#the funds go to our senior trip!!!!
pixie-was-writing · 2 years
I WILL WRITE 500 word STORIES FOR U FOR $25 (cashapp) (price and length negotiable :3)
I WILL NOT WRITE: fanfic for a fandom im unfamiliar with (im SO SORRY but i dont want to characterize stuff wrong), smut, or anything thats kinda freaky and weird. case by case basis 1!!!!!!
I AM EAGER TO WRITE: character fics!!! i would love to write about your ocs and would prefer this!!!! im okay at writing romance and enjoy domestic scenes.
OKAY THANK YOU DM ME FOR INFO you can also just cashapp me to be nice $Obscuraz !!!!
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poppetta · 2 years
I WILL WRITE 500 word STORIES FOR U FOR $25 (cashapp) (price negotiable :3)
I WILL NOT WRITE: fanfic for a fandom im unfamiliar with (im SO SORRY but i dont want to characterize stuff wrong), smut, or anything thats kinda freaky and weird. case by case basis 1!!!!!!
I AM EAGER TO WRITE: character fics!!! i would love to write about your ocs and would prefer this!!!! im okay at writing romance and enjoy domestic scenes.
OKAY THANK YOU DM ME FOR INFO you can also just cashapp me to be nice $Obscuraz !!!!
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frazelforever · 2 years
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thank you <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
today has sucked, there's been too much stress going around and it won't be going away for a bit
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fakeuwus · 10 months
UNDERSTAND | CHAPTER 4: u mean *OUR girlfriend
warnings: cursing, lowercase intended
word count: ~1.2k
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“right this way ma’am.” you follow a producer through a park located by the han river. it was a gorgeous day outside, perfect for whatever was planned for you and this mystery date. “are you nervous?” the producer asks you with a smile. all you can do is put your best idol face on and tell him that you’re excited.
it wasn’t a complete lie but you weren't exactly sure what you were feeling at the moment. a bundle of nerves, anticipation, and anxiety were all jumbled in the pit of your stomach. in just a few short minutes, you were finally going to meet your “husband.” what if you said something stupid? what if you tripped over your own feet and fell on your face? your career would be over before it’s even gotten started, you think to yourself.
running our hands over your light purple dress, you focus on smoothing out any wrinkles as a way to de-stress. first impressions meant a lot to you and you couldn’t have anything out of place, especially if your partner was cute (which you really hope he is). when there were no more wrinkles in sight, you were stopped by the producers. “alright, when we say action just keep walking and act as natural as possible? got it?” you simply nod your head and get yourself ready to film. you should be used to the cameras at this point, but it always takes a bit of time to adjust.
once the cameras start rolling, you continue walking and spot bright, pink bows wrapped around the trees. you look at the crew with a confused smile. they gesture for you to keep going, so you follow the trail of trees with the cute bows. the decor eventually leads you to an open area with a blanket on the ground, holding an assortment of snacks and foods. you sit on a cushion and take a moment to look at everything laid out before you
you’ve been on many picnics before with your members but none as extravagant as this one. the white blanket and pillows are the softest you’ve ever felt and there are so, so many types of foods displayed that must’ve cost a pretty penny. perks of having a production crew funding your dates you guess.
from behind you, jay slowly walks up with the big bouquet in his hands. though no one could tell, jay was just as nervous as you were. he makes himself believe it’s because he’s afraid you wouldn’t like what he planned. did he go too simple? were you one for more fancier meals? he thinks it's just the pressure of the date turning out well for the views and he’s definitely not nervous about who you could be. no, he doesn’t care at all. he just needs to get through this first filming so he can go back to the dorms to play games with his members.
at this point, jay is so close, but you have no clue since you’re still admiring everything around you. you swear you could hear the staff giggling in the distance but before you could question it, someone’s arms wrap around you while setting a bouquet of white flowers on your lap. a gasp leaves your lips and you turn around, finally seeing the face of your husband for the first time.
park jongseong. your pretend husband for the next couple of months is no other than park. jongseong. realizing you haven’t moved in what felt like an eternity, you quickly stand up making sure to bow to him. even though you’re internally freaking out, you don’t forget your manners (you also don’t forget how disastrous it would be for a rookie idol getting caught not respecting their senior.) “uhh hi. I’m park jongseong, but you can call me jay.” his hand reaches for yours to give a firm handshake and your skin becomes hot by this little interaction. your brain is short circuiting because what the fuck? THE park jay not only touched your hand but also had his arms wrapped around you? yeah, you definitely weren’t surviving the day.
affter getting over your mental breakdown, you finally find the words to introduce yourself. “hi! i’m yn. thanks for the flowers by the way, they’re beautiful.” jay doesn’t miss the wide smile adorning your lips and he mentally thanks heeseung for the suggestion. “well shall we?” he gestures for you two to sit down and start eating the picnic food. there’s an awkward yet comforting silence in the air as you guys are enjoying the delicious treats the crew prepared.
jay notices how every two minutes you have to adjust the bag on your lap that’s covering your legs. stupid, stupid, stupid he thinks to himself. he hated that his idea of a picnic could’ve made you even a little uncomfortable in your pretty dress. he moves to take his jacket off and drapes it over to cover you and for the second time today, jay’s actions surprise you. the kind gesture makes your heart swell and you can’t help but blush.
“this is kind of awkward, isn’t it?” you ask with a nervous laugh. “ i mean yeah, but don’t first dates always start out like this?” you nod your head and look away for a moment, spotting both of your managers taking photos of you guys. putting your attention back on jay, you shrug your shoulders. “I wouldn’t know i’ve never been on one.” when jay says he hasn’t been on one as well, you feel yourself relax. It comforts you that you both don't know what the hell you’re doing here.
after that exchange you find it quite easy to converse with jay. you match each other’s energies, quickly becoming comfortable enough to tease one another. the two of you start getting to know each other better with topics ranging from trainee days to what your personality types are.
a little later you express how it’d be a nice day to take pictures but your phone had died on the way there. upon hearing that, jay surprises you for a third time, offering to take pictures for you on his phone. “we have to exchange contacts anyways so i’ll send them to you. it’s no biggie.”
jay wishes he got a staff member or manager to take pictures of you because he’s finding it really hard to complete this simple task. taking pictures is like second nature to him but suddenly he can’t bring himself to focus. not when you’re standing right in front of him looking so pretty while posing with the flowers HE got for you. pretty? did he just call you pretty? he won’t lie to himself. you’re a gorgeous woman, anyone would be blind to not see that. he pushes those thoughts to the back of his head, leaving them to deal with later.
“and cut! okay good job guys. we’ll see you next time.” the producer’s voice rings in your ears and you’re reminded that this whole time you were filming. the awkward energy between you and jay returns and you’re not sure what to do next. “thanks for everything jay. i really enjoyed myself today.”
“it was my pleasure, really. i had a lot of fun too. i’ll text you the pictures later, yeah?” you two bid each other goodbye and as you’re walking back to the van your manager nudges your shoulder. “so, jay huh?” you playfully roll your eyes at his statement and try to fight the smile creeping onto your lips.
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MESSAGE FROM NIC: ahh they finally met!! im not too good with my writing yet so hopefully this was decent enough 😣 as always, feedback is appreciated! love u guys 🫶🏼
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TAGLIST: @enmayz @02zhoonie @myjaeyunn @shinrjj @justandloyal2961 @wonsays @enhaz1 @quemirasboboandapaya @mrchweeee @fr-3-akn-4-stymf @in-somnias-world @stqrrgirle @heesbaby @dear-hoon @karinasbaby @ariadores @sunjaywoning @jjhmk @en-happiness @chandlerscigarettes @sunsunl0ver @yenqa @fluerz @ikeusol @faraonatojishady @ohmykwonsoonyoung @nicholasluvbot @enhypeniara @mari-oclock @randomperfections05 @astrae4 @cassie6392 @jongseongslvr @kwiwin @bbangricz @darly6n @kyanmeai @crusholics @cheybabey @glitterssim @jiawji @luvkpopp @ivshypen07 @noascats @rory-cant-sleep @miujunhui @odisdad @luveuism (i couldnt tage the blogs in bold!)
�� fakeuwus 2023 do not repost, translate, or plagiarize
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stardustshelb · 1 year
"Strawberry" Part One
Word count: 6,749
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Chapter One
“Are you sure you can’t drive me to the airport in the morning?” I asked Kenneth wearily. I knew he was reluctant to allow me to go to Nashville for Riley’s bachelorette weekend. He says he’s worried about my safety, but I know the truth is that he doesn’t want me to go out without him, especially with a group of girls.
He groaned, “I have to be at work by 8 a.m. and your flight leaves at noon. I’m not sure if you know how time works but–”
“My plane leaves at 2 p.m. I have to be there by noon,” I interjected before he finished his insult.
“Whatever. Either way, I can’t swing it. Just drive yourself or get one of your friends to give you a ride,” he said as he shut the bathroom door in my face.
He knows good and well that Riley and our other friends live hours away in other states. Everyone got out of this town the second we graduated college. Well, everyone except me. Kenneth took over his father’s business so I stayed behind too. I don’t resent him for it; I love my small town. I love that my family is no more than 15 minutes away in every direction. I love my job and my students. I love my  simple two-bedroom home where I spend most of my evenings alone with Sassy, my border collie. I love my comfortable life. But I hate that my best friend since middle school took a marketing job that required her to move 738 miles away from me.
Life sometimes gets lonely when your closest friends are your coworkers who are old enough to be your parents. Finding a teaching job in this small town was easy because I went to school here. My classroom is the same classroom I once sat in to learn 9th grade English; now I am on the other side of the desk.
When Riley asked me to be her maid of honor, I cried tears of joy… and jealousy. Kenneth and I have been together since we were 16 years old. Although we celebrated our 10-year-anniversary in August, we were quickly approaching the two-year-anniversary of our engagement. Riley met her fiancé less than a year ago; yet, I am the one putting on a bridesmaid dress before a wedding dress. 
“Can you turn off the light?” Kenneth’s question snapped me back to reality. I looked at the piles of folded laundry on my side of the bed with my barren suitcase next to them.
“I’m still packing,” I said.
“Well, some of us don’t get to go to Nashville. Some of us have to go to work to help fund a trip we don’t even get to go on,” he responded.
Ouch. Yes, it’s true Kenneth is the breadwinner. His father’s business is lucrative and Kenneth does well for us. He has asked me to quit my job time and time again since he can support us financially. Everyone knows a teacher’s salary isn’t much to brag about, but I still feel pride in bringing home a paycheck every month. I love my job too much to quit. It’s already lonely in the evenings; I can’t imagine staying home all day by myself too. 
“You know I booked the cheapest flights I could find. Everyone else is flying in together and I am arriving a day early because tomorrow’s flights were more expensive than–”
“Turn off the light!” Kenneth snapped.
