ken witnessed a digimon running away from some people in the lab getup trying to catch a hornworm digimon called “Wormmon”. The digimon ran into Ken’s way and begged to help him to escape. And Ken, who was a good boy who wouldn’t refuse to help someone in need, took the digimon inside the first shop near them. Which was Infinity Cafe Shop, after all.
At first Rui felt confused about why would someone just take a digimon inside a shop out of the blue, but since it was one of those days with low customers and he was… Alone at the moment, he decided to keep his mouth shut.
Wormmon explained to both of those two young adults that those people with scary costumes were trying to capture him and insert something terrible on him. Ken and Rui raise eyebrows and look at each other, as if they were asking each other what to do. They are asked by Wormmon to protect him and both boys just agree with it. Since then Ken and Wormmon drop by to talk with Rui.
And then, on a random day, Ken meets Daisuke again at the same cafe shop and learns that Rui is Daisuke’s childhood friend. Wormmon is still kept as a secret from Daisuke and everyone else, but hey. They don’t need to worry too much about it now, right?
Meanwhile, as the celeb Kaiser, Ken gets in touch with a person named WriterOfHope91 (privately btw) who claims to be from the same college as Ken. He tells Miyako about it and then they start planning what to do. Turns out the person was Takeru, who’s from another course from the same college and had been friends-and-neighbors with Miyako and Iori. While Ken didn’t want his secret to be leaked, he tells Takeru to keep his mouth shut about this. Takeru agrees, and says he didn’t want to do anything bad. The reason he contacted Ken was because his friend Hikari witnessed him getting inside a shop with a digimon in hands. And it was when Ken told Miyako and Iori about Wormmon for the first time.
BUT THE PROBLEMS DON’T END HERE!! The Kaiser is associated with an agency, the 7DM Entertainment —- Which suspiciously has a woman called Layla as its CEO.
Just like Rui, Ken does not know Daisuke is a Kamen Rider recently. But he does know Kamen Rider Lightnimon to some extent via the digimon, and he wants to uncover all the mysteries surrounding the mysterious hero and the cases around Tokyo, as some kind of detective.
(Which would make him want to pursue a career in investigations later)
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robertbegg-art · 2 months
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Wormmon, the Larval Digimon
Wormmon made his debut in a series where he often had to play second fiddle to more flamboyant digimon, but he quickly proved that big things come in small, green packages. from the moment we met him, it was clear that Wormmon was more than just a cute bug – he was a digimon with a heart of gold and a spirit of unwavering loyalty.
let's talk about his journey. Wormmon's relationship with ken was complex, to say the least. as Ken struggled with his darker side, Wormmon stood by him, always believing in the good within his partner. their bond was one of the most heartfelt in the series, showing us the power of friendship and redemption. wormmon's unwavering faith in Ken was a testament to his character, proving that true friends stick with you through thick and thin.
and then there's the digivolution. watching Wormmon evolve into Stingmon was one of the most satisfying moments in the series. it wasn't just a power-up; it was a transformation born out of trust and mutual respect. Stingmon's sleek design and combat prowess were impressive, but the real magic was seeing Wormmon's potential fully realized.
Wormmon also brought a unique blend of bravery and vulnerability to the team. he wasn't the strongest or the fastest, but his courage in the face of danger was unmatched. whether he was standing up to enemies or offering a comforting word to Ken, Wormmon showed us that true strength comes from the heart.
in conclusion, Wormmon may not have been the flashiest digimon in Adventure 02, but he was one of the most endearing. his journey with Ken, from darkness to light, was a powerful story of redemption and friendship. so here's to Wormmon – the little digimon with a big heart. may we all strive to be as loyal, brave, and kind as him.
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firedragon1321 · 2 months
Thinking of Digimon's bugs again and how well they utilize designs like this-
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This is a design that anywhere else would be a villain design, and make you not only root for the character, but associate him with safety and protection. Look at little Izzy riding in his head!
This applies to MegaKabuterimon too of course. And Stingmon, but he's got a kind of cool ninja aesthetic to balance him out. I don't really count Palidramon- he's more dragon than bug- and I wish Dinobeemon (reverse Palidramon) appeared in the anime. Hell, I feel he's a better fusion than Palidramon!
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And as I mentioned in another post, Wormmon is a cute wet kitten and Tentomon is a funny little man despite the realistic bug anatomy. Going lower down the evolutionary track- I have a soft spot for Minomon (despite the realistic bug mouth- he's a cutie pie).
