#the helmets stay on 😏
joelsbloodyhands · 4 months
We were robbed when Boba didn’t turn up for the fight on Mandalore because I really needed more content 👀 (if ya know what I mean)

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azsazz · 4 months
Shut Out
Hockey!Azriel x Figure Skater!Reader
Summary: Req from @i-am-a-lost-girl16: Hockey Az and Figure Skater reader?
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 1,493
Notes: See? I still write 😏
“Hey! I still have the ice for another fifteen minutes,” you shout at the hockey players that are suddenly stampeding through the gate to the ice rink like animals.
You cut to a harsh stop, ice shavings spraying in your wake as you cross your arms over your chest and glare at the Velaris Bats hockey team gliding easily across the ice rink where you were just practicing your figure skating routine. Normally, you’d be ogling the broad players in their onyx and violet practice jerseys, already splitting into teams for a scrimmage as they ignore the fiery look on your face, but with only a few more weeks until nationals, you need every minute on the ice that you can get.
“Sorry, Princess,” Cassian “Bloodshed” Bailey says, flipping a puck onto the tip of his stick as he skates past, tossing it up and catching it again a few times as if it’s a display that should impress you. Right now, none of their tricks or flirtatious teases are doing anything of the sort. “Gotta big game against the Wolves this weekend. Coach wants us on extra ice time so we’re in tip-top shape.”
“I’m pretty sure when he said extra ice time, he didn’t mean to interrupt my ice time,” you growl at him, but he’s already distracted, bobbing the puck back and forth as he approaches the net. The sound of his stick on the ice echoes throughout the arena as he takes a slap shot.
You refrain from smiling smugly when the goalie stops his shot with a triumphant cackle.
You stubbornly want to stay on the ice, take up the time you’re allowed to practice your routine, but with all the pucks zipping around, it could be detrimental to your health if you were to trip or—Mother forbid—land on one as you come out of an axel.
Eyes flitting angrily around the colony of Bat’s players, you scour the ice for the team captain, Rhysand. The thing is, all dressed up in their pads and helmets, the players are a blur of clones, whipping by you on both sides as they warm up.
There’s always one player that never fails to stand out to you, no matter how much he tries to disappear from the crowd. He catches your eye as he skates by, the fallen strands of hair from your ponytail lifting with the speed that he’s moving, taking a puck down the ice as a breakaway ensues.
He dodges you easily, and your heart races in your chest at the fleeting glance he passes you. His hazel eyes have a hard, determined set to them, as if he knows before he’s even finished crossing the neutral line that he’s going to score a goal.
Azriel Teller.
He dips around the defensemen effortlessly, and if you were more well-versed in hockey to know if he was actually as good as he seems, you’d be sure that he’s a shoo-in for going to the big leagues after graduation.
Azriel feigns to the right, deking out the player in the violet practice jersey, before placing a well-aimed shot at the net.
It soars past the goalie, hitting the net and falling to the ice with a clatter that’s deafened by his teammates cheering and skating his way to clang their helmets together in celebration.
From the middle of the player puddle, those glittering hazel eyes find yours again and your breath whooshes from your chest at the smirk he pairs with it.
“(Y/N?) What are you still doing out here?” A voice startles you away from the glorious sight of Azriel. You flinch, teetering off balance as you whirl around, flailing your arms as you startle.
Rhysand catches you as you slip, steadying you against his chest. The sound of his hockey stick slapping the ice is loud in your ears and your cheeks heat with embarrassment as you clutch to the captain of the Velaris Bats jersey with an iron grip.
You were nearly born on the ice, your parents getting you into skating at a very early age, and here you are, tripping around like a newborn deer walking for the first time.
All in front of Azriel, too.
When you have your feet beneath you again, you slide back a pace, the frown returning to your face as you tilt your chin to address Rhysand.
“Your team cut into my time early,” you say sourly, but standing this close to Rhysand, you can’t seem to find that fire in the pit of your stomach that raged when the team first stepped onto the ice. The goal Azriel all but dedicated to you with that look snuffed it right out. “I don’t appreciate you guys barging in here on my time, thinking you own the damn place. I have nationals to practice for, you know.”
Rhysand grimaces in response. He’s someone you might even consider a friend, having run into the hockey boys on multiple occasions, the figure skaters and the hockey teams having to share one rink now that the other one is finally being updated with the generous donation the school received. He’s nice, a good team captain, if you’ve ever seen one, caring not only about his players, but the circumstances everyone at the Velaris Ice Center is facing with recent construction.
“I’m sorry about that,” he says, and he means it. “I was in a call with coach and wasn’t able to stop Cassian from leading the charge out here.”
“This is the second time it’s happened in two weeks, Rhys.” You all but huff. You don’t want to act like the prissy figure skater they probably all think you are, but enough is enough. Winning Nationals is important to you, and you can’t become distracted by hockey players or lose any ice time.
Rhysand opens his mouth to reply but before he can say anything, Azriel is whizzing past, shoulder checking his captain as if the consequences of that don’t bother him in the slightest.
You gasp as Rhys recoils, even more so when you see the cross look on Azriel’s face when he shoots a warning glower over his shoulder.
Rhys glares, flipping his friend off, and you have to tuck your lips between your teeth to keep from bursting into laughter at the sight of his gloved fingers thick with padding flipping Azriel off.
Rolling his eyes, the captain turns back to you.
“What was that all about?” You ask tentatively, not sure you want to know the answer. Your eyes are still on Azriel who’s hopped over the fence into the team’s bench and is currently squirting some water into his mouth. It drips down his chin, gliding down the thick column of his throat and into the neckline of his pads.
The sight makes your throat dry.
“I’ll try better,” Rhysand says, hands on his hips as he looks around the rink. His perfectly plucked brows are furrowed as he thinks, and you can’t help but wonder if he gets them professionally done or not. “Hey, assholes,” he suddenly shouts, and you flinch when his voice echoes around the arena. “Get on the benches, now!”
You swallow the lump that’s forming in your throat as the team follows their captains’ orders with grumbles. They don’t seem to want whatever lecture they think they’re going to get from Rhysand, but he ignores their grousing, turning back to you when the last ass has hit the bench.
“You have fifteen minutes, (Y/N),” Rhys says, skating backwards towards the bench.  When your jaw drops, his grin turns wicked.
He wants you to finish practicing right now? While the entire team watches? Is he fucking crazy?
“You can’t be serious,” you shriek, almost stomping your skate-clad foot on the ice. Yes, you’re used to performing in front of a crowd even larger than the team, but these guys are like fiends. Half of them glower at you while the other half is looking at you like they want to fool around on center ice.
“Totally am,” Rhysand shouts back, and you’re pretty sure your cheeks are hot enough to melt the ice beneath your skates. “C’mon now, you’re wasting precious practice time for the both of us!”
“Fuck you,” you grumble, but he’s right, you do want your time back. Preferably without a horde of horny college hockey players watching you, but you’ll take what you can get this time.
Skating over to where your phone is placed on the rail of the away team benches, you restart your song with a few beats of silence before so you can get into your starting position back in the middle of the rink.
When the first string of the violins starts, you’re off, determined now more than ever at getting this routine perfect.
You’re all too aware of the hazel eyes tracing your every move as you skate, though.
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simplyundeniable98 · 2 months
I need you now *Bradley Bradshaw*
Pairing - Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female!reader
Warnings - angst angst angst, arguing, explicit language, Reader has a hard time expressing her emotions, yearning, smutttttttt, mdni or so help me, makeup sex ofc, breeding kink 😏, Bradley LOVES his wife, lots of petnames, brief mention of pregnancy (rooster is so dad sue me), talk of death, mentions of the uranium mission, this timeline isn’t the most accurate, prob some incorrect navy talk, also bradley’s a captain in this instead of a lieutenant commander because captain just rolls off the tongue a little better yk.
Word Count - 5.2k
-This is LOOSELY based around the song "I need you now" by Lady Antebellum.
First Rooster fic, kinda nervous.
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Mornings in the Bradshaw house when he was home were your favorite part of the day. Nothing beat waking up next to Bradley clinging to you like a koala. All six foot and then some clinging to every inch of skin that was left uncovered.
Usually, you were woken up to kisses being pressed to every surface he could reach. Your body was his canvas and he vowed to not let any of it stay untouched. The course hairs of his mustache raking across your soft skin rousing you from your slumber. Sleepy smiles and tender touches shared in the intimate moments of the morning before having to begrudgingly start the days activities.
This morning had been different. Bradley had gotten a call in the early spouts of the morning for an emergency briefing that had him rushing out of bed and onto base with nothing other then a note that read
"Be back later, love you sweetheart"- Roo
The bed was cold. That was the first thing you noticed as you blinked awake. Your human heater was nowhere to be found and tender kisses had yet to be given.
The note on the counter had etched a frown on your face the moment you picked it up. Bradley had gotten back from a three month deployment only four weeks ago and you missed him. God you missed him.
Although he had been home for four weeks your time with him still felt limited. He was so busy now that he had jumped rank and started as an instructor back at Top Gun. The added stress of making sure his pilots were safe in the air as well as himself had taken a toll on your husband.
Bradley loved you. You knew that. The picture of the two of you at your wedding had stayed put in the cockpit of his plane. The now frayed edges of the picture from being stashed in his helmet, clutched in nervous palms, and pinned to the instrument panel of his cockpit were a constant reminder that he had you to come home to.
You were his life. You were his sun. The force of gravity pulling him towards you had never faltered. His love for you ran deep in his bones and had since the first day he saw you.
But he is only human. And as expected, he makes mistakes. He forgets to kiss you before he leaves in a hurry. He forgets to do the sink of dishes that you had asked him to do two days ago. He is passionate and feels so much all at once. His determination and dedication to his career is a quality you love about Bradley. His commitment to the Navy was one of the things that drew you to him in the first place.
"Bradley you just got back, tell me you are joking" You say exasperated as you throw your head back.
Bradley had been ordered an emergency deployment for tomorrow morning. It was non-negotiable. Uncle Sam doesnt like to wait and you knew that. It didnt make things easier of course.
"Im sorry honey. Its an important mission and Warlock doesnt trust anyone else to do it." His voice was quiet yet so loud in the silence of your living room.
You could feel the tears start to burn your eyelids. The deep ache in your chest that always manifested when he had to leave like this. You just got him back.
"I never get to see you anymore Roo. I feel like im living on borrowed time." Your voice was starting to raise an octave. The emotions you were feeling were quickly transpiring into anger despite feeling the exact opposite.
" Im alone!" You threw your hand up in the air " I know its your career and I love you for how passionate you are about your career but this is ridiculous." You were yelling now.
Bradley shook his head and raised his palms to cover his eyes.
"Baby please not tonight." He sounded stressed. This was the last thing he wanted the night before he left. He was set to be gone for 3 weeks.
"Then when Bradley? Because its getting old. Im tired of having to love you from afar." You were crying now. A steady stream of tears now running down your face that set alarms off in Bradleys head. You were crying because of him. His girl.
"Sweetheart its three weeks, its not that big of a deal" He closed in on you grabbing your face between two calloused palms. The rough pads of his thumbs carelessly wiping away calculated tears in their path.
You scoffed and step out of his hold shrugging him off. You ignored the pang in your chest as his face dropped slightly.
"Babe seriously calm down" He was starting to get frustrated now. When he got the news earlier today he had expected the night to go a completely different direction.
He wanted to press you into the sheets and draw out those pretty noises he loves. He wanted to show you how much he loved you. Give you a proper goodbye before he was out on boat in the middle of the pacific.
"Calm down? Dont tell me to calm down Bradley. I cant do this" You were overreacting now. You could feel it. You were in too deep. The worry you felt in your chest had blossomed into something ugly and it was too late to back down now.
"Cant do what? This is ridiculous honey can we please just go to bed." His voice was raised now. The temper the two of you had shared was rearing its ugly head as you teeter on saying things you know you both dont mean.
"I need time Bradley." and that was the truth. You needed time to understand the emotions that were rushing through your body. You had finally got him back. Your Bradley. And now he was being shipped off again except this was another dangerous mission.The close call from the uranium mission had planted something ugly deep inside you. There was a chance you weren’t getting him back this time.Your Bradley. Just the thought had the blood rushing to your skull and your vision going blurry.
He was the love of your life. Losing him was out of the question. You had gotten so lucky when he came back in one piece on that F-14. How could you ever live peacefully knowing that the luck may not find him again?
"Time? You need time? I hate to break it to you but thats all your about to have." Bradley winced as soon as it left his mouth. He didnt mean to sound so mean. He knows exactly whats going on in that pretty little head of yours.
He knows you. His girl. He knows that the anger you’re feeling comes from a place of love and worry for him. Knowing it however doesn't ease the irritation thats starting to pool at the base of his spine.
You let out a sound thats halfway a laugh and halfway a sob as you tread towards your shared bedroom. How did the night end like this? How did you manage to let your emotions take over and ruin the last night you will have together in a month.
Bradley followed behind you as he leaned against the doorframe to watch you slam open his drawers in a haste. You may be mad at him but hes still your husband that you love endlessly, you had always helped him pack and nothing would change tonight.
He would give you your space. If thats what you needed then thats what youll get. If you asked Bradley to jump he would ask how high. Thats just how he was.
The two of you silently worked your way through the bedroom getting together everything he would need in his three weeks away. You were too stubborn to back down and Bradley knew you well enough to know to let you work it out on your own.
You had always been supportive of his career. There was never a moment where you thought that your husband being a naval aviator was anything less then a blessing. You were only human. You have human emotions and worries. It just so happens that you have a hard time regulating those emotions into words. Even though you hadnt comprehended it yet, this argument truly did stem from a place of love.
Bradley was your bestfriend. Being away from him on its own set your heart on fire and the added anxiety of knowing he could be in danger set your emotions into overdrive.
The two of you still had not said a word as you mindlessly got ready for bed and slipped under the covers. He said nothing as he pulled you to his chest and buried his face into your hair.
You said nothing as the tears you had been holding back finally fell as he handled you with so much tenderness. He was always so gentle with you. Even after you blew up on him about something you know he cannot help.
You fell in love with an aviator pilot. Deployments were part of the contract. In the six years that you had been with Bradley he had been deployed seven times. You were by no means a stranger to the game. It just felt different now. He had barely come back last time.
He pressed tender kisses to the top of your hair as you drifted off in his arms. Careful whispers of apologies and praise spoken into the silence of your shared bedroom because he would never understand what it would be like to be in your shoes. It would crush him if he knew you were in danger and away for weeks at a time.
Bradley had given you everything. He had given you every ounce of love he could possibly manage. He had given you every ounce of his attention that wasnt directed towards his career. But more importantly Bradley had given you grace. You were human. And it was times like these that he had learned to love the flaws you carried.
The hurt and fear that transpired into anger tonight was only an indication that you loved him. Your clipped words and hushed tears were only an indication that you worried for him. So yes, he would give you time. He would give you all the time in the world if that what you needed. His girl.
Bradley had slipped out that morning with a kiss on your head goodbye and a whisper of an I love you before he headed to the docks. Leaving was the last thing he wanted to do. He wanted to turn around and crawl back into bed and kiss your worries away. His heart was heavy as he stood on the deck watching the boat pull farther away from the dock.
The days without Bradley home seemed to be even harder this go around. Maybe it was the fact that he had little to no service this time or maybe it was the disruption you had caused before you left.
You hadnt been able to call him. There wasnt much service in the middle of the ocean anyways but Bradley had been working almost every second that he was there.
Rooster was worked to the bone. When it wasn’t one thing it was another. Every second he was in the air his mind was on you. Every close call the only thing he saw was your face. Every time his fist slammed down on the red button to his left he heard your sweet voice telling him you loved him. He couldn’t wait until he could hear it again.
The photobook weighed heavy in your hands as you sat down on your bed. This had become routine now. Looking at photos and memories helped ease the ache of him not being home.
You smiled to yourself after turning the first page. It was a picture of you and Bradley not long after you had met. He had just finished his second year at topgun and the two of you were at another aviators new year’s eve party.
