#the kanner
peachducy · 4 months
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They pulled me half alive out of the sea
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thepersonalquotes · 15 days
Find your safe space. Approach it with grace. Listen to your body. And give yourself the permission to feel overwhelmed. You've weathered harsher storms. And the blue skies? They're on their way.
Robyn Kanner
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3rdvoice · 1 year
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3rd Voice: 33rd Scene: Roads and Passages
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lookcaitlin · 2 years
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farmerbebop · 8 months
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These guys are nuts but the fact that this movie only exists in 360p youtube quality is even more nuts. And it's my duty to be more nuts than all of them so I had to do some lousy photoshopping for it. I don't own a heart-shaped radio or have a McGoohan photo on my desk though. Can't believe the whole time I have been blorbo-ing the wrong way.
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oldfilmsflicker · 2 months
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new-to-me #548 - Spread
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hardcoretanoc · 3 days
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Oliver Tree – The Met – Philadelphia, PA – January 20, 2024
Photos by Joshua Kanner © 2024
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snotsloth · 15 days
August Reading Log
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My August was full of political machinations, capricious gods, trauma recovery, and outrageous amounts of slow-burn mutual pining, yes even in the smutty books. I finished seven books this month and DNFed one. Overall, I had a great time and I’m excited to continue several of the series that I started. 
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First off, I finished Godkiller by Hannah Kanner. This is book one of The Fallen Gods series and it was a fun fantasy adventure with good characters and an interesting world. Kissin, one of the main characters has very strong Geralt from The Witcher vibes, and she, along with Skedi, a minor god of white lies were my two favorite characters. It was quite short for an adult fantasy, so in some ways, it felt more like a teaser than a full novel, but it still packed in some cool world-building details and set up a larger quest for our protagonists along with a mystery to solve. So I’m invested enough to keep reading the series. I’ve already purchased the second book, Sunbringer.
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Meanwhile, I listened to The Obelisk Gate and The Stone Sky, written by N. K. Jemisin and narrated by Robin Miles. These are the second and third books in The Broken Earth trilogy that started with The Fifth Season. I had previously listened to the first few chapters of The Obelisk Gate but then lost steam and set it aside. This time I was determined to finish the whole series and god, it was so worth it. 
Some people will tell you that The Fifth Season can function as a standalone and while they are technically correct, the first book is just the tip of the iceberg. You don’t understand even half of what is actually going on until you are at least a few chapters into The Obelisk Gate, and most of the real answers and resolutions don’t come until The Stone Sky. This series as a whole is a masterpiece of narrative structure, world-building, and character-building. It is so worth the effort it takes to finish all three books. 
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After Godkiller and The Obelisk Gate, I was in the mood for something more romantic, so I picked up A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows. This is one of the most beautiful love stories I have ever read. Val is possibly the most sympathetic, multi-dimensional, nuanced depiction of a sexual assault victim I’ve ever seen. And it’s within a larger story about slowly becoming a happier, healthier, kinder, and braver version of yourself when you are suddenly removed from a hostile environment and placed in one where you can thrive in the open. I think one of my favorite quotes from Val sums it up really well, “I have lived a cramped life, it seems. So shy of having my greatest indiscretion discovered that I seldom dared indulge in the simpler ones.” 
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Moving directly from such a tender love story to a filthy monsterfucker romance might seem unhinged. But the heart wants what the heart wants and I wanted A Bone in His Teeth by Kellen Graves. I went in expecting eerie atmospheric coastal settings, a smattering of the kind of delicious body horror only non-cis people seem able to write, and lots and lots of freaky genderfucker monster smut, and boy howdy this book delivered on all that, and then some. What I was not expecting was a surprisingly tender love story about two people who could never quite fit right into the unjust systems they were born into and chose to burn it all down for the chance of finding a way to fit all their jagged, broken edges together. Alba is my favorite protagonist of any book I’ve read this year, and Eridanys is a literal force of nature with two dicks and a thirst for human flesh in more ways than one. This is Graves’ best book yet and I cannot wait to read what they publish next. 
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Riding the high of several delightful books in a row, I started Silver Under Nightfall by Rin Chupeco with confidence that I had another banger on my hands. With vampires, body horror, a gloomy atmosphere, and a poly romance, this book had a lot of elements that I expected to love. However, the clunky prose, sloppy world-building, and meandering plot so drastically reduced my enjoyment of the book that I abandoned my read at 70%. 
