#the garden of bae
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thegardenofbae · 5 months ago
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Not be to be one of those people, but life improved significantly once I started to exercise consistently, and I became more intentional with what I ate. My health became a priority, and everything started to align again.
Love it or hate it, it makes such a huge difference. Make your well being your highest priority and life will start to flourish in unexpected ways 🤍
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thegardenofbae · 1 year ago
The world moves fast enough: make a promise to yourself to take things slow when it comes to the process of picking your future partner. You’re worth the effort of getting to know. You’re worth the time. Your future self, your future family all depend on you finding a match who is kind, who is generous, who is patient, who reveres you and considers you in their actions 🤍 I promise, you’ll be glad you took your time.
I believe dates and traditional courting should come before anything else. The art of someone having to prove themselves worthy of your trust and affection and time is so deeply lost. To give someone access to you in intimate ways or even allowing them to be your primary or top priority without them letting you know they’re serious about you is insane.
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fleurlind · 4 months ago
  ۪ ݊ ◠ ✿ The Keeper of the Hidden Garden 💐
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entrehadas · 2 years ago
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💛 ♬ dear diary ✧ ུ
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arminsbf · 9 months ago
house hcs….?!?!??
i’ve js been thinking about living with armin… some different scenarios… so here’s what i think one house would would look like, kinda moodboard-esque — living with your husband armin in the suburbs!!!! i’ll probably end up making multiple of these :3
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i think the layout would be something like this… but, maybe with a bigger porch, so you could put a porch swing/glider out there, and what not!!
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a flower garden in the front would be so so pretty 💗 all different shapes and colors!!!! imagine sitting out on your porch swing with armin in the morning, drinking ur homemade tea, looking out at all your flowers!!!!!!!!!
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n a vegetable garden in the back!!!! like that’s so fun… gardening with your husband… ugh!!!! he likes to feed the bunnies strawberries n tomatoes even if that means you guys get a smaller yield :(((
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i'm just thinking maximalism on the inside. maybe not THIS much, but this is the vibe, yk? all the little trinkets you guys have displayed everywhere! and he likes having plants, it’s fun to take care of something like that. as if he doesn’t take care of you enough already!
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and the nicest kitchen… imagine making dinner with him in here!!!!!! i think your house would have a lot of natural lighting. open windows. just very peaceful!! maybe you have some cilantro, thyme, rosemary, etc. growing in the window to use in your meals
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and the dining room!!!! it’s just so nice to me… feels so homey, just having all the decorations you guys like! all the stories behind each thing!!! i really like the light green paint in the top left one, i feel like it would look so nice with the light from the windows
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and ofc the bedroom!!!!!!! what the bedroom would look like is very different to different people, but to me, in this house, i think the most important thing is the windows!!!! i'm just so so obsessed with natural lighting and armin would look so good in the light from the sunset… gosh!!!! imagine coming home from a long day of work and getting in bed with him :((( so comfy omg
that’s all!!! i hope this makes sense 😓😓 i'm just thinking of what living with him would look like! i hope you guys like this style of decoration, i find it really really pretty 💗💗 i’ll definitely make more of these in the future… living in an apartment with your bsf… living on the beach… all that!!!!!!
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thegardenofbae · 1 year ago
I am the biggest advocate of a solid rebrand. Never feel married to one perception 🤍
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thegardenofbae · 10 days ago
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My heart yearns deeply for motherhood 🤍
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lilidawnonthemoon · 4 months ago
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scrapratsoldier · 10 months ago
Black; love as healing
Your love is the carefully tilled soil of last year's garden. In that way, loving you is rich with possibilities and growth. You are a quiet weekend night, as the stars begin to wink down at you. You sit, you listen, you reflect. Perhaps in the past you've been misunderstood, maybe by yourself. Everything has the potential for love. Love is a promise for you. tagged by: @fasciinating
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thegardenofbae · 1 year ago
“Let’s go dancing” needs to come back into trend as a date night concept
A couple dancing in a 1950s nightclub
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forleejehoon · 2 years ago
Taxi Driver 2 OST album is officially out!