The pictured had captured you leaning your head back as Bradley held the shooter of tequila between his teeth to pour into your open mouth. His hand cradled the back of your head supporting you from falling.
You turned the page again and this time the picture was much sweeter. You sat perched on Roosters lap as he sat on the piano bench at the Hard Deck. The veins in his neck were prominent as he sang and your head was tilted back in a laugh.
You sucked in a deep breath closing the book. You turned to look at the clock that resided on Bradleys bedside table. A quarter after one. It was rounding about evening time for Rooster right now as you debated calling him. There was a chance he was too busy to answer. You wanted to hear his voice so bad. You chewed your thumbnail as you stared at the phone laying in front of you.
You huffed and reached for it unable to fight it any longer. You hastily pressed his contact and nervously brought the phone to your ear.
Every ring of the phone felt like a stab in the chest. What if he didnt want to talk to you? What if he finally decided that he had had enough?
"Hey sweetheart" His gravely voice rang through your speaker effectively causing all of your worries to cease.
"Bradley" You gasped in relief. Relief that he was okay. That he wanted to talk to you.
"Baby" He cooed. You could feel the adoration through the phone. You could cry.
"I need you Roo. Im all alone and I need you now" You were crying now. Rushed gasps of breath and choked sobs that you fought to keep down.
"Take a deep breath honey. I know, I know." Bradley fought to keep the hurt from showing through his voice but it was nearly impossible when you sound so desperate for him.
"Im so sorry Bradley. I was so mean. I didnt-" You fought for a breath as you try to calm yourself.
"I didnt mean it. I was just so worried about you and I miss you so much all the time." You cry to him. Hearing his voice opened the floodgates and this next week until he came home couldnt come faster.
"I know baby. Its okay, I know." He cleared his throat pushing back tears that were fighting to surface. "I love you. I love everything that comes with you. Im not mad honey, I miss you" He reassured you. Just like he always did. Your Bradley.
"Tell me about your week honey" He spoke softly. Bradley always had a way of making everything better. All of your worries and doubts simply melted away at the hands of your husband.
The west coast sun had done nothing to ease your nerves as it blared down onto the smooth stretch of concrete that held hundreds of families and spouses eagerly waiting for their loved one to return.
He was coming home today. After three weeks of waiting, today was the day. Realistically you knew that this deployment was one of the easier ones. You and Rooster had been separated for six months at a time, so what’s three weeks?
The pale blue sundress you were wearing (with the knowledge that it was Bradley’s favorite of course) helped to ease the feeling of being suffocated in the California heat. Your insides were practically buzzing. You couldn’t wait to get ahold of him. The past week was spent with limited phone calls and promises whispered into the other end of the phone.
The sound of clapping startled you out of your thoughts as you looked towards the water from inside the car. The carrier was barely in view as it inched toward the dock
At the sight of the carrier, you put Bradley’s bronco in park, locked it up and made your way closer. After all this time, Rooster always knew how to find you through the crowd.
It took awhile to find him in the sea of flight suits and reuniting families but when you did he was unmistakable. His long legs carried him quicker and he reached you in about 4 strides.
Wasting no time you threw yourself at him. His bag dropped to the ground to catch you and he didn’t even budge from the force of your weight. He inhaled a sharp breath now that he finally had you back in his arms.
Bradley had missed you. The argument the two of you left on weighed heavy on his mind. Countless nights spent on his navy issued mattress worried about you. What if you didn’t want to be with him anymore? What if the time away made you realize you deserve more?
You turned your head to press kisses against his warm cheek. Bradley was sunkissed before but after being against the pacific for weeks he was especially tan.
“I missed you so much” and you did. More than he could imagine.
Bradley could barely keep his hands off you as you walked to the bronco. They were everywhere he could reach. You were far from complaining though, you could barely keep your hands from lingering as well.
Rooster pressed a kiss to your lips before opening the passenger door for you before getting into the drivers seat himself.
He hummed and tapped the steering wheel before settling in with his hand on your thigh.
The ten minute drive to yours and Bradleys shared condo had never felt farther as his hand drug up and down your exposed thigh. Your skin felt like it was on fire as you drug your fingertips up and down his forearm that was reached out towards you.
Energy was buzzing through the both of you. Unsaid words and hushed promises were transpiring into so much more. The tension between the two of you was thick enough to cut with a knife.
Bradley said nothing as he pulled onto the street you lived on. He missed this. His neighbors tire swing hanging from the oak that hes pretty sure has been there since before he was born. Your throughly decorated porch covered in flowers and the porch swing he made you two summer's ago.
"Cmere" He mumbled after the car was in park. In seconds his strong hands were grabbing and pulling you onto his lap. His hands were on you immedietly. Both of them coming to rest on top of your thighs.
You immedietly feel at home on his lap. That peice of you that felt missing had found home when you wrap your arms around his shoulders to bring the two of you impossibly closer.
His lips were on yours in an instant and immediately you felt like you could breathe again. His kiss was gentle and unforgiving all at the same time. It was almost difficult to keep up.
Noticing your reaction he couldn’t help but smirk into the kiss. He always knew exactly how to play his cards. Every spot and trick to make you putty in his hands. He grabbed at your thighs and pulled you towards him.
The rough bulge of his flight suit was rubbing you oh so deliciously and if he wasn’t careful the two of you were going to get a public indecency charge here soon if you didn’t move from the driveway.
Reluctantly, you pulled away. Still cautious of the steering wheel pressing against your spine you climbed off of him. The last thing you needed was to honk the horn and alert the neighbors of yours and Bradley’s less then decent escapades.
Fuck. You missed him.
He pushed you onto the bed, crawling on all fours as he hovered over your body with that wide grin you love so much plastered to his face.
His lips began trailing down your abdomen sending chills running up and down your spine with every breathy kiss, every drag of his mustache against your skin. With a skillful hand, he reached behind you to untie the bow that sat in the middle of your back, sitting up as he pulled it off of you. He hooked two fingers into the crotch of your underwear, shoving them out of the way as he ducked his head between your thighs. Feather-light kisses dotted your inner thighs before his mouth finally found you. He flattened his tongue against your slit, running it up your folds slowly as he savoured everything he’d missed out on for the last three and a half weeks.
“God, I missed you so much honey. Fuck”
His fingers spread your folds apart, giving him better access to your clit. The tip of his tongue traced shapes along it, the tip of his nose pressing into your puffy cunt, swollen from how badly you’d been wanting him. He mumbled something against your skin, his lips vibrating against your clit as he pressed another kiss to you.
For the next few minutes, the only sounds that could be heard in the room were your loud moans and the lewd sounds coming from between your legs. Bradley’s tongue was now prodding against your entrance, teasing you relentlessly. You found it hard to breathe as cry after cry left you. Slowly, your high began building. When two of your husband’s thick fingers pushed inside your weeping cunt, your back arched so hard off the bed, Bradley had to pause to make sure you were okay. He cooed at you pressing a kiss to your thigh before returning to the task at hand. The smirk on his face told you that his sympathy was anything but.
Bradley was relentless. His thick fingers stretched you open deliciously, making a scissoring motion as he licked around your greedy hole. Crying out, your heels dug further into Bradley’s back and you pulled hard at the brown curls that resided on the top of his head. You were pulling so hard you could have swore it was hurting him. Instead, he groaned and began slurping harder. Within seconds, you were gushing around his fingers. Your ears were ringing and you could feel your heartbeat everywhere.
He kissed the skin of your stomach as he slowly fucked you through your high, breathy praises leaving his lips as he stared up at you. “Good girl,” he murmured, placing an open mouthed kiss to your ribcage before hovering back over you. “So pretty honey”.
You moan against his mouth when he kisses you hard, his mustache pricking the skin above your upper lip in the best way. “Bradley, please,” you beg against his lips. “Please, fuck me. I need it. I miss you.”
The groan he let out shot straight to your core as pulls away to unzip his flight suit. He practically throws it to the floor along with the rest of his clothes before he’s back on top of you pressing in between your spread thighs, his mouth is pressing open mouthed kisses all over your collarbones and shoulders leaving goosebumps in his wake. “I need it, too,” he confessed, settling in between your legs and pushing his tip to slide against your swollen clit. “I need you all the time. Think about you every second i’m gone baby”
Your lips were puffy as his met them in a searing kiss before slipping inside you with a sharp thrust. Moaning against his mouth, you wrap your legs tightly around him digging your heels into the base of his spine and grip either side of his ribcage to pull him impossible closer to you.
He wasn’t in a rush, wasn’t fucking you quick and hard like you usually liked it. He was taking his time,pushing into you with such passion it left you breathless, aching for more but feeling overwhelmed all at the same time. He was loving on you in all the ways he could have been , should have been the last three weeks. Hell, in the last four months. He had taken this for granted.
Your velvety walls noisily suck him in deeper with each deep thrust he gives you, your previous orgasm providing him with all he needed to fuck into you hard and slow. The noises the two of you had come together to make were border lining pornographic.
Bradley’s eyes make their way downwards so he can watch the way your pussy sucked in his cock every time his hips met yours. “Fuck, look at you,” he said, more to himself than to you. “Taking me so well baby, aren’t you?”
“I love you. Fuck Bradley I love you” You finally manage to gasp out. Bradley fucked you good every time but you were damn near speechless as you rocked into you. He wasn’t just fucking you this time. No he was making love to you. He was showing you just how much he loves you with every piston of his hips into yours. Every glide of his cock against your greedy walls was a promise.
You whimpered underneath him, whimpered as you forced yourself to hold back for him. You knew you were close already. It was dancing around the borders of your perception, melting in your blood, burning in your gut, and you could feel it, had been feeling it.
"God, pretty girl, you're so tight. Missed you so much." Bradley was babbling now as he pressed his swollen lips to yours.
"Missed you too, Bradley. So much", you moaned against his lips, breathless and desperate for him. "Want to be good for you. So good."
"God, baby, you are", he groaned. "So good for me. Perfect. My girl."
“Bradley god-“ you gasped out. White was starting to flood your vision with each slow drag of his cock against your velvety walls. His cock grazed past that spongy part of you and he knew he found what he was looking for when you gasped and clenched down on him.
“I’m so close don’t stop” You whined high and breathy. There it was. Those pretty noises Bradley loved so much.
“Yeah? Me too baby.” He finished his sentence with another sharp thrust. “Gonna fill you up hmm?”
His pace never faltered “Gonna get you pregnant. Give you a baby to keep you company while i’m away. Is that what you want pretty girl?”
“Yes. God yes.” His words making you tip over the edge. You felt like you were on fire as a breathless pleasepleaseplease tumbled out of your gasping lips.
Bradley’s hips stuttered as you clenched down on him. Your pussy was gripping him like a vice. He was a vision with his head thrown back and mouth hung open in a guttural groan.
“Fuck” He rasped as he painted your insides keeping himself in the deepest part of you.
You winced as he slowly pulled out, not letting any of it go to waste. He was serious about his promise. There was nothing he wanted more than seeing you carry his baby. Bradley pressed chaste kisses along your neck before reaching your lips and pressing one there.
The slow drag of his tongue along yours had you whimpering before he got up to fetch a towel leaving you absolutely spent and tangled in the sheets.
He was gentle as he carefully wiped you down before pressing a kiss to the spot above your pubic bone. He quickly got comfortable and pulled you close tangling your legs together.
“I love you” He hummed into your hair pressing kisses to the top of your head. You smiled and pressed yourself closer to him.
“I love you Bradley” You replied before putting distance between the two of you to look him in the eyes.
“I’m sorry about the way I acted” You truly were. Your emotions got the best of you and instead of talking about it, you took it out on him. Your Bradley. He was the last person you should worry about not understanding. He always treated you with so much respect. So much tenderness.
“I think I just got overwhelmed. Usually it doesn’t bother me but this time with your deployments so close together and after what had happened to you
I didn’t know how to react” Your voice was quiet as you finally let him in. It’s what you should have done a long time ago.
“Honey, why didn’t you tell me?” Bradley questioned. You were his girl. You were supposed to be able to tell him anything.
“I didn’t want you to be worried.” You glanced up at him shyly with a small smile on your face. “You’ve just got so much going on at work and the last thing I want is for you to think I don’t support you. Because I do. I really do” You place a kiss to his lips.
“I love that you are so passionate about your job and i trust your abilities as a pilot to come home to me. It’s just that sometimes I get worried you won’t come home from something that you can’t control.” There were tears streaming down your face now that Bradley was steadily wiping away.
“After that uranium mission, it’s just been different ya know?” You sniffled as Bradley nodded along.
“It made it so much more real. The thought of you not coming home
” You paused squeezing your eyes shut and inhaling sharply.
” Bradley cooed. He propped himself up on his elbow to look down at you and brought his hand up to cup your cheek.
“I can’t promise you I’m gonna come home every time” He wiped away the tears that fell at his words.
“But I can promise you I’m gonna fight like hell to come back to you every time.” He pressed a kiss to your lips.
“I can promise you that every time i’m in the air, I’m thinking of you.” You let out another choked sob at his confession and he silenced you with another kiss.
“I need you to tell me when you feel like this baby. So i can be there for you. I don’t know what it’s like to be you honey but I can sure as hell do my best to make it better.” God he was perfect. You truly believed Bradley Bradshaw was sent down from the angels himself. You silently thanked Carol in Heaven for her god sent parenting.
“I love you.” You finally spoke after some time. You pressed a kiss to the scar on his shoulder, and another one to the scar that went across his neck, making your way up to the one that adorned his cheek, and finally one to his kiss swollen lips.
“So you’re tryna knock me up huh?” You questioned with a laugh lightening the mood. You felt Bradley twitch against your thigh as he groaned and pressed his face in your neck.
“Yeah but i’m not sure this one stuck, I think I need to try again.” You giggled as he rolled on top of you making it hard to breathe as you support his weight.
“I think you’re right Captain, let’s try again for good measures”
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flowerygrdn · 2 years
MESS IT UP || r. cameron
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gif, not mine*
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
warnings: season 3 spoilers!! angst, rafe is still fucking crazy, and very sad.
summary: y/n and the pouges need to get to south america, but when rafe brings ward to the plane, he needs to talk to her one last time before she leaves.
a/n: wanted to write something sad, but i will be writing some smut next 😏 also this is hella short, sorry.
As my friends are bickering about Kiara and Jj, the engine of a motorcycle begins to grow closer. I see it first, two people are on it and then suddenly, it stops in front of us. Everyone turns their heads and the riders take their helmets off. Rafe's eyes meet mine for a split second before Ward falls off the bike. He rushes to his side and starts yelling at us to help him.
"Don't just stand there, help!" He yells, then Sarah rushes to his side and helps get Ward up. They run up the steps to the plane and I stay still in my spot.
"No, hell no. I am not getting on a plane with them." Pope states. I agree, I don't want to be on a plane with Rafe. Especially not after everything he's done. I thought he loved me, but he cared more about what his horrible father thought of him than me. Pope and John B go back and for the before Sarah steps off. She goes on a rant about how it's her father's plane and if we want to find another way we can.
Soon, Rafe steps off and Pope glares at him.
"Pope, not here," I warn him. As Rafe gets to the bottom of the steps Pope's hand comes to his shoulder.
"We're not done." Rafe shoots him a glare and walks away. Cleo makes sure Pope gets on the plane. Rafe looks at Sarah and there's a weird silence for a few seconds.
"Please take care of him." She brushes past him. I stay in my spot, I know he's going to try to talk to me, but I don't want him to. John B goes to walk past him, but he stops him.
"You do anything to him, anything, I swear to god I'll find you." They glare at each other for a few seconds before John B walks away.
"Y/N!" He yells over his shoulder. I slowly start walking but I feel a large hand grab my wrist before I could touch the steps.
"Y/N..." Rafe steps closer so his nose brushes over my temple.
"What," I say, I don't look at him, because if I do, my walls will break down again.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I messed it all up and I regret every moment of it. If I could do it all over, I would have done it differently. I love you, only ever you." He presses his forehead to the side of mine and I can feel tears start to fall down his face. I finally turn to face him and every piece of my heart breaks at the sight of his face.
