#the guy had a broken leg
myfandomhalf · 7 months
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I just realized the reason they couldn’t show us Chuuya cleaning up / changing Dazai is because in order to clean all the blood properly he would’ve needed to undo his bandages and they can’t show us what’s under them yet 😭😭
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pitske · 4 months
fallen from grace...
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Mangle's party tricks etc.
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piduai · 1 month
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i love how some very consistent traits of ogata's are a) his unwavering belief that everyone thinks and acts like him, b) his iron confidence in his own delusions and c) his inability to learn from his arrogance, because he doesn't recognize it as arrogance. it's almost endearing. "tanigaki is an honest and serious man" ok true! "so his first action upon learning that someone disagrees with him is murder" girl what? why would an honest person jump to murder? that's you! that's what YOU would have done, and what you're trying to do currently. like he's very observant and he can accurately tell the characters of other people, but because he can't empathize with someone unless he heavily projects on them, his natural intelligence is overcome by his arrogance, so he's unable to truly read people and predict their actions. which is something he's trying to do right now, in a pathetic attempt to mimic tsurumi btw, and failing terribly. "that much i'm certain of" just like you were certain that a whale dick was a pig lmao
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faofinn · 1 year
No.9 "Learning everything ain't what it seems, that's the thing about these days."
Polaroid | Mistaken Identity | "You're a liar."
Harrison hadn't long been back in the UK, slowly settling into life with Tai and Levi. Having a baby around was great, really, but it was a lot. Finn was still recovering too, and Harrison spent most of his time in the basement looking after him. He'd had some plans to update the place too, especially since they were expanding their medical side. 
Of course though, Fred always had work for him, and so he found himself in the middle of town in the small hours of the morning. He still wasn't used to the cold, his pacing doing nothing to help. Eventually, money was exchanged and he was good to go. He was grateful to crawl back into bed, immediately snuggling up to his boyfriend’s warmth. 
Fred was happy with the outcome, grateful for Harrison doing the legwork for him. He'd missed him, both as a colleague and a son, and he was glad he was back in the UK. He could tell Steve was too, and the way the other man paraded his grandson around was beyond adorable.
Steve had had Levi staying over the night before, Harrison not wanting to disturb him when he'd returned from the meet up. Tai had an early start planned, as much as Harrison protested his departure from their bed. After a little lie in, he decided to get breakfast. The small caf in town was still going, and he'd missed their sandwiches. 
It took a bit to drag himself out of bed, though the promise of bacon helped, but eventually he found himself on his way. It wasn't that far of a walk thankfully, his car not yet finished, and his coat was keeping him warm. He wasn't paying too much attention to his surroundings as he walked, just enjoying his time out, but a shout behind him pulled his attention. He glanced over his shoulder, narrowing his eyes. Two men, obviously carrying, and obviously looking for him. 
With his own hand on his hip, he stopped. "What do you want?"
"You. You need to come with us."
He laughed. "Yeah, not happening. Nice try. See you later." 
They pulled their gun. "We're not joking. You need to listen, make this easy for you."
"Oh, fuck off, will you? I want my breakfast."
“You’re coming with us. Now.”
"Try again another day, eh?" He kept walking. 
“I said now.” They said, grabbing his arm. 
Harrison pulled his arm back, reaching for his gun. The last thing he wanted was to draw a weapon in a populated area, but he didn't have a choice. 
“Now now, let’s not have any of that. Come with us, there’s no need for this to get ugly.”
"I don't know who you're after, but you've got the wrong guy." He smirked. "You've definitely picked the wrong guy to mess with."
“We know exactly who you are, and you’re coming with us. I’m sure the boss will be very happy to see you.”
"Don't think I'm going to go easily." He warned, a split second before swinging for the closest man.
The other men reacted quickly, punches thrown as they tried to subdue him. They’d not expected so much of a fight. 
He had warned them, and he had every intention of carrying it out, putting up as much of a fight as he could. 
As unprepared as they’d been for quite how much he was going to fight, they outnumbered him, one quickly countering his punch with their own whilst the others came at him from both sides. 
Harrison got in a few good shots before he was wrestled to the ground, a knee in his back. His cheek was grazed from the pavement, and the way they held his arms pulled at his shoulders. He swore at them, beyond pissed. 
