#the great fanatic cotl
gremsnleir · 8 months
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the wheel of fortune reversed indicates a disruption in the natural order, a lack of control in a change that is likely to be unwelcome.
@bandagegirl is heavy inspo for the great fanatic design! theyre a red milksnake :]
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bandagegirl · 7 months
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The text on the last picture is unused but I simply had to include it. This snake was so intensely devoted to Chemach, it's tragic what happened to the two.
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rabiesram · 7 months
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spiderin-space · 4 months
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Lots of scene redraw sketches 👀
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hoy35 · 2 months
Theories surrounding how the mushrooms in Anura are not the creation of Heket
In my comic series Fairy ring, I mentioned that the Menticide Mushrooms are not the creation of Heket, and the main storyline is associated to this setting. Although you could look at it as a feature in an alternative universe, I do believe that this may be how things unravel in the official game... (It may be disproven. After all, it's just a non-canon theory.)
Prof 1: The Serpent's Tablet
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The Serpent is a key character that only appeared in the DLC in the form of "offering the truth to the Lamb". They are mentioned to be the greatest fanatics in the BGM and the comment of the Five Bishops, they worship and defend the Great Ones, which refers to the Gods who created the world in COTL, and tries to unearth their past.
In their fifth tablet, the Serpent documented that they discovered a place with a Godly skull, with small mushrooms that have spots like eyes around it.
(Shamura made their debut in the seventh tablet.)
This could be referring to Sozo's place in the realm of Anura, where there is a giant skull.
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In the background, there are birch trees with red eyes.
This shape seems like the "all seeing eye", but there is one alteration: the line representing the eye crosses the lower eyelid by a great length. My friend adds that "this makes the eye resemble the shape of a mushroom".
(P.S. There are also different symbols of eyes in Kallamar and Leshy's realms, I also have theories surrounding them, but let's not get into it in this article.)
Although this shape is scattered across Anura, it seems that Heket may be trying to suppress it. Unlike Leshy, who directly mentioned that the chaotic flowers in his realm are not his creations, Heket did not mention whether she appears earlier or later than Menticide Mushrooms. But... since it already appeared by the time the Serpent is still alive, Heket probably should not be credited for the creation of these mushrooms.
Prof 2: backgrounds during the crusade
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I don't know if the background assets would appear randomly and there are actually more backgrounds for one type of map, but let's assume that there are only one type of background for each type of room background.
In this case, there are actually changes in Anura for regular background and purged version. Last time I checked, Anchordeep seems to be the same in both forms. Darkwood may have changed a little. Please allow me to make further testing before reaching a final conclusion.
So, the first thing we see is the candles lit on small, white tree trunks. This may be Heket's attempt to suppress birch trees, which would be infested with mushrooms in the background.
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If the trunks grow further, it would show signs of the same red eye-shapes. Furthermore, there are no complete birch trees in the game foreground. They are all chopped or suppressed.
Someone has to put the candles there. I don't think regular followers would dare to touch their beloved leaders' creations. Therefore, it may be the order of Heket towards diciples and followers to do so.
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There is also a mushroom in the background with frog eggs atop. Other mushrooms do not have the same shape of red lines on it. The shape looks like an eye sewed together...
Next, let's look at one room that has changed in regular and purged versions ——the giant frog skull room.
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First, let me ask you, have you seen giant spider, squid, or worm skulls in her siblings' realms? The answer is no, right? (There are giant skulls of other species, though)
Even if there are skulls or corpses of the same species of the Bishops, they are usually in simpler form.
But these giant frog skulls have exactly four eyes, something not even Heket's followers or disciples have.
It's as if the game is hinting at her demise, and Heket may be using these followers to predict how much time she had left due to the infection.
In addition, in the background, the purged version had visibly more birch trees and visibly more mushrooms grown out of these trees.(You may zoom-in to see the pictures above)
Due to her absence, no one is still suppressing the Great One. Therefore, the trees and mushrooms begin to grow wild.
The initial room for the crusade and the sacrificial room also changed. There are dense birch tree forest in the background in purged version of Anura. I forgot to take pictures, though. *cries
Prof 3: Heket's "tatoos"
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The red eyes happened to grow around her wound, where it's assumed to be the weakest. Therefore, it would be more like an infection than fashion choice.
In addition, making tatoos around her wounds would be linked to painism. It's probably too painful.
The eye patterns also disappear when she is in purged form. Maybe the God no longer feels the need to infest and pester her because she is no longer in charge?
