#the internet is great but come on guys. internet safety
esteebarnes94 · 2 days
I am very aware and adamant that Gen Alpha is going to grow up knowing good things about computers (not necessarily computer science, but the basic precautions and stuff), but I have to admit in the past I have seen some concerning things with internet safety. This is more Gen Z but damn, for a select group of people I do worry.
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wormboytrav · 4 months
pov: you're on tumblr in the death note universe
💟kira-kira4652 Follow May 24, 2007
friendly reminder that if you support L you're not welcome on this blog <3 i hope you know you're gonna get what's coming for you eventually
👨‍💻touchmyevilghost-deactivated387421 Follow May 30, 2007
kira supporters continue to make no sense lmao, you do know he kills people that think like this right
🏩xxgod-of-furyxx Follow June 3, 2007
Lord Kira will judge you. Real name is Joel Derm, link to face here.
👨‍💻touchmyevilghost-deactivated387421 Follow June 4, 2007
the hypocrisy of doxxing someone to kira while keeping their own face off their blog will never not be funny to me
#tw kira
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🌁los-angeles-reaper Follow Apr 14, 2007
gonna be liveblogging the new wara ningyo murder doc on netflix guys, keep an eye out! i'm so excited, they got the aesthetic spot on!!! ^-^
🚍muffinstory Follow Apr 14, 2007
gross. anyway you can donate to the family of the victims here, here, and here
🌁los-angeles-reaper Follow Apr 15, 2007
okay wow, god forbid i have comfort media. if you're going to stalk the tag to spam that shit you might as well block it. i'm literally neurodivergent and a minor too imagine being a grown adult arguing with a child on the internet.
#true crime discourse #wara ningyo murders #straw doll documentary
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🎁milkpuzzle Follow July 8, 2007
why generation 1 had the best bionicles, an analysis
Read More
🎫chocolate-marsh-m Follow July 8, 2007
🎁milkpuzzle Follow July 8, 2007
you can leave if you're not having fun, mello
🎫chocolate-marsh-m Follow July 8, 2007
fuck you i hope you get run over by a bus
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🎰tsukigod Follow May 2, 2007
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Desk Setup Inspo
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#clean aesthetic #stationary #follow for organizing tips
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👔wirewerewolf Follow Apr 5, 2007
oh my god i'm just trying to go to my sister's college entrance ceremony in peace and these two dudes in the front row will not shut the fuck up i hate it here
👔wirewerewolf Follow Apr 5, 2007
update: one of them is barefoot (?????)
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🎩official-l Follow Sep 26, 2007
Due to an overwhelming amount of spam, asks have been temporarily disabled. Updates to follow.
🎹 gaming-matto Follow Sep 27, 2007
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visual representation of your ask box once i'm done with it
🎩official-l Follow Sep 28, 2007
What does this mean
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🔋littlevanishworld Follow July 8, 2007
okay but does anyone else think L and kira are the same guy
🔋littlevanishworld Follow July 9, 2007
no hear me out on this, they appeared at the same time, which is pretty convenient. and despite L supposedly being a great detective i can find no evidence of cases he's solved in the past and he obviously hasn't solved this one yet. so he's either kira or he's stupid
🎫chocolate-marsh-m Follow July 9, 2007
bad take op
#you guys just dont understand him like i do #he's smarter than youll ever be
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🧇thebazoinka-deactivated28479912 Follow Oct 24, 2008
✨KIRA SAFETY SPELL: like to charge reblog to cast✨
🎍taro-matsui-here Follow Dec 2, 2008
Claimed! 🙌
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louthestarspeaker · 2 months
Okay but guys Brooklynn ABSOLUTELY knew how her death would affect the others.
I mean the nublar six know death. They know it intimately from both sides. For a month, Brooklynn thought she lost Ben, and realistically Haps's death would have affected her too. She knows what grief feels like. She's been on the other side of it too, her fathers thought she was dead for over half a year by the time she returned. She's seen exactly how her death would affect the people she loves.
And she still didn't come back. That's the choice she made. I feel like when you divorce her from that choice ("she didn't know how her death would affect her friends") you lose a great deal of the power and agency in her character, and in the narrative tbh.
Brooklynn is a bargainer, she has been since she was little, and it's not something she grew out of. She will take stock of a situation, and weigh things against each other, and give her energy and time to what she decides is most important. When we first met her, this was popularity, social media statistics. But these priorities began changing as she grew closer to others. The others' friendship, their feelings, their safety, she begins to take these things into account too. Like when she helped Sammy find out more about Mantah Corps.
Yes, at first, Brooklynn didn't know how to connect with people outside of the internet, or how to be a good friend. But she learned. Taking a snapshot of her in season one JWCC at the age of thirteen and applying it her as a 20 year old woman in Chaos Theory ignores the growth of her character.
ALL of that said, there is still something Brooklynn looked at, weighed it against her friends' grief and pain (and her own), and decided "this is worth more", and she didn't come back.
That makes Brooklynn sound like an awful person, but honestly taht's no at all what I'm getting at. My theory is that th thing she bargained for is her friends grief is their safety. By pretending to be dead she was protecting the others. If Brooklynn's secrets died with her, no point in going after them I also think it worked. After all, the Handler didn't go after others for six months, and that's because Ben kept digging into things.
ALSO also let's not forget that Brooklynn is literally the survivor of an attempted murder. By a corrupt branch the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT no less. I feel like that's something that gets swept under the rug a little? Maybe she's hiding out purely because her life is in very grave danger. Maybe deciding not to come back wasn't some great act of heroism and self-sacrifice as we would traditionally define it. Maybe she's just very scared of very real threats. Like what if it's not actually about anyone else, what if it's just about her? If it is, I think that's as good a reason as any of the others
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dontbesoweirdkira · 1 month
Hey! I've read some of your works and I gotta say I love your writing! I was wondering if you still write for Mafia?? I'd love some headcannons with Vito, Joe, Tommy, Sam and Paulie with a S/O who has ADHD? Or a sort of Hyperactivity? Thank you sm!!
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A/N: Aww thank you so much! Of course I don’t minddddd but I don’t have much to write about Joe at the moment.
Warnings: I do not have ADHD so please note that my knowledge comes from the internet. If anything is a bit off, please respectfully let me know and I will have no problem altering something for you. :) I don’t mind writing these things as long as this can be an understanding environment.
Requests: always open
He doesn’t really mind it much at all. Tommy puts up with Paulie all day, you’re a piece of cake in comparison.
He’s a more mellow and mature guy, he’s probably not going to be able to keep up with you as much but he loves you.
Tommy is great at redirecting you when you’re struggling to complete tasks or just forgetting about things.
