#the granola bars made me cry
edenfenixblogs · 4 months
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tears-exe · 1 month
Triggering vent in tags lol
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eveningepiphany · 11 months
welcome to the final show | H.S oneshot
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my masterlist!
summary: you take a beautiful sign to the final show and have the sweetest interaction with harry. then somehow bump into him in italy 2 days later.
warnings: nothing but fluff, and a few little mentions of how he saved your life!
a/n: i am so fucking proud of h. i want to give him a hug more than anything. this is for all my lovelies who love hslot so fckn much it makes them ill.
also this is such an unrealistic oneshot but like that’s just the way for it ig
There’s a certain type of atmosphere that comes around once and a while. It’s rare.
It’s one that no matter how many photos or videos you take, you can’t capture it. One that no word has enough emotional range behind it to convey the feeling it opens up in you.
That is the only way to get close to even describe standing where you are.
You can’t lie, you had waited hours upon hours in the Italian sun just to feel the warm metal of the barricade underneath your palms.
You’d waited years just to get here in general.
When you turn your head to look behind you, you see tens of thousands of people there. Going from visible, overwhelmingly happy faces to a sea of tiny dots.
But you’re here. At the front.
You smile because you made it. This has, albeit dramatic, been a home to you over the past 2 years.
A creature comfort. One you followed every step of the way. And somehow you can’t believe you made it here, and neither would the girl back 18 months ago watching a pixelated Instagram livestream.
Standing in your outift, which took more rhinestones and glitter than you could ever have kept track of.
But you shined under the sun like a mirrorball, so it all felt worth it. Even though you swear there’s still glue stuck under your nails.
Your friends around you shared water, staying hydrated as the show starting neared. Wetleg had already preformed their final set. And tears had been randomly springing on you all day.
You heard the power in the crowd as they sung the prelude songs, goosebumps dotting over your body as you realise he’s probably able to hear it now.
Soon enough he’ll be looking at it. In all of its 100,000 people glory.
“You okay lovely?” Sofia, an Italian girl you’d met in the line checked in on you.
You nodded with a heartfelt smile. The whole experience was so bittersweet. Full of lasts.
“I’m okay. Just so so proud.” You nodded and she softly chuckles.
Her outfit was an electric blue that contrasted her tan skin, “I have some granola bars in my bag if you’re hungry? You should eat, we’ve been standing in the heat all day.”
Your best friend from your other side peered over, drawn back into conversation after being lost in the magic of the crowd surrounding her.
“On cry number— let me guess— 24 of the day?” She said it teasingly.
“Saying that as if you don’t already have mascara stains half down your face.” You grumble back jokingly, leaning your head back to look at the pastel blue sky.
You turned back to Sofia, “We’ll save them for after, maybe lay down on the ground and eat them or something.”
You only said no because you felt like you could probably be sick right now.
“Amore sciocco, troppo testardo il tuo bene, mio dio.” She mutters under her breath with a laugh, shaking her head at you disapprovingly.
“Trash talking her again in Spanish. God I wish I knew how to speak it.” You elbow your best friend at her quip.
You could stay in this moment forever.
As Bohemian Rhapsody begins playing you watch the sun go down, and in this very moment, It is your forever.
You live and breathe every second of it. All the way into peace piece, and as you’re gripping the girls around you for dear life as the lights start to dim along with the setting sun.
Harry coming has the arena screaming so loud it would have been heard for miles. He looks beautiful.
Like a shiny star up on stage. Blowing kisses and sending thank you’s to as many areas of the crowd be possibly could.
Mouthing words in Italian, causing Sofia to almost pass out beside you she screeched that hard the first time he did it.
And him counting in Golden with their language, speaking proudly into the mic— “Uno, due— uno, due, tres!”
“HES— WHAT THE FUCK!!” You’re laughing, holding her hand as she shouts frantically.
Songs bleed into one after another, going on your part from embarrassing screaming and dancing onto equally embarrassing crying.
The overwhelming feeling of seeing him so close— so damn close you can see each individual sequin on his silver outfit when his on the main stage at his mic stand in the centre.
You don’t even realise he’s doing a sign reading interlude until Sofia hands you yours from where it leant on the bottom of the barricade at your feet.
You were enamoured by him.
Taking the sign, your hands shook a little as he was on the main stage. Right in front of you.
His eyes are scanning the crowd, glancing over some signs and smiling.
“We have a choice tonight,” he begins, voice echoing through the speakers.
“we can either move quickly through signs, in which case, we’ll be able to give you some more songs!” An array of screams come from everyone, and you feel sick just at the prospect he was suggesting. The fact he could pull out any song.
He chuckles, walking further towards the area of the pit where you are, “Just an idea, just an idea!”
You’re pretty sure the girls are yelling something about him walking over, but you’re stunned at what’s happening overall, and you can’t even process what they’re saying.
But contradictory to what he’d just said. He stops a moment.
From his perspective, he saw a handful of very bright colours in the front of the crowd. One holding up an equally eye catching sign.
But he takes a moment to blink, focus in on the person holding it.
This girl has her eyes locked dead onto him, like as if he moves an inch— something could implode at any moment. Yet it somehow comes across in a flattering way.
And then he reads the sign.
‘you saved me. i cant thank you enough for that. BTW…’
His heart immediately pangs. Already too emotional at this whole event to be reading a sign like that.
You are in shock. Because he certainly just made eye contact with you and he’s been staring at your sign for a few good seconds.
“Can— wait can you turn that for me, love?” His voice falters a little.
As if Harry Styles just asked you to do something, you move with a haste you never had.
However you misinterpreted his question, turning the sign clockwise like as if it was upside down. Feeling a little embarrassed in yourself that it was around the wrong way.
He chuckles into the mic, causing a small uproar at the softness of it.
“Wrong way, it has B-T-W on it so I’m assuming there’s more on the back.”
“Oh, god— sorry!” You shout out to him, it sounding a little shaky, and you can’t lie that tears were threatening to spill from your eyes.
You had waited so fucking long to have a chance to tell him that he genuinely saved your life. And you’re finally doing it.
Also spinning the sign so the back of it is facing him, and his eyes flit gently over it too.
‘you have by far the prettiest smile ever.’ It reads, with a few large red hearts around it, decorated with glitter and rhinestones.
A dimple pops out on his cheek and he covers his mouth with a hand, flattered as ever.
“Why thank you.” He does a little bow as well, and you’re laughing out of shock. You’re interacting with him right now.
He straightens up, “I’m flattered as ever.” Prodding one of his dimples as he shows off just how pretty his smile is.
“And thank you for coming, it means everything to me.” He flushes a little, laughing at himself and your still starstruck reaction.
“You are stronger than you probably think. What’s your name?”
A tear breaks past your waterline, and you call out, “Y/N!”
Both girls at your side are clutching you like no tomorrow, and Harry takes his in-ear out to hear you better.
You call it out again, he makes only one off guess before he gets it. And your name rolling off his accent tongue makes your stomach flip.
“Y/N? That’s right— well that was a pretty good record for name guessing—“ he laughs, walking over as close as he can to the edge of the stage.
He holds the mic up to his mouth, “make some noise for Y/N everyone!”
You are in complete shock as you hear the whole arena cheer and holler for you, and Harry has this wholesome feeling of adoration wash over him as he sees your reaction.
The tears slipping down your pink cheeks. If he could, he honestly would go down there and wipe them off.
Not something he often find himself thinking. Yet here he is.
“Thank you for coming Y/N. What do you say we do some more songs?” He asks, smiling at the shocked raise of your brows.
“Yes, please.” You enthusiastically reply.
“Alright, you heard her. More songs it is!”
And so the show continues on. The second he breaks eye contact and moves away, a sob tears out of you.
You can’t believe that just happened. And the fact the rest of the show— unless you’re delusional, and making this up in your head— he lingers anytime he’s going past where you are. Catching your eyes, and smiling a little wider.
And you’re absolutely a wreck at the speech he makes, even though Sofia has to translate every word that leaves his mouth.
But if that nearly killed you, the piano ballad was honestly your final straw.
You cried so hard you couldn’t see the fucking stage at one point. And you wish you could say you were embarrassed for him to see you as he did one last round of goodbyes. But you couldn’t.
It was all your love and appreciation for him, poured out of you through the tears streaming down your face.
To your disbelief, he stops in front of you again, blowing a kiss to your friends and then one to you.
Bending down a little further to look at you, lips starting to move— from what your could hardly hear, and mostly got from reading his lips, he said ‘thank you, I love you.”
You blow a kiss back.
And before you know it, the show has ended. And there’s this full, yet hollow feeling inside of you.
Like you’re not sure how to feel. You miss him already, but that was by far the most amazing experience of your life.
You’re overwhelmed, with love and gratitude. And you, Sofia and your best friend end up doing what you’d proposed earlier before the show.
Eating chocolate granola bars with your back up against the barricade, tears still falling from your eyes.
Post love on tour depression is a real thing.
There is no normal explanation for having to force yourself to get up to have an amazing brunch in Italy of all places.
But 2 days after the show day, you’re doing just that. Dressing in a nice summer outfit at the very least, and taking your LOT bag with you.
The streets aren’t too busy considering it’s midday, and you make your way through them peacefully. Stoping to peak into stores, or take photos of little things you like every now and again.
And all your adventuring leads you to a beautiful little corner-cafe. One that the second you step foot into, you are comforted by its cozy feel & strong aroma of coffee.
The building itself had all its historic bones, but had been modernised. Fitted with sleek wooden floors and new furniture. Walls painted a crisp white to brighten up the already light filled room.
You find the menu hanging above where the counter is, on large pretty chalkboards.
You’re mulling over what to get when you hear a voice from beside you.
It causes you to jump a little at it’s unexpectedness, “I like your bag.”
It’s said with the tone that you can tell someone is smiling. And you turn to greet the person who had just spoken to you.
That’s when you’re met with a sight that knocks the wind from you.
Beside you— standing tall, with his tousled brown curls and rolled up linen long-sleeve is quite literally the man you saw on stage 2 nights ago.
“Oh my god—“ you jump a little at the realisation, it hitting you like a train within seconds. But you’re trying to keep you voice down, as to not cause some kind of scene.
He laughs at your stunned reaction, the way your ringed hand goes over your mouth. It’s a reaction he’s accustomed to. But the way your pretty features portray the expression has him all the more intrigued.
He does his classic introduction, “Hi, love. I’m harry.” Sticking his hand out, smiling. Like as if you didn’t know.
“I— well I did notice that.” You rush out in a nervous laugh. Glancing around looking for some kind of film camera, gauging if this is a set up and not a coincidence.
You’re left realising it’s just the two of you, and some older guy with a newspaper a few metres away at a window seat.
But no one with a camera or phone out filming this interaction.
You shake his hand after a moment of hesitation, telling yourself mentally you’re not going to cry as your relish the feeling of his calloused fingertips against the base of your wrist.
“Hi…” You flush profusely.
“What are you ordering?” He smiles at you, and your eyes are so obviously darting over his every feature.
Which you feel like you couldn’t stop from happening when he’s this close, and you’re able to fully see the plains of his beautiful face.
The structure of his jawline— that’s dotted with a light stubble—his cupids bow lips, the definition in his cheekbones. And fuck his eyes.
That are very intensely locked onto yours…
“Oh. I’m sorry. I…” you fumble for words a little, “probably like a tea. That’s usually my go to.”
He nods, “let me get it for you, please. How do you have it?”
“No, no. It’s okay, you don’t need to do that.” You insist immediately, because even though the gestures small, it feels like too much.
“Y/N.” He tuts gently.
“Weird that you remember that.” You think aloud, unable to filter the shock at the fact he just said your name. Even though the show was only 2 days ago, when he learnt it.
“Of course I do. You had quite the sign. I won’t lie, it made me tear up a bit.” He laughs, pushing a stray lock of hair out of his eyes.
“Well, It was true. Not to be cheesy or anything, but your music genuinely means everything to me.” You say carefully. Not wanting to come across as weird.
“And love on tour was one of the best experiences of my life. So… thank you for that.”
“Thank you.” He smiled at your shyness. And you recall the fact you told him he had a pretty smile.
Prettiest smile. The fact he knows you think that?
You wonder if he’s thought the same thing at all in the last 5 minutes.
“Your support means as much to me. Wouldn’t be able t’do what I do if it weren’t for people like you.”
“Now, how you have your tea?” He reiterates, asking for an answer, not for another polite declination.
“I— okay. Since it’s clear you’re not going to take no for an answer.” You sigh. Corners of your mouth upturning anyway at his stubborn ways.
You rattle off how you have it, and he nods, mentally noting it down like this is going to be a regular occurrence.
He walks over to the counter and you shuffle over to the side that you’ll pick up the order from. Watching carefully as he goes up, you take in his much more causal appearance to the usual extravagance of the outfits he adorns on stage.
Hes got a pair of denim shorts on—strong legs on display— paired with a white longsleeve that’s rolled up his fore arms.
You avert your gaze to the older Italian man at the register, clueless to who he is serving.
Until a younger girl, say 15, walks from the back room and does the biggest double take youve ever witnessed.
Harry has to be used to it, because there was no way anyone could miss that.
You’re feeling like you’re in a parallel universe. Because Harry is just casually strolling back over to you, like you’ve known each other for more than a total of two, 5 minute interactions.
