#the joys of being piss poor. can't do anything about it... i've been writing a lot lately... even having so many ideas on stuff
usagifuyusummer · 4 days
Urusami September 2024 Log
I'm just sharing this for fun and to mull about. I'll be around and work (collab) on the self creative projects that I'm doing currently, but as October nears, I will inevitably be getting more and more busier with my studies. Still, I'll continue on with the projects that I want to do whenever I can. (I can't be online much as the end of the semester nears though, as the amount of reports/work are staggering around that time.)
Yesterday, I went out with my siblings to the city just to hang out. And during that hang out session, we visited a Apple Store. These types of shops usually leave their electronic products outside for consumer testing, so I tried messing around with the (newest?) ipadmini (particularly their drawing app, Procreate). And WOW, holy fucking shit, it's so smooth, it felt like drawing on the heavenly clouds itself lmao.
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Imagine if I had a better device to create the stuff I want to do..., I would improve in lightning speed lol. All of these ideas will be easily formulated.... Asks from others? Create a quick mini comic sketch to explain your concepts, then boom, finished! Drawing in a smartphone is already a miracle for most, but... I have a desire to have a better way of creating art and improving my skills...
Besides that, my smartphone is quite old, like circa 2019. It still functions well as a phone, but it is not really a device you can dump heavy art projects in. Like, this phone's memory is dwindling fast as I create more and more stuff lmao. Plus, my wrists and hands do hurt from doing creative projects on a small ass screen. Those are one of the many reasons on why the length of time between my art posts is so long.
As I still can't really buy the art devices that I need for my own self-fulfilment in this current-time, I'll just create the stuff I wanna do with the way I can. Adapt and improvise... and just be grateful with the way it is for now...
Agh, when will I get to the point where I can do whatever I want in life without my parents restrictions and scrutinisations. Being a young adult in this current times and economy sucks major fucking ass and I hate to breathe another day sometimes. I'll survive, until I can't. For now though? I just want to have fun and enjoy what I can do while it lasts. In the meantime, I'll also adore and admire what art others have created (while I suffer daily life and have fun in my own art progress).
I'm just expressing my dissatisfaction on here with how my life has been going by that short glorious experience with that ipadmini lmao. So yeah, this is just me being a whiny baby lol.
If you read this far, I hope your life is better than mine. And if you're still young, study smart and well to create a better future for yourself than the unfortunate few of us who are stuck in any type of unfavorable situation by our own weaknesses and the previous generation faults. Like, we, as in the current young adult generation want to create a better and brighter future, but I really don't know if it'll get better from here. All I know is that, as you age, it doesn't get any easier and personally, I can't see my future from my experiences and failures.
Yeah, I think that's all for now... I'll see you whenever I can. Have a nice day! 💐
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haljathefangirlcat · 1 year
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I don't want to add all of this under the post I took this pic from, because I'm going to get nitpicky and long-winded and it would probably get really annoying for OP... and also because this is the "are you saying we piss on the poor" website, so someone would inevitably think I'm hating on either OP or Mary Reufle. Which I'm not, btw. I think the passage above says something really beautiful and tragic about humanity, and I'm thankful to OP for posting it, otherwise I might have never read it.
But it does remind me of a stupid pet peeve I've been trying to ignore since people on Tumblr started debating whether asexual sailors would be safe from the lure of sirens and other people started replying that, hey! Sirens in Greek mythology, especially the Odyssey, don't lure sailors by offering sex! They lure them by offering them what they desire! Which might be sex for some, but might be just some really great pasta for others!
... again, to avoid another obvious "we piss on the poor" moment: no, I don't actually have anything serious against jokes, thought exercises, and stories in that vein. Ace people belong in fun fantasy and/or mythology-inspired stories and story ideas as much as everyone else. And I'm well-aware you don't need my permission to write about a sailor saving their entire crew by being totally indifferent to sex or almost dooming them because some weird lady on a rock in the middle of the sea was loudly singing about being desperate to share cool frog facts with someone. Hell, I'd probably read both.
But anyway, the pet peeve I was talking about before going on that tangent is that the sirens do sing Odysseus' story to Odysseus, and it just annoys me so much, seeing people ignoring the fact that that's actually a thing that happens. Like, this is from Book XII:
"[...] the Sirens failed not to note the swift ship as it drew near, and they raised their clear-toned song: “‘Come hither, as thou farest, renowned Odysseus, great glory of the Achaeans; [185] stay thy ship that thou mayest listen to the voice of us two. For never yet has any man rowed past this isle in his black ship until he has heard the sweet voice from our lips. Nay, he has joy of it, and goes his way a wiser man. For we know all the toils that in wide Troy [190] the Argives and Trojans endured through the will of the gods, and we know all things that come to pass upon the fruitful earth.’"