The thing is...bug Digimon aren't really used as partners in the anime after 02. Except Ballistamon, but he's more of a machine. It's not a bad design. It works. But the human hands and Iron Giant face aren't the same vibe.
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This means designs like Kabuterimon get used exclusively as Kuwagamon-esque screeching Baddies of the Day and I hate that. Meanwhile bugs like Fanbeemon have to wait forever just to be a partner to someone in a random webcomic. We did get an animated version of that one in the Adventure reboot though.
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And who knows? Maybe someday old Kuwagamon will be partnered to someone! ...Or maybe not.
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beginningobserver · 2 months
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Rui: I don't know why but... Ichijouji-kun is not a bad person.
Daisuke: How's that possible tho? He's a meanie to the digimon and us, Rui.
Rui: He... I think that Wormmon said he was pitying me before...?
Daisuke: Huh...
Rui: He... gave me this new outfit. And he was researching this eye thing too. I think it was to... help me.
Rui: Let me try to talk to him, please.
Daisuke: Do ya think it could work tho? He's unreachable, and won't come to help us. And Wormmon, he's...
Daisuke: ... He sacrificed himself to save Ichijouji.
Rui: I see... So he's like me now...
Daisuke: Well, Ukkomon may be alive...! Because that eye is still in your face.
Rui: Yeah, but... I mean that he's lonely now. I feel bad for him...
Another √02 comic, now about the post-Kaiser arc (between ep 22 and 24) and then Daisuke and Rui talking about Ken and how Rui thinks Ken was kind and helped him out of kindness. Daisuke is not so sure if this means anything, but remember that Daisuke says he heard something coming from the Digimental of Miracles before :).
So yeah, HERE he starts to get what the Crest of Kindness meant. It's just an extra flavor in this AU interquel.
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reliablejoukido · 1 year
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skydigiblogs · 5 months
honestly thought i would have a lot more to say about adventure 02 but like
i just finished episode 50 and the jist of my thoughts really are "yeah this is better than i remembered it being"
overall, an extremely ambitious follow up to digimon adventure, balancing a lot of plot points and an attempt at having a more cohesive storyline than "bad guy of the arc but suddenly it's apocalymon." in 02, most of the bad guys lead from one to another, in a way that seems much more intentionally thought-out than everything up until the dark master's arc in 01. even the one-off antagonists (dark ocean and demon's crew) played into the larger narrative, and weren't necessarily treated as one-offs so much as chances to expand the scope of the lore and use it to the narrative's benefit.
(although i do think it's a bit sad we never saw follow up on demon going "oh, you all are going to regret sending me to dagomon's ocean SOOOOO much")
also a lot of lore. so much lore. 01 introduced the fact that homeostasis has a bunch of agents that look like gennai, but a2 kept suggesting they're all copies (put a pin in that for my tri rewatch, much as i am loathe to rewatch that one). there wasn't any elaboration, but it is an interesting idea, and unfortunately i understand why it was kind of hastily noted and dismissed (the world tour arc had a lot to get to).
also the dimensional makeup of the digimon franchise got a lot more fascinating in 02. in 01 gennai mentioned that the gate could lead to all kinds of different places, but 02 actually takes that a step further in the lore, showing us the dark ocean and the dimension of dreams (even mentioning that the latter is pulled from by the digital world).
but it does maintain some of the problems i had with the original adventure in that i do wish more of the kids got to see their mega forms. :/
(i know tamers fixes that somewhat, then frontiers backpedals, but. you can't get me to rewatch frontiers lmao.)
furthermore, it does kind of suck that we're still left to wonder about ken's adventures in the digital world. we see ryo and millenniumon in his flashbacks to the adventures, but for audience members who missed out entirely on the wonderswan games, it makes it so we have to trust wormmon's word that ken was a kind person in the past. it's shown to an effective degree in the show, especially with his flashbacks to his childhood after the chimeramon arc.
it also makes narrative sense that they didn't feel the need to go over a story that's already happened, because that likely would have taken too long for 02, which already had so much going on. but maaaaaan. i do not want to play the wonderswan games, frfr (though i know there are fan translations out there for 'em).
i do love ken's arc though, as frustrating as him struggling with self-doubt is to watch. i'm glad the writers didn't make it seem too easy for him to forgive himself, because that's hard even if you weren't the vessel for like. All That Shit. i'm giving this boy a weighted blanket and hot tea.
tl;dr: compared to the oftentimes fever-dream like qualities of 01, 02 feels a lot more narratively focused in its story, and i think that really works to its favor. not a flawless season, but none of the digimon seasons are. a successful sequel to 01, much more so than i remembered from my last rewatch of the dub in 2020.