He’d definitely leave behind small notes and reminders of things, and I can see him making time out of his day to check on you.
Actually just in general he’s great at helping you become more organized and productive throughout your day
Please—if you are a risk taker…stop😩 jk jk
But like this man is stressed out when you do dangerous things without any regard for your personal safety
Your excitedness is rather adorable to him, I can only see him becoming a bit frustrated if he is overwhelmed with things in his life. But he’s never viscous and will politely suggest you sit down with him.
Any hyperfixations you may have and want to rave about, go ahead. Actually he will sometimes surprise you with more of that item(s) when he comes home.I Imagine him sitting on the couch with a cigarette, watching you open up the gift from him. He’s so proud
Sometimes feels a bit bad when you’re super bored of everything. He doesn’t always have the energy or knowledge to keep you entertained and engaged.
If he finds you becoming increasingly more anxious or fidgety about things, he will try his best to comfort you.
“Look what I got you on my way home. You said that you love these things, right?”
AD-who? He doesn’t really understand it but he still loves you.
Doesn’t mind your hyperactiveness *that* much because he’s used to the younger guys on the job…but he has a bit less patience than Tommy.
Definitely a little more blunt when he’s getting a little annoyed with your behaviors but it’s not meant to shame you. It’s just Sam.
*panicks in public because he lost you in the busy city of Chicago*
If you take medication i can imagine him reminding you of it. If you dislike taking meds, he’ll try to make it bearable for you. Crushing up the pills for you and offering you a sweet kiss in exchange for your compliance.
He knows how much it sucks. Sam would gift you a very beautiful pill case so maybe you’ll be a bit more excited about the whole process.
Sam pretends he hates how much you talk about your hyperfixations but then turns around and tells the guys all about it.
Financial impulsiveness doesn’t bother him too much if it’s on some nack that’ll make you happy for a little while. But you should be mindful of making huge purchases and decisions without his guidance
If your AD-HD causes you to struggle with reading comprehension, complex subjects and other things, he’ll never belittle you. He might poke a little bit but ultimately, it’s sweet how vulnerable you are with him and how you go to him with help.
I don’t think he’s the best at handling mood swings or anxiety attacks but he will always offer his presence when available. He’s learned how to better engage in aggressive episodes and to try his best to de-escalate.
He usually will tell you stories about his funny adventures or just simply hold your hand while you’re anxious.
“Don’t worry about it, Doll. You can hold onto me if you need.”
Best boi ™️
In all seriousness I think he’s pretty great at handling things with you. He’s not judgmental of your behaviors in the slightest.
He lives to hear all about your interests and rants, it makes him so happy to see you this excited about something. He’s the most engaging with it too.
Even though he’s older, he likes to move around and is very young at heart. So if you struggle with sitting still, it’s okay so does he. Whatever you want to do, he’s down for.
Maybe not the best at handling the more productive things like time management but
Your impulsive behaviors aren’t too bad. it’s okay he makes plenty of these mistakes.. he’ll try his best to fix them with you. If you struggle with speaking over him/cutting him off a lot, he’ll probably let you know and remind you that he likes to finish his thoughts first.
If you have no sense of danger this man is keeping a close eye on you. why are you walking in the middle of the busy street like that and then saying it’s fine because you’ve never been hit before. Please—😭😭SAVE THIS POOR MAN
Depression and mood swings are all too familiar with him. While he completely understands, it does make him sad to hear that his baby is going through the same thing as him. He might worry that it’s because you’re not happy with him, but after explaining he will understand it better.
He’ll try his absolute best to cheer you up! He’s not above making a complete full out of himself to just make you smile.
He hates making you take medication so he’s so lax about it but if he sees a decline in your overall health, he’ll enforce it better.
“I know, it really sucks baby. But you have to take it, it’ll help with things a little bit. I promise you, I’ll make it up to you.”
You being hyperactive isn’t usually too bad but he might be a peeved at times. He isn’t very energetic despite his young age, he’s a tired guy. So he’s not always able to keep up with you
Vito likes to set aside specific times for your rants/raves. He prefers it if you don’t immediately bombard him with everything as soon as he walks through the door but after dinner he’ll sit down to listen or play with you. On weekends he’ll take scrolls with you or go out to fun places so you can get some of that energy out.
I like to think he carries around little trinkets in his pockets and pulls them out to give you something to fidget with if you’re becoming overwhelmed.
Vito is great at offering you a routine and structure throughout your daily life. One of the perks of being ex-military.
He’s also fairly good at talking you out of impulsive behaviors and dealing with any agitated feelings.
Very stern about you putting yourself in danger and is constantly reminding you to take care of yourself while he’s gone.
He takes care of financial matters and planning for you. He understands that you struggle with these things so he takes the reins.
I headcanon that Vito takes medication for his medical issues caused by his time serving. It’s something very private that he doesn’t discuss with anyone but when he sees you stressed over taking them, he now will take his medication with you. Just to make you feel better and it’s now become an intimate experience.
He also keeps you out of triggering environments and situations, he won’t take you to any events where you’ll have trouble sitting for long periods of time. Vito is never embarrassed by you so don’t worry about that, he just wants to prioritize your needs first. If anyone does say anything disparaging about your behaviors and excessive talking, they’ve made a date with death. He’s very protective over you.
“Don’t ever speak about her like that ever again. She can talk about whatever the hell she wants for however long that she wants. —and if you still got a problem about it, you’ll take it up with me outside.”
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kayjaydee17 · 1 year
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[ID: A Tumblr search for "anal". The screen shows an official notice from Tumblr that reads, "Hold your horses! These search results are likely to contain content which does not comply with Tumblr's Community Guidelines. To help keep everyone safe we're not displaying any content here." There is a 'Learn more' button.]
I hate this.
I hate the smarmy little "to help keep everyone safe", the implication that sex and sexuality are inherently unsafe. Being shielded from seeing people getting fucked in the ass does nothing in terms of actual safety and just reinforces the "sex = bad, unsafe, dirty" attitudes that are causing so much damage to a variety of communities. (Queer communities and sex workers are the first that spring to mind.)
"But Kay!" someone cries. "There might be minors using Tumblr! Surely they should be shielding from the great evils of ass fucking!"
Tumblr now has settings that you can turn on to not see sexual content. If people don't want to see sexual content, that setting is on by default; you have to dig around in your settings to turn it off.
Also... maybe this is controversial, but if someone is old enough to be on the internet unsupervised by their parents/guardians, then they're old enough to engage responsibly. The internet is not a playground, it is not inherently a child-friendly space. Fandom is not inherently a child-friendly space, Tumblr is not inherently a child-friendly space. If minors come into these spaces, they're responsible for their own experiences. (Also, c'mon, guys. Have you never met a teenager? Many of them, including myself when I was a teen, are actively seeking out sexual content. I don't want to hear from teenagers reading my smut, but I think it's foolish to act like teenagers are paragons of purity and not currently having their bodies and brains explode with hormones.)