... yes, this translation is taken from Perseus and is, unfortunately, in prose. Give me a break, it's not easy to find good poetic translations of the Odyssey posted for free online when I'm not even a native English speaker and to me "Odyssey translation" means "Rosa Calzecchi Onesti's translation from the '60s." The point is, the sirens try to lure Odysseus (and would definitely succeed, if not for the ropes-and-wax trick) by telling him that they know everything, including all that has happened to Odysseus himself and everyone else who suffered through the war of Troy.
And yeah, you could argue that the main draw for Odysseus (his greatest desire, to tie it all back to mythological shitposting) is knowledge itself, because he is that kind of guy. But the sirens don't give any details on their knowledge of all that is presently happening "upon the fruitful earth." They do, however, give details on their knowledge of the past -- specifically stating they know Odysseus' past. The same man who, if you remember, can't take Demodocus singing about a couple of episodes from the war of Troy without needing to hide his face due to being completely overcome by tears, yet has a piece of meat from his own plate brought to Demodocus as a show of respect and gratitude for his singing. Unlike his own wife, Penelope, who when hearing the aoidos Phemius singing about the same war back in Ithaca, asks him to change the subject to something less painful...
It's just. It's so painful and complex and wonderful and it makes me want to tear my hair out every time I think about it. And nobody ever remembers it when someone brings up the sirens and specifically the ones from the Odyssey! *screams*
Btw, now that I've had my nice little rant, please do me a favor and listen to the song Le Sirene by Vinicio Capossela. Because this Italian singer and composer? He gets it.
Here's a rough translation of the lyrics:
The sirens
Tell you about yourself
What you were
As if it were forever
The sirens
Have no tail nor feathers
They only sing about you
The man of yesterday
The man you were, two steps from the sky
All your life before you
All your life as a whole
They say, stop here
The sirens
Assault you at night
Created by the night
They kept all the faces you loved and now
The sirens have them
They sing them to you in a chorus
And you're not alone anymore
They know everything about you
And the best of you
It's a song of sirens
And you hear it in the regret
Of what you lacked
What you glimpsed and won't have
They give it to you
Only in song
They sing to you of how you came from nothing
And nothing you will be
The sirens are a night of beer
And the dawn won't come anymore
They're street ghosts coming in in gusts
They have the voices of sirens
Fill your ears with wax
To not hear them when it's evening
To stay firm
Tied to your routine
But if you listen to the sirens
You won't come home
Because home is
Where they sing about you
Listen to the sirens
They won't stop their singing
In the endless wake, they sing
All your life
Who you were, who you were, who you were
Who you were, who you were, who you are
Why go on until old age
Until you feel ill?
It's all already here
Stop here
You don't have anywhere to go anymore
The sirens
Don't sing the future
They give you what has been
But time isn't kind
And if you stop and listen to them
You'll let yourself die
Because the singing is neverending
And it's full of deceit
And takes your life from you
As it sings it
... also, if you know Italian or you don't mind running lyrics through an online translator (not Google Translate, pls, they don't deserve to be butchered like that) or you're just looking for new music to listen to, do yourself a favor and go listen to Capossela's other Odyssey-inspired songs from the album Marinai, Profeti e Balene. They are:
La lancia del Pelide (The spear of Pelides, and yeah, this one is actually about the Iliad)
Le Pleiadi (The Pleiades, from the POVs of Odysseus and Penelope, and a much deeper and more fascinating take on their relationship than either "Odysseus is a jerk who doesn't care about her because he has sex with other women" or "he's cool, she's cool, they're a cool power couple" could ever hope to be -- even though I do love the latter a lot, admittedly)
Aedo (Aoidos, set in the aftermath of Odysseus' killing of the suitors)
Calipso (Calypso)
Dimmi Tiresia (Tell me, Tiresias, set in Book XI, when Odysseus summons the spirit of the dead seer and receives a prophecy from him)
Nostos (Actually about the tale of Ulysses' final "mad flight" and death in the Divine Comedy, Inferno, Canto XXVI -- yes, you need to listen to this one, too)
... okay, yes, this post did turn into Vinicio Capossela shilling. I swear it wasn't the initial intention, it just happened. But you know what? I don't even care because most of the songs that make Tumblr users go "OMG THIS MAKES ME FEEL SOO UNHINGED 😭 TOTALLY FERAL 😭😭 WHY DOES IT GO SO HARD 😭😭😭" don't go even half as unnecessarily hard as the lyrics to Aedo and Nostos. So, yeah. You can thank me after lying on the floor like "head full. way too many thoughts" for an hour or two.
