#the goto brothers
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scarskelly · 2 months ago
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This reboot of The Brady Bunch looks interesting.
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hanakihan · 1 year ago
Listen y’all I just woke up and had the most cracked yet self explanatory headcanon
Goto Ryuji and Lim Tae-Gyu are relatives, and even so are either brothers or cousins separated at early childhood.
That’s literally coming from me mistaking them first time I read SL BUT BEAR WITH ME OKAY I HAVE GOLDFISH MEMORY SPAWN
Consider them both being born in Japan, and after boys were born their parents broke their marriage and while Ryuji stayed with his father in Japan, mother took Fuuka (aka future Tae-Gyu) with her to South Korea for her new future husband. Since she married into new family, she changed her name as well as Fuuka’s hence Lim Tae-Gyu appeared.
Years roll by and it’s first proper meeting with Japanese S ranks, Tae-Gyu knows what they all are saying without translator because for some reason his mother knew Japanese perfectly for some reason and was hell bent on him also knowing it as second language also for some reason, but he never bothered to inform anyone.
And then Goto Ryuji himself enters the scene, and oh suddenly it becomes too quiet as everyone just stare at two men with uncanny levels of resemblance.
Tae-Gyu is just confused why everyone is suddenly so quiet and staring, and he’s especially unnerved by Ryuji’s really intense stare that has usual levels of threat in it but also searching, almost painfully hopeful.
Apparently Ryuji knows he had a brother because he remembers him vaguely and his father always told about him. Tae-Gyu has no proper memories of his early childhood and his mother never really spoke about her previous marriage either, only small specks of Japanese here and there which confused Tae-Gyu.
All Ryuji says after a really long uncomfortable silence is
and Tae-Gyu instantly tenses, starting to glare at Ryuji in return because only his mother ever called him this name at home and it was so precious and personal it IS offending to hear it from a complete stranger even if it’s said with equal undertones of shared understanding and intimacy.
‘Fuuka, did mother allow you to keep Kiryu?’
And oh, that one was a low blow for Tae-Guy because Kiryu - a really old, clearly clumsily child-made plush dragon toy was one of the few things he had from his early childhood and was really attached to, for some reason. He deduced it was probably a gift from someone really important to him back then, because no matter what mother always made sure it’s taken care of and he always had a childish sentiment for it.
‘… How— How do you know about this—‘
And oh, he didn’t even notice slipping to perfect, not accented Japanese. Honestly? He doesn’t care at the moment, because fearsome Goto Ryuji knowing your other name and about your childhood plushie is disturbing.
Lim Tae-Gyu né Goto Fuuka, is confused and disturbed and angry but also terrified and somewhat hopeful. He doesn’t know why man before him knows such important, personal details no one knows, and it scares him.
Goto Ryuji is conflicted, both happy and disturbed. Here, before him, stands his long lost brother whom his mother took away to different county and wasn’t heard of ever since. There’s such a giant void between them, and Ryuji doesn’t know how to cross it and mend relationship with his brother without appearing like a creep with absolutely unbelievable story.
Everyone on side silently watch two stone faced men, who look almost like a mirror reflection, have a silent inner mental breakdown.
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thistaleisabloodyone · 2 years ago
The RMPG Member's Only New Years party series is mostly subtitled in English on CL Live now (Volume 5 is unsubtitled, but 1-4 and 6 are subtitled), so I'm rewatching it and, like. I'm on volume 4 now.
Likiya hasn't really left the kitchen basically at all the entire party, like the furthest he's gone was to the table to get some food, and then he went back. And Takuma's in the couch/living room area, where everyone else is gaming, but Takuma is diligently making takoyaki like a good boy, as he has been for, like, the last two volumes.
And once I realized both pieces - Likiya's still in the kitchen, Takkun is just making takoyaki - my brain very helpfully went "Like father, like son." 😂
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obguro · 7 months ago
The Pretty Boy
A KNY x Male Reader —— !?
> Going back to Tanjiro’s trial, what if he had a brother?
> warnings; mentions of blood/stabbing, y/n is a cutie pie, hes also kagayas biggest fan, a tinkle of angst :3
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“Wake up! I said wake up!”
Tanjiro started to hear as he started to awaken. “Hey! Can you even hear me?!” A kakushi known as Goto, yelled as he started to get irritated with the boy laid on the ground. “Come on, get up! Are you going to sleep all day?!” Goto yelled once more. The burgundy haired boy jumped awake at the sound of the yells.
“I heard he was a demon slayer with a demon in tow, so I was expecting someone with more flair. Only for it to be just some ordinary-looking kid? Lame.”
“We must see that this boy is put on trial to be judged!”
“To think that he’s been protecting his siblings who has been turned into demons..What a brave and beautiful display of sibling love!!”
Tanjiro opened his mouth, preparing to speak before he felt his head being shoved into the rocks below him. “Don’t open your mouth until you’re told to do so! You are in the presence of the Hashira!”
Tanjiro opens his eyes to glance at the people who were introduced as The Hashira. “The Hashira.. What is that? Who are these people? Where am I?” Tanjiro’s mind raced with questions that were unanswered. Suddenly a lady with a butterfly hair piece started to speak. “This is the Demon Slayer headquarters. You’re here because you are to be put on trial. Before we start, why don’t you explain the crime you have been accused of-” The lady was then interrupted.
“There’s no need for a trial!”
Flame Hashira; Rengoku Kyojuro.
“Protecting not one, but two demons is a clear violation! We can deal with this on our own! We should end all three of them!” Rengoku stated in a loud tone, before another voice was heard.
“In that case, I’ll decapitate them with style!”
Sound Hashira; Uzui Tengen
“I’ll show you the most dramatic spray of blood you have ever seen!” Uzui stated before another voice was heard.
“No way! You’d really kill such an adorable child!”
Love Hashira; Kanroji Mitsuri
“Such a thought fills my heart with sorrow..” Mitsuri stated with a sad tone, before another voice was heard.
“Alas to see such a pitiful creature as this..”
Stone Hashira; Himejima Gyomei
“I grieve for him. Perhaps it would have been better if he hadn’t been born at all.” Gyomei stated as tears ran down his face, before another voice was heard.
“What was the shape of that cloud again?..”
Mist Hashira; Tokio Muichiro
“What was it called?.. I can’t remember.” Muichiro stated in a low tone while gazing up at the sky.
Tanjiro started to look around trying to spot the box which held his younger and older siblings. Goto noticed this and started to question him. “What are you looking at? Your focus should be on them. They’re the highest ranking swordsmen in the corps.” Tanjiro stared at the 6 people standing before him, before starting to look around again. “Nezuko! Y/N! Where did you take them?” Tanjiro asked out loud, sitting up from his position. He started to call out for his friends as well, before a voice from above was heard.
“Nevermind the boy, what will we do with Tomioka?”
Serpent Hashira; Obanai Iguro
“From what Kocho stated earlier, he is just as guilty for breaking the corps rules. Seeing him without restraints makes me feel ill. What do you have to say for yourself, Tomioka?” Obanai asked while pointed his finger at someone. He was met with silence.
Water Hashira; Tomioka Giyuu
As Giyuu stayed silent, another voice spoke up for him.
“I think it’s fine, he did come here without any resistance.”
Insect Hashira; Kocho Shinobu
“Let’s come up with a penalty later!” Shinobu stated cheerfully. “What I’m more interested in, is this boys story. He’s been traveling with demons, even as a demon slayer.. I want to hear why. What he did was unquestionably against corps rules!” She kept her gaze on Tanjiro, who then looked at her. Tanjiro let out a gasp of shock, not knowing this information. “Why are you traveling with demons despite being a demon slayer, Tanjiro Kamado? You can take your time, just answer the question.” Shinobu had asked in a confused tone, waiting for the boy to answer.
Tanjiro started to answer the question, only to realize he couldn’t due to the pain from his throat. Shinobu kneeled down in front of him a gourd of water, holding it out to him. “It looks like you need some water.” Tanjiro looked at it before grabbing it with his teeth and drinking it. “It seems you have injured your jaw so please be careful! I added an anesthetic to help with the pain.” Shinobu stated as he gulped down the water. Tanjiro finished the water in a few seconds, feeling some relief. Shinbou spoke up again, “Are you ready to tell us your story now?”
Y/N’s POV — Location: In The Box
As I woke up, I could hear some lady shouting at the person carrying the box Nezuko and I were in.
“Please Master Shinazugawa! I must ask you to put down that box!”
So his name is Shinazugawa?.. Pretty name.. I wonder where Tanjiro is..
I glanced at my younger sister, who was still asleep.
Nezuko.. You’re okay.. You had me worried when we were fighting that Lower Moon.. He was such a poor soul.. I hope he was able to meet his family in the afterlife.