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In purged form, the mushroom surrounding her statue also dies.
Also, her follower form seems to have healed from the infection. Or it may just be the creators being lazy and not adding details.
Prof 4: Heket never mentioned associations to Menticide Mushrooms in her conversations. The game let SOZO tell the lamb about it instead.
In addition, Heket got mad when the lamb handed her mushrooms after the indoctrination. Although we usually interpret it as her getting angry because lamb is being pitiful to her, it might also be that she hates these mushrooms? Maybe that still makes sense?
The game seems keen on making little word-plays. Like how Forneus mentioned "how can you say no to a God". Before the DLC, we just assumed that she ment Narinder. But eventually Shamura confessed that they were the one who took away the kittens. So the "God" was actually referring to them.
This may be the same for Heket's case?
I believe that prior to Narinder's betrayal, Heket was doing a good job suppressing the God under the instruction of Shamura. But … due to her injusry, she slowly faded and by the time Lamb appears, Anura is in such a worse state. Also, despite Kallamar and Leshy are also suppressing Gods in their realm, the madness in Anura does not mean that Heket is weak or anything. This God is the most active one, and has begun to be active long before Shamura was even born. It might be the hardest chore for the siblings, and healthy Heket was handling it just fine. So... bad kitty!!! Bad!!
Also, if this theory were to be true, then Narinder would be doing her a favor by killing her prior to her death from the fungus infection. Good job, kitty!
Ok that concludes my theory. If you have anything to prove or disprove it, feel free to tell me!!!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
So it seems like your requests are open? Cool! I have an idea for COTL! Lamb! Reader is Narinder's chosen vessel rather than the Lamb, and they're EXHAUSTED after everything that's happened. So when Narinder summons them, they say "what if I say "no?"" Narinder just goes, "what?" And they respond "listen, I just died, watched my entire race die, and have been running for my entire life. Can I at least have a break before I get thrown into this?" I just thought it would be funny XD
"Come closer. Fear not, for though you are already dead....I still have need of you."
Standing silently in the white void, you gazed up at the giant feline bishop--a god chained as you, a sacrificial lamb, were now. His arms were stripped to the bone, iron clasps keeping him shackled to the ground and preventing him from freely moving them around too much.
Yet despite him being imprisoned like some caged beast...he seemed no-less revering, and you couldn't help but admire him..
Even if he is the reason you were sent to your death.
Lambs all over the Old Faith were murdered in cold blood, their children snatched and butchered and their villages sieged by the fanatics of the five ruling Bishops. You had been on the run for weeks, without knowing why exactly they targeted your kind specifically.
What did such peaceful wool-covered creatures ever do to deserve this sort of horrible fate?
Only after they have captured you did you realize you were the last living lamb...and that the Bishops put all the others to the blade for one reason:
A prophecy.
A prophecy that spoke of their banished brother--the "One Who Waits"--being freed from his chains by a lamb who'd serve as his vessel and destroy the ways of the Old Faith from the inside out.
For that, the Bishops left none alive in hopes of stopping the prophecy from ever taking place, wanting to ensure the "heretic" stayed in captivity forever.
However after your execution, their plan seemed to have gone awry...considering you, a lamb, stood before the very person they desperately didn't want you to see.
"Those foolish Bishops thought they could keep you from me in death, but instead they sent you straight to me!" Narinder boasted. "I will give you life again, but at a price."
You nervously gulped. "And..what would that be?"
"All I ask is for you to start a cult in my name. Do we have a deal?"
".....what if..I said no?"
"....what?" He narrowed his eyes in confusion, surprised that you didn't readily agree to his offer like other vessels before you. They all jumped at the chance to come back to life..but not you. He began to feel a little insulted.
"Do you take me for a liar, little lamb?" He sneered. "Have you no desire for vengeance against the ones who senselessly destroyed everything you knew and loved? Believe it or not, I can give you that power-"
"I-I absolutely believe you, my lord." You quickly backtracked, kneeling down in respect. "I want that more than anything. It's just...so much has happened all at once. My village burning down, my capture, my death...I haven't known peace until I was sent here. I think..t-taking a small breather first would help me feel better prepared to start a cult in your great name..."
You felt like you rambled a bit too long for his liking, seeing as his stoic expression didn't once waver. Even the smaller cat guardians flanking him hadn't moved an inch, although the one in a white cloak did open his eyes, flashes of concern in them.
Yet Narinder's silence was most discomforting, as you feared that you've angered him and he was going to revoke the offer.