It just seems to insidious to imply that lack of sexuality is inherently safe, that shoving sex to dark corners and pulling a sheet over it makes everything so much safer for everyone.
It doesn't. It makes sex secret and shameful, makes it harder to talk about, makes it harder to find information, makes it harder to discover things about yourself.
And it's not just images. A search for "erotica" receives the same result: Tumblr's smarmy little warning and absolutely nothing else.
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wooahaes · 10 months
snuggle hours
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pairing: non-idol!leader line x gn!reader
genre: fluff. platonic fic.
word count: 0.7k~
warnings: food mentions. reader n leader line are snowed into their cabin. slightly pouty cheol. platonic skinship between reader + cheol + soonyoung.
daisy's notes: sorry this ones short and not great :(
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Of all the people to get snowed in with, how the hell was it these three?
To paint the scene more thoroughly: you woke up a few hours ago to notice that Seungcheol’s bed was empty. After staring at the heavy blanket of snow outside of your cabin, you found him sitting near the fireplace, grumbling at his phone. He’d already called to get someone to come dig the snow out from in front of the door, since there was no way any of you could crawl out—and it was around the time he started citing safety violations that you began to tune out. Soonyoung emerged from his room with a yawn before throwing himself across the couch (and Seungcheol’s lap), and it was around that point that you realized Jihoon was sitting at the dinner table with his laptop.
“The others are probably off having fun,” he simply said, ignoring whatever rant Seungcheol was going on about trees being too close to this cabin. “We still have internet and snacks.” 
“We are not sitting around and watching movies!” Seungcheol pushed Soonyoung out of his lap long enough to stand up, arms crossed. “The sooner someone comes, the sooner we can meet up with the others.” 
“Jeonghan already knows we’re snowed in,” Soonyoung called out from the couch, stretching out further. “Everyone does. I told them to go ahead—”
“You what?” 
Oh boy. You stepped in, a hand resting on Seungcheol’s chest. “Are they supposed to give up plans just because we’re stuck?” 
His eyes met yours for a moment, the realization that he was being difficult (read: too anxious to think things through) hitting him. With a sigh, he shook his head, a hand resting over your own for a moment. “Sorry.” 
“It’s okay,” you said. “I don’t want to be stuck here, either. But there’s no point in them missing out on stuff just because we can’t make it.”
Jihoon looked up for a moment, before going back to his laptop. “I can hook it up if you guys want it.” 
Behind you, Soonyoung popped up. “Do you still have those bad Christmas movies? We could watch those.” 
“They’re not all bad.” 
You giggled, making your way toward the kitchen. “Some of them are awful, Jihoon.” 
He was smiling a little, voice slightly teasing, “You just don’t understand the art—”
All too quickly, Soonyoung’s arms wrapped around you as he leaned into you, giggling. “No, they’re bad. But they’re fun.” He turned, looking at Seungcheol, “Well?”
Seungcheol sighed. “Okay. Jihoon?”
“Give me a minute to save this spreadsheet,” he said. “Start getting the snacks. It won’t take me long to hook it up.” 
With Soonyoung hanging off of you, you looked to Seungcheol, who sighed and moved toward the two of you. You moved as much as you could with Soonyoung snuggling close to you, Seungcheol handling whatever you couldn’t—whether it be due to it being out of reach or simply because he was making the job easier, you couldn’t be completely sure. Soonyoung eventually drifted from you, parking himself on the couch as you and Seungcheol gathered everything and made your way back to the couch. Jihoon had hooked up his laptop quickly enough and was looking through the movies he’d downloaded onto his laptop.
“Some of these are Vernon’s,” Jihoon said, sitting cross-legged as he scrolled through them. “A lot of these are. And Seokmin’s. And Joshua’s—”
“You don’t have to defend the bad movies on your laptop,” Seungcheol said as he sat down, holding onto the bowl of popcorn as he got comfortable. “Just pick something that sounds decent.”
Seungcheol had already draped an arm around the back of the couch, his gaze meeting yours for a moment. You made your way over, settling in next to him as he pulled you a little closer—the same with Soonyoung the moment he snuggled in. To be honest, you couldn’t blame either of them: while the cabin still had power and some heating, you were feeling a little chillier than usual. The three of you watched as Jihoon loaded up a movie before making his way to Soonyoung, pulling a blanket over his shoulders as he settled in next to him. 
Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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taglist: @twancingyunhao @wonuziex @synthetickitsune @staranghae @porridgesblog @weird-bookworm @bangchansbae @laylasbunbunny
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lostelfwriting · 2 years
Runaway prince Morpheus
But make it modern era
You know how your grandma sometimes gets those spammy, scammy, scummy emails from an “african prince” who is trying to escape the corrupt regime and needs to deposit his wealth into your bank account?
Technophobe Hob who has no idea what spam mail or a scam is.
Btw this is 100 % crack fiction.
History teacher Hob who only got a phone eight yers ago. His students taught him how to use an email when they grew bored of handing in everything through mail or pigeon (seriously, man, mailing your essays???) during covid. So he’s had a small laptop and only used it to access his email for a few years. But then someone reccomends him a couple websites, and what do you mean I don’t need to wait for the new journal to get pronted and mail?! I can read it on the internet a week before it reaches me?!
So, Hob finally starts exploring the internet. But oops, nobody taught him internet safety. The first couple spam emials that he gets are suspicious attractive women that for some reason are interested in him. He brushes it off, kindly turns each of the bots down. Then he starts winning phones. He turns those down too, he is quite happy with his “brick”, as his students call it.
Then he gets an email from a runaway prince from a country that he’s sure doesn’t have a monarchy anymore. He replies with great suspicion. “Morpheus” (Greek name but that guy claims to come from the North and he’s pale as paper) responds with a damn essay that uncovers a huge conspiracy behind his country’s government, and the conclusion is that there still is monarchy that matters but some people don’t aggree with it and want true democracy, including him, so that puts target on his back both from the inside (government) and outside (people who want true democracy and only see him as yet another symptom of the problem). He’s not safe in the country.
Hob, sunshine that he is, offers to help. Sends Morpheus all the info that he asks for, his bank account info, credit card info, his address. He sends Morpheus a lot of money that the prince needs to pay some fees, but he promises he’ll return it.
For three weeks, nothing happens. Hob scours the internet for news of some Nordic prince mysteriously dying or disappearing, but there is nothing. No signs of a huge government conspiracy either, but then it wouldn’t be a conspiracy. Finally, he asks some of his students who are better with technology if they can help him find a person he’s been talking to. He explains how they met. The students gently inform him that he’s been scammed and tell him how to report it.
