#the hell banner phase is official
electric-plants · 4 months
@ whoever decided to run alhaitham and furina consecutively like that come fight me rn😭😭
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
i guarantee everyone reading this knows im telling the truth and that its the actual truth, but you probably dont like it, the thing is you can spend your whole life believing a lie but the truth is still true and you will still fumble into it as a blind man walking head first into a wall. accept the truth all the way and you’ll see my message is not one of pessimism but full of hope. how many men have been following advice that simply doesnt work? just be yourself bro, hit the gym, etc. it doesnt work, you are being lied to in order to make you believe that life was already this miserable, it never was. i believe that when jesus said to his apostles that they would do greater things than he, and when he said the first shall be last and the last shall be first he was talking about the last days and his people living in the last days under a misery and through temptation none of them could have imagined. adam was in paradise with ONE FUCKING JOB dont eat the apple, in PARADISE! here we are in hell, ruled over by the hook nose church of satan himself with temptations and tragedies that would have been incomprehensible to the early church, imagine that we band together against the enemy of our soul under the banner of god and crush them under our heel, and when all hope should seem lost christ himself returns and raises up all of our dead brethren to fight along side us against the dragon. thats not pessimistic at all, thats downright romantic, and im glad to be a part of it
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 6
Request: Yes or No
I don't know shit about science and it's pretty obvious lmao. Filler chapter
You opened the cold water bottle, shoulders slumping in relief as you drank the water. Dr. Cho approached you with a smile, holding a clipboard.
"I wish Dr. Banner were here to see this." She said, a sad look crossing over her features. Everyone was worried about him. Hulk and Bruce barely ever worked together.
"I have a theory that you won't age naturally." Dr. Cho said, placing her clipboard down. Your brows furrowed, glancing at the clipboard.
"It's just a theory for now. As you get older, your powers will grow. When you were a child, could you control roots?" Dr. Cho asked, picking up a notebook and clicking a pen.
"Uhm.. I healed a cat with a broken leg and never did it again." You told her, watching her nod and write on the paper.
"What happened when you did it?"
You frowned, hearing the pained mews coming from the small cat. It was still young, most likely an juvenile. You sat down beside the cat, reaching out and gently stroking its head. You looked at its broken leg, reaching out and hovering over the leg. You felt a tingling sensation, seeing the grass lean towards the leg and slowly turn brown. Your head tilted, the sound of the cats mews slowly stopped. You watched it stand and sniff its leg, turning to you and purring softly.
"If the grass turned brown.. It could've been dying. It means you healed the cat by taking the life of the grass." Dr. Cho said, continuing to write.
"Will I be able to do it again?" You asked, head tilting. Dr. Cho nodded, looking up at you. She tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear, glancing at the clipboard.
"How did you control the roots?"
"They were a fear reaction. I used them everytime I got scared.. It happened so much that I guess I eventually got control of them." You answered, looking down at the root bracelets. Dr. Cho nodded, tapping the pen against the notebook.
"Being able to open the ground.. That might've been an adrenaline rush reaction." Dr. Cho said, writing down a note on the clipboard.
"Extra training for the adrenaline?"
"Yes." Dr. Cho chuckled as you groaned, shoulders slumping. She licked her lips, clearing her throat.
"I also wonder if your powers extend past plants and Earth. Water, fire, and air are all natural things. With water comes ice, with air comes storms, with fire comes lava. The possibilities are endless." There was wonder and excitement in her eyes.
"So, you're saying (Y/N) is gonna be the next Avatar?" You turned towards Sam, chuckling softly.
"Hey, bird boy." You greeted, giving him a smile. Sam took a seat beside you on the bed, watching Dr. Cho. She was called somewhere else, giving a small nod before walking away.
"Guess we should start officially calling you Mother Nature." Sam said, grinning as he bumped his shoulder with yours.
"If what the doc said was true.. You're gonna be powerful as fuck." Sam pointed out, noticing your nervousness.
"Yeah.. I just.. Could I handle that?"
"(Y/N), you were literally on a floating rock fighting a robot army. You're more than ready. Plus, I'll be here to help and so will your girlfriend."
"Wanda is not my girlfriend, Sam." You huffed lightly, looking away from him. Sam hummed, nodding slowly. You slid off the bed, looking at him.
"Wanna help me try out some powers?" You asked. Sam nodded, following you out of the room and the new facility.
"Let's try out this idea I have."
"I don't like your ideas, Sam." You watched him with a small frown. Sam simply chuckled in return, justifying your concern.
"Oh." You said softly, watching him pick up a rock. Sam's grin widened as he tossed the rock and caught it. He suddenly threw it, hitting your stomach. It didn't hurt but it still caught you off guard.
"Expect the unexpected, (Y/N)!" Sam called, collecting more rocks and throwing them. You dodged some, getting hit by others. You huffed, thrusting your hand forward and feeling a gust of wind go by. Your eyes widened, watching Sam fly back. You laughed, jogging over to him. Sam groaned, sitting up.
"Not what I had in mind."
"Expect the unexpected, Sam." You chuckled, helping him up. Sam dusted off his back and legs, rubbing his back.
"How'd you do that?"
"No clue but it'll probably take ages for me to do it again." You sighed, looking back at the facility. You noticed Wanda exiting, using her powers to fly over.
"What are you boys up to?" Wanda questioned, noticing Sam rubbing his back.
"Testing some things out." You answered, patting Sam's shoulder. Wanda cocked a brow, unconvinced.
"(Y/N) can control.. The wind, I guess." Sam told her, straightening his back and wincing.
"Felt like I got bodyslammed by Dwayne Johnson." Sam breathed out, touching his chest. You let out a soft laugh, smiling softly.
"Sorry, Sam. You're a great target though." You shrugged lightly, earning a glare from him. Wanda looked down at the scattered rocks, brows furrowing.
"Sam definitely bullied kids during dodgeball." You crossed your arms, hearing him snicker.
"Dodgeball was the only time you could hit another student on purpose and not get in trouble." Sam said, picking up the rocks and looking them over.
"Wanna give it another go, Aang?" Sam asked, quirking a brow. You nodded, watching him hum and back up a few feet.
"Why don't you search for that sensation you get with roots? Focus on the rocks and look for it." Wanda advised, backing away so she wouldn't accidentally get hit. Sam licked his lips, tossing the rocks again. You focused on them, dodging them out of instinct. You held your hands up infront of you, swallowing before you felt it. You clenched your fist, watching the rock stop midair. Sam grinned and clapped.
"I see you, Aang!"
"Shut up, Sam." You laughed, reaching out with your other hand and letting the rock drop. You held the rock, looking it over.
"How the hell am I supposed to focus on air? It's all around us. I was able to focus on objects but.." You sighed, looking at the two.
"This is an accomplishment, (N/N)." Wanda pointed out, gently grabbing your arm. "Don't sulk over things you haven't even tried out yet."
"Yeah, Negative Nancy." Sam walked towards you, smiling as he pointed at the rock.
"You made this freeze in the air. How many people on this Earth can do that?" Sam cocked a brow. You bit back a smile, nodding. You licked your lips, looking back down at the rocks on the ground. You unclenched your hands, staring down at the rocks until they began to levitate. A small giggle left you as you watched them rise up.
"The kids are gonna freak out when they find out." You whispered, suddenly moving your hand forward and watching the rocks fly into the forested area.
"I should probably let Dr. Cho know about the new discoveries." You said, giving them a smile. Wanda hummed.
"I'll go with you." She offered. You nodded, glancing at Sam who gave you a knowing look. You scoffed softly and turned away from him, heading back. Wanda walked along beside you.
"I never properly thanked you for.. For everything. You helped a lot back when.." Wanda trailed off, swallowing. You nodded in understanding. The wound was still fresh.
"Anytime, Wanda." You said softly, offering a small smile. Wanda returned it, looking forward. She cleared her throat, fiddling with her fingers.
"I was wondering if you'd like to.. Have coffee sometime?" Wanda asked. You tilted your head, brows furrowing as you looked at her.
"We always have coffee together, Wanda."
"Yes, but.." Wanda licked her lips, avoiding your gaze as she thought about her next words.
"I believe Wanda is trying to ask you out on a date, (Y/N)." You both flinched at the sound of Visions' voice, turning to face him.
"My apologies." He said, giving a small nod. His gaze flickered between you and Wanda, though it lingered on Wanda longer. You cleared your throat, glancing at a flushed Wanda.
"Uhm, thank you, Vis."
"I couldn't help but notice what you did with the rocks. Is it something new?" Vision asked curiously. You nodded.
"Yeah, uhm.. Dr. Cho had some theories and I was trying them out. She believes there's a lot more to my powers than controling trees." You explained. Vision hummed.
"Fascinating." Vision mumbled, nodding. "That would make you an elemental, correct?"
"Yeah.." You slowly nodded, surprised the term hadn't come to mind sooner.
"Well, good luck." Vision gave a polite smile, walking towards the doors and phasing through them.
"He's gonna give someone a heart attack one of these days." You breathed out. Wanda chuckled.
"He means well." She looked at you, smiling. You nodded, opened the door and letting Wanda walk in first. You entered and searched for Dr. Cho, finding her and telling her about the new ability. After she walked away, you turned towards Wanda.
"We can have coffee tomorrow."
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kats-baku1999 · 4 years
Champagne Problems
todoroki x fem!reader
super angsty little blurb based on the song
Todoroki was practically bouncing up and down with anticipation. He had been planning this for months, asking everyone he knew for advice. Sure he was nervous, but he knew he loved you. He had known he loved you since you were kids at UA. Now you were both twenty-three years old, and he was getting ready to ask you to marry him.
He knew how much you loved getting dressed up for the Pro-Hero Events, so he made it a point to make sure it would be something you could be dressed up in. He had gone to visit his mom, and ask her for advice. She had given him her ring that she had received in her marriage with Endeavor, telling him she wanted him to create happier memories with it. He had gone to get it resized, and revamped. Adding a bit of his own touch to it, to compliment you more. Todoroki had also gone and gotten you an elegant dress, a pretty golden one that was floor length.
All of your friends and old classmates were going to be there. Midoriya giving Todoroki constant updates as to who was all arriving. So now Todoroki was just waiting on you, to finish your hair and makeup. Finally you walked out of the bathroom, smiling happily. Todoroki had his breathtaken at the sight of you, your (h/c) flowing down your back in loose curls. Your make up was simple, drawing more attention to the golden dress that caught the light perfectly in someways.
“You look, amazing,” Todoroki grinned, walking forward to kiss you. You dodged him, putting to the lipgloss on your mouth.
“This took too long to mess up, but you look handsome,” You grinned, letting him settle for kissing your hand instead.
“Shall we go?” Todoroki grabbed your coat, gently laying it around your shoulders.
“We shall,” You laughed at his formalities he was taking.
You didn’t know much about tonight, just that it was another awards situation. Apparently Midoriya was getting another one after climbing up the ranks a little more. You were mostly excited to watch Bakugo glare from the audience. He would cover up how proud he actually was by being all cranky. You were also excited to see Kirishima, you had missed your best friend way too much.
The drive to the gala hall was a long one, but you didn’t mind. You and Todoroki sat in the back seat, talking about both of your guy’s week. Todoroki was a little stressed, worried that he was pushing you away. You kept insisting it was just a busy time at work. He was mostly worried that you were upset to see him succeeding as a hero, while you didn’t make it as someone’s sidekick. Now you were working a desk job at the hero agency Midoriya worked through. Todoroki made a mental note to ask him how that was going.
Your breath hitched when you guys arrived. A banner was hanging up, reading: “Happy Birthday (Y/N)”
You looked at Todoroki with wide eyes. Smiling happily as you quickly hugged your boyfriend. It was your second year at UA when you two finally made it official. Everyone had known since the Sports Fesitival first year though, hell even you knew. Everyday of your life since then Todoroki has been there in someway. Somedays were better than others, but he never faultered. You did though, because there was one thing about you that Todoroki didn’t know.
“May I have this dance beautiful?” Todoroki held his hand out for you, and you sent a small smile before grabbing his hand.
All eyes were on you as you two entered the dance floor. You started to feel an uncertain feeling, an extremely uneasy feeling. Todoroki spun you around a few times, grinning at you. You smiled up at him, trying your best to enjoy the moment. Everything felt so staged though, you could feel it.
“(Y/N) I love you, you know that right?” Todoroki whispered, his voice laced with nervousness.
“Well I would hope so,” You laughed, an extremely nervous laugh.
“I’ve wanted to do this since the day I first realized how much I loved you,” Todoroki’s hand left your waist, reaching for his pocket. Everyone began to watch again, and you felt your heartbeat pick up.
“Sho,” You tried to stop him.
“No let me finish love, I just, I never wanted a marriage after my parents, but then I met you,” Todoroki smiled, “I would love for you to spend everyday for the rest of my life with me, being an amazing mother to my children one day, and continue to make me a better person,”
He got down on one knee, and before he could even get the ring out, you let go of his hand. His eyes looked a little worried, and you just slowly shook your head. Watching his entire face drop, he knew what was coming. Everything you had built together, came crumbling down in that moment.
“Your dorm looks like a madhouse (Y/N),” Todoroki groaned staring at the mess that was your room.
“It’s made for me then,” You laughed, throwing a plushie at him from your bed. He sent you a glare before coming to wrap you in a hug.
You pushed your way through the crowd of people. Tears falling down your face, squeezing through all of your friends. Everyone was staring at you, watching you run out of the hall. You rushed out onto the pavement, running down the street. Not even bothering to hail a cab.
Back at the banquet hall, everyone was whispering. Todoroki was in shock, standing with Midoriya and Bakugo. Both of them trying to find the right thing to say, even Bakugo. He knew if he made any brash comments right now he would truly be a lowlife.
“She’s going to come back, she has to Todoroki, you guys will be in love forever,” Midoriya frowned, but Todoroki just shook his head. His expression not changing.
“Tch, why’d she even make it a big problem?” Bakugo glared towards where you ran out, “Maybe she wasn’t ready?”
You stood outside of the rundown building. Walking inside of it slowly. The tears dripping off your face with every step you took. You made your way to the top floor. Knocking on the door lightly. When it swung open you were met with a man covered in scars, and a half white half black puff of hair.
“Oh don’t you look elegant,” Dabi teased, laughing at you, “What’s the occasion?”
