#the internet has peaked for today
applysome · 2 months
This was the first thing I saw when I opened Instagram this morning:
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Icon el Pais magazine May 2018
Credit: Alex Turner Rares on Instagram
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mask131 · 3 months
I was thinking about something mind-blowing recently.
When it comes to: "Indie Internet project about Hell and the life of its inhabitants, oscillating between serious topics and dark humor, heavily furry-influenced, with a lot of violence and with a lot of sex"... There were actually two exact cases of this precise situation happening. Like... the two ways this basis could go.
One was actually the best way so far. It was, of course, the Helluvaverse: Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss.
The other... the other was really the worst road ever. And I am certain that if the Hazbin-haters and other Helluva-harassers knew about the existence of this other one, they would crawl back to the Hazbin/Helluva shows begging for mercy and thanking them for existing.
Do you remember a certain webcomic called... Jack?
*cue to the people who know what I am talking about and proceed to jump out of the window screaming *
Seriously, when you think about it... The "Jack" webcomic is literaly the "horror parallel universe" version of the Helluvaverse. What could have happened if the same basic idea came from a VERY different mind and was handled VERY differently, with VERY different goals.
Both even have a lot of controversies and a vivid hatedom... But by all that is holy and unholy in this world, when you look at the "Jack" content and "Jack" discourse versus the Helluvaverse one, all the Hazbin-haters look like petty, silly children pretending to be grown-ups. Let them glimpse even just the tip of the Jack icerberg and they will rip out their eyes while having a heart attack.
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elssero · 14 days
thinking about being shotos first ever crush.
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he puts little notes on your desk during lunch, always leaving you something to come back to- writing something about how he likes the way your hair looks today or how nice your new earrings are.
he copies things he sees in movies- sometimes you’ll have flowers left outside your dorm room- chocolates placed in your locker.
you have absolutely NO idea who it is. the idea of your secret admirer being shoto never even crossed your mind. even if you silently hoped it was him.
the girls tease you relentlessly- just as stumped as you are with who your secret lover could be.
it gets to the point we’re the girls are on watch- wrangling kirishima and denki into helping them find the culprit.
they take “shifts” watching your locker- eyeing up the door of the classroom looking for any suspicious behaviour.
jirou has her hunch- everytime they leave class it’s always todoroki who’s the last to leave. you actually laugh at her suggestion- there’s no way.
shoto is increasingly freaking out as he watches you and your friends attempt to work out who’s leaving you all these little gifts- silently smug with himself.
he watched everytime as your eyes light up each time you receive something new from him.
he takes little notes- he only ever gifts you milk chocolate now as you didn’t seem to like the dark chocolate as much- offering it around to your classmates.
he sees you tie the little red ribbon he decorated the box with in your hair and he loses it- your wearing something he gifted you. of course your doing it unknowingly- but it’s happening none the less.
he decides in that moment he wants to buy everything for you- he wants everything you wear to come from him. every piece of food you eat he has to buy-
when jirou announces she’s going to get “proof” of her suspicion he knows the clock is ticking.
he’s left with two options- confess or get caught.
he spends hours on the internet- scanning though multiple wikihows- he’s still having trouble.
he can’t go to midoriya- his friend is even more helpless than he is.
he holds his breath as he knocks on your door- bouquet in his shaking hand as he waits for you to open it.
every words from his planned confession gets lost in his head when he sees you- his eyes blown wide as he catches the small smirk on your face.
“are these for me?” there’s a slight tease in your voice- it only makes him blush harder.
he can’t find the words- instead he pushes them towards you- burying his head in his own shoulder to avoid your gaze.
you let out a small chuckle as you take the flowers from his hand- you take note of how much bigger this bouquet is from the normal ones- he’d really outdone himself.
he watches as you glide back into your room- setting up a vase for the flowers he’d just gifted you- he stands ridged in your doorway.
“are you going to come in?” he’d never moved faster in his life.
jirou stands with mina in a corner of the corridor, heads peaked around the corner so they could watch the scene unfold in hiding- the pink girls eyes blown wide, her jaw dropped to the floor.
“i fucking knew it.”
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sammygender · 2 years
auuughhh god. i want to write i just i wanna write and share my writing :( i hate being a creative type it feels so stupid and cliche and i love math so much and sciences and that’s weird and feels like it can’t coexist the same and i wish i devoted my energy into other peoples characters instead of my own because then people would care… & i dunno what i wanna do when i’m older because fucking hell i just want to write :( i just wanna sit around and write my silly stories and explore my silly themes and i want to make media and create stories and talk about stories and live breathe and die stories. i don’t want to work or write nonfiction or even essays unless the inspiration sparks me i don’t want to be a journalist or a publisher or anything that feels like WORK and i don’t want to do an english degree. i want to go to school and learn code and computers and math and figure things out and then i want to go home and create art all evening write all evening draw all evening plan stories and make movies and play music and i want to get paid for doing those things i don’t want to have the passion sucked out of me by the way the world is and i want people to see what i do and like it!!! is that so hard?? they don’t have to but i want to share things!! im sociable and i think creating a story is the same as starting a conversation except nobody responds. ive got so much to say that’s why i write that’s why i can’t stop writing. i don’t like book form or restricting myself to 90k words or cutting things down or changing characters so it becomes more palatable or accessible i don’t like the fact that if i want to make anything real anything that can get discovered i have to learn something on top of my writing because all i can DO is write. and do math sometimes!!! all i can do is write and do math!!! and those two things don’t even help each other!!! AAARGGHHHHHH
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directdogman · 19 days
Hi, I hope you're having a decent day! I'm sorry if this is an invasive set of questions - feel free not to answer - but do you still actively like DSaF as your own creation, or is it more of a "it was fun while it lasted but i outgrew it and it's for the best to leave it behind" kind of project? Do you ever regret making the games? If you knew they would get so popular, is there anything you would have changed about them? Is there anywhere I could read more of your writing.
It fluctuates a bit. These last couple of years, I've really just been sorta nostalgic for it. I've seen a lot of people discuss those games being a source of comfort during bad times in their lives, people talking about how much the characters mean to them and it's hard not to smile when you see that.
It's a funny thing for close friends of yours to see people WITH fanmade DSaF merch out in the wild, or to watch a random youtube video and being hit with a DSaF reference outta nowhere. It happens from time to time, even today. On a few occasions, I've even had a person reference my work to me in real life and not realize who they were talking to, believe it or not. It's really fun to play dumb and get someone to explain your work to you like you don't know what it is.
I certainly didn't think any of that would happen when I first made the series, or even during development. I think the normal assumption would be to look at DSaF as it exists now and assume its release was a peak for it, but believe it or not, the official discord only had 30 people in it shortly before 3 dropped! The archive listing of the series (reposted to a single page after the series ended) is now sitting at over 1.1 MILLION downloads.
People kinda assume the true heyday of something is when it's new, when it's fresh and novel. For instance, some people look back at when FNaF itself was new and see that time as its peak because it had a lot of internet cultural relevance as big new indie thing on the block. But, raw numbers don't lie. The series has been continually growing since its conception and that growth has similarly bled over to its fan projects. This explains why DSaF, despite not having a new series release in almost 6 years, seems to be inexplicably growing.
Just recently, I saw someone post footage of a scene from DSaF 2 on Twitter, which got over 16k likes. People praised its writing and largely celebrated the scene. The ironic thing about that particular scene is that I remembered being unsure if it was good or not, so I showed it off in one of the FNaF community hubs. The response was broadly lukewarm to negative. Now, it's held up as one of the best scenes in those games. That's kind of the point I'm trying to make, my thoughts on the series have certainly changed with everyone's else with years of hindsight.
Heh. I'm not sure if I've talked about this in a long time, but y'know, the very first scene I implemented in-game was actually the very first Phone Guy scene in DSaF 1, more or less exactly how it appears in-game today. This was before I'd even written the bulk of the game. I was pretty unfamiliar with visual novels as a whole, pretty unsure if something like this would be palatable to a fandom that was really just used to sit 'n' survive stuff that were far more gameplay than text. I mean, there wasn't any FNaF fangames really LIKE DSaF before that point. Closest was FNaFb, a jokey turn based RPG made in the same engine.
