#the jetty episode 3
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oswincoleman · 3 months ago
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Jenna Coleman as Ember Manning in her amazing performance at the end of The Jetty episode 3!
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imogens-temult · 2 months ago
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JENNA COLEMAN as EMBER MANNING The Jetty, Season 1 (episodes 3-4)
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acheronist · 1 month ago
sending u good vibes on your edible & also just. a deep commiserating sigh of understanding <3 also if you want to answer:
what is your most favourite fact about That Dead Guy, and/or if you could magically bring him back to life for a hot minute. what modern thing (invention, food item, tv show, meme, etc. anything goes, so long as it didn’t exist during his lifetime) would you need to show henry peglar first?
favorite fact..... is that even though he stopped going to school when he was 12, that he still taught himself how to write backwards in a secret code for privacy aboard a ship...... and then he spent pages and pages of this coded diary just talking about the crazy parties he attended when he was 23 instead of explaining about what was happening to the franklin expedition......
i would love to show him a lot of things but namely i really think he would get a kick out of the little pad of paper in art stores where you can test out the pen ink and it becomes an anonymous graffiti trap. i think showing him how the wallet in the RMG looks now dr.who van gogh episode style would be fun and emotionally devastating for the both of us. i think he would love the concept of a climbing gym. and multivitamins. and modern brewery pub appetizer snacks. and edibles. and the spiral jetty landscape art piece in utah. and lamy fountain pens... carhartt jackets... fun desk lamps... spirography toy sets.... union laws..... rainbow colored carabiners.... i want to show him how to play the megamillions..... youtube livestreams of turtle aquariums.... the poetry section of a public library...... and also i want to show him how many fucking emails it took to get the HQ version of one page from the rmg. oh my god and crossword puzzles. i really think this dude would have loved to do a crossword puzzle.
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anotheruserwithnoname · 8 months ago
Better late than never
So I only found out today that the second season of Star Trek: Prodigy - which was cancelled by Nickelodeon and Paramount Plus despite having its second season completed long ago, with Netflix buying the right to release the episodes - is being released on July 1.
Today is June 30.
I've seen no trailer, no publicity, when I asked people online when it was coming out people were saying "I don't know."
Considering it was arguably the best of the recent Trek spin-offs/sequels and also features Ella Parnell (currently pretty popular thanks to the Fallout series) as one of the lead voice actors, you'd think there'd be more promo. Unfortunately this has the feel of being a "burn-off" more than a serious revival. This will especially feel like it if they release all the episodes at the one time.
To be fair to Netflix, Paramount has itself yet to announce when the final season of Lower Decks (also cancelled) will be released - it's expected to be later this year - so the timing of Prodigy coming out is fine. Something for the summer that won't be competing against either Discovery (recently ended) or Lower Decks (yet come). I don't expect to see Strange New Worlds Season 3 till the new year.
Nonetheless, I'm critical of the BBC for things like not announcing air dates or releasing trailers until the eleventh hour (see Jenna Coleman's The Jetty which got its first trailer a staggering TWO WEEKS (give or take a day) before it is set to air), but this shows it's not exclusive to the BBC.
And I'm not playing the preemptive "Cancellation Excuse Game." The odds of Prodigy getting a Season 3 are nil unless Season 2 becomes the next Stranger Things and tops the Nielsen charts for streaming, so we should be thankful for any release at all. I'm hoping that since Season 1 got a DVD/Blu-ray release, there's enough interest for one to be released for Season 2 (some Netflix shows do get permanent media issue).
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becauseimanicequeen · 9 months ago
To Be Continued: Achi Bringing the Past Into the Present
I've just rewatched To Be Continued as part of my Pride Month (here's my Pride Month Watch List if you're curious about what I planned on watching going into June), and I really enjoyed watching this series again.
I personally love rewatching stuff (especially shows I like) because I always notice new things. Also, my memory (which has been fucked for the past 3-4 years, lol) needs it because I tend to forget stuff between episodes if I have to wait a whole week for new ones.
I binged To Be Continued over two days this week and noticed how Achi brought some of his and Ji's past moments into the present. Perhaps to show he still remembered their past and that it was important to him. Perhaps to bring Ji back to those memories and feelings so that he too would remember/feel those feelings again. Perhaps to use it as a confession of his feelings for Ji. Or for all those reasons.
Whatever his reasons, let's look at the moments where Achi brought their past into the present...
(The present moments show up first in some of my examples because that's how they showed up in the series, and I left them like that in my post.)
The lip balm:
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It started out in quite an innocent way when Achi offered Ji some lip balm (the first picture). Ji took it one step further later on, though, by putting some on his own lips before he put it on Achi's lips.
What a sweet way to (indirectly) kiss someone you like. Also, it was a bold move of Ji, to put it on Achi's lips himself. If that wasn't a way to show his interest in Achi, I don't know what was.
