#the friend has it on pc so I know I COULD learn the commands but I do think a controller would be nice (which I don't have)
enwie · 1 year
I keep forgetting you can just get some games from the library!
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monsoon-of-art · 5 months
Donut Hole - Chapter 20
The fire I began is burning me alive But I know better than to leave and let it die
I'm a silhouette asking every now and then "Is it over yet? Will I ever feel again?" I'm a silhouette chasing rainbows on my own But the more I try to move on, the more I feel alone So I watch the summer stars to lead me home - Silhouette, Owl City
[(deep breath) been a while huh :') A ton of stuff has happened in my life that really hindered my writing; being moved to full time, my dad having a stroke (he's recovering with no permanent damage) and my PC breaking. But here's a new chapter!! Where Dawn gets involved, and Barry learns of some very crucial things…] [ao3 link]
Dawn chose to hide away in her home, not wanting to leave Jubilife but unable to stand hearing the curious whispers of the townfolk. She tried to keep herself busy; cleaning her space, organizing her things, checking in on her pokemon…
But nothing could keep her mind away from her friend in the medical wing for long.
She lay in bed, her pokemon lounging around the home, reflecting their trainer’s sullen demeanor. 
Her Samurott, Riptide, lay by her side and allowed her to nervously pet and pull on her whiskers.
“I wonder…what they did with his Pokemon.” She wondered aloud.
The woman who helped run the pastures was nice enough, but Dawn doubted she could care for Barry’s team. No, they were most likely with Laventon.
Barry was a good trainer. He treated his pokemon back home with love and care, verging into ‘spoiling’ territory, Dawn might dare say. Honey for his heracross, sugar cubes for his rapidash, mangoes and fruits for his Torterra.
His new team…they were strange. Scruffy, dirty, thin looking. Barry wouldn’t willingly let his team look like that. What had they been subjected to in the wilds of Hisui? With no Galaxy Team, no Laventon to find him on a beach-
Her thoughts drifted to Barry himself.
Scruffy. Dirty. Thin. Deeply upsetting. Like a childhood toy nearly torn to shreds, hanging on by bits of thread and stuffing.
Riptide let out an unhappy chitter, Dawn realizing she had been tugging on her whiskers a bit too hard for her liking. “Sorry.”
Her mind wandered elsewhere. Somewhere less sad. Somewhere angry.
Why hadn’t anyone come to her when Barry arrived? Surely someone had to have made the connection; a strange boy her age with outlandish clothes and a gift for training pokemon?
Why did they let him suffer in the cold and the damp and the dark?
If a single person had told her - not even her, if someone had told anyone in Jubilife - then Barry wouldn’t be in the medical wing. He wouldn’t be so thin and dirty and hurt.
She replayed Adaman’s words in her mind. “Because we weren’t totally sure. And I didn’t want to raise your hopes in case it wasn’t.”
And the worst part is…Adaman was right. If they had come to her with a description of Barry, and it wasn’t Barry? She’d be crushed.
Luckily for her mental state, she didn’t have to think about this for long. There was a knock at the door, followed by Rei’s voice, “Dawn? Are you in there?”
Dawn stood to get the door. She had learned not to let her pokemon answer the door anymore, not since her Kadabra answered the door for her once, and then rumors swirled around town about how she had turned into a Kadabra.
She hoped she didn’t look too disheveled when answering the door. It had been a very long day.
Either it wasn’t too obvious, or Rei decided not to comment on it.
“Uhm, the leaders left not too long ago…” he started to say, rocking back and forth on his heels. “I dunno what they said to Kamado, but it was loud. On both ends. But it seemed to have worked, I don't think the commander plans on practicing his fighting moves tonight…”
“Okay.” Replied Dawn, unable to really muster any excitement in her voice. Sure, it was nice that Kamado wasn't going to start suplexing people, but that certainly wasn't on her mind.
“Well, now that things have calmed down, uh, Miss Pesselle says you can come visit your friend. He's not doing so well right now, but she thinks he'll be alright-”
“REALLY?!” She struggled keeping her voice low. “Why didn't you start with that?! Let's go!”
Consciousness was proving to be rather fickle and fleeting. Barry felt himself drift in and out, like the waves on a beach. Awake, not awake. Awake, not awake. Drifting at sea, below the waves.
And being awake sucked. 
Every part of his body ached. Even parts that he didn't know could ache. He couldn't even scrounge up the willpower to open his eyes. Sounds were muffled, distant, unfamiliar.
So he would just lay there…aching. 
It wasn't all bad. He could sense the presence of someone nearby tending to him, and even if it hurt when they had to change bandages, he knew it was probably a good thing. Cups and bowls were gently pressed to his lips, and even though it tasted distinctly medicinal, he really didn’t care.
And sometimes, when the ache and the pain grew too much, he could feel a warm hand slip into his own and squeeze.
It was comforting. He wasn’t alone. Someone was there with him through it all, here to hold his hand when it hurt.
And Barry would try to smile and squeeze back before drifting, drifting, drifting…
He wasn’t sure how long he spent drifting. Hours, maybe. Days, weeks. 
Until one day, he finally opened his eyes.
Barry was in a bed he didn't recognize and a room he didn't know. Things were kinda blurry, and fuzzy, and his head hurt, but it was something.
Breaching the surface of the water for the first time in a while, it seemed.
He hesitantly squeezed the hand holding his own and glanced over to his side.
“... Barry?”
Dawn looked tired. He wondered, numbly, if she had left his side at all.
But she was here. Alive and well and not just a terrible gap in his memory. She had the same eyes, the same face, the same tired smile that she'd give him when he'd do something stupid-
“D-Dawnie.” He croaked, dry lips cracking into a beaming smile. “I did something stupid again.”
“That's OK, dummy. We can talk more about that later.” She gave his hand a squeeze. “How are you feeling?”
He groaned, trying to think of an accurate description. “Numb. Aching. Like a piece of gum left to dry on the boardwalk in Sunyshore.”
Dawn giggled, a beautiful sound that he had grown to miss so, so much. Barry couldn't help but weakly chuckle alongside her.
“Pesselle said it's a miracle you're alive. She said you had a foot in the grave, and a shovel in your hands.” She looked at him, tears welling in her eyes. “I-I was…I was so scared…w-wh…what if you didn't wake up?”
She let go of his hand, trying to wipe away the tears as she began to weep.
“Hey, hey-” he sat up slightly, ignoring the aches and pain, “It's alright! I-I’m fine now! I'm not going anywhere.” A serious look crossed his face. “No one's gonna try and stop me.”
“Th-there was drapion venom in your blood. Pesselle said i-it was a miracle you kept your leg.” She continued to whisper. “You won't be able to walk for…I dunno how long.”
“I've been walking on it for a while! It'll be fine!”
“I think that's part of the problem.”
Dawn gestured for him to lay back down, to which Barry ignored. “I couldn't stop and rest, I was on the run! It's crazy, just listen to-”
He paused. A strange look came across his face, and he grabbed Dawn's hands and held them tight. “I need you to tell me something. Something that only you would know.”
“Please. Please. Something only you would know. Please.”
Sadness overtook her features, not directed at him, thankfully, but she clearly felt bad for him, and wanted to soothe his worries.
“When you were little, you wanted to have a big birthday party with a big cake. And you invited the entire class. Your dad asked Elite 4 member Lucian, to borrow his Mr Mime for entertainment. And…uhm. When Mr Mime walked out with your birthday cake, you were so scared that you started crying, and you even-”
“What did you mean then??”
“I dunno! Something deeply personal and special to us??”
“Well you didn't specify! What about the time you got your Halloween costume based on heracross and you asked me to hit you with a branch to ‘prove how strong' you were?”
“No, that's not what I meant either! I'm starting to think you're doing this on purpose! Do you need me to fine you?!”
Dawn couldn't help but laugh. When was the last time she had been threatened with fines? She couldn't remember. It felt good, familiar.
For a moment, the medical room walls melted away. They were back home, camping, just teasing each other after a long day of training.
“Do you remember the time you poured yourself a glass of vinegar at a buffet because you thought it was soda, and you nearly barfed-”
“You are! You are doing this on purpose!!” Barry shouted back. “Two can play that game, missy! Don't think I've forgotten about the time our class started singing happy birthday and you were so surprised you started crying!”
“Hey!” She squealed in fake offense. “I did not!”
“Did too!”
“OK, OK, let's stop with the yelling.” Dawn said, pressing him back against the pillows of his bed. “Not sure we want Pesselle to come yell at us-”
“No no, wait, wait, hold on-” a frightened, almost desperate tone crept into his voice. “I know it's you. There's no way. I can trust you.”
“Of course you can trust me?”
“This place is crawling with Team Galactic!” He hissed, “Absolutely swarming! They tried to stop me from finding you, I think they're the reason you're here! They kidnapped you!”
Dawn opened her mouth, but no words came out. She just let Barry continue.
“I haven't seen Cyrus yet, but I've seen Mars and new commanders and Galactic Generals, and they're hellbent on capturing me! This is a universe where Cyrus won, don't you see? There's no civilization, people and pokemon don't trust each other-!” A moment of panic overtook his features, and he frantically looked around. “My pokemon, where are my-”
Dawn grabbed his shoulders. “Barry. Barry.”
“Huh? What, what?”
She took a deep breath. “That's…not right. That's not what's going on.”
Barry also took a breath. “OK. I'm listening. Tell me what's going on, I'll believe you.”
Dawn hesitated. “It's a bit crazy…”
“The last few months have been nothing but crazy for me. Whatever you say, I promise.”
“I think…we're in the past.”
He gave her an incredulous look. “...when I said I'd believe you-”
“It's just a little hard to believe!”
“Oh, but your theory of being kidnapped by an alternate dimension Cyrus is more plausible?”
Barry tried to think of a retort, but couldn't. He crossed his arms over his chest. “Touche. What's your evidence?”
“Do you remember the history class we took about the late edo period?”
“Yeah, I failed that one.”
Dawn reached into her bag currently on the floor and pulled out a pokeball. “See how it looks rough? These are carved by hand, using apricorns. Surely you remember the pokeball lesson.”
That clicked in his mind. Before the modern manufacturing of Pokeballs was established, people would carve out their own using apricorns. Some could even make special ones with unique traits, but the skill and craft was a dying art.
“I thought…I thought they were poorly made…” he said slowly, softly. Barry shook his head, “That doesn't entirely prove it. If this was a world where Cyrus won, obviously Silph Co wouldn't exist.”
Dawn then gestured to the room around them, which Barry finally began taking note of.
There were no medical devices, not really. Mostly beds, blankets, pillows, panels to give some semblance of privacy, and a sleeping croagunk in the corner.
It did look a little old fashioned, like visiting the Old Chateau, or the homes in Celestic town. The way the wood was carved, the way the paint looked…
“Look at the clothes they gave me!” She continued, taking off a red scarf to show him. “Not fake fabric at all, this is real!”
All of the little inconsistencies, all of the assumptions based on a worst-case scenario. The pain he went through. The pain he caused. It was all starting to climb up his throat.
“Dawn. I don't feel so good.”
“What? Why? Should I go get the doctor? Her name is Pesselle, she's really nice-”
He grabbed her arm as she stood to leave. “I think…I did a lot more stupid stuff than I realized…”
Dawn had an inkling that his time in Hisui was less than pleasant. But the sheepish anxiety in his voice worried her.
“What…did you do?”
The door behind them creaked open. Dawn turned, relieved to see Pesselle carrying fresh bandages. “Ah, good! The two of you are awake. The captain wanted to see him.”
The relief quickly faded when Pesselle stepped to the side and Captain Cyllene entered the room.
And Barry started to scream.
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colorful-bees · 7 months
I feel so cringe, I'm hyperfixating on my own AU so hard right now. Who let me do this?
Anyways, I'm going to ramble about my N in Hisui AU real quick because I'll go insane if I don't talk about it. Nothing specific, just stuff that I want to get out in no particular order.
