#the goal of today is to *not* fight with SAS all day so i can finish up this fic before my friend visits over the weekend
landinrris · 9 months
Let me also put on the tinfoil hat. I actually had the same thoughts about Norrix timeline actually. After listening to real love especially I have been having thoughts… and you (and let’s be honest Norrix themselves) having feeding that fire!! Everything you said to that anon, i 100 % agree!
Ooh love that there are others who share similar timeline thoughts. It just seems like such a flash point. You best believe that when I rediscovered the other day that Lloyiso included a video of him, Lando, and Martin in his release announcement for "Real Love," girls and I were not okay
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sumicchin · 3 months
❃ a wind breaker (satoru nii) reader insert
Chapter 6
Umemiya regrets telling everyone that conversation = fist fight. (1.9k words)
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cw: female reader, umemiya spoiler, tsubakino referred to as they/them, i made up stuff about makochi
"You're just going to let her go, Sakura?" Suo says next to him, eyes not tearing away from the direction you went.
Sakura clenches his fist, forehead scrunching from the sudden stress, "I..."
"(F/n) probably won't go out of town, r-right? She did say she had to find something! I'm sure we can help her out!" Nirei optimistically says as he catches up to the two after giving Kakiuchi to his other classmates. He takes a good look at Sakura's face and sees his eyes wide.
Sakura is reminded of your conversation last night—of how he saw himself in you, and how much pain your eyes held.
It wasn't his concern, but he knew you needed help. He wasn't letting anyone go through what he did before.
"Sa...kura?" Nirei attempts to calm him down, until he sees Sakura take out his phone.
He gestures his hand towards the phone and Nirei becomes even more confused, "I need to call him... he'll know what to do."
Umemiya, despite his childhood, grew up to be a fine man. No one would imagine that a well-rounded guy like him, oh so cheery and charming, experienced hell on earth as a child. Anyone would feel bitter about losing their parents, and Umemiya was not free of that. He struggled, thinking he wasn't deserving of being saved.
Survivor's guilt.
But he grew to see what was important in front of him—to honor his parent's sacrifice by giving back love to those around him. To make everyone feel like family, and never let anyone feel like they're alone in this world.
"You're...amazing, Umemiya," you both stare into each other's eyes, holding massive respect for what he's been through and how he achieved his goals.
Umemiya chuckles, ruffling your hair, "I didn't tell you my story to pity me, you know? Was hoping you'd reconsider and stay here in Makochi, with us."
It's too strange. Everyone in this town is strange. Were city folks always this welcoming towards outsiders?
"I don't want to keep bothering anyone...I can't go back to the shrine so I'm practically homeless." Supposedly, you were to be taken away by your husband after the vows, but now you aren't so sure if he's hot on your trail. But one thing was agreed upon—the shrine people and all its inhabitants except you were to remain unharmed. So long as you didn't go back to your previous residence, everyone was safe. Hayami, the friendly Mikos and the priest who you were thankful for secured the shrine. If anything else happens, Sojiro can take care of it. He was strong, unlike you. Everyone can trust in him.
Unlike you, already causing havoc in a new place.
"Sakura must be uncomfortable with me staying at his house," you mutter. "It doesn't sit right with me to live like everything's handed to me."
You're thankful, really, for the help you've received thus far. But how were you going to repay the kindness they've showered you with if your tracks only lingered with danger?
"You're all too kind... I'll carry the guilt of bringing danger to this town if I stay too long."
An overthinker that you are, Umemiya observes. "Makochi wasn't always like this, you know?"
He proceeds to tell you how Makochi used to be terrorized by delinquents day and night, the local businesses having trouble with their operations and families often fearing for their safety. Umemiya mentions a couple who led and funded the restoration of Makochi's properties, him in particular being a recipient of their kindness.
"The orphanage I grew up in was funded by a couple," he starts, pointing at the statue nearby the fountain. "I discussed the situation with the staff earlier and had my hunch confirmed. Everything checks out, you'd be the same age as their child if she were alive today. You're a split image of them too."
Then, that means...
He shows you a picture from his phone. Just like he says, you had their features.
Umemiya notices your trembling figure, immediately reaching out to pat the small of your back.
"I could've met my parents."
You grab Umemiya's blazer tight, tears threatening to fall from your eyes, "They're not gone yet, r-right? They're waiting for me?"
For once, you held onto hope—but Umemiya's look said otherwise.
"I'm...sorry," he says, almost whispering.
You couldn't help but let the tears flow uncontrollably, hanging onto Umemiya while he continued to calm you down in his own way. He knows the feeling all too well, and this time he'll be sure to help you out.
"Even if you were an outsider, we'd still help you to the best of our capabilities." He says, wrapping his arms around you, shielding you from any negative thoughts. "I...and the rest of Bofurin will protect you, (F/n)."
You look at Umemiya, giving you a bittersweet smile. "Welcome back, (F/n)."
Sakura, Nirei, and Suo found themselves walking to the park where Umemiya had instructed them to go. They eventually find Bofurin's leader and (F/n) in an embrace.
"Oh, if it isn't my favorite first years!" The boys look at the new group approaching them, led by Tsubaki and the Sakaki twins.
Sakura immediately signals to keep quiet, earning him a chuckle from the newcomers. "It's all fine! Ume told us to gather here, didn't you receive a message?"
Nirei checked his phone and lo and behold was a message from their leader, "Ah! We were too occupied searching for (F/n)."
Suo lets out a grin next to him, "It all worked out in the end, thanks to Sakura's plan!"
Said boy became heated from the mention, saying it was all Umemiya who did the work. He knew it was the right call to let Bofurin's leader handle the situation seeing how at ease you were next to him. Almost like they were intruding a special moment between two lovers at the park. He blushes at the sight, feeling a pang in his chest.
Now aware of more people's presence, you immediately get out of Umemiya's embrace and bow your head down, not letting him see your puffy red eyes and runny nose that may or may not have gotten into his uniform. He places his hand on your shoulder and gently asks, "Think you can face them?"
Standing up to acknowledge his peers, you turn your head towards the large group of students now approaching their leader. "Yo! Looks like everyone's here," Umemiya scans the group, "Even Kaji came, that's surprising!"
Kaji tenses at the special mention and feels all of his peers stare at him. His vice-captains laugh and Enomoto talks for his defense, albeit in a teasing manner, "Kaji said he wanted to fetch his jacket back and definitely not because he was worried about 'er or anything." Now this puts a nail in the coffin and everyone swore Kaji would've pounced on his friends if it weren't for Hiragi pulling him back.
"You're all too lively," Tamon's captain says as he drags Kaji by the hoodie, "Give (F/n) a break, don't wanna overwhelm her."
You watch the boys bickering and Umemiya notices the faint smile from your lips.
"Fun bunch, aren't they?" You nod.
"You can trust them, just open your heart."
Trusting them, a couple of teenagers who seemed rough around the edges, with your heart?
Maybe you should let loose this time. Umemiya, Kotoha, and Sakura are just the few people you've met today, yet they all radiate the same warmth and comfort you've been yearning for all these years. If everyone shares the same kindness, you'd probably think you're living in some kind of fantasy.
Recalling Hayami's last request for you—to live an earnest and free life. Maybe you can trust them to achieve it.
In a daze, you didn't notice someone approaching you giddily, almost a hope to their step.
"I'm so glad you're doing better now!" A tall figure immediately stood in front of you, but it didn't phase you one bit. Their presence wasn't trying to intimidate you. "I'm Tsubakino Tasuku, but Tsubaki-chan or anything will do, love!"
Tsubaki lets out a wide smile, enthusiastic to see you well and standing despite your puffy eyes and cheeks. You stand still though, and this immediately raised a concern with everyone.
"A-ah, did I scare you—"
Your eyes suddenly twinkle with excitement, and you yell what was running on your mind without a filter. "You're really beautiful! Very much!"
"It's a great honor meeting you!" Shaking hands with Tsubaki, everyone was startled with the sudden change in personality. This was most likely the enthusiasm you've been hiding all these years, suppressed by loneliness. Umemiya beside the two of you finds your exchange with Tsubaki very endearing, already making notes on how he'll elicit this kind of reaction from you soon. Hopefully you like plants!
Tsubaki on the other hand was already enamored with you, listening to every word you say. "Your hair and the way you dress, and the makeup really accentuates your features! The ones I see in the magazine don't compare to Tsubaki-chan!" You stop your rambling and see Tsubaki endearingly smiling at you with a blush.
"S-sorry! I just, get too excited seeing new things." You chuckle and Tsubaki does too.
It's hard to resist not taking you out this weekend, Tsubaki thinks. The trip will probably take a huge hit on their savings, but money can always be earned. Seeing your smile is a reward in itself for Tsubaki.
Everyone watches as Tsubaki continues to coddle you, happy to see you engaging enthusiastically. Suo lightly pushes a blushing Sakura, whose romance sensor has been going rampant since earlier, towards you and Tsubaki.
"H-hey! What gives?!" Sakura exclaims towards his eye-patched friend who only signalled a gesture for friend, linking his hands together.
Oh right, you probably hate him right now for what he did earlier at Pothos. Tsubaki seemed to understand the situation with how tense the two of you were, patting your head before leaving to stand next to Umemiya.
Just you and Sakura again, this time not so comfortable. "U-uh...about what happened earlier," his mouth becomes pouty, struggling to look you in the eye but he does so anyway, "I shouldn't have forced the idea...s-so...sorry."
His irises were trembling, searching desperately for a reaction from you. Sakura, despite his tough and standoffish attitude, always meant well and tried his best to help his peers. Last night's conversation was purely between two aloof individuals, both yearning to be in the presence of others, yet their struggles distinct. Hearts that were afraid of being vulnerable, not knowing if they were worth of affection.
"You were just looking out for me," you trail, "It's me who should be apologizing...for being stubborn."
Similar to how Anzai tried to reject everyone's help during the fight with KEEL, there was no escape from Sakura's headstrong personality. He'll find a way to worm in and help you out. He was just that selfless.
"He probably filled you in already on how this town operates and stuff," Sakura points at Umemiya, referencing his request earlier during their phone call. "Violence isn't something this town's had enough of."
"So you don't have to worry about us. Don't be afraid of asking for help, that's just how it is here."
You were indeed afraid. The concept of friendship and trust blurry to you not until yesterday, with Sakura declaring he was there to help you out, as a friend. It was a foreign feeling, and the boy reciprocated the confusion you must've felt before his bold intrusion. Even he was surprised by his actions last night. Everyone in Makochi must've been rubbing off of him—in the best possible way.
So, he tries to apply what he's learned so far.
"If you're still not convinced, let's settle this with a fight."
Or not.
"H-hey now, there's a time and place for fighting Sakura." Nirei visibly sweatdrops, "You can discuss things with (F/n) like a normal person, you know???" The boy looks to his other side and sees Suo with an approving smile. This is hopeless, Nirei concludes.
"If you win, I'll let you do what you want. If I win, you stay here in this town and let us protect you."
Hiragi, Tsubaki, and Umemiya all look confused.
Kaji and his vice-captains are all in awe with Sakura's naivety.
The Sakaki twins think this is a regular Friday. They've heard about you and how you can fend for yourself, so front row seats to see the real deal were nice.
The two first years, Suo and Nirei, were concerned, but Suo was just a tad bit curious to intervene. Nirei on the other hand thought otherwise.
Surely you're not that crazy enough to actually go with it?
"Fine with me," you reply.
Nirei just wants to curl up and do the pillbug stance right now.
tag list: @wutap, @the2ndl
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rainbowmancer-gwen · 5 months
This might be a long one so bear with me. Don't read if you don't like hospitals, Transphobia or nasty things. TW- SA, PTSD, Little space/ age regression, hospitals, Pain, Morphine.
Thank you to my Joyfriend @macrotiis for helping me through the last couple of days.
So as some of you know I've been fighting some PTSD related to SA... Monday night at training Mestre was trying to teach something to do with wrists. So without knowing that's a trigger grabbed my wrist and I panicked... Asked politely that he let go. He did when he saw how scared I was. I ran away to fight back the tears
Came back to that mats and kicked harder than I have ever kicked. Me today is a lot stronger than me then and the bastard who hurt me won't anymore. (Should probably learn that wrist thing for the sake of the old me... But baby steps).
So I get home and I start having pain in me... Scrotum. (A girls' scrotum attached to a girl) Called healthline, and they said it's torsion, so call 111. 111 all ambulances are busy, but I need to be seen. They paid for a taxi. The taxi journey was kinda harrowing because of all of the wiggley roads... But Ahmed was kinda lovely to me. Gave me a furry pride badge that he had in his car for some reason when I asked about it.
Get to hospital and have to Deadname self to receptionist. She's super sweet and changes it... But calls me Gwendolyn and I have to correct. She was actually great and could see I was struggling a little. Triage nurse was a legend.
ED nurse was not. So, the nurse in ED botched an IV into the back of my hand causing agony. whilst the doctor was talking to/ examining me (She should have stopped because the doctor literally had my lady jewels in my hands)...
Then after she persists, and she's digging in my hand. I can see the line tissuing as the doctor is squeezing my nads and explaining stuff like, "For Cis folks, the goal is to save the testicle. Are you okay with me calling them testicles? " I'm like... Look, I really don't care... Just do what you gotta do. He was a very young looking doctor his name was Claude. He looked a little gender nonconforming, but I was too out of it to ask... did talk to the acute urologist about orchiectomy instead, which was kinda a cool gender consideration, I guess...
I am in pain and she goes "Sorry brother", She was wearing a rainbow lanyard.... There's tell us your pronoun posters everywhere. Not good enough!
Sonographer said, "Testicles are tricky fellas to scan sometimes... Again too high on morphine to care, but deep down, sorta cared
Moved to other ward. The nurse confirmed pronouns with me, which was nice. Let me sleep for most of the night and didn't need to check me often. Was really sweet with both judging me for my comfort items (plushies and a blankie from home and an adult pacifier)/ waking me when I had, eyemask, and earplugs in, (waking me by touch, wakes me up ready for a fight...) Spoke a little about trauma/ mental health (how I got here) and wanted to see my tattoos. I told her a little about why I had my binky... Big me can fight... Small me couldn't. Sometimes, she needs comforting. Nothing else was said, but I know they're likely to talk about it...
My discharge paper says 33F testicular pain. So that's cool... Thankfully, my condition self resolved save for a little pain (a lot of pain but now managable)
I slept most of yesterday. I felt very small. Managed to go to the ISO social potluck, but it was kinda overwhelming. I cried into my friens shoulder when he called me a "Tank!"... You're right Jasper I am a tank. But my friend Jordan said "A tank is only armoured on the outside. Inside it's cramped, tense, and complicated"
Can the world just stop throwing shit at me for one day? That's all I want! Let me catch my breath...
Santo Antonio. Quero Agua!
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amazingmsme · 2 years
Monster at Play
AN: If I’m still awake, it still counts as the same day. I had trouble settling on today’s prompt, but I’m glad I stuck with what I did. The plant monster is an underrated part of wolf 359 & this totally happened in canon, just trust me on this one
If Renee Minkowski set her mind to something, she wouldn't stop until she achieved her goal. That's why she was going back in the ducts to hunt down the plant monster once and for all.
She knew it was benevolent, but that didn't mean she wanted it running amuck on her ship, stealing tools and what not. It needed to be detained, or come to some kind of agreement if it was intelligent enough.
She was crawling through the vents grumbling to herself, cursing the stupid mutant plant. That's when  she felt a vine wrap around her ankle and tug. She yelped, grabbing onto the sides of the vent. She didn't have much purchase on the smooth metal and was tugged back deeper in the vents.
"Hey! Let go!" she yelled, kicking at it with her other leg. It grabbed that ankle too, dragging her deeper into the bowels of the ship. She screamed out for help, hoping one of her crew mates would come to her rescue, but unsure if they could even hear her.
Thin vines slipped inside her shoes, eliciting a surprised giggle. She scrunched her feet, kicking as much as she could to force them out. A loud squeal rang through the air when they slipped inside her socks, writhing against her soles and between her toes.
"Fuhuhuck ohohoff! W-whahahat doho you wahahant?" she growled through her laughter. As if in answer to her question, the plant monster drug her to a closed off room in the middle of the ship. She froze when she saw the plant monster looming over her. It was a large Venus flytrap type of plant and looked eerily similar to Audrey II from Little Shop. The theatre nerd in her was amazed that something so fantastical could actually exist, but the sensible part of her brain told her she needed to get the hell out of dodge.
Her pulse was racing as the green tendrils pulled her closer to the mouth of the beast.
"No! Bad plant, bad!" she yelled, fighting back as much as she could. Her efforts slowed as it drew her closer and she saw how it was almost smiling down at her. Weird.
"Look, I-I don't know if you can't understand me or what, but consider this a warning! As commander of this ship, I order you to leave us alohohone!" Her demand melted into a giggly plea as more vines wrapped around her, prodding her belly, sides and thighs. Two more wrapped around her wrists and stretched her out on the ground. Despite her best efforts, she was thoroughly trapped until the monster got bored or decided to show mercy.
"Hehehera cahahan you hehehear mehehe?" she called out to the AI. Her confused, tentative voice answered.
"Um, yeah I can hear you. Are you... okay? You look like you're really struggling but you're laughing an awful lot so like, I'm getting mixed signals."
Minkowski blushed and rolled onto her side. "Hehehera get Eihihihiffel!"
"Sure thing Commander!" she chirped, and just like that, she was alone with the plant monster once more.
It made a rumbling, almost purring noise as it shuffled closer, leaning down to inspect its prey. Minkowski breathed heavily, attempting to crawl away. It reached towards her with a large leaf and she winced, bracing herself for the worst. She was surprised when instead it patted her head as if she were a dog.
"What?" she asked, more so voicing her disbelief than actually trying to ask it a question. It cocked its head to show it was listening, much to her dismay. So she went out on a limb.
"Are- are you nice? What's your deal?" she asked between panting for breath. It looked at her and shrugged with two vines. She rolled her eyes with a huff, prompting it to wiggle a soft vine under her arm. She barked out a laugh, tugging on her trapped arm.
"Ihihi dohon't know whahat you wahahant!"
The plant monster didn't seem to care about the torture it was putting her through. Minkowski would say it went on for an hour. In actuality it was closer to ten minutes.
When it finally released her, it tapped its large leaves against the ground, making a noise akin to a fucking chuckle. She stared on in disbelief as she caught her breath.
"Are you just bored?" It nodded after a moment. She sighed, flopping her head back against the floor. "We all are buddy. But you can't be doing this anymore, okay? This is a one time deal," she said sternly. It stared at her blankly, or she assumed it did, seeing as it had no eyes. "I'll see about getting you some toys or something if your own to play with so you'll leave us alone. That sound good?" It made a gurgling sound in return, and she assumed that was good.
When she finally made it back to her quarters, Eiffel met her in the hall. He seemed nervous, but was relieved when he saw her walk up.
"Commander! There you are! We've been worried sick, are you alright?" he asked, scanning her up and down to make sure she was okay.
"Yeah, no thanks to you! I told Hera to tell you to get your ass down there! What happened?" she snapped, shoving him in the chest. He stumbled back, wrapping his arms around himself defensively.
"Well it sounded like you weren't in any real danger. And I'm a little claustrophobic and the only way there was through the vents, and honestly when Hera explained the situation, Hilbert and I really didn't wanna get involved, so we uh, decided to, um, let you ride this one out?" he trailed off, voice getting higher pitched the longer he spoke in classic Eiffel fashion.
Her jaw dropped and she slugged him on the arm, eliciting a short cry of pain. "Assholes! So you both knew and neither of you decided to fucking help?" she snapped.
"Ow! Hey, we weighed the pros and cons, and took a vote. And Hera said she'd tell us if you were in any real danger, so we were on standby!" he explained his side of the story. She didn't care to hear it.
"Oh whatever. You're lucky I don't feed you both to the plant monster," she threatened, shoving her way past him.
"All that and you didn't even give him a name?" Eiffel called out teasingly. Minkowski froze, slowly turning to look  at him. He realized his mistake and took off down the hall, Minkowski hot on his heels. It wasn't long before more laughter filled the air.
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alvinthepitchmonk · 10 months
CVAP Batch 22 Week 3 BLOG
0 notes
punkgrogg · 3 years
Doorway Duo pt.3
Pairing: Hybrid!Taehyung x Reader, Hybrid!Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Hybrid!BTS, Non idol AU, fluff
Warnings: Pregnancy
Summary: Y/n was abandoned by her long time boyfriend and moves back home to help prepare for the baby. She’s surprised to find two unfamiliar hybrids at her house.
Length: 3,074
Notes: Sorry I took so long! I had to split this update into several parts because I ended up typing out over 6,000 words so another part will be posted in a couple days hopefully I can fix my laptop by then.
Date Posted: 9/4/2021
“Share the heat,” Hoseok complained, tugging the blanket from my cocooned form.
October ‘s days were chilly but as soon as the sun set, it was freezing. I was propped up on the couch, surrounded by pillows and a king sized blanket tucked around me. Mom sat on the recliner to my left, the reason behind my assortment of pillows, and Hoseok was shoving his way into the occupied seat on my right. Well, my legs were occupying it.