And then (in between those flashbacks from the past) Achi tries to bring back those moments in the present:
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The kiss:
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(Present - Past)
Their first kiss in the present is a forceful one from Achi, either to bring back the memory of the kiss from their past (the first and last one they shared 10 years ago), or to cross this line of intimacy that they hesitated to do throughout their first time having sex (they often avoided kissing each other's lips and only shared this one kiss throughout that whole scene).
Stay with me:
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(Present - Past)
Present Achi is holding onto Ji and using the same words Ji did in the past. Since Ji (in the past) held onto Achi and used those words, Achi (in the present) knew that Ji would stay with him if he asked this way.
Achi picking up Ji:
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(Present - Past)
Granted, Achi picked Ji up at the hospital in the present because Ji left his car with Achi when Ji had to run to help with an emergency at the hospital. But, still. And it brought back the memory of Achi picking Ji up to go to school when they were younger.
Praising each other's beauty: (understandable, lol)
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Achi is replaying Ji's words from the past, like a confession of his feelings for Ji (the way Ji confessed to him in the past).
In the present, this leads to a kiss (not the kind of kiss Achi forced on Ji previously) but Ji stops before he falls in too deep again (knowing very well that they haven't really solved any of the misunderstandings from the past).
Bonus parallel:
I also had to add this parallel between the past and present even though it isn't really a moment they shared together like the others. But it still holds some significance since Ji knew what that drink meant and it made a certain lie all the more believable:
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Ji went to Achi's house after their moment on the pier/jetty and brought a red drink (most likely to check in on Achi after what happened that night on the pier/jetty, even though we never actually got to see this).
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We also got to see Achi drinking that same kind of red drink while preparing food for Ji. This scene also initiated the montage of Achi giving Ji food and both of them writing notes to each other, which developed their relationship in the present.
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Ji knew all along that this drink was Achi's favorite, which made this lie...
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All the more believable in Ji's eyes. The pain...
I love it when shows use parallels, especially when done well and with purpose. In the case of To Be Continued, it enriched the story and Achi and Ji's relationship from the past to the present, from misunderstandings to communication, from heartbreak to a second chance.
My beloved miscommunicating idiots were always so obvious with their feelings. Well, maybe not so much to themselves or each other, lol.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 2 years ago
Chains of Heart ep 9
As we get closer to the end, I think these posts are becoming less about analysing the use of colours/lighting and more about pointing out how the patterns are continuing. It might feel a little self-indulgent at times, especially when I'm screaming "I was right!!", but it's more that I'm happy the show has remained consistent.
With ep 9, and looking back at my screenshots, there seems to be three stages the episode went through: a lighter blue/green phase; a darker, colour-filled, dramatic phase; and the pUrPle sexy times Ken/Din/Lue connection phase.
Phase 1 starts with Din's mother sporting both Din and Ken's colours, with Hin in blue and brown (which could look like a deep burnt red...). It seems apt that there's so many green hues in the frame since this ep is so much about Din/Lue's journey. I loved Sai in that blue dress but note the green and pinky/purple bits in her hair scarf.
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Ken is deeeeep in his blue (as clenches his fists...and it's good that he does because how else will I know he's angry? 😏). What's interesting though is that even though the shirt looks blue here, later (below) it loses its colour, looking more black as he loses his composure. Also, note how he's surrounded by Din. He's back at their camping ground/jetty, as I'm sure this is the same location at the flashbacks of their meeting.
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The drone is definitely paying off because these overhead shots are incredible...and more blue and green though!.
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And more blue, with a bit of green...and a small hint of red in Knot's phone. Ah, it's so satisfying! I interpret all this blue as being in support of Ken (that's why Payu, Boon, and Knot are going to these lengths to discover what's really going on) but also I still hold that blue is used to mask and hide things - in the case of Dr Chayeol and Payu.
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And then we move on to phase 2, which begins with Lue contemplating how his actions may have destroyed any hope of a relationship with Ken again...to a backdrop of their purple and his original green.
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What I love about this scene is that as he walks through the bar he passes the red, yellow, green, as well as the blue of the chairs, before ending in an area almost devoid of colour. Just a bit of green still lurking to the right...the last vestiges of who he was as Din maybe (Ken moves from r-l in the top row below).
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But as we can see from the below angles, Din/Lue actually has some red in is vision, the red is his future - Lue is the only person he can be. And I like that Hin is sandwiched between a more pinky light - maybe representative of a more familial love than the passionate red would have implied. The anger and betrayal are there...but he also loves his brother (how?! HOW?! IS HIN OLDER?!) and doesn't want to lose him again.
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I ADORE the below shot of Ken's father...the green in the foreground because the focus is on Din, but in the background there is both some red in with the green on one side and the red and blue are merging together on the other. Din = Lue but also Lue and Ken eventually connecting.