I absolutely adore the idea of making N complete a Pokedex, no ifs, ands or buts about it. And its really just salt in the wound that it's the first one to exist (at least in the Hisui/Sinnoh region). This is going to be a world changing compilation of information that will influence how people interact with Pokemon for generations to come, a staple of the modern world of Pokemon research. And here's N, having no choice but to contribute to that.
Arceus (and also the worship of Arceus) is not as prominent in Unova as it is in Sinnoh but N is at least aware of who Arceus is (especially after it speaks to him before drop kicking him into the past). In a weird sense, N considers Arceus his friend, much like he considers every other Pokemon his friend in the same way. N doing this for Arceus is a weird mix between "doing a favor for your buddy" and "God himself just spoke to me Joan of Arc style and now I guess my whole life is doing side quests for the divine." All joking aside, N's relationship towards Pokemon is a big reason why he begrudgingly is okay with this. Not only is an all powerful being basically demanding it of him (he can't go back to Unova if he doesn't), but also. His friend needs something from him.
(More rambles under the cut, this post is just getting really long lol)
And then there's also how Team Plasma is reacting back in the modern day. Their King is just. Gone. Bye, bye, see you later. Where'd he go? Who knows but they really need to find him. And Ghetsis is so pissed. He's waited years to take control of Unova (and eventually the world) and just when he's so close to finally having achieved that, his main pawn just vanishes without a trace. N hasn't even awoken Zekrom yet so Ghetsis can't even command it in N's absence. Team Plasma is in full on panic mode with N gone and no matter how hard they look, they just can't seem to find him.
Meanwhile, back in the past, N has been found by the Galaxy Team and he despises them and pretty much anything they do. He's miserable working with them. From their usage of Pokeballs, to their goal of completing the Pokedex, to the way they talk about Pokemon is such a horrid way, everything about them turns N off from them. The one thing he does slightly enjoy is the pastures. Since boxes and PCs don't exist yet, the caught Pokemon are left in the pastures instead which N feels is much more humane and a nicer way to treat them. He still believes they shouldn't have been caught at all but small victories and all that.
N dislikes Pokemon professors and Professor Laventon is no exception. And his assistants aren't much better either. They're pretty amazed at not only his fearlessness about Pokemon but his ability to communicate with them as well. I mean, from Professor Laventon's perspective, that could fundamentally change researching Pokemon as a whole. N wants nothing to do with him and frequently gets angry with him for prodding him about his abilities. His friends aren't tools for research and neither is he.
But Rei and Akari? Oh, they think N is so cool. He's fearless about Pokemon in a way no one has ever seen before and he can talk to them? To these two fifteen year olds, he's one of the coolest adults ever.
And speaking of those interested in N. Volo. I don't even know where to start with the dynamic these two would have. Volo is interested in N right from the get go and this person who "fell from the sky" and is only even more intrigued when he learns N can communicate with Pokemon. N considers Volo to be just a regular human like all the rest and cannot understand why Volo is so insistent on being around him. N, being Arceus' "chosen one" as you could put it, is automatically of interest to Volo. Obviously, Volo has no knowledge of N's role as Hero of Ideals but if he ever found out, it would not be surprising to him, based solely on the way N acts. And, as Volo is the way he is, he has this bitterness towards N over Arceus communicating with him. Is it because N is special? Or does Arceus simply like anyone else more than Volo? Either way, N's both an object of Volo's intrigue and also someone he maybe kind of hates a little bit.
I have more thoughts but that'll probably be another post, this is already long and I am tired. But as always, feel free to send me asks about this AU, I will never turn down an opportunity to talk about it and I love it when people engage with stuff I make :)c
(Masterpost for this AU)
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ponycycle · 9 months
What's your biggest hyperfocus and how did you discover it?
I had to think on this for a minute because I wasn't sure if it was true anymore. If it wasn't this then it would be something like MLP or motorcycles (it was tempting to say motorcycles!).
I think it's fair to still say personal computers, though. I'm not sure about when my first contact with them was, but I know a major development was when my dad bought our first PC, an IBM AT clone. (I think I still have most of the parts for it!) I would have been like, 7-9 years old at the time and I was fascinated with it. I ended up breaking it as a kid, because I was trying to figure out what all the DOS 4.0 commands did by running them... when I got to FDISK I rendered it unbootable by pressing buttons. A friend of my father's recovered the situation (I think he used Norton Utilities to recreate the partition table).
I can name pretty much every PC that we had as a family or I had personally:
-Aforementioned IBM AT clone (8088 with a Tatung Hercules monitor, DOS 4.0) -386SX that came from who knows where (Went straight from orange Hercules to VGA colour!!! Windows 3.1) -Tandy 1000HX (long term loan from a friend) -Cyrix 586 (dogshit computer - had fake onboard cache, a common scam at the time, crashed constantly. Windows 95) -468DX4 (think I built this from scrounged parts. Win95, slower than the other PC but way more stable) -Pentium II 233 (also built from scrounged parts. First PC I overclocked, gaining 33 mHz! So fast!!! Windows 2000... but later got repurposed as a Linux-based router) -AMD Duron 800 (built with NEW parts - parents gave me a budget to built a family computer. Windows ... 98? XP? Probably changed multiple times) -AMD Athlon XP 1600 (built with NEW parts - I truly don't remember where I got the money in highschool to put it together, but it was probably every penny I had) -AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ (admittedly I didn't remember this offhand... but I did have the physical CPU lying around to check. bought off the shelf very cheap as old stock for my parents to use. Windows Vista. Later upgraded to an Phenom X4, also for very cheap. This PC still lives running Windows 10 today!) -Intel Core 2 Duo Q6700 (built in a cute Shuttle XPC chassis. Eventually burned out a RAM slot because apparently it wasn't rated for 2.0V DIMMs. Windows 7) -Intel Core i5-2500K (I used this computer for YEARS. Like almost a decade, while being overclocked to 4.4 gHz from nearly the first day I had it. Windows 7/10) -AMD 5800X (Currently daily driver. Windows 10)
Not mentioning laptops because the list is already long and you get the point.
I actually did attempt to have a computer related career - in the mid 2000s I went to a community college to get a programming diploma, but I dropped out halfway. There was a moment, in a class teaching the Windows GDI API, where I realized that I had no desire to do that professionally. I did learn things about SQL and OS/400 that randomly came in handy a few times in my life. I did go back and successfully get a diploma in networking/tech support but I've never worked a day in that field.
Unprofessionally though, I was "that guy" for most of my life - friend of a friend or family would have a problem with their PC, and I would show up and help them out. I never got to the point where I would attempt to like, re-cap somebody's motherboard, but I could identify blown caps (and there was a time when there was a lot of those). As the role of PCs has changed, and the hardware has gotten better, I barely ever get to do this kind of thing these days. My parent's PC gathers dust in the corner because they can do pretty much do everything they need on their tablets, which they greatly prefer.
Today though... I used to spend a lot of time reading about developments in PC hardware, architectural improvements, but it doesn't matter as much to me anymore. I couldn't tell you what the current generation of Intel desktop CPUs use for a socket without looking it up. A lot of my interest used to be gaming related, and to this day the GPU industry hasn't fully recovered from the crypto boom. Nearly all of the games I'm interested in play well on console so I just play them there. I still fiddle with what I have now and then.
It is fun to think back on various challenges/experiences with it I've had over the years (figuring out IRQ/DMA management when that was still manual, Matsushita CD-ROM interfaces, trying to exorcise the polymorphic Natas virus from my shit). Who knows, maybe I'll get to curate a PC museum of all this shit someday haha.
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noddytheornithopod · 1 year
Started playing Jedi: Survivor! Gonna post miscellaneous thoughts I’m having as I play through it. For reference, I’m also playing on Story Mode (I just want to be safe cuz I have no idea what will be thrown at me lol).
And of course, if it wasn’t obvious, spoilers under the cut.
So we begin with Cal being “captured” and taken to this Pau’an senator (the same one as in the first teaser). He seems to be like a big shot... or at least is hoping to become one, since he’s hoping to gain the Emperor’s favour by saying he caught a Jedi. It’s really just a ruse (the cops holding Cal are actually fellow rebels working for Saw Gerrera), and well soon stuff gets crazy.
Probably the most notable issue so far is framerate? Like, for reference, I’m playing on PS5 and am using Performance Mode (it would be pointless to do anything else since my TV only has a max 1080p resolution). It’s not exactly bad, like it definitely isn’t the nightmare that PC players seem to be experiencing, but I find that especially between the transitions between gameplay and cutscenes it can get kinda choppy. I get why the cutscenes have a lower framerate, it’s so they look more cinematic, and honestly I’m more than fine with that, but the transitions and even a few gameplay moments feel slow.
Also maybe it’s just because I already know how Fallen Order played and I’m also on Story difficulty, but I think the opening level dragged out a bit too long? It makes sense it’s an easy and simple level, but eh, who finds tutorial sections fun anyway, lol.
On the other hand, being in the Coruscant underworld was a pretty cool opening setting. There’s a lot of narrative parallels to Fallen Order already, and there’s parts of Coruscant that actually remind me of Bracca in some ways. Many parts looked a bit dark, but IDK if that’s just my TV or what, but that aside it all looked cool.
Nerd moment: the first enemies you fight being the patrol troopers from Solo was fun. What’s more fun than killing stormtroopers? Killing COP stormtroopers.
Bode seems cool, I guess. I do feel like them emphasising the monetary involvement he’s working with Saw for is gonna come into play later on though, like if someone offers him more to pay for him and his kid he could pull something on Cal. Also they introduced the buddy AI system, which lets you tell your friend to do certain things, and command them to help you in fights. IDK how effective it will be (especially on Story mode where so far I’m cutting through Stormtroopers like nothing lol), but it’s still cool to have your pal show up and fuck with some enemies.
Cal’s already got some fun quips, but I’m also interested to see he already seems darker. Like, when they eventually capture the senator, he basically makes a death threat, but what really stood out to me was when you learn the confusion power. Like, he literally says something like “I don’t think Cere told me to use it like that”. And like... that line only made me think of Ezra at the start of Season 3 of Rebels even more than already recalling Ezra puppet that walker off that base. Two Jedi who feel like they need to do more to stop the Empire and Dark Side, but are flirting with darker tactics to get there.
So Ninth Sister returns. The way she talks almost makes it sound like she’s some recurring enemy Cal keeps running into. KESTIIIIIISSSSSSSSS!!!!! But yeah she’s the first boss (which feels a lot like the first Trilla fight on Bracca, speaking of which another parallel has Cal pull a Trilla on one of the gunships surrounding them). Cal... fucking decapitates her. It’s an interesting moment to me, another sign he’s darker of course, but I’m getting a lot of different feelings here. Like on one hand, he doesn’t seem to relish it at all, even trying to reach out to her, even calling her Masana Tide, her original name before she turned dark. But on the other... he’s like “I’ll set you free” and decides who must live or die. Like sure, Masana wouldn’t listen to him, she’s just full of rage and pain, but still, playing executioner like that was still a dark moment to me.
I should also mention the lightsabre stances, because the boss is where you first lean dual blade. So far... I’ve barely used single blade, lol. I’m fine using double and dual blade for now, honestly. IDK how it is on harder difficulties, but I think they compliment each other nicely. Double blade for crowd control and more defensive fights, and dual blade when I feel like being more offensive. Also, nerd brain just thinks it’s neat to have a sabrestaff you split and put back together.
Controls are mostly similar, there’s some slight changes here and there, I’ll get used to them with time probably. Force powers still work as expected. I’m a monster that loves using confusion to make enemies fight each other, lol. It IS cool that it can’t work on all enemies though, like purge troopers are immune since they’d obviously be trained to resist mind tricks, some creatures you can’t seem to affect I guess because they’re just too weird or whatever, and you can’t use it on droids because they’re not organic. Making Bedlam Raiders kill their own droid underlings they’re in charge of is funny.