Hob feels pretty dumb and decides to return to technology-free life. Says goodbye to the moeny that he’ll never see again, if his students are right.
Then one day, a knock on his door in the middle of the night. He opens, because the person sounds quite frantic and Hob will never learn, and the person pushes past him into his apartment and slams the door. And wouldn’t you know it, the man looks exactly like Morpheus from those emails. He looks haunted and pretty beat up, but he’s real.
Hob gets pulled into a complicated web of conspiracies as he helps the prince take the government apart from far away. His apartment turns into a secret hacker den as Morpheus buys more and more computers and... computer things... and apparently, he’s insisting that he can hack the government apart. Morpheus spends day and night slowing down his alleged pursuers and publicising dirt that he has on his own country, and one day, Hob actually sees on the news that several of the country’s politicians end up arrested. His students share memes about the situation with him to cheer him up, thinking he’s still bummed out about the money (that Morpheus has returned tenfold) but in reality he’s freaking out because that proves that this is real.
There are definitely some action scenes. Someone trailing Hob as he’s leaving work, and he leads them into a dark alley and beats them up Greco-Roman wrestling style, because he really enjoyed that hobby at school and he was damn good and nobody ever expects it of him.
Eventually, the whole country is in riot and the current government has to flee and people take over, and some of them demand Morpheus takes over, since he obviously care about democracy, but Morpheus is like nah, I’m comfy here, no thank you. Some feelings have developed between Hob and Morpheus during the few months they spend together with Hob practically force-feeding worcaholic Morpheus and supplying him with a gallon of coffee every day, and Morpheus making sure Hob is alright with being a small but significant part of the greatest scandal in modern history.
And bed-sharing! There is bed-sharing!
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harlowtales · 1 year
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Reader finds out she is pregnant and doesn’t want to stay hidden in Jack’s life. She gives him an ultimatum.
18+ Drama and Adult Themes/Sweet🤱🏽🤰🏽👶🏼
The news that you were pregnant had Jack over the moon, but he could tell it wasn’t what you wanted at this time “Its not the greatest timing but we’ll make it work.” He said as you were having a tense conversation about keeping it or not. You were holding the test wondering what to do.
“Look I’m not ready” you said. “It’s still early in the game. Why don’t we just take care of this quietly, and we can move on” you were always better at being pragmatic than he was.
“What the fuck are you telling me? What does take care of it quietly mean?” He felt anger starting to bubble up and wanted to remember the state you were in. He couldn’t imagine his mother finding out she almost had a grandchild. Plus he loved you. “Early in the game? This is not a game” he said pulling you close and rubbing your belly. “This is my daughter” he said lovingly.
“Whoah. How do know that?” You said pulling away a bit. “I’m not sure this is what I want Jack.” You saw Jack’s face change. You knew he was so confused and you were concerned he would blame you for derailing his career. White Men Can’t Jump was such a big hit that now he was getting offers left and right. Plus you had your own business going. A child was not in your plans. But it was Jack’s baby making this extra hard because you loved him so much.
“You would be a great mom” he said trying to reason with you. “You’re smart, we make enough money…”
“We don’t even live together Jack. We tried that remember? You said bitterly
“That’s because it became a frat house and the guys don’t even spend much time there anymore. With a baby around they would respect that.” He said “If we do this you have to move back in.” He insisted “Look at me please?” He tilted your chin up with his hand and looked into your eyes. You started tearing up. “What is it?” He pleaded “What can I do to change your mind?”
“Stop flirting for starters and we go public” You said decisively. You looked at him bracing for his protest as it was a constant issue. The way Jack acted everyone on the internet thought he was single and he never talked about you to the press. He sat there for a bit. What you were proposing was a total commitment. You had to play hardball. Jack had a history of being evasive. You didn’t want to hold a gun to his head, but you weren’t going to stay hidden as the mother of his child.
“Hardball huh?.” He said. “ It’s fair, but that means you cut all ties with old boy. No running to him if we hit a rough patch.” Jack countered. You sat there contemplating what to say. Guys never get completely rid of their options. If Jack thought you were falling for that he had another thing coming.
“Ok, lose the problem 3’s numbers. Unfollow them. Even you know who.” You shot back. He knew who the problem 3 were. If you were left without a safety net, he had to do the same. You weren’t worried about randoms, but these 3 girls had staying power causing problems in the past. You and one of them had come to a brief understanding but the other two were huge bitches always trying shit.
“Ok. Deal.” He said much easier than you thought.
“Ok?” You said surprised. “That was too easy” you thought suspiciously.
“To have my family together? My own family? Fuck them.” He said decidedly “They’re nothing but a headache anyway.”
You had prepared for more of a fight and didn’t know what to say. Jack saw how thrown off you were. And smirked a little feeling a sense of victory. “So….” He said pulling you back and unfolding your arms. You melted as you always did when he said sorry or saw something your way. “Soooo?” He asked planting a kiss on you. “Are you making me a father or not?”
You hesitated to answer. Your concerns were real, but you could tell he really wanted this. Jack was a family man and a determined man. He he was close to his family. You weren’t with yours. His family became yours. They took you in and always made you feel welcome. Lately you had even had some heart to hearts with his mom. She said she knew how Jack could get and said she would talk to him and set him straight. It really helped and Jack had been making more of an effort ever since. “My mom told me to get my shit together.” He said “I get it now and I want to be there for you… and our daughter.” He promised.
This had you in full in tears. He held you close now until you stopped sobbing. “I know you’re scared. You didn’t have a family, but I am not going to abandon you or our child. My mom would kill me!” He joked trying to lighten the mood as he always did. Jack couldn’t stand tension. He wiped the tears streaming down your face. “Are you wearing the makeup from your brand baby?” He asked
Jack was random but this was really random. “Uummm yeah” you said through your sniffles “Why?”
“Because none of your mascara is running with you crying! I can endorse this product. Unfortunately I have put it to the test.” He said giggling.
His blue eyes twinkled and dimples flashed beneath his beard that was a perfect combination of being scruffy yet manicured. He had you in the palm of his hand and you hated it. It was then you knew that you wanted with all your soul to see his baby with those eyes and that dimple that you would share. This was a whole life with him. “Jack” you finally said having calmed down.
“Yes baby?” He said
“Ok.” You said
“Ok!?” He said excitedly
“Yeah.” You said “Ok, let’s do this!”
“Holy fuck! I’m a dad?” He said looking at you with all the hope he ever had
“Yes. You’re a dad.” You said smiling rubbing your tummy with the pregnancy test still in your hands.
