#the intensity of the feeling could vary depending on the person; or (if it's a fictional character) perhaps the interpretation
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carolkinopf · 22 hours ago
that time period when feldspar spent more time in space than on timber hearth
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punksocks · 1 year ago
Astrology Observation: No.24 (18+ Only)
No minors! Adults only pls
Just based on my opinions only take what resonates
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-Water moons/mars are the most likely to just say they love you during s*x (they may mean it too !); Can happen to fire moon/mars too but they may not mean it after the moment; Earth Moon/Mars will not be saying anything without planning well in advance (Earth moon AND Mars, you will not catch them slip lmao); I’d assume Air Moon/Mars would be the most likely to tease the other person(s) and say just about anything but I love you
-Venus aspects to Mars/ Taurus/Libra mars/ Venus and/or Mars in 2nd could really enjoy dressing up in lingerie and setting up a s*xy atmosphere in general (and your partner would enjoy this too !)
-1st/2nd /7th/8th house Venus, Scorpio Venus, Venus conjunct Pluto/ sometimes 12th house venus you may get compliments on your genitals from people during s*x (like told you have a pretty p*ssy lol yea fr)
-1st /8th house mars, Aries mars, Scorpio mars/Mars conjunct Pluto/sometimes 12th house mars would also be this for those in their masc energy (instead of pretty someone might admire the aggressive look of your junk instead)
-Imo the easiest sexual partners to discuss boundaries and such with will be partners that have easy (conjunct/trine/Sextile) mars aspects to your Mercury and/or moon
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-I know we’d assume that mars in 8th is the most s*xual but I’d argue that mars in 12th is also super s*xual. Intimacy tends to be heavy on the mind, and there’s a higher chance of mirroring s*xual energy back to others. Especially if the native acts out of their masc/mars energy
-i’d think Aries, Leo, and Scorpio mars would be the most into their partner being SO attracted to them they can’t keep their hands off of them and/or finish too fast (least likely with Scorpio unless you’re just really over stimulating them, most likely with Aries- the most veracious Aries mars go rounds imo)
-I’d argue and assume that air mars/3rd house mars are spacing out the hardest during s*x, and I bet it’s not on purpose (just bouncing between thoughts and coming back to what’s going on)(also if you keep their attention, you’re doing something right)
-Water mars could mean you sleep around for emotional validation (…Imma say it… cancer mars has the strongest chances lol)
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-I think your Venus and mars together can show if you’re more of a sub or dom imo (like if they’re both cardinal you’re probably a dom, if they’re mutable then you may be a switch/sub, and if they’re fixed I’d think you’d be hard set on being a sub or dom — and then results may vary depending on the combination of signs and how much of your feminine or masculine energy you act out of.)
-I think Scorpio Venus/Mars makes someone more dominant in s*x than Aries mars/Venus imo (they’re not here to win, they’re here to posses you- that’s so intense man)
-Understated praise kink placements? Virgo moon/mars. They need to hear praises for how well they did or they’re gonna overthink it. Libra/Taurus mars also would like this. And Venus square/opposition Mars would too in a tell me how much you want me sort of way (it makes them feel really desired)
-Tumblr ruined me bc now every time I look up a dudes birth chart and see Sagittarius mars/Jupiter positively aspecting mars I’m like damn, do they just have bde or actually have a big d*ck and I feel bad for guessing lmao but now it’s so automatic
-Strong Lilith placements (1st/7th/8th/10th) can show guys pressuring you to perform their like shadow side fantasies (which is not cool, because where’s the consent? We always need to discuss things beforehand and map out a plan otherwise it’s skeezy behavior -unless you’re into being surprised but even then lol)
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-Gemini placements (the big 6, but especially mars) make you louder in bed. And more open to trying new things and switching up positions.
-5th house synastry is really s*xy and fun. Some of the best dates and relationships imo. It also allows you to open up and experiment in a way you never have before. Can keep a long term relationship exciting as well depending on the overall synastry. (Be careful bc this is the pregnancy overlay too oml)
-I think north node in 5th can (depending on the sign and aspects ofc) can point to indulging in the senses, partying, breakin hearts and hookin up a bunch— especially if you’re unbalanced/still learning to balance this with your south node energy
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-(in sing songy voice) Scorpio synastry is someone telling you s*x with you makes them f*cking crazy (No they are not kidding ! Lilith synastry is this on steroids but it feels more like you’re lighting this fire in the more masc person - and they’re afraid of burning imo (I’m not singing any more lol)
-I hold to the fact that Lilith in 1st/7th/8th/10th can make someone jump into bed with you way faster than they usually would even if they have like an earth or water mars, if you have Lilith synastry with them this is amplified
-Masc folks/Men with Taurus and/or Cancer in their big 6 (especially mars/venus) are very attracted to women/femmes that are curvy and have an hourglass figure. Aries placements tend to be attracted to athletic figures. Leo placements are likely to jump at figures they find attention grabbing. Libra/Scorpio placement men are more likely to be attracted to figures that they’re socialized to find s*xy. I find that Sagittarius/Pisces is the least likely to have a set type. Aquarius and Gemini are also pretty dependent on personality and conversation skills.
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cozycottagetarot · 7 months ago
Your First 'Argument' With Them
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This rather light hearted (save one pile) reading explores the cause and resolution of your first significant argument/fight/tiff with your person.
The energies for you and your person could be potentially switched. For a few piles it felt like the reaction could belong to swapped between the two of you.
This was one of those readings where a lot of info only sorted itself out as I did each section so you really have to stick with me on this one haha.
There's some brief language in pile 3 & 4.
This reading is for entertainment purposes only! ✨
LINKS: Reading Masterlist | Dividers | Ko-Fi | Patreon | Paid Readings — Open 🫧
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Pile 1
The Incident/Cause 
Cards: Two of Swords, The World, Queen of Swords, The Chariot 
Your first argument with your person is around a significant and potentially life changing decision that needs to be made. The decision can shape how you two move forward and close out a cycle but the conflict arises because you two have two opposing opinions or desires. There are a lot of different scenarios here however, so keep in mind the details will vary greatly from person to person. It could also be that one person is hesitant while the other is more self-assured. The other scenario I’m picking up on is maybe you (could be them) feel pressured by a time frame in what the decision needs to be made. Another situation that comes to me is being given an ultimatum. In general there’s an energy of stalling and needing to get moving. Sneaky ten of swords was hiding out in the deck! The vibes could be off and hurtful words exchanged. It could be a situation that makes or breaks the relationship.
The Resolution 
Cards: Ace of Wands, Five of Wands, Seven of Wands reversed, Three of Cups, Three of Pentacles 
This might get worse before it reaches a fiery climax and gets better. Quite honestly your person may become more intolerable and you might find yourself fighting to keep your cool. I don’t get a really intense fight though, just being majorly annoyed. You may both turn to your friends to get advice/help or a third party may help you both resolve the conflict. 
In the end, you and your person will try to come up with a solution that works for both of you. They may or may not confess their feelings for you… it depends on your relationship.
Curious about their reaction, your reaction, and the long-term impact on your relationship? 🌟 Dive into the details in the extended version, available to all tiers on my Patreon! 💖✨ Don't miss out! 🌠
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Pile 2
The Incident/Cause 
Cards: Knight of Pentacles, The Lovers, Temperance, Knight of Swords, The Patient Witch, The Magician
The relationship is moving too slowly for someone. One person is comfortable with the pace and the other is like – “okay, um, what are we doing”. The relationship could be what each of you desires but one of you is more laid back and the other is a go-getter… very driven. I’m also getting a cancelled date and one person keeps saying “I want more”. Someone is spoiled by or wants to be spoiled with the other’s love and intention! The other person gives everything, just you know… slowly!
The Resolution 
Cards: Ten of Wands, Page of Swords, Good Luck (Wheel of Fortune) Five of Wands, Ten of Cups 
You two will eventually decide to stop making things so difficult for yourselves. You're only clashing because you can’t see you have to actively figure things out together. The resolution is that things will pick up the pace. It will require you both to turn within though as it seems like the resolution is internal work that in the end pushes you two forward. 
For one of you, it’s about opening up and being vulnerable while for the other it’s about realising you’re allowed to receive. Kind of like the disconnect comes from lack of give and take (it’s there but imbalance). So once that is realised internally it can create a more secure and faster-moving flow. 
Curious about their reaction, your reaction, and the long-term impact on your relationship? 🌟 Dive into the details in the extended version, available to all tiers on my Patreon! 💖✨ Don't miss out! 🌠
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Pile 3
The Incident/Cause 
Cards: The Sun, Ace of Wands, King of Pentacles, The Chariot, Seven of Pentacles 
*If you were drawn to pile two I highly suggest checking that out!
I’ve been fighting for my life on this one Pile 3. I kept doing this pile looking for the source of the first (major) argument or even disagreement but the story wasn’t adding up to anything bad. You two may be a couple that works through disconnects (cause at the point that’s all I can call it) right away. The other piles had arguments with breaks but I get that vibe of you two always working to be on the same page or at least understand each other in the moment. 
But I still need to give you something so I decided to focus on the causes of general conflicts between you two. 
You two may have conflicts/disconnects over expectations of what your lives should look like and even that seems super mild. It’s like ‘maybe life should look like XYZ → but oh wait I’m actually happy with what I have’… you two may have to shed the stories you’ve been told and keep working on what you have together and individually because you’re happy. 
You guys might also be slow to get together as a couple. It felt like a waiting game in one of the previous pulls. Like you’re both hurt from previous experiences but also sure about your feelings for each other but unsure they’re reciprocated. So it’s a ‘will they won’t they’ kind of thing. You may run the risk of being “the one that got away”. 
How Are Conflicts Resolved
Cards: Ace of Cups, Five of Swords, Seven of Wands, Ten of Wands, Seven of Cups 
Conflicts may be so rare and few that you guys would definitely take it to heart. But I’m getting “I choose you you this lifetime and the next”. You two make a conscious decision to be in it together forever. You resolve conflicts through curiosity and a desire to understand each other. It’s like ‘this is the love of my life’ and “I don’t care, we’re getting through this together”. You naturally seek to understand each other and hold one another accountable. 
