#the great josh fight of 2021
toasttt11 · 7 months
introducing brinley
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Brinley Amelia Matthews the third born of Brian and Ema Matthews born January 2, 1998.
Brinley went on the ice for the first time with her big brother when she was a toddler and fell in love with being on the ice, crying if she wasn’t on the ice.
Brinley always wanted to beat Auston when they were playing against each other amd while she started playing as a foward she tried playing as a defender and loved being in that position more.
Brinley has always adored letting her younger sister teach her golf, Breyana being a extremely good golf player and competitively plays loves being able to teach her older sister and in return Brinley will drag her sister into the ice.
Brinley joined the USNTDP in 2015 and met Quinn Hughes, Josh Norris and Brady Thchuck. Quinn and Brinley became Defensive partners and ended up being an insane duo.
She roomed with Quinn and Brady for the first year in the program and in the second year Quinn’s family had moved to Michigan as Quinn’s brother Jack was also joining the program and Brinley lived with the Hughes for a year.
Josh and Brady both are on the Ottawa Senators and is only two hours away from Brinley, they try to hang out whenever they can.
Quinn and Brinley live pretty far away from each other so they try to see each other the most they can when they play against each other and especially in the summer they always at least spend some time together.
Brinley was apart of Brady and Emma’s wedding and was the maid of honor for Emma, having know Emma almost as long as she has know Brady and has found a best friend in Emma.
Luke instantly adored Brinley and looked up to her since the moment he met her, Brinley became a really big mentor to him and helped him a lot in his skills in hockey especially as a Defender.
Brinley was at Luke’s NHL having flown in just for the game and leaving the next day, early in the morning.
Jack really was awestruck seeing Brinley and especially when he saw her play live for the first time and quickly grew to think of her as family. Brinley was the only one Jack went to with the pressure of going first overall and his rookie year.
Brinley loves being on the Montreal Canadiens and she’s loves living in Montreal, she has been through the up and downs with the team and was voted in as Captain in the 2021-2022 season.
She’s always been the player who would willingly pare up with the younger players and the younger players always seem to do great playing with Brinley on the ice.
Brinley doesn’t tend to get in a lot of fights but she is protective of her team especially the younger ones and she will willingly fight for her team.
When Brinley first met Cole he stared up at her with stars in his eyes and Brinley just assumed it was like Cole looking up to her, what she didn’t realize was Cole was completely enthralled with Brinley and thought she was stunning.
Brinley met Nick before her third season in the NHL, the two immediately clicked and were soon very close friends and Brinley offered to be his roommates on the road and his first year in the NHL, Nick stayed in Brinley’s house.
Shea Webber was the Captain of the Habs when Brinley joined the team and he took her under his wing and they played in the same defense line together for the three years together until Shea was getting traded and Shea only wanted Brinley to become Captain after him. Brinley grew close to Shea’s family and watched as his kids grew up.
Jurai is one of the younger rookies to join the Habs and Brinley took him under her wing and became quite protective of her rookie, Juari grew very close to her as he moved to a new country and city and Brinley helped him settle in and settle into the team quite well.
When Brinley was younger her grandmother taught her how to crochet and it’s something she has always enjoyed, she usually spends her time on the plane or bus crocheting something, she always makes something for her teammates and especially any new players she has something waiting for them in their stall.
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NITA STRAUSS Celebrates Nine Years Of Sobriety
Nita Strauss is celebrating the ninth anniversary of her getting sober.
The 37-year-old Alice Cooper guitarist credited the 12-Step program with helping her live her life without alcohol.
Earlier today (Thursday, September 5),she shared an image revealing she has been sober for nine years, 108 months, 3,289 days or 78,916 hours.
During a December 2021 appearance on "Guitar Autopsy", the video podcast hosted by Rusty Cooley, Strauss spoke about how she managed to lose 50 pounds and get sober while on tour back in 2015.
"My whole approach to sobriety and health and fitness is to educate but not ever force," she said. "I wouldn't ever want it to be, like, 'You have to stop drinking. You have to do cardio every day,' or whatever. All I can share is really what worked for me, and that was alcohol was extremely, extremely detrimental in my personal life.
"I got sober in 2015 and I basically just decided to make the most of it and said, 'If I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna do it right,'" she continued. "And I switched from going to the bar after the show to going to the Barbell in the morning, for lack of a better term. [Laughs] I hooked up with great bodybuilding coaches that [helped] me [with] my diet and my workout while I'm on the road. I use the right supplements, I eat the right food. I have dieticians at RP Strength, I have a workout coach, I take all the right supplements, I drink my green drinks, I take all my vitamins and I stay on track. And the more I did it, people in our community — the rock and metal community — were starting to ask how I did it. And I was writing these long captions on my phone: 'First things first, you drink a lot of water…' da da da. And so I thought why not inspire people to do more. So I created 'Body Shred'. And 'Body Shred' is the first fitness challenge that I know of that is aimed at the music community."
In 2020, Strauss credited her now-husband and manager Josh Villalta with helping her live her life without alcohol. At the time, she wrote: "I thought I needed a drink for just about everything. To be confident on stage. To be social after shows. To celebrate. To mourn. To take the edge off frustration or the sting out of a bad day. To relax and laugh at lunch with girlfriends, or watch football with the guys on Sundays. I was terrified that my life was going to change, that without alcohol I wouldn't be ME anymore, that I would lose my circle of friends, and my onstage charisma, and become someone else. ALL those things happened... but not in the way I thought they would.
"Change came first in my relationship, in the form of less fighting and drama, and more productivity, peace and love. Thank you @thejoshv for being the catalyst to the best thing I ever did for myself. I love you.
"The ME that I was before would have stayed up until 6 am at the bar or in the bus front lounge. The ME that I became would rather get up at 6 and get to the gym before starting the day.
"My busy circle of friends was almost immediately reduced to a core 3. I've learned that when it comes to friendships, quality is ALWAYS better than quantity. If your friends have no interest in spending time with you after you make a change for the better, they weren't your real friends.
"My first show without alcohol was in front of 15,000 people. I felt like a scarecrow someone had propped up on stage to scare birds. Nothing felt natural. I was going through the motions, with this absurd idea running through my head 'everyone is looking at me. Everyone knows.'
"I went out by the bus to talk to fans afterward, and do you know what they said? 'Wow you were so great! Where do you get all that energy? You add so much to Alice's band!'
"ALL of that insecurity, ALL the fears, ALL the doubt was in my head. Those are your demons that make you think you need them.
"I'm content to sit at the bar, order a soda water with lime and watch the game now. I wouldn't trade back to my old life for anything."
Back in 2018, Nita spoke openly about how she got finally sober in September 2015, saying that Josh has always been "a tough-love type" in the way she approached her sobriety. "He's, like, 'Look, you're on this path, and I support you, but I'm not changing the way I do things at all," she explained in an interview with "Chasing Glory With Lilian Garcia". "And I'm kind of glad, in retrospect, that he did that, because it threw me into the fire and showed me, like, 'Hey, you can be [around people who are drinking] and not drink.' He has continued to drink throughout [this entire period], but he didn't want me to drink, because when I would drink, I would start fights and I would get emotional and I would overreact to stupid things, like you do when you drink — it's part of drinking; it heightens all your emotions and everything." Nita also revealed that she has never participated in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) to help her stay sober.
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dystini · 1 year
Indycar Driver Lore
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Indycar Driver Lore Masterlist
Santino Michael Ferrucci
I debated how to start this for far too long. I’ve tried to be more or less impartial in these lore posts but I simply cannot manage to do that here.
Santino Ferrucci is a bad person. When half the Indycar field (or more) has publicly expressed distrust/disdain/dislike for/of a person, it’s hard to argue with. When Conor Daly doesn’t like someone and told them so to their face, there’s a problem with that person. When Josef Newgarden publicly burns someone on Twitter, there’s a problem with that person.
It begins when Santino was in F2. He deliberately made contact with his teammate after a race and was banned for 4 races. He forced that same teammate off the track in another race and was disqualified. He drove his car between paddocks while using his phone. He tried to run a "Make America Great Again" livery. In F2. In Europe. He was fired from his team for “behavioral issues, and non-payment of money required by contract.” Said behavioral issues where racist comments to his teammate. (See several of the videos below for details).
He has remained largely unapologetic for all of this, what little apology he has made has been of the “I’m sorry you’re upset by this.” variety. Now, it’s been five years since this all occurred, and some people might argue that surely he’s grown and matured. Perhaps. He’s not so vocal about his politics now. But he embraces the idea of being a ‘villain’ and has made little effort to make friends within the Indycar paddock, a paddock which is notorious for being very friendly. Add in insulting and picking fights with a man very well liked amongst his fellow drivers, Conor Daly.
Conflicting stories arise of his treatment of fans. I have heard that he’s been very friendly and good about giving autographs. I’ve also heard of multiple people nearly being run down by Santino in his golf cart at races. Both can be true. He’s not a complete idiot and knows that positive fan interactions are good but he is also careless. A large portion of fans do not like him but he does have his supporters. I’ve provided all the information I can for you to make up your own mind.
Conor Daly's epic reaction to Alexander Rossi vs Santino Ferrucci! The unusual story of Santino Ferrucci… What's the deal between Santino Ferrucci and Conor Daly? (I admit to being a Conor stan and I don’t agree with the commentary here but it does lay out the facts) A CAREER OVER?! Thoughts on the Santino Ferrucci Scandal in F2 @santinoferrucci says his battle vs. @conordaly22, @josefnewgarden and others is about home country pride. I Am Not Here for Your Santino Ferrucci Redemption Arc MP 382: A Conversation with Santino Ferrucci Josh Berry Gives The Middle Finger To Santino Ferrucci In NASCAR Xfinity Race At Phoenix Santino calls Conor a wuss on Instagram and the ensuing conversation.
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Birthdate: May 31, 1998 Hometown: Woodbury, Connecticut Residence: Dallas, Texas Height/Weight: 5’4”/116lbs
Rookie Year: 2018
Team: A.J. Foyt Enterprises
Follow him on: Instagram Twitter
Career Stats
2018: 4 races with Dale Coyne Racing - 27th Overall 2019: Dale Coyne Racing- 13th Overall 2020: Dale Coyne Racing w/ Vasser-Sullivan - 13th Overall 2021: 5 races with Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing - 24th Overall 2022: 1 race each: Rahal Letterman Lanigan Racing, Dreyer & Reinbold Racing, Juncos Hollinger Racing - 28th Overall 2023: A.J. Foyt Enterprises - 19th Overall
FIA Formula 2 Championship 2017: Trident - 22nd Overall 2018: 14 races with Trident - 19th Overall ( Banned for 4 races, disqualified from a race and then fired)
NASCAR Xfinity Series 2021: 7 races Sam Hunt Racing - 37th Overall 2022: 2 races with Sam Hunt Racing - 60th Overall
-At just 11 years old, Ferrucci was featured in an article for GQ magazine as a karting prodigy. -After his karting career, he raced in GP3 Series (now FIA Formula 3) and FIA Formula 2 and became the youngest winner of a British Formula 3 race, at age 16. -Ferrucci enjoys golf, gaming and movies from the Marvel Cinematic Universe off the track. -Nicknamed Santucci, amongst many more derogatory names.
Fanfic Lore
Villain, on the rare occasion he is used.
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carronyaflowers · 1 year
Thank you @official-impravidus for the tag!
Rules: Post 10 of your fave movies and tag 10 people.