I started to zone out, thinking back to the fight that occurred a while ago. I guess I got too distracted by my thoughts because the next thing I knew, I felt a sharp pain through my shoulder. I couldn’t help but let out a large muffled yelp from the sudden pain.
Glancing down, I noticed a green and black colored sword going through Nezuko’s and I’s shoulder. I looked at her with a worried expression basically asking, “are you alright?” She nodded a little bit, still wincing from the pain.
“Anyone who harms my siblings answers to me! I don’t give a fuck if you’re a hashira or not!”
Oh there you are Tanjiro.. I’m so glad you’re okay.
“Oh how very nice for you!” A deep voice says with a chuckle. The sword was then ripped out of the box completely. I let out a gasp as blood started to drip down my arm and chest, slowly regenerating.
“Cease this! The master will be arriving shortly!” Another voice shouted.
There was a loud sound before I could feel the box hitting the floor, accidentally hitting my head on the side of the box. I could hear a commotion from outside the box, consisting of multiple gasps and sweet sound of a giggle followed by a “pardon me.”
“If you can’t tell the difference between good demons and bad ones, then you shouldn’t be a hashira!” I heard Tanjiro yell from the box.
Tanjiro… I let out a smile. You’re still protecting us no matter what… You’re the best younger brother anyone could have.
“You little..I’ll destroy you!” The same deep voice that was holding the box earlier was heard. Before anything else could happen, a unfamiliar feminine voice spoke up, “The master of the mansion has returned.”
Master of the mansion? Where are we right now?..
A gentle, warming voice then spoke, “My beloved children, I thank you for coming here this day.” I could hear different pairs of feet walking, then the same voice spoke again, “Good morning to you all, the weather is strikingly nice today. Perhaps with a blue sky?”
His voice puts me at ease.. It’s so gentle and comforting.. I wonder who that is
“Finding ourselves here at the semiannual gathering with all the same faces, It brings me joy.” He spoke before the box was hit again. I then heard Shinazugawa speak up, “I’m pleased as well to see you in good health as well, master.”
I’m so sleepy.. Why am I so tired? It shouldn’t hurt to take a small nap… My thoughts faded as I started to doze off, falling into a dream.
Y/N’s POV — Location: In the Dream
I opened my eyes and looked around, noticing it was nothing but a black void. A voice spoke up behind me, “Y/N dear..”
I turned around to see a lady. A lady with black hair and purple eyes. My mother.
“Mother…” I let out in a soft tone. She smiled at me, holding her arms open. I knew what this meant. I would always give her hugs.
I then walked right into her arms, starting to tear up. Why wasn’t i the one who died?.. why couldn’t you be the one who lived?… She wrapped her arms around me, feeling the same as it used to. Warm. Comforting.
“My son, I am so proud of you. You protected your siblings.” She stated as she started to run her fingers through my (h/c) hair. “Please keep making me proud and continue to protect them..” I let of a nod against her shoulder.
“I promise I will.”
Y/N’S POV — Location: In the Box
I woke up from my dream immediately from the scent of blood.
Was someone hurt?
I open my eyes to see crimson blood dripping into the cracks of the box. I look over at Nezuko to see her starting to drool through her muzzle.
“Nezuko.. calm down.” I let out in soft whisper, hoping to calm her hunger.
“Hey demons! It’s time for your dinner!” I heard Shinazugawa shout from outside the box. Nezuko started to claw at the box and let out growls of hunger. “Don’t hold back. Show us your true colors.” Shinazugawa spoke again.
Another voice spoke up, this one unfamiliar. “It’s the daytime, no good doing this now. It will only show up in the shadows.”
I don’t like where this is going..
“Master, Please forgive me for the discourtesy I’m about to commit.” Shinazugawa spoke from the same spot. I could feel the box get lifted and slammed onto the ground once again. The same sword from earlier stabbed into the box again, going through the shoulder of Nezuko then out again.
I’m starting to get irritated.. He keeps injuring her… I look at Nezuko worried.
“Stop it!” I heard Tanjiro yell.
Suddenly, the door of the box was opened from the outside. Nezuko started to stand up, growing to her full size.
This is such a pain..
I look up from the box at who I assumed was Shinazugawa. White Hair. Violet Eyes. Scars Everywhere. I took in his appearance, not affected by his blood in the slightest.
I don’t have the desire to drink blood..but Nezuko can’t help it.. You got this, honey.
I heard Tanjiro yell out our younger sisters name. I look at Nezuko to see her stop struggling but had a lost look on her face. She stood there for a few seconds before turning away with a look of digust.
The comforting voice from earlier spoke up again, “Tell me what happened.” The unfamiliar feminine voice then explained.
“There it is, undeniable proof Nezuko won’t attack a human.” The soft voice explained to the other voices I heard prior to falling asleep I assume.
Nezuko looked down at me and I just let out a closed eyed smile at her. Then Shinazugawa spoke up, “What about you?! Huh?! You know you want it!” I look up at him to see him glaring down at me.
I guess it’s my turn.. I stood up, growing to my full size.
3rd Person POV
The other Hashiras shifted their focus to the other demon that started to come out of the box, taking in its appearance in shock. It was a male with (h/l) (h/c) hair tied up, (e/c) with slitted pupils, and he was dressed up in a black kimono. He was the definition of pretty. They noticed something different though, there was a gentle look in his eyes.
The (h/c) male looked at Shinazugawa, before reaching for his bamboo muzzle. The other hashiras reached for their swords just in case. They watched as the demon took the muzzle out of his mouth, letting it rest around his neck.
“Are you alright?.. You’re bleeding.” The males voice came out soft. Shinazugawa stared at the male in confusion and shock at the question. He then let out a growl of anger, “Why are you asking me that?! Why aren’t you affected by my blood?!” Y/N just simply smiled at him slightly before reaching into his kimono, pulling out a roll of gauze. “You shouldn’t injure yourself.” Y/N stated as he gently took the white haired males arm, starting to wrap the gauze around the open wound. Shinazugawa was too shocked to speak or move away from the male.
Y/N finished wrapping the olders arm, then he turned towards the others. The first thing he noticed was a man dressed in striped clothing was pinning down his younger brother to the floor with his elbow.
“Excuse me, the man with the snake.. Would you mind letting my brother go please? Neither Nezuko or I are not going to attack any of you.” Y/N asked in a soft tone to the other male.
Obanai scoffed and replied in a harsh tone, “No way, I’m not taking orders from a de-” He was interrupted by the tall male inside the house, known as Kagaya Ubuyashiki. “Obanai.. Please release the boy.” Obanai stared, wide eyed at his master but followed the orders given.
Y/N looked at the Master, noticing the sickness that was on his face. No matter, he still thought the male in front of him was gorgeous.
“Do tell me what happened with the other demon..” Kagaya spoke curiously. One of his daughters spoke up from next to her father, “The male demon smiled at Shinazugawa before wrapping his wounds for him, the blood seemingly not affecting him at all.”
“Well my children.. That proves that Y/N nor Nezuko will not harm humans.” Kagaya let out a soft smile towards his Hashiras. “I hope this will be accepted by all that these two demons will stay and work for the Demon Slayer corps. Tanjiro go out and defeat a Twelve Kizuki, do that and you’ll be accepted by all.”
Tanjiro sat up, looking at the master. “Alright! Me and my siblings will defeat Muzan Kibutsuji!” Y/N covered his face in embarrassment at his younger brothers bold claim, knowing well that they barely survived their last fight. “Let’s start with defeating a twelve kizuki first.” Kagaya said towards the boy with a slight chuckle.
The other hashiras let out some giggles as Tanjiro bows his head in embarrassment. “We have concluded our business with you, Tanjiro.” Kagaya stated. Shinobu then requested that the three siblings would stay at her estate, Kagaya agreeing.
Y/N walked over to the shared box, shrinking to fit in with his sister. Climbing in the box, Y/N shut the door behind him. The kakushi lifted the box, carrying it away towards The Butterfly Mansion, not before apologizing to the master for the intrusion.
Y/N held his sister close as he fell asleep with one thought in his mind.
“Everything will be okay, your big brother is here.”
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werewolf-girlfriend · 3 days ago
GOTO BED NOW ! the sleep soul brother.
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purityonice · 1 year ago
Requested? yeah :)
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He’s the strongest out of the five brothers due to all the hiking and stuff so he can definitely hold you mid air while fucking you.
Doesn’t know where the clit is-
Cronic masterbaiter. 🧍🏽‍♀️Has busted to pictures of you even if its an innocent one.
S L O P P Y S E X. Brotha likes it messy.