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Physical CD is available for pre-order on:
INT ktown4u.com | kpoptown.com | kpopalbums.com EU stardustkshop.it | kpopowo.pl
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apcomplexhq · 2 years ago
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✦ Nome do personagem: Bae Anna ✦ Faceclaim e função: Tiffany Young - SNSD/Solista ✦ Data de nascimento: 16/11/1989 ✦ Idade: 35 anos ✦ Gênero e pronomes: Mulher - Ela/Dela ✦ Nacionalidade e etnia: Estadunidense - Coreana ✦ Qualidades: Determinação, criatividade e liderança ✦ Defeitos: Insensibilidade Emocional, Propensão ao controle excessivo e Dificuldade em estabelecer relacionamentos. ✦ Moradia: Mount Olympus ✦ Ocupação: Chef e Dona do Ambrosia Garden. ✦ Twitter: @MO89BA ✦ Preferência de plot: ANGST, FLUFFY, HOSTILITY, ROMANCE, SMUT ✦ Char como condômino: Silenciosa, quase não faz barulho. É muito difícil estar em casa durante a noite, porém é uma mulher da madrugada e dorme pouco. Não gosta de barulho alto, de choros e gritos de crianças e é pouco tolerante com vizinhos curiosos.
TW’s na bio: adultério, menção a conteúdo sexual
Bae Anna é uma mulher audaciosa e dominante, conhecida por sua personalidade forte e por ser a proprietária de um prestigiado restaurante em Seul, Gangnam, na Coreia do Sul. Nascida na Califórnia, filha de pais coreanos, Anna sempre carregou consigo a cultura e a herança de suas raízes. Sua jornada a levou de volta à Coreia do Sul recentemente, depois de um evento que desencadeou uma rivalidade intensa com seu irmão.
Após um encontro inesperado, Anna se envolveu romanticamente com a esposa de seu irmão, rompendo laços familiares e criando uma dinâmica complexa entre eles. No entanto, Anna não se arrepende de suas escolhas e encontra poder e empoderamento em sua sexualidade e na exploração de relacionamentos não convencionais.
Determinada a abraçar sua verdadeira natureza e buscar seus desejos sem restrições, Anna se mudou para a Coreia do Sul para perseguir sua paixão pela culinária e abrir seu próprio restaurante, chamado "Ambrosia Garden". Com sua personalidade dominante e uma abordagem única da culinária, ela atrai uma clientela rica e influente que busca uma experiência gastronômica diferente de tudo que já experimentaram.
O restaurante de Anna é um verdadeiro templo da dominação culinária. Ela combina técnicas culinárias clássicas com um toque ousado e provocativo, resultando em pratos que desafiam as convenções e despertam os sentidos. A experiência em seu restaurante é cuidadosamente planejada para criar uma atmosfera de entrega e submissão, onde os clientes são levados em uma jornada culinária inesquecível.
Anna não se contenta apenas em comandar a cozinha com mão de ferro, mas também procura empoderar sua equipe, incentivando a criatividade e o pensamento inovador. Sua personalidade dominatrix se estende além da culinária, moldando a cultura e a atmosfera de seu estabelecimento.
Apesar das controvérsias que a cercam, Anna não se envergonha de suas escolhas e é uma defensora da liberdade sexual e do consentimento. Ela usa seu sucesso e influência para promover uma abordagem aberta e inclusiva da sexualidade, inspirando outros a explorarem suas próprias paixões e desejos sem culpa ou julgamento.
Bae Anna é uma figura enigmática e poderosa na cena gastronômica da Coreia do Sul. Sua personalidade dominante, combinada com sua habilidade culinária excepcional, atrai os paladares mais exigentes e permite que ela crie uma experiência única e provocativa em seu restaurante. Ela é uma líder inabalável e uma força a ser reconhecida, desafiando convenções e conquistando seu lugar no mundo da culinária como uma dominadora da arte gastronômica.
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married-2-the-music · 6 months ago
Oh My Girl Deep Dive #1/2: Proving Nature Has A Place In Pop
Oh My Girl is one of the pillars of 3rd generation “cutesy” k-pop, at odds with the more “mature” side that many other popular bands of the time showed. They debuted in 2015, with eight members: Hyojung, YooA, Seunghee, Arin, Yubin, Mimi, JinE, and Jiho, though the last two left in 2017 and 2022 respectively.
Here are my credentials: I know more about Oh My Girl than a lot of the groups I’ve covered on this blog (though I recognize that’s not saying much). I watched the season of Queendom they were on and enjoyed their performances, I think I’ve heard most of their singles, and I’m a big fan of YooA’s solo career. But most of that is more surface level, and I wanted to get to know them better. So let’s get into it!