“Yeah, yeah. All talk.” They teased, holding him down.
He turned to look at the one closest to him, spitting at his captor. "You're a cunt."
“Oh, shut up.” They smacked him, hard. 
Harrison breathed through the nausea it brought, closing his eyes. Tai was going to be beyond pissed at him for this, and he was genuinely upset about missing his breakfast. 
They hauled him to his feet, dragging him down the street to their van and shoving him inside unceremoniously, uncaring if they hurt him as they did it. 
His leg twisted as they threw him down, the plastic stabbing into skin. He let out a quiet groan, unable to stop himself.
They didn’t care, slamming the door hard before they drove off, keen to get him back as quickly as possible. 
"Yous are cunts, y’know that, right?" He muttered to the one staring at him. "If you've damaged my gun, I'll fucking shoot you with it."
“Hard to shoot with a broken gun.”
"Maybe I'll shove it where the sun don't shine then."
“You’re a mouthy one, aren’t you?”
"Wouldn't you like to know?"
“Stupid cunt.”
"You should be nicer when you talk about yourself."
“Beginning to wish I’d knocked you out.”
"Me too. You're a bit boring." He looked him up and down. "And you're not my type."
“Shut up, you cunt.”
"Hey, don’t be so mean." He laughed, taunting him. "We have feelings too, y'know?"
“Not interested in your feelings. Shut up before I shut you up.” He said roughly. The driving was even rougher, uncaring if they jerked him about, speeding and cornering hard. They pulled up where they’d agreed to meet their boss, with the promise of a big collar, someone who had been working against them for some time, and then dragged Harrison out onto the concrete. 
Harrison smirked. "Hope you brought your camera."
They aimed a solid kick to his ribs. “Shut up.”
"Aw, come on." He tried to hide how winded they'd made him. "It's gonna be a good show."
They didn't bother with a retort as the car pulled up, obviously who they'd been waiting for. Two very expensive shoes appeared out the driver's side, and he snorted. Whoever had picked him up was going to be in a world of trouble. 
"You owe me two bacon sarnies now." He said, only slightly joking.
Fred froze, turning away from his conversation as he fully focused on the figure on the floor. "Harrison?!"
"Told them they'd got it wrong." He explained. "Wouldn't listen. Think they've broken my gun and my leg."
The guard by him went pale, and Harrison felt some flare of satisfaction at it. Fred moved to his side quickly, crouching to unlock him."Are you hurt?
His eye was already starting to swell and bruise, blood trickling lazily from his nose. He'd had worse, so much worse, but he was currently more pressed that he was missing his breakfast. As if on cue, his stomach rumbled, and he looked up at Fred. 
"This is bullshit." 
Fred shook his head. "I'm sorry, I don't know what happened."
"Oh? Maybe the dicks over there can fill you in." He grumbled. "I just wanted my breakfast."
“You’ll get your breakfast.” He murmured, straightening up. 
“What on earth is this? You better have a damn good reason for what you’ve done.”
"They're vegans." Harrison muttered from the floor. "Got something against the bacon."
"He's…he's someone else. He works for someone else, behind your back. We caught him."
“The people I’ve asked him to work for?”
"No." They took a step back. "With others."
“No, you’re not following. He’s always worked for me.”
"They're not on our roster."
Realisation dawned on Harrison. "They caught me when I was with Slug. After he, y’know, and you wanted it moved." He wasn't sure how much the others were allowed to know, especially since they'd decided that he was rogue.
“I’ll deal with this.” Fred said harshly. 
"And buy me breakfast?" Harrison was still on the floor, not trusting his prosthesis to weight bare. 
“Yeah, I’ll get you breakfast.” He muttered, before he turned on the guys who’d brought him in. “Do you realise the consequences of your actions?”
"We were just doing what was best. He's lying."
“No, he’s not. How many people saw you?”
"He is."
"A dog walker and two cars." Hars spoke up. "I remember their reg."
“Who else?” He demanded. 
Harrison's captors were struggling. "I don't know."
“You don’t know?”
"I don't know!"
“Fucking ridiculous.” He snapped. 
Harrison groaned from the floor. "Can you deal with them later? I need Steve to check this out."