“There’s a while couch right there ass hat.” I whined as he lifted my legs and placed them on his lap. This wasn’t so bad- he was warm- but the sibling bond between us made sure to complain.
“I don’t want to sit next to dad, he’s way too excited over the game.” Hobi pulled out his phone and scrolled aimlessly.
“When’s Namjoon gonna be here? His team is kicking ass.`` Dad was lively when it came to soccer. It was cute though and I loved how animated he’d get with each goal. But the kicker is that he and Namjoon rooted for other teams. Hobi, Jin, and I all sided with dad on the sports front but Joonie picked a shitty team that’s been coming up in the last couple of years. Maybe the heart attack he nearly gave dad ten years ago was worth it- if the pride in my dad’s eyes were anything to go by.
Joonie was our wild card, he seemed to pick the most difficult path just because he liked the challenge. He’d always do the opposite of what we expected, whether it was the sudden law school decision or boycotting Christmas one year. But today was probably the most surprising.
Jungkook apparently wasn’t a sports fan until this season started, my dad’s enthusiasm rubbed off onto him and now it was funny to see him white-knuckling a sprite over a bad call. Taehyung was taking a nap upstairs and mom was idly reading some seedy romance novel if the blush on her face was anything to go by. Well it was probably the shirtless man emblazoned on the cover that truly gave it away.
Hobi sighed and tossed his phone over onto the side table, he closed his eyes and melodramatically threw his arm over his face as he rested against the back of the loveseat. I rolled my eyes, “what’s it now buttercup?”
He huffed at my nickname, “Jimin isn’t responding.” He dropped his arm to pout at me as if I could help the situation at all.
“You know he’s probably working right now?” I nudged his arm with one of my feet.
His pout turned into a full blown frown as he made puppy eyes at me. “Yeah but that doesn’t mean i can’t miss him.”
“OH, so you’re going to finally admit that you’re dating him?” The delighted smile that ripped it’s way across my face made the frown completely fall off of his.
“Oh shit.”
His shock made me full bellied laugh, “Mom! Hobi finally sa-”
“Shut up! You tricked me!” he hissed as he covered my mouth, I smiled evilly as I licked the back of his hand to deter him.
“The baby.” Jungkook snapped, ripping Hobi's hand off my face. How did he manage to get across the room so quickly? Beyond me. There was a cloudy sort of anger in his face, one where he knew he shouldn’t be angry but couldn’t help it.
“Kookie, I'm fine.” I reached up to hold his wrist as he let go of Hobi's hand. He looked down on me tersely, his eyes colder than usual.
“Hoseok, how many times do your mother and I have to say to be gentler with your sister? You two are honestly getting too old for this.” Dad scolded, his hand on Hobi’s shoulder. I could see him curling into himself and suddenly I felt small.
“Dad, I'm okay, Hoseok and I were just playing. You know he’d never hurt me or the baby.`` I let go of Jungkook's wrist and tried to sit myself up more. It was hard this late into the pregnancy.
“You need to be more careful too, you’re way too rowdy these days.” he chastised me and I could feel the anger at being talked down to. I’m not a child anymore.
“No, this is my baby and my body, I get to decide when it’s too rowdy. We weren’t wrestling or fighting and I could easily breathe. We were doing nothing wrong, why are you acting like this?” My tone was cold and I forced myself up into a standing position. Jungkook stepped away from the couch so i could have enough room.
“y/n baby, you know i didn’t mean to hurt your feelings-” i cut him off; i was fuming.
“Well you did. You basically said that either my big brother is going to hurt me or that I'm incapable of judging how much energy I can exert. We’re all adults in this room, why did you two have to intervene?” my glare turned to Jungkook, he hardened his gaze.
“The baby’s hormones are-”
“No more baby excuses,” I cut him off. “I know he’s fine, he’s twisting and kicking just as he’s always been.”
“The baby’s hormones are-”
“Stop Jungkook.” I held up a hand, the anger bubbling up to the surface. I needed to cool down before I lashed out. I could feel the heat coursing through my arms and filling my chest.
“No, Y/n he’s right I didn't notice it till you stood up but the baby’s hormones have gotten really strong all of a sudden.” Hoseok chimed in. still seated, he reached out and touched my stomach. Mom crossed the room and shoved her way through Jungkook and dad to kneel in front of my stomach, accessing my state.
“What? What does that mean?” I cradled my bump, the fear seeping into my words. He felt normal there, my doctor told me if anything were to feel wrong then to trust my instincts and immediately go to the hospital. But this was different, nothing felt wrong.
Taehyung thundered down the stairs, “Y/n? What’s going on down here? I can smell the stress from upstairs,” he took a backseat to the worry on my mind.
“Is something wrong with him? Nothing feels wrong.” I turned to Jungkook, the worry overpowering the shame of the argument we had just had. He was the first to notice so maybe he knew what was wrong.
“I was wrong, holy shit, we should make a doctor’s appointment.” Hoseok suddenly exclaimed, he jumped up and held me at arms length by the shoulders. He looked down to my stomach with a shocked expression.
“Honey, get the keys we’re going to the hospital.” mom barked out. I didn’t even notice her leaving the huddle but she was back at the recliner as she tugged on some tennis shoes.
“No! It's okay! The pheromones are showing that she’s okay too.” Jungkook finally spoke up, he threw an arm around me and pointed at the baby.
“She?” The confusion in my father’s voice was only a mirror to the rest of the room.
“Yeah, the pheromones got so strong because there’s two.” Hobi explained as he crossed the room and relieved mom of her purse. He placed a calming hand on her shoulders. Shoulders that seemed to be leveled with her ears with the abrupt stress.
“You mean twins? It's a bit late to find that out don’t you think?” she all but hissed at her third son. Mom was visibly anxious right now, something I had never seen before. She was usually so calm and cheerful around us.
“Mom, you’ve said it yourself, y/n is bigger than most pregnancies.”
“I mean yeah but we’ve gone to the doctor twenty times over the summer and I think he’d find another baby in there.” I chimed in, coming to mom’s other side. I think it helped with calming her down because her shoulders lowered a bit.
“I can smell both, I can smell her all of a sudden alongside him.” Taehyung wrapped his arms around me, his head burrowing into my shoulder. His grip on me was tighter than usual.
“But Tae that doesn’t make sense.” I turned in his grasp, facing the snow leopard hybrid, my disbelief written across my face.
“He’s had a very strong scent and a very strong heartbeat, maybe he just masked hers.” Jungkook stepped into my bubble once again. He was on the other side of Tae but seemed to block off any others from joining in the clique.
“But the ultrasounds only show one baby.” I reasoned out, my right hand reaching behind me to rest on my mother’s shoulder. Accepting there was a second was terrifying, I was barely holding myself together for the one pregnancy. Adding on another? Was I eating enough? Taking enough precautions? Maybe dad was right in intervening today.
“Back in the day they couldn’t find Seokjin’s penis and told us we’d be having a girl. It was a bit of a shock when he came out.” Dad. Of course, I've heard this story before, ultrasounds weren’t always perfect.
“What should i do?” I was scared and it was evident in the shake of my voice, Taehyung only hugged me harder.
“Hey guys, what's going on here?” Namjoon’s voice shattered the tension of the room. Seeing him and the dark haired male next to him gave me a chance to breathe.
Hoseok flitted across the room, his excitement at seeing our older brother evident in the wagging of his feather duster of a tail. “Joon, you're going to be an aunt and an uncle.”
“Hobi that’s not how it works and you know it.” Mom chastised with a small shake of her head. Hoseok was a blessing to us all when tensions were high. “Who’s this?”
Namjoon seemed to freeze up a bit before throwing an arm around the guy hovering behind him a bit. Said man flushed lightly at the attention turning to him and in the soft light of the living room I could barely make out a pair of silky black ears atop his head. “This is Min Yoongi, he’s my boyfriend.”
“Boyfriend?” I sputtered out, breaking the moment of silence that enveloped the living room. I could see dad from my peripheral making his way to the doorway with a smile.
“Yeah, problem?” Joonie’s eyes were narrowed at me but eased up at the grin I was sporting.
Pulling away from Taehyung a bit, I sneered at Hobi. “Hoseok- he told us about his boyfriend before you could. How does that feel?”
Hoseok groaned before stomping over to me to grind out: “Oh my god you're annoying and technically i said it first.”
“But you didn’t tell mom and dad.” I taunted, the faux misery on my brother’s face would fuel me for months. Taehyung sat on the loveseat behind him and tugged at the hem of my shirt for me to join him.
“They’ve met Jimin before though and according to you i’m not subtle.” Hobi argued, his hand on his hip. Jungkook followed Tae and I down to the seat and I was wedged between the two with my legs in Kook’s lap. He gently rubbed circles into my swollen ankles as Hobi and I glared at each other.
“Anyway, what's this about me being an aunt now?” Joonie interrupted the stare down with Yoongi by his side, our parents must have finally let them out of their interrogation.
“These three are suddenly claiming I'm pregnant with twins.” I explained with a flick of my wrist, the stress of the situation (that was only a few minutes ago) seemed as if it were twelve years in the past.
“Um, I can smell two scents too.” Yoongi’s soft spoken words brought back the fear.
“Holy shit, mom! What am I supposed to do? Should we go to the hospital?” I tried to push myself up into a sitting position but Taehyung held me gently to his chest.
“The babies are happy, I don't think they’re in danger. “He hummed softly into my ear. I could feel the sincerity behind his words. He rubbed a hand up my arm gently and started to purr. An attempt to ease my anxiety.
“Danger or not- we still need to confirm if there are actually twins. That’s a nightmare in itself. That’s double of everything I was sort of ready for. Wait, what if I give birth prematurely- don’t twins come early?” there was panic rising in my chest.
“Mom and Dad went to their room, they’re recovering from the unexpected news but Y/n it’s going to be okay. We’ll go to the doctor’s tomorrow, together,” Hoseok reminded me, he softly ruffled my hair as he leaned down to kiss the top of my forehead. Still I looked around the room for my mother. The one who holds all the answers to my pregnancy fears. Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi, all stood above us three, all showing a different expression. Namjoon looked apprehensive, which was normal for him. Hoseok looked as if he were trying to tame a wild animal. Yoongi thought he looked stunned, his eyes blown wide.
“Hobi you’re banned from my ultrasound appointments. You almost broke the equipment.” I reminded him with a forced smile. I could still feel the panic but it was ebbing away. I wasn’t dying, I was safe. The babies were safe. Everything will be okay.
“That’s so rude, I apologized and everything.” he crossed his arms, generously taking the bait. Knowing that Joonie would laugh at his expense.
“We’ll go with you, we haven’t been able to go since Hoseok has been.” Taehyung declared, way too happy for me to decline, and I smiled softly at him. I was held up against his torso, his head just a few inches above my own. He leaned down and rubbed his forehead against my own.
“You’re going to scent mark my sister in front of me?” Namjoon sputtered indignantly, causing Tae to freeze all of a sudden.
“Namjoon, that’s not scent marking.” Hoseok laughed and shoved at his shoulder playfully.
“Actually, we feline hybrids scent mark like that instead of that mess you canine hybrids do. I scent marked Namjoon earlier in the same way.” Yoongi crossed his arms and seemed to glare down at Tae. I was a bit shocked to say the least.
Hoseok had explained it to me when we were younger, scent marking was a hybrid instinct, and it had two different connotations. There was a familial way and a romantic way to cover another person in their pheromones. Hoseok would hug us and hold our hands growing up to rub just enough of himself on us to comfort himself that we were his family. Especially when we were younger and playing with larger groups of children or when there was a big event. The familial way would only last a few hours and was more of a comforting thing for family and very close friends to help with bonding.
Hoseok had explained the more romantic way was to imbue another’s scent for a much longer time and it was done by stimulation to the scent glands which meant that they would lick each other’s scent glands. He had been tomato red explaining this to me when he had found another hybrid’s scent on me that was much stronger than his own. When I explained that I was just playing with a hybrid at recess and they hugged me he seemed to melt into the floor in embarrassment.
Taehyung was staring up at Namjoon with an indecipherable expression. The massage on my ankles had stopped at Namjoon's exclamation and my glance at Jungkook showed him to be in the same emotionless stare down but instead he was staring down Yoongi. He knew too, but why hadn’t he told me?
“She’s part of our pack, of course I would scent her.” Taehyung had no emotions in his words, the monotonous response seemed to aggravate my brother.
“Wait,” I held my hand up to the seething man before turning to his boyfriend. “I’m confused. Hobi said that licking my neck would be romantic scent marking and hugging was familial scent marking. Which would this be?”
My question caused all four hybrids to freeze up, Hobi’s face once again lighting up in embarrassment.
“Uh, he said that? Well, uh, that’s wrong.” Yoongi forced out, his face turning a light shade of pink.
“Hybrids themselves decide what the type of scent marking it is when they release the pheromones, and there’s a lot of different meanings that could exist. Typically a more familial scenting would be a hug- so that part is right- but also kissing the top of your head could work. Licking your scent glands isn’t a romantic way for scent marking, it’s more sexual.” Yoongi's face almost matched Hoseok’s at this point. “Romantically speaking there’s a lot of ways you can scent someone- like rubbing your necks against each other which is common amongst the canine hybrids. For us feline hybrids we rub our faces against the person, like he had done to you. The pheromones typically let us know, but he’s not releasing heavy enough pheromones for us other hybrids to notice, but rubbing his face against yours is claiming you as his in feline standards.”
“Oh,” I could feel the hybrid underneath me tense up as Yoongi's explanation came to an end. I glanced up at him to see him still staring down my brothers.
“I’m still a little confused but thank you Yoongi. Namjoon, Hoseok, I’ll take it from here, I don't need you hovering over us for this conversation. In fact, I think I'll take this conversation elsewhere, you three have fun watching the game. Joonie, dad recorded this and last week’s matches for you.” I worked my way into a standing position with Taehyung’s help and made my way to the stairs, both Taehyung and Jungkook glued to my sides.
“It was really nice meeting you Yoongi,” I smiled at him and waved my goodbyes as I made my way up. We made our way into my room, the two hovering in the doorway. Just like I had met them. I took a deep breath and settled onto the bed.
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seimeinotaka · 3 years
Rêverie (An OberonXGudako fic)
Summary: Oberon has been unexpectedly summoned to Chaldea. He wonders why he is even there as he reminisces what happened in Avalon Le Fae. But it seems Ritsuka isn't leaving him alone, much to his annoyance.
Thanks to jellyfishy for beta-reading this!
Once again, the story has major spoilers for LB6, Oberon's profile and Bond CE, as well as important plot points of Solomon, LB1 and LB5.
There's implied one-sided love, mentions of heavy topics such as loss, and mentions of deceased characters.
"Master, Master, you've gotten better at this!"
"Thank you, Gogh! I've been practicing a lot using the tips you and Oui gave me. Even Jeanne Alter praised my background, hehe!"
"Hey, I said it was passable. Pas-sa-ble!"
Ritsuka Fujimaru has been drawing something in the cafeteria, surrounded by many servants that come and go. No one asks what she is doing, they all seem to know or if they don’t, they don’t bother to ask.
It is so bothersome. Annoying.
So many people surrounding her, like an ultraviolet lamp that attracts all the bugs. Never mind that they end up getting zapped the moment they ever dare to touch it.
The people, the sound, the merriment, it all annoys Oberon, who only watches in silence as he eats some ice cream with melon.
To be able to smile like that, even after discarding all of those stories...Oberon doesn't hide a crooked smile. In the end, the lostbelts are no more than faint dreams doomed to end, forgotten by the winners, the panhuman history citizens. Ritsuka Fujimaru isn't different. For her, it's like reading the doujin the swimsuit berserker is making. Once the pages are closed, the story ends and it ceases to exist. She can choose to forget.
Truly detestable.
Oberon stares and then walks away, just as Ritsuka lifts her face. She looks around, the feeling of being watched faintly breaking her concentration.
But in the end he doesn't say a word as he leaves.
“Hey, you keep looking at Master!” Jeanne Alter slams her hands on the table where Oberon is sitting. Said Master is working again, too enthralled talking with Gogh to notice Jeanne Alter slipping away to talk to him.
“Does it bother if I do?” He gives her a crooked smile as she huffs and scowls. Though of course her face turns slightly pink.
“Tch, of course not! It's just your stare is getting on my nerves! Wouldn't you get distracted if someone is looking at you intensely?”
“I am a creation, not a creator. I wouldn't understand what you're saying. Besides, I wasn’t looking at her or you anyway,” he says mockingly.
“Hmph, whatever you say. Leave when Master is drawing, what she is doing is very important and I won't let you make it messy.”
“Hah, a page of your little comic? As if you need a lot of care. But fret not, I am certain that with your keen insight and guidance it will be something so memorable, up to the level of the famous writers here in Chaldea.”
“You bug...Bring it, I will burn you to a crisp! Moths do like fire, don't they? Surely you will feel at home then!” Jeanne Alter laughs. “I'll let you know that it is something so impressive that it would make you cry, if you're capable of that anyway.”
Though her Saint Graph right now is one of a Berserker, it seems the insight of the Avenger still exists deep within. After all, only those who are similar can recognize each other. Fake recognizes fake. Emptiness recognizes emptiness. Hate can only recognize hate.
Though come to think about it, Ritsuka has always been writing, he noticed she kept a small book on her, during quiet times. Perhaps a diary of sorts. It wouldn’t be surprising, to record everything she has experienced, as the writer of the winning history.
When we die, we'll become like those stories. Our lives are stories that might be discussed and forgotten, so it's not that different from your midsummer night dream.
A dream you forget once you wake up from your slumber.
“You're a tsundere,” Ritsuka says flatly as she rests her chin on her hand. She even dares to give Oberon a shrug and a smile, as if she can tell the truth between the lies.
“Ah, you're annoying.”
“That's exactly what I'm talking about, hehe!”
An obnoxious smile continues to be on her face, and he simply looks at her with unveiled disgust and apathy.
“Why am I even here?”
“Well, you answered the call, so you can only blame yourself for that.”
“The rayshift system call can be refused. That's an inescapable truth. You lie a lot but there are some truths in your words. Or actions in this case. You wanted to be in Chaldea, even if you don’t want to admit it.”
“Ah there it is, your virtuous nature shining through. One day you'll be fooled by someone who is pretending to be your ally...ah, my bad, that has already happened, isn't that right? Maybe you should learn your lesson.”
“Ah, yes. But it doesn't change that you are here. And because you lie often, that means I can just take it whatever way I like. You'll just deny it even if I'm right. But you can't deny we get along pretty well!”
“We do not!”
“See, that's a lie!”
“Ah, I'm going to the cafeteria! Don't follow me!”
Yet we thrive on dreams, don’t we?
“How long do you think I've been in this business? Have you interacted already with some of the servants here? I can tell you don’t mind my company.”
“I quit, I'll break the contract!”
“So, one cube or two?” Ritsuka dares to offer him the sugar cube container, even holding some tongs, just to put the amount he requests in his cup.
“You really want a poisoned tea, right, wonderful Master?~”
Even if they are something that doesn’t exist, we yearn for them, even to make them a reality. No matter how impossible. No matter how painful.
That is why we can never get rid of them.
Even if we forget once the veil of dawn has ended, something of it remains.
“There's so much that is subjective. For example, you were Artoria's Merlin, weren't you? For a moment you were Merlin, that was her truth. There's different Merlins, I mean we have different Artorias here from different eras and classes. You were a different Merlin than the one I know.”
Ritsuka is busy trying different colors. Oui and Gogh got into a discussion on how to best get the tones she was aiming for, and they even went to do some research on their own. The reds of a forest seem familiar yet not quite right, not that Oberon was looking at the notebook.
It has to have a dreamlike feeling, that’s what she wanted, but that’s not easy to pour into a painting.
“What we see as a lie or as truth, it changes with our perception. Your lies and my truths might be different, but it's ok. In the end we have only one perspective. That's why lies and truths can mix, that's why contradictions exist. I mean, that is why you are here.”
“Here's some advice from the bottom of my heart, don't quit your day job, Master. Stick to the world saving and leave the philosophical dissertation to virtually anyone else.”
In the end, does the truth really matter?
Something that can change when you close your eyes. Something that is as fleeting as a moth's life.
Would anything change in the grand scheme of things?
To protect Ritsuka, Chaldea forged a story, one where Romani Archaman was at fault for everything that happened.
To the world that is on the verge of disappearing, that became the truth.
To everyone in Chaldea, the truth is that this girl worked harder than anyone to protect this world.
That was what Sherlock Holmes said once they met. Oberon didn’t like him, but in a way he seems familiar. Holmes is a great detective, but since he keeps everything to himself, he might be wrong the entire time until the last minute.
So it’s not like Oberon can take him that seriously.
Even so, he told him the story of the great journey before Panhuman History was at risk by the Alien God. A story of which he was somehow aware, but it seems different when it is told by someone else.
To Oberon, it was a story of selfish survival. A fitting story of those who fight in the mud to continue existing.
