#the gasp i gusped it was so funny
namastekringle · 2 years
thinking about the one time i said nick is 70 years old, bc time works differently in the pole, and one of my old mutuals said ‘so he’s a boomer’.
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tazdrgaoneyetagain · 11 months
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grey-edges · 4 months
which one of the pjo books are you on right now? and which book, scene and character would you say is your favorite so far?
i’ve finished Mark of Athena and haven’t started House of Hades yet!
(*this got rambly IM SORRY but im just so invested in this series*)
obviously i love percy but honestly jason is my fav right now i just wanna dissect his character and also wrap him in a fuzzy blanket and send him to therapy. leo also gets a honorable mention as one of my favs im obsessed. (i thought nico would be my fav but tbh i barely even know him yet but i know once i get more content he will be #2 if not #1)
for favorite scene oh gosh i dont knowwwww. my favs from HOO not in any particular order, but the stress of annabeth and percy falling into tartarus?? unmatched,, annabeth helping frank with the chinese handcuff was too pure. OH and the battle scene in charleston where annabeth called percy by throwing her knife in the ocean i screamed, and then jason and percy combining their powers??? SO EPIC i need more of that pleaseee OH WAIT and the double giant battle with jason and percy and bacchus lifting them into the colosseum??? THE GASP I GUSP i reread that chapter twice that has to be my fav. also with the iceberg battle scene from SON when frank describes how insane and intense percy’s fighting is like go white boy go!! same with jason’s final battle with the giant in TLH like holy fuck! i was scared of him and his powers!! seeing them finally like come to and him unleash them and remember his true strength was so cool!! honestly i need to reread TLH and SON again already i ate them both up.
my fav scenes from the first series were all the underworld scenes in TLO like nico getting sent to his room I CRIED THATS SO FUCKING FUNNY and the river styx scene??? dont even get me started thats my new roman empire I SWEAR. other random moments i think about a lot are bianca killing that skeleton zombie army man in TTC i remember being so shook like ??? WHAT POWERS DOES SHE HAVE and then the REVEAL at the end with nico screaming at percy??? oh i just know walker and whoever plays nico are going to give a performance of the century with that and i cant wait to see it on screen. same with SOM the siren scene with percy and annabeth??? oh im gonna be sick. again i already feel like i need to reread the first five
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911experience · 2 months
Episode 1x03 thoughts
I don’t understand this relationship between chimney and Tatiana. Do they not know each other?? He just asked her to marry him and didn’t even know she had a fiancé and cheated on him? And he’s lying about being able to cook?
Bro the gasp I fucking gusped when it showed the rebar going straight through chimneys skull. I started laughing out of pure surprise and disbelief. Like I was NOT expecting that. Can a human actually survive this?? Idk.
I’m so against Abby and Buck that it’s not even funny. 1. Getting his number from a work document is not ok. 2. The age difference is not ok. 3. There is no chemistry. 4. she literally feels like his aunt or some other motherly figure.
I’m gonna be honest, I can see both Tatiana’s and Bobby’s stances regarding visiting Chimney in the hospital.
The end scene at the hospital was cute. Can’t believe that injury is survivable.
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fabbyf1 · 25 days
*nasally voice* mahk webbah
LMFAOOOOOO the gasp i gusped.
that is so fucking funny.
sadly, mahk webbah has not been featured in this fic. but in his place, I have picked another out-of-pocket character for you.
MV: [image attached] MV: [image attached]  MV: which one? Charles was sitting at a table with the literal Prince of Monaco when the text came in.
word ask game
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13lov · 6 months
so they ended things/are complicated 😣 wtf did somi say I NEED TO KNOW
i’m loving the angst but i need to see them together officially already
and why is beomgyu so funny (ofc he is, he’s hilarious irl) 😭💀 “i didn’t notice” LMFAO
yup we got some trouble in paradise going on but hey at least oc isn’t lonely 🤭
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jayflrt · 3 months
your mind so big and you’re so good at creating drama
gag of the century!!!!! and poor sunghoon probably thinks they're best buds 😭 LMFAOO HE ALMOST FUMBLED HARD it would've been over for him if none of them were amused 😵‍💫 thankfully sunghoon's got that nepo baby immunity so that making fun of him is automatically funny
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theharrowing · 7 months
IT IS SO FUNNY!!!! i was like "oh. oh yes. yes, indeed."