The engine I made the game in is also not exactly fit for VNs out of the box either, and I wasn't 100% sure the idea would actually work. But, the very first time I added the image of the prize corner, Phone Guy, the audio of that iconic cheesy stock track and booted up a test screen, I had a little moment where I said "Oh. I think I'm onto something interesting here." I kinda remembering instantly realizing in that single moment how much potential the idea had. Over 8 years later, I still remember that moment like it was yesterday.
I think lately, that's the sort of stuff I think of when I see people coming to me and asking about the series. Yes, it's really rough around the edges, yes, there's jokes that've aged poorly. But, it is a source of comfort for people and entertains tens of thousands of people each month. And that's gotta count for something, right?
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You ever have those random little epiphanies that are just stuff that's obvious in hindsight, but you never thought of that before? Like today I was doing my favourite internet activity - lurking other peoples' conversations online - and came by a discussion about some guy who's finnish, and another finn helpfully translated an observation about him to the english-speakers in the audience: that he talks finnish in an extremely distinct southern dialect.
And someone, clearly not finnish, commented to this, going "hold on isn't this guy like Has Never Seen A Cow In Real Life-levels of urban?"
Some other finns came in to explain the matter - something I already knew of course, but would never have crossed my mind is something that'd require explaining: Finland is structured differently than the US, with the most southern areas being the most urban and densely populated, going more rural and sparsely inhabited the further up north you go. The closest equivalent to the US kind of cows-and-tractors "redneck" (affectionate) area is central Finland. In finnish, a southern dialect - especially this one in particular - is peak Soft-Handed City Boy -talk.
And it had somehow never really consciously crossed my mind that every country and culture has their own urban-and-rural division, whether it's north/south, east/west, etc, with their broad-stroked stereotypes of the people on the other side. Like maps of places I've never been to, that on their own say nothing to me, have their own imaginary lines drawn somewhere in there, and people from one side of the line will point at the other side and say "this is the region where drunk driving a tractor is a considered a competitive sport", and the people from the other side say "people from this area have never been outdoors and will squeal in terror if they see a live chicken."
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nanowrimo · 3 months
Smash Your Word Count Goals in 3 Easy Steps
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from our sponsors at Freewrite
Here at Freewrite, we help writers reach peak productivity in order to meet word count goals and create their best work yet. That’s our reason for being.
Today, we’re going to share the three easy steps proven by science to help you reach your writing goals!
1) Set A Goal & Write It Down
The psychology of goal setting is pretty clear. It’s what NaNoWriMo is all about, right? Research has proven that people who set goals experience higher motivation and are more likely to feel accomplished.
However, the type of goal you set makes a big difference to your efforts. Make sure that your goals are (a) clear and specific, (b) realistic, and (c) measurable.
Being clear about your goal will help you hone in on what you’re trying to achieve and ignore distractions. Make sure to write it down, as well. Research by psychologist Gail Matthews has revealed that people who write down goals are 33% more successful than those who simply set a goal in their head.
Next, be realistic. This means being honest with yourself about what you can and can’t achieve based on your other life obligations. Setting goals that you can’t achieve will only lead to frustration and, ultimately, a lack of motivation.
And last, make sure each goal is measurable. “Write 1,000 words each day” is much easier to measure than “Finish this book.” Because we all know it’s difficult to measure a book being “done”!
Breaking these goals down into smaller, simpler steps will help, too. If your goal is to write 20,000 words during Camp NaNo, break that down into 5,000 words a week, and then figure out how many words you’ll have to write each day to reach those smaller goals.
2) Practice Freewriting
Freewriting is thinking. It’s as simple — and as difficult — as that.
While every writer is unique, and there is no one way to be a writer, there are similarities we all share as humans — especially humans in the modern world — that create common obstacles to doing the things we love — like reading, writing, and yes, thinking. There are the obvious external obstacles: social media, email, the internet. But there are sneaky internal obstacles, too — the main culprit being the inner critic.
As humans, we are judgmental. It’s in our DNA. Our brains are constantly assessing situations, imagining outcomes, and making decisions. It’s part of survival at a very basic level. However, that means that when we do anything, including writing, we tend to automatically assess our actions — judging our own words, tweaking and editing them as we go along. That constant evaluation not only hinders progress, it can also stop us from ever getting started. And if we do manage to sit down to write, that inner critic creates an unconscious anxiety that prevents us from experimenting and writing down our most innovative and creative — and weird! — ideas.
We’ve all heard the advice to “write now, edit later.” Or perhaps you’ve heard writers reference “the sloppy/crappy/messy first draft.” Those are just fun ways of referencing the writing method in which you separate the drafting process from the editing process. Or, what we call freewriting.
Many people haven’t written this freely since childhood, but there’s a reason this method is taught in MFA programs. Getting your thoughts down first and revising later increases productivity and yields better, more creative work because it allows you to give your brain fully to each task. It means that when you’re drafting, you’re drafting, and when you’re editing, you’re editing. There’s no context-switching or multitasking.
So, what if you gave yourself permission to write badly at first? And we don’t just mean cheesy or with glaring plot holes — we mean typos, missing words, character names replaced by big Xs because you couldn’t remember them in the moment.
The next time you draft, we challenge you to give it a try. Just let yourself go and give your thoughts and feelings over to the act of creating. Because that’s when the magic happens. 
3) Track Your Stats
OK, you’ve set measurable goals, and you’ve started drafting. What’s next?
Track your efforts!
Here at Freewrite, we’ve created a tool to automatically track important writing stats, like word count, writing days, writing streak, and more! It’s called a Postbox Profile, and it gives you a unique URL that allows you to share your stats with writing friends.
Anyone with a Postbox account — that’s anyone who writes on a Freewrite OR uses our free in-browser drafting tool, Sprinter — can create a Postbox Profile and track their stats.
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👉Don’t have a Freewrite yet? No problem! We have a FREE in-browser drafting experience called Sprinter that helps you shut down distractions and make progress — and gives you access to Postbox. Start writing today absolutely FREE at sprinter.getfreewrite.com.
👉Ready to grab your own Freewrite? Our entry-level device, Alpha, is $50 off this June only! Just use code STARTWITHALPHA at checkout.
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yourpenpaldee · 4 months
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I don't usually put myself out there as it makes me nervous. But I've been a lurker for way too long, and it's about time I step out of my comfort zone. So, hello! I'm Dee (she/her), twenty-two, and have found my voice with storytelling.
Writing has always been a passion of mine, and continues to be the tool I turn to when I need an outlet to freely express myself. I have, unfortunately, hit a rough patch with consistency, and I'm here to bring all of that motivation and inspiration back. Especially since there are one too many WIPs sitting on the backburner, and they're all calling my name.
As someone who loves to dip their toes into every genre of fiction, I will read anything that peaks my interest. However, when it comes to creating, my works usually fall under romance and mystery. With practice, I intend on branching out into other genres I don't write often. There's a lot to explore in the world of writing, and I don't want to limit myself to only two categories.
Creating this blog provides me the space I need to accomplish the many goals I often dream of achieving. I acknowledge that it all starts with the ability to hold myself accountable. To show up for myself. To become comfortable with the uncomfortable. Putting myself and my projects out into the world is only the first of many steps, and it feels quite liberating.
I aim to use the voice I've found to not only contribute to the progression of POC representation, but to touch on several topics that remain heavily stigmatized in today's media. There’s a joy that runs through my veins every time I see someone like me on my screen or in a book. I feel seen, heard, and proud. I feel important. But as a creator, there’s that itch that can only be scratched when I create. When I make something that lets the next person know that they’re not invisible. That they're valued, loved, and appreciated. That's what I hope for when someone reads a project of mine. For them to feel the same rush of joy flowing through them as it does me.
Wow, I’m a yapper. I'd like to close this intro off with some fun facts, so here are some of my top five favorites with sidenotes because I still want to yap a bit more about the things I adore.
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And that concludes this introduction on me and this blog. I would love to connect and befriend other authors, so please don't hesitate to reach out as my DMs will always be open! I'd love to support and read your works, so don't be hesitant to share them with me if you'd like.
I hope you all will enjoy reading my works as much as I enjoy the process of bringing my ideas to life.