10. Epic (2013)
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When I first watched this, I was such a slut for Josh Hutcherson and Amanda Seyfried. I was so in love with Nod and MK, and Queen Tara + Ronin?? KILL ME
9. Pirates of the Carribean Trilogy
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Look at her! She's my queen, my king, my awakening!! And I'm counting the first three films in one because I refuse to separate them. Jack will forever be one of my icons, and Elizabeth + Will will forever be my number 1 ship (even if it doesn't look like it, rhey're my one).
8. 20th Century Girl (2022)
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Because this movie made me weep. The friendships! The high school of it all. The first love. 🤧🤧🤧 This is due for a rewatch actually.
7. Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
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I'm a hoe for these bitches actually. THIS is my justice league. SO FUCKING ICONIC AND PLOT AND CHARACTER ARCS. And henry cavill in that superman suit!!!
6. Lord of the Rings Trilogy
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"It's like the great stories, Mr. Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were, and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad has happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing this shadow, even darkness must pass. A new day will come, and when the sun shines, it'll shine out the clearer. I know now folks in those stories had lots of chances of turning back, only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding on to something. That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it's worth fighting for." <- TURN THAT SHIT UP
5. The Princess Bride (1987)
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Ohh another iconic iconic film. It made me laugh it made me cry it comforted me. If i could, i'd sell my soul to watch this again for the first time.
4. Pride and Prejudice (2005)
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3. Moonrise Kingdom (2012)
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I'm so jealous of Sam and Suzy's love. Just two kids against the world. And it's so so much. Like take me to an island and let's just wander it together. This is so dear to me, JUST TAKE ME TO MOONRISE KINGDOM WHERE WE CAN DANCE ON THE BEACH.
2. Moulin Rouge (2001)
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Such a bonus that when i searched moulin rouge to search for gifs, scott and tessa showed up. Anyways, this film THIS FILM. The audacity it had to take my heart and make it believe in love only to rip it to shreds. And forever robbed that come what may wasn't eligible for best music for oscars bc it wasn't originally written for moulin rouge. And also, look at mr mcgregor and ms kidman. someone mash up my fave songs and create an elephant love medley for me.
1. Dead Poets Society (1989)
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i miss neil.
Tagging these people bc i'm curious abt ur fave films: @f1-giuki @dreamingamongthestars @newtness532 @pancsaa @alestire @muhtants @nerdypandablizzard @putyourreddresson @xiaoluclair @fabbyf1
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aladdin · 2 years
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In 2021, I made a social media post to publicly call out one of my clients, Z2 Comics, for underpaying their creatives. I received between $45 - $75 a page for my coloring work, always below the industry minimum standard for mainstream work, while being pushed to work at rapid and unsustainable speeds. In that post, I expressed other grievances, as well, such as being told by Z2 leadership that I was simply replaceable - they told me they could hire new colorists for as low as $30 a page. 
The CEO of the company, Josh Frankel, appeared on my public call-out thread to tell me I was being "inappropriate,", and proceeded to terminate all active projects with my coloring studio, I Love Lamp, LLC. He was fully in his right to execute that decision - we had no work-for-hire contracts between us to complicate the business / legal side of things. 
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Although Josh referred to himself as my “employer” on that thread, he must have either been confused. Luckily for him, because he was my client, and not an employer, it was not a federal crime for him to terminate our relationship over my open discussion of compensation with other working artists. 
Z2 found new colorists to finish up Elvis The Graphic Novel, Sublime: $5 at the Door, and Machine Gun Kelly's Hotel Diablo Graphic Novel. 
Although I met lots of great illustrators and editors during my time working with Z2, the experience was, broadly speaking, a nightmare. I was more than ready to sever ties. I retained, however, a massive financial stake in the work that I'd done - I never surrendered any of my intellectual property. 
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The More You Know: In the American Legal system, a colorist is a co-author of the comic books on which they work, with the full rights that entails. 
I had no energy for a fight, so I straight up offered all of my IP to Z2, for free, under the condition that they write out an official contract. My intention was to have a complete list of work I'd done for Z2, and ensure that I'd be properly credited for my work, by the company, moving forward - a mutually beneficial arrangement, I believed. 
Josh rejected the offer, saying that a contract wouldn't be necessarily, and that the email itself "should work fine." In that same email, Josh also accepted an apology from me that I didn't make. I laughed at the clown, and wrote his name down in my burn-book ("Josh Frankel Is a Fugly Slut").
I made no further attempts to offer my IP to the Z2 circus show. Instead, when Z2 continued use my work in promotional material, I sent a cease and desist to Z2's marketing department, and offered an explanation to the various new hires that Z2 never secured the rights to my work. I was ignored, and the solicitations continued. 
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The Hotel Diablo graphic novel, which was completed in my absence, was nonetheless heavily marketed using pages that my studio had colored - because, presumably, other colorists had been paid $30 a page, and their efforts reflected that. BloodyDisgusting and ComicsBeat both published uncredited previews of my work on that book, which have since been corrected to include my name. Explaining how my name had been omitted, the journalist at Bloody-Disgusting told me that he “was only able to run what I was provided with.” 
Z2 comics thought that it was in their best interests, apparently, to simply remove my credits from future publications - or, the company is just so sloppy that no one even knows who worked on what.
When the The Elvis Graphic Novel was released, the final print contained my my covers, my pin-ups, and more than a dozen pages of interior coloring, with the rest of the color art clearly modeled after my own - but my credits had been entirely stripped from the work.
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Confused and angry, I checked the copyright text within the book - the Elvis Estate was claiming 100% of the IP rights in the book. Where did my intellectual property go? 
Did the Elvis Estate steal my color art? Does the Elvis Estate even know that my color art was stolen? Does the Elvis Estate they know they are trafficking in grifted IP? 
I'm sure that Elvis would be rolling in his grave to know that his brand was associated with stealing the work of other artists. 
Anyway, I checked online, and there exists no record (that I can find) that credits me for my coloring work on that Elvis, other than my own various social media posts. When I nominated myself for awards in 2021, I had included that Title -  how embarrassing to discover that there was no public record of my involvement.  
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Newly incensed, I contacted an Arts / Entertainment lawyer for the first time. I never intended to file lawsuits - I just wanted to be treated fairly, and recover my intellectual property. The lawyer explained the dynamics of IP and copyright in 2022, and sent me on a quest to the US Copyright Offices to look up all the copyrights to the books I've worked on. 
Wouldn't you know it, almost every Graphic Novel I ever worked on with Z2 had been registered, with the entirety of the Intellectual Property being copyrighted by Z2's various clients. These copyrights were not filed independently by the artists - all the copyrights were registered by the same Lawyer in Alexandria, VA. I sent the lawyer an email asking, in effect, "Hey WTF?"
I have received no reply, and have since reported their office to the Virginia State Bar. 
Early in my tenure contracting for Z2, in 2020, Z2 co-founder Josh Frankel explained to me, at his birthday party, that he was withholding my creator credits in the press so that I wouldn't get poached out from under him. It was his clever solution for retaining my services. At the time, I didn’t have other offers for work, and I was encouraged by other creators to push through my frustrations, and earn my place at the table. I kept working for Z2, despite feeling devalued (because I was literally being devalued). 
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Upon further reflection, there is reason to suspect that Josh's idea to withhold my credits may have had even broader implications than what he revealed to me. The concerted effort to minimize my association with Z2 comics happened to dovetail quite nicely with a possible corporate embezzlement scheme - Z2 had legal access to, but not legal ownership over, my Intellectual Property. Somehow, all of Z2′s clientele seems to be under the impression that they own 100% of the IP contained within their various projects.  I haven’t fenced a lot of stolen goods, but I imagine, as an arm-chair gangster, that it’s lot easier to sell stolen material if the buyers don't know that it was stolen. Did the clients even bother to check if the colorist had signed away his rights? 
From my studio in Baltimore, I can't do much other than speculate. Some questions remain, for me:
What happened, behind the scenes, that caused Z2's clients to believe that they owned all of my IP? 
Is there a relationship between this years-long IP 'displacement,’ and the fact that Josh Frankel left the company this Fall? 
If Z2 did, in fact, intentionally embezzle hundreds of pages of my coloring art over the course of 3 years, would that constitute a valid RICO case to be mounted against the company? 
Did God himself orchestrate these events to amuse himself over the irony of a bunch of 'anti-establishment' Artists and musicians using the power of the State to facilitate the theft of art from smaller creators? 
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When I colored 2 pages of the Magic comic for Boom!, I was credited in their press release, and was tagged in tweets for months as the book was reviewed, and later collected into trade paperback editions. 
Z2, meanwhile, has sent dozens of my pages out for previews, while withholding my name from the credits. Some popular outlets that currently feature my uncredited work online include Paste Magazine, ScreenRant, the Hollywood Reporter, the Comics Journal, and BleedingCool. 
Was there a legitimate corporate conspiracy against me, with agents in place across all spectrums of Pop Culture? Is the US State going to stand in my way as I march through Hell to take revenge on God for his failure to protect me and my family? Must I surrender my own humanity in order to summon the cyberpunk that lurks within? What will I become? 
Sorry, my degree is in “Dramatic Writing,” not “Intellectual Property Law.”
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Anyway, here's a non-exhaustive list of of Copyright Claimants that have filed, with the US Copyright Office, for full legal ownership over my Intellectual Property on their various publishing projects. For the lulz, I have added three asterisks to each book that utilizes “Anti-Authoritarianism” as a major literary theme. 
Grateful Dead Productions  Grateful Dead - Origins ***
Dominic Harrison ("Yungblud") Yungblud Presents: The Twisted Tales of the Ritalin Club *** Yungblud Presents: Weird Times at Quarry Bank ***
Moriah Rose Pereira ("Poppy") Poppy 1: Genesis *** Poppy's Inferno ***
Universal Music Group The Final Symphony: A Beethoven Anthology.
Skillet Eden II: The Aftermath ***
Dance Gavin Dance  Tale of the Robot ***
Rico Nasty, Inc.  Nightmare Vaycay *** Note: all images in this post were colored by Aladdin Collar for I Love Lamp, LLC, whose services were solicited by Z2 Comics. The Elvis Estate actually made minor adjustments to the Elvis cover, to their credit, they were very helpful in making their final touches, instead sending a thousand emails about inane bullshit. The paper texture on A Robot’s Tale was taken from an old book on archive.org, I don’t remember which one. The b/g textures of the Yungblud Presents cover below were originally from scans of a silk tie-dye scarf I originally made with my Mom for the Grateful Dead book and reused in at least 4 different projects. 
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crazydiscostu · 2 years
What Was 'The Great Josh Fight'?
What started out as a potentially memey troll turned into an event that will live on in positive infamy for years to come....
Every so often the internet spits out an occurrence of unimaginable wholesomeness that reaffirms online humanity. What started out as a potentially memey troll turned into an event that will live on in positive infamy for years to come…. The Great Josh Fight of 2021 was an internet phenomenon that captivated the world in the midst of a global pandemic. What started as a simple online joke among…
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theseaeaglelives · 1 month
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It’s been a long time between drinks for the Sea Eagle, having somewhat lost interest and then venturing o/s for an extended holiday, but alas he is back and it is pleasing to see Manly well entrenched in the Top 8 and looking to mount a challenge in September/October.
Recap – Round 12 Manly 26 def FCWR Storm 20
Good to get a win against the filthy cheating wrestling rorters.
Recap – Round 13 Bye
Recap – Round 14 Penrith Panthers 32 def Manly 22
A respectable effort against the 3 times premiers at Penrith Park.
Recap – Round 15 Manly 30 def Dragons 14
The Dragons are hopeless so this was expected.
Recap – Round 16 Rabbits 14 def Manly 0
Why is this shit even played at origin time?