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And speaking of connection...we move on to phase 3 and the way I knew, I KNEW!, that things would be ok would work out that the rift between Ken and Lue would close (repeatedly, if you will 🤭) because of the PURPLE LIGHTING.
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WHICH ONLY GOT STRONGER (shout out to the murder board!)
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And which continued as they...well, you know.
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I've already talked about how delightful it was to see this scene parallel their first time...or the first times between Ken and Din and then Ken and Lue. And it's precisely because it was so similar that if Ken hadn't clocked that Din = Lue beforehand he definitely must have after. I mean, they even ended sleeping in EXACTLY the same position (I'm not adding the pics here for fear of this post being placed in tumblr jail as well).
Anyway, a shout out to Lue's Batman cupboard, with the green inside hidden and separated by the red of the door:
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Also I need to mention the argument with Payu... The blue of the water surrounded by all the green of the foliage. And the umbrella stands creating a barrier between Ken and Payu. Also note the two purple flowers that flank Ken and Payu...
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...which can also be seen behind Deedee below. Plus I LOVE that, as Payu is trying to talk sense into Ken about Lue being Din, Deedee is right there in Ken's vision wearing Din/Lue's two colours. The man is one and the same! (You can also see here how the blue of Ken's shirt and pants have faded to more grey/black as mentioned earlier).
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Phew. And there you have it. My rants about ep 9.
As for the preview for ep 10...I am mostly intrigued by the purple intersecting the gun here - I wonder if Din/Lue hesitates shooting the gun because of Ken or Sai...
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And I think here he might be looking down on a potentially dead, or certainly defeated, Ingpha in the same stream he and Ken washed up in. (Or at least, I'm hoping).
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And here... If this is not Ken looking towards an approaching Din/Lue dressed in a red, or green, or blue suit (in order of preference) I'ma throw fists (please don't be beige...but also that would be on brand for him too). But more importantly, look at how light Ken's suit is. Apart from his shirts in the flashbacks and his training clothes, Ken generally wears dark clothes. Maybe, once everything is over and Ken and Lue can reunite in the open, Ken can shake off the heavy (dark) emotions and live a little easier (lighter).
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[ep 1] [ep 2] [ep 3] [ep 4] [ep 5] [ep 6] [ep 7] [ep 8] [ep 9] [ep 10]
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haroldgross · 14 days ago
The Jetty
[3 stars] At only four episodes, this murder mystery with Jenna Coleman (Me Before You) is a twisty little watch. It also embraces the feel of a small town cop in ways you don’t often see for a main character. The mystery itself is a nicely layered, but fair bit of storytelling. Not a combo you often get when the plot is forced into knots to keep you off the trail. The overall shape is a rather…
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sugar-coated-prat-dragon · 4 months ago
Title: Birth of an Afanc
Episode: "The Mark of Nimueh" questions #3
Questions by @tansyuduri
Tagging: @miyriu
Books used for reference: Mark of Nimueh, Valiant, The Death of Arthur, Potions and Poisons, and Merlin Complete Guide
I find it interesting that this episode talks about “mirroring the spirit of life” and not creating it? It kinda implies even ancient sorcerers on their own can only MIRROR life, not create it?
My answer: Actually, the books explicitly mention that the energy Nimueh was using on the Afanc was nothing like the energy she'd summoned from within herself. It was something else. Something new.
It was the raw power of life itself.
Her creature was alive.
I think “mirror the spirit of life” might refer to Nimueh being able to bring something into life by the use of a spell. So basically she can bring an Afanc to life by summoning a higher power/magic than what a sorcerer is normally capable of using.
Whereas Merlin was shown to summon the Isle of the Blessed boat from the “ether” out of nothing and that in itself is thought to be impossible.
The way I think of it is like witch power (strong but requires drawing upon not only one’s self, but also magic from outside one’s self).
And god-like magic that is just seemingly endless power. … The kind Merlin seems to possess (since he brought Gaius back to life without the Cup if Life).
Book description:
- It was nothing like the energy she'd summoned from within herself. This was something else. Something new.
It was the raw power of life itself.
The woman's face shone with euphoria. The incantation had worked.
Her creature was alive.
- She closed her eyes and concentrated hard, summoning the dormant forces that lay within her.
Instantly an energy stirred somewhere deep inside and she felt it rise and swell throughout her body, growing more intense with each moment as it surged through her veins.
Her eyes snapped open. Now she was ready to fashion the clay into a new shape.
A new life.
- He turned round and gaped in astonishment.
There, next to the jetty, was the tiny vessel. Exactly as it had appeared when he'd first come to the isle. But where could it have come from?
He knew of no sorcerer- not even Nimueh - who could conjure such an object from the ether.
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Question: Uther: “Will I never be rid of her?”
HOLD ON. Is he just referring to Arthur's birth or has Nimueh pulled evil magic on Camelot post purge before?