He prefers to be the dominant one in bed watching you squirm underneath him, His breath jagged, bitting his bottem lip as you anchor yourself holding onto his arms that are gripping the sheets on each side of your head.
But when he’s submissive he loves when you get rough. Grabbing him by the neck as you ride him. His chest rising and falling as you bounce your heat on his member. Making yourself cum as you use him how you want.
He’s LIKE REALLY GOOD WITH HIS FINGERS dispite not knowing where the clit is and not having much experience since he spent 20 years hiking the neverglade trail with Rhonda. He’s just got natrual talent i guess after you tell him where your bean is located… :D
John Dory likes when you get needy, making you sit on the floor between his legs as he slowly sips on his coffee. Not breaking any eye contact as you wait ‘patiently’ the heat of his bulge in your face as he forces himself from taking you right then and there.
He’s really sexually frustrated and pent up from years of isolation so expect him to come to you with a bulge in his pants begging for you to help him. But if you goto him for help he will make sure to make you melt before he actually does anything.
He may be good with his hands but he’s inexperienced with actual sex so you’ll have to help him out to make you feel good.
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He’s a laid back guy likes laid back sex with so much responsibility he doesn’t have much time to make love with you so he likes taking his tome with you.
After a long day at work he will come up behind you putting his face into the crook of your neck wrapping his arms around your waist. His soft body pressed against your back as the outline of his bulge rubs against your ass while he sways with you.
He is very experienced when it comes to sex, He was the Heart throbe so he could get any girl he wanted. He knows how to drive you crazy and listens to you to help you feel good. definitely knows where the clit is HAHA
He’s a big boy!! so he likes taking you from the back or while you’re ontop of him because he’s scared he’s going to crush you if your underneath him. [Unless you really want to he wont hesitate to give his pretty girl what she wants :) ;)]
He’s not as much of a tease as JD but he still likes to make you flustered. While your working he will come back from taking orders to see your back facing him. Caually walking past you giving you a quick peck on the forehead whispering what he’s going to do to you tonight before shoving the orders into your hands and walking off.
He’s into quickies with 13 kids and a restaurant to run he’s a busy busy man with a busy busy life so when he has the time he will take you into the store room of the diner and take you the and there. Leaving the store room disheveled as he walked off giving you a quick kiss before strutting off to take more orders.
Master pussy eater! Very good with his mouth doesn’t need you to tell him where to go or do he just knows.
He has a high sex drive EXAMPLE your 13 kids together.
Bruces fav place to cum is inside of you because he doesn’t want to get up to clean the sheets so its the best option in his opinion.
He is a biter…
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He knows where the clit is definitely read up on it. Knows more about your body than you do.
Definitely practices safe sex always has a rubber in his drawer or brings one (or a few) with him to yours whenever he’s in the mood. Wrapping his arms around you before pulling out the condom from his pocket his eyes dark as he pulls you closer.
Clay does not let you go while your getting intimate. Constantly has an arm or both wrapped around you.
He’s gentle in bed loves when your gripping onto him wrapping your legs around his waist that threatened to not let him go. His dick dipping in and out of you as you scratch his back.
Acts like he doesn’t into kinky stuff but when you ask him to wrap a hand around your neck, or you bite and scratch at his skin he sees stars.
Don’t expect sex everyday this man is busy! and isn’t the one to have a quicky so expect sex once every two weeks. but its worth the wait :D
Clay loves looking at your face when you guys get intimate shoving a few fingers into your mouth as he rocks you. Denying he ever did that afterwards as you explain in detail what happened the night before making his face and ears burn.
Gets embarrassed about how into sex he is. Always melting while inside you after a few weeks of celibacy constantly muttering how tight and warm you are. His mouth agape as his body shakes while inside of you threatening to bottem out right then and there.
he’s not as good with this fingers as JD but he still knows his way around your body. Asking if it feels good his eyes stuck on your body as your back is pressed against his chest, your legs spread wide with Clays fingers jammed into your heat. Both of your chest heaving from the heat and pleasure as he pulls you into a wet kiss.
[Silly] Clay looks in the mirror in the morning after touching his marks and bites feeling his ego grow at the amount of them. Flexing in the mirror pretending to be nonchalant while talking to non-existent trolls about how he got them. Gets really embarrassed if you catch him.
He’s an accidental tease he will do things that make you go crazy that he doesn’t think twice about, until at the end of the day your practically begging for him to take you while he stares in confusion about what could’ve brang this on.
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This may be a bit OOC im sorry if it is.
Gentlemen in the streets and a freak in the sheets. can’t tell me otherwise.
I headcanon that Floyd stayed at Volcano rock for a few years before leaving to go back home and getting kidnapped by Velvet and Veneer. So he definitely has a crazy side to him.
He is a complete sweetie pie making sure you feel safe and comfortable before absolutely destorying you. Giving you flowers and coaxing you towards the bedroom throwing you on the bed before pouncing on you.
Floyd is the most experienced out of his brothers charming men and women while on his solo career. So he definitely knows a thing or two about how to make someone go crazy.
Floyd loves leaving marks and bites on you, wtaching you wake up in the morning sore in his shirt his marks decorating your shoulders, neck, collar bone and chest as you get up to have some breakfast.
He also loves his marks that you give him, he doesn’t wear a shirt so he’s often flaunting them around weither he wants to or not. He sometimes gets embarrassed if there is an excessive amount wearing a loose fitting shirt to hide them.
Floyd also practices safe sex but he doesn’t do it often as Clay but more than Bruce and JD. When you guys get intimate he forgets to grab one in the spur of the moment.
Desipite being a freak he loves to make sure you’re okay. Breathless as he asks you if you feel good or if he’s doing alright as he grinds his hips into you. Smiling innocently as you can barely create a thought in your head.
Floyd loves when you wrap your legs around hus waist as he thrusts into you. The adrenaline of cumming inside you without any protection really gets him going.
Loves when your on your back and he leans his body over you, his hand gripping onto the headboard as he pounds into you like a madman. [Sowwy this was for my pleasure]
Definitely a tease, he looks so innocent on the outside so no one notices that your blush isn’tfrom cute romatic whispering but actually what hes going to do to you when he gets you alone.
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beddybites · 8 months ago
Hii bite! I hope everything is fine 💕
Tiny Sanemi from tiny 21 trio it's complicated to take naps. And I just remembered that for my brother to take a nap, my dad I put him in a fight lock (ofc without hurting him) and it worked.
And I was wondering, is it possible that one of the hashiras has to do that to make tiny Sanemi fall asleep? And if so, who?
P.S. I love your drawings and your drawing style, it's too cute 💞 🥺 (And sorry if this doesn't understood very well, English is not my first language)
awwwh thank you so much!! and please don't apologize ahh, you're wonderful!!!
this is so cute-- i can absolutely see this happening with sanemi!!
if any of them were to do that with sanemi, i think it would be tengen... tengen comes from a big family and is an older brother on top of being on the older side next to the rest of the hashira and demon slayer corps, and i imagine he + gyomei also helped with the ubayashiki family.... so he would figure out this tactic and be the goto for tiny sanemi!
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luffysinterlude · 9 months ago
★ summary: the straw hat pirates reminisce on some fun memories while voyaging through the Grand Line.
★ warnings: chatroom au/comedic relief, mentions of pregnancy, cursing, takes place after water seven/pre thriller bark, ooc characters, use of yn + female reader in mind, flirty!yn + the crew teases yn a bit ><, zoro x reader…kinda..im biased im sorry 😞 + some things are NOT canon and i just made it up :p
★ an: hiii!! there is not enough one piece fanfic content on this app in my opinion (i feel like i’ve read almost every piece, all have been amazing), so here’s my attempt at making more!! also, i’m still pretty new to the op fandom, so some characters may be a little ooc. i’m still reading/watching thriller bark so pls bare with me! also this is a chatroom au because i don’t have access to social app anymore *cry*. anyway, please enjoy!