Curious about their reaction, your reaction, and the long-term impact on your relationship? 🌟 Dive into the details in the extended version, available to all tiers on my Patreon! 💖✨ Don't miss out! 🌠
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Pile 4
‼️ Before you read: This pile has a theme of self confidence and possible anxiety/mental health issues.
The Incident/Cause 
Cards:  Queen of Wands reversed,m Ace of Wands, Good Luck Charm, Nine of Wands, Ten of Swords, Strength 
This feels a bit messy (post-reading– but not really lol)…  someone could have some self-confidence issues here. There’s also some energy of preferring to be alone rather than out with/around other people. 
This fight was ‘bound’ to happen, but at the same time, it’s in your hands? It’s more of a self-fulfilling prophecy. It also has this vibe of being manageable to out of control and needing intervention.  Someone, (likely you but this is one of those piles where the roles could be reversed), could have significant trauma or some anxiety/mental health issues going on. 
Self-love is the issue and it causes a lot of worrying and isolation. It’s so hard to articulate this ‘softly’ which makes it even more challenging. Let's say Person A struggles but Person B can’t see why. In B’s eyes, A is the most gorgeous, passionate, fun, loving person ever. A and B may bicker a lot about the topic but I see this tension swelling and some hurtful things might be said. I think you two may also end up either taking space or separating for a little bit (like days more than weeks). 
The Resolution 
Cards: Page of Swords, Seven of Wands, Knight of Cups, Three of Swords, Queen of Swords, The Chariot 
Your person is going to want to hear your story. You two could end up having a bit of a heart-to-heart. They’re going to work with you to help you get yourself back to a good place again (so supporting you being your own rescuer). They’ll be your accountability partner and cheerleader along the way, standing by your side as you learn to step into your power again. It might happen faster than you think it will, but it doesn’t mean you won’t falter. But when you do you’ll bounce back quicker.
Curious about their reaction, your reaction, and the long-term impact on your relationship? 🌟 Dive into the details in the extended version, available to all tiers on my Patreon! 💖✨ Don't miss out! 🌠
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yeseve · 6 months ago
Mars Synastry in the Houses
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Mars in the 8th house overlay: I crave you. I can’t help but feel obsessively drawn.
Hot. Suffocating. Definitely not for the faint-hearted to resist this synastry. The Mars person knows exactly how to excite the house person, the house struggles to escape the intensity. It feels like butterflies in the stomach and an aching desire for touch. This connection is visceral, as if no one has ever come this close to touching your soul. Mars here can awaken a powerful sexual desire in the house person. There’s a strong sense of possessiveness and a need for control. Even the most laid-back signs can feel the weight of this bond. Signs that enjoy intensity may find it difficult not to become obsessed with the other person, while freer signs may feel uncomfortable with the power dynamics. This can even lead to strong enmity and dislike. Platonic or unresolved relationships in this aspect can lead to the parties trying to tear each other apart during a breakup, constantly thinking about one another, wondering how to hurt the other. There may be a lot of action behind the scenes, like gossip or intrigue.
"I loved her not for the way she danced with my angels, but for the way the sound of her name could silence my demons." – Gomez Addams (fan-created quote).
Note: Synastry can vary significantly depending on the zodiac sign and its aspects. For a more in-depth analysis of a specific placement, you can either ask me or explore the option of a full synastry reading that I offer.
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eevees-hobbies · 8 months ago
Just hear me out… you already having a baby w the bofurin and shishitoren boys (loml big dick Togame) and saying “our baby is so cute, i want another one” and they’re like “yeah? you want me to give you another baby?” And then boom they’re fucking another baby into you 🤭 (nobody look at me PLS)
Author’s Note: Part of the “Let That Man Breed You 2024” campaign! 
Content Warning: TW: Pregnancy. TW: Sexualization of the Pregnant Body. TW: Body Changes As a Result of Pregnancy. Heavy breeding kink, lactation fetish, Togame likes you dependent on him while you’re pregnant. He calls you mama. Getting your brains fucked out, mention of creampie. And as always, every pregnancy is different, and your mileage may vary! Minors Do Not Interact. 
Word Count: 1.2K
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Babies can be fairly precarious things. They consume your life as soon as you conceive them, taking up real estate in your womb, wreaking havoc on your senses, and using your bladder as their personal trampoline. And when they’re born? You eat, sleep, and breathe “baby” because “baby” is your new way of life.
But do you know what else babies are good at? When they look at you with big, bright eyes, squeezing your finger in their small, delicate hand, and giving you a sweet giggle, they are remarkably good at convincing you that those sleepless nights weren’t so bad. Witching hour? More like party hour! Foul-smelling diapers? You don’t need your sense of smell anyway!
Beautiful black curls, chubby cheeks, and doe-sized emerald green eyes are to blame for the position you’re in–literally and figuratively speaking, of course.
You found yourself turning to Togame after putting your little one to sleep, your mouth already moving before your brain could truly comprehend the weight of your words: “He’s so cute, Jo. I want to make another one.”
Famous last words and all that.
And that’s why you’re now bent over, face-down, and ass perched as high as a back arch will allow in front of the mirror in your shared bedroom with Togame’s cock buried so deep inside your cunt that your eyes are watering.
“Mmm, you want me to put another baby in you, mama?”
You bite your lip, hiccuping through the intensity of him stirring your guts, and give him a nod. You can see his face in the reflection of the mirror—he’s brandishing his signature lazy, half-smile, but his eyes are as if in a trance as they sweep over your body, admiring the way your juicy cunt swallows his cock with each hard backshot he delivers. His cock-head is repeatedly bullying the spot that makes you cry out with each thrust, feeling so good that your thighs have been trembling since you both started and show no sign of stopping anytime soon.
“Y-yeah, baby! W-wanna girl this time!”
He grunts, his hand grabbing a fistful of your ass and not regretting being rough in the slightest as each plea, demand, whimper, grunt, and whine he elicits from you only makes him more entranced.
He loves how you ask—and beg—for him to breed you. Togame had always considered himself a simple man. Kinks? Eh, he had preferences, sure, and certain things got him more riled up than most, but he became a changed man as soon as you became pregnant with his son.
It makes him a different, less in-control being thinking about your belly growing round again, the cute waddle that you’ll develop because you can’t see your feet, and this is one of the more critical and selfish reasons, but he loves that you’ll need him for absolutely everything.
“Togame, help me stand up.”
“Ugh, Togame, please help me tie my shoe.”
“Togame, need yoooooou.”
And while none of those reasons may be sexual in nature–maybe the desire for your dependency on him might be, but that’s an analysis for a different day–there are sexual fantasies and kinks that he is able to live out while you’re carrying his child. 
He loves having you ride him, fully pregnant, as you bounce on his dick. At first, you were hesitant to do so, scared that the added weight of the additional human housed inside you would be too much, but he simply grabbed your hand and guided your wrist to his mouth, where he placed a trail of soft, languid kisses.
“You don’t need to worry about any of that. Now, ride me, pretty girl.”
And when you finally got out of your own head? Trivial thoughts about your new body vanished because how can anyone focus with 9 inches of cock buried inside of them? Definitely not you!
Togame looked up at you and swore that if he died at that moment, he might not be too upset about it. His hands cupping your already swollen and heavy breasts as you grip and grind at his cock is the closest he’s ever felt to cumming inside of you faster than he ever thought possible.
“Baby,” he coos, “you’re doing so good bouncin’ on my dick, but say the word, and I’ll take over.”
He loves how wide your hips have gotten after carrying and birthing your first child, his hands always somehow finding a way to squeeze you there, even in public. People have to look away because when he does it, it feels so intimate and laced with a sexual undertone. 
He just can’t help it because, fuck, does motherhood look good on you. 
And Togame absolutely loses his mind when you come to him, wincing in pain because the baby didn’t drink enough of your milk, so now your breasts are rock-hard, and you need relief.
“Please help me, Togame,” you whimper, voice straining to fully verbalize what you need, so you raise your hands to your chest and gently motion to your breasts. 
And to Togame, the sight is glorious; your breasts struggling to fit in your shirt and nipples managing to leak breast milk even through your padded bra? If only you knew the unholy thoughts that flow in this man’s head when you come to him in such a vulnerable state.
He’d rest his head in your lap, looking up at your darkened nipples, surrounded by a puffy areola, the tip now flowing with droplets of thick, fresh breast milk. He’ll latch his mouth around the sensitive bud, sucking in mouthfuls while his other hand squeezes the other neglected nipple, streams of milk squirting out as you run your fingers through his hair.
“Thank you, baby, that feels so good.” 
And he loves the way people ogle your big belly in public as they can’t help but stare because even in the womb, Togame gives you big babies. He loves knowing that they’re thinking about him stuffing you full of his seed, creampieing you an insurmountable amount of times to get you so round, so big, so sexy. 
“Don’t worry, mama. I got ya’ I know exactly what you need.”
He delivers hard smacks to your ass, making the fat of it ripple and bounce against him as he presses his palm on your shoulder and pushes you down, your cheek now buried in the plush rug on your floor as Togame bends a long leg at your side to give him better leverage.
As your mind goes blank, and a sliver of drool escapes the corner of your mouth because god, he’s so deep, and even as you try and shift under him, the hand on your shoulder is unwavering.
“Now, now, mama. This is what you wanted, right? What you asked for? Just relax for me, and I’ll do allllll the work.”
Everything about him is just so big, his frame, his 9 inches of thick cock, and his heavy balls. It’s just so much! But you have to take it all if you want him to give you another baby. 
And to Togame, you look so good like this—ethereal even—fucked out on his cock that’s drilling into you, heavy tits squished against the floor, and so willing to take everything he has to offer you.
“Mmm, here it comes, mama. Ya ready for your first load of the night?” 
“Gonna give you that baby girl I promised.” 
“You lookin’ at yourself in the mirror, baby? Get a good look cuz you’ll be knocked up and swollen in a few months.”
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@taytebby Delivery!
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calliopefiction · 2 years ago
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Misplaced is a fantasy romance IF wherein your choices not only determine your own fate, but that of an entire kingdom. Let me take you on an adventure filled with both whimsy and tragedy alike.