You take a breath, reminding yourself simply that he is a human. Just like you are. He wakes up in the morning, has bad days and good days, has habits and routines he follows— just like anyone else.
You keep this in consideration as you open your mouth to speak, “Thank you for doing that. How have you been?”
He smiles at your shy tone, a tiny wholesome feeling bubbling up at your question.
“I’m good, honestly. It’s been a big start to the year. I’m excited to take some time off even though wrapping it up the other night was really hard.” He nods, eyes casually trailing the man who was making the drinks.
“If it makes any difference, I was sobbing like a baby at pretty much every point of the show.” You laughed.
“I did see your very tear stained cheeks.” He shocks himself little with his continuation,
“Would’ve jumped down and given you a hug if I had the bloody time.” And he smiles with gratification as you mask your shocked reaction as much as possible. However, tiny little micro-movements in your face were still popping through. “I went a little overtime with the speech.”
Just human to human. You drew a tiny breath through your nose, “Which was great by the way. I mean my friend had to translate the whole thing, but was also another tear jerker.”
He goes to say something else, interrupted by the call of his name from the counter.
In which he collects the drinks from the lovely man, smiling at him with a warm thank you before turning to come back to you.
“Here you go, darling.” He hands over yours, and his green eyes look bright as ever.
The darling makes your stomach flip. He’s British, they use pet names like this in passing conversation often. But fuck if you didn’t know any better you’d think there was a chance he was flirting with you.
“Thank you. You really didn’t have to, but I appreciate it.” You repeat.
“You have a different accent, you’re not from Italy no?” He interjects and you’re a little confused at the sudden change of topic.
“No I’m not from here…?” you laugh.
“So you’ve travelled all this way to come see me I’m assuming, the least I can do is buy you a tea. Think of it as a thank you.”
He tests the waters a little further, “i don’t usually stay in cafes for overly long but, if you have time to sit for a bit…”
“You continue to amaze me.” You chuckle, slowly following behind him as he pulls up a chair, back to the window.
“You also made me a very flattering sign. So im just being courteous, as a way to return the favour.” He smirks almost. And you’re honestly not strong enough to endure this.
“And that little piano thing you did? Is this compensation for my mental health?” You hold the cup up and he lets out a surprised laugh at your gentle quip.
“Yes, I’ve heard word that it came across as emotional as I’d intended.”
“You could hear a pin drop in the whole arena.” You nodded, taking a sip of the tea he’d bought you.
“I was so worried I was gonna fuck it up somehow.” He shakes his head, hand running through his hair as though he was anxious just at the thought.
“It sounded amazing, Harry. Made me feel a lot how fine line did when I first listened to it.”
He looks sincere with gratitude as you talk. And it stays that way as he continues on conversation with you.
You know heaps about him— you’re a fangirl that’s practically your job— yet he doesn’t know anything about you. Leaving him curious about many aspects of your life, and also with plenty of questions. Ones he really can’t believe he is even asking given you’re a fan, and he’s never actually done this before.
Whatever this is, because it felt a lot like a first date. With the way he asked where you were from, who you came to Italy with, where you grew up.
The whole lot. Your drinks both long since finished, but the questions still flowing between you two. Like there was never enough information to be learned.
He was interrupted by a call, and it almost popped this little bubble you’d made around yourselves.
Which possibly wasn’t a bad thing for him. But it served as a reality check for you.
You’re still just a fan at the end of the day. Even though your not sure how that term stands after he knows about your favourite foods, or childhood stories from your younger years. Because you feel like now that he knows that, the dynamic feels different to you.
But most of all you dreaded the fact you had to say goodbye again. But now you have to say it knowing that he walks away from this knowing things personal to you.
You realise he’s on the phone to his mum as he talks, “Yea, tell Gem to grab them anyway… I’ll be back soonish.”
He glances up at your after a moment of brief silence, “I’m just out with a friend of mine I… bumped into. So I’ll see you soon, okay?”
A friend of his?
“Alright, bye, I love you.”
And just like that the phone hung up.
“I’m feeling very special at my label. A friend of yours.” You laugh, but not lying whatsoever.
“Was m’mum. We’re having a late lunch at her BNB.” He explained, and the fact he didn’t object his choice of wording meant even more to you than anything.
You stare at him a moment, both mutually realising that this moment was seemingly going to have to end at some point.
“I don’t often do things like this.” He shrugs, watching your eyes train on random objects around the room as you get lost in thought.
“What do you mean?” You ask.
“Never sat down with a fan and just had a drink. It was lovely, thank you for being so polite.” He smiles again at you.
It surprised him just how far he went with it. But you had this gentle aura about you. He knew of all people, you were safe to share this private slice of himself with.
“Thank you for buying my drink… to have spent this time talking, it— well it meant a lot to me.”
“I would give you my number if my manager wouldn’t kill me.”
As stated, he continues to surprise himself just how far he’s going.
Your brain stalls at his comment.
“You could just have mine? Buy a burner phone and text me off it.” You make the first suggestion that comes to mind and he barks out a laugh.
“Could just reaffirm that you weren’t going to sell my number off to fans on Twitter?”
“Ah, that could also work too.” You nod, raising your brows.
He pulls his phone from his pocket, and your heart genuinely palpitates. Because how the fuck had you managed this.
“Gimmie yours, if you’d like?” He slides it over, and you feel like you’re picking up something with more value than just a phone. I mean it’s Harry Styles’ phone of all things.
You begin to type it in, glancing up as his gaze is trained on you, “how many numbers of fans do you have banked up in here?”
He rolls his eyes at your tease, still smiling, “I’ll have you know you’ll be the first. If my mums counts though, then only two.”
“I just…” he pauses, pursing his lips as he looks for the right words, “knew I’d regret it if I didn’t have a way to get in touch with you. I’d say we’ve got a lot in common and it’s always nice to meet new people. And I don’t want to be thinking later ‘wow, she was lovely, wish I could have kept in touch’. Y’know?”
You send yourself a text, just a simple ‘:)’ so it saves in his recent messages. “Well, I suppose I’d be a little sad too. Probably start sending emails to your manager trying to find a way to get in touch again.”
He laughs at this, standing up from his chair and pocketing his phone in his shorts once you hand it back to him.
You also rise from the table, watching his movements keenly.
“Makes this part less sad.” He says, in reference to the impending goodbye, “I’m not leaving Italy for a little bit though, and if you’re sticking around as well, maybe I can buy your more cups of tea— to make you feel even more guilty about it, of course.”
You let out a soft chuckle, “Yea, I’m not leaving for a little while…”
He walks to your side of the table, not hesitating to pull you into a hug that leaves you winded.
You freeze a millisecond before jumping to embrace it. Enjoying the gentle yet strong feeling of his body holding yours. And the way his hands are ever-so-slightly caressing your lower back.
“Thanks for hanging out, alright? Don’t be shy to message me.” He murmurs into your hair.
“I— okay. I won’t. Thank you, Harry.” You smile into the crook of his neck.
He gives a final squeeze before pulling back. Fighting the internal urge to press a little kiss to your temple.
“I’ll see you around, hopefully. Bye Y/N.” He gives you a final smile before waving goodbye, and heading out the cafe.
Your head is reeling as he exits. Unsure if you just imagined that whole thing. You needed someone to pinch you, because as far as your concerned that whole interaction was something you dreamed up.
You check your phone to see the time.
1 new notification
Unknown Number | :)
So that actually did just happen.
To reaffirm that you weren’t the only person in the world to witness what happened today, you see a tweet reposted on an update account that reads,
so, i just saw harry styles in the cafe i work at, and he sat down and drank a tea with someone he talked to at a show. not naming the interaction for privacy but like… what the fuck?
And secretly you smile. Maybe this is something you’ll keep to yourself for a bit. Like he’s a new secret friend of yours.
part two!!
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starkwlkr · 4 months
celebrity skin | cillian murphy
barbenheimer series
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‘Is Hollywood done with Y/n?’
‘Y/n L/n, the girl failure’
That’s what the articles published on their front page. Recently, Y/n had refused to do a big budget film for a legendary director claiming that she wanted to take a break from the world of acting. Her and Cillian were looking to buy a house in Ireland so she was busy looking at listings and calling multiple real estate agents.
The director ended up calling her a bitch over the phone. He had insulted her over and over, stating that she would regret her decision.
After a source told multiple magazines about the situation only the ‘source’ didn’t tell the full story, the media started calling her annoying, selfish, dumb blonde, and the one that stuck the most, a bitch.
Cillian was not having it. Instead of going to his audition for a new series, he stayed home with her. He didn’t want her to be alone, especially at a time where the media and ‘fans’ were turning their backs on her.
“You don’t have to stay with me.” Y/n sighed as she snuggled up to Cillian. They were currently in London since Cillian had gotten an audition for a BBC series. He called the casting director and canceled, which made Y/n mad. Why wouldn’t she be? He had talked about the audition for months and now he canceled?!
“I want to.” He replied, giving her a kiss to the side of her head. “You haven’t eaten anything. I can make you pancakes, I know how much you love breakfast for dinner.”
“I’ll eat in a bit. I think I want to take a nap.” She said.
Cillian had noticed how she’s been taking naps all week. Sometimes she wouldn’t even come out of her room and all she ate was granola bars and orange juice.
“I want you to know that I’m with you every step of the way. Those articles? They’re wrong. Fuck those articles. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I love you so much.” Cillian admitted.
Y/n could feel a tear roll down her cheek. Sometimes all she wanted to do was run away with Cillian to whatever country and live their lives in a nice house.
“You’re a jerk, you know that. . I wasn’t planning on crying today. But I love you too.” Y/n laughed as Cillian pulled her in for a kiss. “I wish we could leave this place and go to one of those cottage houses in the countryside. That’s always been a dream of mine.”
“That sounds nice. Why don’t you pack your bag and I’ll buy our tickets and we can leave tomorrow.” Cillian said.
“What?” Y/n asked confused.
“I saw you looking at this cottage the other day on your laptop. I bought it two days ago and I payed my mum to buy us some nice furniture and food so by the time we get there it’ll be okay for us to stay there for a while. So go pack and I’ll arrange our flight. You and I are leaving all this behind for the next few days. No work, no fancy dresses or premieres to attend. Just us and our new home.” He explained.
“You’re full of surprises, my love.”
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It had been a few months since Y/n and Cillian left their life in London and stayed in their new cottage in the countryside. She loved it there. No paparazzi or pushy fans to bother her or Cillian. It was paradise for her. Eventually the casting director for Peaky Blinders offered the role of Tommy Shelby to Cillian since last time Cillian was going to audition he had called to cancel. The casting director desperately wanted him to portray the protagonist of the new BBC series.
Y/n encouraged Cillian to take the role. She was fine with staying in their cottage after all she had made new friends with the women that lived nearby. So Cillian flew back to London to film and Y/n stayed behind. She had picked up new hobbies, fixed some stuff that needed fixing like the guest room and even started working on her garden.
Soon, Cillian had finished filming and made it back home to Y/n just in time for her birthday. Even though it was her day, Y/n insisted on making dinner herself. She decided to cook a comfort food of hers, chicken alfredo.
Cillian watched as she set a plate full of pasta and chicken in front of him then placed hers on her placemat. “I should be cooking for you.” Cillian said, grabbing his fork and beginning to eat.
“If the birthday girl wants to cook then let her.” Y/n stated then began to eat. “How was filming? I saw some pictures on twitter of you on set and I have mixed feelings about the haircut.”
“You don’t like it? Be honest. I don’t like it.” Cillian admitted.
“Well it took some time to get used to it, but I kind of like it now. I don’t know, you look hot either way.” Y/n smirked.
“Then I guess I’ll have to thank the hair department.”
Soon, both plates of food were forgotten as the two lovers made their way to their bedroom, pieces of clothing scattered around. It had been months and both Cillian and Y/n were counting down the days until they say each other again. Months without a single kiss or the feeling of skin on skin. What a way to end your birthday . . .
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@leclercloml @butterfly-skinnylegend @rockerchick05 @agustdpeach @celesteblack08 @probablypossesedbysatan @kittyrumbl3r @electrobutterfly @knpgituloh @butlersluvbot @captainwans @bellstwd @theekyliepage @marti-su @multifans-things @ceruleanrainblues @litterallnobody @jackierose902109 @sinarainbows @cosniffee @thatgirlthatreadswattpad
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uswntdreamer · 2 months
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summary: leah is fustrated with the lackluster performance from her team and takes it out on the wrong person.
series: red, in the blurry mess.
warnings: ableist language (middle section) & suggestive (towards the end).
"are you okay now?" your friend asks you in a whisper. she only now realizes how overwhelming this could be for you.
but you're fine. you're shaken up and confused, but you're fine. your head is buried in the palms of your hands as you breathe in and out slowly. "i'm okay. did she really score or are you messing with me?"
"she did, nala." your friend shoots you smile. of course you can't see it. all you see is the bright red from her jersey.
you can hear the faint screams from the pitch through the concrete walls. they suddenly get louder than before and you're nervous again. your friend notices how your body goes still and is quick to reassure you.