I collected my laundry piles and tossed them into my suitcase before shoving it to the floor. I guess I will have to finish packing in the morning after he leaves for work. I put my phone on the charger, turned off the light, and climbed into bed. Sassy jumped into bed to sleep by my feet, our nightly routine. She has always been my protector. I am going to miss her so much while I am gone, but I am looking forward to this miniature vacation. I haven’t had a trip to look forward to since my senior year of college. Kenneth is always too busy with work for us to have a vacation together. He doesn’t like to fly but he also gets car sick. If anywhere I wanted to go required more than two hours on the road, count him out. Plus it will be nice to see Riley again. I shut my eyes and tried my best to fall asleep. I am used to going to bed angry. Anger is like melatonin to me at this point. But the excitement and longing kept me awake. I pulled my headphones out of my nightstand and connected them to my phone. I scrolled through my Spotify playlists until I found one to soothe me to sleep. I selected “Boyfriends” by Harry Styles and the irony wasn’t lost on me as I drifted off…
Chapter Two
I collected the parking ticket from the machine as I drove into the airport’s economy lot. I found a spot closest to the entrance, but I knew I was still going to have to walk a billion miles. The economy lot is furthest from the airport but it’s the most affordable option. I wanted to save every dollar I had for this trip, so I figured it was a small sacrifice. I parked and started to collect my things from the trunk of my car. I grabbed my carryon suitcase and hung my purse on its handle before I started my trek to the airport. Anxiously double-checking every item on my pack-list in my head, I walked through the double doors of the airport. I made my way up to security and got in line behind what seemed to look like the entire population of my town. Luckily, the line moved fairly quickly as I approached the TSA agent’s desk. I placed my luggage on the conveyor belt, removed my sandals, and emptied my pockets. 
The large woman in the TSA uniform waved me through the body scanner. “Come on through, sweetie.”
I stood on the yellow marker and held my hands above my head. I knew I had nothing on me that would set off any alarm, but this moment always made me hold my breath. 
“You’re good, sweetie. Have a good day,” she smiled as I breathed a sigh of relief. I collected my things and scurried off to the side to put my shoes back on. When I grabbed my phone from the security tub, I noticed that I had two missed calls from Kenneth. 
I called him back as I tried to make my way through the crowd, pulling my luggage behind me. He answered on the first ring. 
“Why didn’t you answer my calls?” he asked with a bit of anger in his tone. 
“I was going through security. I couldn’t be on my phone,” I explained.
“Well, I only have so long of a lunch break and I wanted to check in before you got on your flight. What time are you set to land again?” he asked.
“3:30 p.m. for the hundredth time,” I sighed.
“Ok, you need to text me as soon as you land,” he commanded.
“Sure thing,” I replied.
“Alright, well I’m gonna get back to work,” Kenneth said.
“Hey, don’t forget to give Sassy a treat after she goes outside because that’s what she’s used to. Oh, and don’t forget that she likes to have dinner at–”
“I’ve owned the damn dog just as long as you have. You don’t have to give me instructions,” Kenneth cut me off.
“Can you send me pictures of her throughout the day? I’m really going to miss her,” I pleaded.
“You’re going to miss the dog more than me,” Kenneth scoffed.
I thought about that comment for a moment as I approached my gate. I glanced over the TV screen to verify my boarding time. 
“Wow, you don’t even deny it,” Kenneth said.
“I’m sorry. I got distracted by my gate. It’s really busy here. I will text you when I land. Please send me pictures of Sassy. I will keep you posted. I love you,” I nearly lied into the phone.
“Love you too,” he said halfheartedly before ending the call. 
While pulling my belongings behind me, I found a spot to sit down in the waiting area of my gate. The airport seemed to be a madhouse, but it looked like my flight wouldn’t be so crowded after all. There were more empty seats than I expected. I checked the “Nashville Babes” group text on my phone. I’ve had the notifications silenced for weeks because I can’t stand getting notified every 10 minutes. I asked Riley to text me separately if there was anything I really needed to know. I hate that I appear to be an unsupportive maid of honor, but seeing my phone light up constantly throughout the day–and night–has been a nightmare for my anxiety. Riley knows and understands that I get overwhelmed easily. She took charge of planning her own bachelorette weekend because she knew I would get stressed out. I still feel guilty about it, but she assured me that she truly wanted to plan it. I wasn’t going to argue. She’s always been the most supportive and constant person in my life. I hate that I am secretly jealous of her when I should be reciprocating the support. 
“Now boarding Group A!” the airline attendant announced over the gate’s speaker. I checked my boarding pass: Group C. Once again, I took the most affordable option on the cheapest flight I could find. Being last to board on Southwest meant that I am doomed to a middle seat between two strangers. I just hope that whomever I get stuck between put on deodorant today. When I say I’m looking forward to a vacation, I mean I am looking forward to a break from 15-year-olds’ body odor. One of the many drawbacks of being a teacher. 
“Excuse me,” a man in a white sweater and khaki pants said as he tried to shuffle by me. I thought he looked funny wearing both a baseball hat and sunglasses indoors. That doesn’t look suspicious in an airport. I moved my things from his path and he headed to board the plane. So he’s in Group A… This guy has money. Well, maybe not. He is flying Southwest after all. I’m sure I could have booked Group A tickets, but I didn’t want to ask Kenneth for any more money than I already needed. This trip was fully funded by me and I was proud of that. Well, until Riley picked the most expensive Airbnb in Nashville. I almost fainted when I received her Venmo request. I was grateful she didn’t charge me extra for staying one night by myself since I had an earlier flight. I swallowed my pride and asked Kenneth if I could have an extra $400 to add to my savings to help with my portion of the bill. He gave me the money with no issues, but he has enjoyed holding it above my head every chance he’s had.
Once I heard the announcement for Group C, I grabbed my things and headed to stand in line to board. I glanced at the Nashville Babes group text: 80 missed notifications. I cleared it from my phone as I opened the Southwest app to show my boarding pass. Once I was scanned in, I headed through the hallway to board the plane. I stepped on the aircraft and gazed over the heads of strangers who were all avoiding eye contact. I knew they were all pleading to themselves that I wouldn’t take their middle seat. The flight wasn’t too packed, but there were no empty window or aisle seats left. Wonderful. I scanned the rows once more looking for any open overhead space when I noticed someone’s eyes locked on me. Eyes that I hadn’t seen before; yet, a face that looked all too familiar. The Group A stranger had removed his sunglasses and was staring at me. I started to move down the aisle when he whispered to the guy in the row with him. Whoever he was, he looked angry receiving whatever news he just got. No chance I want to sit between a bickering couple. I located a row nearby filled with two women who looked rather normal. I went to lift my luggage to put in the overhead space when the Group A stranger grabbed my suitcase.
“Allow me,” he said with a smile that displayed the tiniest of gaps between his unusually white teeth. But rather than placing the suitcase in the compartment I had decided on, he placed it in the compartment above his row. 
“Would you prefer the window seat or the aisle seat?” he asked.
“What happened to the man who was sitting with you?” I answered his question with a question.
“I asked him to sit elsewhere. I figured you’d prefer a better spot,” he smiled that smile again.
Bewildered, I responded: “I’ll take the aisle.” No way would I be confined to the window seat with this strange man trapping me in. I needed an escape route in case he was a pervert or something. 
“Perfect. I love to watch the clouds anyways,” he said as he shuffled into the row. I followed suit but sat to keep an empty seat between us. 
“Why didn’t your friend just sit in the middle if you wanted to give me a good seat?” I asked confusingly.
“That’s my–um–assistant. He can stand to sit elsewhere for the short flight since I see him all of the time. I’d prefer to sit next to someone more pleasant anyways,” he joked. 
God he’s adorable. A little too forward but adorable nonetheless.
“Well, I appreciate you doing that for me. I figured I was going to have to sit between two strangers, but an aisle seat is definitely a welcomed surprise,” I said.
I opened my phone to inform the Nashville Babes that I had boarded and would be landing in roughly an hour and a half. I completely ignored the hundreds of messages that came before mine. I was about to put my phone on airplane mode when I received a private text from Riley.
Riley: “You ok?”
Me: “Yes, of course. I’m so excited to see you! Get ready to lose oxygen from my hug when I see you tomorrow.” 
Riley: “Just checking. Haven’t heard from you in a couple days. Let me know when you land and when you make it to the Airbnb. Safe travels, love.” 
I sighed as I read her message over and over. I smiled and held the message down to “love” it before searching through my purse to retrieve my headphones. 
“Already getting the music out and we haven’t even heard the safety instructions yet. I think you need to pay attention,” I heard the adorable stranger say.
“There isn’t much I can do if there were an emergency. Knowing that I need to breathe oxygen through a mask that will drop in front of my face is all I need to know,” I said with a laugh.
“Just make sure to put your own mask on before you help me with mine,” he said.
“Who says I would help you?” I turned to him and asked.
“I helped you with your luggage. I helped you get an aisle seat. The least you can do is help me breathe,” he said with a smile that displayed his perfect teeth again.
I laughed and replied, “Ok, well I am not banking on there being an emergency, so no need to worry.”  
“Does anyone ever bank on an emergency?” he asked. Smart ass.
I rolled my eyes and placed my headphones in my ears. I opened my Spotify app to find the playlist I downloaded to prepare for the flight.
“Who are you listening to?” the stranger asked. I am beginning to wish I had sat between the two women after all. Not having to play 20 questions with this guy would have been worth sacrificing the extra space I had in this aisle seat.
“Nobody yet as I literally just opened the app,” I responded.
“Can I give you a song suggestion?” he asked.
“Um… I guess?” I replied questioningly.
“May I?” he asked as he reached for my phone.
“I’m not giving a stranger my phone,” I said with a shocked expression to my tone. The nerve of this guy.
“What am I going to do? Run off with it? You’ve got me trapped in,” he smiled showing that cute, tiny gap again. 
“No thanks,” I said as I went to start my music. 
Suddenly, he unbuckled his seat belt and stood up from his seat. I stared at him wide-eyed as a flight attendant stopped by our row to say, “Sir, please stay seated and buckle your seat belt.” 
He waved to the irritated attendant and displayed a soft smile as he sat in the middle seat beside me. Immediately I was hit with his fresh cologne scent that made me crave more as he started to buckle the seat belt. You have got to be kidding me.
“What are you doing?” I somehow yelled and whispered simultaneously.
“Please let me pick a song for you to listen to. Then I will leave you alone. I promise,” he said with a slight pout to his lips. God, his lips. How did I not notice those yet?
“Give me your phone in exchange,” I said with an air of confidence in my voice.
“Ah, so she’s smart and she’s beautiful,” he said as he reached into the pocket of his khaki pants. I tried to hide the blush that I could feel warming my cheeks. I couldn’t remember the last time I received a compliment.
“I’m not unlocking it, but I will let you hold it for ransom,” he said as he held his phone out to me. I took it from his hands as his fingers brushed against mine. I felt an immediate rush of energy run through me as our hands briefly touched. What was that? I handed him my phone and watched as he typed the words “Greta Van Fleet” into the search bar in my Spotify app. He made a face that almost seemed disappointed, and then clicked  to download the band’s complete playlist. He attempted to hand my phone back to me, and I stared at him confusingly as I reached for it. I was too busy watching him with my phone; I never even glanced at his lockscreen. Before I gave him back his phone, I tapped the screen to see what his background was. On display was a photo of a crowd of lights, but the photographer must have been standing on the stage when they took it. There had to be thousands of phone flashlights in this one photo. It reminded me of tiny stars in the midnight sky. 