The current public demo goes up to the end of Chapter 9.
The demo on Patreon goes up to the end of Chapter 10.
The Story:
For decades, the human kingdom of Gaiapeia has been in conflict with the fae living in the surrounding lands. There's no end in sight - in fact, an outright war seems more likely with each passing day.
You are the child of Lady and Sir Grahm, a noble family who has been serving the crown for generations. Eager to follow in your father's footsteps, you have been training for years to become a knight worthy of being Prince Az'Lean's Champion - his right hand, his closest confidant, the one who protects his life from the growing danger of the fae.
When the time finally comes and you are chosen for the position, it's a dream come true. You couldn't be happier, but just one day later on your 21st birthday, a terrible truth is revealed to you.
You are a changeling - a fae child that was smuggled into a human family with only one purpose: to gain the prince's trust and use it against him.
A war between humans and fae is slowly but surely brewing, and the outcome depends entirely on your choices. 
Will you choose a side or try to make peace? 
Will you embrace what you are or reject it? 
And who will you let in on your secret?
Customize the appearance of your MC, play as non-binary, female, or male and romance whoever you like however you like, including the option of asexual or queer-platonic relationships.
Enjoy the story without having to worry about stats - you will be a competent knight no matter what. There is no failure or success, only different choices and their outcomes.
Shape your personality, and your trustworthiness, with your actions. How other characters feel about you will change depending on how they perceive you.
Pick a side early on, play the long con, or refuse to make a choice at all. There are multiple split paths that will feature the same romancable characters - but their relationship to you might vary greatly (including villain romances).
Vynn (nb): A fellow knight and your best friend
Unlike you, Vynn isn't a knight by choice and doesn't care much for fighting. They'd much rather be a bard if they could, seeing as they love playing the lute, spinning epic tales, and generally being a source of levity. They are fiercely loyal and good-natured, though there is that bit of resentment that will never quite leave their heart.
Az'Lean (m): The prince and the one you are sworn to protect
At a glance, Az'Lean is the very picture of a fairytale prince: charming, chivalrous, and powerful. He is an excellent fighter, loves animals, and prefers to be treated like an equal. Anyone who cares to look will soon notice the darkness lurking beneath that shining exterior, festering ever since the death of his mother.
Maeve (f): A powerful dryad and your teacher on the ways of the fae
Maeve is usually playful and soft, though she can get eerily intense at times. As much as she cares about decorum and courtly things, she finds joy in the simplest pleasures and easily turns into a giggly mess. For all her humour, you can never quite tell if she is being serious. Sometimes it feels like she's just playing with you.
Thianne (f): A sorceress and one of Az'Lean's most trusted advisors
Thianne is intelligent and hard-working, though sometimes at the expense of her own well-being. Although she comes across as abrasive and rude, she is always willing to help those who need it. Her dry sense of humour and brutal honesty have endeared her to just as many people as they have made her enemies.
Lester (m): A half-fae and servant in the castle
As with most half-fae, Lester's presence isn't entirely welcome, and his reasons for being here seem deeper than he lets on. Lester is known for his mischief and his crude humour, often pulling pranks that border on malicious. Despite the way he presents himself as laid-back and uncaring, it's clear that there's a lot he isn't opening up about.
This story contains potentially triggering content. There will be graphic depictions of violence, death, discrimination, body-image issues, mental illness (including panic attacks, suicidal thoughts and paranoia), discussions of genocide, war, and terminal illness. 
Discretion is advised. More warnings might be added at a later date.
Thank you so much for showing any interest in this project at all! If you would like to receive biweekly update posts, participate in polls, and get access to bonus short stories, consider supporting me on Patreon.
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just-a-ghost00 · 6 months ago
Tarot investigation : the portrait of your stalker
In this reading we will be trying to identify the person who has been stalking your socials. This reading is meant for you if you suspect someone of stalking you. There will be three sections : one for physical traits, one for personality traits and the last one for the reason why they stalk your accounts. For each section, I will be taking two to three cards. To pick your group, I invite you to choose one of the following songs.
Group 1 - You are my sunshine
Physical traits - King of cups, two of cups
This is someone that regardless of their gender appears as very soft and cutesy. They could look younger than their age. When people look at them, they seem very friendly and approachable. This could be someone that smiles a lot, who’s eyes are watery and sparkly. They could have round cheeks, wrinkles around their nose or their eyes from constantly smiling. They could tend to scrunch up their nose and look a little mischievous sometimes. They could have freckles or beauty marks on their face. They feel very fluid. So maybe they are gender fluid, maybe the way they style their outfits can vary a lot depending on their mood. They could prefer baggy clothes over tight fitting clothes. If they identify as a man, I feel like this person’s appearance is a bit different from what society deems at "manly". They look more vulnerable, more feminine. They likely don’t have a beard or if they do it is very subtle. They could wear make up or use a lot of skin care products. They groom themselves a lot. This is someone that looks very neat. They have big round eyes, full lips, puffy cheeks that look so soft and mellow. This is the type of person that people love at first glance because they look so innocent and kind. Everything about them is just so pure and beautiful. If they identify as a woman, they are fully embracing their femininity. This is someone that has a curvy body, luscious hair. They wear a lot of dresses, skirts, cute tank tops. They wear make up, do their nails, pamper themselves a lot. No matter their gender this is the type of person that is effortlessly aesthetically pleasing because they are the epitome of cuteness and charm combined. They probably look like a doll.
Personality - 2 of swords, The Tower and 10 of cups
This is someone that is tormented. Their outward appearance doesn’t let on the amount of inner turmoil they are in. This is someone that wears a lot of masks to make up for their shortcomings. This is someone that fears failure and rejection, that possibly has struggled with anxiety and/or depression most of their life. This is someone that is in a constant battle with their inner demons and despite all of that still finds the time and strength to be absolutely adorable with anyone near them. This is a person that has a lot of love to give and only wishes to be understood and loved for who they are. They long for a place where they belong. Their mind is both their best asset and their worst nightmare because depending on the phase they’re in their mind can really hinder them. This person is very analytical but also very powerful. When they are confident about themselves and feel fully supported they can move mountains and start a revolution. They are intense both in the good and the bad. They have an all or nothing type of mentality. When they like you they give you their all without question but if they don’t… you know the rest. I guess this is someone that looks like a cinnamon roll but could k*** you.
Why do they stalk you? - The World, 8 of pentacles, ace of pentacles
I am picking up on several reasons that I will list down below. This person could have several reasons to stalk your socials. 1. They would like to associate with you on a business level. This person sees potential in you and would like to get in contact in order to figure out how they can turn this opportunity into an actual project. 2. You are at a distance from each other and this person would like to get closer to you. They wish to investigate about who you are before they come towards you, whether that is to be friends or more. 3. They think the world of you. They admire your resilience, your independence, your creativity and open mindedness. You could be someone that has many talents, speaks many languages and/or travels a lot. You are unique and think out of the box which has caught their attention. 4. You voluntarily put a distance between you after encountering them to focus on your personal goals. Doing so, you surprised them and got their interest. Seeing that you were hiding away, this person has been wondering what you have been up to and they couldn’t resist the temptation to check on you. 5. As their was a ladder drawn on the 8 of pentacles card, it made me think of progress. The wheel of fortune is also a symbol of things moving forward, taking a positive turn and the ace of pentacles speaks of good news, new and tangible opportunities. So this person could want to create an opportunity to take things to the next level with you, whatever that means. They are looking for a breach, anything that could let them know that it is safe for them to interact with you and let their intentions be known.
Confirmation signs : fixed signs, earth and water signs, especially Scorpio and Taurus, leaves, mistletoe, repeating 2s, ladders
Group 2 - Sorry I love you
Physical traits - 7 of cups, 10 of pentacles, The Devil
This person screams "danger". This is someone that looks devilishly handsome/beautiful. So much so that they feel like they’re not real or they’re a catch. They ooze luxury. Everything about them is sensual, deep, alluring. They appear as confident, mysterious, unreachable, untamable, intimidating. They look like the kind of person that would call you out without hesitation if you crossed them. They scream authority. Nonchalance also comes to mind. They could look a little snobbish. They could have tattoos. They take extremely good care of their body and their appearance. Their presence is addictive to those around them. They are very guarded. They don’t talk a lot. Communication comes through body posture and gestures, eye contact, actions. This is someone that looks strong and indestructible. They could appear as cold, mean or disinterested. They look like the kind of person that knows their worth and takes no BS. The kind that would have no hesitation cutting you off and doesn’t need anyone. They look serious, stern even. They could frown a lot or have an inexpressive face. Their gaze is intense. If they identify as a man, they likely have a prominent jaw, narrow eyes that are deep in their eye socket, strong shoulders and arms, a broad back. Big hands. They could look older than their age or be older than you. If they identify as a woman, they have long lashes and long hair that creates a shadow on their face, prominent cheek bones, a very long neck and very thin hands. Very sharp nails also. I’m picturing people that tend to wear darker clothes, that have fair skin and dark hair/eyes.
Personality - The Star, 8 of pentacles
This is someone that is a loner, that is a hard worker and a major achiever. They are the quiet / introvert type. They don’t mingle with a lot of people. This is someone that communicates clearly and in a very efficient way. They don’t like to waste words and time. This is someone prideful and productive that takes a lot of pride in their work, accomplishments and skills. They like to read and study. They like to learn and expand their horizons. They have a curious mind and they like to be challenged. This is someone that has big aspirations and that isn’t afraid to go after what they want. They are opinionated, resilient and stubborn. They could enjoy using social media. This is someone that is admired for their work ethic and is a reliable business partner. They are very protective of their space and what they love. They are an idealist. They are loyal and committed to whatever they set their mind to. They have a hard time with change but they are also a very good listener. They know how to work with teams. They are a social butterfly though they rarely feel close to anyone. They have high standards. This is someone that likes to keep busy. They could work out a lot. They think a lot. They like to imagine things and then work hard to make them come true. This is a true dreamer.