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smallsinger5901 · 4 months
personal favourite and least favourite parts of the live action avatar
this isnt going to be discussing the acting or visuals (for the sake of acting and visuals) because they arent relevant to the plot, and are generally good imo except for some mismatched tone. These are my personal top and bottom three picks! (Spoilers)
3rd favourite: zuko’s temper tantrum after losing the notebook is both funny and heartbreaking. It really makes him look so young and the way iroh tries to calm him is so :(
2nd: aang and zuko’s talk after the blue spirit. Aangs hopefulness combined with the way Zuko keeps reminding himself he’s talking to the enemy (and trying to act mad again) makes this one of my favourite scenes
1st: finding out the crew is the 41st. Oml. The gasp I gusped when i watched it for the first was crazy. The way zuko just stares and is unresponsive until ozai gets there and even then he barely talks at all, and cutting back to the boat and jee being shocked and zuko walking down between them super confused is absolutely amazing.
honorable mention to the soldiers taking iroh to the pit letting out their frustration because even though it sucks to see a character i love get hurt, he really deserves it. His time as a war criminal needed addressing and this was a good way to go about it
oh, and i love giving omashu to the sapphic lol
now for the bad news!
3rd worst: the momo fucking dies scene. Okay, he doesnt fully die but having to randomly put him in the spirit oasis just so they have a reason to go there is so contrived and random
2nd: hahn being a good guy… why. Hes a totally different character, and its so jarring to hear everyone complimenting him and saying how much of a great guy he is. why not just make him a new character?
1st: Bumi- all of Bumi. That whole time i was just shouting at my screen because once again THATS NOT BUMI! THATS SOME OTHER GUY! I know he’s supposed to be angry at Aang for leaving, but trying to shoehorn in the original scenes with this new, angry character feels so wrong.
and a confused mention to Iroh fucking murdering Zhao. I think it has some real potential if they address it properly in the next season (assuming they get renewed, and i really do hope they do) but it might just tarnish his character. Iroh’s never a pacifist, but actual murder by one of the primary characters is really shocking and makes me feel conflicted. It would have been nice to give the ocean its revenge but its not awful to show Iroh’s priority always being zuko, either.
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torotornottorot · 6 months
Books read in 2023:
The secret life of bees (Jan 6) 4/5 (probably would have enjoyed it more when I was younger. Great overall but still the mammy stereotype. Don’t like it when poc women are portrayed as ~divine creatures~ we are just normal people and we just wanted to treated like normal people. Nothing more, nothing less. Too flowery and cliche at parts but still good overall.) 
I’m glad my mom died (Jan 15) 5/5 (funny and thrilling. Reading this would probably help a lot of people with toxic parents think through their own trauma) 
Evil Under the Sun (Jan 17) 4/5 (simple and entertaining. Not a masterwork of literature but satisfying nonetheless. A bit slow to get started but great overall) 
The hunting party (Feb 4) 4/5 (found hard to get into it/get invested because of unlikeable cast of characters but stil high rating for unexpected ending. I was bored a few times in the beginning and middle parts but it really picked up in the end and made up for it. Would make a great movie) 
Sparkling cyanide (audiobook) (Feb 20) 3/5 (good to listen to while doing other work around the house. Probably not worth it to take separate time out to read) 
Last bus to Woodstock (Feb 24) 3/5 (hated the main detective and how he went about the investigation eg. relying on instinct and chance discoveries. But the side characters were super interesting and the ending was unexpected. Would have liked it better if inspector Lewis was the main character. No decent female characters. Only wh*res or the "shrill wife." But the crime itself was interesting and I liked the writing style). 