Recap – Round 17 Bye
Recap – Round 18 Manly 21 def Cowboys 20
A good win in Townsville against a bogey team also vying for the Top 8.
Recap – Round 19 Manly 44 def Knights 6
A solid win at home but the Knights are hopeless so this was expected.
Recap – Round 20 Manly 38 def Titans 8
Manly are starting to gain some momentum but again at home this win was expected and the Titans are hopeless.
Recap – Round 21 Roosters 34 def Manly 30
A respectable performance against a highly rated Roosters outfit.
Recap – Round 22 Bye
Round 23 Manly 46 def Canberra Raider 24
Coming off last weeks bye, Manly were a little rusty in the early part of this game and when milestone man Josh Papaliiii crossed after 10 minutes they were on the wrong side of the scoreboard against a Raiders team desperate for a win to keep their slim finals hopes alive.
Minutes later, Tommy Turbo hit back and scores were even. In the Sea Eagles absence it is understood Tommy has been building up nicely and long suffering supporters can only hope that he stays on the field for the remainder of the season.
Things weren’t looking good for Manly when ex-junior and now Raider Kaeo Weekes crossed, but any joy for the Raiders was short-lived.
In the blink of and eye tries to the other Tommy (Talau), Ethan Bullemor, Cherry Baby and Lehi Hopoate and effectively the game was gassed.  Lehi Hoapate looks a likely prospect. The son of former Manly great/madmen, John Hoppa, young Lehi is nimble, athletic, solid under the high ball, not likely to run off to a Mormon mission, has no known criminal record and does not seem to possess any propensity to insert one of his fingers into the rectum of an opposing player.
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Manly eventually ran out convincing winners, which is pleasing against the Raiders in Canberra, but some late defensive lapses are concerning. If they are to compete with the competition heavy weights come finals times, these lapses will lead to an early exit from the September action and this is something that coach Seibold must address.
Next week, its back to Brookie to take on the Warriors. Notwithstanding the Warriors are shot in season 2024 they are unpredictable and dangerous and Manly will need to be switched on to ensure a win and sure up their first appearance in finals since 2021.
Haumole Olakau'atu – Sent off in Origin II
In what might be a world first, Manly powerhouse Haumole Olakau'atu unfairly dropped for NSW Origin III, managed to get himself a 2 week suspension for involving himself in an on field fight between Chery Baby and NSW 5/8 Jarome Luai, that then degenerated into blues winger Brian To’o being surrounded by up to 10 Queenslanders.
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Olakau’atu later declared after the game he was simply “helping a brother out”. Although he later accepted in the press that it was a poor decision.
The Sea Eagle response to this entire debacle was the proverbial FFS.
Someone needs to tell young Haumole Olakau'atu, that when you are wearing a suit and not in the starting team, your cannot go on the field of play. Moreover, it is not acceptable to run onto the field of play and involve yourself in an on field brawl between those players fortunate enough to make the starting 17.
Whilst this is  rugby league 101 stuff, it would appear that the Manly think tank will now need to re-educate their players about some of these fundamentals of the game.
The Olympic Sized Embarrassment
Despite some amazing athletic feats (particularly those with Aussie Gold) these Olympics have been an embarrassment from go to woe. The opening ceremony was well documented debacle featuring a drag queen take on the last supper, thus managing to not only offend Christian groups worldwide, but set the tone for what was to come.
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 Suggestions that former QLD Premier and NRL Chairman/Director of Embarrassment, Peter Beattie was involved in the coordination of this event cannot be confirmed, but the Sea Eagle wont rule it out.
In both the triathlon and distance swimming elite athletes were forced to swim in little more than a glorified sewer. The Seine at the best of times is a canal and to describe it as a river is a stretch. Despite the best efforts of organiser and an estimated $2.3 billion spend the canal still presented in a shitty brown colour and a number of athletes came down with illnesses immediately following their respective events.
The featherweight women’s gold medal boxing match was between Algerian Imane Khelif and China’s Lin Yu-ting, can only be described as an Olympic embarrassment.
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Both competitors were disqualified at the 2023 World Championships for failing gender eligibility tests, but both are now remarkably competing at Paris 2024 because somehow, having been declared not to be women, the IOC felt that they were.
Imane Khelif won the gold, and there can be no doubt that the Olympics and boxing in general were the winners in this one.
The Sea Eagle would however like to acknowledge these guys. Not sure how they went in their respective events but they win Gold for their names if for nothing else.
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And these guys did win Gold !!!!
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We also had hockey player Tom Craig hung out to dry for allegedly trying to buy an unidentified white powder (suggested to be cocaine) off some dodgy bloke in the backstreets. As far as the Sea Eagle is concern this is a non-event and given that the hockey team had already been knocked out who cares.  Poor old Tom was publicly admonished, kicked out of the village and sent home in disgrace, but who could blame him, coke is relatively cheap in France and he was trying to take advantage of this price disparity in a time of a cost of living crisis.
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And just when things couldn’t get any worse, we have this debacle. Aussie Breaker (why the fuck is this even an Olympic sport) known only as Raygun performs what can only be described an embarrassment to the sport (WTF) of Breaking, the Olympics, her country and her family. The Sea Eagle questions how this was even allowed and how did this person get to represent our country. Say what you like about Breaking as an Olympic sport, but surely this person is not the best that we could come up with.
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Whilst Paris presents well on the TV the reality is very different. Having been there in the past month the Sea Eagle can report first hand what a shithole it is when you go beyond the usual tourist boundaries. A trip into the suburbs (more than about 5km away) reveals a ghetto like appearance, and definitely one to be avoided after dark. Other major cities in France are no better and arguably worse. Once great cites such as Lyon, Marseilles and Avignon are no longer recognisable having been overrun by undesirables and the Sea Eagle’s advice would be to avoid these places if possible.
NRL Supremo Peter V’Landys
Watching NRL Chairman Peter V’Landys take on NSW upper house lightweights (personal opinion) Mark Latham and Animal Justice Party member Emma Hurst, was a thing to behold this week.
Emma Hurst and Mark Latham, with every possible advantage via the protection of parliamentary privilege, attempted to win the battle against V’Landys, and failed dismally. It was something to behold.
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Mr V’Landys is pure rugby league. From that viewpoint alone, the contest was over before it even began.
Mr V’Landys ate both of them up and spat them out (personal opinion).
In a statement to The Sydney Morning Herald, Mr V’landys called on Mark Latham to repeat the allegations he made against Mr V’Landys outside of parliament, insisting he had always remained at arm’s length during steward inquiries and there was zero evidence for his [Latham’s] baseless attacks.
“There is no doubt Mr Latham is running an agenda for some very wealthy breeders who don’t wish to be held to account for animal welfare,” V’landys said.
“…everything he is saying is completely and utterly rubbish.”
The NSW Premier Chris Minns also weighed in and said Latham’s accusations were “disgraceful.”
“Mark Latham is currently being sued for defamation for things he said outside of Parliament, so he’s taken his attacks inside Parliament, where he can’t be sued,” Mr Minns said. “It is the definition of the ‘Coward’s Castle’.”
Thankfully he (Mr V’Landys) is running  rugby league and not some latte sipping celebration of softness.
Return of Stench of the Bear
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The North Sydney Bears have confirmed their return to NRL as Western Bears, playing out of Perth, according to news reports.
It has been more than 25 years since they last played in the competition, and an agreement to resurrect the team Phoenix like from the ashes, as the NRL’s 18th team, has apparently been reached.
The North Sydney Bears lost their NRL licence in 1999, but they  are expected to return as the competition’s 18th team in the coming years.
The team, which will be based out of Western Australia, is expected to join the NRL in 2027.
Their submission still needs to be finalised ahead of the August 14 deadline, but it looks almost certain to be ratified (apparently).
The Western Bears will wear the old North Sydney colours, according to 7NEWS Sydney’s Andrew McKinlay, and could play at least one token home game at their spiritual home in New South Wales (North Sydney Oval), which would likely be against arch rivals Manly.
Sea Eagle Comment:
Since 1947 when Manly joined the competition, Manly have won 8 premierships to the Bears none.
The Bears have brought the C back into choking and have turned losing the unlosable, and utter hopelessness, into an art form.
The Sea Egale cannot wait for their return, and the opportunity to critically examine and ridicule Manly’s most detested rival.
As is being suggested, the Western Bears will likely have one home game in Sydney against Manly at North Sydney Oval. This will be a must see event.
Of course nothing official has been heard from the NRL about this.
The Sea Eagle believes that the Bears have more than sufficient capability of ballsing up their so called certainty of readmission to the NRL, as the new 18th team.
Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.
Henry Ford
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spoilertv · 11 months
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globalindia · 1 year
Joe Biden vs Donald Trump: Joe Biden, 80, makes 2024 presidential run official: 'Let's finish this job' | World News
WASHINGTON: President Joe Biden said on Tuesday he will seek a second White House term in 2024, a decision that will test whether Americans are ready to give the 80-year-old Democrat, already the oldest U.S. president ever, another four years in office. Biden made his announcement in a slickly produced video released by his new campaign team, in which he declares it is his job to defend American democracy. It opens with imagery from the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump. "When I ran for president four years ago, I said we're in a battle for the soul of America, and we still are," Biden said. "This is not a time to be complacent. That's why I'm running for re-election." "Let's finish this job. I know we can," he said. Biden described Republican platforms as threats to American freedom, vowing to fight efforts to limit women's healthcare, cut Social Security and ban books, while blasting "MAGA extremists." MAGA is the acronym for the "Make America Great Again" political slogan of Trump, who may well be Biden's Republican opponent in the November 2024 election. In the two years since he took over from Trump, Biden won Congress' approval for billions of dollars in federal funds to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic and for new infrastructure, and oversaw the lowest levels of unemployment since 1969, although a 40-year high in inflation has marred his economic record. Biden's age makes his re-election bid a historic and risky gamble for the Democratic Party, which faces a tough election map to hold the Senate in 2024 and is the minority in the House of Representatives now. Biden's approval ratings were stuck at just 39% in a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on April 19 and there are steep concerns about his age among some Americans; he would be 86 by the end of a prospective second term, almost a decade higher than the average U.S. male's life expectancy. Doctors declared Biden, who does not drink alcohol and exercises five times a week, "fit for duty" after an examination in February. The White House says his record shows that he is mentally sharp enough for the rigors of the job. Biden will be joined in his 2024 quest by his running mate, Vice President Kamala Harris. Trump matchup again? Biden's entry into the race follows Trump's announcement in November that he would seek a second term after losing the 2020 contest to Biden. Biden, running as an incumbent, is unlikely to face much competition from inside his party. No senior Democrats have shown signs of challenging him and he has compiled a board of rising-star Democrats to advise his campaign, including governors J.B. Pritzker of Illinois and Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania. Potential and declared Republican presidential candidates have begun framing the 2024 election around cutting back government spending amid still-high inflation, restricting abortion, crime in Democratic-run cities and illegal immigration. The two leading Republican contenders, Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, want to limit the access of trans children to sports teams and gender-affirming medical care, and restrict how schools teach LGBTQ+ issues and America's history of slavery and racial disparities. Not a 2020 recap Biden ran a mostly virtual campaign to defeat Trump in the 2020 election as COVID raged, saying he sought to unify the country, rebuild the economy, and better control the virus. With pandemic restrictions mostly over in the United States, the 2024 race is likely to be a much different, more physical affair. After losing by 7 million votes to Biden in 2020, Trump refused to concede defeat, falsely claiming that there had been widespread electoral fraud.
