#the joke is truly on me for giving this season a chance after the way the first season ended (see criticisms in my first tag)
nighthawkes · 2 years
watching white lotus is a seasonal, targeted study in reasons to hate straight people
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never changing [ five hargreeves x reader ]
a/n: hi y’all! it’s been a hot minute since i’ve been on here, but after the absolute shit show that season 4 was, some sparks ignited in me to write up anything to take my mind off it 🙌
its not anything crazy, just fluff and banter since i haven’t written anything in years so it may be as poorly redacted as this season lmao
summary: five and y/n attend their niece birthday party together, yet separate
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“Happy birthday, little Gracie!” You smiled widely, trying not to drop the wrapped present box as the six year old girl jumped into your arms, “Oh my gosh, look at you! You’re just getting prettier by day, aren’t you?”
You had just got off work in a hurry to make your appearance at the little girl’s birthday party at a decent time, in spite of the amount of paperwork you managed to bury yourself in lately. You knew how much it would have meant for the celebrated one to show up and you couldn’t bear to let her down, especially on her birthday.
After spending most of your life working for the Commission, and then a decent amount of time exhausting yourself in trying to stop multiple Apocalypses, your last six years have been pretty quiet as a lawyer. You really wanted to get out of the whole assassin thing, but at the same time couldn’t exactly move on from the thrill of the work field. Your career as a lawyer took off really well these past years, but inevitably it came along with the cost of always being stuck at work, so whenever your niece got the chance to see you, she was truly enthusiastic.
“Auntie Y/N!” She wrapped her tiny arms around your neck, engulfing you into a tight hug, “You are here!”
Nonetheless, these six years have been truly and undeniably the most peaceful time of your life for as long as you could remember.
“You literally saw each other the other day,” Five raised a brow, watching you and the celebrated one act as if you hadn’t seen each other in years.
You and the little girl shared a look, before rolling your eyes and turning to glare at the man next to you. Ever since Grace learned how to talk, you and her would gang up on her uncle for your amusement, especially since he was so keen on entertaining the banter.
These past six year have gone by in the blink of an eye, yet at the same time at a slow and steady pace. You spent most of your time working anyway, but still kept in touch with the seven siblings you’d grown to love.
Some in different ways than others.
“Uncle Five, you’re always more excited than me to see Aunt Y/N,” Gracie waved him off, making you burst out laughing, “Jealousy isn’t a good look on you anyway.”
“What is a good look on him anyway?” You smirked, making the little girl laugh, as Five swept her into his arms;
“Okay, munchkin, it’s your birthday today, but tomorrow I’m going back to bullying you,” He joked, causing you both to laugh, before the two shared a hug before you, “You’re lucky your gift has no return policy.”
The party had already started by the time you made it there. The playground was huddled by other kids around Grace’s age, along with their parents. The music was playing loudly over the laughter of children and you were pretty sure that most of the family had already arrived. It was not the most ideal gathering, but you tried your best to keep in touch with most of the family to your best capabilities.
“Y/N, I’m so glad you could make it!” Luther smiled, appearing from the crowd of guests, immediately giving you a big hug as his niece was still wrapped around Five, “Haven’t seen you since Thanksgiving!”
“Big shot lawyer doesn’t always have the time to stay in touch with family, huh?” Diego teased you, following suit, as you rolled your eyes, dropping off his daughter’s gift in his hands.
“Big shot delivery driver doesn’t know the phone works both ways, huh?” You smirked, putting your hands on your hips.
Diego laughed out loud as he gave you a hug, always in the mood for a back and forth short banter with you. After all, you truly were family, even if you didn’t always have the time to be present in the Hargreeves’ day to day lives. You may have met them in the original timeline in 2019, when you accidentally time traveled with your former partner at the Commission, Five, but after all you’ve been through, you didn’t need to have grown up together or be blood related to be considered that. And you truly were grateful for each and every single one of them, in spite of the many differences over the years.
After everything that’s happened six years ago at Hotel Oblivion, everyone went their separate ways. Allison was back with her daughter while trying to further her acting career and also help Klaus stay on the sober line, Viktor had moved to Canada where he opened a bar, Diego and Lila had three kids, Luther was “professionally dancing”, Ben had some run-ins with the law and Five, ironically enough, was working for the CIA.
“Well, you two are as annoying as always,” Ben told you and his brother, making Diego roll his eyes as he walked towards the gift table to set down your present.
“Please try to stay out of prison at least for the remainder of the year,” You joked with the man, making him roll his eyes as he hugged you loosely, “There’s only so much favors I could owe the DA.”
“Shut the fuck up,” Ben groaned, “I don’t even know why they let you work at the law firm since you still look like a prepubescent with no boobs. Even Five got a growth spurt.”
“I sized up to B recently, thank you very much,” You nudged his shoulder, before placing your hands on your chest in an offended manner.
“Okay, Gracie, not a conversation you’d wanna hear,” Five spoke up, putting his niece down, “Your aunt needs to learn some etiquette on how to act around children.”
“Funny coming from you,” You couldn’t help but wave him off.
You didn’t come in with Five at the party, but as fate had it, you did run into him as you were parking your car. He had just gone out to his brother’s dusty van to bring inside some more cookies for the guests. You kept in touch with him as well, but not as often as you would have liked. It’s not all that serious, but given the fact that you were a lawyer still climbing your way to the top and him being a top notch CIA agent, you didn’t exactly have the time to hang out.
At least, not as much as you’d have liked.
Five was watching you with a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips, and his hands in his pockets. He had the same look on his face as always when watching you. He had the same smile when he saw you in combat for the first time during your first mission for the Commission together, the same look in his eyes when you appeared for the first time in 2019 alongside him in your teen bodies. The same posture he had when he met you again in 1963 after months of not seeing each other.
He wore the same love on his face while looking at you when you and the siblings split up after the events at Oblivion.
And never once did you notice that.
Not once in these past six years you let your feelings surface.
“You know Grace is my niece too, right?” He couldn’t drop the small smile even if he wanted to.
“Since when are you such a family man?” You raised a brow, trying to keep a confident composure.
“Oh, something changed in me between the first and third time I traded the world for my siblings,” He lightly shrugged his shoulders, making you roll your eyes at the sarcastic remark.
You two never changed.
“Please, I was there for the twins birth,” You waved him off.
You rarely see Five, and even when you do you always try to act normal, as you do around the rest of the Hargreeves. Everyone tried to get you two together at first, since the apocalypse was over and there was no reason for you to not get together, right?
You really wished it was that easy. In hindsight, maybe it was. But you couldn’t take any chances in losing Five forever if something were to go wrong. Maybe some would see it as something stupid, or as if you wasted so many years, but to you- mentally, you were almost seventy, while physically nineteen. You had so much time ahead of you now, all that mattered was to get a stable career first.
Five let a chuckle escape, shaking his head in disbelief, as he looked at the floor for a couple of seconds. When he looked back at you, you tried to keep your composure. You couldn’t help but feel pathetic that after all these years, your heart still skipped a beat whenever he’d look at you.
“You’re doing that thing again where you forget that some other people are still around, guys,” Luther raised his hand, grabbing your attention once again.
“I got bored of watching seventy year old virgins,” Ben shrugged his shoulders, “I’m gonna go get shitfaced.”
“Always a delight seeing you, Benjamin,” Five said, as Luther followed the ex-tentacle boy suit to make re he was not about to actually get drunk;
“This is a six year old’s birthday party!”
You giggled, watching the two brothers speed away while arguing amongst the kids in the crowd. When your eyes laid back on Five, who was intently watching you, you couldn’t help but feel a small blush creep its way in your cheeks.
“Spit it out, Hargreeves.”
“I said it’s nothing!”
“Fuck you.”
You watched him dumbfounded for a couple of seconds because of the only answer he could come up with, before walking away, hoping he would follow you.
When he did try to keep up with you, you looked away to hide the proud smile. Even after all these years, things were still the same with him. He was still so eager to spend time with you, he was still smiling at you and entertaining your conversation.
“Aunt Y/N, Uncle Five, come play in the ball pit!” Gracie ushered you from afar, already tucked in the plastic colorful balls.
“You heard the birthday girl!” You smiled, grabbing his hand to drag Five after you.
Even after all these years he would instantly lock his fingers with yours.
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d1xonss · 8 months
✧ Pairing : Daryl Dixon x Reader
✧ Era : Season 6
✧ Pronouns : she/her
✧ Genre : Suggestive (oop)
✧ Word Count : 5k
AN ~ …This one might need a part two, that’s all I’m going to say.
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Your mouth parted a little in shock that he had interrupted you, embarrassment filling your entire being as you could feel the heat rising up to your cheeks, no doubt leaving a red hue on your skin. You attempted to read him, trying to figure out what he was thinking just by his face and body language, but you were left with nothing. His expression was neutral, his arms were crossed over his chest as they always were, and his eyes didn’t even give you a flash of indication of what he planned to say next. Though somehow you had a feeling you knew it was something you would dread.
It had been years now that you had been crushing on the older man, from Atlanta to all the way here in your new homes in Alexandria, you had always felt these very strong feelings for him. And though you knew the age gap was definitely something to recognize, you never cared in the slightest as your fondness for him over the years only seemed to grow.
Daryl Dixon was a very serious man, though he mostly kept to himself, no one could deny that he was also a very kindhearted person. He was constantly putting others before himself, protecting nearly everyone in the group even if that meant his life was on the line instead, he did it as if it was just second nature to him. Like he didn’t even have to think before he acted. That’s what you admired most about him, only causing you to fall deeper than you already were, digging yourself further into the hole you couldn’t seem to escape.
It was hard for some to believe, but you truly tried to push these feelings aside, mostly because you thought there was no way in hell he would ever feel the same way about you. But it was growing to be unbearable, the secret you had been keeping to yourself for so long beginning to eat you up inside.
So you finally decided to bite the bullet and just tell him. You didn’t know what exactly compelled you to do so since you had such a huge fear of rejection from him and didn’t want him to see you differently, but still you just threw yourself into the lion’s den it seemed like. But there was a little hope you had when you approached him to confess. The soft smile playing on his lips was enough for you to spill everything, seeing that there was a small chance he might’ve felt something similar. It wasn’t a secret that he had grown to care for you too, so you guessed you could really take that chance.
But now all your hope diminished instantly when he interrupted your sentence with just one word. One single word that caused your stomach to flip. You felt yourself begin to panic a little as you stood there, seconds after pouring your heart out and laying everything out on the table, and he wanted you to stop. You suddenly wished you could take everything back in that split second, tell him you were joking or make something else up on the spot. Anything to escape from this sudden situation.
He then sighed heavily as he raised his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose, “Look…yer a really sweet girl and I care bout ya…but…ya can’t be sayin all this. M’ way too old for ya.”
Your heart seemed to drop upon hearing that, knowing in the back of your mind, that little aspect would be the thing he brought all his attention to. You had to admit however that it was a pretty big difference, twenty years to be exact where you stood at twenty-four while he was already pushing forty-five. But still, you were an adult and felt that you could make your own choices when it came to something like this, something that he wasn’t willing to listen to any longer.
Daryl noticed your silence, seeing the look you had on your face and he grew almost sympathetic as he looked at you. “Look ya can’t be…fallin for me. It ain’t right.”
That sentence seemed to break you out of your trance. Annoyance began to brew inside you as he was now starting to almost talk down on you as if you were a kid, crossing your arms over your chest in frustration. “Who are you to tell me what isn’t right?” you asked with furrowed brows.
He noticed your change in mood and only sighed to himself again, “I just mean that…” he trailed off as he never wanted to hurt you or deny you, but honesty was more important to him. And this was something he knew he needed to be blunt about. “I ain’t the guy for ya, no matter how ya feel. We’re just too far apart.”
“That’s not true.” you were quick to defend.
Daryl’s eyes narrowed the smallest bit, “It is true.” he said a bit more sternly, “Yer so young and m’ a lot older…besides I ain’t what they call boyfriend material…it would never work.” he claimed.
Your eyes narrowed even further, “I’m not just some kid Daryl, how old do you even think I am?” 
He scoffed to himself as he looked at you a little longer, “I dunno…” he spoke as he didn’t want you to really know the age that popped up in his head. If you were really as young as he thought, it would be disgusting to even think about being with you.
“I’m twenty four.”
His eyes widened slightly as he thought about your words for only a moment, before he went back to scoffing to himself, “Well if I didn’t know any better I’d say yer lyin.”
Your frustration only began to build up further as he didn’t believe you. Though maybe he did. Maybe he did believe you, he just didn’t want to believe you. He didn’t want to admit or accept that your age wasn’t as bad as he originally thought, he just put up a wall to defend himself like he always seemed to.
But you were prepared to call him out on his bullshit. “If I didn’t know any better I’d say you were scared.”
“Scared?” he repeated, his lip turning up into an amused smile, “And what am I scared of?”
“Scared of your own feelings.” you said with little to no hesitation at all, stating the obvious and seeing right through him.
The man’s expression remained the same, but something in his eyes flickered with something more, and you couldn’t help but smirk to yourself once you caught it. He stayed silent for what felt like an eternity, pondering over your words as he desperately didn’t want you to see his hesitance as he stood there with a straight face. But you had clearly caught on.
After almost minutes of deafening silence, he finally spoke again in a sarcastic tone, “So ya think ya got me all figured out then, huh?”
You could see his exterior cracking the smallest bit and decided to take a chance. You began to move forward slowly, closing the remaining space between the two of you from the opposite sides of where you stood in his living room. His eyes widened ever so slightly as you got almost uncomfortably close to him, your chests nearly touching as you looked up to him with big doe eyes.
