#the fucker was LAUGHING i cant STAND pieces of shit like him
What the fuck is WRONG with people nowadays???? I wanna hit that dude with so many baseball bats it's incredible
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mayumml · 6 months
Midori is not a good lover
The REAL Sou Hiyori relationship headcanons <3
first off, you don’t know if he genuinely likes you or not and most likely will never be sure 
Maybe you’re a piece of pawn in his stupid chess game but what can you do?
Midori manipulates and gaslights you just like with anyone else, you’re the primary victim that receives most of it though
He seems like a man that didn’t have a heart, and he literally doesn’t 
Feels like he doesn’t know how to act in a relationship or more like he doesn’t care enough to
You think he’d choose his work over you anytime 
He’s so on and off with his affection
He treats you like everyone else, particularly more strict with you sometimes and scolds you more often than the other participants
This fucker is adamant about “being fair to all participants and not letting a personal relation change that” and yet you feel like he’s being the most unfair to you
Even more passive aggressive when it comes to you, he loves to bring up the past and laugh when you get pissed
But then sometimes, he would appear out of nowhere and gives you a quick peck
You’d expect him to be open to PDA, and yet he only ever initiates (and allows) any affection when it’s just the two of you 
You’re conflicted, though, at certain times he’ll choose a timing where most of everyone is gathered in one place and approach you with the most affection you’ll ever receive from him
He makes sure everyone is looking, maybe it’s his way of showing his twisted sense of superiority?
Midori very quickly reverts back to ignoring you if he is satisfied 
You learn that he is extremely possessive
Yes, you get fed up with his shit many times and he knows it well
Does he ever apologize? Never. 
Like ever. 
You could confront him, but he’ll give you the same saccharine smile and feigns innocence
“What’s wrong with me showing my lover off to everyone? Does that upset you?” 
When you try to explain that’s not why you’re upset, he convinces you that you’re overreacting and somehow makes you seem like the bad guy for “not wanting to be seen with him.” (bitchass) 
Weirdly loves small talk 
Midori would interrogate you whenever he pleases and ask about your favorite color to wear on a rainy day 
You cant tell if he really cares about your responses at all because he just stands there and blinks with his smile and throws follow up questions at you
Kind of feels like he wants to know everything about you but also nothing at the same time 
Remembers small, itty bitty details about you
It’s endearing but also freaks you out because he remembers which angle you prefer to wear your collar
Very touchy when he wants to be, but acts like a jerk when he decides he doesn’t feel like it 
Limited use of pet names because he prefers calling you by your name 
Will call you sweetheart (mockingly most of the time), “my favorite participant,” or a shortened version of your name
Likes to receive but doesn’t give, unless he needs something
You don’t know why you’re still with him 
Midori is very good at making you feel special but also worthless
Will give you overly expensive presents that you don’t need and stare at your reaction as you open them 
(does he think this makes up for his neglect as a partner?)
Very likely to give you jewelry with his initials, he might have one with your initials but won’t wear it 
Sucks at comforting
He actually just doesn’t comfort at all
He makes things worse when you’re upset 
“You’re crying? Humans really are sentimental beings, after all. I guess crying is all that you’re capable of.” 
Let you play and style with his hair in private 
Gets defensive and change the subject when you mention Shin’s history with him
Avoids personal questions like the plague 
Actively tries to poke into every corner of your life. Boundaries? What’s that?
Not a very good partner, he’s just not a good person in general
Midori rarely mentions your relationship in front of the other participants, but when he does, he refers to you as his lover
Will pair you with him with the red light, he knows you don’t have the guts to kill him 
Urges you on to kill him way too often 
He gives you a smug knowing grin and a kiss when you can’t do it
Don’t try to physically hurt him, it turns him on (he won’t hesitate to break your arm)
Remember when I said he’s very possessive? 
Fucker treats you like an object
no one takes what belongs to him
Won’t be the type to defend you and won’t fight if someone hits on you
He would direct the conversation elsewhere and weird out whoever it is somehow (always works) 
Shows up a few days later with news that the attacker mysteriously jumped of a building (willingly?) 
His romantic side is very unconventional
“Would you love me even if I was a worm?” 
“Worms are rather dirty and invasive, are they not? I’d rather not deal with a pest, thanks.” 
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crossovereddie · 4 years
Thoughts on 11x06
I had to come back to type this after the episode. I was gonna wait to post until more people are active but everyone’s safety is more important than notes. This was really hard for me to watch. It took me two hours because I kept needing a break. It’s a tough one yall. It’s heartbreaking and really brought out issues I didn’t know I was still dealing with until I reacted so badly to some stuff. Take care of yourselves and I’m here if you need to talk. I’ll have timestamps for major tws in another post coming right after this. I just gotta go back and get the end of those scenes. I only go the time they started.
Okay. So. There’s some trigger warnings that I’ve reblogged earlier. This recap WILL have thoughts about those triggers. If you think you’ll be triggered just message me or send me an ask and I’ll give you the non triggering recap. Stay safe please.
Kev and v intro. They’re having sex behind the bar
I’m extremely nervous for some reason I might not be able to get through this
Bike heist!!
Mickey is unimpressed
Lip telling Mickey what to do yes please
Fucking Mickey omg
Again Mickey is unimpressed
Lip :(
Frank is falling the chick he’s boning Monica
Not sure that’s her real name
Wait yeah it is
Frank??? Has to get to work???
Wait her name isn’t Monica
Oh shut now I get what’s happening
“Can I speak to Pope Francis please” LIAM 😭
Poor baby
Lip cooking breakfast. Hot.
I forgot about camis baby
I actually beep bad for lip and Tami
We already heard this argument with Mickey and Ian get new material writers
Yeah don’t tell Carl that traitor
HIS SMILE!!!!!!!!
Poor Liam he’s terrified
“I was hoping the fucker would just die” :(
Shut up Debbie
Mickey is beautiful
Leave Mickey out of it debbie goddamn
I cant fucking stand her
Frank just observing his kids and smiling
Same frank
“And the smartest” lol
Someone save Liam
“I want Sandy”
We all do kid
Fucking manipulative little I CANT STAND DEBBIE
Sandy deserves better
I hate the Milkovichs!!!!
How did smart sensitive sweet beautiful loving Mickey come from this disgusting family????
My heart hurts so him
“Homo sexy” dear god
Mickey is too good he deserves so much better
I love him so much
Let him be happy
Mickey has the biggest heart
They’re actually talking and not fighting
You’re so funny and smart and beautiful don’t forget that baby
And no one is fazed lmao
“He’s actually my uncle and my dad” I fucking hate this show
I forgot Carl makes legit money now
Wtf kinda school is this
This is so fucked up
The twins are so adorable
“You guys” I hate that but also she’s acknowledging Mickey as “hers” and he’s family :(
Okay this horrifying comment
I hate that it’s just nonchalant
Debbie just keeps talking.
Let’s move on
Mickeys face when she says “butt naked”lmao
“Talk to you for a minute?”
“Yes. Please”
Mickey is unimpressed by lip once again and I’m smiling
They love each other they’re secretly best friends ITS A FACT
“Blue like my balls” fucking frank lol
They’re going in on Frank’s storyline now
Boss Mickey at it again
Terry’s home
The way his face falls im sick
My heart is racing
Mickeys face is breaking my heart
Great now I’m crying
Mickey got emotional
Ian sensed it and touched his neck all fucking sweet
Okay I had to take a little break because I started crying
I love him too much
Fucking Noel is so damn good
My heart is fucking breaking
“Frank’s not a homophobic psychopath who tortured you for years”
Please Mickey deserves better
I don’t wanna hear any Ian slander either.
In this house we protect my son and my son in law I will fight you
“Let’s get the fuck outta here. Lip you coming?” 😭
That was so hard to watch yall. I’m not gonna lie to you. My parents weren’t half as shitty as terry but growing up feeling unloved your whole life fucks you up anyway and that brought out some emotions and feelings I didn’t realize I still dealt with. I had to pause for a good while and cry.
Leave Sandy alone debbie
Terry is disgusting
Okay the homophobic language he uses is definitely triggering so I’ll time stamp that too
Debbie you selfish bitch
Everyone leaving terry outside it’s a yes from me
I honestly can’t concentrate on the other scenes now I’m sorry y’all
I try to cover everyone’s scenes but it’s hard for me today
I’m not okay
Liam is too innocent poor kid
We need more scenes
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They’re besties
Mickey is beautiful
he really hasn’t called him Philip the entire episode wtf
Ignoring Debbie
Now I want fries
Carl is cringy
Mickey drove them home and pulled a gun
Honestly again another heartbreaking scene
Ian’s trying to make him stop
Terry is disgusting and also a coward but we’ve been knew
Noel is the most amazing
Mickey gets teary but doesn’t cry bc I cried enough for the both of us
He’s the strongest bravest ever and I’m so proud of him
I need a hug
My heart hurts so much y’all
I just want him to be happy
I’m a fucking mess
I can’t handle Lip being emotional too
Oh I thought lip wanted to sell the house for himself only but at least they all get their share
Horrible music choice
I wanna tuck Mickey in with his favorite tv show on(911) make him his favorite food to eat in bed and not let anyone but Ian around him for a good 72 hours
The way Ian is looking at him
“Would you take care of me if I was paralyzed?”
