#the frobin bit specifically
fishpiracy · 10 hours
i keep thinking about a post i saw before even meeting franky saying he was forgiven too quickly or that frobin doesnt really make sense. insane ass fucking takes.
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mushiemellows · 9 months
Frobin hc- they both know how to hand sign and it’s their primary form of nonverbal communication
- Robin picks some up here and there when she’s a teen on the run but the use cases for it are few and far between so she’s a bit rusty. But there’s definitely times where she’ll sprout a few hands to get info out quickly and silently
- Franky learns from a few Family members. He has to reconstruct his hearing after the accident and he does a good job at it, but there’s still some days where the tech’s not working right and he’s gotta go a few days at a time without hearing.
-he also gives big Dad With Hearing Aids joke potential energy (turning them off when Luffy’s too loud, etc)
- Robin’s got a tendency to go a bit nonverbal sometimes and retreat, and that’s how Franky starts signing to her. He’s checking in from across the deck at a distance and her signs aren’t perfect in response but she gets the message across.
- she picks up a couple of books on the topic to polish up and soon they’re having full conversations that way
- they use it more in every day contexts than actually on days where either of them is feeling under the weather because it’s far more convenient
- Franky’s welding and doing like, construction stuff and his ear protection’s on goggles down but Robin’s able to ask him questions with just her hands
-(he doesn’t love when she signs with just her hands because he can’t get any info from her face/lips/rest of her body so it’s confusing sometimes. But he’s figured out what she generally means)
-(she doesn’t love his general sign style, he’s too relaxed and his hands are big enough that sometimes she can’t tell what he’s specifically trying to say. And he has a niche w7 regional accent to his signs)
- when the crew goes out dancing and partying, they’re usually the two on Round Everyone Up and Get Them Home Before They Make a Mess duty at the end of the night, so they sign to each other from across the club. The music’s too loud and- shit where’s zoro
- sometimes they sign at the dinner table and no one knows what they’re saying but Sanji has his suspicions 🤫
- they sign during battles and it’s helped immeasurably in their strategizing and planning. Franky’s overly concerned, checking in with her from a distance like every five minutes even though she’s usually handling herself well
- if Robin’s too far away she’ll sign to him in battle with Giantesco Manos but he like, never knows what she’s trying to say. And then he’s just in the General trying to sign back for clarification and neither of them are doing an effective job
-post ts she picks up a ton of actually practical signs from the Revs (intersectional gays that they are) and her signing improves very very quickly
-post ts he gets so much worse and so much better simultaneously, he’s all on his own so he gets rusty and his new hands take all the nuance out of whatever he’s trying to express, and it frustrates him
- but the little hands? He uses them to sign like a pro, they’re quick and snappy and so much easier to read (for Robin, at least. Everyone else thinks he’s lost it)
- like he’s on the deck and she’s leaning out the library window and he’s trying to sign up something to her and she’s just not getting it and he just sighs and puts his palms out facing her and the precision hands get the message out immediately.
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frobinfandays · 2 years
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The voting is over!
A huge thank you for everyone who 1) sent in suggestions for the themes and also for 2) voting. A total of 34 votes!!
Another special thank you to everyone who answered why they ship FRobin! It's always good to remember why we all love this ship so much!
Another shoutout to @pokeharvest for creating the graphics!
Keep your eyes open for the themes!
Why do you ship FRobin?
"your existence is not a sin" and he won my and Robin's heart 🤌
it started in december 2021 as a joke with my bf who wanted zoro to be with robin and when I saw that scene in Water 7/Enies Lobby of them on the sea train I was like "honey I tell you Robin would choose to fuck that guy over zoro any day" and then we both noticed how much chemistry they both actually had. At some point we were both looking at each other and the tv back and forth being like "did you fucking see that" and I literally squaked when the CBT scene happened. So yeah I started shipping them to annoy my bf and I got really hooked by them because of their chemistry, the way they are pretty much opposites personality-wise but share a pretty specific experience to bond deeply, the way Franky reminds Robin of Saul with his words and actions and how that makes her reflect on her life and think of him as a treasure, how they both relate to the other strawhats as their parents, how they know each other so well they can basically predict what the other one is going to say, how he's always close to her and they're both the first ones to protect each other, how even the animators in TOEI ship them so much that they add in little scenes to make situations a bit more romantic (also! knowing that Oda did personally add things in the anime that were not in the manga because he didn't have time or because he forgot makes me wonder how much of those anime frobin scenes were just TOEI animators being silly and goofy or Oda being like "yeah I do kinda like a little romance"), and the way they feel so, so real. I just love them so much -I'm pretty obsessed ngl- and it is a ship that brings me so much joy. also I love frobin because they're basically canon but not technically so yeah I can actually win silly debates online and feel like the best of the worst type of people online lol
Because they are super!