To Holmes, it was a story of humanity bravely fighting to avoid destruction. An unlikely event that might have inspired others. Or rather, that is how the Leonardo Da Vinci from that time would have framed it, since Holmes isn’t an author and the current Da Vinci is someone different now.
The events are there, what changes is our perception of them. Perhaps this is where truths and lies take root, the lie of today becomes the truth of tomorrow.
The lie allows the fake existence to continue even when the dream has already ended.
But in the end, everything will fade, so nothing really matters.
"Well, I don't know if it has a meaning, but doesn't that mean you can give it your own? Just like how I can take your lies the way I want."
"Aren't you a simplistic one? No, perhaps it is that kind of thinking that has let you get this far. What a naive Master Chaldea has. Though it helps you accomplish your goals. "
He is not sure why they are taking tea while chatting, but here he is. Perhaps it is to hide his annoyance, the Master won’t stop until she gets what she wants anyway, so he is just avoiding a pointless squabble.
"You can think whatever you want~ and in any case, even if the feelings of today will be nothing in the future, that doesn't mean they are worthless. Because they affect the you of today and that is the moment when you are alive.”
The joy of living, that is something Oberon can’t understand nor tolerate. It angers him.
Of course, he is an entity of the abyss so how could he comprehend that?
The will of self-destruction, the cessation of existence. That something is so fundamentally wrong that it must wiped out, for there is no way to fix something that crooked.
Faerie Britain wished for him because it had to be wiped away from all records, because it had no way of being salvaged.
Therefore, he can only listen to those words.
(Perhaps it is the envy of not having something? Perhaps it is the bitterness of no longer having something to do, to dream for? Or simple ennui that no matter what, in the end it doesn’t matter?)
Ritsuka ignores his silence, as she continues.
“I don't know but for someone who likes stories you don't seem like you're actually enjoying them.”
“Would you enjoy a story where you fade away like everyone in the lostbelts you have erased? Ah, my bad. Surely, as the winner you can afford to disregard those stories. Silly me, of course you would be able to believe that as the victor you can claim to be the true history. Panhuman history is in the end mankind's right path, after all, and everything else can fade into the abyss.”
Her smile is complex, almost a facade. From one angle it looks like a forlorn frown, from the other a faint smile. She plays with the spoon on her table.
"Hmmm, I wonder..."
 Dr. Roman, we finally beat the British Lostbelt. It was unlike any other places we were, and I keep thinking of Percival's words...
   I wish you were still here.
The sacrifice of someone can mean the whole world for a single person. The sacrifices of millions can become a mere statistic, a simple cold number to show how bad an event was. In the end, it doesn't matter.
What was once lost will never come back.
The void left in one's soul will never heal, it only becomes more bearable with time.
But even so, that lingering pain is the proof that someone was alive, that they left a mark on the others they met as one looks at the twinkling stars and reminisces of the never-happening-again past.
“Did you know the true opposite of love isn't hate but indifference?”
“Haaah? Perhaps you didn't think so but I was being honest about my suggestion. Thinking too much will only hurt your head. You should only focus on what's in front of you.”
“Whether you love or hate, you end up putting a lot of attention to the object of your affections, but if you're indifferent to it, it ceases to exist. Perhaps your hatred of everything is because there's something you cannot afford to lose.”
Titania was the wife of Oberon in Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream. She was the only one who could accept the king's eccentric personality.
But in reality, she was just a creation for the story, a being who was never real.
Of course, there isn't a person like that in the world.
Someone who accepts a hollow entity like me.
“I don’t know, if Arjuna Alter was able to come to terms with his own humanity, well...nevermind. I was just thinking aloud.”
(Ideals are just that.
A concept not belonging to this world.
It is when you reconcile with the flawed reality that you can grasp your happiness, the one you have.)
“Heh-Hahahaha, that's rich, Master!”
This is so sickening.
Only Titania could have loved(tolerated) such an unpleasant existence. Only Titania could have loved(tolerated) a being born of hate, a destructive force whose only purpose is to rend everything to ashes.
But the fact is, Titania doesn't exist. This means no one could accept someone like him.
That is the unpleasant truth.
That is why people are entranced(poisoned) by falsehoods, lies to sweeten the body and protect the soul. It's a sweet elixir to hide from the harsh reality, the ultimate end of the journey of everyone, a pointless, worthless life. Because at the end of the dream, no matter what one has accomplished, it doesn't change the finale of this story and it is doomed to be forgotten. 
Just as the one princess from before, who also fell in love with the Fairy King. The one who tried to give fire to his cold body. But he didn't notice this, not even when her snow body had ceased to move, a protection of love.
So in the end, if it's not acknowledged, it is the same as it never had happened.
“Tell me, does it matter to you? Are you going to tell me you know how I feel? That you understand what I'm going through? Come on, tell me your important story, that everything is going to be alright as long as I'm not alone-”
“I can't. I don't know how you feel. Even if we had suffered the same, I wouldn't know how you feel.”
Her words or her smile, the same as before. He doesn’t know which but it cuts him short.
“All I know is the pain of losing someone important to me, but that's not what you're feeling, right?”
The Titania I wish for doesn't exist in this world. The Faerie Britain that gave birth to me no longer exists, even if I have accomplished my goal. 
I am merely a dream whose purpose has been fulfilled and thus, the curtain shall be down as I exit the stage.
The things I yearn for are merely dreams. Even so, I hope, because I saw it existed for someone else. For another Oberon, not the one I am.
The illusion of happiness, the hope of a love.
I don't know how it is to not be Oberon, the lying king. The king without any other purpose. The villain that has exited the stage having won, but now even that victory is pointless.
Then, why am I still here? 
“For what it's worth, I like you. You're nice company, lies and all.”
“You’re an odd one.”
“I've been told that often.”
“It's not a compliment, you have no taste.”
“You know, for Panhuman history I am the hero, ensuring our world survives. But to everyone else from every lostbelt erased...I am the worst of the worst, the villain that destroys their world.”
Ritsuka traces the notebook on her hands. The contents of the rest could be disclosed but Oberon doesn’t open any of the other pile of notebooks, so they all lie on her bed.
“Patxi cursed me for showing him a world that he thought was happier than his.”
Tears fell from her eyes as she smiled weakly. “I wonder if that was ever the right choice.”
“Panhuman history isn't the perfect utopia you can imagine. Humans seek hatred and war, there's suffering and agony. While some can lead happy lives, there's so many who can't even enjoy a warm meal or think of a future. Kirshtaria saw that, he wanted to make a better world because ours was so imperfect.”
“Why are we still going?”
“Why was ours the correct one?”
“Even now, I don't know. And I'm not sure if I'll ever know. Any justification might seem a rationalization, something to feel less guilty for killing all those people.”
“That is why I cannot forget, I cannot let the history of those lostbelts be erased. Even if I'm the only one who remembers,” her grip on the notebook tightened, “I can never forget them.”
Like a dream, one time Oberon caught sight of what she was drawing, finally reaching the dreamy red hue she long sought, depicting the autumn forest Oberon knew and hated.
The words depicting what happened in Faerie Britain, the stories of Artoria, Morgan, of Barghest, Baobhan Sith and Melusine, of Aurora, of Mike, of Ector, of Knocknarea, of him.
“Even if the rest of the world forgets, I cannot. That's why I want to record as much as I can. I caused them to disappear, remembering all of them is the least I can do.”
“That's guilt for you.”
“...Yes, I can't deny that. I've caused many people to suffer, that is why I cannot stop.”
“You're an idiot. Pursuing a fleeting dream that will only cause you to hurt, as your heart tears itself apart with these thorns you surround yourself with.”
“I guess. But someone has to do it right? But even so…
“I enjoy the moments with everyone here in Chaldea and I can say I'm happy.
But I also feel deep sadness for everything that I have done and continue to do.”
There are many contradicting truths, woven into each other.
Like overlapping threads in a beautiful(horrible) story.
“I could think Panhuman history is the correct one because it was there. There was a reason why it was chosen.”
“And if there isn't? If there is truly no meaning to your journey? That the reason your world was chosen was a mere whim of fate, a sudden lucky roll of the dice? That there is nothing special to your world that makes you worthy of the title of proper human history?”
“Then I guess I will have to make it so that there is one.”
“And if you can't?”
“Just because I can't doesn't mean I shouldn't try.”
“Trying doesn't mean you will succeed. Morgan tried her hardest, but in the end, she still failed, crumbling in despair as her Faerie kingdom burnt to ashes.”
“Well, that will come bite me when the time comes, but for now, that’s all I can do, right?”
In the end, as long as it entertains, does it matter?
What is the purpose of a story? To bring joy(tears)? To break one from that moment of boredom, of despair, and heal the soul even if just a little?
And in the end, does it even matter?
“I like this Saint Graph more.”
It’s been a long time since he has donned the clothes as King Oberon. Once the façade was over, once he could ascend, he has never worn anything but the colors of the depths of the abyss. Anyone else would think they are unsightly, hateful, depressing.
After all, the warmth of King Oberon’s butterfly wings makes children smile, makes people trust him. His monstruous limbs right now are not enchanting.
“I thought you were a butterfly girl. And I have been wearing these ever since, why are you even saying this up until now?”
“I just wanted to say that. I like the fluffy cape and the butterfly wings, but you sound less pained right now. And this outfit is cool too.”
In the end, perhaps Titania isn't meant to be someone who brings the sun to your eyes, with laughter so contagious that she makes the bitterness of a day go away. She's not a neverending warmth on a cold winter, nor a guiding bright star up in the dark sky. She's not the simple to your complicated, the light to your dark, the smile to your frown, the opposite of your miserable existence that brings joy to your life. An illogical being that accepts you in spite of your incompatibility. 
Was I wrong all along? 
A companion when watching a wonderful(decadent) play.
Someone who walks by your side in a crumbling world.
Someone whose company makes the poison more bearable and hell, tolerable.
Someone who simply loves me for who I am. Who gazed at the abyss, saw the void yet didn't run away.
Ah, this is so laughable, an amateur terrible tragicomedy, a hideous play with no sickeningly sweet ending.
(Perhaps it is because Titania is a wretched creature herself. Or perhaps because Titania's wings have been torn off that she understands a small fragment of you. Even if true understanding is a lie, a pipe dream. Titania has seen her own hell and can sympathize with yours, with the emptiness and resentment you hold. Not fearing it, not judging it. Just accepting you as the flawed existence you are.
If that is the case, then there is nothing beautiful about Titania.)
But even so...
"...You are..."
"Did you say something?"
"No, nevermind."
Ritsuka smiles as Oberon looks away. He grumbles about the cramped space as he hoards the bed, swatting a mosquito away while she writes in her diary. The boring stories she writes that he doesn't care about even if his fingers have traced those letters.
But even so, he stays.
Ah, love is a bothersome thing.
Thank you for reading!
Now, OH BOY WHERE TO BEGIN. Title comes from Debussy's Rêverie. I wanted to play with it, seeing that Oberon's Bond CE is called Pavane for a Dead Princess, which is the title of a melody by Ravel. I am sure it is no coincidence. Both Ravel and Debussy were considered the cornerstones of Impressionism in music, however, they both HATED being labeled like that.
Pavane for a Dead Princess is one of Ravel's solo compositions for the piano. However, unlike what the title implies, Ravel specifically said that it wasn't meant to be a melody of a funeral, but he wanted to evoke the idea of a princess dancing to the pavane. However, some people didn't really listen to him. So in this case, I think that rather than to see Oberon's CE as a funeral to Blanca, it is a way to celebrate her story, even if it didn't end on the happier note we would have wished. You can listen to it here
Now Rêverie is by Debussy and it's meant to feel like a dream, hence the name. The melody became a massive hit, though Debussy later hated this piece because he felt that he had written better pieces but this one was the one that made him famous. Since it was written when he was young, he felt he was still lacking a lot, but the melody became one of his most popular compositions nonetheless. I think that story ties nicely with what we perceive vs what others perceive. You can listen to it here
Now onto the actual fic, I had this vague idea when part 3 was released, especially after all the spoilers about Oberon's true identity. I really wanted to get him, and I was super lucky. In between getting him, his profile and bond lines being translated, I just got possessed to write this as a way to honor and thank him for coming home AND to give him a sort of happy ending after Avalon.
Oberon in that bed is thanks to that comic on Twitter where he is eating chips without any care and the kind reminder of his voice lines that in spite of him constantly complaining, he spends an awful lot of time on our room. Hehehe.
Best of luck if you are pulling for him! And once again, thank you for reading!
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morporkian-cryptid · 4 years
💕 for all of them. Go nuts
tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them! 
Dan, you don’t know what you’ve started. -cracks knucles-
Warning, long post is long.
Lupin III: At first my fave was Jigen. I clearly have a type and that type is dark and mysterious, preferably badass warrior, with a lot of snark. Also I had been obsessed with Sebastian Moran for the past years and they clearly share a lot of traits. Then for some unknown reason I became obsessed with the samurai, only the gods know why. On top of being a badass warrior and having a lot of really cool fight scenes (HIS DUO WITH JIGEN IN PART 5 OMFG), he’s also FRIGGIN ADORABLE. The dude starts blushing like a flustered teenager whenever a girl comes near him and it’s hilarious. Though to be honest, Goemon is probably one of the character who change the most depending on the season and the movie. Originally he was a fucking chad, and in Part 2 he has some pretty cool one-liners, and he’s easily one of the funniest characters of that season. And his way of speaking like he’s a goddamn grammar dictionary is hilarious. He’s just... I LOVE HIM SO MUCH OKAY? Also my love for Goemon kinda sent me down a rabbit hole of trying to find out as much as I can about traditional Japanese customs in general and samurai culture in particular, and I’ve learned a lot of very interesting things! If you ever have questions about kamons aka family crests just ask me.
Also I have a huge soft spot for Inspector Koichi Zenigata. That man is amazing and I love him. He’s a cinnamon roll and he’s also very badass and he’s just SO FUCKING STUBBORN OMG.
MorMor: Well... Moran and Moriarty, obviously. I became obsessed with Moriarty because I have a thing for evil geniuses who look and act scary, that’s a secret to no-one at this point. Also he has a LOT of potential for angst. The reason I got into MorMor in the first place was because Sebastian was an excuse for Jim not to die, then I fell in love with the fandom’s creativity and the complete freedom we have to build the characters. The MorMor fandom is kinda like a Build-A-Bear store except it’s Build-A-Moran. I love Sebastian because the fandom has made him such a complex character. Like, yes, he’s a criminal and a murderer and probably evil by most people’s standards, but... He’s also human? He loves his boyfriend so much and would do anything for him, and he has his own struggles with morals and with his past, and Jim and Seb’s relationship is something so complex and HUMAN. I think that’s what I love with them. That we can take these two horrible criminals and find the good parts in them and fucking empathize with them. Also, the massive potential for angst.
Discworld: I already declared my love for Sam Vimes in a previous ask so I won’t repeat myself.
La Quête d’Ewilan (and subsequent novels): Imma do this one in English and in French.
ELLANA. MOTHERFUCKING. CALDIN.  How can I express how fucking OBSESSED I was with her as a kid. She was my IDOL. I wanted to grow up to be like her. Her life and her philosophy shaped me in a way that I can actually recognize and pinpoint even to this day. She’s the archetype of the strong and independent woman, and to be perfectly honest she is a bit of a cliché, but when I was a kid that didn’t matter, because I had this role model of a woman who is completely and utterly FREE, who never lets ANYONE dictate what she has to do, for whom her freedom and integrity are the core element of her identity and her most precious treasure that she will never let anyone take away from her. She taught me about choices and responsibility, she taught me about friendship and love, she taught me to stand up for myself. In the end I didn’t grow up to be like her, but a part of who I am today, I owe to her, and to all the other characters in these books who gave me an example to follow and a goal to reach. Besides all the moral and philosophical aspects, she’s also a badass warrior (I’ve already told you, I have a fucking type) with incredible physical abilities (she’s the reason I have a strong fascination for knives, so now Dan knows who to blame), and a massive amount of sass.
(Also... I clearly had a massive gay crush on her even though I didn’t recognize it at the time)
ELLANA. MOTHERFUCKING. CALDIN. Comment est-ce que je peux exprimer à quel point j’étais OBSEDEE par elle quand j’étais gosse. Elle était mon IDOLE. Je voulais grandir et devenir comme elle. Sa vie et sa philosophie m’ont formée et guidée d’une manière dont je suis encore capable de discerner clairement les répercussions aujourd’hui. Elle est l’archétype de la femme forte et indépendante, et pour être parfaitement honnête elle est un peu un cliché, mais quand j’étais gamine ça n’était pas important, parce que j’avais ce modèle d’une femme complètement et totalement LIBRE, qui ne laissait jamais QUICONQUE lui dicter ce qu’elle devait faire, pour qui sa liberté et son intégrité étaient le coeur même de son identité et son trésor le plus précieux, qu’elle ne laisserait jamais personne lui arracher. Elle m’a enseigné les choix et les responsabilités, m’a parlé de l’amour et de l’amitié, m’a appris à m’affirmer et me défendre. Au final je ne suis pas devenue comme elle, mais il y a une partie de ce que je suis aujourd’hui que je lui dois, à elle et aux autres personnages de ces romans qui m’ont donné un exemple à suivre et un but à atteindre. A côté de tous ces aspects moraux et philosophiques, c’est aussi une guerrière badass (je vous ai dit que j’avais un putain de type) avec d’incroyables capacités physiques (elle est la raison pour ma fascination avec les couteaux, dagues et autres lames, maintenant Dan sait à qui s’en prendre), et une quantité incroyable de répartie.
(Aussi... j’avais clairement un putain de béguin pour elle quand j’étais gosse même si à l’époque je ne m’en rendais pas compte)
Told you this was going to be a long post. Thank you for this, Dan ^^
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raywritesthings · 4 years
Bird in a Storm 12/17
My Writing Fandom: Arrow Characters: Laurel Lance, Tommy Merlyn, Athena, Joanna de la Vega, Roy Harper Pairing: Laurel Lance/Oliver Queen Summary: The confrontation between the Hood and SWAT on the roof of the Winick Building goes differently, altering the course of Laurel’s career, relationships and efforts to save her city forever, the shockwaves of such an altered path making themselves felt throughout her family and friends. *Can be read on my AO3, link is in bio*
Athena was accustomed to deferring to those less skilled or worthy than her. The current Heir to the Demon was only one such example and was, in part, why she was here.
Simply put, the League was stagnating before her very eyes. She couldn’t say when it had begun. Perhaps shortly after she had joined the League when the schism between Ra’s and his eldest daughter had occurred. Or perhaps not until much later, when a girl had laughed in his face at a display of his power and he had not relieved her shoulders of her head but instead allowed her room, board, training and even his Heir’s body for her own pleasure.
Athena believed in her heart, however, that Ra’s decline had begun between those two points, with the departure of Al Sa-Her.
Never had she met a warrior so single-minded in his goal, yet all the more deadly for it. The lost man who had stumbled upon their secrets molded himself into a weapon and leader, rising through the ranks with greater speed than any before him.
But Ra’s had let his Horseman go, and had never truly recovered the loss. His leniency towards Nyssa’s dalliance with the disloyal girl in their ranks, his over-reliance on the Pit keeping him confined to Nanda Parbat more and more. Despite all appearances, he was an old man dragging them all to the end with him.
Athena had had no plans to strike against him, not until she had overheard the news on a mission to the Americas about the man the rest of the world called Malcolm Merlyn.
That such a man should fall to a poorly carried out stunt such as the news described was unconscionable to her. She could only assume he had been forced to act in a manner to protect his son, the man who now stood before her. The man she needed in order to achieve the plan that had begun forming in her head.
“Athena,” Thomas Merlyn echoed. “Is that your real name?”
“It is the only name I answer to. And before you check, you will not find me in any sort of search you might conduct on your devices.”
He grimaced but carried on. “How did my father meet someone like you?”
“His oaths would have kept him from sharing too many details of his time away, but we were part of the same League once. I served first as one of his trainers, then as a comrade-in-arms when he surpassed even me.”
“Comrade… in arms,” he repeated once again. She hoped he wasn’t truly this dim. “So you’re saying my father left me after my mom died to go train in some secret Fight Club?”
“He was preparing himself to enact justice upon the ones who took her from this world. From the intelligence I have gathered, he was very near his goal before the Triad’s contracted assassin mortally wounded him.”
The young man’s eyes narrowed at the mention of his father’s current state. “You said you can heal him. How? You don’t exactly look like a nurse.”
Athena withdrew a vial from her pocket. A vial she had taken great care in filling with a priceless elixir. “The contents of this vial will revive him. Slowly, I am afraid, but I could not secure more and remain undetected. You will need to introduce it into his system. I recommend the IVs replacing his fluids.”
Thomas’ eyes reflected a hunger as he reached out, but his arm paused midway. “How do I know you’re not lying? That this isn’t just more poison?”
Well, he wasn’t a naive idiot, at the least. “I am risking everything by changing my allegiance to your father and his kin. Should the man we both trained under discover my actions, I will be forcibly returned and executed for my disloyalty.” Thomas blanched, but she paid no heed. “Nevertheless, I believe in the cause Al Sa-Her was working towards. The evil of Starling City is too great, and must be eliminated. Surely you see that your city is slowly choking on the waste that wells up from the bottom?”