Oh yeah, Koboh. Only gotten up to Greez’s cantina and I just stopped right after I found the part we need for the Mantis, but it already feels massive. Interesting scenery too, like it reminds me of a savannah in like Australia or even Africa. Also, I’m guessing the bogling population came from the Mantis stowaways in Fallen Order, lol.
The minimap is much more helpful actually. Still a bit complex, but there’s a lot more notified to tell you where you can go and even traces where you’ve come from, and it helps give clearer directions on where to progress too. It’s not so easy like say Lego Skywalker Saga where the default just lets you follow markers that tell you exactly where to go, you still need to look around sometimes to find how to progress or solve a puzzle, but for someone like me who can get stuck for pretty stupid reasons, it is handy to have these extra hints.
So the scene with Cal and BD looking at old footage they had of the crew together was definitely sentimental. It seems to be around or soon after Fallen Order since the characters still have their looks from that game, but it’s nice to see the times they spent together, and you can tell how much Cal misses them all even if they all parted ways.
On the other hand... we got TWO Greez salt jokes within the span of a few minutes. They KNOW and they really want to remind us, lol. First, one of the videos displayed has Greez say to Merrin say something like “too much salt is bad for you”, which well, yeah, the irony is obvious. There’s also what used to be the Mantis’ terrarium now holding some old belongings, and one of them was Greez and salt related, I think it was his salt shaker? But yes, salty Greez fans, you will not be disappointed.
The locals at Koboh seem interesting enough so far. Little frog due and big Klaud dude! Rayvis had an... interesting first impression. Like at first he’s all shouty and dramatic to the point where I found it a bit much, but after Cal kills his enforcer, he actually starts acting more honourable and subdued? Hard to read guy, I guess. Sounds like he’s building to something, though I have no idea why harassing people on some Outer Rim world is necessary for that. Like, the people in the bar talk like they just show up and cause trouble because they can. Cal stepping in to defend the frog dude was cool though, nice reminder that at heart he’s still a Jedi even if I have... questions about some of his new tactics, lol.
Greez reunion! Was a pretty sweet moment, honestly. And there’s also a sassy droid at the bar who co-runs the place (I think their name was Monk?). Greez is rightfully concerned about Cal though, like Cal misses the crew but it sounds like his own obsession with fighting the Empire was a key factor in what caused the rifts to form in the first place. Something definitely seemed to happen with Cere especially, like when Cal talks about Merrin Greez is like “actually I was asking if you’ve spoken to Cere”. Cal does lose it for a moment, too. He feels like because he might be one of the only Jedi left, he has to shoulder that responsibility to fight the Empire. It’s kind of like the opposite to Obi-Wan’s situation - right around this time, Obi-Wan has given up hope and thinks it’s pointless to do anything, while Cal is so into the fight it seems like it’s consuming him. Like, Greez made this room for Cal to chill in even for a bit, but Cal’s all GOTTA GET ON THE MOVE. Also, for more parallels, a callback to the sleep talking scene, lol.
Anyway, stuck underground and Cal noticed something weird, I’ll get to it later and we’ll see what else happens!
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paarthursass · 1 year
general 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 / Story 7, 12, 15 / Romance 1, 3, 6, 11 for Aurel :3
You don't have to answer all of them, sorry I'm sending so many xD
companion!tav au asks
asdkfjds oh no pls u do not see the google doc i have rn that is filled to the BRIM with companion!au aurel stuff. this is feeding me.
also this ask made me realize that the numbers on that post reset why tf did they do that. when i hit publish they were at 1-40 i swear 😔 anyways.
Where can your Tav be recruited?  Are they first encountered on the Nautiloid, or in the Nautiloid crash region?  Or are they not recruitable until a later act?
Aurel can be recruited in the Nautiloid Crash Region, just outside of the Blighted Village.  He is found conversing with a pair of goblins, who are gleefully telling him details about their camp.  When the Player Character approaches, the tadpole connects them, revealing that Aurel is lying to the goblins for information.  The PC can either choose to play along with Aurel’s charade, or immediately attack the goblins - upon which Aurel will drop the act and aid the PC.  He will share what he’s learned, and will ask to travel with the PC so they can discover the cure to the infection together.
Does your Tav have any comments or advice when you recruit other companions?
"Shadowheart? Is that...really her name? Shadowheart? ...she's got a flair for the dramatic, I'll give her that much."
"Be careful. If holding a knife to your throat was his opening offer, I worry to think what else Astarion will try. At least you don't have to worry about him being too subtle to spot; man's about as charming as a scorpion."
“Lae’zel seems quite knowledgeable about these tadpoles.  Her bedside manner leaves something to be desired, though.”
“Gale seems pleasant, if a little over-eager. Something about him reminds me of a puppy begging for approval.”
“So, ‘the Blade of Frontiers.’ I’d be careful.  In my experience, monster hunters tend to have a limited view of the world.”
“I almost wasn’t sure Wyll would stay his blade.  I’m glad he did, Karlach seems like an absolute darling.”
“Oh, Halsin’s going to be joining us on our excursions now?  And here I thought he’d spend the rest of our little adventure sitting at camp looking pretty.”
“The High Harper herself.  I was just a boy when she faced Sarevok, but tales of her adventures reached me later on, like ripples in a pond. She’ll be a valuable asset.”
“Jaheira’s stronger than me. If my oldest and closest friends were so easily fooled by a charlatan wearing my face, you would never hear the end of it. Still, I'm sure if he's aimed in the right direction, Minsc's...enthusiasm could be useful.”
I wasn't originally going to write comments about Minthara, because Aurel won't stay in the party if the tieflings are killed, BUT since there are mods out there to recruit her anyways, for funsies...
"Are you absolutely insane? She's a drow matron, and one stupid enough to fall for this Absolute nonsense to boot! She was ready to slaughter those tieflings on a whim!"
She knows more than any of us. We need her.
"I've trusted your judgement this far...but I'll be keeping far, far away from her. I know what she sees what she looks at me, and I know what matrons expect of the males they think they command. I won't be her toy. And if she tries anything, I won't be as merciful to her as you were."
Do they have any secrets that can be revealed?  What are the prerequisites for this secret coming to light?
Oh ho ho DOES HE
So, Aurel is a dhampir, which is not something he will be upfront about upon first meeting the PC. There's a few hints regarding it: Aurel is noticeably wary of monster hunters, and approves of the PC or Astarion killing Gandrel. Auntie Ethel also has some personalized vicious mockeries where she calls him "a freak of nature" and says "It'll be easy enough to kill you, dearie, you've got one foot in death's door already!"
Aurel can reveal he is a dhampir to the PC based on varying prerequisites: if they get his approval to 'Good' or if  they have recruited Karlach, whichever comes first.  After the confrontation with Mizora, if the PC did not kill Karlach, Aurel will approach them and say he was moved by their compassion for someone that others were "so quick to write off as a monster." 
It is also possible for Aurel’s dhampirism to be revealed before this.  In a fight, if Aurel is brought to 0 HP, a cutscene will trigger where he bites his opponent and regains HP (this will not trigger if the opponent is undead. Instead, the next instance where Aurel is brought to 0 HP by a living creature will trigger this cutscene).  After the fight, another cutscene will trigger where the PC can confront him about what happened, and Aurel will come clean.
After the reveal, the PC can ask Aurel more specific questions about his vampiric parent.  They can also ask him about feeding - which he assures the PC is done exclusively on animals.  His bite ability will become available in combat.  The PC can also offer to let Aurel feed on them, but Aurel will become uncomfortable and politely decline.  “That’s a bit - ah - intimate, isn’t it?” if the PC points out that Aurel will feed on people they’re fighting, he will retort with “Well, yes, but I don’t have to be careful with them.  The point there is to cause some damage, isn’t it?  There’s a difference between ripping out an enemy’s throat, and a friend baring theirs willingly to you.  It’s just…it’s a bit much.”
What do they say when the Player Character asks them to stay in camp?  How about when the Player Character asks them to come adventuring again?
I need you to stay in camp for a while.
"Are you certain? I know I have quite the delicate features, but I assure you I can more than handle what's out there."
I'm certain. I'll call for you if I need you.
"I suppose I shall languish here until you return for me, then. Safe travels, my dear."
Are there any unique NPCs associated with your Tav that can show up during the course of the game?
So, if Aurel were a companion, I think his primary quest would involve discovering that the monster hunting guild involved in his boyfriend's death were not fully eradicated by him and his father. For juiciness, the leader of the guild is probably still alive and well, and is specifically hunting down Aurel as payback for nearly wiping out his guild a century earlier. Aurel's personal quest would largely involve finding healing and catharsis for Philo's death.
However....I do also really, really want Aurel's father to show up. I think that would be so so fun.
The PC can ask Aurel about his father almost immediately after discovering he's a dhampir, and ask about whether his father can help them. Aurel will reveal that his father is extremely far away, and he's doubtful that he could get word to him in time for him to do anything, but he'll try anyhow if the PC wants.
If Aurel was convinced to contact his father, Dragomir will appear in Act 3. In the Undercity when approaching the Temple of Bhaal, a group of Bhaal Cultists will ambush the group but will swiftly be killed by Dragomir, who appears out of the shadows. If Aurel is in the group, he and Dragomir will joyfully reunite. If Aurel is not in the active party, Dragomir will instead address the PC, recognizing them from Aurel's description. If Aurel was captured by Orin, the PC can tell Dragomir what happened, and he will insist on accompanying the group to free his son.
Dragomir will not become a full-fledged companion, but will wait at camp after the fight with Orin (provided it's the Elfsong Tavern. if the party camps in an outdoor space, Dragomir will only appear at camp at night). If the group has not faced Cazador yet, Dragomir can be convinced to aid in the fight against him, and will also be an ally in the final fight against the Nethebrain.
What can they be found doing at the tiefling/goblin party?
Aurel is in the midst of the revelry, playing a song on his violin. He stops to chat with the PC, and will mention that though he's been to his fair share of balls and soirees, this merry-making with the tieflings outshines all of them. If the PC doesn't try and romance Aurel, he may tease them about the other party members looking at them.
"I can't help but notice that our dear Wyll is off by his lonesome...why don't you try and cheer him up, darling? You seem to be the only thing that can, nowadays."
"I've seen puppies begging for treats that looked less pitiful than Gale does when he looks at you...not that I mean that in a bad way. He does look so pretty when he begs. Why don't you go and put him out of his misery, hm? Figuratively speaking, of course."
"Ugh, Astarion's looking our way again. He thinks he's being so sneaky - I'm not trying to steal his seconds. No offense, darling, you are much more than a meal. To me, anyways. Still, you'd better go and see what he wants. He looks like he's had a bit to drink, and if he comes over here to start an altercation with me I will not be held responsible for what happens."
"I think Karlach might combust if you don't go over and speak to her soon. That woman's been through torment enough; it would be unseemly to keep her waiting much longer."
"I do enjoy a bit of danger, but I think if you waste too much more time talking to me, Lae'zel might just rip my head off. Go and speak to her before she decides to throw you over her shoulder in front of the whole party. Unless you're into that sort of thing. No judgement."
"If I'm not mistaken, Shadowheart seems to be nursing a wine bottle meant for two all by her lonesome...why don't you go and help her out with that."
He will then say:
"Now if you don't mind, I plan on seeing how how many times I can tease Rolan about his staff handling before he gets the hint. Don't wait up for me."
Is it possible for your Tav to be kidnapped and replaced by Orin?  How is Orin's deception revealed?  How do they react to the PC rescuing them in the Temple of Bhaal?
Aurel is a damsel at heart, so yes it is absolutely possible for him to be kidnapped by Orin. I love the #drama.