And then there were none (audiobook) (Feb 26) 5/5 (Omg. I was in thrall throughout. My favorite Agatha Christie book I’ve read so far. I actually thought there had to be a supernatural explanation lol) 
The dark remains (feb 26) 3/5 (not bad. Just boring. Can tell it was written by a dude. Not one interesting character despite being set in the gang world. Very cliche type of noir) 
The Falls (Ian Rankin) (March 1) 4/5 (great buildup but disappointing payoff. Loved the concept of the quizmaster. Very likable the main detectives and very interesting plot. Sustains you throughout despite being so long. But yeah. Didn’t quite like the solution to the murder) 
Wire in the blood (March 22) 5/5 (excellent. Gory but excellent. What a plot!) 
The distant echo (March 30) 5/5 (omg. If someone asks me what’s your favorite crime fiction book I’d say this one! Very suspenseful and unpredictable loved it loved it loved it!!!!) 
The Guest List (April 13) 6/5 (this surpasses the distant echo. This actually made me feel things. The amount of gasps I gusped could have powered the state of Texas for a year. Absolutely loved it. ) 
East of Eden (May 15) 100/5 (what kind of genius do you have to be to write such a book?  
In Cold Blood 4/5 (May 30) maybe bc I already knew the story, I kinda had to force myself to finish this 
Macbeth 5/5 (June 14) iconic 
Northanger Abby by Val Mcdermid 4/5 (June 17) fun modern retelling. Expected a crime and twist but it was faithful to the original. Enjoyed reading. 
Gone girl 6/5 (June 24) omg her mind. Will definitely read more by her. Wish I hadn’t seen the movie before so I could have been fully surprised. Liked the ending. 
The Pearl (5/5) (July 3) not a page turner but a good depiction of reality. Very sad. 
Age of Vice 3/5 (July 7) great beginning but I didn’t like the ending. I think the author tried to put too many stories and perspectives in one. That whole bit of Sunil was unnecessary? It just slowed the story down at such a crusial moment. And Sunny’s backstory with Vicky too. I don’t think it was necessary to have an unbelievably tragic backstory for every character and he already had his deal with his dad. Some things are never clarified like what happened to his mom, his true relationship with Vicky. Why Ajay agreed. Ajay turns out of be such a loser in the end. Maybe it’s “realistic” but lots of things that happen in this book are not realistic so I don’t know why only the ending has to be realistic. I wish I could have followed Ajay’s journey to a good ending. 
Milk fed 2/5 (August 12) only read bc of booktok. Good seeds here and there. didn't realy like it.
The club (5/5) (august 19) excellent, gripping. A bit longer than it needed to be though. 
The grownup Gillian Flynn (4/5) (October 19) great short story. Great writing. So engaging. Perfect length for getting back into reading 
Emma by charlotte Brontë and another lady (5/5) (Nov 2) love. Mr. Ellin needs to be played by Simon Baker in a movie. 
A room of one’s own by Virginia Woolf (Nov 11) (1000/5). This has been on my to read list for ages. I see quotes from this everywhere and every time I’m astounded by how she just she gets it and knows exactly what to say to express it perfectly. The essay was everything I imagined it would be. Forever grateful to that Destiel fanfic for introducing me to this. 
Villette (4/5) (Dec 29) lovely 
Girl, interrupted (5/5) (Dec 31) made me ponder about a lot of things. Her youth was really kind of stolen from her. Made to freeze just like that painting. what is the right thing to do? What is helping and what is hurting? What does “crazy” even mean? I think I tend to be very judgemental about this kind of stuff. But this book made me realize that people are people even if you do not understand why they act a certain way. They feel the same as me. 
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lzrdprsn · 1 year
Sorry but that is NOT what I thought the infected were going to look at the gasp I gusped holy shit they're so funny looking
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