"the game is over, nala. we won." she says as she takes a seat next to you. "leah scored and we won."
for some reason, you can't believe that she scored. which was weird because whenever leah did end up on the score sheet, you were always happy. however, this time you were confused. how did she score? after all these nights of crying and self doubt, she suddenly scores a match winning goal.
you were proud regardless, but none of it made sense to you. you definitely were going to have a talk with your girlfriend in private.
your girlfriend, on the other hand, was upset. some could say she was angry. her eyes, filled with anger, searched through the crowd of thousands, but she couldn't find you. her teammates jump around in joy, that winning feeling encapsulating them all except for her.
regardless, she joined her fellow reds in celebration under the shining lights. london was red once again and spurs had been defeated.
one by one and two by two, arsenal women and staff began to piling into the dressing room. you sat in leah's cubby as you patiently waited for her arrival.
"good game girls! what a way to end the weekend!" you hear a woman cheer. its russo.
"im so tired right now, i could fall asleep behind the wheel." you hear another voice. its kyra.
"oh my days someone please drive this girl home.." its blackstenius.
you hear laugher and more cheering. you recognize all their voices and none of them belong to leah. "where is she?" you mumble to yourself.
"leah?" emily sits down next to you. you glance over at her and nod. emily frowns. "i walked past her in the tunnel and she was ranting to katie, beth, and viv. she looked pissed off about something."
"why?" manuela asks, her mouth stuffed with a granola bar.
"beats me." emily shrugged her shoulders and removed herself from the conversation.
now you were even more confused. what could she be angry about? she scored the last minute winning goal in a london derby. what's there to be upset about?
you were broken out of your thoughts by a tap on your shoulder. it was your friend. "i'm gonna go now. this guy i met at the pub wants to take me out tonight."
if you could roll your eyes, you would. "alright have fun, you whore." you responded jokingly to which you received a light punch to the shoulder.
it's been twenty-seven minutes since the game concluded and there was still no leah. you started to worry. most of the girls were already set to go home, saying their goodbyes and fair wishes.
you stood up and made your way towards the door. as you did, a figure suddenly stormed into the room.
"ladies, back to the training ground tomorrow at 8." you heard a sharp command from in front of you. you recognize the voice once again, but this time it was leah. you could tell she was not happy.
the room suddenly went quiet. the whole vibe has shifted. everyone was perplexed. there wasn't any training scheduled until friday. leah didn't care to explain herself, instead she stormed past you and gathered her belongings.
the other three missing arsenal players entered the room and each of them wore different facial expressions: katie was disturbed, viv was on the brink of tears, and beth was seething red.
you couldn't see their expressions, but everyone else could and decided to keep their mouths shut as leah finished throwing everything into her duffle bag and stormed out again.
"nala, let's go. i don't have the patience to wait for you." leah commanded from down the hall. you stood frozen in the middle of the locker room.
everyone's eyes on you as you dragged your feet towards the exit. katie gently tugged on your arm once you met her out in the hall.
"can you play girlfriend duties tonight?" she asked in a whisper.
you raised your eyebrow, "excuse me?"
katie frowned, "can you get her to realize that it's too late to perfect the imperfections and maybe tell her to chill the hell out?"
you stared straight ahead in pure confusion, but continue to walk down the hall because you knew that an angry leah williamson would not hesitate to leave her disabled girlfriend behind (she's done it before).
leah was already backing out of the parking lot when you arrived. you wacked your stick against the frame of her car and let yourself in. leah didn't say anything to you. you didn't say anything to her. you wanted to, but didn't. she drove out of the stadium, ignoring the sea of red and white as she drove down the street.
you gripped your walking stick hard as you contemplated your next move. "should i ask what's for dinner? if she'll come to my appointment tomorrow? does she need to get something off her chest? or should i just keep my mouth shut?"
you glanced over at leah. there was a mix of different blurry colors that flashed across your vision, but even then you were hoping that through all those moving colors, you could possibly see a hint of happiness on leah's face. there was none of course.
leah was angry and you needed to figure out why.
"are you hungry?" you asked. leah did not respond.
okay then. "i have an appointment tomorrow at 8. i was hoping that you could bring..."
"are you deaf too?" leah rudely cuts you off.
"oh my days. you are fucking deaf." leah spat out as she made a sharp turn which sent your head knocking against the car frame. "oh look everyone, it's helen keller. fucking ridiculous."
you were stunned. mouth agape, bodied stilled, eyes widened. leah payed no attention to your panicked state and continued on with her rant.
"it's like no one takes this sport seriously as i do. fucking third in the league, can barely qualify for the champions league, and constantly drawing to lower ranked clubs. this is all bullshit." she slammed her fist down on the wheel.
she sent a hateful glare at you then focuses back on the road. "im trying to get this team back in order and you ask me about some fucking appointment? you weren't even out there when i scored the only goal in the game and now you want me to go to your appointment? fuck off, nala."
"what?!" you yelled. the absolute nerve of this woman. "i was out there! i just went back into the locker rooms because it was too much for me. you know how i feel about overcrowded celebrations."
"if it was too much for you, then why do you even show up? just stay home with dolly."
"because i'm an arsenal fan, leah. i always come to the games when i can." you grip your stick so hard, you felt like it was going to snap in half.
"well you're also my girlfriend and it fucking hurt when i didn't see you out there." leah admitted.
"i'm glad you reminded me that i am your girlfriend because it feels like im your enemy at the moment." you weren't someone who cried easily, but you could feel tears building up inside.
leah huffed, "well until i figure this shit out, everyone is my enemy."
you knew she didn't really mean that. it was all just frustration from a hard fought game taking over. what leah needed was to calm down; a nice dinner, a steamy shower, and maybe a release in bed.
but what she said was true. arsenal was supposed to be a top club in europe along with their blue rivals, but there's been a bit of a struggle and the struggle will only get worse since manchester city and liverpool have been improving over the months. so you could understand her frustrations, but her reaction to such frustrations was not it.
"leah. we have four games left. you'll work hard in the champions league qualification round and work hard towards the league title next season, but for now you have to remember that you were out for so long. you're back and everything will be different."
your attempts to reassure your girlfriend was slowly working. you were right, she was gone for half the season (that even included missing the world cup), so of course everything was thrown off course.
"nala, i'm not a striker. i'm not a big moment player. i shouldn't have this much impact on a team of world class players."
"but you do and you should take faith in that. you're a leader, so act like it." you paused for a second, "but don't be a leader tomorrow because i need you to be at my appointment tomorrow. it's about my eye surgery."
"you're still going through with that?" leah was officially calm now. her focus shifted onto you and only you.
you sighed and leaned your head against the car frame, "i'm not sure."
leah sent a genuine smile towards you. "well, you don't need to get this surgery. you're perfect the way you are and i, and so many other people, love you."
you couldn't help but giggle as your body finally relaxed. "thank you, sweetheart. i really needed that reassurance of your love after your little episode just now."
leah joined in with her own giggles, "i can reassure you later tonight as well."
"i'm sure you can, love."
"this was better than i thought." leah compliments as she wiped the sauce from her lips. the two of you decided to pick up japanese takeout before heading back to your shared flat. leah wasn't a fan of getting japanese takeout, but you convinced her into getting it anyway.
"i told you it would be good." you put down your fork and called for your service dog, dolly. "dolly, can you go grab a trash bag."
dolly ran off into the kitchen. leah smiled fondly at the dog, "she's such a good girl."
you smiled as well, "she is isn't she. she's well trained."
leah licked her bottom lip and stared deep into your profile. she sat lazily on the couch, her legs spread completely open, her left hand rested on her left thigh while her right arm rested on the frame of the couch behind you.
she looked so relaxed, so full, so content, a contrast compared to earlier. she was still wearing her dirty kit from earlier's match, but you didn't mind. you liked when she stayed in her dirty kit at home, something about it turned you on. seeing the dirt patches on her shorts and the small blades of grass sticking to her dirty, sweating skin was a sign of how hard she worked and you loved how hard leah worked.
dolly returned with the bag. leah quickly takes the bag from dolly's mouth and shoves it to her left side. she signals dolly to go into her playroom at you sit with your hand out (waiting for the bag to placed into your palm).
"nala. did i impress you out there?" she asked in her sultry accent. you started to shift. "did i rock your world? hm?"
you felt your cheeks heat up and warm feeling between your thighs. her right hand now playing with your hair, massaging your scalp.
"answer me, nala."
"yes, sweetheart." you answered in a shaky voice.
leah coo'ed in your ear, "you're such a good girl for me. so patient with me even when i yell at you. you're the perfect woman."
"you're such a perfect woman that you're gonna get on your knees and suck me off right?"
her grip on your hair tightened as she forces you down gently onto the floor in between her legs. she burns a hole right into your forehead as your hands shakily reach for the hem of her dirtied white shorts.
you've had sex with leah many times before, but you couldn't help but shake every time. not because you were scared or nervous, but because you knew what leah was capable of when it came to sex and you couldn't contain your anticipation.
"relax, princess." leah assured. "give me what i want and i'll give you what you want."
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notebookqueenofnarnia · 5 months
Okay Demigods
now that Season 2 has been confirmed (!!!!!!!!!!) I am here to make my official appeal that you ALL read the books. and yes...i mean ALL the books. Because here is what you are missing if you don't:
(mostly spoiler free. mostly vibes and chaotic no context)
Percy's INCREDIBLE sarcasm
Lots of chaotic Mr. D moments
Percy's unending absolute obliviousness when it comes to: his own abilities/powers, his own feelings towards a certain daughter of Athena, and EVERYONE'S feelings towards him
the full list of Percy's felonies (it's longer than you think!)
how much Percy thinks about Annabeth, especially in the third book
The Hunters of Artemis (everyone's like 'which godly parent would you have?' but im like ??? who cares??? I'm running off with the girls to immortal to hunt men i mean monsters)
soooooooooo much Sally Jackson is the Best Mom (to everyone who walks through her door) content
Rachel. Elizabeth. Dare. (this is how the audiobook says her name every single time)
Paul Blofis
Sally Jackson, author
Poseidon: Blowfish?
If you don't read these books you are missing out on some of the coolest female characters Rick has created: PIPER (an iconic), HAZEL (unintentionally hilarious), REYNA (beautiful character arc), and ANNABETH's point of view will have you loving her on a whole other level, trust me
All The Ladies Love Leo
the audiobooks are INSANE. It felt like a full cast read the book, but no. it was just one insanely talented narrator.
Personally, I spent a lot of time reading the OG 5 wondering about how Roman mythology plays into Percy's world. Uncle Rick answered my questions and answered them SO WELL
Hazel the horse girl
Frank the horsebirddolphinman
Frank, gentle himbo, my beloved son
Forced Proximity for 7 teenagers and one chaotically violent satyr (that's Coach Hedge)
Eros/Cupid being one the most genius things Rick's ever written
Percy's hate of Ares transcending god magic
(also his love of Annabeth, but that's like obvious)
weird barely gnome things
this one giant whose name is definitely not pronounced like female anatomy
everyone thinking Percy and Annabeth are constantly getting up to the hanky panky
a statue made me cry
Gay Grumpy/Sunshine (or should that be Death/Sunshine) origins!!
Apollo, vain himbo of godly proportions is forced to live as Lester Papadopoulos
Percy: why
a very chaotic twelve year old daughter of Demeter
she commands Apollo around
plant magic
terrible great haikus at the start of every chapter
Sally Jackson being the best mom to everyone who comes to her door
magic shoes
a sassy magic prophetic arrow that talks in Shakespearean English
so much gay grumpydeath/sunshine content
also yes sunshine's dad is Apollo
Apollo sings
Grover! Piper! Reyna! Hazel! All the friends! Everyone
Jason! (also im sorry)
what if there were some trees who were an elite squad of warriors who also answer to the chaotic twelve year old
gay moms of the midwest
in the last book, chiron takes the campers on a 'field trip' to help take down the big baddie and he shows up dressed as a warrior soccer mom with granola bars, water bottles, and extra swords attached to his fanny pack
a different chaotic twelve year old while fighting to the death in a building that's on fire: "CAN WE GO ON FIELD TRIPS EVERY WEEK?"
okay im not going to spoil it but in the last book there is also this extremely horrifyingly violent moment that Uncle Rick somehow turns into one of the most hilarious things i've ever read
Piper in the epilogue
more insanely funny percy first person narration
Grover, Percy, Annabeth reunite ("the gang is back together!" "The three musketeers!" "Shrek, Fiona, and Donkey!" "Excuse me?")
have you met the god of himbos? (Percy has)
for Season one. you can totally see how Uncle Rick worked on the script and chalice together
if you liked Annabeth shoving Percy into the water....this one is for you
Percy, supreme god of snakes
the cutest cutest cutest cutest Percabeth content you will ever read
hippie gods (yes more than one)
Percy is literally obsessed with Annabeth
Annabeth already being the Jackson daughter in law
Sally Jackson and Paul and
For the record: You CAN read Chalice of the Gods without reading the other series, but please please please read all these books. The audiobooks are phenomenal.
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ellethespaceunicorn · 10 months
Touch and Go: A Detective's Romance
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Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI 
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Detective!Female!Reader 
Fandom: Night Hunter 
Word Count: 3.3K 
Summary: What happens when a touch-starved detective who isn’t well-versed in human interaction meets their match?  
Warnings: touch starvation, awkward conversation, unprotected p-in-v sex, creampie, crying during sex 
A/N: It’s apparently winter in this story, damn Minnesota weather. Honestly, I was watching the movie while writing so it ended up being snowy. Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best.  