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divider creds to strangergraphics ♡
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centrally-unplanned · 8 months
Have seen 3-4 "death of culture at the modern university" posts on my dash, so lets address the forces being missed in those posts. People today are not less cultured, they are not less creative - hell that is actually hilarious, due to radically lowered barriers of entry a good deal more people are creative in some way today. The average 21 year old is as awash in hot takes or avant garde art or crazy political movements as they ever were, give-or-take the zeitgeist fluctuations of any given year.
What has changed is that the university is no longer as necessary a lodestone for that culture. The primary cause is of course the internet of it all; in the same way people just have less friends now because they can be entertained otherwise, if I want freeform poetry readings I can go on Youtube, I can *post* on Youtube. I don't need to be a part of my uni's zine, I can just write for...any zine!! Anywhere!! Colleges used to solve the coordination problem of bringing disparate people together to participate in distinct hobbies all in one place; the internet does that better. College for some is a little obselete.
Meanwhile, universities themselves have changed, and a lot of it is that stifling, bureaucratic stuff you see in those posts. But supply meets demand; those schools changed for a reason, and one of the big ones is that how undegraduates spend their time has pretty radically changed too. The "have fun majoring in ~whatever at uni" idea that peaked in the 1980's is pretty dead; if you are at a top school you are planning out your internships for freshman summer, because you need multiple as part of your four year plan to max your odds of getting into med school or a slot on the marketing consulting team at Deloitte. The competition for entry-level jobs has escalated dramatically since the late 90's; companies both lost faith in the "liberal arts" stamp as a universal smartness indicator, the complexity of jobs legitimately went up and demand more skills at entry level, and enough savvy students were building comprehensive resumes that they didn't need to settle any more, they had their pick. And these all feed on each other through competition; once enough students are doing it, everyone has to do it.
So college is just "about" career prep more and more now for people. Which just isn't fun and not the place you stick your creativity in; it doesn't vibe that way. These transformations are structural, and even sans the bureaucracy things like Greek Life would be fading. How is that boosting your organic chemistry grade again? Who has the time for that shit.
But people are still doing all the creative edgy art weird stuff. Just not within the confines of the college quite as much. And of course many still do; its all margins in the end.
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pinkyqil · 5 months
Too Much Is Never Enough
Hidden secrets series
Hidden secrets Masterlist
Warning : mention of pregnancy, little morning sickness and overly fluff
A/n: hope y'all enjoy this along with the anon that requested for this,I also added a lil sneak peak of what r future opucation might be in this I'm gonna be working on one more chapter before writing the birth and how alexia and jenni start their co-parenting the part y'all probably want the most but anyway my request are open at the moment so feel free to send them in, as always feedbacks and opinions are always appreciated
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A few week's had pass since the mini gender reveal party and the leak photo of them both hanging out.
Right now the couple could careless and just let the internet go on a rampage of what was going on between them.
On the other hand alexia had woken up feeling a little morning sickness kicking in.
she should be familiar with it but no matter how many times she gets that feeling she couldn't get past feeling so sick.
she hated having to dealing with it especially right at this moment. and today her body honestly wasn't feeling it. but got up either way too wash up her face before heading down to meet join jen.
Jenni noticed the little pale look on alexia face wondering if she was alright,already knowing the answer to that.
"You alright". she asked
"Not really feeling a little down"
"You feel good enough to go shopping or we can just cancel it".
"Jen I'm alright just need to rest up a bit before heading out".
"Why don't you go upstairs I'll come join you soon and once you're fully rested we can go". Jenni told alexia one more time before helping her up.
alexia nodded agreeing to head up and rest before going out has she seem to lack energy especially after throwing up earlier.
After a while she was joined by jenni who started to massage her before pulling her into a cuddling position which made alexia feel slightly better before they both fell asleep real fast.
jenni had woken up first so that she could prepare the car and a few snacks for alexia so she could feel her best. by the time she was done alexia had already woke up and gotten ready. and now the couple were on there way
The trip too the baby store took an hour and half has the were going to an all baby mall. At there arrival jenni had already been talking alexia ears off on what they were going to get without even arriving at the store.
"So where do we start"?. Jenni asked alexia.
"Why don't you tell me seeing you were talking about it the whole ride huh".
Jenni obviously being annoyed with alexia answers before grabbing her hands leading her to the clothing section.
"Jen grab a cart on your way before we bump into something".alexia told her once again
They were both enjoying the occasion looking at the different choices that they had but would often disagree with each other sense of clothing choices.
"Why can't we get this it would definitely look cute on her". Jenni questioned her
"We can't get cause you already picked three of it in different colors Jennifer".she said while rolling her eye's to the older woman.
"That doesn't mean she can't have another color putellas". She spat back
"What did you just say hermoso". Alexia asked her with a glare.
"Nothing".jenni mumbled under her breath.
Even with alexia disagreement she had stil added the pices of clothing the cart while alexia wasn't paying attention. they had the same disagreement over and over again
"For the last time our baby doesn't need every color of each item".
"Whatever you say". It was now jenni's turn to roll her eyes.
Alexia was getting annoyed but she couldn't hide her smile whenever jenni suggested in getting more stuff she found her enthusiasm fun but would decline just get on her nerves.
Jenni had saw a huge cute teddy and a musical box that looked like it had an dancer on it.she knew she had to get it but alexia would just deny her request.
so she decided buy it without her noticing and hurrying up to hid it somewhere in the car without her knowing.
The musical box had gotten Alexia attention but by the time she tried looking for it again it was gone.this time so was jenni she couldn't even bother cause she knew that jenni was roaming around and all.
"You ready to go". she asked alexia.
"Yeah my legs are killing me right now".alexia told her.
The pair payed for all there purchases before heading out and putting arranging it in the car. mostly jenni thought as she didn't want alexia doing heavy lifting.
Ride back home was peaceful spanish music playing in the background jenni singing while alexia struggled to stay awake after a day full of shopping and needed sleep and food.
They arriving back home and got into arranging the things they got. alexia was a neat freak or at least she just needed everything in place so they wouldn't have to be doing it once the baby arrived.
While putting stuff where they belong alexia noticed stuff that they didn't get kept on appearing as she was trying to organize the clothes noticing the other colors top that she said no too was there.
"hermoso what did you do".alexia asked while holding the top.
"I can explain". jenni said once she felt alexia eyes starring deep at her.
"Oh well you better have an explanation for every single one of these that you got".
"Fine we can go return them".she said with a deep sigh turning her back on alexia.
"We can keep them I'm just messing with you". She said while laughing.
"Was wondering where this was".she said while holding the musical box close to her.
"You like it".
"Yeah it like one of a kind".
The rest of the night was spent arranging the things they got laughter and a few makeout session before they finished up.
Before heading to bed alexia had played a traditional catalan dance recital that she had found herself wachting a few days ago and right now.
She found herself loving the dance culture and everything that surrounded it. Reminding her a little about football with the way they move how it precise and everything with it's flow she loved it all.