(Part Two)
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thegardenofbae · 1 year ago
1 Corinthians 14:33 🤍
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kisses4themissus · 1 month ago
Mr, Mrs & Labour? | Hwang In-ho x Reader
wc: 2.3k
a/n: I locked in and finished writing this!!
previous ¦ masterlist
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Classic music filled your ears as you laid by in-ho who was wide awake as the lights began to turn on. You both looked at each other, knowing the next game; Mingle.
The others got up, groaning at the bright lights. In-ho leaned over to you and ran a hand over your bump before helping you up. 
“Don’t wake them up, all night long was filled with back pain and endless kicking!” You complained to your husband who chuckled and rubbed the lower portion of your back while you all waited to be led up the stairs.
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You stared at the soldiers as you entered the carousel themed room. You were too tired to really act scared, your back felt as if someone had taken a hammer and tried to break your spine, your unborn child was restless the night before and your braxton hicks seemed too real for comfort. 
Gi-hun noticed your pain and walked to a solider. “Does she need to participate? Look at her, she’s in pain.” He motioned towards you and in-ho who rubbed your back, trying to comfort you. 
“The appeal of the game is that everyone is treated equally, even if they have different needs.” The soldier said sternly, making gi-hun sigh before walking back to you all on the platform. 
“I’m alright gi-hun, I should be able to make it through the rest of the game…I hope at least.” You tried to joked earning stern looks from everyone.
You quickly apologized and waited for other players to step on the platform. Tuning out as the instructions were played out. You had left the third game up to in-ho after you had grown frustrated from in-ho’s comments about your ideas. In-ho held you close as him and the others went over a plan. 
“If it’s lower then five, we group apart and adapt.” Gi-hun informed you all. You smiled as the others began to place their hands in the middle, you joined in and smiled at in-ho. “One, two, three, victory!” You all quietly cheered before turning back to face the colorful doors.
As the players were all on, the lights dimmed and the platform jerked everyone, in-ho holding you and jun-hee up right. You sighed as children’s music played, before you could think the platform stopped. 
You all looked at each other. Gi-hun turned to the people next to you all. “How many of you?!” He asked, looking around panicked as players yelled over each other. “Four,” Hyun-ju looked around for one more player. “That’s makes nine, we need one more!” Jung-bae noted, as you all discussed a plan, another group of players walked over and held dae-ho by his shoulder.
“Your a group of five? So are we, come with us!” They yelled out. Before you all could step forward a different group rushed over and grabbed the other group of five. Hyun-ju looked around and sighed in relief and grabbed the shaman lady.
You quickly moved from in-ho grasp and waddled the fastest you could to the nearest room and held the door open as the others followed you, shutting the door in time. You winced as gunshots rang out outside the door.
“You’re all alive thanks to me, I saved you all!” The crazy lady announced rasing her finger as she looked at each of you. You scoffed at her.
She quickly whipped around and tilted her head at you. 
“We’re the reason you’re not out there being shot.” You sneered at the religious woman, she scoffed at you and stepped closer, everyone’s eyes bouncing between you both. “Just like a snake in the heavenly garden.” She spat down on your shoes, geum-ja and the others gasped at the lady’s actions.
Your eyes widen, stepping in her way you glared at the woman. “Talk about me again.” You challenged, straightening out, your hands curling up in anger. 
“Let’s not fight right now,” Geum-ja tried to defuse the situation, everyone joining in, trying to calm you down from harming the shaman. You sighed and turned to face the door, trying to calm down, feeling your baby kick around.
“Your child will be stuck in your cursed hands.” She muttered, there was a beat of silence before it had dawned on the others what was happening.
You had stood with your back to her, the next you were slamming a fist into her nose, your other hand holding tightly on her ponytail. In-ho quickly moved and held you on one side while the other blocked you away from her. “You bitch! I’ll snap your neck!” You yelled, trying to claw your way away from your husband and dae-ho’s grasps.
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Thankfully the doors unlocked, letting you all out. You glared as dae-ho softly pulled you away from the room. Once out, everyone looked around to notice the drop on the counter of players.
You sighed, shaking your shoe clean of spit. 
“Brush off that woman’s evil words!” Geum-ja told you and she ran he hands over your jacket as if she was clearing off dust.  “Your baby will be born in the hands of a wonderful mother.” She continued as she fixed your jacket.