“Yeah…yeah I do.” you answered barely above a whisper.
Daryl subtly sucked in a soft breath at your words, your close proximity, everything that just seemed to draw him in. He desperately wanted to take a few steps away, wanting to tell you something harsh so you would stop being so damn persistent, but he couldn’t seem to find the strength. He stood there almost completely frozen as his heart began beating rapidly, questioning if you could hear it in the silence with how close you were to him.
You could feel yourself smirk slightly as he grew completely silent again, nodding to yourself as you decided to stop tormenting him. At least for now. “Well…since you made your intentions clear…I guess I’ll just see you around then…” you said quietly before turning on your heel to leave his house, to leave him to his now racing thoughts.
His tongue seemed to be tied into a knot as all he could do was watch you leave through the front door, a heat blooming on his cheeks. He began questioning to himself if all of that really just happened, if he was really as transparent as you claimed he was. His mind began to spiral with thousands of thoughts, but not even he could deny that small spark he felt in his chest, one that he had never felt before.
The next day wasn’t any better for him, his mind constantly flooding with the thoughts of that small interaction, not stopping himself from thinking back to your confession as a whole. There was no way he could feel such a thing for someone as young as you…could he? It all felt very wrong and twisted in a way, but he couldn’t stop thinking of you constantly throughout the entire day, how complicated everything seemed to be. He didn’t pull away. Why the hell didn’t he pull away? It was almost as if he liked your closeness, being able to almost feel the warmth of your body…almost as if he craved it more than he realized.
Over the few years he had gotten to know you, he couldn’t deny that he thought you were very beautiful from the start, but he didn’t dare let his mind linger there for long. There was no way he could be with you, it all seemed so wrong to him in his mind and he had to put a stop to those thoughts immediately once they entered his mind. But with everything that went down yesterday, he couldn’t help but be reminded of those familiar feelings he once seemed to have long ago, seeing them rise back up to the surface before his very eyes. 
He needed to see you. He couldn’t help but think about you throughout the entire day as if you had somehow put him under a spell, compelling him to eventually crawl back. He didn’t know what he planned to say, he didn’t even know if he should even try to speak about this hovering matter anymore. But he physically needed to see you again. Even if it was just for a few minutes. He needed to feel that spark again.
So after his long patrol, he found himself heading straight towards your house the second he was finished, walking at a fast pace down the streets all the way up until he could see your familiar house just around the corner. His breathing was almost heavy in anticipation as he got closer, hopping up the porch steps in a flash before he hesitated when he was face to face with your front door. He hesitated for a long moment, longer than he was willing to admit, before he finally gave it a heavy knock.
You were inside cooking yourself some dinner when you heard a loud knock coming from your front door, your brows furrowing in confusion at who it could be as you quickly cleaned your hands off with a towel. You made your way closer towards the entrance with a little anticipation weighing in your heart, the sound of the firm knock sounding like it was something urgent. But the moment you looked through the peephole and saw who was standing on the other side, you immediately smirked to yourself. You almost couldn't believe he was actually seeking you out.
You opened the door after a moment or two, leaning against the frame with a smile as you looked at him with a smile, “Hi Daryl.” you greeted with a hint of flirtation to your voice.
Your tone surprised him slightly as he stopped for a moment to take you in, his nerves resurfacing the moment you looked him in the eye. But eventually he cleared his throat a little and sent you a small smile, “Hey.”
“Did you need something?” you asked sweetly.
You were playing with him now, both of you knew it too. He didn’t exactly know what he came over here for, almost as if he didn’t really know what he wanted, but all he could feel was that same feeling rushing over him again once more at the sound of your voice. It was almost comforting to him, something he hadn’t felt in a very long time, and his heart began to beat even faster once he realized just how much he needed more of it.
You tilted your head at him expectantly, and it was then and only then he realized he didn’t answer your question. He shook his head a little to rid of his loud thoughts before finally mustering up a response. “Nah…I don’t need anythin. Just…just wanted to see ya.”
He could see your eyes soften as you looked up at him through your long eyelashes, the sight bringing a warmth through his chest, settling at the bottom of his stomach as he looked at you. “Aw…that’s so sweet.” you said as you placed a hand over your chest.
His eyes widened ever so slightly as he heard just the smallest bit of praise from you, if you could even call it that. But he found he liked the sound of you calling him sweet, and he found he loved the idea of you calling him other things. He felt himself slip almost as your words seemed to affect him well, almost a little too well, feeling himself swallow thickly as he tried to figure out what to say to you next.
“Do…do you mind if I come in for a bit?” he mustered up.
Your face dropped a little bit upon hearing that, though mentally you almost felt yourself light up at the sudden opportunity to turn the tables around on him. “Oh…I don’t know…” you trailed off as you eventually let the smirk return to your face, “Wouldn’t that be…wrong?” I asked with a hinting tone.
The man was stunned a little as his only response to you was silence. He stood there almost completely still at the sound of you throwing his own words back up at his face like that, but then again you had a point. He did say those things to you, he made it very obvious and certain. Yet he couldn’t help but silently smirk to himself at the game you seemed to be playing now.
“I don’t think it’s such a good idea…” you continued on.
He hears his own phrase being used against him again and damn did it feel better than it should’ve. He found himself growing a little excited as you continued on, leaning himself against the doorway a little as he looked down at you with almost hungry eyes.
“Well…maybe I like doin things that are wrong.” he stated.
You clicked your tongue in response as you shook your head, “That’s not what you said the other day, I heard you…I’m just following the rules.” you said as you moved to shut the door.
But his hand came up and quickly caught it before you could shut him out all the way, pushing it back open a little with a raised brow. “Now what’s with you and all these goddamn rules now, hm? Who even made em?” he asked as he felt himself falling right into your trap, flirting right back with you like you wanted.
“You did.” you said simply, watching his face drop a little at your response, “You made it very clear, and I understand...” you said simply before moving to shut the door right in his face.
The man was stunned to say the least seeing the door almost touching the tip of his nose, his expression flustered and his heart hammering. He groaned to himself in annoyance as he slowly turned on his heel to leave, his irritation not directed at you per say, but how you made him feel. 
It was far too complicated, but you were playing him like a damn fiddle and he knew it. He supposed that maybe he deserved a little of the shit you were giving him seeing as he turned you down in the first place, but how much were you willing to drag this on for? He was growing attached, too attached, and now he was wrapped around your little finger instead of the other way around. He saw how desperate you looked in the beginning as you confessed everything to him, he saw that look in your eye. But now you had completely flipped the script and made him out to be the one growing desperate. It was frustrating…but in the most captivating way.
A week seemed to pass by in a flash just like that, the two of you going back and forth, leading to you teasing him to no end. He knew there were plenty of times where he could’ve just walked away from the situation, but he was so tempted to keep playing along in the game you entertained. And it was working more than he was willing to admit, his mind not being able to stop thinking about you and slowly feeling himself break. He didn’t want to cave and admit how much he had been thinking of you, how much he wanted you, but it was getting harder and harder every time he saw you. Every bat of your eyelashes, every flash of your small and perfect smile had him absolutely crumbling.
And what he seemed to be dreading the most now was a bonfire being hosted by a neighbor in the community, everyone being invited to the event. 
At first Daryl debated on going at all, knowing that you would probably be there taunting him in the best way you knew how. But he couldn’t help but want to feed into that temptation, just looking for another excuse to see you again. Though in all honesty he didn’t know how much longer he could keep this up. How much longer he could hold out as you played with him until he would completely break right in front of your eyes for you to see. He hated to admit it even to himself, but he was growing more and more desperate for you, which he knew is exactly what you wanted. But he didn’t care at this point. He would let you do whatever you wanted to him if he knew he could finally have you.
You on the other hand however were looking forward to the event. You took your time picking out your outfit, settling on a shorter skirt and a black top that left just enough to the imagination, almost not being able to contain your excitement and mischief when thinking about seeing him again. In all honesty, you didn’t expect him to continue to feed into what was supposed to be just a little teasing, it surprised you beyond repair to see him playing along as much as he was. Though you knew he had grown to like it, he had grown to fall for you more than before. And you loved it.
Once the day was finally over and the stars just began to rise into the sky, the time came for everyone to attend the little get together as the bonfire was beginning to light up Alexandria with its orange glow. People began to arrive in pairs and groups to the get together, greeting one another politely with smiles and hugs, but Daryl found himself planted in the corner of the small party. His eyes kept scanning around for you subconsciously, his nerves only growing as he convinced himself not to fall apart for you, to not fall into his desires.
But then he caught sight of you finally arriving, seeing the things you were wearing, and he immediately seemed to lose his train of thought right then and there. He was now reminded why he so desperately wanted to give in, why he wanted to give away every part of himself to you as he watched you smile and greet a few people passing by. You knew how to get to him, how to make him nervous, knowing exactly which strings to pull to get him all hot and bothered. It’s all what made you so absolutely alluring.
He watched you from a distance for a while with his arms crossed over his chest, not being able to approach you as you always seemed to be speaking with someone. His patience was growing thin and his destress was building as all he wanted was to talk to you, to see you up close. The way you were dressed, the way you wore your hair up only to have a few stray pieces aligning your face, it was beginning to drive him crazy.
But then an opportunity seemed to open up right before his very eyes as he saw you walk away off by yourself, just close enough towards the fire to feel the warmth, yet far enough from everyone else so he could finally approach you. He swallowed thickly at the thought of the things he was easily getting himself into, but he couldn’t help it as it seemed like his feet had minds of their own, practically floating right over to you. His steps were quiet as he approached you from behind, not wanting to scare you, but wanting to catch you off guard for once.
When he was finally close enough just to hover over you, it was only then that he spoke, “Hey.” he said quietly.
But you hardly even flinched, as if you knew of his presence approaching the whole time as you turned to look at him with a smile, “Hi Daryl.”
God the way you said his name drove him almost to a point of insanity, wanting you to say it over and over again as you voice was sweet and warm like honey. It’s almost impossible to resist you in this moment in time, taking in your appearance up close and getting a whiff of your intoxicating perfume as a gust of wind blows by was enough to send him over the edge. Leading to a point of no return. 
But still, he somehow managed to keep his composure, “You look nice.” he commented sweetly, a small smile crossing his lips.
Your eyes practically lit up at the compliment he gave you, subconsciously smoothing down your skirt as you looked up at him, “You think so?” you subtly flirted.
His mouth parted to respond, but he couldn’t seem to find the right words. But he does think so, in fact he’s thinking almost a little too much about how amazing you look in front of the glowing fire.
A smirk was brought to your face as he didn’t respond to your question, diverting his attention to your body once more as your voice quieted down to a whisper, “You don’t think my skirt’s too…short…right?”
His eyes seemed to trail back down just as you wanted them too, eyeing your legs for a dangerously long time at the brief question that fell from your lips. His mouth was agape as he found he couldn’t look away, the feeling bubbling inside him almost being too overbearing as he desperately tried to swallow and lubricate his dry throat.
Though he eventually found himself shaking his head as his gaze trailed back up to your eyes, “Nah…it’s fine.” he breathed.
“You sure?” you asked again playfully, “I can always go home and change if you think it’s too much-”
“N-No,” he interrupted quickly, “I kinda like it actually.” he blurted before his mind even had a chance to stop him. Though he feels the embarrassment wash over him the moment the words left his mouth, coming to the realization of what he had just said.
But much to his relief, he saw you smile a bit wider, “I’m glad you like it…” you admitted as you suddenly leaned in further to him to whisper in his ear, “...I wore it just for you.”
Daryl’s body went rigid and his mind seemed to go completely blank, his heart beating twice as fast as it was before. Just for him? You wore that pretty little thing just for him? His mouth became very dry once again, his knees feeling weaker, especially when you laughed lightly to yourself at his speechless state, pulling back a little to stand next to him normally before anyone could notice. Oh god, it hit him, what if anyone noticed. 
His eyes then did a quick scan around the sea of people, but none of them seemed to catch onto the interactions he was having with such a young girl. That sent a wave of relief through him, bringing his attention back towards you as you hadn’t stopped staring at him the entire time it seemed like.
“So…are you enjoying yourself?” you ask him with a seductive tone to your voice.
The older man sucked in a breath at your tone, seeing that twinkle in your eye that was nearly impossible to resist, “Yeah…I am.” he finally responded.
You smile to yourself as you heard his confirmation, “Good.” you nodded.
He then quietly groaned to himself, almost as if he couldn’t take it anymore, turning to face you better as he collected himself and looked you in the eye, “Why ya always gotta tease me like that?”
You physically felt the wicked grin cross over your face, “Because it’s fun.” you said simply, slowly venturing out to tease him further as you reached out to trail your finger up and down his clothed, toned arm. “But if you don’t like it…I can stop.”
His breathing then became shaky as he nearly quivered under the small ounce of your touch, only imagining what it would be like if you touched him even more. But then it hit him that you threatened to stop playing with him as much as you were, breaking him out of his thoughts as he could still feel your touch burning through the fabric of his shirt.
“...Never said I didn’t like it…”
Your gaze looked back up at his face as your movements stopped completely, your faces only inches apart now it seemed like in such a public setting. “Are you sure…? You can be honest if you don’t want this anymore.” you teased again.
He almost caught himself groaning again as you stopped touching him, not even imagining any scenario where he could ever say no to you. In fact, all of this was just slowly feeding more into the desire and lust that continued to build.
“No, no…I want this.” he assured quickly, in fear that you would completely pull away if he didn’t answer you fast enough.
Seeing him near his breaking point, so close to dangling over the edge, you wondered if you could get him to admit it out loud. You fully took your hand away then, leaning in further to whisper. “Tell me what you want.”