Why do they stalk? - 7 of cups, the tower, 4 of cups
If you have had an argument with someone recently then this could be your sign that this person is stalking you because they are still not over what happened. They feel frustrated with how things went and they have unfinished business with you.
If you stopped interacting with someone all of a sudden without any explanation, this is your sign that person is stalking you because they think you are mad at them and they don’t know what they did wrong. They think that things have been cut short before they could even do anything and it makes them sad. They miss you and wish you would tell them what happened.
For some of you, I’m picking up on someone feeling like they have competition and they want to find out if their intuition is right. This person is trying to figure out what is going on in your life but they find you hard to read. Especially if you have prevented this person from being able to see your content.
Confirmation signs : Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio, repeating 7s, social media use, work connections
Group 3 - Something in your mouth
Physical traits - The Tower, The World, King of cups
This person is breath taking. Everything about them feels very regal and perfect, like everything is right into place and where it should be. They look very approachable despite that regal vibe. However their aura is so intense you may feel very small in comparison to them. They are definitely taller than you. With the combination of the Tower and the World card, I'm picking up on someone that comes from a different culture than yours. It gives me the feeling of a stark contrast. So if you're European, for instance, then this person is either African or Asian. I have the impression of someone that is very masculine but that allows themselves to be feminine in the presence of others, especially if it can make people more comfortable. So they would tend to smile a lot, to soften their voice, to make themselves look smaller or younger. I'm thinking of idols that are sometimes asked to act like babies when doing aegyo. This is the energy I get from this person. They may tend to dim their light and belittle themselves to make themselves look approachable or friendly. Not because they want to manipulate people but because they want to be appreciated and seen for something different than that intimidating persona that they may have naturally. I'm picking up on long fingers, rounded cheeks, freckles and beauty spots. Someone with silky or curly hair, that has a bit of a baby/innocent look. In terms of fashion they tend to wear clothes that make them look young, bright clothes rather than dark ones. If they wear dark clothes they always accessorize them to make them look less sombre. This is a person that looks very calm and collected. They walk at a slow pace, their gestures are always controlled. The emphasis is put on their eyes. They have beautiful eyes that make people feel understood and cared for. This is a person that looks very accepting of others.
Personality traits - 6 of swords, knight of pentacles, 3 of cups
Here we have someone that has been through a lot of struggles but never held any gruges against anyone. More than anything, this person tends to blame themselves rather than others and always looks at what they can do better or different. This is a hard working individual, who's patience and resilience know no equal. They are very adaptable and always push themselves past their limits to see how far they can go. They like to challenge themselves. This is a person that loves to celebrate and gather with people of all kinds, especially if they can learn from them. They are just a cutie patootie that wishes for the best for everyone and hopes that they can find people who feel the same. They strive for light hearted connections that they can feel safe with, where they don't have to change a thing about who they are. They want to be loved for themselves and not what they bring to the table. I feel like this person might have been abused in the past or made fun of. They just want to love and be loved, work hard and be a better person. And if they can gather people in the process, then that would make their day. They may be a bit stubborn. Once they have set their mind on something they rarely change course of action. They are determined and ambitious. They're not afraid to cut ties when needed. They're also not afraid to pursue something or someone if they're convinced it is good for them. This person doesn't give up easily. No matter how tough things may get.
Why do they stalk? - 10 of cups, Temperance, 6 of pentacles
You caught their eye. Not because you had something valuable that they coveted. Not because you did something specific. Just because you exist and you give them space. This person has never felt any happier and content than when around you. When interacting with you, they feel like balance is restored and they are finally where they're supposed to be. This person may consider you their soul mate or if not, they view you as family. They have the same amount of respect and love for you as they have for their siblings or parents. Which in their eyes is a lot.
They love how generous you are and keep giving without expecting anythig in return. This, to them, shows how disinterested you are and how trust worthy you can be. They know that the reason you are kind to them is because it is your nature, not because you wish to get something from them.
They feel like they can learn a lot from you and become a better person in your presence. Since this person values learning and overcoming their shadows, they feel like you would bring the best out of them, compared to others.
They feel like they can be themselves with you. They don't have to compromise as much or belittle themselves because in this connection the energies are balanced. You match their level. They can fully enjoy your interactions and moments spent together because they don't have to second guess anything, they don't have to overextend themselves to be gaining the bare minimum in terms of respect and attention. They know that you value them just as much as they value you.
Confirmation signs : fixed signs, especially Scorpio and Taurus, repeating 6s and Ts, almond shaped eyes, hands, angels
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What happens to a TARDIS when its bonded time lord passes away?
What happens to a TARDIS when its bonded Time Lord passes away?
The bond between a TARDIS and its Time Lord is very co-dependant - one literally can't function without the other. When that connection gets suddenly severed by the death of a Time Lord, the TARDIS can react in various ways, depending on the strength of their relationship.
🖤 Mourning and Grief
When their Time Lord dies, many TARDISes actually go through a mourning period. In some cases, this grief is so intense that the TARDIS can't keep going - there are stories of TARDISes ending their existence by hurling themselves into the Time Vortex or flying into a sun, unable to bear the loss of their pilot. There are rumours of something of an 'elephant's graveyard' for TARDISes at the end of time, filled with the shells of TARDISes who have ended themselves in this way.
💔 Loneliness vs. Indifference
However, not all TARDISes respond to the death of their pilot with mourning. Some, due to the nature of their bond or their individual personalities, may seek out a new pilot relatively quickly. This could be driven by a sense of aimlessness, an instinctual need for companionship, or even indifference, depending on how their previous pilot treated them. Because although I say that it's co-dependent, the Time Lord is always holding the reins, and some Time Lords just don't treat their TARDISes with the same respect and love the Doctor does.
🏫 So ...
Ultimately, a TARDIS's response to the death of its Time Lord varies greatly depending on the depth of their relationship and the personality of the TARDIS.
🤔|🛸🧬The Life Cycle of a TARDIS: How TARDISes are born, grow, and die.
💬|🛸🧬Do we have any info on TARDIS biology?: Overview of TARDIS biological aspects.
💬|🛸👽Could a Time Lord and a TARDIS be in a relationship?: Potential relationships twixt Time Lord and TARDIS and the intimacy of the symbiotic connection.
Hope that helped! 😃
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lilybecca1 · 2 months ago
My analysis on Midoriya and why I think he has undiagnosed BPD
Throughout Izuku's childhood, he was always seen as weird, off-putting, an outsider to social norms. Being left out, being seen as "different" is very common amongst people, especially kids, with undiagnosed disorders. So let's jump straight into it. What is BPD and how does it develop? (Contains manga spoilers)
Here are a few summaries amongst many that I have found (also, I'm not a psychologist or a healthcare professional, these are all just based on my own observations):
BPD, short for Borderline Personality Disorder, is a severe mental health condition characterized by a pervasive and challenging pattern of symptoms including emotional dysregulation, unstable self-identity, fear of abandonment, intense and unstable interpersonal relationships, impulsivity, and self-harming behaviors.
People with borderline personality disorder (BPD) experience extreme emotions. Once a powerful emotion is triggered, it is very hard for them to calm down. Because of this, they often have unstable relationships. They also engage in self-destructive behavior.
Researchers think that BPD is caused by a combination of factors, including:
Stressful or traumatic life events (for example, emotional abuse, neglect, often having felt afraid, upset, unsupported or invalidated),
And genetic factors.
Symptoms may include:
A strong fear of abandonment. This includes going to extreme measures so you're not separated or rejected, even if these fears are made up.
A pattern of unstable, intense relationships, such as believing someone is perfect one moment and then suddenly believing the person doesn't care enough or is cruel.
Quick changes in how you see yourself. This includes shifting goals and values, as well as seeing yourself as bad or as if you don't exist.
Periods of stress-related paranoia and loss of contact with reality.
Wide mood swings that last from a few hours to a few days. These mood swings can include periods of being very happy, irritable or anxious, or feeling shame.
Ongoing feelings of emptiness.
Inappropriate, strong anger, such as losing your temper often, being sarcastic or bitter, or physically fighting.
Now, let's get into it.
BPD, like all disorders, isn't the same for every person. Symptoms and the intensity of these symptoms can vary. It can make some people's life and relationships really difficult, but others can go on for years undiagnosed living a completely happy life without even knowing there's anything wrong. Midoriya's case, in my opinion, is the latter. These symptoms don't surface that obviously in him, but I believe, in different circumstances (queue those Villain Deku and traumatized Deku fics) these symptoms and behaviours could actually turn into much bigger problems and affect his life in a much more impactful way. But, in any case, let's analyze these symptoms and how they may have surfaced in him throughout the manga.
Of course, I decided to turn to TikTok as well and watch some actual explanations and experiences from people who actually have been diagnosed with this disorder in order to understand BPD on a more subjective level, not just objective. And what I have found turned out to be very interesting.
People with BPD often develop a very emotionally attached connection with one specific person in their life, which is their "Favorite person". This person can be anything including a friend, family, therapist, partner, etc. This is a person that someone with BPD can become dependent on. They often view them as a person who's perfect and can do nothing wrong. They might overshare, and expect availability from that person at all times. The dependence on this person goes beyond just adoration, because they are idolizing them to the point where it's all consuming. A person with BPD can switch from absolute adoration one moment to absolute hate the next. They might have trouble with boundaries, sometimes even having zero boundaries when it comes to that person. Their life constantly revolves around that person and the favorite person's identity becomes their own, and they can feel literal physical pain when losing that person. You see where I'm getting at?
I believe Midoriya has developed this dependency and attachment towards one particular person, can you guess who?
Yep, Bakugo Katsuki
Midoriya views Kacchan as perfect, as the embodiment of the image of victory. It's like he blindly ignores Katsuki's bad traits and the things he has done to him, and he idealizes him to the point that Katsuki became his symbol of victory. So much so that he himself has absorbed this identity that he built around Katsuki, for example during battles, which we see during the moments he clearly imitates Bakugo and mirrors him. Izuku "ILoveKacchan'sPersonalSpace" Midoriya basically has zero boundaries when it comes to Katsuki, I mean y'all let's not forget he basically stalked him and even knows what body part Katsuki washes first in the shower. Not to mention he gives zero fucks about boundaries when he butts into Bakugo's emotions even though Bakugo has clearly tried setting boundaries for almost their whole time knowing each other. Deku has also overshared with Katsuki(and only Katsuki), when he told him about OFA even though it was literally meant to be the one secret that he should have kept to himself. His life has always revolved around Bakugo to the point he cannot keep himself away from him.