“I took that picture, ya know?” he said with a proud smile.
“Are you a concert photographer?” I asked. 
He let out a wild laugh and then glanced down at my phone’s screen, “It’s almost finished downloading.”
“I thought you said a song suggestion. A. One. Singular. Not a whole playlist,” I said.
“I mean… I wanted to give you options,” he said.
Waving his phone to him I asked, “So, is this crowd picture from this band’s concert?”
“Yes,” he said, like there was more he was wanting me to ask. I decided to have the upperhand and gave him his phone back without asking another question. I watched my screen as the playlist was nearly completely downloaded. 
“I’m Josh,” he said like he was annoyed that I hadn’t asked for his name yet.
“Hi, Josh,” I replied disinterestedly. 
“And you are…?” he asked.
“I’m about to listen to this playlist,” I said with a matter-of-fact tone.
“Smart, beautiful, arrogant…” he muttered under his breath.
“I’m going to pretend that I didn’t hear that,” I said as I put my headphones in. “You can move back to the window now.”
“We are about to take off. If I stand up, I’ll cause a scene and then we’ll be delayed. Then I’ll probably become a flight risk and be forcibly removed off of the plane. Everyone would be recording the fiasco and posting it online. Let’s just avoid all of that and I’ll stay seated here,” he said with a smirk.
“You have quite the imagination…” I said hiding my smile.
“I’m sacrificing a coveted window seat for you. I hope you know that,” he replied.
“I never asked you to change seats,” I said.
“No, but you didn’t object either,” he responded with a smug expression on his face.
Once the playlist completed its download, I switched my phone to airplane mode. I sighed in frustration and scrolled through the playlist to view the songs. Whoever this band is, they have quite a discography. I wanted to ask him which song I should start with but I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction. I scrolled until the title “Trip the Light Fantastic” caught my eye. Intrigued, I selected the song and tilted my head back to listen to it. Before I shut my eyes, I noticed Josh was staring at my phone to see which song I chose first. I closed my eyes and relaxed as the lyrics danced through my ears. I have never heard anything like this before. I was so entranced in the music that I didn't even realize we were now speeding down the runway about to take off. The music, plus the feeling of lifting off the ground, was nearly overwhelming in the best way possible. I felt like I had stepped into the song itself. When the song ended, I didn’t want to open my eyes. I wanted to stay in this moment for as long as possible. 
“What did you think?” I heard Josh ask as I removed my headphones.
“Wow,” is all I could formulate. My thoughts ran wild and I wanted to describe the feeling I just had, but I couldn’t put it into words. 
“What did you think about the guy’s voice?” he asked.
“The dude is talented as hell. I just wish I could understand everything he sang,” I said.
There was that wild laugh of his again. “Yeah, I think the band receives that criticism a lot,” he said with a shrug. I truly wanted to listen to another song, but I didn’t want him to know I was so interested in this band. I guess one could call me stubborn. 
“While I love to share music with new people, I’d love to talk some more if that’s alright with you,” he said sheepishly.
“I feel like you would talk to me even if it weren’t alright with me,” I said sarcastically.
“Smart, beautiful, arrogant,” he repeated. I playfully pinched his arm. 
“Hey!” he exclaimed as he rubbed his arm.
“I let it slide the first time. I wasn’t going to let you get away with it again,” I said.
“Now that I’ve been physically assaulted… Are you going to Nashville for business or pleasure?” he asked.
“I’m attending a bachelorette party,” I said.
“For you or someone else?” he asked, looking down at the dainty ring on my finger. The same ring that has been without a wedding band companion for nearly two years. The same ring I wanted to leave inside the jewelry box before I left my house this morning.
“It’s for my best friend Riley,” I said with a sadness that I couldn’t hide like I normally do.
As if Josh sensed the change in my mood, he completely turned his body to face mine. I could tell that he positioned his head to get me to look at him. I locked eyes with him and it was like I could actually see the wheels in his head turning. 
“How long will you be in Nashville?” he asked.
“For four nights. I had to take two days off from work, but I’m looking forward to it,” I said with a forced smile.
“You don’t sound like someone who is excited to attend a bachelorette party,” he said.
“It’s just a lot, but I am excited for Riley,” I said trying to convince the both of us that I really was excited.
“What do you do for work?” he asked while continuing to hold eye contact. As I stared into his dark brown eyes, I studied the long lashes that I would kill to have. 
“I teach 9th grade English,” I responded.
“Smart, beautiful, arrogant, and a world changer. A difference maker. One who shapes the minds of our youth. You’re a hero to our doomed society,” he said. I felt my cheeks redden as I processed the way he just described my job. I don’t normally feel appreciated at work, not even at home. It felt good to have someone remind me of my purpose. 
“Sometimes I feel like I’m just a glorified babysitter,” I said with a nervous laugh.
“You should never feel that way. I think you have one of the most important jobs in the world. I’m just a concert photographer,” he said with a tone that I couldn’t quite place.
“Thank you. I appreciate it,” I said, finally giving into a real smile. I watched his eyes fall to my mouth and I could feel a million butterflies in my stomach. Why does he have such an effect on me? I shook the thoughts from my head as I opened the Southwest app to see how much longer our flight had. A little over one hour to go with a stranger who makes me feel better about myself than anyone has in years. Maybe I should take a nap.
“What’s on the agenda for your bachelorette weekend? Bars and strippers?” he asked with a smile.
“Definitely the strippers. That’s a necessity,” I responded with a smirk.
“Well, when I’m not taking pictures at concerts, I happen to moonlight as an exotic dancer,” he said returning the smirk I gave.
“I’m sure you make more money taking pictures,” I said biting my lip.
“First you physically assaulted me and now you’ve verbally assaulted me,” he said. 
“I’m sorry,” I said, covering my face from the embarrassment of inadvertently insulting him.
“No, you’re right. The crowd usually pays me to keep my clothes on,” he said tilting his head down in shame. Unlikely.
“What’s your stripper name?” I asked. Before he could answer, the plane suddenly dropped in altitude. I heard screams from the rows behind us. I gasped and grabbed his hand before shutting my eyes. The turbulence was over quickly as everyone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief at the same time. I slowly opened my eyes to realize everything was ok. I didn’t realize I was still holding Josh’s hand until he asked, “Are you ok?”
“Yes, sorry about that,” I said as I quickly jerked my hand back to my lap.
“No need to apologize for the hand-holding. It was nice while it lasted,” he said with a wink.
“Who was the first person to cross your mind when you felt the plane drop?” I asked him in a serious tone.
Without hesitation, he responded, “My mom.”
“Tell me about her,” I said.
“She’s the most important person on the planet,” he said looking at his hands. “She has given up so much for me and I hope I make her proud.”
“I’m sure you do,” I said while trying to swallow the lump in my throat. I’m not sure if my nerves were shot from the temporary panic or if his sentiment was getting to me. 
“Who did you think of?” he asked.
“Honestly… I thought of myself,” I admitted with shame.
“Really? Elaborate on that,” he said as I could tell he was giving me his full attention.
“I’m sure I sound narcissistic, but I thought I was about to die without having lived, and then I’d leave a legacy of nothing behind,” I said with a sigh.
“I know I don’t know you. Shit, I don’t even know your name. But, I can tell that your death would most definitely leave an impact on people,” he said.
“Nothing like discussing death with a total stranger,” I said with a light laugh.
“Death doesn’t scare me. I know it’s not the end. I just enjoy my life and the love I can give to the world while I’m here in my physical form. The love I provide won’t leave when I fade away,” he said. I stared at him like I just heard one of the most philosophical phrases come from another person’s mouth in years. He’s insightful and adorable.
“I got that from a song, by the way. It’s on the playlist I downloaded to your phone. Don’t be too impressed,” he said with a laugh.
“Ah, plagiarism,” I said.
“That’s actually my stripper name,” he said with a smirk. 
“Now I definitely know you aren’t making any money,” I said, trying not to laugh.
“How about I give you a glimpse of my routine and you tell me what I can do to improve my shtick to make more money?” he asked.
Stunned by his foreward remark, I immediately felt guilt running through my veins. This is the most flirting I’ve had since high school. I’m not used to this sort of attention. I looked down at my hands in my lap. 
“I’m sorry if that was too much. I–” Josh began to say.
“No, no it’s ok. I was just worried I wouldn’t have enough money in my purse to get you to keep your clothes on once you started,” I said stifling a giggle. 
“Alright just kick a man while he’s down,” he said as he clutched his hands over his heart. He threw his head back acting like he was wounded and I eyed his neck. His adam’s apple protruded, making me feel weak. 
“I wonder if there is a doctor on board to help you,” I said sarcastically looking around the plane.
Suddenly he rose out of his seat and shouted, “Is there a doctor in the house?”
Completely stunned, I stared at him with wide eyes. I cannot believe he just did that. I watched a flight attendant quickly make his way over to our row. Oh my God.
“Sir, are you having a medical emergency?” the flight attendant asked him. Next to the attendant stood Josh’s assistant, the angry man who changed his seat earlier. 
“No, no, I am ok now. Sorry for the alarm,” he said, trying not to laugh. His assistant rolled his eyes and quickly returned back to his middle seat. I’m sure he is used to Josh’s antics by now. The flight attendant gave a displeased look to both of us before walking away. I felt like I had just received punishment for a crime I didn’t do. Guilty by association. 
“That was so not funny!” I exclaimed with a sigh.
“I can’t help myself sometimes,” he said with a smile. This dude is nuts.
“You’re a lunatic,” I said, getting my headphones back out.
“No, wait. I am sorry,” he said. “I’ll move back over to the window seat and leave you alone,” he said with a sense of shame in his voice. I put my headphones in as I watched him change seats then position his body to where he was looking out the window. I was no longer in his line of vision. I opened my Spotify app and his Greta Van Fleet playlist was there. I hesitated. I wanted to listen to another song but I also wanted to block this guy from my mind and listen to my own music. Against my better judgment, I selected “Light My Love” from the playlist. I closed my eyes and listened to one of the most beautiful songs I had ever heard.
Chapter Three
I was six songs deep into this playlist when I felt someone tap on my arm. I reluctantly opened my eyes for I was enjoying being in a complete and utter trance of this band. Josh looked sheepish as I removed my headphones. 