Daryl’s mind goes on some kind of frenzy as he could only think of you. Your voice, your touch, everything. He only wanted you.
“I want you…” he finally broke.
Though upon hearing his answer, he saw your eyes forming into almost sympathy as you stared at him, similar in the way he looked at you when you confessed your feelings for him. “Oh…but you know that’s not allowed.” he hears you say with a sigh.
All logical reason leaves the man’s mind in an instant it seems like as he watched you deny him, feeling as if you were going to pull away fully and reject him for good. He felt defeated as all he wanted now was for you to give it up, stop toying with him and finally give in to let him have you. He learned his lesson, that much was certain, now all he needed to do was convince you somehow.
The moment you heard his plea, you nearly shivered in anticipation seeing how much he was falling apart now, not being able to handle it anymore. But still, you didn’t cave right away. “You said I was too young.” you gently reminded him.
“I don’t care.” he whispers without a second thought, his voice barely being able to come out at all. He found he didn’t care anymore, all he could think about was you. How much he wanted you, needed you. Now.
Your eyes widen in the smallest bit of surprise at his sudden desperateness, “But you do care. You told me so yourself.” 
He shakes his head almost frantically, “No, no, that was then. This is now. Nobody even needs to know…we can keep it between us…”
Shock is evident on your features at his suggestion, something about it making you want to finally give it up and give into his requests. That is what you were trying to do since the beginning, making him realize how much he truly wanted you, and now you had it. All you had to do was say the word.
He sees the look of consideration on your face, a feeling of hope filling his chest as he leans closer to you, “Please…” he whispered once more.
You swallowed a bit thickly as your prepared to open your mouth to respond to him, but another voice quickly cut into the silence between you two, causing Daryl to practically jump away from you suddenly as if he was just burned.
“Y/N!” Carol’s voice called out as she approached, completely oblivious to what was just happening moments ago, “Come on, there’s some new people I want you to meet.” she said eagerly as she took you by the arm, and dragging you away from the man.
Daryl huffed in irritation as he watched you get pulled away, collecting himself quickly as he looked around and licked his lips in annoyance. The older man was now just stuck there alone as you were taken elsewhere, left to ponder over the things that was said between you two. It’s almost a painful fate he was placed in, but yet it’s the one he deserved for playing along with you in the first place.
~ Thanks for reading!
Part 2!
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chloe-skywalker · 1 year
Give Them A Chance - Robb Stark
Robb x fem!reader Baratheon/Lannister
Warnings: GOT
Word count: 1,362
Summary: Robb and Y/n don’t know that their fathers plan to betroth them. But Ned has a reason for not telling. Will his reason work?
Authors Note: Takes place in like the first episode of season 1 Game Of Thrones. Like right after the whole “You got fat” lines.
Game Of Thrones Masterlist
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Y/n watched the exchange between her father and his friend Ned Stark Warden of the North. It was very odd but she thought it was nice that they were such good friends that they still joked around with each other. She didn’t see her father act so freely like this often. It was a rare welcome sight.
“So I take it this is your oldest.” King Robert sighed looking at the eldest of Ned’s children with a scrutinizing gaze before breaking out into a smile.
“Yes, this is Robb.” Ned introduced his oldest son to his friend.
Robert slapped a hand on the young man’s shoulder, smiling widely. “You're a handsome young lad.”
Robb tried to contain his blushing that he was sure he was doing. “Thank you, your Grace.”
“You should meet my oldest. Y/n!” Robert called over his oldest daughter, but not before sparing a knowing glance to Ned. As Y/n came to stand next to her father, smiling politely at the Stark family before her. “This is my oldest. A year younger than you I believe.”
“Princess.” Robb bowed, before looking at the princess. She had caught his eye when she first entered Winterfell on horse back alongside her uncle. He could not deny she was gorgeous, and he couldn’t believe how fast he had started to fall for her.
“Mi’ Lord.” Y/n curtised, biting her cheek. Thus Robb Stark was by far one of the most handsome men she had ever seen. And she had seen a lot of people growing up in KingsLanding. She wondered if his personality was as nice as his looks.
“Would you like a tour of  Winterfell?” Robb asked, offering a way for them to talk and get to know each other a bit. He also was one of the most qualified people to show her around.
“I would love one.” She smiled. Looping her arm through his and the two young adults that in some ways are still kids went off exploring.
While the two went off getting to know each other and everyone else did God knows what, King Robert and Net Stark headed down to the crypts.
“Have you told your son?” Robert asked once they were done talking about Ned’s sister. The King was curious if his friend's son had offered to show his daughter around on his own or out of duty.
“Not yet.” Nod squinted, he didn’t like the idea of taking this choice from his son. But the other part, this was a good alliance, and you don’t deny a king.
“And why not?” Robert had told Ned of the idea to marry their oldest months ago. But to be fair he didn’t tell his daughter either.
“Because I wanted to give them a chance to fall in love before knowing they might be betrothed.” Ned explained his reasonsings, and even though Robert would never admit it he admired Ned’s heart and how he was trying to make this a better situation for their children. It was better than just throwing them together.
“Very well. I didn’t tell my daughter either. She would’ve fought me on coming.” He chuckled. Y/n would’ve tried to fight him or talk him out of it, and it might’ve worked even the slightest. Out of all his children she was the only one that had a somewhat relationship with him.
“They’d be more reluctant if they knew about what we had planned. The two of them being in the dark might lead to them actually gaining feelings for the other.” Ned just hoped that the two would get close and at least see they could make a marriage work. But he was truly hoping that maybe they could fall in love on their own and there wouldn’t be any hard feelings or reluctantness.
^     ^     ^
It had been a few weeks and things seemed to be working out for Y/n and Robb like Ned had hopped. Y/n seemed to fit right into the Stark family. She got along with all his children and they all act as if she’s one of them. Things between Robb and Y/n had taken some people by surprise. The two had been spending almost all their time together. They only separated to sleep it seemed like.
Ned was happy to see they had a lot in common. The two went horseback riding constantly and Y/n seemed to know how to use a bow and a sword no doubt thanks to her uncle. They didn’t even eat apart at meals.
Today Robb and Y/n had gone out riding, once they were far enough away from Winterfell the two dismounted their respective horses walking along next to each other.
“Are you having a good time in Winterfell Princess Y/n?” Robb asked, hoping that the time they’d spent together had been as enjoyable for her as it was for him.
Y/n smiled, nudging him teasingly shoulder to shoulder. “Yes, I am as matter of fact. My favorite part is the company.”
Robb blushed looking down before looking back to her. Robb had no idea why she could so easily make him react like that, but she could and he didn’t mind it. “You flatter me y/n.”
“You’ve been flattering me the whole time I’ve been here. It’s only fair.” Y/n smiled. As they came to the set of trees that they had made their spot over the time she had been in the North.
Robb just stood there watching her for a moment. He never expected to fall in love with her when he first found out the King, Queen, and their children were coming to visit. But he had and he didn’t regret it. “If I may be bold and speak my mind, Princess?”
Y/n nodded, smiling back at him as she turned to face him. She noticed how he wasn’t right next to her and Y/n wondered what had made him stop and if it had to do with what was on his mind. “Go ahead. I won’t stop you.”
“During your time here in Winterfell I have become quite taken with you.” Robb stated walking over to her. He looked in her eye’s trying to notice how his works were being taken.
“And I you.” Y/n blushed, biting her lip at her response back to him admitting his feelings for her. Which she reciprocates.
“I have a proposal for you Princess Y/n Baratheon.” Robb felt an air of convenience hit him at Y/n admitting she feels the same.
Y/n furrowed her brow, it confused her on why he was using her title and first and last name. “Go on Lord Stark.”
Robb took a deep breath, he knew what he wanted he just hoped she wanted it to. “We may not have known each other for very long or very well for the most part. But I would like for us to get to know each other better over time. If you’d like that of course.”
“I would.” Y/n nodded liking where he was going with this so far.
“Would you  also like it if we could become husband and wife, Lord and Lady.” Robb stepped right up to her, reaching out to intertwine their hands. Looking into her eye’s Robb reached up with one hand leaving the other one still in hers, he cupped the side of her face, “Would you do me the great honor and become my wife? For all my days till the end of my days?”
Y/n reached up with her free hand and cupped the back of his neck, while squeezing his hand holding hers. Looking up into his eyes with what could only be happiness and adoration Y/n answered. “I would love to.”
In her short time visiting the North Y/n had really connected with the Starks and of course Robb the most. Yes, she’d miss her siblings (minus Joffrey) and she'd miss her uncles but this felt like the better place for her. And as long as she has Robb, Y/n will always be happy.
Taglist; @gruffle1 @padawancat97 @misspendragonsworld
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catherinnn · 2 years
Jealousy and fears
JJ Maybank x fem!reader
summary: this is the scene where Sarah has to flirt with Topper to get him to help them get the cross, but instead of Sarah, reader is Topper's ex and JJ is her actual boyfriend and he has to control his jealousy. Plus, reader has to control her fear of losing JJ when the plan goes wrong.
words: 2.3k
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“Honestly, the hardest part is gonna be security, all right? So most of the guys are gonna be at the rail yard” JJ states.
“Alright so, we'll need to find some place and guard it, maybe a little further down the line, like a whistle-stop” Pope responds.
“Yeah” Kiara agrees with the pair.
“You guys are getting ahead of yourselves, per usual. We don't have a way to transport the cross. What you think? On JJ's motorcycle?” Cleo says sarcastically.
“That's not my fault. Alright, all me” JJ responds to her.
“Okay, so other options…” Pope starts before Sarah interrupts him.
“Oh my god”
“Oh my god what?” Cleo asks.
“What” I ask and she points towards some behind me, on the top floor of the bar we’re in. We all turn around to the direction she’s pointing at and we see Topper talking with one of his friends.
“Oh god” I cringe and I lower a little on the chair I’m sited on, trying to avoid him seeing me. Topper was my ex-boyfriend before I left him for JJ. To this day he keeps texting me every day and calling every now and then, he truly didn’t know how to take a hint.
“Is that topper?” Pope asks and JJ rolls his eyes.
“Yup” Sarah answers.
“Why is he like, everywhere?” JJ says.
“Maybe he’s following you” Kiara tells me joking.
“Perfect. Hey, Sarah.” Pope starts.
“I bet you topper has a way of transport the cross” he suggests.
“Actually pope's right. He does have a rig” she confirms.
“No” I say already knowing where they’re going with this.
“No, absolutely not”
“Yes, come on, you already got him whipped anyway so why don't you just take one for the team?” Sarah suggests.
“Wait, tell me you’re not suggesting what I think you are” JJ speaks.
“She could flirt with Topper a bit so he would give us his truck to transport the cross” Sarah confirms and he clenches his jaw in frustration.
“Come on JJ, you know it would work” Kiara tell him.
“Why does she have to be the one doing it?” he complains.
“He’s not gonna agree if we ask him, but if she does...”
“Sarah said it, she’s got him whipped, not us” Kiara explains.
“What do you say?” you ask him.
“I’m not really excited about the idea of my girlfriend flirting with another guy who’s literally in love with her” he jumps.
“I thought you would understand. Think about the circumstances, it’s about the treasure” Pope tells him.
“We can handle JJ, just go talk to him” Kiara says to you.
And as you go up the stairs and greet Topper, they all stay at the bottom of the stairs, close enough to watch but not so close that Topper would see them.
“I can’t watch this” JJ starts, “Actually I have to watch so I can go break his nose if he oversteps”
“Shut up and pay attention” Kiara demands.
“I just can't believe you're here, I texted and called. How are you? You okay?” Topper says.
“You know, Top, things are a little tough right now” you answer.
“Yeah, tough how?” he asks. You look over his shoulder to see your friends watching expectantly the scene. JJ has a straight face, clearly not enjoying this, you weren’t either.
“We’ve been after this… family heirloom of Pope’s which is why we were gone and we ended up losing it, and unbelievably there might be a chance that we could get it back tonight, in Wilmington” you start explaining and he looks at you with all of his attention nodding at every word you say.
“Okay, how can I help?”
“No, I can’t ask you to do that” you play dumb a little so it wouldn’t be too obvious why you were here.
“No, seriously”
“Topper, I feel like if I ask you I'd be- I don’t know, it’s just- you're such a giver, Topper, you're such a helper”
“That's just how I am, that's just the way I was raised. And either way, remember when I said I would do literally anything for you? Remember that?” he says.
“I meant it” he says confidently and you start to feel bad about taking advantage of him. You look over his shoulder again at the group where you see JJ signalling you to hurry up. “When I say something I mean it”
“We could… really use your truck” you finally ask.
“My dad's truck? Oh my god, he would literally kill me, he’s like super careful with it"
“So are we, we're super careful”
JJ grimaces in annoyance at her.
“We’ll take such good care of it”
“You put me in a tough spot, I- I know I said I would do anything but…” he hesitates so I move closer to him, start caressing his shoulder softly and we share an intense look where I try to hide my fear of him trying to kiss me, or JJ having enough of this and punching him for getting too close. Or both, really.
“I'm so sorry about everything. I totally understand, you have no reason to help us” I play dumb again.
“Why do I feel like I'll regret this?” he says with a smile. I give him a big smile and hug him excitedly. I can see the guys celebrating quietly and JJ rolls his eyes and shakes his head trying (and failing) to hide his smile.
After arranging the plan right we all go to our places. I go with Topper and Sarah on the truck, JJ and Kie go on his motorcycle and Pope with Cleo go on the train.
Before getting in the car, JJ, Sarah, Kie and I wait for Pope to give us the signal that he is on the train.