They understand each other on a level no one else does and Franky didn't hesitate to say that she deserves to live during the sea train arc
They are perfect
It's more of a causal thing. I love the content that other creators make of this ship, some of is so cute and soft that how can you NOT like it? Plus Nico Robin deserves to have good things in her life.
Honestly I just love them. I fell out of love with One Piece but they keep me coming back. They're wholesome and good and bonkers and amazing. Overall completely underappreciated!
I love the smart goofball and smart goth dynamic. She's always tired of his shit, but is always amused. He's madly in love and in awe of her brilliance. I also like the idea that they could be romantic, platonic, or kinky.
I just think they are so very in love and nothing could convince me otherwise
I ship frobin because of their dynamic during enies, thriller bark , and they are just cute overall love the idea of them as a couple.
Me encantan como pareja 😍
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asdfghjklartblog · 1 year
Iron Buttercups Part 1
A kidsopp story :)))
So I finished the first part of it! Yayyy!! Had to do a lot of revising and shit but I think this is pretty great! Hope you enjoy!
Synopsis: So in this story it's kinda like a meet cute, but the person who's in the meet cute looks like and acts like he hates your guts but he actually wants to be in them if you catch my drift. Anyways no smut, mostly cause I don't know how to write it. And I'm not sure how I'd do at writing it. Also love being mean to Zoro, he's so squinchy!!! The interactions between Sanji and Usopp can be read as whatever, I'm thinking more like they're best friends in this story but also who cares! Feel free to think it's a bit Sanji x Usopp too! Also a bit of Frobin in here, love that shit. Also maybe like a really small hint of Lawlu?
The idea of having four crews of the worst generation on one island was a terrible idea, however it couldn't be avoided. Sanji needed to restock on various foodstuffs, Franky also needed to dock to work on some things and see whether everything was in "tip top shape" as Franky said, and even Usopp had things he needed to do on the island. But the thought of seeing Law's crew sounded like a pain in the butt, while running into Hawkin's or Kid's crews sounded more like a fight waiting to happen.
"Usopp I don't like the sound of this either but the next island is about a week away, and unless you and Luffy can consistently catch a ton of fish. Luffy might start thinking about eating one of us."
"I would not!"
"Yes you would Luffy."
"Hihi! Yeah I would!"
"B-But, Nami... Please!!! I'd be fine if it was just Law's crew but-"
"Torao is here?!"
Nami turns to glare at Usopp. Shit. "That settles it! We're docking at the island then! That's alright, right Nami?"
If looks could kill Usopp would probably be dead. Nami gritted out in a sickly sweet tone " Yeah, sure Luffy! I'd love just love to dock at the same exact island that three other dangerous crews are on!"
Luffy stared at Nami with a blank face, not quite getting that she was being sarcastic.
"..... Great?" Said Luffy with a tone that implied he was not sure whether or not to answer, and if said answer was correct.
She sighs, she's been trying to help Luffy understand more social cues as well as when people are being nice versus when people are being rude. Although from the looks of it, the little lessons Nami’s been giving him hasn’t been working.
Nami turns to Usopp to Usopp and smacks the back of his head, then points at him and says. " This is your fault."
And truth be told, yeah it was his fault that Luffy heard about Law being on the island but it wasn’t his fault that they ran out of food. For the most part. Okay maybe he and Luffy one too many midnight snacks. Fine, more like ten too many but who's counting.
Usopp heard a chuckle coming from Robin lying in the lawn chair and reading.
"Well perhaps we'll run into a bit of fun? I heard that long ago this island used to take young prisoners of war to sacrifice to their god." Franky, who was listening in from earlier said. "Oh yeah, you told me about that! You think there might be a cult still following those old practices? You think they might even take my heart? Although I don’t exactly have a heart but I do have-“
Which leads to Franky to start rambling about the specifics of his heart/processor thing. While Robin looks to him with admiration and love. She interrupts him and counters with "You're not exactly a young prisoner of war, Flam. On top of that I do not like sharing what's mine."
Franky sputters in a way that describes the conflicting feelings that Robin's response evoked in him while Robin chuckles at his confusion.
"God they're so fucking sappy, it’s so cute and gross at the same time."