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics 
Support/Reblog banner by me 
Cover Art by me 
My Masterlist 
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It’s not like you never noticed your fellow officer. Of course, your attention has been pulled to Detective Walter Marshall once or twice, or several times throughout your time working together. Damn, ok the man was a presence. His very existence should have a warning label on it. 
Not that he’s a bad person. Far from it, in fact. You thought the world of him. Not that you’d admit it, but you found his grumpiness endearing. His monosyllabic responses to questions made it a bit hard to get to know him. You weren’t exactly an open book yourself. But you forced yourself to try and get to know him. 
You didn’t make it a habit to get to know people very often. You had trust issues, and rightfully so after what your ex-partner left you with. A broken heart and a fractured view of your self-worth. You hadn’t even let anyone touch you in so long. A handshake here or there, maybe a pat on the shoulder but nothing more. 
And now here you were, a touch-starved mess who had grown to be a bit more than interested in another detective. You wanted to make him smile and that was a foreign feeling to you. So, you started with an olive branch. 
Asking if he wanted a coffee on your way to the break room. After the fifth time, he relents, requesting a cup of black coffee with three sugars. While you’re there, you pick up a granola bar from the cabinet. Handing him the paper cup of coffee, you also pull the treat from your back pocket and toss it on his desk. 
He tilts his head like a giant puppy at the snack. 
“Humor me and eat something. I’m curious if you’re eating enough if I’m being honest.” You bite your bottom lip unconsciously, and the beginnings of a smile appear on his face as he rips open the bar and takes a bite. 
Chewing slowly and staring at you, he seems to look right through to your soul. You look down at your feet to break eye contact and he clears his throat, getting your attention back.  
“You know, I actually love food. I love to cook almost every night.” As the words come out of his mouth, it’s like they’re fighting their way out. As if each syllable is a punch to the gut. 
“I love food, too. But I hate cooking,” You suddenly had a very dry throat, so you sip a bit of coffee before speaking again, “I’m not inviting myself over or anything, but if you’d be up for it sometime...I, uh...yeah.” You look everywhere but him as you trail off. 
“Yeah, that’d be nice. I normally eat alone. Be nice to have someone...there...to eat with.” It’s like speaking makes him physically nauseous, the way his jaw tenses like that. 
“Well, I’m free most nights, so...just let me know.” You move to turn and leave his office, but he stops you with an offering. 
“You wouldn’t happen to be free tonight?” He’s even surprised by his question but plays it off by folding his hands on his desk and maintaining eye contact. 
“Yes. I’m free.” You know you sound desperate but at this point, this is the most contact you’ve had with the man since you’ve been here so who cares? Well, you do, but you can worry about that later. 
“Good. Yeah. So, uh, I guess come and grab me when you’re ready to go. You can follow me to my place. Sound good?”  
“Yeah, that sounds great. Um, I’m gonna leave so I don’t say something embarrassing. I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I just—” 
Walter cuts you off, saving you from yourself. “Don’t do this a lot?” 
“No, I don’t. Been a long time and I don’t want to fuck this up, ya know? Not that playing it cool was ever my style. Why start now, right?” You surprise Walter by laughing at your self-deprecating joke and he follows suit. 
The little duck of his head doesn’t stop you from seeing the way his eyes crinkle at the corners. When he picks his head up again, a broad smile is painted on that normally glum face. If you had 1% less control over your face, you would have drooled. 
This man should smile more. 
And you know you hate being told to put on a smile but fuck, his face was made for it. You realize you’re still looking at him and a faint rose-tinted blush dusts across his cheeks and the tips of his ears. 
You should not be allowed to be that adorable. 
“What?” Walter’s question brings you back to where you just said that sentence out loud. 
“I think I just called you adorable. So, I’m gonna see myself out and try not to throw myself into traffic on the way to my desk. I’ll be back when I’ve calmed my brain down a bit.” You wave awkwardly and exit his office before you can notice the smile inching back over his features. 
You spend the next two and a half hours hoping you didn’t make a complete ass out of yourself in front of the only man you’ve talked to in the last few months that wasn’t a delivery driver or your boss. The only person who you’ve talked to for more than a few minutes about something other than work.  
When 5:30 p.m. comes around, you gather your things and drag your feet to Walter’s office. He’s already standing, putting away some files in his desk drawer, looking up when he hears your polite throat clearing. 
“How do you feel about Spaghetti Bolognese? I have a recipe from Jamie Oliver that I’ve been meaning to try out.” He says, putting on his parka and moving toward you where you stand in his doorway. 
“Um, pasta is life. Pasta with meat sauce? Even better.” You brighten at the mention of a familiar dish, your previous nerves all but forgotten. 
“Great. Shall I help you with your coat?” He hinted once he realized you weren’t moving toward the exit. 
“Uh, yeah. Thank you.” You set down your purse and handed over your fluffy overcoat.  
Walter holds it out for you as you back your arms into the sleeves. As it comes to rest on your shoulders comfortably, his hands smooth over the fabric that covers your forearms, your hands ending up in his for a moment. 
You freeze at the sudden contact but if Walter notices, he doesn't make a big deal out of it. He just squeezes your hand quickly and hands you your purse so you can walk out together. You are grateful to be among the stragglers leaving the office so that you don’t draw too much attention. 
Walter walks you to your car and has you put in his address to your GPS, ‘just in case you get lost’ he jests before heading to his truck. As you watch him walk away, one thought comes to your mind. 
Is this a date? 
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You park behind Walter’s truck in his driveway, climb out of your car, and crunch through the snow behind him. In your clumsy state, your foot slips, and strong arms catch you so that you don’t completely bust your ass on the unforgiving ice below.  
This time when he touches your arms, you are beyond grateful to be able to pull yourself upright again. Once you’re stable, Walter keeps one of your hands in his until you make it to his front door. He lets you walk in first, turning on the light to the short hallway after you chuckle in the darkness. 
Walter takes your coat and hangs it up with his, your wet boots left by the door. Walking into the kitchen, he pulls out a bottle of red wine and two glasses. Opening the wine, he pours each glass and brings them out to where you are standing in the living room. Handing you a glass, he raises his own.  
“Shall we toast to something?” Walter smiles softly, expectantly waiting for you to suggest what to salute. 
“To...being pleasantly surprised that you still wanted to cook for me despite every awkward moment I’ve had since earlier today. You are a gentleman and a scholar and I'm gonna shut my mouth and drink this wine before I just...keep talking.” You cringe inwardly before looking back up at Walter. 
He is watching you with rapt fascination, a slow smile forming. “Let’s toast to practicing human interaction. I’d say we could both use some assistance in that area. We’ll help each other, deal?”  
“Deal.” You tap your glass to his and take a sip of the now-aerated wine. Your cheeks warm at the blackberry finish of the cabernet sauvignon.  
Maybe there is something to the whole liquid courage thing. 
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Dinner turned out lovely. You were pleasantly surprised that Walter could cook. There were moments watching him cook where he didn’t have to measure things, or he added a little extra of this or that. He didn’t use a recipe while making the garlic toast like it’s a staple of his repertoire or something. 
Sitting on his couch with your feet tucked up under you, you look around the living room at the lack of family photos or little touches that scream Walter Marshall. Not that you would have any idea of what those little touches would be. It just doesn’t feel like a home. It feels like a house, just a house that someone lives in. 
When he comes back to the couch with freshly poured wine, you accept your glass with a smile, and he returns it.  
“It is a Friday night. We are enjoying our second bottle of wine. You made me a delicious dinner. And I still can’t figure out if this is a date, Walter.” You fiddled with the glass in your hand, looking into it as if the answer was inside the wine. 
Walter’s thumb and forefinger on your chin have you looking up at his face. “I’ve used almost every excuse to touch you tonight. I kept talking to you earlier when you thought you’d lost me. I feed off your awkwardness because you say what’s on your mind without a filter. I’m not exactly one to speak a lot but I enjoy talking to you. Because you make me feel like I’m not alone.” 
Unshed tears gather at the corner of your eyes. You swallow the lump in your throat, clearing it loudly before you speak. “Can you tell I’m touch-starved because you are too?” 
At his quiet nod, you take his wine glass and set both of your glasses on the coffee table. You lean forward, your elbows on your knees. He watches as you have a silent moment with yourself, going over different scenarios before you reach a consensus with yourself. You look back up to him and your face softens. 
Reaching out your hand, you intertwine your fingers in his curls. As he turns his head to push it further into your hand, his breathing picks up. He grabs your fingers as they migrate to his jawline.  
“I want...I need more than this. I'd like to say I could wait, but all I can think about is kissing you until you can barely breathe.” Walter forces the words out, his breathing in time with yours. Erratic. 
You climb into his lap, one hand still in his, the other hand fisting his wool jumper. “Then kiss me until I can barely breathe. Fuck breathing. I just need you.” 
No sooner are the words out of your mouth, than Walter’s lips are on yours. It’s like he was starving and the breath from your lungs was the only meal he’d had in weeks. You could feel his hunger as he licked the seam of your lips, letting him in was the only option.  
As your tongues fought for dominance, he took the lead in a way you couldn’t ignore. His arms wrapped around you, pulling your torso flush to his. You felt so small yet so special as he held you. So new yet so treasured as you broke the kiss and rested your forehead against his to calm your nerves and catch your breath. 
A moment passes between you where you both just breathe. Until you lean your head back, locking eyes with Walter again, and you nod. He understands your non-verbal request, picking you up and walking toward his bedroom. Kicking the door behind him, he lays you down in bed and gets to work undressing you. 
You lift your hips as he pulls your jeans and underwear down your legs. You remove your top and bra, and he watches as your body is exposed to him. He stands to make quick work of his jumper, and you salivate at the sight of his hardness through his boxers when his jeans are pushed down his legs. His hefty dick springs up against his abdomen as his boxers are removed. 
Your hands roam over his hairy chest as he climbs onto the bed. With a hand under each knee, he pushes your legs back as far as they will go. He admires the shiny wetness that your pussy leaks. Shifting closer, he pushes the head of his dick through your folds and groans. 
He looks up into your eyes and asks silently if he can continue. When you nod, he enters you and your body accepts him fully. Allowing you to get adjusted to his size, he wraps your legs around his waist and pulls out until just the tip remains inside you before he slams back into you. This time you both groan, you at the fullness, him at the tight squeeze. 
“Fuck, you feel amazing. But please, keep moving.” Your words are all he needed to begin an all-out assault on your cunt. 
If it had been a while for him, you’d be none the wiser with the stamina this man possessed. He held your legs open while he fucked into you. He allowed you to just take it as he did most of the work. You could hardly keep up with his thrusts as you melted beneath him. 
“You’re so fucking close, just let go for me. I can feel you squeezing my fucking cock. Be a good girl and come for me.” While he whispered in your ear, he ground his pelvis into you to stimulate your clit and G-spot at the same time. 
When your resolve finally breaks, you try and hide your face in Walter’s neck to no avail. He tangles a hand in your hair and pulls you back so he can watch your orgasm play out on your face. 
“Don’t hide from me when I’m making you come. I want to watch you fall apart under my hands. You are so fucking gorgeous when you come for me, girl.” He talks as you come down from your orgasm and the warmth that spreads over your body is palpable. 
“Thank you,” You blurt out before you can stop yourself. 
Walter all but runs with it. “Fuck yes, you fucking thank me for your orgasm. That’s my good girl.” He pulls out, turning you on your side and sliding in behind you. Entering you again, he reaches a hand around to play with your clit. Circling your nub, then flicking it to keep you stimulated enough to come all over his fingers. 
You come for a second time within a few minutes, and he fucks you through it. Your words are clipped while you try to thank him once more and it just comes out as breathy whispers. 
Your moans are music to his ears and he pistons in and out of you. As your walls massage his cock, he starts to falter in his movements. You reach back to grab his hand, lacing your fingers together before pulling your hands to your chest. 
Getting the message, Walter wraps his other arm around you to pull you even more impossibly close to him. He slows down his pace, dragging out your moans as he unhurriedly moves inside you. He leans into your ear and speaks softly. 
“You have no idea how much I needed this. How much I wanted you. I didn’t know how to talk to you. Fuck, you feel amazing. Need you every day, girl. Just like this, wrapped up in you. I won’t last much longer. So perfect.” He babbles near the end, whimpering your name. He latches onto your neck as he stills inside you. 
His teeth nip at you and his tongue soothes your skin as you feel his cock twitch and paint your walls with his spend. You can hear him groan in your ear as his arms hold you tight. You haven’t felt this safe in someone’s arms since you were little. You don’t notice you’re crying until Walter wipes away the tears that fall down your face. 
“I’m sorry, I—” 
“If you’re about to apologize for crying in front of me, please don’t. You deserve to express your emotions no matter who is around. Least of all, me.” He places a kiss on your neck, attempting to soothe you. 
“Fair. I haven’t been held or even touched in so long and it’s a little embarrassing that my first reaction is to cry.” You sniff, rolling your eyes at yourself. 
“Don’t be embarrassed. I know that’s easier said than done. But trust me, we just experienced some intense sex. And it was emotional for both of us. Trust me. Can’t you feel how fucking hard I am still inside you?” He moves his hips just slightly and is rewarded with a shiver going down your spine. 
“Walter...please.” You let your whimpers be heard and you get what you want.  
He moves to his knees while keeping you on your side. He pushes your leg up to a 90-degree angle and leans forward to fuck into you. The sound of slapping flesh fills the room as well as Walter’s grunts as he buries himself deeper inside you than before. 