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frontproofmedia · 2 years
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Published: February 18, 2023
'Bronco' primed for first World Title shot in Nottingham
Mauricio Lara has warned Leigh Wood that if he switches off during their WBA Featherweight World Title showdown this Saturday February 18 at the Motorpoint Arena Nottingham, shown live worldwide on DAZN (excluding Australia and New Zealand), then “the fight will be over quickly”.   Mexico’s Lara (25-2-1, 18 KOs) has waited patiently for his first World Title shot following his brilliant win over ‘The Leeds Warrior’ Josh Warrington back in February 2021 – a win that would have seen him crowned the new IBF 126lbs king if Warrington had not vacated his title a month prior to their behind closed doors clash.   ‘Bronco’, who is the much younger man of the two aged 24, believes his 34-year-old opponent has a lot of miles on the clock following his breath-taking back and forth battle with Ireland’s Michael Conlan in March last year – the defending champion hasn’t fought since.   “It was a tough fight – we know that he’s damaged coming into this fight, but he’s coming to defend his title and that’s what I want,” said Lara. “I’m grateful to him for taking this fight. We know nobody wants to face me at 126lbs for a World Title but this one will happen, and we know what we are capable of doing.   “We know it’s a big fight. We know it’s the acid test. We know Leigh Wood is a great champion but I have big aspirations and a great desire to become World Champion and as I’ve said, whatever it takes, I have to do it this time.   “We know he’s a great fighter but it’s going to be a really tough fight for him. We know how we’re preparing, we’ve caused an upset before in his country and it will be the same on February 18. Believe me, if he switches off, the fight will be over quickly. It won’t go beyond the fifth.”   Warrington will be keeping a close eye on Saturday’s X-rated clash, and has been touted to face the winner, despite losing his IBF Title to Luis Alberto Lopez last December. The 32-year-old Yorkshireman has picked Wood to beat Lara, but the big-hitting knockout artist isn’t bothered in the slightest.   “Well, what can someone who got knocked out in 9 rounds have to say? Who got his jaw fractured, his shoulder and elbow damaged. Chickens always criticise people but he knows ‘Bronco’ Lara is coming for him and I will destroy him.”
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awardseason · 4 years
2021 Golden Globes — Nominees
BEST MOTION PICTURE, Drama “Nomadland” “Mank” “The Father” “Promising Young Woman“ “The Trial of the Chicago 7”
BEST MOTION PICTURE, Musical or Comedy “Borat Subsequent Moviefilm” “Hamilton” “Music” “Palm Springs” “The Prom”
BEST DIRECTOR Emerald Fennell, “Promising Young Woman” David Fincher, “Mank” Chloé Zhao, “Nomadland” Regina King, “One Night in Miami” Aaron Sorkin, “The Trial of the Chicago 7”
BEST ACTOR, Drama Riz Ahmed, “Sound of Metal” Chadwick Boseman, “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” Anthony Hopkins, “The Father” Gary Oldman, “Mank” Tahar Rahim, “The Mauritanian”
BEST ACTRESS, Drama Viola Davis, “Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom” Andra Day, “The United States vs Billie” Frances McDormand, “Nomadland” Carey Mulligan, “Promising Young Woman” Vanessa Kirby, “Pieces of a Woman”
BEST ACTOR, Musical or Comedy Sacha Baron Cohen, “Borat Subsequent Moviefilm” James Corden, “The Prom” Lin-Manuel Miranda, “Hamilton” Andy Samberg, “Palm Springs” Dev Patel, “Personal History of David Copperfield”
BEST ACTRESS, Musical or Comedy Maria Bakalova, “Borat Subsequent Moviefilm” Kate Hudson, “Music” Michelle Pfeiffer, “French Exit” Rosamund Pike, “I Care A Lot” Anya Taylor-Joy, “Emma.”
BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR IN A MOTION PICTURE Sacha Baron Cohen, “The Trial of the Chicago 7” Daniel Kaluuya, “Judas and the Black Messiah” Jared Leto, “The Little Things” Bill Murray, “On the Rocks” Leslie Odom, Jr., “One Night in Miami”
BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS IN A MOTION PICTURE Glenn Close, “Hillbilly Elegy” Olivia Colman, “The Father” Jodie Foster, “The Mauritanian” Amanda Seyfried, “Mank” Helena Zengel, “News of the World”
BEST SCREENPLAY Aaron Sorkin, “The Trial of the Chicago 7” Chloé Zhao, “Nomadland” Florian Zeller and Christopher Hampton, “The Father” Jack Fincher, “Mank” Emerald Fennell, “Promising Young Woman”
BEST ORIGINAL SCORE Alexandre Desplat, “The Midnight Sky” Ludwig Göransson, “Tenet” James Newton Howard, “News of the World” Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross and Jon Batiste, “Soul” Trent Reznor & Atticus Ross, “Mank”
BEST ORIGINAL SONG ‘Fight for You,’ “Judas and the Black Messiah” ‘Hear My Voice,’ “The Trial of the Chicago 7” ‘Io Sì (Seen),’ “The Life Ahead” ‘Speak Now,’ “One Night in Miami” ‘Tigress And Tweed,’ “The United States vs. Billie Holiday”
BEST ANIMATED FEATURE “The Croods: A New Age” “Onward” “Over the Moon” “Soul” “Wolfwalkers”
BEST FOREIGN LANGUAGE FILM “Another Round” (Denmark) “La Llorona” (Guatemala/France) “The Life Ahead” (Italy) “Minari” (USA) “Two of Us” (France/USA)
BEST TELEVISION SERIES, Drama “The Mandalorian” “The Crown” “Lovecraft Country” “Ozark” “Ratched”
BEST TELEVISION SERIES, Comedy “Emily in Paris” “Ted Lasso” “The Flight Attendant” “Schitt’s Creek” “The Great”
MINISERIES OR TELEVISION FILM “Normal People” “The Queen’s Gambit” “The Undoing” “Small Axe” “Unorthodox”
BEST ACTOR IN A TELEVISION SERIES, Drama Jason Bateman, “Ozark” Josh O’Connor, “The Crown” Bob Odenkirk, “Better Call Saul” Matthew Rhys, “Perry Mason” Al Pacino, “Hunters”
BEST ACTRESS IN A TELEVISION SERIES, Drama Olivia Colman, “The Crown” Jodie Comer, “Killing Eve” Emma Corrin, “The Crown” Laura Linney, “Ozark” Sarah Paulson, “Ratched”
BEST ACTOR IN A TELEVISION SERIES, Comedy Don Cheadle, “Black Monday” Eugene Levy, “Schitt’s Creek” Nicholas Hoult, “The Great” Jason Sudeikis, “Ted Lasso” Ramy Youssef, “Ramy”
BEST ACTRESS IN A TELEVISION SERIES, Comedy Lily Collins, “Emily in Paris” Kaley Cuoco, “The Flight Attendant” Elle Fanning, “The Great” Catherine O’Hara, “Schitt’s Creek” Jane Levy, “Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist”
BEST ACTOR, Miniseries or TV Film Bryan Cranston, “Your Honor” Jeff Daniels, “The Comey Rule” Ethan Hawke, “The Good Lord Bird” Hugh Grant, “The Undoing” Mark Ruffalo, “I Know This Much Is True”
BEST ACTRESS, Miniseries or TV Film Anya Taylor-Joy, “The Queen’s Gambit” Shira Haas, “Unorthodox” Nicole Kidman, “The Undoing” Cate Blanchett, “Mrs. America” Daisy Edgar-Jones, “Normal People”
BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR, Series, Miniseries or TV Film John Boyega, “Small Axe” Brendan Gleeson, “The Comey Rule” Dan Levy, “Schitt’s Creek” Jim Parsons, “Hollywood” Donald Sutherland, “The Undoing”
BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS, Series, Miniseries or TV Film Gillian Anderson, “The Crown” Helena Bonham Carter, “The Crown” Julia Garner, “Ozark” Annie Murphy, “Schitt’s Creek” Cynthia Nixon, “Ratched”
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Yesterday I saw Spielberg's West Side Story and I have no words. I'm very picky when it comes to movie adaptations of musicals, and I was definitely slightly uncertain about this one, but it has absolutely blown me away. Spielberg's love for the show is blatant in every frame he presents and every choice he's made.
I don't want to conpare it too much with the previous adaptation. I just want to point out a few highlights:
1. THIS CAST. Seriously. I hate A. E. so I won't speak much about him. All I'll say is I was expecting him to be worse, but he wasn't. In fact, it would have been considered a better performance if he hadn't had to share the screen with these absolute human powerhouses. Which leads me to (standing ovation) Ariana DeBose, Mike Faist, and David Alvarez. Theater pros who have arrived in Hollywood to show them how it's done. Spielberg proves the importance of casting people who know the craft over people with name recognition. They stole the show. Rachel Zegler left me speechless. That voice, that emotional depth, and that screen presence, at that age? What a future ahead of her! And what can I say about Rita Moreno that hasn't been said already? She is such a beautiful addition to the film, and a gift to us all to be able to see this performance from her at almost 90. And, finally, the Sharks/Jets are phenomenal and I'm glad they were allowed to shine. Josh Rivera and Kyle Coffman come to mind as standouts. Josh makes Chino incredibly complex, and Kyle scared the shit out of me in the scenes after the rumble. It felt weird to be scared of a Newsie. Speaking of Newsies, playing "spot the newsie" was a lot of fun.
2. THE CINEMATOGRAPHY. Janusz Kaminsky's work is always stellar. But he was able to understand something crucial to movie adaptations that not many can master: make use of the medium. It's based on a stage show, but it's not a stage show. This, my friends, is A MOVIE. It encapsulates late 50s New York, the very vivid image of the rise of gentrification. You can feel the desperation of all the people who will soon lose their homes and their blocks in the name of progress. It lookd like it was made in the 1950s while being distinctively a modern movie. And the dancing. Oh, boy, do Spielberg and Kaminsky know how to film a dance number! Chef's kiss.
3. THE MUSICAL NUMBERS. Speaking of dancing... I can't find the words to describe how I felt watching Justin Peck's choreography performed by these absolute beasts. The opening number, the dance at the gym, AMERICA, cool. Oh, boy. The beauty of it all. I don't know how to explain it. You have to SEE it.
4. THE REFERENCES. I loved how there were very subtle visual references to '61 like the purple wall and pinkish tones before the song Maria and the use of snippets of Robbins' choreography here and there, as well as direct references to Romeo and Juliet when Tony says he's a by the book guy (Juliet tells Romeo "you kiss by th'book" when they first meet), or also visually with the clusters looking strikingly like Verona. It's a great nod to what came before them. I'm sure I'll find many more when I rewatch it.
5. CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. Shout out to Tony Kushner for fleshing out the characters more to show us why they make the decisions they make and why they are the way they are. Chino's arc helped us to understand how he gets to the point of killing Tony. We understand why Tony has been away from the Jets, and Anybody's, my love, has more scenes and a bigger involvement in the plot. Even San Juan Hill itself and the community are explored more, which we as 2021 audiences might need for context if we wish to understand the characters. Other subtle but brilliant details like the Jets playing with the gun that Riff just bought hit you like brick with the reality that these guys are, after all, a bunch of kids fighting over a territory that won't be there for much longer.
Overall, I'm still impressed by it even a day later. Was it perfect? Probably not. I never liked the originall placement of I Feel Pretty in the second act, and hoped they would play out the dramatic irony of the audience knowing what happened at the rumble against María's happiness a bit more, and I wanted Bernardo to have more to do, but it still blew me away. I can say that, after almost a decade of being let down by movie adaptations of my favorite musicals, I finally left the cinema feeling every positive feeling possible and can't wait to watch it again. I feel blessed to have yet another way to experience this story. Because, remember guys, this movie doesn't replace the 1961 adaptation, it builds on it. It's not a remake, it's a different adaptation of the same material. And what a wonderful adaptation it is. Thank you, Mr. Spielberg.