"You're so right Nams, look at them all happy and shit. Absolutely disgusting."
"Girl, don't agree with me. I hate you right now, now we literally have to dock on this shitty island because you couldn't keep your voice down."
"You KNOW he has selective hearing, he would've heard anyways!"
Zoro interjected with "You know he wouldn't have heard anything if you both had shUT THE FUCK UP! NOW-"
As Zoro tried to reply he was immediately kicked out of the argument as he got hit by both Nami and Usopp.
"Anyways, both of you are on dish duty for the rest of the week."
"You can't do that!"
"I DIDNT DO SHIT!!" Nami goes to hit Zoro and Usopp on their heads.
"Too bad, now get ready to leave the ship. You're also both on grocery duty."
The two men groaned as Nami walked away in a huff. Zoro looked at Usopp in the eye and sent him a little glare.
"Don't look at me like that. Look I'll buy you some good sake alright?"
"... I want two bottles," Usopp sighs, signalling that the deal has been made. As he walks away Zoro proceeds to shout. "And it better be good or I'm gonna-!"
"Ughhhh. Yeah, yeah."
With a little smirk Zoro goes back to relaxing. Or maybe he was going to have a quick nap before going. Either way he was resting.
So Usopp decides to walk down to his workshop to double check his inventory and make a checklist of everything he needs to buy. After about an hour or two, right as he was about to go to Franky and ask if he also needed any parts, he hears a knock on his door. Usopp opens it to find Sanji.
Sanji leans against the doorway while lighting a cigarette and asks. "Dish duty and grocery duty huh?"
Usopp replies with a “Man, shut the hell up."as he rolls his eyes.
Which earned a chuckle from Sanji. "I'm gonna go wake the Marimo up now so you better hurry up."
"Wait, I gotta ask Franky a couple of things before I go."
Franky then pops his head from his workshop and proceeds to ask, "What do ya need to ask me?"
Usopp was surprised to see him there, not that it was unusual to see the in his own work room. Usopp just thought he was still with Robin or something. Probably just didn't hear Franky coming down because he was so focused on his supply check.
"Since I'm going shopping I wanted to know if ya wanted me to get you any parts before they sell out of what we need or something."
"Aw, thanks little bro! I need like about 20 of the 35-67-20 seals and 10 of those 45-80-12 seals and  about 100 or maybe even 200 nuts and screws of all the standard sizes and also three bouquets of Tulips, Rhododendrons, Zinnias, Plantain lilies and Day Lilies."
"Yeah, I looked for some flowers that were deer and people safe. So I could give one bouquet to Robin, another for Chopper and the last for Nami to brighten their rooms a little!"
"Aw that's sweet! But don't you think Chopper might eat those? Considering that those flowers are safe for deer? Although he isn't technically a deer but a reindeer."
Franky stood there in silence along with Usopp and Sanji. All of them ponder the question that was just asked. Usopp thinks this might be the longest time Franky has ever stayed quiet. He then starts to walk away as he said to Usopp "So the seals, nuts and screws! Get 'em for me will ya? Thanks little bro!" And proceeded to go to the deck, probably to question Chopper whether he likes to eat flowers or not. Sanji then mumbled something under his breath.
"What was that Sanji?"
"Nothing, just wondering what I should make for dinner, anyways now that that's over with come on."
They walked out over to the deck to find Zoro not there. Or in any of his usual sleeping spots.
"God fucking dammit. He probably thought we left him or some shit."
"That damned moss head, it's like he literally has moss in his head instead of an actual human brain. I'd say I can't believe this, but this is pretty on par for that dumbass."
"Should we split up and look for him before we go shopping?"
"We can't, we need to buy the groceries before the other crews clear the market of everything. If I can't get everything I need, that bitch is gonna pay!"
"Okay so what's the plan? Just buy the groceries?"
"Usopp look, I'm gonna need you to buy everything on this list I made for you," Sanji gives him a list and rips another list in half and gives Usopp one half. "I'll handle half of the Marimo's list and you get that half, now I can count on you to buy all of them?"
Usopp smirked and replied confidently, "Nami ain't the only that can get a good bargain!"
"Hell yeah, Make me proud!
Usopp was arguing with a lady about the rice that Sanji needed him to buy. He heard from another vendor that he gets all his rice from here because her rice was high quality and delicious. The woman was tough, she looked pretty with her hair tied up and wrapped up in a bandana. However her stand looked a bit old and out of order. It could use some renovation to make sure that it would still draw in customers as well as keep to keep the stand itself safe and stable.