A/n : hope y'all enjoy this chapter,one more chapter left still I write the birth and we get to the main part of the storyline. Anyway feedbacks are appreciated and I hope you all have an amazing saturday 💗
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makeste · 10 months
BnHA Chapter 406: Secret Menu Hero Name
Previously on BnHA: Kacchan was all “NOT EVEN DEATH ITSELF CAN STOP ME!!!” and saved All Might so easily and spectacularly that it immediately became clear why Horikoshi had to keep him on ice for fourteen months straight. All Might was all “thanks for the assist Bakugou-shounen, now please allow me to show my gratitude by lending you my SWEETASS ROBOT ARM that nearly gave makeste a fucking heart attack when she saw it, HOLY SHIT.” Kacchan was all “I JUST LIKE TO SMILE, SMILING’S MY FAVORITE” and he smiled the BIGGEST EVER and indeed has literally not STOPPED smiling ever since, and my heart is warm. <3333
Today on BnHA: A jubilant menace stirs in the air. A chill runs down Kid For One’s spine. A sudden crash behind him. He whirls around, only to be met with the face of Chaos itself in all its raucous glory. The boy is relentless. His pursuit, unending. His blows, unyielding. And his mirth, as perplexing as it is petrifying. What the fuck. Why won’t he stop laughing. He’s laughing. Horikoshi is laughing. The readers are all laughing. You’re laughing. Kid For One is shitting his pants while this cackling sleep paralysis demon gleefully chips away at his frail sanity, one frenetic BOOM at a time. And you’re laughing. :|
doo de doo, don’t mind me, just gonna scroll past the first couple pages of this chapter so I don’t get spoiled for the outcomes of all the other mini-battles I haven’t finished catching up with yet :’)
though I already caught a glimpse of a bloodied-up Shouji before I realized what was happening, so unfortunately that particular cat is now out of the bag. can’t believe the suspense of whether or not Shouji would survive his fight is now completely ruined for me. can you even imagine how tense it would have been wondering whether or not Shouji would get killed off. ...and you know what, even as I type this, I’m realizing that this is really not the type of sarcasm that translates very well across the internet, lol. and even if it did, it could just as easily come across as “WOW, MAKESTE REALLY DOESN’T CARE ABOUT SHOUJI AT ALL, HUH” sarcasm, rather than the “it’s not that serious guys, it’s just that there’s no possible way Horikoshi could ever convince me that he was actually going to kill off one of the kids” sarcasm it was intended as! so yeah. you know what, I’m just going to shut up about all this now and move on. glad he’s okay though
so now back to the Main Character Battlefield, where Kacchan is currently having way too good of a time for someone who actually WAS killed off by Horikoshi fairly recently
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All Might is all “he’s so fast!” and yeah he really is lol. ngl, I had a fair amount of Kacchan endgame theory stuff riding on his ability to meaningfully upgrade his speed, so all of this is very satisfying to hear! and to be fair, I do wonder how much of it is owed to the boost from Gearshift as opposed to Katsuki’s own newly acquired exploding bloodsweat. but I’d like to think that even without GS he’s still incredibly fucking fast at this point. like easily still a Top 3 BnHA Speedy Boi
well shit lol now Edgeshot is reminding everyone that even prior to his “death”, Kacchan was briefly able to surpass Tomura’s speed with his upgrade
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well there you have it! so yeah, that basically confirms he’s currently even faster than All Might was at his peak. just a homicidal little comet casually zipping around all of these other slowpokes
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just for the record, I still have no clue how Kacchan’s bizarre new upgrade actually works, but I am fairly certain that sweat is NOT SUPPOSED TO EVER DO THAT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES
like seriously though Kacchan, doesn’t this hurt? like at all?
(ETA: hahahaha. ouch.)
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well whatever!! if Tomura was able to bypass Erasure’s loopholes with all of his hand nonsense, then Kacchan’s sweat has my permission to zoom around inside his bloodstream and randomly explode inside him to somehow make him faster without actually harming him in any way, AND THAT’S FINE. the time for nitpicking ended roughly around the same time that a soft-spoken paracord man dove inside of him to forcefully restart his organs
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meanwhile back in Dekutown it looks like Tomura has maybe finally broken free of his impromptu Blackwhip toddler leash
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whatever man. how are you still not redeemed yet since I last saw you in chapter 369. you had like an entire year’s worth of chapters. get it together already!!
lol what in the actual fuck is “instadeath”
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is this just a Funny Ha Ha fanscan way of referring to Decay?? or were there some additional Tomura quirk developments that I missed out on which were somehow even wilder than the infinityhands
Deku keeps saying that he’s for serious REALLY going to run out of Gearshifts now, but I don’t fucking believe a word this kid says tbh
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it will be the “final one” once the fight is finally over, and not a moment sooner. if I know anything about Deku, which I do. and Gearshift, which to be fair I really don’t
-- oh, fuck yeah
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what the hell is up with that swirly hand shit though, Kid For One. you better knock that off right now
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:/ well at least this time you’re being ignored because he’s actually scared shitless of you. shh. don’t tell anyone
holy shit this chapter keeps hitting me with these random bits of information Destiel meme-style and it’s the wildest fucking thing
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so while I did obviously clue in to the fact that something must have gone down in the Endeavor+Hawks+Toko+Jirou VS AFO battle, on account of AFO very clearly not being in Jakku anymore, I have not yet caught up to that part of the series, so I don’t actually know anyone’s status! hopefully they’re all alive and relatively unmaimed! although they very clearly failed at their One Job, but oh well
that being said, “AS STRONG AS DARK SHADOW” looooooool omg. DS what did you do. my boy left an impression. I cannot wait to read that, oh goodness
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seems like someone ought to have told you that. could have spared you a lot of pain and agitation to come. more’s the pity
hee hee hee
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hello there
so now my feral wolfchild is having a big internal monologue about how he’s finally mastered his new superquirk through the power of being an unrepentant masochist
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fsdkfj. listen up Kid For One, he may be “nothing but a pebble”, but I promise you, if you could fucking hear this kid’s thought processes right now, you would already be halfway across the planet. living out the rest of your days in hiding while checking underneath your bed every night to make sure this little hobgoblin isn’t secretly waiting there to pounce at you
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(ETA: you guys will never believe this but I found a sneak peak of the as-yet-unreleased soundtrack which will accompany this scene in season seven of the anime! SPOILER ALERT!!!)
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(ETA: once again, I know this sounds highly improbable, but I actually found some 100% authentic footage from the anime version of this scene! I’m telling ya. once this hits the airwaves minds are gonna be blown.)
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you have to admit though, this really is the exact type of behavior you’d expect from someone who literally just got spat back out from the pits of hell
oh my god hold up what is this sudden tonal whiplash?
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you guys I seriously had to sit back and take a deep breath and calm myself down for a moment, because Final Form Katsuki is just So Much. like actually just THE MOST. that I had to physically force myself to slow down and take these next few panels seriously and resist the urge to keep on making jokes about how CLEARLY EVEN HIS PARENTS ARE TERRIFIED. LOOK AT THEM. MASARU IS SOBBING AND MITSUKI’S HAND IS TREMBLING. IN THE WORLD’S MOST EPIC TWIST, AFO GOES DOWN ONLY TO BE REPLACED BY KACCHAN HIMSELF AS THE FINAL VILLAIN!!!
but yeah I had to stop and calm down from all of that because, oh. Masaru has his head in his hands. and Mitsuki’s trying to get him to turn around, but her hand really is shaking though. and it just really hit me that the two of them have spent the last... thirty minutes...?? swept up in the highs and lows of almost losing their child, and then getting him back, and then watching him be so strong and so good and SAVING ALL MIGHT and RESTORING EVERYONE’S HOPES AND DREAMS. and they must be so incredibly proud, but at the same time he’s still caught up in this fight, and the fight is still not over, and they know the tide could still turn again at any moment. and I can’t even imagine what that must be like. especially with them having already watched their son die once today
oh my god Horikoshi you cannot freaking do this to me!
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goddammit. and now I’m all caught up in my Bakufam feels. DAMN YOU HORIKOSHI, THE MITSUKI TEARS WERE THE LOWEST OF BLOWS
and now Kid For One is once again whining about this “pebble” who’s pissing him off even worse than All Might. you love to see it!
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-- Horikoshi I swear to god
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okay, color me intrigued. so that is indeed why AFO was crying when we previously saw this flashback! this is actually so interesting to me, because it’s literally the one and only time he’s ever shown real emotion outside of generic battle-related stuff (anger, shock, surprise, etc.)
so he says Kacchan pisses him off because he looks like Two. and every time he gets reminded of Two, he remembers how his brother died. and, I guess, made him feel sad for the first and probably last time ever???
holy shit, Kacchan was right
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he really is AFO’s Final Boss. like even more than he realized
*~*~*OH MY GOD*~*~*
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I swear to god, if Horikoshi deliberately kept Two’s quirk and name Top Secret for YEARS only for them BOTH to wind up NOT ACTUALLY BEING REMOTELY SPOILERY OR WORTH ANY KIND OF SUSPENSEFUL BUILD-UP IN ANY WAY WHATSOEVER, I will. just sit here and be puzzled, I guess. lol. “sometimes I just like to fuck with people like that.” OKAY?? WELL GOOD JOB, THEN??