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NOW ONLINE [9]. . .
robin: is everything okay, yn?
chopper: yeah yn, is everything okay?
zoro: probably not
yn: just thinking
usopp: thinking about where we’ll be next? praying manifesting it isnt anywhere scary
chopper: everywhere we’ve been has been terrifying
nami: yeah usopp
nami: its like we goto hell, leave it, and then enter another part of it
nami: i think we should just start expecting the worst
zoro: maybe we should all just get a lil more stronger. starting with the blonde pervert we have as our cook
luffy: oooooo thinking about what? tell me tell me tell me!
sanji: now, my dearest yn, please let me know if theres anyway i can assist you
zoro: she probably doesn’t want your help lmfao no offense
sanji: WHOOOO was even talking to you? I SAID YN’S NAME IN THE TEXT DAMMIT
nami: can you two idiots cut it out already? its like, i can hear your voices through my screen and i don’t like that
franky: yeah it’s actually kinda crazy i can hear you all…without actually being in your presence
chopper: soooo yn?
luffy: yeah yn what’s going on?
yn: just sitting here thinking about all of our fun adventures. like wow we actually did all of that and it was like…real life
yn: i feel like if i didnt know you guys and didn’t experience it then it wouldn’t sound real
yn: but like wow it was all real
robin: we’ve had some wild times, haven’t we?
luffy: LOL yeah that might’ve been on me
luffy: but we’ve survived this long
luffy: we’ll continue to survive because fate loves us!
nami: -.-
sanji: luffy’s right, surprisingly
sanji: sometimes i think about how fate brought us together…or atleast i think about how fate brought me nami yn and robin together
yn: watch it pretty boy
sanji: YES MA’AM
sanji: screenshotting
zoro: ignoring that dude. i think it’s amazing how we prevail every time. we get stronger without realizing
yn: i mean we did fly into the sky
yn: thats so crazy we actually like. flew. in the air. on a ship.
nami: yeah all thanks to me ;*
yn: thank u pretty i remember falling in love with you then and there
usopp: there was this gigantic whirlpool below us and everything
chopper: haha yeah that was crazy! and those giant monkeys
robin: oh! yes, the saruyama alliance. i could never forget the amount of fun i had during our time on Jaya Island
yn: robin i love u but FUNNNNNN???-?-?-!-? DID WE FORGET ABOUT THAT STUPID FOREST CRICKET HAD US GO INTO?!1? i still have nightmares of that stupid south bird and its stupid face and the way it made all those stupid bugs chase me
luffy: haha those south birds were really something else
nami: it’s funny because we had no idea what was coming next
zoro: that stupid “God” was next. what was his name again? emily? enemy….?
zoro: well shit i’ve forgot. it was somethin else though. his stupid lightning
franky: YOU GUYS FOUGHT….A GOD?!?!1???!!!?
franky: was it like….you know…..THE GOD
chopper: not really sure what you mean but that guy enel really had some sort of crazy insane powers
chopper: him and his crazy insane priests were able to predict our moves!
robin: oh yeah. he electrocuted zoro, yn, and i.
yn: pls dont remind me TT
yn: he scares me because i feel like he somehow is still alive
yn: like what if hes reading our messages
nami: i never thought of it like that…
nami: enel if ur reading this please drop 1,000,000,000 berries down from the sky
luffy: i wish the skypeians and shandians rang the bell more often.
luffy: haha oh well! i know they’re doing just fine! :D
usopp: well thanks to yn now i’m reminscing TT
usopp: it feels like alabasta JUST happened
robin: well, we did just face the world government
robin: technically crocodile was apart of it
robin: that’s the past. i had to do what i needed to do to survive. and i’m glad i was, considering i was able to find you all <3
sanji: robin i wouldve followed you to hades’ kingdom if i had to. i will always protect you (and nami and yn. the others can fend for themselves).
luffy: hahahaha i agree!! see, fate loves us
chopper: WE LOVE U ROBIN
zoro: appreciate ya.
yn: shoutout to us
yn: i love us
yn: i love being a strawhat
chopper: same!!! forever and always gonna be a strawhat!!
luffy: i love our little family!
luffy: without you all, i wouldn’t be as close as i am to reaching my dream! so thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
luffy: also sanji when is dinner gonna be ready so i know when to head back to the sunny
nami: same
nami: now i’m really reminiscing. do you guys remember when yn thought she was pregnant
usopp: i-
usopp: …
yn: NAMI
yn: alright well.
sanji: also luffy dinner will be ready when its dinner time. its mid day. if you’re hungry i have snacks in the fridge or since you’re running around this island, find a food stand
robin: what a naughty girl you are, nami. teasing yn about her “almost” pregnancy
nami: yk me! but i remember being soooooo worried only for the pregnancy test to come back negative
zoro: yn?
luffy: oh wow cool sanji thanks!
luffy: also congrats yn? but where will the baby stay?
usopp: did you even read nami’s text
luffy: oh..right LOL that’s good! i can’t imagine yn having a baby. plus how are babies even made
chopper: :o
nami: …
robin: your innocence is apart of my will to live
yn: luffy TT
luffy: oh sickkkkkk do you guys think we can make one?
yn: oh luffy TT
nami: well!
sanji: he’ll come around
luffy: LOL BRB
LUFFY has gone offline.
chopper: wonder what he’s up to
yn: probably found food like sanji told him to
zoro: yeah he kind of left the store we’re at and i have no desire to look for him right now
zoro: oh nevermind. he just went outside to buy meat from a vendor. he’s good, still in my eyesight
chopper: also
yn: chopper >< you were still fairly new to the crew then
yn: but this happened after we left chopper’s hometown
yn: i think i was just sick because of the crazy weather changes, plus nami has just recovered and didn’t want anyone to be worried sick :p
zoro: why didnt you tell me?
zoro: you’re apart of the crew too, ya know.
usopp: interesting
nami: sigh
nami: its like the most obvious thing ever
robin: i’m afraid it just isn’t clicking for him.
yn: it’s not like i didn’t wanna tell you
zoro: okay so why didn’t you
yn: and by time i found you, i had already forgotten that i thought i was pregnant because there was a whole warlord wanting us dead so
zoro: hmm. okay. well next time..
zoro: if you ever need a safe space. you know.
yn: hehe yes i do. but i apologize for not telling you as soon as i felt…different. it’s just that we’ll always have bigger issues to worry about
franky: ummmm are we interrupting something
zoro: hm
zoro: nah. yn and i will talk later when we see each other.
zoro: for now i’m thinkin about that time luffy and i got beat up on jaya island. now i’m annoyed.
zoro: the principle of the matter was good but i really just had to sit there and take an ass beating when i could’ve handled the entire bar
zoro: ehhhh now i’m gonna go workout. if anyone needs me you know where to find me.
ZORO has gone offline.
yn: he left saying “you know where to find me” as if we’ll actually know
robin: i really hope he finds his way back to the sunny.
sanji: he can get lost for all i care
yn: it’s crazy that i really thought i was pregnant that one time
yn: even vivi thought so
nami: i was super worried
nami: so worried i was reading every book we had to find anything i could help you with
usopp: well i’m offended cause why didn’t you tell me i thought we were besties
yn: wellllllllll no offense but full offense, you have “i-can’t-seem-to-keep-my-mouth-shut” disease
yn: just yappin all day everyday
franky: so, sister yn, zoro huh?
sanji: yn my loveeeeee you know you could always tell me your secrets
yn: i cant lie i almost let it slip when i helped you with dinner that night
yn: but again, bigger fish to fry
sanji: screenshotted again
sanji: did you guys see that? shes flirting with me. might die
robin: hm not sure what part of that was flirting but whatever makes you happy.
nami: oooo franky’s quick
franky: it isn’t hard to tell
chopper: what’re you all talking about!!?
yn: nothing important you little cute doctor
chopper: >~< SHUT UP! >~< THAT DOESNT WORK ON ME!!
sanji: robin! nami! yn!!!! i will be going offline to go back to the sunny to make some snacks. would you ladies do me the pleasure of enjoying them? should they be ready before you all arrive?
robin: please do! surprise us this time :)
yn: hell yea sanji you know i’d never say no to you
nami: lol yes please! i’m kind of craving something sweet
SANJI has gone offline.
yn: well now that those three are gone
yn: i worry about them a lot
yn: i feel like those three find trouble every where we go
chopper: same but we’re all like, insanely strong now!
chopper: and it’s not like we’re actively looking for trouble, sometimes we just want to chill
nami: yeah. but now, more than ever, i feel more secure
nami: like wow he’s really gonna be king of the pirates
yn: most definitely. we only ever get stronger
usopp: yeaaaaaaaaaaaaa obviously i’ve had my doubts but…
usopp: it’s never been because of luffy
robin: ever since i met you guys again on alabasta…
robin: i knew you all would give me a life worth living
yn: robin’s so sweet online it makes me want to cry
yn: well shes always sweet
nami: robin, i’m curious. how did you find our ship?
robin: well it was just docked and i figured i’d finally take a rest somewhere. if you all hadn’t left alabasta by time i had woken up, then i wouldn’t have stayed. like luffy says, fate loves us.
franky: WHAAAAAT you just…..snuck on? O.O
chopper: oh yeah i remember!
chopper: i’m not gonna lie, i was a little intimidated by you at first
yn: chopper wasn’t there when we first met robin!
nami: oh yeah!
yn: franky chopper omg like have i ever told the story of how i first fell in love with robin
usopp: OH YEAH she blew that guy’s ship up
usopp: i wonder how vivi’s doing
nami: VIVI TT i hope she’s okay
nami: but yeah i agree. i was scared shitless of robin but then she told me she got me treasure
robin: not entirely. he survived and thats what matters
franky: i mean i guess
franky: i was definitely intimidated by luffy when we first met. even though that was like three weeks ago
franky: i can’t lie he still sometimes intimidates me
yn: brother ur half machine
franky: anyway sisters. you guys have to tell me more stories at dinner later i have to go refill the coke tanks, see ya!