He let you inside his apartment. Walking over to the kitchen counter, leaning against it. He looked down at your hand, more like at the bottle of champagne you had swiped off a table before you left. You laughed before beginning to open the bottle.
“Oh you didn’t hear?” You jumped a little when the pop sound was made from the bottle, but didn’t hesitate to take a big swig from it, “Your baby brother popped the question!”
“What’d you say back to him kid?” Dabi smirked, grabbing the bottle of champagne out of your hand.
“God what am I supposed to say?” You quickly took the bottle back drinking it a little heavier, “I am helping your brother form his own league of villains to destroy the hero society, that you’re now apart of?”
Dabi let out another laugh, stepping closer to you. He put both hands on the counter, leaning closer to your face. The faint smell of smoke coming from him.
“A hero society that rejects you,” Dabi mumbled his face inches away from yours, “You would’ve made a lovely bride, what a shame you’re so fucked in the head.”
Dabi laughed again, walking into the living room. You sat at the counter for a minute. Finally checking your phone. Texts from everyone you loved and cared about all over the screen. Before you could even read any of them, you smashed your phone against the counter. Walking out into the living room you looked at Dabi for a second before sighing.
“Let’s start phase one,” You mumbled, “I am ready to fake my death.”
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twilightvolt · 5 years
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And so, another year has come to pass.....almost. ^  ^
Remember when i said i was branching away from Digimon back when i drew up Venom fanart? y’know, “I wanted to be more than what i used to be.” that being “a Digimon artist.”
2019 was basically just that. lots and lots and LOTS of fandom hopping.
If last year was me recovering from the pain and crippling anxiety of 2017, then this year was me finally getting up again, learning to stand up and live for myself rather than in fear of those i shouldn’t care about anymore. life still hasn’t been too kind to me even though, compared to last year, we’re in a better space. but i’ll get into more detail about that while i go through everything month by month on the clock.
Before we begin, if you’d like to see the previous years, here’s the links!
Might wanna grab your popcorn, my dudes. this is a long one.
January: On the Web
Coming out of 2018, things were pretty ok if i remember. i don’t remember much from this month aside from a few doodles i did like this one from when Spiderverse was the hottest thing. this was one of the last things i drew in my old style. before i decided to officially change things up in the next month.
February: Gotta Kick it Up
Pokemon Sword & Shield were announced and things were hype! oh, how things soured as the months went by. lol
But yeah, this was me taking that experimental sketchy pencil style from that Smash Bros. drawing and rolling with it all the way! it’s become my new go-to style and even though it’s still hella sketchy at times, i feel like it looks better in comparison to my old ink outlined drawings.
March: The Overdrive Dweebanoids
Oh right. my old Ben 10 phase that lasted for a millisecond in 2016 returned with a vengeance. and it was glorious. lmao
It spawned an AU that i didn’t delve into much, but if i ever get that spark for my favorite alien watch bearer, i’ll get back to it.
April: True Blue Lizard Bois
My Ben 10 streak continues and i was crankin’ out art left and right for it. i luved all the “doodle dumps” i made, but this drawing was wholesome and i picked it because of that.
To some extent, this could be a comparison between my past and my present. that being Overdrive!Ben being what, at the time, was my current obsession while Digimon!Vivi was a representation of where i used to be, back when i was starting out and entering Digimon OCTs on Deviantart.
May: Return to the Realm of Sleep ~HD ReMIX
Now THIS i feel was one of the grandest drawings i’ve done this year. hell, i even made a wallpaper out of it.
like, it was just a redraw of an old drawing from 2017. but to me, it was a way to tell me just how far i’ve come since then. and i couldn’t be happier.
This was also the month i rebooted my DA after a long time of inactivity!
....Iiiit didn’t really work much, but i’m still working on it. though i highly doubt it’s worth it considering most of the ones i used to hang with there are either people i don’t wanna associate with or people who left while i was gone. seriously, it’s a ghost town there.
June: Art Fight 2019 ~Dreams Vs. Nightmares~
Ahh, my second year of Art Fight. for this year’s event, i wanted to be a tad more grandiose. like drawing up this banner. i like being extra and stuff even if it kills my drawing hand, so yeah. lmao
Florida thunderstorms are friggin’ terrifying. idk HOW anyone can get used to that.
July: - BREAK DOWN -
Oookay, it was hard picking my favorite attack this year cuz i pretty much was satisfied with all of them. but i had to go with this attack because the artist i drew it for was someone i really admired for years and i’m just happy i could finally have an opportunity to draw them something. like, i luv how it came out, so yeah.
This was also the month i forced myself to finally do the thing and let go of the constant fear i felt towards certain people i used to hang with. while remembering 2017 will never NOT hurt, i can’t let that fear rule over me forever. i have to take control and not let it stop me from doing what i want. and that’s exactly what i did.
August: Ricky ~Sapphire, Emerald and AlphaSapphire
Oh yeah! after Art Fight ended, i returned to Pokemon randomly cuz i wanted to go back to my roots for a moment. revamping Ricky, formerly Ragna, and Yagami was something i’ve been meaning to do for awhile and it reignited a waning love for a series i started growing distant towards since Gen VII.
I used to really like Ricky’s old design even though i barely ever used him. but i guess this just shows how much more original i’ve gotten in terms of character design. ^  ^
September: Heartbeat Inferno
Now, i haven’t really talked much about what’s been going on life wise for most of this post, but trust me when i say irl, things weren’t really.....happening. like, it’s hard when you live (or rather, lived now) in a place with little job opportunity and you have NO experience whatsoever. the lack of progression must’ve hit something in me, so the week i drew this was me just....shifting moods, feeling everything at once. one day i’d be agitated as hell, the next i’d be so depressed i took a some odd hour nap and didn’t wanna get out of bed. like, for most of this year, i haven’t felt this stressed out and frustrated with myself. so this sudden crash was kind of....unwelcome.
But this drawing was a fresh change though, if i’m being honest. i’m not usually this uncaring about how clean the coloring job is, but i like it! i’d choose that other drawing i did for my friends’ birthdays, Skirmish at the Cable Club, but this one had a more personal drive behind it.
October: - PAPERMOON -
beastarsbeastarsbeASTARSBEASTARS--*COUGH COUGH AHEM* I MEAN....hai. :D
Continuing with my Pokemon shenanigans, i drew this big piece which was something i had in my head for years now, but never actually acted upon it cuz i always felt it was too big of an idea to work on. i’m happy i’ve managed to capture what i envisioned originally.
As for interests, i’m sure most of my current followers can deduce that i quickly shifted gears to Beastars as soon as the anime was released and so far, i regret nothing. it’s spawned a metric butt ton of new art from me and the way i see it, this phase ain’t stopping as long as this series continues. brace yourselves fam, i believe i’ve finally found the successor to my Digimon phase. lmao
Like, damn, i had a tough time choosing art for this month. i was stuck between this, - SMILE/WILD SIDE - and Slip Into Madness. so many good drawings i was satisfied with, y’know?
November: The Future is Now
I was SO planning on putting something else here, but then suddenly i just kinda had this urge to redraw that uggo gouache painting of Miyagi from highschool. and it turned out so good that i had to. like, really. lmao
As with the redraw of Dream Drop Digital’s key art, it was a reminder of how far i’ve come since then art wise. and i feel like i’ve accomplished so much this year because of it. ;w;
December: Winter Lights
And now we’re back to the present time. after over a year or so of living in Florida, we’ve moved once again back up north a bit. yet another clean slate, but things seem to be looking up despite the rather large bumps in the road the past week or so. lately i’ve been feeling that seasonal depression starting to set in, but i think i’ll be fine as long as i stay positive. cuz y’know, it’s not being happy all the time. it’s just knowing that things will get better someday.
One of the other reasons i drew this drawing was cuz i REALLY wanted to have something Beastars related on this clock. this series (and Legoshi in particular) really inspired me, so i had to leave a wedge open for my boi.
Looking back at the beginning of this decade (as 2020 would mark the next one), i realized that the 2010′s were basically me becoming more artsy. finding enjoyment for a new hobby that quickly became something i’m now more passionate about than video games which i didn’t think would EVER be the case.
Funny enough, it all started in the RP section of a little forum for an MMO called Wizard101. i was only in middle school at the time and, to tell you the truth, i had no idea i’d be going at it for this long. thought i’d just do it on the side but not really delve into the art world more.
But despite all the trips and falls, fandom drama or otherwise, i wouldn’t change anything if it meant i wouldn’t have the friends who’ve stuck by me in the aftermath of those times.
I may not be really succeeding in much, but it’s the small steps in life that matter most in the end. these past few months in particular was me getting fed up with feeling sorry for myself for not doing the things i was interested in in the past, getting over my regret and making plans for starting something new even though i know i’ll suck at first and not worrying so much about how others might perceive me.
And just like how life was changing for our resident grey wolf this first season, mine seems to be doing the same. and i believe this decade ended on a better note than i thought it would during the past couple years leading up to this.
Here’s to a new decade! ^  ^
~ For a future I want to believe in. ~
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Unforseen Chasm (Part 52)
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Part 52 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 4918 Warnings: Language, Jealous Tony, uncontrollable powers, dangerous situation, arguing, Tony done fucked up, unwarranted action, talk of the past Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93​​ what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it
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A few days have passed and the closer they were to completely removing the powers from Shannon, the weaker she got. At some point it had been too much that she could no longer stay awake long enough to do much.  She and Bruce had rescheduled the garden walks for when she had more strength. Tony had been seen around the mansion more often but each time it seemed as though Bruce was always around to keep Shannon company. He knew he would eventually have to confront Bruce about his feelings towards his wife.
Bruce would frequent the room to check up on both women then it was noticeable that the real person he went to see was Shannon rather. He would often sit next to her and read to her or just stayed and chat. You personally didn’t mind that he was here so often, you just hoped that he wouldn’t get too attached because after all Shannon is a married woman.
On one of those days that he had come to visit her, they had been sharing the bed and you had been sleeping off the exhaustion from the recent transfusion. Tony walked in holding a tray of her favorite food when he found the two all snuggled in the small bed. Shannon had her eyes closed leaning her head on his chest as he massaged her head and read one of her favorite books.
“What the hell is going on here?” He dropped the tray harshly on the table near the door. “You two are looking extremely fucking cozy.”
“Tony, relax and lower your voice. You’ll wake up Y/N,” Bruce said as he pointed over to you curled up to your pillow. “Shannon wanted me to read to her.”
Shannon was listening to them argue and had had enough of it. She opened her eyes.
“Please. Can you two not start right now? I'm exhausted and I’d appreciate it if you two didn’t fight while Y/N is sleeping.” She attempted to move and Bruce helped her, adding a few more pillows around her. “I’ll leave. You two to talk.” He smoothed her hair back. “I’ll go check on the tests we did today give me a shout if you need me.”
“No need, Mr. Nurse, I'll be here.” Tony remarks as the other man leaves. “Care to explain what the fuck is going on here?”
“Would you lower your damn voice, Stark! My head is pounding.” She rubbed her temple. “He’s just been keeping a close eye on me.”
“Maybe a little too close, wouldn’t you say?” he snapped, his eyes hard on hers. “Keeping an eye on you? Seriously, Shan? Does he cuddle Y/N too? Either he’s being professional or he’s not, and curling up in bed with you goes way beyond being a helper.”
“I asked him to sit next to me so that he wouldn’t have to raise his voice.” she shook her head. “What’s gotten into you lately? it’s like you are  being a child.”
“I’m the child?” he asked, fuming, pointing to himself. “You’re the one flouting around with Banner! We just got married, Shannon. Does that mean nothing to you? How the fuck would you feel if you saw me cuddled up to Pepper on our couch and my response was, ‘Oh, sorry, hun, she had a headache and I wanted to keep an eye on her.’?”
“Oh you wanna talk about cuddling up to other people?! Okay fine. How about the times I've seen you getting real cozy with Pepper back at the office? Or during one of your famous parties and you’ve taken countless women back to the room?” Shannon growled back getting mad that he’s getting upset over nothing important. “Yes I did get married to you and it means more than you think, Stark but if you think that for a second you're gonna get to act like this then you’ve got something else coming your way.” the lights slowly dimmed and her hand was shaking
“I’ve never been unfaithful to you, ever. Pepper is a good worker and a close friend, you know this. Those women and parties were long before you and I even had our first date. How can you tell me I can’t get mad? My best friend is lying in bed with my wife! You’ve barely looked at me or talked to me since you’ve been admitted to the mansion for these treatments. But every time I turn around, you’re with Bruce. What the hell else am I supposed to think, Shannon?”
“You only recently started showing up and that was after you found out I was sick! Half the time you're here, you're somewhere else doing who knows what.” she crosses her arms to hide her shaking hands. “I can’t just get out of bed and go find you and drag you back here.” there was a light buzz of the electrical system. “The only people who even stay long enough for me to spend time with are Bruce, Wade, and Remy and half of the time he’s here for Y/N. For Christ sake even Logan, who doesn’t always like to talk, would come see me.” By then her anger was growing and she had no idea where it was headed.
Tony stopped for a moment, trying to reel his anger in. “I can’t fucking believe this. I’m getting attacked after I found you in bed with another guy. This is fucking backwards.” He rubbed his forehead, shutting his eyes tight. “I’m here for you, Shannon! I always am! Every time I come here, it’s to see you. Sorry if i have an obligation to do some work while I'm here too, but I do.”
“What’s fucking backwards is that my husband is acting like a fucking asshole and treating me like I’m sleeping with someone else!” Her powers helped her get up and her eyes had gone red and she had no control of her powers. “What work could you possibly be doing that's been taking up your time.” she dared him to say something else to push her buttons. “So don’t you come in here acting like the victim.”
“Fine. Fuck it. Have it your way. You and Banner can cozy up all you want. I’m out of here.” He started to grab his things, ready to leave. He saw that she was beyond control and maybe it was actually best he leave.
The door slams shut cutting him off from leaving. “You are not about to run off after starting this!” her voice booms.
All anger vanished at her voice and the sight of the door. “Shannon,” he started carefully. “Let’s just let this go. You don’t want to do anything you’ll regret,” he warned. The fight was officially over. It was time for him to go into survival mode. He didn’t have a suit on or near him, and the only person who could save him, was you, who was somehow miraculously sleeping through this entire ordeal.
“Aww does the Great Tony Stark feel helpless now?” the lights flickered harder. She was losing control of her powers.