"My final offer! 10,000 berries for 40 kilograms of your finest rice!"
"Hah! The lowest I'll go is 16,000 for 30 kilos."
"What if I said please?"
"Hmm, 15,500 for 30."
"And if I said I'd help you repair your food stand?"
"Now you're talking! 12,500 for 30!"
"Deal! Pleasure doing business ma'am!"
"Like wise."
As Usopp shook her hand he felt proud of himself, he could understand Nami in a way. Getting a bargain did feel pretty good. But then he realised his mistake. He couldn't carry all this rice. Well technically he could, but that would take around two or three trips. Not only did that sound exhausting but it was starting to get dark and he still hasn't bought what Franky needs yet. He starts to think hard on what to do until he hears a loud yell from across the street.
He looks over and, oh. Oh no.
"Hey! You're the sniper for the Strawhats aren't ya?"
This was one of the last people he wanted to see, one of exact reasons he did not want to stop at this damn island.
This was NOT a good day for Usopp.
Eustass Kidd. A man said to not have any qualms with killing and pillaging, thought to even enjoy it with a bloody smile on his face. Said to enjoy his feasts filled with booze, food and bodies dead and alive. A man that Usopp, would obviously be scared of.
And although that may be true, it wasn't like a brave warrior of the sea to be afraid of some rival crew. No. A brave warrior would stand his ground, whether he was outnumbered or weaker than his opponent. So a brave warrior he will be. Until Kidd leaves at least.
"Where's that shitty little kid anyways?"
Usopp was still mentally preparing to talk to him! And he couldn't act like his usual self right now! He had to adopt someone else's personality or something!
"Hey! You ignoring me or something you brat?"
As of right now, he could only think of a response similar to whatever Usopp thinks Luffy would say. Which was probably the worst response he could use. But it was better than nothing, so before Kidd became even more irritated he used the "Luffy" response.
"W-Who're you calling a brat! I'm only four years younger than you!"
Shit. As soon as Usopp finished his sentence, there was some kind of glint in Kidd's eye. Which Usopp presumed it to be murderous. "Of all the people to copy, did I really have to pick Luffy?" He thought as Kidd started to walk over towards a overthinking Usopp.
"Oh really? So you're the same age as that stupid captain of yours?"
Fuck, screw this. He's just gonna act like himself. He backs away from Kidd trying to get more space between them, which was useless because Kidd followed his each step.
"If you hurt me, uh. Luffy will come after you!"
He's getting closer he's almost right in front Usopp.
"Who cares about your captain? He ain't here now. What I wanna know is, what you’re gonna do."
He leans over and whispers into Usopp's ear, "What would you do to me, huh?"
He then pulled away and smirked at Usopp. Taking in his flushed face.
"So you want help?"
"W-Whuh? Um. I-"
Kidd sighed and said, "THE BAGS? Do you need help with the bags? You know, the shit you have in your hands?"
"Oh! Uh, no? I mean. No I-, I mean yes I. Haha sorry. Just. Gimme a moment."
Holy fuck? What the fuck was that? What the FUCK was that? That was so fucking hot and terrifying holy shit what.
"Could you, h-help me with the rice? That'd be really helpful and um."
Kidd looks at Usopp, and asks with an aggravated tone, "What?"
"My name is Usopp. Uh, yeah."
Kidd raised an eyebrow and looked him dead straight in the eye. He laughed, and replied with a smile "I know."
This man is going to be the death of him. He didn't think he’d die like this but it doesn’t really matter what kind of death he has does it?
"So where do you need to go?"
"Well I need to go to the parts shop and maybe the junkyard if we have time."
"Sick. So which way?"
"Well a vendor I talked to before said that the parts shop should be further down a couple of streets and that I'd need to take a right turn at the red bar then proceed down that street and then we'd find it."
"Well then hurry up, I ain't got all day you know."
The walk was quiet, and quickly turning into an anxiety churning venture. He didn't understand what was happening. Well, okay. Usopp understood that Kidd just, appeared out of seemingly nowhere and practically invited himself in on this little errand run the moment they met. It's just that, it was like the whole situation just, didn't click in his head for some reason? That must have been a joke or something right? Maybe this was a dream? Or he's actually on the ship! Unconscious from Nami's punch! Maybe-
“God you’re so fucking slow! Do you need me to carry you too?”
“Wh- No! I can walk by myself! I was just thinking a little too hard a-and besides, these bags are a bit heavy so of course I’d be a bit slow. If I didn’t have these bags I bet I’d have gotten to the junkyard already!”