“Do you care to let me out to use the bathroom? I really need to stretch my legs,” he said. Without responding, I shifted my body and moved my legs into the aisle to give him a clear walkway. He shuffled past me and I got a whiff of his cologne again. He smells so damn good. Maybe I’m being irrational for giving him the silent treatment. I’m 26-years-old but I’m acting like I’m 12. I decided to act more civil once he returned to our row. I don’t want to look too anxious, but I couldn’t help but watch the bathroom door awaiting his return. After what felt like an eternity, I decided to do something irrational. I can be crazy too. I took my headphones off and left them in the seat as I shoved my phone in my jeans pocket. I stood up and started to make my way to the bathroom to check on him. As I got closer to the door, it opened and he exited. I wanted to retreat back to my seat from pure embarrassment, but there was nowhere to turn. He looked up at me and scrunched his eyebrows together like he was confused. As he should be. I decided to try to play it off that I needed to use the restroom rather than run back to my seat like I desperately wanted to. As he moved past me, his body brushed against mine and I felt every nerve from my toes to my scalp tingle. I felt like I could no longer breathe. I made my way into the tiny bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. “Get it together,” I said aloud to my reflection. I took a few deep breaths and made my way back to my seat. I made the mistake of looking at him because his deep brown eyes were once again locked on mine. A shiver immediately ran through me. I sat back down in my aisle seat and tried to think of something to ease the awkward tension.
“What has been your favorite song off the playlist?” he asked, breaking the silence.
“That’s difficult to say. I have genuinely loved all of the ones I’ve listened to so far,” I said with a smile. His cheeks almost looked like they were a new shade of pink. Was he blushing? I quickly added, “Thank you for sharing this band with me.”
“Thank you for listening,” he said back with a smile. I bit my lip as I felt like the awkward tension was over. However, a new tension was forming. 
I checked the Southwest app and realized we were set to land very soon. I put my headphones back in my purse as a sign that I was ready to talk to him. He picked up on my cue because he quickly switched seats again. His cologne hit me and if I hadn’t been sitting, I may have collapsed. He buckled his seat belt just before the overhead light signaled us to do so. 
“What’s the first thing you and your friends are doing tonight?” he asked.
“Actually, I am flying in a day earlier than everyone, so I have the Airbnb alone until everyone flies in tomorrow,” I said. I suddenly realized that I shouldn’t have told a stranger that I was going to be staying alone in an unfamiliar city, but the words had already left my lips. Stupid, stupid, stupid.
“Really?” he said as he sat up straight in his seat. I nodded but then looked away. I can’t believe I just overshared this information with him.
“If you’d like some company…” he said quietly. I quickly turned my head back to him. I was dreading another night by myself, especially without Sassy. Riley said I could FaceTime her tonight, but I didn’t want to bother her while she finished packing and getting her stuff together. I was going to use the time to decorate the place before her arrival anyways. 
I stammered, “Josh, I–” 
“How about dinner? I can take you to some of my favorite places in town. What do you like to eat?” he asked with a big smile. The idea of not being alone was tempting and as frustrating as he had been at times, I really did enjoy his company. 
Before I could give him an answer, I felt our plane touch the ground as we braced for a complete stop. This was always my least favorite part about flying. 
“I really need to decorate the Airbnb and unpack. I’d like to get settled in rather than go out. Plus, I don’t have a vehicle,” I finally responded as the sounds of seat belts unbuckled around us.
“If it’s not too forward, I could always come over and cook for you. I can bring some groceries and wine, or whatever else you’d like to drink. I can even help you decorate. You can’t spend your first night in Nashville alone,” he said. 
I mulled over his offer as people around us began to stand up and form a line in the center aisle as they collected their luggage from the overhead compartments. Josh appeared not to be in any hurry to leave, nor was I. 
“Fine. But I want to text your full name, picture, vehicle description, and phone number to Riley in case I go missing,” I said with a matter-of-fact tone.
He laughed nervously and then said, “Give me your phone.” I put in my passcode and handed it to him. He stared at my background, a picture of Sassy and me, before opening the contacts app. “I’m giving you my number so you can text me your address when you’re ready for me to come over to cook you dinner,” he said as he was typing. I watched the plane empty row by row until it felt like we were the last two remaining on board. I noticed his assistant standing in the aisle waiting on Josh. “I think you’re going to get an earful when you get off the plane,” I said, eyeing the angry-looking man. 
“I usually do,” he said with a smile as he passed my phone back to me. I glanced down at the contact name that read Plagiarism with the winky face emoji. I covered my mouth as I laughed loudly. 
“Ahem,” we both heard his assistant clear his throat as he began tapping his foot impatiently.
“Ok, I think it’s time to go,” I said as I grabbed my purse and stepped into the aisle to let him out. While Josh exited his seat, he stood so close that I could smell his delicious scent again. I watched him open the compartment and get our luggage out. He lifted the handle of my suitcase and handed it to me. I smiled at his kindness, avoiding eye contact, because I had about all that I could stand.
We made our way down the center aisle following his assistant off of the plane. Before he stepped inside the airport, I watched as he put his sunglasses back on. Weird. 
“I’ll be anxiously waiting for your text,” he said to me as he pulled his hat down a little further over his face. Before he walked away, he said, “I’ll send you all of the info you need for Riley when I hear from you,” with a wink.
I made my way down to ground transportation and requested an Uber to take me to the Airbnb. I sent Kenneth a text to let him know that I had landed, but I texted Riley that I was going to call her ASAP. I needed her advice now more than ever. I knew I was treading in dangerous waters by allowing that adorable, frustrating, sexy, funny, crazy stranger to come over, but something made me want to be around him. I may be in too deep, but I’ve always been a strong swimmer.
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henrysteelsmurryme · 2 years
thank you, thank you (~3.1k words)
WARNINGS: smut, fellatio, more fellatio
: :
“My friends and I are thinking of going on a vacation.”
Harry looks at her. “During spring break? I thought we were all going down to Florida.”
She nods. “No, we still are. My friends just want to go somewhere for a week, or even a weekend. We’ll just skip our classes.” Harry gives her a look and she rolls her eyes. “Fuck off, I’m a second semester senior. You would know how that goes.”
He sighs. “Where are you thinking?”
She shrugs. “Maybe Florida again, but we’d go to Fort Lauderdale or something.”
He wrinkles his nose. “I went down there once during college. It was basically a giant frat party for a week straight.”
Eileen nods enthusiastically, a large smile on her face. “Doesn’t it sound like fun?”
“Whatever.” She leans back in her seat. “We’re gonna decide soon.”
“Well, let me know, yeah?”
She smirks at him. “You gonna fund the whole trip?”
He shrugs. “If you want me to, honey. I don’t mind.”
She freezes. “Are you serious? I was just joking. We all have enough money to go.”
He nods. “I know, but I also don’t mind paying for it. I mean, it won’t affect my bank account as much as it’ll affect yours.”
She rolls her eyes.
A few days later, they're sat at the kitchen island. Harry is working on his laptop, and Eileen is shopping for swimsuits on hers.
“Everything’s so fucking expensive," she complains. "We found a condo. It’s in a sketchy area, but it’s close to the beach and the town.”
Harry sighs heavily. “Let me see.”
Eileen shows him the information on her laptop. Harry doesn’t look impressed.
He starts to shake his head. “No. No. You’re not staying there.” He stands up and heads to his office.
“Why not?” Eileen huffs and follows him. “Harry,” she whines. “Everything is so expensive there. We can’t afford anything nicer.”
Harry sits down in his leather chair, behind his huge desk. “Which is why I’m getting you guys a house.”
She freezes in the middle of his office. “A house? Right on the beach?”
Harry nods, typing quickly on his computer. “In an area where your chances of being murdered are nearly zero percent. I am not about to go down to Fort Lauderdale to identify my dead girlfriend because her and her friends couldn’t afford a nicer place.”
Eileen smiles brightly, strutting around the desk and standing behind him. She rests her hands on his shoulders, watching his computer as he looks for places. “I like that one.”
He snorts. “Because it’s pink. It only has two bedrooms.”
“So? We’ll share beds.”
“It has one bathroom.”
Eileen doesn’t respond for a moment. “Anyways, I like that one.”
The exterior is a pretty sky blue, with white shutters and pink flowers lining the house. Harry checks the features, and it includes four bedrooms and three baths.
“That sounds more like it.”
“And it’s right on the beach,” Harry points at the screen, “and, like, a ten minute walk from the town. It’s a gated community, a family community, so,” he turns and glares up at her, “no partying at the house. I’m not going down to bail you out of jail either.”
She sighs lightly, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “Okay, okay, jeez.” She wraps her arms loosely around her neck, hugging him. “Thank you, darling. I owe you one.”
Harry snorts, hitting Confirm on the screen.
She dips her head, her hands sliding down his chest as she kisses his neck. “You’re so good to me.”
Harry hums. “It’s because I love you, honey.”
Eileen tries to press her lips harder against his skin, but her large smile prevents her. “I love you more, darling,” she murmurs into his ear. Her hand slides further down, cupping his bulge. Harry’s breath hitches, and his head falls back on her shoulder. “Thank you so much.” Her hand squeezes.
Harry spins around just as she yanks the chair and she climbs into his lap, straddling his thighs. She cups his jaw and pulls him in for a bruising kiss. Her hand work quickly at undoing his pants, pulling his cock out.
Harry moans into her mouth, his hands sliding all over his body, like he can’t choose where to put them.
Eileen strokes him slowly, rubbing her thumb in little circles around his slit. Harry’s head falls back, exposing his neck to her. She dips down and sucks underneath his ear, quickening her pace.
Harry’s breathing heavily when he lifts his head back up. His hand rises up to the back of her head and he wraps her hair around his fist, pulling her head up. He looks at her for a moment, with her wet lips parted and her eyes blown out. He pulls her in for a kiss, licking into her mouth once before pulling away. He asks lowly, “Is this what you call a proper thank you?” He tuts. “I deserve more than your hand. On your knees, honey.”
Eileen’s jaw drops around a smile. Her tongue prods her cheek as she slowly descends onto the floor in front of him. She almost whines at the loss of friction between her legs. She was grinding against his thigh before, and now her center throbs for some contact, but is only met with air.
She thinks the quicker she gets him to come, the quicker she can come, so she goes to work immediately, wrapping her lips around his cock and sinking down. One hand fondles his balls, while the other works the lower half of his cock. She tries to make it as wet for him as possible, because he likes it like that, and especially so when there’s spit and cum dripping out of her mouth.
She pulls off and, while still jacking him off, says, “I want you to fuck my mouth.”
“Honey,” Harry groans. His hands are in her hair and they try to pull her mouth back over him, but she refuses. “You nearly throw up every time I do it.”
“I know,” she whines. “But it fits the mood.”
Harry lets out a breathless laugh, saying to himself, “Fits the mood. All right.” He sits up, gazing down at her softly. He cups her cheek, rubbing his thumb along the skin. “Tap out when it’s too much, okay?”
She nods quickly, sitting back on her heels and opening her mouth wide. Harry curses at the sight, his thumb slipping into her mouth. He whimpers when her eyes flutter shut and she sucks softly, hollowing her cheeks out.
He thrusts his thumb in and out a few times before he pulls it out. His hands grabs her hair as he guides her down on her cock. He lets out a strangled groan when he gently guides her down further, until his tip hits the back of her throat. 
He pulls her off and asks, “All right?”