After Gortash reveals someone in camp has been replaced, Aurel will approach the PC and suggest they kill Gortash and take his Netherstone immediately. Though the argument will begin in Aurel's usual cadence, it will gradually grow more and more manic, culminating in Aurel wanting to "sink [his] fangs into that peacock's throat and drink and drink and drink until he's as empty as his words." Orin will drop the deception immediately afterwards.
Once rescued, Aurel will be shaken but relieved, but will be attempting to cover up his fear with his usual brand of cattiness.
"Thank you so much for the timely rescue, my dear. Can you imagine if I died in a place as horrible as this? In Baldur's Gate's sewers? No offense to Wyll, his city may be lovely, but its bowels are considerably less so. But...thank you. I won't forget this."
If Dragomir is in the party when Aurel is rescued, Aurel will instead immediately hug Dragomir as he reunites with him, and will then thank the PC for the rescue.
How do they react when the Dark Urge first reveals their amnesia and murderous thoughts to them?
(if the PC hasn't discovered Aurel is a dhampir yet)
"Really? I wonder..." he stops and squints at the PC for a moment before shaking his head. "No...perhaps it's the tadpole? We're all a bit on edge, I know. And you've been pushing yourself so hard, you deserve some rest, darling."
(if the PC has discovered Aurel is a dhampir)
"Well, I'm no stranger to the occasional bouts of bloodlust, but it sounds like you mean something else entirely...perhaps it's the tadpole? We're all a bit on edge, I know. And you've been pushing yourself so hard, you deserve some rest, darling."
Is your Tav a romanceable character?  Are there any specific requirements to romancing them?
Aurel is a romanceable character, though he’s only available to male or nonbinary Tavs.  He may teasingly return a female PC’s flirtation, but if she tries to push an actual relationship he will gently turn her down.
Aurel probably has two branching romance paths; a more casual, fling-type relationship, and a more serious, slow-burn one.
Aurel has a great deal of trauma regarding romantic relationships; his first love was killed in front of him, and he's been incapable of holding down a long-term relationship ever since. If the PC attempts a more casual, fling-type relationship, Aurel will inevitably panic as it develops and will try to end it before it gets too serious. It would be possible to salvage the relationship here and reassure Aurel, but it would have to stop being a fling and would have to turn into an actual relationship.
The slow-burn romance arc is, as the title suggests, much slower. It would involve returning Aurel's flirtations, but never taking the relationship past that. The PC would have to tell him that they want more than just a casual fling with him, which would make him very flustered (he's noticeably smoother in the fling-path, as that's what he's most familiar with, but he turns into a flustered, blushing MESS in the slow-burn path). At the end of around Act 2 is when Aurel would tentatively reveal to the PC his trauma regarding Philo, and he would admit that "this is the...slowest I've gone in a relationship, since then. I get into my own head too much, but you...you make me want to be brave."
Are they a polyamorous or a monogamous option?
Aurel is potentially a polyamorous option, though he's a picky one.
Aurel will tease the Player Character if they ask about bringing Halsin into the relationship. “I can hardly blame you for looking - he cuts quite an impressive form. And, well, he’d be a fool to not desire you.” He still is unsure about polyamory, but if the Player Character mentions that Halsin wants him as well, he’ll become flustered and will “need a moment to think on it.” After another long rest, Aurel will approach the Player Character and say that after “giving it some thought” he’s decided that, even though he’s never attempted a polyamorous relationship, he’s willing to try, and he trusts Halsin enough to let the PC try with him. Aurel does add a firm caveat though that he expects the PC to ask him first before bringing in any other additional people. "You know me, I don't do well with surprises."
Which is to say, unless the PC passes a persuasion check, Aurel will disapprove of the PC having sexual encounters with Haarlep and the Emperor. He will also flat-out break up with the PC if they sleep with Mizora. (and if he and the PC do break up, idle banter suggests he and Halsin are still seeing each other)
I also want to say that it's possible to romance both him and Astarion at the same time, because I think that is SUCH a funny concept, but I do not know how it would actually be realized. But the PC holding both Astarion and Aurel's hands while they glare at each other behind the PC's back is suuuuch a funny mental image to me. Boyfriend-in-laws.
How do they react to the player character breaking up with them, or choosing another character over them?
As mentioned before, Aurel has been completely incapable of maintaining a stable relationship before the events of the game. He's had many flings over the years, but any time a relationship starts to get serious he panics and finds a way to end things. He has deep-seeded anxieties about relationships, and part of his romance arc would involve helping him resolve these.
So, with that said, he puts up almost no fight if the PC breaks up with him.
"Oh, but I thought...right. Of course. All things come to an end, after all. Well, we had fun, but I'll not stop you from roaming where you need to."
A successful insight check in this moment reveals that Aurel is putting on a facade, but if the PC tries to pry, Aurel will sharply brush them off and end the conversation.
If the PC has activated a romance with another character while romancing Aurel, he will approach them and offer to step aside for the other person's happiness. Again, a successful insight check will reveal Aurel is not as unbothered as he claims to be.
(I have also written what he says for each romance option...the brainrot is strong)
“Wyll’s a good man, almost too good to be true. To be honest I’m not sure who I’m more envious of. But he deserves something nice, as do you.”
“Karlach’s been through literal Hell and back…and when she’s around you, I see that torment lift from her a little.  Her happiness matters more to me than anything, except perhaps yours.” 
“I tease Gale, but he’s a good man. And he deserves to know what true love is like, not whatever that…farce was that Mystra put him through.” 
“Lae’zel is…intense. But I think she’s finally met her match in you, and she almost seems…softer, around you.”
“Sometimes I think Shadowheart is still that scared girl in the woods…but something about you comforts her. I think if I called you her guiding light she’d smack me, but you know what I mean.”
“I know I’ve had my issues with Astarion in the past…and in the present, but even I can see how he seems…different around you.  That infuriating facade of his almost drops when you’re around.  I think if anyone could bring out a genuine emotion in him, it would be you.”
What are Tav’s plans for the future?  Do they propose to the PC, or is marriage not something they’re interested in?
Oh Aurel is SUCH a romantic, and if the PC managed to help him get over his anxieties regarding relationships? Oh he's sticking by them FOREVER. It's even worse if Dragomir shows up. The PC has met his DAD and his dad LIKED THEM.
Anyways. I think one of Aurel's final Act 3 romance scenes is him trying SO HARD to set up a romantic atmosphere to propose but he keeps fucking it up and things keep going wrong and it's SUCH A cringefail moment and he ends up getting SO anxious and exasperated and says something like "of COURSE when I try to propose to the LOVE OF MY LIFE it ALL GOES WRONG" and then he realizes he RUINED the SURPRISE and it becomes a whole thing. Aurel's romance really is just him being an absolute anxious, neurotic mess of a man and the PC either being just as insane as him or trying to calm down the chaos a little. Wyll absolutely calmed the chaos. God bless that man.
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basingstokemercury · 1 year
Unexpected things I've learned playing my current D&D character
Playing as a mature adult with a long history is actually incredibly rewarding. Most of the characters are young adults (18 to early twenties) and one's a dryad with a nonhuman lifespan, so my 35-year-old veteran of a war fifteen years past has ended up having very strong maternal instincts towards the two "kids" of the group.
This came about completely by accident - originally my plan was for Rou to be fresh off her military service, unable to adjust to civilian life and then pulled right into a new mess, but in-universe chronology meant more time had to have passed (this is the same world as a couple other campaigns our DM runs and events in each affect the other's story sometimes).
Which means she's spent fifteen years trying to return to normal and failing, now to be pulled back into what she thought she'd left behind when the child of her missing commander (other PC), now eighteen, contacts her trying to find their mother. Turns out that mother has been corrupted by the Shadowfell and we may very well have to kill her.
So now Rou's having to face her emotions about the war, work towards fighting her mentor and protector, and try to help this very young adult through a situation she herself can hardly deal with - but somehow it seems she can't even get through to her anymore.
Lots of angst when/if she finally ends up losing control/hope (don't think the others have seen the signs but she's becoming obsessed with trying to contact the dead and make amends for everyone she failed to save), very fun playing someone experienced and protective, and generally a really interesting personality to get into the head of.
It's also a lot nicer than I expected to be more of a side character in another's quest - I knew from the beginning that her goal would probably mostly be to help the others as her comrades and friends because her main quest is shared by someone with a closer connection to its object, but it's very interesting to play with the feeling that someone else is more important to this story than you and you have to bury your own emotions about it for their sake.
When we first learned of the captain's corruption, Rou tried to remain optimistic about saving her for the kid's sake while also trying to reconcile her to the possibility of having to kill her - the latter naturally refused to believe her mother could be doing such a thing. Now the roles have been reversed somewhat; the kid is putting on a front of accepting what must be done (while actually just repressing her internal conflict), and as Rou realises that she really is coming close to confronting her past she's becoming more and more desperate to believe it can't possibly end like this, though she tries to hide it under a mask of keeping her former optimism.
When we wrap up this campaign (or if something happens to Rou), I'm going to intentionally try and work more with these themes.
Zhalien is going to be in her forties, looking for the son kidnapped twenty years ago as a baby and the husband who abandoned her and took him. I can't know yet if anyone else's stories will intertwine with hers, but she's going to keep her backstory hidden under lies until/unless it comes into play, thus naturally making her more of a background figure in relation to the main quest - which is also the role she'll position herself as, attaching herself to the group under the guise of a mercenary.
It's probably safe to assume most of the characters will be a good deal younger than her next campaign as well, and her relation to the maternal role will be a bit more complex than Rou's.
She actually has a child, but hasn't gotten to be a mother since she was an infant, so I imagine her maternal instincts will be quite strong, but her decade as a spy and the years after that travelling as a mercenary trying to find her husband and son have taught her to hide her natural empathy and openness under layers of seeming indifference and intentional obfuscation. She can't help but care, but there are a lot of walls to break before she'd ever say so.
I look forwards to working with her, and to seeing where Rou ends up.
(Hopefully not in tragedy, but that seems to be where I'm steering her and it would make sense.)
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etes-secrecy-post · 2 years
Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
The new XP-Pen PenTablet ver. 3.3.10 Windows Software for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 [Oct 5, 2022]
Hello, hello! Here's my latest part of my recent XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 drawing tablet! 🙂🖥️🖊️📋
Man, it's been a while, with the my recorded was on Nov 11th, 2020. And now, I'm about to deliver all of my thoughts & experience of me drawing with my first XP-Pen. But right now, let's talk about the newly look & update of XP-Pen's Pentablet, and also a drawing test of my second artwork software, Medibang Paint Pro.
(for my secret friends) If you haven't seen my recorded Nov 11th, 2020, then I'll provide from links right here → [CLICK ME! #1], [CLICK ME! #2].
So, without further ado, let's get started:
Record Video (using VLC media player)⏺️🎦🖥️↑: (Pls watch)
• Okay so, I restart my PC because I install the new update of XP-Pen's Pentablet for my recent drawing tablet Deco 01 V2. Aside from the newly look logo, the window itself complete change compare to 2020 counterpart. All of them seems fine, including the current pressure was still 8191, which is correct.
• Now, onto the Medibang Paint Pro. I installed it a year ago, and so far, I've learned every single tool to experience my drawing skills. Here, I'm scribbling around on the canvas using a traditional brush tool, while I'm pressing buttons from my pen tablet. Which, by the way, is a little bit struggle when I pressing the bottom button (that act as a right click mouse). Sometimes I press lightly & the opposite of that to work, and to this day, I'm still challenging. The upper button, on the other hand, works like a charm. However, like GIMP, when I tap either eraser or brush tool, it doesn't seem to switch between two tools, so I have to tap either eraser or brush from the toolbar in order to work the upper button. Other than that, the pressure pen & scribbling on the canvas works very well. Heck, I even draw an "OK!" and a smile for good measure.