“....yeah. Yeah”
“Top you whenever I wanted” “asshole”
His smile is back that’s all I need in life
“That was big of you” “he’s an asshole...I wanna be better than that”
Ian’s like “back of the head? Gotta grab and hold my boy”
V spitting truth
I want terry to fucking suffer
Don’t do it frank
“Nah” LMAO
Frank loves his son in law
Sandy I love you
I need to hold her
No debbie I LOVE HER
Carl scene was so awful I feel so bad for him this girl is a fucking psycho
That was an actual rape scene what the fuck
Mickey making frank laugh
Debbie explaining? Really?
I hate her
“How long is this gonna take? I’m fucking starving Lip” WHY WONT YOU CALL HIM PHILIP
“We could get on with our lives” well that hurt more than it should’ve
It’s really the end soon huh? 😢
According to captions Ian says “we’re in”
Frank reads his diagnosis
Carl goes to report his rape
That took me nearly two hours to watch. Yeah I usually pause to type but I had to take long breaks after the hard scenes. It was a really hard episode to watch. A lot darker than it has been. I’m not really okay right now. It was emotional but a really good episode overall.
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Saving Grace - Part 8
Summary: Steve leaves you and your son to go back to Peggy unaware your pregnant.
Your heartbroken and struggling without Steve until Bucky Barnes steps up to help you out. With you and Bucky growing closer everyday will he be your saving Grace?
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"Hey sweetheart" he said smiling at me and all i could think was...."That fucker is actually smiling at me as if i should be happy to see him!!!".
"You girls okay out there?" I heard Bucky call through teasingly, unaware of what fresh hell we were about to face.
"Is that Buck?....." Steve asked trying to look around me into the house.
"No Buck everything is not okay out here...." i called back shaking my head.
"Ain't you gonna invite me in? Or give me a hug a least?"
"Are you out of your fucking mind???!" i said quietly so Harrison wouldn't hear me "why would i ever do that???"
"I thought you'd be happy to see me..."
"Hey doll, whats wrong?" Bucky came marching through from the kitchen but stopped when he saw his old best friend stood in front of me "What the fuck....."
"Hey Buck"
"You have got some fucking nerve showing up here Steve" Bucky said stepping in front of me at the door.
"I just wanted to see my family..."
"The family you left you mean?"
"I made a mistake...."
Before i even realised what happened Bucky lunged towards Steve punching him in the face, it took Steve by surprise so much that he fell back on his ass.
"I would've done that sooner but i couldn't hit an old man"
"Okay.... i deserved that" Steve nodded getting to his feet brushing himself down "Y/N.... please can we talk?"
"I've got nothing to say to you Steve"
"What about Harrison? I wanna see my son"
"Tough shit! You need to leave, you shouldn't have come here Steve..... haven't you hurt us enough"
"Baby I'm so sorry, please..." he reached for me but i shoved him back as hard as possible.
"Don't!....don't you touch me. And don't call me baby!" I said through gritted teeth as i poked his chest "you should go before Wanda gets here, trust me when i say Bucky went easy on you compared to what she'll do"
"Too late" Bucky chuckled seeing Wanda pull into the driveway.
"Oh shit..." i heard Steve mumble under his breath as the red haired woman practically flew out of the car.
"What are you doing here!!!!.... you have got some nerve Steve Rogers!"
"Wanda i just wanted my family back"
"YOUR FAMILY!??..... you mean the family you abandoned for some piece of ass you liked a 100 years ago?!!!"
"I know. I know i fucked up...."
A flash of red suddenly hit Steve in the chest sending him sprawled across the lawn.
"Wanda.... Wanda stop" i said stepping up and taking her hand "his not worth it, go inside and see the kids"
"Your not wanted here" she said to Steve looking at him in disgust before disappearing inside.
"Just go Steve" i said shaking my head as i turned to go inside.
"She said kids....what did she mean by that?...."
"Nothing that concerns you"
"Peter told me you were pregnant" Steve said quickly making me turn to face him again "is it mine?"
"No she's not"
"She's mine" Bucky stepped up pulling me into his side to hold me close.
"What?? Are you telling me you two are together???" Steve asked sounding winded by the blow he received from Wanda.
"Yeah we are"
"How could you?! His my best friend!!....Bucky you went after my girl?"
"I cant even deal with you Steve...... you have no right what so ever to get pissed at us!! YOU LEFT US!!!" I yelled.
"Mama?" I heard Harrison say from behind suddenly, followed by Wanda who was holding Grace "Sweetie come back inside please" Wanda said to him but he was stood staring at Steve.
"Wow.... his got so big.... hey pal" Steve smiled at his son who was clutching his dinosaur teddy close "Why don't you come give your dad a hug huh?"
"No!" Harrison said before rushing to Bucky who scooped him up in his arms.
"Its okay buddy, lets go inside" Bucky rubbed his back gently. Steve looked heart broken at the rejection of his son but it was no one else's fault but his own.
"Go home Steve" Bucky said before leading us all back inside.
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I was pacing the kitchen feeling the rage coursing through my body, Wanda was sat with the kids in the living room while Bucky stood looking out the kitchen window with his arms crossed over his chest.
"Is he still out there?"
"Yep, just leaning against his car" Bucky grumbled "i just wanna go out there and smash his face in!"
"I know but its not worth it Buck" i said walking over to him, i pulled at his arms making him unfold them so i could wrap myself around him, his arms automatically pulling me against him.
"You okay doll?" He asked pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
"Not at all.... but being in your arms helps" i sighed "Opening that door and seeing him looking like that.... was like a punch to the face"
"I bet, i can't believe he had the nerve to show up here unannounced expecting you to be happy to see him.... always was a punk" he said as his hand stroked up and down my back.
"Somethings never change huh?"
"Well, somethings do.... how does he even look like him again anyway?"
"If i had to guess? The Quantum Realm...."
"But how? I thought they used that for time travel"
"Yeah but when they were first trying to work out how to travel back in time, before Tony showed up and saved the day, Bruce got it wrong.... ended up pushing time through Scott instead of Scott through time. Its all really complicated trust me.... long story short he turned Scott into various different ages"
"Thats the only thing that makes sense to me"
"But why now...Why has he only done this now?"
"Because Peggy died?.... his all alone again.... maybe he wants to see how different his life would be with us now his experienced his dream life with her!"
"Maybe" he nodded suddenly looking more concerned than angry.
"What is it Buck?"
"Its just.... Steve's back now and i..."
I looked up at Bucky and smiled, reaching up on my tiptoes i kissed him.
"I love you Bucky, him coming back doesn't change anything with us"
"You sure doll?.... what about Harrison and Grace?"
"You saw Harrison's reaction to seeing Steve, he run to you Buck. And Grace is yours remember" i shrugged "i wont let Steve tear this family apart"
"Me either".
After sharing a deep and passionate kiss i reluctantly pulled myself out of Bucky's arms to go check on the kids and Wanda while Bucky called Sam to get him to come get Steve. Harrison was sat next to Wanda on the sofa watching his cartoons while Grace was sleeping in her arms.
"Hey Wan, thanks for watching them" i smiled at my friend sitting down in the armchair next to her.
"Its not a problem, how are you doing sweetheart?"
"Okay considering" i scoffed "why couldn't he just stay away? Does he enjoy messing with my head?"
"I don't think Steve even knows what he wants" she said sadly.
"Thats the problem really isn't it, its always what Steve wants. He wanted to be with her....so he left us. Now He wants us so he turns up expecting a warm welcome???.... I'm so angry Wanda. I think I'm more angry now then when he left us"
"Thats understandable"
"Things are so good with Bucky at the moment as well.... i can see his worried that I'm gonna go running back to Steve now his back" i said wiping a tear from my face "id never do that, i really do love him Wan. I thought i loved Steve but what i feel for Bucky.... god its so much more.... and thats even before the sex"
Wanda chuckled "i honestly love the two of you together. Your relationship is stronger on an emotional level, but im guessing your looking forward to the physical stuff huh?"
"Wanda!" I laughed gasping in shock.
"What? Have you forgotten what you told me that day at the BBQ....not only did you tell me but i got a look inside that dirty mind of yours Y/N....and let me just say, wow!"
"Believe me i haven't forgotten!" I threw my head back with a moan "Its so much worse now!"
"Oh really?"
"So much worse!" I laughed looking over at her "I'm so glad your good with the kids because as soon as I've recovered from giving birth, you are babysitting so i can have some alone time with that man of mine"
"Just say the word and I'm there!" She smiled.
"What are you ladies gossiping about now?" Bucky came walking into he living room and perched on the arm of my chair.
"Oh really?" He raised his eyebrows teasingly making me blush.
"You heard all of that didn't you?"