“I’m gonna...please, don’t stop!” You reach up to hold his cheek in one hand and he shuts his eyes at the contact. When they open again, his pupils are blown wide. 
“Not stopping until you come again for me, girl.” The hand on his cheek migrates to his forehead to wipe away sweat-slick curls from his brow. 
“Come with me, Walter!”  
“Ugh, fuck!” 
The hold you have on your orgasm falters and your walls flutter around him, his hands curl around your thigh as his hips pound into you one last time. As his cock spurts inside you, your cunt continues to milk him until he softens and is released from your hold on him. 
He collapses next to you, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you close. You reach an arm across his chest and settle in to catch your breath. Looking up one last time to Walter’s face, you’re pleasantly surprised to see a smile on his normally grumpy face. His eyes are closed, and you feel at peace knowing you are the cause of that serene expression. 
“Stay with me tonight.” You’re startled by his words, but you can’t deny the smile that crosses your face.  
Leaning up to kiss his stubbled neck, you revel in the grunt that follows. “Good night, Walter.” 
You feel him kiss the top of your head, nosing at your hair. “Night.” 
You fall asleep with your hand in his chest hair, your legs tangled together. You are held, you are safe, and you couldn’t be happier. Talking about what all this means could wait until the morning. For now, you bask in the feeling of warmth that this man and this moment give you. 
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Touch and Go: The Morning After
A/N: Shout out to @sillyrabbit81 for her Detective Grumpypants Spotify playlist which helped me so much in writing this. 
**Tag List** 
@brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67 @thabiddie23 @astheskycries @enchantedbytomandhenry @rebelangel1102 @peyton-warren @geralts-yenn @raccoon-eyed-rebel 
Let me know if you wanna be added (or removed) 😁 
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allsadnshit · 5 days
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I love being a girl and crying on my pms week and when my favorite post office worker is there and when the matcha granola bar I like comes back in stock and when the congee is already made from yesterday so I can just heat it up for breakfast and when it's cool enough out for my favorite dress and when I made myself overnight marshmallow root nettle cold pressed tea for my stomach and when I did not give up on trying to live when ex lovers treated me bad and tried to make me feel like an unlovable person or when old friends made me think I couldn't change and we all allowed ourselves to stay stuck but I didn't ever let go of the spell still crumpled up in my heart that I could be set free and that the love I desired was out there in the world and my own love for myself would pull me towards it like I am magnetized because everything that is led by joy is magnetized which is why I am hurdling towards what I want even though it's always going to be a little scary
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Breakfast for Three // J. Todd x f!reader
Requested? Yes!
Warnings: reader has a kid, swearing, talks of poverty (if u haven’t been able to figure out, I am a leftist and I am tucking my lil handkerchief into my collar and preparing to eat billionaires)
Summary: Being a single parent is hard. Being a single parent in Gotham feels impossible sometimes. Two people change things for the better. 
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Listen, raising a child on your own was a test on its own. But being a single parent in Gotham? You had to be absolutely out of your mind.
But you loved your kid. You wouldn’t go back and change your decision. Every morning, you woke up to the giggles and shrieks of your four year old climbing all over you. Lucy was always up before your alarm and while you needed every minute of sleep, you would miss these moments whenever she became too cool to hang out with her mother. So you just bundled her wriggling body up into your arms and peppered her head with kisses as she laughed and wrapped her little octopus limbs around you.
Breakfast had moved from a coffee and a granola bar as you rushed out the door to work to Bluey pancakes for Lucy and even more coffee for you before you rushed out the door to get her to preschool and you to work. Every day felt like it was flying by too quickly.
Her birthday was quickly approaching and that’s how you found yourself out on the fire escape of your apartment with the baby monitor clutched between your hands and sobs escaping you despite your best efforts to stifle your cries.
You couldn’t afford any of the popular toys or games that kids were obsessed with. Hell, you could barely afford rent this month. Living in Gotham wasn’t as bad as other places in terms of rent but raising a kid was expensive and you were struggling to make ends meet thanks to work being slow. God, she was going to be so disappointed. Maybe you could start eating only one meal a day? That would save some money on groceries…
“Are you okay?”
The voice came from the shadows and the subsequent heart attack you received practically launched you into the air. The person cursed and then stepped out of the shadows. Okay, less scary but still pretty fucking terrifying. Red Hood stared down at you, or at least, you thought he was looking at you. The helmet made it difficult to figure out what direction he was facing.
“I said, are you okay?” he repeated in a gruff, no-nonsense voice. You nodded quickly and swiped away your tears with the back of your hand.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Don’t you have skulls to bash in or something?”
A huff of laughter escaped the vigilante’s helmet and you cocked your head to the side. He could laugh? He was capable of humor? Surprises were all around tonight.
“Already did that. And then I heard someone sounding like they just watched Marley and Me three times in a row and figured I should come check.” He eased himself into a crouch next to you and you admired how large and imposing he was yet he didn’t seem terrifying when he was next to you. You weren’t his target so there was no reason to fear him.
“Gonna tell me what’s wrong?” he asked.
“It’s stupid,” you muttered. You turned your attention back to the baby monitor to see Lucy fast asleep in your bed. The one bedroom apartment you rented didn’t have space for another bed so the two of you shared one. Luckily, she was a deep sleeper so she never stirred when you crawled in a few hours after her bedtime and got up early in the morning to get ready for the day.
“Nothing that makes you cry is stupid,” Red Hood retorted. “Hit me with it.”
“My kid’s birthday is coming up and I don’t have the funds to pay for anything. I can barely keep our heating on. She’s going to hate her birthday and I’ll have ruined it forever. I’m already working sixty hours a week, but I can’t ask Mrs. Hayes to watch her longer. Fuck.” You scrubbed a hand down your face and bemoaned your rotten fucking luck. Fuck your shitbag ex. Fuck the system that prevented single parents from succeeding. Fuck it all.
Rustling beside you made you look up to find Red Hood rummaging through his pockets. He let out a triumphant hum and then outstretched his hand. A stack of bills rested in his gloved palm and your eyes widened at the offering.
“Absolutely not,” you blurted out. “I’m not taking blood money from you. Who knows where that’s come from? And what if you show up in five years demanding the money back with some huge fucking interest rate?”
He chuffed out another laugh. “Christ, your mind is an interesting place. It’s legit, I promise. And it’s not a loan. It’s a gift. Take it. I’ve got enough cash.”
You watched him warily as you reached out and grasped the money. Your lips moved as you counted out the values silently and inhaled sharply once you got to the end. Three thousand dollars. That would pay rent for two months, leaving your paycheck to cushion you.
“Holy shit. Thank you. Thank you so much,” you gasped. But when you looked up, there was no sight of Red Hood. He had simply disappeared into the shadows once again. Only the rough paper of cash in your hands made you realize that it wasn’t a dream.
You spent the rest of the night going over your finances and figuring out where you could use the cash and how much you could spend on Lucy. With enough to bolster you for a bit, you decided to take her by a bakery on her way to pre-school. With her dinosaur backpack firmly settled on her back, Lucy bounded towards the bakery with you hot on her heels. Where the hell did she get all this energy?
“Woah,” a man exclaimed as Lucy tripped on a raised edge of the sidewalk. He caught her before she went sprawling onto the pavement, saving you from a torrent of tears and skinned knees.
“Gotta be careful there, kiddo,” he said as he righted her. You caught up to her finally and kneeled down to check her for injuries. Unscathed, thanks to the stranger. You raised your head to meet his eyes and thank him and found yourself captured by searing teal eyes.
“Thank you,” you blurted out. “I should really get her one of those backpack leashes.”
His full lips curled up into a grin and your heart stuttered at the sight of it. Small scars littered his tan skin, but it only added to the handsome rogue look he had going for him.
“I get it. The cinnamon rolls at this place are fu-” His eyes darted towards the squirming child in your hands. “Freaking amazing. I practically run here every morning to get one.”
Lucy gasped. “You like cinnamon rolls?”
The man shrugged. “Well, yeah, who doesn’t?”
“Sad people,” she replied wisely. You burst into laughter at the solemnity of her words and leaned down to kiss her cheek.
“I love you, kid,” you announced.
“Love you too, mommy. Can we go now?”
You stood up to your full height and the man did the same, but he was much taller than you. He offered his hand and you shook it.
“I’m Jason. How about I buy you two breakfast?”
“Oh, you don’t have to do it. If anything, I owe you.”
His smile grew and you marveled at the slight dimple in his chin. “Yeah, but this way I can be a gentleman before I ask you out.”
There was no way this exceedingly handsome, Adonis-like man was asking you on a date. No fucking way. You had toothpaste on your shirt and a four year old currently clinging to your leg. No man had even looked at you since your ex knocked you up and left.
But he was kind and genuine and there was some kind of soft emotion in his eyes that made you want to ask him how the world had hurt him. And Lucy seemed to like him from just their first meeting.
“Okay. Breakfast sounds nice.”
If only you knew how a simple breakfast would change your life forever.
tag list: @mcrmarvelloki​ @gone-batty-fics​ @someoneimsure​ @perpetual-fangirl900​ @visagebrise​ @cursedandromedablack​ @alexxavicry​ @the-wayward-daughter​ @raging-trash-of-mind​ @kat-nee​ @khaylin27​ @igotanidea​ @princessbl0ss0m​
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erikasnothungry · 4 months
I feel so fake right now what's wrong with me?
am I even ànā? I sure didn't act like it today.
I went to a sleepover with my bsf, we ate Naan bread and curry which I couldn't get out of.
before bed I was offered a granola bar and said yes?? like what? and this morning before leaving when I woke up she made me peanut butter honey toast. I love her sm obviously because like that is the sweetest thing but I'm like AHAHAJAHSVSHEKJR
don't worry guys. it gets worse
we went to McDonald's. my mom got me a mcnugget thing and full cålorie coke. I know she wants me to gain wěįght bc I'm technically under (17.9 bmi) and I love her for it because shes been worried about me. why does everyone have to be such good people?
and fries. I ate fries. I'm such an idiot. I don't know what to do because like I love my family and my bff but they give me sm food and i don't want to drift apart from them. and also bc my mom cooks a lot right and my little brother is super picky (love him) and he's like "this is disgusting" basically every night at supper (by the way its not cause he's spoiled he's just 6 and has autism but he is a good kid lol) and one time my mom was crying because he wouldn't eat anything, so anyways I try to eat a lot to show her how much I appreciate her cooking because in my family that's like our form of affection. and I don't want her to think I'm being ungrateful or that it's bad.
but I just need to st4rve. like its not that hard erika stop being a little glutton
I think I'm a little smaller now than like a few months ago but who knows, because the only scale in my house is in my mom's room and she'd be suspicious if she saw me, also I have like 6 siblings in my house rn so I'm never in the house alone.
I'm sorry this was so long, if you got this far ily, and yall need to be more social like don't be afraid to dm me (if you're under 18) I have a lot of socials too. but yeah that's it
P.S. I love my family I don't mean to be rude. I'm just an idiot 🦒
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kookiecrumb · 2 years
jjk || Girls Need Love Too
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pairing: nerd!neighbor!jungkook x fem!reader
word count: 2.6K
summary: You throw out your shitty ex and Jungkook comes over to comfort you, in his own special way.
tags: smut (18+), angst, neighbors to lovers, non-idol au
warnings: oral (m&f), begging, penetrative sex, nicknames (goddess), praise kink, dirtytalking, creampie!!, unprotected sex*(don't do this), hypnotism maybe, a little rough.
Subconsciously inspired by this edit???
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This is the last time he disrespects you. 
Standing outside of your previously shared apartment with your ex-boyfriend on his knees in front of you, you toss out his suitcase with good riddance. 
"No no no, you don't have to do that, please, fuck, Y/N, listen to me!" He sobs, throwing himself on the ground like a child. 
"Why would I listen to you after what you've done to me, after you've never in your life listened to a word I've said?!" You scream at him. 
He sniffs with all his might, trying to gather himself for the last time to plead for your mercy. "It's a mistake! This is just a mistake, I'm so fucking sorry," he wails. 
And for a moment– 
For a second, you question your own judgement. 
This could be three years of a relationship down the drain. 
It doesn't matter. You need to respect yourself more than to let him in again.
"Fuck off." You slam the door in front of him and lean against it on the other side with your arms folded tight against your chest. 
That's when the tears start falling, like waterfalls. In that delicate moment, you realize what you've done to the young love that once existed between you. It is long gone, and so is your innocent youth. 
Little did you know that your next door neighbor, Jungkook, was just about to take out the trash when he witnessed the tragic end to your relationship. 
Admittedly, he's celebrating inside. 
He's always had a thing for you, from the moment you moved in next door to the time you ran into each other on the elevator to when he spotted you around the block, doing errands. 
This might be his chance to be a real provider to you. Immediately, he starts conjuring up ideas to ease your pain. 
After all, "a shoulder to cry on will turn into a cock to ride on." 
He doesn't remember where he got that quote from, but it suits the situation pretty well, he thinks. 
Jungkook is a bit of a nerd. He's never been a Casanova or anything, and he's a little shy with the ladies. 
He's a computer science major who has basically never felt the touch of a woman, and as embarrassing as that is to admit it also means that he needs an experienced person to show him the ropes. 
Your dominance intrigues him. 