“Yeah, yeah. Let’s get you back.” Fred said, helping him up. He’d brought men with him, and snapped his fingers for them to deal with the men who’d grabbed Harrison. 
He tried taking a step, his prosthesis immediately giving out on him. He grabbed at Fred, swearing. 
Fred looped his arm around him. “Careful, I’ve got you.”
"They've fucked it. I can't believe it. I felt it when they hoyed me in the back." He grunted. "It was my new one."
“We’ll get it sorted.”
"You fucking better." He turned to glare at his attackers. "They fucking owe me breakfast, too. I want it out their paycheck."
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
Okay, so I'm watching a playthrough of Super Mario Galaxy 2, cause I can't play it myself, and I just got to the part where Luigi volunteers to help us.
I only just now remembered that in order for him to do that, Mario had to give Luigi his Luma, and stay behind on the Starship.
Just THINK of the implications of Mario finally getting a taste of what Luigi feels every time Mario goes on a solo adventure.
By getting a taste, do you mean Mario being left behind briefly on the Starship while Luigi goes off on his own?
If anything, Mario would be thrilled to see his brother going off and seeing the delights of space. I don't even think being left behind would cross his mind. At least he's getting a rest!
But yes, I understand what you are getting at. I don't think Mario would fully understand Luigi in this scenario, as he is only left behind briefly. Luigi would need to go on a full fledged adventure where Mario is not involved at all.
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plinkcat-gif · 2 years
hm hm can you draw yamato? maybe with like a warm drink for spooky season?
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it is a shame yams isn’t one of my favs bc i always have so much fun drawing him asfksksjsjdhfh
without lighting too :3
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
Feel free to ignore this!!! this is kinda like public journalling?? i dont wanna keep talking to my friends about it <3
#So obviously i dont want to “make this about myself” but im gonna push that aside to examine my own thoughts foe a bit#obviously 6 hours isnt a good time scale but i want to get this out of the way#so ive journaled some thoughts about how I WANT to let myself feel discomfort#-and gross and stuff so I can release it instead of pushing it aside and just prolonging the feeling#I want my brain to know i forgive myself for feeling like this in spite of not being the injured person because its normal#I am not worried for the guy that got hit because I know that other than a broken leg he is all around okay#although i did find out that my age estimate of 13-14 was wrong and hes actually 11 or 12#i feel bad for him obviously !!!#but this is for me to get out my own feelings#I am easily disturbed and his leg was VERY broken#ive not broken a bone before (or really been injured at all) and it made me very uncomfortable#I felt sick and/or like i was going to cry#I called my mum but she had to go in a rush because of Plans (totally fair!!!!)#The noise of the hit was insanely loud and definitely whats twisting me up the most#since i wasnt looking i dont know if it was just him getting hit OR if it was also the bone snapping#although the bone snap could 100% be something my mind made up#i think thats psrtly whats frustrating idk how much of this is real#like I thought i saw the inside of his leg but i almost definitely didnt#i dont know#im not like. DISTRESSED.#Im just feelinf kinda queasy i havent stopped thinking about the noise it made and how LIMP his leg was#I was so anxious crossing the roads on my way home#and getting off my bunkbed makes me think im gonna snap my ankle everytime#But its natural to feel that yknow?? like ill move forward and after that ill be able to move on too#I think feeling it is the easiest way to do this i dont want to push it down#i cant ask for a day off for reasons#oversharing on main#beverly says stuff#tw bones#tw car accident
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i need to calm down and not think about homework for a moment. maybe i will set a thirty minute timer and have a nice glass of water and do something that can calm me down
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pizzopaps · 1 year
had a bad dream : )
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cupuasu · 1 year
hm. was watching youtube shorts that mentioned pain and some guy in the comments went on about how Well Actually men can stand more pain than women because yadayadayada first of all kill yourself second of all KILL YOURSELF third of all pain is subjective
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fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
That ‘is this UK uni accommodation or a Swedish prison’ game is so funny but also so depressing