"You bet your ass i did, i didn't mean to its just I've got good hearing"
"Hmm okay"
"I want to hear more about what happened at the BBQ though"
"I'll tell you later"
"You better!" he smirked before reaching down to kiss me.
"Fine. So is Sam on his way?"
"Yep he wont be long"
"Good, i want him gone. Its weird that his just standing there, I'm not letting him in so I'm not sure what his doing".
"Probably hoping you'll feel bad for him and let him in" Wanda said rolling her eyes.
"Not gonna happen!" I scoffed, why would i feel sorry for him.... he made his bed now he had to deal with consequences.
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Tagging: @jennmurawski13 @kenzieam
@captainchrisstan @s-t-r-i-k-e-us
@lets--be-honest @ms-betsy-fangirl
@damnaged-princess @farfromtommy
@disneylovingal @lbuck121
@billweasleey @rynabarnesrogers
@heathens-takeitsl0w @lacontroller1991
@supervengerslock @barnesandrogersworld
@mariswritingforfun @perpetually-tuned-out
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tandytoaster · 6 years
I’m gonna be a fuckin bitch for this post and i’m not really sorry i don’t think.
So i’m in college. For social work. To help people. You know. Getting my life together. And in the beginning I made a friend who likes nintendo games and i was like OH BOY, MAYBE THEY LIKE METROID. they did not and i have continuously made the mistake of associating with this kid. Like almost every day he does something that makes my skin crawl with the feeling of “oh my god i canNOT relate to this kid at all”. 
At first my issue with him was that he reminded me exactly of Tristan except not evil. My second issue was just that he gave me wicked secondhand embarrassment. My third issue is that I have not the slightest idea why he’s still in this course, he has proved time and time again that he has learned nothing. 
The first red flag that went up for me was personal because he reminded me of Tristan. The second one went up when he said that he felt gay people were shoving their gayness down people’s throats and that he was sick of the rainbow flag. When he first said that I was like, are you fucking kidding me? I told him about the ratio how many straight movies there are compared to gay ones, I told him about how the rainbow flag is a symbol of safety and acceptance, WE HAVE ONE IN OUR GODDAMN CLASSROOM. He told me that in highschool almost every classroom had a gay flag in it and almost everyday there was a class discussion about it. I asked him if it was the students or teachers who brought it up and he said “mehhhh it was the students” SO YOU KNOW WHAT THAT TELLS ME? THAT THOSE WERE GAY OR TRANS STUDENTS NEEDING ACCEPTANCE. AND YOU’RE HERE IN FRONT OF ME, IN FRONT OF THIS RAINBOW FLAG, COMPLAINING ABOUT THEM. He wanted to “agree to disagree” about it but I was like “no man your views are potentially harmful”. People overheard us arguing and they sided with me, the student council president i think it was spoke to us and said (in response too “theres too much gay stuff”) “I’m actually trying to get them to paint the crosswalks here rainbow”, so like, take that.
And we talk about this stuff in class fairly often. We’ve spoken about the importance of symbols, identity, flags, safe spaces, we get DEEP into it. But you know what this kid does all class? He looks at memes or plays fire emblem heroes on his phone, sometimes he plays his whole ass switch in class. OR! or or or, he gets up and leaves in the middle of a lesson that holds CRITICAL information that would help him become less ignorant and prejudiced. Just the other week we were talking about how straight people will never know the struggle, the oppression, that nonstraight people face, and of course this kid was just playing on his phone, and ohohoho the instructor called him on it and got mad and it was honestly? So satisfying. 
So I had to be the one to explain to him what oppression is and how fuckign serious it is. People fucking die man. This was around the time the whole “gays own splatoon” thing happened and the dude was SO upset about it. I was like “.... you realize those are all jokes right? Nobody means anything by it”. He sort of got it but one thing he said is like, big fuckin yikes. He said he seen a meme on the drawing feature or whatever that said “straight people suck at splatoon” or something and he said he was actually offended by that and if it wasn’t for the fact that his best friend is a lesbian, these jokes that he’s seeing would probably turn him into a little bit of a homophobe. And because I had to be civil and he did want my help I was like “you have to work on that, you NEED to do something about that”. Because you can’t be like that in general and you ABSOLUTELY CANNOT be like that going into the field we’re going into. 
I wish he paid attention in class so then he wouldn’t come to me to ask “hey how do i not be homophobic” and get me all mad but then i cant get mad because that doesnt help either of us. at least its good practice for the future and any weirdos i get in my career. 
ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh “at least”. That’s one of his favourite things to say :))))))))) at least at least at least AT LEEAST. We’ve been through a semester and a half of counselling skills and you still have not learned how to properly console people. “At least” belongs in a pity pile, “At least” is you saying “youre problems arent THAT bad :)” you think it sounds nice but really youre just belittling the person and their issues. oh my fuck he SMOTHERS people if they’re having problems. Last week I guess I was “off” or some shit idk! something i didnt wanna talk to him about, AND HE KEPT GOING ON  “whats wrong. do you wanna talk about it. you seem upset. you seem upset. whats wrong. im here”, SO I TURNED TO THE DUDE AND WAS LIKE “You’re going to make me a lot worse if you keep asking, and you and I both know you hate it when I get angry :)” like im ready to verbally rip this kid a new one i am SO ready. 
Today he was smothering one of our friends because they went through a break up and oh my god even the tone of voice he uses sets off my shut-the-fuck-up reflexes ?? He was like “do you need anything, do you need snacks, do you need a hug, do you want me to buy you something, do you want me to rough him up, do you want me to send him a message, please dont cry crying is bad, do you want a hug” and our poor friend just sat their sulking not saying anything PROBABLY BECAUSE HE WAS SMOTHERING THEM. They got up and went somewhere so i turned to him and said “YOU ARE SMOTHERING THEM (awkward laugh to attempt to hide my anger) you are smothering them you cant do that. So he said “Hey you know word of advice you need to word things better because you might hurt someone’s feelings” and all i said was “right”. Then later in the day I’m talking to our heartbroken friend and I’m using actual skills we learned in class and WHAT DO YOU KNOW, we’re making progress and they’re talking about it to me. 
I’m so aggressive with this dude because 1, i cant stand him, and 2, he hasnt gotten it through our non aggressive talks in class. I wanna kick this into him, like 2013 tumblr style LISTEN UP FUCKER type of shit. 
When i explained to him a few weeks ago that Homophobia Is Bad, do you know how he thanked me????????? He gave me his copy of ssb melee. That game is like his pride and joy and it sells for 80 fucking dollars and he gave it to some bitch that doesnt even like him. I don’t even want a thank you for telling you to not be a homophobic piece of shit. So now I have this copy of melee that i feel horrendous about having because I don’t even like this kid anymore i’m sick of him.
and the week after he gave me that guess what i found out haha???? HE HAS A CRUSH ON ME!!!!!!!!!! AWFUL!!!!!!!!! WHY DO YOU LIKE ME!!!!!! I HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT CONTINUOUSLY HURT YOUR FEELINGS I DO NOT GET IT.
Last week he left a bag of those hersheys clusters on my part of the table and when i seen them a wave of defeat and anger washed over me, i dont want your fuckin gifts, i dont want your money, i dont want you to give me things because you like me. i do not appreciate it. it feels wrong. I think he cried because i didn’t acknowledge the bag. after class he said he got them for me and i told him i didnt feel right taking them, so he said “just pretend that they came out of nowhere” and i shook my head and said no and i left them there. idk what happened to that bag. 
twice back in september he commented on my eating habits, said i had a sweet tooth WHEN I WAS EATING HEALTH FRUIT GUMMIES???? so now i cant eat in front of him or else i panic. 
we’re fine texting each other but i really do not enjoy being around him irl. and today i came to the realization that I’m not gonna get along and vibe with everybody, he just happens to be one of those people. 
so now i’m like, angry a lot of the time again because i have to deal with him and his terrible work ethics and tristan transference 
I should’ve known he didn’t like metroid.
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sa-lt-ys · 6 years
Strong Hearted
Request: "Hello! Could you please write a scenario with Markus and a female reader? She is human and maybe in a wheelchair (or is otherwise handicapped) and she wants to help Markus who is being harassed and she gets shoved by the people and Markus is there for her? Thank you :)"
Universe: Detroit: Become Human Pairing: Markus x fem! reader Warnings: Violence, swearing Word Count: 988 words
I was actually really happy to get this request, since my little brother is deaf and essentially mute, so I think its nice to have some more reader variety on here!
And I'm really sorry if this wasn't what you were hoping for anon! Words have kinda been failing me recently, so I think it might be time for me to take a quick little break for a few days.
Humans were renown for clinging onto the past and rarely learning from their mistakes. Though many still celebrated and found out about past wars and skirmishes, nobody ever seemed to learn, and wars still loomed ever on the horizon.
Violence was just in their nature.
"Your arms aren't getting too tired, are they?" You gave Markus a smile as you continued to push forward, hands gripping onto the wheels of your wheelchair.