She nods, and she wraps her lips around his cock again. She tries to relax her throat, and stays surprisingly still as Harry gently thrusts into her mouth. Her own moans and whimpers are muffled by his cock. She aches for some friction on her clit.
She only has to tap his thigh once before he’s yanking her off. She gasps for breath, tearing leaking out of her eyes, spit and precum connecting her mouth to the tip of his cock.
“Oh, god,” she says hoarsely, leaning forward and resting her head on his thigh, trying to catch her breath.
Harry leans down to the side and grabs the trash can. “Are you gonna throw up?”
She shakes her head against his thigh, her shoulders and back still heaving.
Harry shakes his head and smiles, laughing a bit. “That’s the best you’ve ever done.”
“I’m not done yet,” she says stubbornly, pouting up at him.
He nods, stroking her cheek. “Of course not, honey. Just take a breather.”
She decides to ignore his patronizing tone, and takes his advice. She focuses on breathing deeply, filling her lungs with the oxygen she was depraved from only minutes ago.
When she hears a groan, she whips her head up to find Harry’s hand lazily stroking himself, his head tipped back toward the ceiling. “Hey,” she says sharply, swatting his hand away and replacing it with her own. “That’s my job.”
Harry only sighs, and then he stands up. Eileen’s mouth opens as she gazes up at him. Something about him dressed in an expensive suit, standing tall over her does something to her. She reaches a hand down to her clit and she grinds against it, whimpering. “Fuck, this is so hot.”
Harry just hums, and his fingers weave into her hair, holding the strands back and she leans in and presses an open-mouth kiss to his shaft. She travels up his length, and spends a few extra moments on the tip, circling his head with her tongue.
“Fuck, honey, that’s so good.” Harry waits patiently, and when she leans back, one hand releases her hair to grip his cock. His other hand tightens in her hair, holding her in place as he slowly feeds his cock into her mouth. Eileen stretches her mouth and licks the underside, humming when Harry pushes in deeper.
Her own hands slide up the backs of his thighs and back down, then sliding up the fronts and holding the sides.
Carefully, Harry thrusts into her mouth, gaging her reaction. She really is hell bent on him coming down her throat. She usually would have given up ten minutes ago.
“Look so pretty, Eileen,” he mumbles, his words slurring together. He’s close. “So pretty with your lips around my cock.” His head drops back. “You’re taking me so well, honey.” He looks back down at her when he starts to thrust harder.
He grins proudly when she just takes it, looking up at him with glistening eyes. “Look at you,” he coos, brushing a tear off her cheek. “You’re such a good girl for me, aren’t you? I love you so much.”
Eileen can feel his thighs trembling, and can hear his breath growing shakier. She can’t see much with his head tilted up to the ceiling, but she can see his mouth is open, little pants falling out of those pretty lips.
She pinches his thigh and he looks back down, never averting his eyes from hers. “Gonna come, honey. Gonna make me come. You’re such a good girl. You’re doing so well.”
He thrusts erratically into her mouth, whimpering and moaning. “I–I’m coming, Eileen. Eileen, Ei–“ He throws his head back and shouts, his hips stilling, his cock deep in her throat.
Eileen sucks down the last drop of come, then carefully pulls off. She tries to catch her breath. Pride bubbles in her stomach at the accomplishment of having him fuck her throat until he comes. She says in-between breaths, “I’m gonna…” She waves a hand. “Work on my…gag reflex.”
He nods, collapsing to the floor with her. He pulls her in for a kiss. Both of them are out of breath, so the kiss is a little weak, a little slow, but he licks into her mouth and he sucks on her tongue until he feels like he could pass out.
“Now, what’s my thank you going to be?”
Harry pulls back, giving her a look. “What? You don’t get a thank you for a thank you.”
Eileen’s jaw drops. “That was the best I’ve ever done! I deserve some fellatio for that!”
Harry’s jaw clenches and he glares at her. “For the last fucking time, fellatio is sucking dick!”
“No, it’s not!” she replies slowly.
Harry huffs. “The word, is cunnilingus. You get fucking cunnilingus.”
Eileen wrinkles her nose. “That sounds like an STD.”
Harry sighs again, and then he pushes Eileen onto her back. Arousal and anticipation flutter in her stomach, but then Harry stands up and walks past her.
“Hey! Come back and fellate me!”
“You want fellatio so bad?” He looks over his shoulder and gives her a look that’s hard to read; Eileen thinks it’s challenging. “I’ll go get the strap."
A few minutes later, the rolls are swapped: Eileen is sat in the chair, and Harry is on his knees between her legs.
“You ever done this before, darling?”
“Of course I have, Eileen,” he replies snappily. “I’m not a virgin.”
Eileen gasps loudly. “Are you fucking kidding me? So you lied about your anal virginity!”
Harry takes a deep breath. “No, Eileen. I’ve sucked dick, but I’ve never had a dick up my ass before you.”
She gasps again. It’s irritating, at this point. “When?!”
“In college, honey. Didn’t you experiment a little bit?”
His tone is mocking and patronizing. Eileen doesn’t like it. “I don’t like your tone. Shut the fuck up and fellate me.”
Harry huffs, then he dips down and presses an open-mouthed kiss to the purple strap on. Then, he lifts his eyes and they meet with Eileen’s. She sucks in a shaky breath, and can feel her underwear pool at the sight.
Without breaking eye contact, Harry moves up the plastic cock, then licks a fat stripe over the tip. Eileen whimpers.
The corners of his lips quirk up. “Getting a little flustered…honey?”
Eileen huffs, and she reaches down to grab his hair at the back of his head. “You’re talking too much. It’s annoying.” The last thing she wants to do is hurt him, so she doesn’t shove him down. But he obediently opens his mouth wider and sinks down just a little bit, taking the tip into his mouth. His cheeks hollow as he sucks, lifting his head up and licking another fat stripe on the tip.
His eyes are glossed over, his cheeks are blushing a beautiful red, and he already looks so out of it.
Eileen’s head falls back on the chair. “I think you did a little more than experiment, darling.”
Harry smirks and hums, before sinking down on the purple cock.
God, each lick and suck goes straight to Eileen’s clit. She swears she can feel his mouth. Her underwear is soaking at this point. She wonders if she could come from this.
When Harry gags around the cock as he pushes himself down, only to leave two inches of the purple cock uncovered, Eileen thinks anything is possible.
She gasps, running her fingers through his hair to push it off his forehead. “Fuck, Harry. Oh, my God.” Her hips subconsciously roll towards his mouth, and Harry stops bobbing his head and lets her for a few moments.
Then he pulls off. “You gonna fuck my mouth then, or what?”
Eileen whimpers again at the sound of his voice. It’s hoarse, deeper than ever, and it’s so fucking hot. She wants to wreck his pretty throat.
Her hand moves to his cheek, gently cupping it before she starts to carefully thrust her hips up. After a few thrusts, Harry gets impatient.
He pulls off the toy. “I’m not a fucking virgin, Eileen. Fuck, my, mouth.”
God, he’s so fucking irritating. Eileen opens her eyes and gives the ceiling a deadpanned look before her hand returns to his hair. Her other hand grabs his chin and forces his mouth open. She tilts his head back, and stands up.
Harry understands why she looked so fucked out when he was above her. The look she’s giving him now isn’t gentle, nor is it sweet. She looks properly irritated. A spark of arousal erupts in his stomach and travels up his spine. He wants her to wreck his throat.
He sticks his tongue flat out just in time for her to ram the purple cock into his mouth. His hands reach up and grip her thighs, the skin bulging around his right grip.
He makes a little gagging noise every time her cock hits the back of his throat. It goes straight to Eileen’s clit.
God, she’s for sure going to come like this. Harry’s just taking it, letting her grab his hair and hold him in place as she uses him like a toy.
She lets out a moan when Harry’s eyes connect with hers. They’re teary and a little red, but he doesn’t tap out, even when the tears leak down his cheeks.
“So beautiful, Harry, fuck.” She throws her head back, thrusting erratically into his mouth.
When he lets out a particularly loud whine, she quickly looks down to find his eyes fluttering shut. She notices his body moving, and realizes he’s pulled his cock back out and is fucking into his hand.
Her hand grabs his chin again and she yanks him off her cock. A trail of spit connects his gaping mouth to the purple strap on. He gasps for breath, looking up at Eileen with wet eyes and an even wetter mouth.
“Did I say you could touch yourself?” she asks lowly, her grip tightening around his chin.
“Honey. Honey, please–“
His voice. It’s wrecked. It cracks as he begs for her approval.
Eileen aggressively swipes her thumb along his mouth. His tongue peeks out and gives it a sensual lick. His lips wrap around it for a small, sucking kiss.
As usual, Eileen gets tired of the dominate character. It’s hot–so fucking hot when she takes control like this, but every single time, the act disappears before they even finish.
She whimpers, cupping his cheeks with both hands. Her thighs tremble. “Harry, darling, I love you so much. You’re gonna make me come, I swear.” She lets out another whimper. “Oh, God. Oh, Harry. I think I’m gonna–”
Eileen almost collapses, but just barely manages to hold herself up as she comes. Harry doesn’t even notice, too busy gagging around the purple cock as he comes all over his pants.
When Eileen pulls the cock out of his mouth, Harry follows, leaning forward and pressing his face against her thigh. Even as he’s gasping for breath, he lifts his head and sucks a kiss into the meaty part of her thigh.
“Did you just–”
“Did you seriously–”
Eileen is silent for a moment, then, “You came?”
Harry lifts his head and glares up at her. “Don’t act like I’m the only one.” To prove his point, he reaches up into her underwear and slides a single finger into her wet pussy. It clenches around his digit, and he pulls his finger out to shove it into his mouth.
“Yeah, but–you weren’t even touching yourself!”
He sends her another glare. “And I was actually sucking on your fucking clit. You came from me sucking on the strap on.”
She sputters for a moment. “It–it. It’s the context!”
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simshousewindsor · 1 year
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SAN MYSHUNO, Windenburg (SNN) -- It’s been a busy start to March for the dukes of Windenburg.
The Duke of Kent donned full military gear as he flew into San Myshuno to rally the troops over the weekend. HRH is Colonel of the Grenada Guards – one of the most senior infantry regiments in the Windenburg Army.
On Saturday the senior royal visited the Joint Army Base, comprising units from the Windenburg Army and Royal Air Force. Wearing desert camouflage and badges indicating his rank of colonel, Prince Louis arrived at Camp Conrad, inspected the troops and stayed overnight at the base. Roughly 300 troops are set to deploy for South Marvania next week.
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His Royal Highness toured the military base on his brief trip, before meeting members of the field hospital team, who will provide on-the-ground medical aide for the forces.
Although numerous bilateral agreements have been terminated and economic ties severed. Throughout 2021 and 2022, a North Marvanian military build-up on the border of South Marvania escalated tensions between the two countries and strained their bilateral relations, eventually leading to North Marvania initiating a full-scale invasion of the country. The UK, along with the US, joined South Marvania against North Marvania.
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Prince Louis, who served with the Army for more than 20 years, was also shown army equipment including a modified surveilance drone (seen above) and a hellfire missile. The equipment will be sent to South Marvania to aid our troops in their on-going war with North Marvania.