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blametheeditor · 1 year
Are you going to continue ‘Jeremy Messed Up’?
That is a valid question. As well as an excellent reminder that the poor Jeremy was forgotten in the queue.
Please take this chapter, and the rest will be queued up for week to make up for my negligence!
Jeremy Messed Up: Chapter 6
The Sequel To Mike Messed Up
First | Previous | Next
Mike was just a night guard waiting to be killed by the end of the week. Now, he is the proud, and soon to be sole owner, of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. Business is booming, animatronics are teeming with life, and Foxy is back in the spotlight after so many years. Even so, the dark past of Freddy's is slowly encroaching upon them. One with more ties than they could ever imagine.
Content Warnings: Mentions of death and murder, want to harm someone, cursing (lots of cursing), mentions of tracking someone down. Mentions of teasing about being in a relationship when not.
And the Jeremy is back!
Said man freezes with his hands up as if he was caught red-handed. And no, he wasn't doing anything that warranted such a reaction. All he's been doing is closely following behind Jeremy as he's guided through the restaurant by the only animatronic that's allowed so much as a mile radius. Of course that kind of trust means constant glances behind to ensure the person who got him into the mess is no more than a foot away at a time.
Freddy better get his ass over here so Foxy and his newest first mate don't get too far away, or else they're going to have a big problem. And not the one that ends with someone screaming in terror and therefore making all the kids panic so every parent writes an angry letter the next day saying they'll never come back. P.S. the pizza was delicious though.
Picture this. Jeremy on the floor curled up in a ball. Mike pissed his best friend has been traumatized. Freddy, deactivated for a solid week.
"Have you ever realized you're the only one who doesn't call me Mike?" the man huffs as the bear finally lumbers his way over, motioning for him to follow as a certain Cake Snatcher stares at him with the silent statement they're too far away. "Sometimes it sounds like you're not even trying to talk to me. Who is this 'Michael', and why do you love him more than me!"
"I always knew you were the jealous type," Freddy easily fires back.
No. He can't smirk with appreciation. Because it reminds him of the whole Mr. Perfect being chosen over him. Proving he is definitely the jealous type damnit!
"Why are you acting like I've done something wrong anyway?" Mike murmurs. Because from his perspective, he's only been a good friend to someone who looked like they needed it. Still haven't completed his paperwork, but usually he finishes that after the restaurant closes anyway.
Freddy doesn't respond immediately, silently scanning the restaurant, a sight that's beyond ordinary. Just the lead animatronic making sure everything's in order. The kids sprinting around screaming in joy and not fear. No guests popping up in the facial recognition system to state they're not supposed to be anywhere near children's restaurant. The only thing that makes him think something's wrong is when he locks onto something, looking almost curious.
Taking the bait he follows the line of sight to see the bear is focused on...Jeremy. A bristle proves he's still the jealous type shit! "What's wrong with Jer?"
"You're awfully fond of someone who hid in an 'employee's only' section."
Blue eyes harden at the thought of accusing the adorable kid of being anything but innocent. "So?"
A paw gently snags his shoulder to stop him. The protest the ticking time-bomb controlled solely by distance dies as Foxy pauses the tour in order to say hi to a birthday girl. And don't think he didn't catch the nods passing between them.
Fine. They can talk, Mike obediently turning himself to properly face Freddy Fazbear.
Someone who's kept him company in the late hours of the night. Told the other three to keep the bickering to a minimum if he fell asleep to drool on the paperwork properly instead of from pure boredom. Saved his life when someone tried to kill him despite having a past of pain longer than knowing a stupid kid who didn't follow the rules because he wanted to be spiteful.
Someone who's also clearly attached to his original creator. Gets annoyed from time to time and fires a few insults too close to home without paying close attention to how it's taken. Constantly tells the man they adore he's too lonely for it to be healthy, but when someone struts into his life and doesn't mind the way he acts, thinks there's something wrong.