Usopp thought to himself. “What am I saying!? He’s gonna break my body into pieces if I keep going with whatever the hell I’m talking about!”
However even as Usopp thought that, he couldn’t stop talking. “And on top of that, I’m only walking slow like this, cause so you can keep track of me!”
And right as Usopp thinks “STOP THAT! IF YOU KEEP GOING HE MIGHT-“
“You wanna put that to the test, runt?”
Fucking. Goddamit. Maybe, he could get out of this, Usopp thought. He can get out of this right? He’s Usopp! He can get out of anything!
“I’m not sure if you’d want that wouldn’t wanna show you up in front of-“ While Usopp tried to talk his way out Kidd had already decided that they were racing.
“Wait, Kidd you don’t want to-“
“You really don’t want to do thi-“
“Kidd, I. I’m not ready! I gotta do all this stuff to-“
In the last second Usopp resigned to his fate, as he thought well, he might as well die trying. So right as Kidd was about to say zero, Usopp instead yelled.
“ZERO!” And started booking it.
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multifandomnonsense · 8 months
What ships do you like/write for in One Piece
I’m the past of written Zolu, Namivivi, Mishanks, deuace, frobin, and kidlaw which are definitely some of my favorites. There are a bunch of other smaller ones I also like but I’m kinda tired and can’t think of them rn. If there’s ever one you specifically want to know about feel free to ask (also don’t necessarily take me liking one ship as not liking another because I’m a multishipper). If I’ve posted about it you can probably assume I’d be willing to write for it though
It might be a bit until I do another request list though because I’m currently working on some stuff for a Star Wars fandom event
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ideal-real · 9 months
persona 5 characters' favourite one piece characters no explaination given or needed since op definitely exists within p5 (its literally just tokyo in 2016)
mona - usopp, sanji, chopper and nami and robin. (hates zoro actively.)
joker - law, luffy, zoro, sanji, franky, ace and whitebeard and nami and robin, pudding. (no specific order) (he has a like massive crush on robin and pudding and you know the common denominator there)
ryuji - luffy, franky, whitebeard and usopp and yamato and chopper. (loves politics without realizing it and one piece gets him on that grind of being more into politics intently because luffy does the same thing)
ann - robin, nami, ace, sanji, boa hancock and kiku and chopper and pudding and perona. (crush on sanji and robin and is a nami kinnie. obviously. ann voice am i problematic for wanting robin to kiss nami???? this keeps her up at night.)
yusuke - sanji, usopp, robin and whitebeard and kiku and jimbei. (generally LOVES all wano characters its his favourite arc)
makoto - robin, tashigi, (makotos taste is highly fucked up), vivi and luffy. koby. smoker too and issho and jimbei and garp but for slightly invalid reasons.
futuba - luffy, nami and franky and jimbei and usopp. robin. (chronic obsession with frobin shes a frobin girlie to the max.) (will personally kill you if you dont think water 7/enies lobby is the best arc tactical nuke sent directly to you if you disagree yusuke is getting the tactical nuke)
haru - perona, pudding, nami, vivi, boa hancock, sanji and doflamingo (<--- shes a bit fucked up for this) rebecca. jimbei and whitebeard. likes all the villains more generally as well: cesare clown. etc issho as well but shes a cool issho liker. choppa. she also likes garp. koby too but all for valid reasons.
akechi - nami, robin, law, luffy, jimbei, ace, whitebeard, zoro, franky, usopp and chopper (<-- he hates admitting this referring to usopp/chopper) doflamingo. and yamato
openly a robin kinnie. hes also a chronic frobin liker but wouldnt admit this to you unless threatened physically. hes like law/luffy is much more on brand for me its much more expected i cant let them know. ren and akechi kindate as franky and robin and its a secret. he cant let people know. hes embarrassed. he tells people he likes cesare clown because he thinks its on brand but he doesnt actually like his character that much. he has cosplayed nico robin before and will again. the only reason he doesnt like pudding is he is deeply uncomfortable by how much he relates to her so he's like lets table that for now but he kins her.
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starscosmos · 3 years
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. wlcm cutie <3
here’s a bit about me! read my carrd.
002 . 🌍╰୧ 21 YEARS OF AGE
003 :(`🌈`) SHE/HER PRNS
004 ﹒🗺 ╰୧ AMERICA + FEMALE + PAN
about what i post.
ᓚᘏᗢ﹒about my works﹕%%
— all my works are usually sfw.
— some posts may contain EYE STRAIN.