Linwood Keller confirmed last week that all Windenburg fighting forces would be pulled out by the end of 2023. The UK plans to end combat operations in 2023 and transfer responsibility for the country’s security back to the South Marvanian army and police. The US has, thus far, not announced any plans to leave.
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His Royal Highness was also shown some of the technology used to fight the war, and equipment that could be left to the South Marvanian troops to use after Windenburg forces leave.
Windenburg has 3,700 troops in South Marvania and has suffered 193 casualties in the war against North Marvania.
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The Duke of Brindleton Bay attended the Sims to Heaven Memorial Trust’s service to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the McComb Street Chemical Disaster. The service was held at St Aaron’s Church in Olde Platz, Windenburg and was attended by survivors and descendants.
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His Royal Highness gave brief remarks on behalf of The King, who committed to continued support for the victims and their families.
Parliament has a vote scheduled on the floor next week for a bill which, if passed, would provide government funding to victims and survivors.
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ngeeanncoop · 8 days
53rd Annual General Meeting
NP Co-op Annual General Meeting 2024 (12 Sep 2024)
The AGM was preceded by a talk on "Business Longevity: Going the Distance and Continuing the Good that You Do" by NP alumni Mr. Shawn Hoh [HMS (BZSE)]. Shawn shared about:
Examining Timeliness Business Principles
Adopting the Willing Mindset
Understanding the Importance of Playing the Long Game.
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Following the presentation, the Board presented its annual report during the 53rd Annual General Meeting conducted on 12 September 2024 at LT58A.
During the AGM, the Chairman of the Board (Mr. Neo Tiong Cheng) thanked the following Board Members for the service for the period 15 September 2023 to the current AGM (12 September 2024) for the following office bearers:
Chairman: Mr. Neo Tiong Cheng
Secretary: Mr. Leow Teck Sim
Treasurer: Mr. Yoong Ee Chuan
Ms. Corliss Lin
Mr. Jayaperakash Jayadevan
Mr. Chew Xuan Hui
Mr. Steven Lim
Ms. Angie Phang
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He also thanked the two Co-op Internal Auditors Ms. Lynn Goh and Ms. Chia Pei Lin and our NP Co-op Staff (Mr. Low and Jenny) for their invaluable contributions to the Co-operative for 2023-2024.
The President of NP Co-op (Principal of NP) has appointed the following to Board of the Co-op from 12 September 2024 to the next AGM in 2025. The office bearers were elected by the Board at their first board meeting on 12 September 2024 as follows:
Chairman: Mr. Neo Tiong Cheng
Secretary: Mr. Leow Teck Sim
Treasurer: Mr. Yoong Ee Chuan (co-opted into the Board/COM vide section 6.11 of the By-Laws)
Ms. Corliss Lin
Mr. Jayaperakash Jayadevan
Mr. Chew Xuan Hui
Mr. Steven Lim
Ms. Angie Phang
The number of Co-op members as at 30 August was 181.
During the year, the Co-op organised the following virtual events for the benefit of Co-op members:
(a) NP Co-op Family & Friends' day at Johor Bahru (Malaysia) Day Trip for Lunar New Year Shopping on 31 Jan 2024 (60 pax)
(b) A Guide to Will Writing, Lasting Power of Attorney and CPF Nomination on 2 Aug 2024 (56 pax)
The feedback from the events were generally positive and members were able to learn more about entrepreneurship and financial literacy.
The Co-op also donated $5,000 during the financial year to Ngee Ann Polytechnic's Student Aid Fund. The donations comprised the following:
(a) NP Co-op Student Aid Grant: $5,000 to support 5 academic students meeting Tier 1 Bursary (Government Framework for the Higher Education Community Bursary)
Financial Results
The Co-op achieve an unmodified (clean) opinion on the Co-op’s financial statements for the year ending 31 March 2024.
The Co-op had achieved a revenue of $242.9k in FY 23/24 vs $253.8k in FY 22/23 (-4.3% year-on-year). This was attributed to a decline in enrolment number of full-time pre-employment training (PET) students. In addition, students on average spent less time on campus due to initiatives such as "Wednesdays without Walls" where there were generally no time-tabled classes on Wednesdays during term time.
Profit for the financial year was relatively unchanged with a slight decline from $22.5k to $20.8k (-7.6% year-on-year). This was achieved from the good work put in by our two long-serving NP Co-op staff, Mr. Low and Mdm. Jenny Koh.
The Committee of Management continues to actively monitor the ongoing business environment and act in a prudent manner to manage the various risks.
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On behalf of the COM, the Chairman thanked all members for their steadfast support to the Co-operative. He also expressed sincere appreciation to our stakeholders such as the current Principal/CEO of NP and President of NP Co-op (Mr. Lim Kok Kiang), Deputy Principals, Senior Management of NP, Director and Head of Estate, Eco and Safety Office.
We look forward to continue to serve members and the wider NP Community for the next term.
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elitedisability · 17 days
What is Respite Care?
If you’re caring for someone with disability, respite care can provide short-term accommodation and support. It can be for overnight, a few days or longer as arranged with the service provider.
However, it is important for PriFams to find a trustworthy service. Here are some tips to help you find a good respite care traralgon.
How long can a person stay at respite services in Traralgon?
The duration of respite care can vary depending on the individual’s needs and the type of care that is available. It is important to discuss this with a health care professional and find out what services are available.
Respite care can take many forms, from having an aide visit your home for a few hours each week to moving someone into an adult day care centre or a residential respite care home for a few weeks or longer. It can also be used to help someone through a transitional period like adjusting to new medications or moving from one type of care to another.
The length of time you stay at respite care will depend on how much support you need, how available your primary carer is and whether you have any funds available. There are a range of funding options, including NDIS packages, private insurance and government programmes. Short-term respite care usually lasts for a few days or weeks, and long-term respite care can be funded up to 63 days in total.
Where can a person go for a day out?
Melba Support offers a homely respite care Gippsland setting for people with disability to enjoy short term accommodation and support. The person you care for will enjoy their own room and a range of activities in our welcoming community. The person may stay for an overnight stay, a few days or for as long as the service provider and the person agree. The respite home has comfortable lounge and dining areas, tasteful decorations and indoor planting to help create a homely environment. We also offer an exciting lifestyle program including cognitive activities, music, day trips and movies. We provide an individualised approach to each person’s needs and preferences.
How long can a person stay at a respite home near Morwell?
Being a caregiver can be a full-time job, especially for those providing round-the-clock care for a sick or elderly family member. This can take its toll, so it’s important for caregivers to take a break. That’s where respite services come in handy. Respite care can take many forms, from a home visit by an aide to moving a loved one into a permanent residential care home.
The duration of respite care can vary between different types of care. The length of a respite stay can also be influenced by the needs of the person receiving care, as well as the caregiver’s needs.
For example, Melba Support offers short respite stays at our warm and welcoming respite homes. Our staff often enjoy taking their supported people on fun days out around Morwell, such as a trip to Princes Drive for a coffee or to Peter Siddle Oval to watch the local cricket. In addition, community respite care is available for those who may not need a full-time placement but do require occasional care.
Why choose Melba Support?
Caring for someone can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be emotionally draining and exhausting. It is important to take regular breaks from caregiving responsibilities to maintain your own physical and mental well-being. Fortunately, there are many respite care services available to help you take a breather from your daily routine. These services provide a safe, comfortable, and relaxing environment for your loved one while you take some time to yourself.
Victorian Gardens is a respite care facility that offers short-term stays for elderly individuals. Its specialized care programs and amenities make it the ideal choice for seniors in need of temporary care. Its staff is trained to handle any dietary and medical needs, as well as social engagement and recreational activities.
As a registered NDIS provider, Melba Support is dedicated to helping people with disabilities live their lives the way they choose. They offer a wide range of disability support services including residential care, creative and community programs, SIL and SDA accommodation, individualised support, advocacy and education. They are also the first organisation in Australia to be accredited by the US-based Council on Quality and Leadership for Person-Centred Excellence with Distinction.
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epacer · 3 months
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San Diego Unified students 'Level Up' for learning this summer
Thousands of San Diego Unified School District students return to campuses across the county Wednesday.
They are enrolled in the Level Up summer enrichment program.
The program was created in 2021 by the district in partnership with the San Diego Foundation.
The Board of Trustees used federal COVID-19 money and a creative funding plan to launch the enrichment learning model at 49 elementary and middle schools.
This summer, $9 million will pay for 24,000 students to enhance their summer with academics and social and emotional learning.
“We want to provide these opportunities for them to really grow and unlock the genius in them to see themselves doing something with an opportunity they wouldn’t otherwise have," said Tobie Pace, senior director of San Diego Unified School District's Extended Learning Opportunities.
Classes include everything from music to sports to field trips to the San Diego Zoo. The activities are offered by nearly 50 local nonprofit organizations.
Trinity Theatre Company is one of the community organizations. Students will be exposed to musical theater and the company's summer production of "Matilda."
Priority enrollment was given to children from low-income families, foster youth, unhoused kids and students with special needs.
Trinity Theatre Artistic Director Sean Paul Boyd is ready to support all of them.
“Instead of saying we’re going to work against this, we’re going to work with it. We want that unique difference to be part of our storytelling," Boyd said.
Eden Levy, 13, has performed with the Trinity troupe since third grade. She’s excited the company will share the magic of musical theatre with students who may have never experienced it before.
“You feel very welcomed in the community, and you feel like you have a family you’re learning from. Then, you get to perform in front of everyone," she said.
During a press conference at Monroe Clark Middle School Tuesday, Superintendent Dr. Lamont Jackson said, "Our students … not only need it … but they deserve these opportunities."
There are still a few openings for middle school students. Parents who are interested in signing up their child can call (858) 810-7310. The program is free. *Reposted article from KPBS by M.G. Perez on June 12, 2024
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psatalk · 4 months
Promtek's strategic partnership with Logicon 
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Process control specialist Promtek has agreed a formal partnership with industrial automation specialist Logicon Technosolutions. Consistently ranking in the top 100 global system integrator giants, Logicon provides digital manufacturing solutions to some of the world’s leading plant owners and is one of Rockwell Automation’s platinum system integrators.
The strategic partnership represents a step forward for Promtek. After successfully operating in southern Africa for 20 plus years, the move will enable customers throughout South East Asia to take advantage of the latest technologies from both companies, including the industrial internet of things (IIoT), data analytics, and AI for manufacturing.
With a joint commitment to provide the most comprehensive and flexible process automation solutions, the two companies will be focusing on reducing waste for their customers through enhanced efficiency, digitization and reduced carbon footprints.
With many businesses in the manufacturing industry under increased pressure from rising utilities costs, looming green mandates and seasonal spikes, the need for smart process control has never been greater. The new partnership will bring a welcome break to many more customers, offering innovative solutions that allow manufacturers to take control of operations in the most efficient way possible. 