Because everything is wrong when it comes to Mike. The way he gains a restaurant and fixes the animatronics up. The way he makes friends. The way his parents never even wanted-
He sucks in a breath sharply at such a sudden and unpleasant thought, quickly tuning back into the chaotic noise of the restaurant alight with joy, and laughter. Such a stark contrast from when he first became a night guard just over a year ago. Something he did. He made it one of the top places for children entertainment.
Freddy watches him with concern. From the looks of it, he zoned out again. But at least he didn't faint. "Michael, are you okay?"
"I'm fucking tired, Freddy," Mike softly admits as he deflates. He can't help a lazy flinch though at the thought of getting lectured with letting a curse slip while surrounded by innocent ears.
"When was the last time you ate? Or slept?" tells him he gets a pass this time.
The man rubs at his face in the attempt to clear his head enough to think about what he did last night. Hell, this morning before the wonderful surprise named Henry decided to stop by. "Can't remember."
"We haven't been keeping an eye on you," Freddy sighs. The one saying he's disappointed he hasn't been keeping up on his duties as the leader of the Fazbear Gang of which Mike had been made an honorary member the night he got invited to join them in the dining room despite only being a night guard. "You don't even leave the restaurant and yet we don't keep tabs on eating and sleeping habits."
"Honestly I'm fine," Mike promises as he straightens up to show the topic is being put on the back burner.
As much as he'd love to take a rare moment and ask for a relaxing day in which his family would be more than happy to drop everything in order to do for him, he's now the full owner of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. The creator of the franchise visited an hour ago, and he needs to write a professional report stating why the demands of putting Foxy away and everyone permanently on stage during the day isn't practical. Someone who had hid inside his office and asked for help staying safe from whatever chased them down needs to be interviewed after finally calming down enough.
His food and sleep deprivation can wait. Those who need him now can't.
"So maybe I latched onto Jer a little more than I intended," Mike grins. And he can see disappointment in continuing to push himself like this in the bear's eyes, but there's a promise they'll read him a bedtime story with milk and cookies later. "But how could I not. He's adorable."
There's the eyeroll saying Freddy can't believe he decided this dumbass of a human was someone he should follow straight to hell. "It's good to know your preference toward befriending someone is measured by their 'adorableness'."
"Hey, you say it, but that's why I fell in love with you guys."
"Mikey be thinkin' we're adorable!"
The man in question finds himself yanked by the back of his shirt before he can so much as blink, knowing from multiple experiences there's now a hole thanks to a hook that shouldn't be as sharp as it is, and he's about to be suffocated. Any attempts to yell for help to escape become muffled screams as arms circle around him in a hug.
"Yer adorable too, lad!"
"Can't breathe cap'n!"
"Mr. Smith!"
Mike gasps for air as he's released a lot sooner than usual, coughing out a lung as a paw pats his back-
Hang on a second. The pressure is too light for that to be an animatronic. It doesn't cover his entire back, either.
"Y-You okay?" Jeremy questions. The kid pauses the attempt to help when all he gets is a stare filled with awe, his shoulders hunching up with attitude thinking someone's about to make a joke out of him. "What?"
Mike shakes his head, body jerking with the last of his coughs slowly fading out. "Nothi,i,ing. Thanks."
"Mr. Smith!" reminds him of why he's only gasping for air instead of lying on the floor in an oxygen-less daze. The little boy tugging on his shirt finally getting the attention he deserves as the restaurant owner kneels down.
Yes, kneels down. He's taught every kid who's a regular that if they need to tell him something important, he'll listen. Just because he's taller than most ten year old's doesn't mean he can't hear their side of an argument between two parents. Or, in extremely few cases, make him aware of a shady figure who's managed to stay just below the animatronic's radar.
"What's up?"
"Mr. Smith?" Jeremy hisses.
"His last name's Schmidt, which is a bit too complicated sometimes," Freddy explains.
Mike admits he irresponsibly pauses his listening in order to smirk up at Parts And Nervous currently nodding to say he understood the explanation. It stops when he notices the attention being given toward him instead of the kid who ran up to deliver urgent news. A few seconds of glaring to say he doesn't understand when those grey eyes snap up in order to spot Freddy's own smirk.
"I-I'm still scared of you."
"Sure, Mr. Fitzgerald."
Sure, Jer- what?
"-and then I heard a loud 'BANG' on the door!" the boy exclaims, bouncing up and down with excitement.
Mike's train of thought crashes and burns as he realizes there's apparently a 'BANG'ing sound near a children's restaurant, and Freddy knows Jeremy's last name.