"Rafe..." My hands cup his face and he breaks down even more.
"I need you to know that I'm sorry. I need you to know I love you. I need you to know everything, y/n." I press my forehead to his.
"I know, Rafe. I know, and I know you can be better than this. Promise me that you're going to try. Try to get better. When I get back, I'll find you and I'll help you." Our noses brush against one another and tears start to pool in my eyes as well.
"I promise, y/n." I nod then lean up to press a kiss on his lips. He pulls me closer to deepen it. My heart shatters even more. I love him so much, I've never stopped.
"Goodbye, Rafe." I turn away because if I don't, I'll stay. I need to help Jonh B right now. I hear Rafe's broken sobs behind me and the tears in my eyes finally fall as the plane door shuts. He's gone, I'm gone. Even if I do make it back, I know I can never go back to him, because he'll never change. Not even for me.
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whateverisbeautiful · 1 month
♄Reveling in Richonne - TOWL
#16: The Secret Rendezvous (1.02)
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Ok, this scene has got to be a Top 5 TOWL scene for me. I love everything about Richonne's secret rendezvous from the đŸ”„ walk-up at the beginning to the passionate embrace at the end 😍...
So first we see Michonne talking to some CRM leaders during a vetting process. And again TOWL stayed aware of Danai’s flawless face card with the close-up shot. Contrasting the start of the episode when she says her name is Michonne, here she’s following what Rick told her and changing her name to introduce the CRM and us to a B named Dana Bethune.
Michonne is in her acting bag as she shares, “My name is Dana. And I’ve been out there a long time by myself. So long that it’s strange to hear my own voice.” Michonne smartly mixes truths into her lies as she tells them “I was in Georgia for a long time with my boyfriend and about 40 people” She really was in Georgia with her boyfriend both from before the apocalypse and the boyfriend-turned-husband she found in season 3 😋. 
Michonne says their group was led by leaders who she thought were good and says she was with her sister Elle, who was the HR lady from the caravan group at the top of the ep. Michonne says, “And then things changed. They changed. I saw it. I knew we should go. You always really know when to go.” Look at her passing Nat’s mentality down to the CRM. 😊 I was like CRM, y’all should be scared because a loyal person like Michonne is going to make sure Nat’s death is avenged. 💯
She’s asked about her weapon of choice and she says a Bo staff that she lost and is now making do with a knife. Playing up a certain aloofness Michonne looks at herself in the reflection of a window or two-way mirror idk. And you know while they’re observing her, sis is also observing everything about this place while trying to just appear more meek and even ditzy.
They ask if it bothers her that she’s being watched and it already shows how privy she is to things that she can tell she’s being surveilled. She softly says, “No I just haven’t seen myself in a while.”
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The CRM folk start telling Michonne about the place and how she can never leave and you can just see Michonne have a subtle reaction like 'Yeah alright we’ll see about that.' She knows that never-leave rule is about to get broken. Best believe.
They ask how she feels about the fact that she can’t leave and Michonne smiles and says, “I feel that what’s here, it’s what I’ve been looking for. It’s what I’ve been trying to believe in just a little while longer.” And not a lie was told right here. đŸ’đŸœâ€â™€ïž
They have her baby up in this place so they absolutely do have what she’s been looking for. And I love her referencing the 'believe a little longer' motto from the iPhone and also how it again affirms that she believes in Rick so much just like in Rick's dreams. He’s what she’s been believing in.
This was a greatly acted scene from Danai playing Michonne playing Dana playing the CRM. đŸ€­ Like I love that Michonne was sorta playing in the CRM's face a bit and it was just so clear the CRM does not stand a chance against this woman. She’s a mother on a mission. Nothing is stopping her.Â đŸ‘ŒđŸœ
So then we see Michonne walking around the CRM in a consignee jacket and I love that hers has a cinched waist. Michonne isn't letting that boxy jacket completely hide the Coca-Cola body. I’m here for it.Â đŸ’…đŸœ
As Michonne walks around you can tell that, similar to Woodbury, she’s making note of quite a bit in this place - except this time she’s trying to blend in more like her husband told her. And the main thing Michonne clearly wants to know as she's walking around right now is - where is Rick Grimes.
She walks up some steps clearly trying to see where he could be, and even with all these CRM soldiers in helmets I know she’d be able to spot Rick if she saw him among them. And why? Because of that walk. 😏
But baby, she doesn’t have to spot him because of course the magnets in them have Rick spotting her first and making a beeline to her. I adore this walking moment. đŸ€© I rewound it so much cuz I too love that man's walk lol.
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So Michonne is walking and then we see a soldier very intently making his way to her and I love the way it’s shot. Rick’s walk is iconic and so I love that that’s how you can immediately tell it’s him. And as we know, we’re not the only one who loves Rick’s walk because as he approaches Michonne and quietly takes her arm Michonne has this instant smitten smile upon recognizing his touch and walking alongside him. 😊
This scene made it clear that TOWL was gonna have a lot of fun with Richonne’s love and desire being at the foundation of the show. And you just know Rick was eagerly waiting for the moment he could get to her. He was a man on a mission. A mack-on-Michonne mission. 😌
And the moment as he takes her arm and silently guides her into a room is just hot, what can I say? đŸ”„
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I love seeing Rick take control and seeing Michonne try to be subtle but clearly look so excited to be back with him. 😊
Also, now y’all when would a soldier
especially this soldier, grab a consignee by her arm and guide her into a room alone lol? That alone likely would've raised suspicions around the CRM. But I'm glad they did it anyway cuz it was a joy to see Rick and Michonne walk side by side again. CRM, y’all don’t even know you now have the most lethal married couple in your midst walking arm and arm rn.Â đŸ€­
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Rick leads her into the room and gives one last look outside to make sure no one is headed their way. The way he looks around before going inside, you know he knows exactly what they're about to do.
So then we get a top-tier scene as Rick and Michonne walk into the garage?? Idk what that place was exactly so I’ll just call it a garage lol. 
Rick and Michonne walk into the garage and give each other a quick look before checking to make sure the coast is clear. Rick checks one side and Michonne checks the other and then y’all, Rick has a very clear mission and it’s not swapping information it’s swapping saliva lol. I promise you, dishing out information and making a plan was secondary on the agenda for Rick during this secret rendezvous. 😋
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Rick proceeds to put his helmet down and before Michonne can even confirm that she doesn’t see anybody on her side, Rick grabs her and they basically pounce on each other with kisses and it’s the best. 😊They both are starving for each other and this kiss made it clear.
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You can tell the moment Rick put that helmet down he was laser-focused on loving on Michonne. He basically said I’ll brief you on this mysterious advanced society that’s kept me from you for years if we have time in between the main priority of making out.
I adore the way he grabs her neck and then the way Michonne is always ready to match the energy as she wraps her arms around him. And y’all, how nice of them to have a kiss that is as pleasing to the ear as it is to the eye because they, and Rick especially, stayed moaning in these TOWL kisses. Love to see it/hear it. 😋
I always say Richonne’s kisses are a form of communication and their first wordless conversation in the CRM - or 'moanversation' if you will - had them both making it very clear to each other that they’re ecstatic to be back together.  
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And after almost 8 years apart, the intensity of this kiss makes perfect sense, and I love that they knew exactly how to communicate how hungry Richonne are for each other in every way. This kiss is A1. đŸ‘đŸœ
Like the way they lean against the vehicle and Rick puts his arm up against the vehicle to be mindful of Michonne adds such a cute caring layer to this whole top-tier moment. And the way they’re swaying and wrapped up in each other, her knees buckling, his hands in her hair, the way he chased her lips at the end. Just yes to all of it. đŸ‘đŸœ
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I love how the kiss is so immensely passionate and then afterward they just have this moment of holding each other and breathing together. Seeing the way Michonne smiles after and touches his face, you can seriously see how safe she feels with Rick. Like she still knows so little about this place but she’s back in his arms so she knows somehow it’ll be okay. đŸ„Č
And then y’all, we get the first signature Richonne forehead touch in TOWL as they break from the kiss and still stay wrapped in each other's arms. It's one of the classic Richonne things they do and I love the intimacy of it. đŸ„č
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That kiss clearly left them breathless as Rick whispers, “They believed you.” And Michonne earnestly asks, “How do you know?” Rick says, “You’re here.” And the way he says that you can tell his elation comes not just from the fact that she passed the CRM vetting process but most of all that she’s really here with him after all this time.
And then because Rick is like this rendezvous is about making out first, information second - he goes right back to kissing Michonne and moaning as they pull each other in as close as possible. 😊
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Michonne reciprocates but then she notices something. And this is where the loss of Rick’s hand is mourned yet again by me because we all know the reason Michonne notices Rick’s missing hand is because she’s like normally this would be the part where I feel your hand on my backside but it hasn’t happened yet so, something must have happened.
After not feeling that signature palm on her behind, she stops to touch Rick’s prosthetic and I adore how Rick is still so in the moment of kissing her that he kisses her one more time as she turns to look at his arm. The man is voracious about his wife and I love it. 😊
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Michonne gently holds his prosthetic in her hand and looks at Rick with so much care and concern as she wonders what happened. I feel like this is the first time in years that anybody showed this level of care for what Rick went through and I love that she immediately wants to know what happened to her baby. You know if the CRM had cut his hand off themselves the beef she has with them would only intensify. In a way, the CRM did have a hand in Rick losing his hand so they gotta pay.
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Rick looks down at his prosthetic too and shares sadly but also with a certain resolve, “It happened a long time ago. One of the last times I tried to get home.”  I love that he says 'tried to get home' rather than just 'tried to get away.' It shows that in every way the CRM is not home - Michonne and their family still are home to him.
Also, it’s interesting how for Michonne this is devastating news but for Rick, this is old news and he’s just like what’s more important is making out rn. But Rick’s words catch Michonne’s attention as she repeats his words back and says, “One of the last times?”
This is Michonne’s first indicator that Rick might have stopped trying to get home. I think in her mind she thought surely Rick would have been still working on an escape but after fighting like hell to get home for years he had to stop trying - and not even because he wanted to give up but because he was made to feel that going home could get his wife and loved ones killed.
(Side note: I love that the bullet shell from Rick's gun is visible in Michonne’s hair in this scene. She really found every way possible to still be close to him đŸ„Č) 
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Rick’s reaction to her asking this makes me emotional. 😱 He looks into her eyes as he too hears how his words sound and then he takes a deep breath. Breathing tells a very informative story throughout TOWL. And with this inhale from Rick you can just feel the weight of what he’s been through and now, finally having a moment to share some of it with Michonne, it’s probably difficult for him to even know where to begin.
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It’s hard because we as the audience got to see how hard he fought to get home but at this moment you know it's overwhelming to even know how to tell Michonne how hard this years-long separation and imprisonment has been on him. But he so badly wants Michonne to know that it wasn’t for a lack of trying or a lack of love that he stopped trying to get home.
He tells her, “They had me trapped.” And then the way my heart literally overflows with emotion when Rick so sincerely says, “They don’t have me anymore.” It’s so moving and beautiful to see Rick become the heart-eye emoji as he tells Michonne they don’t have him anymore. đŸ„Č
There’s a clear second part of that sentence that’s not said aloud but rather in Rick's eyes - 'they don’t have me anymore...because I’m yours.'
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The way he looks at her with that teary-eyed smile, knowing he’s hers. 😭 It's touching and layered because he so sincerely wants to reassure Michonne of this, all while knowing that the damage they've done to him is pretty severe.
It’s also so powerful for him to say this because while their situation is still dire and in many ways, Michonne and us will learn the CRM does still have him more than he’d like, in this moment Rick genuinely wants to believe that he’s no longer chained to the CRM.
They don’t get to have him anymore, even if that’s what it still looks like on the outside, because the woman who makes him come alive, the brightest light in his world, is back with him. That alone makes him feel like he is no longer stuck with the CRM.
Rick knows his heart will always belong to her and that was communicated in this sweet line and his loving eyes and smile at her after he says it. 
Rick then says with certainty, “We will get away. Together” because right now he does believe that Richonne can do anything. He’s tried to get away for years but having Michonne here now makes all the difference.
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And I love the eye contact as he looks at her with so much love and smiles, feeling so right being back with her. Like just looking at her gives him strength. At the same time, it moves me how much you can see in his eyes that he's eager to be the determined and strong man Michonne once knew, despite feeling dead and broken after what he endured the last seven or so years.
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Michonne of course believes and is comforted by Rick’s words that they’ll get away together as she smiles and nods. Again she trusts him more than anybody in the world. 
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Also, I love how Rick’s reunion with Michonne as his wife is one where without even having to address it they both just know they’ve waited for each other. They know they’re still the one to each other. As we know, after just a few months Rick reunited with Lori and she was already pregnant with his best friend's baby. So it’s beautiful to see Rick now reunite with his wife Michonne after years and know that she really has only wanted him all these years. And if anything her big reveal will be that she was pregnant with his baby. đŸ„Č
But while that's understandably not revealed in this scene, there's still some more great mom and dad content when Rick again wants to confirm his baby girl is okay.
He asks, “They're okay? She's okay?” I love him asking that and the way he asks, nodding and looking right into Michonne's eyes. Again it’s so vulnerable and caring. A true father. You know making sure his loved ones are good is so important to him.
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And “they’re okay” means team family which is sweet that he wants to know they're okay. I liked hearing "they're okay?" too because while Rick doesn't know it, he does in fact have more than one kid out there and it almost felt like without even knowing it he’s asking if both his kids are okay.
Michonne answers with a smile and says, “Yes. She’s okay.” She has this smile that’s so specific to when she’s thinking about her kids and it’s precious. đŸ„Č
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Michonne continues, wanting to finally tell Rick all about how amazing their daughter has turned out as she goes, “She’s
” but then she stops herself and you just know the image of a certain Little Brave Man has popped into her head. 😭
And it’s a moment that hits my heart as you see Michonne feel both joy and sadness. Because she misses RJ too and because she knows Rick is going to be filled with layered emotions the second he learns of him.
Since the moment she found out she was pregnant you know Michonne longed to be able to share with Rick that they had a baby. Rick can tell she has something big to say too as he asks, “What is it?”
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I noted in this scene you can really tell that Rick can sense that Michonne has something major to tell him and he knows it’s about their immediate family but he doesn’t know what it is which is why he keeps thinking it might have to do with Judith being okay. Like you can see sometimes he searches her eyes trying to figure it out because whatever the news is he can feel it’s about their kid. And he’s right. It's just about the kid he doesn't know of yet.
And you can also see the thoughts running through Michonne’s head as she and Rick stay in each other's arms between these vehicles. She longs to tell him about RJ but knows this isn’t the right time yet. And as always, she’s right. I heard there were some viewers upset and thinking she made the wrong choice by not telling Rick right here and now and that was wild to me.
This is Richonne’s first time getting to even have an extended conversation and even then it can’t be that long because they can’t risk being caught. And major life-changing news that you have a son that you had no clue about and have missed all of his life thus far is not the kind of thing to drop on someone when there won’t even be time to elaborate and ask questions and just process the news together.
I fully support Michonne choosing to wait and it’s actually such an act of kindness to Rick because she knows that news is going to shock him and be very bittersweet and just a lot to take in and she ideally wants to tell him when they can more freely talk.
Like after holding their child in her womb alone she basically chooses to now hold the news of their son alone just a bit more for Rick’s well-being.
Rather than just drop it on him and have him carry that news on top of carrying the task of getting them home, she shows discipline and restraint and lovingly smiles as she tells him, “When we get away.” (Also I always just love thinking that when Michonne looks at Rick here she’s seeing all of RJ’s little traits he got from his dad.Â đŸ„°)
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I adore the way Rick says, “No. She’s okay?” He’s such a concerned dad and again he knows, because of his and Michonne’s interconnectedness, that there’s something more she has to say about their immediate family. I just love that he’s like I can’t wait until we get away to know for certain our baby girl is okay. But Rick, little do you know the news is actually about your beautiful baby boy.