You nodded at her words. “I would’ve killed her, bringing up my baby like that.” You muttered, in-ho cleared his throat and lead you back. “You can’t be doing that, not when your in a vulnerable state.” In-ho scolded as you both stepped back onto the platform. “Are you saying i should’ve let her run her mouth about our child?” You scoffed, crossing your arms at your husband. 
“I wasn’t saying that..” In-ho sighed and gave up as the platform spun around. You held hands with jun-hee, you both squeezing each others palms for comfort. “Four!” 
Gi-hun looked at you all and sighed, “You four go, me and jung-bae will find someone.” Gi-hun tried to separate you all but you quickly shook your head and held onto in-ho’s arm, “You four go, me and in-ho will go!” You quickly walked away with your husband as the others fled into an empty room. 
“We need two players!” In-ho yelled as you noticed the panic on players faces, people getting betrayed by their teams left and right.
A younger man scrambled on the floor by your shoes and held your ankle. “Please miss, don’t let me die here.” He begged, in-ho quickly helped him up as you found another solo player, you all ran into a room in time, the door close and clicked shut.
You caught your breath as you waited for the soldiers and workers to be done. The other two players caught their breaths, player 256 sighed and bowed to both you and in-ho. 
“Thank you for saving me.” He thanked, the other player quickly joining in. You and in-ho chuckled and shook your heads at them. “It’s alright, thank you for coming with.” You smiled at the pair.
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Once it was clear you walked out and looked around for the others.
“MRS OH!” Jung-bae yelled out.
“BROTHER YOUNG-IL?!” Dae-ho called out, him and the others frantically looking for you both. 
“Mr and mrs Oh!” Jun-hee smiled as you both joined the group, you holding your back with a smile as you waddled to the others who embraced you in a hug.
“Oh, i’m glad you and the baby are safe!” Jung-bae sighed in relief and hugged you the best he could. 
“Me or the baby aren’t going anywhere so easily.” You chuckled, quietly smirking at gi-hun and in-ho’s sweet reunion. “I’m glad you both made it, i was worried.” Gi-hun expressed, placing a hand on in-ho’s shoulder.
“Well, me and my wife are very charismatic, so it was easy to get players!” In-ho smiled charmingly at gi-hun. 
In-ho glanced over to jun-hee and checked on her. “You feeling alright?” He questioned, the younger girl nodded a smile on her face. “I’m alright, im glad you both are safe.” She grinned.
Nodding in-ho turned to gi-hun and placed his hands in his pockets. “Wait so if the number is eight, we won’t need other, correct?” He asked, making the other look at him confused, you groaned and cover your face.
“Why’s that?” Jung-bae asked confused, “And the dad jokes have begun..” You chuckled a bit, trying not to. 
“Oh, cause the ladies have babies in them!” Dae-ho realized, making everyone chuckle at the joke.
“If they both had twins we would’ve been good by ourselves for 10.” Jung-bae added, making you all laugh as you got onto the platform.
You held onto jun-hee who tried to brace herself for the stop. “Three!” You all stopped, looking around you all figured out a plan.
“You three go, we’ll go to a different room!” Gi-hun yelled out, both in-ho and him holding onto your arms as you all went to the nearest room.
As you approached the blue door the two let go of you to let you walk on your own but stopped as other players rushed past you, distancing you from in-ho and gi-hun who realized what had happened.
Beside you the older woman, geum-ja was left alone. You looked at in-ho and motioned for her. Without warning in-ho grabbed geum-ja and gi-hun and made it to a room. 
You sighed and looked around, it was too late for players to help you, quickly you snuck away and hid where the solider’s stood hidden for the duration of the game. You noticed the number on the guards back and tapped them. “011, cover me, i couldn’t find a room in time to hide.” You explained as the solider stood up and blocked anyone from seeing you.
You groaned as a cramp ran down your spine. You let out deep breaths, making the guard tense up, not turning around they spoke up. “I believe you’re in labour, gameplanner.” They informed you making you chuckle. “I don't think so, i have a few days before my due date-!” You rushed out the words and tightly held on the soldiers shoulders as a cramp tensed up once more.
“My daughter came a week before her due date.” They informed making you glance up at the triangle, you sighed as the pain calmed down for the moment. “If they get worse, have them call my number, but don't let anything slip to my husband!” You lectured, earning a nod from the solider before they stepped away, letting you slip into a group of players exiting the rooms.
“Mrs oh!” Gi-hun gasped out as you waddled over to the two men, the other also approaching. “I’m glad you’re safe.” In-ho embraced you, leaning into him.