And talk about experiencing physical pain when losing the favorite person...remember when Bakugo was kidnapped? Yeah, remember that kinda cringe and second hand embarrassing, absolutely animalistic scream that Midoriya let out? Yeah, well..... And then when he actually lost Katsuki, when he saw his dead body. Izuku lost control of his quirks in the middle of a freaking battle, LITERALLY started choking on Blackwhip and screaming in pain, and Blackwhip turned into a heart pierced by three swords that symbolizes intense and extreme physical and emotional pain. Need I say more? No.
And if you think Midoriya isn't capable of extreme hate too, ahhahaha, you're wrong. He can fr switch from absolutely adoring his Kacchan to planning how he's gonna rip off his legs in his diary. Yeah, I haven't forgotten about that one, Izuku.
So, it's very clear that Bakugo is Midoriya's FP and that he has developed this unhealthy, borderline toxic dependency towards him. But let's break down his character even further.
People with BPD tend to engage in self-harming and dangerous activities impulsively, diving in without thinking, in order to feel something. Well, we can tick that one too. Problem child number 1 is known to do and jump into things impulsively without thinking, even if it causes self-injury. In fact, he sometimes engages these self-destructive behaviours on purpose, like all those times when he broke his own bones over and over again. All this just so he can make Todoroki use his right side. Seriously, Deku. Yes, they are training to be heroes, but noone in the class is as reckless and impulsive as Izuku.
Which actually brings me to my next point, which is people with BPD objectifying themselves for validation, going insane lengths just to prove their own self-worth, never having a clear sense of self and seeing themselves as bad or as if they don't exist. I have talked about this in a previous theory of mine too, which you can read here. Midoriya Izuku does not have a clear sense of self. He mirrors others around him, behaving according to the mood and expectations of others. He has no sense of self, because he has built his identity around wanting to be a hero. To him, he is only worth something if he reaches that goal, that dream. Meaning he has no self worth or identity unless he does as he is expected to do, aka be a hero and put everyone else before himself, sacrificing his own needs, and in worse cases his own well-being. He basically objectifies his own self and turns himself into a simple puppet, a Deku, an empty vessel that can hold OFA and his dream of being a hero. To himself, he is nothing more than an object that's meant to be sacrificed if it's needed.
Now, let's continue with: emotional dysregulation, extreme mood swings, and inappropriate, strong anger, such as losing your temper often, being sarcastic or bitter, or physically fighting.
Well, first let's talk about something that's called "splitting". BPD is a disorder that causes extreme mood swings, making the person go one second from feeling happy and fine, to the next second feeling complete, pure rage. There is a fine line between these two moods, and it's very easy to fall over the edge. For some people, it can happen multiple times a day and could last from minutes to hours to even days, and for others, it can happen very rarely, it depends on how severe the symptoms are for each person. One thing in common though, is that splitting occurs when a specific memory, trauma or emotion gets triggered.
There are different types of splits, one of them being Rage split. Rage splits usually come with sudden outbursts of anger that seemingly come out of nowhere. When it occurs, the person might feel a tightness in their chest, their vision might narrow. They might experience a burning sensation in their chest as if their heart is trying to escape. This overwhelming emotion of anger can cause them to become infuriated with someone or something for no apparent reason. These episodes can cause impulsive actions, inappropriate speech and violent behaviour. It's almost like a cathartic release of emotion, and oftentimes the person doesn't remember the event fully, or only remembers it as a blur.
Now let's compare Midoriya's rage and outbursts and how they could be considered as splitting.
Scenario One: Izuku screaming his ass off saying GIVE ME MY KACCHAN BACK, charging at the obviously overpowered villains with two broken arms. Now, we can all agree that this was pretty out of character for him, and everyone was like Okay wtf. So the threat of losing Katsuki(which also directly correlates to his fear of abandonment) triggered him and made him impulsively and recklessly run towards the villains, even though he was completely defenseless.
Scenario Two: "Monoma, you b*tch". Midoriya literally unlocking a NEW QUIRK cause Monoma was talking shit about his FP, causing violent behaviour from him, getting tunnel vision, being completely OUT of it to the point they had to use Shinso's quirk to make him snap out of the episode. And now, this wasn't just about some rando insulting Bakugo. In my theory I explained how Monoma insulting Bakugo was essentially Monoma insulting Izuku's own values and identity. Because he has absorbed Bakugo's ideals, his values, his desire to win. Monoma talking shit about him felt like he just insulted who Izuku was as a person, as if he jabbed at the very essence of Izuku's dream, of his ideals. THAT was why it triggered him so bad.
Scenario Three: Midoriya vs Shigaraki 1. FP got stabbed, Midoriya immediately saw red and ran straight into the villain's hand without thinking about the consequences. He almost rage quit y'all. He raged so hard he bit the goddamn tendril like a freaking dog. He disassociated so hard he got tunnel vision and his eyes actually lit ablaze. Bruh.
Scenario There'stoomuchtokeepcount: Midoriya vs Shigaraki 2. Aka Deku AFK-ing in the middle of a freaking war and being like I'm out, y'all on your own now, after seeing FP's dead body. Tightness in his chest, unable to breathe, vision narrowed, in fact, completely blocked because of Smokescreen. A burning sensation in his chest as if his heart wanted to escape = Three of Swords. A cathartic release of emotion as his quirks released and gotten out of control. His biggest rage split moment right there.
But, rage isn't the only type of splitting that can occur. Another type is Isolation split.
Isolation splits usually stem from a deep-seated fear of abandonment. You may find yourself feeling unwelcome and unwanted, even in familiar environments such as school. You might have an urge to push people away, and often cut yourself off from others. For some, this means aggressively cutting people out of their lives for no apparent reason, for others, it might be a more subtle withdrawal from social groups and conversations. All the while hoping that someone will notice and ask them how they are doing. It might also include suppressing anger into anxiety, guilt, or self-hatred, identity dysmorphia, self-sabotaging relationships to be in control, stress-related paranoia, loss of contact with reality, and on-going feelings of emptiness.
Reminds me of a certain Vigilante Arc.
Isolation splits usually stem from fear of abandonment. In Izuku's case, why did he leave UA? Well, on the surface level, it was to protect his classmates from harm. But on a deeper level..
During his Vigilante Arc, he felt like he had to carry the burden of OFA all by himself. He felt like this responsibility that he carried made him a burden for others, including Katsuki, his friends, his family, and All Might. He feared that they would also realize this and feel like he's a burden, so he pushed them away, cut himself off, and left before they could leave him behind. Of course, this is not the truth, but this is what he believed. His feelings of anxiety towards the possibility of losing them in the war, his guilt of being a burden, his self-sabotaging is what made him believe that he is unwanted, unwelcome. During splits, the person views everything as either black or white, no in-between. Either all good, or all bad. He wanted to feel in control by leaving them behind for "their sake", almost maniacally insistent on being alone, like in the scene where All Might wanted to check on him and give him some food, but Deku ultimately ended up pushing him away and leaving him on the ground too.
During these episodes, people with BPD cannot logically think the situation through, they don't understand that their intense paranoia and belief that everyone hates them is just the reflection of their own feelings. During this episode, this Vigilante Arc(the episode didn't last for the entire arc, but there were probably higher and lower moments instead) he lost contact with reality and lived in a state of constant paranoia and a feeling of emptiness. He believed it was for the "better", but deep inside, that child inside of him just wanted someone to save him, to pull him back and not let go. Deep down he was just a child who just wanted some reassurance and to be validated. Like in his letter to Katsuki. Although we didn't see the whole letter, there were snippets of "Help me", and "thanks for everything" in it, reflecting Izuku's own feelings of "Please love me" and how even though he said he wanted to be alone, deep down he just wanted Katsuki to save him, to be there by his side.
Lastly, another symptom of BPD that can occur, albeit rarely, is the idolization, devaluation and ghosting of certain people, specifically the Favorite Person. This might just, technically, explain the ending of the manga and Chapter 431. Midoriya subconsciously idolized Katsuki his whole life seeing him as perfect. But as we all know, nobody is perfect. Midoriya had always viewed Kacchan as his image of victory, as someone who cannot lose. Yet, he has. The very person who he believed could never ever lose died on the battlefield. The person who believed was the strongest broke down crying in front of him saying he wants to be on his heels for the rest of his life. And what was Izuku's reaction?
Stop crying, this isn't like you.
Midoriya progressively went through the devaluation of Bakugo Katsuki's character, of his Favorite Person. Now, this is just a theory, because devaluation doesn't necessarily mean anything bad. It just means that he had stopped blindly idolizing Katsuki and realized that he is just a human too.
But in some cases of BPD, devaluation also comes with losing interest. Of finding a new favorite person who they see as their new "idol". Or to put it simply, Uraraka. Now, I don't want to go into more details because I am still very much hurt from Chapter 431, but we have seen an obvious ignorance, almost ghosting from Izuku's side towards Katsuki, something that is completely the opposite of how he would have acted before the war. Instead, he is looking at Ochaco as if she was his hero, and he sees her as a person that he wants to get to know more, to get closer to. Leaving Bakugo behind.
I spy an untreated BPD right there. But how could this disorder have developed in Midoriya? Well, it can be due to either genetics, or a series of traumatic events during childhood, for example emotional abuse, neglect, and going through feelings like being afraid, upset, unsupported or unvalidated.
Well emotional abuse came from the bullying. Neglect came from his father leaving. Being afraid was also because of the bullying and Bakugo. He felt unsupported by his own mother when it came to his dream of becoming a hero after being diagnosed quirkless. And he felt unvalidated his whole life simply because he didn't have a quirk. So yeah. I'm pretty sure these were all reasons that he has developed BPD, although not a severe case. If he actually turned into a villain and never got into UA, I imagine these symptoms could have worsened, making him extremely irritable, prone to snapping and having emotional outbursts and having an even more toxic codependency in his relationships.