#literally it’s bringing back flashbacks of my final year of undergrad when i realised i was going to have to live on campus#or close to campus because i’d forgotten how to drive because i’d been in america for a year sans car#but then i missed the deadlines for good acommodation (because america) so i went for the cheapest option that was still available to me#which was a room in a building that ended up being CONDEMNED at the end of that academic year#guys it was so bad. there was racist graffiti all over the walls because no one had any respect for the place#broken glass in the courtyard. no lounge; you had to sit on the metal stairs to hang out#the stairwells just had brick walls. the kitchens were built to be shared by 6 persons maximum but forced to house 9 so they were so cramped#it was unbelieveable. i started eating at weird times so i wouldn’t have to awkwardly stare at someone while waiting for a counter/stovetop#to be free. on top of this there were wasp and silverfish infestations; my window was so drafty that hailstones came in once#the mattresses were full of fiberglass and felt like they were made up entirely of springs; and there were ground-in vomit and piss stains#on my chair and floor#and i paid ~£90.50 per week~ for this#the only thing that kept me sane was the free bus pass. i never missed a class and i went to campus every single day#and attended tons of random events and guest lectures just to not be in my room. i’d be the only person in the library at 8am on a sunday#my flatmates were a bunch of insane first years who drank and screamed at all hours so that didn’t help either. i didn’t make any friends#it was just so bad. there were never any community events taking place either and i saw the RAs exactly once. they were completely useless#reception nearly lost the kindle i ordered. i thought about doing laundry once and saw that the laundry room was absolute unmitigated chaos#so i was like ‘fuck it i’ll just wait until i’m home next weekend’ and i went into town to buy clothes to tide me over#it was just such a horrible experience. and i hate that it’s a universal one#uk universities are really like ‘give us £9k in tuition fees and also pay an arm and a leg for your accommodation.#no we will not be improving our accommodation’ it makes me fucking crazy. like where is my money GOING#you find out they spent millions refurbishing a building that didn’t need to be refurbished and you’re like. you could’ve replaced#the carpet in my room for maybe a couple of hundred quid considering how small the room is#pisses me off. my advice to undergrads is visit potential halls of residence and read reviews of them#and don’t just let them dazzle you with the tour where they only show you the good rooms - poke around. see if there’s damp or wasps#look for stains. etc. or better yet; find a half decent landlord and rent a room in a house#i had a way better time during my master’s and it was because i talked to landlords and visited their houses and brought my nosy mum#and i picked a landlord who only housed postgrads; mature students & professionals. you couldn’t pay me to live in halls again#personal#rant
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mirmidones · 2 months
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>:( 🍆
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urfriendlywriter · 11 months
How to write smut ?
(@urfriendlywriter | req by @rbsstuff @yourlocalmerchgirl anyone under the appropriate age, please proceed with caution :') hope this helps guys! )
writing smut depends on each person's writing style but i think there's something so gut-wrenchingly beautiful about smut when it's not very graphic and vivid. like., would this turn on a reader more?
"he kissed her, pulling her body closer to him."
or this?
"His lips felt so familiar it hurt her heart. His breathing had become more strained; his muscles tensed. She let herself sink into his embrace as his hands flattened against her spine. He drew her closer."
(Before proceeding further, these are all "in my opinion" what I think would make it better. Apply parts of the advice you like and neglect the aspects you do not agree with it. Once again I'm not saying you have to follow a certain type of style to write smut! Creative freedom exists for a reason!)
One may like either the top or the bottom one better, but it totally depends on your writing to make it work. Neither is bad, but the second example is more flattering, talking literally. (Here is me an year after writing this post, i think, either is amazing, depending on the context. the type of book you're writing, your writing style and preferences!)
express one's sensory feelings, and the readers will automatically know what's happening.
writing, "her walls clenched against him, her breath hitching with his every thrust" is better than writing, "she was about to cum".
(edit: once again, hi, it's me. Either is amazing depending on ur writing style. Everything at the end is about taste.)
here are some vocabulary you can introduce in your writing:
whimpered, whispered, breathed lightly, stuttered, groaned, grunted, yearned, whined, ached, clenched, coaxed, cried out, heaved, hissed
shivering, shuddering, curling up against one's body, squirming, squirting, touching, teasing, taunting, guiding, kneeling, begging, pining, pinching, grinding,
swallowing, panting, sucking in a sharp breath, thrusting, moving gently, gripped, biting, quivering,
nibbling, tugging, pressing, licking, flicking, sucking, panting, gritting, exhaling in short breaths,
wet kisses, brushing soft kisses across their body (yk where), licking, sucking, teasing, tracing, tickling, bucking hips, forcing one on their knees
holding hips, guiding the one on top, moving aimlessly, mindlessly, sounds they make turn insanely beautiful, sinful to listen to
some adverbs to use: desperately, hurriedly, knowingly, teasingly, tauntingly, aimlessly, shamelessly, breathlessly, passionately, delicately, hungrily
he sighed with pleasure
her skin flushed
he shuddered when her body moved against his
he planted kisses along her jawline
her lips turned red, messy, kissed and flushed.