That's not possible because he'd only know that from-
"Which door?" the man quickly asks, shoving aside the earth-shattering idea flooding his mind in favor of focusing on what's more important.
"Back one by Foxy's cove!"
"Foxy!" Mike calls as the animatronic immediately starts moving the group of kids around his stage toward the party tables. Closer to Bonnie and Chica, and far away from a terrifying unknown. The boy is gently pushed toward the others with the promise of getting a whole pizza to take home.
He's so focused on making sure everyone's safe he misses the fact Jeremy's gone pale white. Doesn't realize the kid moved to grab his arm as he quickly moves toward the back door with Freddy right beside him.
"Where is everyone?"
"Dining area and kitchen," the bear quickly replies after mentally looping through the cameras. "No one's in the bathrooms or hallways."
"What do you think it is?"
"If it was a gun, we would've heard it."
"Some teenager hitting it with a bat or something?"
"It's a better possibility."
The sudden yell from Jeremy makes him freeze mid-step, whirling around in time to see the shorter desperately lunge to grab his arm. He doesn't have the time to ask what's wrong when he's yanked harshly to the side. Away from the door they can now hear a soft scratching emanating from it.
"Jer, you can't-!"
"It's-s-s-s th-th-them!" the kid sobs.
Mike's fist clenches at the proclamation what made Jeremy hide like he had has followed him all the way to the restaurant. His restaurant.
He turns to the trembling figure, a hand firmly clasped onto his shoulder. "Jeremy. I need you to tell me who it is. And I promise, I won't let them lay a single finger on you."
A sob escapes as the curls still caked in mud and dirt shake vigorously. "I-I-It's him!"
Mike turns to see Jeremy pointing at...Freddy. And before he explodes at the kid, or the bear, or everyone, he takes a deep breath as a paw is placed on his own shoulder.
"Freddy," he breathes, begging for clarity.
"Th-The other one!"
Mike's anger disappears as pure confusion slams into him. Not just confusion, though. Freddy himself forcing both of them toward the West Hallway as a low growl begins.
What the hell is going on? What does 'the other one' mean? Why is the person he trusts most acting like the world is about to end? Why is the bear acting like he did whenever Mr. Seal came too close after that haunting night?
What is he protecting him from?
"Get in the office," Freddy snarls. "Now."
That, in combination with Jeremy's frantic pulling, makes Mike suddenly dig his heals down in order to face toe-to-toe with the towering animatronic as his friend yelps after tripping and falling when his grasp slipped.
"Michael, I'm serious-"
"Freddy," the man begins, his voice low. "I'm not going into that damn office unless you come with me, or I see what's behind that fucking door."
The growl grows louder as the blue eyes turn into pure black orbs, a single dot of white light. For the first time ever since it was supposed to be the last thing he saw before being killed by a suit. When it was promised they'd never do it again out of respect so it won't make him scared.
Low blow using that to try and make me run away.
"Do not test me, Michael."
"I'm not a child, Freddy."
They stand there for a few minutes. The silent statement the other is going too far and they should both leave it alone.
"...let me lock the door, and I'll meet you in the office."
"I'm staying right here while you lock it."
Surprisingly, Freddy doesn't try and negotiate it, turning around to secure the back door and immediately walk back over. Mike doesn't move a muscle until the bear moves to guide him down the hallway, ducking away so he walks by himself without being touched.
"I'm sorry."
Yeah, it was a real dick move doing the one thing the man still has nightmares about. The reason he never goes home because there he's alone in the pitch-black darkness, slowly going insane because he doesn't know if he'll go back to the restaurant and find his family waiting for him, or killing machines that never cared about him. Something he's never told the others because he knows it'd break their hearts, and besides, it's just a little bit of night terrors and insomnia.
He doesn't say he forgives. Barely acknowledges Jeremy huddled in the corner with fresh tears still trailing down his face. He only glares fiercely up at Freddy who can't help but glance away.
"How the fuck do you know his last name?"
Prologue  |  Chapter 1  |  Chapter 2  |  Chapter 3  |  Chapter 4  |  Chapter 5  |  Chapter 6  |  Chapter 7  |  Chapter 8  
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uglierdaikon · 3 years
I’ve been waiting 👀 Wings 1, 2, 5, 10
Graves 1,2, 4 (in this case a second sequel I mean) 5, 10
BSMFH 1, 4, 5
I want you to know this was actually restraint 👀❤️
Dana you dweeb (affectionate). All right here we go. (Spoilers ahead for all three fics)
1)  Any deleted scenes from this fic that didn’t make it into the final story?