Also, the fact that Rick is so not okay after everything he’s been through all these years but his main care is that Judith is okay đŸ„Č. Warms my heart.
And then the way Michonne responds, it’s my favorite thing ever. đŸ„čShe says the absolute perfect thing as she assuredly tells him, “She’s us, Rick.”
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Y’all. 😭 It’s the perfect response and so true. Judith really is a little Richonne baby. đŸ„č
It’s so beautiful for Michonne to tell Rick that their daughter is just like her mom and her dad. Rick gets to know not only is their baby alive and okay but she has qualities like him even despite his absence and she’s also like the love of his life which you know would make him happy to see Judith turn out like Michonne.
I love that Michonne looks at Judith and sees her and Rick. đŸ„č And that they’re an 'us' like that. And also I love the way Michonne has her hand in Rick’s hair as she comforts him with this confirmation that their baby girl is bound to be okay because she’s just like her resilient parents.
Michonne calmly says, “The rest when we get away” and hearing Judith is them is enough for Rick to feel a bit less anxious and agree to wait for the rest of the family updates. 
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He nods and then remembers this is probably also a good time to get their next steps in order.
Rick tells Michonne if he passes her a note somehow she has to read it and destroy it. Michonne looks into Rick’s eyes because she has to address some things about this shady CRM as she tells him, “They killed people, Rick. Dozens of people.” I know Michonne is like my friends died and I almost died from these people so wth is this place? (Also I love how often she says Rick’s name since they've reunited.)
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As Rick mesmerizingly stares into her soul (and i'm not even exaggerating about that lol) Michonne says, “They’re killing people out there. Have you had to
?” And before she can finish the question, Rick is quick to want to make it clear that he means it when he says he’s not with them as he says, “No. No. The ones in red. They go out sometimes. They come back covered in blood.”
He looks at her toward the tail end of that statement but it’s interesting how for the most part he looks down when talking about the CRM, again almost like there’s this sense of shame and fear surrounding them.
He says, “Most of us don’t know what they do. I didn’t know.” Rick looks into Michonne's eyes as he admits to not knowing about the CRM's mass killings and then he vulnerably says, “But I knew. I was stuck here.” That’s the one thing the CRM made very clear to him. 
Seeing the toll the CRM has taken on her friends and now her husband, Michonne knows the CRM needs to be taught a lesson and brought down so she, as determined as ever, asks Rick, “Could we stop them?”
And y’all I absolutely adore Rick’s response to her. 😍 The way a big smile spreads across his face as he gets to see Michonne is still the woman he knows and loves who won’t take anything lying down. She's still her. Again, you just see him have so much love for the part of her that’s a fighter. Like the way Rick just has to swoon for a second over his wife's determination is the sweetest thing. 😊
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But then Rick collects himself, knowing taking on the CRM is too risky as he definitively answers, “No.” Michonne takes a moment to look at Rick, surprised and searching for the man who was always willing to fight the fight with her before. Then she asks, “Could we try?” 
Rick is quiet for a moment, not wanting to have to just turn her down about this, but he knows a thing or two about how hard you can try against the CRM and they still come out on top. So he softly says, “We’d never get back.” Getting home with Michonne is the ultimate priority for him.
And then in the first of many times Rick will gift Michonne in TOWL, he reaches into his pocket and gives Michonne Nat’s signature lighter that his stepparent Danger gave him. đŸ„č
Once again Rick wins Husband of the Year because how sweet is his good kind heart that he saw the lighter in the woods and pocketed it knowing it would mean something to Michonne to have something of her late friend. He’s the best. đŸ„° And I love the way he gently lifts up her hand with his prosthetic to give her the lighter and the way their hands linger in each other as she takes it. Every time they touch it's clear they're magnets. đŸ§Č
Rick so sweet and sincere says, “I’m sorry about your friend.” Like truly, anything and anyone that means something to Michonne means something to Rick because he loves her so much - even the guy who nearly killed Rick by shooting down his helicopter.
Michonne, never one to forget her loved ones' memory, says, “He should’ve lived. They all should’ve lived.” But then she takes a quiet moment and confidently looks right into Rick’s eyes as she says, “I’m here now. We’re in here together now. And we’re gonna get home.”
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gif cred: @ddesole
I love how Rick and Michonne both want to fervently reassure each other of this - that they’re in this together and they’re going to achieve their goal of getting home because they’re here as a unit now. Having each other back makes them know they can do anything
at least for now. 
And then Rick is ready to go back to the activity that was always at the top of his agenda for this secret rendezvous because he’s like 'Michonne, you can’t be a hotly determined A like that and think these magnets aren’t going to kick in to overdrive and have me eating your face again lol.' #DirectQuote 😋
So Rick of course leans in to kiss her again and Michonne looks like she might’ve thought they were going to continue the conversation but then of course it takes less than a second for her to reciprocate the energy and start passionately kissing him back.
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gif cred: @hikarielizabethbloom
I really adore that closing kiss. These kisses stay feeling like they’re trying to inhale each other and physically morph into one being. and then I especially adore the way they embrace after it, just overcome with the amount of love they pour out to each other. It’s so sweet seeing them nestled into each other.Â đŸ„° Every physical Richonne action, from the kisses, the forehead touches, the embraces, and more is so 'spine-tinglingly' intimate.
As Rick leans against her, you can see that he does feel a bit overwhelmed and unsure of how he’s gonna get them out of here. But being wrapped in her arms now he’s at least given the strength and the calm to know somehow they’ll find a way.
And as Michonne holds him close, she looks like so long as she has him, she’ll face whatever else may come her way in this giant mysterious place. It really does feel like she's transferring this much-needed uplifting energy and reassurance to him as they stay in this embrace.
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The way Richonne gives each other life gives me life. And this scene makes me so happy like it’s oozing serotonin.
Richonne is in for quite a roller coaster after they leave this moment in the garage so I appreciate this scene - their first extended conversation in years - for giving them a time when they're on the same page.
With this scene, they got to show that their chemistry is still as fiery as ever and they’re still such a well-oiled machine as parents and partners. Whenever Rick and Michonne are in each other's arms they’re in the safest place they could be.
But while they’re the ultimate safety to each other, to the CRM...Richonne is most definitely the danger.Â đŸ˜ŒđŸ‘ŒđŸœ
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theyhavetakenovermylife · 8 months
hear me out spicy enemies to lovers arc with the 07 nightwatcher đŸ˜©
The Nightwatcher and the Dark Angel (18+)
2007!Raphael x vigilante!reader
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A/N: I hear you loud and clear😏 May this appease the Nightwatcher and his followers!❀
A vigilante, going under the name of the Dark Angel, finds herself in a new situation with her enemy, the vigilante the Nightwatcher. And oh boy, can they fight in more ways that the traditional.
All characters are aged up.
Warnings: Fighting, hand to hand combat, unprotected sex, rooftop sex, angry sex, fight over domination, doggy, hair pulling.
One would think that two vigilantes would work well together. Help each other out with their common enemies of the streets, doing their part to create a safer world for those who could not protect themselves. Yeah, one would think so, but reality was nothing like that.
But the Nightwatcher and the Dark Angel could not stand each other. The Nightwatcher found himself built with anger whenever he saw the fully black dressed female with her bow and arrows, and the Dark Angel in turn would let out a frustrated sound whenever she heard his roaring motorcycle, or the sight of the headlight upon his helmet.
Their hatred for one another started back when they both happened to stumble upon the same back rubbery. But instead of working together, they found themselves annoyed at one another, not willing to let the other take the authority. And so it happened that the Nightwatcher’s ball chains got in the way of the Dark Angel’s arrows, resulting in the criminals getting away. And from then on, every interaction between them had been marked by that night. Bickering or straight up fighting whenever they saw each other, becoming more focused on the vigilante that threatened what they both saw as their work. Their duty to the city.
It got to the point where the two vigilanties would consider their nights ruined, if they as much as thought of the other. And thought they did. But in their vigilante attire, and outside of it. Much to the frustration of the Dark Angel, she found that Nightwatcher entered her head. Not only the Dark Angel had to suffer the Batman wannabe, but so had (Y/N) (L/N). You.
He found his way into your head, both while you were at work and while you tried to further your studies. It was frustrating to have that no good, annoying piece of shit stuck in your head. And yet he stayed there, taking up way too much space than what he was worth.
There had been times where you had thought about quitting the whole vigilante thing because of him. The dangers you were putting yourself in didn’t matter much to you, but the stress of the Nightwatcher was a whole other thing. You started to wonder if it was really worth it, when you no longer felt like you could separate your late night crime fighting from your normal everyday. But then you remembered why you started doing it in the first place. To combat the crime that had been rising all over New York in the past few months. And for the simple fact that you loved it. The thrill, the adrenaline and the rush you felt every night. You had pretty much become addicted, and you did not wish to stop. So therefore you continued your work as the Dark Angel each and every night, even if the Nightwatcher was becoming an aching thorn in your side.
It was a Wednesday night. Had it not been for the light pollution of the big city, you would have been able to see the stars in the cloud free sky. However the moon was fully visible, the round white shape casting a dim white glow down over the townhouses and high rises. You could hear cars and sirens in the distance, just like you could any other day in the city that never slept. The cold night air swept over the apartments and through the streets, and blew against your face. You could just feel it through your black skin tight bodysuit, as small goosebumps rising under your skin. You took in the scent of the air, letting it fill your lungs. The city you loved. The city you intended to protect.
As you stood atop the building, you suddenly heard it. The ringing of an alarm. You speed into action, running towards the sound. Jumping across roofs before you finally came upon the scene. Below you, on the street, a van stood by a jewelry store, the glass of the storefront broken, and five men rushing out, their hands filled with whatever they had been able to grab. They rushed to the van, laughing and smirking with one another, until a black arrow shot through the air, penetrating the back door of the van. The five men turned in shook and disdain, staring at you as you rushed down from the roof, landing in the middle of the street.
“Ow, not this bitch again”, one of them growled.
“Nice to see you again, Drew”, you said, resting your weight onto one of your legs, looking totally unbothered. “But after our last meeting, I had hoped you finally would find something better to do”.
“Guys”, the one called Drew said, cracking his knuckles. “I believe it’s time to show the Angel that we do not believe in any higher powers”.
“No, that much is obvious”, you mumbled, drawing another arrow from your back. You did not wish to kill anyone, but only hurt them a little. Just enough to hopefully scare them off the street. It had worked before with the rest of Drew’s gang, so why should it not with his new one.
But then, as you pulled on your bowstring, you heard the familiar noise of a motorcycle down the street behind you, and soon the street was lit up by the front light of the noise motorcycle, and the headlights of that obnoxious helmet. Dread fell upon you as the Nightwatcher jumped up the motorcycle, landing just beside you.
“Argh, not you again”, he grumbled at the sight of you. “And you too, Drew. Do you really not have anything better to do”.
“Leave”, you snarled at him. “Can’t you see I got this?”
“Got this? Well, that’s strange, because to me it looked like they were about to get away in a van, and you intended to shoot arrows at it?”
“That’s not what was happening!”, you exclaimed, lowering your arrow as you spoke. “I was about to get them away from the van!”
“I have eyes!”, he growled, gesturing towards his eyes with two fingers from his three fingered glove. You had always thought that had been an odd choice. “And I could see that was not what was happening!”
“You don’t know anything about that!”, you yelled back, turning fully in order to continue your argument, all while the five goons were watching in confusion.
“Boss?”, one of them whispered to Drew. “Should we go?”
“We should”, Drew said, watching you and the Nightwatcher as you continued to argue. “Get into the van before they notice anything”. And so they did. They threw the stolen goods into the van, smiling as they pulled your arrow out of the door, throwing it onto the street. And somehow, neither you or the Nightwatcher noticed it, until the motor of the van started.
You and the Nigthwatcher looked, just as Drew waved, closing the door before setting the van into motions.
“Oh no you don’t!”, you yelled, running after the vehicle, managing to jump onto the back, your feet on the edge of the back bumper, your hands clinging onto the handle of the back door. The Nightwatcher however ran to his motorcycle, setting it into motion in order to follow the van.
On the back of the van you grabbed at the handle, trying to get the door open. But then the door opened from the inside, one of Drew’s goons looking at you with a smug smile.
“Sorry, but we don’t allow Angels in the van”, he said, as if it was supposed to sound badass. It was then that he pushed you off the moving van, sending you tumbling on the road, before slamming the door closed.
The Nightwatcher that had followed behind you and the van swerved, trying not to run you over, but instead turning so hard he fell over. He hit the ground, groaning just like you, both hearing the van drive away.
“You always get in my way!”, you yelled as you got up on the roof, looking in the direction the van had droven.
“I get in your way?!”, the Nightwatcher yelled furiously, following you up the fire escape, his boots hitting hard against the roof. “Who was it that almost got run down by my motorcycle? Oh yeah, you!”
“And you were the one that didn’t even try to use the fucking breaks!”, you barked back, turning sharply towards him.
“Or, you could just not stand in the middle of the fucking road, Cupid”, he said, a finger from his three fingered glove poking you in the head with a hard push, sending your blood into a boil.
“Watch your finger, Robin!”, you snarled, slapping his hand away.
“What did you just call me?!”, he growled, his stands growing wider.
“You heard me, Batman wannabe!”
“That’s it!”, he yelled, pulling out his chain ball before throwing them to the side. “It’s time to settle this! You and me, right here! No weapons! Loser has to leave the other one alone!”
With anger burning inside of you, you agreed. However, you treated your bow and arrows with more care than he had shown his chains, placing them on the sideline, before standing in front of him, stance ready. “Come at me, hot head”.
It was as if that comment made something click inside the Nightwatcher’s head, making him throw a punch in your direction. You duck before standing to the side, giving him a hard push. He stumbled a little, turning to you with a growl, throwing another punch. You ducked once more, this time trying to get in a punch of your own. He caught your hand however, but did not expect the upper that hit his chin. It was harder than any of you had expected. So hard that he stumbled back as his helmet flew off. You gasped at your action, your knuckles slightly aching from the punch. You had been in small physical fights before with the Nightwatcher, but never had you managed to punch his helmet straight off of his head.
“Fuck!”, he exclaimed, his hands still on his face.
“What’s wrong?”, you asked, the shock of your punch subsiding. “Can’t handle a punch?”
Then, the Nightwatcher jumped on you, pinning you to the roof. You stared in shock at the face in front of you. You started at a green face and a pair of pretty brown eyes, all with a red bandana tied around the head. Yet somehow, you found the green face handsome.
“Now you’ve seen my face”, he growled, one hand grabbing a hold of your full face mask. “Let’s see who this Dark Angel is”.
That was when he pulled your mask off in a swift move, making you suck in a breath of anticipation. You expected him to say something. To continue your fight. But it didn’t happen. Silence fell over him, your mask still in his fisted hand. From his position above you, the Nightwatcher could do nothing but stare. This was not what he had expected. He had thought you would be hideous to look at. He wanted you to be hideous. After everything he had been through with you, he had thought your face to be repulsive. But to his dismay you were absolutely beautiful, the word Angel describing your appearance very well.
He almost felt angry at you for being so beautiful. It made it hard for him to hate you like he did just a few moments ago. It made it even harder for him to hit you, the fist with your mask still hanging in the air, clenching around nothing but the black fabric. Yet he felt the burning need to do something to you. You had been a pest to him, ever since he first met, and now you had punched him and seen his face. He had to do something. And he did. Just not what he had thought he would do.
The moment his lips hit yours, you froze. You had not expected that. But neither did you try to push away or tell him to stop. No, because you did not want him to do so. So instead you turned your head to the side, allowing him to deepen the kiss with you. A growl escaped him, his fist and your mask falling to the roof as his lips started to move against yours, your hands reaching up to hold his green head.
The kiss became heated quickly, with both of your tongues fighting for dominance, neither of you willing to let the other take over. And with that mindset, you quickly pushed him onto his back, straddling his legs before diving in for the continued fight of your tongues. From here you started working on the two buckles that lined his front.
“Someone’s eager”, he smirked into the kiss.