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1st & 2nd Screenshots: ↑
• Apparently, the newly Pentablet update resets my custom key shortcuts after installing & reset my PC. But, that's alright because I copied all the shortcuts from my previous post. So here are my custom shortcut commands for GIMP & Medibang Paint Pro. They may have their different shortcut keys between the two, but they all seem to be functional when I press these key buttons.
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1st to 4th Image(s):
• Lastly, let's talk about longevity usage of my Deco 01 V2.
• [1st Image] First off, the tip nib of my digital pen has been perfectly cone shaped tip after a long used of drawing. I haven't changed my nib since opening my first ever drawing tablet, and that's good enough for me. Also, my artist glove still fits in my right hand, and it can wash it from the laundry when it reaches stench sweat. (Yeah, I know)
• [2nd to 4th Images] As for drawing surface, all scratches are present here, as well as scratch spots from tapping my pet tablet. And when I lift the film protector, the actual surface had 0% scratches. Although, there are some fingerprint smudge, but I could easily get rid of. And much like my nib from my pet tablet, I haven't change the film protector since 2020 nor buying a replacement. That is why the film protector for digital drawing tablet is very important, this will prevent scratches from the tablet surface, and you don't need to buy another fresh tablet. (Unless of course, if your old tablet is completely busted, then buy a new one.)
• My Deco 01 V2 still lives after 2 years of usage. And while the bottom button from the pen tablet is finicky, it can be challenging & it requires a muscle memory. But, otherwise, they're all totally functional after a long years of usage without a single malfunction. And I haven't tested the OTG compability with my phone, so I'll be planning that, soon. Will it compare to my PC? Who knows.
Well, that's all for now.
And in case you missed my related parts and accessories for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2, then I’ve already provide some links down below. ↓ 😉
Previous (from my main account):
• XP-Pen PenTablet ver. 3.0.5 Windows Software for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 [Nov 11,2020]: [CLICK ME! #1], [CLICK ME! #2] • Installation for the XP-Pen PenTablet ver. 3.0.5 for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 (record video using VLC media player) [Nov. 11,2020] • My XP-Pen PenTablet Window Software: ON and OFF Windows Ink difference - Windows 7 ver. (Oct. 15th, 2020) • XP-Pen PenTablet Window Software for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 (Aug 8, 2020) • Drawing art test with my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 drawing - Part 2 (Aug 17, 2020) • My XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 Aftermath Usage (Aug 17, 2020) • My XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 drawing test with my GIMP 2.8.10 (Aug 17, 2020): Part 3 [3rd Attempt], Part 4 [4th Attempt] •Drawing art test with my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 drawing: Part 1 (Aug 12, 2020) • My XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 drawing test with my GIMP 2.8.10 (Aug, 12, 2020): Part 1 [1st Attempt], Part 2 [2nd Attempt] • XP-Pen PenTablet Window Software for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 (Aug 8, 2020) • My XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 connecting computer laptop(Aug 8, 2020): Part 1 - [1st Attempt], Part 2 (Final) [2nd Attempt] • Installation steps for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 [Aug. 7,2020] • Accessories for my XP-Pen Deco 01 V2 [Jun 25,2020]: [Part 1], [Part 2] • Part 5 [May 8,2020] • Part 4 [May 1, 2020]: First Half, Second Half • Part 3 [Apr 22, 2020] • Part 2 [Apr 17, 2020] • Part 1 [ Apr 14, 2020] • Recorded video opening [Apr 10, 2020] • Unopened parcel/package [Apr 7, 2020]
Tagged: @bryan360, @carmenramcat, @leapant
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linuxgamenews · 1 year
Wargroove 2 an all-new adventure with support
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Wargroove 2 turn-based co-op strategy game aims at Linux via Steam Deck with Windows PC. Thanks to further details from developers Robotality and Chucklefish. Due to fight its way onto Steam. Chucklefish and Robotality are working on a sequel to their widely celebrated project Wargroove. The next up is Wargroove 2, which you will be able to play via Steam Deck with Windows PC. Here are some details from the Robotality email reply.
Regarding porting it to Linux: We plan to support the Steam Deck via the Proton Layer and want to make sure that it runs on that device without flaws. We have currently no direct plan for a native Linux port as Proton made it pretty much not needed anymore. I know that some Linux fans are strong believers in native ports. But I think Proton is a great compromise in most cases and with games like Wargroove 2 that are not hardware intensive it is just as good as a native port if not better.
So, the engine that Robotality is using for Wargroove 2 is an open source tool, Halley. This is also the creation of Rodrigo Monteiro, who is the top tech guy at Chucklefish. Halley is a tool written in C++, which is specially designed to be light and easy to use. And if you're keen, you can find it on GitHub. The same tool was used in the making of Wargroove 1 (Proton). Since it worked really well, the developers are sticking with it for the sequel, Wargroove 2. In fact, they use Halley for many of our other projects at Chucklefish.
Wargroove 2 - Announcement Trailer
Now, here is what is exciting about Wargroove 2. The turn-based co-op strategy game is due to have the same beautiful, classic pixel art style as the original. It's also going to challenge your strategic thinking with turn-based battles. The turn-based co-op strategy story this time around takes place in Aurania, where a new group is up to no good. They've discovered ancient and powerful relics that could change everything. We don't know yet what their intentions are, but we do know they're aiming high. You'll join this adventure and go head to head using your tactics. The Wargroove 2 gameplay itself sees an upgrade. You'll meet new Commanders with their own unique skills, thanks to a fresh Groove system. Plus, there are 3 new story lines that will keep you on the edge of your seat and bring everything together in an intense finale. You can even play Wargroove 2 in co-op with friends, both in shared split screen and online. You can also team up or go against each other in PvP, with up to 4 players. And there's also a new mode called 'Conquest'. It's a bit like a story that changes each time you play it, adding a new layer of fun. In addition, there are 5 new types of units you can learn to use. All due to boost your regular units' abilities by picking up special items.
Map Editor
Finally, Wargroove 2 has new tools to make your own maps, campaigns, and even movie-like sequences. The music is by Dale North, who wrote some fine tunes for Nintendo eShop, Disney's Wish Park and Cruise experience, and more. The Wargroove 2 turn-based co-op strategy sequel is in the hands of Robotality, a German team known for their turn-based RPG's. They've been working with Chucklefish for a while, creating Halfway and Pathway. Now, they are trusted with leading Wargroove's next chapter and infusing it with their unique perspective. So, it's safe to say we can look forward to something fantastic in Wargroove 2. Due to makes its way onto Steam Deck with Windows PC. So be sure to Wishlist the game on Steam. The release date is still TBD.
0 notes
Oooo, can you imagine multiple alphas are after an omega PC? It's going to be chaos. They probably be waiting for when PC's heat struck to claim them. But, who will get PC first? Are they beyond kidnapping PC to make sure PC is theirs? *whisper* can u include all the alpha LIs?
Ooo boy this is just the game on hard mode 100% allure.
Decided not to include Black Wolf and Great Hawk - just couldn't think of how they would be different than usual.
NSFW below (tw for kidnapping, noncon)
The moment you arrive on that farm Alex wants you claimed.
That sweet omega scent calls out to them and they know they have to give you the job.
Still acts kind, still tries to butter you up so you'll like them more.
Uses helping you with more strenuous work as an excuse to rub the scent over you.
But if you come to work one day smelling like another alpha? Alex isn't going to be happy.
Might start a wresting match, just some 'innocent' rough play, so they can rub themselves all over you again.
Offers to let you stay at the cottage from that point on. You're turning a profit now! No need to worry about school or work or whatever it is in that town that keeps you going back!
If you accept then all is well. Alex can move you in and start claiming you fully.
If not, you might have to watch your drinks. Alex has plenty of drugs that can kick you into your heat, have you begging to be taken one way or another.
You'll be their woman/man eventually. Patience pays off, that's one thing Alex has learned with being a farmer. The more love and care you put into a new crop or animal, the better the results. Mating you won't be any different.
Wants to spend heats with you. Wants to breed you, work on the farm while you rest, then come back inside the nest and breed you more.
Very warm, comforting scent. Reminds you of summer afternoons, with a picnic.
You have to be marked by them if you're in an arrangement.
Initially takes you on because they're sick of being asked when they're getting mated, when they're settling down and having kids, aren't you sick of working so hard?
You're the perfect little distraction. With you around, their peers stop being so invasive.
You have to behave in a certain manner though, you have to behave as Avery's true omega. Its what they pay you for.
So who is this alpha you're walking home with? All bright eyes and laughter?
Avery drags you into their car, sight going red when that alpha hugs you. People are watching, they don't care, not in this moment.
Locks the doors and drives into an alleyway, not listening to your distressed cries.
Pins you down in the backseat and marks you while they fuck you silly. What kind of a slut are you that you just let alphas touch you so casually?
No amount of apologies are going to stop them taking you. What about Avery's reputation, you ungrateful whore? Have you forgotten your place?
If Avery needs to take you home and chain you up to be a house-spouse they will. Its very unlikely, they're more obliged to cut you off and blacklist you, but its possible.
Okay with you spending heats alone, due to their busy schedule.
Scent is complimented by expensive aftershaves/perfumes in a way that let's everyone know exactly what Avery's social standing is. It commands respect.
You're not getting off the leash. It's far too risky, you'll just have to follow Eden around forever now.
Knows when you've been touching others, spanks you for it and then ruins you till you forget anyone else exists.
Doesn't matter who it is or what context.
Has proven they're perfectly okay with hunting you down wherever you run off to and dragging you back.
People are terrified of Eden, no matter how much you struggle to get away from their grip, the most you'll get is someone yelling out to leave you alone.
Pretty much only death is going to stop Eden claiming you.
Very okay with hurting any rivals. If Eden comes into town to find you with a schoolmate, Avery, or if they treck out into the farmlands and find you with Alex, Eden could get trigger happy.
Drags you back home after, noone gets to see you vulnerable apart from Eden.
No more school. No more worrying about your orphan friend, no more money or debt. Just stay at home. Where you belong.
Never ever let's your bites fade. They're always red raw and fresh. Eden will take time to rub salve into the wound to calm it, but they'll never relent when it comes to marking. Even if it's just you two out here.
No walks by yourself in the woods. Those wolves find you too tasty, what if they take you away?
Natural and overpowering scent. A little sweaty by midday, but after a bath it's very earthy and fresh. Has plenty of blockers on hand to use when hunting. You're not allowed them.
The school trio is where shit gets messy as all hell- because they're the ones most likely to run into each other vying for your attention.
Kylar will protect you from afar, with their blow darts.
Constantly appearing out of nowhere and dragging you away from Robin or Whitney. Even if you just walk past one of the others in the hallways at school Kylar knows and will cling to you so desperately.
That line in the park where they tell you they know if you've been thinking of others? Yeah well it has more weight to it now than ever.
Gives you their clothes to wear, if they'll fit. If not, then they take every chance to break into your room and put their scent everywhere - especially your pillow so it can cover you in your sleep. Maybe you'll dream of them, like they dream of you.
More likely to pull knives when you're close to your heat, also more likely to come at Whitney rather than letting you drag them away from a fight.
And when I say go at Whitney, I mean jumping on their back and fighting like a feral animal.
Panics if they pick up a scent that isn't Robin or Whitney. What do you mean there's even more people to worry about? Where have you been sneaking off to without them knowing? Is that where you're spending your heats?
Speaking if heats, will go hysterical if you spend it alone, never mind with others. You're meant to spend it with Kylar, you're meant to let them breed you.
The most prepared to whisk you away at a moments notice once their jealousy hits its peak.
Going to breed you as soon as you're tied up in their basement, going to mate you and mark you up.
Has a sharp scent. Can be a little stale at times, but its not unpleasant. A little citrus-y.
A lower confidence Robin might let someone else take you, thinking they don't deserve to be your alpha - maybe there's others out there who can take care of you.
Sits rather dejected at lunch when Kylar barges into your conversation to kiss you in front of them.