At the sound of the door slamming and loud voices, you woke up. Your eyes snapped open and you heard Shannon. You immediately jumped out of bed, adrenaline charging you. Shannon was standing while Tony seemed to be shrinking away from his wife. You immediately moved to stand in front of Tony, your hand out.
“Shannon,” you began softly. “Whatever’s going on, you need to fight it,” you encouraged. “Your powers have taken over and you’re about to hurt your husband, Tony, whom you love very much,” you reminded soothingly.
“Why are you defending him!” She got angrier. “He’s acting like I’ve betrayed him. I've done nothing wrong.” She felt like she was fighting really hard to take back control. There was a look of confusion on her face. It's like there was something wrong.
You narrowed your eyes before glancing at the door, using your power to open it.
“Tony, go get Logan, now,” you ordered quickly before whipping your face back to Shannon’s. Tony ran out into the hall, shouting for Logan.
“Y/N, you know i’d never do anything to hurt him.” She groans. “I can’t control my powers.” she managed to grunt out. “This is your doing Tony!” she said as the two entered the room.
Logan ran back into the bedroom, with Tony in tow.
“Jesus, Shan,” Logan remarked.
“Grab her,” you instructed. You threw your powers out, wrapping around her, electrifying her for just a second, just enough to throw her off guard. Long enough that Logan could grab her. He lurched forward, grabbing her in a bear hug, toppling over with her on the bed. You ran over, put your hand on her head, and again, robbed her of all of her senses. When she finally stopped writhing in Logan’s grasp, you let go. She seemed to go to sleep, which wasn’t what you were doing to her. “Logan?” you asked, peering at him, wondering if he’d somehow accidentally hurt her.
“Wasn’t me,” he assured as he got up, letting her go.
Shannon lied, motionless on the bed. Her eyes closed. She’d passed out, possibly, her powers over taking her.
“Shit,” you breathed, terrified you’d hurt her somehow. “Someone go get Hank,” you ordered, your voice shaking.
Logan ran off to go find Hank and came back a few moments later.
“What happened here?” Hank asked as he noticed that some of the lights were busted.
“We had an argument and then something went wrong it’s like her powers went haywire.” Tony said. He walked over to where she was.
“Well it looks like what Charles and I had predicted, we predicted her powers would try to control her once more and it caused her to enter into a comatose state.” He moved to set the monitors into a new setting to watch for any changes in her during her new state.
“She’s what?” Tony looked up. “That can’t be true, right? Tell me it’s not true!” He looked exasperated. He had been the reason that she entered this phase and it was going to kill him if she didn’t come back.
Shannon was now in her comatose state next to you. The only light in the room was the moonlight. You’d been lying on your bed for hours, staring straight up as Remy lay beside you. You’d already explained that Shannon and Tony got in a fight, causing her powers to finally take full control and shut her down physically. You told him you were worried it was your fault, even though Hank had assured you a million times it was her powers that did it.
“You okay?” he suddenly asked.  
“Not exactly,” you admitted with a sigh.
“Well, physically though. Between the session from today and having to use your powers on Shannon yesterday...” he said.
You shrugged. “I’m a little weak.”
“What got them fighting anyhow? Tony and Loki?” he questioned, curious. It’d been a day, but Remy’d heard about the fight between Loki and Tony. He decided to give you some space, seeing as within 24 hours your boyfriend was fighting your best friend’s husband, and you had to use your powers to basically deactivate her. Now she was comatose.
You bit your lip, thinking if you wanted to confide in Remy what the fight was actually about.
“They were… Loki’s jealous of you,” you blurted out.
He made a noise of disappointment. “I don’t like speakin’ out of turn, chere, but he ain’t no good for you.”
“Remy,” you moaned, exasperated. “Don’t do this. Not now, please.”
“Well when the hell should I do it?” he challenged, his voice more stern than normal. “When you’re married to that maniac?”
Your eyes glowed purple. “Don’t,” you begged through clenched teeth.
“Y/N/N, what can he possibly give you?” he asked, a pleading in his tone.
“A life,” you answered, turning your head towards him.
His face was still soft as he peered at you. “What kinda life is this? This is an idea of a life. This ain’t no real life.”
“I love him, okay? We’ve been through everything together. He understands me.”
“And you think I don’t?” he asked as if he were offended. “Both of us orphaned. Both of us have got this odd power in us. Both of us don’t really belong anywhere. Come on, you know you love travelin’, that’s why you’re always doin’ your science out in the field. We’re both nomads.”
You shook your head, turning away from him.
“I can’t do this, I love him,” you said in return, your voice thick. You flung your legs off the side of the bed and tried to get up and leave the room. You only made it to the doorway when Remy’s voice caught you.
“Look at what he’s doin’ to you, darlin’. Every time he is around, there’s a fight. Shannon’s wedding, here, New York… Confrontation follows that guy like a shadow. Life with him has not been easy, and it ain’t gonna never get any better,” he stated, begging in his voice.
“You don’t understand, alright? I love him. I nearly died for him.”
“Well maybe that’s what’s wrong. You’ve done all this for him. What’s he done for you?” he asked.
“He’s done more for me than I can ever repay,” you assured, your voice ominous, and Remy had no choice but to believe you.
“Is that all you want your relationship to be? ‘I owe him this’, ‘She owes me that’, ‘I owe him my life’.”
“Don’t cheapen the situation,” you ordered. “Loki didn’t trick me or ask me to do anything. Everything I’ve done, every choice I’ve made was on me.”
“And what about now? I understand before, but now. You’re not in jail any more together, you don’t have to be together.”
“But I want to be,” you insisted.
“Really? Because when we were dancin’ earlier, I felt the spark. You can lie and say you didn’t feel it too, but I know you did.”
"Why now? Why are you telling me this now? You have had years."
He frowned at you incredulously, as if you'd lost your mind. "Years? When exactly was I supposed to tell you? When we were kids and you were about to leave for college and I couldn't follow you there? Or how about when you graduated and went all over the world for research. Or maybe when you skipped out on the entire planet to go play Prince and Princess,  and wound up in prison. Tell me, when was I s'pose to tell you mah feelin's?"
You threw your hands out to the side, exasperated, shaking your head. "I don't know what you want me to say. I'm in love with someone else and I can't change the past."
Without much warning, he closed the distance between you two and his lips were on yours in a warm embrace, his hands in your hair. The sensation hit you as if you'd been electrified. His energy and yours combined and for half a second, you forgot everything but Remy LeBeau - then suddenly you remembered Loki, and nothing but him. You shoved Remy away, only taking a split second to charge your fist.
You slammed your knuckles into his jaw and it nearly sent him to the floor.
"What the hell were you thinking?!" you demanded with rage, your fist still charged with purple energy.
While he was still bent over rubbing his jaw, he answered, “I was thinkin’ I’d change your mind. Shoulda seen that comin’,” he noted. He straightened up, his hand still touching his jaw. “You pulled your punch,” he remarked.
You crossed your arms. “Yeah and now I’m wishing I didn’t. Remy...I love Loki. You don’t get to do this to me. You’re my oldest friend.” All you could do was shake your head and walk off to your room, having nothing further to say to him. You laid on your bed, your chest tight as tears rolled down your cheeks.
The following evening, Tony came up to visit Shannon. You were absorbed in a book. You’d still been healing Shannon even while comatosed, but now that she was unconscious all the time you had no friends. Remy kept his distance and you think word had gotten around the mansion and now no one spoke to you. You honestly thought they were being courteous and giving you room.
However, Loki hadn’t been back since the fight and this didn’t help your morale. No Loki, no Shannon, no Remy, no anyone.
Except Tony. He was here, looking like someone had taken the light out of his life. You eyed him up and down for a moment before finally getting the courage to ask, “Gotta long face, Tony… What’s up?”
Maybe it was the fact that Shannon was comatose and couldn’t talk to him. Maybe he was desperate. Maybe he was lonely, but for whatever reason, he opened up to you. “I put her here. And it’s not just fighting your pretty boy that did it.”
You frowned. “I’m not sure I follow.”
“I pushed her away from you. You’re her best friend and here you were the one to fix her. I just… I didn’t trust you, Y/N/N. After New York, you were this different person. You were vivid, full of life, curious. Then you went up there, came back, and suddenly you’re trying to kill us for… him. I couldn’t wrap my head around it. I still can’t.”
You pressed your lips into a firm line. “Did Shannon ever tell you what happened? While I was gone.”
“Other than you were brainwashed, no. Why, does it matter?”
“Depends on who you ask,” you noted with a bit of a humorless laugh. You put your book on the nightstand and looked back to him. “I met Loki here, on Earth. I was able to see him. This got Thor and Loki wondering if I was Asgardian. Well, we went there and sure enough, we found out my parents were Asgardian and Frigga started to raise me with Thor and Loki. I felt as if I belonged somewhere. Don’t get me wrong, Earth feels like home, but so does Asgard. Earth is what I know, what I grew up with, but Asgard has this familiarity to it. Like a childhood home.”
Tony sat there, listening.
“So here I am, I finally find out who my parents are, what race I am. Not to mention this magic I have. Then suddenly… Loki learns he’s adopted too, he’s not even Asgardian, well he’s half. He became consumed with rage. He’d been lied to. He’d been treated differently his whole life and now he knew why… In his fit of rage, Thor had to stop him from killing another race - the Frost Giants, his true race. When he did that, Loki ended up trying to commit suicide. Odin held onto him on the bridge, and Loki he… he just let go,” you recalled, the feeling bubbling back up inside you. “I’d gotten somewhat close to Loki. I’d cracked his hard outer shell a bit. And for some reason, that day, when I saw him falling, all I could think was ‘not him, I can’t live without him.’ And I jumped after him. I mean, I was kind of raised with him, we were both lost people tied to Asgard, orphans - you know? There was this common ground.We had gotten to know each other very well in two months. I was completely in love.” A fond smile pulled at your lips as you remembered those easy days. “Shannon was the same way with you. I don’t know if she ever told you,” you stated.
“No, I don’t think so.”
“She didn’t care much for you, until she worked in your lab. She admired your work, and your mind, but it wasn’t until she worked with you every day that she really fell hard. She just kind of saw you for the persona you put on.”
Tony didn’t even argue the point you made. He knew that you knew him well enough to know he was mostly show, all a distraction for his insecurities and fears.
“But she saw you for this sensitive, sweet, intelligent guy. The same thing happened with Loki. He was this cold, rigid man. But once I got him to open up, he was the most romantic, caring man I’d ever met. He’d just been looked over all his life. No matter how hard he worked, no matter how many battles he won, no matter how many academic challenges he crushed, he never earned the praise of his people or his father.”
“Maybe we have more in common than I thought,” Tony muttered. “But why go through all that, for him? I mean, the brainwashing, torture, nearly killing the avengers and Shannon… All that for him?”
“It was never, ever our intention to kill any of you, let alone hurt you. We were sincerely hoping that we could at most turn Bruce into a wrecking machine that you would have to focus on. That was the best case scenario… But it didn’t happen.” You bit your lip. “Thanos said he would kill Loki if I failed… What would you have done? If it came to fighting Rhodey and your friends, to keep her alive?” you questioned, your tone slightly challenging.
Tony’s eyebrows slowly rose as he gazed at the floor.
“I was just trying to save him, save us, save our lives. We’d endured a year of suffering and torture… I didn’t want it to all be in vain. What would you have done?” you asked.
After several moments, he finally spoke up. Tony Stark being speechless was something you never thought you’d witness.
“Can’t say I’d have done much differently,” he agreed begrudgingly.
You gazed down at your hands, toying with your fingers.
“Tony, I still mean what I said years ago. You’re still one of my greatest friends, and you’ve always been great to Shannon. Don’t be so hard on yourself. She loves you more than anything. I wish we could go back to what we were,” you noted with a half grin. “I know we can’t but… I’d like to at least start over.”
A smile played at his lips. “Yeah, I’d like that too,” he stated. “But no starting over. Too much work and I don’t want to have to remember all your favorite things. Let’s just call it even and say it’s water under the bridge, yeah?”
A laugh escaped you. “Agreed.”
“I guess everyone is turning over a new leaf,” he commented, seeming amused.
“How so?”
“Well after Lokster and I went rounds, we went out for drinks.”
“Really?” you questioned, a skeptical laugh escaping you.
“How did that go? I miss him. Even though he’s an ass, I wish he’d come around.”
Tony winced. “Yeah, about that….”
You frowned. “What about it?”
“Remember that we’re friends again when I tell you this--”
“What?” you questioned, your eyes narrowing as you started to get off the bed. “What did you do, Tony?”
“He was feeling really… well homesick. I guess. He thought maybe he’d be better off just going back to Asgard and I said, ‘Well why don’t you?’”
“What!?” you all but shrieked. “Tony, why? How could you do that?’
He stood up to meet you at eye level. “Hear me out. Look, he misses his home. He thinks his dad will you know, go easy on him since he served a sentence out here. He confided some things to me and I thought maybe… Well… you just changed so much since you met. I just wonder if maybe you aren’t better off without him.”
“Better off without-- That is not your place to decide!” you yelled.
“I know.”
“How did he even leave? He was under probation here and you’ve got a travel restriction on him.”
“I may have lifted that so he could leave.”
“You did this on purpose!” you accused angrily.
“Y/N/N, listen to me,” he begged, holding his hands up in surrender. “I’m just thinking of you here. Ever since you met him your life has been one train wreck after another. Did you ever wonder if maybe you two aren’t meant for each other? Maybe your lives would be easier apart. You want to live here on Earth, and he wants to be on Asgard.”
It seemed as if Shannon could feel strong emotions that her friend was feeling and that caused her to wake up. It’d been so long since she’d been awake but it's like she was perfectly fine.
“Y/N, what's wrong? Did Tony tell you something to piss you off?” She sat up looking from her best friend to her husband who she remembers she still had to finish talking with.  
“Babe, you're awake!” Tony exclaimed, rushing to her side to hold her hand. “Are you feeling okay? Do you need something to drink?”
“I’m fine, Tony. I'm more worried about Y/N. What did you tell her?”
“I told her that I gave Loki permission to leave New York and go back to his family on Asgard. I figured that he should get to go back, seeing as he missed his family.”
“Tony, what were you thinking?! He shouldn't have left, let alone by himself. They still had things to fix. You had no right to do that.”
"Shan, sweetie, you need to rest. I can take it from here. I'm going after Loki," you said defiantly as you started to grab clothes and a suitcase.