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Needing a palette cleanser after that, I turned to a guaranteed hit and picked up A Restless Truth by Freya Marske. And Marske did not miss! This is the sequel to A Marvelous Light which I read earlier this year and loved, so I was excited to pick it up. Marske is a master of character-driven smut, a.k.a. Sex scenes that serve a purpose to the story and reveal aspects of the characters we would not otherwise know. The setting and core murder mystery were also excellent and kept the plot moving at a decent clip. Maude had been one of my favorite side characters from the first book, so having her as one of the main characters really worked for me. Her love interest, Violet was charismatic and brought her own interesting baggage both to the plot and to her romance with Maude.  On the craft level, Marske is one of my favorite authors working today. Her prose is so bright and evocative in both its emotional and physical details. Her settings are lush and full of historical easter eggs. And her characters breathe with multi-dimensional life. I have one book left in The Last Binding series and I will probably devour it this month, seeing as it just arrived in the mail this week.
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My final read of the month didn’t quite measure up to A Restless Truth, but I still had a fun time with Winter’s Orbit by Everina Maxwell. This was another arranged marriage romance set against a backdrop of courtly intrigue, espionage, and a fantastical setting, except this time it was a space opera instead of a historical fantasy. I thought Maxwell struck a good balance between romance elements and space opera elements. The settings were appropriately grand and gorgeous in scale and the political web was an effective tangle of different conflicting interests with no clear immediate solution. However, I felt that the two main characters lacked dimension and uniqueness. I fear part of the problem was that I had so recently read A Strange and Stubborn Endurance, and Winter’s Orbit just could not stand up to the inevitable comparison. Still, it was an easy, entertaining read that kept me engaged while stuck in bed on a sick day. Maxwell has a second book set in this universe and I think I will probably pick it up at some point.
Overall, it was a great reading month with only one dud. For September, I have a few books I know that I want to get through. While I don’t keep a strict order to my TBR, I know I want to finish The Jasmine Throne by Tasha Suri for my local book club (I’m about ⅓ of the way through at the moment). I am also still listening to A Memory Called Empire by Arkady Martine, which is really starting to pick up in the second half. One of my most anticipated reads of the year, Reclaimed by Seth Haddon arrived in the mail this week, along with the conclusion to The Last Binding trilogy, A Power Unbound by Freya Marske. So, while I’m not certain of what I’ll finish this month, I have a few suspicions of what I will gravitate towards. 
Hope you all had as good of a reading month as I did. Let me know what your best book of the month was and what you thought of any of the books I read this month. If you pick up any of the books I recommended, please let me know your thoughts. I’m especially excited to talk to anyone else who reads A Bone In His Teeth. It was such a unique read!
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oocstephenkingtv · 7 months
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The Dead Zone + female directors
1x12 Shaman (2002)
2x10 Dead Men Tell Tales (2003)
3x9 Cycle of Violence (2004)
5x7 Symmetry (2006) co-written by Christina Lynch
5x8 Vortex (2006)
6x2 Ego (2007)
6x10 Drift (2007)
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ollierachnid · 4 months
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kamaradka · 4 months
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3rdvoice · 1 year
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3rd Voice: 27th Scene: At odds.
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sonimage1965 · 1 year
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arojenniferwalters · 6 months
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Love and Sunshine (2019)[15.3.2024] Directed by Ellie Kanner
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Never Ending Fall, Blake Ruby & JVK – The Foundry – Philadelphia, PA – January 31, 2024
Never Ending Fall is a five members band, including the lead singer and guitarist Jack Miller, keyboardist and guitarist Conrad Boyd, guitarist Pearce Eisenhardt, bassist Johnny Hohman, and drummer Tommy St Clair. The group came to The Foundry in Philadelphia the other night along with JVK and Blake Ruby for their American Disco Tour.
The crowd slowly started to build up as time passed as it was a weekday show. After about an hour of the doors being open, the room was starting to fill up.
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The show started right around 8 pm when the first openers came out. JVK the Band came out with lots of energy and the crowd loved them. The lead singer Jo Krieger was a huge hit in Philadelphia and kept the crowd engaged at all times. Her performance was amazing, and it looked like everyone had a great time.
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As the night continued, Blake Ruby took the stage. His vibes were immaculate, and the crowd quickly fell in love with him. His voice was super soft and overall felt soothing to the ears. He even performed some covers – like “Tennessee Whiskey” by Chris Stapleton – that everyone loved. He had the crowd engaged the entire time and had many people singing along with him.
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Finally, as the night was coming to an end, the main event ran out. Never Ending Fall came out swinging. The energy was insane, and the crowd matched it. The performance was amazing, and the band was going crazy. Conrad was jumping and at times he would hop onto the edge of the stage and start shredding his guitar. Also, the band did end up playing an unreleased song called “American Disco” that the crowd loved as well. Coming towards the end of the performance the band said their farewells and left the stage. Two minutes later they ran back out the doors to perform one final song for the crowd. Safe to say the crowd loved it and had a great night.
Joshua Kanner
Copyright ©2024 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: February 3, 2024.
Photos by Joshua Kanner © 2024. All rights reserved.
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