FRANKY has gone offline.
usopp: well chat
usopp: i usually help him so i’ll be going back too
usopp: yn i’m expecting way more details later after dinner
usopp: or zoro. but preferably before you see zoro
chopper: i’ll help! girls if you need me for anything i’ll be with those two!!
yn: um…okay…? we’ll see u all later!!!
USOPP has gone offline.
CHOPPER has gone offline.
nami: and now it’s just us three
nami: sorry for bringing your pregnancy scare up
nami: i’m getting my nails done right now and i can’t really seem to remember our journeys
yn: its all good
yn: i kinda forgot about it
robin: we’ve been through so much our brains probably started to black out any unwanted memories. i’ve read that it happens
robin: and yn, i don’t blame you. i would’ve been worried sick if i was apart of the crew then. but since it’s just us…
yn: omg let us catch you up
yn: so basically..i had…with…and then…
nami: —.—
nami: she had sex with someone *cough* zoro *cough* and started puking the next morning
yn: TT
nami: i definitely thought it was pregnancy
robin: silly girls. you do realize pregnancy symptoms don’t happen overnight, right?
robin: also, yn. it’s obvious. i’ve seen the way you two are always the first ones missing during our celebrations
nami: well……..yeah but
nami: we can never be TOO safe
yn: mmm if you hadn’t caught on by now then i’d be surprised
yn: i was still scared
yn: i think it was more of a “wow me and zoro actually did that and it was real”
nami: it’s just….in a forest?!-?
nami: with…HIM!!!-?-?-?-??
nami: you can have any man or woman or creature you want and you stillllllllll………….
yn: i was running on adrenaline. that dude and his stupid ass candle wax drove me insane
yn: plus you both know i kinda have a little crush on the guy
yn: i can fix him
nami: okayyyyyy whatever you say.
nami: pfttt “little” and you guys are basically dating in my head
robin: i forgot his actual name but i’m assuming you guys are talking about mr. 3
robin: ah yes his wax is quite the problem. i wonder if hes alive still
nami: i was seriously stressed out
nami: but honestly, since we’re on the topic, i’m glad i joined luffy
nami: there was this one time, yn i’m sure you remember
nami: right before going to the baratie
yn: the day we went to the baratie TT
yn: but what happened before i kinda forgot
nami: anyway when we ran into your crazy psycho ex
yn: OMG
robin: oh? tell me more about this ex of yours. i’m interested
yn: he kinda followed us after luffy saved me from HIM
yn: um so basically..you know my devil fruit powers…yeah he held them over my head and threatened to tell the marines about me and
nami: it was chaos. but it was the first time i’ve seen yn in combat and it was mind blowing
robin: luffy being our life saver and our little brother
robin: what would we do without him
yn: you’re right
yn: but i think at this point, we’re all strong enough to handle our own. if i ever see my ex again i’ll beat him so bad
nami: yeah me too! cause he had the crazy audacity to ask me out after i found out what he did to you!
nami: either way, i’m just happy we’re still all together. you know since we’ve been throwing the word fate around, i’m really starting to believe it. luffy has a really good sense of knowing who should join our crew
yn: he does :’)
yn: he gave me a family
robin: well we should probably go check on the boys now. i’ll meet you all at the sunny <3
robin: come back safely.
nami: yeah!! you too robin! yn, bring us some goodies! i’ll see you both later!!
yn: can’t wait to see u guys again
nami: ….you saw us this morning.
ROBIN has gone offline.
NAMI has gone offline.
YN has gone offline.
NOW ONLINE [1]. . .
LUFFY is now online.
luffy: IM BACK
luffy: i ate some meat and came back to the shop we were at but zoro isnt here anymore so i’m wondering if you guys happen to know where he is!
luffy: ….
luffy: oh the chatroom closed
luffy: well i guess i better get back to the sunny!
luffy: hopefully my friends make it back safely! we still have more adventures to take care of
luffy: wow these things are so cool i’m just talking to myself
luffy: i wonder if i can get one on the sunny…
luffy: OH WELL
LUFFY has gone offline.
★ an [2]: ahhh!! my first work is now done ☺️ honestly this was all self indulgent because i’ve been going through some personal things and right now the strawhats are my comfort zone. i decided to make it like a big groupchat because i don’t really have any friends irl or online so this makes me feel a lil better ☺️! i hope you all enjoyed.
its a lil messy because when i first started this i was about to began Thriller Bark but as I’m typing this I’m currently on the Sabaody Archipelago arc and things are getting more exciting like omg hello mr. Trafalgar Law I’ve been waiting for your debut….
if you enjoyed this please like and reblog! maybe i’ll start writing more drabbles idk. it used to be my thing when i was still using @/krazykento and jjk used to be my comfort zone. also, if you want to be friends please don’t be shy to say anything! i’d love to make new friends!!
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kdjojo · 11 months ago
Dude I just fucking know Deuce was growing white hairs and losing his hair at the ripe age of 18 because of the fucking ace of spades
So I just imagine Deuce's hair falls out because of how much stress he's going through. Guess who? It's yours truly! Portgas D Ace! Your free stress machine!
Skull is just looking at the deck and seeing multiple long blue hair strands: "uh- guys, I don't think Kotatsu's fur is blue.."
Corilina is just looking at Skull in confusion: "What the hell do you mean about Kotatsu's fur being blue?" Corilina crouching down to see the hair "oh. That's Deuce's hair"
Another thing. Deuce just wants to beat the shit out of ace for being so stupid but he can't because he's his captain ans he loves him. (Your honor they are very gay)
Ace: "Hey deuce do you think I can swim?"
Deuce looking at him in frustration and confusion: "Of course, you can't swim! Your brother can't swim, big mom and Kaido can't even swim, hell! Even Sengoku can't even swim! So how the hell can you think, you a fireman, can swim?!"
Ace shrugs: "Dunno, let's find out!!" Ace just casually jumping into the ocean like he isn't going to drown.
Deuce runs over to the railings to see if Acs is going to come back up. He doesn't.
"SHIT. FUCKE ME OH MY FUCKING ARRARAFHTS" deuce rips off his coat and jumps into the ocean saving ace. Deuce's bare body is covered in stinging salty sea water. Ace collapses on the deck coughing up sea water. Deuce slaps him awake (multiple times)
Ace bolts up and looks at Deuce "that was fun!" He grinned
Deuce looks at him at pure anger and disbelief "YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHI-"
Also when Ace wanted to kill Whitebeard ans Deuce had to patch him up
Every single day Ace had to goto Deuce when he got hurt.
Ace: "Deuce I'm sorry-"
Deuce looks at him after he bandages him: "Coms back here one more time. I will rip your limbs one by one and choke you with your instines." Ace shivered
Whoops, guess what!!! Ace had to go to deuce again. Ace bolts out Deuces cabin "DEUCE SHIT- IM SORRY!-"
Thatch looking at Ace: "Realtionship peoblems?"
"First mate problems."