“Y/N, I can’t let you do that by yourself. The least I can do after everything you’ve done for me is go with you and help you sort out this problem.” She looked over at Tony, giving him a look. “As for you, we’re going to finish our conversation before I passed out when we come back.”
Tony looked away, knowing he was going to get an earful from her when she got back about everything that’s happened.
“Y/N, finish packing. I’ll go shower and get dressed really quick. Think you can pack my bag?”
"Of course," you said solemnly.
“You just woke up. I dont think it’s a good idea for you to be going to another planet just yet, babe.” He watched her get up and start heading for the bathroom.
“I know I probably shouldn’t be doing this but it needs to be done. Who knows how things will go when they talk? I need to be there in case of anything.” And with that, she walked into the bathroom. A little while later she was showered and dressed. Just then Bruce walked in to do his routine check on her.
“Shannon! You’re awake. You shouldn’t be up and walking around just yet.” He rushed to her to make sure she didn’t fall. “Where are you going?” He noticed the two packed bags.
“Y/N and I are going to go find Loki and have him come back to earth so those two to talk things out.”
“Where exactly are you going?” he asked, hoping it wasn’t too far
“Asgard,” she simply responded.
“No, Shannon! I can’t let you do that. Who knows how your body will react to you entering their planet.”
“I’ll be fine. If anything, the doctors over there can check me, plus my healing factor has been active this entire time so I’m okay.”
“I’d rather me or someone else go with you two just to make sure,” Bruce said, not seeing how Tony reacted to him saying that.
“Babe, he’s right you two shouldnt go, healing factor or not you are not at 100 just yet.”
“I am a grown ass woman I can go where I please and if you really want to come Bruce, I’m not stopping you. Just don’t think I’m going to do everything you say,” she called over her shoulder  as she grabbed her bag and both women headed out the door.
“Wait, let me grab some things and I’ll go with you both. Just to keep you girls safe.” He went to the room that was close by, no one had realized he had switched rooms to be closer to Shanon. “Alright, I've got everything, you want to lead the way?” He gestured to you to go ahead of them.
“On it,” you said confidently as you walked out of the mansion, far away from it, and out into the field behind it. Shannon and Bruce were just behind you, following you out.
Tony pulled Bruce back. “You better not dare try anything while you three are there, got it?” he warned the taller man. “Remember who she’s married to, Banner.”
“Relax, would you? As her doctor, I’m keeping it professional.” He walked away in hopes of ending the conversation there.
As soon as everyone made their way beside you, everyone’s luggage in hand, you took a deep breath. “Heimdall, open the bifrost, please,” you requested. It was so odd, you hadn’t been to Asgard since the fall. You wondered how it would feel returning to your ‘home.’
Heimdall opened the rift and within the blink of an eye, a rainbow shroud formed around you to take you away.
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​ @adefectivedetective​ @dontbetooobvious​
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Marvel: @reigningqueenofwords​ @flowerbunbunny​ @zelda2248​ @misz-adrii​
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ISIS Supporters React to Al-Baghdadi’s Death
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Following media reports that Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the leader of the Islamic State (ISIS), was killed in a raid by U.S. forces, supporters of the organization on social media express skepticism, stress the need to rely only on official ISIS outlets, and defiantly declare that jihad will continue, even if the news is true.
The pro-ISIS Quraysh Media outlet posted a notice urging followers not to trust any news source other than the official ISIS media outlets, while using the honorific "May Allah preserve him," when referring to Al-Baghdadi – which indicates that they believe that he is still alive. Their statement reads:
"Arab and international media agencies have circulated 'news' about issues which concern the Islamic State. There have been widespread discussions confirming or rejecting this news. We emphasize that the commander of the believers – may Allah preserve him [Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi] – ordered to stick to news issued by the official organs of the State of the Caliphate and avoid anything else. The obligation to adhere to 'official' [ISIS media] was stressed repeatedly in Al-Naba' and Al-Bayyan Radio. We remind the brothers that these matters concern the State's leaders, not its general public. There must be confirmation. No information or statements that might help the enemy should be shared. We pray to Allah to humiliate the Crusaders and those who are in their camp."
A prominent media operative in the pro-ISIS online community, Khayr Al-Din Barbarosa, wrote: 
"A message to the new supporters, especially those confused about the truth of the martyrdom of the commander of the believers: Even if it is true, this is the main reason all of the jihad fighters set out for – martyrdom. The Messenger of Allah, may the blessing of Allah be upon him – died. So did Osama bin Laden, Abu Mus'ab [Al-Zarqawi], and Abu Omar [Al-Baghdadi]. The jihad will not stop when a certain person dies, even if he was the caliph himself. The important thing is that we verify the [truth of the] news before spreading it, and that we do not rely on the news of the infidels, who seek to spread false rumors in the hearts of the monotheists [ISIS followers] by any means. Verifyfirst of all.”
A pro-ISIS channel on Telegram wrote that the enemies of ISIS are wrong if they think that jihad is dependent on one man: 
"What the impure Crusaders do not understand with regard to the Muslims' creed, especially that of the jihad fighters, is that jihad in its entirety is not founded on men, but on creed. The creed does not die with the death or killing of men. If indeed Al-Baghdadi was killed – we pray to Allah to protect him – then the Messenger of Allah, Allah’s blessing be upon him, died, and the Companions after him, yet Islam remained and its banner is still raised, and jihad shall continue until Judgment Day. The Islamic State shall remain, it shall disturb the lives of the infidels and punish the apostates..."
Another ISIS supporter, Omar Al-Asir Al-Salafi expressed the defiant message that ISIS shall remain, regardless of whether Al-Baghdadi was in fact killed or not: 
"We say, and even if the news of the sheikh [Al-Baghdadi]'s martyrdom is true, will the jihad stop? Will the State come apart? Does ISIS fight for the sake of Al-Baghdadi, or [Abu Al-Hassan] Al-Muhajir or any other commander? Didn't sheikh [Abu Mus'ab] Al-Zarqawi, and Abu Omar [Al-Baghdadi] attain martyrdom? And [Abu Hamzah] Al-Muhajir and Abu Anas [Al-Shami]? Didn't [Omar] Al-Shishani, [Turki] Al-Bin'ali and [Abu Muhammad] Al-'Adnani attain martyrdom? Did ISIS come apart and did its sun set? Absolutely not, [I swear] by the Lord of Muhammad.
If Abu Bakr [Al-Baghdadi] did attain martyrdom in the path of Allah, then he has achieved what he hoped for. Good for him! What a fine commander, worshipper, jihad fighter, pronouncer of monotheism he is. He did not fear the blame of blamers, suffice it for him that he did not accept any humiliation with regard to Allah's religion. If the sheikh has indeed attained martyrdom, then the Merciful One will appoint a commander like him for the Islamic State, may the Merciful One glorify and protect it and establish its soldiers firmly. To hell with all the apostate-vetted groups [militant Sunni groups in Syria], the infidel Crusaders, and the unbelieving atheists [the Kurdish forces]. The Islamic State was founded in the name of Allah, for the sake of Allah, to raise the banner of 'there is no God but Allah,' to instate the law of the Lord, and with the Merciful One's help it shall remain and expand as long as it sticks to the truth.
These defiant messages were reiterated for the benefit of English-speaking ISIS followers as well. For example, on October 27, 2019, a pro-ISIS English language Telegram channel called "Virtual Dawa" released a post stating that the strength of supporters does not rely on the individuals but on their faith in Allah alone, downplaying the importance of the Muslim leaders in contrast to the Muslim faith. The post compares the situation to the death of the prophet Muhammad. It should be noted, however, that the post doesn't explicitly mention Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi. The message reads: 
"The manifestation and continuation of this religion does not reside on the shoulders of people, not now, nor in the past. This even applies to the person of the prophet Muhammad. [...] We worship Allah alone! Our struggle is for His pleasure, we will remain on this path even if we are alone! Even if the strongest of winds blows it will not shake us, as our feet are well rooted in this religious methodology. As for those who are wishy-washy, rely on men and phases, and not on certainty and sure knowledge, their colors will soon show; never were they firm to begin with, they were nothing but worshipers of new trends. So we remain with the belief of the Prophets and Messengers."
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rinka-fuka · 6 years
Strap in you guys cause this bitch is about to do a whole lot of ✨jumping to conclusions✨
*Captain Marvel-ish spoilers below*
Okay so: New Endgame trailer came out and holy fucking shit Tony almost had me in tears with his little ode to Pep. (God he fucking loves her) Anyway, as the trailer later shows, Nebula and Tony make it back to Earth. Whether it was Captain Marvel who got them back (I’m putting my money on that theory) or they just said fuck oxygen and got back home in their own (because same.), frankly all that matters to me is that they’re alive.
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So they’re back on earth and hold on wait a minute where’s Pepper? I have reason to believe that she joined the Avengers and we could’ve possibly not seen her yet, and Gwenyth did post that picture of Rescue!Pepper’s suit, so there’s a good chance we’ll get some Pepper ass kicking action, wherever she may be.
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Thankfully, Nat (probably) talked Clint out of his bloodthirsty emo phase and they seem to be working together, and what do you know? Avengers Assembled and they do the slow-mo walk in those ugly ass suits but it’s okay they’re trying to save humanity, fashion isn’t that important. I want to note though that Tony isn’t wearing his suit. That really wouldn’t have caught my attention but Rhodey has his on. Maybe it’s more PTSD, and Tony’s gonna pull a Banner and say “I’m more than just the suit.” If so, right on.
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So this movie is going to be heartbreaking. We knew that from the moment the cryptic “Thanos will return” came and blew off the screen. And the Russo’s made that painfully clear when they put everything in grayscale with the only color shown being red. (Like we get it Russo’s, you’re gonna ruin our goddamn lives again.) With the nightmarescape they flashed to, and Steve and co., looking pretty beat up, I’m really wondering what the hell theyre actually fighting. Team Titan didn’t take nearly as much of a beating but I suppose they are trying to kill the asswad so maybe murdering Gamora tipped him over the edge and he just goes ape shit.
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I wanna talk about the poster. It’s color specifically: blue. I’m shooting in the dark here but that makes me think of the space stone. AKA the Tesseract. The Tesseract in which possibly isn’t even the real Tesseract. In the post credit scene, it appears to occur after the Snappening and Goose appears on Fury’s desk. The Tesseract she had eaten way back in 19__ was still there. That raises the question: What does Thanos have? What’s the power source of the CM Tesseract? It’s more than just a coincidence that they have the same name. If Thanos really had the fake Stone or some alternate version of it then the Snappening really didn’t happen like it was supposed to, possibly creating that loophole in which the Avengers can bring everyone back.
Last thing. In the official poster, everyone is turning to look at this unseen assailant except for Thor and Okoye. Okoye’s head is lowered, possibly in homage to her fallen people (she was pretty traumatized), but Thor is looking in the opposite direction if everyone else. Could this mean a certain someone has faked his death again? Could it mean that Thor faces a different struggle than everyone? Bigger than anyone could know?
I mean who knows? I sure as hell don’t, these are only my (slightly) educated guesses. This movie is definitely going to ruin me but I’m totally up for this one last go.
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pendragonfics · 6 years
The Secret
Paring: Tony Stark/Reader
Tags: female reader, married couple, secrets, worry, angst, fluff. 
Summary: You've got a secret, and it's practically eating you alive, and running into various Avengers isn't helping. Whatever will you do?
Word Count: 1,900
Current Date: 2018-04-12
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The worst thing one person can do, is kill another person. You didn’t do that. No, you most certainly did not do that, but inside yourself, you feel like you did. Holding this terrible secret inside of you feels like you’ve gone to all to trouble of plotting a murder, pulling it off, and are living with the trauma and regret of it all. But, instead, you have this tiny little secret, sitting quietly inside your throat. Unable to come out. Waiting to clog up your airways and force itself to either kill you or reveal itself.
You shake your head, splashing water upon your face. The ________ staring back at you in the mirror mocks you, looking at you with your eyes as if she knows more than you about something. She knows your secret, but closing your eyes, and turning the faucet off, you ignore your reflection, and exit the bathroom.
“Get it together, ________,” you mutter to yourself, one fist closed, the other straightening your clothes. “It’s just a secret.”
But as soon as you walk out of the bedroom, you all but run into Happy Hogan. He doesn’t look very cheerful today; his sunglasses are extra-dark, and his frown seems to have immigrated upon his thin lips. Behind him is the protégé of Tony Stark and fellow hero, an un-suited Spider-Man whose hair is a mess. The kid looks up from his Science Weekly magazine to smile and wave at you.
“Hi, ________, how’s it going?” He asks, a smile taking over his face. “Happy’s taking me to the Smithsonian, there’s a collection of cool bugs there.”
“Sounds fun,” you smile, and say to Happy, “Have a great time out together.”
Peter notices something about you, and asking, he wonders, “Are you okay, ________?”
You pause, a shock of fear coursing your veins. How had this child, who had less experience in the vigilante scene and no S.H.I.E.L.D. training, picked up a hint of what you’re hiding? You want to say what’s on your mind, but that tiny little secret holds you back. If Tony got a whiff of what you’re hiding, then it was over.
“Yeah, sure am, Peter.” You beam, ruffling his hair. You pat Happy’s shoulder, and walking down the hall, you call out to them, “Enjoy the bugs!”
You make it by the training room, barely passing the open door without a scratch. Buried in the door frame is one of Hawkeye’s arrows, and, standing at the opposing end of the room, is the hero himself. Except, wearing sweatpants and a Lord of The Rings tee, he is not Hawkeye today, but Clint. Even though he isn’t in gear, and he probably didn’t see you coming (he was a little hard of hearing these days, after the fiasco in Sokovia), it doesn’t account for the fact that if you were a little to the left, you might have an arrow in your scapula.
You cross your arms, ready to tell him off in sign language, but there out of nowhere, Ant Man grows bigger before you. You’re not too close with Scott Lang, no, but you know well of his doings and heroics after you vetted him to join the Avengers officially. He was a little goofy for your tastes, and a little too shy in flair. But you weren’t looking for that right now; just a place to bury your head in the sand and wait out the burning secret in your chest to die off.
“Hey, ________,” Scott says, unlatching his mask. “Sorry, did we scare you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
You roll your eyes, hands upon your hips in defiance. “Perhaps it’s because I was just shot at…?” you suggest.
“New trick shot,” Clint says and signs at the same time. “I shoot Ant Man at the enemy.”