Looks away when Whitney cops a feel against the lockers.
A high confidence Robin is more likely to say something about it, but they still respect your autonomy.
It's your choice at the end of the day, Robin just hopes you choose them.
Not gonna kidnap or noncon you over it. Prefers that you willingly give yourself- it means more to them, proves how real it is that you crawl into their lap rather than being pulled into Whitney's.
Very gentle during heats. Will try to hold off cumming until you do, to make sure you're taken care of and not in pain. Might stand guard for you if you decide to go it alone, but is scared they'll give into temptation and barge your door down.
Will scent you when you ask. Its a very soothing, clean scent. Not too overpowering or demanding, not too subtle. Just nice.
Oh no.
You thought you'd suffered humiliation before? Well now there's competition you'll see something fierce.
Constantly marking you. Constantly scenting, cumming on your face and rubbing the liquids in so you'll be very obviously claimed for all to see.
Will grab you in the middle of a conversation just to make out with you in front of your friend - especially if its Robin.
If you're talking to Kylar? Same thing only they'll ask their friends to grab the freak so they can't get violent.
Obviously fuck you in public when they can, but even Whitney knows how dangerous it could be to do that when you're in heat.
Whitney is strong, but the chance of some ridiculously strong alpha pulling them off of you and claiming you instead drives them insane.
You can go heats alone. Just don't spend them with anyone else.
Gloats when you ask them to take care of your heat. Yeah, of course you want them, who else would do a good job?
Another one who likes you in their clothes.
Surprisingly fresh scent. It's accompanied by smoke and the occasional alcohol, but naturally Whitney is actually rather clean to smell. It definitely turns heads.
328 notes · View notes
tomtenadia · 3 years
A Little Braver - 34
Hello my friends it’s Thursday and I have a midweek  chapter for you. It will start with the second part of the Winter Solstice shift... then a certain golden nightgown will make its appearance and we finish with some ice hockey. We finally get to know more about the pilots last mission.
IN this chapter the term PIC is used.. it stands for Paramedic In Charge
CW: smut and mention of trauma, alcoholism and ptsd
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Solstice part II
When Aelin finally left her office it was very late in the evening. She had let her team enjoy the celebrations while the peace lasted and Aedion had brought her dinner. She had used the excuse that  paperwork had been piling up and stayed in the office. When the sounds from the common room calmed down she knew most of her team had retired for the evening. It was always an exhausting shift. She also knew that the pilots had gone back home but only Rowan and Lorcan had remained.
Rowan, she hadn’t seen him since she kicked him out of the office earlier on.
Gods, she had been so mean to him. Again, she had shut him out doing exactly what she had promised would not do again. Why couldn’t she learn?
With a sigh she switched off her pc and went to her quarters to get change in her t-shirt and shorts.
Then Aelin decided it was time to go and look for Rowan.
She wandered around the firehouse but no sign of him. Looking outside Aelin noticed his car was still there which meant he hadn’t left. She switched on the lights of the apparatus floor and spotted a pair of long legs leaning against the rail on top of the engine. She climbed and joined him “come on sleeping beauty, in winter it gets damn cold out here.”
 Rowan folded his arms at his chest and looked away “Fine, I’ll freeze to death. You wouldn’t care anyway.”
Aelin rolled her eyes “I am in my quarters when you decide to be less grumpy.” She climbed back down and left the floor switching off the lights.
Rowan groaned and slowly made his way down the engine and to the captain’s quarters. Once he got in, Aelin was already in bed reading a book. 
He got his stuff to get ready for bed and a few minutes later he was towering at her bedside, almost as if to ask permission to join her.
She scooted to the side and made space for him.
“Have I done something wrong?” He asked while joining her under the blankets.
“You tell me.” She placed the book down and looked at him.
“Is it about the fire-breathing bitch thing? I swear I told him to stop.”
Aelin groaned “no, you idiot.”
“Then what it is? Because I spent the whole afternoon thinking about what I had done to piss you off this much.”
Aelin fully turned to face him “Your last mission. Why you never told me how bad it actually was? Why you never told me that your ship got attacked and you lost lots of people?”
“Fenrys,” he groaned.
“Yes, Fen and I had a chat about his plan of becoming a firefighter and then he told me what happened and that he was tired of the massacre. Do you know he is suffering from bad ptsd? That’s why the heavy drinking.”
Rowan swore silently. He did not know.
“We lost three entire squadrons. Wiped out of the sky in mere seconds. They attacked overnight and no alert crew was on duty.” He took her hand and leaned his head back against the wall, closing his eyes “the ship got pummelled down pretty hard. A carrier has weapons but that it’s not its primary purpose. They attacked the island and destroyed our radar and command centre.” He kept explaining and Aelin could feel the pain in his voice and felt a bitch for making him relive through it, but she had done the same for him “we deployed quickly but their numbers were far superior. They bombed the airstrip and almost sank the ship. The captain did manage to send a mayday before the comms went down and we got an assist. It took us hours but we chased the enemy away.” He breathed out heavily still not looking at her “In the end we had to relocate to another carrier and that’s when we started pulling crazy patrol shifts and alert crew as well. I couldn’t tell you for the same reason you could not.” He took another deep breath “I almost got shot down.” He admitted and heard Aelin gasp. He could not blame Fen for wanting out. He was glad he had a way out because he was done with that too.
He felt Aelin’s hand on his cheek “I am sorry I didn’t tell you.”
Her heart ached at the pain in his voice and she kissed him, letting him know that the fight was over.
“This mission made me realise that I am done with all of this. I knew it would not be easy when I signed up. It was my job to serve and protect and even die in the name of the duty I chose. Honour the uniform all of that. But I am glad I am out.” He confessed in a low voice “I might be a coward, but I am tired of seeing friends being blown out of the sky in front of me. I am tired of fighting.” He leaned his head against her shoulder and Aelin pulled him closer giving him the silent comfort he needed. She kissed the top of his head “you are not a coward. I will not let anyone call you that.” She kissed him again “I am sorry I was mad at you.”
He shrugged “you had every right. I just was not ready to go through that again.” He kissed her temple.
“Fire-breathing bitch queen, indeed.” She joked.
“You said that.”
“Well, it’s true, though. I have a temper.”
His arms went around her waist “and I love it. I adore that you have fire in you.”
She chuckled “some guys felt intimidated by me.”
“They have no idea what they missed.” He pulled her down under the blankets and she cuddled to him.
“Now let’s sleep and hope dispatch will stay quiet for a few hours.”
The following morning Aelin woke up, got dressed in her uniform and made her way to the common room. The rest of the team loved to wander around in their night clothes but she was the captain and had to maintain a certain image.
She went to make coffee and then went to check the status of the pastries and biscuits and saw there were still some left. Good. The solstice shift was not over yet. She was about to sit down and enjoy her breakfast, when Lorcan entered the room. He was in his jeans and shirt from the night before.
“Why up so early, commodore?”
“I am far too big for your beds and they are definitely not made for two people, but I didn’t want to leave Elide alone, so I endured.”
Aelin chuckled, taking a bite of the chocolate doughnut in her hand. Even if she was the captain and had the privilege of her own quarters, her bed was still a single one and the few times Rowan had slept over she had ended up sleeping half on top of him. Not that she complained…
“I am sure that as a soldier you are used to far less comfortable sleeping conditions.”
Lorcan went to help himself with some breakfast and joined her.
“Rowan is the same.”that morning though, she had let him sleep. He had been fitful all night and was not sure if he was uncomfortable or something connected with telling her what had happened in his last mission.
Lorcan nodded “I think it’s the military training. Old habits die hard, but Elide is trying to teach me to stay in bed longer when she is off.”
Aelin laughed “I am sure she has her ways…”
Lorcan cleared his voice and spoke again “I want to let you know that I am serious about her. I am not fooling around or taking advantage. Elide is incredible and I’d be a fool to fuck it up.”
“Good,” was all that Aelin said. The girls had their regular meetings in the ambulance and everyone was very protective of her knowing that this was Elide’s first relationship. They were ready to kill Lorcan if the man hurt her.
“I talked to Fenrys last night. He is serious about becoming a firefighter.”
Lorcan growled “as serious he was as a pilot? Because he will fuck up again, captain.”
Aelin restrained herself from punching the man “have some faith.” She was not going to betray Fenrys’ confession so she kept quiet about it.
“In him? He costed me my best captain because of his stupidity.”
Aelin slammed her fork on the table “did you even consider that recently Rowan had been desperately trying to find a way out without breaking the rules?” She said to him through gritted teeth. She could not forget his pain of the night before “in nine months together he told me twice he wanted out but couldn’t, have you thought about that?” She continued “he told me what happened in your last mission, and while you were hiding in the CIC they were out there and my… and Rowan almost got killed.” She was giving him a taste of the fire-breathing bitch “since he accepted the new role he is happier. And this is a job only to finish his last four years. He wants to become a paramedic and I will support him until the end because I love him and I can’t bear to see him in pain.”
Lorcan rolled his eyes. She was about to reply, but Rowan joined them “were you two fighting?”
“No, just disagreeing on things.” She grabbed her mug and walked away after pressing a kiss on Rowan’s lips. She wandered to the apparatus floor and flung open the compartments doors on the side of the truck and started doing some checks. The previous night they had returned quite late from the last call and had ordered the team to go and relax and that they would do the checks in the morning. Also, she had to stay away from Lorcan. She started taking inventory of all their tools and soon after breakfast the whole squad was on the floor ready for their orders. They still had a few hours before the end of their shift. 
Once she spotted Aedion she tuned to him “take Manon and you two do some training for her lieutenant exam.”
“Brullo, you grab the guys and go through some other basic training. Just stay inside, it’s cold outside.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Nox, you are our mechanic, I need you to do a full check of both engine and truck and a cab tilt.”
She was about to resume her duties when a panicked Lysandra walked to her “come with me.”
Aelin followed her in the ambulance and Lys closed the doors.
“What’s going on?”
“I am two vials of morphine down.”
“Shit.” Swore Aelin. They had to declare every vial of controlled drugs they used and she had to submit the request for replacements to the hospital. Lys and Elide did a stock check before and after every shift and she knew how meticulous Lys was.
“They are missing from Elide’s jump bag.” She confessed and Aelin did not understand.
“The hotel fire yesterday, we left the door of the ambulance open as we needed constant access. She left it on the floor of the ambulance while she treated all of the victims.” She paced nervously “We came back late from the last call so I did not do my final evening check.” Aelin could hear the panic in Lysandra’s voice. They could end up in a lot of trouble.
“Any chance someone could have nicked it?”
Lysandra finally sat down and took her head in her hands “I honestly don’t know.”
“You know I need to report this to Dorian and chief Harker.”
Lysandra nodded “of course.”
“Leave this with me. We’ll get to the bottom of it. For now report the two missing vials as per protocol and send me the request for a resupply from the hospital. And tell Elide. She needs to know and might help you with an answer as well.”
Aelin jumped off the ambulance and went back to her office. Rowan noticed her worried stare but Aelin shook her head. She could not tell him yet. For as much as she craved his support she had to report it to Dorian and chief Harker first. He brushed his hand with hers and Aelin gave him a big smile and he resumed watching in fascination the training session.
Back in her office Aelin got on the phone with Dorian and explained to him what had happened. Surprise got the best of her when Dorian was not shocked. Sorscha had confessed to him that recently some of the ambulances from the ambulance services had reported similar thefts. Always morphine and one had reported missing their stock of fentanyl.
On one side Aelin relaxed, it was not Elide or Lys’ mistake but a part of her was terrified. That was bad and it meant that there was something dark happening.
“Is the police aware?” She asked him.
“Yes, already on the case.”
“It’s not Lys or Elide’s fault, do we all agree on this?”
“Of course. I know how she is when it comes to inventory.” Dorian paused “tell her that chief Harker and I have her back. This is not their fault.”