I'm not saying that BPD is anything bad, I also have a friend who has BPD and it doesn't make you a bad person, people with BPD just simply experience emotions more intensely than others.
So yeah, I hope you guys enjoyed this analysis, and of course, let me know what you guys think!
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brightlotusmoon · 17 days ago
What it really feels like to be overstimulated
In clinical terms, overstimulation—or sensory overload—means your brain is unable to process all the sensory information it’s receiving. That could include loud noises, bright lights, strong smells, unexpected physical contact, or being around too many people in a small space. “You’re experiencing sensations, and you feel them more than they actually are,” says Naomi Torres-Mackie, a psychologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City and head of research at the nonprofit Mental Health Coalition. That makes it different from overwhelm, which is an emotional reaction caused by stress or anxiety—like when your responsibilities exceed your capacity—and isn’t necessarily tied to sensory input. Though anyone can experience overstimulation, it’s particularly common among those with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety disorders, and schizophrenia, she adds.
Imagine you’re body-to-body with strangers on a subway car, for example. While many people would find the experience unpleasant, they’d be able to stick it out until they reached their destination. Those experiencing true sensory overload, on the other, might need to exit sooner than planned. “For somebody with PTSD, ADHD, or ASD, it would feel intolerable,” Torres-Mackie says. “You might feel the need to escape or flee; you might feel restless, like you just cannot calm down; you might have feelings of anxiety. You might experience a panic attack, or feel agitated or angry or rageful, and become highly emotionally reactive.”
That's because your nerves are on edge, she says; if you're overstimulated, you feel unsafe and, as a result, react strongly. Some people also report physical symptoms, like lightheadedness, headaches, muscle tension, and heart palpitations.
Exactly what triggers sensory overload can vary depending on a person’s underlying mental-health condition. People with PTSD, ASD, ADHD, and anxiety disorders tend to become particularly overstimulated by crowds and loud noises; those with autism are often especially triggered by touch. Schizophrenia can lead to overstimulation around visual and auditory signals: "These can feel so strong and intense that they often get kind of jumbled,” Torres-Mackie says, “and one theory is that’s what leads to hallucinations.”
When people have PTSD, meanwhile, their sensory overload is often tied to traumatic experiences...
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lifeafterpsychiatry · 1 year ago
Hi! I wanted to answer the anon who was asking about what ADHD meds do & don’t help with as someone who was late-diagnosed and started meds this year. However, the effect of ADHD meds and even experience of ADHD itself varies heavily from person to person, so do keep that in mind!
- Actually hearing and retaining what people are saying. I was never able to fully experience a college lecture without panic because of only hearing bits and bobs of the lecture, going in one ear and out the other. I can truly focus and actually respond to what people are saying in a single line of thought without desperately trying to stimulate myself as much as possible to maybe get 1/2 of the detail to stick in my brain.
- Time blindness!! At first starting meds it felt like the day went for 500 years. I felt so much slower and mentally calmer, and I was able to complete “simple” tasks in under 15-20 minutes that could normally take me up to 3 hours due to distractions.
- Memory! Off my meds I have an enormously hard time remembering anything I’m trying to accomplish. I bounce from task to task without ever finishing it. On meds I’m able to think “I need to do laundry” and I just. Do the fucking laundry. It’s magical and I’ve cried more than once thinking about how much I’ve spent my life thinking I’m stupid or lazy for not being able to “just do the thing” like everyone else.
- Shutting down/fearful procrastination— I would be stuck doing nothing for days and days because I would want to do a task so badly but overly think about it and essentially paralyze myself in the decision making/getting started process. When I’m on my meds I can just do the fucking thing! Even if I don’t really feel like it! When before I practically had to have the exact perfect circumstance and could never create them, I can just plop myself somewhere and do the fucking thing. Just like I’ve been told all my life— “Even if you don’t want to, do it anyways” except now I have the actual ability to do that like everyone else. Before it was like everyone else was telling me to turn on a light, but I had no switch.
- Help with hyperfixation. Sometimes I can fixate even worse when I’m on my meds, just because my mind is so single stream that I’m able to do things for even more excessive periods. I burn myself out accidentally a lot quicker if I don’t provide myself with manual distractions to take breaks from daily/academic tasks.
- Immediately fix you. It was hard to start meds because I had to unlearn a lot of habits I had developed to cope with my undiagnosed ADHD— such as constantly moving, stimulating myself, having candy, etc. Just because the day became longer didn’t mean my time management became awesome either. I’m still working on tools that help ADHD with my meds!
- Not really a don’t but more so an unexpected side effect was becoming very intensely angry or upset when the medicine wears off. I struggle with emotional dysfunction already but the anger was so severe and I didn’t know that ADHD meds wearing off can cause that.
- Work 100% all of the time. Some days things like stress, poor sleep, poor diet, etc, can alter the way the same dose of meds works for you. Especially if you are nicotine dependent or a regular caffeine consumer, the way your meds work can change on a day by day basis. Some days I feel like the meds aren’t working at all, but more often than not there’s still a difference between myself being unmedicated and medicated.
- Instantly make you better at studying/task completion. Apparently having ADHD for years made me so extremely avoidant of many things that I just don’t have the skill set to do them well yet. Like studying, for example. I still struggle with extreme perfectionism that impedes me outside of ADHD paralysis.
- I’m gonna say it twice but they DONT FIX YOU ON THEIR OWN. Yes, they make your life fucking way better than before especially if you’re an adult with undiagnosed ADHD, but you have to learn how to use tools and learn skills to support yourself for the medication to help you to the max capability! I will definitely say that being on meds helped overhaul my mindset when I’m off meds and improved my perception of myself, but again, the meds can only get me so far!
I hope this helped anon!!!
Thank you for taking the time to share this! I hope anon sees it 💕
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kinkandkreep · 11 months ago
Yandere Alphabet: Shuji Hanma (Tokyo Revengers)
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
When it comes to love and affection, Hanma would…rather not. He’s not the most naturally romantic person, and he shirks the thought of being, as he would call it, “mushy.” 
Now, that’s not to say that he just absolutely can’t express the way he feels about his desire, which is decidedly, pretty fuckin’ intense.
When Shuji puts his mind to it, he can be the most obnoxiously lovey-dovey, obsessed boyfriend you could imagine. 
He will drape himself all over you, bring you back “souvenirs” from his bloodier delinquent encounters, smother you in kisses (whether you want them or not) and drag you along on “dates” that he orchestrates solely based on his own desires. 
Going back to the intensity thing, Hanma either feels very, as he would say, “dull” about everything, or very, very intensely. 
For you, he feels the latter. 
You excite him, though the type of excitement you provide may vary depending on your personality. 
A more calm demeanor excites him because you’re so fun to tease different reactions out of.
If you’re more wild like him, he’s frankly just excited to have found someone he can share in his madness with.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Do you even have to ask? 🤨
Hanma gets bloody just for the hell of it, for you, he would kill. 
Like don’t push it or nun, but trust me, dude is insane over you. 🙃
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
I honestly don’t think Hanma would abduct you just on a whim, but on the off chance that he did, he would definitely be a little mocking at the least. 
He just finds you so intriguing, observing how you would react to suddenly waking up in an unfamiliar environment might just be motivation enough for him to make that a reality. 
Afterwards, if you fought him and were persnickety about the situation, he would more so tease you rather than mock you. 
“Your confusion is so cute. Make more of those fearful faces for me please.”
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Hanma likes to pretend to be a gentleman, he thinks it’s funny to watch you roll your eyes at his antics 
The most he’ll most likely do is pull you along to different fights and dangerous places to watch him while he handles bidness
He’ll also probably demand cuddles (not often, but somewhat infrequently) and he expects you to give them to him whether you’re in the mood for them or not, since he so rarely asks for them in the first place
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
This may come as a surprise, but Shuji actually feels comfortable enough with his Desire to bare a fair amount of his heart to them
I feel like, aside from the obvious times, Shuji is a surprisingly honest person
He’s honest about what he feels and what he wants, and he’s really straight up with the people around him if they piss him off
This is especially true for the object of his desires
You’ll probably at some point wish he wasn’t so honest and open with you, as he really doesn’t have a filter
Vulnerable is probably not a word I would use to describe ole Shuj, but I could sort of see where he might come off as such when in conversation, however one-sided, with his Desire
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Positively delighted
Shuji just finds everything you do to be so cute and endearing, and amusing 
For you to think that you could defeat him, or even outsmart him makes his heart do funny things in his chest
Now, not to mistake, he may get a little annoyed further down the line if you just refuse to ever cooperate, but starting out, he thinks it’s all fun and games
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Initially, Shuji may enjoy watching you try to escape his clutches
Mostly because he knows you’re going to fail 🙃
It’s sort of a game to him in the sense that he wants to see how long it’s going to take you to figure out that you’re never leaving him
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
This may come as surprise to some, but your worst experience with Hanma is probably something comparatively mild 
Now, well actually, that kind of depends on your constitution, and definition of mild
I am, for some reason, really taken with the idea that Shuji’s Desire’s most hellish experience with him is a prolonged game of cat and mouse that he orchestrates in an abandoned building somewhere in a dangerous part of town
He knows that your chances of actually escaping him are next to zero, and even if you did manage to make it out of the maze that is the building he’s forcefully transported you to, you’d end up right in the midst of shady men and even shadier dealings
This would only push you back into his arms, as he would be the only one who could protect you
He would also take into account the humiliation aspect of it on your part, given that you’d have tried so hard to get away from him only to end up needing him for your literal survival
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
While I think it would be cute if Shuji was all into the old fashioned “married with kids” situation, I can’t help but feel like he’s not 🙃
He wouldn’t mind marrying you, even if only to say that you’re officially his wifey, but other than that he doesn’t really care for customs and traditions in that way
So, as for his intended future with you, marriage is definitely an option, and havin’ a couple little rugrats runnin’ around wouldn’t be so terrible either in his opinion, especially if it means you’re even further bound to him
But for the most part, he just wants to keep you with him forever as his little doll to love on and occasionally drag around to the different brawls he gets into
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Shuji doesn’t really have a reason to get jealous
He knows he’s good looking and a good lay, skilled with his hands and tongue and everything in between
Now, I say he doesn’t really have a reason to get jealous, but that’s not to say he doesn’t
He may become be consumed by the most minute amount of jealousy should he catch you interacting with other people who are considered strong fighters
Namely, someone like Mikey or Izana
Shuji may not be super skilled (he’s just got really stand out stamina and eyesight) but he knows he’s a better fighter than average, it’s just that fighting is a huge part of his identity
If you ever took notice of someone else’s brawling prowess or, God forbid, complemented them on it, he’d feel this burning sensation in his chest that he’d be very reluctant to put a name to at first
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
Shuji is such a sporadic person, it’s lowkey kind of hard to pinpoint exactly how he’d act with his Desire at any given time
I will say though that he likes to be all up on you and doesn’t have a really good grasping of personal space
At least not towards the people he likes
He’ll smother you in kisses and unnecessarily tight hugs and maybe even pick you up and swing you around til you’re dizzy if he feels so inclined
He’s pretty much his usual excitable self, though Shuji can be calm, he just prefers not to be, because that’s boring, and we all know how Shuji Hanma despises boredom 🙃
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Shuji doesn’t court you
Like at all
He may on occasion send letters and hand deliver flowers ‘cus he thinks cliche shit like that is funny, but don’t mistake, the letters aren’t really romantic in nature and he’s likely to accidentally on purpose give you wilted flowers instead of fresh ones
He approaches you in a very confident, slick manner, expressing his desire for you and fully expecting that you’ll reject him because of…well, any number of things (i.e his reputation, his somewhat disconcerting appearance, etc.)