My answer:
Given the way Uther’s face turned ashen as he was flooded with all the terrible memories that had come back to haunt him.
It seems like Uther hasn’t encountered Nimueh since his wife’s death.
The complete guide book, mentions that Merlin's arrival purposefully coincided with the beginning of a series of threats for Arthur and that destiny guided him to Camelot just in time for him to protect the prince.
If destiny was playing a hand in keeping Arthur safe, then I doubt it would have let Nimueh begin her plan until someone with enough power to thwart it was in the kingdom.
Otherwise, Nimueh would have easily won and Arthur would be dead.
Book description:
The type that can only be invoked by an ancient sorcerer. One who has the power to mirror the spirit of life... His voice tailed off as the benign smile on the king's face vanished.
'What are you telling me?" whispered Uther.
'The mark it bears is unmistakable, sire,' said the physician softly. 'The mark of Nimueh.
'No!' Uther blanched and turned away.
Uther looked at him, his face ashen, appalled at the news and the terrible memories that had come back to haunt him. Will I never be rid of her... he breathed, turning away.
- Merlin's arrival also coincides with the beginning of a series of threats for Arthur (although in a world governed by magic, this is not quite the coincidence it seems; destiny has guided Merlin to Camelot just in time for him to protect the prince).
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Question: "He's got a grave mental disease"
So they have the concept of mental illness and that it's different from regular body illnesses? And this knowledge is common? Again this is Hugely advanced for the time.
My answer: Yes. They are very advanced.
Gwen, who is just a servant, caught the physician reading a book about diseases of the mind and immediately recognized that he believed her mistress’s dreams to be the symptoms of some deeper malady.
Morgana herself thought she might be losing her mind, even without either of them telling her about the book.
So diseases of the mind are a known concept to both the nobles of the court and most peasants.
Book description:
The old man had slammed the book shut quickly, but not before Gwen had seen that it had been about diseases of the mind.
- It wasn't just Gaius who feared the king's reaction should he find out. Gwen could see in her mistress's eyes that she, too, knew that her dreams might be the symptoms of some deeper malady.
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globosoft123 · 7 months ago
Staycation in Kochi: Best Hotels and Resorts for a Relaxing Getaway
Often referred to as the "Queen of the Arabian Sea," Kochi is a bustling metropolis with a wealth of cultural, historical, and scenic attractions. Travelers will find Kochi, one of the most significant trading ports on India's west coast, to be an intriguing location because it has been shaped throughout the ages by diverse cultures. Kochi offers something for everyone, whether you're wanting to have a relaxed staycation or are planning a journey to explore its ancient monuments. We'll explore the most popular tourist destinations in Kochi in this article and offer some of the greatest staycation ideas to help you get the most out of your trip. 
1. Fort Kochi: A Walk Through History
Fort Kochi is a historic enclave that sums up Kochi's colonial past in all its glory. It is like traveling back in time to stroll through its meandering, little streets. There are some quaint structures in the region that combine British, Portuguese, and Dutch architectural styles. 
Must-Visit Sites: The iconic Chinese Fishing Nets, St. Francis Church (the oldest European church in India), and the Indo-Portuguese Museum.
Local Tip: This ancient neighborhood is given a contemporary spin by the colorful murals and street art. Don't miss them. 
2. Mattancherry: A Cultural Melting Pot
Another region rich in culture and history is Mattancherry, which is not far from Fort Kochi. The well-known Mattancherry Palace, popularly called the Dutch Palace, is located in this neighborhood and is well-known for its exquisite murals that depict episodes from the Ramayana and Mahabharata. 
Must-Visit Sites: The Jewish Synagogue, the Dutch Palace, and Jew Town, known for its antique shops and spice markets.
Local Advice: Enjoy a leisurely stroll through Jew Town and browse its unique stores, which provide a wide range of goods from spices to antiques.
3. Marine Drive: The Urban Waterfront
One of the most well-liked locations in Kochi for both residents and visitors is Marine Drive. Beautiful views may be seen from this charming promenade along the backwaters, especially at dusk. The area is an excellent place to spend an evening because it is lined with restaurants, cafes, and shopping centers. 
Must-Visit Sites: The Rainbow Bridge and the International Tourism Police Station & Police Museum.
Local Tip: For a distinctive view of Kochi's waterfront and the busy port, take a boat ride from the neighboring jetty. 
4. Bolgatty Island: A Tranquil Escape
One of the oldest Dutch palaces still standing outside of the Netherlands is the ancient Bolgatty Palace, located on Bolgatty Island. With its abundant vegetation and breathtaking views of the backwaters, the island provides a tranquil haven from the bustle of the city. 
Must-Visit Sites: Bolgatty Palace and Gardens, and the nearby Mulavukad Beach.
Local Advice: For a regal experience paired with contemporary conveniences, choose a room at the historic Bolgatty Palace hotel. 