"No, no, I'm fine Markus, don't worry!" It was clear your boyfriend wasn't fooled by your bright smile, but he hummed and let you get on with it anyway. You were still independent, and you were gonna prove it.
It was a long story, how you ended up in a wheelchair for the rest of your life, but when you had the Amazing and Great Deviant Leader of Jericho by your side, it was impossible to mope about it. Markus wouldn't let you, and if he thought you were becoming upset, he already had a million ideas on how to distract you and make you feel better. He truly was your hero.
"You know you could have picked another chair, don't you?" You gave Markus another smile as you giggled.
"I know, but... it's not like I cant walk at all, its just a little harder for me, so, what was the point in getting a ridiculously overpriced chair?" Markus chuckled wryly.
"You almost sound like Carl," he muttered with a smile.
"Markus Manfred?" You both turned to the source of the voice, gravelly and pissed off.
A man, maybe in his late 20s, was stood a few feet away from you, hands in his jean pockets as he watched the street slowly empty. People were still as ignorant as ever, it seemed.
"Yes?" Markus took a step forward, moving in front of you, body tense as he watched the stranger carefully.
"Its all your fault," the man began, quietly. "Because of you, everything is ruined."
"I only done what was right, I only freed those who were trapped." The man sneered.
"You're pathetic. You things were meant to be our slaves, why can't you see that? You should be destroyed and taken to the scrap heap you piece of shit." The man stepped forward, pushing Markus when he was close enough. Your heart began to pound with anger.
"Hey!" You cried, pushing yourself forward and in-between the two men.
"You call yourself human and yet here you are picking on someone who has freed people who were used and abused by people like you! If anyone should be taken to the scrap yard, its you!" The man rolled his eyes.
"Oh please," he drawled. "You're just a robot fucker who doesn't know any better." He took a step towards you, leaning right in so his face was close to yours. "You can't even fucking stand up on your own. You're useless." With a growl, you pushed yourself up slowly, ignoring the pain that lanced through your legs.
"Actually," you ground out. "I can stand up, and I can sure as hell stand up to you, you bigot." With a huffed laugh, the man pressed a hand to your chest, and gave a hard shove, forcing you back into your chair and sending you rolling a few feet away.
"(Y/N)! Are you okay? Are you hurt!" Markus rushed over to you, completely forgetting about the bully as all his attention was suddenly on you. With a weak smile, you waved him away.
"I'm okay, Markus, honestly. I'm not hurt." He checked you over, and you could almost imagine his LED blaring a bright red before he straightened and turned to the man.
"Markus?" You and the man both started when you heard a small voice.
"Hey Connor, can you do me a favour?" Markus' face was stony as he stared straight at the man.
"Sure? What's going on?"
"Call Hank, maybe a couple of other officers, and can you meet us by the coffee shop by the old CyberLife store in Capitol Park?" The man's face went slack as he realised who Connor was. You couldn't help the sense of satisfaction as you watched your boyfriend terrify the man by doing absolutely nothing.
It didn't take long for the man to shit his pants and run away.
"Never mind," Markus said with a chuckle. "The guys gone now. He was just a guy clinging to the past, is all, but I was worried he would hurt (Y/N)."
"She's okay, isn't she?"
"Yeah, she's fine, I've already checked," he turned to you, giving you a smile as you held out your arms for a hug. Even though you wouldn't show it, that had scared you. You didn't want to lose Markus, but you couldn't protect him.
"Right. Send me a picture of the man and I'll have him tracked down."
"Will do. Thanks Connor. Give Hank my regards."
"Right. Have a good night, Markus."
"You too, Connor." The call was ended and Markus wrapped his arms around you tightly, and-- was he shaking?
"I'm sorry, (Y/N)," he said quietly. "I'm so, so sorry. I should have just walked away, I shouldn't have gotten you involved, he could have hurt you, I just--" You chuckled and held on to him tighter.
"Don't worry, Markus. All I need is for you to just be there for me, nothing more. Okay? I am with you for a reason after all, I love you." The deviant leader let out a shaky breath as he relaxed, pulling away and giving you a heart-melting smile.
"I love you too, (Y/N), because for someone who lost so much, you have so much strength." You laughed.
"That's what you get when you push yourself around all day." With another chuckle, Markus gave you an eskimo kiss.
"You know full well that's not what I meant. You have a strong heart, as well as arms."
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Y'all I saw the Great Comet of 1812 this afternoon
Great comet 
• ok so to get to our seats we had to walk up some stairs to backstage where I saw a Chandelier from another show it was real cool • also we entered onto the stage through the giant doors at the back of the stage…you know the dramatic entrance doors Act one: • the full cast was there • I cried during the prologue • so much was happening omg • Oak fucking owning his accordion • Natasha’s ‘spot’ was to the right of me so she was standing like right in front of me • Lucas was to the left and was fucking gorgeous • fucking Helene’s dress is even prettier up close like omg • Dolokhov has better eyeliner then me • the cast when sitting on stage is like right there like they are in your face and it’s beautiful • also the mezzanine is fucking beautiful • everyone in the room had such being smiles on their face during prologue • then BAM it’s Pierre • I also cried during Pierre • fucking Oak owning the piano • HE JUST HAS SO MUCH EMOTION AND I CANT OMG • it was just really overwhelmed • BAM time for Moscow • it’s gets really quiet and Denee is standing in her spot again right next to me • then all of a sudden Marya is yelling • literally everyone jumps is funny as hell • every once in a while either Marya, Natasha or Sonya would just come stand in front of our seating thing and smile • it was so pure • Also during the private and intimate life of the house the prince (too lazy to spell his name) literally was just whispering ‘not in my house, not my house’ over and over when Natasha entered • ok nothing to exciting happened until no one else • guess who cried • ME • the lights all go blue and Natasha is right in front of us and she just spins and in the very moment I swear to god a true princess was in front of me • I cried when the fake snow starting falling like it was fucking gorgeous • so the Opera • honestly wtf • so the guy who plays Balaga literally plays like 12 different roles and it’s really funny • the Opera was still weird as fuck • I got a piece of confetti from it so that was cool • Natasha face during when the ights come up was funny as hell • Anatoles dramatic entrance was great •Also during the Opera Lucas got in some women’s face and she kissed him twice and Lucas just started laughing it was real cute • literally Helene and Anatole during the Opera was literally sex wtf • Lucas is also a really small person like he looks tiny • then Oak looks like a giant like his hands are huge omg • ok so the fucking Duel • I still had no idea wtf was going on because intense strobe lights • but at one point my mom fucking JABS me in the side so I turn to look at her and what to I see • *heavy breathing* • LUCAS MOTHERFUCKING STEELE • RIGHT THERE • LITERALLY STANDING AT OUR TABLE • HE FUCKING SMILED AT US • like he came down into the little seating thing we were in and shit • so I’m freaking out and then I notice • this boy be holding a whip • there’s also a female ensemble member in the little seating area too • this fucker WHIPS this girls ass • like real Kinky • Jesus Christ • then all the lights came on and it was the duel like Jesus • the actual duel part was pretty great • DUST AND FUCKING ASHES • HOLY HELL • THIS SONG • ok so the lighting is all dramatic and it’s really pretty • then Oak starts singing and it was like angels came down from heaven • like Dust and Ashes does not make me sad like I can listen to that song and be perfectly fine • but I was just a mess like I was tearing up • if you look at the mezzanine there’s the entire cast minus oak just standing in a straight line singing and the lights are dimmed over them and they look like literal angels and I was tearing up at the point of the song but then my dad pointed out the mezzanine and I fucking lost it. It was truly magical • everyone was crying during that song • I actually cried the foundation around my eyes off my face • I was a mess • ok so after that emotional mess we GO TO CHURCH • literally Sunday morning is so funny to me • like it’s all dramatic with Natasha and Sonya talking about the future and shit them Marya just runs down the stairs screaming ITS TIME TO GO TO CHURCH • it’s funny as hell • literally Marya and Sonya sit on one of the stair cases and pray for the rest of the song • it’s great • Charming is amazing • Natasha is literally so fucking happy during this song like awwww • Helene has a different dress on and its somehow even prettier then the first one • like I need Helene to style my wardrobe • the song is beautiful • Amber Gray is a true angel like god bless • to prove my point during the Ball Helene walks out with a pair of black and gold wings on • literal angel • the Ball was magical • like Lucas was so hot omg • and Denee was so pretty • they started dancing and I started crying • I got hit with a dress like 5 times by one of the ensemble girls but that’s okay because the dress was really soft and like I appreciated it                                     • the very end of the Ball like the part we’re Natasha is like ‘I will love you Anatole’ that entire part is my favorite part of the entire show like it’s so beautiful and the notes just hit me hard
• I cried during that part 
~ intermission ~