his hands were on his hair, pulling him.
light touches traveled down his back
words were coiled at his throat, coming out as broken sobs, wanting more
he arched his back, his breath quivering
her legs parted, sinking into the other's body, encircling around their waist.
+ mention the position, how they're being moved around---are they face down, kneeling, or standing, or on top or on bottom--it's really helpful to give a clear picture.
+ use lustful talk, slow seduction, teasing touches, erratic breathing, give the readers all while also giving them nothing. make them yearn but DO NOT PROLONG IT.
sources to refer to for more:
gesture that gets me on my knees !!
(more to comeee, check out my hot or kisses prompts on my master list!)
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unorthodoxfaithxx · 8 months
Gentle yandere boyfriend that loses his shit when you bring up the topic of BDSM in the bedroom
afab reader ; nsfw
He’s always been methodically perfect, gentle, the best boyfriend he could be. All roses, chocolates, blankets when you’re sick, romantic dates at the beach, that kinda thing. A stand up guy, really. So has he ever thought of tying you up before, leaving you sprawled under him at his mercy, bare naked and all? Of course not!
Well. Once, maybe. Or twice. Or all the time. 
When you bring up the topic of BDSM in the bedroom, he chokes on his drink and nearly dies. He would have never expected such a request from you, you’re such an innocent and vanilla-esque person after all. But he’d be lying if the thought of you under him, with nowhere to run, wasn’t exhilarating. It tickled his predator/prey drive, his need to dominate you in most aspects of your life.
The two of you do as you suggest that night. You’re bound, bare naked in only black thigh highs and a collar around your neck. He didn’t want you wearing a blindfold because he wants to see your eyes as he takes you. There’s no gag either as he wants to be able to hear you moan.
You look ravishing, plush ass out with your legs tied just for him. It takes everything in him not to ravage you whole right then and there. You can’t run from him now. Oh, how he imagined you like this so many times if things didn’t go his way. If you had rejected him, run away from him, broken up with him, anything like that. He’d probably keep you locked up in his room, ready for the taking just like this. 
The perfect, gentle boyfriend facade cracks in no time, and before you know it, he’s all over you, drilling into your cunt, biting your neck, touching you all over wherever he can. 
You always knew he could be a bit possessive, but this new change scared and excited you at the same time. You moan each time he thrusts into you, listening as he mutters, “Mine, mine, mine,” after every minute. You never felt so wanted before. 
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4unnyr0se · 3 months
Haikyuu characters catching you masterbating ?
❥ caught ya! | haikyuu guys catching you pleasuring yourself
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warnings: timeskip! characters, fem! reader mentions of masturbation (duh), jealously, fingering, teasing, voyeurism, toy usage, lewd language
MDNI | 18+ content
word count -> 650
a/n: hopefully i assigned the characters correctly
got a request? my asks are open!
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❥ They think it's cute
He walks in on you, knuckle-deep in your soaked pussy, panties hastily pushed aside as you plunge your fingers into your dripping heat over and over again. You were too preoccupied with fucking yourself on your fingers that you didn’t even notice how the door to your bedroom closed, your boyfriend crossing his arms in amusement as he leaned against your dresser. He observes how his name falls from your lips like a broken prayer, your nose sniffling pathetically as you try too hard to rip an orgasm out of you. But sadly, your fingers were no match for his own, and they never will be. You squealed in delight as you finally hit that sweet spot that you so craved, only to have your moment of bliss interrupted by your boyfriend's gentle cooing.
“Did my baby miss me while I was working, hm? Don’t worry, sweet thing. I’ll just stand here and watch. Go on, try to make yourself cum without my help. You’re so fucking adorable, my precious angel.”