“What’s taking him so long?” Sarah complains. We can see Topper pacing around the truck nervously, JJ gives me a look making fun of him and we both laugh. A few minutes later we see Pope up on the train and giving us the signal to move to the next part of the plan. JJ gives him a thumbs up.
“That’s it, we’re green” Kie confirms and then suddenly we hear the train horn blaring.
“What's happening” I ask confused.
“You hear that?” JJ asks too and we can hear brakes hissing and metal clanks
"Train's moving, train's moving" JJ confirms now.
“Shit, shit”
“Hurry up”
I run to the truck. “Hey” Topper says nervously.
“Do you have jumper cables in there?” I ask him.
“Do you have an idea that I am here involved in illegal activities?”
“I'm not even close to being okay with this”
"It’s not that illegal"
“Jumper cables? What are we- what we doing with these?”
"Topper, if you don't wanna go, its fine. We’ll take the truck"
The rest of the guys show up behind us.
“Hey, I just wanna make sure everyone here is okay ending up in federal prison” Topper says.
“If it gets to that, yeah, I'll do it for pope” JJ responds and I laugh with him. I get the cables from the truck and give them to JJ, he looks at me as if he’s asking me if I’m ready, and I nod at him.
After JJ and Kie get the traffic-lights to go red, the train is stopping. That’s our signal to drive to the train.
"What the hell are we doing right now, this is ridiculous" Topper complains. And then we get next to the door where pope was signalling us to park next to.
"Right here" Sarah and I go out of the car and up the train to help. "How’s it looking?"
“Still searching” Cleo tells us.
“You see it?” Pope asks her.
“Hey, this one says Cameron” she answers.
“This is it, this is the cross, this is it!” he jumps exited.
“Hey, hey, what are we doing here?” Topper shows up and asks us.
“We'll put this in your truck bed”
“That's gonna scratch the paint!”
“No, no, it's fine” I say even though I have no idea.
“You’ll be able to get a thousand paint jobs after we do this” Pope tells him.
“This thing right here?” he asks.
“Just help us spot it”
We start moving the heavy box with the cross in it towards the car.
“Topper help me!” I shout.
“Just push it this way, my dad's gonna kill me” he complains.
“Guide it, hurry up, let's go”
“Don't mess up the cross” Pope warns.
“Don't mess up the truck” Topper warns too.
“Stop! Hey, stop!” we hear an officer shout at us.
“Shit, we gotta go”
“Hold it right there!” He shouts again.
“Cops! Come on”
“The cops are coming, let's go!” We get the box on the truck and we get in the car.
“Push it, Chewie!” Pope yells from the back.
“Go!” Sarah tells him. He starts driving.
“How the hell can you live like this? You come from a good family” Topper tells me.
“Just drive!” I respond. He drives and passes the train.
“We got somebody on us” Topper warns.
“That’s JJ and Kie” Sarah confirms. JJ moves the motorcycle right next to the car.
“JJ! What is he doing?!” he asks me.
“I don't know” I say.
“Topper, keep going straight!” JJ shouts.
“Y'all be careful. Alright?”
“Topper hold it steady” I say.
“I'm trying!”
We see Kiara getting up on the bike and Pope trying to grab her.
"Kie! What are you doing?!" She jumps into the truck and Pope grabs her.
“Oh shit”
“Oh my god”
“Are you good? Did she-did she make it?” Top asks. I nod not being able to get words out from the adrenaline mixed with fear. I see JJ stopping the bike behind us, in front of the police car.
“Okay. Maybe he's just trying to get rid of the cops” Topper comments.
I can't take my eyes off of him, fearing his impulses until he throws a rock at the police car braking the window.
"He did it! They’re chasing him!" Pope shouts.
“Topper stop! Stop the truck” I ask him.
“I'm not stopping the truck”
The guys shout at him to stop the truck.
“We're going to get JJ!”
“Come on man!”
“I'm not going to jail for him, no chance!” He shakes his head.
“Stop the truck, please” I ask him quietly, my voice breaking. He sees the fear on my face and he agrees.
“All right, all right, damn it”
“Turn around”
“I'm not- I'm not going to jail”
“Topper look at me. They’re gonna arrest him, we can't leave him behind”
“Damn him, damn” He turns around and drives.
“Go faster, you need to go faster”
“I'm trying, I'm risking my whole life for this shit”
“It’s gonna be fine”
“Turn left!” Pope directs.
“No! I'm getting out of here” he states.
“Topper!” I take the steering weal off of him and turn it left.
“No way, he's up on the overpass” Sarah says and the next thing we see is the motorcycle falling off of the overpass right in front of us, getting absolutely destroyed. We all gasp we get out of the truck to run and look for him.
“J!” I say panting, “J! Where is he?!”
“no, no, no, no”
I start crying. “Where is he?”
“Maybe he's up on the bridge” pope suggests.
“No, no, no” I start sobbing.
“I wish I could say I did that on purpose,” I hear his voice behind me. I get up and he looks right at me. “But that was the gnarliest power-slide I’ve ever done”
“You're alive!!” Pope shouts and hugs him. “Dude!”
“I know, I'm surprised too”
“Shit that was gnarly” Topper says.
Sarah pushes him and starts hitting him on the chest “Oh Jesus, Oh God” he complains. She hugs him tight. Kie goes after her and warns him that’s she’s going to kill him while she hugs him too.
“This is really nice and all but we should really get out of here” Cleo says.
“Yeah, yeah, let's roll” Topper agrees.
I don’t listen to them, I look at JJ with tears falling from my eyes still, I get closer to him and he looks at me waiting for my reaction.
“Don’t... don't ever do that again” he manage to say. He lowers his head without his eyes off of mine, his hands come to my waist but before he could get any closer we hear a cop shouting down at us.
“Hey, hey you kids don't move”
He grabs me and we start running to the truck.
“Stay right there! I said stay right there!” the officer shouts again. We get on the car quickly and Topper starts driving getting us out of there. Later we realized it was all for fucking nothing because the cross was fake, there wasn't any cross on the box.
After reassuring Pope that we will find the real one and thanking Topper, JJ and I go to my house where I sit on my bed grabbing my head trying to process everything that just happened.
JJ moves around my bedroom doing the same. “You realize it was all for fucking nothing, you- you had to flirt- I had to watch you flirt with that idiot for fucking nothing” he complains. I look at him as if he’s crazy.
“You do realize I thought you fucking died for a minute there, and all of that was for nothing too. I don’t fucking care about Topper! I thought I lost you, JJ!”
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry baby, I got down there as fast as I could and then everybody started hugging me and I just wanted to get to you, and then that fucking cop came. I’m sorry, I’m sorry it all happened that way” he hold me tight. “I love you, I’m sorry”
“I love you, I don’t know what I would have done without you” you try not to cry all over again.
“I’m fine, okay?” he asks and I nod, he kisses me and the rest of our night goes on holding each other tight as if it was the last time. Luckily, it wasn’t.
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rubyuji · 3 months
Forever (Yoon Jeonghan) ♛ ⚜ ࿐ ࿔ ⁺₊
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“What are you so worried about my lady? I feel these suitors aren’t very fit for you this season. Dare I say, and honestly, I might be the only man who would be worthy of your affections.”
Genre: Romance, BSF2L, Slight Angst
AU: Bridgerton/Regency!au
Pairing: Jeonghan x Afab!reader
Warnings: None
Synopsis: You yearned for him every moment he stepped into your drawing room, but did you stand a chance against a princess despite your status as the Diamond of the Season?
Note: This was so short and underwhelming but I liked it and didn’t want to develop a whole backstory for this (yet). I hope you guys like this update (since I haven’t in like nearly a month help). As always, don’t forget to like + reblog as a way of supporting me and other writers!
WC: 1.6k
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It was that time again wherein the courtship scene in London was in a hustle and bustle. Families flaunting their daughters whom they have raised refinely until womanhood, and fortunately enough for you, you had harbored quite the suitors for your desirable beauty.
You were unmatched after being crowned ‘Diamond of the Season’ by the queen herself, but with the princess’ appearance, were you truly?
From Lord Choi Seungcheol, Earl of Greenhill to Joshua Hong the Duke of York, none of which could compare to who truly owned your heart. Your own best friend and the only heir to Lord Yoon of Burlington, Yoon Jeonghan, or Jeonghan as everyone in his circle calls him.
Jeonghan had grown up alongside you because of your family’s close friendship. You had grown accustomed to seeing his soft smile and warm eyes every summer whenever your family would go to the countryside to spend time with the Yoon family.
Though, you wish to have not known of the princess in town taking such interest in him. Who would’ve known that a member of the royal family would pin after a simple nobleman? Wasn’t she supposed to be focusing on her roster of royals?
“Jeonghan, why are you in my drawing room? The callers will be coming any second and I can’t afford a scan—“ you pause, taking in your best friend’s sly smile.
“What are you so worried about my lady? I feel these suitors aren’t very fit for you this season. Dare I say, and honestly, I might be the only man who would be worthy of your affections.” Jeonghan says softly, a chuckle following his words as he looks at you, his gaze burning hot.
“I bet Lady Whistledown would cause such a stir if this unchaperoned encounter had gotten out into the public, but let me offer you a proposal before your guests start scrambling in,” you freeze up at Jeonghan’s words.
It was unexpected, with only the two of you currently in the drawing room as your maid had gone off with your mother to check on the suitors.
“I know that gifts of plenty are not what you want, I’ve known you for years darling. I could buy out every florist in London or buy you the finest dresses and you still wouldn’t be satisfied with such material things, that’s not who you are. You want a genuine connection do you not?” Jeonghan takes your hand in his softly and brushes his lips over your knuckle, causing your breath to hitch.
“But, I too, understand why you were crowned diamond of the season. I’d give anything if it were to make you happy, just by your beauty alone. You’ve always been so captivating, my dear,” he purred.
Reading you was no problem for Jeonghan, after all, he was one of your dearest friends with whom you grew up. Though he joked around like this often and anyone would think he was serious, you’ve learned to shrug it off as time passed.
Yet, he never implied if he was joking or not, the thought simply went over your head as this was passed off light banter between you both.
Also as much as you did wish and hope to see your best friend as a possible suitor, you felt like an idiot when someone like the princess was after his affections.
You would never compare to someone of her likeliness or grace, you were only the diamond of the season who grew up in a simple noble household.
“Jeonghan, you never fail to amuse me, my dearest best friend. You aren’t even a suitor nor caller, yet you’re always in my drawing room to watch over me beforehand,” you chuckle, but he only shakes his head with a smirk gracing his features. One you had grown very fond of over the years.
“My lady, these suitors are chasing after you, but none could compare to me when I don’t need to chase…” Jeonghan trails off, wrapping an arm around your waist. Your face heats up and you tear your gaze away from the man in front of you.
“All I need is a few minutes with you, alone, in this very drawing room,” he finishes, face so close to yours that you could only hold your breath and ignore the loud beating of your heart.
Jeonghan then unravels his arm from around your waist and excuses himself whilst making his way out of the drawing room, winking as he leaves you a flustered mess.
That night, at his own mother’s ball, you started to make haste to distract yourself from your cunning and charming best friend. You felt as though Jeonghan was hardly serious, but that moment in the drawing room continued to play in your head in an endless loop.
“Lady Jeon, it’s a pleasure seeing you tonight,” Taehyung, the son of Lord Kim, approached you as you had wrapped up your conversation with another suitor. He was a polite young man, one of the first callers as well to grace his presence. He was also a close friend of Jeonghan’s.
“Pleasure is all mine my Lord,” you say politely, a curt smile etched on your face as you scan the room for Jeonghan.
“Please, call me Taehyung, my lady,” he replies smoothly. As Taehyung continued to converse with you (or chat your ear off rather), more suitors made their way in your direction. This is when your best friend finally makes his presence known to them.
“Y/n, good evening. You look very lovely tonight,” Jeonghan says, taking your hand and placing a kiss on it.
All the suitors disperse one by one upon his arrival, intimidated by his looming aura. Any of the Lords knew not to mess with Jeonghan due to his reputation of being silent but quite deadly.
“Well, you certainly do have quite the charisma, my lord. You seem to have scared away all my suitors,” you scoff jokingly and take in his appearance.
Jeonghan looked ravishing tonight and seeing all the other noblewomen’s eyes on him, you weren’t the only one who thought so either.
Jeonghan continues to keep your hand in his as he leads you towards the dance floor. “May I have this dance, my lady?” He asks with a smirk, and you nod, flustered at his calling.
You were relieved that you had been smart enough to keep your last dance with him on your dance card, hence why you had been actively avoiding any man who had been asking to dance the whole night.
Though Jeonghan was way past using formalities anymore when it came to you, with you being the same, you couldn’t help but buzz at the way the words simply slipped off his tongue whenever he called you that. It was only in the lighthearted banter that you both ever used formalities teasingly.
Dancing with Jonghan felt somewhat of a dream that night, but you were soon brought back to reality, and your senses, after seeing the princess walk in your direction.
She was so beautiful, her hair was done up in neat curls as she donned a baby blue colored dress. Her gaze was set on Jeonghan and you instantly felt yourself panic.
“Please excuse me, my lord,” you say hurriedly, rushing towards your mother in a frenzy. ‘I have to get home,’ you thought.
Jeonghan was confused at your sudden outburst but quickly realized once the princess had tapped his shoulder from behind.
“Jeonghan, I would like to—“ he interrupted the princess, and he was thankful that nobody else had heard him.
Otherwise, he’d rather die than have his name on another Lady Whistledown article for causing such a scandal. It was ungentlemanly and rude towards the princess.