“Kacchan of the Bakugous” was so out of left field and I am grinning so, so hard right now. BAKUGOU NO KACCHAN. that’s officially the second Heroes Rising reference in as many chapters! sure feels like A Certain Mangaka is building up to a Certain Reveal about SOMEBODY maybe possibly still having SOMETHING which will remain unnamed for now, but which rhymes with “done for mall”! and that’s all I’m gonna say about that
except that it’s not, because I’d be lying if I said I didn’t also have fifteen other entirely different emotions about him proudly introducing himself to AFO not as Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, but as someone even more powerful. “BEHOLD, it is none other than I... Kacchan!!! ( •̀ ᴗ •́ )و lolo get fucked you big dumb fart”
heh. but seriously. just me sitting here basking in the fact that he uses the name Deku gave him. the fact that he decides not to go with his formidable, much-agonized-over hero name in this one moment, but instead chooses to use a far more terrifying moniker, even if AFO doesn’t realize the significance. because Dynamight is a hero, yes. one of the very greatest and strongest!
but Kacchan? Kacchan is the boy with a dream. Kacchan is the boisterous child laughing at the danger, unafraid of the challenge. smiling in the face of the tallest wall. Deku’s motherfucking Image of Victory. hahahahaha. ouch
anyway so yeah! what a chapter. this may have actually derailed me because now my brain just wants to write a bunch of character metas even though I STILL HAVE THIRTY MORE CHAPTERS TO READ. and not to mention I still have to actually post all of them as well lol. but whatever! we’ll make it work. long live Kacchan of the Bakugous, and may his Secret Menu Hero Name always strike fear in the hearts of his enemies
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sassylegshayne · 2 years
simp notes
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this is a bonus chapter for 'support your local caffeine dealer'
okay that being said AHHHHH!!!!! I've had this written for so long and ik chapter three of mmi is taking a bit so I wanted to post this now!! I love it, it's a peak into their relationship past the fic w lots of introspection from shayne, it's adorable! 2.8 words! enjoy xx mwah 💓
series masterlist
Shayne woke up much earlier than he planned to, so he found himself sat in silence at your shared dining table, staring at his mug of coffee. He unintentionally mirrored your actions in the exact moment that brought him to this point today.
The start of your relationship was a bit rocky, filled with pining and misunderstandings, but Shayne wouldn't change a thing about it.
Four and a half years, one shared apartment, and two cats later, everything felt right. Not perfect yet, but close. Your lives meshed together perfectly in every little way he never imagined it would.
You had similar food tastes, but neither of you liked the other person's favorite snacks or cereals, so no arguments about stealing. You like opposing chores, making it easily to share the weight. You showered at night, him in the morning. You liked the same books, so you shared your libraries now.
You'd been promoted recently, the position allowing a bit more flexibility with your schedule; so you and Shayne often woke up together in the morning and arrived around the same time at night.
The welcome addition of you to his friend group even meant that making plans was extremely easy. Shayne was also immensely thankful to have you with him at pretty much ever group outting.
He felt like you two knew every small thing about each other, so the secret he was keeping weighed heavy. For three months and twelve days he has been keeping the biggest secret from you, and everyone else.
The small velvet box sat in the bottom drawer of your dresser, stuffed between a pair of jeans that were actually too short for Shayne and a pair of Halloween themed sweatpants that matched a pair of your own. He could find it blindfolded at this point with how often he took it from it's spot, almost four times a day, contemplating when it would be the right time. It didn't feel right until earlier in the morning.
Just at 7:39AM, Shayne shot out of his sleep, his heart fluttering as he glanced over his shoulder, finding you softly snoring. His alarm hadn't gone off yet, the two of you didn't need to be up until around ten.
You had the day off and Shayne only had one shoot on his schedule, one you were going to be apart of.
You had been in a couple of shoots in the few years since your relationship had been known to the internet. Some fans had recognized you from the crew and casts personal accounts, especially Kimmy and Damien's.
You were very well received in your first appearance at Shayne's graduation, your speech bringing him and most of your friends to tears. After that you had been brought into an 'Eat It Or Yeet It" video, getting your first chance to witness your boyfriend's grave mouth first hand. After all of the love for you came in, you appeared on a Board AF' episode and began making memes for 'Who Meme'd It?'
You kept your privacy and boundaries still, your social medias were all still set to private, making it clear that you'd appear on occasions, but wouldn't join.
Shayne was fully supportive when you told him this after he mentioned the idea of you coming in for a video. You loved your job, having moved up into management of the shop, the promotion coming as a huge surprise to you, but not to Shayne.
Today you and Shayne were do on set at 2PM, shooting another TNTL episode, as per request of the other's lined up in the shoot. Damien and Courtney were quick to shoot Kimmy the idea, which wasn't hard to greenlight when the producer was your best friend. The easy part was over, convincing you was much more difficult. It tooka lot of coaxing from your friends, but Shayne remained neutral. It almost pissed you off that each time you asked him for advice on whether or not you should do it, he'd say it's up to you. Shayne couldn't help it, he still finds himself not wanting to push you too far, he still wants to protect you from anything he can. Most fans loved you, but what if it stops? He was still in shock of how much everyone seemed to like you. His heart couldn't help but flutter with pride and joy each time he read a comment that spoke highly of you.
It couldn't compare to the love Shayne has for you. He writes every small, tender thought he has about you down in his phone. He isn't sure when they started now, but it was definitely before you had started dating.
He started off using it to get things off of his chest, to write down the words of admiration that he wished he could tell you. Overtime it'd had begun to be every thought he'd had about you.
"I told the stars about you"
"you're the only one want to wake up next to"
"I wonder what goes through your mind when someone says my name"
Damien and Spencer have heard almost all of them, extremely supportive of him, always quick to call it sweet. That's then followed with different ways to call Shayne a simp. It turned into a joke between them, dubbing them Shayne's Simp Notes.
Gears were turning as Shayne shuffled from your bed quietly, grabbing his phone from the night stand before wandering into the living area, brewing coffee.
He took a deep breath, unlocking his phone as he finished replaying his morning in his head before noting the time. 8:17AM is when the perfect idea strikes, apparently.
Shayne was quick to open the notes app and begin writing out everything. He's loosely planned sketches for the show before but this was much bigger, he wrote out every detail to make sure it'd go right.
After about an hour of nonstop writing with Shayne's eyes glued to his screen, his coffee long gone cold, your yawn echos down the hall.
A smile stretches across his face as he finishes his last line, closing out of the app before setting his phone on the tabletop. You enter the room rubbing your eyes as yOu mile softly at Shayne. His ASU shirt covered your top half, an old pair of gym shorts covered your bottom.
Without a word, you made your way over to Shayne's lap, straddling him as you rest your head on his shoulder while he rubs your back gently.
The two of you tend to lay in bed together and cuddle if you're up before your alarms, enjoying the peace of being together before beginning your respective days. On the off days where that doesn't happen, you tend to make up for that lost time whenever you can, like right now.
"Ditch me on my day off, I see how it is." You chuckled as you sat up, rubbing your fingers lightly through Shayne's hair as he groaned playfully.
"I'm sorry, you're just dating an absolute genius, and I had a breakthrough, baby." Shayne laughed softly as you rolled your eyes; he moved to cup your cheeks pressing his lips to yours softly.
The two of you sat there for a bit longer, chatting until your alarms rang in your distant bedroom. You sullenly removed yourself from Shayne's lap, snagging his mug of coffee before disappearing down the same halway you'd wandered out of earlier.
"Ew, Shayne this is so old! How long have you been up?!" You shouted as your turned off the ringing, prompting a laugh from Shayne.
He makes sure to bring you a fresh mug, prepared just how you like as you're busy getting ready later. Your heart swelled at the small action.
It wasn't anything out of the ordinary from Shayne, he loved using small, subtle ways to show his affection. You always had fresh flowers from the very beginning of your relationship, sometimes you'd have more than one bouquet at a time. He's been a big fan of ordering things to you while he's away, off on shoots or even while hest at work.
He once ordered groceries to your apartment and video called you to cook together when he was on a trip to visit his parents.
You adored him so much. This relationship had far exceeded what you thought it could be, and you couldn't be happier. You're heart swells at just the thought of your boyfriend and everything he means to you.
The two of you arrived on set a bit early, giving you time to mingle with everyone. You were quick to dart from Shayne, heading toward Kimmy and Courtney across the room.
Shayne stood off to the side, staring at his phone screen once more. He felt like he was gonna scream, throw up, and cry all at once. He just needed to get through this. It's just an episode with his friends, he's gonna tell jokes and do his characters, his girlfriends gonna be there, it's gonna be amazing.
The box sat heavy on his thigh in the front pocket of his jeans, the outline barely concealed by the flannel he had buttoned over his white tee in an attempt to hide it.