SUGAWARA, kuroo, yaku, ennoshita, UKAI, semi, hanamaki, kenma, OSAMU, kita
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❥ They think it's stupid
He hears your oh-so-familiar moans behind your shared bedroom and busts in without a second thought. Who the hell was ripping those perfect noises from your pretty lips without his permission? Why, was it you, of course! A bullet vibration practically danced on your throbbing clit while your legs were spread like a slut, your slit drenching the innermost part. Your perfectly manicured hand squeezed your breast, your thumb rolling over your nipple whilst your pearly whites bit down on your bottom lip, hips bucking into the air on occasion. His eyes filled with fury as he ripped the vibrator off your clit, earning an annoyed moan from your slutty mouth.
“What the fuck is this, hm? You seriously couldn’t wait for me to get back so I could fuck you? Who the hell needs this stupid toy when you have me? That’s it. Get on all fours. Right now, don’t fucking test me.”
kageyama, TSUKISHIMA, kyoutani, IWAIZUMI, atsumu, suna, sakusa, ushijima, daichi
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❥ They're completely starstruck
Oh, fuck. They have absolutely no idea what to do. He’s fantasized about this so much, and it’s finally fucking happening. He caught you bouncing on a dildo you had bought yourself, whimpering as the silicone head hit every spot so perfectly deep inside your gummy walls. His eyes landed on your pretty fingers, desperately swirling your clit, beads of sweat flying off your forehead. You looked so fucking ethereal, he had to say something. He just had to let you know how fucking pretty you looked!
“Holy fuck, you look so fucking pretty. Can you keep going for me, please? I wanna see you cum over and over again, please, baby girl. I’ll fuck you as much as you want, just put on a good show for me. God, you’re perfect.”
HINATA, yamaguchi, asahi, GOSHIKI, oikawa, akaashi, takeda, TANAKA
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❥ They join you
His ears perk up once he hears you mewling in pleasure from your bedroom, eagerly slamming the door open to reveal your hands fucking a vibrating bullet in and out of your weeping cunt, the sheets beneath you a filthy mess. He smirks and practically pounces on the bed, not even bothering to shut the door as he peppers your face in a million kisses. You always look so pretty when you wanna get yourself off. What if he fucked his fist in tandem with you? That's the best idea ever.
“Shit, don’t stop just for me, baby. Let’s cum at the same time, yeah? You wanna fuck yourself with that cute bullet I got you while I fuck my fist to the sight of your pretty tits? C’mon, don’t say no! It’ll be fun, I promise! Then I’ll fuck you nice and good afterward, okay? Thank you, pretty baby.”
nishinoya, BOKUTO, konoha, matsukawa, TENDOU, terushima, yamamoto, lev
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aropride · 11 months
mutual 1: just got engaged lol <3 #slash serious
mutual 2: i know its been 3 years but i cant stop thinking about bloingo's arc in season 2 :(( my baby my baby youre my baby say it to me
mutual 3: This world is sweriously so fucking beautiful #Just had a snickers bar. effervescent
mutual 4: https://open.spotify.com/track/2P5yIMu2DNeMXTyOANKS6k #yeah...
mutual 5: [gerard way image] #i miss her thighs i mean her music
mutual 6: [this post contains filtered content: blood, gore, guts, wound, nsfw]
mutual 7: if bloingo was a deer he would have chronic wasting disease
mutual 8: [responding to the most insane anon hate you've ever seen] they anon on my askbox til i block #fslur girl slay
mutual 9: Next person to Fuck with mutual 8 has To go through me..... I Will Protect You
mutual 10: get me OUT of the fucking midwest bro #CANNOT take it anymore im srsly at my limit
mutual 11: [poll] should i get boba [yes] / [no] / [button for me]
mutual 12: i think i have a disorder
mutual 13: [rapidly reblogging gerard way images from 2010 with 6 notes]
mutual 14: dude i just got hit by a fucking car im not even joking im waiting for my uber to the hospital rn i think my legs are broken why does god hate me
mutual 15: JUST GOT MY NEUROSCIENCE PHD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
mutual 16: [this post contains filtered tags: #[fandom you hate but you love ur mutual so much anyway]]
mutual 17: [reblogging bloingo fanart at a rate previously thought physically impossible]
mutual 18: One of the guys in my head ate my fucking ham sandwich
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