“Fuck yeah!!!!” He exclaimed loudly flinging you around “Oh shit sorry baby.” He said carefully putting you down. “I’m calling my mom, and Urban, and Clay.”
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charlesoberonn · 2 years
You’re all dressed up, ready for your interview. You’re a little nervous, you’re not going to lie. The massive skyscraper where this job is located didn’t help things either. You had to strain your neck to see its top from the ground.
“The 55th floor.” the receptionist says in a monotone voice. That’s a lot of floors.
The elevator arrives quickly at least. Efficient. It’s one of those elevators where every wall is a door. It’s a little more cramped than you expected for such a fancy building, but it’s roomy enough.
The lack of proper walls means a lack of mirrors for you to check how you look, so you pull your phone out and use the selfie camera. You look fine, you hope. This interview is critical. It can be the difference between a prosperous new position or many more weeks or months of tiring job searching. And you’re running low on funds, especially with how high the rent is.
The way up is a lot slower than down. Your nerves are gone but now you’re bored. You pull out your phone. No signal, no internet. Not even wi-fi. So much for high tech.
This building is very tall. What floor are you even on? There’s no digital sign. And you can’t guess the elevator’s speed. You really shouldn’t care about stuff like this right now. Longer ride means more time to prepare your pitch. You get nervous again. And then you get nervous with how you’re nervous again. And then you’re nervous, and more than a little frustrated, that the elevator is taking so long.
It stops. Fucking finally! The stop is a little... clunky, to your tastes. You hope it isn’t broken. The last thing you need right now is to be stuck in an elevator. Say, were the lights in this elevator always so dim? You look at your face in the selfie camera again. No, it’s definitely darker. Also you look terrible now. Your hair is all sweaty and skin reddening. Fucking great.
Hopefully it’s just mood lightning or something and not an emergency. You always thought emergency lights were supposed to be red and bright, not dimmer. Not that you need to be redder than you already are, it’s so stuffy. Why is the door not opening?
It opens, a nice breeze hits your face. On the other side is another elevator.
Fucking fantastic, you’re not even the whole way up. You heard about buildings so tall they need more than one elevator. Something about the weight of the cable or safety standards. You didn’t think this one was that tall, though.
You walk over to the new elevator. It’s identical, though maybe a little cleaner. A lot less stuffy too. And at least the lights are working. You take a deep breath and relax. Everything is fine. You’re overthinking things. You’re qualified. You’re well-prepared. And you don’t look that bad anyhow. At least this time the elevator journey is only a couple seconds. You face back ready to step out. But then the door to your right opens.
It’s another elevator.
You panic. You press the “open door” button repeatedly, on all four doors. The other three doors open into three more identical elevators.
You press the panic button. Now the lights turn red. A weak alarm blares, but it sounds like it’s coming from far away.
“Do you mind?” you jump as you hear a voice from the elevator behind you. You’re so turned around you can’t remember which one it was.
You peek slowly and carefully around the doorway into the new elevator. There’s a guy there, sitting in his underwear on what looks like a crumpled suit as a makeshift throw rug. He has a five-o’clock shadow.
“I’m sorry...” you say instinctively. There’s no way this is happening.
“It’s okay. Can you close the door? This isn’t my floor.”
“S-sure.” you say. You click the “close door” button. The door closes with an annoying whistle and you hear the faint sound of an elevator going down. Or is it up?
You sit down alone in the red light and the alarm. It’s getting stuffy again.
You might be going mad.
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streaminn · 1 year
yooooo that childhood online friends au sounds so GOOD
what happened to Enid? why did she not log in for years? and what did Wednesday do in that time period? just do whatever else in jericho online except Crackstone's crypt bc she wants to do it w Enid? does Enid ever come back online, what's her reaction to all the messages? do they ever meet irl? how does Wednesday react when Enid comes back?? also how is this a streamer au? does Wednesday stream playing the game, in hopes of Enid coming across a stream and reaching out again?? I need to know more this has captivated me
which is good, practice internet safety but damn does it has Wednesday throwing her pillow off her window in frustration
anyways, Enid deadass couldn't bring the pc during the trip and Jericho online is a heavy game with all those additions so she was stuck with a cheap laptop for school when the moving finished
so even if she tried to download it, she couldn't. Not to mention that other life stuff interfered with her gaming wants
Anyways the present time in the childhood online friends au is when they're like 20-21!
Enid here is training to be a detective of some sort because willa inspired her and so she's been working in criminal and such things because it reminds her of her childhood friend
She's in college studying criminology and Wednesday is begrudgingly a really good esports player for Jericho online with Yoko, bianca and others.
Enid usually partners with Eugene during assignments bc the lil guy is really good with piecing together crime scenes. They're great friends!
but here's the thing, he plays Jericho Online :) and during a rare time where they can relax, he invites her to play with him in a random internet cafe
safe to say, Wednesday was streaming when Enid logs in and the notif pops right into her screen as she was playing.
"Your Wife {My Significant Bother, Sinclair} has logged in!"
Chat explodes like usual:
that's so wednesday coded why am i surprised 😭
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artemiesya · 11 months
I know this is sudden and off secret shanghai universe but im currently reading a curse for true love (ebook ver since there is a lot of spoiler going on internet so i have to finish this asap)
But lemme tell you something about a guy named Jacks, who really had stolen my heart from the very first time he had been introduced by Stephanie Garber
A Curse For True Love Spoiler - i just read up to chapter 26 so my comment might be wrong
We always talk about how Evangeline being hopeless romantic but can we also agree that Jacks’s way of love is really something? Like he is a monster, he do questionable things, but when it comes to love, he was willing to do anything to get it?
His first love - the Fox, he is willingly to fight against the Archer’s curse because he didnt want to hurt her and guess what?? HE DID IT! Like he did it, not even Apollo, who claimed his love for Evangeline, could overcome such curse and even Luc couldnt fight against the love potion that Marisol gave to him while claiming he loves Evangeline… but Jacks? HE DID FOUGHT THE ARCHER’S CURSE! Like he did it! Because his love is so great that he manage to do it, its just a shame that the first Fox died because of his curse.
And now look at what he is doing for Evangeline 😭 he is willingly to let her go just because he didnt want to risk losing her forever again if by being together will the end of Evangeline… He’s been doing that since tbona, the only reason why he left Evangeline before Chaos picked her up is because he didnt want to cause Evangeline’s death if they end up together and its not even about Donatella… he just love her and he will sacrifice his everything even though he has nothing left except for Evangeline…
And when Evangeline lost her memories, he was just so determined to left her with Apollo just so that Evangeline could be happy because if she is a Princess, then she can gain anything she want and her safety is secured 😭 He. Sacrified. His. Own. Happiness. For. Her. Only for her.