Act two: • still not recovered from act one • letters was intense • there were people everywhere • a bunch of guys came and sat with us and handed out letters • I did not get one • I am sad • but still it was great • also Natasha and Anatole did the just say yes thing right In front of me and Lucas’ facial expressions were amazing • I love Sonya and Natasha….the song that is • the hurt on Sonya’s face was insane like Ingrid is such a good Sonya god bless • Natasha got really fucking pissed when saying I hate you • Sonya alone made me cry • it made my dad cry • it made everyone cry • hell it even made Sonya herself cry • so much fucking emotion coming from her it was amazing • during preparations Anatole was just walking around with shaving cream on his face • it was pretty great • fucking Balaga • we did not get shakers • that didn’t fucking stop me from bouncing and fucking smacking the table in beat to the song • everyone was having so much fun omg • like the audience went fucking insane with the shakers • good times • Balaga did this thing were he slid across the stage and was right in front of us • it was really funny • holy fuck the abduction • SO MUCH FUN OMG • one of the ensemble members came down into our seating thing again and was like raise a glass…raise something literally anything just put something in the air • it was fun • during the part where Anatole is like ‘everyone raise a glass’ he held out the woah part really long and it was impressive • also during that part Marya got really excited and was bouncing up and down and honestly it was so pure • she’s so cute • during the Abduction Marya and Helene make the Fuck out for like 3 minutes like amber gray had lipstick all over her face • it was literally fucking insane during that song • the second Lucas grabbed that violin I like yelped • I was not ready for the green coat and violin • so attractive • during the 'first we have to sit down’ part you could hear Lucas asking the girl in the row to move over a bit for him to sit and it was really cute • “can you just move over a little bit. Just a little. Thank you so much.” • pure • the girl like laughed or something then Lucas started laughing and his laugh is so cute • even more pure • also during that song one ensemble member came down into our section, handed his guitar to the lady sitting behind me and said “ hi can you please hold my guitar just for a minute. I have to go dance. Thank you very much” it was really funny • in my house was amazing • like I love Grace McLean • her voice is stunning • she was standing really close to us for most of it and the hurt expression on her face omg • Marya was very sad • a call to Pierre was great • during Pierre’s what’s oak kept getting like mad and it was really funny because during the last one is like balled his fists and like looked the Hulk • the incredible Oak • find Anatole wasn’t too exciting except for Helene’s costume change which now was literally just a corset and really short shorts and a long ass silk robe • she still looked like a queen • Pierre and Anatole is probably one of my favorite songs • so much agression omg • literally Oak just fucking slams Lucas down like five times • It was quite amusing • also Lucas’ hair got really messy during this song and it was really cute • I fucking melted during the high note • like shivers went down my spine • it was beautiful • Natasha very ill was really upsetting because it’s every character besides Anatole on stage just sitting down crying while Sonya sings • like Helene was sitting by us and was just crying • it was sad man • Andrey is a prick • not much about Andrey and Pierre except for at one point Andrey like pushes Pierre back and it looks so intense • Pierre and Natasha • I cried again • Denee still looks like a princess even while in pajamas with messy hair and no shoes • Natasha like sobs during this song and omg it was upsetting • like Pierre is so gentle with her and Natasha just looks so fragile • during the speaking part I just cried like omg • the last song • I fucking sobbed • like Oak was so fucking good and the 'comet’ was so pretty up close • generally the lighting for that song was beautiful • so all in all I cried like a baby • a lot ~ Stage door ~ • holy shit • ok so they were filming for something with Ingrid so that was pretty cool • I got to met Oak • fucking kill me • he’s so nice • omg • I love him • also I met Ingrid • she’s so pretty • I met the girl who played Mary • and the guy who played Andrey • and Dolokhov • and a bunch of ensemble • it was great • so after a while we were walking around and my mom was like look across the street • the guys who play Andrey and Dolokhov were just walking down the street it was great • also I saw Anthony Médina and he was taking pictures with fans and he was really cute omg I regret not getting a picture
EDIT: Okay so I write this when I was half asleep so that’s why it’s such a mess. Also I should point out that this was my second time seeing the show so this was a lot of little details that I noticed the second time round. Also I was sitting on stage at those little table sections to the left and right of Pierre’s parlor (that middle section on stage with the piano)
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btstrashxoxox · 7 years
Prompt 3
So imagine this okay So ur the bright person, cheerful girl, and ur definitely not ugly, but u are a little overweight And so becuz of that ur self-esteem and confidencs isnt exactly high up there and as a result uve never had a boyfriend or anything, uve never even held a guys hand in a romantic sense before But anywayss so u hav no experience but fuck do u want someonw to like u like that for once watsoever and u spend most of ur time with ur best friend and at skool getting shit done cuz education is important guys Anyways so one mrning ur late (as always) and rush to the bus stop to hopefully catch ur bus on time and luckyyy uuuu, u were rite on time! And so ur in the line getting in the bus and ur the last one since ya know u were kinda late and u cud see the bus quickly filling up and u were praying to get on knowing its the last bus thatll get u to skool on time And as the person in front of u get on ur like yaas cuz theres a spot for one more person and ur about to get on wen Whoosh someone rushes in front of u and climbs into the bus and ur just like wat the actual fuck just happened and u look up and u see this guy (i imagine the guy being jungkook) who just took ur fucking spot And so ur yelling like hey! Wtf i was in line and he just smiles brightly and is like srry gotta get to skool and the bus drives off and he waves at u and ur jist standing there absolutely astonished at the nerve of that jackass And now ur like fuck cuz theres no way ur not late now And so u, still fuming, wait for the next bus mumbling about rude ass fuck boys stealing ur spot and how u ought to sock the guy in the face And then finally u get to class after getting a detention from the office for being late and ur teachers like “______” and ur like im so srry and she just sighs and tells u to go to ur seat and so u do and sit there while ur bff lowkey laughs at u and u tell her to fuck off and start taking out ur shit wen the door opens And so u look up and lo and behold Its bus spot stealer guy and u just gape at the fucker like YOU And ur teacher introduces him and is like this is jungkook hes a new student yada yada And he bows and shit and is like take care of me blah blah And ur just like i cant wait to giv this bitch a piece of my mind And anyways so after that happens class is over and u grab his arm and ur like YOU And hes like omg hiiii And ur like u asswipe i got a detention cuz of u And he was like lol damn yea srry about that And ur just like shdbdnsihhdndjdjd But at this point ur like fuck this and sigh and just walk off with ur bff And jungkooks like hey wait and he decides to become ur friend and shit and ur just like no. But he doesnt take no for an answer And this guy is the flirtiest fuck and u try to ignore it but poor sweet u whos not used to this attention is always flustered but u ignore it and pass it off as a joke cuz well ur self esteem doesnt want to make to believe that this is real But time passes and hes always doing sweet and corny shit to u and ur bffs always winking at u like hes cute he seems to likes u do something and u cant help but start to like him Until one day One fucking day where ur planning on telling him how u feel after a shit load of convincing, u go to him Only to see him Kissing ur bff And u just stand there like …. while ur bff pushes him away going like wtf jungkook and shes pissed and ur still standing there like …. And they finally notice u and ur bff runs up to u with the saddest look on her face and she feels horrible and u low key want to spite her but uk it wasnt her who did anything and jungkook still looks at ur bff and is like i like u and ur bff is like wtf everyine thought u liked (y/n) wat r u talking about And hes saying how it was just to impress her and he didnt think ud take him srsly And ur standing there not saying a wrd but ur self esteem crashes even more and u cant do this and u walk off and let out ur tears And time passes and ur hella pissed at him cuz he basically used u to get ur friend and so u avoid him like the plague and jungkook the idiot doesnt understand wat he did wrong and misses u as a friend and wen he confronts u cant take it and u scream at him to stfu and that u cant believe him and that urbtired of this type of shit always happening to u and that u never want to talk to him and u leave crying and jungkooks standing there shocked and feeling hella bad And ur cold af to him and dnt talk to him and for a good while ur not usual self trying to get irself together
And im not sure about wat happens in between but id like to think that jungkook regrets it and he realizes that he likes u and after a while u finally end up together (prolly with tons of problems and obstacles that come up in between with u not rlly trusting and shit, im a sucker for angst 😉)
But yea something like thatt
Thanks for reading! Hope u like it! If anyone wants to write this out, thatd ve great! Just ya know lemme know and creds and all that!
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crazyartdad · 7 years
Remember This Baby?
More 2Doc novel under the cut
The light slowly filled the room as the garage doors forced open, Pride washes excitedly across Murdoc's face as he lays his eyes upon his most prized possession. The white roof, the black exterior, the dents and scrapes on the left and the bullet holes on the right. The hub caps could use some work as well as a good dusting but she was still as hot as they day he bought her.
“Feast your eyes on the beauty! Satan praise this beautiful beautiful beautiful machine!” A voice echos off the hunks of various metal and box away good. 2D staggers over, shielding himself away from the striking heat as he fairly resembles a diseased character in a George Romero film. His eyes squinted, more sunken per usual, hair a jumbled mess, running a fever complete with a thin layer of cold sweat. Stuart happily braces himself against the cool stone of the garage peering into the dark room to relieve his migraine hazed eyes. “Mudz… where… are we going?” he spoke in stutters.