“Forgive me, Your Majesty, but I cannot marry you like you had hoped. My heart belongs to another,” Jeonghan tells her and runs off to find you in his distress. He could deal with the princess later, but right now, you were the most important thing on his mind.
You avoided Jeonghan the rest of the night, going home early and wallowing in your insecure thoughts, but you knew Jeonghan wouldn’t let you get away so easily. That’s why you weren’t surprised to see him in your drawing room once again the next day.
“Y/n, please tell me what is wrong,” he says, worry lacing his tone. You raise a brow and scoff before looking him in the eyes.
“Jeonghan, there is simply nothing wrong I assure you. After all, you are marrying the princess, aren’t you?—“ He interrupts you as he stands abruptly.
“Y/n, listen to me. I am not going to marry her, I have already confessed to her last night that my heart belongs to another,” Jeonghan says flatly as his brows knit. Your jaw drops at his revelation.
Why wouldn’t he? It was a free pass to a better life after all, and Jeonghan was already the perfect partner for the princess. But then you wondered, who does his heart belong to now? You surely had no chance then as you feel your heart start to crack.
He seems to have read your mind because Jeonghan pulls you in by the waist again and kisses you with the feeling of longing. You reciprocate, kissing him back with just as much fevior.
“My lady, if you were always so worried, you could’ve simply just told me.” Jeonghan smiles after pulling away. You avoid his eyes and look at the floor, he always makes you flustered without even trying.
“It’s always and forever will be you Y/n. My heart yearns for you and only you, now let me court you as I show you how much I care for you. Give me this chance to prove to you how much I love you. I won’t let anything get in between us, just let me show you how much I burn for you,” once the words slipped out of his mouth, you knew that no suitor in the world could ever, compare to him.
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© rubyuji 2024’ -. no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any manner without the permission from the publisher.
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dragonfly0808 · 4 months
Sky: The Thesis
This has been the most difficult thesis for me to write, I just don’t always know how to explain just what I wanted to do with Sky and I really hope I did manage to properly convey this here
First Things First
From the very start I knew I wanted Sky to suffer. Just joking (kinda).
 I know that in the OG he could ocasionaly come across as insufferable and I really did not want that.
I chose to give Sky somewhat of a ‘sins of the father’ kinda narration. Sky bears the burden of his father’s crime. His main objective in life is to fix what his dad broke.
From a young age Sky realized that it would be up to him to save Eraklyon from his family line, a duty that he takes very seriously.
Sky has an absent mother and a father that never truly saw him, he saw the way his dad’s betrayl destroyed him and he is determined to never suffer the same fate.
Sky blames himself for pretty much everything in existence, a situation that is not helped either by the duty of acting as King since 15 and actually becoming King at 18 + all the stuff that has happened in the rewrite.
Sky’s main trait and his main objective revolve around redemption, at first, the redemption of his bloodline and of Eraklyon and, later on, his own redemption.
Tried to Bargain with the Stars for More Than Half Your Heart
Sky is stuck from a very young age in this in between place of being the son of destruction and the hope for redemption.
He is partially desperate to be seen as something more, as who he could have been if he’d been the son of anyone else, which is why, when he makes his first true friend (or more accurately his first friend with no royal ties), Brandon, he finds some solace
This is also part of the reason why the switcharoo happens. Yes, it happens mostly for safety reasons, but Sky does take the opportunity to know what it is like to be treated like anyone else
In S1 we see him with a lot of built up frustration over not being able to help his planet and being dismissed by his father, which eventually results in his falling out with Riven
Sky’s frustration is born from a helplessness, he’s not allowed to do anything for his planet nor for himself. The only way he’s told he can help his planet early on in the rewrite is by marrying Diaspro and giving up the chance to marry for love, which obviously causes a bit on anger and resentment which can explain (but not fully justify) some of his attitude in season 1
Sky wishes to be seen and loved for who he is and not ‘in spite’ of his family’s past crimes.
I Can Run But I Can’t Hide From my Family Line
Sky’s greatest fear is turning out like his father, being unable to escape the generational curse of cowardice and betrayl.
We see him at his lowest when Valtor curses him, causing him to undergo his greatest fear, being like his father.
Right before the curse, we see him prioritize Eraklyon and his friends, asking Diaspro to kill both him and his father to prevent any harm from being done if they are cursed, which Diaspro can’t go through with it
Sky has a love/hate relationship with his father, between everything that he did that Sky feels responsible for repairing and also the fact that, after betraying Domino, Erendor was never the same and simply not that great a father to Sky, he tried, but never enough
Sky desperately wants to see the man his father was before, the man who seemed so happy next to Orion and Radius in portraits and pictures, the man his generals have told stories about. But he never gets even a glimpse of who his dad was before, which just causes a bigger rift between the two
Erendor thinks there is nothing left for him, no redemption and no real hope for the future, he gives up, this in part, impacts Sky in the sense that, he is someone who will always cling on to the hope of redemption and who will never back down nor give up
Sky is absolutely determined to keep going, he’s not always sure how he’ll do it, but he knows what giving up does to a person and he doesn’t want that for himself.
Castles Crumbling (You Don’t Wanna Know me Now)
Season 4 Sky is in shambles but he will not let anyone see it.
As I’ve said before, Sky carries the weight of both things that he was responsible for and things that weren’t his fault with equal guilt
In S4, Sky struggles with the sense that he doesn’t deserve forgivness nor does he deserve help in his struggles or pain, his thought is ‘I caused them enough pain and troubles, I shouldn’t burden them with my pain’
Sky is low-key having a months long breakdown, no longer sure of who he is or who he will become, feeling partially isolated in the squad. Valtor took something from him, took his confidence that he would never be like his father, that he would never forget the mistakes of the past
Even if he was cursed and not fully in control, Sky doesn’t see it that way, he still sees everything he did while under the curse as his own failure and as a betrayl to both his friends and to himself since he’d always been adamant about promising himself to never be like his father
Everything that Sky truly has is himself. Eraklyon, the crown, all of that is an inheritance stained by his father’s past. The only thing to truly belong to himself is the determination to right past wrongs, and, by being forced into making choices more aligned with his father than with himself, it truly breaks a part of Sky
We’ll see in his arc in S4 that he is very haunted by the idea of his father and wondering what could have been if Erendor had been just a little bit different
I’m really excited to explore a bit more of his mentality and see how his view of himself slowly changes through the healing of a few of his relationships, specifically with Flora and Bloom
Sky embraces the weight of the crown and is, at his core a very selfless and guilt-ridden person. If he could have it his way, he’d study architecture and lead a quiet life, but he will never try to pursue that life until he feels he has achieved giving Eraklyon peace, and even then he’d probably still feel a sense of responsibility to stay on the throne to ensure peace remains
Thoughts Behind His Main Relationships
Brandon is Sky’s very first non-royal friend, they meet at 13 and Sky feels like he can just breath around him, Brandon was the first person from Eraklyon Sky felt safe enough to let his guard down around and he really helped him in becoming a socially functioning person since up until then he really only knew how to interact at balls and formal events or with Stella
But Brandon doesn’t just give Sky a friend, but a whole family. Brandon has a huge heart and a big family, the second he realized that Sky’s family was not like his own, he made sure to integrate Sky into his family.
They see each other as siblings, Sky absolutely sees Brandon’s sisters as his own (especially Alexa) and Brandon’s parents are Sky’s parents. They give him a safe space and the kind of unconditional love Sky had never known
Brandon and Sky are both very dedicated and strong-willed, they push each other to be better and, one of Sky’s favorite things about Brandon is that he doesn’t care about Sky’s royal status, if Sky does something stupid, Brandon will let him know and will tease him
Their friendship is one of absolute trust and brotherhood. They see each other at their lowest and never think for even a second to leave each other
Sky is one of Brandon’s biggest supporter once he’s back in regaining movement in his hand and there is no one else he could even think of to be his right-hand man and be right there with him as he becomes King
And, while Brandon is partially impacted and saddened when he learns of Sky’s choices when cursed, he never doubts that it wasn’t technically Sky truly and knows he will forgive him, because that’s his brother.
They are brothers, they could destroy each other and they’d still love one another, they could end each other, they’d forgive one another. What other word could possibly describe their relationship?
They are a friends to lovers situation. From the moment they meet they are quite soft with each other and I think it took them a second to develop a crush but it happened quite organically, nothing dramatic just being like ‘huh, everytime I see you I like you more and more and I’d like to get to know you even better’.
However, after Darkar and Valtor, their relationship is at a standstill. They both have too much on their minds and find themselves tortured by their own thoughts and weights far too heavy for their ages resting on their shoulders
I feel like Sky and Bloom’s relationship is a tragedy, but like, a tragedy because of the narration ya know? Like there are these two kids who for all intents and purposes would’ve known each other their whole lives if Domino hadn’t fallen. Who care about each other so much and just want to be there for each other but have also hurt each other (for Sky, it’s his bloodline that hurt Bloom, for Bloom, it’s the very loyalty that Sky loves that winds up hurting him when Bloom choses a side).
Their tragedy is one of; I love you so much but the universe keeps fucking us over and revealing things that make me wonder if we truly can love each other and be together without another wave of hurt falling upon us.
Their tragedy in s4 converts into one of; I love you but I don’t know if there is room in my mind for that love anymore. I love you but I’m not sure if I even know you anymore. I’ll always love you but I don’t know what to do with that love anymore.
Can two people grow apart and them grow closer once more? Can you forgive that it wasn’t you I hurt? Can you forgive the side I chose wasn’t yours? Can we be friends again? Can we try? Would you like to try?
Their love of each other is pure, it’s just a question of whether or not it can survive all the bullshit the universe keeps throwing at them.
Sky and Stella have known each other since birth. They’ve been best friends since they were less than two years old and have always had each other’s back.
One of the major changes I made to season 1 was having Stella know about the switcharoo between Sky and Brandon, mostly because, since she’s known Sky her whole life, they couldn’t really keep it a secret from her.
This formed a dynamic for the trio and made them the closest subunit in season 1 since they’ve known each other the longest.
Stella and Sky are two kids who bonded as kids but continued to deepen their bond as they both realized the weight on their shoulders due to being the future rulers of their respective planets.
These two are definetely siblings. They both had somewhat strict mothers so when together, they love to get to just be goofy teenagers. Their friendship is one of ‘We both have so much to do and a lot of weight on our shoulders but when we’re together we can let go and try to trip each other into a fountain for the fun of it and stick out our tongues just because we can and I know you’d never get mad at me over something like that. But you know that if you even need anything I will be right here and nothing will stop me from helping you.’
Stella utterly and fully believes in Sky, she sees right through him and is perhaps the only one who truly knows just how deeply Sky’s eternal guilt runs
Sky can see through Stella just the same, and for a long time, was the only one that was even aware of just how insecure Stella once was deep down
Who is Sky in this Rewrite?
Sky is a good man but a bad son.
Sky is a boy king bearing the weight of past crimes and sins and of his home planet on his shoulders.
He is a boy whose greatest fears came true and he cannot forgive himself for not being strong enough to prevent that from happening. To keep from betraying himself and everything he stands for.
Sky is someone who is ultimately selfless and with a well of guilt deep in his gut that sometimes won’t allow him to breath
Sky is someone who, in a short 3 years has kind of lost himself. He knows what he wishes his life were, he knows what his life must be, but he no longer knows quite who he is, if perhaps he was partially playing a role in fear of what would collapse if he were to stop
Sky is someone who is trying to not only be forgiven but also to forgive himself
Sky is someone determined to not repeat the mistakes of the past and someone determined to redeem his planet and himself
Sky is someone terrified of himself. Of who he could become if he were unable to run from his bloodline, if he is unable to keep himself from turning into his father
He is someone who feels like an outsider and an imposter within his own friend group. He was made into an outsider by circumstances out of his control but somehow, he is the one who keeps himself at the border, even when everyone else has begun to move on and forgive him
Sky Moodboard
Sky’s Instagram
Sky and Brandon Moodboard
Sky and Bloom Moodboard
Sky and Stella Moodboard
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theyrealllesbians · 2 months
Wedding Season- Chapter 1
Regulus paced up and down his hotel room, tangling his finger in the black rubber of the phone cord he was currently speaking in to.
"What do you mean there's another one, I swear I've already had 5 this month and I don't even like that many people," Regulus said, rubbing the bridge of his nose with his index finger. The gesture vaguely reminded him of stale office air and a blue-light induced migraine. He dragged his hand down his face to fiddle with the silver necklace that rested above his sternum instead. The cold metal was soothing as he ran a finger along the pendant and chain.
"Oi, don't be rude, dickhead," Sirius cut in, for some reason feeling the need to defend both his and Regulus's friends. Despite the fact that Regulus, for the most part, was joking. He was sure that Sirius already knew this, he just saw an opportunity to have a pop at Regulus. Regulus just rolled his eyes and ignored him.
"I mean, doesn't it get a bit impersonal after a while. It's meant to be the best day of your life and yet you'll probably just spend most of the time wishing you weren't speaking to the neighbour you had 3 years ago whose dog just got put down. I'll never understand it." Regulus fell back onto his bed, letting his legs swing up dramatically before landing with an umph against the duvet.
"Literally!" Sirius exclaimed, unnecessarily passionate about the issue, "that's why when me and Moony get married, it'll be small. Full of people we love and-"
"Yeah, yeah, you've said, save me the boredom and the minutes why don't you?" Regulus interrupted. He wasn't even being dramatic, Sirius was starting to sound like a broken record crackling out random facts about flowers and venues and cakes and suits and whatever else went into planning a wedding.
"Again rude! Honestly you have no manners at all, young man-"
"Don't call me young man, you cunt, you sound like father." Regulus remarked, shuddering at the thought.