Shayne eyed Kimmy, chewing his lip as she finally departed from her conversation with you. He was quick to grab her, requesting something weird of her. He needed you to go last, this wasn't something he wanted to have as the opening bit.
He kept the reasoning to himself, and Kimmy didn't seem too concerned about it so she happily agreed.
Once the others had arrived, Noah only setting the shoot back half an hour, they began rolling. You did great, getting Damien out quickly with an inside joke the three of you had shared after a trip to Universal one night.
Shayne was so nervous he found himself laughing his way through his joke, which eventually got Damien after it had become evident that Shayne wouldn't be able to stop his laughter.
His nerves had settled a bit, his arms wrapped around your shoulders, small kissed placed on your forehead between your bits, hidden by the divider.
You grinned as the end of the video neared, you being called to the yellow stool last. You filled your mouth with water and gave a thumbs up as you heard rustling from behind the divider.
"Okay, this isn't my turn but just wanna do this real quick" Shayne called out, peering around the corner as you shrugged.
After a few seconds, a toy crow flew over the clothing rack as Shayne belted out a purposefully bad impression of Train. You spewed instantly as cackling sounded from your boyfriend.
"I hate you!" You called out as you refilled your mouth, shaking your head.
"No, you don't." He called back, laughing.
The others' bits flew by as Shayne stood behind the divider, his wig and phone clutched tightly in his hands as he took deep breaths.
Shayne told you to close your eyes as he pulled on the curly, bob wig from a character of his.
You had a hate/love relationship of Shayne's simp character, Sir Phillip Simpne, so he felt it was right for this occasion. He had his phone hidden behind an open book as he moved to stand beside you on the stool. He cleared his throat, offering you a smile as your opened your eyes.
You groaned, keeping your mouth shut as you shook your head, determined to hold it over Shayne that he couldn't make you laugh with this bit.
"I haven't a poem for you today, m'lady," Shayne begun, trying his best not to laugh as you stared at him blankly. "I offer you something better. I bring love notes that I have written about the fair maiden before me today."
Shayne's palms felt sweaty as he looked down at his phone, deciding to drop the accent as he read to you, the giggles from others were silent to him.
"l'm gonna start from the beginning, kind of," He smiled, nodding as he looked up at you, removing the wig. "I wrote 'I never planned to like you this much and never planned to think about you this often' right before we started dating."
Shayne couldn't look at you as he felt tears prickle at his eyes, his throat running dry as he knew he'd run out of time.
Nobody in the room was counting anymore. Once Shayne had gotten more serious, the air in the room shifted and everyone grew quiet.
You sat in the chair, head tilted in confusion when Shayne had dropped the character, the game leaving your mind all together as you tried to process what was happening.
"Uh, 'I wonder if we ever think about each other at the same time.'" He kept his eyes on his phone, a bit scared to meet your eyes. You stared at him in perplexion.
"Okay, on my birthday I wrote 'of all the things my hands have held, the best by far is you', then the next day wrote 'there's been a place for you in my heart since we first met.'" Shayne sniffled, looking to you with teary eyes, chuckling a bit.
You took in his appearance with your brows furrowed, his cheeks were bright red, his blue eyes glistening.
"So, yeah, those are some of my Simp Notes." Shayne spoke softly as he caught sight of you laughing, some water dribbling from your lips.
You stood from the stool, taking a few steps away as you swallowed, wiping your mouth. You were still clueless as to what exactly was happening, but the name had caught you off guard and made you laugh.
Shayne felt like time slowed down, everything was going too perfectly as he removed the box from his pocket, your back still to him as you laughed.
He found himself grateful for your unwillingness to laugh at him, you allowed him to tell you some of the things he hadn't been able to before.
The energy had come back to the room, everyone laughing as soon as you broke, the assumptions previously made now leaving everyone's mind until Shayne drops to one knee.
A few gasps are heard as you turn back toward Shayne. small shriek leaves you as your eyes widden quickly at the sight.
You two had talked about marriage before, and you both wanted to get married, but you didn't expect this. Nothing could've given this away for you.
"I wanna spend the rest of my life making you laugh." Shayne chuckled as you laughed a rolled your eyes as the purposely bad joke.
"Y/N, will you marry me?" Shayne's voice barely audible, the crew further back hadn't even heard him ask.
"Yes, Shayne!" You squeal, your boyf- no.
Your fiance is quick to grab you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he lifts you up. The two of you are a mess of tears, smiles, sniffles, kisses, and whispers as the room is filled with cheers.
You and Shayne are quickly enveloped with loads of your friends, the shock and excitement evident throughout the room.
After a few minutes, Kimmy hugs you and Shayne tightly, congratulating the two of you continuously, quickly gasping as she looks up.
"I can't believe you didn't tell anyone!" Kimmy sniffles, smacking Shayne's chest lightly as he laughed. You looked to him with wide eyes, quickly looking to Damien in confusion as he shook his head.
"Yeah, I've had the ring for... uh, some time now" Shayne laughed, blushing brightly as you at him in awe. "I wanted to surprise you, and| wanted to have a bunch of people we care about with us to celebrate, it just felt right."
Shayne couldn't hide his embarrassment as you wrapped him into another hug, the two of you embracing each other for a few moments, happy tears falling from and for the couple.
"Oh my god, we're still doing a video, holy shit." She laughs, wiping her own tears as she quickly moved out of frame, the rest of the crew following suit. The cast quickly surrounded you once more, each with bright smiles and tear stained cheeks.
You sit back on the stool, grinning as Shayne stands beside you, his arm draped over your shoulders.
"Pst." Damien called loudly from Shayne's other side. "You should give her the ring, Shayne." He whisper-yelled, causing a fit of giggles to ripple through everyone, both you and Shayne blushing deeply.
He fumbles a bit as he opens it again, pulling the delicate, ornate ring from the box before sliding it on to your finger.
You pressed your hand on to your lap, grinning as you stared at the accessory that fit you perfectly in every way.
"I could not imagine being a comedian and having to go on after this guy." Spencer called from out of frame, causing Shayne to cackle.
You guys were quick to wrap up your outro, Shayne still wrapped around you the whole time, placing a kiss to your forehead as they called for a wrap on the shoot.
This was the perfect he was looking for.
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zenithabovemarshland · 8 months
Just thinking aloud about fame, celebrity, and Pluto in Aquarius...
When Britney Spears was released from the conservatorship there were posts about how it's likely Britney might not be as internet-literate or socially appropriate as we'd like her to be, considering everything she went through. The posts encouraged others to be patient and understanding, and not to cancel her if she happens to make any mistakes.
Just now I saw a similar point about Gypsy Rose Blanchard. Now that she's released she intends to make herself very public online, but her entire life (32 years) has been spent in either one prison or the other. There are concerns for how she might adjust to the internet we know today, seeing as how she likely didn't get the opportunity to grow alongside social media the way the rest of us did.
In the 2024 Year Ahead Forecast from The Astrology Podcast they brought up the Pluto in Leo generation, and how that period of time and that generation relate to the making of our concept of "celebrity". They're also the generation that are holding on to power (like the presidents of the USA). Pluto in Leo gen is also unique because it's one of the only Pluto generations that is likely to live to their Pluto opposition, which is happening now. With this Pluto opposition, the pod talked about how the idea of who gets to be in power is likely to change. As well as our concept and relationship with "celebrities".
In 1991, Pluto in Scorpio (square to Pluto in Leo, if it matters. Whether it matters is still something I'm exploring here), Michael J. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson's. I'm not actually sure how public illness was allowed to be previous to that. I just remember growing up how Michael J. Fox was something of a special case, and his celebrity status helped make massive leaps in awareness and research for Parkinson's.
Hollywood became big in the 1920's, when Pluto was in Cancer. While Pluto has been in the opposite sign, Capricorn, I feel like I've heard about a million celebrities coming out with illness. Justin Bieber, Selena Gomez, Bruce Willis. Recently, Celine Dion. If you Google it, there are lists of dozens of celebrities with chronic illnesses. Not to mention mental illness, which has become that much more public.
My feeling at this point is that there are themes of privacy, hidden and internal illness, and representation here that we've seen getting dug up from the Pluto in Cancer era. True crime stories from old Hollywood, being open about mental illness, exposing how child talents have been exploited by the industry, and of course, hidden afflictions to celebrities are changes we've seen around fame through the trine, Pluto in Scorpio, and opposition, Pluto in Capricorn.