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dearabby1990 · 4 months ago
Twd Daryl Dixon- In a world of our own Chapter 1: Scavenging
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Your POV: Before the fall you lived in Virginia helping your family run the pizzeria your grandfather owned. The day it all went to shit you were on your way to go pick up supplies for the days batch of dough when you heard screaming from the other side of the grocery store seeing a man take a huge bite out of the woman in the produce section was something that made your blood run cold. Fight or flight kicking into your system you bolted for your car leaving everything behind to goto your family. Upon pulling up the the shop it was completely overran by what at the time you thought were insane cannibals of some sort. That was until you saw your Nonna come up to the car looking like something out of a horror film as she tried to reach in and take a bite out of your arm your scream slamming your foot on the gas. You drove until you almost ran out of gas helping yourself at an abandoned gas station a few towns over. Ever since then you’ve kept moving never staying in one spot too long as you never felt safe because it’s just you. With your dads shotgun & a handmade weapon you made out of a baseball bat & some saw blades & scavenging a nice knife set. Your car has held up pretty well taking parts & stealing gas from abandoned vehicles & shops that was until you were digging for supplies one day & a board broke its was through the store you were in running to your car you see it’s fully surrounded leaving you no option but to abandon it. That leads you to now you’re making your way through the woods it’s dark out & you’re looking for somewhere to hole up for the night. You hear something a bit away not the groaning of the dead but what sounds like actual people. Being weary you quietly make your way closer to inspecting what’s going on. You’re hit with the site of men beating on one man a kid being pinned by a fat man and an other man holding someone at gun point. What really got you to jump into action was watching how the fat man started to unbuckle his belt above the boy you spring from behind a tree swinging your bat straight into his head dropping him straight to the ground without anyone noticing telling the boy to stay quiet you creep up behind the man with the gun & stab him right through his temple the man on his knees in complete shock & that’s when you kick the gun towards the man on the ground & you both go after the small group stomping on what looks to be one person. After they’re all down you go over to the boy “hey kid are you okay?” He shakes his head teary eyed “thank you for saving us” “don’t sweat it I’d hope someone do the same for me sometimes the people in this world are worse then the draggers” the two men come over to you one extends his hand “the name is Rick Grimes thank you for helping my son & me & my brother” “no problem really… but it is pretty dark y’all be safe I can’t stick around waiting for draggers to come piling out from somewhere” Rick gave you a confused stare “Draggers??.” “Yeah them dead bastards eating each other??” He nods while the man behind him fiddles with his crossbow “well we have a community you don’t have to be alone if you don’t wanna be.. this is my son Carl & my brother Daryl but before I tell you anymore I have to ask you three questions” you stare at him eyes wide like an owl “community? How in a world like this?? & okay shoot cowboy” “how many walkers have you killed?” “Y’all count them bastards I don’t know a lot been on my own this whole time” “okay… how many people have you killed?” “Three besides these assholes” “why?” You stared at your feet before looking back up at them “because they tried to do something terrible to me & if I didn’t kill them they were definitely gonna kill me when they were finished” Rick didn’t need to hear another word after that he knew what you were implying. Those men were going to assault you & leave you for dead & the fact that you lasted this long alone had all three males shocked. “Okay we’ll you can come with us we’ll find somewhere safe for the night & head back to Alexandria by morning”.
Walking for what feels like about an hour as the four of you stumble across a cabin covered in overgrowth. You’re the first to tap the butt of your knife against a windowpane looking back at the three males & giving them the go ahead that it’s clear as Rick & Daryl head inside to check the rooms & you & Carl start checking for anything you all could use for the night finding a nice haul of food & medicine & then upon prying an odd door open you realize it’s an pantry completely full seeing a few bags of Doritos you smile grabbing one of them & turning to Carl “hey kid” he looks up at you & sees what you have & you watch his face light up & toss them to him “have at or & come check this out” he rips open the bag & starts to make his way over “Woah look at all this stuff we could definitely use a lot of this stuff for back home everybody will be excited to see more food” you rest a hand on his shoulder “don’t worry I know a spot with a crap ton of food & supplies I just need a vehicle I lost my nonno’s car awhile back hoard of draggers swarmed it I had no choice but to leave it” “Nonno?” You laugh “yeah it’s Italian for grandfather my grandparents were more my parents I lost my mom when I was young & my dad isn’t the best person to be around he wasn’t very nice to me so that’s why I was raised by them… you’re lucky you know?.. even in a world like this to have a dad as wonderful as yours he’s already done more for me in less then a day then my father has my entire life” little did you know Daryl was silently listening to you & Carl talking he thought you were just some typical woman but now he’s starting to see you aren’t much different from each other. Rick is busy starting a fire & you and Carl are in the kitchen you found some canned potatoes & a few cans of spam digging in your bag to pull out one of the jelly burners you have & finding a frying pan in one of the cabinets “hey Jamie what’s that thing your lighting?” Carl looks down at you confused “oh it’s a jelly burner before the fall people used these for like holiday dinners or banquet halls use them to keep food hot but they burn hot enough to cook on plus they can burn for up to 6 hours so you can always snuff it out & save it for another time” he crouched down beside you watching everything you did & sees some braided materials hanging from your bag “these are cool what are they?” You pick one off & hand it to him “keychains I made with glass noodles if you want I can teach you I was also in the scouts can show you knots & other things we took archery & shooting lessons & had wilderness survival training I think it’s why I was okay this long alone I just don’t like being completely isolated from people tends to take a toll on ya but I can teach you how to spear fish & hunt as long as it’s okay with your dad?” You say loud enough for Rick to hear which he smiles & nods in return “wow you’re probably one of the coolest girls I know besides michonne” you look at him with furrowed brows “michonne?” He smiles endearingly “yeah she’s… she’s my step mom i guess you could say I lost my mom too after she had my sister & then dad met michonne & now we’re a little family well our whole little group is family & now you are too” you smile at him eyes watering you don’t want them to see you break so you make an excuse to collect yourself checking out one of the bedrooms as the food cooks finding some cigarettes & a bottle of whiskey you toss into your bag you look at yourself noticing that your clothes are worse for wear your covered in dirt and blood & whatever else Mother Nature threw your way so you decide to at least change your shirt & pants. Pulling out your last pair of jeans & a black button down with your brown combat boots just as you’re grabbing your shirt Daryl enters to let you know he’s got & skinned a rabbit to go with dinner but his words die in his throat as he sees the marks that littler your body some look like scars others like burns you notice him standing there & gasp quickly covering the rest of yourself & he quick shuts the door.
Coming out of the room you try not to look anyone in the eyes out of embarrassment what if he told them what he saw? You finish cooking & set the table with what dishes you could find all sitting down silently eating you finish up going to your room to grab the whiskey you found earlier & grabbed coffee mugs filling them & handing Rick & Daryl one lifting your glass “to living to fight another day & to falling in shit to come up smelling like roses” Rick chuckled “here here” you all toss your drinks back & pour seconds. Digging into your pockets digging out your cigarettes & zippo making your way to the door before Daryl gets your attention “hey..” you look over your shoulder at him “hmm?” He stands up slowly making his way to you “uh you got a nother one of those?” You smile nodding & gesturing towards the door. He follows you out & you light yours passing him one & offering to light it for him just as you spark the lighter & he takes a drag you see just how blue his eyes are almost getting lost in them before quickly looking away trying not to be to obvious of your staring. “Thanks” “no problem here take this pack I have another anyway” he grunts as a thank you shifting his feet to lean against the wall outside you plop down in the grass looking up at the stars it’s one of the things that helps center you because no matter how shitty the world may be the sky stays just as beautiful as it ever did feeling envious of how brightly they shined wishing it was possible to dance amongst them. Knowing everyone you love is already up there hopefully peacefully waiting. Daryl taking in your form studying your face even covered in dirt and blood he can tell your beautiful even if you don’t feel like you are. Your scars being your biggest insecurity & that you’re not thin like the models you used to stare at in the magazines you’d see in stores before the earth fell to pieces. You both make your way back inside Daryl taking the couch Rick & Carl in the bedroom with bunk beds & you taking the spare room “you know you don’t have to sleep on that lumpy ass couch there’s plenty of room in there & I promise I don’t bite” he scoffs “nah it’s alrigh’ I’m good right here used to being in cramped space’s anyway from huntin” kicking off his boots to lay down and rest his hands across his chest not seeing the look of rejection & hurt on your face. Who were you kidding he’s gorgeous & well you’re just you. Not having the heart to say another word in fear of crying in front of him you bite your bottom lip turning away from him just as he goes to look at you to see why you’re so silent all of a sudden you walk straight back to the room not even turning to shut the door but simply using the back of your boot to push it shut not wanting anyone to see you. You’ve always had way too much pride to ever let anyone know they’ve upset you or hurt your feelings. Something you had to teach yourself due to your abusive father wanting reactions out of you after physically or emotionally ripping you apart. You sink sitting on the bed kicking your shoes off grabbing one of the pillows & sleeping curled up silent tears leaving clean streaks down your dirt covered face. Daryl lays on the couch wondering why you’d ask him to lay down in the same bed as you. No woman has ever asked him that before & he had it drilled into him by his father & merl that nobody would ever want him in any sense especially romantically. He thinks maybe you feel sorry for him & he sure hates pity from anyone. Why would you want him to sleep next to you he was a trailer park redneck. Little did he know you really did fancy him. You thought he was beautiful, broken but beautifully broken in a way that made your heart race the second you saw his face & got a good look into his eyes.