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gabu-draws · 11 months
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I've been rewatching 02 with my sister whose never seen it and we finally got to Ken's backstory, one of my favorite characters. Since I can't go see the new movie I made this. I was listening to Cast the Bronze by Raynes and thought it fit him well. How he tries to fill the hole in his family after Sam died even if it meant wiping out his own interests or how the dark spore and grief twisted his personality during the first arc of the show. How rightfully he needs to earn the trust of the other digidestined while still feeling that he doesn't deserve their forgiveness. How Wormmon stands by him even as the Digimon Emperor because he knows that Ken is still that kind boy he met so long ago. That Ken needs to find his heart again after so many years of burying it under anger. Honestly when Ken said that when he's sad he's just numb killed me. I'm glad the boy's got a solid support system now.
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digitaldavis · 11 months
Going to see the Digimon movie in a few hours time so I don't have time for any deep Digimon thoughts today but I found a Trans!Davis/Daiken fic summary on my harddrive last night that seemed to stem from the weird time travel shenanigans that are always apparently canonically happening in Digimon in the background that we just never talk about.
Basically, Davis died fighting in the Digital World and Ken made a deal with either the Digimon that killed him, or a different Digimon to go back in time and change things so that Davis wouldn't die - only he wasn't specific enough about how so the Digimon changes reality/time and makes it so Davis not only never becomes Digi-Destined because Tai never finds the Digi-Egg of Courage but also never meets Tai in the first place and is never brave enough to come out as trans and so, technically, he's safe from dying in Digi-World as he's never been there and is living a normal student life and is just a girl in Kari's class that she knows and is kind of friends with.
Ken wakes up and learns he has basically completely conquered the Digital World as the Emperor because Davis wasn't there to help Wormmon free him or get the crest of Miracles. Yolei and Cody never got their digivices and the others never learned to Armor Digivolve. Ken eventually still ends up changing sides when he finds out that everything he was doing was for MaloMyotismon but the original eight Digi-Destined never learned to trust him so they're both working separately to try to save the Digital World and there is a lot of open hostility and hatred.
I imagine a lot of their digimon died fighting and had to be reborn.
Anyway, Ken finds out the reason everything is really messed up is because Davis isn't there and goes to find him and is shocked when he realizes what's happened and how everything has gone wrong and he has to find a way to befriend him and convince him that he's a) Davis in the first place b) Ken's boyfriend in the future and c) chosen to save the Digital World. He also has to find Yolei and Cody and convince them but no one trusts him at all and Kari and the others keep hindering his efforts because they still think he's evil and up to something.
Also maybe he's been living in digi world since he disappeared when he was like 11 so everyone is shocked when he just turns back up at like seventeen and waves it off 'cause he's On A Mission and doesn't have time to deal with the fallout of events he has no memory of since, in his original time-line, he went home only a few months after having left.
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red-rose-corner · 6 months
Digimon 02 Reboot Concept/Dump
This idea dump came from this video by "TheDigiKnow" on YouTube.
Like in the original, it's been three years since Tai and the others entered the Digital World. Tai and Agumon have been traveling between worlds, but one day, they disappear without a trace. Without a means of defense, the Digimon Emperor strikes, intending to conquer it. T.K. and Kari are the first to jump in, but things go south and Gatomon regresses to Salamon.
They are thankfully not alone in this. Three new DigiDestined are chosen to partner with the remaining Celestial Digimon: Davis and Veemon, Yolei and Hawkmon, and Cody and Armadillomon. Each of the three receives a D-3: to counter the Digivolution manipulation effects of the Emperor's dark powers. T.K. and Kari's Digivice:s are transformed into D-3:s to help them out. Because he has more experience in the Digital World, T.K. is selected to be the leader instead of Davis.
The D-3:s were created when the Crests shattered on the Emperor's first attack. This allows the newcomer DigiDestined to Armor Digivolve their partners and unlock D.N.A. Digivolution later in the story. The five Celestial Digimon will climb up to their Mega forms in this.
Two others join the group. However, they have their own story arcs and live in separate countries. They are Willis and Lopmon (Willis hails from the States) and Meiko and Meicoomon (Meiko is from Tottori). The proper sixth rangers are a reformed Ken and Wormmon, Ken being the bearer of the Crest of Kindness.
I'm also considering Lui Ohwada and Ukkomon joining the group fully, but that's a concept I may not have a proper idea for.
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