Bowing your head even lower, you squeezed your eyes shut, trembling. "Forgive me, I-I spoke out of turn. I..don't think I'm the right fit to be your vessel-"
However you stopped all movements as you no longer felt the weight of the chains holding you down. And you realized they had disappeared, allowing you to move your arms freely.
Although your neck still ached tremendously...at least the clasp wasn't crushing it anymore.
"No. You are the one I need...for it cannot be anybody else." His voice purred, causing you to look back up at him. This time his gaze seemed softer. "I seldom know what has transpired in the realm of the living..seeing only mere glimpses of certain events. But you've given me better understanding of your tragic circumstances. So I will allow you a brief moment of tranquility to prepare you for your task ahead."
You lightly gasped, smiling as you jumped up into a standing position, hands clasped together in relief. "Oh, thank you so much-!"
"Do not assume I shall always be this charitable." His voice went right back to being condescending. "Take gratitude that I permitted this...and do not ask me for anymore favors henceforth. When you lead a cult, you may not always get "breathers"."
"..I-I understand." You rubbed your neck bashfully. "I appreciate this a lot."
"So I reckon we have a deal? When you're ready, I will guide you on what must be done, and you shall take the Red Crown atop my head to fulfill your mission."
"Very well. I shall gladly serve you and repay the debt I owe."
Narinder blinked, silent for a few long moments, before he grinned wickedly, sharp teeth spreading from ear-to-ear. All three of his eyes seemed to glow brighter.
"Excellent. You understand what must be done and already show such strong devotion to me...you'll be my finest vessel yet."
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the-one-who-lambs · 9 days
ok here's the essay
So. How much evidence is there that the Fanatic was the god of knowledge before Shamura? Not much. The game is deliberately vague on what exactly the Fanatic was the god of, but there's just enough crumbs to point in that direction. They tell the Lamb they are waiting for "one who values truth over all else" and in tablet II they pray to the Great Ones for understanding. They also give the Lamb the snake follower form; the serpent tempts Eve to eat from the tree of *knowledge* of good and evil, so the symbolism is there.
The smoking gun for me, though, is the early unused version of tablet X.
"I am shamed, shamed. I deserve no forgiveness. I deserve to die here, shrouded in sin. I renounced the First Gods. How easily pain made a defector of me. I will take whatever punishment is due, but I beg you, reader of these chronicles, remember: they call their faith old, but they are nothing more than heretics. He of havoc, he of blight; she of hunger, they of might. He that lays a soul to rest; five remain of hundreds blessed."
From there we can infer a few things:
The bishops obviously did Something to the Fanatic.
The Fanatic had to be tortured into going along with whatever that Something was. It wasn't just inflicted on them, their cooperation was needed somehow, possibly as part of a ritual or spell.
It didn't kill them. They even managed to get out one last tablet afterward.
We never find out what exactly it was; the Fanatic only describes it as having "renounced the First Gods".
By the time the story starts, the Fanatic isn't around anymore. We hear their voice but that's it.
We know that gods in the COTL universe canonically leave behind a "lingering presence". That lingering presence can persist even if the god loses the Crown and becomes a mortal, or even dies as a mortal; this is what happens with the bishops.
Tablet IX and the Offering to the Owl also heavily imply Haro was once a god of hunting, who willingly relinquished the title for unknown reasons. Maybe this is what the Fanatic meant by "the Owl has chosen a different tact"; giving up their proper godhood, leaving them with their weaker current form (notably, Haro's crown has a crossed-out eye, like it's "dead").
From Ancient Tablet IX: "[…] for regardless of what they threaten, I shall never relinquish my beliefs."
In tablet VIII, the Fanatic refers to their crown as "the blessing of the First at my brow". HMM.
In tablet VII we learn Shamura approached the Fanatic seeking their allegiance, but was turned away. HMMMMMMMMM.
IF, indeed, Shamura found a way to take domain over knowledge from its rightful owner, in addition to already having domain over war, that would add a whole new layer of thematic resonance to their story. The creators have said a big theme in COTL is that those who try to deviate from their nature are usually punished by the universe. Shamura getting greedy, claiming another god's domain in addition to their own, their newfound domain over knowledge leading them to encourage Narinder's experiments, and it all blowing up in their face catastrophically… their descent into madness makes a nice parallel with Chemach also
This is SO interesting and I'm frying my brain trying to comprehend this in all its glory while I watch @linkerbell draw one of the most cursed images i've ever seen
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bandagegirl · 8 months
I am unable to stop thinking about the Great Fanatic. They were a mortal who was blessed with a crown, with godhood, by Chemach, one of the last of the First Gods. The Fanatic merely wished to survive yet Chemach chose them.