And the thought that he keep on carrying Evangeline’s letter and read it again and again just because he missed the old her- omg my heart is breaking for him
Ive always pitied him especially after learning his past in tbona and now Stephanie is breaking my heart in pieces by showing how vulnerable Jacks is- like he already lose everything. Everything.
You cant say he still has Chaos or his power bla bla the point is, he is already damaged and broken the moment he lost his friends and causing the death of the Fox and now he is willing to sacrifice his chance with Evangeline just so that Evangeline could be safe-
There are so many things i wanna talk about Jacks and but i have to stop here or otherwise it would be a endless talk 😭
Anyway i get why he is called the Prince of Hearts because he went beyond of it when it comes to love 🫶🏻
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Ppl who can't just enjoy an evil character, and think it's a moral failing if anyone else likes that character are exhausting, and I'm pretty sure slept through any lesson about literary understanding.
Yeah. I mean, it's fine not to enjoy evil characters, or any kind of character, for any reason! But... Yeah, while I don't love that trend of groups accusing each other of lacking media literacy because I feel like it often obscures the core disagreement and any difference of perspective people may bring to the table while both having genuinely interesting points to bring up, it does become pretty exhausting to be morally scrutinized about extremely tame opinions about extremely tame characters.
To me, liking Ganondorf is like... barely above liking Bowser in terms of moral despicability? Not to equate the two at all, as they are very different beasts, but we are talking about a videogame villain made to vaguely scare off children/give them a thrill about feeling like a hero. At the end of the day, this is the purpose Ganondorf serves in the story: being the fairytale evil king that you can defeat and still feel good about yourself (then Wind Waker arrived etc etc but even then, he served that purpose and extremely well even in Wind Waker).
But I don't want to underplay the weight of what I'm generally saying on this blog either and I don't want to hide behind "lol it's just a game for children" when it's an argument I hate to see deployed to undermine other people's feelings about the series. I do come at this character with loaded language and pretty heavy terms, and I'm not sure I would have gotten this kind of hostility if I had just twirled my hair like the rest of the (much more reasonable and less invested) internet, and kept some terms I have used (justifyingly so imho) out of my virtual mouth. It can provoke. It's meant to. I understand these feelings can take some strange shapes when they lash out undigested.
Okay, sure. You want me to acknowledge the evil bad guy is evil? Okay! Let's do it, right now. Ganondorf commits atrocities. He does weirdly specific and horrible things to the gorons. He kills people and he kills half-gods. He is tyrannical. He is a conqueror and a warlord. He is a thief. He is self-obsessed and entitled. He beats up kids. He practices necromancy. He terrorizes his followers. He lies and manipulates. If you look closely he is even associated with, like.... the devil....? like maybe there's even "demon" somewhere in his title card?
Okay. Very bad. Evil. Horrible nasty man. Weird eyebrows. Arguably weird name. One star. Blocked and reported.
...now what?
Like, what do we do from this point on? What did we learn? What did we ponder upon? What touched us, or moved us, or made us see the world in a slightly new light? Are we reassured? Do we sleep any easier at night?
I know it doesn't always have to be the point of art, to question everything constantly. You can go to art for reassurance and simplicity and easy, comforting thrills --and Zelda is great at doing this as a series, it's a huge part of why I love it. It feels safe, and that's such a nice thing to rely upon! And you can stop there!!! It's allowed!!!!!!
But if you go out of your way to shame people investing and questioning this piece of fiction they love in their own way because it threatens your moral safety and the simplicity of your relationship to that media (and/or the world at large)? That becomes a you problem my (gender neutral) guy, and by that I mean: you becoming a problem for others to deal with, regardless of Circumstances.
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radio-writes · 6 months
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Hellish day, you darling sinners!
After internally struggling with wanting to answer asks, while also not wanting to spam your dashes, I've decided to just compile some of them into one ridiculously long post.
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Oh, stop peeking into my WIPs folder anon. You wouldn't want to spoil yourself now—that's my job!
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None at the moment. But I am starting to see the allure of another Hazbin Hotel man, so maybe I'll be considering it in the future.
Unfortunately, it is not Vox. Sorry, anon.
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I hid your identity for your own safety because the internet can be such a weird place.
I actually like the little guy too, and I fear I'm far too old for cringe culture. But not liking something is also valid, don't worry about it!
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I am really sorry if I skip over your comments or asks, I promise it's nothing personal! I likely just did not see it or forgot to reply entirely!
Or I simply do not know how to respond to it
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I don't have any plans for writing for ships, really.
But I do like a few!
Huskerdusk makes my heart go soft and it's really a comfort ship for me.
Radioapple is weird, in a way that I absolutely do not want them romantically or sexually involved ever, but I do love their enemies to pettier enemies dynamic. Soulmates in a "one was made to piss off the other" kind of way.
Radiosilence I absolutely adore. And honestly if it isn't canon I think I—and a great deal of the fandom—would genuinely be shocked.
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Oh, you're not wrong at all, anon! I did love it!
I searched it up shortly after musical divorce anon sent the song in. I've had Hermes' song on repeat for a while now actually!
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The funny part is, I do!
Sometimes my tired brain just doesn't catch all mistakes still.
But be rude to me again, anon, and I'll proof read you
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Why, hello there! Are you new to the internet, dear fellow? Just kidding, of course!
Jokes aside, dear anon. I'm just more used to darker themes when it comes to writing. The plot just flows easier for me.
Not the same with fluff. When I think of fluffy scenarios, all that comes out is screaming and cuteness aggression.
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I'm just going to run with this as a compliment from now on.
Thank you, lovely anon!
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I do, actually! But I cannot draw to save my life so she'll just remain in my head I suppose.
I named her Venison because I want the Alastor to eat me.
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Ending with these two lovely messages.
Truth be told, I, being bi and a little hyper sexual, didn't really intend to write the smut pieces with Alastor's canon sexuality in mind.
I really just wrote how I thought Al would be like during those scenes, but I am very glad that it translated to such a way anyway!
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Thank you all so much for your support so far! I hope I can continue to provide wonderful entertainment for all your depraved little hearts.
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bonesandthebees · 7 months
Internship is certainly going. I want to say going okay… I could be doing better but I kinda got unlucky with my internship spot and workload. This would be much easier to explain if I could just say what kinda of internship it is, but that kinda feels like too much details both for my current degree and the job I’ll be doing after. (Internet safety and all that). Anyway, what I can say is that anyone in the field irl pulls a face when they hear about my internship. The workload feels impossible, but somehow I’m doing it and I’m about half way through so *aggressively knocks on wood* it should be fine.