“To get you to shut up? Yes, very much”, you said, pulling him in for another kiss as you opened his last buckle. You were surprised to hear him hum into the kiss, his hands feeling your thighs through the fabric of your suite, letting you pull on the zipper that went from his collar and all the way down his torso. It was when you pulled back in slight surprise, feeling his chest where the zipper had allowed you to, only to feel his hard plastron, that he took the change. In a shift move he pushed you down onto your stomach, before letting himself rest on top of you, his mouth finding the curve of your ear.
“Then you have to be better than that, little Angel”, he smirked, before nibbling at your earlobe. You shivered, yet refusing to let out the whimper that pressed in your chest. You would not give him that satisfaction. “Now, where the fuck is that dumbass zipper?”, he growled, searching the top of your collar.
You could not help but chuckle. “Getting eager, Watcher?”
“To teach a little brat like you a lesson?”, he asked, a hand coming around to hold your chin. “You bet”.
His other hand finally found the opening of your zipper, pulling it down and showing off your bare back. You could hear the Nightwatcher cures under his breath as he went lower, all the way to the top of your ass.
“Holy shit, have you always been naked under that thing?!”, he asked in surprise. In fact, he was so surprised that he did not fight when you forced him onto his back once more, straddling him again. He watched in awe as your suite came loose, showing off the skin of your shoulder. You smiled smugly at him, feeling proud of the expression he gave you.
“So if I have?”, you asked, pulling further down on his zipper, almost reaching the bottom. “Can’t the Nightwatcher handle that?”
“And here I thought the whole Angel thing had something to do with being pure”, he said, licking his lips as the zipper reached his cloaca.
Unable to resist you leaned down to where his ear would have been, licking your lips before you spoke. “When have brats like me ever been pure?”
That caused him to move quickly once more, trying to force you back onto your stomach, but you resisted on your knees, not letting your stomach touch the roof. As you tried to stand, the Nightwatcher’s hand pressed down on the top of your back, forcing your chest against the roof. In this position your ass was up in the air with him pressing himself against you from behind. With his free hand, he pulled your open suite down your ass, revealing your soaked core to him. And that was when you felt something hard being pressed up against your cheek. He grabbed ahold of himself, slowly sliding himself up and down your slick folds.
“Admitting defeat yet, Angel?”, he asked, his voice dripping with smugness.
“(Y/N). And no, I’m not admitting to anything”, you said, fighting not to moan when his head brushed over your clit.
“In that case, (Y/N), I’ll just have to continue until you admit”, he chuckled, before pushing his swollen head through your drenched entrance.
You gasped out loud at his size, surprised at the pleasurable stretch he provided you. From the back you could hear him let out a satisfied groan, his hands resting on your hips for a moment as he got used to the tight fit. And then, finally, he started moving. You forced your mouth shut when you felt the moans that were about to fall off of your tongue, not wishing to inflate his already big ego. But the Nightwatcher noticed, chuckling once more.
“Oh, now you don’t wanna talk? Too bad, because I wanna hear you”, he said, before grasping a firm grasp on your hips, thrusting much harder and faster into you than before. Your mouth fell open, unwilling moans falling from your lips as you felt him reach further into you.
“Fuck!”, you moaned, slapping a hand against the roof in frustraion. “You, you, oh fuck!”
“Raphael”, he growled, his still gloved hand reaching around the back of your neck. “Call me, Raphael”.
You almost wanted to laugh at the irony. Here you were, the Dark Angel of New York City, getting dicked down on top of a roof top, by the Nightwatcher who just so happened to have the exact same name as an archangel. But instead of laughing, you moaned, feeling his hand move from the back of your neck and into your hair, where Raphael grabbed a fistfull, pulling your head back and in turn forcing your mouth open.
“Fuck!”, you almost screamed. “Raph!”
“That’s right, (Y/N). Scream my name. Let the city know who’s fucking you this good”, he said through a strained voice.
Once again you slapped your hand against the roof, frustration filling you as you moaned out his name once more. But even more frustration over the fact that you did not hate it. You should hate Raph. Even as his cock reached that good spot inside of you, you should hate him. But you just couldn’t. Whatever he was and the way he was fucking you had made your emotions for him soften quite a bit. But in that moment, you could not deny how you wanted him to moan your name the same way you had been moaning his. And it was with that thought in mind that you started moving your hips against him.
Raph gasped as the way you started to bounce back against him, the grasp he had on your hair releasing quite a bit. With every move you made back onto him, he leaned further and further over you, until he just couldn’t stop himself from letting his lips kiss up and down your spine.
“Admitting defeat yet, Raphael?”, you asked with a self satisfied smile, as you felt one of his arms slide down under you, pulling you closer against him.
“You’re no angel. You’re a demon, (Y/N)”, he growled against your neck.
“Nothing the Nightwatcher hasn't tried before?”
“Oh, fuck you, (Y/N)”, he moaned, his hips trying to catch up with yours.
“You already are, Raphie boy”, you smiled at him, causing him to moan against your skin.
It didn’t take long before his hips started to shutter, moving against you with such speed that you couldn’t keep up anymore.
“Fuck, (Y/N)”, he moaned against your shoulder. “I’m about to cum”.
“Me too, Raph”, you whimpered, feeling your peak reaching closer and closer, stars forming before your very eyes. It only took a few more thrust before you came around him, your walls hugging him tightly as he continued his high speed against you. Then, finally, he came, moaning your name out loud as he came inside of you, coating your walls with him, before he slowly pulled out of you.
You wanted to rest. You wanted to take your time and maybe for once, have a civil conversation with Raphael. But you couldn’t. With the sky getting brighter in the east, you knew it was time to get going. And so did Raphael. Standing up, he helped you back on your feet, zipping up the back of your suit before taking care of himself. He then went to where your mask and helmet was, handing you your mask.
You sighed as you held the mask in your hand, once again looking in the direction Drew and his gang had gone.
“I bet Drew and the others have gone over hills now”, you said, your eyes on the horizon.
“We’ll look for them tomorrow”, Raphael said, making sure the lights on his helmet weren't damaged.
“We?”, you asked, looking at him with a confused frown.
“Yes”, he answered, meeting your eyes with an unreadable expression. “We”.
“I’m sorry”, you chuckled. “But what happened to the dark and broody Nightwatcher that hated working with other people?”
“Oh he never left”, Raph said, turning the helmet in his hands. “But he still has a score to settle with the Dark Angel”.
“Is that so?”, you said, crossing your arms. “What kind of score?”
“She still hasn’t admitted that I was the winner tonight”.
You laughed. A genuine laugh that Raph never had heard from you before, his heart fluttering a little at the sound.
“Keep dreaming”, you said, smacking his arm with your mask.
“I don’t have to dream”, Raph smirked. “Because I’m right”. With those words be brought the helmet back over his head, and for a moment you wished he would keep it off. You enjoyed his brown eyes way more than those bright headlights. “See you later, Angel”.
“See you, Watcher”, you said, pulling the mask down over your face, grabbing your bow and arrow before disappearing over the rooftops while Raph went back to his motorcycle.
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morgana-larkin · 5 months
a cute prompt [i hope] reader's been teaching at abbott for over a year now, usually commute or in rare occasions, drive in her car, but now, goes to the school riding bicycle saying it reduces carbon footprint, saves her from expenses and as an exercise. But she just really love bikes, Jacob joined with this, next day he arrived at school riding a bike, then Janine and Gregory. Barb, tho was always dropped off by Ger with their car, rode it the bike during break for fun. Abbott staff decided to have a biking get together next weekend, Melissa initially declined but later on agreed because of Jacob's teasing that she's a schemmenti and doesn't know how to ride a bike [unfortunately, it's true] also, she secretly enjoy seeing you biking. They meet up in the park, with their bikes and decided it's time to go around the area. Melissa, embarrassed, said maybe she wouldn't go that far and maybe wait for them. So the crew didn't argue and left, r stayed. When the staff is out of the earshot and sight of the she beamed and said she'll teach Mel how to ride a bike. Melissa, being flustered and a stuttering mess still acted offensive about the *assumption* of her not knowing how to ride. R gave her a look and agreed to teach her. This is long, but I don't know. I feel like I'm always rambling lololol
Anon, ramble all you want. I don’t mind detailed prompts. And honestly when my ADHD meds wear off, I’m like Spotify, where I do the whole playlist and then recommended. Like I literally don’t shut up lol. Tbh they wore off 3 hours ago lol. So I went a little off just a bit, I didn’t make Melissa flustered until she was being taught instead of flustered before. And it was cute, it really was! Anyway, a little smut at the end but it’s really cute and funny. Not edited in the slightest and I hope you like it!
On another note: I’m accepting Melissa Schemmenti, Chessy and Marilyn Thornhill prompts. So send them! I do currently have 9 that I still need to do but I’ll get to all of them!
Side note: for the gif I was literally watching her eat a tomato for 5 minutes
ok I’ll shut up now.
Teaching You
Warnings: 😏, fluff, sweet praise(non sexual praise), small injury part for Mel
Words: 4.3k
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It’s spring time and the weather is finally warm enough for you to bike to work again. You get your helmet on, sling your backpack on and put your coffee mug in the water bottle holder. You unlock your bike from the lock wrapped around your bike and the bike rack in your apartment building and bring your bike outside. You kick up the kickstand and get on your bike, you check your helmet one more time and the little bell on your bike, then you take off.
You have a smile on your face as you’re happily biking to work on the busy Philly streets. You’ve always loved biking, your family are all big on biking and so are you, just something about it that you enjoy. You stop at a red light about a block away from the school and Melissa ends up pulling up to the light as well. You both end up seeing each other and you wave at her with a big smile then the light turns green. Melissa drives off with a smile and a shake of her head.
Once you pull up, you see Melissa parked and leaning on the brick wall of the school next to the bike rack. You pull up near the rack on your bike and get off and lock your bike.
“Hey hon.” She tells you with a smile and you look up at her after locking your bike.
“Hey Mel.” You tell her and then the trio is walking up to the school.
“Y/n did you ride a bike to school?” Jacob asks and you nod. You don’t really want to tell them how much you enjoy riding a bike, afraid they’ll make fun of you. This is your second year at Abbott but no one has seen you ride a bike before.
“Ya I did, it’s great exercise and helps saves the planet a bit.” You tell them and they all smile.
“Great idea.” Jacob tells you and you all walk in together. You and Melissa walk together with the trio trailing along behind you two.
Melissa tells you a joke and you laugh and playfully shove her gently with your shoulder and she does it back to you. The trio behind you smiling at the scene in front of them. You all enter the break and see Barb there on her phone, with Mr Johnson mopping the floor across the room.
“You guys all got here at the same time?” Barb asks all of you.
“More or less.” Melissa says.
“Y/n rode here on a bike this morning.” Janine says and Barb looks at you and smiles.
“Did you, dear?” She says and you nod. “How lovely.” She tells you and you smile.
After school you lock up your classroom, holding your helmet and start to walk out. Melissa ends up locking her classroom when you walk by and she joins you.
“Hey hon.” She tells you as she’s putting her phone in her purse and walking beside you.
“Hey Mel.” You tell her casually.
“So any plans for the weekend?” She asks you and mentally facepalms. It’s Monday, the weekend just happened.
“I don’t know, maybe some plans will come up but at the moment I’m free. You?” You ask her and she’s thankful you didn’t question why she asked you about weekend plans on a Monday.
“Nah, nothing yet.” She says to you and you end up at the bike rack. You put your helmet on and unlock your bike and put the lock in your bag.
“I can’t believe we didn’t know you rode a bike to school and it’s been over a year and a half.” She tells you and you look up at her and smile.
“Well I don’t do it in the winter, you guys just never saw me bike and I don’t really talk about it since it’s normal for me.” You tell her and kick up the kickstand and get on.
“Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow then?” She asks you and you nod.
“Yep, see ya tomorrow.” You tell her and you pedal off. Melissa watches you bike off and she smiles, she already thinks you’re cute, but seeing you happy on a bike warms her heart. She walks to her car with a smile.
The next day it seemed that Jacob decided to also ride a bike to school and you smile as you see him pull up to the rack as you’re locking yours.
“Hey hon, and Jacob.” Melissa says, confused when seeing Jacob as well.
“Hey Mel.” You tell her. “It seems Jacob also decided to bike to school.” You tell her excitedly.
“Well like you said, good exercise and good for the environment.” Jacob says with a shrug.
You all walk in the school, you and Melissa chatting and joking around. When you walk in the break room, Jacob joins Janine and Gregory and Melissa joins Barb. You on the other hand just drop your lunch off and get a coffee then you start to walk off when Melissa stops you.
“Hey hon, why don’t you ever stay?” She asks you and you look at her and realise that they’re all looking at you.
“Oh um, well I guess because you already have your groups of people to hang out with and I don’t want to intrude on that.” You tell her and they all look at you sadly. “It’s alright, I’ll find my own group of people.” You tell them and then walk out before anyone can say anything. Unknown to you, Melissa looks at where you were standing with a shocked and a bit upset face.
You don’t run into anyone after school as one of the parents was late to pick up their kid, apologies flowing out of their mouth and you wave them off saying it’s alright.
The next day it seemed you started a trend as Janine and Gregory also decided to bike to work.
“It’s so much fun to bike!” Janine says excitedly after getting off her bike. You all lock up your bikes and head into the school. You arrive at the break room and you go to put your lunch in the fridge and make your coffee. You go to walk out but Melissa stops you again.
“Hey hon, come sit down here.” She tells you and points to the empty chair at their table. You look at her a bit shocked. Your crush just invited you to sit with her and you blush. You then mentally facepalm as you realise you sound like a high school girl with a crush. You do end up sitting down with her and Barb and you have a nice morning.
At lunch, Barb asks if she can try out one of the bikes for fun. To which you accept and she has a lot of fun biking around the parking lot. All of you are sitting outside having lunch watching Barb bike around.
“Maybe we should get together this weekend and do a little bike ride together.” Janine suggests and you look surprised.
“Really?” You ask her and she nods.
“I’m down.” Jacob says immediately.
“Ya me too.” Gregory says.
“Ya I would love too.” You tell them.
“I wouldn’t mind joining as well.” Barb says and then you all turn to Melissa who’s sitting beside you.
“What?” She asks.
“Do you want to join us on a bike ride together this weekend?” Janine says to her.
“Nah I’m good.” She tells you all.
“Why not?” Jacob asks and she shrugs.
“Cause I don’t wanna.” She tells him.
“Is it because you’re such a tough Schemmenti and you don’t know how?” Jacob says a bit to tease her playfully and doesn’t know that he’s actually right.
“I know how to ride a bike!” She tells him defensively.
“Ok then prove it. Join us this weekend.” He challenges her.
“Fine, what’s the time and place?” She asks and you all settle on Saturday at noon at the park since there’s a lot of bike paths there. You give her a bit of a weird look as she was pretty defensive but you don’t ask her about it.
Melissa keeps watching you bike away after school with a smile on her face.
Saturday at noon, you all show up with your bikes at the park. Melissa is the last to show up.
“Hey hon.” She tells you once she sees you and you turn around to face her with a smile.
“Hey Mel!” You tell her and beam.
“Alright so we should decide on a path and the distance.” Barb says and you all nod and settle on one after a few minutes.
Mel looks a bit worried when you turn to look at her. “You ok?” You ask her and she looks at you, everyone looks over at Melissa as well.
“Ya I’m fine, just I probably shouldn’t go that far. Don’t want to sprain something and then can’t walk for a few days.” She tells them all. “I think I’ll sit this one out.” She tells them and when they go to question her, she gives a glare and they all shut up.
They decide to just bike off without Melissa, except you. You hang back and Melissa looks at you with a quirked eyebrow. You look and see that everyone is just about out of sight and you look back towards Melissa.
“Shouldn’t you be biking alongside them?” She asks while still holding on to the bike.
“Maybe, but I’d rather stay here and help you learn how to ride it.” You tell her with a friendly smile. She looks at you confused.
“I already told all of youse that I know how to ride a bike, I just don’t wanna.” She says defensively again.