5. Kerala Folklore Museum: A Dive into Tradition
A must-visit for everyone interested in Keralan arts and culture is the Kerala Folklore Museum. This privately run museum features a vast array of traditional art forms, clothing, and antiques from all throughout Kerala. 
Must-Visit Sites: The museum itself, each of its three floors devoted to a different facet of Keralan culture. 
Local Tip: Take in a peek of Kerala's rich creative traditions by attending the museum's nighttime cultural events. 
6. Vypin Island and Cherai Beach: Sun, Sand, and Serenity
One of Kochi's most well-known beaches, Cherai Beach, is located on Vypin Island, which is only a short ferry trip from the city center. Cherai Beach, which has soft waves and golden sands, is the ideal place to unwind by the sea. 
Must-Visit Sites: The Pallipuram Fort, the oldest European fort still standing in India, Munambam Beach, and Cherai Beach. 
Local Advice: If you want to escape the crowds and have a quiet beach experience, go to Cherai Beach early in the morning or late in the afternoon. 
Staycation in Kochi: Where to Stay
A staycation in Kochi is a fantastic opportunity to explore the city at your own speed because there is so much to see and do. These are a few of the best staycation choices that blend convenience, elegance, and comfort: 
1. Taj Malabar Resort & Spa, Cochin
The Taj Malabar Resort & Spa, which is situated on Willingdon Island, provides opulent lodging with breathtaking views of Cochin Harbor. With its elegant mix of contemporary conveniences and vintage charm, the hotel is a great option for a restful stay. 
What to Expect: Tasteful accommodations, a revitalizing spa, an infinity pool, and several dining choices. 
Why Stay Here: The hotel's location offers a tranquil haven away from the bustle of the city as well as quick access to popular tourist destinations.
2. Grand Hyatt Kochi Bolgatty
A great option for those seeking a more modern experience is the Grand Hyatt Kochi Bolgatty. With views of the Vembanad Lake, world-class dining, and roomy accommodations, this contemporary luxury hotel has it all. 
What to Expect: Chic guestrooms and suites, an outdoor pool, a full-service spa, and a variety of eating options. 
Why Stay Here: The hotel is a great option for both families and couples because of its many amenities and gorgeous setting. 
3. Fragrant Nature Kochi
In the center of Fort Kochi stands the opulent boutique hotel Fragrant Nature Kochi. The hotel offers a fusion of contemporary luxury and historic charm, all housed in a beautifully restored 19th-century edifice. 
What to Expect: Fine cuisine, a spa, a rooftop pool, and luxuriously designed rooms.
Why Stay Here: Its ideal Fort Kochi location provides it a great starting point for seeing the city's historical attractions. 
4. Old Harbour Hotel
The Old Harbour Hotel in Fort Kochi is a great option if you want to spend time in a historically significant area. This historic hotel offers a distinctive fusion of contemporary amenities and colonial architecture. 
What to Expect: Cozy rooms with poolside furniture, a peaceful garden, and vintage furnishings. 
Why Stay Here: The hotel is ideal for a tranquil and cultural staycation because of its cozy atmosphere and close proximity to important attractions. 
5.  Luxury at Tribute Royale, Kochi
In the center of Kochi, Tribute Royale is a shining example of opulence and exquisite cuisine. Known as one of the best luxury hotels in kochi, this prestigious facility provides visitors with an amazing dining experience in addition to a memorable stay. The hotel's "Silver Spoon" restaurant is well-known for its extensive menu, which offers both Indian and foreign dishes, making it a refuge for foodies. Offering the most affordable buffet dinner rates of all the leading hotels in the city, Tribute Royale guarantees not only comfort and style but also a unique culinary experience in the energetic city of Kochi. 
The city of Kochi provides the ideal fusion of culture, history, and scenic beauty. Every traveler can find something to love in Kochi, whether it's strolling through its charming neighborhoods, taking in the lively waterfront, or just unwinding at a five-star hotel. Situated in the vibrant center of Kochi, Tribute Royale is a top option for families and business travelers looking for opulent lodging. Whether you're visiting Kochi for work or play, Tribute Royale guarantees a relaxing and enjoyable stay. When you take a staycation in Kochi, you may explore the city's top attractions at your own leisure. Thus, prepare to explore Kochi's numerous aspects, one of India's most alluring travel places, by packing your bags.
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docholligay · 5 years ago
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It always makes me laugh and roll my eyes that less than one percent of the Japanese population is Christian, but in any given anime there will always be at least one character who has prominent Christian #aesthetic. 
I have never seen this anime and don’t want to be spoiled! Please avoid anything like hinting, correcting, explaining, even if its cultural or otherwise!