I do have a different internship in like a month or so and some other projects but those feel like child’s play compared to the current hell incarnate. So moral of the story: sometimes you just get to have a few mental breakdowns, pick yourself back up and go again the next day (again and again and again and again). It’s like that quote: [“It gets a little bit easier every day, but you have to keep doing it.”] or what’s the other one? [the only way out is through]. And then take plenty of breaks and do fun things even if it feels like you don’t have the time because that’s the only thing that’ll keep you going. The world is always more manageable after a good meal or a power nam or a 15 minute music break.
I’ve been blasting a lot of music based on moods, getting back into Dutch music because girl, I need to learn how to spell properly and every internship I have a song that gets me through. This one it’s ‘secret for the mad’ by Dodie. I’ve had to loop it over and over to get the motivation to try at times, to really let the words sink in, but it helps. So find a song to get you through when you need it.
Lastly, I’ve been meaning to say something about Him, but I just haven’t had the time and energy to write something coherent (aka I’m not using my 30 minutes of evening downtime that are just for me for this negative energy). Best thing is can say is that this is a good opportunity to get into new creators. Just have fun with it (hermitcraft season 10 has been getting be through this). Listen to new music. Try new things to fill the void. I’ve pruned all my playlists and social media follows and such and it felt like a fresh start. (Oh and learned your red flags people. People who don’t respect your boundaries (no matter how small) can be(come) very dangerous.)
My only issue now is that I can play since I saw Vienna and La Jolla on guitar (the picking patterns always smooth me), but now I’m not sure if I can keep doing that. I haven’t tried playing them. I feel like I should look at the lyrics first then decide. But I haven’t found any picking songs with the same soothing vibe, so I’ve been playing a bunch of my classical pieces and I really like playing the ‘romantic’ ones and for some reason the polkas and the blues? So again filling the void.
Anyway, thanks for all the well wishes. I’ve been missing you guys. This has been chaotic life updates with Spruce. I really need to start being productive now. So, bye!
yeah of course don't say any details that would reveal too much info about you, but man that sounds stressful :( at least you'll switch to something else in a month?? I'm so sorry you're stuck in hell rn I hope you get through it alright!! make sure to take it easy when you can!! you're so right the world is so much easier to deal with after a power nap or a snack
oooo I haven't heard secret for the mad in a long time but I used to listen to dodie from time to time. I used to think of such angsty scenarios with my ships while listening to 'sick of losing soulmates'
also it's so real to have a song to help you get through shit like that. I'd say rn for me one of those songs is all american bitch by olivia rodrigo because I just have a lot of fun screaming it in the car. tested waters by loupe is a calmer one I've been listening to on repeat lately
you're right this is a great opportunity to get into new creators. I was already drifting to watching qsmp creators more often besides just phil and tubbo, but now I've been trying to tune into bagi and tina's streams if I have the time
definitely look at the lyrics first, but I feel like out of most of the ycgma songs since I saw vienna and la jolla are two of the 'safest' options you could pick for something like that. at least compared to your sister was right and losing face...
la jolla and since i saw vienna are both such pretty songs though. there's nothing wrong with playing those on your own guitar I'd say? it's not giving any money to him. but of course it's up to your own personal comfort.
good luck spruce!!! ty for checking in we all miss you over here!! <33
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galraluver · 1 year
This fic is the fifth and final part of this post
During an archeological trip in Egypt a young woman named (Y/n) (L/n) was getting herself ready for the day in her tent; the group she was with was there to study hieroglyphics in the pyramids which she enjoyed quite a bit. She'd studied ancient Egyptian culture in college and actually getting to see hieroglyphics was a dream come true for her. There wasn't much to do near the site that day since the rest of her crew went to the nearest town to get food and supplies, meaning she would finally have some alone time for a while because she was put in charge of keeping an eye on everything. One camel had been left behind in case something happened, that way she could go get help or escape. After feeding the camel and giving her some water (Y/n) planned on watching some episodes of Voltron Legendary Defender she'd downloaded, it was her guilty pleasure.
Her ultimate favorite character in the series was Gyrgan, the original yellow paladin; he seemed like a great guy and he had a sense of humor, if (Y/n) could meet a man like him then she'd definitely consider marrying said man. Being out on an archeological trip didn't really give her time for dating, not that it would do any good since hardly anyone showed any real interest in her. (Y/n) made sure to put plenty of sunscreen on before she went outside, not wanting to risk catching skin cancer from being out in the heat for too long. She fed the camel who was waiting in a temporary stable, gave her water and spent time with her since she enjoyed receiving affection. After spending time with the camel (Y/n) went back to her tent and turned her phone on, quickly navigating to her downloaded videos so she could watch the episodes of Voltron since there wasn't an internet signal.
She was on season eight, the final season and there were a couple of episodes that included Gyrgan; she thought the series would have been better if he had more screen time, unfortunately he didn't and finding fanfics where Gyrgan was the main character were rare. About halfway through the second episode of season eight (Y/n) noticed how the wind outside seemed to be picking up, if a sandstorm was coming then she would take the proper precautions and get to safety. A crack of what she thought was lightning seemingly above her tent startled (Y/n), it wasn't often lightning storms showed up out of the blue like the one outside did. It wasn't a storm, though; what was going on outside was a phenomenon that never happened in the real world because there was another factor at play. (Y/n) tried not to worry too much when the wind blew faster outside or when the lightning continued to crack loudly in the sky, she'd definitely never heard a storm like it, anywhere.
While the young woman remained in her large tent something amazing yet frightening was going on outside, a portal had opened up in the sky during a certain battle that took place in an alternate reality. The remaining four paladins of Voltron were fighting off Zarkon and Haggar who came back from the dead and intended on getting revenge for the destruction of Daibazaal. During the fierce battle Haggar opened up a one way portal and sent a certain paladin through, not even she knew where he would end up. The storm in the real world only got worse before it started to get better and not until the paladin, Gyrgan, had been sent through the portal and landed on the sandy ground outside before getting partially covered with more sand. After the portal in the sky disappeared the storm slowly dissipated, only leaving minimal damage behind.
(Y/n) had paused the video on her phone when the storm outside started getting bad, ready to go out and do what she had to, although she was confused when the wind died down and the lightning stopped. She waited for a while before she put her phone down and put her boots on, ready to go see what got damaged during the very unusual storm. Thankfully there wasn't very much damage to anything where she and her group were camped out, although then she spotted a strange lump partially buried in the sand several feet away; she couldn't tell if something got unearthed or if the lump was a person, so naturally she went to go check it out. Upon landing on the ground after being sent through the portal Gyrgan went unconscious, the large man completely unaware of where he'd been sent. As (Y/n) got closer and saw who was laying on the ground she gasped in disbelief; there was no way he could be there, but when she knelt next to the armor-clad yellow paladin and felt him she knew that she wasn't going crazy.