You shake your head. “Back in my heyday, we did undercover and recovery missions, none of this fight-fights in Germain airports,” you tell them both, and taking a breath, you add, verbal and in sign language, “Might be good for a one-time exercise, it’ll lose the element of surprise if you keep doing it.”
Clint nods. “Good point.” He says, pressing a button on his bow. The arrow buried in the wood of the door beeped, and with a tug, flew backwards into his hand, and back to the quiver. “It’s electromagnetic, I’ll never lose an arrow again!”
Scott frowns, waving him off. “Yeah, yeah, dude.” He looks back to you, and asks, “Are you sure you’re okay, ________? I –,”
You nod feverishly, “Yeah, sure I am.” You grin. But inside, you’ve got a niggling sensation in your chest, fluttering around like a moth on the loose within your ribcage. “Um, I’ll let you get back to shooting Scott, Clint.”
It was really staring to bug you now, all the keeping inside. Bottling up your emotions was something you were never good at, even when you had Level 7 clearance in the old S.H.I.E.L.D. It was a good thing that you were in a mostly-empty building, too; with Dr Banner still MIA since Sokovia, Thor off-world, Steve Rogers in exile, and most of his ‘side’ for the past digression in the wind, you walked the mostly-empty halls of the facility of Upstate New York glad for the absence of people.
But that was until you ran into Vision. Well, it was more like you were minding your business, walking the hallways, but he had decided to phase through the floor, and you tripped over his head onto the concrete flooring.
“Ahh,” you winced, dusting your grazed knees with your equally-grazed palms, “That hurt…”
Vision turned to you, his lips pulled back to appear regretful. “I am very sorry, Miss ________,” he said, voice very much like the J.A.R.V.I.S. you remember Tony having back when you were just a field agent to him, a babysitter, not a wife. “Can I assist you with medicinal care? I have complete knowledge of first aid.”
You shake your head. “No thanks, Vision,” you give him a small thumbs-up, wincing. “I’m fine. I swear.”
“Are you sure?” He asks, tentative. “You appear distressed.”
You nod, feeling the pressure in your chest return. Despite this, you tell the android before you, “Oh, that’s nothing. Don’t you worry about a thing, Vis.”
He pauses, and, he hums. “If you say so, Miss ________.” He looks to the window, and, on another train of thought, goes to observe the view from that side of the room. You take this as a cue to leave and gathering your thoughts and self from your little trip, you try to find an unoccupied place in this facility.
You’ve made it all the room you share with your husband, and instead of trying to bottle in and try to forget about it now, you’ve made up your mind on doing the opposite. Every time you encountered someone, you were sent into an echoing spin of worry, and it wasn’t worth it. So, you’ve made up your mind.
You will find Anthony Edward Stark.
He may be a genius and Iron Man himself, but he’s not immune to the app on your phone that tracks his, and within minutes, you’re entering the workshop he’s taken on to be his own. When you fell for him all those years ago, he was exactly this: a man covered in sweat and grease and jamming to rock and roll songs of the past. Sure, he was rich, and he was powerful, and he was super-smart, but they were all side-benefits to the man himself.
He spots you over a project he’s working on and turns down his playlist over the speakers. “Hey, wifey,” he grins, wiping his hands on a rag. “What brings you to my lair?”
You blink, feet stuck where they are to the floor. All the bravery it took to muster to get here dies right then and there, and you’re stunned into silence like a fish mounted upon the wall. But, clearing your throat, you manage to get a handful of words to spill fourth, “I have to tell you something.”
Tony’s grin is usually infectious, but right now, it’s killing you softly. He’s too good for you. He is. Truly. “What is it, babe?” He asks, snapping the rag he’s holding to his side, approaching you. His eyes graze over you and drawing you in for a hug. But when he withdraws he frowns. “Holy hell, ________, you’re shaking. What is it?”
You swallow. “I –,” you sniffle, feeling terrible. “I –,” But the words just won’t come from your lips. Tony’s eyes soften, his hands cradling your shoulders, his eyes roaming your eyes deep as you struggle to find a way to get the secret you’ve been harbouring out aloud. “I’m so afraid of what you’ll say. What everyone will say,” you whisper.
“Did someone hurt you?” His face is dark with an anger you’re unfamiliar with.
You shake your head, “No,” you breathe. You wait a second, and muster the courage, the words slip fourth, “Tony, I’m pregnant.”
There’s a laughter in the room, and it takes you a moment to realise that it’s your husband who is making the noise. His face is contorted into such happiness you haven’t seen him in for years – his face is care-free, eyes surrounded by wrinkles, mouth wide in a wide smile.
“You –,” he says, slowly. “You’re pregnant?” He repeats your words. But he doesn’t wait for an answer, and whooping, he gathers you within his arms for a hug. “We’re going to be parents, ________!” When Tony releases you from his embrace, he stares at your midsection, and asks, “How long have you known?”
You let out a breathy sigh. “Yesterday, when I got back from the city.” You take your husband’s hands in yours, tracing your fingers over his calloused digits. “It’s been hell to keep it in, because, you know, what you said on the honeymoon.”
Four years ago, you two were married in Central Park, beside the park bench where you had met one another three years previous. Your honeymoon had been to the warm beaches of the always summery Great Barrier Reef in Australia, where you spent almost a month exploring the ocean and walking the beaches together. But it was on this glorious, most perfect honeymoon where you remember talking one night to your freshly-made husband about the one topic you had not previously discussed. Children. He hadn’t been Iron Man for long at this point, and yet, when you heard that he had no wish to make a family, that night was etched in your memory for years to come.
“Rule number twelve,” he says, cradling your face to pepper every surface of it except your lips with kisses, “I say dumb shit sometimes, and I love you. And a baby is an extension of you, and I could never hate you for creating a Jnr.”
You shake your head, “No way are we calling our baby after you.”
Tony finally kisses your lips, and resting his forehead against yours, gazes into your eyes. “Whoever said the baby would be named after me?” He grins. “I love you, ________.”
“Love you too,” You whisper, and go in for another kiss.
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ljones41 · 6 years
Unnecessary Time Periods
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"UNNECESSARY TIME PERIODS" I am a big fan of the DCEU or at least the first phase of the franchise. I am also a fan of the 2017 hit film, "WONDER WOMAN". I was also pleased to discover that the film has managed to convince Hollywood studios - especially Warner Brothers and Disney - to create more comic book movies with a female protagonist.
But my pleasure in both has somewhat been muted by what seemed to be a growing trend in Hollywood - to have these upcoming movies set in the past. Why? Because the successful "WONDER WOMAN" film was set in the past - during the last week or two of World War I? I had no problems with this, considering that "BATMAN V. SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE" had established Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman’s presence during that conflict with a single photograph. Hell, the television series from the 1970s had established Wonder Woman’s origin story during World War II during its Season One and brought her character into the present (late 1970s to early 1980s) in the seasons that followed. However, I learned that the second Wonder Woman movie starring Gal Gadot will be set in 1984. To drive home that point, it is called "WONDER WOMAN 1984". Personally, I do not understand this decision. Was this Warner Brothers and Patty Jenkins’ attempt to cash in on the first movie’s success? Was it to undermine the back story for Wonder Woman that was established by Zack Snyder in both "BATMAN V. SUPERMAN" and "JUSTICE LEAGUE" in order to make her seem like a more ideal character? Who knows. But this movie will definitely establish a plot hole in the franchise’s overall narrative. Warner Brothers also plans to create and release "SUPERGIRL", who happened to be Kara Zor-El, the first cousin of Clark Kent aka Superman. And they plan to set this movie in the 1970s. Why? Apparently, Supergirl is the older cousin and to the movie's screenwriters, it made sense that she would reach Earth before him. But . . . "MAN OF STEEL" and "BATMAN V. SUPERMAN" had already established that Superman was the first powerful alien to become known to Humans. In fact, there have been others before the arrival of General Zod and his followers who were aware of Clark’s powers. You know . . . like Jonathan and Martha Kent, some of Smallville's citizens and Lois Lane. By setting "SUPERGIRL" in the 1970s, Warner Brothers would again . . . undermining a narrative point established in previous films. Why not follow the example of the television shows like "SUPERGIRL" and "SMALLVILLE" on the CW by having Kara aka Supergirl’s spacecraft knocked off course and forced into the Phantom Zone for a decade or two? So, by the time Kara finally reached Earth, her cousin Kal-El would have grown up and become Superman. Why not use this scenario? "WONDER WOMAN", Marvel’s Kevin Feige had finally decided that the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) will feature a comic book movie with a woman in the starring role . . . namely "CAPTAIN MARVEL". Mind you, I still find it cowardly that Feige had decided to wait until the success of another studio to produce a movie featuring a comic book heroine in the lead. Especially since the character Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow has been part of the franchise since the 2010 movie, "IRON MAN 2". However . . . I discovered that "CAPTAIN MARVEL" will be set in the 1990s. And I ask myself . . . why? The official word is that the movie’s time period is being used to set up Nick Fury’s trajectory toward forming The Avengers years later. After all, both Samuel L. Jackson and Clark Gregg as future S.H.I.E.L.D. Directors Nick Fury and Phil Coulson will be in the film. But this is so unnecessary. I realize that Tony Stark aka Iron Man was not the first enhanced being or metahuman (so to speak) to attract the attention of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury must have known about Steve Rogers aka Captain America’s war service in "CAPTAIN AMERICA: FIRST AVENGER". He must have known about Hank Pym and Janet Van Dyne's S.H.I.E.L.D. activities in the 1980s as Ant-Man and the Wasp. And her certainly knew about Dr. Bruce Banner’s experiments in gamma radiation and eventual transformation into the Hulk before the events of "THE INCREDIBLE HULK". After all, 2008’s "THE INCREDIBLE HULK" was not an actual origin movie. So, I find myself wondering why Feige found it necessary to set up Fury's trajectory with enhanced beings with Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel . . . in the 1990s. Unless "CAPTAIN MARVEL" is simply another attempt by a studio or producer - in this case, Kevin Feige and the MCU - to cash in on the success of "WONDER WOMAN". Why not just admit it? Especially since it seems so obvious. And by the way, why are all of these films led by a comic book heroine? Just because "WONDER WOMAN" was set in the past, there is no reason why every single comic book movie with a woman in the lead have to be set in the past? What is the point in all of this? Yes, "CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER" was set in the past. However, the following two movies featuring Captain America were set in the present. So, why did Marvel feel it was necessary to set "CAPTAIN MARVEL" in the past? Why is it that none of the other MCU movies led by men set in the past? Why did Warner Brothers believe it was necessary to set its second Wonder Woman and Supergirl films in the past? Has this been the case for any of their movies with a male lead or ensemble-oriented movies like "SUICIDE SQUAD"? I found myself wondering if there is another reason why these three upcoming comic book heroine movies are being set in the past. But I could not find any. The time periods for these films are so unnecessary and an obvious attempts to copy the success of "WONDER WOMAN". The thing is . . . Wonder Woman’s past during World War I and the photograph discovered by both Bruce Wayne aka Batman and Lex Luthor allowed them to recognize her as a possible metahuman or enhanced being. For me, there is no good reason for "WONDER WOMAN 1984", "SUPERGIRL" or "CAPTAIN MARVEL" to be set in the past.
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giancarlonicoli · 4 years
Via The Epoch Times,
Following the sudden death of a beloved political reformer, Hu Yaobang, 200,000 students gathered at Tiananmen Square on April 22, 1989, to await the hearse carrying Hu’s body - but it never arrived. The mass of students were angered, and their burning desire for freedom could be contained no more.
For the next few weeks, Tiananmen Square was occupied by these student protesters, who aimed at making reality their dream of ridding the country of communist tyranny and bringing democratic reform to China. Their non-violent demonstration perhaps brought a glimmer of hope … until the army moved in. Although martial law was declared on May 20 that year, what caused the army to suddenly go on a killing rampage on June 4?
L: Thousands of Chinese gather on June 2, 1989, in Tiananmen Square around “The Goodness of Democracy,” demanding democracy despite martial law in Beijing. (CATHERINE HENRIETTE/AFP via Getty Images). R: “The Goddess of Democracy,” a 10-meter replica of the Statue of Liberty created by students from an art institute to promote the pro-democracy protest against the Chinese government. (TOSHIO SAKAI/AFP via Getty Images)
1. Mass-Murdered by the Chinese Regime
At least 10,454 people were mass-murdered by the Chinese communist regime on Tiananmen Square, according to an unnamed source from the Chinese State Council. The figure is far greater than the “official” fatality count of 200.
On June 4, 1989, students were gunned down in droves and “mown down” by tanks. “APCs (Armored personnel carriers) then ran over bodies time and time again to make ‘pie’ and remains collected by bulldozer. Remains incinerated and then hosed down drains,” reads part of a declassified statement, which was obtained by Alan Donald, Britain’s ambassador to China in 1989.
It’s still unconfirmed how many more were massacred during and after the students’ unarmed protest.
Waving banners, high school students march in Beijing streets near Tiananmen Square on May 25, 1989, during a rally to support the pro-democracy protest against the Chinese regime. (CATHERINE HENRIETTE/AFP via Getty Images)
2. The Ringleader Is Still Alive
In addition to rolling over the students with tanks, the army fired high-explosive shells that expand on impact, also known as dum-dum bullets, (forbidden by the Geneva Convention) to kill the students in the most harm-inflicting way possible.
The question remains—what kind of a human being would order such a brutal mass murder of freedom-seeking civilians?
Former leader of the Chinese Communist Party Jiang Zemin (Feng Li/Getty Images)
Former paramount leader of the party Deng Xiaoping was impressed with Jiang Zemin’s iron-fisted proposition to use the army to crack down on the students, and promoted him from Party Chief of Shanghai to General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party days before the massacre, giving him free rein to do as he liked.
Jiang Zemin, the mastermind behind the massacre, ordered the army to carry out his bloody strategy on June 4. The “gate of heavenly peace” was suddenly turned into hell on Earth.
Taken care of by others, an unidentified foreign journalist (2nd-R) is carried out from the clash site between the army and students on June 4, 1989, near Tiananmen Square. (TOMMY CHENG/AFP via Getty Images)
3. Ruthless Abuse of Power
The Tiananmen Square Massacre was just the start of Jiang’s ruthless abuse of power. He went on to commit the most heinous crimes that couldn’t bear the light of day. In the bloody wake of the massacre, Jiang became Deng’s ideal heir for the next Party Chief, a position Jiang secured in 1993.