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letsgethaunted · 2 years ago
Episode Eleven: The Lost Lighthouse Keepers of Eilean Mòr Photodump
Image 1: Map of the Flannan Isles in Scotland + Eilean Mor Image 2: (left) a photo of the Eilean Mor lighthouse in the early 1900s (right) Donald MacArthur, Thomas Marshall, James Ducat, and Superintendent Robert Muirhead Image 3: Modern photographs of the island, the lighthouse, & its surroundings Image 4: Modern photograph of the lighthouse in a storm Image 5: (left) search party paddling to shore (right) Joseph Moore Image 6: William Ross and his family Image 7: Newspaper clippings regarding the incident, 1900s Image 8: Photographs from inside the lighthouse, taken 1960s (interior has not changed) Image 9: Modern photograph of the first jetty docking point Image 10: The Vanishing with Gerard Butler, 2018
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oswincoleman · 5 months ago
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Jenna Coleman as Ember Manning in The Jetty episode 3!
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iloveseung-gi · 4 years ago
My sad farewell to the Goblin/Guardian: The Lonely and Great God:
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07/05/2021: The Goblin found the Grim Reaper and because of the memories of their new founded friendship he let the Grim Reaper go, although he used the excuse that the Grim Reaper couldn’t remember anything. Then the Grim Reaper was called before the auditors of the Afterlife who gave the Reaper a punishment and suspension because he gave memories back to a human. The punishment: to remember everything, including the 600 years in hell. And with the memories of all of the tragedies he had caused, the Grim Reaper was devastated.
Learning that the Goblin Bride was to die in a week and realizing that the only sword to kill the evil spirit was the one embedded in his chest, the Goblin came up with a plan. The Goblin took his bride to a rooftop and left her there while he searched for the evil spirit. After a confrontation with the Goblin, the spirit went to where the Goblin Bride was and began to attack her. She was able to call on the Goblin who came and rescued her. The evil spirit then entered into the Bride’s body and using her hands he grasps the sword, but the Grim Reaper suddenly shouted his name and he came out of her body. Still grasping the sword the Bride passed out and the Goblin grabbed her hands around the sword handle and pulled the sword out himself. He struck the evil spirit with the sword and the spirit was vanquished. The goblin fell to his knees. Waking up and realising what was happening the Goblin Bride held onto him, begging him not to leave. He told her, “I will come with the rain and with the first snow”, and after a very sad and tearful farewell the Goblin began to turn into ashes that floated away in the wind. And I cried with the bride! 😭😭😭 And everyone associated with the Goblin felt his passing and everything associated with him began to erase as if he’d never existed, especially their memories. The Bride was able to write down a few things before her memories disappeared.
07/06/2021: Just to back up for a second: the Bride could bring him to her when she blew out a fire, candle, match, even an app on her phone of a candle. And she uses it when frightened and for fun. That’s how they met. She was alone on the jetties with a cake on her 19th birthday when she wished for someone that would love her and blew out the candle… And he appeared.
Back to now: The Goblin chose not to erase his memories and then also chose to remain where he was, a netherland, between worlds. For 9 years he walked through freezing temperatures and knee-deep snow towards the woman he loved. She graduated from college and was working at a radio station. And when it rained and the first snow came, she would panic and with her heart hurting, she would lay in bed and cry and cry and cry, but not understanding why. She would read what she had written but she had no memory of it. For nine years she no longer saw ghosts. One day, while she was thinking of Kim Shin (the Goblin ‘s true name) and who he could be, she blew out a candle and he appeared. He ran to her and hugged her but she pushed back and asked, “who are you?” But he was happy, she was there in front of him and he was back home. He followed her and she continued to be wary of him and threatened to call the police. He even followed her to Canada where he had taken her several times and that’s where her memories came flooding back, she crying and screaming, “I’ve missed you!, I’ve missed you!” and he was there and he kissed her.
Being a Grim Reaper, his memories were not erased and, I think, because the Grim Reaper had kissed the General’s sister, she too had kept her memories. The sister decided to leave because she loved the Grim Reaper but couldn’t forgive him for what he had done.
Finally on the spur of the moment the Goblin and his bride were married. For a short while everything was perfect, but one day while driving her car she saw a large truck coming backwards down a hill towards a bus being filled with small children and she stopped between the truck and the children and the truck hit her and the children lived. She died and she told the devastated Goblin, “I will run there and I will run back as fast as I can” and the Goblin told her, “be it 10 years or 100 years I will be waiting for you” and she took the stairs to Heaven and I cried with the grieving and devastated Goblin.
30 years passed and finally with his punishment ending, the Grim Reaper received his last calling and it was Sunny, the General’s sister and the Grim Reaper’s only love. And together they climbed the stairs upward toward heaven. Years later the Goblin saw their reincarnations. The Grim Reaper was a detective hired as a consultant for a movie studio and Sunny was an actress for the same studio. So they found each other again.
Soon afterwards, while sitting at the grave site of the people he loved, a familiar voice called out to the Goblin and it was his bride, reincarnated…..the end!