Most obviously, though, who gets to be famous has changed the most in the last 20 years. It used to be only special, hand-picked people who got to be famous. Now it could be anybody with a cell phone.
I think of this blog post on the Aries Point by Ace (AliceSparklyKat), where they talk about how the angular points seem to manifest. They've noticed that celebrities whose Sun is at 0 degrees Cancer seem to be regarded as chameleon-like in their nationality, form, or culture, and those with 0 degrees Capricorn seem to be known for a peak example for one nationality, form, or culture. I wonder if this can be seen in this shift to influencer culture, particularly in the rhetoric that celebrities until now have been made to represent everybody. But now, after Pluto in Capricorn, we are much more aware of the consequences of not having fair representation of more nuanced, individual experiences. At first it was all about art and talent. Now, it's about the hard tacks of who gets what job and why, and the consequences of story. Very Cancer to Capricorn opposition coded.
Anyway, I feel like I've noticed a lot of celebrities becoming ill in the past, and now I feel like I'm seeing some "taboo" issues come up in influencer culture. I'm wondering about how this could be gearing us up for Pluto in Aquarius.
What do you think??? I really want to hear your thoughts!
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spicymotte · 4 months
How fandom culture killed my creativity
hi. I have some thoughts about my time in a huge fandom and how it changed me:
First of all, I would like to say that these are my personal experiences in a large anime fandom. I have made very good friends with whom I am still in contact today - and I was exposed to a kind of brain rot that has changed the way I deal with art forever. However, this does not apply to every fandom/every person.
this - essay? - is way longer than I thought it would be. More under the cut:
In 2020, after a long break, I was able to get excited about One Piece again. Until then, I had always considered art important to me and I had never been able to do it professionally. (maybe someday...!)
The One Piece fandom is huge. There are now over 1000 manga chapters and anime episodes, which is gigantic; and the fandom itself is just as huge: millions of fans love this manga/anime and exchange ideas about it on the internet. I was previously very limited to tumblr, but then I ventured into OPtwt, the One Piece community on Twitter. There is a lot of fan art, fan fiction and small cliques that like the same character. There is something for everyone. It was great! I had a hyperfixation phase on OP before, in 2017. Now it came back - so violently that I realized very quickly that I could hardly think of anything else but One Piece.
Hyperfixations involve two major factors: an intense obsession with a character (or theme/media/whatever), which often brings with it a bottomless well of inspiration and motivation for artists – and a strange influence on brain chemistry. Neurodivergent people are prone to difficulties with the release of happiness and rewarding hormones anyway, and even though I am in no way qualified to make grand statements, as a person living with AuDHD, hyperfixations are both a blessing and a curse.
Often, the neurodivergent niches in the fandom communities are very lively. On extremely interactive social media like Twitter, TikTok and Instagram, you are flooded with posts of fan art, discussions and also escalation. It quickly becomes stressful for the brain to keep up with it - especially if you manage to accumulate a large number of followers. (also a blessing and a curse!)
I started posting fanart and OC x canon in 2020. I spent most of the last three years on Twitter and I have to say that it set me back in some ways. At first, I was slow to get to know people through fanart, but then I got to know people very quickly: fellow artists that I am still good friends with today and, unfortunately, people who have also succumbed to an incredible, destructive brainrot. I had chosen a character (or rather, my brain did) who plays almost no role in One Piece. All the better, so I pretty much had him to myself and I could do whatever I wanted. The OC x canon community is generally very friendly and respectful, so I found quite a few people who liked what I drew. Cool!
And then it started. With fanart and a small fan club for my OCs, I got more followers and more likes. More retweets and comments, more notifications. The algorithm started to like me and the growth increased steadily. My fandom (OP) account grew, as did my reach.
I checked Twitter more and more. Every free second I took my smartphone in my hand and checked my notifications. I reloaded the page until I had a new notification. I repeated this on Instagram and tumblr. Sometimes I catch myself doing it today, even though I haven't been active in this fandom for over a year!
Likes were good, retweets better. Every notification of an interaction with my art was a push on the feel-good button in my brain. It's very addictive, even if I talked myself out of it at first. The pandemic was at its peak and the internet was the only way to meet friends anyway. All this shit was fast food for my brain.
Then I started drawing fanarts, even though I didn't feel like it. But the likes had to come from somewhere, didn't they? I drew favorites from manga, characters that I didn't even like that much myself. But they were popular, so that promised likes and reach! Every single day, really every day, I drew fanarts. I was disappointed with myself if I didn't.
As of today, my two One Piece art folders have 80GB of data in it! what the fuck!! That's not normal!
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I learned a lot during that time and was able to develop my art. I was able to participate in projects, to draw for several zines and also had a lot of fun – but I treated it like a job. Making fan art your job is very difficult – and has a lot of consequences. If you run a merch shop (as I did for a short time), you always have to follow the hype and draw what's in style. You switch fandoms because the hype has just burned out and the next new thing is already in style. If you're one of the first to offer keychains and stickers - or plushies - you make the big money. That brings profit, but in my opinion you can very quickly step on the wrong foot in this jumping around and slip into burnout. (Or stagnate to such an extent that you lose all motivation to refine your artistic skills and become better at your craft.)
I see friends of mine, many of them, who are trying to live off of fandom merch. They all have one thing in common: their skills in art have remained absolutely the same over the past few years or have even declined. If you have to churn out a new batch of merchandise every week, you have to cut corners. There is no time for experiments and crazy studies when you can hardly live and have to produce merch/fan art that sells 100% well.
I don't mean to offend anyone - it's just that I've been thinking a lot about my own setbacks as an artist since I've been dealing with them so intimately. And I've definitely made some setbacks!
In 2021-2023, fandom life continued and got worse and worse. Checking my smartphone, drawing something every day to post it - just so that the algorithm doesn't sort me out. Posting daily is the number one rule on all Social Media, unfortunately. But I did it, no matter how burned out I felt.
And then there were the dramas on Twitter: internet puritans, antis and proshippers were screaming at each other and tearing each other to shreds (a trap I almost fell into myself! anti and pro are the biggest bullshit ever and I'm lucky enough to have reached a point where I can say: I don't give a shit lol). Callout posts, vague tweeting and aggression instead of simply blocking and moving on. Harassment that I myself experienced: I blocked a few people because I found them strange and unpleasant. They posted explicit things that I did not want to see on my timeline. This triggered a wave of harassment that was simply disgusting. These are people who hate their own lives so much that they can't do anything but feel miserable and stalk strangers online. Admittedly, this made me paranoid: a group of people had chosen me as a target. They passed around screenshots of many of my tweets and made fun of me, copying and stealing my art 1:1. They lied and cheated to make me look like an asshole – and this went on for years. It made me paranoid and was the first step away from fandoms, as it escalated more and more.
So, I was successfully bullied out of the fandom and my hyperfixation was over. It left a terrible void that I am still trying to fill today. Neurodivergence sucks, I'll tell you.
That's when I honestly asked myself for the first time: What the fuck am I doing here? When did I become a content machine for strangers on the internet? Why the hell do I feel so bad when I don't draw for a day? And why do I care what strangers think about me?!
Then I realized that I can't draw anymore.
Without references or the 3D models from Clip Studio Paint, I'm lost. When I try to draw something without any help, I sit in front of an empty canvas. My hands don't do what they're supposed to do and my brain blocks the thought of how drawing even works. My eyes only see the mistakes I make. Everything I draw looks bad to me.
I realized I have a problem.
So I try again and learn it all again from scratch: Anatomy, perspective, color theory, everything. But every time I sit down and try to put something on paper, there's nothing there. I've been drawing things every day for the last four years. Now my hyperfixation on this character and this manga is over and there's nothing left. I've been burning the candle at both ends and I've broken something in the process. Art is no longer something I enjoy. I need art to live and breathe, no doubt, but… the barrel now has a bottom again and it's empty to the last drop.