"Ew, don't say that!" Sirius all but yelled down the phone, forcing Regulus to drag the earpiece an arms length away from him. Even then, he could still hear Sirius as clear as anything. Truly remarkable if you thought about it. Regulus let Sirius carry on for at least a couple minutes more, blabbering about whatever it was he had to say before cutting in.
"Anyways! Let's go back to why you called me originally. There's another invitation?" Regulus asked, rolling onto his stomach.
"Yep, Emmaline Vance apparently. It's very pretty, I'll give her that. Duck egg blue and white details, nice font as well. The contrast is a little low though, this is why me and Remus chose-" Honestly, his brother could go on and on if given the chance. He could probably talk for Britain if asked. He'd get the country in quite a bit of trouble, but he could do it.
"Sirius" Regulus sang down the phone.
"Yes, yes, I was getting there, chill out. Yeah apparently it's in August, the 15th. God, that's a bit short notice isn't it. Well, I suppose it'll be fine." Sirius was back to chattering to himself.
"What?" Regulus sat up suddenly as if a bolt of lightning had struck him. "It's in 3 weeks? How the hell am I supposed to do that?"
"Well you have a suit don't you?"
"Of course I have a suit. I don't have a date though." It had been 5 months since he had broken up with the last piece of shit he called a boyfriend. While it had only been a 3 month relationship, it hit Regulus harder than it should have and it's taken him a while to get back out there, much to Barty and Evan's disappointment. He just didn't care to go through the whole dating process again. It was tiring and boring, he couldn't stand to hear one more "so are you and your brother close?" because he actually could not answer that. No way in hell could he sum his and Sirius's relationship up in a way that wouldn't send someone running for the hills.
"Well, you don't need a date, you could go alone?" Sirius suggested through a mouth of what Regulus guessed was cake.
"No, I can't." He replied matter of factly.
"Why? give me a good reason why you can't go to a wedding alone." Sirius spluttered out, clearly still eating.
"Because everyone looks at me with so much pity, it's horrible. Or worse, people try and hit on me."
Sirius choked, "that's a bit cocky, don't you think?"
"No I don't think that is is actually," Regulus bit back, "not after I had to spend 3 hours with one of the Prewett's stroking my knee asking if I was looking for 'a night to remember'. I can't do that again Sirius, I can't." Suppressing a gag, Regulus shuddered and tried to fight the need to claw at his knee to try and remove the memory. It's not that it was bad per say, it was just horrible and awkward. He did actually quite like the Prewett's. Fabian was quite attractive as well, very muscular with heavy bone structure. His hair was always enticingly fluffy as well, he just wasn't Regulus's type.
By all means, Regulus did not know exactly what his type was, but he knew that it wasn't someone who'd breathe horrible pick up lines in his ear. He wanted someone who could make him laugh, and that was nice. Most importantly, he wanted someone who would respect his boundaries and understand that he was a lot more sceptical than the average person. Past boyfriends did not understand this, leading them to break up after Regulus wouldn't introduce them to his family, or wouldn't move in after a year. It was things like that that would send them running, claiming that Regulus wasn't serious about them. This was never true though, he always cared too much and was dealt a broken heart to mend.
"Yeah, okay." Sirius seemed to consider it a bit deeper, "that's fair enough I guess. Why don't you go with Barty?"
"He's already going with Evan." Regulus let the hand that wasn't holding his phone fall onto his forehead, looking as if he was a damsel in distress.
"Okay? I'm sure you could trick people into believing you were a throuple." Sirius suggested, "remember that rumour that went round in 5th year that all you lot were in a poly relationship. God, that was funny. I think there was an entire week where I couldn't walk down the corridor without laughing my head off about whatever people were theorising about." Sirius was laughing now at the memory. It was a stupid rumour and the reason it had started was even stupider. There was a ravenclaw girl who had a massive crush on one of the opposing rugby players that seemed a bit too close to Regulus for her liking. So, the next morning, she said that she'd heard that he, Barty, Evan and Pandora were all together, and it seemed to do the trick. The guy didn't speak to him anymore and she had ended up going to some party with him. Regulus would never admit it, but he was slightly impressed by her, she knew what she wanted and tried to get it. Besides, he was still able to get a good laugh out of it.
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up." Irritation was showing in his voice, he just needed a solution. "Can you actually help me?"
"I am helping!" Sirius exclaimed.
"You are not helping. Making me more miserable does not help." Regulus rubbed his eyes, feeling them getting more and more tired as the conversation went on. He glanced at the clock on his bedside table seeing it read 10:24 pm. He could stay up a little longer, but he had a long day tomorrow. This potential buyer had insisted Regulus come to France to see this space he wanted the painting for. He had said that if Regulus could "truly envision the space then he'd be able to make the best decision on which painting could fill the wall and truly heighten the aura of the room." Regulus thought it was a load of shit, but this was his job, and he technically had 3 days in Paris to 'scout potential artists', which was an opportunity he'd never pass up.
"Quit whinging. What about Pandora?"
"Please tell me how that would work. Everyone knows I'm gay." Why did he decide that Sirius was the best to go to for advice. Oh that's right, he didn't, Sirius called him because apparently being asked to water his plants while Regulus was away was enough of a reason to go through his post as well. "I'll hang up."
"Okay, okay fine! You need more friends."
"To use as back up wedding dates?" Regulus asked incredulously, narrowing his eyes as if Sirius could see his face.
"Exactly!" as if it was obvious. "We do it all the time. Oh!" Sirius exclaimed as if he'd just had the greatest idea of the century. "You could go with James, I don't think he's going with anyone."
Regulus's stomach errupted with butterflies. His anxiety crawled into his chest and forced him to choke out a "pass." He didn't really have a reason for being so unsettled by the idea. James had never been anything but nice to him, treating him as anyone would expect him to. Sometimes Regulus found him a bit overbearing as well as being unnervingly immature for a 26 year old. But he was Sirius's best friend, so what could he realistically expect.
"Right well, I can't help you." Regulus could imagine that Sirius had crossed him arms over his chest, a firm pout on his face.
"Apparently not. I may as well just not go." Regulus resolved. He was awfully busy, trying to hunt down artists and attend auctions. Besides his website had just launched internationally and he needed to observe the orders going out. The list of things he had to do relating to the gallery seemed never ending, so maybe it wouldn't be the worst idea in the world to skip one wedding.
"No, you can't." Sirius whinged, "cause then I have to answer everyone's questions about you and I don't wanna do that. It's so boring. 'Yes, he's left the law firm. No I don't really know why. Yes, he's moved back here. Sorry he can't date your granddaughter, he's gay." Sirius said, putting on his best polite voice, which made Regulus laugh into the back of his hand.
"But if I go, and that's an if! Where on earth am I supposed to get a date in the next three weeks?" Regulus asked, trying to rack his brain to see if there were any friends he could ask a favour of.
"Dating apps? You don't need to find a prince, just someone who won't embarass you for an evening. Simples." Sirius responded as if it was obvious.
"Are you an idiot? I don't think you realise what dating apps are like, they're horrific" Regulus shuddered remembering the few times he had forced himself to entertain the thought of meeting someone through a dating app.
"Oh, come off it. They cannot be that bad." An unsure tone crept into Sirius's voice, almost as if he didn't believe his own words.
"You're just lucky that you met Remus in high school. You didn't have to mess around with the modern dating world." Regulus would never admit it, but he was deeply jealous of Sirius. He wanted the type of cosy relationship that they had; overlapping friend groups and friday evenings to themselves. He didn't think he'd ever be that fortunate though.
"I know, aren't I just the luckiest." Sirius replied dreamily. Regulus just rolled his eyes.
"Yes, yes. You are. Anyways, I'm just going to have to suck it up and figure something out. I still think that not going is an option. I mean, I never really spoke to Emmaline. I doubt she'd even notice if I was missing." Regulus contemplated.
"Well, I'd mind. You need to come. That's final." Sirius's stern voice rang through the phone, guaranteed to make an impact on every person on earth but Regulus. He's heard it too many times about too many ridiculous situations to warrant taking it seriously. "Besides, I'm sure everyone will be happy to see you."
Regulus's scowl fell from his brows as he forced out a, "fine." Maybe it would be fun. "Either way, it's getting late here. So I'm gonna go." Regulus moved to lie against the headboard.
"Yeah, fair enough. Well I'll see you when you're back."
"Yeah you will, bye." Regulus moved to put the phone back in it's holder.
"Love you!" Sirius yelled before he could hang up.
Regulus rolled his eyes before putting the phone back next to his mouth. "Love you too."
After hanging up, he rolled over in bed thinking of what he was going to do for this wedding. He'd have to download some sort of dating app again and pray that he'd be able to find someone half decent, which he seriously doubted. Ah well, that'd be a problem for the future.
As he drifted off to sleep, he dreamed of firm hands and fluffy hair that would somehow ease the loneliness that crept into his heart. Well that's a new feeling. He hadn't felt lonely in months.
God, he really hated wedding season.
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bitchliteraria1906 · 6 months
I'm so sorry for spam posting about Lokius. It will happen again.
Anyways, I wanna talk about how the fell first x fell harder thing works with them, in my personal opinion.
Let's get it out of the way: Mobius fell first, Loki fell harder. I think most of the fandom agrees with this.
Mobius studied Loki's life. He's seen all the bad and even downright unforgivable things Loki is capable of.
But he's also seen Loki interacting with his family and the people of Asgard, how he never seemed to fit in, how there always seemed to exist an emotional wall between him and pretty much everyone that wasn't Frigga. He's seen vulnerable moments other people in Loki's life can only dream of knowing about.
As I said, something Mobius definitely noticed is the big emotional wall that exists between Loki and other people.
So the first thing he does when he gets a chance to talk to Loki is try to break down said wall, and he does that by pressing him with questions and pushing all the buttons possible.
"Do you enjoy hurting people? Do you enjoy killing?"
"I'll kill you."
"What, like you did your mother?"
It's a cruel tactic, and considering Mobius’s personality it's safe to assume he didn’t enjoy doing that, but it's what you're expected to do with prisioners at the TVA, and in this case, it works. Loki opens up, and it makes things easier.
I've seen a lot of people joke about how Mobius studying Loki is basically him having either a hyperfixation or being a fanboy with a little celebrity crush, and... yeah? That's pretty much it?
I mean, come on. Even though it was necessary to understand Loki to work with him, you can’t tell me Mobius wasn't genuinely interested in him too. Even in season one, when things were far from perfect and there was still trust to be built, he seems to think of Loki as fascinating/endearing sometimes, and did nice things for him without expecting anything in return, like giving him the daggers, complimenting him, just overall speaking softly whenever they're talking. He wouldn't do that if he didn’t see Loki as more than a variant he was being forced to work with.
All of this, paired with his reaction to the possibility of Loki having a thing for Sylvie, paints Mobius as the person who fell/noticed his feelings first for me. I personally think he pushed these feelings aside due to a "It would never work" train of thought, even before Sylvie.
As for Loki, while he obviously didn't trust Mobius at first, once they started spending more time together, he seemed to start feeling safe and comfortable around him to a degree that he had not felt with anyone else in a long time. He sleeps peacefully around Mobius, allows himself to be playful, and seems to genuinely appreciate the nice things I mentioned Mobius did for him.
But he's also a very traumatized person who hasn't felt genuinely connected to anyone in a while, so he obviously has no idea what to do with this, and the high stakes he's dealing with obviously don't help. He doesn't have time to sit down and process how he truly feels about this random analyst that just came into his life and flipped it upside down. And even if he had the time, would he even manage to accept he was falling for someone? We're talking about Loki here.
This is where the biggest difference between their situations shines for me: Mobius had a long, boring time to think of Loki before even meeting him in person, and even when they did meet, he was dealing with less shit than Loki. He had time to think about Loki, come to a conclusion about his feelings, and make the conscious choice to not act on them/push them aside.
Loki was thrown on the TVA shortly after the events of Avengers, watched a tape of his entire life play before his very eyes, had to learn everything about the TVA and timelines and then met Sylvie and the other variants. It's not that he didn’t reciprocate, he simply didn’t have time to process his feelings.
Personally, I can see him having a moment of realization at the end of season one, when he realized how desperate he was for Mobius's comfort after being kicked through the door by Sylvie, and when the horror of Mobius not recognizing him set in.
And that's what I mean when I say he "fell harder": it's not that he loves Mobius more, it's that Mobius developed and accepted his feelings slowly, while Loki's feelings hit him like a train at the worst time possible.
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markantonys · 4 months
i was looking at your latest gifset and realised why cauthor is such an amazing ship. mat needs someone who has his back in the way rand does. all the years of his parents and everyone else telling him he's no good, he'll never amount to anything - that kinda stuff sinks in until eventually you start to believe it yourself. and i'm not saying mat doesn't have any flaws of course, but I think some of the time his actions are dictated by what he believes about himself, that he really isn't worth it.
but rand - he's been mat's protector from day one, hasn't he? always in his corner, always defending him and letting mat know without equivocation that he is worth it, that he is a good person who deserves love and a second chance. and that was even before the whole dragon reborn thing came into play. when mat said at the start, "don't stay up-mountain too long" rand answered, "i won't". he won't stay up too long because he misses mat and knows mat needs him too. is it any wonder even ishamael shipped them?