The look in his eyes hardened, and he took the vial. “How long will this take?”
“It is unclear. But in the meantime, you must lead in your father’s stead. There are others he would have recruited to his cause. We must find them out and see just where their loyalties now lie in his extended absence.”
“Wait, are you trying to say you can find out who set up the hit?”
“Of course I can.” She knew he had little reason to trust her abilities as of yet, but he would learn. And if he learned each piece in just the right order, she felt certain she could craft The Magician an Heir more loyal than Ra’s could dream of, if less adept with a weapon. But that, too, could be taught.
Athena retrieved a phone from her pocket that she slid across the desk towards him. “My number is the only contact programmed in. Attend to your father, then call me when you are ready to take up his work.”
While his gaze remained distracted by the phone, Athena slipped away as quickly and quietly as she had come, disturbing no one. Her next steps were already clear in her mind; discover the source of the contract on The Magician’s life, determine the timeline of his recovery and the completion of his plans and deliver his son to him as a dedicated disciple. All of this she was confident she could achieve.
Thomas Merlyn was less skilled and worthy than she, yes. But he held that same cold determination, that drive of his father’s. And history showed that could be molded.
Joanna sighed as she settled back in behind her old desk. It was earlier than her mom might have liked, but she was officially back to work.
She stared across at the empty space where her friend’s things used to be. No more Sara in her graduation cap, no more white board of targets. Laurel was well and truly gone from CNRI.
Well, not totally gone. Her protege approached Joanna scarcely after she’d sat down.
“Hey, Thea.”
“Hey. I’m so glad you’re back.” The younger girl hugged her. “How are you?”
“You know, pulling through. I guess you have experience with that.”
Thea nodded. “Yeah, well just don’t do what I did and you should be fine.”
Joanna laughed. “Alright, what have we got today? Think I read something about a deposition being filed?”
“Mm-hm.” In her work clothes and with a folder in her hand, Thea Queen looked truly different from the party girl she’d been only a few months ago. “It’s against Edward Rasmus. He stole the family’s savings, and they’re looking for restitution to help them get back on track. They lost everything in their son’s college fund because of this piece of crap.”
Okay, maybe Thea wasn’t totally different.
“Well, hopefully we can get it all back. Let me see the file so I have the details before they come in today.”
She was able to read up on the Moore’s file as well as a couple others before the family arrived. The couple had even brought their young son with them, who was adorable as he was shy. Joanna talked them through the deposition process and promised to have it submitted before the day was out.
It was the last time she spoke to either of the parents.
Joanna woke up early to a call from the police informing her that her clients had been killed in a home invasion gone wrong. Taylor had miraculously managed to escape the carnage out a window, so now she found herself playing social worker instead of lawyer as they tried to figure out where he would go in the immediate aftermath.
Eventually, they decided on a temporary placement with social services until his grandparents could return to the States. It still broke Joanna’s heart a little to watch Taylor being led away by the hand, and she resolved to check in on him at least once a day until all of this was over. Though she’d need to be careful about how to do it; she didn’t want a repeat attack. The timing of that ‘home invasion’ was a little too convenient for her liking.
She was glad to get a text from Laurel that day asking if she wanted to meet up. It really had been forever since her friend had bothered to reach out and that stung, but Joanna wasn’t going to turn her away when she actually did try.
It was still strange seeing her with shorter hair, Joanna reflected as she grabbed the barstool next to Laurel’s at the old place they’d gone to once or twice after work in the old days. “Hey.”
“Hey. My dad called and said you’d been at the station,” Laurel admitted. “I thought you could use a drink. I’m buying.”
“No, you shouldn’t—”
“I’m okay,” her friend insisted. “I’m just really sorry to hear what happened to your clients.”
Joanna blew out a breath. “So am I.” The whole thing stunk of the crap Thea had mentioned yesterday, but of course that was only a feeling she had. And she wasn’t about to bring that up with Laurel when her asking her to get the Hood’s help on Danny’s murder was what had led to her friend’s fall from grace to begin with.
Yet apparently she didn’t have to. “It was Rasmus,” Laurel said with conviction as their glasses were set down.
She nodded even as she said, “There’s no proof. And now there’s no case. I mean, the kid’s only six.”
“Where’s their son now?”
Joanna looked down. “Social services took him.”
Laurel turned on the barstool to face her. “He’s in the system? After just losing his parents?”
“It’s only for a little while. They’re having trouble getting in touch with his grandparents because they’re out of the country.”
“But the killer Rasmus hired is still out there, Jo,” Laurel argued. “He could get the information on where Taylor is.”
“I’m hoping he was only interested in stopping Mr. and Mrs. Moore. I mean, what else could I do, Laurel?” Joanna asked. “I’m still staying with my mom, and I couldn’t bring Taylor in there and put her at risk like that after everything. I talked to your dad specifically and had him put two squad cars outside.”
Laurel looked down. “I’m sorry. I know you’re trying to do what’s best for everybody, I just…”
“I’m worried, too. I’m going to make regular check-ins over the phone in case someone’s got their eyes on me, too.”
“That’s not out of the realm of possibility,” her friend agreed. They both sipped at their drinks for a while, neither in the mood for idle chitchat. So much for catching up.
Joanna left her things with Laurel while she went to the bathroom before they headed out. As she approached the bar, she noticed Laurel was hunched over her phone, though she straightened up as soon as Joanna got close.
“You ready to go?”
“Yeah. Listen, we should do this some other time when work isn’t so depressing, you know?” Joanna said.
Laurel nodded. “Definitely. Maybe next week or so? I’ve got some busy nights coming up.”
“How late is that shop open?”
“I’ve picked up a couple things. Just helps to keep myself occupied.” She went in for a hug, and Joanna couldn’t help noticing how solid Laurel felt. Not that her friend had ever been all that fragile before, but there was something different to her stance, to the security she seemed to give off just through a hug. Joanna gave her head a shake as she backed off.
“Everything okay?” Laurel asked.
“Yeah. Guess I’m just thinking about how so much has changed… you’re taking care of yourself, right?”
“Okay. Well, I’ll see you.”
Joanna went home and ate dinner with her mother before they both kicked back to watch some TV. Nothing was really catching their interest, so her mother started channel-surfing. A picture on the screen caught her eye, and Joanna sat straight up.
“Go back, go back!”
“What, to the news?” Her mother hit a couple buttons and Green, the nightly anchor, came back on.
“—Rasmus allegedly confessed to police after they responded to reports of the Hood being spotted at the businessman’s penthouse. The hired gunman who killed Eric and Nancy Moore remains at large, and police advise all in the Glades neighborhood to exercise caution.”
“That’s the case you were working on?” Her mother asked. When Joanna nodded, her mom said, “Well, I hope you didn’t call him. Bad enough he got Laurel in trouble, I don’t need him sidling up to you.”
“It wasn’t me, mom,” Joanna assured her. But she was pretty sure she knew who it was, and she had to shake her head again. Laurel was never one to sit idle, was she?
With Rasmus in custody, Joanna decided to head to an early bed. No benefactor meant no additional hit, no additional hit meant no hitman.
Taylor would have to be safe now, right?
Mr. Blank had a job to finish. It hardly mattered that the target was a little boy. He had seen his face. That meant he couldn’t remain alive. It was nothing personal.
He’d already taken care of his former employer through posing as the man’s lawyer to gain access. Only one loose thread left, and he would be free to continue his business unhindered.
It had been a simple matter to get the information on young Taylor Moore’s current housing situation. He had simply called in pretending to be a representative of the boy’s grandparents seeking to confirm the child’s location for pickup. Sneaking a peek at the casefile number for Taylor had been another goal of his at the police precinct, and it aided his ruse.
A group home in the Glades was the boy’s temporary residence, and it would now be his final one. Mr. Blank parked his car on the next street over from the building, then walked along the sidewalk sure to keep his back to any and all CCTV cameras. There weren’t many in this neighborhood. Even better, he had overheard at the station that two officers that had been stationed outside had been recalled only last night thanks to Rasmus’ capture. That left him free and clear to take care of matters.
As he drew up to the steps of the building, he noticed a young woman sitting with her back against the wall of the home, head bent and blonde locks hanging in her face. A potential witness. How irritating.
Mr. Blank sighed and reached for the gun in his trench coat pocket. In the same instance, she stood up in one fluid motion and looked him right in the eye, revealing her own face was hidden partially behind a mask. Interesting.
“Somehow I had a feeling someone like you would show up.”
“I assure you, there’s no one else like me,” he told her. “But I would have expected the Hood after his intervention with Rasmus.”
“Sorry to disappoint you.” Her fists were balled and she had no weapons. This would be easy.
Yet as he retrieved his gun, she lunged, one hand closing around his wrist and twisting hard. Mr. Blank hissed and pulled back, the gun clattering to the ground. She kicked it further to the side and moved in closer. So it was to be a brawl.
He feinted to her left and was just barely blocked by her arm when he tried to strike her right. He grabbed her arm and yanked it to force her forward, ramming a knee into her gut.
She wheezed but barreled forward to take him with her, crashing him into the wall outside the home. Mr. Blank tasted blood when he bit down. He just barely got his guard up when she went for a punch to his face. He twisted her arm behind her back and relished the cry that left her as he closed in, the fingers of his other hand reaching for her mask.
“You’ve seen my face. Don’t you think it’s only fair I see yours?”
Her head jerked back, colliding with his chin. His grip reflexively loosened, and she spun out of his hold.
What she lacked in finesse, she made up for in sheer enthusiasm. This was a brawler, and she lived for the fight just as much as he did. He thrilled at the blood pounding in his ears, the pain in his jaw.
They both eyed the gun lying a few feet away. He dove for it. She dove for him.
Mr. Blank’s fingers grappled for purchase on the weapon as her weight fell upon him. He turned and was met with two hands forcing his arm away, just as he squeezed the trigger.
He was walking home from another shift at the club when he heard a noise not altogether uncommon in the Glades: a person’s pained and heavy breathing. In the past, he might have kept on walking. But ever since his life had been saved by the Hood, he’d been trying to find some reason for it to have happened. Some reason he’d been worth it.
So Roy cautiously approached the alley he could hear the sound coming from. In the dark, all he could make out was the disheveled blonde hair of a woman leaning against the wall as she slowly staggered forward. Her head was down. She had to be focusing solely on putting one foot in front of the other.
“Hey. Hey, lady,” he said, coming forward. She hissed and drew back, but as she did her hair sort of shifted, revealing it to be a wig. And he thought he recognized the real hair underneath, short as it now was.
He shook his head. “You’re the Woman. Should have known it was you.” She’d roughed him up well enough just for stealing Thea’s purse.
“Well, I’d congratulate you on your detective work, but this one was kind of handed to you,” she said, strain in her voice. She was limping pretty bad, too.
“Hey, what happened to you?”
“Got shot. Just a graze, but it hurts more than you’d think.”
“Don’t have to guess,” he said. Roy came around to stand at her side and pulled her arm over his shoulder. “Here, give me the wig.” He stuffed that in the pocket of his hoodie. Hopefully, they didn’t come across any cop cars or someone who looked at them too closely. “How far do we have to go?”
“Just a couple more blocks.”
They traveled it mostly in silence, not wanting to draw more attention to themselves than necessary. She had a place about the same size as his, though he thought her street had a slightly better reputation. Everything was relative.
“You got any disinfectant?”
“Cabinet above the bathroom sink.” She hobbled over to a little basket that turned out to hold sewing supplies. Well, at least she knew what was going to have to happen.
Roy returned from the bathroom to find her with one leg out of her leggings. He kept his gaze on the floor.
“You ever do this before?”
It took a beat where he thought she was nodding before she realized she needed to answer verbally. “Yeah. On my arm.”
“Okay. This’ll probably hurt a little more.”
She hissed when the disinfectant made contact with her skin and flinched badly at the first poke of the sewing needle. Not that he could totally judge her for that kind of aversion.
“You said a little.”
“My bad.”
Once he had finished closing up the wound, she grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch to throw over her lap which brought him some comfort. Roy sat back, watching her. “So when did this start?”
She shrugged. “A month or so back, officially. But it’s been coming.”
He thought he knew what she meant by that. The slow simmering of anger waiting to boil over into outrage at just how much everything here sucked. How unfair it was, how impossible it was for most people to escape.
“And the guy that shot you?”
Her head bowed for a moment. “He shot himself, in a way. I was trying to get the gun off him. It grazed me, but…”
She didn’t have to finish. 
Roy shrugged. “Then he got what he deserved.”
“What he deserved was to be tried for his crimes,” Laurel maintained, though her shoulders slumped and she lost the haughty look. “But I can’t say I’m devastated he’s gone. It’ll keep Taylor safe, at least.”
“Who’s Taylor?”
“A kid. His parents were trying to sue a man called Rasmus for losing their savings, and he hired a hitman to take care of the problem. The hitman killed the Moores a couple of nights ago, then came back to try and finish the job.”
Roy’s fists clenched at the thought. What kind of sick person targeted a little boy for something he wasn’t really even a part of? “How’d you hear about all this? I mean, was it the Hood or…?”
She shook her head. “The Hood has his own operation going on. I’m just doing my part where I can.”
“But you know him, right?” Roy couldn’t quite keep the eagerness out of his voice. “Or you know how to get in touch. I’ve been looking for him since he saved my life.”
Laurel said nothing, only studied him.
“Do you know if, I don’t know, I could help him somehow? I know how to fight.”
“The Hood’s mission is a personal one. I’m not sure that he’d be willing to risk someone else getting hurt,” Laurel said, smirking as she added, “There’s a reason I’m on my own.”
Roy looked down. So she thought it would be a no.
“He has a team.”
The unexpected words caused Roy’s head to jerk up sharply.
“I could see if he’s in need of anyone else to provide support. That’s the best I can promise you.”
It was better than he’d had. “I could help you fight out there.”
Laurel considered him. “You have a lot of good instincts, but they’re not honed. It’s going to take some training for you to be able to do more damage to them than they do to you.”
“That’s not a no.”
“It’s a we’ll see. Find yourself a way to train first. I’d recommend a guy except I think he’d kill me for sending another vigilante to his doorstep,” she remarked with enough lightness in her tone to make him think she was probably joking. “But for now, you shouldn’t be out there looking for trouble.”
He rolled his eyes. “Okay, mom.”
Laurel shook her head. “I am not old enough or financially and materially stable enough to be a mother.”
“Yeah, neither were my parents,” said Roy. He thought he caught her smirking at that in spite of herself. “I guess I should let you sleep the pain off.”
“That would help. I’ve got work tomorrow.” She stood with a low groan, wrapping the blanket around her waist like a skirt. “That’s not gonna be a fun walk.”
“You ever think about getting a bike?” He asked. “It’d get you around faster at night. Be easier to avoid the cops.”
She frowned. “Couldn’t afford it.”
“I know a guy who sells them cheap. They don’t have all the parts, but we could fix them up probably. Or I could.” He shrugged. “Support stuff, right?”
When he chanced a glance up, Laurel was smiling at him. “That’s not a bad idea. Tell me when we can see your guy.”
Roy felt his hope reignite, and he nodded. “Yeah, could probably get us in by the end of the week. But, uh, I guess you need my number.” He grabbed a pen off her counter and scribbled it on a to-go menu. Laurel grabbed it up with her free hand, nodding to herself.
“Okay. I’ll message you so you have mine, and I’ll let you know when I’m available.”
“Daytime would be best. I’ve got this new job. A real one, at the Verdant.”
For some reason, she smirked at that. “Good for you. You should stick around there.”
“Okay.” Roy backed up towards the door. “I’ll see you. Uh, what do you go by?”
“Laurel?” She said skeptically.
He snorted. “I meant like your vigilante persona. Everybody’s got different names floating out there. The Woman, Lady in Black, Angel, stuff like that.”
“And some less flattering monikers, I’m sure.” Laurel looked off into some kind of middle distance. “I don’t know. I hadn’t given it much thought.”
“Maybe you should.” He shrugged one shoulder and headed out the door. Once it shut behind him, he couldn’t resist pumping his fist.
He was in with the vigilantes. Well, one of them at least. And he’d make sure Laurel felt he was indispensable so that she’d have to agree he made the cut. And then someday, she might even introduce him to the Hood, and he could repay the man who had saved his life and shown him this new path.
He was finally going to make a difference.
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checkoutafrica · 4 years
By Xavier; A man of many talents
Internationally acclaimed, sought-after South African photographer, Xavier Saer is a man of many talents who rediscovered his passion for music during the first lockdown. This passion resulted in two radio single releases which got him noticed and signed to Tiësto’s record label, “Black Hole Recordings”, one of the world’s leading Dance Music Labels.
Most people know him as a photographer (having one of the most impressive celebrity catalogues in South Africa) however, not many people know that Xavier was a club DJ, he has two SAMA Best Pop Album nominations under his belt for the song writing he did for two artists’ albums, he has four of his own albums to his name and has written over 2000 songs. I told you guys, this is a man of many of talents.
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By Xavier is an amazing story to come out of lockdown and also speaks to people’s ability to reinvent themselves, home in on previous passions, and give in to creativity and see where it takes you. I spoke to him a couple of months back and this is what he had to say;
Who is Xavier Saer? Tell us your story.
I’ve been a lot of things and I’m just about trying new things all the time, I think that is really what life is about, it is really about the spice of life, trying new and different things and just seeing and learning new things. I just think that really makes life a lot more fun. I’m actually and economics by trade, so I study that, I did it for my parents. I was like guys here is my degree, bye I’m leaving now and  I want to go be a DJ. I did that for a couple of years at the top clubs in Joburg and from then I travelled and lived all over the world which was very interesting. I then became I recording artist  for about 3 years, I toured and I did a couple of albums. I’ve been everywhere and I’ve  done everything to the point where I even had a bit of an existential crisis so I wrote a book which took two years and was published then I had another what do I do now moment ahahah. I just live challenges and now with lockdown, I’ve just been signed to a major label so it looks  like life is taking me back to music again. 
At what point in lockdown did you realise that you wanted to make music again?
In a way, musics chooses you, you don’t choose music, it’s always in you and it’s always been in the back of my head, I just  had a very busy photographic career, I’ve been busy for the last few years so I haven’t had time to do anything but photography and I’m one of those people that like to focus on things 100% so if it’s photography, it’s nothing else and if it’s music, it’s nothing else. And now I’m trying to balance it all, but music has always been my first love and you never forget about your first love. I’m really enjoying this process, it’s a really beautiful creative journey. 
What do you love the most about creating music?
Gosh Uhmm. I’ve had a very straight story, like I’m not a guy that sits down and writes music but it always comes to me. I’ve written over 4000 songs in my lifetime, it’s the most natural thing  to me, like this latest single, it just came out to me when I was cooking. It’s like this little tingle that happens. I guess when I’m very creative, a lot of things happen, I mean sometimes I can write up to 5/6 songs in a day, I just have to put time into it and it flows like a river. 
Why did you choose to go under the name “by Xavier” for your music?
So as a photographer I have a very strung brand in South Africa – by Xavier. I’m from Peru originally so my name is actually pronounced havier in Spanish but if you say Xavier here in SA it can be very confusing so I prefer to be just Xavier because it’s an English pronunciation and also not that hard to pronounce. It’s simple and it’s easy. A recognisable brand. 
Tell us about your new single “beat is strong”
So the song is an analogy about life, about perceiving and not giving up on your dreams. So I almost feel like i wrote it for people who are in creative spaces, for example there are people that are waitressing but wanting to be actresses or people that wanna be musicians but are doing something else. It’s almost like it’s a song for when they’re rich and this is their struggle to get there, it’s about the journey of being a creative but anything really because anything you wanna be takes time and discipline. It’s an uplifting song of never give up on your dreams really. 
You have done so many things and you have been so many things, what would you say your biggest achievement in life is?
I think just being alive is an achievement on its own. But I guess my book means a lot to me, it took me two years to write and I just remember writing for months and months, for hours and hours so that was one thing. I would not recommend tho ahahah, do not write a book guys, it’s HARD, but if you have the time, go ahead. 
what is the one quote that you try and live by?
It’s a quote by Helen Keller and she said “life is an adventure or nothing at all” and I try to make my life an adventure on a weekly basis. That’s literally in my diary, every Monday I tell myself that I will make this week an adventure somehow. Every week I make sure that my life is interesting, that there is something motivating me, that there is something inspiring me and I try to live my life like that. Life is way too short so we have to make it exciting. 
You’re also an avid traveller, where is your favourite place to go in the world and why?
I guess my favourite places to travel are the places that I don’t know yet. I dream of going to Japan, I am fascinated by everything Japanese, I mean I don’t know why but maybe it’s because I had a jaiden se neighbour as a kid – he was like Mr Miyagi to me and he taught me so many things, he made a huge impression in my life. 
I also love Mexico, the people in Mexico are amazing. I always say it’s not really the place but it’s the people that make it, there are so many places where The place is amazing but the people aren’t that great meaning that the experience itself wasn’t really that amazing.