The little motivation I can muster goes into my webcomic, which is my everything. It's just mine, not a fandom. I feel honored that so many people read this comic. At the same time, I'm afraid that it's not enough; in my eyes, my art doesn't look good. Being surrounded by perfect illustrations on social media all day long distorts one's own perception of art, like the beauty industry that gives you body dysmorphia. On top of that, I haven't had any financial success with my comics in recent years, none at all. The dream of being an independent comic artist has receded so far into the distance that I can no longer see it. Bummer.
The constant stream of content that I gave during my fandom days has set me back incredibly. I can no longer enjoy the process of art, but my brain constantly pushes me to finish it, to have a finished product - because then I can post the drawing and get the virtual handshake that my weird brain likes so much.
Social media detox, of course, is the first thing that comes to mind. It's actually bullshit that we're all so addicted to these apps, but here we are. It's uncomfortable for me to admit, but I have hardly any friends in real life. I'm very introverted and many people find my autism very unpleasant (I can't blame them, I often come across as rude), so I only have 1-2 friends. I would like to have more friends, but maintaining social contact is terribly exhausting. It's hard enough to reply to my mutuals in the DMs (sorryyyyy if I forget sometimes………).
And what if I just take a break for a while and don't draw so much? Recharge my batteries? Right now I'm taking a 6-week break, partly because my jaw surgery is coming up soon. I'll be sick anyway, so why not put the webcomic on hiatus and take a break for a while? I don't know if it will work out, but I have a hunch that it won't, because I always have the fast-paced internet in the back of my mind. How can I be a freelancer if I don't do fanart? How can I make money with it to help my partner, who is currently financing our lives, financially? How can I, as a disabled person, find a job that I can do and at the same time build my career as an artist? As an independent comic artist, I have to do the job of so many people (artist, author, manager, taxes, work organization), how am I supposed to do that?
I have no answers to these questions. Original works don't go nearly as well as fanart! So you have to work ten times as hard and play by the vague rules of the algorithms, which is exhausting enough. Nowadays, you can only be lucky and ride the viral wave if it falls into your lap.
But reflecting on my time in a huge fandom has made me realize that I was going down a very wrong path and am now experiencing the consequences. I'm completely burnt out and no longer know why I'm even making art anymore. I don't know if I want to make art much longer. (I think shit-life-syndrome plays a big role here, but not exclusively.)
As I said, I don't have any answers - but I would at least like to warn those who are having difficulties with distancing themselves from the internet and are quickly losing themselves in this maelstrom of social media.
I have since deleted Twitter from my smartphone and, fortunately, have hardly ever used TikTok (dodged a bullet there!). I try to get back into traditional art and get away from my computer. I am all the more grateful to the people, my community, so to speak, who do nonsense with me on tumblr. They read my comics and are extremely nice to me, which I really appreciate. Thank you!
I don't know yet if and how it will continue, but I would like to finish Berserkir in the next few years. I'd love to find a way to finish all the short comics I want to make, even though it's just me and not a whole team. Maybe I'll find a way, maybe I don't. Anyways, thanks for sticking around!
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gryficowa · 1 month
Boycott Disney and all Zionists! Don't give them money!
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Do you ever go back to old songs like "Forever Young" or "The Five Ghosts" albums, and because of everything that's going on in the world, these songs suddenly take on a different meaning? I don't know why, but I've had this feeling lately
I don't know, something strange happened to me and you know, I had to write about it, because I specifically go back to many old songs (Of course not Zionists like Bob Dylan…), it's just quite different and that's how I'll describe it, I can't describe it describe, but it all changed the meaning for me and well…
Now that I have your attention:
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yongislong · 2 years
tiktok prank 2 + 127.
genre: nonidol!127 reacting to you not saying i love you back hehe, fluff, angst maybe? domestic, established relationships. nonidol!127
note: hiii tysm for requesting anon! i hope this lives up to your expectations haha, i had a hard time writing this and tbh im not really happy with it :(, lmk what you all think though! reqs are open! not proofread haha
taeil... says it before he leaves for his night shift. you just reply with a simple "okay darling, be safe!" and he freezes. not down For The Games. stomps back to you crossing his arms, tapping his foot, while unknowingly pouting. you play with him even more by asking him if he forgot anything. he loses it. he catches on that you're messing with him as you try to bite your cheeks to hold in your smile but still plays along bc he thinks this prank is lame regardless!! "YA! I COULD ASK YOU THE SAME QUESTION!"
johnny... makes his signature confused face after you hang up the phone with a simple "bye babe!" ponders. is sitting in bed replaying every single sentence he contributed during that conversation lol. takes it upon himself to face time you and ask you if maybe, possibly, by chance... you are mad about something. you can't help but laugh and he hangs up. you send him a tiktok of someone doing the same thing and he sends you back a screenshot with your contact name being changed to "pathological liar" with a picture of the joker... thinks its peak comedy
taeyong... pouts. if you don't say you love him back as soon as he pats your head to grab something from the vending machine next to the library, he's so lost. im sorry he's so babygirl i feel like he would actually get so confused. he's the only one who has a public tiktok account and tbh, i feel like he would be addicted to it as a uni student so you really don't think it's gonna work but his overthinking lead to not being able to form valid thoughts lol. immediately sits back down and pulls your chair up to his knees and traps you until you say it back or tell him why you never said it, intense eye contact lol.
yuta... i feel like people would peg him as being annoyed or even borderline mean but i feel like he would be so worried. just expected you to say it after he shouted it before closing the front door behind him and it takes him half a second before he's back inside trying to look for you and asking you whats wrong. you feel so bad LMAO. "you know you can tell me anything right, like literally anything, and it doesn't have to be right know you know, just-!" yeah you kiss him to shut him up. you lie and pretend you didn't hear him because you cannot bare to tell him it was a prank lol :(
doyoung... IM ON MY POUTY DOIE AGENDA idc yes he's grown but i feel like he would absolutely be like "hmmhph???" whiny. "say it baaaackkkkuuhhhghh!!!" you love to mess with him though so you pretend you have no idea what he's talking about. literally shakes it out of you. like grabs your shoulders and squeezes and hugs and twists and lifts and shakes you LMAOOO. if you're both laying down he would start being so annoying and trying to push you off him. he's back to normal once you say it back. he sees the prank a week later online and he sends you the link followed by many frowny emojis
jaehyun... not playing these games fr LMAO. like i've said before i think he's more like... frat boy ish however i think he would really care about whoever he's with, so like yuta, i think he'd be more worried about why you didn't say i love you back after he did before bed, than anything else. he sits up and asks if he did something today that upset you, but you tell him it was a prank. says its an evil prank and demands you delete tiktok immediately lol. i think he would be out of touch with the internet PFT so he's more lost than annoyed or pouty yknow? doesn't get the prank PFTT he's like "that's so mean :("
jungwoo... SOO ANNOYED. 127 said he's actually really manly when he's not on camera but i feel like he'd have a soft spot for you regardless. would be sooo confused before it turns into annoyance. keeps following you around like a puppy and whenever you look at him he gives you the most sassy facial expressions ever. like full nine yards with the eye roll, scoff, crossing his arms, etc. "helloo???" won't stop following you. lives for the silent treatment tbh. it eventually gets too much when you call for toilet paper from your shared bathroom and he ignores you LMAO. says it was a stupid prank and to not do it again but he's smiling and boops your nose while he says it
mark... oh my god please. he's such a gen z, yet he's always a month behind every trend so this completely went over his head. like yuta and jae, is just wondering if he did something wrong. can't live with himself until he gets to the bottom of it. he says it to you over the phone and when you hang up after saying "me too!" he wonders why you didn't actually say i love you. needless to say he walks across campus all the way to your dorms and shows up at your door, scratching the back of his neck asking shyly why you didn't say it back. you play dumb and pretend to not know what it is lol. you admit its a prank after you see him getting flustered and stuttering PFT. you both stay up watching a ton of tiktoks of people doing the trend, he has a lot of opinions on other peoples relationships LMAOO
haechan... please don't ever try and do this to him. he's going to go to the ends of the earth to annoy you. after you don't say it, he gives you that cocky smirk and head tilt while laughing like a mobster LOL. will say it until you say it back, doesn't matter how long it takes. knows its a prank but doesn't care because, to be honest has been waiting for you to try this on him just so he has the excuse to be clingy and follow you around the apartment. and oh boy, he does not let you go until you say it back. tickles it out of you. says the only way to be able to forgive you is to watch disney's hercules together while cuddling
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