He doesn’t care that you’ll most likely turn him down though, as by that point he’s already decided he wants you and is determined to insert himself so firmly into your life that you have to choice but to entertain him
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Shuji is very straightforward and wild with you just like he is everywhere else
Now, I will say, he can and does have his “soft” moments, and again, he can be calm and behave what most people would consider normally on occasion
But for the most part, Shuji, similar to Mikey, keeps it trill wit you and everyone around him
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A/N: Hey hey y'all! 👋🏾 I decided to split Shuji's alphabet in half since it was getting pretty lengthy. Stay tuned for part two! ✌🏾
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yanderes-galore · 1 year ago
Hello, May I request a Cod Cold War ask? Specifically for Weaver x reader who’s part of the zombies strike team? I can imagine that they’re quick to figure out things (as you need to be for the Easter eggs) yet tough as they need to be? If not, I guess can I request Bell x reader (Bell may be hard to write for since they’re a player created character but I figured you do something cool with it!)
Ps, Chase loved the cookie I gave to him saying it was from you!
I'll try Bell as I'm a bit more familiar with them! Happy he liked the cookie even if it was a long time ago. Hope you enjoy :) Bell is referred to as They/Them as you did not specify what kind of Bell you wanted.
This is mostly rambling and may be short but it was me giving my view on the character and their potential. I wanted to explore it a bit so there's no real plot.
Yandere! Bell Concept/Overview
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Mentioned self-aware behavior but not focused, General Bell thoughts, Stalking, Brainwashing, General yandere behavior, Character death, Dubious companionship.
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Bell can be both interesting yet difficult to write so I will try to keep this rather general.
Bell could be difficult since their character is primarily meant for the player to insert themselves into.
They're meant to be so the player can interact with the story and feel like a part of it.
This would be difficult to try and convey, however, it opens many different possibilities.
Bell would be like a customizable yandere.
In a story you can pick and choose how you'd want Bell to be.
Bell would work even better in a "Self-Aware" story since they'd act as a host for the player and are extremely player dependent.
Your little puppet.
A reflection of you.
Overall Bell could really have any sort of yandere personality traits due to being a blank canvas.
You could see Bell as soft or someone who follows their darling like a puppy.
Maybe you could see them as a worship yandere.
Maybe you could see them as cruel, perhaps even prior to the brainwashing?
As a result, the darling is just as customizable.
You could be a part of the CIA or know Bell prior to the brainwashing.
There's a lot of potential.
The things is, how to write Bell is you'd need to be specific.
That's why I'm mostly just looking over the character.
Honestly my favorite ideas may be the Self-Aware one and Bell with a fellow CIA agent.
The Self-Aware one is self explanatory, I mentioned it before.
But the CIA agent one could also be fun to explore.
You know you shouldn't get attached or involve yourself with Bell.
They've been brainwashed with MK-ULTRA to find out info on Perseus.
That's all, afterwards they may just be tossed away.
For now they just need to be alive until the mission is finished and over.
However, Bell appears to have some sort of adoration for you one way or another.
Maybe somewhere in their memories they seem to recall you being important to them.
It's most likely a fabricated memory to coax more information out of them, but it works.
How Bell deals with such information could vary.
They may follow you around, they may be overly protective/clingy, they could be possessive, they could be any number of things.
They don't understand why you never like being around them.
Truthfully you either don't care or don't want to be attached.
Either way, Bell would want to treat you more than a "comrade".
They either see you as a close friend they "fought alongside" or maybe even a lover.
They have no idea you and Adler just need them for information.
Bell may most likely be "gotten rid of" before they become too much of a problem for you due to their obsession.
If they are a softer and more docile yandere, it feels horrible to know Adler did them in.
If they are rougher and more intense, it may feel like a relief when they're gone.
Player created characters like Bell have potential to be interesting once you have traits decided.
Unfortunately as a result I can't really assign Bell any definitive yandere behavior for them.
They seem like a puppet, a husk, meant to follow orders due to all of the brainwashing.
Regardless... a blank slate character can still have endless potential if you have a plot to work with.
No two Bell stories would be the same, essentially.
Bell is a wild card when it comes to their darling.
Which can mean they're a dangerous yandere if you think about it.
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theorahsart · 6 months ago
Would you happen to be able to compile a list of all the evidence/mentioned traits you know of that point towards Robespierre having autism, possibly with some sources of said evidence? You have my deepest gratitude if you do happen to be so kind as to take the time to answer this ask.
Hello! I'm sorry for taking a while to answer this- it of course was the kind of ask that requires some time to write! I'm gonna break it up into two posts, I hope that's okay. I'll just @ you when I do the next part.
I feel like I should start with saying that I'm not an expert in history (feel like I have loads to learn tbh). But I am an expert in autism, as I'm autistic, and know the topic thoroughly from cultural/social/medical perspectives- several of my educational comics are used in training programs by doctors and diagnoticians. So, you can trust everything I say about autism in this post.
You probably can't trust everything I say about Robespierre though lol. Compared to some actual historians I've talked to here, I haven't developed the skills of being able to discern when the info I get in books can be fully trusted, and the more I study Frev the more evident it is that just because I've read smth in a book, doesn't mean it can be trusted as fact haha. I've read 3 different posts from different historians in the last year that've debunked several 'facts' presented to me in published books loool
But anyway! I still personally think Robespierre was autistic, and I'll lay out why in the 2nd post.
I think it would take me more free time than I have to list *all* the evidence I've come across, so it seems best to break down how you diagnose autism in modern day, and then put that in context to some examples.
So this first part is just explaining *one way* in which medical professionals break down autism and the traits. Then in the next post I'll explain how I've applied those to Robespierre specifically.
How we think about and diagnose autism from modern day pov
I wanna start by breaking down how diagnoticians think about Autism specifically.
Autism doesn't encompass a specific set of traits that every single person must have in order to be diagnosed, because autistic traits vary so much from person to person.
Instead, you break down a diagnosis into different areas of life in which someone might be struggling. How this is broken down can vary a little between tests, but it's generally split into these areas:
Social reciprocity (how sociable you are with others)
Non verbal comminication
Verbal communication
Maintaining relationships
Restrictive and Repetitive behaviour
Repetitive speech or movements (basically stimming)
Routines and change
Highly fixed/intense interests
Hyper or hypo reaction to sensory input
And then basically, if enough of these areas are having a significant impact on your life, you're dx'd as Autistic.
You can see when broken down in this way, that:
You can be doing fine in some of these areas, but still be dx'd if there's a lot of other areas listed you're struggling in.
A NT person will likely have some sort of trouble in one or two of the listed areas (because we all have strengths and weaknesses). That doesn't mean they're autistic.
An autism dx is concluded from two things- if you struggle in more of these areas than less. And if those struggles are significantly impacting your life.
Just to note, I'm only talking from a diagnosis pov here, which is wrapped up in cultural contexts and the reasons we decided to give this way of being a label. Theres lots of traits we can also break down that aren't based around what you find difficult.
You could be autistic and go your whole life not knowing or needing a diagnosis, if say, you lived a lifestyle where you could avoid people and situations that are making you suffer. Your autism might make you excel in life, depending on your life.
But just esp in modern day, many of us dont have that luxury.
I'm using this type of dx in the context of Robespierre because I believe he did have difficulties that impacted his life and career, and it's significant to me to compare his behaviour and health to other politicians working in the same stressful circumstances.
But yeah I'll write this in a second post. Thanks for your patience!! 🙏
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sweepseven · 2 months ago
Top 5 trickster moments indulge me (yes this is probably exactly who you think it is)
I dunno, the world is flush with Trickster simps. It could be a few different people and I'm sure they'll all be interested to compare notes!
Trickster/Kashmir pre-act flirtation - what's better than this, tbh. The intensity and sexuality of it varies depending on who's in either role, but I adore how this relationship has deepened over time. Mike Tyus and Haley Viloria in particular are unreal together.
First bow - I really can't think of that first instance of the clarinet motif without feeling a little emotional. It's so ingrained in my memory and means so much to me. The jack-in-the-box opening is fun and surprising and exciting, but for me this is the moment when you think "oh, something big is about to happen," and it's delivered with such quiet elegance.
Lounging around the bataclan literally anytime - mans could do the absolute least and still pull focus. Leaning against the stairs, resting on the topmost railing, pacing around in the background... no matter what he's doing, you get a sense of his control of the world alongside a healthy dose of sleek, languid power and personality.