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leafs-lover · 3 years
If He's Lucky I'll Let Him Join
Part 6: Things shift
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Series Masterlist
A/N: Sorry for the delay on this, hope you like it. I only plan on 2 maybe 3 more parts of this.
Warnings: Swearing, smut (oral female receiving) unprotected sex (wrap it kids), voyeurism, 18+
Word Count: 6600
April 8, 2021
A: Hey want to go for a walk with Felix and I?
You stare at your screen for a few minutes, the message sitting on read. Since giving Auston your number a week and a half ago he has text you three times. Two were pictures of Felix, and the third was a meme.
The Leafs had a few days off during that stretch, you saw Fred a little but you haven’t seen Auston since you left his house. You also haven’t told Fred about Auston, and since he hasn’t brought it up you don’t think Auston told him.
It’s not that you did anything wrong or cheated on Fred; you aren’t in a relationship, with either man. You haven’t talked about what you are, or where this is heading, if anywhere. The season is almost half over and you have no idea what will happen after that. Last time the season ended you barely heard from Fred for three months, and Auston almost 4.
When you agreed to sleep with Auston, you never specified it would only be with Fred, only in threesome situations. You never discussed the dynamics of you and Auston, and what the boundaries were. You know all of this.
Yet something feels wrong. Like you shouldn’t have done that behind Fred’s back and you shouldn’t keep doing it without with Fred knowing. That you should talk to Fred before you and Auston sleep together again, assuming you do sleep with him again. You don’t even know if you want to sleep with him when it’s just Auston. Not that you had a bad time, it was far from it. You just don’t know what it means, if anything.
There is so much you are uncertain of, all you know is how you felt about Fred last year. Things were going great, and you talked about summer plans. They were loose plans like being his plus 1 to a teammates wedding, going up to the Muskoka’s for a weekend with Mitch and Steph. He even mentioned a five day trip to Iceland, though that seemed unlikely to happen given the amount of planning required. But everything was heading towards a relationship until the world stopped.
And now a year later, the world is spinning. People are getting vaccinated everywhere except Canada; but they say they are coming, and the countries with vaccinated people are easing restrictions. Everything seems to be heading for a new normal, but where does that leave you and Fred?
Some nights you feel like a set of holes for him to use like target practice. But other times you wake up to Fred gently brushing your hair, legs tangled beneath the sheets placing soft kisses on your forehead or shoulder and you feel like so much more.
Intimate dinners.
Cute text messages.
Lazy Sundays.
Bubble baths together.
So much back and forth, it’s very confusing. And that’s just with Fred, you can’t even begin to understand the dynamic of Auston.
He has been a roller coaster, and not just the way he throws you around in bed. The first time he was dominant, but ended it with a soft kiss. The kiss lingered on your lips for days, your mind was swirling from it. Sometimes his eyes are dark and full of fire, but other times you get glimpses of him and that kiss.
Sure you had some feelings for Auston last year, but you told yourself they were feelings of lust. Completely, 100% sexually driven. But they were just feelings of sex right? Just the heat developing in your core from being around him fogging the sense and reason of your brain.
Auston finds moments to wrap his arms around you, placing soft kisses on your forehead or your lips. Doesn’t matter if Fred is in the other room or 5 feet away he will do it. While he drives his hard dick into your walls, he’ll have eyes dark with hunger. But after they are soft, and he doesn’t hesitate to lay soft and passionate kisses on your lips while Fred is lying inches beside you.
He exudes so much dominance, both men do. You are actually surprised it doesn’t turn into a pissing match with them, but they direct it all to you. They let you think you are in control, but the first chance they get they take over. Spilling words of venom, pulling orgasm after orgasm, juices coating their cocks and fingers.
The sight alone is enough to send you home with an ache between your legs. They are patient while you are with the other one, knowing their turn is coming. Not too patient though. But through all of it they don’t fight or get jealous of you.
Until last week ago that is, running into Auston in the elevator.
When he was hovering over you, kissing along the marks Fred had left earlier in the day, you got the feeling he was jealous you had spent time with him. You don’t know if it’s because he wasn’t there or that he didn’t like that you were sleeping with someone other than him, but he seemed bothered by it. But he would be naïve to think you and Fred only sleep together with him right?
An hour before that he was mumbling in your ear while cuddling on his couch. He looked at you like he wanted to hold you tight to his chest and never let you leave. Maybe it’s just a part of who he is, how he plays girls. You know he has a reputation around Toronto, besides his performance on the ice. There are rumours that over his first four seasons he has a revolving door of women while on road trips.
Obviously this year with Covid he has been much more mellow, no rumours or stories. But you don’t know if there is any truth to the rumours, you don’t know if he’s sleeping with other women. Not on road trips, the league has strict protocols in place for road teams. But at home they are supposed to follow local health guidelines. He could easily have another girl, and you are just someone he uses when called upon.
Maybe you are just a piece for him to bide his time with until restrictions are loosened, just an easy solution with the leagues COVID protocol’s. Or maybe he sees you as something more. Either way it’s all very convoluted.
Fingers hovering over your screen you mull over everything. Just before you go to type three little dots pop up as if he can sense your hesitation. You decide to wait before replying and are met with a selfie of him and Felix cuddling in bed, tattooed arm fully on display due to his lack of shirt. A “please play with me Y/N” text obviously supposed to be from Felix coming in immediately afterwards.
You can’t help the way your legs snap shut, rubbing together in search of friction. Or the involuntary groan that tumbles out as you stare at over his arm and down to his abs. But it’s the big beady eyes of Felix that win you over and without a second thought you quickly reply with a yes.
“Miss, I think you dropped your keys,” you hear someone call out. Ignoring it you pan around the somewhat busy street. Car horns are sirens are heard on the streets, wind howling between the buildings making the air crisp against your face. A hand gently touches your arm and you quickly spin around on your heels, wide eyed. “Sorry,” he chuckles seeing the shock on your face “I called out but I don’t think you heard me. Are these yours?”
He holds up a keychain in your view and you sigh slightly, “yes, thank you.”
When getting ready you decided to leave your purse at home, they aren’t the most convenient while walking a dog. You threw your debit card, TTC pass, phone and keys into your pocket. Arriving out front the coffee shop a couple minutes ago your hands were cold so you reached into your pocket for your gloves.
“No problem,” he smiles.
Scanning over his face you immediately notice his bright blue eyes grazing over your face. Thick flowing dark brown hair sticks out under his Montreal Canadians ball cap, a short scruffy beard on his chiseled jaw. He looks familiar but you can’t place it.
He is tall, similar in height to Auston and Fred. Even through his black peacoat you can tell his shoulders are just as wide. A red scarf gently popping out under the collar of his jacket. “I’m Josh,” he says, and you see him smile once again, instantly you think that it is just the best smile you have ever seen.
“Hi, I’m Y/N,” you smile back.
“Can I buy your coffee? “he asks glancing to the shop behind you. “I assume that’s why you’re here,” he chuckles. “It’s not free though, it’ll cost you a half hour of your time through the park.”
You chuckle slightly, if you weren’t supposed to meet Auston in a few minutes you would struggle to say no. His wide smile and soft eyes are drawing you in, but on top of that he seems nice. Someone you would actually have a good afternoon chatting with. “I’m actually meeting someone,” you reply.
“Oh that’s a shame, I’m leaving Toronto in a few hours. Think I can get your number; take you out when I come back?”
Before you can answer you feel Felix brush against your legs and let out an excited bark. He jumps up on you almost knocking you over and you immediately feel Auston’s hands on your hips and Josh grip your elbow, holding you upright. Auston mumbles some bullshit to Felix about manners, but you ignore it. Trying to focus on the eager pup, when in actuality you feel fire ignite where their hands connect to you.
“Hey man,” Josh says to Auston releasing your elbow.
“Hey Josh,” Auston says politely stepping beside you. You immediately sense the tension, Auston puffing his chest keeping on hand on the small of your back. Josh’s gaze flicks between you and Auston a little, realizing this is the person you are meeting but he doesn’t seem too bothered by it. You take a harsh swallow, the cold Toronto air burning your throat.
Tick tock, tick tock.
You have no longer how long you all have been standing there, likely only a few seconds but time feels like it has stopped. The only sound besides passing cars is the excited whines and yelps Felix lets out while he circles around your feet. Shifting awkwardly you stare between the two men not wanting to be the first to make a move. Finally Auston clears his throat glaring at Josh, pulling you in tighter to his chest. So close you can smell his cologne.
“Well I’m going to grab my coffee. Nice meeting you y/n,” Josh smiles, stepping around you to go through the door.
“A Hab really?” Auston jokes kissing your cheek, following Josh with his eyes until the door shuts behind him. His lips are warm on your cool skin, eyes look slightly heavy from the previous night's game, and dark curls pop out under the toque he’s wearing that barely covers his ears.
“What?” you ask confused, bending down to pet Felix who is still enthralled by your presence.
“Josh,” he nods inside and you shake your head shooting him a puzzled look. “That’s Josh Anderson. He plays for the Montreal Canadians.”
“Oh that’s why he looked familiar,” you say glancing back inside briefly, you watched the game last night and you remember him. He looks a little different without the equipment or covered in sweat, but his thick hair and smile is what stood out to you. Felix takes the opportunity to kiss your cheek causing you to laugh and look back at Auston. “You watch him for a sec so I can get our drinks?” Auston asks, handing you the leash.
Josh comes out first saying goodbye to you and giving Felix a few pets before making his way down the street. Auston is out not too long after, 2 paper cups in hand. You try to hand the leash back, but he tells you to keep it, feeding you some line about Felix being happy to see you. You know Felix doesn’t care who holds his leash, he is just happy to be on a walk but you aren’t going to object.
It’s only been two days since you saw him. Fred watched him for the Leaf’s short road trip and you spent some time over there during it. While Fred went to physio you would take him on long walks, walks too long for Fred and his knee right now. Fred joked about how close you were thinking it’s the first time you met him.
You took naps on the couch and played with him. He followed you around everywhere, whining and clawing at the door when Fred locked him out for an hour. When you finally opened the door he almost tackled you with his excitement. That night when you went to go to bed he climbed between the two of you resting his head on your chest while you fell asleep, gently petting the top of his head. Every time you saw him Felix would be more excited than the last.
“Thought you Canadians are inferior to the cold,” Auston jokes when a strong wind gust blows from the lake and through the streets. Shivering you pulling your zipper up further, pulling your toque further down your ears.
“Lets go warm up, my place is only a couple blocks away,” he puts a hand on your back to guide you. It’s the smallest contact, a slight brush against your back before his hand falls into his pocket for warmth. But through your jacket and sweater your skin burns from the ever so slight touch.
Stepping into the lobby you instantly feel the warmth of his building hit your face. “You had a good game last night,” you smile knowing he can’t see it through your mask.
“Woah you actually watched,” he teases, pulling his mask over his face.
“Yeah, you know hanging around hockey players all the time figured I should watch a game or two,” you joke. “You know with not teaching I have some spare time.”
“I’m glad you find time in your busy schedule to watch me on TV.” You give him a playful nudge hitting the button for the elevator. “How is it going with work? Find anything yet?” he asks, bending down to give Felix some pets for patiently waiting.
“No, all schools in Ontario go 100% online Monday so there are a lot of us in the same situation right now across the province. I’m sure something will come along I’m not too worried right now.”