I love Africa, there is something here, I mean I live in Africa for a reason. It’s like it just stays with you done how! I’m Peruvian so I love the mountains, I love the Andes. I just think everything is beautiful, it’s hard to pick just one. There is beauty everywhere. My advice to you is to travel, travel, travel, travel. You always come back a better person. 
what is the biggest lesson that you have learnt from your travels?
That we are all the same. We keep fighting for the most ridiculous things uno, we chase and kill eachother for politics but when you meet someone, you don’t even need to speak the same language cause you can see it in their eyes that they just want love and compassion, we wanna laugh and just enjoy life. We’re all the same. 
Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
I’m not a guy that looks at the future too much, because the future is uncertain, the past is gone already. All I can do is now. How I create my future is what I create with my thoughts today. So I see myself still creating creating music photography and I see myself cooking actually. I will retire having opened up my own bakery and I will feed the poor – that is main goal.
Listen to his single here;
The post By Xavier; A man of many talents appeared first on CheckoutAfrica.
from WordPress https://www.checkoutafrica.com/by-xavier-a-man-of-many-talents/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=by-xavier-a-man-of-many-talents
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jannabbb · 4 years
Happy Birthday, Valerie
may everything happy
and everything bright,
be Yours on your birthday
from morning till night
and then through the year
may the same thing hold true
so that each day is filled
with life's best thing for you
may your all wishes and dreams came true,
and your future always shine,
you glow, you shine the light of Christ,
keep fighting for God's calling in your life
written by Arabella
Happy Birthday Bayeeee! Patangkad kana ha pero okey na den naman height mo cute hehe. Bawasan naden pagiging mainitin ulo, smilee lang lagi :)) Alam ko minsan naiinis ka na den sa pagiging nega ko pero thank u kase ur always there when I need someone to listen to and mostly when I cry??? HAHAHHAHA jk. Malapit na ko humiwalay sa inyo ni janna gawa ng shs pero hope to enjoy my last year with uu and bugers. Tsaka after covid ah simba tayong tatlo hehe. Wish ko matupad mo lahat ng dreams mo at maging succesful ka sooooon! God will always guide u, miss u and love uu baby shark!!
written by Ivan
To me valerie is kind and quiet person and she is so adorable I wish she grow few more centimeters. Happy Birthday!!!
written by Shayne
Happy Birthday Valerie! MISS U BEBE KO. Patangkad ka hehehehe joke cute nga yon e. May the Lord be your blessings and more birthday to come. Kahit di na us masyado nakakapag-usap, I'm still here kung may problems ka or whatever sa life HAHA. Ayun, I wish you the best things in life. You deserve the world. I miss you. Stay safe palagi and stay healthy. Stay positive rin (pero wag sa COVID) enjoy the rest of the day. Hope to see you soon!
written by Andreahna
We’ve been best friends for a long time now Im blessed to know that Im able to call you my bestfriend even though we’ve had arguments in the past HAHAHAH and Tbh, Im so grateful for our friendship co’z one of the hardest things is to find true and loyal friends, that’s why I feel so lucky to have a bestfriend like uu vaye! Thank you for always being there for me through the good times and the bad times I really appreciate it and of course if u need someone to talk to, Im always here for u:) miss ko na kayo ni bugings hope makapag bonding tayo soon! Enjoy your day luv u always vaye, WE STAYING BFFs NO MATTER WHAT!
written by Zyvene
Happy Birthday Valerie! Malapit na ulit magpasukan alam mo na wag mo akong kalimutang idamay sa mga sagot mo at sana payagan ka na tuwing may mga gala laging magbabait. More kopya to come HAHAHAHA Mbtc! Ingat kayo!
written by Jessica
Si bayee ano yan mabait yan tahimik lang minsan tas luka luka din HAHAHAHA tas pag may mga gagawin pag di ko gets tatanungin ko jan di din niya gets iba HAHAHAHA tas pag nag aaya mag among us pag napatay yan chinachat sakin kung sino yon HAHAHAHA
Happy Birthdayyy Bayee! Patangkad na ikaw HAHAHAHA char miss uu na gala na uli tayo pag pede naa. Pag may problem ka dini lang kami ha. Enjoy ur day loveuu God bless!
written by Tyrone
Hii bayeee! Happy Happy Birthday hehe stay kind pretty humble! Ano pa ba haha pakabait mong kaklase Haha akala mo tahimik tas pag tumawa e hanggang oval korni haha jk basta ako yung makakatuluyan ni kim jojo ako yung pinili nya abangan mo sa season 2 haha basta happy happy birthdayy enjoy your day bayee gotchuuu Godbless uu!
written by Marcko
Happy Birthday Bayeee!! Godbless, Stay Healthy and Mbtc!!! (simplicity is beauty)
written by Angel
Hello bayeee! Happy birthday!🥳 Thank you for being a good friend and classmate. You're one of my close friend in room, I guess hahaha. You are kind and lovely person so just stay in that personality. Ang wish ko para sayo sana matupad mo yung mga pangarap mo. I also wish for your health. Just study smart and always work hard to achieve your future plans and goals. I believe na matutupad mo den yung mga pangarap mo sa pagpa-fan girling mo someday. Just keep believing in yourself and always be happy. I'll wish for your success in life! Sana naging mabait na kaibigan den ako sayo hahaha. Happy Birthday bayeee! Enjoy your day!
written by Francis
Happy birthday Valerie! Salamat sa pagiging mabait. Wish ko wag ka magbabago kahit may lovelife na ako.
written by Jason
Happy Birthday Valerie! Napakabait mo at napakacheerful! Ang wish ko para sayo matupad wish mo, wag ka mag-alala sa height mo tatangkad ka rin (siguro)
written by Ashley
Si Vaye kasii yung klase ng friend na kabait minsan tas minsan luka luka kapag may prob ka magtatanong yan kung okay lang ba or may prob ganurn tapos lagi niya ko niyaya mag among us HAHAHAHA
Happpyy birthdayyy Vayee! Yun sana tumangkad na ikaw kahit konti charr lab kita lagi. If need mo ng friend, dito lang me enjoy your day godbless loveuu mwahh
written by Sammantha
Si Valerie? Ano apaka liit magsulat kahirap kumopya WHAHAHAHAH joke lang mabait si baye maliit din.
Hi Baye HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAYYY!! enjoy your day babes matangkad ka na ba ha? Char WHAHAHHAA wag lalabas haa mag ingat palagi. Happy birthday ulit MBTC!
written by Sher-Ann
Hi Valerie, happy happy birthdayyy. Enjoy your day. Sana tumangkad ka na hehe. Love youuuu
written by Kaye
Si vaye? Super responsible na tropa as in then napaka bait ang ganda ganda pa. Full package na si vaye ihhhh. Sana sana eh stay mabait lang lalo na sa akin HAHAHAHHA. Atsaka, HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! DITO LANG ME PALAGI, GOT URR BACK. LOVEUUUUUU
written by Jelaine
Valerie is that type of friend who's very observant and sensitive in a good way. She's that type who'd notice if someone's upset or someone's having a bad day. She knows where she stands. She's strong. I noticed, she won't cry as long as she can endure it. And I really admire her for that. Honestly, she's the only friend whom I considered as my family. I mean, I've been a stray all my life, I've been depressed and suicidal. And everytime I'll feel down, I was actually looking for a friend or just a random person who'd ask me if I was okay. And I found it in Valerie. She might not remember it or she might think that it's just a question but it really made a deep impact on me. That simple 'okay ka lang?' save me from suiciding. It made me realize that there are still people who cares. Who notices, and that I'm not alone. That simple question made me realize that I gotta help myself for Valerie. That I gotta survive for her. If I'd surrender then that means I'll leave her behind too. So thank u bayeeee. Omooo don't mind what I said hihi, I guess I'm still the same old cry baby Jelaineee. But yeah, thank u! And happy happy birthday! Uwu this is impromptou so I don't wanna say some usual wishes like mbtc and such. I'll just pray for you. Enjoy your special day. I love uuu and I miss you so.
written by Chelzea
Hi Bayeeeee!!! Happyyy Happyy Birthdayyy to youuuu... Wish you that continue to love life and never stop dreaming. You deserve all the happiness in the world because you are such a great person and a wonderful friend. Ikaw kase yung taong di ko aakalain na magiging kaibigan ko, magiging kaibigan namen kase sobrang bait mo at tahimik ganon pero iba pala talaga pag naka close mo madaldal, makulit, sumasabay sa trip tapos parang baby cutieee ganon ang saya ko, namin ni chinny na naging kaibigan ka namin kahit sa panandaliang panahon kase vibes vibes tayo non dahil bet na bet natin kpop hehehe happy birthday uli labyuu miss you godbless more birthdays to come keep safe wish you all the best enjoy your day!!!
written by Jubeth
Si baye kase yung tipo ng kaibigan na tahimik pero pag nakasama mo eh sobrang kalog HAHAHAHA tawa ng tawa kung san san tas lagi deng napapagalitan kase kung ano yung niliit nya yon den yung niliit ng sulat nya HAHAHAHAHA tas si baye den yung akala mo walang pakialam sa mundo pero pag nakausap mo, don mo malalaman lahat. Solid ni baye gagi yung pagiging aports namen sa gilingers HAHAHAHAH maaasahan mo pag may prob HAHAHAHAH sa mga activities HAHAHAHA basta solid non tas wish ko sayo eh sana yung ma-achieve mo yung mga goals mo sa buhay hehe wish u all the best buddy iloveyou hehe
written by Janagurl
I see you as one of a kind woman. A friend whom I can be real and never pretend and always see's the best on everyone. Can't believe that you are gettin' older again today. Thank you for not giving up on me. Always remember, I'm always here for you no matter what the circumstances are. And I will support you in everything you want. Thank you for always bringing the best in me. Continue being you and don't be afraid to express yourself and continue fighting of what you think is right. We may never get along at all times and a lot of things may change, always remember that you will always hold a special place in my heart and you will always have me. May you have all the joy your heart can hold, all the smiles a day can bring and all the blessings a life can unhold. May you gave God's best in everything. Wishing you a Happy Birthday!
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Pluralistic: 10 Mar 2020 (Pandemic firewalls, water neoliberalism meets covid, Piketty backs Sanders, Sonos stops bricking, Brave vs canvas attacks)
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Today's links
Safe and moral societies need "firewalls" between immigration and public services: The UK's "hostile environment" puts everyone at risk.
Detroit will reconnect water services during the Covid-19 emergency: But it's $25/month thereafter.
Thomas Piketty endorses Sanders: both his program and his electability.
Sonos "recycling mode" no longer bricks working speakers: Fire the person who came up with this deeply shitty idea.
Brave will randomize browser profiles to fight fingerprinting attacks: More from the most privacy-friendly browser.
This day in history: 2005, 2010
Colophon: Recent publications, current writing projects, upcoming appearances, current reading
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Safe and moral societies need "firewalls" between immigration and public services (permalink)
The UK took the decision to "create a hostile environment" for migrants, which entails denying medical care to those who can't prove their entitlement to it. Seeking care in the UK comes with threats to your residency and/or titanic bills.
This creates enormous deterrents to seeking medical care, which means that migrants – disproportionately found in low-waged jobs including cleaning and food service – are less likely to seek care or present themselves for testing if they develop symptoms. It also means that they're not entitled to paid leave, which means that potentially infectious people are being incentivised to turn up for work.
In "The Ethics of Immigration," Joseph Carens argues for a "firewall" between public services and immigration enforcement, specifically to address situations like these (and also related issues, like spousal abuse, child abuse, etc).
A civilised society shouldn't put people at risk of violence in order to attain its immigration goals.
A healthy society – one that contains the spread of pandemics – can't afford to put its immigration goals ahead of these matters.
It's both ethical and pragmatic.
Likewise (and doubly so) for the refugee gulags created Greece and Australia. It's not only inhumane to deprive the people in these camps of care – it's also a way to create and sustain reservoirs of illness that will spread into your general population.
As Chris Bertram writes, "[Authoritarians will] use COVID-19 to advance their nationalist and anti-immigrant agenda. Journalists need to ask them what they are doing to stop that very agenda from having consequences that shame and endanger us all."
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Detroit will reconnect water services during the Covid-19 emergency (permalink)
Michigan has been a living laboratory for neoliberal cruelty, as gerrymandering has allowed the rich white people to dominate the state, stripmine its public assets, and privatize its services, leading to mass evictions (and the lead crisis in Flint).
In Detroit, many people are without (substandard) water, as they've been faced with the choice of paying rent or paying the water bill. This means that they can't wash their hands. So the state of Michigan and the city of Detroit have teamed up to turn on peoples' water during the crisis. The reconnection fee of $25 (a tax on poor people) will be picked up by the state. But it will be $25/month afterwards.
Many people will be able to afford the $25/month. Some will not. Who doesn't have $25/month for water? The poorest, most vulnerable people, who are disproportionately likely to be immunocompromised and susceptible to Covid-19.
Michigan – whose neoliberal belief in "moral hazard" dictates that poor people should not have benefits – has engineered a situation in which the state is full of desperately poor people who will sicken the people around them.
If you or someone you love in Detroit has no water, you can get your service reconnected starting tomorrow at 313-386-9727.
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Thomas Piketty endorses Sanders (permalink)
Thomas Piketty's Capital in the 21st Century quantified the rise of inequality, provided evidence for the policies that create and preserve it, and warned of the social instability it engenders (that is, guillotines).
Piketty's Capital was notable for laying out a rigorous, quantitative basis for the left's concerns over inequality, and it also rebutted the right's idea that inequality was an emergent property of meritocracy. Boris Johnson once told City bankers: when you shake a cornflake box, the big flakes rise to the top and the little flakes sink to the bottom.
Piketty showed that the most reliable predictor of increased wealth over time wasn't accomplishment, it was wealth. Rich people get richer, regardless of whether they contribute to society. Poor people generally don't, no matter what they contribute.
Today, Piketty has endorsed Bernie Sanders's candidacy, policies, and electability, applying the same rigor to these that he applied to his time-series data on capital flows and inequality.
It "is not an 'extremist' statement" to say that Medicare for All will "enable the American population to be cared for more efficiently and more cheaply than the present private and extremely unequal system."
"Sanders is right when he proposes large-scale public investment in favour of education and public universities…The failure of [Reagan-style education policy] is patent today with growth of national income per capita being halved and an unprecedented rise in inequality."
Piketty endorses a $15 federal minimum wage: "Learn from the experiences in co-management and voting rights for employees on the Boards of Directors of firms implemented successfully in Germany and in Sweden for decades."
On a wealth tax that tops at 8%: "this corresponds to the reality of the excessive concentration of wealth in the United States and the fiscal and administrative capacities of the American federal state, which has already been demonstrated historically."
And on polls: "The problem of the repeated assertions that Biden would be better placed to beat Trump is that they have no objective factual basis… Sanders mobilises the working-class electorate more than Biden.. mobilises the vast majority of the Latino vote and crushes Biden amongst the 18-29 years age group, as he does in the 30-44 years group…Sanders has the best scores amongst the underprivileged… whereas Biden, on the contrary, has the best scores amongst the most privileged.
"The highest potential for mobilisation is amongst the most underprivileged social categories.
"…The cynical, and unfortunately very commonplace vision amongst the Democratic elites, that nothing can be done to mobilise further the working-class vote, is extremely dangerous. This cynicism weakens the legitimacy of the democratic electoral system itself."
If you (like me) loved Warren's campaign because it appealed to the wonk in you, then this should be of real significance. Piketty is the wonk's wonk, an expert whose key work is a 15-year-long study of 300 years' worth of capital flows, which shifted the global debate.
Piketty's endorsement of Warren's wealth tax was hugely important. His endorsement of Sanders' entire program, and Sanders' electability, is even more important at this phase of the battle to abolish Trumpism and save our planet.
(Image: Sue Gardner, CC BY-SA)
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Sonos "recycling mode" no longer bricks working speakers (permalink)
When you get rid of a Sonos product – either through a trade in or disposal – the company advised you to trigger "recycling mode" to wipe your account data. But this didn't wipe the speaker – it bricked it.
IOW: invoking the Sonos "recycling mode" made your device into e-waste (if you want to wipe your personal data, you could just factory reset the speaker).
Thankfully, the company has seen the error of its ways. The app no longer has the "recycle mode" option. The company is working on an alternative (which, one hopes, will not be as malicious and deceptive as the previous version). The reason for bricking devices is obvious: it eliminates competition from used devices. The reasons not to do it are also obvious: it's terrible.
Whomever came up with this policy at Sonos is a colossal asshole. The whole company should be ashamed. I am a Sonos customer (bought Sonos One speakers when they started making a model with no mic) and I enjoy them, but I don't know that I'll ever trust the company.
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Brave will randomize browser profiles to fight fingerprinting attacks (permalink)
Brave is one of the two browsers I use every day (the other is Firefox). I really like the company's approach to privacy and user-control, which is deeply embedded in their culture (unlike Mozilla, Brave fought against DRM in browsers at the W3C, for example).
One of the risks to web privacy is "canvas" or "fingerprinting" attacks, which identifies users by the unique attributes of their browsers (version, OS, fonts, plugins, screen size, etc). EFF has been sounding the alarm about this for years.
This has gone from "theoretical risk" to "main tool for user tracking" in a few short years. Browsers take different approaches to fighting these attacks, but I like Brave's: it's going to randomize browser data when it's requested by servers.
Brave says the other tactics used to block fingerprinting are "useless" and describes how randomization is more effective, citing peer-reviewed studies to support its case.
This is the kind of best-practice that ever browser vendor should be adopting. Of course, we also need a federal privacy bill with a private right of action, and until we get one, this is doubly important.
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This day in history (permalink)
#15yrsago Israeli Army thinks D&D players are weak-minded security risks https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3052074,00.html
#10yrsago TSA analyst indicted for tampering with terrorist watchlists https://www.goodgearguide.com.au/article/339185/former_tsa_analyst_charged_computer_tampering/
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Colophon (permalink)
Today's top sources: Naked Capitalism (https://nakedcapitalism.com/) and Slashdot (https://slashdot.org).
Hugo nominators! My story "Unauthorized Bread" is eligible in the Novella category and you can read it free on Ars Technica: https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2020/01/unauthorized-bread-a-near-future-tale-of-refugees-and-sinister-iot-appliances/
Upcoming appearances:
Museums and the Web: March 31-April 4 2020, Los Angeles. https://mw20.museweb.net/
LA Times Festival of Books: 18 April 2020, Los Angeles. https://events.latimes.com/festivalofbooks/
Currently writing: I'm rewriting a short story, "The Canadian Miracle," for MIT Tech Review. It's a story set in the world of my next novel, "The Lost Cause," a post-GND novel about truth and reconciliation. I'm also working on "Baby Twitter," a piece of design fiction also set in The Lost Cause's prehistory, for a British think-tank. I'm getting geared up to start work on the novel afterwards.
Currently reading: Just started Lauren Beukes's forthcoming Afterland: it's Y the Last Man plus plus, and two chapters in, it's amazeballs. Last month, I finished Andrea Bernstein's "American Oligarchs"; it's a magnificent history of the Kushner and Trump families, showing how they cheated, stole and lied their way into power. I'm getting really into Anna Weiner's memoir about tech, "Uncanny Valley." I just loaded Matt Stoller's "Goliath" onto my underwater MP3 player and I'm listening to it as I swim laps.
Latest podcast: Disasters Don't Have to End in Dystopias: https://craphound.com/podcast/2020/03/01/disasters-dont-have-to-end-in-dystopias/
Upcoming books: "Poesy the Monster Slayer" (Jul 2020), a picture book about monsters, bedtime, gender, and kicking ass. Pre-order here: https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781626723627?utm_source=socialmedia&utm_medium=socialpost&utm_term=na-poesycorypreorder&utm_content=na-preorder-buynow&utm_campaign=9781626723627
(we're having a launch for it in Burbank on July 11 at Dark Delicacies and you can get me AND Poesy to sign it and Dark Del will ship it to the monster kids in your life in time for the release date).
"Attack Surface": The third Little Brother book, Oct 20, 2020.
"Little Brother/Homeland": A reissue omnibus edition with a very special, s00per s33kr1t intro.
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hockeygods14 · 5 years
Auston Matthews - For the First Time
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Word count: 2,473
The number one thing on my bucket list is to go to a hockey game in every arena. So far I have been to ten. 
Growing up in a state with no hockey sucked for a hockey fan. The only thing Alabama really cares about is college football. My parents moved to Alabama from Buffalo when I was about five. They grow up watching hockey so I grew watching hockey.
None of my friends liked hockey they didn’t know anything about it. So when the game was on I would go on twitter and just tweet about it and then I just talked to talk to other hockey fans on there and that is how I meet my six best friends on twitter.
I first started talking to Rachael, she is a die-hard New York Rangers fan. She was friends with Emily who is a St. Louis Blues fan. I saw Maggie bash on my Sabres so I bashed her Maple Leafs and somehow we kept talking. I congratulated Sam on the Capitals cup win last year and we had a long conversation about both our teams. Elizabeth tweeted me asking how I was a fan of Buffalo when I live in Alabama so that stared a long conversation, she’s a Lightning fan. Last but not least Jessica the Montreal Canadiens fan, I tweeted her about Carey Price because I have a soft spot for that man. So in our group, we have a Rangers, Blues, Sabres, Leafs, Capitals, Lightning, and Canadiens.