Having met with a representative from Logicon at a networking event during an Innovate UK funded trip to India back in 2021, Promtek managing director Charles Williams was instantly struck by the similarities and vision the two family-run businesses shared. Convinced that the two companies could work brilliantly together, Charles got in touch with Logicon’s senior team. 
After visits to the UK by Logicon chairman HS Pansare, and further visits to India by Charles, this led to establishing a formal partnership between the two companies. Commenting on the new partnership, Logicon said: “Promtek has a proven track record in providing fuss-free solutions to the animal nutrition, food, and chemical industries over its 50-year legacy. Logicon has excelled in delivering automation to the life sciences, FMCG, automotive, chemicals and process OEM and EPC industries during its 20-year journey. This partnership will provide customers with unparalleled support and expertise across all of these industries and beyond.”
Systems interoperability will be a key feature of the Promtek-Logicon partnership going forward and staff at both companies have been delighted by the way in which Promtek's analytics platforms can seamlessly integrate with Logicon's instrumentation and digital manufacturing solutions. The result is a smart integrated information solution designed to enhance productivity and plant efficiency. 
Commenting on the collaboration between the two companies, Promtek MD Charles Williams added, “From the get-go, it was clear that we were on the same page in terms of our approach to process control and the types of industries we were passionate about. It’s been so exciting to share knowledge and strengthen our product offering through this partnership.”
Promtek solutions suit any weighing, blending or batch manufacturing operation of any size or level of complexity. The company provides expertise in designing and integrating process control and automation systems for various bulk material handling industries. 
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soaplake-resort · 5 months
5 Free Things to Do in Washington State in 2024
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We all like to have fun. However, most of us are thrifty and aren’t willing to part with our hard-earned cash.
So what do you do when you want to take your significant other on a date, but don’t have the funds for an expensive meal? What about when you want to take the kids out of the house to do something fun, but don’t want to spend hundreds of dollars doing it? Where do you go when you want to take a self-care day, but can’t afford the abhorrent fees of a spa?
These are all questions people ask all the time, and rightfully so. But what if I told you there are tons of fun free things to do in Washington state?
That’s right! You don’t have to spend a dime on any of these five events!
Check Out These Free Things To Do In Washington State This Year!
Soak In World-Renowned Mineral Water
Soap Lake is one of the most unique bodies of water in the world. The water has twenty-three minerals naturally found in the lake, which is the highest mineral-count in the world!
What does this mean?
The water and mud in the lake have tons of health benefits. For example, it can improve circulation, soothe skin discomfort, heal bacterial and fungal infections, and give your skin a healthy glow.
Some visitors choose to slather the lake mud on their skin, which acts as a natural mud bath. With the mineral water and mud to soak in, it’s like having a free spa day!
In fact, the town of Soap Lake has incredible hiking spots, bird watching areas, and a scenic byway to drive down.
Go On A Hike Or Visit A Park
While national parks require a fee to enter the park, many beautiful hiking spots in Washington that are free.
For instance, Hawk Creek Trail and Hoodoo Canyon Trail are beautiful, water-front hikes that aren’t too strenuous or difficult.
If you happen to find yourself in Grant County, which is only twenty-five miles from Soap Lake, be sure to explore the Blue Lake Rhino Cave, which was formed by a 15 million-year-old rhinoceros! You can explore the oddly-shaped cave for free.
In addition to hikes, you can also go to a park. For example, Seattle’s Washington Park Arboretum, Lakewood’s Fort Steilacoom Park, and Bellingham’s Sehome Hill Arboretum are favorites of locals.
Take A Trip To The Ocean
There are some incredibly unique beaches in Washington to check out!
For instance, Glass Beach is a great place to find beach glass and other cool rocks. Then, you can take your findings home and make free jewelry or household decorations out of the beautiful glass and rocks. Additionally, near Glass Beach is a quaint Victorian-styled town to walk around.
Tree Root Cave is another unique beach, with a large tree making up the roof of an ocean cave. Some picturesque beaches with historical significance include Waikiki Beach and Cape Flattery. Lastly, Seattle’s Waterfront is a fun urban area to walk around.
Additionally, there are many dog-friendly beaches in Washington to bring your furry friend along.
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Visit A Museum
Believe it or not, but some museums are free! For example, the Frye Art Museum has free parking, admissions, and tours!
However, most museums have an entrance fee. But there’s good news! Most museums have a free day once a month. Here is a list of free admission days of some of the most popular museums in Washington state:
Seattle Art Museum: free admission for everyone on the first Thursday of every month. On the first Friday of every month, seniors are free.
The Museum of Flight: free admission on the first Thursday of each month from 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm.
The Museum of Glass: free admission on the third Thursday of each month from 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
Washington State History Museum: free admission on the third Thursday from 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm.
If there is a museum near you that you would like to visit for free, check their website, or give them a call to find out which day of the month they have free admission.
Enjoy A Local Art Walk
Art walks take place all over Seattle, from little towns to Seattle’s big city. These events are free of charge and offer art-lovers a chance to see local talent.
For instance, Pioneer Square in Seattle hosts an art walk on the first Thursday of every month with free parking from 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm. On the second Friday of each month, Belltown hosts a lovely art walk to promote local businesses, celebrate art, and connect with the community. Tons of free art walks happen throughout Seattle and surrounding areas, so be sure to find out if there are any near you!
Plan A Trip!
There are tons of free things to do in Washington state that can be fun and exciting for anyone! So what are you waiting for? Plan an outing for you and your significant other, get the kids out of the house for a budget-safe day or plan a mini-vacation around some of these locations.
In fact, Soap Lake Natural Spa and Resort sits right on the beach of the natural Soap Lake spa. Not only do you get to enjoy the beach and have a spa day, but you can also explore nearby caves and partake in adventurous hiking trips for all skill levels.
That’s right! A relaxing vacation with tons of free things to do is just a click away. Book your stay today at Soap Lake Resort to get started or contact Resort Hotel and Spa in Washington State for more information!
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dankusner · 6 months
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High-speed rail: Dallas to Houston should go full steam ahead But plan for Fort Worth line should be paused.
Dallas is poised to pour a lot of money into the southwest corner of downtown in the next few years.
City officials plan to break ground on a new $3 billion convention center this year, and plans for a bullet train with a terminus in the Cedars neighborhood are also chugging along.
It’s crucial that our city gets these projects right.
For Dallas, that means focusing on a high-speed rail line to Houston, another Texas economic hub and the largest city in the state.
A bullet train between our city and Houston would cut down the commute to two hours instead of the four hours it takes door to door if you fly or drive.
The City Council is right to resist pressure to commit to a separate plan that would build an extension from downtown Dallas to Fort Worth.
Extending the alignment westward along the Interstate 30 corridor would impact valuable land downtown and in West Dallas.
Of specific concern is the creation of an unacceptable physical barrier along the western edge of downtown.
That impact isn’t a good trade for a slightly faster trip to Fort Worth. Based on the planning that is now public, the city of Dallas should not agree to the proposed alignment for high speed rail to Fort Worth.
Last week, Andy Byford, senior vice president of high-speed rail development programs at Amtrak and former president of New York City Transit Authority, briefed the Dallas council.
He confirmed that Amtrak is working on high-speed rail between Dallas and Houston.
Byford’s statements are reassuring and can help our city regain focus when it comes to high-speed rail.
For years, the project had been struggling as the private company in charge of it, Texas Central, faced challenges from rural landowners along the alignment and internal struggles.
When Dallas to Houston seemed all but dead in 2019, the North Central Texas Council of Governments — which coordinates federal transportation spending — began developing its plan for a Dallas-to-Fort Worth line.
The Council of Governments planned the route around the elevated station in the Cedars that had been federally cleared for the Dallas to Houston project.
This meant that in Dallas city limits, the train would travel at around 70 feet above the ground, blocking views in downtown and West Dallas and dividing neighborhoods, as elevated freeways do.
This is inconsistent with the rest of the route where stations in downtown Arlington and downtown Fort Worth would be underground.
The Dallas-Houston route wouldn’t run into this problem because the line terminates in the Cedars and the train will run parallel to Interstate 45 for most of the journey.
The Fort Worth extension, which is estimated to cost around $6 billion, has been treated like a political football.
Council members said that Council of Governments officials shared complex white papers and schematics of the train just 24 hours before slated briefings.
Michael Morris, North Central Texas Council of Governments transportation department head, pointed to a document the City Council had signed back in 2015 agreeing to a “one-seat ride” to marshal consensus for the project.
But council member Chad West pointed out that the previous council had agreed to a conceptual plan when the projects were entirely different.
Recently, the Council of Governments also made funding assistance for other transportation projects in Dallas contingent on the City Council’s agreement on the “one-seat ride” high-speed rail plan.
Good design that encourages economic development will decide whether these undertakings end up being a generational investment or a dizzying waste of money.
And for high-speed rail, that means focusing first on Dallas to Houston.
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Bullet train debate:
DMN says yes to Houston route, not yet to Fort Worth
High-speed rail is having a moment in Dallas.
A planned bullet train from Big D to Houston is once again making headlines.
A partnership between Texas Central Partners and Amtrak, announced in August, has CNBC wondering whether an idea decades in the making may finally come to fruition.
And a possible extension of that line, from Dallas to Fort Worth, has train supporters salivating about a link between Texas' biggest population centers.
But the effort is not without controversy.
Hunt Realty Investments Inc. has raised concerns about how plans for the Dallas-to-Fort-Worth line could disrupt downtown — including land where it has pitched a multibillion-dollar mixed-use development.
The Dallas Morning News editorial board waded into the debate over the weekend.
A March 10 headline urged "full steam ahead" on the route to Houston while the editorial argued Dallas City Council should pump the brakes on the route to Cowtown for further study.
The DMN noted potential benefits of high-speed rail to Houston, like a closer connection between Dallas and the state's largest city with a two-hour trip time, instead of the current four.
But the Fort Worth route would create "an unacceptable physical barrier along the western edge of downtown," DMN's editorial board argued, calling such a tradeoff not worth it for a slightly faster trip.
A DMN news story from December noted such a train, reaching speeds up to 180 miles per hour, could take 23 minutes to go 31 miles from Dallas to Fort Worth, with a stop in Arlington.
That echoed arguments made last week by some Dallas City Council members, who called attention to a history of large infrastructure projects dividing neighborhoods.
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And it aligns with points made by Hunt Realty President Colin Fitzgibbons, who said in a statement the line would create "an ugly scar that would tear apart neighborhoods, severely dilute the benefit of parks, and create significant barriers for the creation of many new business districts."
Others embraced the potential of rail connectivity in a fast-growing state.
"If we are the epicenter of high-speed rail for the entire United States, this can take Dallas into a trajectory that I can't even imagine," Council Member Omar Narvaez said at the March 6 meeting.
Complicating matters is that the proposed route from Houston would terminate at an elevated station in the Cedars, which has already received federal approval.
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That limits options for planning around the Fort Worth extension.
It's possible that either one, or both, of the rail proposals fail to go anywhere.
Either way, it's a healthy debate that is forcing North Texas leaders reckon with how continued population growth will affect the region's mobility needs.