THIS!!!!!! all of this, i'm weeping!!!! i remember in the wait between seasons i was going "oh man the cauthor reunion will be so angsty, rand will be so hurt over mat having stayed behind at the waygate!" but then we got to the actual reunion and it turned out i'd sorely underestimated rand's love for mat! rand is nothing but happy to see mat again, he gives him 100% unconditional love and understanding without bringing up the waygate incident at all, except for taking a moment to tell mat that they aren't better off without him. because he knows mat well enough to guess that the reason he stayed behind might've been that he thought the gang was better off without him, and he loves mat enough to believe this IS the reason rather than supposing something less charitable like selfishness or cowardice. and rand himself, for the first time in his life, has been struggling with feeling his loved ones are better off without him ever since the eye of the world, and this has given him new empathy for and new insight into how mat has felt for his ENTIRE life.
i know that "i'll take care of you" "it's rotten work" "not to me, not if it's you" has become a meme at this point, but it truly is the perfect descriptor of the cauthor dynamic! and on both ends too, since in s2 we see mat starting to be protective of rand and take care of him too now that rand's getting his own share of Issues. mat also assures rand that they aren't better off without him, after all! their lil amateur therapy session in cairhien is so perfect because they are both so well-positioned to understand the internal issues the other is currently dealing with, because it's similar to their own issues. and they each have their own way of showing care, and it just so happens to be perfectly suited to what the other needs; rand is very earnest and vocal in telling mat he's a good person, which is what mat needs to counteract all the fears that have been driven into him since childhood about being worthless, and meanwhile mat takes care of rand by teasing him and joking around and making him smile, which is what rand needs to lighten the burden of being TDR for a while. no wonder ishamael ships them, indeed! he is not immune to homoerotic devotion!
also, what really gets me is that mat didn't get to witness rand's passionate defenses of him in fal dara! nynaeve, you better have been recording the fight on your phone so you can show it to mat, he Needs To Know just how well rand continues to speak of him even when he isn't around. there probably won't be time for it in s3, but i would love a scene where egwene and mat talk for the first time after the great waygate abandonment, and mat's apologizing and egwene's like "well i was pretty mad at you at the time but we're cool now" and mat asks if rand was mad at him too, because he needs to know if he hurt rand but knows rand won't admit if he did because he'd want to spare mat's feelings, and egwene tells mat that rand was not mad at him and in fact defended him tooth and nail against everyone else, and mat's like 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 trying not to cry, and egwene's internally like "oh my god can you two just make out already". this scene happens between 2x08 and 3x01 in my heart!
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alicentwhore · 2 months
What are your thoughts on Alicent now? The general anti alicents hate her even more now , team green and other alicent stans say the writers hate Alicent and ruined her character for fan service? Or 1st season Alicent would hate this seasons Alicent. What's your take?
I love Alicent as much as I ever did! While I think it was a bit clunky, I do think her character arc made sense and was in fact in character for the Alicent that’s been set up since the beginning.
And like, not to be mean, but I’m gonna be so real. I have always thought a lot of greenies who claimed to be Alicent fans never actually liked Alicent as she existed in the show, they just liked a version of her that they fanonized a bunch. Their love for Alicent was less motivated by Alicent herself, but as either Aegon/Aemond’s mom or as a vessel to hate Rhaenyra. (Like the way they JUMPED her for that trailer in May for TWO LINES OF DIALOGUE?! That made me lose respect for so many greenies man).
I think that’s part of why they think she’s ruined. She’s making a decision that is against the sons she doesn’t like and was forced to have (and one of which is presently an ACTIVE THREAT to her daughter) and still cares for Rhaenyra. The show has made it clear from the beginning that Rhaenyra and Alicent will never truly hate one another. They represent a peace, a happiness (for Alicent possibly the only time she was truly happy) that they can’t let go of.
Also the idea that “Season 1 Alicent would hate this Alicent” is such a joke. Really? The Alicent who was Team Rhaenyra for years after her Aegon’s birth and only switched when she felt Rhaenyra had betrayed her first? (And even then, in episode 6-7 while she talks to Aegon about being king, it’s clear this is not at all motivated by a belief that he should be king, only an idea that it’s the only way to save her family. And after Driftmark she feels so ashamed about causing actual harm to Rhaenyra she becomes extra religious). The season 1 Alicent who clearly resents Aegon and abuses him a ton and straight up DISOWNS him at one point? The same Alicent who, in the end, after giving up on Aegon as a lost cause and finally seeing Rhaenyra again, SUPPORTS and wants to reconcile Rhaenyra in the end? That Alicent?
She only put Aegon on the throne because she thought it was her duty to. She never actually wanted Aegon on the throne. It was because she thought it was some important dream and to keep her children safe. And now Aegon is the king, the dream turned out to be for Rhaenyra, and her children aren’t safe. Aegon has been half-dead for weeks, Aemond fired her and is committing atrocities Willy-nilly and is now trying to force Helaena to go into battle.
Alicent hated the war from the beginning, always saw it as futile and for nothing. And now she’s being proven again and again that all it’s doing is destroying her family (The thing she partially did this to PREVENT). She’s accepting, as much as she hates it, that she can’t save them all (and maybe a part of her. A part that never wanted these kids and who still views them as the shackles that keep her bound and miserable. Who finally sees a chance to be free. Maybe she… doesn’t fully want to) but she can save some of them before it’s too late. For her, Aemond is a lost cause but Helaena and Jaehaera are innocent, they still have a chance.
She doesn’t want Aegon to die, but when presented with the choice of the son she loves but always viewed as a burden, as a chain and a prison, who she hates as much as she loves, or her innocent daughter and granddaughter. It’s doesn’t surprise me at all she would ultimately sacrifice Aegon. For her remaining family, for the realm, for herself.
Show Alicent is not book Alicent and she never will be. (Not that book Alicent is even much of a character but whatever). That’s been clear since the show started and if people haven’t accepted that by now, that’s their own fault.
Like I do have some issues with the execution that I think was a bit rushed, and the show has a problem with going back a fourth between putting all the blame on Alicent for the war and denying any culpability. And the way they’ve kinda just forgotten about Jaehaerys is a bit. Hmm. But like her arc made sense to me and the level of vitriol towards her all season from her so-called fans did catch me off guard.
Anyways this season has just made me an even bigger Show Alicent supporter and defender actually.
Sorry if the thoughts are a bit scattered! I just woke up lol. But yeah that’s mostly how I feel about it!
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mamaestapa · 1 year
Birthday Surprise|| Trevor Zegras x reader
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•pairing: Trevor Zegras x reader
•summary: It’s your birthday and your boyfriend Trevor is full of surprises…
•warnings: fluff, allusions to sex, trev being trev, and did i mention FLUFF?
You pulled into the driveway of yours and Trevor’s house, noticing that all the lights were dimmed except for the kitchen and the bedroom.
You just got home from your shift at the hospital, working for 12 hours. Usually your days went by fairly quickly, but today felt like it dragged on for hours. All day you just wanted to go home and be with Trevor.
Today is your 23rd birthday.
You wanted to stay home and spend your birthday with Trevor, but you went to work instead. Trevor had some things he needed to do anyways since your birthday was the day after the season ended. The season ending was extremely bittersweet for you. On the one hand, you’re going to miss going to all the Ducks games and watching Trevor and the guys on the ice, but on the other hand, you’re glad the season is over. It means you get to spend more time with your boyfriend.
You met Trevor about two years ago. Your best friend Brooke introduced him to you when you were over at her house for a party. She happens to be dating Trevor’s best friend, Jamie, who also plays for the Ducks. Jamie and Brooke had planned on introducing you and Trevor for a while. When the two of you finally met, you hit off and became a couple a few weeks later.
The four of you have become quite the group. You constantly spend time at each others houses and you’re always going on double dates when you get the chance. You and Brooke always joke that it was meant to be, you and her being best friends and dating best friends who act the exact same way you two do.
You and Trevor have the same personality, while Brooke and Jamie have the same. Brooke thinks it’s a joke, but you truly do think it’s meant to be.
After getting your things you needed out of your car, you walked up to the house and unlocked the door. As you stepped into your home, you were greeted by the savory smell of Alfredo pasta and the sweet smell of chocolate. Your mouth was watering and your stomach was growling at the smell.
“Trev?” You called out, walking further into the house, “I’m home!”
You walked into the kitchen and smiled at the sight in front of you.
Trevor was stirring the Alfredo sauce into the pasta and singing along to Love Story by Taylor Swift. He turned the stove off and grabbed the pan, still singing along to the song. He turned around to plate the pasta and nearly flung the sauce pan across the room when he saw you standing there with your arms crossed and a smile on your face. He immediately stopped singing.
“Hey babe. Heh,” he chuckled, “I didn’t see you come in.”
“I get it. You were too busy jamming out to T Swift.”
“Obviously.” He said, giving you a look that said “duh”. A smile made its way onto his face as he walked over to where you were standing. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close squeezing you gently.
“Happy birthday, beautiful.”
You hummed, tilting your head up to plant a sweet kiss on Trevor’s lips.
“Thank you Trev.”
He pulled away from you and went back to filling the plates up with Alfredo and garlic bread.
“How was your day?” he asked as he placed a live of garlic bread onto each plate.
“It was good,” you nodded, “glad to be home.”
“Yeah I bet.” He looked up at you with a playful smirk and a twinkle in his eye, “missed me so much, didn’t ya?”
“Of course.” You said, giving him the same “duh” look he gave you moments ago. Trevor chuckled and grabbed each plate, bringing them over to the dining room table. He walked up to you and took your hand, walking you over to the table. He pulled your chair out for you, gesturing for you to sit down. Once you were seated he pushed the chair in and poured both of you a glass of wine.
“Look at you, being such a gentleman.”
He sighed, sitting down in his chair, “Only because it’s your birthday.”
You shook your head and smiled at him as you picked up your wine glass, taking a generous sip of the dark red liquid. As you ate your dinner, you and Trevor made small talk about your days. You told him about your slow day at work, only having three patients all day. While he told you about how he and Jamie went to the stadium for locker cleanup and that the rest of the day he spent making sure everything was perfect for your birthday.
You finished up your Alfredo, thanking Trevor for making you dinner. As you finished off your wine, Trevor disappeared to the bedroom for a moment, coming back with a white box wrapped in a big red bow. He walked over to your seat and handed you the box.
“This is for you.”
You took the box and looked up at your boyfriend, frowning slightly, “Trev, I told you not to get me anything.”
He shrugged, “I wasn’t not going to get you something. It’s your birthday, babe. You deserve the world and more,” he chuckled, “but I cant get you that, so hopefully this will do.”
You chuckled softly and began to undo the ribbon of the bow, pulling it off once it was loose enough. As you started to pull the top of the box off, you noticed Trevor fiddling anxiously with his thumbs. You looked up at him and slightly furrowed your brows before going back to open the box.
I wonder what he’s anxious about? Is it the gift? You thought as you set the top of the box on the table. You pulled away the white tissue paper and saw what looked like a Ducks jersey nearly folded up in the box. You pulled the neatly folded jersey out of the box and looked at it. It looked exactly like the jersey you already have. You turned the jersey around, seeing what was special about it.
Trevor gulped nervously and held his breath in anticipation as he watched you turn the jersey around.
Your eyes scanned the fabric, mouth gaping open and eyes filling with tears as you read the back.
Mrs. Zegras
You dropped the jersey and put your hand over your mouth, letting out a wet laugh as you saw Trevor down on one knee, holding a box with a diamond ring out in front of you with a soft smile adorning his lips.
“Y/n,” he began, “from the moment Brooke and Jamie introduced me to you, I knew you were the one for me. These past two years with you have been the absolute best. I cherish every moment I spend with you. Seeing you at every single game and getting to come home to you every day keeps me going, Y/n. You mean the absolute world to me,” his voice grew shaky as many emotions overwhelmed him, “I don’t ever want to spend a moment without you. I love you so much and I want to spend forever with you. So with that being said, Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n, will you marry me?”
The tears that were welled up in your eyes when you first saw Trevor on one knee were now overflowing and streaming down your cheeks. You were overwhelmed with love, happiness, and shock. You weren’t able to even form a sentence right now, so you nodded rapidly. Trevor let out a sigh of relief and slid the engagement ring onto your ring finger. You stood from the chair, Trevor standing from his kneeled position and pulling you into his arms. The two of you held each other tightly, laughing happily as Trevor twirled you. He put you back on the ground and kissed you passionately. You put your hands on his cheeks, kissing him back with the same amount of love and passion. He pulled away from you and put his forehead against yours, the two of you grinning from ear to ear, happiness radiating from both of you.
“I love you so much, Y/n/n.”
“I love you too, Trev. I cant wait to become Mrs. Zegras.”
He smiled and wrapped you into his warm embrace, “You and me both sweets.”
You looked up at him and smirked, “You cant wait to become Mrs. Zegras too?”
He rolled his eyes and, giving you a playful smile, “You know what I meant.”
You smiled and leaned back into his embrace, “I know, I know.”
Trevor rubbed your back and just held you. He was so happy you said yes to his proposal, and he was even more excited for his future with you.
“You know,” he said, “There’s some chocolate cake in the kitchen for dessert, but…” he trailed off.
“But what?” You asked innocently, even though you already knew what he was going to suggest.
“I don’t think I’m hungry for chocolate cake right now.”
“Nope.” He said, popping the ‘p’. You turned around in his embrace and looked up at him with doe eyes.
“What are you hungry for Trev?”
“There’s this new flavor I want to try first…”
“And what’s that?”
“It’s called Birthday Girl or wait, maybe it’s My Fiancée? Actually, I think it’s a combination of both.”
You burst out laughing, which made Trevor laugh too.
“Trev,” you said, “that was one of the cheesiest things I think I’ve ever heard come out of your mouth.”
He chuckled, “Maybe a little.”
“No, maybe a lot.”