╰╮🦜꒷ ﹕specific works i post ﹒ ᥫ᭡
— i create one piece headers + franky headcanons , with a spice of frobin.
— general franky content.
─ ﹒ ★ ﹐ requests/dms﹕
— im always open for requests. please just specify if its a story you want written.
NOTE ; special tags
#star.talks (usually my ramblings.) #stars.art (art posts.) #about.stars(navigate to my about me post.)
thank you!
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chromatic-lamina · 4 years
11 and 15 for the OP asks!
11:Do you have a favorite pairing?
Yes! My favourite pairing is Marco and Law. I got influenced by some rare fanart. Didn’t realise how rare a rare pair it was. But they’re both popular in their own right, so I do get readers on my stories, and thankfully Oda gifted us with Marco’s job being a doctor as well.
However, if I only read Mar/Law or Marco and Law I’d mostly only read my own work, so I’m fairly flexible. I also like ZoLaw, AceLaw (order doesn’t matter. I’m not into that kind of specification), LawBin, SmoLaw, and I like reading LawSan. I also like reading some KidLaw—a lot of great writers with that ship.
As for other characters, if the writing’s good, I usually like it. I warmed up to FroBin, don’t mind SanAce or LawSop (is that how the ship goes? Haha). Usopp with Luffy is really cute and yeah, just depends on the artist and writer. There’s some great ZoLu out there. If Cora lives, I like him with Bellmere and the kids, and there are some other ships that I’ll read. I’ll read dark DoffLaw too, and write it, but it’s not my favourite pairing, but it’s definitely one I exploit. Sorry for the ramble! And there are plenty of ships I like that I probably left out.
15:Which character do you relate the most to? I write Law the most, so I guess I relate to him the most, but I definitely don’t want to have the harrowing background I put him through, but I’d like an ounce of his humour and resilience. I’m probably more like Usopp though. I imagine a lot of us are. I like Robin’s reserve and self-containment, and I imagine Law has that too, and wish I had a bit more composure and self-reliance  in the same way myself at times. Thanks for the ask!
One piece Asks.
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tellmewhatyouc · 4 years
ship ask memes: 1 | 2
first of all YES
What made you ship it?
i think when i was watching the water 7 saga and went looking for ~franky content~ i realized people shipped them? and the more i saw them interact in enies lobby the more i just. yes <3
What are your favorite things about the ship?
i love their canon relationship. i don’t write them a lot for that specific reason- i don’t have much to add to it! i just really like how they interact and how they’re like the mom and dad of the straw hats.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
idk if this is unpopular but? i don’t really care if it becomes canon. like i’m sure if in an epilogue, oda’s like “once they retired the pirate life, franky and robin got married and had 3 kids” i’d be like :) but as of right now i really like the fact that there’s not really any prominent romance in op. i like that they can riff off of each other and have a close relationship without any “what are we” stuff or the drama that often comes with romantic relationships in media.
How did they first meet?
we know this but in a modern au i like the idea that they met in college or something, maybe at one of their jobs? i’m partial to mechanic franky so maybe she came in for repairs and franky was just instantly smitten
What was their first impression of each other?
i think, aside from all the enies lobby Drama, robin thought he was just a big goof with a heart of gold (which lbr he is). once franky could settle down after everything he got a good look at robin and was like oh my god. she’s beautiful
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
it doesn’t matter the universe i love the idea that all their friends ship them
Who felt romantic feelings first?
hmmm franky, like i said i think he was just instantly smitten but maybe robin took a bit to warm up to him
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
nah, i think maybe robin might have some trouble being Truly Vulnerable with another person but i think because of their circumstances in enies lobby they were pretty close from the start. she’s comfy.
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
franky would just be 😍😍😍 and i think robin would probably laugh but warm up to the idea pretty quickly
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
i forgot to answer this one apparently but u know what it's fine we don't wanna think about it
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
i think franky probably initiated things and i’d say it was well received, like robin was just sort of Waiting
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
i think they go v traditional and go out for a nice dinner together
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
What was their first kiss like?
slow and gentle and Tender
i think franky is robin’s first, but maybe not the other way around
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
franky is so goddamn tall but i feel like more realistically in a modern au he’d be just a few inches taller than her
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
well. neither of them seem to have any biological family left, and their chosen family is pretty much the same people so pretty good i’d say
Who takes the lead in social situations?
hmm probably franky, i feel like he’s more extroverted
Who gets jealous easier?
i’d say franky’s more Protective but not necessarily jealous
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Who said “I love you” first?
oh franky
What are their primary love languages?