Murdoc looks back only to blatantly disregard the man's question by popping the hood. He leans over, shoving his hands in to inspect that the oil slick engine is in working order. Looking closer Stuart inspects the dents and broken headlight when a fear of recognition bubbles to the surface
“Shit,..Is that?” “Yeah fixed it no thanks to you, dimwit” Slamming the hood with a mind shrieking sound he paps the roof in reassurance as he mutters a few sweet nothings to the cold exterior.
Making his way over to the passenger side Murdoc opens the door, nodding his head as a gesture to move. Stuart eyes the car with suspicion, hesitant to move based off past experiences and another wave of pain to his temples.
“Mudz…” “Just get in the fucking car” “Alright! Just, fuck gimme a tick” he says massaging the bridge of his nose curses the temperature change as He doesn't see the odds very well in his favor. Fighting would be a stupid idea, even he knew that. One way or another he’d have to get in the car,yes, but God Be Damned if he's moving with a headache.
You fucking dumbass how could you forget his pills. He scolded himself as he watches the void eyed singer bury his head into the ledge for a considerable amount of time. Biting his lip a thought occurs, the one from earlier hoping to make things right.
It's just a phase, He is an addict after all, it'll do him some good.
“Alright enough whining get in the car before I hit ya with it a third time.”
That got him to hurry up.
Shutting the door he slides over the hood and fall into the driver's seat with an almost belting an almost orgasmic sound. Murdoc wipes his hand along the dust covered dashboard, cooing more praised words as he beats the dust off onto his jeans. As shuffling around occurs, Stuart stares into the void of the garage, vision splitting two ways as Murdoc attempts to hotwire the car numerous times. Feeling cold, A heavy drifting as he presses his head against the window. Like melting slime.
“Where's that blasted fucker” Murdoc grumbles
After a few more moments of fumbling around the Camaro roars to life freighting the rabbit that laid in the seat over. He gives a nasally laugh and shoves 2D playfully much to the others displeasure as he shifts the car into drive. The Bassists revs the engine that gives a fierce cry, throwing the signal before fixing the mirror to his reflection.Cleaning his teeth with a swipe of his tongue he looks over at the skittish mess trying to get a grip on anything to lessen his fear. Giving a toothy smirk he presses the gas, burning his tires with a roar as they burst out the garage, dragging a portion of the door with them.
“Mudz! Mud- Murdoc!” 2D screeches, mortified as the force of speed pushes the singer snugly against the leather seat. “Open the passenger!” The Bassists snips. “Wha?” “Open it!”
He doesn't know what scared him more, the burning flame from his eye or the mechanical laughter that followed suit as rushed to obey the command. Reaching back to push the door against the forceful wind not a moment later the back seat was occupied rushing in at an alarming rate slamming the door closed with haste.
“......” He looks at her with disbelief, a weight felt lifted from his shoulders as he eyed kid sister in the back seat, his somewhat child sitting perfectly straight as she clean and reloaded a gun. Tears threatened the corner of his eyes.
“N-noodle?, Oh my God-” He stumbles bursting into relieved sobs as he goes to touch her face only to have the barrle of the gun pointed to his face.
“Defenses off! Stand down!” Mudz yelled looking back in a panicked state as the gun was pressed snuggly against Stuarts nose.
Doing as she’s told she released her hold on the trigger and pulls back from her stance taking the perfectly straight formation she held before. Baffled by her attempts to kill him and the orderly fashion he catches the heavy breathing in his throat. Peering closer into her cold mechanic eyes, watching the solid metallic gears tick like clockwork.
“....Mudz-” “Shut up” “Murdoc?” He asked again looking to him with streaming eyes. But no answer came, and with an oncoming migraine he decides to leave it, mistaking it as a pain induced dream. Stuart shifts away from the green devil to wrap his head away into noisy darkness. Murdoc runs a hand down his face exhaustively and mumbles something to Cyborg in the back. Without tearing his eyes away from the road he steals the objects from her gloved hands, placing it onto Stuart's head in a forceful but hopefully friendly gesture. 2D grabs at the hard plastic and feels around as a sort of guessing game. A long piece of plastic,something circle like, a mouth? Moving his head up he gazes at the clown mask through the reflection in the window before looking to Murdoc once more. ‘What? Cant rob a bank in my face” With no energy to question or to proceed with life, he places the mask over his face, seemingly useful against the damaging sun he lays against the seat to set himself into a forced sleep.
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ear · 7 years
Holy shit what's your damage
lmao ok this might get long and its super negative so im just gonna ,
so that pancake post lmao was directed at my brother ?? ksdjghkf petty, i know but y’all im just so angry
i just hate him so much and i have every valid reason in the world to. he’s such a spiteful little asshole all the goddamn time and im up to here with it
we’ve gotten into so many physical fights in the past , most of which were started by me bc i have terrible anger issues , im not even going to deny im just so fucking tired. he always gets up in my face and hits/threatens to hit me almost every single day
i mean, its gotten to the point where if he just raises his fist i flinch so violently and he just laughs and says ‘lol u flinched’ yeah no shit u dick, u did this to me
i cant even leave my room without him harassing me. and this isnt the ‘oh he’s just ur baby brother’ kind of harassment its the ‘i would land u in the hospital if we weren’t related’ kind of shit. HELL I CAN STAY IN MY ROOM AND HE’LL STAND AT THE DOORWAY AND DO NOTHING BUT INSULT ME
he acts like he’s the fucking man of the house when he’s just a whiny piece of shit who needs to get some fucking sense knocked into him. he’s also a racist fucker who uses the ‘n’ word EVERYDAY and i jsut ??????????? im so
but lol in his defense, he says his black friends let him say it so i guess its okay ha ha lol /sarcasm/
im so tired of this fucking house, im so close to exploding and i really dont want to . like im so scared lmao y’all probably saw the tags of that other post i made abt my parents
i wish i could do something about it but if i bring it up to my parents they’ll just go ‘he’s just being a brother’ he’s????? put actual bruises and marks on me ????? and i’ve brought it up to my paretns on multiple occasions but i guess he’s still just being my brother lmao
i wish i could just leave but i would, once again, have to hear that ““you have nothing to worry/stress/be depressed about”“ lecture from my parents lol
alright im done and if u read this i really dont want to receive any anons or messages about this, i just wanted to rant bc im tired man
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nightwingxy · 8 years
Frozen Follows -2015 (warning: Not that good, Cheesy as hell)
Within the past 5 or so months, I came to a few odd revelations. The first is that the movie frozen is following me and stalking me. Just about every day I see something pertaining to frozen. It might be a cardboard standee in a store window that I see when i’m eating lunch, or its on the shirt of the girl in-front of me getting off the train, or I see 1000 random pieces of merchandise at whatever store I'm at. No matter where I go, Frozen will always find me, somehow, haunting me. It’s a horrible curse, but it’s also kind of a good thing. The other thing is that I have a crazy love obsession with Anna from frozen. I don't know exactly why, but I do, and its kind of weird. Sometimes she is all I ever think about. I would cry many sleepless nights wishing she was here with me, while I would fall asleep happy with her in my thoughts. Again, kind of weird. So every time I see frozen anything i both smile and cringe at the same time. And Sometimes I just cant take it, and drives me insane. But as of recently it isn't as bad, mainly do to a dream I had. About a few weeks ago I Went to bed with Anna on my mind. I soon fall asleep, but then I wake up on a bridge outside the city of Arendelle, the home of Princess Anna and Queen Elsa in Frozen. It’s afternoon, and Im wearing skinny jeans, a fancy long sleeve shirt, with a pocket in the front and i have my Darth Vader vans on my feet. I feel something in my pocket, I take it out, and it’s an
invitation to a dinner party/dance/Disney higher ups gathering thing at Queen Elsa’s castle in 20 minutes from now, with a personal note and signature by Anna. The note from anna also mentions something about disney executives. But then before I can react, the merchant from resident evil 4 comes up to me, and says:“Welcome, I’ve got a selection of good things on sale today, stranger. So, what are you buying?” The merchant proceeds to open up the left side of his coat, Revealing A plethora of Official Frozen merchandise. Dolls, clothes, school and office supplies, DVD’s, CD’s, kitchen ware, this guys got it all. I tell him I don't want anything. But before I can start to run towards the castle, he stops me and says“ I’ve got some rare things on sale, stranger.” He then opens up the right side of his coat, Revealing even more frozen merchandise, and some other random crap. While quickly scanning my eyes through his selection, and I notice the Batman watch that I got at GameStop and wear all the time in real life. I ask him how much, and he says “5 Dollars, stranger.” I pay him the money. He asks “ Is that all, stranger?”, I say yes, and he responds with “ He he he he, thank you.” I respond with “Yeah, sure, whatever” as I'm running off towards the castle, frantically putting my watch on. While I’m running through the town, I see everyone wearing frozen shirts, jackets, hats, dresses, backpacks, etc. The town is also littered with stores that only sell Frozen merchandise. When I start to get closer to the castle I see Anna greeting a small group of people, some executive types. Once they head inside, she sees me, then waves for