To the Fanatic, it meant everything.
To Chemach, it was her duty, it was just another tuesday, it was her nature to create divine tools and give them away, never to use them herself.
To be fully devoted to your duty for it is your nature.
So when Chemach decides to create her own crown and end up losing her mind and body to her own craftsmanship, what did the Fanatic think?
Did they cry seeing their goddess and savior in such a sorry state?
Did they beg her brothers for help, advice, a glimmer of hope that she could be saved?
Did turn their back in disbelief when Clauneck said the cards foresaw it all?
Did their heart break when Kudaai said it is lost? Her duty, the Crowns, her very nature?
That the Chemach that saved Fanatic's life and made them who they are cannot be saved?
The Great Fanatic died at the bishops' hands, just like all the other crown bearers. They died fully believing they deserve it, that they are a sinner for turning their back on the First Gods. And in their dying breath, in unused lines, they speak of the bishops and their faith, of them being merely heretics.
"I am shamed, shamed. I deserve no forgiveness. I deserve to die here, shrouded in sin. I renounced the First Gods. How easily pain made a defector of me. I will take whatever punishment is due, but I beg you, reader of these chronicles, remember: they call their faith old, but they are nothing more than heretics. He of havoc, he of blight; she of hunger, they of might. He that lays a soul to rest; five remain of hundreds blessed."
The Great Fanatic wishes to be remembered, by someone who values truth above all else.
Shamura, mind and heart shattered by one of their siblings, they mutter on familiar words. "He of havoc, he of blight; she of hunger, they of might."
The Great Fanatic went on with "He that lays a soul to rest; five remain of hundreds blessed."
Shamura went on with "Five becomes four becomes three becomes two becomes one becomes nothing."
Out of hundreds blessed with a crown, it is only a matter of time even the last one turns to nothing. Nothing at all.
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bandagegirl · 8 months
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"I await one who values truth over all else."
“It is done. Take this, and remember me."
I adore the lore tablets in the new DLC, who thought we'd get something about The Great Fanatic out of everything. So I made them a snake because they give you the snake follower skin.
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bandagegirl · 5 months
what other kinds of gods are around? like sky, love or like ocean stuff? or are they all dead?
There's definitely more gods out there in the world that I havent touched upon, gods that are very much alive and completely unaware of what was going on in the Lands of the Old Faith. I've been kinda probably burned out on drawing currently, not to mention busy with sewing a plush, so I hope this list of all my gods will suffice.
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bandagegirl · 8 months
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Oh Great Fanatic, you are one tragic snake, I'll keep you in my thoughts.
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bandagegirl · 8 months
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Working on something, so have doodles
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bandagegirl · 8 months
To those struggling to find the new lore added with Sins of the Flesh, here's some things to know
They're a bit difficult to find because:
-the Fanatic Lore rooms spawn only above other rooms, not below or to the sides
-the totem needs to be found inside destructable objects and hit a few times
-if you have found either the fanatic room or one of the five random letters in a crusade, you wont find another unless you keep going after beating the miniboss
-the rooms are not visible on the map unless you have the card that reveals the whole map
-three letters are found in a new room, a graveyard depicting the executioner from the start of the game. Simply dig up the graves. You can find this room under the Question Mark during the crusade map
-one letter is found in Monch's room behind their huge fire, also under a Question Mark
-one last letter is supposed to be found in Haro's room while in a dungeon but I found it in one of the meat rooms on the crusade map, so take that as you will
So if you are someone who values truth above all else, take this, and remember The Great Fanatic.
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bandagegirl · 3 months
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Most of these either dont know or didnt want to tell me how they'd describe themselves. And its ok to have no words
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bandagegirl · 7 months
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Valentine-ish. As small background, Midas used to live in Anchordeep and grew up with a seahorse and swordfish called Aiota and Haar. Midas (back then called MaiMai) was very popular for his looks, so he'd get a lot of Valentines gifts but he was never interested, so he'd share any gift with his friends. Years later, while living with Fortuna, he would make a gold statue grave of his two old friends and his old self due to never being able to say goodbye after being banished from Anchordeep.
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gremsnleir · 7 months
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tryna draw them (great fanatic i am so so sorry for my inability to draw snakes ill get better i promise)
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