Aelin relaxed “tell Sorscha to smooch you properly tonight. You are the best chief.” 
Before he hang up she had one last favour to ask him “Dorian, I need a favour for a friend.”
“Is the captain in trouble?”
“No, but there is another pilot who might need some help.”
“Fenrys. It’s a long complicated story but he might have to leave the airforce and he told me yesterday that he’d like to become a firefighter.” She explained ignoring Lorcan’s comments. She had a feeling Fenrys was aware how much he had fucked up and was still punishing himself for his mistakes.
“What did he do?”
Aelin could not lie to Dorian about this, not if she wanted to help Fen.
“He showed up hangover at the performance review. Got suspended but Rowan got blamed for the whole thing because their marshal is a fucking arsehole.” 
“And why should I consider his application? You  haven’t painted a good picture of him.”
Aelin knew and sighed out loud “I am aware, but he is punishing himself to no end and Rowan is not mad at him. I’ll vouch for him and if he finishes the academy I will train him.”
Dorian sighed “you usually have good instincts. But if he fucks up, no second chances. This is a serious job, people lives depend on us. He cannot be drunk on the job.”
“Yes, sir. I will make that very clear to him.”
“Fine, tell him to submit his application. If he graduates I can always send him to Aedion.”
Aelin laughed hard “that is a brilliant idea. His will be the first TFD house that is also a military camp.”
“Good. I have to go. Tell Lys not to worry.”
“Will do, thanks chief.”
As soon as she hung up she ran outside to Lysandra and hugged the woman then whispered something in her ear and the two started jumping up and down while in an embrace.
The firehouse stopped at the scene, not understanding what was going on.
“Is either of you pregnant? Is this why you are jumping?”
Rowan turned to Ansel and then to Aelin.
“No one is pregnant, Ansel.”
She huffed “we need a firehouse baby.”
“What I am about to tell you is super important.”
“Something wicked this way comes.” Joked Manon, leaning against the truck.
“Earlier on, Lysandra alerted me that some morphine was missing from one of their jump bags.” She started “I contacted Dorian who told me that alas, our is not an isolated case. Some of the ambulances from ambulance services had suffered such thefts. One of them had seen their entire stock of fentanyl disappear.”
“Fuck.” Muttered Lys.
“The police is on the case.” She looked at her entire team “Dorian will get in touch with chief Harker and they might implement some measures to avoid easy access to the drugs. In the meantime I want the people outside to keep an extra eye on stranger going near the ambulance.”
“I thought you kept that stuff under lock.” Asked Nox.
“We do, but we need to have one or two vials in the jump bag for emergencies.” It was Lysandra’s turn to explain.
“There are strict rules for the use of such drugs and only the PIC on the scene can authorise it.” Continued Elide “and the paperwork is endless. Every single use need to be recorded and if we need to stock up we need to submit the request to Aelin who will then update her weekly usage report and send it to chief Harker, at the same time she sends the request to the hospital.”
“So if rules are this strict and the vials kept under control how the fuck did this people get their hands on a supply of fentanyl?”
“Sorscha told Dorian that one of the ambulances was broken into.”
A chorus of curses spread through the firehouse.
“I don’t need to tell you all how serious this is. Fentanyl is a very strong opioid. Far, far stronger than morphine.” explained Lysandra with a worried tone “we have a very limited stock in the ambulances for very serious cases. In a controlled medical setting is safe and effective, but it is lethal if in the wrong hands. The line between correct usage and overdose is very thin.”
Aelin looked at Aedion and saw terror in his face and shared it. The ambulance would go alone on rides meaning that both Lys and Elide were on their own.
“No taking radios off ladies and make sure the ambulance is always tracked as it should be. We can’t be with you at all times, but if a call is fishy, you call us for backup.”
Aelin dismissed the meeting and saw Aedion going to hug Lysandra, Lorcan grabbed Elide’s hand and she turned to Rowan and saw the worry in his face “is this what it was?” He asked her as she walked to him.
“Yeah. I had to talk to Dorian first.” She looked up at him and caressed his face “you don’t have to stay here. Shift is over in two hours.” She moved closer to him and to his ear “I might have a belated solstice present.” After the dreadful morning she felt the need to unwind in his arms.
“Do you?” teased Rowan, his hand brushing her lower back “then it’s best if I go home and get myself ready for it,” and gently nibbled at her earlobe eliciting a low moan from her “now, behave captain, we are at work.”
One last kiss and Rowan pulled back to go and get his stuff and eventually got back home.
Rowan was at home, relaxing on the sofa with a book. Aelin should have already been back but, he had learned that her schedule was not fixed like in a regular 9 to 5 job. He was worried about the discovery they had made about the morphine and he hoped the guys would be fine. Hamel had been enough, they needed some peace and to be able to do their jobs without any crazy monster on their tails.
He went back to his book when he heard the front door close. He looked up and saw her exhausted face as she hang her coat on the rack at the entrance.
“You are finally back.”
“Yeah,” her tone heavy “last minute house fire.”
“Are you okay?”
Aelin nodded and sat at his side, cuddling into him “yes, just tired.”
“Go and take a nap.” 
Aelin shook her head with a mischievous grin “surprise, remember?”
“You don’t have to.”
Aelin stood and walked backwards to their bedroom “Oh yes, captain…” and slowly she peeled off her hoodie and the polo shirt and disappeared in the bedroom, shutting the door behind her. Rowan sat and waited until a few minutes later the door reopened and his heart skipped a beat at the scene in front of him. Aelin was leaning against the doorframe, on her, a golden nightgown barely brushing the top of her thighs. Her breast full and almost bursting from the very low neckline. She had let her hair down, falling freely on her shoulders. He gasped loudly and stood in a daze. She was a goddess. He was sure of it.
“Seeing anything you like, captain?” Her hand slid suggestively on her side lifting slightly the hem of the gown giving Rowan a peek.
“Aelin…” he moved closer. Still unable to utter more than a single word.
Rowan finally closed the distance and his hands landed on her hips, pulling her close to him while his mouth slanted on hers for a sizzling kiss. Aelin opened for him and Rowan felt like combusting while he had her in his arms. She was intoxicating. In all the months they had been together he had reached the conclusion that Aelin was like a drug. He could not stay without her and with every kiss he always wanted more of her.
“You are my goddess,” he kneeled in front of her, ignoring that they were still on the threshold of the bedroom. He did not care “and I plan on worshipping you.” He kissed her thigh while his hands brushed the length of her legs, pausing and cupping her butt while his mouth deposited avid kisses close to her core. Aelin fisted her hands in his hair, her head tilted back and her eyes closed savouring the feeling of his lips tracing lines on her skin. She felt his lips move closer to where she desperately needed him, but she had learned that Rowan loved to tease her.
Rowan slowly lifted the hem of the gown and discovered that she was naked underneath “Beautiful,” he whispered against her skin.
“Ro…” she breathed impatient and her fists tightened on his longer hair and then his tongue traced her length and she let out a whimper and her legs shook a bit and leaned against him.
Rowan noticed that and lifted Aelin in his arms and walked to the bed and gently dropped her down. 
“Now it’s my turn for a surprise,” and Aelin saw him disappear.
“Seriously?” She complained, propping herself up on her forearms “come back here. You made me all wet and needy and then you flee?”
No answer “Rowan Whitethorn!” She shouted frustrated.
“Did someone call the fire department?”
Aelin looked up and saw Rowan with bunker trousers, and suspenders pulled up on his naked chest. He leaned against the doorframe, his thumbs tucked behind them.
“I am so wet right now, captain…” her legs opened in an invitation while her hand gently brushed her stomach slowly sliding down to her centre.
Rowan climbed in bed and Aelin grabbed the suspenders and pulled him to her and her lips crashed onto his with avidity. Her hands splayed on his shoulders tracing his muscles. Rowan called her a goddess but he was her god. Her fingers brushed his skin and felt his muscles shift as he lowered himself over her, their bodies now close.
With gentleness she felt his calloused hands brush her breast almost with reverence and then he lowered the straps of the gown, pulling it gently down her body until it was fully off and she lay gloriously naked in front of him.
Rowan sat on his haunches between her legs and the lust in his eyes had her almost melt.
His hand caressed the apex of her thighs making Aelin react at his touch. He leaned forward and his mouth deposited a kiss near her centre and in that instant Aelin’s hands went back to his shoulders.
Aelin begged him and his tongue lashed out against her core, licking her length and his fingers teased her entrance. The instant his finger plunged into her her back arched, looking for friction. Her body was on fire and at every touch she felt that fire spread through her. Rowan feasted on her and pressure begun to build in her and when her core started to tighten she knew she was getting closer. Rowan continued his ministration enjoying the sounds he was coaxing out of Aelin and the more she begged him, the more he intensified his teasing. 
The world exploded around Aelin as the orgasm hit her hard, her legs shaking. 
Rowan chuckled against her but never stopped, dragging her apex as long as he could, until she screamed his name and eventually collapsed exhausted, breathing heavily. He leaned forward and kissed her breasts while her chest heaved hard from her peak. His mouth nibbled at her hard peaks and Aelin shivered at the contact, she hadn’t come down from her high yet and she was still super sensitive and Rowan knew.
“Ro…” She pulled the suspenders, begging him “please…”
He looked up, his green eyes bright and dancing with mirth. The bastard was enjoying to have her beg, so Aelin took matters in her own hands and flipped him over. She pulled down the suspenders while brushing her hands on the expanse of his chest. Almost in challenge, Rowan placed his hands behind his head.
“You are enjoying this, aren’t you?”
Rowan smirked “I am all yours, captain.”
Aelin accepted the challenge and her hands went to his trousers unbuttoning them and peeling them off, followed them by his boxer briefs leaving him stark naked in front of her. Slowly she palmed his length and smiled at the curse that left his mouth at her touch.
Her mouth was on him an instant later and his hips buckled and his hands moved on her head, caressing her hair. Her tongue did devilishly thing to him. She took him with hands and mouth and the curse Rowan let out was even louder.
“What was that, officer Whitethorn?” She teased adding teeth.
“Aelin I—”
She pulled her mouth away with a pop and climbed on him, standing on her knees she brushed his tip against her entrance. A moment later she sat on him, with his length buried in her to the hilt.
Rowan’s hand went to her hips to guide her and set the rhythm but Aelin pushed them over his head “I am in charge, captain.” Slowly she started rocking her hips, while one hand was on her breast and the other between her legs where they met. Aelin’s breathing became laboured as she picked up the speed while Rowan moved his hips to meet her every single move.
Aelin leaned forward and her hands went on his chest, the hair cascading in a blind in front of her. Rowan pulled them back “I want to see your face.”
Rowan shifted slightly and he hit a deeper spot and Aelin screamed and slowly she felt her core tighten, ready for the final release. Rowan’s hand were again on her hips as he started to feel pressure building up in him and release getting closer. She sped up and Rowan lost total sense of time and space as his orgasm tore through him, making groan loudly and the intense pleasure rushing through him. Aelin collapsed on his chest, her hair fanning on his face as the scent of her invaded his senses.
His strong arms wrapped around her as she slowly breathed in and out to relax. Rowan was winded too. Sex with her always left him pleasantly exhausted.
“I blame the golden gown.”
Aelin turned her face to look at him “I knew it would break you.” He kissed her smug face.
“Fine, you win. I have a thing for you in sexy lingerie. Where is the news.”
Her finger lazily traced the line of his tattoo and noticed something strange “is this part new?” 
Rowan nodded in silence as she studied the new part inked right on his heart blending perfectly with the rest of the tattoo.
“What does it say?”Aelin was positive she saw him embarrassed “is it a dirty joke?”
In response he shook his head and then leaned forward to capture her lips in a kiss. Green eyes meeting blue “it’s about us. Your name, my name ,” then he pointed to a spot “this bit here says to whatever end.”
She kissed the design “when did you do it?”