Jiang, a Marxist hardliner and ex-senior spy for the KGB’s Far-East Bureau, had only begun to show his true colors with how he dealt with the protesting students and went on to orchestrate even bloodier campaigns. In 1999, Jiang sought to “eradicate” Falun Gong—a popular spiritual practice—after the number of people practicing it rose some 100 million, outnumbering the then 70 million Party members, according to state-run reports at the time.
Falun Gong practitioners doing the group exercise in Guangzhou, China, in 1998. (Minghui)
Under Jiang’s rule, an adroit misinformation campaign inundated China, turning public opinion against Falun Gong by subjecting the spiritual practice to extreme vilification—including the infamous Tiananmen Square “self-immolation” hoax, which successfully deceived the nation—paving the way for Jiang’s next phase: to forcibly “transform” or “eliminate” the meditators who refused to give up the practice.
In response to Jiang’s genocidal policy, believed to have caused a widespread yet unascertainable amount of state-approved killings, including forced organ harvesting, over 209,000 lawsuits have since been filed against Jiang, making him the most sued dictator in history.
Falun Gong practitioners at a rally in front of the Chinese embassy in New York City on July 3, 2015, to support the global effort to sue Jiang Zemin. (Larry Dye/The Epoch Times)
4. Horrifying Accounts Kept Secret
A Blacklock’s Reporter obtained secret telex messages concerning horrifying accounts of what really happened on Tiananmen Square that day via access-to-information laws.
“An old woman knelt in front of soldiers pleading for students; soldiers killed her,” the Canadian embassy in Beijing reported at the time.
Blacklock’s writes: “A boy was seen trying to escape holding a woman with a 2-year old child in a stroller, and was run over by a tank”; “The tank turned around and mashed them up”; “Soldiers fired machine guns until the ammo ran out.”
An unbelievable amount of bullets were fired on civilians at Tiananmen that “they ricocheted inside nearby houses, killing many residents.”
“The embassy described the killings as ‘savage,’” according to Blacklock’s Reporter.
“They are now entering a period of vicious repression during which denunciations and fear of persecution will terrorize the population,” reads another cable obtained.
Chinese onlookers run away as a soldier threatens them with a gun on June 5, 1989, as tanks took position at Beijing’s key intersections next to the diplomatic compound. (CATHERINE HENRIETTE/AFP via Getty Images)
Diplomats added that some 1,000 executions took place following the massacre, but an exact figure is unconfirmed. “It was probably thought that the massacre of a few hundreds or thousands would convince the population not to pursue their protests. It seems to be working,” reads a statement by the diplomats.
The secret British cable, obtained by news website HK01, reveals more detail about the crimes of the 27 Army of Shanxi Province on the day.
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“27 Army ordered to spare no one and shot wounded SMR soldiers. Four wounded girl students begged for their lives but were bayoneted. A 3-year-old girl was injured but her mother was shot as she went to her aid as were six others who tried.”
“A thousand survivors were told they could escape via Zhengyi Lu but were then mown down by specially prepared M/G (machine gun) positions.”
Ailing student hunger strikers from Beijing University receive first aid treatment under a makeshift tent set up on May 17, 1989, at Tiananmen Square as students enter the 5th day of a marathon hunger strike as part of a mass pro-democracy protest against the Chinese government. (CATHERINE HENRIETTE/AFP via Getty Images)
5. “June 4”: A Highly Taboo Subject in China Today
Despite Hong Kong lighting up every evening on June 4 in an annual candlelight vigil to commemorate the victims of the massacre, Chinese mainlanders across the border are without such freedom of speech. Talking about the Tiananmen Square Massacre, or even mentioning “June 4,” or “6.4,” could have one disappear.
In 2007, Zhang Zhongshun, a lecturer from Yantai University, showed his class a video of the massacre he obtained from an overseas website. He was subsequently jailed for three years by Laishan City Court on Feb. 28, 2008.
Tens of thousands of people hold candles during a vigil in Hong Kong on June 4, 2018, to mark the 29th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen crackdown in Beijing. (ANTHONY WALLACE/AFP via Getty Images)
“I imagined that the worst case would just be that the university president would criticize me in front of my colleagues in a meeting. I would not have thought that the communist regime would imprison me,” Zhang told The Epoch Times in an interview after his release from the detention.
“Is it illegal even if I include a historical event into my lecture?” he asked.
A student displays a banner with one of the slogans chanted by the crowd of some 200,000 pouring into Tiananmen Square on April 22, 1989, in Beijing in an attempt to participate in the funeral ceremony of former Chinese Communist Party leader and liberal reformer Hu Yaobang. His death in April triggered an unprecedented wave of pro-democracy demonstrations. The April-June 1989 movement was crushed by Chinese troops in June when army tanks rolled into Tiananmen Square June 4, 1989. (CATHERINE HENRIETTE/AFP via Getty Images)
Who’d dare raise this for discussion in China knowing the consequences? This year marks the 31st anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. Will the current Chinese leaders redress the issue and bring Jiang Zemin to justice for his litany of crimes? Only time will tell.
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rockrevoltmagazine · 5 years
STATIC-X Releases Official Video & First Single "HOLLOW"
STATIC-X has released the first single “HOLLOW,” while announcing that their long Awaited, 7th Studio Album PROJECT REGENERATION will consist of more than 20 tracks, which will appear over 2 volumes, to be released separately, with Volume 1 releasing May 29th, 2020.
PROJECT REGENERATION Volume 1 out May 29, 2020.
PROJECT REGENERATION Volume 1 will feature 12 brand new STATIC-X tracks, containing many of the final vocal performances and musical compositions of Wayne Static, along with the original Wisconsin Death Trip lineup of bassist Tony Campos, drummer Ken Jay, and guitarist Ken Jay.
Both volumes are being mixed by longtime STATIC-X producer Ulrich Wild.
“Today is a very exciting day, as we are finely releasing the first STATIC-X single and video in more than 10 years.” Says Tony Campos. “The band, our producers, and most importantly Wayne’s family are incredibly happy with the way that the album is turning out and we know that Wayne is looking down on us all with a big smile, as we begin sharing his final works with the world.”
“We have been working on allot of material over the last year and a half and while selecting the songs to move into the final mix phase, it became clear that there is just too much material and too little time for this to be a single album.” Says drummer Ken Jay.
“The last thing that we wanted to do was make the fans wait any longer.” Adds Tony Campos. “We also didn’t want to abandon the remaining material, because it is very close to being complete and we know that the fans are going to want to be able to hear and experience all of it. We also recognize that all of this music is part of the same body of work, which marks this very important chapter of STATIC-X, so it is only logical to release all of the music under the same banner, PROJECT REGENERATION.”
The vocals for the song HOLLOW were originally recorded in 2005 for the STATIC-X album Start A War, but Wayne and I never felt like the music on the original HOLLOW demo was fully realized”. Tony explains. “That is why it didn’t appear on Start A War or any STATIC-X album that followed. The vocals sounded great, but some of the musical compositions from that time period felt a bit experimental. The band was going through a lot of changes at that time and, in retrospect, it felt like we’d strayed away from that authentic STATIC-X sound that really defined us.”
Ken Jay adds, “When we began working on PROJECT REGENERATION our producers advised us to ignore any of the old demo music, so we opted for the original band to re-enter the studio with nothing more than Wayne’s isolated vocal tracks and to just be ourselves, to be STATIC-X, and to make Evil Disco. The vocals sound really great and I think that Wayne would be extremely happy with what we’ve done with the music and to know that these tracks have finally realized their full potential.”
In total, PROJECT REGENERATION Volume 1 & 2 will consist of more than 20 brand new / unreleased Static-X songs and will feature all of the remaining works left behind by Wayne Static, along with the original Wisconsin Death Trip band lineup. The individual albums are expected to contain creative packaging elements that will allow fans to marry the 2 volumes together.
“Right now we are finalizing the mixes for the first batch of songs, which will appear on Volume 1, while we continue to finish up the tracking for the rest of the music, which will appear on Volume 2. Volume 1 will be released at the end of May and the goal is to release Volume 2 as soon as possible.” says Ken Jay.
STATIC-X is including the names of all fans who pre order PROJECT REGENERATION Volume 1 in the liner notes of the album art. The cut-off date for names to appear in the liner notes is March 1, 2020.
“This is a very unique album” adds Koichi Fukuda. “Usually when someone passes away and leaves unfinished material behind, the end result will still sound incomplete. That is not the case with this. We have really taken the necessary steps and committed the time and resources for this to become a legitimate Static-X album.”
2019 was absolutely incredible for STATIC-X. The whole 20th Anniversary touring process was a very unique and healing experience for the band, the fans, and also for Waynes family,” adds Tony. “Wayne’s family has been involved with every decision that we have made. They came out to see us on multiple shows last year and having there blessing and support was something that was essential throughout the process. We wouldn’t be doing any of this without their full support and consent.”
“We are so grateful to the fans who have made 2019 such an incredible year for STATIC-X,” adds Ken Jay. “We have toured the world and celebrated the life and work of our dear friend Wayne, while playing our platinum selling debut album front to back every night. The fans have really exceeded our expectations and again, we are just so grateful! We can’t wait to share all of this music with you!
It has been more than 20 years since Wisconsin Death Trip was released to the world and we are incredibly honored to be able to say that on May 29th, 2020, Wayne, Tony, Ken and Koichi will once again be releasing another STATIC-X album together.”
The band recently wrapped up a world tour comprised of nearly 100 primarily sold out dates in celebration of the 20th anniversary of their platinum selling debut album Wisconsin Death Trip. The shows also served as a traveling memorial for the bands late front-man Wayne Static who passed away in 2014.
STATIC-X has also announced a limited number of shows for 2020.
Tour Dates: 03/12 @ Brick By Brick – San Diego, CA 03/14 @ Hell & Heaven Fest – Mexico City, Mexico 07/10 @ Machine Shop – Flint, MI 07/11 @ INKcarceration – Mansfield, OH 07/31 @ Wacken Open Air – Wacken, Germany 08/04 @ Durer Kert w/Life of Agony – Budapest, Hungary 08/06 @ Brutal Assault Festival – Josefov, Czech Republic 08/07 @ Schlachthof w/Life of Agony – Wiesbaden, Germany 08/08 @ Alcatraz Festival – Kortrijk, Belgium 08/09 @ Into The Grave – Leeuwarden, Netherlands 08/11 @ Melkweg w/Life of Agony – Amsterdam, Netherlands 08/12 @ Essigfabrik w/Life of Agony – Cologne, Germany 08/13 @ Summer Breeze Festival – Dinkelsbuhl, Germany 08/14 @ Reload Festival – Sulingen, Germany 08/15 @ Astra w/Life of Agony – Berlin, Germany 09/19 @ Blue Ridge Rock Festival – Appomattox Park, VA 09/25 @ Podzemka – Novosibirsk, Russia 09/27 @ Tele Club – Yekaterinburg, Russia 09/29 @ Zvezda – Samara, Russia 10/01 @ Arena Hall – Krasnodar, Russia 10/03 @ Glavclub – Moscow, Russia 10/04 @ Cosmonavt – St. Pete, Russia
Click HERE for Ticketing and Meet & Greets for All tour Dates on Official Static-X Site!
Connect with Static-X: Official Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
STATIC-X Releases Official Video & First Single “HOLLOW” was originally published on RockRevolt Mag
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gigsoupmusic · 5 years
STATIC-X Releases Official Video & First Single "HOLLOW"
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STATIC-X has released the first single "HOLLOW," while announcing that their long Awaited, 7th Studio Album PROJECT REGENERATION will consist of more than 20 tracks, which will appear over 2 volumes, to be released separately, with Volume 1 releasing May 29th, 2020. The track was premiered by Jose Mangin on Liquid Metal on Feb 6th, while the official video was premiered on Billboard and is available HERE and the album preordered online HERE. Visit https://static-X.com for exclusive merchandise and limited edition pre-order products.
PROJECT REGENERATION Volume 1 out May 29, 2020.
PROJECT REGENERATION Volume 1 will feature 12 brand new STATIC-X tracks, containing many of the final vocal performances and musical compositions of Wayne Static, along with the original Wisconsin Death Trip lineup of bassist Tony Campos, drummer Ken Jay, and guitarist Koichi Fukuda. Both volumes are being mixed by longtime STATIC-X producer Ulrich Wild. “Today is a very exciting day, as we are finely releasing the first STATIC-X single and video in more than 10 years.” Says Tony Campos. “The band, our producers, and most importantly Wayne's family are incredibly happy with the way that the album is turning out and we know that Wayne is looking down on us all with a big smile, as we begin sharing his final works with the world.” https://youtu.be/c7zN-D5vg7c “We have been working on allot of material over the last year and a half and while selecting the songs to move into the final mix phase, it became clear that there is just too much material and too little time for this to be a single album.” Says drummer Ken Jay. “The last thing that we wanted to do was make the fans wait any longer.” Adds Tony Campos. “We also didn’t want to abandon the remaining material, because it is very close to being complete and we know that the fans are going to want to be able to hear and experience all of it. We also recognize that all of this music is part of the same body of work, which marks this very important chapter of STATIC-X, so it is only logical to release all of the music under the same banner, PROJECT REGENERATION.” The vocals for the song HOLLOW were originally recorded in 2005 for the STATIC-X album Start A War, but Wayne and I never felt like the music on the original HOLLOW demo was fully realized”. Tony explains. "That is why it didn’t appear on Start A War or any STATIC-X album that followed. The vocals sounded great, but some of the musical compositions from that time period felt a bit experimental. The band was going through a lot of changes at that time and, in retrospect, it felt like we’d strayed away from that authentic STATIC-X sound that really defined us.” Ken Jay adds, “When we began working on PROJECT REGENERATION our producers advised us to ignore any of the old demo music, so we opted for the original band to re-enter the studio with nothing more than Wayne's isolated vocal tracks and to just be ourselves, to be STATIC-X, and to make Evil Disco. The vocals sound really great and I think that Wayne would be extremely happy with what we’ve done with the music and to know that these tracks have finally realized their full potential.” In total, PROJECT REGENERATION Volume 1 & 2 will consist of more than 20 brand new / unreleased Static-X songs and will feature all of the remaining works left behind by Wayne Static, along with the original Wisconsin Death Trip band lineup. The individual albums are expected to contain creative packaging elements that will allow fans to marry the 2 volumes together. “Right now we are finalizing the mixes for the first batch of songs, which will appear on Volume 1, while we continue to finish up the tracking for the rest of the music, which will appear on Volume 2. Volume 1 will be released at the end of May and the goal is to release Volume 2 as soon as possible.” says Ken Jay. STATIC-X is including the names of all fans who pre order PROJECT REGENERATION Volume 1 in the liner notes of the album art. The cut-off date for names to appear in the liner notes is March 1, 2020. “This is a very unique album” adds Koichi Fukuda. "Usually when someone passes away and leaves unfinished material behind, the end result will still sound incomplete. That is not the case with this. We have really taken the necessary steps and committed the time and resources for this to become a legitimate Static-X album.” 2019 was absolutely incredible for STATIC-X. The whole 20th Anniversary touring process was a very unique and healing experience for the band, the fans, and also for Waynes family,” adds Tony. “Wayne's family has been involved with every decision that we have made. They came out to see us on multiple shows last year and having there blessing and support was something that was essential throughout the process. We wouldn’t be doing any of this without their full support and consent.” “We are so grateful to the fans who have made 2019 such an incredible year for STATIC-X," adds Ken Jay. “We have toured the world and celebrated the life and work of our dear friend Wayne, while playing our platinum selling debut album front to back every night. The fans have really exceeded our expectations and again, we are just so grateful! We can’t wait to share all of this music with you! It has been more than 20 years since Wisconsin Death Trip was released to the world and we are incredibly honored to be able to say that on May 29th, 2020, Wayne, Tony, Ken and Koichi will once again be releasing another STATIC-X album together.” The band recently wrapped up a world tour comprised of nearly 100 primarily sold out dates in celebration of the 20th anniversary of their platinum selling debut album Wisconsin Death Trip. The shows also served as a traveling memorial for the bands late front-man Wayne Static who passed away in 2014. STATIC-X has also announced a limited number of shows for 2020.