P. S. The last 3 episodes are behind the scenes segments hosted by the a few of the main cast. The first 2 episodes were hosted by Sunny (Yoo In-Na) and the Grim Reaper (Lee Dong-Wook). The 3rd episode is hosted by Secretary Kim played by Kim Byung-Chul. There were some great behind the scenes shots, even scenes that were cut and never seen before.
This 3rd episode shows the meeting of the Goblin and his bride and the progression of their relationship. Secondly it showed the relationship of Sunny and the Grim Reaper. This series was so beautifully written and staged and I loved every second of it! Series 2 of the Goblin was mentioned, and I hope they do bring it… I will not miss it. (The scene that took my breath away was Kim Go-eun’s screaming cry of devastation as the Goblin dies and disintegrates. It was so realistic it reached my soul and I felt my heart being shredded. She is an absolute masterpiece!) The end.
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anotheruserwithnoname · 1 year ago
Sandman Blu-ray releases an unexpected surprise
It was a pleasant surprise yesterday to learn that the first season of The Sandman, which of course included that amazing episode featuring Jenna Coleman as Johanna Constantine, is going to be released on blu-ray in November (for those wanting digital, it comes out on Sept. 18).
For one thing, Sandman is a Netflix series and it appeared for a while that the streamer was no longer releasing physical permanent media of its shows (in the past you'd see things like Orange is the New Black and House of Cards turn up). This is good. At least here in North America we haven't had any Jenna productions on physical since Victoria Series 3 and The Cry. The Serpent, another Netflix series, got a DVD release in the UK owing to it airing on the BBC, but thus far no such release has happened over here. One can hope the release of Sandman might suggest a release of Serpent may eventually happen, though I doubt it.
Just like how it's unlikely we'll see a DVD or Blu-ray issue of Wilderness. In terms of Klokkenluider and Jackdaw, as they're films there's a better chance of getting a release, maybe under some specialty brand like Arrow. The Jetty, Jenna's new series (which was supposed to start filming last week), is being made for the BBC so there's a chance of at least the UK getting a physical release; if PBS airs it over here, so will we, but if it gets picked up by Netflix, who knows?
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wiff-waff · 4 years ago
I hate this fucking virus, I despise the way it has changed our lives forever. I acknowledge that if 70% of the population have the vaccine and we reach some level of herd immunity life may improve but the virus isn’t just going to magically disappear, it’s always gonna be out there, lurking.
MK is now in tier 3. In the last 10 days the R rate has doubled. It’s freaking me out man. On the plus side now the Peartree is closing the dirty dozen will once again be able to meet up in the car park, all socially distanced you understand.
I’m feeling needy, I yearn for self-validation, I want more followers. Share and share alike.
I’m also mega-pissed off. We drove to Braunston, capital of the canals and bought a new chimney for £60, put it on and it doesn’t bastard fit properly. It’s too tight, only sits half way down the flue. Today I’m gonna take a gentle hammer to it and see if I can carefully knock it into place. I shouldn’t have to do this, they’re a universal size, don’t they measure these things before they go off for sale. It’s just bloody rubbish.
David’s gone, to Eastbourne for 4 nights. It’s just Dad, Ben and a boat called Blancmange. Everything is tidy and in order, I don’t have to watch a single episode of Gimme, Gimme, Gimme or Ab Fab and if I wanna sit in Sally Silence I will.
I attended an impromptu pre-xmas party on jetty 1 earlier. 6 of the dirty dozen showed up and much merriment rang around the pontoon until I got cold and came home.
Feliz Navidad.
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recurring-polynya · 5 years ago
I mentioned recently that one of my 2020 New Year’s resolutions was to watch a kdrama, and it is In Progress. We have started watching Goblin aka Guardian: the Lonely and Great God. @gizkasparadise wanted updates, so I decided you’re all going on this journey along with me.
You can watch it for free on Viki Rakuten. We have a Roku, and we were just able to add it as a channel. It has commercials, and I think they are inserted automatically, just like in the middle of a scene or something, so that’s pretty annoying. At least when it comes back, it rewinds about 10 seconds so you can remember where you were. Oh, well, it’s free. There are 16 episodes and 3 specials, which range between an hour and an hour and a half.
Cut for S P O I L E R S
Episode 1
What has happened so far:
Kim Shin is a badass general who kills a million dudes with his sword, it is very cool. He gets home from this terrible battle and the king (who has an evil vizier whispering in his ear) accuses him of being a traitor, even though it’s obvious that he’s very loyal, and the king kills his family in front of him and then has him killed (the king is nice enough to let Kim Shin’s army bestie do it for him). We are presumably going to get more background why this all happened in the future flashbacks, I will be pissed otherwise. The people are really upset and pray a lot, and between that and the fact that Kim Shin killed just… so many people, he comes back as a goblin, a guardian spirit who wrecks assholes. Like the Incredible Hulk, he’s cursed to wander the earth until he meets his bride who will… pull his sword out of the ground? Pull the sword out of him? I was unclear on that part.
