#the good bad the ugly
browsethestacks · 8 months
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Arthouse Muppets
Art by Bruce McCorkindale
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yestolerancepro · 1 year
Blog update future blog plans revealed
Hello there I thought I would reveal to you my plans for the next few months for the Tolerance project Tumblr and Facebook pages
 The Ranked series of Tolerance project blogs continues the following 5 mini blogs have been created with more to come
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Blogs completed and coming soon
Every Terminator Movie, Ranked Worst To Best (Including Dark Fate)
 As you know if you have been reading the Tolerance blog you will know that the Tolerance film was original planned to have a Terminator spoof in it this mini blog looks at the franchise as a whole and includes a wealth of bonus content,
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 The Best Jaws Knock-Offs, Ranked
 We didn’t see the famous Great white shark but we did hear him when we used the famous theme for a couple of sequences in the Tolerance film this mini blog lists the top ten spoofs of Jaws as a starting point again like the Terminator mini blog it looks at the franchise as a whole and includes a ton of bonus content
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 The Final Countdown The Rocky Films, Ranked
Another Tolerance project mini blog that builds on a deleted scene from the Tolerance film I am fan of the Rocky series anyway so this was fun to write again this looks at the 6 Rocky films as with all the other blog in this series comes with lots of bonus content.
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 Tolerance Project Extra The 8 Best Star Wars Rips off Ranked
 A one off blog looking at the best Star Wars Rip Offs
 Tolerance project extra The 8 Catchiest Orchestral Movie Scores of All Time, Ranked
 A one off blog looking at the 8 catchiest Orchestral movie scores of all time 4 on the list have links to the Tolerance film
Licence to Thrill
An extended edition of the 3 part blog a wrote earlier in the year looking at James Bonds musical tastes over the last 60 years now extended to 5 parts with a wealth of new material
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A long time ago in a galaxy far far away
A two part blog looking at the Star Wars saga covering both the prequel and original trilogies also covering my Childhood memories of the saga The Tolerance project links and the Star Wars Special edition trilogy from 1997
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 Up Where we belong and He’s Bad Your Good and I’m ugly
 Two new blogs looking at the Good the Bad and the ugly and an Officer and a Gentleman
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 When I’m feeling Blue and Breaking the Bank
 2 brand new blogs will be coming soon to the Tolerance project page. They are called Breaking the Bank and When I’m feeling Blue. Looking at 2 of themes of the Tolerance film
 Both of the blogs have been a long time in the making and both have completed with the help of Gemma Blagbourgh.
Breaking the Bank looks at the issues disabled people have accessing banking services and When I’am feeling Blue looks at Disabled Parking Badge Abuse
On the Drawing Board and being worked on :
 Halloween Special The Micheal Myers Saga  (Co written with Helen O Toole)
This is planned as a one off blog looking at the complete series beleave or not I have never actually seen a Halloween film
Here come the girls Co written with Gemma Blagbourgh)
A Special one off blog to celebrate international women’s day looking at the making of the Tolerance film from the female perceptive
 Planes Trains and Automobiles
A 2 part blog looking at the issues surrounding transport when you have a disability.
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At the moment the blog shedule looks like this :
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away (2 parts)
Licence to Thrill (5 parts)
Up Where we belong
He’s Bad Your Good and I’m ugly
Every Terminator Movie, Ranked Worst To Best (Including Dark Fate)
The Best Jaws Knock-Offs, Ranked
The Final Countdown The Rocky Films, Ranked
Breaking the Bank
When I’m feeling Blue (co written with Gemma Blagbourgh)
Tolerance Project Extra The 8 Best Star Wars Rips off Ranked
Tolerance project extra The 8 Catchiest Orchestral Movie Scores of All Time, Ranked
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grellskendyr · 2 months
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delighted by the good the bad and the ugly stuff they slid into the show. now i can doodle fanart for two things at the same time
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sbeana · 1 year
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the pool scene
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trustyalt · 22 days
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yrsonpurpose · 20 days
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He [Henry] knows that this is the most meaningful relationship that he's ever had. And he's probably been the happiest he's ever been in his entire life. And Alex knows that too because he knows him in and out now. - Taylor Zakhar Perez | TV Insider
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 8 months
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Parallel Lines and Brothers.
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#wei wuxian#jiang cheng#lan wangji#lan xichen#jin zixuan#Does anyone else think about the tragedy of the parallel lines? Of characters who are parallel lines?#Of running the same course as someone. Of echoing each other in perfect synchronicity.#It's more than being a foil. It's about being on the same path and being so near to each other.#and yet parallel lines never intersect. They cannot meet each other despite their existence being tied to another.#I think the brothers tragedy is just as much of a tragedy of parallel lines as is pre-resurrection wangxian.#Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian spend so much time running side by side and yet - they cant close this gap between them.#Even if their relationship never recovers - they are forever tied together through their past. The good and bad and ugly.#All the things that are left unsaid between them. All the love and sacrifices they made for each other that are never shared. Parallel line#I firmly believe any post-canon material that would have them be indifferent towards each other is just...really doing them a disservice.#And dear god the Lan brothers. They certainly love each other! Its a far fonder fraternal relationship than jiangxian (/platonic)#They fool you by having you think they have a good read on each other. Lan Xichen certainly wingmans + advocates for lwj!#But lets not forget - Lan Xichen by the end is in the reverse situation and headspace as Lan Wangji by the end of this story.#Lan Wangji is more free and open than he has ever been. He's in love. He's married. He and wwx are intersecting lines.#& LXC who grew up with and lived the same path as LWJ - who even is said to resemble him visually - his parallel line - shuts himself away#Despite all the love LWJ has for his brother I don't think he ever manages to reach him.
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redmarqar · 14 days
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gaylisp420 · 2 months
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partywithponies · 7 months
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jaubaius · 1 year
A wildly electric mix🎵
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kinos-fortress-2 · 6 months
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i am aware that this looks nothing like them and i made them ugly af i just dont care anymore. and yes this is still tf2
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gameraboy2 · 5 months
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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (1966), poster by Jean Mascii
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tatakaeeren · 1 year
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Geto Suguru | Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 Trailer
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sonjackcarl · 7 months
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the-eternal-moonshine · 8 months
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