“You’re smart, you’ll figure something out,” he says looking up at you. His black mask is covering half of his face, but from the creases beside his eyes you can tell he is smiling at you. Before you can reply you hear the doors creak open and turn your attention to it.
You notice a body in the elevator who shifts into the corner to make space. Taking a step in you are met by a tall man with broad shoulders, hood of his Nike sweater pulled over his red hair, mask covering half of his face. But you immediately recognize the eyes, stopping you in your tracks.
Auston walks into your back not realizing you stopped and Felix jumps up at his feet. Fred stares at the two of you for a second with a look of confusion, blinking a few times. Like he doesn’t believe it’s actually you behind the mask; but his eyes soften and he turns his attention to the eager pup. You shift uncomfortably, eyes darting between Auston and Fred. Auston looks unphazed a small smirk tugging on his lips.
“What’s going on?” Fred asks standing up, still petting Felix’s head.
“Just grabbed some coffee,” you say quietly.
“Yeah just hanging out,” Auston adds in. “What about you?”
“Just getting home from the rink, was gonna see if you wanted to hangout.”
Auston glances over at you briefly before back to his friend, “yeah for sure man,” Auston replies. Stepping off the elevator on Auston’s floor the three of you head towards his apartment. The two of them chat about something from the game last night, almost oblivious to the fact you are there while you trail a few steps back.
Once inside Auston takes of Felix’s leash and wanders to the kitchen to get him some fresh water. Fred lingers once his shoes are off watching you remove your jacket and boots. Once you hang up your coat Fred’s hands are on your hip backing you against the door, handle digging into your back, “you two having fun.”
His words hang thick in the air, stepping closer he pushes you in further, his breath hot on your neck. When you don’t reply he squeezes your hips, driving the handle further into your back causing you to hiss out a yes. His musty cologne and hot breath has moisture pooling between your legs, the only thing holding you up is his nails digging into your skin.
“Hmm,” he hums as you take a few uneasy breaths. “How long has this been going on smuk,” he places soft open mouth kisses on your neck waiting for you to reply.
“Uh...” you stutter, voice catching in your throat when he nips your skin. “Just the,” you mumble groaning, “one other time
“Cute,” he mumbles placing a kiss to your cheek, the edge of his lips brushing the corner of yours. Pulling back slightly he smirks at you and turns his gaze down the hall, smugness plastered on his face while he locks eyes with Auston who silently watches the exchange.
Your chest heaves and you swallow dryly taking a minute. Without another word he leaves you trying to catch your breath while he walks down the hall. Craning your head slightly you see Auston at the other end watching the entire interaction. Expressionless he follows Fred to the couch, as you try to compose yourself.
You don’t know why but you contemplate walking down the hall and saying you aren’t feeling well and heading home. But that seems obvious. And Fred didn’t seem mad did he?
The three of you sit on the couch, Felix circling, constantly bringing someone a toy or whining for pets. It’s a lazy afternoon and easy, the boys watching some golf tournament that you have no interest in. Fred mindlessly runs circles over your ankle while they chat, your head resting on his pillow.
His touch is soft but soothing. Every circle he draws you feel your blood pressure drop before you finally are at ease. Fred is smiling, Auston laughs at something he said. Everything seems fine, like you worked yourself up over nothing.
“So y/n has the hots for Josh Anderson,” Auston says part way through golf which immediately catches your attention, turning your gaze from Felix to the boys. Auston has a smug look plastered on his face while he winks at you, and Fred has a dark mischievous grin.
“Oh yeah,” Fred grins as you feel your cheeks heat up.
“Apparently we aren’t doing a good enough job,” Auston grins and your eyes go wide. You hear Fred laugh lightly squeezing your ankle tightly.
“Never said that,” you whisper, so faintly you aren’t even sure you spoke. Fred’s hand on your ankle tightens and he pulls you so you’re back is flat to the couch. Quickly his body is on yours, pinning your wrists to the couch at your side.
“Is that true baby? Are me and Auston not satisfying you? Not fulfilling your needs?” he murmurs eyes locked down at you. His chest presses into you, the air around you shifting. You try to swallow, but your throat is dry being starved of saliva.
“Pretty sure he asked you a question princess.” You didn’t even notice but Auston moved across the room, his mouth is millimeters from your ear.
Tilting your head slightly, you feel a hand on your jaw holding you in place, forcing your gaze up to Fred. You aren’t even sure whose hand it is until you feel the leather bracelet brush your neck and immediately know its Auston.
“What do you say man, should we take her to your room? Show her how good she has it,” Fred doesn’t pull his eyes away, while his comments are fully directed at Auston. Another display of his dominance over you making the slick between your legs build even more. “Make her regret even mentioning thinking of him”
You practically can hear the smugness oozing off the man beside you, only answering a quick but firm, “yes.”
Fred’s body is off yours as fast as he was on you. In an instant he easily throws you over his shoulder, carrying you down the hall to Auston’s room. Once back on your feet they begin to remove your clothing. Fred on your right, Auston on your left, both sucking on your neck working in unison; articles of clothing littering his bedroom floor, leaving you in just your matching underwear. If it wasn’t for the two hot bodies pressed against you goosebumps would be popping all over your body.
Auston unclasps your bra, sliding his tongue along your collarbone. Fred sucks on your neck when you hear fabric ripping, your underwear being torn off of you. Fred smirks against you, knowing you have been on them for all the shredded underwear they have left you with over the last three months, but neither seems to care.
Auston’s hand makes work of your breast, massaging and pinching the nipple. Gently rolling it through his thumb and index finger while Fred manipulates your legs apart, thrusting two thick digits inside of your folds. The unexpected nature causes you to whine while both men chuckle against you.
“Most women would be happy to have one man and you have two” Auston murmurs.
“Let’s make sure she never thinks about him again,” Fred sneers. Your head falls back and you begin to moan louder, his fingers quickly thrusting in and out of you. Auston’s other hand roams your back, sliding down to your ass, giving you firm squeezes to roll your hips forward further onto Fred’s digits.
If it wasn’t for both men on either side practically supporting your entire body weight, your knees would buckle. Fred pulls away slightly to get a better look at you, to watch you fall apart over his fingers. Your gaze meets his and his pupils are dilated, black with lust.
Increasing his fingers, thumb finding your clit you know you won’t last much longer. Incoherent thoughts are all you can manage, whimpers and curse words falling from your lips.
“Hear how wet you are princess?” Auston’s mouth is pressed against your ear. One hand cupping your breast his other firmly squeezing your ass. “Freddie’s hand is coated because of you,” he mumbles, you head a chuckle from the man on your right.
“This is nothing,” Fred asserts, but before you can process the weight of his words your orgasm crashes over you. Knees trembling, walls fluttering; blood pulsates through your body causing you to groan loudly.
As soon as you come down the boys release you and you almost fall over. Walking like a newborn deer on ice, you make your way to the bed while both men quickly strip. There must have been a silent exchange because Auston is quickly sitting in the middle of the mattress pulling you towards him.
Your back is to his chest and you can feel his hard erection pressed into your back as he brushes your hair aside exposing one side of his neck for him. “How many do you think it’ll take princess?” he hums his voice soft in your ear. “How many until you can’t even remember Josh’s name anymore?”
His words go right to your core, vibrating through your folds. Your chest heaves and your body shudders thinking of his statement. You know the question is rhetorical, but even if you had a number it wouldn’t be enough.
Fred stands at the end of the bed, eyes switching between yours and the slick dripping between your legs. Every time his eyes drop they stay a little longer, licking his lips at the sight. You begin to feel like a piece of meat and both men have been starved of food for weeks. You move your legs to close them, but Auston’s hands quickly grip your thighs holding you open for him.
Fred shakes his head while Auston rasps, “you know better than that princess,” in your ear; digging his thumbs into your flesh. Your entire body shivers and you take an uneasy exhale, knowing you are in for it. Quickly Fred crawls onto the bed, making his way towards your heat while someone, you aren’t sure who, bends your knees. Fred places soft kisses on the inside of your thigh and knee. The thought of what he will do has you dizzy. Flattening his tongue he licks up the mess from before, your entire body jolts but Auston firmly grips your legs open holding you is place.
“Such a good girl,” he mumbles as Fred laps up all your juices. A few more licks and Fred thick fingers find your heat, curling back inside you “taste so good hun” he adds.
Throwing your head back against Auston’s shoulder you groan “fuck,” but all it does is give him a better view.
“Look at you taking Fred’s fingers,” Auston hums as you feel Fred’s mouth attach to your clit. Auston’s voice is hot and heavy, Fred’s fingers hitting your g-spot with every thrust and soon your second orgasm is building deep inside you.
“Oh fuck,” you hiss while Fred’s tongue circles your clit, swirling in a figure eight on a continuous loop.
“You gonna cum again princess,” Auston says in your ear. “Coat his face?”
Incoherent sounds fall from both sets of your lips. You’re so wet that the obscene sound of his fingers fucking in and out of you makes your entire body heat up. Between both of their sinful mouths, Fred’s attached to your cunt and Auston’s whispering a string of filth on your ear, you are right back on the edge. Your heels dig into the mattress and it’s only a matter of time. Auston’s mouth purring in your ear, Fred’s tongue carefully circling your clit is more than you can take.
Your second orgasm rolls through you, little fires exploding in your hear. Fred slows slightly to draw it out while Auston holds you firm against his chest and you tremble in his embrace. His dick twitches against your back watching as white spills out. You sag against Auston’s chest, body tingling as your juices coat Fred’s face.
Pulling away from your heat your fog begins to settle. Fred has a dark smile, his beard coated in your slick heat. “What do you think does she need one more? Or should we fuck her ‘til she can’t walk anymore?” Fred says to Auston.
“She definitely needs one more,” Auston replies, hands digging harshly into your thighs keeping them spread apart.
“Ungh,” is all you can whimper in response, closing your eyes to take a few uneasy breaths while your legs relax, falling back to the mattress.
There must have been an exchange between the two or maybe you are still coming down from your high and don’t hear the question, but you do hear Auston say, “all you man I’m really enjoying the view.”
A hand is on your throat pulling your face away from Auston’s shoulder. Next a pair of lips are on yours, in a hot and hungry way. Immediately you know it’s Fred; not from the facial hair but the taste of yourself on his tongue.
Fingers are thrust back inside you, but your groans are swallowed by Fred’s mouth. Auston throws his calves over your shins, keeping you spread for his friend while his hands trail up your body. One finds your breast, the other finding your clit, thumb concentrating on pressing harsh circles into it.
Your pussy quivers at the contact it all becoming a lot. It’s almost too much. And then you feel Auston’s mouth on your neck and you know its game over. Being sandwiched between these men, fingers and tongues all over your skin has you pulling away from Fred for some much needed air.
“Holy fuck,” you moan, your eyes rolling into the back of your head, beads of sweat are rolling down the valley of your breasts. Your scream gets ripped from your throat and your vision goes white, wave after wave of euphoria rolling through you. Both men groan as your warmth spills around Fred’s wrist and onto the bed.
“God you are so beautiful when you cum,” Auston groans in your ear.
“Bet Josh would never make you feel like that,” Fred mumbles, finally pulling his fingers from you. Grabbing your jaw he forces your mouth open, shoving his fingers inside for you to lick clean. You have barely caught your breath and almost choke, but quickly work to clean your slick from his finger.
“Fuck, baby, just like that,” he purrs. Pulling away he lands beside you on the mattress, Auston quickly crawls out from behind. Falling backwards landing on the mattress, Fred brushes your sweaty hair from your forehead mumbling something to you in Danish.