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Tour Dates: 03/12 @ Brick By Brick - San Diego, CA 03/14 @ Hell & Heaven Fest - Mexico City, Mexico 07/10 @ Machine Shop - Flint, MI 07/11 @ INKcarceration - Mansfield, OH 07/31 @ Wacken Open Air - Wacken, Germany 08/04 @ Durer Kert w/Life of Agony - Budapest, Hungary 08/06 @ Brutal Assault Festival - Josefov, Czech Republic 08/07 @ Schlachthof w/Life of Agony - Wiesbaden, Germany 08/08 @ Alcatraz Festival - Kortrijk, Belgium 08/09 @ Into The Grave - Leeuwarden, Netherlands 08/11 @ Melkweg w/Life of Agony - Amsterdam, Netherlands 08/12 @ Essigfabrik w/Life of Agony - Cologne, Germany 08/13 @ Summer Breeze Festival - Dinkelsbuhl, Germany 08/14 @ Reload Festival - Sulingen, Germany 08/15 @ Astra w/Life of Agony - Berlin, Germany 09/19 @ Blue Ridge Rock Festival - Appomattox Park, VA 09/25 @ Podzemka - Novosibirsk, Russia 09/27 @ Tele Club - Yekaterinburg, Russia 09/29 @ Zvezda - Samara, Russia 10/01 @ Arena Hall - Krasnodar, Russia 10/03 @ Glavclub - Moscow, Russia 10/04 @ Cosmonavt - St. Pete, Russia Read the full article
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scarletrebel · 7 years
more destiny oc stuff: avias past and yr 1 destiny timeline
totally inspired by @mrpinstripesuit‘s post last night, also featuring their guardians, also @nattiebug14 and @lostinthehaywoods oc’s carver and cornelia
(im making a lot of assumptions on how grier and avia met btw pin so if theres anything you disagree with or wanna change thats cool!!)
- petra and avia become part of the queens guard - uldren takes an interest in avia, potential for her to become a crow, which she really, really doesnt want - reef wars, petras sister dies, avia begins to question the awoken, why this happened 
- petra grieves, avia is alone for the longest time and becomes frustrated, wondering what they're even fighting for - petra is promoted to the corsairs and avia has mixed feelings. petra needs the direction but avia doesnt think a promotion will fix anything, also if avia was a corsair uldren would Leave Her Alone.  - tries to convince petra that everything is bullshit but petra just hears jealousy and treason - uldren pulls her up on it, and that's when she knows she needs to Leave - steals a harbinger at the first opportunity she gets - gets out of the reef and into our solar system before the other harbingers find her - it's a long ass fight, avia is able to evade them for the longest time until they shoot her engines out somewhere around the moon - she dies. the harbingers leave. a ghost is born, shakes its shell, and starts searching. - the remnants of her ship, with her nestled in the cockpit, break orbit of earth and crash land in the cosmodrome - she's revived with her memory in tact and her heart broken to pieces - she rejects her ghost and the light at first but her ghost is persistent and she gives in and follows him through the cosmodrome to find a ship - they make it to the tower and she's so fucking scared. the awoken do not speak highly of the guardians. - but her ghost leads her gently to cayde and he welcomes her jovially. doesn't much care for her past (only because he doesn't expect her to know it) - going through the D1 story is what gives her the direction she needed and begins to ground her, making her realise she can be a better person than she ever was at the reef - afterwards she admits to cayde that she remembers everything, after figuring out that it's not a Thing amongst guardians because she's Confused. he's supportive and passes her onto Ikora - huge mistake - she loves Ikora - cayde is kind of sad about it (jk) - Ikora tells her about the thananotauts and at the concept avia kind of puts her nose up to. it sound stupid and weird to her and refuses to explore it, like ‘oh hey actually I don't care that much I'll just keep being a guardian who has my memory as a bonus yay’ - avia kind of wanders around for a bit, patrolling and running strikes with guardians she never keeps in touch with. this is where she learns that she really, really doesnt get along with a lot of other hunters.
- petra comes to the tower as the queens emissary. avia doesnt recognise her at first but petra recognises her and its
- its not a good time for avia. petra tries to speak to her but avia bails all the way to venus and has a good old fashioned breakdown
- ikora calls her back and puts her on a mission to find tolands scattered journals. she fears the worst ones may still be out there and she doesnt want any wayward guardians finding them and abusing what power may lie within
- little does avia know she has another warlock, scarlet-2, searching for them as well. 
- this is how scarlet and avia meet, with avia acting like a cat who caught their own reflection whenever scarlet is around 
- scarlet doesnt much care even though this pint sized hunter constantly trying to one up her is. amusing. 
- petra tries to approach avia again when shes in the tower with scarlet and the warlock very gently diffuses the situation, and has figured out by now that avia likes to Run Away and so she takes them to the cosmdrome 
- avia doesnt give a lot of details, but basically explains the situation to scarlet and mentions that ikora wanted her to talk to the thananotauts and scarlets like ‘ew. you dont need to talk to them. they’re weird and desperate for answers youre fine the way you are.’ 
- and a friendship is born 
- petra venj leaves the tower. 
- a fireteam takes on the vault of glass, and avia is only slightly disappointed she wasnt there
- avia spends a lot of time with scarlet and by extension lots of other warlocks too. she becomes a running joke to the vanguard mentors that she chose the wrong class. 
- so scarlet and eden met after twilight gap, they both helped build the wall and they became really close buddies. scarlet tells eden that she may have finally found a hunter for their fireteam and eden is so. excited. 
- eris morn returns from the moon, and avia sees this funny little warlock awoken talking with her all. the damn. time. 
- eden and avia meet, and avia is overwhelmed. she thinks that eden must be a new guardian and doesnt care to ask anything about her and wonders how the hell her and scarlet of all people are so close
- she doesnt really give the friendship a chance (although eden is patient and knows avias type all too well) until zavala asks eden to do routine sweeps of earth and the moon to make sure these blades of crota are kept at bay
- of course, eden drags avia along with her and it takes a wayward mention of building the wall for avia to get off her damn high horse and start taking eden seriously 
- they dont really take part in the dark below campaign, just keep on top of the rise in hive activity whilst scarlet talks to ikora and eris and studies the hive at the tower, in the middle of one of her ‘not leaving the tower’ phases that eden tells avia about
- which causes avia to a) worry about scarlet and b) begin to realise shes starting to care for people 
- emotions are weird you guys 
- avia starts to ask eden about the wall, twilight gap, everything that came before she got to the tower. eden answers all her questions with a raw truthfulness, although she doesnt know the specifics and laughs that scarlet would be better to go to for the history of the guardians and such, but avia is just fine with what eden tells her 
- and avia tells eden about her past, about dying but still remembering everything and petra. eden is very chill and happy for avia that shes somewhere better now, that shes trying to be better. 
- yay now avia has TWO whole friends. they become an official fireteam and eden is far too excited about it. 
- avia starts seeing that funny little awoken warlock less and less, and asks scarlet about him. she knows hes gone missing but kind of shrugs it off as a thing that warlocks do. avia says if scarlet ever does that avia will Hunt Her Down. scarlet just laughs.
- (she says this in earshot of ikora) 
- crota is killed. again, avia wanted to be there. she needs more friends
- avia basically sticks like glue to scarlet and eden, kind of refusing to run strikes and missions with any other guardians which is a problem
- avia meets carver and cornelia through eden and scarlet but is still really prickly. her fireteam are at their wits end. 
- ikora straight up forces avia on a mission with another warlock, and of course its the funny one who went missing a while back 
- she sees something in ikoras eyes when they meet for the first time but knows better than to question it 
- this. kid. is. a. handful. 
- their mission is something hive related, a big risk on ikoras part but avia guides them through safely. 
- ‘ooh a hive thing!’ ‘do we need to know about the hive thing?’ ‘no, but I-’ ‘then lets move on grier.’ ‘but-’ ‘now.’
- ‘youre mean, avia.’ ‘im also keeping us alive.’ ‘you dont have to be mean about it.’ 
- ‘fine, i will stop being mean if you start doing what i tell you to. deal?’ 
- idk i kind of imagine grier latching onto avia for reasons that i cant explain bc grier isnt my character but hes basically exactly what avia needs at this point in her life, a funny little warlock who gets under her skin. 
- she massively underestimates him, reminding her of what she did with eden so she loosens up and gives him a chance. 
- they run more missions and strikes together. she asks questions about his gun, his attire, why he likes the hive so damn much.  
- he tells her about toland and the hive, and the weapons of sorrow whilst explaining bad juju. she makes a mental note to keep an eye on him whenever he uses it (and somewhere ikora smiles gently to herself. it scares cayde.) 
- she tells him about the journals she found in the wild and he just :oooooooo asks a lot of questions about where and what was in them and what that could infer
- ‘wait avia, i thought you didnt care about hive stuff?’ ‘what? no, i just... dont like getting off track during missions.’ ‘oh. then does that mean you also actually like me and arent mean to me cause you dont?’ 
- she begins to find him quite endearing. 
- he gets them out of a lot of jams during missions just from his practical know-how and shes impressed too. 
- also asks a lot of questions about his sunsinger abilities and esp reviving himself. shes only ever seen scarlet be a voidwalker so sunsinger amazes her endlessly. she sees grier as a lot more powerful than he sees himself, and again, its totally endearing to her. 
- he introduces her to rook and eve. avia steers clear of rook at first, even though she finds him handsome straight off the bat.
- they play a few iron banner matches together, a mixture of griers fireteam, hers and carver and cornelia. avia starts to develop a crush after realising how laid back and relaxed rook is.
- also how freaking good at crucible he is. 
- he’s really easy to be around, she can be herself around him, around another hunter which is something she never thought she’d have. i imagine that means they talk about their class a lot seeing as avia never really did that with anyone else, or really cayde for that matter. it helps to get an insight into what being a hunter is all about from a guy who doesnt take it so seriously. 
- the flirting starts, playful and nothing serious and we allllllll knowwwww where that leads to
- then the wolves revolt. 
- before the tower even find out, she receives a message from petra, apologising. asking her questions about being a guardian, how she is. avia ignores it, the first of many. 
- she Refuses to get involved. 
- not even scarlet and eden can convince her. or ikora. or cayde. 
- but grier comes back from the reef one day and looks really dejected and hurt and avia is just. who hurt you. what happened. and he explains that none of the awoken at the reef like him??? he thinks a couple of them looked at him weird he couldnt tell it was all confusing and avia kind of sighs and. explains some things. 
- she tells him that she used to be Awoken and that she knew petra and basically tells him everything about her past whilst explaining that the Awoken have a very high opinion of themselves  - they go back to the reef together, but she still doesnt want to get involved in the uprising. 
- she goes and patches things tentatively with petra another day. its a case of avia explaining how she became a guardian and petra explaining why she was forced to become an emissary after accidentally killing a team of guardians. its an amicable, but strained relationship. they basically realise that they were never friends, just competitors. theyre both happier where they are now.
- avia grows closer to grier to the point where they’re inseparable, she flirts with rook, runs missions and strikes with her fireteam and really starts to come into her own as a guardian 
- she runs a lot of prison of elders with cornelia and carver and grows closer to them too, eventually apologising for being a little standoffish when they first met
- now avia has SO MANY FRIENDS and gets really emotional whenever she thinks about it 
and then taken king and rise of iron happen and they deserve posts of themselves tbh but!!! avias D1 experience!!! i love this kid so much
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MCU Rumours Roundup - Pepper Potts in Spider-Man; Hawkeye in Ant-Man & The Wasp; Nick Fury in Captain Marvel; Red Skull returns; Stallone's character; is Millie Bobby Brown in the MCU?
Unless you've been living under a rock, you'll know that the cinematic event that is AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR started filming back in January, and almost every day we're getting confirmation on certain actors that are turning up for filming.
Of course - if I understand it correctly, INFINITY WAR and AVENGERS 4 (come on, Marvel, give us an actual title!) are not such much filming back-to-back, more filming simultaneously.  Any given day could be filming for either film.  So, when we see an actor turn up for filming, it doesn't necessarily mean they'll be in INFINITY WAR, we may have to wait until 2019 to see their character in the next part.
Of course, also filming right now, is BLACK PANTHER.  A few street scenes have been caught on camera, and we now know that Letitia Wright will be playing Shuri - T'Challa's sister, and a future Black Panther herself.
We recently got the new SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING trailer, got our first official look at Michael Keaton as the Vulture, saw lots of Robert Downey Jr as Tony Stark (and Iron Man), but also got confirmation that Chris Evans filmed a cameo scene as Captain America.
But enough of what we DO know, this entry is about what we don't, or 'might' know.