He was always hesitant to approach women, but you made him feel welcome enough for him to approach you.
You're open and give off a confident energy that he really enjoys. In other words, you seem to know what you're doing. 
This is his chance. 
With money in his pocket, he grabs a jacket and throws it on to make his way to the grocery store. 
He needed to buy something subtle enough so that it doesn't look like he's desperately wanting to get in your pants as soon as your lover is out of the picture, but something straightforward enough so that you know he's willing to lend a hand in your healing process. 
You can't go wrong with the essentials, right? 
A crying woman needs something to hug, so he stops by the gift aisle and grabs the softest teddy bear. 
She needs something to wipe her tears with, so he tosses a box of tissues into his handheld basket. 
She needs something to keep her mouth from sobbing, so he buys you some teddy grahams, cheezits, and granola bars just so that you have a variety to choose from. 
He gets everything that you might need to heal. 
Jungkook pauses in front of the flower arrangements. 
There is a bucket full of single roses on display. It's romantic, sweet, and can be seen as a simple gesture of empathy. He decides on a blossoming one and heads to checkout. 
Meanwhile, you're wiping your tears with your sleeves, knocking your head against the door, softly. "Why," you mouth, barely any sound coming from your throat. "Why, why, why…" 
Your ex has already gone. He should be halfway across town by now. 
You dread going to a family gathering without him by your side. The fear of what others may think about your relationship and the blame they might put on you brings you deep shame.  
If you gain a reputation as someone with many failed relationships, you might as well be done for. 
That terrifies you. 
Despite your fears, you must carry on. This is the only way you'll survive to eventually be a part of a healthy and strong relationship. It's what you crave the most. 
It is knocking at your door. Literally. 
Jungkook knocks jubilantly at your door, with three bags of goodies held by either hand. 
You stand up and answer the door, surprised to see Jungkook on the other side. "Jungkook! What are you doing here, isn't it late?" 
"I've come to console you, y/n," he says, straightforwardly. "I don't want to see you upset and alone, so I've come with gifts so that you don't have to…do that." 
You glance over him. 
He's puffing his chest up, making himself look bigger than he is. 
His build is naturally a little muscular. You know that he works out a little bit for his own health, but he's pretty skinny, otherwise. 
"Yeah– Yeah, Jungkook. Uhm," you wipe your face one more time, with your sleeve. "Fine. That's fine," you sniff. 
"Good!" He cheers, placing his bags on your counter. "Can I come in?" 
"Sure,, sure. You can come in," you smile, letting him pass and locking the door behind him. 
Jungkook looks around the house with subtle curiosity. "This is your place, y/n? It's so much bigger than I thought…" 
"…It's a lot emptier than it was a few days ago," you laugh through tears. 
"Oh cause that guy moved out, huh?" He says, quietly, as he walks around. 
"Yeah, well, I never liked him. He was always trying to put you in a cage, huh? Always trying to pin you down and take control of you and you were never about that," he says, casually. 
"...Yeah, Jungkook." 
How the fuck did he know that?
"How do you…know all this?" You follow him into the living room, watching him inspect your personal items with admiration. 
"It's a vibe," he mutters. 
"Oh," you let out a sigh. 
Jungkook puts down a photograph of you on a shelf and meets your gaze. "Uhm…there's stuff in those bags for you. I thought you'd need someone to check up on you. I wanna be a shoulder to cry on." 
"You really don't need to do that. I don't plan on being reliant on anybody but myself right now, it just–" you shake your head. "It's something I need to do myself." 
"No, I think you need to listen…" Jungkook hums, smirking a bit as he comes forward. 
"After all…" He tilts his head down, inches from your face. "Girls need love too." 
"Self-love," you reply, hesitantly. 
Jungkook nods, softly. "What can that look like for you?" 
You blink slowly, feeding into his soothing tone and his hypnotizing body language. He leans over you in a protective yet delicate stance, open and inviting. "Many things, Jungkook…"
"What do you need right now? What is your body telling you?" He rasps, quietly. 
"That you want me," you reply, as if the words were coarsed out of you.
"That I want you?" He prompts 
"That I want you," you correct. 
He smiles and weaves his arms around your careful waist. "You do," he confirms. "Don't you want to fuck me?" He speaks seductively into your ear, catching your body in his arms as his hands massage your scalp hypnotically. 
His touch bleeds seduction, soaked up by your skin as a need grows deep inside of you to take him in ways you don't dare speak. 
"He doesn't know how to please you...he never did...you need someone to rely on...and I'll be that for you, goddess…"
You melt into his touch, a medley of sweet lust tainting your perception like a love drug. "Ohhh Kookie~" you sigh, biting your lip. "How long have you seen me this way…" 
Jungkook kisses your cheek softly, in a tender act of kindness. 
"For a while. I don't remember when I caught feelings, but seeing him treat you like that made my blood boil…" he says, rigidly. 
"Treat me better," you ask, taken by his delicate touch. 
As if it was his plan all along, he strokes your sides with his wide hands, riding your shirt up gradually. 
"I plan to," he hums. "I want you to show me the ropes. How can I best pleasure you, goddess?" 
Your eyes flash with lust. "Let me show you." 
While sitting on the couch, you dip your hands into his pants and stroke his thighs beneath the cloth, then bring them back up to stroke his torso while maintaining heated eye-contact. 
Jungkook hisses softly, smirking as he leans forward for you to touch all of him. "...love the way you touch me…" he slurs, furrowing his eyebrows very slightly. 
He kneels below you, his big eyes awaiting your guidance. 
You run your fingers through his hair, thoroughly petting and caressing him in a controlled way. 
He dips his head between your thighs and squeezes his eyes shut. His wide palms grip them open, his lips resting above your clothed cunt. "Do you need me here?" His voice vibrates against your skin in the most delicious way. 
You bite your lip, the blood rushing to your cheeks. Fuck. "Yeah, Kookie~" you sigh.
He smiles and sharpens his tongue before running it from the bottom of your slit to the very tip, pulling your panties to the side so that he can sloppily eat your sweet pussy. 
His eyebrows knit together innocently looking up at you, a deliberate devilish smirk hiding behind those eyes. You tighten your thighs around his jaw and he relaxes his tongue, slipping it inside you and pressing up against your g-spot. 
His grip on you intensifies, his tattooed fingers tensing as he manipulates your hips into his skilled mouth. "Ohhh fuck, Kookie, so good~" you coo. 
Suddenly, he thrusts in, determined. 
You gasp, melting beneath him, but he maintains a strong control of you and he won't let you go. You're under his spell. 
"Fuck!! Fuck,," you whine. 
Jungkook's eyes narrow as he's determined to make you cream around his tongue. He's so fucking hard in his pants but he knows that the reward of having you nice and wet for him is far sweeter than any sort of childish impatience. His focus is set. 
He latches his lips around your clit and spits it back out before taking it back in, sucking it hard and letting his tongue roll over it lewdly. You grab a handful of his hair and angle your hips upward, your moans intensifying with every stroke of his hot tongue. 
He smirks and spreads it on you, digging his nails into your skin possessively before sinking his tongue back inside your cunt, flailing it, determined to make you cum exactly how he wants. 
"I'd do this forever. Your cunt is so sweet. I'll drink it like water," he rasps between passionate kisses against your skin. 
You sputter out a whine, desperate to get something back inside of your hungry cunt. "Please~ please– ohh, fuck, please fuck me~" you cry, unprompted. 
He's painfully hard against his jeans, and by the looks of it he's the perfect size for you.
He catches you staring, amused. He draws himself away from your legs and works on releasing his cock for you. 
"Can I suck your dick?" You pout. 
Jungkook raises his eyebrows, pleasantly surprised. "You wanna?" 
"Ohhh yeah~" you moan, your eyes softening as you stare at his fingers pulling his pants down to his thighs. "Mmmm~" 
With care, he pulls out his cock in his hand, displaying it to you casually. A surge of pleasure overcomes you. 
"You're so pretty, Jungkook," you breathe, closing your legs together and rubbing them with need. 
Jungkook places one hand on his torso and spreads his thighs apart to better show himself off. "Why don't you come down here and put your pretty lips around my cock, then?" 
Soon, your body is laid across your super soft velvet rug with your legs kicked up as your hands grip your neighbor's dick, smiling happily as you take his sticky tip between your lips. He leans backwards on his hands, his head slightly leaned back. 
His adam's apple bobs as he swallows in anticipation. He lets out an ungodly moan as you fill your throat with his cock, your tongue spreading against his underside as you hollow your cheeks and thrust him in shallowly, making sure to breathe deeply through your nose. 
Jungkook winces, letting a flow of sung moans flow from his throat as you suck the life out of him. A big, relaxed smile spreads on his lips as if he were in a state of pure bliss. "Ah~ ahh- ahhh…ah," he swallows hard. "Mmngh– mmmghhh~" 
You use your hands to optimize his pleasure, watching his face contort as you take more of him in your mouth. His breath stutters suddenly, causing his hips to jolt upwards. "Fuck– fuck, I'm going to cum so hard if you don't st– stop," he warns in a panic. 
He looks like a Greek God from this angle, his body a work of pure art. You knew Jungkook worked out, but you didn't know he was built like this. 
You relent, only so you can scoot up on his thighs and grind your swollen cunt against his shaft. 
His eyes widen in surprise, and his reaction is visceral. Jungkook pulls you on to him and catches your lips in a passionate embrace, speaking moans into your mouth as he brings your hips up so he can spear you with his perfect cock. 
He penetrates you, tensing his thighs beneath you as he stretches you out so satisfyingly. You let out the most drawn out whimper, your fingers weaving through his black strands. 
He pants hard, swirling himself inside of you and adjusting to your shared comfort. 
You roll your eyes back, bouncing on him a little in anticipation. "Jungkook please, fuck me…rough, hard…make me cum hard…" you request. 
"What my princess asks for, she gets," he replies, positioning you so that he can get the most out of every long, hard thrust. "I can barely stand to be inside you," he whimpers. 
Jungkook's body shakes at the feeling of your tight cunt. You clench around him and he sees stars. There's no way he could possibly last fucking your cunt for too long, so he starts thrusting sloppily, resting his thumbs above your ass. 
In a quick desperation, he reangles himself and pounds into you, pressing deeply into your cervix as his fingers tease and play with your fat clit. 
A dumbified smile spreads on your face as you lower your hips onto him, clenching around his cock with each pound. You feel your body melt around him, squeezing your eyes shut as you feel your orgasm snap. 
You spasm as you take every drop of his cum, feeling him grip your ass with conviction, holding you still so that he can properly fill you. "That's so good, so fucking good, take it all, baby…" he groans under his breath, huffing. 
He puts his arms around your torso and pulls you upwards so that your back is against his chest and kisses you sweetly. You lean your forehead against his and ask: "are you an angel or the devil?" 
"...I can be both." 
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a/n: here you go!!
permatag gang gang: @btsarmyakasammy, @kooliv , @koobsessed , @angelwonie , @carolynanderson , @hoseokgrecns , @bangsterz , @swyseren, @sxtaep , @koostarcandy , @hgema , @jjkeverlast , @armys-dna , @nglmrk , @devilsbooksworld , @saweetspoiled , @exactlyfuriouscoffee and @unicornbabylover
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nerves-nebula · 4 months
googled "granola bar" for a drawing and almost started crying cuz the images reminded me of when i was really small and mom would have us wake up early to go on field trips with the rest of the home schooling group and she'd make us home made granola bars which, to my memory, were way better than anything store bought ever was.
my sister and i sometimes talk about how our mom gave us dessert in placement of being a good parent and this memory just makes that even more clear than it already was. i don't know what being loved feels like nowadays but i think being given my own little baggy of warm crumbling granola bars probably made me feel loved back then.
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nickfowlerrr · 2 years
pretty when you cry - chapter one
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series masterlist / chapter two
*originally posted to @bellareadsandrecs on 01/24/22*
pairing: dark!biker!bucky x curvy!reader (dark!soulmate au)
warnings: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat. body insecurities, assault, mentions of humiliation, panic attacks, and anxiety. future chapters will contain noncon/dubcon smut. 18+ ONLY.
words: 2.7k
notes: i always do my best to tag appropriately, but if you find i’m missing anything, please do not hesitate to let me know! i’m really looking forward to working on this series. i hope you all enjoy! as usual, feedback is always appreciated. let me know if you’re enjoying it! 💘
This is a DARK series!!! Please proceed with abundant caution.
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Present day
“Having to get new tires really screwed me this month,” you complained to Eva while you wiped down the table you just cleared near the back of the diner, putting the five dollar bill that the couple you had served left for you into your apron pocket. “I asked Jack if I could pick up an extra shift and he said the best he could do was offer me a double on Saturday,”
“Are you gonna take it?” Eva asked with a hint of worry.
“I don’t really have much of a choice. I need to make sure I have enough for rent. I figure I’ll just stay behind the bar all night, ya know. Keep my head down and eyes on the drinks,” you say with a deep exhale.
“Hm. Ya know, I could come by when you’re working, keep you company,” she offered.