Well I did do those Wings spin-off one shots, which I never actually finished posting. Maybe I will someday. Those were mainly about Amane and Tsukasa (y'know, before all the murdering). Other than that, I just reread my outline and apparently I planned for Nene and Teru to be considered missing for a while before their bodies were found? Which obviously I did not end up going with, since Amane turned himself in/immediately tried to kill himself. Fun times.
2) Was there an alternative ending for this fic you had in mind?
Nope (unless you include the "Teru and Nene being considered missing" thing). The plot of this fic was ripped off entirely from a song, so I had rules to follow! The ending was decided for me by Colter Wall. Poor things never had a chance at a happy ending.
5 If you were to go back and change anything a scene, a way anything was written, a piece of dialogue etc. What would you change from this fic?
I wouldn't write it. KIDDING! I'm kidding (mostly). I don't think I've ever hidden the fact that Wings is (in my opinion) the worst thing I've written in years, so honestly the list is too long to bother with. I know a lot of people really liked it, and I won't bash on anyone's taste and I so greatly appreciate the support that it got/has continued to get but I just... don't like it. I didn't even have fun writing it. Bleh.
10 How long did it take for you to write this fic?
Well, it was posted on October 15, 2020, and the last chapter was posted on November 30, 2020. So, roughly a month and a half? I posted every chapter as soon as it was finished, so the timeline of all of my multichapter fics (except for BSMFH) is always gonna be what it says on paper.
1)  Any deleted scenes from this fic that didn’t make it into the final story?
Sorry to disappoint, but no! Not that I can remember.
2) Was there an alternative ending for this fic you had in mind?
Also no 😂 Graves is exactly the fic I set out to write. Honestly, though, the ending was so hard to come up with. I can't imagine how much harder it would've been to come up with a whole different one. I remember being really pissed with myself because I'd kind of written myself into a corner and didn't know how to fix it. Figured it out in the end though!
4) Hypothetically if you were to make a sequel to this fic…What is a story you would think of? A sequel? A prelude? A time skip? Etc. Just any thoughts you might have for it?
I... wouldn't? Just to be completely honest. The only ideas I ever had were for Hananene wedding/Mitsukou finally getting together, and I did that in the sequel! There were a couple wedding traditions I didn't end up using for the sequel fic though, such as the groom being "kidnapped" by the bride's family (in this case, Teru and Kou) and having to find his way back to the bride by the wedding. That would've been funny as hell but it didn't fit the tone of the story I ended up writing.
5) If you were to go back and change anything a scene, a way anything was written, a piece of dialogue etc. What would you change from this fic?
Absolutely nothing. This fic is my pride and joy.
10) How long did it take for you to write this fic?
From April 26, 2020, to September 13, 2020. So... about 4 and a half months!
Be Still My Foolish Heart
1)  Any deleted scenes from this fic that didn’t make it into the final story?
Dana I am absolutely shocked that you would give me the opportunity to share the bar scene with the world! It's not exactly a deleted scene, but I know exactly what happened with Kou and Amane at the bar the night they ended up coming home drunk together (and Dana knows too). Since the fic is from Nene's perspective, though, we won't be seeing it (unless I decide y'all deserve a treat).
4) Hypothetically if you were to make a sequel to this fic…What is a story you would think of? A sequel? A prelude? A time skip? Etc. Just any thoughts you might have for it?
Let me start off by saying there will not be a sequel. I'm not trying to get anyone's hopes up. But there has been a joke within my heart that I desperately wish I could make, and if I ever did write a sequel it would solely be so that I could make this joke. Let me set the scene. Nene and Amane have an ill-advised tumble on the pull-out couch in a moment of passion. Nene gets pregnant. What is the joke, you may ask? Easy. "The couch may pull out but Amane sure doesn't."
That is easily the best answer I've given in this whole post and it's a damn shame 99% of people will just scroll past this because it's too long. Anyways I'll see myself out (after the last question).
5) If you were to go back and change anything a scene, a way anything was written, a piece of dialogue etc. What would you change from this fic?
Nothing yet? I would do some tweaking to the Hanako and Kana scenes I suppose, for reasons I can't disclose at this time. I've also gone a while without any conflict between Amane and Nene, and I feel like they should argue more. But c'est la vie. I trek onwards.
God damn, Dana, you get your fill boo? Teasing, teasing. Thank you for asking!
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