You turned to see geum-ja comforting her son who began to cry as she held him close. “It’s alright, i’m here alive!” She muttered, running a hand over his head. “What happened?” You questioned, in-ho sighed and fixed your jacket.
“Her and her son meant to stick together but got separated when others took him.” In-ho explained, watching as you began to tear up at the bond. Hyun-ju turned to in-ho and gi-hun and thanked the men for keeping geum-ja alive and safe.
Wiping away tears, you all stepped on the platform and waited for the number. “Are you feeling alright, miss?” Player 246, gyung-seok asked as you held your bump. “I’m ok, thank you though.” You reassured before turning to see a worried look on in-ho’s face.
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The round had gone by smoothly, you had split apart and joined in-ho and the other men, stepping out and all gathering on the platform you all noticed hyun-ja’s depressive state and the lack of player 095. The platform spun as the song played out, the lights doing the usual pattern. You all waited for the platform to stop.
“How many do you think it’s gonna be?” Jung-bae asked. Leaning towards in-ho and gi-hun who stood in front of you all. 
Gi-hun hesitated, the game didn’t have a pattern to the numbers. “Hard to say-!” Gi-hun was cut off by in-ho’s stoic voice.
Gi-hun and jung-bae looked confused at his confident answer. “How are you sure?” Jung-bae questioned.
“There’s only 50 rooms and hundred and something players left!” You lied, knowing your husband had a slip up. In-ho nodded along as you pointed to the player counter. 
The platform halted, you all waited as the lights dimmed and began to strobe,
With quick glances everyone grabbed a partner and took off. You and in-ho held hands as you both ran to the nearest room. Opening the door you stopped as player 100 and another man yelled at you to shut the door.
“Green door!” In-ho yelled, tossing a guy to the ground before following behind you into the room. In-ho braced you as a man cowered into the corner of the room. “We-we were here first!” He tried to defend, making in-ho widen is eyes in anger and walked over to the man.
The man swiftly avoid in-ho and backed into you. 
As in-ho went in to rip the man away he watched as you wrapped your arms around the man's neck and slowly moved to the floor as the man tried to let you release him. “Where did you learn that?” in-ho questioned, holding the door shut with his weight.
“the recruiter taught me somethings!” You winked up at your husband who tilted his head, his eyes having a tint of jealousy after all those years.
As the man patted around the room you felt a wet sensation go down your leg, making your eyes widen.
“Asshole!” You cussed twisting the man’s neck, watching as the heavy body lay limp on your lap. In-ho quickly pulled the weight off you and stopped at the wet stain on your pants. “I’ll signal a guard to help clean you up.” He reassured but you shook your head at him. The room door locking and gunshots rang out. 
“My water broke..” You muttered.
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hwang in-ho taglist: @snowtargaryen @menabuser16 @azusdump @jspidey5 @annasnape7 @macnbriee @ookybatt @sasha-swftie @moonxnite @ninglovr @frontwomann
Mr & Mrs taglist: @colorwastaken @aphoenixnamed-angel @sooyasya @fries11 @lover-girl009 @skywalker0809 @fallout-girl219 @scarlettlupinblack
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miaoua3 · 2 months ago
Weird Shit Svt Does/Loves In The Bedroom
had this thought just now while eating so here it is😭 don’t take this too seriously for legal reasons THIS IS A JOKE GUYS
scoups: having you claw at his ass while he’s fucking you three ways into sunday (dont ask why)
jeonghan: taking a break mid second round for a quick snack
joshua: food play but instead of like whipped cream or something like that he wants to bring a whole ass macaroni and cheese😭
jun: maid outfits and cat ears.
hoshi: he heard one time about omega verse and he hasn’t let you breathe ever since
wonwoo: you dressing up as his favourite character from his favourite game except its not sexy at all and they’re in a full body armour instead
woozi: silent sex (???😭 like bae im not sure if you know but it definitely shouldn’t be silent)
minghao: fucking in a botanical garden??? idk bro he’s not that weird. i think…
mingyu: the whole “first man on the moon and an alien” roleplay😭
dk: teacher-student roleplay but he wants to be the student
seungkwan: makes a competition out of sex as to who can be louder
vernon: casually watching tv while fucking and halfway through stopping so he can focus on the plot
dino: fucking in the bathroom except he slips and almost falls every time (he will never learn his lesson smh)
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