Before you can react Auston in between your legs, hands on the back of your ankles pulling you closer, his throbbing tip pressing against your entrance “Remember the word,” Fred asks.
“Yeah,” you barely manage to say, throat incredibly dry.
“What is it,” Auston asks, waiting to continue.
“Yellow,” you manage to whisper through some uneasy breaths.
“You okay,” Auston asks, and you turn your head to stare up at him with a nod, tears resting in the edge of your eyes.
“You have to say it,” Fred says softly.
“M’okay” you say smiling at the softness of the two men, no matter how dominant or aggressive they are they always make you’re okay.
With that Auston thrusts inside your walls, Fred’s handiwork providing an easy lubrication so he gives you no time to adjust. Snapping his hips he sets a fast pace eyes dark and staring between your legs, watching his thick cock slide in and out of your sopping cunt. Pulling your bottom lip through your teeth you whimper, warm tears now rolling down your cheek.
“Just be thankful he is letting you off easy by being on top,” Fred winks rolling onto his side gently pressing his lips into your shoulder.
Wrapping your legs around his waist he snaps his hip, “figured she could use a minute,” he grunts. “But only a minute,” his hands are on your hips and he forcefully pulls you back increasing his pace causing you to cry out.
“Y/N,” Auston calls forcing you to whine as your head turns. “I think you should say thank you to Fred for taking such good care of you earlier,” he nods down to Fred’s hard member resting beside your hand. You honestly don’t think you could do much even if you tried, but when you slowly turn to meet Fred’s gaze he smiles at you.
“It would be nice if you said thank you skat,” Fred mumbles, sucking on your sweet spot beside your ear. Reaching out you wrap your hand around his length giving him a few slow tugs.
“Faster baby,” Fred mumbles, his words vibrating through your body. You try to set a fast pace, but Auston quickly has you distracted. Every thrust is hard and deep, brushing your g-spot before he pulls back. He knows exactly what he wants, each thrust calculated as he drags his cock along your walls. Every time he pounds into you your hand stutters around Fred’s length, but he’s loving it, smirking against your neck.
Each time Auston hits your g-spot you squirm and he is getting off on it. His eyes getting darker and darker, a grin tugging on his lips a little more each time. Fred continues to pepper your collar bone with kisses before working his way down your chest and back up again. His mouth is everywhere when his thumb attaches to your clit.
“Fuck Fred,” you jolt from the contact.
“Pretty sure it’s Auston making you feel this good,” Fred mumbles in your ear. “He’s the one with his dick buried inside you right now.”
Every statement is accompanied by harder faster circles on your bundle of nerves. Nails gripping your hips harder, cock sliding in and out faster. “He feel good baby?” Fred hums. “He feel good stretching you out? You’re taking him so well, you gonna cum all over his cock?”
“Fuck she’s close,” Auston announces as if you and Fred didn’t know. Releasing your hand from Fred’s cock you feel your body erupt around Auston’s dick.
If you thought the first three were intense, the fourth is pure fireworks. Every extremity is tingling and you feel lightning bolts erupt inside. Your walls flutter and both men groan as you disintegrate under Auston, melting into the bed. Neither man stops and soon you are met by Auston’s sticky warmth flooding your walls. He grunts and slows his hips, a few shallow thrusts and he spills everything he has inside you.
Fred pops his head up and looks towards your cunt, watching his friend coat your insides white. Momentary confusion crosses his face before turning back to you. Apart from the first time which Auston didn’t mean to, he has never once spent inside of you. Always spilling on your ass, tits or sometimes thrusting his cock inside your mouth so you can swallow it down. He doesn’t know when you and Auston fucked last week you told him can doesn’t need to pull out. He doesn’t know how every time over the past three months you have a moment of disappointed when Auston pulls out of you. How you are excited for your pussy to overflow with a mixture of both men’s cum.
Auston pulls out and falls beside you and Fred’s face softens. He smiles at you, a smirk tugging on the corner of his lip as he takes in your face. Absolutely fucked out and flush, hair a mess, splayed across the bed, makeup likely smeared down your cheek. Licking your lips you pull Fred’s face down for a searing earth shattering kiss.
Your hand tangles into his roots, his thumb drawing circles just below your ribcage. Tongue sliding into the others mouth and you tug harder trying to pull him on top of you but he doesn’t budge. Instead he falls onto his back pulling you on top of him.
“We all can’t go easy on you,” Fred winks while adjusting you over him. A mixture of sticky white fluids spill out and onto Fred while he lines himself up.
“Got one more in ya princess? You gonna cum for Freddie like you did me?” Auston asks and you shake your head, body barely functioning at this point.
“Oh baby we all know you do”
“Umph,” you mewl as he easily pulls you down, Auston’s cum spilling out around his girth.
Your hand quickly lands on Fred’s stomach, his abs covered in a thin layer of sweat. Your breath hitches when he bucks his hips while you try and take a minute, slowly grinding your hips, trying to compose yourself as best you can.
“Cocks not gonna ride itself,” Auston chortles from beside you.
Your eyes go wide and Fred smirks, shooting you a wink, you start rising and dropping around him, Fred bucking his hips to press deep inside you. Feeling his tip almost in your belly a slew of curse words fall from your lips. With every thrust you can feel more of Auston’s cum spilling out. A part of you thinks Fred thrusts up and pulls your hips down so harshly to fuck it out of you, but either way you are heading back towards the edge.
“That’s right take me deep baby,” Fred praises his back arching off the bed slightly.
You can tell he is enjoying watching you squirm above him. Your overly sensitive cunt barely able to take any more. Luckily the time you spent with your hand wrapped around him earlier means his high is close too.
“You’re taking me so well, baby girl,” Fred praises.
“You gonna cum for him like you did for your me, huh? Milk his cock for all it’s worth?” Auston asks, drawing your gaze to his dark brown orbs. You had almost forgot Auston was there, you are barely able to focus on Fred the pound driving up into your cervix let alone the man beside you catching his breath.
“Mmgh, I don’t… I don’t think I can,” you keen helplessly into thin air.
“Yeah you can, princess,” Auston urges gently.
Auston sits up pinching your nipple and you hiss from the friction his hand is causing, mouth grazes along your throat, his mustache brushing it ever so slightly. You don’t need him, Fred’s cock driving into your throbbing pussy with every thrust. Fred will get you there, but Auston’s mouth on your neck, hand on your nipple sends you catapulting over the edge.
Fred’s hands dig into your hips and Auston’s arm catch your body as you tremble above his friend. Auston spews filth in your ear, Fred mumbling Danish praise below you, but you hear none of it. Vision whiting out, ears filled with a high pitch ring as Fred fucks you through your high. Wave after wave of ecstasy overwhelms your body, Fred gives you a few more sloppy thrusts before painting your walls white. The two men support you while Auston slowly lowers you onto Fred’s chest while you catch your breath.
Auston leans on his elbow beside you, brushing your hair drenched with sweat from your forehead. Both you and Fred are breathless, clammy with sweat as his dick softens inside of you.
“So you learn to keep other guy’s names out of your mouth,” Auston sneers .
“I was obviously joking,” you groan while Fred brings a hand up to lightly draw on your back.
“Wasn’t very funny,” Fred adds.
“One Andersen is more than enough,” you try to push off of Fred put he tightens his grip wrapping his arm around your back, pulling you back down to his chest.
You hear Auston’s feet on the wood floor, and he returns a minute later with some water and a damp wash cloth. Fred gingerly lifts your body, sliding his cock out as some cum spills out. Once off him, Auston hands you the glass and Fred the towel who gently wipes between your legs while you whimper from the contact.
Auston having found some boxers, pulls a t-shirt over your head and pulls you back into the bed with him. Lying on your side you curl into his arm, using his tattooed bicep as a pillow, your hand lying on his chest. Fred crawls in behind you, hand on your hip, warm breath on your neck.
You hear the click clacking of Felix’s nails on the wood floor as he gets closer. The bedroom door finally open, he lets himself in jumping onto the bed and curling up between your legs and Auston as you all quickly fall asleep.
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tabloidtoc · 3 years
Entertainment Weekly, June
Cover: The Pride Issue cover 3 of 4 -- Lena Waithe
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Page 3: Contents, other covers featuring Lil Nas X, Mj Rodriguez, Bowen Yang
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Page 4: Sound Bites
Page 7: The Cold Open
Page 14: The Must List -- In the Heights
Page 15: Instructions for Dancing by Nicola Yoon, Iceage -- Seek Shelter, Ziwe
Page 18: Trying Q&A with Esther Smith and Rafe Spall, Day Zero by C. Robert Cargill
Page 20: Milestone Returns #0: Infinite Edition, In Treatment
Page 21: Brat: An '80s Story by Andrew McCarthy, The Empty Man
Page 22: My Must List Pride Edition -- Niecy Nash
Page 25: Pride 2021
Page 26: Lil Nas X -- the 22-year-old rapper is still breaking barriers one song and several clapbacks at a time
Page 29: St. Vincent -- the chameleonic singer-songwriter returns with Daddy's Home, an adventurous new album inspired by her father's prison time
Page 30: Olly Alexander -- after a lauded lead turn in It's a Sin, the artist returned with the single Starstruck, from his newly solo musical act Years & Years
* Rostam -- the new solo album from the multi-instrumentalist is rooted in society's fear of change
Page 32: Lena Waithe -- the producer and actor, and the new star of Master of None season 3, wants to create provocative art while elevating voices
Page 35: Josh Thomas -- the Australian creator-star of Everything's Gonna Be Okay is telling his story through his art
Page 36: Meet Your Maker -- Natalie Morales -- the queer star directs her first film(s), the sharp indies Plan B and Language Lessons. Here's what got her behind the camera
Page 37: Joshua Safran -- the man behind Alex Parrish's attitude and Blair Waldorf's one-liners shares how his sexuality helps him empathize with his characters
* Brandon Taylor -- coming off his explosive, best-selling debut novel Real Life, the lauded author is looking toward his second act and beyond
Page 38: Mj Rodriguez -- with the final season of the history-making FX drama Pose, it's leading lady is ready to claim what's hers
Page 41: Colman Domingo -- after decades of stellar work, the scene-stealer is front and center on Euphoria, Fear the Walking Dead, and more
Page 42: Auli'i Cravalho -- the star of Disney's Moana proved how far she'll go to be her authentic self, and is now focused on joy and inclusion
Page 43: Queen Supremes -- the international RuPaul's Drag Race winning class speaks power to the franchise's worldwide domination and looks ahead to a fab future
Page 44: Bowen Yang -- the Saturday Night Live breakout is defining funny for a whole new generation and pushing boundaries in the process
Page 47: Margaret Cho -- the stand-up comedian plays the lesbian pal we all wish we had in the comedy Good on Paper
Page 48: Molly Bernard -- after playing Younger's pansexual publicist, she's ready to explore the full spectrum of queerness
* Josie Totah -- from Disney's Jessie to the Saved by the Bell revival and Amy Poehler's Moxie, the actress has made a name for herself twice and Hollywood's paying attention
Page 49: Calendar -- 10 upcoming LGBTQ projects to get excited for --from eye-opening documentaries to sweeping romances, there is plenty to add to your Pride watch queue
* Pride season's 6 essential reads
Page 51: Summer TV Preview
Page 52: Loki with Tom Hiddleston
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Page 53: Panic, The Celebrity Dating Game, Gossip Girl
Page 54: September Mornings, Schmigadoon!, Masters of the Universe: Revelation, Ted Lasso
Page 55: Heels, The Good Fight
Page 56: Power Book III: Raising Kanan
Page 57: Sweet Tooth, Blindspotting, Kevin Can F**k Himself, Mr. Corman
Page 58: We Are Lady Parts, Love Victor, Sex/Life, Turner & Hooch