"No way. How did you get here? Did you come here during that storm? Hold on, let me get you to my tent." (Y/n) spoke frantically when she saw that Gyrgan, the original yellow paladin, was laying in the sand; she quickly dusted him off with her hands so she could somehow get him to her tent.
Gyrgan couldn't give her an answer, of course, because he was unconscious, although he could still hear her. (Y/n) knew that she had to hide him in her tent so no one else would find out about him, if any government found out that a very large alien man fell through a mysterious portal then they would want to take him apart and study him. Dragging Gyrgan back to her tent wasn't as easy as (Y/n) thought it would be, he was huge compared to a human which meant he was far heavier as well; since he was unconscious anyway she rolled him the whole way, she would tend to his injuries once she had him in her temporary home. She could hardly believe Gyrgan was in the real world, (Y/n) didn't know how such a thing was possible but she had a feeling it had something to do with the storm that came out of nowhere and went away soon after. Until he woke up (Y/n) would make a comfortable bed for him to sleep on and get something for him to eat.
(Y/n) knew that the rest of her crew wouldn't be gone forever and she hoped Gyrgan would wake up before they came back, otherwise there would be the risk of them actually finding out about him. While the large man was unconscious she took the opportunity to remove his helmet and the upper part of his armor, only unzipping his bodysuit halfway so she could check him for any injuries. There were only a few bruises on his torso which was lucky, especially since his armor cracked during the fall, although he had a cut on the left side of his head that she cleaned and bandaged so that it wouldn't get infected. (Y/n) rezipped Gyrgan's bodysuit so that when he woke up he wouldn't think anything suspicious happened, but she didn't zip it up before admiring his muscular torso. The large rygnirathian man wasn't handsome by the usual human standards, but (Y/n) personally thought he was the most handsome man she'd ever laid eyes on.
(Y/n) wasn't entirely sure how much time passed since she brought Gyrgan to her tent, but at some point he finally started to wake up. She had a cup of water ready for him and she had a bag/box with her favorite snack in it, she didn't mind sharing it with him. After what he'd been through in his universe Gyrgan was surprised to find himself in what looked like a tent; one minute he was fighting against Zarkon and Haggar and then the next he'd been sent through a portal. Gyrgan looked around the homey tent and his gaze ended up on (Y/n), he felt even more confused when he saw her. (Y/n) smiled softly at him when he looked at her, hoping that she didn't come off as threatening.
"By Willow, what- What happened?" Gyrgan groaned when he attempted to sit up only to end up feeling dizzy, feeling the bandage on his head when he touched it.
"I'm not exactly sure what happened before, but I found you laying outside, partially covered with sand. I'm (Y/n), by the way." (Y/n) replied to the best of her ability, introducing herself first so he knew her name.
"The last thing I remember is being shoved through a portal. My name is Gyrgan." Gyrgan responded in confusion prior to introducing himself, even though she already knew who he was.
"A portal? That must have been that storm earlier." (Y/n) said mostly to herself in realization, it only made sense for him to have come from a portal, one of which sounded like a storm to someone who didn't look outside.
Gyrgan didn't know what to think or how to feel, he'd been transported to an alternate reality with no way back, he felt as though he abandoned his friends when they needed him most even though he didn't exactly have a say in the matter. (Y/n) offered him the food and water and he graciously accepted them, he wasn't too hungry or thirsty during that moment in particular, but he didn't want to seem rude. He drank all of the water and ate some of the (F/s) from the bag/box, leaving the rest for his kind hostess who went out of her way to take care of him. They sat in silence for a while since there was a lot to think about, Gyrgan could never return to where he came from and it was a lot for him to take in. He didn't know what dangers the reality he found himself in had, although he tried not to think about it too much so that he wouldn't stress himself out.
"I know that this is a lot to take in, but you can live with me if you want." (Y/n) said after a few minutes, offering Gyrgan a place to stay since he didn't have anywhere else to go; it would be an adjustment, but she couldn't just not give him a place to live.
"That's very kind of you, thank you." Gyrgan thanked (Y/n) for her kindness; he couldn't go home and she seemed nice, he knew that she would keep him safe.
(Y/n) smiled at him, happy that he accepted her offer for him to come live with her in her own home, although until then she would have to keep him secret from her crew. She began telling him about where they were and what she was doing there in the first place, he seemed to enjoy hearing about the things she'd learned thus far. Gyrgan thought her research sounded interesting and occasionally asked questions when he thought something was particularly interesting, he'd never met an archaeologist like her before. After (Y/n) finished telling him a little about herself and her job Gyrgan told her about him being the yellow paladin and some of the adventures he had, ones that were never shown in Voltron. (Y/n) eventually told him about how she knew him, luckily he took it well and they had a great time talking to each other.
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karlohabagatstudios · 5 months
[MMD] Into The Void They Go...
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"Many have been predicted and warned. Creating and using Nintendo Source models that numerous might have unforeseen consequences. In this, as in most things, they proved prescient. The event that had took place throughout the Internet did irreparable chaos to others. Loosing too many Nintendo Source models had cost them their happiness and joy. While their creativity would still stretch for many years to come, all but some of the Source communities would one day be perish. And if the war with a malevolent con artist taught me anything, it is that this timeline is not safe for half of my associates without their safety. Though I wish to use them for many future endeavors, I fear I cannot. Their appearance and status as IP posed too great a threat. Thus I have exiled them to the Void, the vast expanse of nothingness that exists between worlds. They will not return, until this pointless war has come to pass."
Hi, guys. After hearing about the news about the Nintendo Source models being taken down for no reason and the first Splatoon game now dead, I created a KHS Universe lore accurate MMD poster. It may not be a tribute however, but I did made this pic and keep it as satirical as possible.
I have to say that my reaction to the Nintendo Source models being taken down without a single reason and the first Splatoon game no longer active is both shocking and sad. I'm still emotionless in this news nonetheless. Ugh, how I wish that this war against the con artist would be over.
Fortunately for me, I still have my SFM and Gmod in my laptop,  and they are in their dormant states, as well as some of the workshop models there but I'm too scared to put them in public download. Because if I do, I will be doomed.
As for the game that is already gone, well I did not played the game yet. I was supposed to have my own Wii U but I don't have enough money to get one. That is until many years later, it was already too late.
Anyways, enjoy for now...
CREDITS Special thanks to JoeySandbag for the Splatoon 2 Model Pack, and DiMickFoxed65 for the Mario and Luigi model ports • Super Mario and Splatoon, (c) Nintendo
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