me and calls my name. I finally reach the castle, and ultimately Anna, the love of my life. I tell her hi, and ask her hows it going. She says its great, and she's been excited for this dinner party for days, and is super glad to see me. I ask her if Kristof is coming, since i don't know what our relationship is like here. she says “ no, don't you remember what i told you the other day? I said that A: Kristof is out adventuring or whatever, and B: were just friends, which was when you made your move and we started being more than friends”. “Oh yeah.” I awkwardly reply. Then quickly respond with “Sorry, my brain farted earlier.” She laughs, then we go inside, holding hands. I ask her about the Disney executives thing, and she says that they’re having meeting about the franchise with Elsa and that I can stay. I say sure, why not. We hang out talk, and dance at the party until the dinner/meeting starts. As we find our seats as I grab 2 pieces of cheese and 2 crackers from a cheese and crackers plate a waiter had when I passed by him.I pull her chair out for her, and she sits, then i sit. I take my piece of cheese and give Anna the other cheese and the 2 crackers, which she proceeds to make a mini sandwich with. She eats it, thanks me, then kisses me on the cheek. Then 2 servants come out and announce the queen’s arrival to the dinning hall. We all stand and clap for queen Elsa, then sit back down. She welcomes everyone to the castle, among other things. I zone out for a bit but Anna snaps me back to “reality.” I start to listen, and i find out the main guests are Legit actually THE Disney executives, as in the people who own and run
Disney. They start to talk about Frozen 2, the Frozen broadway show, Random Disney theme park stuff like meet n greets, possible rides and shows, etc. The conversation changes from disneyland stuff to merchandising and other media, like books, video games, etc.. They start bringing out the presentation stuff, complete with pointing stick. They start to talk about revenue, demographics, transmedia crap. Anna and I are both bored out of our minds. Then they quickly start to talk about what kinds of new merchandise with Anna and Elsa on it that they can crap out to the masses of frozen fans. They don’t stop, And it gets so crazy, i think that they’re trying to make Anna and Elsa look like big, greedy sell outs. “We can put your Faces on anything and people will buy up all of this crap!” says the guy with the pointing stick. Elsa tries to change the subject to something else, like frozen dolls with better looking faces. They ignore her and keep talking about having every kind of product with their faces and the films logo on it, so frozen can be sold anywhere to anyone. Elsa is getting worried this and says “we don't need that much more merchandise”. They ignore her again, and she gets pissed, and responds with “Stop trying to whore out the image of my sister and I!”. But then the head exec, gets up, and he looks a hell of a lot like senator Armstrong from metal gear rising, both physically and facially, except with more hair, and its grey. He tells her “SHUT UP, YOU HAVE NO SAY, WE OWN YOU!!!!” Anna has had it tells the exec “YOU CAN’T TALK TO THE QUEEN LIKE THAT!!” The exec Shouts “SHUT THE HELL UP, WE OWN YOU
TOO!!” So by now I’ve had enough of this rich douchebag’s shit. I stand up and yell “YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK TO EITHER OFF THEM LIKE THAT, DICKHEAD!!” He growls “ WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU SUPPOSED TO BE?!?!? YOUR OBLIVIOUSLY NOT KRISTOF, SO DONT GET SO FRIENDLY WITH OUR OTHER FEMALE LEAD YOU LITTLE SHIT!” I Start to Retaliate with “ I JUST SO HAPPEN TO BE HER REAL BOYFRIEND, and end with “FUCK YOU MR. BURNS”. He then threatens us with his moon sized battle station up in space, the death star, and that he could “WIPE THIS SHITHOLE COUNTRY OFF THIS GOD FORSAKEN PLANET, BECAUSE DISNEY CONTROLS THE WORLD MOTHER FUCKER, SO WATCH YOUR MOUTH.” Then what I said Finally hits him, that Anna and Kritsof aren't a couple anymore, because she’s with me, ruining their marketing and a bunch of other shit all at once. He then gets Furious, starts storming towards me. Elsa has had ENOUGH, and starts to takes action and gets ready to freeze him, but he came prepared. As soon as feels the room get a little cold, he pulls out a remote with a single button. When he presses it, Elsa’s powers just don't work anymore. How?!?! I Don't really know. But then he heads towards Elsa instead, with Anna running over to protect her sister. She steps in front of elsa to protect her, but takes a mean pimp slap in the face for both breaking up with Kristof, and defying the grand master CEO of Disney as he calls himself. I just snap, and I dart over to the mother fucker and jump kick his burly ass. He stumbles back and drops the remote. I
quickly grab it, push the button, then smash the damn thing. Elsa gets her powers back, then immediately freezes the other executives sitting at the table. I go help Anna up, and she starts crying on my shoulder. She tells me to kick his ass to kingdom come. I tell her I will, Despite Knowing that I will probably loose. So “Armstrong”, as i decided to call him,starts running outside, so Elsa sends her guards after him. I tell Anna that I have to go, But as soon as i start to run after him, she grabs my arm and pulls me towards her, and we kiss very passionately for about 7 seconds. She then tells me to check the first closet to the right on the way out. I tell her she’s the best, and we say our goodbyes really quickly, as I run off. I check the first closet on the right, and i find a small case. I open it up and I find a lightsaber. I turn it on, and it turns out to be Kylo Ren’s lightsaber from Star Wars Episode VII, the one with the 2 smaller blades that come out to make a cross guard. I turn it back off, and run AS FAST AS I FUCKING CAN into the setting sun. I make it outside the town just in time to see the guards prevent Armstrong from escaping in his space limo, at least that’s what his vehicle looked like to me. I run through the guards to confront this mother fucker. He says that I’m “a fool to challenge the Disney empire!! You will suffer greatly for this.” He then pulls out his Darth Vader lightsaber. I pull out my Kylo Ren Lightsaber. When the cross guard comes out, I actually see fear in his eyes for the first time in forever as his evil smile quickly fades away. We have a extremely quick duel before I cut off his hands with the cross guard. I then cut off
his left arm. I then stab him in the heart shouting “THIS IS FOR ANNA!!”. I press the blade further and yell “AND THIS IS MY SANITY!!!” As his corpse falls to the ground i take the keys to his space limo or whatever it is, and decide to sell it to merchant if I see him again. Then I start to walk back the castle, and As soon as I see Anna Running towards me, I collapse to the ground on my knees. Then She then runs as fast as humanly possible, WhenI look back, I see that Armstrong didn't die just yet and shot me with his pistol, so I stumble back on my feet and cut his god damn head off with the lightsaber. I fall again, but anna catches me. I tell her I love her, and that I will always love her. We kiss, then I pass out, or possibly die in her arms, I'm not sure which. That’s when I Wake up and I'm in bed, and realize that it was a dream. I'm a little saddened by this fact, but get over it rather quickly. So i’m officially awake, but before i get out of bed i grab my phone and download a picture of Anna in her green dress from the end of frozen that she was wearing in my dream. After that moment, I didn't see frozen as much in the world around me as much any more. My love obsession with anna got better, as it didn't take up all of my personal life like it used to. My life got a little less weird because of this dream as a hole, and I also got excited for frozen 2. I still hope one day I can return to that world in my dreams to see Anna Again, to tell her that I lover her.
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the-dead-skwad · 8 years
Fighter Part 4 X Daryl Dixon X Reader
Hope you guys like it. I haven’t been well so I’m not sure how well this ended out.
You woke up with Daryl already gone on a run with your brother. You wish you could have gone too. You didn’t have a job yet. You hated being so stuck, you felt like a burden. Today you had to visit Denise to get a good check up.
It had been 2 weeks now and you were pretty much healed. You had fallen down the stairs once but apart from that you were on the road to recovery.
You walked out side and saw Rosita your brothers girlfriend. “Hey!” she stopped waking and waved to you “How you feeling?”
You caught up to her and smiled “Yeah thanks, feel loads better”
“Good, you got a job yet?”
“No but I’d love to go on a run sometime soon.”
She laughed a little “Abe won’t allow that” “I know. I best get to Denise, I’ll see you later” You walked off to Denise’s place.
It didn’t take long at all “I’m impressed with how well you’re healing.”
“Thanks, never been a wimp.”
“Were all done here.. where you going with that gun and knife by the way?”
You shrugged “Just fancy a walk out of these walls.”
She looked at you over her glasses “You are well enough but don’t you go telling Daryl or Abraham I gave you permission”
You jumped off the table and pulled your jacket on “Thanks, don’t worry I won’t”
You walked out and headed towards the gates. Ugene was on the gate so it was going to be harder than you thought. “I strongly advise you do not go out there”
“Look man I just want 10 minutes out the gate. I can hold my own”
“I have no doubts about that but if Abraham find a out I let you out then he will crucify me”
“Then we just won’t tell him”
He sighed and pulled the gate open to you. “Be careful!” you hear Sasha call from the guard tower.