We all have started traveling to go to hockey games together. Right now Rachael, Emily, Sam, Elizabeth, Jessica, and I are all on our way to meet up in Toronto. Maggie has been bugging us all to go to a home Leafs game. 
Something that the girls don’t know is that for the past six months I have been talking to Auston Matthews. I know me a Buffalo Sabres fan talking to Toronto's golden boy. Auston messaged me on Twitter after I posted a picture of Maggie and me, her in a Leafs jersey and me in a Sabres one. He thought it was weird that we were friends when we should hate each other. I told him Maggie and I fight about it all the time but we are still really close friends. The next day he messaged me asking how my day went and we have been talking ever since.
Once I stepped off the plane my phone started ringing. I took it out expecting it being one of the girls but instead, it was Auston, a smile appeared on my face and butterflies start flying around in my stomach. 
“Hey beautiful, are you in Toronto yet?” 
“Just stepped off the plane actually.”
“What are you doing for dinner tonight?” I could never get tired of hearing his voice.
“I don’t know I haven’t spoken to the girls yet. You’re the first one I have talked to.”
“Well, some of the guys and I were going to get something to eat. I really want to see you.” 
“Y/N!” I turn around and see Elizabeth walking fast to me.
“I will have to see what we are doing but they don’t know I have been talking to you yet but I really want to see you too Auston.”
“Okay, I will text you.” And with that, we said goodbye and hung up.
“Elizabeth!” I put my phone in my back pocket and got ready for impacted.
“Even though we saw each other last month it feels like it's been longer.” She wrapped her arms around me and I did the same.
“I know. How was your flight?” She picked up her bag that she dropped before she gave me a hug.
“It was good. There was a cute guy sitting next to me.” She pulled out a napkin with writing on it. “And yes I got his number.” I laughed and made our way to the front doors. 
All our planes are supposed to land around the same time so we didn’t have to make so many trips to the airport.
“Well well well look who we have here.” Elizabeth and I turned around and see Rachael looking at both of us. “A Lightning and Sabres fan in a Toronto’s airport.”
“While you're looking at us have to you seen the Rangers play lately?” 
“My dear Elizabeth it doesn’t matter how bad the Rangers are doing I will still cheer them on no matter what, Y/N should know all about that.” I rolled my eyes and went up to hug her.
“I don’t want to hug you right now but I will.” As I pulled away I felt my phone go off telling me I had a text. I looked at it and saw it was Auston.
I forgot to ask you if you thought about what we talked about yesterday?
Yesterday Auston had asked me to stay in Toronto for a little longer then just the couple days I was planning. Its all I really thought about on the plane. 
I have. We will talk later
“And who are you texting?” I look up at Elizabeth.
“We should go find Jess, Maggie, Sam, and Emily.” I ignored her question. I was laying on telling all of them about Auston I just wanted to tell them all together. 
“We see you ignoring that question?” I knew the was Emily by her voice. “Now tell us who you were texting.”
“Were you eavesdropping?”
“There you go again.” Ignoring all of them I start walking ahead of them.
I start looking around for Maggie. I see her, Sam, and Jessica looking around for us. As soon as they see me they start to walk over.
Where you and the guys thinking about eating?
“I’m hungry so I say we get something to eat,” Jess says we get in the car. 
Maggie starts naming places off that we could go to.
CN Tower, we are about to call to tell them to have a table ready for us how many girls are there again?
Seven total 
“What about CN Tower?” I asked
“Oh yeah, I want to go there too,” Sam said looking at Maggie who is driving.
“We are going to have to call to get a table then.” It's now or never.
“There is something I need to tell you guys.”
“After I call the CN Tower,” Emily said looking up the number.
“No, it needs to be before you call.” They all looked at me. “So I probably should have told you all this a while ago but I didn’t know where things were going to go but I have been talking to someone.”
“Not trying to be rude or anything Y/N but why did I have to wait to call till after you told us that?”
“I’m getting there,” I took a deep breath in “We first started talking on twitter. I thought it was just going to be that one conversation but we have talked every day for the past six months.”
“Six months?!” They all said at the same time. Maggie pulled into a random parking lot and turned around to look back at me.
“He lives here in Toronto.” Maggie’s eyes went wide along with everyone else.
“Are you going to tell us who it is or show us what he looks like?” Rachael asked
“Is he going to be at CN Tower? Is that why you suggested we go there?” Sam asked
“Yes he and some of his friends are going to be there and you guys kinda already know who he is.” They looked at me confused. This is a lot harder then I thought it was going to be. “His name is Auston. Auston Matthews.”
“As in Toronto’s first-round pick in 2016 Auston Matthews?”
“As in the guy that had fours goals in his first NHL game?”
“The Auston Matthews that Maggie always says is better than Jack Eichel and you guys always fight about it?”
“That is the Auston Matthews I’ve been talking to.”
“Not going to lie Y/N but I’m kinda jealous,” Elizabeth said.
“Wait are we having dinner with him?” Maggie asked looking at me in panic. I just nodded my head yes. 
After they all freaked out a bit Maggie more then anyone we made our way to the CN Tower. Auston text me saying that they were already there just waiting on us. As a ready that I started to get nervous. I’m about to meet the person I have been talking for six months.
We all go out of the car and I just looked up at the tower and couldn’t move.
“Are you okay?” Jessica looked at me and I didn’t say
“What if I’m not what he is expecting? I mean we have FaceTime but seeing someone on the phone and seeing them in person is a lot different.”
“You have nothing to worry about.” I followed them but I stayed back.
Once we got to the front they asked us the name of our reservation name they all looked at me and I probably looked like I was a deer in headlights. 
“They’re with me.” Everyone’s head snapped at who just spoke.
“So it's true,” Rachael said looking back at me. I tried to say something just nothing came out. 
“Can you show these women where our table is, please?” Auston asked the guy at the desk he nodded his head. The girls followed behind him and I stay put and looked at Auston walking over to me.
“Auston” I smiled up at him and walked a little closer to him and hug him. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me a little tighter then I did. 
Dinner was very interesting, to say the least. Maggie freaked out a bit because not only did she meet Auston she always meat Mitch Marner, Patrick Marleau, William Nylander, Frederik Andersen, and Kasperi Kapanen. A lot of the time while sitting down at the table Auston and I was in our own conversation not paying any attention to the others at the table. 
“So yesterday at dinner you and Auston didn’t really talk to anyone except each other,” Maggie said while she was getting ready. 
Maggie had decided to get stay with us at the hotel instead of going back home last night. 
“I know and I’m sorry about that-“
“No don’t be sorry Y/N, I just never seen you like that before.” I went to grab my jersey for tonight. “I really hope you aren’t playing on where that Buffalo jersey of yours.”
“In fact, I am planning on it. Is that a problem?”
“Your dating Auston though,”
“We aren’t dating,”
“It looked like you were yesterday,” I didn’t say anything and looked at my Sabres jersey. Since the girls and I started going to game together we would always wear our team's jersey it didn’t matter who the teams were that were playing. Today is the only day I thought about wearing a different jersey. 
“I thought about this while packing my jersey you know. What I would wear to the game. I thought about buying a Leafs jersey but I would be a Sabres fan getting a Leafs jersey. I also thought about I’m Sabres fan talking to a Maple Leafs player who I’m also started to have feelings for.”
“I have a Leafs sweatshirt I can wear tonight you can wear my Matthews jersey.” Maggie handed me her jersey. I looked down at it. “And when we all go to a game in Buffalo I will wear a Sabres jersey to make up for this.” I laughed at her and took the jersey.
Maggie and I made our way down to the lobby of the hotel where the others were waiting for us. As the doors of the elevator opened we saw the girls standing there they looked at us and their eyes went wide. I smiled at them I did a little spin to show them what I was wearing.
“My skin is burning just so all of you know.” They all laughed and we made our way to the arena. 
Meet me at the locker room?
I looked down at my phone and smiled.
“Loverboy texting you?” Emily asked walking next to me.
“He wants me to meet him at the locker room.”
“Are you going to go?” 
“Yeah, I think I am.”
Auston told me how to get down there. It was weird walking these halls see Maple Leafs pictures all around. Some of them were of Auston which I stopped and looked at and just smiled at the man in the picture. 
Once I got where he told me to meet him I waited till he came out. Once I heard a door open I looked at the direction the open door and see Auston walk out with Mitch right behind him. Auston looked up at me and down at the jersey I was wearing.
“I’m going to tell you hat I told the girls, this jersey is burning my skin and it-“ Before I was able to say anything else Auston walked over to me and kissed me. I have thought about kissing him so many times. I just didn’t think about kissing him in a Maple Leafs jersey. 
“I’m surprised you didn’t kiss her last night.” We pulled away when we heard Mitch joke.
“Will you get out of here” Auston turned to Mitch and he just nodded and walked back in the locker room. 
“So didn’t you just telling me to come here so you can kiss me?” I asked the man standing in front of me.
“No I wasn’t planning on kissing you right now but seeing you in my jersey I couldn’t help myself.” I smiled up at him. “I actually wanted to ask you something. So we have been talking for about six months and we just officially meet in person yesterday but I wanted to ask you if you would do me the honor and being my girlfriend and before you answer I know it might be hard at times but we can make it work I promise.”
“It is going to be hard I know that. It was hard talking to you for the past six months but here we are. My answer is yes.” I stood on my toes and kissed him. “I also have an answer to what we talked about the other day about me staying here a little longer and I would love to see Toronto a little bit longer maybe someone could take me around.”
“I think I know someone who could do that.”
205 notes · View notes
vstranslations · 5 years
song (spotify) Japanese/Romaji/English lyrics under the cut
I have a dream 思い出して夢があることを 迷える私よ
胸の奥の演説台から今聴こえる 自分自身からの激励のSPEECH
Listen to the speech, now let us fight to fulfill our own vows on that day I have a dream TODAY!
I have a dream 思い出してこの道程を 膝抱く私よ これまでも何度も何度も 不遇の日々を越え強くなってきたでしょう?
「だって」「どうせ」「私程度じゃ…」 自己否定の兇弾の中拳を振って叫ぶよ
I have a dream TODAY! 立て私歯を食いしばり 光差す地平へ 人知れず重ねた努力も苦悶も 全部知っているから 私よ
I have a dream 止まらないで 積み上げた地位に胡坐掻く私よ 下ばっかり見て悦に浸るのは 俯いているのと同じだ
「限界さもう」「才能など無い」 自己嫌悪の兇刃前に 空指さして叫ぶよ
I have a dream TODAY! 立て私約束しただろう? 光差す地平へ 諦めの悪さで此処まで歩けた ならばどこまでも行けるよ
キングのように戦うよ 「他人より劣る」と自分を差別する自分と
チャプリンのように笑い飛ばしてやる 思考を暗き方へ導く独裁者を
バック・ホーのようにともに行く 絶望のボーイングB-52の無差別爆撃の中を
リンカーンのように励ますよ毎夜 私の私による私のためのSPEECHで
サッチャーようにガリレオのように ガンジーのようにモハメドのように 今放つよ
I have a dream TODAY! 立て私歯を食いしばり 光差す地平へ その勇姿をいつも見ているよ
I have a dream TODAY! I have a dream TODAY!
病める日も健やかなる日も 死ぬまでずっと応援しているよ 私よ
I have a dream omoi dashite, yume ga aru koto o mayoeru watashi yo
Mune no oku no ensetsudai kara ima kikoeru jibun jishin kara no gekirei no speech
Listen to the speech, now let us fight to fulfill our own vows on that day I have a dream TODAY!
I have a dream omoi dashite, kono michinori o hiza daku watashi yo kore made mo nando mo nando mo fuguu no hibi o koe tsuyoku natte kita deshou
Datte, douse, watashi teido ja… jiko hitei no kyoudan no naka kobushi o futte sakebu yo
I have a dream TODAY! tate watashi ha o kui shibari hikari sasu shihei e hito shirezu kasaneta doryoku mo kumon mo zenbu shitteiru kara watashi yo
I have a dream tomaranai de tsumi ageta chii ni agura kaku watashi yo shita bakkari mite etsu ni hitaru no wa utsumuiteiru no to onaji da
Genkai sa mou, sainou nado nai jiko keno no kyoujin mae ni sora yubi sashite sakebu yo
I have a dream TODAY! tate watashi yakusoku shita darou? hikari sasu chihei e akirame no warusa de koko made aruketa naraba doko made mo ikeru yo
Kingu no you ni tatakau yo tanin yori otoru to jibun o sabetsu suru jibun to
Chapurin no you ni warai tobashite yaru yo shikou o kuraki hou e michibiku dokusaisha o
Bakku hoo no you ni tomo ni iku zetsubou no booing B gojuu-ni no rooringu sandaa no naka o
Rinkaan no you ni hagemasu yo maiyo watashi no watashi ni yoru watashi no tame no speech de
Sacchaa no you ni garireo no you ni ganjii no youo ni mohamedo no you ni ima hanatsu yo
I have a dream TODAY! tate watashi ha kui shibari hikari sasu chihei e sono yuushi o itsumo miteiru yo
I have a dream TODAY! I have a dream TODAY!
Yameru hi mo sukoyakanaru hi mo shinu made zutto ouen shiteiru yo watashi yo
I have a dream I try to remember I have one, as I wander lost
I can hear it now, from the lectern in my heart An encouraging speech from my own self
Listen to the speech, now let us fight to fulfill our own vows on that day I have a dream TODAY!
I have a dream I try to remember the way to my goal as I curl up against myself Haven’t I gotten stronger through overcoming each and every unlucky day I’ve had up until now?
“But…”, “No way…”, “I can’t…” Among the bullets of self-doubt, throw up your fist and shout:
I have a dream TODAY! I grit my teeth, going where the light shines on the horizon All my unseen effort and anguish I know all of it, I do
I have a dream I’m not stopping I sit cross-legged atop the rank I’ve attained Looking at others below with self-satisfaction is the same as looking down in shame
“I can’t go on”, “I have no talent” Before you stab yourself with the dagger of self-hate, Point up at the sky and cry out:
I have a dream TODAY! After all, I made a promise, didn’t I? Go where the light shines on the horizon I got this far with my hatred of giving up, so I think I could go anywhere with it
Like MLK, I will fight against the part of me that discriminates, saying I’m less than others
Like Chaplin, I’ll make even dictators who guide our minds to darkness burst with laughter
Like Ho Chi Minh, I’ll go with you into the rolling thunder of the disparaging Boeing B-52’s
Like Lincoln, I’ll encourage you every night with a speech of me, by me, for me
Like Thatcher, like Galileo, like Ghandi, like Mohammed, I’ll set it free now
I have a dream TODAY! I grit my teeth, going where the light shines on the horizon I’m always looking at that brave figure
I have a dream TODAY! I have a dream TODAY!
On ill days and healthy days, I’ll be cheering for you until I die, my good old self
Listen to the speech, now let us fight to fulfill our own vows on that day. Harken! “Fight for Liberty!” (Charlie Chaplin) “Yes, We Can.” (Barack Obama) “The government of the people, by the people, for the people.” (Abraham Lincoln) “東方的文化是王道” (“Asian culture is the kingly way”, Sun Yat-sen) “Eppur si muove.” (“And yet it moves”, Galileo Galilei) “Đồng bào co nghe tôi nói rõ không?” (“Do you hear my voice?”, Ho Chi Minh) “Live as if you were to die tomorrow.” (Mohandas Gandhi) “Stay hungry, stay foolish.” (Steve Jobs) Mine eyes have seen the glory.
I have a dream TODAY! (Martin Luther King)
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fortheheavenssake · 5 years
PG MM Anon Interpretation Collection- 8
MM Anon
This was very tough!! My best on zero sleep!!
MM ANON … “ I just hope they don’t take the children”… the return of the Valkyrie … HOPE springs eternal …another future PR hiatus …… fashion fluff……… “grapple them to your soul with hoops of steal”. …… “separate tables”…decisions, decisions…… “ justice, what bloody justice”……it’s the only solution. 🎼” who are we to disagree “🎼
“ I just hope they don’t take the children”…
I think this is regarding the Asian tour that the D and DOC are going to be undertaking to Asia. Security must be a nightmare and there was previously mention by MM ANON of a family tour, but l truly hope they don’t take them along on this particular tour.From the Express…
Prince William and Kate under armed guard for high risk tour - terror police on alert
FIREARMS OFFICERS will shadow Prince William and Kate on their tour of Pakistan in the autumn because of “a potential flashpoint”.
the return of the Valkyrie
In Norse mythology, a valkyrie is one of a host of female figures who choose those who may die in battle and those who may live. Selecting among half of those who die in battle, the valkyries take their chosen to the afterlife hall of the slain, Valhalla, ruled over by the god Odin. So our girl is in the toughest part of her battle as she returns to the U.K. SS has let loose horrific rumours about numerous royal family members. Boorish, foul, vulgarity, she makes me physically ill! Frankly she doesn’t care who lives or dies metaphorically of course, she intends to inflict as much damage as she can!
HOPE springs eternal
“Hope springs eternal in the human breast; Man never Is, but always To be blest. The soul, uneasy, and confin’d from home, Rests and expatiates in a life to come” is a quote by Alexander Pope. We must keep our spirits up, keep on fighting this battle however devious and grotty it gets. We need to keep our royal family in prayer🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 where there is life, there is hope.
another future PR hiatus
PR hiatus where? Future? What are we expecting? Will she refuse to go to SA and hide out?? Interesting, l am very intrigued by this.
fashion fluff
The capsule collection or whatever she calls it with Smart Works are fluff. Cheap quality, foreign made, means lots of $$$££££€€€€ for our girl, and Bumble app is aligned with a Smart works which means these women will get poor quality cheap clothes, then pay to register to find a mate!
“grapple them to your soul with hoops of steal”
MM ANON has used this before from Shakespeare’s Hamlet. The essence meaning is once you’ve tested out your friends and found them trustworthy, hold onto them! Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, l can’t recall who said that. The BRF are united, they are clear on the goal, their eyes are on the prize. With the exception of the issues with PA, a big worry, they are united. The one question l have, MM ANON, you wrote steal, not steel, was that a typo?? Or the financial thievery and merching is being dealt with! Oh please!
“separate tables”
Whose separate tables, will this be PH and mm whilst on the SA tour?? Or are PC and PA dining at separate tables. MM ANON this riddle is hard!!
decisions, decisions
Many decisions and choices are imminent, PA cooperation, the SA and Africa tour. What to do, when to do it. I do think they have enough on her to end this but they are looking at connections and getting all the pieces of this corrupt puzzle. For her what other lies will she leak online or wherever she does what she does.
“ justice, what bloody justice”
Justice in terms of PA being requested to be interviewed by the FBI. PA appears extreme edge, with the incident l wrote about elsewhere. Also, mm, at what point will there be justice. PP must be so angry that HMTQ his beloved, is burdened so at this point. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
it’s the only solution.
PA submit to an interview, talk with investigators. It has to be done and dealt with.
🎼” who are we to disagree “🎼
Sweet Dreams, Eurythmics, Annie Lennox from Aberdeen😁😁😁😁
Sweet dreams are made of these, some of them want to hurt you etc you know the song. Lots of dreams put on hold, some shattered. It must be devastating for both HMTQ and PP to be dealing with all the issues with mm, now with PA and the big bust-up he had with a top aide requiring PC to step in.
Thank you so much dear PG! We really do appreciate this!😊❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ask Skippy submission
51 notes
Sep 9th, 2019
MM Anon
MM ANON ……an embellished De-generate … a PR mired ……the phantom infant …… an exposure of confinement … Andy-panned-y…… “six of one……”……… “ that dammed elusive pimp…… “sympathy for the Devil “…… and the winner is……not today thank you!!……” pretend it never happened “ …… Charlotte is at Uni
an embellished De-generate
AN embellished DE-generate.
ED has a U.S. talk show. Told slew of lies about meeting visiting feeding amw. Now that may be embellished!
PA , as the Duke of York presented in his dress military uniform at the ceremony marking 75th anniversary of liberation of Bruges. The Duke of York was present in his role as Colonel of the Grenadier Guards and laid a wreath at the Charles II memorial in the Belgian city on Saturday morning.He was a guest of Prince Laurent of Belgium, the brother of King Phillipe, and the pair later inspected a guard of honour in the market square. His public reputation has very much soured with his connections with JE and GM. I hesitate to use the word degenerate but others haven’t. All sorts of negative press culminating yesterday in that hilarious stupid blind item A meets B , Z knows D etc etc garbage. Now who do you suppose spewed that ?Hmmm, who would have a motive??? No need for any crystal balls. The medals are the embellishment.
a PR mired
PR mired, let’s refresh ourselves on what mired means. Mired can be cause to become stuck in mud, lies or slime, cover or spatter with mud or lies or slime, or involve someone or something in a difficult situation. Who has been mired in slime? Who has been filthy like that. You know! Who throwing mud or worse, everything in the media in hopes that something’s sticks to hurt the other side as much as possible!! You know, l hVe no need for names.
the phantom infant
Well this is amw, Darren, Dolly whatever your frame of reference is. This supposed infant has yet to actually clearly be seen, and be seen alive and moving, and PH interacting with it. Phantom….unseen shadow….the shadow knows…remember that old show/radio show? Yes l love old radio shows esp Johnny Dollar, but l digress!
an exposure of confinement
Confinement was the old fashioned word for being in the family way which is the lesser old fashioned way of saying pregnany🤣🤣. OH PLEASE MM ANON!! PLEASE LET HER FAKENANCY BE EXPOSED !!! Pretty please with sugar on top!