“Ok then prove it, use the kickstand.” You tell her and she looks at you confused.
“Kickstand?” She asks and you look at her with a knowing glance and you nod. Melissa looks at her bike, searching for what you could possibly mean.
” you tell her and she looks at you as you get off your bike and you kick out the kickstand and let go of your bike. Melissa sees what you do and does the same thing then looks at you with a proud smile. It falls when she sees your face, you’re looking at her a bit sad.
“Did no one teach you how to ride a bike?” You ask her and she looks down at the ground, embarrassed.
“No, they didn’t.” She admits and you walk over to her.
“It’s ok to admit you know, I’m not going to judge you.” You tell her and she looks up at you. “If you want to learn then I can teach you.” You offer again and this time she smiles and accepts. You lock your bike up nearby and then you go back to Melissa. You show her how to sit on it properly and show her how to be when not in motion. Then you tell her how to ride. “It’s mostly about balance, like skating or balancing on one leg.” You tell her. “There’s a reason that the expression ‘just like riding a bike’ is so commonly used for stuff that you know how to do but it’s been awhile. It’s pretty straightforward.” You tell her and then you get off and tell her to try it.
You held on the bike with part of a handle and the seat the whole time so it wouldn’t fall over. Melissa got on just like you showed her and had one foot on the ground while still on the bike when she won’t be in motion just like you showed her and she looked at you for praise with a smile. You gave her a proud smile and a thumbs up and she beamed.
“Now here comes the tricky part, balancing yourself while pedalling. Now I’ll hold on the bike like I’ve been doing and you’re going to pedal ok?” You tell her and she nods. She then blushes when she realises that your hand keeps accidentally touching her butt and missed when you told her to pedal.
“Sorry what?” She asked when she sees you looking at her weirdly.
“I said you can start pedalling.” You tell her and she looks embarrassed then goes to try and start pedalling. She pedals slowly and crookedly and you manage to keep up with her to keep the bike up. “You’re doing it Mel, you’re biking!” You tell her and she has a huge smile. “Do you want me to let go and try and bike by yourself?” You ask and she widens her eyes.
“Uh no, I’m still trying to focus on pedalling and not balance.” She tells you and you smile.
“It’s alright, it’s at your pace.” You tell her without judgement.
You guys take a short break, mostly so you don’t tire yourself out.
“You’re learning it Mel, I bet by the end of today, you’ll be biking circles around all of us.” You tell her and she blushes and looks at the ground with a smile.
Turns out the first time you let go, she noticed how your hand touched hers on the handle and your other hand touched her butt and she lost focus and fell.
You ran to her and luckily she fell on grass. “You ok Mel?” You asked her and she looked embarrassed and had a pout. “Hey it’s ok. Most people fall the first person they try to pedal on their own.” You tell her. “I did.” You say and she looks at you.
“You did?”
“Ya, and I mastered pedalling by then. They took the training wheels off, I go to pedal, and fell right over.” You say with a laugh and she giggles. You then help her up and she blushes at the fact that you’re touching her. You on the other hand think her pink cheeks are embarrassment from falling. “Want to try again?” You ask her and she thinks, your hands still on her.
“I um, I don’t know.” She says, she can’t think properly with your hands on her.
“It’s ok if you don’t want to continue but I don’t want you to get discouraged because you fell on your first attempt.” You tell her genuinely. She decides to give it another try, and on the fifth attempt she was doing it. You were so proud of her. You ran after her and yelling “MELISSA LOOK YOU’RE DOING IT! OMG I’M SO PROUD OF YOU!” You yell as she’s going faster than you’re running. Melissa got flustered that you said you were proud of her and lost focus and fell.
You caught up to her and she fell on the pavement this time and scraped her hands. You kneeled down as soon as you caught up to her and took her hands in yours to inspect them.
“Oh they don’t look too too bad. But I think you should clean it to avoid infections.” You told her and she was looking at you with flushed cheeks. “What?” You asked her and you gently dropped her hands.
“N-nothing.” She said.
“Um ok.” You say confused. “But Melissa you did it! You rode a bike!” You excitedly told her and hugged her and Melissa froze. You pulled away and saw she looked tense. “Oh sorry, I should have asked to hug you. I’m just very proud of you.” You tell her.
“It’s alright, the hug was actually nice. I’m just not used to physical touch.” She says and looks down.
“I’m sorry.” You tell her and she looks up and gives a smile and whispers to you.
“I rode a bike.” She whispers excitedly and you smile.
“Ya you did. How about we go to my place and I can take a look at your hands and clean them. Unless you want to go back to your place and do it.” You said.
“Um, we could, um go back to yours.” She says, stuttering a bit and you nod.
You manage to get both your bikes in her car, somehow. You biked to the park since it’s only 15 minutes of bike riding away from your house. And you get back to your place and bring Melissa to your apartment. You get her to sit on the couch while you get cloths, a bowl of warm water, disinfectant and some bandaids. You bring them all to your coffee table and get her to hold your hands out. Looks like they were bleeding a bit.
You take one of the cloths and dip it in the water and then you wipe the scrapes on her hands. Once the bleeding stopped and the scrapes looked clean, you grabbed the disinfectant. “This might sting a bit.” You tell her and she nods. You put some on a clothe and wiped her hands. She did flinch a bit but other than that she seemed to be alright. You put a couple bandaids on her scrapes, where it was bleeding, and it looked alright. “Alright did you get hurt anywhere else and Melissa looked at you.
“Um nope.” She told you she avoided eye contact.
” You said and gave her a pointed look.
“I’m fine.” She said. You sat up a bit and adjusted your position on the couch so you’re on one knee.
“Melissa, where else does it hurt?” You asked and she crossed her arms and pouted. “Ok, if you’re gonna act like a child then I’ll treat you like one.” You told her and she looked at you and gasped in disbelief. “Either show me where it hurts or I’ll treat you like a child.”
“It’s one of my knees but I can’t roll up my pants to show you.” She tells you and you look at her with a “oh”.
“Well here.” You say and take the blanket on the end of the couch and cover her top part of the legs. You can take your pants off and still keep your modesty.” You tell her and she chuckles, she still takes her pants off and you see blood dripping down her right leg. “We should have made you wear elbow and knee pads.” You tell her and you get on your knees on the floor and get to cleaning her knee. Melissa sees you get on your knees in front of her and some fantasies make their way to her mind and she blushes. You look up and see her flushed face. “You ok?” You ask and she nods.
“Yep.” She says, voice a bit high pitched but you ignore it. You finish up with a bandaid on her knee. Just when she thinks it’s over, it isn’t.
“Oh I almost forgot!” You exclaim and hold your hair where it is, then bend down and give her a kiss on the knee next to where the bandaid is. She felt your lips on her knee and she blushed even more. “A kiss to make it better! Want me to do the same with your hands?” You asked her and she held out her hands. You kissed both of them better and her cheeks have turned from a pink to a red. You look up at her again and see her red cheeks. “Are you sure you’re ok? Are you running a fever?” You ask and feel her forehead with your palm. Oh if only you knew what you do to her. “You feel fine. I hope you’re not embarrassed, cause you don’t have to be.” You tell her and rest your forearms on her legs.
“Ya I’m
fine.” She said and give her a questioning look. “What?” She asked.
“Melissa? Are you hiding something from me?” You ask her and she avoids eye contact. “What are you hiding from me?” You ask her and you get up and bend over to rest your hands on her legs. And Melissa has a perfect view of down your shirt. She really has to focus on where her eyes look right now.” You notice how she stared at you, well more specifically down your shirt and her cheeks got even redder and avoided eye contact even more. You see how she keeps glancing at your hands near her thighs and she doesn’t know what to do. You decide to test a theory and move your hands subtly up her legs, near to that spot in between her legs and her breath hitches and her face feels like it could be on fire. You lean into her more and look at her eyes. “Melissa, something you’re not telling me?” You ask her with a slightly lower pitch voice and she’s breathing deeply right now. Just when you’re about to pull away, she grabs the back of your head and pulls you forward and gives you a kiss.
You’re stunned for a second but then kiss her back and Melissa is stunned. You’re kissing her back? She pulls back and looks at you and you’re smiling at her with soft heart eyes. “Do you like me back?” She asks you and you nod.
“Wait, does that mean you like me?” You ask her and she nods. And before you know it, both of you are surging forward and kissing each other. You end up straddling her lap and she deepens the kiss by slipping her tongue in when you grant access. Her hands roam all over from your chest to your knees. She feels so much of you and yet can’t feel enough of you. She tests the waters and puts her hands under your shirt and feels the skin on the side of your stomach and you don’t stop her. She roams her hands up and you two take a second to breathe before making out again. She continues to move her hands up and feels you smile. So you realise she’s moving her hands up and you’re happy about it. Does that mean she has your approval to unclip your bra? Just as she finishes that thought you unclip your own bra and she smiles. Just as she was about to go and touch your breasts, her phone rings loudly and it startles both of you.
“Hello?” Melissa answers and forgot to see who it was. She’s breathing a bit fast and you can see she’s trying to control it. So of course you decide to be a little shit and dive to her neck. “Oh Barb hi-i” she squeaks the last part out a bit as you decide to suck on her neck.
“Are you ok?” Barb says on the other line.
“Ya I’m fine, why?” Melissa says and tries to get you to stop but ends up holding your hair and letting you continue as it feels good.
“You sound breathless and like something surprised you.” Barb says gently and Melissa can’t think for a second as you removed your shirt and bra at the same time and she just stares. All she can think about is wanting to suck them. You begin grinding her leg and you nod your head to the phone and she suddenly remembered Barb asked her a question.
“Ya I’m fine just ya catching my breath, I ended up biking with y- y/n to her place since it’s like 20 minutes
 instead of the-the 2 hour one you wanted to do. We just got back and I’m
 catching mmmy breathe.” She stutters throughout the entire sentence as she just feels and sees you grinding her leg and you ended up leaning towards her so your breasts are almost in her face. You were torturing her and she knew it.
“You need to catch your breath after a 20 minute bike ride?” Barb asks and Melissa is really cursing in her head.
You decide to end her torture and grab the phone from her. “Hey Barb it’s y/n.” You say and Melissa decides to grab your breasts with her mouth and you pull the phone away from your mouth enough so that Barb doesn’t hear it.
“Oh hi y/n, is Melissa ok?” Barb asks.
“Mmhhmm.” You say since Melissa is teasing you now. “She’s alright, just she did 20 minutes to my place then 20 minutes back to her ca! Car.” You say as Melissa decides to rub your clit through your underwear and pants. “Ya so she’s fine.” You blurt out and hand the phone back to Melissa.
“Hey Barb, I caught my breath.” And Melissa is still rubbing your clit so you can’t tease her right now. You don’t pay attention to what Barb says and then hear Melissa talk again. “Ok, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Melissa says then hangs up. “You.
Little. Minx.” She says to you and you smile. She rolls her eyes at you then pulls her hand away from your clit and you whine. She sits up with you still on her, your legs wrapped around her waist and her hand grabbing your ass. She brings you to your bed with you sucking her neck and then drops you on the bed.
“Ah.” You say as she actually dropped you on purpose. She crawls on top of you and leans in to your ear.
“You were a great teacher with me for biking. Now let me show you how I pleasure a woman.” She tells you and you shiver and rub your thighs together. She notices how you react and she smirks, she pulls back and looks at you. “And when I teach, I like for the person to tell me how well I’m doing.” She tells you and then takes her shirt and bra off and then makes you breathless all night.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta
Let me know if you want to be added!
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fangswbenefits · 1 year
just had a thought...
Imagine best friend Miguel, picking you up from work... on motorcycle. Just imagine that 👀😏
You walk out of the building where you work and immediately hear some of your coworkers giggling and whispering about the sexy man standing outside the building, but you don't pay much attention. You're sure you know someone even sexier (Miguel) until you hear a familiar voice calling your name.
You turn around and you can see Miguel leaning against his motorbike, a wide smile on his face. He's dressed in a leather jacket, helmet propped against his hip, while the other sits on the seat of the motorcycle.
"Hey, cariño. I'm here to pick you up." He says in that smooth voice of his, and you feel your knees buckle slightly. He's going to be the death of you. How are you supposed to stay only his friend when he's like this?
You go closer to him, feeling the eyes of your coworkers on you and in the corner of your eye you can see them with their mouths slightly open. In a way, it gives you satisfaction to see your coworkers drooling over Miguel, but the one he came for is you. YOU!
382 notes · View notes
yelena-bellova · 1 year
Instinct: Din Djarin x F!Reader - Chapter Seventeen
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Chapter Seventeen: Complicated
Plot: Din and Y/n navigate a difficult conversation while taking on a new passenger on their journey.
Word Count: 3.3k
Warnings: canon typical violence, language, (16+)
A/N: PLEASE READ. Welcome back from our unexpected hiatus and thank you all for being so understanding of the wait. Twenty Years Later was entirely unplanned, but you gotta follow your ideas!
A few notes going forward on this series. A) I will not be adding anyone to the tags unless you are 16+ and have it specified on your page/bio. B) the POV will be changing to both Din and Y/n’s. TYL showed me that that’s my sweet spot for writing. C) I feel like because I’ve been writing this on and off for two years, the plot has sometimes been inconsistent. Rest assured, we have a end destination we are working towards and I think I’ve managed to make it even better than originally planned
so watch out 😏
Thank you for sticking with this!! Let’s dive back in 😘
Din and I sped through the desert, sand kicking at our heels. After what we’d been through, I was ready to get the hell off the dusty hell space and not return for a long, long time.
I was seething in heartbreak as I steered. Din had risked his life as if it was nothing. As if me and the kid were nothing. I couldn’t tell whether I was angry or hurt. It felt like every emotion I had to capacity to feel had been flooding me since Din and I had come together. I couldn’t tell what was what.
What was clear was the gut feeling that something was wrong. I scanned a rocky patch ahead of us and couldn’t see anything other than sand, boulders and-
Din and I went flying through the air.
Frantically clawing, I reached for the kid and came up empty. One of Din’s arms stayed wrapped around me while the other shot out to control his jetpack. We floated clumsily to the ground, narrowly avoiding the rolling wreckage of our speeder.
The shots started immediately. Din took a blast to the helmet, wasting not a second in shielding me with his body. I turned on my shield and unholstered my blasters along with him.
“Get the child!”
As they shouted, my eyes darted around us, spotting the kid fifteen feet away. I fired a perfect shot, laying out the raider nearest to him. Din pulled me with him as a vibroblade swung over our heads. Two raiders began to try and physically pin us. I ducked under Din’s arm, unsheathed my blade and stabbed the first one in the back. I wrenched him back, landing my boot to his head to make sure he’d stay down.
Another raider had joined the fight now and had Din pinned against the rock. I turned to attack just as he yelled.
I immediately dropped to the ground, he unleashed his whipcord launcher, and pulled the furthest raiders towards him to smack the other two in the heads. It was beautifully awkward collision.
The last of our attackers called out something in his alien dialect, drawing our attention. He was holding the kid with a knife to its throat.
“Wait,” Din urged, “Don’t hurt the child.”
I got to my feet beside him, holding my hands up to surrender.
“If you put one mark on him, there’s no place you’ll be able to hide from us,” Din continued, trying to stay calm, “We can strike a bargain. There’s a lot of value in this wreckage. Take your pick.”
The child cooed, moaning as if he wanted out of the strange embrace. My heart ached.
“But leave the child,” Din instructed, the alien’s interest was already piqued. He gestured to Din’s jetpack, seemingly ordering him to give it over.
“Okay,” Din conceded, removing the device.
“Wait, wha-“ I began, stopping when he put a hand up to me.
“Here,” he stepped forward cautiously, setting the pack down in the sand, “It’s yours. Take it.”
Din stepped back alongside me, still holding his hands in the air. My pulse raced as we waited for the being to make his choice. If he made the wrong one, I could choke the life out of him. I didn’t quite know how to yet, but I could figure it out.
Finally, the raider set down the child and moved to the jetpack. He said something in his native tongue before taking off. The child hurried towards us, running straight into Din’s hands.