Page 59: Physical, Hit & Run, American Rust
Page 60: Bosch, Marvel Studios' What If...?, Lisey's Story -- Q&A with Julianne Moore
Page 61: Calendar
Page 62: The Fast and the Furious oral history -- how did a little movie about underground racing speed off to become one of the most profitable franchises in history? The cast and crew reminisce about 20 years of Fast, one quarter-mile at a time
Page 68: News + Reviews -- Nominate Them, You Cowards -- on July 13, the Academy of Television Arts & Sciences will announce the 2021 Emmy nominees. Here are some standout shows and performances we insist not be overlooked
Page 72: Movies -- Summer Star -- taking the lead in blockbusters A Quiet Place II and Jungle Cruise, Emily Blunt is the face of Hollywood's comeback summer
Page 74: Making the Scene -- Army of the Dead -- Zack Snyder explains how he bet big on destroying Las Vegas in his bloody zombie heist movie
Page 75: Oxygen, The Woman in the Window -- the journey from smash best-seller to star-studded streaming thriller was long and fittingly bizarre
Page 76: Meet the Fab G -- director Kay Cannon on how Billy Porter found a fresh, inclusive take on the fairy godmother in the new Cinderella
Page 79: My Favorite Shot Pride Edition -- Sebastian Lelio, A Fantastic Woman -- the Chilean director revisits a gravity-defying sequence in his groundbreaking Oscar-winning drama
Page 80: TV -- The Underground Railroad
Page 81: The Upshaws
Page 82: Oral History -- in 2011, Teen Wolf premiered on MTV. Ten years later, we look back at the pilot episode that introduced us to Scott, Stiles and the werewolves of Beacon Hills -- Jeff Davis, Tyler Posey, Russell Mulgahy, Dylan O'Brien, Crystal Reed
Page 84: What to Watch
Page 86: Music -- Miranda Lambert Q&A -- for The Marfa Tapes, Lambert decamped to the quiet artsy town in West Texas and recorded songs around a campfire. She talks to EW about the album and being an introverted superstar
Page 88: Ear Kandi -- Xscape member and current Real Housewives of Atlanta star Kandi Burruss reflects on the hits she's made for Destiny's Child, *NSYNC, TLC and more
Page 89: The Black Keys
Page 90: Books -- summer books special -- a comedy of eras -- in a sharp new essay collection, The Wreckage of My Presence, actor Casey Wilson weaves big feelings into even bigger laughs
Page 92: Poetic Justice -- prolific romance writer and political powerhouse Stacey Abrams bookend an incredible year with more thrills, this time in her first novel not written under her pen name Selena Montgomery
Page 93: Author Spotlight -- Silvia Moreno-Garcia -- Velvet Was the Night
Page 94: Fatal Attraction -- inside the intoxicating depravity of Animal, Lisa Taddeo's meaty follow-up to Three Women
Page 95: Critic's Pick -- The Great Mistake by Jonathan Lee
Page 96: Critic's Pick -- In the Country of Others by Leila Slimani
Page 97: The Conversation -- Taylor Jenkins Reid and Paula Hawkins -- the names behind Daisy Jones & the Six and The Girl on the Train are coming for your beach tote
Page 98: Q&A with Zakiya Dalila Harris -- The Other Black Girl, former book editor Zakiya Dalila Harris' genre-bending evisceration of workplace privilege, is set to become the debut of the summer
Page 99: Critic's Pick -- Afterparties by Anthony Veasna So
Page 101: Q&A with Billie Eilish -- in between winning Grammys and releasing her sophomore album, the pop star is publishing her first (self-titled) book, a collection of never-before-seen pics of her early life on the road
Page 103: Parental Guidance -- your crib sheet on the best entertainment for kids from toddlers to tweens
* Q&A with Gabrielle Union-Wade and Dwyane Wade -- the actress and her NBA legend husband, bring it on with their new children's book Shady Baby
Page 112: The Bullseye
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quicksweetdreamer · 3 years
I already miss hockey nights...
Since there is no match tonight and I’m sad I don’t have anymore hockey to watch for a while here’s what I’m going to miss about the Canadiens, 2021 edition:
Caufield’s smile
Petry’s bloodshot eyes
Perry’s scar
Carey Price
Weber’s protectiveness
Suzuki’s plays and chemistry with Caufield
Marc Bergevin’s lucky red suit
Gallagher’s fights
Carey Price
Danault’s pizzas
Chiarot being incredible in defense
Caufield being baby
The whole team being incredible when short-handed
Incredible saves (by Carey Price)
That one fight that put 6 players in the box
Romanov’s brief but intense presence
Caufield being speed
Josh Anderson’s mentality that “it’s not the end until it’s the end”
Me saying “ you can’t one v one Price ” every time someone tried to one v one Price
Montreal going batshit crazy on June 24th
Caufield and Price
The whole team and their incredible chemistry and family vibe
Thanks for the great season guys
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rose-tinted-juls · 3 years
juliana's fav tv shows updated: 26.07.2021.
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la casa de papel / money heist (2017-) nationality: spanish created by: álex pina main actors: úrsula corberó, álvaro morte, itziar ituño, pedro alonso, miguel herrán, jaime lorente, esther acebo, alba flores short summary (imdb): "an unusual group of robbers attempt to carry out the most perfect robbery in spanish history - stealing 2.4 billion euros from the royal mint of spain." seasons: 4 - (season 5 is coming in september + december 2021) why i love it (in a few words): it's thrilling, all the characters are perfectly written, i love listening to spanish speech, the actors are awesome, SO INCREDIBLE PLOT, uncountable twists, i got attached so fast, i binge watched it, it never feels forced
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band of brothers (2001) nationality: american created by: tom hanks, steven spielberg main actors: damian lewis, ron livingston, ross mccall, rick gomez, james madio, kirk acevedo, neal mcdonough, scott grimes, dexter fletcher, donnie wahlberg short summary (imdb): "the story of easy company of the u.s. army 101st airborne division, and their mission in world war ii europe, from operation overlord, through v-j day." - based on the book band of brothers by stephen e. ambrose seasons: 1 why i love it (in a few words): it's ww2 and i'm a huge ww2 enthusiast, i love hbo war, it shows the good and the bad, we follow the whole journey of these soldiers and it's amazing, the actors are absolutely incredible, their friendships are 100/10, the cinematography is beautiful, it's based on a true story
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downton abbey (2010-) nationality: english created by: julian fellowes main actors: hugh bonneville, maggie smith, michelle dockery, dan stevens, robert james-collier, allen leech, penelope wilton, matthew goode, lily james short summary (imdb): "a chronicle of the lives of the british aristocratic crawley family and their servants in the early twentieth century." seasons: 6 + 1 movie (the second movie comes in december 2021) why i love it (in a few words): it has phenomenal actors, the plot is exciting-thrilling, there are twists you don't expect, so many love stories and i love them, fantastic characters, it's often so funny i can't stop laughing, dame maggie smith and her performance as the dowager is just incredible and i love her, costumes on point, tom branson o.o
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broadchurch (2013-2017) nationality: british created by: chris chibnall main actors: david tennant, olivia colman, jodie whittaker, arthur darvill short summary (imdb): "the murder of a young boy in a small coastal town brings a media frenzy, which threatens to tear the community apart." seasons: 3 why i love it (in a few words): david tennant, his scottish accent i can't-, olivia colman, their duo oh my god these two together are something extraordinary, it's such a thrilling show wow, SO MANY PLOT TWISTS, cinematography is phenomenal and gorgeous, it's so funny at times oh lord (especially david), it's impossible to stop watching
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the pacific (2010) nationality: american created by: tom hanks, steven spielberg main actors: joe mazzello, jon seda, james badge dale, rami malek, ashton holmes short summary (imdb): "the pacific theatre of world war ii, as seen through the eyes of several young marines." seasons: 1 why i love it (in a few words): hbo war, it's ww2 and i'm such an enthusiast of it, joe mazzello is incredible oh my, it's a bit graphic (for some people it's too graphic and i can see why) but i love it, it makes you feel you're there fighting and like wow, actually all the actors are amazing in it, we see three different story lines so we get to know different aspects of the whole thing
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the crown (2016-) nationality: british created by: peter morgan main actors: claire foy, matt smith, olivia colman, tobias menzies, vanessa kirby, helena bonham carter, josh o'connor, emma corrin short summary (imdb): "follows the political rivalries and romance of queen elizabeth ii's reign and the events that shaped the second half of the twentieth century." seasons: 4 - (season 5 and 6 are in the making) why i love it (in a few words): i've always been interested in queen elizabeth's life, this is a look inside the royal family that you don't often have, the actors are SO AMAZING, honestly sometimes it's so funny and then the next minute it's heartbreaking, it teaches me more about them than anything else, i guess it gives you their point of view so you can understand them a lil bit better, as a child i loved the british royal family so baby me is happy inside when i watch it
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the falcon and the winter soldier (2021) nationality: american created by: malcolm spellman - stan lee main actors: anthony mackie, sebastian stan, wyatt russell, daniel brühl short summary (imdb): "following the events of 'avengers: endgame', sam wilson / falcon and bucky barnes / winter soldier team up in a global adventure that tests their abilities - and their patience." seasons: 1 why i love it (in a few words): i'm a huge marvel fan, my fav characters are sam and bucky, SEBASTIAN STAN, it's funny (honestly which marvel movie/series isn't?), the cinematography is gorgeous, the plot is great, fight scenes on point
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biohackers (2020-) nationality: german created by: christian ditter main actors: luna wedler, jessica schwarz, adrian julius tillmann short summary (imdb): "a fast-paced thriller following medical student mia akerlund who discovers the use of highly advanced biohacking technology in her university town." seasons: 2 why i love it (in a few words): exciting, plays in a city i know, plot twists, the cinematography is amazing, a beautiful show honestly, the plot is interesting and one of a kind imo, the actors are pretty great
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the mandalorian (2019-) nationality: american created by: jon favreau main actors: pedro pascal short summary (imdb): "the travels of a lone bounty hunter in the outer reaches of the galaxy, far from the authority of the new republic." seasons: 2 - (season 3 is coming) why i love it (in a few words): i love star wars and the star wars universe, pedro pascal is amazing, honestly i fell in love with pedro just by his voice literally without even knowing his face, BABY YODA, the character development, exciting plot, pretty awesome fight scenes, great actors
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the queen's gambit (2020) nationality: american created by: scott frank, allan scott main actors: anya taylor joy, thomas brodie-sangster, harry melling, jacob fortune-lloyd short summary (imdb): "orphaned at the tender age of nine, prodigious introvert beth harmon discovers and masters the game of chess in 1960s usa. but child stardom comes at a price." seasons: 1 why i love it (in a few words): cinematography is beautiful, anya taylor joy is gorgeous, and she's such a talent oh my, i love chess, the plot, TBS is in it, it's a show you can't not binge watch it just pulls you in
( +1 )
peaky blinders (2013-) nationality: british created by: steven knight main actors: cillian murphy, paul anderson, helen mccrory, joe cole, finn cole short summary (imdb): "a gangster family epic set in 1900s england, centering on a gang who sew razor blades in the peaks of their caps, and their fierce boss tommy shelby." seasons: 5 - (season 6 is coming) why i love it (in a few words): i love mob stuff in general, so amazing actors oh my, cillian murphy, helen mccrory, it's so dark i love it, plot plot plot, the soundtrack is phenomenal (especially when it's arctic monkeys shhh), it's british (yay)
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