PA is being panned in the media. Numerous negative, critical, accusatory articles. The big one also was the alleged argument with a ‘top aide’ which very nearly came to blows, necessitating PC to intervene. The Palace is trying to downplay the seriousness of it.
“six of one……”
Six of one, half a dozen of the other, basically meaning that one has two options of choices to make are equivalent or indifferent. In either case it’s a bad outcome, usually. So who is this relating to? PA. Cooperating with interviews with the F.B.I. or remaining angry, on edge, uncooperative. At some point, an international subpoena could be issued, involving the international court or the star chamber which MM ANON has referenced several times in previous riddles. I studied up on the star chamber, it goes back to 1486 when the King Charles, l think Charles ll was named head of the COE. Anyhow , it’s fascinating and may become relevant as this court deals with wealthy, political or aristocratic people that the regular courts are hesitant to deal with.
“ that dammed elusive pimp
Where is MA??? No sightings in NYC. Is he in custody??? Is he in witness protection??? WHERE IS HE? I bet he has made a deal and has been singing his lungs out!
“sympathy for the Devil “
This classic song by TRS? Interestingly this song refers to Russian connection, U.S.President Kennedy……?JE referral, as an aside! This is most definitely our girl SS PR in overdrive seeking her to be out for sympathy because the big bad British press are all meanies and are unnecessarily picking on little innocent madam. CANT YOU HEAR MY SARCASM??😜😗😉😗😆. Nope not buying it, no sympathy!
and the winner is
Voila, they love me! They really love me! I am aging myself, remember when Sally Field won the Oscar and she said that? Wellour special one won Tatlers prestigious, coveted, rare Social Climber of the year 🥇 award!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
not today thank you!!
Prince Andrew’s relationship with JE has caused several public engagements to be cancelled.The Duke of York’s upcoming appointments in Northern Ireland have been called off amid media scrutiny surrounding his links to the disgraced financier. Organizers withdrew invitations to the prince, with one worrying his attendance would ‘change the narrative’ about the event in question. A ceremony at Portrush railway station to mark its £5million upgrade are among the engagements to be cancelled.
” pretend it never happened “
Carry on,,nothing to see here, weekend in NYC was fabulous, besties and even on the jumbo trot as HRH with her shy non-royal wave. Or alternative may be PA pretending the row with the ‘ top aide’ never happened.
Charlotte is at Uni.
Our dear Princess Charlotte is madly truly deeply in love with 🦄 unicorns. She had one on her backpack/rucksack, first day of school. I think she was also seen with a unicorn purse all glittery during the summer.
Thank you so much! Looks great!😊💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
17 notes
Sep 10th, 2019
56. Sept. 11
I apologize for the lateness, l had a good friend drive in and spend the day, was very lovely💜🙏🏻☺️
MM Anon
MM ANON …… the hot zone …… “ were all getting older,old thing”…… Together?????……… a caring cabal …… double bluff…… “ such a caring person”…… “gather thee rosebuds”…… like a Biohazard ☣️ …… “ she’s a bloody virus”…… suddenly ‘ last summer …… Sharon Stone Cold…🎼 “ She’s just a Devil woman “🎼 …… “they made their beds” ……… “just read the bloody comments”.… sword of Damocles
The Hot zone
Tv show in America based on the Ebola virus appearing in chimpanzees in a research lab in the suburbs of Washington, D.C., and there is no known cure; a U.S. Army scientist puts her life on the line to head off an outbreak before it spreads to the human population. Unfortunately, in reality West Africa had an outbreak on Ebola that was the largest in history. It started with cases of EVD in the forested rural region of southeastern Guinea, reported by WHO (World Health Organization) in 2014. Soon, cases were discovered in Liberia,Sierra Leone, which border Guinea. It eventually through international travel spread to the U.S. Africa still has many diseases and often travellers are vaccinated or given anti-malarial drugs and sleep under netting to protect from insect born infections.
“ were all getting older,old thing”
PP and HMTQ musing to one another how the world has changed in their lifetimes, what is currently happening. Supporting and upholding one another, the combined have survived numerous wars, deaths, terrorism in many forms, family break-ups, PR nightmares of unimaginable proportions. Yet, they are still standing firm, one with the other. This brings tears to my eyes. GSTQAOBC 🇨🇦
D and DOS going to SA together? It seems by this to be of great question of whether they will both be going, given the number of question marks and given the itinerary. Time will tell what is to come.
a caring cabal
Dare l say this is Skippy’s blog and everyone here! I truly believe it is! God bless you 🐼 for your unwavering faith and devotion to HMTQ and bless all who are here!💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
double bluff
A double bluff is an action or statement that is intended to appear as a bluff but is in fact genuine. Whose double bluffing here? There are many possibilities here. There is the heir and a spare. Is she thinking somehow she will end up Queen if there is enough malicious gossip as been spread a few days ago which l won’t speak of. I personally think this is LG playing games with her, cat and mouse. She is playing so many games with so many people simultaneously, with so many lies, it’s mind boggling and then add substances to the mix! It’s maybe a quadruple bluff of a happy life. If you read her two twitter accounts, the two l know of, life is grand, and simply couldn’t be better. I especially love American English with British terms thrown in, both usually spelled wrong and used in the wrong meaning!!
“ such a caring person”
Our beloved Peoples’ Princess! No one outshone her wonderfully innate caring and the manner in which she expressed it. We see it living on, instilled in both her boys, yes l said boys! They’re our boys, out Wills and our Harry. We will never stop loving them, praying for them wanting them healthy, happy and carrying out their duties and displaying their mother’s caring manner.
“gather thee rosebuds”
It’s so beautiful, l had to share it. There is an old hymn similar line, give me the roses while l live, trying to carry on, useless the flowers that he give, after the soul has gone. I LOVE that hymn🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.
To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time
Robert Herrick - 1591-1674
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old Time is still a-flying;
And this same flower that smiles today
Tomorrow will be dying.
The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun,
The higher he’s a-getting,
The sooner will his race be run,
And nearer he’s to setting.
That age is best which is the first,
When youth and blood are warmer;
But being spent, the worse, and worst
Times still succeed the former.
Then be not coy, but use your time,
And while ye may, go marry;
For having lost but once your prime,
You may forever tarry.
Basically live life well, to it’s fullest, kindness, lovingly, and meaningfully. I don’t need to explain further, l thought in sharing the poem, all would be blessed by it and take to heart it’s meaning.💜🙏🏻💜
like a Biohazard ☣️
Let’s review the definition of a biohazard. A biological hazard, or biohazard, is a biological substance that poses a threat to the health of living organisms, primarily humans. This could include a sample of a microorganism, virus or toxin (from a biological source) that can affect human health and could also be a substance harmful to other animals. The way life has been lived, in terms of extreme sexual behaviours, there are very real possibilities of HIV, HEP(hepatitis/ various types of liver disease). or other STD’s.( sexually transmitted diseases)
“ she’s a bloody virus”
Again PP, infecting anything and everything negatively, jinx at tennis matches. Just pure evil machinations, selfish intentions and from some of the photos the way Catherine is glared at and the children, especially the one photo where Catherine is pregnant, my mind shudders with what possible thoughts might be going through someone’s head.
suddenly ‘ last summer
1959 film of Tennessee Williams’ play, a young woman is traumatized and committed after witnessing her cousin’s violent death on a trip to Europe. Her aunt, wants to hide the events of her son’s death and attempts to bribe young surgeon to perform a lobotomy on the girl. But he vows to find out the truth about what caused her condition before taking any action. By the way a lobotomy is a surgical operation involving incision into the prefrontal lobe of the brain, formerly used to treat mental illness.
Also song, by the Motels, love that song, about being stuck in memories of a summer fling.
Wonder if institutionalization is the route of dealing with a person is the lesser of two evils as per yesterday’s riddle clue??
Sharon Stone Cold
Sharon Stone, that scene from Basic Instinct keg crossing, that photo from the tennis on Saturday with madams sitting position was sooo familiar. Stone cold, hard, no emotion, self-focused on meeting one’s own needs, wishes goals desires etc. Yeah, again, just going to put that there, you’re all smart!! You know!!
🎼 “ She’s just a Devil woman “🎼
She’s a devil woman with evil on her mind by the great Sir Cliff Richard, who by The by has had his own legal troubles which l will not go into. If you desire and are not aware, there is a plethora of information online, not all true! Friday, is Friday the 13th and full moon, to those on the dark side an especially EVIL day. This song, the lyrics is description of a narcissistic evil woman, l will just leave it there for you to think if that sounds like anyone that is in the media. Extra prayers for everyone this friday🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
“they made their beds”
The saying, you made your bed, lie in it. The public is nearing the breaking point with PH and beyond with mm. That’s the attitude, let them rescind their titles, over to America and be celebrities!! No more public £££££££££! PH we ARE WITH YOU! You remain in our prayers! WE ARE VERY MUCH AWARE YOU ARE SERVING HMTQ!
“just read the bloody comments”
Again that word, PP, angry, comments by the millions regarding the conduct of the Sussexes, her by choice, him by assignment. Just utter frustration and anger at this horrendous situation and the entire conglomeration of issues that are going along with it.
Sword of Damocles.
This will require a bit of story telling/ explaining.According to the story, Damocles was pandering to his king, exclaiming to him that he was truly fortunate man of great power and authority, surrounded by magnificence. In response, the king offered to switch places with Damocles for one day so that Damocles could taste that very fortune firsthand. Damocles quickly and eagerly accepted the king’s proposal. Damocles sat down in the king’s throne surrounded by every luxury, but the king, who had made many enemies during his reign, arranged that a huge sword should hang above the throne, held by only by a single hair of a horse’s tail to evoke the sense of what it is like to be king: though having much fortune, always having to watch in fear and anxiety against dangers that might try to overtake him. Damocles finally begged the king that he be allowed to depart because he no longer wanted to be so fortunate, realizing that with great fortune and power comes also great danger. The long and the short of this
is, perhaps madam is slowly becoming “woke” to the fact that her life choices have led her to a very very dangerous intersect, prison, institutionalizations, or worse by her enemies who were formerly her “friends”/backers.
Wow! Fascinating! Very impressive dear MM Anon and dear PG! Thank you!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Ask Skippy submission
42 notes
Sep 11th, 2019
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM ANON … 🎼 “ blackbird singing in dead of night”🎼…… not a problem …… anything and everything …… more porn……there’s not a hole black enough …… redacted ………… me myself and I… … 🎼 you either got or you haven’t …………”🎼………… on your own AGAIN!!!……… give a DOG a bone ……… a Belgrave secret …… not really a secret, whooops!
🎼 “ blackbird singing in dead of night”🎼
This song, from 1968 by The Beatles is not really about a blackbird. The term bird, in England is a slang term for a female. The black African American struggle in the southern United States, was used metaphorically.Along with McCartney’s “Helter Skelter”, “Blackbird” was one of several White Album songs that Charles Manson interpreted as the Beatles’ prophecy of an apocalyptic race war that would lead to him and his “Family”of followers ruling the US on countercultural principles. Manson interpreted the lyrics’ repetition of the word “rise” as a call to black Americans to wage war on their white counterparts, and instructed his followers to commit a series of murders in Los Angeles in August 1969 to trigger such a conflict’.
For our context, there has been an intentional multi-media goal to draw in and play the race card on behalf of madam. We have seen it repeatedly and many people ie “sugars” have been drawn in and are being used to further an agenda. This continues to grow, worldwide and is , l believe one of the most difficult issues that LG and his team have in dealing with madam.
I also am wondering if this draws on DR. Where is she??! The term singing, other than sits obvious meaning, is term term when one is in legal trouble being interviewed and tells about whatever the criminal plan is, who is involved, what has been done, and what is the ultimate goal. Has DR began to sing?? I wonder.
not a problem
Anything and everything Madam, has done anything and everything for fame, power, $$$$$$£££££€€€€. I am 100% certain she is capable of anything. She is narcissistic and thinks only of what benefits her, has no moral compass. I also am 100% certain she has done things that myself for example, as an educated woman, she has done things l have never heard of, in this regard l am referencing sexual context.
more porn
As l just stated, it would not surprise me if more evidence of past vulgarities have arisen. I pray for those in LG team who have to actually view and deal with such content. This has to take a toll on a person.🙏🏻🙏🏻
there’s not a hole black enough
A black hole is a region of space/tike exhibiting an acceleration of gravity so strong that nothing can escape from. The litany of information gathered about madam is so incredibly large, the people she has been involved with, the conduct, is so enormous that using the metaphor of a black hole is to help us to understand the difficulty and enormity of what they have been dealing with. Trying to unwind all the threads, than aligning them so they connect and can be used in legal proceedings.In terms of just making this garbage disappear, it’s not possible, literally meaning the black hole could not contain it and prevent it from escaping out into the ether.
Redacted, we hAve seen this gem many, many times, especially in high profile cases or agents working undercover. The paperwork submitted in legal proceedings at times are made public. In the U.S., the Freedom of Information Act, often news agencies file in court, to publicly display what the proceedings are about. However, if information is critically sensitive, to national security, to those still working covertly, some information is held back from the public, or the term is called redacted. When you read the information eventually made public, you will see black lines covering some of the information. This can be very frustrating for journalists or those who just want or those who need to know. So, in this context, this is a multi-national situation, different laws, different countries. I think this is telling us, that we should prepare ourselves that we may not be given a lot of information that we want eventually. We need to understand the reasons, as l explained above.
me myself and I
Me and shadow, popped into my head. This is the best description of madam now. NYC was crickets 🦗, no paparazzi, nothing like the baby shower weekend. I thought today was interesting, all the police officers with their motorbikes, no crowds, they were not needed. She looks more and more alone each time we see her, which makes it important that we continue to see her. Quite pathetic attempt by SW in the media today saying how great full she was that madam came to tennis 🎾, but not so great full that madam was invited to the Italian restaurant that SW and her family went after the tennis!
🎼 you either got or you haven’t
This is interesting MM ANON, you clever lady, l ask again was this a typo that the scale was separated from the word havent? Old blue eyes sang this, and the crew he ran with, Dean Martin, oooo remember Peter Lawford, how handsome. But l digressed yet again
This song is all about style , class, elegance. You can wear a quarter of a million dollar wedding dress and look awful. Style, the way one carries oneself, interacts with others, treats people and just generally lives. You cannot buy it!!! Madam does NOT!!! Have it!!
Refer above!
on your own AGAIN!!!
Well her big speech was done, an hour of “work” on her first day back from “surrogamegnancy” leave! She has to rush home for FEED TIME😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄! Unbelievable! Yet, with madam, of course it’s believable!!
give a DOG a bone
Obvious meaning, give doggy a bone for a treat! However, our dear MM ANON doing the uppercase. DOG, the obvious meaning to me is Delusions of Grandeur! This we know is madams prime reason for existing. She is the most important person to ever exist, is perfect and everyone loves her, they should, she’s perfection. Got a bit of news for you madam, YOU ARE NONE OF THOSE THINGS!!!!
a Belgrave secret
Sherlock and John discover that a case of blackmail is more than just a threat to topple the monarchy. Sherlock: Season 2, Episode 1.“A Scandal in Belgravia” Love Benedict Cumberbath! Fabulous series!
The episode depicts Sherlock Holmes confrontation with a dominatrix who has compromising photos taken with a female member of the royal family. The photos along with other valuable information which makes a target for various political factions. Belgravia is a district on London adjacent to the grounds of Buckingham Palace.
Not really a secret whooops!
Not really a secret any longer that she really is not a member of the BRF.Rarely have l seen HRH used in the media, now DOS, until today. It’s mostly been mm. Oh l felt sick for that lovely lady who curtsied her, sickening.
Thank you so much dear PG! We are honoured….as sick as you feel…you still think of us all, we love you PG!😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Sep 13th, 2019
💜💜🙏🏻🙏🏻THANK YOU MM ANON🙏🏻🙏🏻💜💜
MM Anon
MM ANON … a stream of unconsciousness … “feed the hungry”…… “AND THE CROWD WENT …home”…… “when is she auooooof to Africa”?…… shares drop at M&S. …… 🎼 “ all in all it’s just another”🎼……… “matter of fact, it’s all dark”……… “not Christmas, not bloody ever”!!…… “Little Lottie, a lovable rebel that one”…… “the monarchy is secured”. … “an adventure playground, no your highness’ no! an adventure PARK”
a stream of unconsciousness
The capsule collection was the goddesses contribution to solving all the women’s seeking employment problem if you’re a person in very limited size range, enjoy black clothes, mostly, England is not New York where everyone wears black all the time. A bag that costs more than any item, and if truth be told she was determined to have that bag in the collection because a similar one she herself had donated, was rejected by a woman that she was attempting to ‘style’ for her job interview. Yes folks, that’s how vindictive things are, instead of a reasonably priced non-leather, thought she was vegan, but l digress, handbag not a weekend bag, would have been a much better and certainly more affordable option to purchase. She just has no consciousness , sense of awareness if you will, beyond herself, she really doesn’t. The greatest evidence beyond many things we observe about her, was the ‘speech’ she gave yesterday, in between constantly playing with her hair/wig, so unprofessional and gross, she mentioned herself ALOT, l read 38 times in a five or six minute verbal ramble. This is madness, umpire narcissistic madness!
“feed the hungry”
Well, this could be about charity and assisting or donating time, money or food. This is reference madam’s quick escape from the no crowd show up yesterday, except those invited. Must have been a humiliation but l don’t know if she has that level of self awareness or emotion. But her quick getaway excuse was feeding time. Not my baby, my precious or for goodness sake even little Archie or a pet name as most mums have. Every single thing about this woman is strange, not normal, bizarre and selfish.
😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣MM ANON, you’re so cheeky. Yes the massive, enormous invisible crowd that waited to see madam yesterday, which necessitated a slew of policemen on motorbikes standing by lest the invisible crowd got out of hand. She stayed about and hour and left for”feeding time at the old corral “. If it weren’t so pathetically wasteful, reverse racism, it is actually quite hilarious.
“when is she auooooof to Africa”?
I am laughing because auooooof sounds like a howl when you say it and since it’s not only Friday the 13 th but full moon as well, l think MM ANON is , along with asking a legitimate question, she is giving us a good belly laugh. THANK YOU MM ANON AUOOOOF! 🐺 🐺 🐺 🐺😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
shares drop at M&S.
Marks & Spencer, for those who don’t is a major British multinational retailer that specialises in selling high quality clothing, home products and food products. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. M&S has been in financial difficulties awhile now and is to be demoted from the FTSE 100, Financial Times Stock Exchange for the first time in the latest sign of the declining fortunes of the retailer, which was a founding member of the leading City share index.
🎼 “ all in all it’s just another”🎼
Brick in the wall…..l remember this intensely from Pink Floyd album, The Wall! Grade ten l think, we were so scandalous😂😂😂, the line we don’t need no education we don’t need no thought control, we changed that line to birth control😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂oh we were rebels🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🙃😁. Pink Floyd, by the way ,fantastic album, Dark Side of the Moon, another moon reference MM ANON! 🌕
Each and every time we see madam, it’s another piece of craziness, self aggrandizement, selfishness and all the while looking a mess. Her hair, which could have been in a high ponytail or braid or a hair and for goodness sakes, on a windy, the amount of time she spent fussing her hair was distracting, unprofessional and quite gross. Designer or off the rack, nothing ever fits right. She look exceptionally square shaped yesterday, l do believe SpongeMeg is her stylist! At least for yesterday!! Everything she does, is another brick in the wall of information gathering, and in building legal cases(cases).
“matter of fact, it’s all dark”
MM ANON, you must love Pink Floyd! MM ANON you have done your research to tie in the riddle with the full moon tonight 🌕. Dark side of the moon, lots of existential and scientific talk about this, it’s all dark, no only one side faces earth and the other the sun etc etc. However, we are referencing madam not Pink Floyd now. Everything she does, most of the things she has ever done are dark, selfish, a lot of vile, vulgar things and who knows what else. She present with an aura of “be wary”. Reading or listening to her “speeches” always self-focused. Nothing dude for humanitarian reasons, fauxmanitarian.
“not Christmas, not bloody ever”!
PP raging at the idea this charade will continue and they will have to have madam with them for Christmas
I can only imagine his anger and frustration!!
“Little Lottie, a lovable rebel that one”
This is referencing our beloved Princess Charlotte. Her nickname was Lottie in preschool, l think that is ever so sweet. She definitely has a mind of her own. One of my favourite memories is the day of Prince Louis’ Christening, as they walked out of the Chapel, she told the photographers assembled there for the photos for the press “YOU’RE NOT COMING!” I still chuckle at that. I look so forward to watching her grow up.