THE NEXT MORNING. You’re woken up by the sound of a soft knock on the door. “Yeah?” You hear feet shuffle “are you decent?” You head Carl ask you giggle “yeah come on in” with that he opens the door & comes & sits next to you on the bed as you shuffle getting your boots on he takes in the clean streaks that have dried on your face analyzing you "heyy.. were you... Crying?" You shug "I'm okay" he hums & then answers "I know we just met & everything but I'm here if you ever wanna talk I'm a great listener" you give him a half smile "thanks Carl" fixing his hat for him "I'll go get a damp rag so you can wash up I can tell you don't wanna talk about it right now so best clean up the evidence" he gets up & leaves the room as you look into the dusty mirror to see that you can indeed tell youve been upset. You sigh waiting patiently Carl comes back & you stick out your hand to which he swats away making you flinch a bit "please let me it's the least I can do for saving us" you roll your eyes & nod letting him gently rest a finger under your chin starting to wipe your cheeks clean. "there good as new" you smile at him "thanks bud i appreciate your kindness you definitely take after your dad i can tell" he chuckles & waives you to follow him "time to head out we need some more supplies from somewhere before heading home" you both grab your bags & head out. You don't even spare Daryl a glance looking at your feet as you step outside not saying a single word "she alright?" Asks Rick "she will be" Carl nods & smiles heading outside Daryl in a world of his own not even paying attention to your deflated frame at least not until you all start walking "Rick?" "Yeah?" "I know a place with a lot you could use it's about three miles east though" he looks at both men "how much stuff we talking about here?" You turn looking only at him "enough to last well through the winter if your community is as big as i think it is" ricks face lights up "well lead the way". Walking you stick tight next to Carl & Rick & Daryl not too far behind. "Now I'm not too sure if the truck is still at this place but if by chance it is & nobody has stolen it's gas should be a full tank in there just haven't had the heart to go back there until now hopefully with you guys I can do this & we can help each other" Rick walks faster catching up with you "so you've been here many times?" You smile at the memory of once was "it's my grandparents restaurant... The restaurant itself probably has nothing that's not spoiled by now but we're not getting supplies from that area anyway..my nonno he has a shelter he built after 9/11 he got really paranoid about being attacked as a whole so he built a bomb shelter has a lot we could use we filled it with stuff weekly for years I just have to make a pit stop upstairs in the apartment I have some personal things I want to grab before we head out" Rick seems pleased at your information meanwhile Daryl & Carl are a little behind you both chatting amongst each other "so wha' was goin' on earlier she really alrigh'?" Carl sighs "not too sure she didn't want to talk about it but she was definitely upset about something had dried tear stains on her face I felt bad figured maybe she's scared or something" "nah people like her don't scare easy there no way missin family maybe but scared I can't see it". Watching the sun hit high noon you finally see your destination your heart heavy at the last time you were here. Remembering the way it all went down Carl's voice pulls you out of your thoughts "y/n's Italiano bistro? They named it after you?" You smile with pride being the only grandchild had loads of perks being your grandparents world being one of them just as they were yours. You take them around the back to the storm cellar opening the padlock & leading them inside
Walking them to the back you’re met with a bookshelf you start pushing out of the way with carls help revealing a door made of ship steel you put the pin in the door & reveal a large room filled with everything one could possibly need or want “Rick there’s old milk crates up front to use to load things im going upstairs for a few things” “Daryl why don’t you go with her” slinging his crossbow over his shoulder he follows behind you as you head to the stairs the lead to the apartment once shared with your grandparents. Opening the door you see everything is just as it was the day you left. Like a mini time capsule of everything beautiful in your life now gone frozen in time. Daryl looks at the family photos on the wall one in particular catching his attention causing him to chuckle “this you?” Turning to see is a photo of 10 year old you covered head to toe in mud with your best friend Charlene “yup first successful hunting trip without help from nonno he was proud but most definitely mad he only got a rabbit & I hit me a 200 pound buck” you head to your old room grabbing your spear & found nonno’s 357 huckleberry rifle putting it on the kitchen counter before pulling out the last 2 bottles of makers mark & a cigar box stuffing it in your bag & snagged a few photos too “ready?” He grunts & leads the way back downstairs. You twirl the truck keys on your finger before tossing them to Rick “you drive I’ll start loading up” grabbing crates you scurry outside the feeling of Daryl’s eyes burning into you making you more embarrassed about last night. They all come with the rest of the stuff & you jump into the back “only three seats up there I’m used to sitting back here no biggie” you see the confusion on their faces but plop down before anyone can protest “you sure I can sit back there y/n?” Carl offers “yeah I’m sure I’ll be alright” you pull the doors shut sittings with your thoughts wondering what the future will hold & if Alexandria is the place for you. The ride stretches for what feels to be hours as you prop yourself & drift off to sleep At the rocking of the truck on the dirt roads. Maybe this place will be good for you god only knows.
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overlymetaromantic · 2 days ago
Question Lightning Round
Has Karin told Kaito about the Rei situation yet? If not, why is that? Also how would Kaito react to it?
How would each member of the gang react to being hit on? (considering Shoyo and Goto are both taken) for some reason I feel like Daiki would be too dumb to notice
Was making it so that Shoyo is somewhat similar to Kaito’s dad and Kaito is somewhat similar to Michi done on purpose? Psychological people have been known to have partners that are familiar to them or alike to their home life growing up
I don't think Karin's told Kaito anything specific, but he is likely aware of the general situation (Karin being annoyed with an unwanted suitor), and he does almost definitely know Rei's name, if not his face LOL. Honestly, for as straightforward and blunt (and nosy ahahaha) as she tends to be, I feel like Karin can be a fairly private person, especially when it comes to her own problems!
HA oh boy is that something to imagine that I have in all honestly not imagined in much detail before ahahahaha 😂 Itsuki would absolutely aim to exit the situation as quickly as possible, with very little care to how smooth his exit actually is lol, I know that for sure 😂😂 Hrmmmmmmm Michi I can see as depending heavily on context??? Like he's really super not keen on having any kind of real romantic entanglement, but he's not against casual hook ups????? So if someone approaches him being on the same page as him regarding that, I can see him being open, but that's also going into territory that makes me embarrassed to imagine, let alone share those imaginings publicly alksjdflkajsdf 😂 orz ANYWAY I agree that Daiki is very much completely oblivious to any legitimate interest expressed towards him despite the fact that he very much is jealous of other people who are in relationships LMAO Goto honestly likely gets very nervous, and combined with his resting angry face, is either going to scare anyone who tries to flirt with him off or inadvertently ends up attracting someone who's into ~dangerous bad boys~ (like his girlfriend, which thankfully all worked out because she also likes that he's actually just a giant angry-looking teddy bear LOL)
Ahahahaha I do love character parallels yes!! 😂😂😂 Maki being similar to Kaito's dad is more deliberate than Kaito being similar to Michi, but the latter two absolutely do also parallel each other in my brain in their big brother instincts, both in terms of where their instincts line up and where they very distinctly diverge :3
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lookismstuff · 1 year ago
Lookism TMI (Trivia)
The Exchange of Sake
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From what I read, there are several forms of sake cup exchange rituals for the Japanese. For example: kenshu [献酬], sakazuki-goto [杯事], and shiki-san-kon [式三獻]. The difference lies in the purpose of these rites, whether to affirm just general feelings of solidarity, familial bond, or spiritual worship.
Historically, as depicted in paintings from the Heian (8th-12th century) and Edo (17th-19th century) eras, this tradition of drinking sake from the same cup, or drinking together, serves as a way for people to bond, to feel the closeness and the deepening of their sense of equality. Heian era warriors used to create a "friendship contract" before battles by using this type of ritual to affirm their bravery and solidarity.
This is why such a rite is practiced in organizations like the yakuza, which is a close-knit criminal organization. It's also practiced in communities, among friends, among families, and in weddings. It gives the impression that the people involved in this ceremony are now friends, or brothers, or families, or comrade in arms, or soulmates. In short, in any context in which they are since bonded.
This is why it's important to know whether Gun will drink the sake from the glass that Goo offered him, or not. The breaking or the affirming of their bond (which some read as romantic, while others read as platonic or brotherly) depends on Gun's next action.
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aspenthewriter · 1 year ago
Hi! I saw you’re taking requests and was wondering if you could write a Bayverse! Raphael x fem Chubby reader. Reader is April’s new roommate who works as a veterinary assistant and accidentally meets the turtles.
Reader’s friendly and makes pop culture references, and reminds Raph of a fairy.
Reader doesn’t HAVE to be chubby, I might be projecting.
chubby reader?…. CHUBBY READER?!
come here for a second… 💍💍💍 please marry me… PLS MARRY MEEEEE!!!
probably won’t do the other stuff (veterinary assistant, and like just meeting the turtles) but chubby reader and aprils roommate, yeah 100%
(Idc if you project I’m also chubby :3)
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Fandom: TMNT
warnings: a little bit of angst (insecurities) but that’s all- it’s mostly just fluff
Pairing: Bayverse! Raphael x Fem!Chubby! Reader
You were aprils roommate and you know about the turtles, you have for about a month.