He shook his head and looked at you with a smirk. He lowered his head and whispered into your ear, sultrily, “But seriously, I’ve got another birthday surprise for you…”
He pulled away and you looked at him, involuntarily biting your lip as your eyes scanned his face. Your lips pulled into a smirk as you said, “And what might that be, Z?”
Without another word, Trevor scooped you up into his arms and carried you to the bedroom.
This birthday was definitely the best one yet, all thanks to your Fiancée, Trevor.
hey loves!!
my first trevor zegras imagine, AH
there will be more for him and jamie drysdale (the loml) coming soon, so be on the lookout for those if you’re fans of these guys!
also, this is dedicated to my bestie, the biggest Z fan i know (and love) @trevzeags11 🤍 HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAE!! i hope you have the best day ever! and i hope you enjoyed your bday gift ;)
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botlabyrinth · 8 months
i was definitely a bit weary of the big changes: the fact that the summer solstice deadline passed and that percy gets 4 pearls. but after thinking about it for a while i think im actually okay with it!! first of all, its making the show interesting for book readers bc they caught me off guard and now we don’t 100% know how it’s going to play out lol
but also, i like that the deadline passing raises the stakes a bit more. the fact that percy still wants to go get the bolt from the underworld, just shows how committed he’s become to the actual goal of the quest and starting to embrace his demigod side. and it’s going to make his trip to olympus at the end so much riskier & dangerous considering a whole war is literally about to start. so im okay with this
and then the 4 pearls: i still don’t think they’re going to be able to take sally with them out of the underworld. something is definitely going to happen to 1 of the pearls, it’s going to get lost in the chaos of them making it to hades’ palace or SOMETHING because a big part of the prophecy is “fail to save what matters most in the end”. they have to leave sally behind and i think it’s going to be so much more heartbreaking that percy HAD 4 pearls and HAD the chance to save his mom but they lost 1 along the way so then they’ll have to make the tough decision and TRULY fail to save what matters most… bc in the book it’s not even really an option since he only gets 3 pearls
obviously i could be wrong about that lol but i don’t think there’s any way they don’t leave sally behind because she’s not there on the beach when they’re about to fight ares, which is where they are directly after the underworld (unless they’ve switched the order around but idk how that would work)
other than that I LOVED EVERYTHING with the trio, the bestieism continues and i love it. you can really see the shift in percy and annabeth’s dynamic after the last episode it’s so cute. the little grover and percy moments were so sweet too, their convos felt RIGHT out of the books to me. also MORE SEAWEED BRAIN AND WISE GIRL!!!
LOVE the dream sequence bc it felt so book accurate, we do get a lot of percy witnessing other people’s convos through his dreams and this is the first time we’ve seen it in the show, it was great
luke immediately jumping at the chance to blame clarisse for stealing the bolt in the iris message lol im laughing
more luke/annabeth sibling set up AND hermes and may and luke backstory set up??? i was NOT expecting that so early on but im deeply obsessed
the whole hermes situation was also great… i can’t believe it but i liked LMM’s performance?? i think he sold it really well. again im so excited to be getting these convos about hermes and luke so early on because it is such a key part to the end of the series.
the conversation with percy and the nereid and the way percy reacts to thinking the quest failed??? the way he refuses to give up?? the nereid saying they all see so much of poseidon in him??? i’m unwell
crying at annabeth pick pocketing hermes, the literal god of thieves, that’s my girl fr
the entire cab driving sequence was just so funny. peak comedy, and brought some lightheartedness to the episode that i think was very needed. the new yorker in percy really came out in that scene lmao
there was just SO MANY hilarious moments of dialogue and jokes between the trio i feel like this episode captured the essence of their dynamic from the books so well
overall LOVED it, wish it was longer, and i’m curious to see how they finish it off in the next 2 episodes. i’m trying my best to hold back the criticism for any changes until we’ve seen the whole season, because i think most complaints people have from this ep will probably just be fixed or addressed in the next 2 lol
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obsessedwithceleste · 1 month
Hi, I hope you're doing well. I recently found your page and absolutely LOVEEE everything about it. I'd like to kindly ask for a slytherin boy's pairing 🙈
I'd describe myself as an extrovert but it also depends on social situations but I find it quite easy to comversate with just anyone. I LOVE watching films and shows as it's a way to see people's creativity. I'm an April Taurus (had to be specific). I enjoy exercise and constantly being active because it relaxes me. I play sports on a regular basis and try to fuel my body the best I can in order to feel my best. I enjoy watching animated shows like Rick and Morty, South Park, ect. I love engaging in self-care like switching candles on and have good jazz or R&B music in the background. I love spending time with friendsand causally go out. I don't party much because I prefer calmer scenery like hidden gems in my city. I'm goal-oriented and ambitious about certain things I want to achieve whether it's career wise or in my day to day life. In summary I love to constantly work to improve myself and be the best I can be. I'm sensitive, caring, loyal and trustworthy. I'm smart, creative and artistic. I'm quite good at drawing and I'm independent but not afraid to ask for help when I need it. I'm able to make people laugh easily and come up with jokes quickly (humble way of saying I'm funny 😹)
My favorite season is Summer/Autumn
I love dining out
I dislike watermelon but love watermelon flavored things
I used to be super into astrology (SUPEEERR)
Physical appearance:
I'd like to believe I'm average height 😭 (I'm 5'4). I have a toned athletic body. Strong legs and a phatt @ss 😝 (had to add that 😔). I have black long 4C hair and a proportional upper to lower body ratio. I lean to the smaller side in terms of bust. I have a button nose (so I'm told), brown eyes and a warm undertone. I have a prominent beauty spot above my lip close to my cupids bow and almond shaped eyes. I have medium to full lips and and oval face.
That's about it... I'll most likely remember more things about myself after I send this 😂😂 but anyways take care and thank you so much! ❤️ God Bless 🙏
We love a confident queen with a phat @ss🫡
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle
Mattheo is firey, impulsive, and intense. He doesn’t do things halfway and fully pours himself into everything he does.
He’s always thought of himself as being emotionally detached. Affection is just a form of weakness after all (or at least that’s what his father says).
The first time the two of you go head to head is on the quidditch pitch. Mattheo takes the game quite seriously, so to see someone equally as passionate on the pitch that can give him a run for his money definitely intrigues him.
He notices you more after that. Chatting in the back of the classroom with anyone who will listen, bantering in the Great Hall with your teammates.
You seem fun and easygoing and confident. Mattheo can admire that.
Every time he sees you sauntering off of the pitch before his own practice starts, he has to force himself not to stare (discretion who?). He's not good at hiding it at all though, and Theo has a field day making fun of him for it.
After weeks of this, Mattheo happens to find himself out on the field at just the right time as you'd decided to get some extra practice in over the weekend.
Before he has the chance to over think it, Mattheo joins you in the air, quickly falling in line beside you. You're surprised at first. You'd seen him around of course, but he'd always kept to his own little group of friends.
You weren't going to complain either way though and soon enough, the two of you were bickering as if you'd known each other your whole lives.
After that, Mattheo seems like he just can't get enough of you, wanting to spend every waking moment of his day with you. He doesn't get close to many, so when he does find someone, he tends to latch on.
The first time Mattheo truly lets himself believe that he might be falling for you (he had been for awhile now) is when he finds himself sat in your dorm room, soft candlelight glowing across the room as music plays somewhere in the background.
You'd somehow convinced the boy to let you put a facemask (whatever that was) on him. He didn't think he liked it much. It was cold, and wet, and slimy. But he liked you, so he allowed it.
It's not until a few nights later though, while you're both lounging about by the fireplace that he asks the question. It comes out of nowhere. You had been discussing which professional quidditch team would win the world cup when he suddenly sat straight up and asked to be your boyfriend.
It takes you a moment to respond, you're so caught off guard, but the "yes" hadn't even fully left your lips before his mouth is on yours.
Once it's official, Mattheo is stuck to your side (even more than he had been). Theo gets a kick out of teasing him, reminding him of how he'd stared at you like a lovesick fool for weeks (a total coincidence of course, that one of his eyebrows was singed off that very week).
Anyway, Mattheo loves having his hands on you at all times, wrapping you in a tight hug, having his arm slung over your shoulder, hand possessively on your thigh.
The boy is completely and utterly obsessed with you. Hard to believe that he was once stoic and unfeeling when he's now tripping over himself to bend to your every whim.
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atiredfangirl · 5 months
Why do you dislike Bucktommy and Tommy so much? Is it due to his last behaviour, or better yet, that he didn't stick up for Chim and Hen and was, therefore compliant? If this is the case, aren't they showing that he has changed by showing that he is now cool with Hen and Chim? I'm asking as a black queer person.
Or is it because they've become quite popular in a matter of weeks? If so shouldn't people be allowed to ship, write and enjoy what they want?
Also, isn't it hypocritical of you to ship Buddie when the actor who plays Eddie has expressed some awful racist and homophobic views and things?
Since I had never posted about Tommy on this app before today, I am assuming you found me on Twitter and came here to ask this anonymously, but if you follow my Twitter, you can see that I did not hate Tommy or Bucktommy to begin with.
Yes, I was hesitant when they brought him back because of his history with Chimney and Hen, but I was not one of the fans that “hated” him. I was willing to give the character another chance. But I also haven’t forgotten if “honestly if I thought about you at all, I probably wouldn’t” or how he was compliant with what went down at the 118 before Bobby arrived.
But I was willing to forgive that because he seemed to have changed a lot! When 7x04 aired, I retweeted several tweets supporting them because even if I am a Buddie shipper, I can respect that this is a big deal for Buck and I’m really and truly a Buck stan at heart. Literally just want the man to be happy.
Then 7x05 aired, and after seeing how nervous Buck was, he still made that stupid little closet joke in front of Eddie, knowing damn well Buck wasn’t out to Eddie. That wasn’t okay with me (also as a Queer woman), and then he leaves Buck alone on the sidewalk, doesn’t even tell him until the Uber is there that he called one for himself.
And now I’m watching the sneak peeks for 7x06 and he’s put zero effort into dressing up for the party (being on call is a weak excuse - it’s not like he’s going up in the helicopter in jeans and a Henley - he’s gonna have to change either way) and even the Henley comment felt condescending and rude.
I’m not delusional, I’m well aware Buddie may never happen, but either way, there’s no way the writers are writing bucktommy as endgame either, so it’s not like it’s coming from a place of fearing he’s a threat to Buddie. I just don’t like him for Buck. It’s not new or personal - I’ve had reasons to dislike literally all of buck’s love interests. I just wasn’t particularly active on social media about this show before this season, even though I’ve been watching it since it began.
As for Ryan, I don’t associate the actor with the character. I learned a long time ago that if you want to enjoy fandoms and ships, it’s very important to separate characters from actors.
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sea-owl · 1 year
because I'm a sucker for violet x portia. how do you think portia would comfort violet (or vice versa) when penelope is discovered to be whistledown?? just something that I randomly thought of 🤔
In actual show wise, it's gonna be interesting because they've been shown to be foils of one another since season 1.
But using the shows background and add in some romantic/sexual tension between the two this is probably how I would frame it.
Violet wasn't so sure this was a good idea, wasn't sure she would be welcomed after tonight's dinner announcement. Not after the way Portia had slipped her hand out of Violet's when Colin had announced to the two families that Penelope was Lady Whistledown.
There had been anger at first, of course, Whistledown spared no family in the ton when it came to her column. That included the Bridgertons and the Featheringtons. What surprised Violet, though, was the neutral mask Portia held as she stared down her daughter, asking for an explanation. Portia refused to let anyone else, but Penelope speak then.
By the end, the tension was broken by Kate and Simon, who joked if Penelope had any desire to write about Bridgerton foolishness, especially Anthony's, again to please consult them. Anthony's jaw dropped at his wife and best friend. Kate and Simon defended their position, saying Penelope was one of them, a Bridgerton spouse, and now she gives them an edge since they're still outnumbered. This led to rounds of laughter. Violet herself was proud of the girl, her cleverness was truly something.
Violet had just barely caught Portia hugging Penelope before slipping out the door.
Violet had followed after, now slipping into the baroness' chambers.
Portia was sitting at her vanity, pulling out the pins in her hair. Her only acknowledgment of Violet is the brief glance of Violet's reflection in the mirror.
"I'm not mad at her if that's what you're wondering," Portia said, still not looking at Violet. "I am actually rather proud of her."
Violet walked up behind Portia, taking over to remove the pins. "But you're still hurt."
Portia sighed. "It was a tough situation back then, I did what I believed was right at the time, as did she."
Violet didn't need to ask what Portia was referring to. Penelope's first season, where she chose to save Colin from a loveless marriage and a lie even if it led to the downfall of her own family. It had taken a while for Violet and Portia to go back to them to go back to being friends. It actually wasn't until this year that the two matriarchs rekindled. A huge part of that being Portia reminding Violet that she was not so innocent when it comes to saving her family. After all, Berbrooke still has not shown his face since Violet unleashed his secret so that it would get back to Lady Whistledown.
"It just wasn't until that moment that I realized how like me Penelope was. I love my girls but we did not have the support system to be vulnerable. Tough choices have to be made, I tried to make sure they knew that."
Violet stayed silent. She knew she had a chances and a certain privilege that other girls of the ton did not have. She was raised by a loving father, she had a love match. Most of her peers had marry for convince or business deals between their parents and their future spouse. Portia was one of them.
The hair pins were now laid against the vanity. Violet rested her cheek against Portia's head, arms wrapped around her shoulders. Portia took one of Violet's hands.
"Do you want me to leave?" Violet asked.
Portia shook her head, her grip on Violet's hand tightened. "No."
"Okay," Violet whispered. She moved just so to place a kiss on top of Portia head.
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