“the monarchy is secured”
With D AND D Cornwall, but ESPECIALLY long term the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge who are such sound individuals will be excellent when times comes for William to be King and Catherine Queen. They have a beautiful family, the children are being so well raised as well rounded individuals. The Monarchy is safely secured, God willing, for several generations.
“an adventure playground, no your highness’ no! an adventure PARK”
Catherine and the team did a superb garden for the Chelsea flower show. It was beautiful and lovely watching the Cambridge children playing there. The Duchess of Cambridge surprised guests as she joined Mary Berry, of The Great British Baking Show and her books fame, at the Back to Nature festival at RHS Wisley in Woking on Tuesday morning, September 10, 2019. Kate, 37, returned to work as she opened the new site, which has been inspired by the original design she created with Adam White and Andree Davies for the Chelsea Flower Show in May. The Back to Nature Garden includes features from the original garden at RHS Chelsea, including the hollow log and boulders from the waterfall, as well as the wildflower meadow, hidden burrow and rolling hill from RHS Hampton.
Both Kate and Mary joined children on a ride in a trailer pulled by a tractor through the grounds to the site of a Back to Nature Garden Festival taking place at Wisley until September 15. New elements include a “bouncing forest”, where visitors can jump on trampolines surrounded by trees, two treehouses, linked via a walkway with slides, and a living willow pod. The garden at RHS Wisley will be a permanent feature for children and families to enjoy. The project for Kate has been part of her work on early years and how spending time outdoors can benefit young children. The Duchess even brought along her own children to play in the Back To Nature Garden before its grand opening this summer. The Cambridges released rare footage of Prince George, six, Princess Charlotte, four, and one-year-old Prince Louis helping their mum to collect moss, leaves and twigs to decorate the garden.
The DOC is marvellous, anything she puts herself into , succeeds, what a blessing she is to us all. She and William, have given us so willingly entry into their family life, appropriately. We love them for it because we absolutely love each of their children uniquely!💜💜💜
Wonderful! I am always in awe of you both! Fantastic! Much appreciated PG, especially when you are feeling poorly! Prayers for you our dear PG! God Bless you!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Sep 13th, 2019
29 notes · View notes
artificialqueens · 5 years
Paper Hearts Chapter 5 (Branjie) -- meggie
A/N: I’ve changed to using male pronouns for Brooke and female for Vanjie because it felt more natural. I hope the switch isn’t distracting!
A huge thank you to Evan, my conspiracy partner in crime. I buy 100% of your theories and live for Nancy Drew nights, babe. Thank you for being you and for letting me borrow one of your theories. ;) Thank you to pinkgrapefruit for taking a look at this before anyone else and telling me I was on the right track and to writworm42 for giving it the final once-over.
This chapter is dedicated to all the beautiful souls on the Branjie Discord because every single one of you lights up my life on the daily. Who else can I geek out with about THAT LIVE at 11 p.m. and theorize with at 11 a.m. when I’m supposed to be teaching America’s youth? TL;DR: you guys are the best and I’m so glad we’ve made our little family.
And to all of you, for reading, liking, reblogging, and commenting. Let me know what you think either here or on my personal blog @artificialmeggie. My ask box is always open and I LOVE hearing from you. You make this otherwise useless hobby of mine worthwhile. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Enjoy Chapter Five: In which Brooke regrets telling Nina, asks Vanjie what it all means, and receives an offer he can’t refuse.
It’s halfway through Monday before Brooke starts to regret telling Nina.
He and Vanessa spend Saturday talking and kissing and “getting to know each other.” Production takes them to a movie on Sunday, so they hold hands under the cover of darkness in the theater and hidden under Vanjie’s hoodie in the van.
No one really seems to be any the wiser. Silky and Nina watch them with sidelong glances, Silky through narrowed, cynical eyes, and Nina with her Disney character smile and the excitement of a mother watching her child flourish and blossom for the first time.
Brooke guesses he can’t exactly hold that against her—Nina has been like a surrogate drag mother to him, and this is a pretty big step forward for Brooke Lynn, who until this point was pretty sure he was going to die alone in his apartment and be devoured by his cats.
He’s an optimist.
What he can and absolutely will hold against Nina is choosing both him and Vanessa to be on her team for the Diva Worship challenge.
(Although Brooke will never complain about working with Nina because he adores her. Just call him Delano.)
And Brooke isn’t mad about working with Vanjie, but they had decided (together. After many shared kisses and touches) that it may be better to keep things under wraps for now. They both know that eventually this thing between them—whatever it is—will have to be revealed to the other girls, but Brooke is hopeful they can get to the top seven or eight before it becomes an issue.
Not to mention that it’s probably best they keep their distance. It will be easier to keep their heads on straight that way. Easier to not get distracted. Just a better situation all around.
(If he’s being completely honest, he had said all this while Vanessa nibbled at his neck and run her hands under Brooke’s shirt and hummed her consent against Brooke’s lips.)
But before Vanjie had left for the night, Brooke paused and pulled away and said, “Seriously. We can’t let this get in the way.”
Vanessa had smirked a little, but nodded. “You right. When I beat you I want it to be because I beat you, not ‘cause you were distracted by all this.” Then she’d taken Brooke’s hands and run them down her body until they’d landed on her hips and they’d started kissing again, long and deep and languid.)
Ballet training is about discipline, and normally Brooke has that in spades. But when Vanessa is around, all bets are off. He wants to touch her, hug her, kiss her. He longs to pull her into his lap, press his mouth against the sensitive pulse point just under her ear, and suck gently, like he’d done countless times over the weekend after he’d discovered the way it made Vanjie’s breath hitch in her throat.
But Brooke is a Professional™, and no amount of animal magnetism that draws him to Vanessa will distract him from his main goal: the crown, the title, the $100,000 he has earmarked for charity. The knowledge that he actually fucking did it. That he won the biggest pageant of his life. That he’s worthy.
There are no second chances on Drag Race for girls like him, the polished, poised, and perfect ones, the ones who should win the first time around, and Brooke knows he has to get this right on the first go. No. Excuses.
No distractions.
So. He isn’t pressed about working with Vanjie, but he doesn’t think it’s fair that he’s essentially performing two challenges in the same go, even if it’s by his own making. Because fighting the temptation to touch Vanessa is proving to be one of the most difficult things he’s encountered so far. Even though he knows it’s for the best.
Luckily Nina sees it fit to assign Brooke the role as her co-host and give Vanessa a role of her own, and Brooke sighs in relief. He’s more than happy to play second fiddle to Nina, feed off her energy, banter. That part will be easy. Finding ways to treat Vanessa like just a good Judy for the next twenty-four hours… That might not be so simple.
Silky’s on their team too. Which is fine. Silky is good off the cuff. Silky will make the best of the challenge, even though she’s working with Ariel, and their relationship is more than strained after last week’s blow up. But they’re fine. They’ll be fine.
Brooke constantly feels eyes on him, and he knows they almost certainly belong to Dr. Ganache, watching him, judging him.
They fly through the challenge. He and Nina banter and it’s easy and wonderful; their years of friendship pay off again. Silky and Ariel sound great when they do their music number, any drama from last week cast aside in Britney’s name. And then there’s Vanjie…
Vanessa performs her exorcism on Yvie and Mercedes, and Brooke nearly ruins his makeup because he’s laughing so hard. And it’s that personality, the sense of humor, the sheer wit and ability to let go and be human (flawed and brilliant and totally, completely beautiful) that Brooke feels himself so attracted to.
“You messaged me,” Vanjie had said on Saturday when they were lying together in Brooke’s bed, the lengths of their bodies pressed together, her fingertips tracing the outlines of Brooke’s daisies with the lightest of touches. “Remember? Last year?”
Brooke had nodded. “When you were eliminated. I thought you should have stayed. I remember.”
“You were so nice.” Vanessa had kissed him then, soft and sweet. Innocent. Like (almost) all of their kisses had been over the weekend. “People were being nice to me because of the meme, but you were… I don’t know. It was different. Like you already saw Jose and not just Vanjie.”
“I’m surprised you remember,” Brooke had admitted, propping his head in his hands and looking down at Vanessa.  “I’m sure I wasn’t the only one who messaged you.”
“No,” Vanjie had confessed. “But you were the only one that stood out.”
“Damn, I must be a better writer than I thought.”
“Sure…” She’d drawled. “Also I thought you were cute.”
“Then why didn’t you message me back?”
“I never said I was smart, Mary.” Vanjie had shrugged. “If I knew what kind of kisser you were, maybe I would have.”
Brooke had covered Vanessa’s body with his own after that, and slotted their mouths together, and time had slipped by while they kissed and caressed and whispered secrets into one another’s skin.
Brooke has just started on his third makeup wipe when Vanessa saunters up to him at the mirror. “You be lookin’ like Jinkx Monsoon in that red hair today, Miss Brooke.”
They bump hips playfully. “I was just channeling a winner,” Brooke says, carefully picking the Pros-Aide from his eyebrows with the wipe. “Don’t want a repeat of last week.”
“Mmm. Made me wanna kiss you real bad.” Vanjie’s voice is low, barely audible even to Brooke, and it sends shivers down his back and raises goosebumps on his arms.
Brooke pauses, face still half-smeared with makeup, and places his palms on the counter. Vanessa follows suit, twisting their pinkies together. He knows he’s imagining it, but to Brooke all the background noise of the Werk Room fades to nothing. Silky’s boisterous laugh disappears, Ariel’s incessant vocal runs dissipate… All he hears is the pounding of his heart in his ears and the rush of breath in and out of his lungs that burn for Vanjie with every inhale.
“Hey, guys!” Nina drops her own package of makeup remover wipes on the counter to Brooke’s right, shattering the moment and causing Vanessa to pull her hand away suddenly.
Brooke starts at the lack of contact, and he misses it immediately, but he sighs.
No distractions.
“Great work today,” Nina says sincerely. “Both of you. You were hilarious, Vanessa.”
Vanjie gives Nina a tight-lipped smile and turns to Brooke, pulling him into a hug. “Come to my room after dinner,” she whispers into his ear. “And don’t chicken out this time.”
Brooke nods and watches as Vanessa rejoins Silky and A’keria across the room. Then he sighs heavily and looks at Nina.
“Was it something I said?” Nina asks, concern painted over her features. “I really meant it! She was great!”
Brooke just laughs. “Girl, I love you, but you really do have the worst timing.”
They have dinner together in the conference room (with Silky, A’keria, and Nina; totally innocent, even with Vanessa’s bare foot rubbing against Brooke’s ankle under the table), then Brooke brushes his teeth and waits the agreed-upon fifteen minutes before he ventures into the hall and knocks on Vanessa’s door.
She answers almost immediately and pulls him in by the collar of his hoodie and crashes their lips together in a rough greeting kiss.
“Hey, papi,” he says when she pulls away with a quiet moan.
“Hi,” she echoes, palms landing flat on his chest. “Bitch, I been wanting to do that all damn day.”
“I know. Me too.”
“You got me fucked up, Brock,” Vanessa says, running a hand through her short hair and turning towards the bed. “Okay so. So… Okay. We just can’t work together anymore.”
He nods. “I told you. It’s just better that way.”
She’s pacing the room, nervously rubbing her hands on her shorts, occasionally shaking her hands out when she starts to speak.
One of his favorite things about her, he’s noticed already, is the way she talks with her hands. He’d asked her once, in the middle of a diatribe, if she would still be able to speak if he held her arms behind her back.
She’d merely raised an eyebrow, told him she was kinky, and offered to let him find out. Which had made him blush and change the subject rather quickly because too many offers like that and he was going to take her up on it. And that kind of control, he can’t afford to lose right now.
“Whatever this is,” she mutters, waving her hands wildly, “we gotta keep it separate from the competition.”
“What is this,” he responds before he can stop himself. “Exactly?” He knows it’s asking a lot. It’s far too soon for them to have this conversation, but in the microcosm of Drag Race, everything seems to be moving at warp speed. Truth be told, nothing’s ever felt as firm as whatever this is between him and Vanessa. Putting a name on it, well… It just seems like that natural next step.
Plus that’s just how he operates. He’s an all-in kind of girl.
Vanessa stops pacing and looks at him. “It’s whatever you want it to be, baby.” She shrugs. “We can just fuck around and never speak after this, we can… Shit, I don’t know.”
“Is that what you want?”
“I don’t know what I want for breakfast most days.” Vanjie shakes her head and smiles a little. “But I know I like you… A lot. And I like kissing you a lot. You’ve made being here easier and I don’t want that to end any time soon so…” She shrugs. “Whatever that means to you, Mary.”
“I like you a lot, too,” he says and grips her chin and presses his lips to the corner of her mouth, testing the waters, waiting to see how she responds.
She melts into him, body folds like origami against his sturdiness, and he uses his other hand to catch her underneath her elbow as he probes deeper into the crevices of her mouth.
This is familiar now. After their weekend spent cuddling in bed, he knows every inch of her mouth, recognizes her taste. His lips are familiar with the way hers move against his (and what a spectacular way they move). Less familiar is he with the way she grips his back, fingernails digging into the muscle that ripples beneath his t-shirt, holding on for dear life; the way she moves to straddle his thigh, the semi-hardness of her already evident in her shorts.
They could… It’s just after nine. Room checks aren’t for another hour and a half…
Desire stirs in his stomach and he shifts and reaches for her thighs, lifting her in one swift motion so her legs are wrapped around his waist, and carries her backwards to the bed as she presses gentle, airsoft kisses into his jawline.
Brooke lowers them both down softly, careful to shift his weight onto his knees and not on her as he joins her in bed. “Is this okay? We can stop anytime. Just say the word. I’ll listen, all right?” he asks, desperate for her to confirm, to beg him to continue.
“If you don’t stop talking and kiss me, I swear to god, Brock…” As if to prove her point, she tilts her hips upwards, right into where he’s most sensitive and yearning for her, and his breath catches in his throat as she grips his neck and pulls his face down to hers.
He reaches for the drawstring on her shorts, finally ready to realize every dream he’s had for the past week, when there’s a knock at the door. Vanessa pulls away and glances at the door, confusion written across her delicate features.
“Vanj? You in there? It’s Silk. I got one of the PAs to go get some snacks from the Walmart!”
“Shit. Shit.” Vanjie scrambles out from under Brooke, tugging at her shorts to cover the obvious bulge, rubbing at her lips to diffuse the redness, both to no avail.
“Ignore her,” Brooke whispers.
“Nah, she won’t go away,” she replies, running a hand through her hair. “We just… Look, turn the TV on, okay? We were watching a movie.”
Brooke Lynn sits back against the headboard (and pulls a pillow into his lap) as he flips on the TV and watches Vanessa open the door to reveal Silky standing in the hall, holding a reusable shopping bag.
“It’s not a lot,” the larger queen says as she barrels into the room, “But I got gummy bears and Pringles and—Oh. Hey, Brooke Lynn.” Silky pauses halfway between the door and the bed and glances between Vanessa and Brooke a few times.
Vanjie shifts uncomfortably from her left to right a few times and offers Silky the chair against the wall. “Brooke and I were watching a movie.”
Silky’s eyes narrow and she glances at the TV. “Yeah? Which one?”
Brooke hadn’t been paying that much attention to the TV when he turned it on, so he presses the info button on the remote and can hardly believe their luck. He clears his throat. “Umm. Deep Impact.”
Silky nods. “Should I come back?”
“No!” Vanjie says quickly and guides her to the chair. “No. No, you can definitely stay and hang with us and watch…” She glances at Brooke, “Deep Impact with us, right, Brooke?”
Brooke offers a sort of half-salute, but he feels his cheeks burn with shame. Five minutes ago, he thought he was about to get laid. Now he’s watching a bad sci-fi movie with Silky and Vanessa.
After procuring a bag of gummy bears from Silky, Vanjie crawls back in bed and situates herself underneath Brooke’s arm. She looks up at him and grins.
It’s not what he had in mind, but he guesses it isn’t the worst thing he could be doing.
Ten-thirty rolls around much more quickly than anticipated when he’s spending time laughing and snuggling and sneaking kisses when Silky’s head is turned to A’keria or Nina or Yvie, filling them in on the latest gossip from the Werk Room.
But soon the head Production Assistant—Maya—raps on Vanessa’s door and tells the girls it’s almost time for room checks. So Brooke waits until everyone else has filtered out of Vanjie’s room before he lands his lips on hers and kisses her goodnight.
“Sorry our plans got derailed,” she says quietly, pulling on his hoodie. “I didn’t know she was coming.”
He shrugs. “We’ve got plenty of time.”
“Until we don’t.”
“You’re not going anywhere anytime soon, okay?” Brooke kisses her again, harder this time, to convince her just how confident in her he is already. “Especially not this week, Miss I-Thanked-Myself Vanjie.”
Vanessa closes her eyes and rests their foreheads together. “See you tomorrow, mami.”
“Good night,” he whispers and closes the door behind him.
Maya is waiting in the hallway, back against the wall between their hotel room doors.
“Hey, Brooke,” she says softly. “I’d like to talk to you for a moment. Can I come in?”
He doesn’t really think that’s a question he can say no to, so he swipes his key card, holds out his arms, and welcomes the woman into his room.
Maya is all business—clutching a clipboard to her chest, earpiece firmly in place, walkie-talkie permanently connected to her hip—and Brooke’s stomach drops because surely this can only mean one thing: they’ve been found out and he and Vanjie are both about to be sent packing. A double disqualification. They’ll make Willam’s ordeal look like child’s play.
He swallows hard and tries to smile as Maya eases herself into the chair against the wall. “What’s up?”
“First of all, you aren’t in any trouble.” Maya smiles up at Brooke, who feels the weight of the world lift off her shoulders. He’s safe. But Vanjie… “Secondly, we’ve noticed that you and Miss Mateo seem to be growing close.”
Brooke freezes,tries to carefully control his features so as not to give anything away. Maya had said he wasn’t in trouble. And there’s nothing in the contract that says relationships are forbidden… Still, at this point, it’s probably best to play things close to the chest. For everyone involved.
“We’re good friends,” Brooke finally settles on. “I like her a lot.”
Maya grins. “I know that our rules here at the hotel can seem a bit… strict, especially when it comes to keeping you girls separated at night. I know there are times this ten-thirty room check seems a bit much because I realize there are certainly nights when you’d like to stay up to chat with each other.” She raises an eyebrow. “Or engage in other activities with each other.”
Brooke can’t help it; he blushes furiously, like a 12-year-old girl caught admitting her crush.
“I’ll be blunt, Brooke,” Maya continues. “This is the eleventh season of Drag Race, and we’ve yet to have a romance despite Ru’s wish that there be one. I’m not going to ask you to force feelings if they aren’t there… But if they are developing naturally as I believe them to be, production would be willing to overlook certain rules as far as you and Vanessa are concerned.”
At first, Brooke doesn’t know if he should be offended that they want to use him and Vanessa for ratings or be grateful that they’re being given this opportunity to get to know each other more intimately.
Vanessa had been handsy over the weekend, grabbing Brooke’s ass over his shorts and running her hands under Brooke’s shirt along the broad expanses of his chest and stomach, but Brooke was hesitant to push things too far. It was too fresh, too new. And, if production caught them, who knew what would happen then?
So Brooke had to pull away and look down at Vanessa and tell her to stop, even though what he really wanted to say was, “More more more.” Like tonight. Just like tonight.
Brooke looks up at Maya. “So all we have to do is what exactly?”
“Exactly what you’re doing now,” Maya says with a shrug, “but more in front of the cameras. No need to hide the beginning of something beautiful, am I right?”
“And what exactly do we get out of it?” Brooke isn’t convinced.
“Well, nothing officially. But we’d be willing to…” Maya chews her lip, carefully choosing her words. “Overlook it if certain rules were broken. Say if one of you were in the other’s room at room checks and had an inclination to stay there… We would probably be willing to turn a blind eye.”
Brooke studies Maya’s face carefully. He’s always played things by the book, afraid to bend, let alone outright break, a rule. But here’s the lead PA practically telling him it would be okay. Still, Brooke isn’t a fool. She understands how easy it would be for production to rescind their offer if he or Vanessa made a misstep.
He remembers Vanessa’s lips leaving trails of fire down his neck and her fingertips brushing against the black outlines of the daisies on his arm. He thinks about running his tongue over Vanjie’s cat tattoo, like it was put there just for him, a beacon calling him home, signaling him to where he’s truly supposed to be.
We have plenty of time, he’d told her and meant it, confident in both their abilities to last in the competition.
Until we don’t.
Then they just can’t misstep.
“Can I talk it over with Vanessa?” Brooke says quietly, still not completely believing that he’s considering this, that it could be real, that he’s fallen into something so deep.
Maya shrugs and pushes herself to her feet. “Sure. Or don’t. Either way, I was never here. But we’ll be watching the two of you very carefully.” She pauses by the door with a hand on the frame. “Have a good night, Brooke.”
Brooke nods and watches as Maya flashes him a brilliant smile and leaves the room, walkie-talkie flashing green on her hip.
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