#the homecoming job
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gnar-slabdash · 13 days ago
I really hope young folks just discovering Leverage understand that in 2008 a Tesla meant basically the opposite of what it means in 2025. They were so exciting. We were so hopeful.
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erodingsinner · 10 months ago
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1x02 — The Homecoming Job.
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leveragecentral · 1 year ago
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Favorite Parker Outfits from Season 1 as requested by @246bce
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lindseymcdonaldseyelashes · 2 years ago
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Leverage 1x2 - "The Homecoming Job"
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246bce · 1 year ago
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2024 Leverage Rewatch: 1x2 The Homecoming Job
One more. Maybe two? *proceeds to have 7 more seasons*
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aardvaark · 5 days ago
leverage rewatch: s1e2 "the homecoming job"
ah yes, the title i always get mixed up with "the reunion job". my brain goes "homecoming" -> some american high school thingy -> probably that episode at a high school right? but no, this is the very pro-military episode that every american tv show seemingly has to do at least once lol smh
i love sophie’s audition scene. weirdly i actually guessed that it would be for some kind of cleaning commercial when i was first watching (she’s dramatically saying "i want to be cleannnn!" but i was thinking "hm, yes, ‘clean’, i bet this is a joke about an overly dramatic reading of a cleaning product ad". and then they revealed it was about soap). which probably speaks to the weird way my brain works, but fortunately my brain is apparently in sync with how leverage works lol. p.s. is the fact it’s a "soap ad" and she’s acting melodramatic a joke about soap opera style acting?
also re: her terrible audition scene, leverage creator john rogers has a cameo as the casting guy.
and third thing about that scene (wow i’m 3 mins in and already off track) i do love watching comedic sophie scenes. like her delivery of "peggy killed her first husband" (peggy being the character in the ad about soap) lmaoooo. this scene reminds me of gina bellman’s character in another show, "coupling" - personally wasn’t a show i enjoyed, but i could appreciate how funny she was.
the guy eliot punched in the throat still falling to the ground while he answers the phone lol.
the idea that parker a) doesn’t have her phone on silent/turned off/away from her during a heist and b) that she would answer the phone during a heist even when a security guard is around, is very funny to me. and she still gets away evidently, so apparently that’s also a completely valid choice for her to make.
sophie saying "don’t you trust us?" to eliot & laughing about it lol. next season she’ll be a bit genuinely offended that eliot doesn’t fully trust her, but she doesn’t know it yet.
hardison’s old nate painting!!!!! iconic. and hardison really is gifted.
"short version or long version?" "short" "short" "shortest" pshhhh poor hardison
first time eliot says "it’s a very distinctive…"
first time hardison gets pushed off a roof (actually, sophie is the first to get pushed off something against her will by parker, which happens in the pilot episode)
i like how sophie’s voice changes a little, even when her grift alias is also british, even when she doesn’t really *need* to do a different voice. there’s still very much a baseline Sophie Voice and then many other voices for each ‘character’ she does. which gives the impression that the Sophie Voice is also just another fake accent (& technically that’s true according to john rogers - in the beantown bailout job, when sophie’s fighting the guys who attack nate in his apartment, her accent changes a bit and apparently that’s supposed to be a hint at her real voice).
when nate’s acting up and eliot says they’ll just finish this job and split up again, they all agree but look so disappointed and sad :( only known each other for a couple of jobs so far but none of them really want it to be over.
it’s adorable that hardison & nate watch parker’s theft. with popcorn, might i add. nate specifically walks over to watch and asks if she’s started yet. it’s sweet that he seems to find parker’s work sincerely impressive, i guess he’s spent years tracking her down and it makes sense that he’d see all the skill that goes into making the theft of something so major (literally stealing a law!) look so effortless.
parker being able to sense that money is real vs counterfeit lmao.
eliot, smiling sarcastically: "hey, what do you got going on? you and hardison? what is it, like a creepy contest??" lol. and hardison looking annoyed vs parker still smiling (she’s having the best day ever bc she found so so much cash)
parker’s "i bought a plant" (bc hardison suggested it earlier) is soooooo adorable i love that moment so much <333 she doesn’t seem to quite know how to say it, she just blurts it out, but he gets it. he’s always understood. agh my heart!!
nate buying a t*sla lol - godddd it meant something very different back then
them all being surprised at the car for 0.0001 seconds before agreeing it’s a midlife crisis and making fun of nate again. love this family.
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independent-fics · 10 months ago
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The Leverage OT3 in Every Episode
Leverage: 01x02 The Homecoming Job
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amazzyblaze · 11 months ago
No. 1 fan of the subtitles for "The Homecoming Job" on Freevee straight-up reading, "This is shrimp, you stupid fuck."
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wereverine · 1 month ago
so if hardison is stunned by the congressional bill hopper does this mean he's unaware of the candy desk(s) in the senate
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anarchypumpkincowboy · 10 months ago
The looks on their face when they walked in and saw the Leverage sign 😂 how have I not watched this show before
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kcdahippie · 11 months ago
Episode 2 is fun too but also like scarily realistic considering real world events.
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gnar-slabdash · 2 months ago
We all love Old Nate, but who tf is THIS guy?
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leverage-ot3 · 1 year ago
eliot is beating a guy unconscious in an airplane bathroom and knocks him out so hard he won't wake up
sophie and nate pretend to be married and their suitcase is full of bdsm equipment
parker is giving a poor woman an anxiety attack and being the worst flight attendant alive
hardison goes to work, gaslights a guy about being racist, makes a gamer friend, has a fake birthday, and saves the day through the power of early 2000s airplane simulators
by the way I'm really enjoying leverage so far but i find it very funny that episodes 1-4 were basically like "oh we can break into this building and steal some documents, maybe do a bit of role-play and fuck around pretending to be wedding planners" and then episode 5 is like "this plane is only minutes away from crashing, plummeting everyone on it to their certain death, Parker is flying around the cargo hold, and Hardison is going to save us all after googling how to reboot an airplane in two minutes from his little computer since he overslept this morning and is the only one of us safely on the ground" like WHAT
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lindseymcdonaldseyelashes · 2 years ago
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Leverage 1x2 - "The Homecoming Job"
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246bce · 1 year ago
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2024 Leverage Rewatch: 1x2 The Homecoming Job
N: Anybody who wants to walk away can do it right now. E: One more. H: Maybe two. P: I bought a plant. H: Nice, team spirit. P: What does it do?
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thieves-never-say-die · 1 month ago
The ending of The Homecoming Job where Nate speeds off in his sporty red Tesla sure does hit different now
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