“No, please,” you brushed her off. “Don’t worry about me. Enjoy your Saturday, it’s like your only real day off,” you reminded her. “It’s one night. And those guys haven’t been seen around here in months, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“Those guys aren’t the only people in town who frequent that bar you need to worry about,” she chided you. “You never know with these biker gangs. They like to cause trouble. Like messing with people for the fun of it. It’s sick. Did you hear what they did to Deven Cooper last week? The poor guy was buying groceries for his mom when they cornered him in the parking lot. Took his money and the damn groceries. For no good reason. Just saw an easy target and decided to have some fun,” she ranted with a huff. “Just please promise me you’ll be careful. Your attitude always comes out at the worst times,”
“Ugh, I do not have an attitude, thank you,”
“Uh huh,” she rolled her eyes as she walked to the front of the diner to greet a family who walked in for lunch. “Go on, get out of here, you’re gonna be late for your shift at the bar.”
“Thanks, Eva. I’ll call you tomorrow!” You shouted as you exited through the kitchen.
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Your Friday shift passed fairly quickly and without issue as usual. You spent that night watching tv while eating the last frozen meal you had in the freezer. You really needed to go shopping but you’d have to wait until Sunday once you got paid and sent your rent to your landlord.
Saturday came and you woke up later than usual. Your shift was normally 1pm-7pm but because you were pulling a double today, you’d be at the bar until close. You got up and got ready for work. Once you were done getting dressed and doing your hair and makeup, you made your way to the kitchen where you got yourself a bowl of cereal and then grabbed your last two granola bars and your water bottle. You headed to the bar and arrived right on time.
The day shift passed as it normally did, your regulars coming in and then leaving at their usual time. Once 8pm hit, you immediately felt the atmosphere change. People were a little rowdier and drinking a little harder. It progressed like that as the night went on but you were thankful that the town’s newest biker club had yet to make an appearance. 11pm came around and the bar was flooded with college students partying with their friends, and that was definitely something you could handle. You relaxed a bit as 12am rolled around but that relaxation quickly turned to anxiety as you heard the roar of motors outside. The college students started making their way out and the bikers started making their way in.
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Jack was serving tables tonight which you were very grateful for. When the men had first come in they made a beeline for what you assumed was their usual spot. Each of them was bigger and burlier than the last, but each intimidating all the same. They filled the tables and Jack greeted them and took their order. All you really had to do was fill it and get it ready for Jack to take over to them. They were loud, but after some time passed with them keeping to their little section and minding their own, you began to relax once more. It was almost 1:30am when a tall man with dark blonde hair and a thick beard approached you at the bar. He had come from the area you had been trying to avoid and the way he was looking at you made your skin crawl.
“Hey there. Haven’t seen you around before, doll. You new here?” He asked as he looked you up and down.
“Mh, no,” you muttered as you fiddled with the shot glasses in front of you. “Usually don’t work nights but I needed an extra shift.” It took everything you could muster to look up and make eye contact with him. His eyes were beautiful, you couldn’t deny that, but the look in them was dark. Everything about him was intimidating and unnerving, especially that smirk he wore that grew even bigger as you spoke.
“I’m Steve, and you know honey, if you’re having money trouble I’d be happy to help you out. I’m sure I can think of a few ways you could repay me,” he spoke slyly.
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes at his implications - Eva’s comment about your attitude ringing in your ears. You opted instead to turn and walk away but Steve grabbed your wrist from across the bar and held you with a tight grip.
“Where do you think you’re going? You think you can just walk away from me while I’m talking to you?” He growled, any charm he previously had now completely gone.
His grip hurt as you tried to free yourself from him, “I have a job to do, let me go,” you seethed although you felt like whimpering.
Just then you heard a lot of the noise around the bar settle and quiet and you turned to see what the cause was. You felt like you were in a movie scene, it was almost funny. Near the entrance stood another tall man, his presence as menacing as the other’s with piercing blue eyes which seemed to find yours almost immediately, knocking the breath from your lungs. There was something about him that seemed.. Familiar? But that couldn’t be. You’d recognize him if you’d ever met him before, even just saw him in passing, you were sure of it. You felt locked in a trance. His presence, though he wasn’t even very close to you yet, had captivated you entirely in the short few seconds that had passed since he entered. His eyes were narrowed as he looked over you and Steve at the bar. All at once Steve let you go with a shove and you fell back against the bar with a sharp gasp. Steve turned around and pushed away from the bar, “Well look who it is. Nice of you to finally join us, Buck,” he smiled at the man now approaching while the other men all seemed to cheer, “Bucky!” in drunken unison.
Steve moved to walk back toward their table with him and as Bucky passed you, though you kept your head down, you could feel his penetrating gaze on you. You weren’t sure what it was, you couldn’t figure out why this man was looking at you the way he was. You felt hot and exposed. You tried to push the feeling of unease down but as you turned to look back at them, your eyes met Bucky’s once more before you quickly turned away and went back to serving the people along the bar and cleaning glasses.
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The rest of the night passed quickly and thankfully you didn’t have any more trouble, though you felt someone’s eyes on you every so often - you forced yourself to ignore it and not look to who it was, though you were sure you could guess. Jack told you you were good to go twenty minutes after the last call.
“I can close up here, you go ahead and head home,” he said to you as you were wiping clean the counter from the mess of spilled whiskey. He didn’t say anything directly, but he did know why you already hated working nights and you could tell he felt bad about the way Steve had grabbed you.
You didn’t argue, eager to get out of there. You said goodbye and went to head out. As you were heading to the door, you saw a group of men, including Steve, starting to leave as well. You waited for them to pass while you stood behind the counter pretending to still be busy so as to not draw attention to yourself. You looked around and saw Jack and Bucky talking with a couple other guys, but were more focused on getting home and going to sleep rather than trying to figure out what the conversation was about. It looked secretive and it obviously was none of your business. You walked out from behind the bar, heading to the entrance and went outside, praying that the men you were trying to avoid had left already so you wouldn’t have to walk past them. Unfortunately, they were still there around their bikes, clearly waiting for the rest of their pals.
You kept your eyes forward and decided to ignore them as you headed toward the parking lot on the left side of the building. As you passed Steve, who was near the end of the line of bikes, he stuck his foot out and tripped you. You gasped and tried to catch yourself but before you realized what you were doing, you were falling against the bike next to his at the very end of the line. It went eerily quiet as you tried to pick yourself up and hold back your quickly forming tears of embarrassment. It wasn’t until you turned around that you were met with the dark glare of who you were sure you could now safely assume was the leader of their club. And he looked pissed. Beside him, you saw a smirking Steve, and behind him, you saw the rest of the bikers staring at you as well. Some seemed concerned and some seemed amused while the rest of them seemed annoyed.
Before you had a chance to say anything, Bucky stepped closer to you and got in your face growling, “Do you have any idea what the fuck you just did?”
“I fell,” you breathed harshly. “No- actually I was tripped,” you continued, sounding almost as angry as he did as you glared over to Steve.
“Bucky, come on man, she obviously didn’t do it on purpose,” you were thankful for the voice of reason that you recognized as Sam. He had come up to the bar a while after Steve and asked for just a water. He introduced himself and quietly apologized for the way his friend had grabbed you. You were still weary of him, considering the company he seemed to keep, but he had seemed nice enough.
“Mind your business, Sam. Little miss priss here could use a lesson in manners as it stands,” came Steve.
“Shut the fuck up, both of you,” Bucky spoke, his eyes never leaving yours. “Looks like you’ve got yourself into some trouble here, sweetheart. You put your hands on my bike -,”
“I-” you tried to cut in, but he quickly shut you down with a raised hand, sharp tilt of his head and the slight narrowing of his eyes as he moved in closer to you - causing your breathing to become deeper and slightly more erratic.
“Ah ah. You laid hands on my property and unless I’m fucking you, that’s just not something I can let slide. Accident or not. I have an example to set,” he spoke threateningly as he continued to loom over you.
Suddenly sirens sounded as a patrol car pulled up beside the bikes and the officer rolled his window down as he inched up to where you and Bucky stood.
You obviously looked scared out of your mind as you turned to look at the officer.
He regarded you before looking to the man standing inches away from your face, “Is uh- is there a problem here, Bucky?”
Shit. Of course they knew each other.
“Not at all, Frank. My guys were just heading out. And I was just helping this one here - making sure she gets home safely. You never know what kind of shady people are out here at night, you know.”
The officer looked from Bucky to you and then back again.
“I don’t need anymore trouble from you or your guys tonight, got it Barnes.”
Bucky just smirked and then called behind him, “You heard him, fellas. No more trouble tonight. Head back. I’ll meet you all there.”
Your previous irritation was now completely replaced with unnerving fear. First you heard the roar of engines coming to life and saw the men leaving one after another, Steve was the last to ride out, all the while his eyes were trained on you and then you watched as Bucky saluted the officer with a wicked grin as the car drove off.
“Just you and me, now,” He spoke as he leaned in once again. “I’ve calmed down a little, so I’m gonna let you off easy this time, sweetheart.”
You felt a wave of relief crash over you at his words and in the same exact instant, a small smirk played on his lips as his rigged posture seemed to relax. You had no idea what kind of example he would have set with you or what you would have been in store for but you were glad you wouldn’t be finding out. And you’d be sure to never cross paths with any of these men again. Especially Bucky. Just being this close to him made you feel completely vulnerable, like you were at his mercy - and that certainly seemed to be true. It was like he had some sort of hold on you that you couldn’t shake. From the moment he stepped into the bar you could feel it. Some sort of tugging that kept your mind going back to him. You couldn’t quite name it though. You weren’t sure you wanted to.
You slowly backed away from him. You parted your lips to speak but you had no idea what to say. You stood there gawking like an idiot for a second before you spun around and walked as fast as your little legs would take you to your car. You got in, started it, and immediately locked your doors as you took a second to gather yourself.
The previous humiliation you felt at the hands, or feet, rather, of Steve suddenly came back to you along with the fear that was still shaking you from Bucky’s threats. Tears stung your eyes as you imagined in your mind’s eye what those men saw. Haha. It must have been very funny to see the silly little chubby girl get tripped and fall over into a fucking motorcycle. Bucky’s motorcycle. Steve knew exactly what he was doing, of course he did. Your mind then decided to torture you more as the events of two years ago played in your head and the roar of laughter from the town’s previous menaces sounded in your ears. You were always a joke to men. You were pretty enough, sure. But you’d heard enough mean jokes and comments thrown your way to know that your body was less than desirable. You weren’t someone that anyone would ever walk up to and ask for your number out of the blue. The romances you saw in movies and read about in books certainly weren’t destined for you. You were quiet and unassuming. Short and chubby.
“You’re pretty but your face can’t make up for all that,” you heard Brock’s words loud and clear as the day he had said them to your face. You were so upset and distracted by your thoughts that you didn’t even notice the motorcycle following you as you pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street as you headed home.
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mrs-kodzuken · 5 months
Forever Mine ♡
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Pairing: Aged up!Kenji Futakuchi x fem!reader
WC: 1.3k
Genre: fluff, marriage au
CW: fem!reader, implied short!reader, marriage au, fluff, slight overbearing mother?, mentions of food repeatedly, mention of no father, platonic boob holding
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"Girl, hush, you had a granola bar this morning; you'll be fine!" I heard my mom scold me.
I just stared at her, feeling my stomach growl. "But that doesn't calm my stomach," I pointed out.
Ever since I was little, I have always been a person who could put away a lot of food. And I was getting married to my fiancé in a couple of hours. Which unfortunately meant that in order to not be bloated in my wedding dress, I couldn't eat right this second.
She glared and said, "Calm down. You'll get food when you're done." She spoke, fixing my hair in the mirror.
The idea of food never left my thoughts or stomach.
I could really go for some pizza right now. Maybe I could call the pizza place really quickly without my mom knowing? That is, if I'm ever out of her line of sight.
"I can't believe that you're getting married. It just seems as if I was changing your diapers." My mom wiped away a small tear. She had suddenly got super emotional.
"Mom, you said you weren't going to cry till after the ceremony." I laughed lightly.
"But seriously, I don't like seeing you cry." I gave her a small hug, making sure not to mess up my hair.
"Oh, are the bridesmaids almost done? I want to see how they look." I pulled away from the hug and entered the room connected to mine.
"Good god, you all look wonderful!" I astonishingly said to all of them.
Suddenly, a herd of women surrounded me. And of course, with my short height, I was hardly able to get out of their grasp.
"Do you need help with your makeup? I'll do it for you." I looked at my friend, whom I asked to be a bridesmaid.
"Ah, thank you," I thanked her whilst I grabbing the makeup box.
After about an hour, we all had done almost all of each other's makeup and because I needed something to take my mind off of hunger.
"Is everything ready?"
"Yes, dear. Now all you have to do is walk your fine ass down the aisle and become a Futakuchi." My soon to be husband said through the door.
I have been talking to my fiancé for about ten minutes now. I wouldn't let him see me till I was walking down the aisle, I didn't want any bad luck on our special day.
However, my smile was quickly replaced by a groan of hunger.
"Babe? Are you alright?" I heard him through the door. He couldn't open it obviously, but I could tell he definitely wanted to.
"I'm fine, just hungry." I lightly laughed. If I didn't get food in me quick, I was sure I was going to die.
Hearing no response from Kenji at the door, I furrowed my brows. Getting on my knees, I bent down to see if his shoes were still there from under the door.
Which they weren't, by the way.
Suddenly, a loud gasp made me look up. I saw my mom there, looking as if she was about to scold me for being on the floor.
I silently told Kenji I loved him as I received an earful from the woman who raised me all my life.