i feel like franky does like. big romantic declarations of love and he’s big on pda. robin is more reserved but she likes to give him compliments and make him blush
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
FRANKY he loves to act like they’ve never met before and she’s this beautiful woman he’s seeing for the very first time (and the fact that he’s done that in canon jst makes me Cry)
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
like i said franky’s bigger on pda but robin doesn’t mind it, she’s happy to go along with it
Who initiates kisses?
i’d say it’s pretty evenly split
Who’s the big and little spoon?
oh they alternate
What are their favorite things to do together?
they like to go out to eat and try new restaurants together, they go to a lot of museums and aquariums too
Who’s better at comforting the other?
i’d say robin’s better at comforting franky bc franky is so much more Emotional and just ends up crying with her
Who’s more protective?
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
i think franky’s bigger on verbal affection but robin’s more physical
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
oh,,, sucker and what a man gotta do by the jonas brothers i feel those
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
i don’t think they do nicknames much? maybe franky uses pet names sometimes
Who remembers the little things?
hmmm robin
If they get married, who proposes?
franky probably
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
oh it’s a big bangin party with all their friends
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
a couple at least, i think they’d be very kind and smart like their parents 🥺
Do they have any pets?
i think i wrote them with a cat named tom once bc i just love giving characters pets named after their dead relatives idk
Who’s the stricter parent?
franky but only bc he’s more protective & cautious
Who worries the most?
Who kills the bugs in the house?
How do they celebrate holidays?
probably going to their friends’ parties/hosting one themselves, but they make time for each other too
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
oh robin for sure
Who’s the better cook?
neither of them are Stellar but they do their best, they like to cook toghether
Who likes to dance?
they both do but i think franky initiates it more often
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doodlesbysamiel · 4 years
Okay late night post cause I won't be able to sleep unless I get this down in words.
Its about shipping in One Piece, because its a dire and relevant topic that must be discussed /s. It's mostly over how serious some people take it and how desperate they are for validation.
Now lemme preface this god forsaken essay that I'm about to vomit forth with the fact that I too ship characters in One Piece (Luffy/Nami, Franky/Robin and Nami/Shit Tonnes of Money, to name a few). I too wanna see these fiction Dorks get their smooches on and I do partake in the odd squee when I see any character I ship in the same panel together.
Now, with that being said; some of y'all need to calm the fuck down. Not everyone, goodness no, but there are more than a few who go above and beyond and take this shit waaaay too seriously.
Lemme elaborate. While it is incredibly fun to support ones own ship(s) and defend them like you would a sports team (red suck! Blue ftw etc.) I have seen people get genuinely upset over arguments, and rants, and publications that show a character having an emotional moment with another character with whom they do not ship and its dumb AF. Again, yes it is fun to support and defend a ship but to get *actually* upset over it is asinine.
The reason why I bring up One Piece in particular is because of how obvious some fans are reaching just to look for canon content of their pair. Legit seen people quote two characters standing beside one another in a colour page as evidence of their pair (no im not talking of the Frobin one, that was pretty on the nose). I dont mean the "aww they look good together" kinda way, but actually citing the colour spreads or the characters standing near each other as legit evidence and not Oda's whim that afternoon.
Again, do no mistake me, I too fawn over seeing my ships standing by each other in maching outfits or what not but some of yall get outta hand.
Also, one last thing in this absolute train wreck of a thought process, its painfully clear some of yall don't have siblings or what cause goddamn if ever little argument, or declaration of loyalty or teasing smirk isn't cast iron proof that these characters wanna make the beast with two backs. Like I read a post where someone described Zoro's loyalty to Luffy as one of respect and devotion and friendship... and then literally described the same thing with Nami ONLY IT WAS ROMANTIC JUST BECAUSE.
I'm not having ago at anyone for having ships they like, or want to find all the material they can to fawn over or even wanting to defend or define their ships with evidence. Its just the one thing I cannot stand it zealotry, its headache inducing for all involved. Just... step back and take a bit of perspective. "Is this really worth getting upset over".
If at any point during this longer than it needed to be diatribe you who is reading this think that I am specifically attacking you, or your ship or your posts... well.
Thats everything I wanted to say on this topic and goddamn if i don't feel like im in a lukewarm paper mache cocoon. If anyone has actually read all of this... why? Why would you do this to yourself?
If you have any thoughts or opinions on what I've said, go ahead and share them, I won't stop you... hell I couldny even stop myself.