Knighting the Innocent - does Trickster do this again or does the king still do it? In earlier years the king used to crown the Innocent and the Trickster was the one to knight him. When I saw it in May 2022 the king took the Trickster's wand and did it all himself, which I think rather undermines the importance and power of the wand (though upon further thought, maybe it reinforces the message that the magic belonged to the Innocent the entire time? hm). I prefer the Trickster knighting version. It deepens the farewell between them and makes it all the more bittersweet.
Bringing the contortionists to life - this is the only one on this list that has no proof in the DVD or anywhere else but I remember it so vividly. Mike Tyus had a very specific gesture at the beginning of contortion where, as the platform slid in from behind the bataclan curtains, he mimed gathering magic dust out of the air and into his fist, then blowing it onto the contortionists at the precise moment the music started and they began to move. I was in the front row for this performance and the sound of his breath in that moment is so memorable and magical to me. It's the only artist-specific Trickster detail I remember with total clarity.
Ask me my top 5 anything!
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galvanizedfriend · 1 year ago
what are your top ten favorite klaroline fics?
Hello, nonnie! I see your asks have made the rounds. Really nice to see lots of rec lists circulating!
I had to give this a thought. It's very hard to come up with just 10. I could easily do a part II. 😂 But without further ado, and in no particular order, 10 of my favorite KC fics:
. The Parisian Deal by Borzoi
I honestly vary between The Parisian Deal and Paradise Lost as my favorite Borzoi fics. It depends. I think I'm in my Parisian Deal era, though. I've recced this a few times over the last few months, whenever someone's asked me for my favorites or humanity-less Caroline fics. For me, this is the best one that comes to mind. Borzoi's fics are all brilliant. I love their writing style to bits. It reads like a novel, it draws in and it grips you by the throat until the very end. This one features Klaus being called to the rescue by a desperate Salvatore clan when Caroline turns off her humanity and fucks off to Europe. Unlike her friends, Klaus doesn't threaten her, doesn't try to force her to feel; instead, he offers her a deal. And it's perfect. I love this story with my whole heart, I can't even tell you.
. In the Backseat by Lila2
After leaving Hayley as a wolf in the Bayou and earning the hatred of his entire family, Klaus shows up with baby Hope on Caroline's doorstop. He has no idea what to do with a baby, is too proud to apologize and is in desperate search of some validation, which invariably leads her back to her (just like in 5x11). Caroline is torn between being mad at him for having a baby with freaking Hayley, and also the fact that she loves kids and there's a part of her that resents him precisely because he gets to have them, when she never will. In her own way, Caroline puts him in his place and convinces him to make amends and go home, take Hope back to her mother - but only if she comes with him on the road trip. And boy, is it worth it. 🥰 It's a fic that has the baby as a catalyst for everything, at the center of everyone's woes in different ways, but it's not about the baby, in case you're a baby fic hater. And the writing is just chef's kiss.
. the birth and death of the day by @little-miss-sunny-daisy
For a good while there, this fic was my entire fandom personality. Whenever anyone gave me a second of their time, I'd preach about the birth and death of the day. I was obsessed. Kelly is a brilliant writer, so, so, so talented. I am not kidding when I saw I wish I could write like her. And the greatest proof of that is how this fic was everything to me, in spite of not being at all my cup of tea on the tin. I don't like Supernatural, I never watched more than two episodes, and the Klaroline bit here kind of takes on a secondary role to the end of the of the world. But it's such an intense and brilliant character study on Caroline that it had my whole heart from the start. Her relationship with her BROTHERS Dean and Sam is so heartfelt, and it exposes so much of who Caroline really is as a character. The plot is INSANE and AMAZING and HUGE and it's so incredible how it ties in so seamlessly with the Mystic Falls shenanigans. And then there is Klaus! When I saw secondary, I don't mean irrelevant. I just mean there's more to the story than just their relationship. But it is still brilliantly developed. Honestly, just writing about it brings me back memories. I love it so much.
. Quiet Light by @definedareasofuncertainty
I am biased when it comes to Luiza's fics because I'm a fangirl and I have been one since day one, before we even became friends. But in the years (years 🥲 we have been here so long, friend) we have known each other, her writing has only gotten better and better. It's atmospheric and understated and it has this mindfulness about it that I can't really explain. It really feels like being in the characters' stream of thinking, you get instantly pulled into it. It evokes emotions without it ever having to be minutely described, and I think that's such an incredible talent. I wish I could write like this! And Quite Light not only brings all of those things forward, but it also brings COMPLEXITIES and MORAL QUARRELLS and it was also WRITTEN FOR ME. 😌✨ Luiza thought she was getting revenge on me by torturing Elijah, but LITTLE DID SHE KNOW I actually loved it. I went into this thinking it would be just a rom-com style story (which I love), but it's so much more. By the end I was crying real tears. 🥲 It becomes such a beautiful story about the relationship between Klaus and Elijah. Honestly brilliant.
. light years by @definedareasofuncertainty
Honestly, this fic has a very specific target audience, and that target audience is ME. I'm not even exaggerating; this is one my favorite pieces of fic ever written in the KC fandom. The way a Klarolijah fic speaks to me can be so personal. 🥺 I love the Klarolijah dynamic. I really do. But it takes a very specific balance for me to feel it. It can very easily go from me loving it, to me wanting to throttle someone. And this! THIS!! This is absolutely it. 🥲 And it's just about my favorite thing ever. This is actually three mini drabbles combined into one. Each of them is written through a different POV - Klaus', Elijah's and Caroline's. And the combination of all three, the way they tell the same story through different eyes, is just !!!!!!!!! Honestly, I don't have words. This has ✨Yokan my beloved✨ written all over it and I feel it very much. Luiza has a ridiculous talent for writing things on the spot. She got prompted to write an Elijah piece, and then a Caroline piece, and then a Klaus one, and she wrote them all in like 30 minutes on one of her mini drabbles challenge, and OH MY FUCKING GOD. I hate her for how good she is. 😭 (I don't, I love her, but I also v much envy her talent).
. this is a harvest by @highgaarden
I spent a solid few minutes here thinking about which of Hannah's fics I wanted to list, because she has this huge catalogue and I've basically read all of them and have gushed over almost every single one over the years. But even though there are others that could easily be in my top 10, I always end of going back to This is a Harvest. I remember when I first read it, I closed the tab at the end and was just… Done. Not in a 'I can't stand this story/ship/fandom anymore', but in a 'this is the fic to end all fics' kind of way. And it's not so much about the style or the writing, which are both stunning, but the way the story is told. It's a canon divergence that spans over years and I felt it in my heart that this was where the story could've gone. The choices they could've made. The way Caroline's story could and should have ended. And I was satisfied. I started writing and reading KC fanfiction after TO was over because I was so indignant about the way the show ended, so unhappy that I needed to give it my own spin, and read other folks doing the same, and when I read this story I felt like I had achieved that. This is it, I can put this to rest.
Obviously, I was way too deep by then that I couldn't really abandon the fandom (even though, just between us here, I kind of wish I could), but for a whole week or two, I was at peace. This fic gave me peace. That's it.
. Into the Woods by @jinxedwood
"But Yokan, how would you like to see Klaus' part in Legacies play out?" Like this. Exactly like this. This story accepts the finale we were dealt in The Originals, and then makes something absolutely amazing with it. I love the premise, I love the mythology involved, I love how unique this take is, and I love how even though it's poignant and bittersweet, it still packs up everything about Kc that made me love this ship so much. Caroline has been in Europe for years trying to find a way to help her daughters with their Gemini situation, and then she ends up stumbling across something else entirely. While she thought the thing she most wanted to see on a brief stint on the Other Side would be Gemini witches, her heart betrays her by taking her to who she really misses the most.
. it takes a while to settle down by theviolonist
This story is so old school it was written before Steroline. It's about Tyler. But we all know who Caroline ends up marrying, so in my heart, this is really what happens before Caroline marries Stefan. And honestly, it works just as well. This story is a punch to your stomach, but it is PERFECTION in 8k words. It's hot, it's bittersweet, it's SO in character. Caroline's denial, telling herself that Klaus is there to see her because he still ones revenge on Tyler, when it becomes very obvious, very fast, as it always does on the show, that it's never about Tyler, it's all about her. UGH. Honestly, brilliant. (third fic on this list with a The National reference on the title, I SENSE A PATTERN).
. As One Wishes to Live by @lalainajanes
I had never in my life read a genie!AU, and simply could not wrap my mind around anything of the sort that wouldn't be extreme crack!fic. Imagine my surprise upon reading this story. It's bittersweet in the best possible way. At the same time it's endearing and adorable (and so very IC) to watch Caroline fumbling for a fair and non-insane way to handle Klaus, the genie Katherine accidentally gifted her with (and who just happens to look incredibly alluring), it's so very poignant to read Klaus' POV. He's Klaus in the way that he's suspicious and dismissive and kind of snobbish, really, but he's resigned to his fate. This is a Klaus who has been broken by years of enslavement as this prop who's there exclusively to serve others. Every time he mentions one of his past masters, you just get that stab - and so does Caroline. Laine is one of the most prolific and talented KC writers ever, and I have read and enjoyed so, so many of her fics, but this definitely has a special place in my heart.
. Psychedelic Kicks by @notalittlebutalottie
This is an ensemble story that has Klaroline at heart, but that gives every other character a moment to shine. And shine they do! Everyone gets their own side stories, and absolutely loved following every single one of them. Lottie made me care for characters I hate in canon, like Katherine and Kol. Even Stefan and Elena had my heart here. This fic is a journey, full of ups and downs, and it has such a satisfying end. It's also incredibly original in its setting and tone, which I think it's one of Lottie's greatest talents. It's very are for historical fics to be set in the 60s, and not only did Lottie choose this very particular time, but she also did such a remarkable job incorporating the decades' aspects into the story. Not just the fashion, and the music, and Woodstocky vibes, but the social and political unrest as well. This is a story with LAYERS, my friends, and it's incredible. I could totally see this being a TV show or a movie tbh. It's that good.
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