“You okay?” Din asked, receiving a coo in response. I dropped my forehead to the kid’s head, feeling both relieved and drained from the fear.
As we stood huddled together, Din pressed a button on his gauntlet, triggering the jetpack and the raider to be sent straight up into the sky. I followed his body, spinning and twisting through the air, until it dropped still in the sand. Din landed the jetpack with extreme care, shrugging when both me and the child glanced over at him.
“Well, this day just got longer,” I grumbled, beginning to take stock of what was left of our supplies.
We ended up sharing the load, carrying what we could on our backs and the rest strapped around our bodies. The heat on Tatooine was unbearable without the wind generated from riding on a speeder bike. My ever simmering anger wasn’t doing me any favors.
“You’ve been quiet,” Din commented, about an hour into our long journey.
I exhaled, “Maybe I don’t have anything to say.”
Din paused and I could have sworn I heard a snort through his modulator, “That’s not it. You’re mad.”
Unable to contain it anymore, I sighed loudly. “Yes, I’m mad. But I don’t think you get why I’m mad.”
“How can I know if you don’t tell-“
“Because you almost killed yourself today, Din,” I stopped short and turned to him, “You threw yourself into that thing without a second thought. I-I mean, do you have any idea what I would have done without you? What we,” I gestured to the kid, resting in a satchel around Din’s chest, “Would have done without you?”
“I did that to save you,” Din argued, “That thing would have killed all of us, and we wouldn’t even be here to have this conversation.”
I threw a hand through my hair in exasperation, “You’re not getting it. If you die, I-“ my throat nearly caught, but I wouldn’t allow it, “If you’d have died, I would have been wrecked. Because it’s not just you anymore, Din. It’s us. The two of us, the three of us
us. You can’t do this shit anymore and it not affect anyone because,” I gestured to myself, “There’s someone.”
The loner in me was furious for revealing my hand, for telling him outright that I cared about him so deeply. By now, my feelings were so tied up with my exhaustion, I couldn’t make heads or tails of whether or not I was even making sense.
Growling to myself, I turned on my heel and resumed on the path back to Mos Eisley.
For the duration of the day, past dusk settled over the city I’d never been so happy to see, Din and I didn’t speak. Even when we entered the loud, crowded cantina to locate Peli, neither of us uttered a word.
Once we found her, Peli looked up from her cards to examine us, sweaty, dusty and exhausted. Her eyes crossed the armor draped around Din, “You finally found a Mandalorian and you killed him?”
“He wasn’t Mandalorian,” Din answered, “I bought this armor off of him though.”
“What’d that set you back?
“Killed the krayt dragon for him.”
“Oh,” Peli retorted, “Is that all?”
“He was our last lead on finding other Mandalorians,” Din replied. In other words, we were back to square fucking one.
The creature Peli was engaged in a game of cards with spoke something in their tongue.
“Okay,” Peli told him, “Well, you might be in luck. Dr. Mandible here says he can connect you with someone who can help you. If you cover his call this round,” she held up her hands in innocence, “That’s what he said.”
“How much are we putting up?” I asked, too tired for anything other than cutting to chase.
Peli paused, “Five hundred.”
“Geez,” I grumbled.
“Hey, he’s on a hot streak,” she replied.
Din and I looked to one another, both ready to put an end to the day. He wordlessly threw a bag of credits on the table.
“Is the pot right?” Peli asked, Mandible said whatever he said back to her. Her calm countenance changed, “Ha! Idiot’s Array! Pay up there, thorax!”
“I thought you said he was on a hot streak,” Din said knowingly.
“Oh, stop your crying’,” Peli said as she collected our credits, “You’ll rust,” she stopped to translate what the doctor was saying to her, “All right. He says the contact will rendezvous at the hanger. They’ll tell you where to find some Mandalorians. That’s what you wanted, right?”
“Yes,” Din responded.
“All right, well, stop your mopin’,” Peli cried as she led us out of the cantina, “More importantly, did you bring back any of that dragon meat? Better not have any maggots on it. I don’t like maggots.”
When we got back to the hanger, Din and I both excused ourselves to the Crest to clean up.
While I changed clothes, I was given time to think about all that had gone on between the two of us. I knew I was being unreasonable. Din had saved us, had he not made his almost-sacrifice, we would have surely all been killed. But that didn’t mean that I could look at it objectively. Not when he was the one at the center of the danger.
I climbed up the ladder to the cockpit, where Din was cleaning his armor. I blindly knocked on the wall to signal my presence.
“Clear,” he replied, his voice modulator the answer to the unspoken question.
I climbed the final distance, trying to figure out how to start the conversation.
“I may have, um
” I awkwardly started, “Overreacted over some things.”
Din’s head turned, finally dragging his eyes away from polishing one of his pauldrons.
“This is still new for me,” I continued, wringing my hands, “Having someone to care about and I just
I can’t
” I ran my hands over my hair, “I don’t want to think about ever
losing you. And today was just a little too close for me,” I took a shaky breath, “So, I’m sorry if I was an asshole
but I’m an asshole who cares about you.”
Din stayed still as I spoke, only moving to get up when I was finished. He crossed the cockpit and lightly took my hand into his.
“I have to remember you’re here,” Din said.
My brows dipped in confusion, “Thanks?”
“It’s easy to forget that there’s someone here who
cares.” Din continued, “That if we take risks, we take them together. But I won’t apologize for trying to save you. Ever. Everything I do is to protect you and the kid.”
My heart swelled in my chest, my fingers intertwining between his, “You make it really fucking hard to stay mad at you.”
“Isn’t that a good thing?”
“Not when I want to be mad at you,” I replied with a small smile, pushing up on my toes to press my forehead to his, “Come on, the kid’s probably eaten half of that thing by now.”
We exited the Crest to find the child still patiently waiting on the krayt meat we were roasting, using a spare engine of Peli’s.
“All right, here’s the deal,” she announced upon seeing us, “A Mandalorian covert is close. It’s in this sector, one system trailing.”
“Are they the ones that left Nevarro?” Din asked.
“Don’t know,” Peli shrugged, “All I know is that the contact will lead you to them.”
“We’re not exactly rich right now,” I stated, information this important always cost something.
“Well, that’s the great news. It’s free,” Peli bounced back on her heels, “Except for a finder’s fee, of course.”
“What’s the not-great news?” Din asked.
Peli shook her head, “Nothing. It’s all great.”
“Okay then,” I shrugged, ready to get our show on the road.
“However, there is one small skank in the skud pie,” Peli added.
I gave a joyless smile, “Of course there is.”
“The contact wants passage to the system,” Peli said, holding her hands up as if to say that she wasn’t responsible for the inconvenient turn.
“Do you vouch for them?” Din responded uncharacteristically fast.
“On my life,” Peli nodded.
Din and I shared a look, I gave a small shrug, and it was decided. “Fine.”
” Peli added.
“Stop talking,” I scrunched up my face and begged.
“No hyperdrive.”
“You want us to travel sublight?” Din asked, waving his hands, “Deal’s off.”
“It’s one sector over,” Peli justified.
“And the hyperdrive’s the only thing standing between us and getting caught,” I replied.
Peli lowered her voice, “These are mitigating circumstances.”
“What do you mean ‘mitigating?’” Din asked.
Right on cue, an amphibious female entered the hanger. She looked innocent enough, hanging back and carefully watching the way the conversation was going.
“We’re not a taxi service,” Din clarified to Peli.
“I know, I know, I hear you,” Peli held up an understanding hand, “But I can vouch for her.”
The creature stepped forward and said something in her language.
“What’s the cargo?” Din relented enough to ask.
Peli got the answer neither of us could understand from her, translating it after. “It’s her spawn. She needs her eggs fertilized by the equinox or her line will end. If you jump into hyperspace, they’ll die. She said her husband has settled on the estuary moon of Trask.”
“And this is,” I gestured in the space between us four with the hand that wasn’t pressed to my temple, “Confirmed that there are Mandalorians there.”
Peli turned back, spoke in the creature’s language and listened to her reply. “She says her husband has seen them herself.”
Din and I looked to one another, I’d become well-versed in reading his lack of expressions in circumstances like these. His shoulders were raised, but not so far that he was overtly tense. His head was slightly tilted in my direction, I could imagine there was a questioning eyebrow raised at me.
Peli took our matched silence as an affirmative answer and gestured the amphibian forward. She headed off towards the Crest.
“Do you know the husband?” Din asked our friend.
“No,” Peli answered plainly, “I just met her ten minutes before you walked in.”
I exhaled loudly, “So you’re vouching on your life and risking ours for a stranger?”
“What can I say?” Peli shrugged, reaching over to the passing droid and grabbing a chunk of krayt meat, “I’m an excellent judge of character.”
Sighing, I glanced up at Din. It was a harmless job, on the surface, and it involved a better class of being than we were used to dealing with. We could walk away from it having both helped a growing family and gotten the information we needed. After all we’d seen, there wasn’t much that could scare me about the details.
I pointed towards Peli, somewhere between frowning and smirking, “Every time I think we can trust you
“You’re welcome,” Peli shouted as I turned on my heel, walking back towards the Crest.
Truth be told, there really wasn’t any reason to worry about our newest passenger. She sat in the cockpit alongside me and Din, silently observing her surroundings. I couldn’t get a read on her other than she was what she’d been presented as: a mother needing safe passage for her and her kids.
“Now I’m gonna ask you to stay strapped in whenever you’re seated,” Din instructed once we were off Tatooine, “Traveling sublight is a bit dicey these days. Whether it’s pirates or warlords, someone either ends up with a nice chunk of change or your ship.”
The amphibious woman replied in her own tongue, it was foreign to both me and Din.
“We don’t speak whatever language that is,” he replied, “You speak
Din followed with some words of an elusive skill level in the language, coming up short of a reaction from the woman.
“Well, you seem like you’ve got this under control,” I smiled, patting his shoulder as I got up to leave.
I climbed down the first few rungs of the ladder and slid the rest of the way, landing in the cargo hold. Before we’d taken off, I’d secured the kid in our bunk, but the quiet I was surrounded by felt different than the one that came when he rested. Tapping the button to our bunk and finding it empty, I scanned the area, “Buddy?”
Upon hearing a slurping sound, I spun around to watch the child scooping out one of the woman’s eggs from their container.
“No, no, no-“ I exclaimed, surging forward to try and stop the inevitable.
Without a hint of remorse, the child inhaled one of the eggs.
I slammed the lid shut and swung him into my arms, holding them out a fair distance to get a good look at him.
“That’s not food,” I reprimanded in hushed tones, “Off limits. Completely. Understood?”
I received a burp in my face as a reply.
“Yep,” I grimaced, “That’s about right.”
The familiar thud of Din’s boots hit the ground. “What’s going on?”
“He’s eating the cargo,” I answered, carrying the kid past Din and back to the bunk, “So maybe keep an eye out if my back’s turned.”
Din sighed loudly and it was in that moment that I took stock of our lives. Of our current predicament. And all I felt I could do was
“This is funny?” Din questioned.
“No, but
” I gestured around us, letting my hands fall against my legs after, “This is.”
Being so tuned in with one another, Din caught onto the meaning of what I was saying. When we’d met, we’d been lone rangers. Living outside the law and showing no mercy to our enemies. Now, we were chasing a little green gremlin around, trying to keep him from tearing the ship apart. There was humor to be found in how domestic we’d turned.
“Maybe a little,” Din replied, his enunciation changing with what sounded like a smile.
The child babbled behind us, safely stowed in the hammock we’d constructed to keep him close.
“If we’re going to get sleep, now’s the time to do it,” Din suggested as he crossed the room.
“Sounds good,” I sighed, reaching behind me and taking his hand.
Din climbed into the bunk first, sliding up against the wall to make room for me. It was a tight fit, but neither one of us had ever complained about it. I wiggled in beside him, laying my head on his outstretched arm.
“Another day, another adventure,” I sighed.
“Let’s hope that’s our biggest problem,” Din nodded up at the child, who was already shutting his eyes.
“Yes, let’s keep that optimism going,” I chuckled, letting my finger drift up to the edge of his helmet.
It was an unspoken desire, wishing and wondering if Din’s armor would ever come off. We had never discussed it, he never so much as mentioned it. It was just another thing to be worked around in our relationship. And for the most part, I didn’t mind. I was happy with how things were. But every once in a while, usually when we crammed into the bunk at the end of a long day, the thoughts pierced through the stiff walls of my mind.
And I could sense Din was feeling the same desire.
” he let his sentence drift off.
“Hmm,” I hummed, distractedly running my middle finger agains the sharp edge of the mouthpiece.
Din paused, “I wish
But he’d never find his words. And if he ever did, he’d never allow himself to utter them. There was the Creed before there was anything else, including me.
I gave a small smile, trying to reassure him that he wasn’t alone, but he also didn’t have to continue. “I know,” I whispered.
In an effort to make us both feel better about our limitations, I tilted my head up and kissed the usual spot on his helmet. Right where his forehead would be. Din leaned in and the pressure against my lips increased. It was a good reminder that beneath the layers of Beskar, there was a soul, same as mine, in need of the same affection.
After, I tucked myself against Din’s chest, allowing myself to be enveloped in his arms. It was the one place where I welcomed my own vulnerability, where I’d rather let myself be consumed by it. The warmth of him, even through leather and steel, could touch my wounds and gently nudge them back into slumber.
I peered up at the child, already asleep, before resting my head under the chin of Din’s helmet. It was our version of peace, and to me, it was perfect.
Instinct Taglist: @never-no-locomotive @damerondala @x-judyjude-x @jellybeanstacey0519 @elinedjarin @eternallyvenus @kalea-bane @xsnak-3x @xmoonknightly @1800-get-alfie @toinfinityandbeyonce2 @burninggracesandbridges @alwaysdjarin @boneyarrd @mxltifxnd0m @hellu-people1 @avengersfan25 @pedr0swh0r3 @baekmack @djarinsstuff @kaitieskidmore1 @paola-carter @allophonicmess @girlofchaos @pedrettilov3r @tsunamistorm123 @ranjaaaaa2 @melonmochi @hawsx3 @evienorville @brilliantopposite187
Din Djarin Taglist: @damerondala @x-judyjude-x @elinedjarin @mads-weasley @kalea-bane @1800-get-alfie @burninggracesandbridges @alwaysdjarin @mxltifxnd0m @siriuslymooned @hellu-people1 @avengersfan25 @pedr0swh0r3 @baekmack @djarinsstuff @kaitieskidmore1 @paola-carter @allophonicmess @girlofchaos @pedrettilov3r @sirtommyholland @dumbbitchenergy17 @star-of-velaris @tsunamistorm123 @d4rno @follows-the-life-ahead @futuristicdragonprincess @captain-creampuff @kinokomoonshine @ranjaaaaa2 @melonmochi @hawsx3 (tags cont. in comments)
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kmze · 2 months
okay so I'm watching ep11 of s8 and I agree they dumbed down the characters purely for the plot.Why would Caroline be so inactive after stefan spilled over phone he was getting paperwork notarised.She knew he was on his way to murder Elena!Why would Damon of all people try to reason with the ripper instead of calling bonnie and warn her?Compare it to the following episode by chad & james.Caroline is on her way to find Stefan.She calls him.She's already talked to Damon.She calls Damon and updates him.She's already called Abby since Bonnie wouldn't speak with her.She gets stefan out and stays with him the whole time.This was like a trend in Melinda's episode that she would remove caroline out of the plot even though she had insane planning skills.Damon was never a good strategist but why not utilise Caroline?Even in 8×02,she was removed with a stupid phonecall when she was right there with stefan and if she had stayed,Sarah might have been still alive.See how in 8×03,Caroline single handedly saved Bonnie's life and ran off.I don't understand this style of storytelling.sigh.Well at least immortal Enzo wore a helmet while racing car.Safety first!😏
Yes that phone call felt so weird because of that! He was basically giving her clues as to what he was doing because there was no reason for him to answer her call, I really thought she was going to beat Damon there similar to how she saved Stefan in 8x05 even though he told her to stay behind so she was safe. Remember an episode earlier he told her how to fix Damon even though he knew how and could have done it himself he wanted her to figure it out (because teacher-student foreplay lol). I also didn't understand why neither of them warned Bonnie or Enzo like, they all knew how totally unhinged Ripper Stefan was why would they not warn them. Whole episode was super contrived to make the forced cure work, it also didn't make sense that Damon and Caroline didn't wonder what Stefan's task was from Cade. The lunatic just tried to burn down Mystic Falls why would they not be more focused on where he was. You're right it happened in 8x02 although that seemed to be about finding a way to have Caroline switch where her ring was for the proposal. I initially thought that scene was supposed to show how Caroline was struggling with being a Mom while also being involved in the supernatural world but I agree it felt contrived. Enzo wearing the helmet was as dumb as Stefan and Elena wearing helmets on his motorcycle lol, yes two immortal vampires very concerned about safety.