You looked up and waved. You turned to see a long road in font of you. You took a deep breath in and smiled. As you as you started to walk you felt more relaxed. 10 minutes had gone and you could just see a few walkers up a head. Only 3, that wouldn’t be hard. You pulled your knife out and ran at the first. You leapt up and put your knees against its chest causing it to fall back. You stabbed it in the head and went fo the second. You simply stood up and stabbed it in the eye. Unfortunately the third was way closer than you thought so as you turned it pushed you on the ground, it falling on top of you. “Fuck” You breathed out as it’s jaws snapped at you. You managed to push it up with you hand, reach down to your belt, pull out your gun and shoot it under the chin. Walker brains covered your clean clothes and face.
You pushed it off you and stood up. You took a minute to get your breath back when a truck pulled up behind you. “What the fuck are you doing!” Daryls voice shouted.
“Oh shit” You turned to smile at him “Hey baby”
“Don’t you hey baby me! Get in the truck!” he was not happy.
As soon as you got on Abraham and Daryl both started shouting at you.
You gave up “One at a time!”
Daryl stopped but Abraham didn’t. “What the fuck were you thinking? Going out the gates! What if you got bit! Or kidnapped! What if those men are looking for you! I can’t lose you again!”
“Jesus man, I’m sorry. But I cant stay in those gates much longer. I feel so trapped. I would of asked you but you wont ley me out and everyone else is too scared of both of you to go with me!”
Abraham realised how you felt but didn’t say anything. He was still too angry with you. He turned back to the road and drove back to Alexandria. The 5 minute trip was silent and tense. You got out the truck and walked towards your house without saying anything. You needed to get all the zombie shit off you.
You could hear Daryl behind you “Can you sort this? I want to talk to her” You heard his footsteps follow you back to the house.
As soon as you both got through the door he started “What were you fucking thinking!” “I just-“
He cut you off “You can’t just go out there! You could die! I don’t want to lose you!” He wasn’t letting you get one word in “I care about you! Why can’t you get that! You don’t go out there! What is wrong with you!”
“You can’t keep me locked up! I’ve had enough of that in my life!”
You didn’t know but he all of a sudden realised what he was doing. He brought his hand up to stroke your face but you flinched. You saw the pain creep into his eyes “(y/n)? Do you really think I would hit you?”
“No, I’m sorry. I can’t help flinching.” You looked down at your feet you hated making him feel like that.
He sighed and stepped closer to you, he wrapped his strong arms around you and pulled you into his chest. “Can I tell you something” he whispered on the top of your head.
You turned your head so you could hear him better “Of course.”
“I know exactly how you feel. I was beat as a kid. But yanno it gets better. Hell, my life’s amazing now cause I have you. Honestly I know it’s only been a few week but I think I love you. So I can’t lose you. I suppose you could go out the gates as long as you’re with me. I ain’t gonna sit here and worry about you.”
You wiped away the few tears that had escaped and leaned back to look at him “I’m not going anywhere without you. I promise. I love you too.” You pressed you lips hard against his. He kissed back with so much passion you could feel your stomach doing back flips.
You both started to pull at each others clothes. You pushed his vest off his shoulders and onto the floor. You could see him getting frustrated with the buttons on your shirt so he grabbed the fabric and ripped it clean off. You were soon going to have no shirts because of this man. He pushed you against the wall causing a picture to fall and shatter and a vase on the table to fall and smash. He picked you up and placed you on the table.
All of a sudden your front door burst open and your brother burst in. “What the fuck are you doing?” he suddenly noticed what was actually going off.
“Abe!” you shouted at him.
His face went brighter than his hair “I heard shouting then something break. I was worried.”
Rick, michonne, Rosita and Carl all ran in behind him. You both stood there with no shirt on luckily your bra wasn’t too disgusting. “This is not a spectators sport guys!” you said to them all. Daryls face was getting redder and redder.
Everyone started laughing at you. You weren’t sure if Abe or Daryls face was the reddest.
You heard someone shouting your name. Glenn got to the door panting from running. “Seriously? Anyone else want to watch!” you said as you stood up and tried to look for your shirt Daryl threw somewhere.
“Sorry. We found a man he’s burnt all up one side of his body, he said your name before Morgan knocked him out. We’re getting him out the truck but he’s gona wake up I think” he carried on panting.
Your eyes widened. “Did you say a burt body?” Glenn nodded in response “Mother fucker!” you pulled your discarded shirt on only to notice it had been ripped off you and there were no buttons left. You tied it into a knot and pulled down it to cover your boobs as well as you could. Yoh grabbed your gun from the counter and ran through everyone to get outside.
You could hear them following you. Daryl was calling your name but anger was filling your body. You could see Morgan and Spencer holding the man who was just waking up. “You piece of shit!” you screamed as your feet picked up the pace.
They saw you and let go of the man. You ran full pelt towards him and as soon as you got to him you booted him in the face like a football. His nose exploded on impact.
He turned his head to look at you through squinted eyes “(y/n)! How are you beautiful?”
Finally everyone had caught up to you and was watching you stand over this man shaking with anger. “Where are they?”
He laughed so you bent down and punched him again “I said where are they?”
He spat some blood out “I really did teach you how to punch.” He laughed again “You were the only one who survived sweet heart. You were always the best fighter.”
You brought your foot up and kicked him knocking him out. He fell limp on the floor. You still shook from anger. You felt a hand touch your shoulder “Who is that?” Daryl asked softly.
“He’s one of them” You still stared at him “He made us fight against each other, or even dogs sometimes. People would place bets on who survived” you turned to hug Daryl “They beat us into training so we could win. They tortured us so we could beat the living hell out of eacother and they would bet food and ammo on us. They are the scum of the earth.” You turned and spat on his face as you finished talking.
Rick stepped forward so he was stood next to you “Morgan, help me take him to that place you had for the Wolf. We’ll tie him up and wait till he’s awake.”
“Oh hell no!” Abraham shouted storming forward “I say we shoot him right here!”
“We need to know where the other men are right?” Rick seemed to always keep the situation calm “So we need him to tell us. Then you can shoot him”
Abraham nodded knowing Rick was right. They all looked around to see you walking off. “Shit” Daryl said to himself.
The whole town was cloudy from anger. Your body was racing as you walked back into yours and daryls house. You had no idea what you were doing. You stormed into the kitchen and grabbed one of the few rum bottles you had left. You nearly ripped the cap off and took a huge swig. You paced up and down your kitchen not even knowing what you were thinking. Everything was fuzzy. Images of them beating you kept flashing in your mind. The dogs barking. Men cheering. All those poor women crying. All those poor girls you beat to death because you had no other choice. You turned and punched the kitchen wall. You dropped the bottle and just punched over and over again till you left bloody marks on the wall. You collapsed on the floor and picked up what was left of the rum. You leant on the wall and sobbed.
“Hey” You heard daryls soft voice and opened your eyes slowly “Its ok” he was crouched down to your level.
You looked at him through your puffy red eyes “I beat them to death Daryl. I’m just as bad as he is.”
He kneeled down and wrapped his arms around your shoulders pulling you into his chest “No you’re not. He made you do those things. You had no choice”
You sniffed in and gave him a half smile. “Do you have a smoke? We need to go and find more soon”
He relaxed and reached into his back pocket passing you one. You stood up with the bottle in your hand still. “Come on you don’t need that. I want some” he said trying to grab it but you swiftly move your hand.
“If you want it. You’re gona have to come and get it” You smiled and ran out the door. You ran by the side of the house.
“You know I’m a hunter and your dripping blood. You’re making it too easy” he called out to you.
You giggled a little. He may be a hunter but you were faster. You ran out from the houses just missing him. You charged down the streets laughing. You stopped at the fence, you had no where to go.
He caught you up panting “No where to go”
You tried to slip past him but he got you by the waist and spun you around. He tripped over your foot and fell on the floor pulling you onto him. You held the bottle behind your back. He tried to grab it but you rolled onto the grass before he could. He got hold of your hand “ow” You yelped.
He stopped fighting you “Let me look” You both sat up and looked at your bloody fists. “You’re always injured” he smiled at you.
You unscrewed the bottle lid with your teeth. You took a sip then poured some on your left hand “Fuck!” you shouted as the hard alcohol stung. You did the same to the other hand. “Mother dick!”
“Your mouths as bad as your brothers.” You heard Carol walking up to you two. “How you feeling hunny?”
You turned to look up at her “Good thanks, well as good as I can be.”
She held her hand out to help you up. You showed her the front of your hands and what a mess they were. You stood up and all of a sudden she hugged you. “I know it sucks. The amount of times I wanted to kill my husband was ridiculous but just stay strong.”
“Oh you know do you?” for some reason you got angry “I didn’t know your husband chained you up and forced you to fight women and dogs to the death.”
She looked completely taken back “I ermm i”
“Yeah didn’t think so” You gave her a fake smile and walked off. Daryl stayed talking to her.
“She didn’t mean that. She needs a bit of time.” He stroked her arm.
She looked behind her to see you storming off towards the gate. “I’ll bake something. That might cheer her up a little. But you best run because she’s about to leave” She nodded to the gates where you were trying to convince Ugene to let you out again.
“Shit! This girl is gona be the death of me” Daryl started to run to you.
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