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The latest rumour surfacing is that Gwyneth Paltrow may well have a part to play in the new Spiderflick.  Pepper hasn't been seen since IRON MAN 3 back in 2013.  She was referenced in AGE OF ULTRON, and whilst there were rumours Paltrow had filmed scenes for last year's CIVIL WAR, but once again, all we had were references. Quite important references, mind, as it was revealed that things were not great between Tony and Pepper. 
HOMECOMING will not only see Downey Jr in action, but Jon Favreau has also been confirmed as Happy Hogan, another character that's not been seen since 2013.  If Happy's back, why not Pepper?  Hell, if they're in it, can we also expect an update on James Rhodes' progress after War Machine's nasty fall in CIVIL WAR?  Of course, having said that, if the film does feature Downey Jr, Favreau, Paltrow and Don Cheadle, then SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING would risk becoming IRON MAN 4.
Whilst we're on the topic of SPIDER-MAN though, let's discuss the most recent rumour:
SPIDER-MAN to leave the MCU already?
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It was a joyous occasion for fanboys, when it was announced that Sony, Marvel and Disney has made a deal and our friendly neighbourhood webslinger would be swinging into play in the same sandpit as his MCU pals.  Even if it did mean a third reboot of the character this side of the millennium, most were excited to see how the most famous Marvel character interact with the other characters.
In 2016, we got the taster, with Tom Holland taking the mantle from Andrew Garfield (and Tobey Maguire before him), coming in as one of the highlights of CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR, sparking the relationship with Tony Stark at the same time. We have HOMECOMING coming out in July this year, and we know that Holland will be reprising the role again in the next two AVENGERS films, and the greenlit solo SPIDER-MAN sequel... but that might be it.
Recent interviews with Amy Pascal (from Sony), suggest that might be where the partnership with Marvel and Disney end.  Now that might just be when the current contract's expire, and a new contract could well be drawn up.  But what if that's the end... What happens next?
Sony recently announced a VENOM film, as well as film featuring Black Cat and Silver Sable - but neither outing will be connected to the MCU.  In fact, right now, they probably won't even feature Spider-Man himself.  A bit odd, if you ask me.  I could understand them being disconnected from the MCU (so that Sony don't have to share any profits), but not to feature the main character that links them all... I don't think that's the best move.  But, then, I think it might only be a temporary thing.  I wonder if, once the contract with Marvel is done, and Peter Parker returns back to just being a Sony property, then we'll get webhead interact with these characters in future Spiderflicks? 
The problem is... once we've had Parker interact with the likes of Stark, Rogers, Quill, Romanov, Banner and Strange... will we want him to go back into isolation?  One of the perks of this shared universe is that heroes can pop up - sometimes unexpectedly so - in other character's films.  Chris Evans' small cameo in THOR: RAGNAROK was a lovely touch.  Chris Hemsworth in the mid-credits scene of DOCTOR STRANGE... That's what we want in future Spiderflicks.  We also want them to be good - nother reason Sony should keep the partnership going with Marvel and Disney!
Speaking of characters popping up in other character's movies:
Will Hawkeye appear in ANT-MAN & THE WASP?
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Renner is now filming his part of AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, but latest rumours are that Hawkeye will be featured (in some degree) in ANT-MAN & THE WASP.
Clint Barton was first glimpsed in a single scene in THOR, before getting mind-controlled by Loki in THE AVENGERS.  We then didn't see him again until AGE OF ULTRON, where he retired for family life, only to return the very next year for CIVIL WAR.  Of course, he's now on the run as are all of #TeamCap. 
Scott Lang was on TeamCap too, so it makes sense they might be fugitives together.  We saw a post-credit scene in CIVIL WAR that showed where Bucky went too (suggesting we could see Sebastian Stan pop up in BLACK PANTHER), but nothing is know of the rest of the team.  Considering Falcon featured in the first ANT-MAN film, could the sequel be where (almost) all the team are hanging out?  We know Anthony Mackie is pretty much for anything when it comes to the MCU, so I wouldn't be surprised if both Renner and Mackie join Paul Rudd.
We know that Evangeline Lilly has stated she won't be appearing in INFINITY WAR as Marvel wish to turn Hope Van Dyne into Wasp during the ANT-MAN & THE WASP rather than rushing it in a film with a gazillion other characters to service.  This surely must make us ask... will Hawkeye, Falcon and Ant-Man actually be appearing in INFINITY WAR, or will their appearances be kept off until after ANT-MAN & THE WASP like Wasp?  It's possible. We don't actually know at what point the movie takes place.  It'll be the first film out after INFINITY WAR, but does it take place afterwards chronologically, before, or during?  Maybe a bit of everything. Until we get more information, we'll just have to guess.
But what about another rumour that ties to ANT-MAN...
Is Millie Bobby Brown playing Cassie Lang in AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR?
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Of all the rumours I'm discussing here, this is probably the least likely, but one that's still fun to talk about.  Recently, STRANGER THINGS star Millie Bobby Brown was seen 'behind the scenes' on the set of INFINITY WAR... and it could be just that.  She was watching some films being shot with the Russo Bros as they directed.  Celebrities visit other sets all the time.  Could be nothing.  Ooooor... she could have a role in the films! A few character's have been rumoured, but possible the most interesting is that she could be playing Cassie Lang aka Stinger (Scott Lang's daughter).  Cassie has already appeared, of course, in the first ANT-MAN film, played by Abby Ryder Fortson - who is currently 9 years old.  If Brown is a recast, then she'll have been aged up to 13... not a massive jump I guess, but significant at those ages.  If that's the case for the Avengers movies, then it's logical we could see Brown in ANT-MAN & THE WASP too... unless there's some time trickery at hand.  Which is possible considering the subject matter. Other characters suggested for Brown include - Kate Bishop (a future Hawkeye) and Squirrel Girl (but won't Anna Kendrick be upset!?!).  Personally, I like the idea of Brown as Stinger... so that's the one I'm focussing on.
Will Nick Fury appear in CAPTAIN MARVEL?
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It was assumed - but just about everyone - that Samuel L Jackson would be in AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, but that might not be the case.  Jackson doesn't seem to know if he's in either of the upcoming Avenger outings... unless he's just playing games with the media... but what he has hinted at, is that Nick Fury might be popping up in CAPTAIN MARVEL.  Right now the only character we know is appearing for sure, is Carol Danvers (to be played by Brie Larson) the title character.  It makes sense Marvel will want to connect the character to the rest of the shared universe, so why not whack Fury in there?!
Nick Fury was all over the first phase of the franchise, appearing in five of the first six movies  He really acted as the connecting force, that brought the characters together in THE AVENGERS.  Phase 2 cut back on his role though.  He had a fair amount to do in CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER, but with that film effectively breaking up SHIELD (unless you watch AGENTS OF SHIELD - where you'll know the truth), Fury's appearance in AGE OF ULTRON was little more than a glorified cameo.   Fury has been AWOL in Phase 3 so far...
... and whilst suggesting when we might see him next, Jackson also may have given away what Nick Fury has been up to...
Is the Red Skull returning to the MCU?
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It was well noted that Hugo Weaving didn't have the best time on CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER, with suggestions that - should Marvel wish to re-use the character - it might involve a recast (Christoph Waltz seemed to be a name fans bounced around), but recently Weaving seems to have gone back on that, and would be happy to return.  If that wasn't a major hint, then an interview with Jackson (whilst promoting KONG: SKULL ISLAND) almost cements the return.  Jackson reasons that, whilst Civil War was tearing the team apart, Fury was off searching for 'the Skull'.  Whilst many have figured Red Skull could act as a lieutenant for Thanos in INFINITY WAR (his disappearance was tied to the tesseract, one of the infinity stones), he could well show up in CAPTAIN MARVEL instead (or as well as!). 
If Nick Fury, and Red Skull appear in CAPTAIN MARVEL, that would definitely sync the film with the rest of the movie series, no problems - whilst also establishing an awesome cast from the get-go.
The final rumour I'm going to discuss though, brings us back to the present... focussing on the next film to be released -
Who does Sylvester Stallone play in GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL 2?
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We know he's in it, but for an actor that is credited in the posters, it's interesting that we don't actually know who he's playing.  It's been pushed around that he's just a member of the Nova Corp, but I think we can assume, for them to cast Sly AND whack him on the credits (grabbing the 'with' credit at that) he's going to have a higher profile that 'that guy in that scene'.  It's also been suggested by director James Gunn, that Stallone's role is likely to pop up again in future films.  That could just mean GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOL 3, or maybe even CAPTAIN MARVEL (?)... or he'll be yet another name to add to the INFINITY WAR line-up.... so he as to be someone special, right? The most likely seems to be Richard Rider, the Nova Centurion Prime. A character that gets killed by Thanos in the comics...so that would make sense to have his character introduced beforehand.  Another rumour is that he's playing Adam Warlock.  I still am of the mind the MCU won't have that character though, making use of Paul Bettany's Vision instead.  So yeah, my money is on Nova Prime. And the good news it... we don't have long to wait!  For UK audiences, we have less than a month!  Personally, I can't wait.  There's so much to look forward to over the next few years in Marvel land, and so much to speculate on as we wait for them!
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supernatural-squadd · 8 years
After Midnight
Winchesters x Dean's Daughter!Reader // Cas x Reader
Warnings: Blood, torture, language (as usual)
A/n: Reminder that requests are open.
Forever tag list: @Freaksforthewin , @thewinhunter, @cambriacaneatnoodles, @brokennoone , @youtubehelpsmesurvive , @chrisevansthedoritobastard , @winchesters-favorite-girl , @we-know-a-little-about-a-lot @godh8salyssa @thewinhunter @dean-baby-Winchester @straightasdeanwinchester​ @animexchocolate​
"Look man. I can only please one person per day. Today isn't your day and tomorrow doesn't look too good either." Opening your mouth to smile, all the bastard in front of you saw was your bloody mouth.
He must've not appreciated your smart ass remarks, which you'd been spitting out for a good hour and a half now. Taking one look down at his bloody fist, of course with your blood, you knew it was about to connect with your somewhat swollen face. But you couldn't stop there, you were into deep already. Besides, being a smart ass was in the family.
"Damn, now that." You spit out a fair amount of blood. "-that was a good hit." His face was scrunched up again, another swing was coming. "Wait. I think we got off on the wrong foot. Just because my dad's Dean fucking Winchester you have to be all 'Hulk Smash!' and beat the hell out of me? Why don't we try some non-angry acts, huh Bruce Banner?" A loud sigh came from him as he turned away from you. "For example: there's no angry way to say bubbles. Maybe that can be our safe word."
Just as you finished, a sharp object connected with your cheek. You couldn't You just don't know when to quit, do ya kid?" The son of a bitch was bent down in front of you, giving you an intimidating look.
"Never say never. That's my motto." Maybe he wasn't too happy to hear you hadn't learned when to shut your damn mouth. I mean- it wasn't 100% that you knew that's how he felt, but you got a strong feeling when he took the knife from his hand and stuck it all as far as it would go into your thigh.
The loud scream that came from you...you had no control over it.
"Float like a butterfly on fire and sting like a demon with daddy issues." Between each word was a grunt filled with pain and blood.
"You're a Winchester-" oh you couldn't help but cut him off.
"Ten points to Griffindoor. You learn something new everyday." This time he ignored your remark, realizing him backlashing wouldn't get him anywhere.
"You're family were the last ones seen with the demon tablet. Meaning you know where it is." His words sunk in. There was no way in hell he was letting you out of here alive either way. The tablet was too important, and you'd no doubt run to your dad to tell him to protect it.
"You're a smart girl. So why don't you tell me where it is, and we can forget this."
"Sometimes I use words I don't understand so I can sound more photosynthesis." There was no way in hell you were going to tell him where it was.
This was the final straw. Obviously you weren't about to spill the beans, and he knew that. With both of his hands he tore the top left corner of your shirt, exposing a part of your chest
"You've got to at least buy me dinner first."
Your words were ignored. From the corner of your eye you could see something, a lighter. Shit. Maybe you should've kept your mouth shut, as if it were possible.
The pretty perfect lined design on your chest was completely exposed. The second the lighter clicked on you could feel the heat rising near your skin. Then it began.
For a short amount time you held in your screams as the fire burned away at your flesh, ruining the black ink on your skin and disfiguring it at the same time. The scent of burning skin rose to your nostrils.
"Remember that safe word?" Your entire face was sweating, the heat easily continued rising to your face until the lighter clicked off.
"Finally realized what's good for you?" The smile he wore showed pleasure in winning.
"You can shove it where the sun don't shine, cupcake." A wide smile was on your face.
"I wouldn't be smiling if I were you." The lighter you had grown to hate clicked on again.
"Why wouldn't I? My crazy uncle everyone warned you about is behind you." The second the bastard turned around, Sam drove an angel blade into his chest. "It's about time you guys got here." Behind your uncle came a storming and pissed off dad. Dean.
"Mind telling me how the hell you ended up in this little situation?" He was right to put it on you. After all, you'd snuck out to go to a high school party. Being 17 was hard...
"I suck at using nice words and Friday is my second favorite word that starts with an 'F'." From behind your back, a sharp knife was placed on the bindings holding your hands and sliced upwards to free you. "I would say I'm sorry but- I got the party gene from you"
Cas inspected your body, you told him he wasn't allowed to come up and "bless you with his grace" randomly. He needed permission from you. Not Sam. Or your dad. But you.
"Overall, she'll be fine. The burns on her chest will need to be treated and the knife will need to be taken out for the wound to be healed and prevent further damage. But she'll live." As always he wore a clean trench coat and his blue tie that you loved to mess with.
"Thanks doctor Cas, but I was thinking about living with the knife in my leg. We've kind of become intertwined some might say." Just as you were finishing your sentence, Dean reached down and yanked it out when you were least expecting it. Cas followed right behind him and healed it so it was closed and wouldn't bleed.
"Son of a-" your dad hated when you cussed. "bubbles." Sure your leg hurt, but you weren't about to be a weakling and rely on people to help you walk.
"Well, there officially no way to deny her as my kid." Your dad followed behind, along with the rest of the Mystery Gang.
"She's been a badass and a rebel teen who sneaks out for years now." Sam just acted un-phased by this, there were too many times he had to bail you out in the past.
"Wait- years?"
That night daddy Dean discovered how much like him you really were. Anddddd you were "grounded" for a good month. As if that stopped you from doing what you wanted.
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