Time jump! Shin is wandering around town and he sees the Grim Reaper, Wang Yeo. I guess they are professional acquaintances or something. Shin immediately roasts Yeo’s hat.
A young pregnant woman is hit by a car, and prays for help, and Kim Shin takes time out of his busy pop-drinking schedule to go talk to her. He is moved by the fact that she wants her baby to live, and breaks his usual policy of not messing around with human life and death and saves her. After she gets taken to the hospital, Wang Yeo shows up and there are no souls to take and he’s like “wtf.” This is important later.
The baby grows up and can see ghosts. Her mom dies and Wang Yeo shows up and tries to take her as well, but the old grocery lady her mom was friends with pulls some bureaucracy on him and he leaves, pissed. (This show is hard to recap because so many tiny things happen that are important later!) The girl, whose name is Eun Tak, gets sent to live with relatives.
Time jump again! Eun Tak is now a teen! She doesn’t really have friends at school and ghosts pester her all the time. Her mean relatives are mean to her, so she goes out to eat her birthday cake alone on a jetty in the rain (BIG MOOD). She breaks her usual policy of not making wishes by making a birthday wish for a part-time job, a better life, and a boyfriend and accidentally… summons Kim Shin. He is like “wtf?” She is like “wtf?” She roasts him. He leaves.
I forgot! Kim Shin has this family of servants who take care of his house for him when he goes out to look for his bride. The grandfather of the family is getting too old, and has passed this responsibility to his trash grandson. Kim Shin gets home, and the grandson, Deok Hwa, is like, “oh, I didn’t know you were coming back so soon, I rented your house out” and OH NO, he has rented the house to Wang Yeo. Shit, fam.
Some other stuff happens. Eun Tak figures out that she can summon Kim Shin by blowing out candles. She figures out that he is a Goblin (which he denies) and deducts that she might be a Goblin Bride on the basis that ghosts call her “Goblin Bride” all the time (he denies this, also). He is tired of her and walks out a door and goes to Canada. She follows him. She is so flabbergasted to be in Canada that she decides she is in love with him. END EPISODE 1.
Kim Shin has huge Christopher Lambert Highlander vibes. I don’t know if it’s his collection of 90’s sweaters (this came out in 2016!), or just his general demeanor. He was super hot back when he was a general, but I am less impressed with him in the present, he’s kind of a dick. His floppy hair is so good, tho.
I love Wang Yeo, the Grim Reaper, so, so much. (Polynya, no one could have predicted this. No one.) I love his terrible hat. Seriously, it’s real bad. I love his horrible bedside manner. I love that he makes tea for dead people. I don’t think you’re supposed to love him. I love him.
I have been having a lot of ghost mom feelings lately (y’know thinking about dying and protecting your children against supernatural forces, these are normal feelings that everyone has, don’t at me), and I loved Ghost Mom. She was really cute and the old grocery lady was unnecessarily mean to her and it sucked that she got hit by a car twice. I assumed that it’s because she was supposed to die that way the first time, and it was just her fate catching up with her, but lady, learn to look both ways, seriously. I am guessing we are not going to see much more of her and I’m sad about that.
It’s like they really wanted Sarah McLachlan to do the soundtrack and she was busy or something. They even went to Canada at the end, I assumed that was why.
The roasts in this show are next level. “A teen drags mystical beings” is my favorite genre of fiction, and this is just ::chef’s kiss::, but the Kim Shin / Wang Yeo roommates sitch is obviously also going to be off the chain. Also, old magical grocery lady was brutal.
Eun Tak is a Perfect Teen. She cannot be reasoned with. She is absolutely feral. I am declaring her my precious daughter. Kim Shin is in so much trouble.
I read a lot of stories about immortal beings, and I wonder, often, if an immortal being would even be interested in a teen. Even without the legal ramifications, the very idea of dating a teen makes me so, so tired. Imagine being 400 years old, and falling in love with someone who constantly tries to explain TikTok to you. I guess maybe the idea is that they are so tired of existence that it’s refreshing to meet someone who doesn’t even know who Paul McCartney is.
Watching this show made me realize that “member of a clan of mortals who support an immortal being over many generations” is the ideal career path for me. I would be so good at setting up fake identities and maintaining different houses and knowing a bunch of lore and wearing cloaks. If you are an immortal being who is unhappy with your current family line of servants, feel free to slide into my DMs. I even have a son already who would also be aces at this. (no vampires, pls)
My darling spouse seemed kind of skeptical about the whole kdrama thing and I was worried I was going to have to watch this by myself, but he just wandered in and moaned, “I’m not sure I want to wait a whole week to watch another episode of Goblin…” so this experiment is going pretty good so far.
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