Imma prolly fumble more of these essays into reality at some point.. so look forward (read: dread) them when they come cause I got a lot of them crawling through the decayed meat I call a brain, and frankly, its starting to itch.
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jolynejolene · 6 years
some updates:
-hewwo!! i’ve not been around but i’m not dead LMAO
-i posted my fic for the cancelled zine, ‘grandline girls’, on ao3. it’s about koala and you can read it here if ya like!
-i’m also participating in the one piece big bang (my first big bang!!) so you’ll get another one piece fic from me in a few months! with ART which is extremely cool~ 
-i’m working on various other fics in bits in pieces, and i have no specific plans on when or if i wanna post them, but it is one of my 2019 goals to write more so, we’ll see! hopefully some frobin fic? finallyyy?
-as always, i’m more active on twitter 
-have fun lads. i’ve queued some things and will continue to pop back from time to time bc there’s still a lot of good stuff (and good people) on this website despite uh. everything...lol
- ✌️ ✌️ ✌️
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pingo1387 · 7 years
Love Will Keep Me Warm
For the Frobin Winter event! @frobinfandays 
Pre-timeskip  Post Thriller Bark 
Sanji had given his okay despite the jealousy burning in his eyes, and backed up in his agreement, adding there was to be no inappropriate touching, not with everyone else around. Usopp had wholeheartedly agreed, mentioning that he would really appreciate a lack of noise considering they would be in the bunk directly below his. Brook was on watch and Zoro couldn’t have cared less about the situation even if anything less than PG did happen, since he could and would sleep through a hurricane. Luffy had wanted to throw a party but retreated to his bunk when everyone gave him looks, and Chopper had innocently asked if he could join in, leading to the others excusing that the bed wouldn’t be big enough for three. 
So, one way or another, Robin was permitted to spend the night in the men’s quarters---more specifically, sharing a bed with Franky. 
Franky normally slept on his back, but for that night he curled up on his side, the better to hold Robin close to him. He felt Sanji’s eyes burning holes into his backside but resolutely ignored it until the sensation faded, indicating he had fallen asleep. 
“Everyone’s asleep.” 
He jumped and focused on Robin in the dim light from the snow-frosted window. “Yeah,” he whispered. “Doesn’t mean we can do anything, though.” 
“We did promise.” 
He traced her arm and spotted goosebumps. “Hey, are you cold?” He grinned. “Or am I just too hot?” 
“I’m cold.” He deflated. “Just a bit, though. It’s nearly wintertime, you know.” 
“I noticed.” He glanced again outside, where snowfall had started up anew. “Is that the real reason why you wanted to be here?” 
“Mostly, yes. That, and I didn’t think Nami-chan would have appreciated you in our room.” 
He smiled. “Maybe, someday, when she’s on watch . . .” 
“Hold your tongue.” Robin ran a hand down his body, feeling each part with a delicate touch that made Franky shiver. “Do you like any hot beverages? I know they don’t work for fuel, but . . .” 
“Hot---? Well---coffee’s alright with cream,” he said, eyes tracking every movement of her hands. “Hot chocolate, too, maybe with some spices---what are you doing?” 
“Looking for warmer parts of your body,” she replied, focused on her task. “I was thinking, we could get into the kitchen early tomorrow and have a drink together.” 
“Geez, sorry, am I cold?” he said in alarm. “You can go back to your room, I won’t be offended. And that sounds super.” 
“You are. Don’t worry about it.” She withdrew her hands and looked at his face. “Your eyes . . . are they the ones you had originally, or are they a product of being a cyborg?” 
“I made these,” Franky said, blinking. “But they look almost exactly like the originals did. Why?” 
“They’re beautiful. You did a wonderful job.” 
His eyes widened and his head moved back. “Oh, super---I mean, thanks.” 
“This body really is a fine piece of work overall,” she added, gazing at him with intense eyes. “Did you do it all yourself?” 
“Y---Yeah,” he said, his heart beating faster. “I mean, it was tough, but for someone like me, well---” 
“You’re incredible,” she whispered, so close she could kiss him without even moving. 
Gears whirred inside him and his heart pounded against his chest. “N---Robin,” he whispered. “I . . .” 
“There we go,” she said, moving away from his face to snuggle closer to the nook his body made. “You’re finally warmed up.” 
It took his brain a few seconds to realize what she meant. 
“You were complimenting me to---that’s not fair,” he exclaimed, lowering his voice just in time. “You little---” 
She let out a muffled laugh against him and he surrendered, pulling her in closer. 
“Get you back for this,” he mumbled as he closed his eyes. 
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