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titikawai · 1 year
Credits to meme.lord_maul on Insta
The helmet stays on 😏
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kelliealtogether · 1 year
Thanks so much, friend! đŸ©·
As a hockey player, I daydream about hockey a lot, so I have daydreamed (another) hockey AU many, many times. It's another long and elaborate one, so it's below the cut:
Adam and Ronan (and Gansey, to be accurate to the daydream) play on rival college hockey teams, the Henrietta State University Ravens and the Glendower College Kings (it's a daydream, forgive the horrible team names).
The first game of the season, Adam scores very early on, and Ronan's coach makes him stick to Adam's ass like glue for the rest of the game. They chirp at one another, rough each other up a little in a non-penalty way, then toward the end of the game, Ronan takes Adam out during an incidental hockey play and Adam tweaks his knee enough he has to leave the game.
Ronan, though he shouldn't, feels bad about it because he respects Adam as a player (and he was kind of cute behind his helmet cage, if Ronan is being honest), goes and finds Adam in the trainer's room where Adam's icing his knee and Ronan apologizes. Adam's all "It was a hockey play, man. Don't worry about it," but sparks fly.
Next game they play against one another, there's more chirping, a little flirting. Then Henrietta U's bus breaks down after their next away game at Glendower, and the team has to get a motel. Adam knows he shouldn't, but he "bullies" his roommate to sleep somewhere else and invites Ronan over. I won't go into what happens. 😏
Between games against one another, they start seeing one another, then both teams end up in the college hockey tournament and then in the Frozen Four, where they're pitted against one another. Glendower is down a goal, they're getting scrappy, and one of Ronan's teammates lays Adam out.
Ronan knows he shouldn't, but he jumps to Adam's defense. A kind of confused brawl follows, Ronan has a reckoning with his team in the locker room between periods, and Glendower ends up coming back to win the game, knocking Henrietta out of the tournament. (Adam's fine, btw, and he hangs around to watch Glendower win the tournament.)
Cut to later in the spring and Ronan shows up at Henrietta U to ask Adam what he's doing for the summer, and he offers to let Adam stay at the Barns (he turned one of the Barns into an off-ice training Cross Fitty thing, and uses that as his angle, sly dog). Adam agrees, and they have this awesome, idyllic summer, where Adam wears Ronans Glendower College stuff frequently and Ronan calls him Benedict Arnold.
But the twist is, Adam had secretly applied to transfer to Glendower because the hockey team at Henrietta is kind of toxic (mostly probably because Greenmantle is the coach or something), and at the end of the summer when Ronan jokes about Adam giving him his clothes back, Adam's all, "Why? I'm coming with you."
And they live happily ever after, playing college hockey on the same team, and then after, Adam goes pro and Ronan gets into coaching kids teams. The end. 😌
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maybege · 2 years
HELLO! first of all LOVE your blog, it’s so spicy and i come on here every day just to see what you’re up to, if you’re ok and if there’s anything else to melt me into a puddle.
ANYWAY I was thinking like in your mini series with alpha din and omega y/n (unexpected, intentions & peace) what would have been din’s first reaction to seeing her?
like we know y/n’s pov and to her he’s tall, strong and shiny and totally f-able but like with him???
so like obvs she smells him when he’s first greeted by the village and i feel like he can smell her and din is like okay, today’s schedule is bounty hunting, bounty hunting, stop in village, bounty hun—hold up. like she smells so good and he’s staring at her but not staring staring because would be weird but she’s definitely the prettiest girl he’s ever seen and his pants don’t fit in the same way as he’s shown to his hut if you know what I mean đŸ˜©đŸ˜
And then when they’re in the garden like he’s just walking along when he sees the pretty girl again in her garden and normally, he’d walk straight past because he’s a loner but he wants to speak to her so he goes and stands there awkwardly. His tongue wants to move but it doesn’t because for the first time ever his alpha is going into meltdown over this pretty omega and when she speaks in her pretty voice—-save him.
His point about her destroyed garden is pathetic he actually wants to ask if he could father her babies but he goes with the garden cos it’s safe and if someone has hurt her lil plants he will tear them apart because she’s too precious to spend her hours in the hot sun cos of some asshole. AND THEN SHE LAUGHS.
din is legit blushing under his helmet and purring in his throat because an angel is in front of him and all he can wonder is if she’s mated because he someone is missing out if she isn’t. So he asks about children cos he’s smooth like that and when she hints she wants some his alpha is like I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE
but that actually just comes out a a grunt (that we all know made y/n tingle) and then he just walks off with a crippling need to hold her against the nearest wall and f—politely get to know her because he’s not an animal he is.
So he goes to talk to someone else but all he can think about is the precious omega that he’ll probably never see again because he has to go and that thought weirdly makes his heart ache. But he’s tough and gets on with the job, telling himself she’d probably be better off with a nice, calm, settled alpha from her village instead of a bounty hunter like him (even if some other asshole near her makes him grumpy).
Oh and he definitely jerks off in his hut later on before the hunt and it’s definitely NOT about the omega and how perfect she looked and smelled and laughed and then we know what happens next
I love how your username is queen of bad ideas when - clearly - you’re the queen of brilliant ideas 👁👄👁 like I have absolutely nothing to add to this because it’s just so freaking good and I don’t consider myself in my din feels anymore but this just reminded me of what it’s like to be in the mandalorian pit holy moly đŸ„” it’s so good and we love the yearning and the pining and the awkwardness and the wanting to stay but forcing himself to go only to, as we know, return when he smells that his omega is in heat đŸ„Č
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moaserendipity · 2 years
Love in the Air ep 5 messy review
Okay, Time for Ep 5's messy review. I wrote a review for episodes 1-4 which was A LOTTTTT. Anyway let's gooo
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Ep 5 starts with both of them sleeping and Payu waking up first and the god himself has his hair down FINALLY!!!! it makes him so much hotter and he is already hot as it is. I love how he checks on Rain to see if he has a fever after last night's activities😏
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I love how Rain wakes up and scolds himself for walking right into Payu's trap. His literal words were "I was going to flirt with him and then dump him but willingly became his instead" đŸ€­ I mean boy you didn't stand a chance from the start and can we blame you, hell no!!! (OKAY BUT THOSE HICKEYS, the boy got eaten for sure)đŸ‘€â˜ ïž
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his mom calls because she was left in the dark as he didn't tell her he was staying over somewhere else, his poor mom thinks he was innocently studying and she didn't get what he was studying so hard...
As Rain said himself "Do something else hard, more likely"😏 anyway he is going home, he wanted to say bye to Payu I am sure but then he got stunned by the perfect sweaty workout body of Payu... "I saw that stare and smile Rain!! Same though......"
Payu's workout session is done and as he looks for Rain, rain of course went home making him go after him. I loved this scene tbh, it was so tender after Rain apologized for going home without saying anything. The love that Payu has for this boy, ugh my heart!!!! The hug was everything, it was so comforting and it was just warm. The part after though made me laugh so hard, poor Rain. I love how Rain's mom is already smitten with Payu and allows him to stay with Rain.
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Now, this kiss everyone, THIS DAMN KISSSSSSSSSSSS. first off can I say that I love how Rain willingly tells him he is Payu's wifey (like I never saw that happen in BLs but I mean Go Rain!!!! )Also, the way he goes in for that kiss when Payu pulls back. He was like I AM NOT DONE YET! like same.... But then the steamy reward kiss comes!! LIKE HELLOOOOOO. (what is this with those french kisses lately in BLs, NOT COMPLAINING AT ALL but what is going on!!!! ) anyway, that was HOTTTTTT.đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„
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Oh before I forget, I love the scenes with Sky and Prapai, like they are warming us up for their parts!!
Back to college, Rain is being all cute, while texting Payu, and Sky is done like he is about to get that phone and throw it away but it also makes him tease Rain. I love that Rain's voice always goes up when he gets caught. Ple though, she is really asking Payu's number while even her bro has a crush on him and our cutie Rain almost spilled the beans while choking on his teađŸ€­ The way he gets jealous and tries to be upset with Payu which doesn't work of course. Again a lovely moment while Payu puts the helmet on his head. I really love these scenes because there is so much affection.
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I laughed a bit too hard about the movie theater scene. Sky caught them and the way he judged Rain is the funniest thing ever. I loved it so much! Sky's facial expressions are the funniest ever. The way he ends up going to dinner with both of them and the endless teasing, the way Rain's hand shook while drinking that glass of water, I loved everything!
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Now we get to see the bad guys and if I am correct one of them is Sky's ex. At least that's what I', assuming. So he better rots in hell because I hate him already, fudging show off, ugh!!!!
Can we also talk about Payu calling Rains mom to ask if he can stay over? I love this so much! And just because Rain was being lovely towards him. I love that.
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Okay I have to admit that with this humming scene, I just felt awkward, not that I didn't like it but yeah..... it felt too personal I guess but I loved the way Rain smiled and demanded more singing. I don't like it however that Payu always needs to ask something in return. Just give our cutie what he wants but anyway, he lifts him on the countertop and tells him not to look away, and then he starts singing, and that's when my soul left as well and alsooooo the love in Rain's eyes, like damn.
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MY HEART WAS MELTING! LIKE I WANT THIS TOO!! I literally want what they have!! I mean it’s like Rain shouted at Payu afterwards đŸ™ˆâ˜ ïžđŸ« 
"Payu you are cheating!!!!!"
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I love how he shuffled awayđŸ€­
That scene with Saihfa, like poor dude, has to witness that in front of his breakfast. Like third-wheeling for sure. the way Payu tells him to just move out, made me snicker. I love it though how he put Payu on the spot by telling him to show Rain his world because it's only normal if you're dating. It's better to not have secrets and the way Rain is excited and definitely nervous about attending the race, is too cute but with that, we know trouble is coming and I just hope nothing will go wrong but yeah..we all have seen the teasers..
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alwaysbethewest · 2 years
Mary what would be your number one thing to see in Mando if you had creative control?
I think mine would be the baby belly I firmly believe grogu to have and helmetless Din poking it to make his son giggle like the pillsbury dough boy. And then they just snuggle and have bonding time the entire episode
(Obviously I have many other ideas but they can’t happen unless the show moves to HBO)
SIGH, what a nice question. One of my favorite episodes is 2x02, when Mando plays taxi driver for Frog Lady, and the big reason I love it so much is all the little hints at family domesticity it features—seeing Din trying to keep Grogu in line, baby’s little hammock over Din’s cot, the part where he snuggles up against him to stay warm!!! (clearly you and I are on the same page re: snuggling), asking him to make himself useful while Din drags out a toolbox to work on the ship... So when I think of what I’d want to see, it’s more of that: an entire episode focused on just the two of them, in a moment of downtime with no particular adventure or danger at hand, doing the mundane activities of father and child. Laundry and bathtime and Din preparing a little bento box and sharing snacks with him, maybe telling him a story from his childhood or teaching him something from the culture. But just! Almost a bottle episode, even, where they don’t go anywhere or do anything lol, and it’s just a slice of life. (Selfishly I also might make canon the rule that 90% of fic writers seem to have adopted whereby Din is allowed to take off his helmet around Grogu because they’re family 😭)
And number two would be: more overt dincobb flirting 😏😏😏
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writing-bakugo · 2 years
Nostalgia ~ Sero Hanta
Find the prologue here!
The Hero
You have 2 notifications Hero Killers attack and kill three pros in New York athenaofficial posted!
The notifications woke Sero. He sifted through them until his heart skipped a beat. He never had the will to turn her notifications off. She only posted once or twice a year, so it wasn't bothersome. He sat up and rubbed his sleepy eyes before unlocking his phone.
athenaofficial See ya later, America đŸ›« Posted 10 hours ago
Sero stared at her photo. She wore a pair of sunglasses and her bright hair was tied back in her classic messy braid. The corners of her heart lips tugged at a playful smile and she wore a wrinkled blue flannel with a pair of light gloves. Her giant suitcases stood behind her under a massive chandelier.
pikubolt  where ya goin?
athenaofficial 😘
pikubolt 😏dm me bby
    Sero leaped out of bed. He glanced at the clock. 6:50 a.m. If the flight left after her last comment and she was coming to Japan, she'd be here by noon. He quickly got ready for the day and headed toward Dynamighty.
    "You're in early," Kirishima said when he walked in.
    That was an understatement—Sero arrived twenty minutes before his shift. Usually, he strolled in twenty minutes late. Snooze killed him normally. At least he wasn't as bad as Kaminari who showed up an hour late.
    "Just had a ton of energy."
    Kirishima grinned. "Is it because Nishiharu's coming back?"
    "No," Sero said quickly. A little too quickly. "How'd you know she's coming back?"
    "Denki stayed up half the night dming her. He woke me up a few times."
    Sero turned toward his costume case before his eyebrow could twitch. He took a deep breath and tore off his t-shirt. "Cool. I take it he's still sleeping?"
    Kirishima laughed and stripped himself of his shirt. "For sure."
    Sero strapped his shoulder protectors on. He grabbed his helmet and begrudgingly waited for Kirishima to finish getting ready. Honestly, Sero had to put on tights while Kirishima just had to tug on a pair of cargo pants. Why did it take Kirishima so long to get ready?
    They strolled out onto the block and a few high school girls ran up to them. Sero lifted the plastic pane on his helmet when they asked for a photo. Kirishima had the perfect customer-satisfaction smile plastered on his face, but Sero couldn't bring himself to smile as kindly as usual.
    "Thank you Red Riot and Cellophane!"
    "Get to school safe, okay?" Kirishima waved at them. He turned to Sero, "you good, man?"
    "Never better."
    That's how most of their patrol went. When they returned to the building for lunch, Sero grumbled when he saw Kaminari's obnoxious yellow car parked out front. "How many times do we have to tell him to park in the garage?"
    "Eh, let Bakugo handle telling him," Kirishima said.
    They walked through the front door and Sero stopped. The laugh was the same. The same chime of voice and pattern of speaking—with a slight accent. She exchanged pleasantries with the company's front desk assistant.
    "It was great meeting you, Aiko!" she said. "It's a shame I missed everyone, but I really need to head to my brother's, Denki."
    "Yeah, right. Of course," Kaminari said.
    She said farewell to Aiko and turned. She turned, and turned, and it felt like she turned for an eternity. Sero's helmeted gaze didn't leave her for one moment. And then she looked at them.
    Kirishima was already halfway across the lobby. He held his arms out wide and she ran right into them and giggled. Kirishima picked her up and spun her around. "I missed you so much!"
    "I missed you too!" Nishiharu's giggle was a melody Sero missed. He didn't realize how much he missed it, but he did.
    Sero removed his helmet and awkwardly walked over while patting his sweaty hair. She side-eyed him but her attention remained on Kirishima, who was already making plans to get everyone together outside of work. She nodded and extended her arm out to Sero. They had a more-than-awkward side hug while she talked with Kirishima.
    When she finally turned to Sero, her deep eyes glistened. "Hey, Tape Dispenser."
    A giant smile found its way on his face when he rolled his eyes. "Hey there, Goddess."
Find the next chapter here!
That's a wrap today! Find my My Hero Academia Masterlist here for some more light reading!
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