However, the debate has also generated hysteria, like concern that Hunt-developed Reunion Tower could be imperiled.
Fitzgibbons alluded to how the proposed route to Fort Worth could "put at serious risk the economic viability of the Hyatt Regency Hotel and Reunion Tower."
But that's far short of meaning Reunion would actually be torn down, as some have speculated on social media.
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kuuhakublank00 · 6 months
Updates, I guess? (Part 2)
So well, after joining the company, I started staying at my uncle's place since they wanted us on-site and not doing work from home every single day. So the routine was to go and come back with my uncle. I also didn't like the family much (except for my cousin sister) because they were extremely right-wing and that didn't exactly sit right (heh) with me. My sister is still in school so she doesn't understand this stuff yet. Plus, our interests sort of match. I also introduced her to novels and Percy Jackson, before which she didn't ever like reading. So, that feels really good, honestly.
I also had a mini existential crisis because I found out that I don't want to be a data scientist because that is a research heavy role. But since I still like machine learning (ML) I could go for Data Engineer or ML Engineer. But these require SDE experience as well. So I had an existential crisis for about 2 days where I questioned my master's plan, talked to friends and seniors about it, questioned whether I should've gone for placements (I couldn't because the deadline to sign up for that was long gone). In the end, I decided to stick with my master's plan unless I found a good opportunity to get experience for a couple of years before going for master's.
But anyway, slowly, the routine changed to: get up at like 7:30, go to the office, work till 5:30/6 pm, come back, rest for a bit, work on college essays and the application processes till 2 am or something, sometimes 4 am if I had to meet the deadline, and then sleep. Missed 2 family trips, worked my ass off. It was really bad in Dec 15-20 because I had deadlines of like 5 colleges in that period. Dec 20 was also my project submission deadline for the internship, so that definitely didn't help things.
A few other things that happened as well during this time:
Made a new friend, my ex's best friend in fact. Wasn't really trying to hit on her, we just became friends naturally. Then she freaked out and stopped talking. Later talked about it, it was a little messy, but now we're okay.
Talked to my ex, told her how she made me feel as well back then. She apologised. But even now, since we'd decided to be friends, she doesn't really say much. I also sent a voice note to everyone that was important to me in 2023 on New Year's, and she just left a like on it. Proceeded to say "Did not know how to respond but did not want to leave you on read". Decided then that I wouldn't really keep in contact with this person anymore. We've had 2 conversations after that, pretty short ones.
Went to my college's farewell. It was nice to my friends again in person. I'd really missed them. Stayed in the hostel illegally as well lol.
Saw a post for an internship in machine learning at a startup. The company looked legit so I applied. Figured what's the worst that can happen, right? If I don't want it, I can just reject them. My uncle's company had offered me an extension after all and was even offering to start paying me. But then I got a callback for an interview, aced it, had another interview, and did good in that as well! Finally had one final interview call with the tech lead, and I got selected! I couldn't believe it! I had always wanted to get something without an influence on the hiring side. No referrals or anything. And this was my first paid internship as well. And I honestly couldn't have done it without my friends and family. Even more so, these guys hired 3 interns, and they want to convert 1-2 of them. So I hope all goes well and they convert me. This could be the opportunity that helps me gain experience before going for a master's. Plus, the funding would be really nice.
So yeah, that's been going well. I'm 2 months into this 4 month internship now. I think I'm doing well? I hope I get converted. I also moved to Bangalore because the freedom is nice, my hometown is not exactly for people my age? (it's a very slow city and I cannot for the life of me deal with that. Perhaps it would be something I would crave when I get tired of the hussle, but right now, I definitely do not like it). Trying to find friends here. That's hard.
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eastwickcommunity · 8 months
Ridership Sags, Costs Soar, but Shapiro Still Wants More Money for SEPTA
Despite exploding costs and plunging ridership, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) appears in line for another infusion of nearly $300 million in taxpayer cash.
Earlier this week, Democratic Gov. Josh Shapiro vowed to increase public transportation funding by $282.8 million.
“Ever since I was a state representative and county commissioner in Montgomery County, I have supported SEPTA and the critical services it offers to hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians every day,” the governor said. “SEPTA has presented plans to address safety and cleanliness throughout their system, and county officials have entertained a willingness to step up to the plate and increase their support. As a result, my administration is prepared to make a major investment in SEPTA.”
It’s yet to be determined how much local funding, if any, Delaware Valley governments will kick in.
SEPTA CEO and General Manager Leslie S. Richards praised Shapiro’s decision. She said it would help SEPTA “address our more pressing needs and…continue [to serve] our communities.” Richards previously said SEPTA might cut services by 20 percent and raise fares by 30 percent. That would raise a Quick Trip Ticket from $2.50 to $3.25 and SEPTA Key and contactless payments from $2 to $2.60.
SEPTA funding and budget issues became a major focus for Democratic politicians after the transit agency revealed that it faced a looming fiscal cliff. It burned through $1.8 billion in federal COVID money between Fiscal Years 2020 and 2023 while generating just $1.18 billion in revenue.
That’s not counting the $2 billion in annual funding from Pennsylvania taxpayers, something independent auditors said was “the largest single source of subsidy revenue.”
An additional $295 million in taxpayer funding was not included in last year’s state budget.
And still ridership numbers continue to fall short of pre-COVID levels. In October 2023, average ridership was just 67 percent of the October 2019 number. On Regional Rail, ridership was just 56 percent of the pre-COVID average.
SEPTA’s cash crunch caused Democratic U.S. Reps. Madelaine Dean, Chrissy Houlahan, and Mary Gay Scanlon to send a letter to Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg last month asking for a bailout from federal taxpayers. Democratic Sens. Bob Casey Jr. and John Fetterman signed the letter, as did Rep. Dwight Evans (D-Philadelphia). “Without strong, sustained federal support, Pennsylvanians risk losing transit access entirely,” the lawmakers wrote. “As the Department of Transportation continues its critical work, we urge you to prioritize SEPTA and Pennsylvania’s transit systems.”
Now, there’s a chance that SEPTA may get a partial state bailout, if not a federal one.
That’s music to the ears of Democrats representing Delaware Valley in Harrisburg.
“From the ‘burbs to the city, SEPTA connects us to jobs, doctors’ appointments, recreation, shopping, and so much more,” state Sen. Maria Collett (D-Montgomery) posted on social media after learning of the federal lawmakers’ letter. She expressed gratitude for their “fighting for more federal dollars to keep this critical system afloat.”
State Rep. Morgan Cephas (D-Philadelphia) hoped Shapiro would go further. She said SEPTA needed even more cash to make sure more seniors and workers take mass transportation. “SEPTA alone moves over half a million people every day to their jobs, families, school, medical appointments, and more…”
The reasons for the declining ridership vary. Numerous complaints from riders to the Better Business Bureau focus on late buses or trains. Others complained that drivers focused more on beating red lights instead of serving customers.
Crime remains a big problem for SEPTA as well. Statistics show the number of disorderly conduct and public urination and defecation cases since 2019 have increased far higher than ridership, from 213 to more than 1,300 in 2022.
Robberies jumped from 118 in 2019 to 217 in 2021, while aggravated assaults almost doubled from 46 to 86 in the same period.
That meant significant increases in SEPTA expenses. Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) statistics show SEPTA spent $1.44 per passenger miles traveled on commuter rail in 2022 compared to 49 cents per passenger mile in 2013. For bus passengers, it was $2.66 in 2022 versus $1.09 in 2013. Streetcar rail was $2.87 in 2022 and only .94 cents in 2013.
Pennsylvania Senate Majority Leader Joe Pittman (R-41) said SEPTA gets enough money.
“Supporting SEPTA’s request for increased state subsidy is a challenging argument to make, especially in light of Philadelphia District Attorney (Larry) Krasner’s inability to maintain law and order throughout America’s sixth largest city,” he said. “No amount of increased subsidy can restore customer confidence in making use of the network given the raging crime crisis Krasner perpetuates.”
The Commonwealth Foundation said the state government needs to take a new look at how it funds mass transit.
“Several years ago, state mass transit funding was moved offline into a special fund, taking a portion of sales tax revenue and Turnpike tolls to fund transit systems,” said Nathan Benefield, the Commonwealth Foundation’s senior vice president. “Unlike the General Fund, lawmakers don’t vote on this spending every single year.
“Should lawmakers examine how much state funding goes into those programs? We think they should.”
On Feb. 6, Josh Shapiro will hold his annual budget address.
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spaceageloveblog · 10 months
"I hate the rhythm of our lives these days."
There was a time in our lives we honestly thought we'd be able to afford a beach condo some day.
I'm at the point I'm ready to go scorched earth on our budget. Like turn off 401k contributions, forgoing the 6% match, turn off the automatic 529 contributions for the kids, not spending any money in restaurants, not spending any money on anything fun or extraneous until we get our emergency savings funded and our 2 car loans paid off and a 3rd car purchased for our oldest who turns 16 in June.
I don't know how to talk to her about it.
My head wants to say look at the money we make, her and our combined after-tax 4 monthly paychecks if annualized works out to top 20% income in the US if they were pre-tax. And if you deducted 15% savings from that and health insurance, then calculated taxes off what was left, our current mortgage (plus homeowners insurance and property tax) is less than 25% of that, within the conventional wisdom rule of thumb. Then we should be able to live on the rest comfortably. But it's worse than that. Because that doesn't account for 3-pay months and bonuses. But it's worse than that. Because these are after-tax numbers and if we convert them to pre-tax, we are easily in the top 10% of income, maybe 5%.
These numbers floor me, wake me up, make me think the promotion I'm chasing down at work can't be the answer to all our money problems because we should be able to live on what we make now.
But I don't think these numbers, using that approach, would mean anything to her.
Last month I reconciled our budget and spending daily, desperate to get us to live within our means, and make a symbolic effort of putting $100 toward our underfunded emergency savings fund we dipped into in 2021 for non-emergencies and have slowly depleted since then. And I did finagle our way there for October, admittedly pushing some spend off a month. But then November is here and expenses are up and I can't get the numbers to work.
I did tell her that made me sad. She didn't like me being sad about that. She texted me later that day from work, asking if we'd be OK. I responded yes. So hopefully she is primed for this conversation.
I just want to be able to breath.
I am tired of not doing the things we want to do. Summer of 2024 we will not be doing Europe, our momentarily reimagined 2020 Spain trip that was canceled due to the pandemic. How were able to afford Spain, she'll ask. Our monthly expenses were honestly $3k or $4k less then, difficult to believe, but true. She saw the numbers that a 2024 European trip would cost and knows it's not possible, maybe bring that up would work.
What about 2025, the summer before our oldest starts his senior year of high school, that was supposed to be a trip. What about the World Cup in 2026. What about any interesting and fun things that pop up. What about a beach condo.
We need to sacrifice now. We can't afford our dreams.
Right now we are treading water. Each decision feels a referendum on our entire budget. I don't want to live this way.
But then I talk to her about it and she sort of agrees and things might be happening.
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