The turtles were still trying to warm up to you, so far they trusted you. A specific one claimed to hate you… but in reality you were like a fairy to him… you were so beautiful and graceful… he wanted to scoop you up in his arms and give you little kisses along every part of your body. He would never tell you that tho… that turtle was Raphael, the big bad tempered raphael, he never knew why he felt this way towards you.
His brothers quickly picked up on his change in behavior whenever you were around. He would always stare at you, Whenever you’d crack a joke that wasn't particularly funny he’d laugh, when you laughed he smiled, when you patched him up after a fight or patrol his face would turn a slight darker shade of green, when you would ramble on about your hyperfixations or something you really enjoyed doing he would listen.. And his brothers swear any time Raph looked at you there were small cartoon hearts in his eyes.
So when you came into the lair today with a frown on your face, Raph was the first person to ask you if you were alright, to which you had answered yes too. Raph knew something was wrong and he needed to figure out what it was that was bothering you.
About 20 minutes before you were about to go to the lair you were on the phone with one of your family members… they started to mention how you were gaining some weight and that you should go to the gym with them, you politely declined saying that you were healthy enough and you didn't want to (nor needed) to goto the gym, they then yelled at you…
“So you wanna stay that FAT for the rest of your life?! No man would ever want a girl as fat as you are!... no wonder nobody likes you.”
You hung up immediately after they said that… for the rest of the time you were getting ready you kept staring at your outfit, looking at yourself in disgust, so you changes into sweat pants and a oversized hoodie… your favorite one, that you had cried so many times into.. You then sat down and cried… Your face hot and wet, You always knew you hated the way you looked but when you heard someone else comment on your body, you hated it so much more.
You then got up to leave after cleaning yourself up.
When you arrived and Raph asked you what was wrong you tried to play it off that you were fine and nothing was wrong… He saw straight through that and as the day went on he kept trying to get you to spill so he could help.
“Come on shortstack, i know your not fine, please tell me whats wrong”
“Nothings wrong raph! Im fine!”
“Clearly you’re not, every single time without fail you come into the lair with a smile on your face!”
Raph looks at you as he says this… he grabs your hands.. Thank god his brothers are on patrol right now otherwise he’d be toast. 
He loved you.. He finally figured it out… His problem was he loved you.. He still didn’t know why you were sad, but he would figure it out soon. You finally spoke up.. And told him about what your family member said, he hated it when anyone talked about you like that.
You started to cry and he also hated seeing you cry, so he hugged you and started to comfort you
“Hey hey.. I know this is very out of character for me but listen. You are beautiful.. Matter of fact, I love the way you look, your body is so pretty, you are adorable and that little tummy you hate?.. It's so cute. Those stretch marks you cover up? Beautiful. And I guess that's one of the reasons i love you so deeply.”
“W-wait… what?..”
“I love you.. So much.”
“Yes i've loved you since we met”
Without a warning you stood up straight and on your tippy toes.. And.. Kissed him, This kiss wasn’t like any before.. This kiss was sweet, gentle, and passionate… You could tell Raphael was scared of hurting you. 
You now knew why you’d feel someone staring at you 24/7.. It was Raph’s hazel eyes..
In truth.. You likes him too. And he now knew that.
“I.. I love you too raph”
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I hope you guys enjoyed regardless!
and I’m sorry for the very out of character raph bits
-Aspen out!
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daily-eah-headcannons · 4 months ago
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Dont gotta yell at me I'm just a college student. @karmaajr
Briar angst time.
She is THE party girl.
She's met CA Cupids parents
She has narcolepsy
Both her, Hopper and Blondie are trying to learn Ancient Greek to better communicate with CA Cupid...it's been less than successful.
She gave Daring the shovel talk, he still flenches when she's near him.
She used to goto Rosabella's home to escape her brothers as well as her home life.
She is seen more as a second mom to her brothers.
She NEVER wants to have kids because she basically is raising her brothers due to how many there are.
She has a complicated relationship with her parents, it's not that she doesn't love them but she feels like she was robbed of her childhood because of them.
She goes to therapy.
She can stay the night with Faybelle for days because Bunny tends to sleep in Allister's room.
There's only one person that can out-plan a party and that's Ruby's sister.
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(This is Ruby)
Her and Rosabella are cousins but act like sisters.
She uses music and parties to drown out her own thoughts.
Source:Can someone PLEASE request a wonderland character. I wanna spill the beans.
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istharoth · 4 months ago
To be at DA means you have to experience something traumatizing, for Lyca it had to be this chapter + him getting locked up.
Possibly the only relatively normal person in this school is Ritsu. He's just a guy with somewhat stalkerish tendencies.
Sho's also just a guy™, but dude has something going around with him, courtesy of his brother being creepy and his friend being the spawn of devil.
Honestly though, maybe controversial, but I don't blame PC for not comforting Lyca. I'd argue that she didn't know Goto and Lyca were THAT close, nor was she aware Lyca gave Goto the ice-picker to protect himself. + Knowing Lyca, I doubt he can be comforted at the moment, he'll just refuse to listen.
Calling the anomaly, even for a lie, the "Anomaly Gang" is pretty smart of the writers considering Obscuary are anomalies. (Ghouls are anomalies, but this trio are more than just ghouls.)
Anyways, girlie has got to be traumatized, she's almost died like 12?? times (not adding the times she interacted with Taiga because that's a whole another can of worms.) AND witnessed Rui's curse, of course, she'd be scared to touch him, despite the gloves. I wouldn't put it against her if, in the future chapters, she's avoidant of Obscuary. (and Leo.)
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kunoimochi · 2 years ago
𝟔𝐭𝐡 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐲𝐚𝐡𝐢𝐤𝐨 𝐠𝐚𝐤𝐮𝐞𝐧
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HELP THE QUALITY– my anatomy is weird here please ignore it ily
Risshū Anzai
Vice chairman of Library Committee. He always helping harukaze with his questionable plan, he's very reliable senior, will do anything to help his junior. Born in kinki region but move out of personal reasons.
Harukaze Eto
The chairman of Library Committee. Very protective of all the books in library but have a very questionable collection of weird book. Know how to read Chinese and indo. Have a baby face but probably a womanizer, his friends will jokingly call him pervert bookworm.
Maori date
Accounting Committee chairman, have a easy going personality and love to take care of plant especially cactus. He have a very different personality whenever he doing his committee works.
Roufuu Goto
The vice Chairman of sewing committee. Have very close bond with Ikuna and always help her with committee works. Have a very deep voice, He's always getting into fight with itsuzo, they're not getting along so well. Roufuu is really relaxed type of person, he will saw a building on fire and react like "that's hot" and walk away like nothing happened.
Raiyuu Hori
The chairman of class president committee. Have a rivalry personality love fighting. A happy go lucky guy but sometimes a very narcissist person.
Haruji ishii
The chairman of equipment and storage committee, a very quiet senior. No one actually see him talk before, the other sixth year just understand him well that he doesn't need to make a sign language. Can talk just choose not to.
Korishirou itohi
The vice chairman of biology committee. His hobby is arranging flowers and will gift his fav Kunoichis junior the finished product. Always seen with Haruji, he's the one who always translate Haruji behavior.
Naoyu shobe
The chairman of biology committee. He's born with golden spoon and always get whatever he want. Run away from home because of arranged marriage that his parents set up for him. Very good at ridding horse and love all kinds of animals and plants. Hate Maori
Kyojin Iwamoto
Kanrou older brother, one of the members of P.E committee. The reasons why he's not the chairman because he don't want to be one so he dumped all the responsibility to Banri. Very disappointed in Kanrou but at the same time kyojin find him very creepy.
Kyonosuke tao
The chairman of students council committee, always sleepy and have a very lazy personality. Always wake up late and skipping class, can't get expelled since his grade is too good.
Arihiko Tanji
Originally a doll that Hatakeyama change into a living thing. His body is a doll but have a human skin (like um scaramouche from genshin–) doesn't remember his past life. Show up after the death of Ikuna best friend, ikuna really dislike him because similarities that ikuna best friend and Arihiko have. Have a very doll like personality at first but not completely emotionless. The chairman of etiquette committee
Hagemu shirai
One of the Hatakeyama apprentice, a very normal guy trust me. Vice chairman of etiquette committee
Itsuzo nisshi
The chairman of explosive committee, a short tempered person. Always go to students council committee to rant out about his feeling and urge to kill someone. His junior really scared of him
Norisuke kinno
The chairman of martial arts committee. Someone who really love to eat, his friends always call him 'the gluttony'. Have a very serious stalking habit. A good friend with itsuzo and also his roommate.
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