"Ah, yes, thank you for that," I awkwardly said to my mother. She sighed and shooed me away, saying something like I should already be in my dress and shoes.
Sorry mom, but I was more worried about my future husband than a dress and heels, even if they were gorgeous.
A loud knock sounded throughout the room. The bridesmaids had pulled me into their room as if sensing Kenji was outside that door.
I pressed my ear against the mahogany door while listening. Although, it seemed to be that I was hearing for exactly nothing.
"(Y/n)? You can come out now." I finally heard someone speak, kind of sounding like my mom.
Once my mom said that, I rushed out to see if anything was wrong.
I noticed a pizza box in her hands, she handed it to me.
"Did Kenji get this?" I asked hesitantly, a smile coming upon my cherry-colored lips.
"Yeah, you said you were hungry, so I went and got you my favorite pizza. Enjoy babe." I heard a kissy sound from him through the door, and his foot steps trailed away.
Dear God, I love that man. Which is exactly why I'm going to marry him.
I set the pizza box down and quickly indulged in it, not really caring if it was burning my mouth or not. I sure was hungry.
I'll definitely have to thank him for this. I almost died from the lack of food.
"After that piece, I'll save it for you. You need to be in your dress and down the hall in ten minutes." I heard my mom lecture looking at her gold wristwatch, as I shoved the crust into my mouth.
I saluted and licked my fingers, heading towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my hands.
"Are you ready?" I saw a plastic bag that held my dress in it.
I nodded and took off my robe, which revealed the embarrassing black lingerie my best friend had put me in.
She said something along the lines of, I should get the attention of my man by wearing something hot.
As if I didn't get his attention already. I could hardly stop him from paying attention to me and what was underneath the clothes.
After I slipped on the dress, I was down the hall in a short period of time.
I was met with my mom, who would walk me down the aisle. I mean, who needed a dad anyway?
We hooked arms as I nervously held the bouquet. Even though I've woken up to his handsome face plenty of times, it still gets the knots in my stomach going.
Later, rather than sooner, our vows were said and the celebration of my marriage lasted for hours.
Kenji had been lying on my breasts for the past thirty minutes. I love him so much, I truly do, but I was about to snap, it was uncomfortable.
I shifted, trying to move his head so it would be lying between them instead.
"Why are you moving? Are you uncomfortable?" He looked up sweetly at me.
I glared at his handsome face, which pissed me off even more than his big ass head.
"Your fat head is hurting my boobs," I whined, shoving his head down to my mid-gut.
"You could have just said so; let's switch places then." He laughed softly, putting my comfort over his.
Right as I was about to question him, he had flipped us over. Where I had my back against his chest instead.
I snuggled my back into his chest, paying more attention to the movie now that I was comfortable and happy.
We got married two months ago, but yet he still says dumb shit like this.
"I can massage them for you." I could almost feel the smirk on his face.
I tore my eyes off the screen and just stared at him. How the hell is someone so perfectly annoying?
"As much as I'd like that, I'm watching a good movie right now, babe." I pointed it out, shifting so I could have more cover.
"Can I hold them then? They're always really warm." He commented, nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.
Before I could comment, his hands slipped under my shirt, and I felt his extremely large hands hold my breasts.
This was some kind of 'normal' thing we would do. However, it most likely didn't seem as normal as he thought.
"Kenji?" I mumbled, my eyes burning from looking at the television screen without blinking.
He hummed to answer, and I could feel the small vibration through his chest.
"I love you."
He pulled his hand from my shirt and squeezed my body in a tight hug, "I love you too, baby."
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a/n: this is from my book “Haikyuu x Reader One Shots” from Wattpad! I hope you enjoyed and let me know if you would like more!
the header is from FutakuchiKenji7 on X
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royallygray · 22 hours
On the way back from a trip, I watched Wall-E for the first time on the plane. I liveblogged it because i thought it would be great.
It was.
also I am Not sorry for the typos
also I was using it/its for Wall-E and Eve and then I started using ae/aer for Wall-E and she/her for Eve just fyi
-- -- * -- --
2:20 what happened to my precious wind turbines???? :(
also tf is the song at the beginning
wait this is literally the plot of my original story
cricket :)
4:19 he's made a city out of trash :(
there is a baby crying on my flight :(
buy large gas???
04:57 wait so Wall-E is a brand of robot that cleans things? what's Eve gonna be im excited
turbulence on air :D
05:10 there's a dead wall e :(
05:51 "too much garbage in your face? there's plenty of space out in space!" fuck you don't pollute space that's our space. Maybe not your space actually but it's MY space and don't put your stupid garbage in MY SPACE
07:15 aww fairy lights :D
There's a spork in the lunchbox
why is there a rubix cube in the lunchbox
omg it's confused about whether the spork is a spoon or a fork :(
and it just put it on its own spot
like non-binary people :)
:( it wants someone to hold its hand :( it wants company :(
nope it was smog and the dust on the screen. rip
wtf is blowing up????
the cricket!!!!
09:57 it hibernates :(
and it swings itself to sleep :(
Wall-E needs some sun. go look at the sun, starshine :)
that's a nasty looking sun
cricket is alive :DD
omg the bra 😭
it's a collecter :D
ping pong :)
wtf is the red light
I don't like that
what is it
mans just dug dug dug dig diggity
wtf is that
id be scared too if I were wall e
is that the big ship that was there in the beginning
omg such a great disguise 😭
eve seems very tech advanced
bro all that pollution came down to deposit one robot
walle does not look comfy
windshield wipers??? in the eyes??? 😭
girlypop is a weapon
what do eves beeps mean???
eve wtf was that
are Wall-E and eve actually human size?? and it's just. idk
rip Wall-E they're going through it
what is eve even doing
also she's got anger management issues
me trying to get close to my moots
eve speaks :)
classified -_-
she laughs :D
eve NOOO
cricket??? where's cricket???
walle took you to its secret hideout you better be appreciative
cricker got a granola bar
oh she's ashamed that she broke it :(
rubix cube
wait no
chill girlypop
its got new eyes :)
walles like. raising their eyebrows
I'm gonna try to use neopronous for walle now because why not
ae just wants to hold her hand
nOOOO she stole aer plant NOOOOOO
wait there's a hand
it's just not mutual :(
8000 VS 0
it's cloudy with a chance of meatballs rn
no there are multiple eves
the subtitles are just [Wall-E screaming] 😭
wait why the fuck did they just destroy so many satellites wtf
oh earth looks NASTY
omg phew
just got all the solar power ever ae did
it's the huge ass tech plane
bro how long did that take to fucking build
that thing is bigger than earth tf
gravity :)
Wall-E what are you doing
38:31 they're getting pissed off by Wall-E'S existence :(
39:20 that cleaning bot is PISSED
aww they just realized they can go off the lines :)
mate GET ON TOP OF HER (not in that way) pls just OMG ride the same cart. pls. do not get separated from her pls
those guys are right next to each other wtf
A is for Apple, your iPads
B is for Best Buy, where you get your iPads
C is for idk. cock
lunch in a cup. I wanna die.
also the uniforms suck ass. those are worse than my elementary school ones.
Men? what's so good about men? why are they advertising men in a makeup place? where are they gonna appease men? on their chairs where they don't look at each other???
"try blue!" yeah you shouldve done that ages ago
actually that's a terrible shade of blue. even red is better than that shade of blue and that red makes me eyes hurt
it's actually a good shade of blue. just not for the jumpsuit things.
"every holo-date I've been on has been a virtual disaster" OMG that's actually such a great pun. writers of this I love this
Hi Mary :)
I do love how friendly the humans are. they're just chillin
also I adore how friendly Wall-E is. if someone got me a Wall-E plushie for my birthday I would marry them
maybe. hypothetically. probably not actually.
omg all the captains are dead
OMG extraterrestrial vegetation?? YOU MEAN EARTH??? MOTHERFUKER???
bro he can't read 😭
I'm sad
don't clean Wall-E ae's precious
eve looks so fucking bored
oh that shit fucking exploded
oh no
eve is PISSED
she's so exasperated 😭
was that a kiss
omg that was totally a kiss
omg that was adorable
how is there that much fire extinguisher in one can
AE'S got a surprising amount of control with flying
OMG man and woman touch hands romance is alive
omg captains getting social stuff :D
They can't go back :(
70:36 "I don't want to survive. I want to live!" SLAY CAPTAIN
NO wtf happened to Captain
wait did she? no she didn't thank God
omg it's giant Wall-E
okay cleaning robot you've redeemed yourself ily
Mo ily
OMG all the rogue robots are going together <33
wait where the hell are they getting oxygen if they don't have any plants
"John get ready to have some kids" Mary I love tou
Captain you can walk you can do it :D
wait when the fuck did they learn how to walk
is there even any oxygen on Earth
when did theyearn to walk
eve pls just put aer In sun pls
fish come back alive???? thetles
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slytherinwolf-16 · 9 months
Zenipapa au
Acquired Children, part 1
His superior officer hands him a file, a case he should be able to handle on his own, according to the older officer. Zenigata is used to doing the jobs that had less risk and that the other officers just didn't want to deal with because he's fresh out of training and barely 20 years old. He isn't sure about what to make of this case though.
It seemed simple at first, just four kids that needed to be processed and put into foster homes, but the issue comes in when he reads where they'd gotten these kids.
Case 361: Arsène Lupin arrested, grandson (4) in police care. Child will not give more information than his age and refuses to give his name. No known surviving family members.
Case 365: Unknown gangster taken into custody, left son (6) in police care. No known family.
Case 367: Ishikawa Goemon XII, found beheaded in Okigahara forest. 6 month old son found bundled in nearby tent. No know relatives.
Case 368: Shiemi Mine, local prostitute, found shot dead in alleyway with toddler girl (2) crying over the corpse. No known family.
The report was giving Zenigata chills, three of these were criminals and children of criminals were often messed up from the start. These kids were apparently locked in one of the backrooms in the station because the 4yo keeps stealing random things off cops, the 2yo keeps yelling for the slightest thing and the 6yo has already outshot most of the rookies in the firing range in the basement.
Zenigata, albeit unnerved, followed the procedure as usual. He called all the local foster homes and any places that usually took children that were left at the police station, but every time when they heard who the parents were, they'd either immediately decline, start preaching about demons or just end the call abruptly in his ear.
By the time his shift was ending, Zenigata had made no progress on it and they needed a place to stay overnight.
After reporting to his superior officer and getting a thorough lecture on responsibility and that if there's no one else then an officer has to take the kids for the night. Again, none of the other officers wanted to deal with the kids.
So, Zenigata made his way down to the backroom where they were locked in for the last couple hours. He needed to at least meet them if he was temporarily responsible for them.
To his surprise, the door wasn't locked as the other officers had said it would be. Even more surprising, was that all four of them were still in the room. One of the boys, his guess was the 6yo, was busy trying to get the 6 month old to eat some crumbled up granola bars. There was a couple wrappers and soda cans laying around and Zenigata found himself surprised because as far as he knew they hadn't exactly been left with snacks, not this much anyway.
When the kids noticed him, the girl ran over and hid behind the smaller boy, who was standing now and offering Zenigata a grin. The other boy didn't pay him much attention, still trying to deal with the baby.
Zeni wonders if they've already bonded or if the girl just hid by them because they're older. He'd have to find out later.
"You four are gonna stay with me tonight," he says kindly, trying to be as gentle and non-threatening as possible. This didn't seem to work though, because the girl moved further away, the older boy turned to shield the smallest from the cop and the boy that had been smiling, now crossed his arms. "Not happening! You're a cop, why should we trust you?" Seems he was gonna be the talkative one then. It was odd to him that the four, so young, already had a distrust for police.
It takes a while to convince the four he's not going to hurt them and then he's got the problem of getting four kids to his flat. The walk, which thankfully wasn't more than two blocks, started with the baby held in his arms, fast asleep, Fujiko on his shoulders, patting his head with his hat on her head and the two boys holding onto his belt loops, both refusing to hold his hand for whatever reason.
Five minutes passed with this relative peace, when Lupin gets distracted by a guy wearing a Rolex and Zenigata has to corrale him away from the stranger, only to find he has the watch anyway. Then the assumed Goemon woke up, took one look at Zenigata and started screaming. For the life of him, Zeni cannot figure out how to calm him down and soon Jigen has the baby and is somehow soothing him better than Zeni ever would have been able to. This lead to Lupin having one hand to Zeni's belt loop and the other one clinging to Jigen's coat to make sure the other two boys didn't get lost.
Thankfully they made it to the apartment without further issue, but then Zeni has to figure out what the hell he's gonna do with four kids in a flat that isn't even big enough for himself, let alone other people as well.
While Zenigata is still figuring out if he needs to give them food or a bath or where he's gonna let the four sleep, he gets stopped in his tracks.
The four kids had piled up on the couch with Jigen at the bottom, Goemon resting on his chest and Fujiko and Lupin on either side of him, leaning against the older boy.
This gives Zeni a moment to sit down on the armchair and think through what he just agreed to. It would be just one night, but if they can't get a foster home or track any relatives then he'll have to take them for another day and another day and another day.
He can't afford that on his salary, but maybe if they stay for longer than a week then he can convince his superior officers to either fund their expenses or give him a raise because hell knows he can't raise three kids and a baby this way.
He decided to think it over with a shower and since they were still asleep when he was done, he tried to get some sleep as well.
(Tbc in part 2)
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