“Recently.” He kissed her head “I needed to have something about us. My tattoo has sad memories, I wanted something giving me hope.” She looked at him and he was afraid he had gone too far “you are it for me, Aelin.”
In response, Aelin tucked her head under his chin and snuggled closer “You are it for me too. It’s scary but I know it’s true.”
Rowan rolled to his side, tucking Aelin as close to him as possible and draping his leg over her in a protective gesture “Sometimes I think that saying that I love you it’s not strong enough to show you just how much you mean to me.” He kissed her head once more “but if you let me I plan on showing every day of my existence.”
Aelin deposited a kiss on his chest “I liked the firefighter attire.”
His chest shook with laughter “do you have a uniform kink?”
“If it’s your body in that uniform, hell yes.”
Rowan looked down and his gaze met hers “on a totally different note, fancy hockey tonight?”
Aelin turned and grabbed her phone from the nightstand. She had been so busy that she had lost track of the tournament. Swiftly she browsed for the fixture and saw it was another game against Perranth. A home game for the Stags this time.
“Hell yes. I haven’t been to a game in a lifetime.”
Rowan chuckled “Good, because I have two court-side tickets.”
She turned and looked at him in surprise “how did you pull it off?”
He kissed her “I have connections.”
Aelin looked at the clock and jumped off the bed “Come on, grampa. The games starts in two hours.”
“Fine, fine.” And slowly he got off the bed while Aelin was an hurricane of energy and ran around the room to get ready.
Ten minutes later she was in front of him in jeans and a hockey jersey. He donned his jersey and Aelin stared at him “it’s not fair. The jersey looks perfect on you. On me it looks ridiculous.”
Rowan moved a step closer and grabbed her hips “you look stunning.”
“You are biased.” She retorted and pulled away, grabbing her jacket and stuffing her phone and purse in the small bag she was going to take with her.
Not long after, they were in the car and driving to the ice stadium. Rock music blaring as Rowan had let Aelin play with the music.
“Maybe something more relaxing?”
“Nope, this will give me the charge for the game.”
Rowan sighed loudly while driving “what have I done?”
Aelin grinned and grabbed one of his hands on the steering wheel “you love me.”
“Yeah… I want a second opinion on that.”
“Brute.” Aelin sat back on her seat and seemed to relax, watching the traffic go by her hand on his knee feeling the need to keep a contact with him. Her mind went back to the words they had exchanged in bed. She wanted Rowan, and  not only in the physical sense of her claiming him. Her soul called to him. Her being craved him like her lungs needed oxygen. She had not lied when he had told he was it for her. She could not contemplate loving someone else. Rowan had become so entwined in her life that the idea of losing him was enough to break her.
She woke from her thoughts “were you talking to me?”
“Yes, I asked you if you think we have any chance of winning this and the championship? Perranth had an amazing season and are now at our tails. If we lose this match we end second behind them.”
Aelin chuckled “which would make my life at the station complicated. Elide would end up strutting around with a smug face. She had pointed out already that Perranth has been playing better than us.”
“Lorcan had mentioned that hockey is the only thing they fight about apparently.”
“Elide is a nice woman, but when it comes to hockey she can be so bloody scary.”
They arrived at the stadium ten minutes later and the place was mobbed. It was a big game and apparently it had been sold out for months. How Rowan got court-side tickets she had no idea. 
He pulled his arm around her shoulder and together they joined the crowds. Aelin was buzzing. She loved the feeling of a hockey match.
Rowan dragged them to their seats and she gasped when she saw they got the VIP seats.
“How?” She looked at him incredulous.
Rowan shrugged and took his seat but Aelin would not let it go “Rowan, these are VIP seats, for special people. You need to have massive connections to get them.”
Rowan grinned “do you want junk food?”
“Of course, Whitethorn. I am not a newbie.”
He came back ten minutes later with food and Aelin grabbed it avidly “you can’t have a hockey game without junk food.”
“So, how did you get these seats?” Then she gasped “did you sleep with a hot woman?”
Rowan took a bit of his burger “First of all, the only hot woman I sleep with is you.” And gave her a smug smile “second, the tickets are from a pilot friend. His wife works in the hockey federation. They had to cancel and he knew I liked the sport and have a girlfriend who is obsessed with it so he gave them to me.”
Aelin dipped some of her fries in ketchup “so, you talk about me to people?”
He looked at her perplexed “Yes. I tell them about the awesome firefighter woman I have at my side.”
“So, I am awesome?”
Rowan chuckled “and I always add that she has a big ego as well.”
In response Aelin hit him with the foam finger and Rowan yelped.
“I should tell them as well that she is violent.”
The sound of the horn marked the beginning of the game and Aelin turned to the ice and started following the action with deep interest. Rowan’s attention drifted to her from time to time. They had watched games together and he knew how agitated Aelin could become and chuckled. She had fire for everything she did. She was alive and she had the power to make him feel alive as well, something that he hadn’t felt in a while. 
She stood to shout at the referee and he chuckled and his hand went to her lower back.
“How can you be so calm?”
“Me becoming agitated has no effect on the outcome of the game.”
Aelin scoffed and patted his head gently with the foam finger.
Then the stadium erupted and Aelin started screaming. The Stags had scored.
Aelin took her phone and started typing her message.
“That was epic and I need to brag with Elide.”
Rowan tried to take the phone from her hands “that is cruel.”
Rejoice now because that’s the only score you will get. You are going down and Perranth will get the title. Aelin showed him the reply she got from Elide and he could not believe the petite woman could be so fierce. Maybe now he could see why Lorcan was so taken.
Rowan lifted his hand in a yielding gesture “Fine, I will leave the fighting to you ladies.”
The Stags had ended the first period in the lead. It was still a small margin but Aelin was positive that it was a good mental boost for the start of the second period. 
“This is going to be an awesome game.” She commented sitting back down against Rowan chest. His arm wrapping around her “They certainly seem to have every intention to take the title home.”
“They have to.” Added Aelin “or Elide is going to make our life a living hell.”
“We can always bring Lorcan to the fire station and he can keep an eye on her.”
Rowan grinned “Lorcan and I can be declared firefighters ad honorem, given how much time we spend there.”
Her hand gently caressed his abdomen “You even have a costume, although going into a fire without a jacket could be dangerous.” She kissed his jaw. His stubble growing now to a proper beard. She liked the rough look on him. Aelin was positive he’d go back to his clean shaven attire as soon as he was going back to work, but she liked this side of him “You showing up on a fire scene could have many women fainting.”
Rowan scoffed “Seriously, there are hotter men than me out there.”
“They’d better, because this one is taken.” She snuggled closer.
Rowan’s hand pulled her chin toward him so that she was facing him “Aelin, do you trust me?”
Aelin nodded.
“I don’t want anyone else. I don’t need another woman. I was not joking when I told you earlier this afternoon that you are it for me.”
“I know.” Her lips brushed his in a very chaste kiss. They were in public after all “I trust you, Rowan.”
The horn for the start of period two went off and Aelin moved back to her seat and Rowan relaxed back in his.
The second period had been even more full of battles than the first. A couple of fights had broken out during the game and Perranth had finished the period with a man in the sin bin. The Stags were going to begin the game with an advantage and she hoped they took that opportunity to increase their lead.
He remained seated, giving his height, standing would have meant to be in the way, but his hand was on Aelin’s lower back. She had become agitated and very animated as the game progressed.The evening had been perfect so far and he knew Aelin had needed the distraction. Before meeting her he had no idea how stressful could be the job a firefighter. He imagined it was not an easy job, but he realised that what they had to deal with sometimes went definitely above their job description.
“Period three is starting. This is going to be an epic battle.”
“Good thing I still have some nachos left.” And he ate one in a very teasing way. Aelin had scoffed hers during the first period whereas he had been savouring them.
“Can I have one? I am stressed.”
“You should have been more responsible with your portion.”
Aelin groaned and turned, Rowan chuckled then patted her shoulder. Once Aelin turned she saw him with a few nachos in his hand for her “Why do you think I got a spare jumbo box?”
Aelin took the nachos from his hand and kissed him “You are perfect.”
The horn for a goal went off and Aelin screamed when she saw it had been the Stags.
Third period had been the longest twenty minutes in Aelin’s life. The Stags had won, putting a strong hold on the title. Short of a total meltdown during the remainder of the season, the title was theirs. 
Aelin had jumped and shouted and cheered and Rowan had celebrated with her.
Slowly now, they were making their way out of the ice stadium and back to the car following the masses toward the parking area. It had been a sold out night and it would take them ages to get out of there.
“How’s the discussion with Elide going?”
As soon as the match ended Aelin had started texting with a very grumpy Elide. Lorcan had messaged him that he had no idea how to deal with an angry and pissed off Elide.
“She still thinks that their penalty at the end of period two was unjust and that their player did not deserve the sin bin.
Rowan scoffed loudly “it’s a miracle the referee did not kick him out.”
“Yeah well, Elide is a sore loser.”
“Lorcan texted me saying that he scared of her.”
Aelin burst out laughing “Really, that giant of a man is scared of tiny Elide?”
“She is scary…” he whispered.
Aelin took his hand “let’s go home grampa. I am exhausted and I miss the bed.”
Rowan pulled to his side and together they went back home with a big grin on their faces.
@rowaelinismyotp @swankii-art-teacher @courtofjurdan @whimsicallyreading @themoonthestarsthesuriel​ @aelin-bitch-queen​ @bruiseonthefaceofhumanity​@acreativelydifferentlove @mis-lil-red​ @thegreyj​ @sailorsassley​ @leiawritesstories​ @clairec79 @morganofthewildfire​ @sv0430​ @heartless--aromantic @autumnbabylon​ @rowanaelinn​ @backtobl4ck​
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Damn Enji and Kotaro are literally the worst fathers
Hmm, the worst father is AFO.
Kotaro has some trauma that doesn't excuse him, but it explains some things.
Enji at some level at least was trying to reach something good? And he is right now in some arc of redemption.
But AFO is just– I still don't know how people look at what AFO did to Tomura and doesn't feel at least a little sympathy. It personally makes me physically sick to think about AFO sometimes. Let's review the reasons why AFO deserves the award for worst parental figure :
All his love was replaced with obsession. A need to control people at any minute, a need to know everything about them, to make them act like he wants to.
He was heavily obsessed with his younger brother. We all know how the first user ended. He's still obsessed over him.
AFO has a hunger for power and possessions... And in this one I mean PHYSICAL possessions even. This is the stuff horror stories are filled with.
We don't know if AFO knew about who Tenko was before or after he took him in from the streets. We don't know if he tracked the Shimuras, we don't know how exactly everything turned out so perfectly for him.
His took his obsession with his younger brother and the OFA users to Tenko. It was never about the kid, never about the human. Tenko has never been better than another body to be controlled like any nomu. The modificationa Tenko needed where not physical, no, but psychological.
Grooming, gaslightning, psychological abuse...
He made a five years old use the dead hands of his family all over his body and watched as the kid threw up from the extreme distress he was under.
He told a five years old he should never heal. I repeat, he took an already abused kid who had already many reasons to hurt and suffer that healing was bad and raging was the solution. He wanted Tenko to stay forever trapped in the bleeding.
He commanded the kid to go and kill people. "Tenko said he wanted to kill them" yes, kids say that type of stuff, they are kids that are supposed to be guided and taught. And AFO did it in the worst way possible.
He knew Tenko had no memories, he was like a blank canvas filled with hurt and rage– and guilt. What AFO did was making Tenko like him a little, people without remorse that would destroy the world for their twisted version of love.
Have you ever heard of those stories where people spend their whole lives locked in a basement because their abusive father make them do it so? Tomura was isolated from society. The only three figures in his life were a doctor who wanted to experiment with him, a half zombie who had strict orders and the demon who trapped him. No other kids to play with and learn how to act in society, for example. He had no friends, he couldn't go out that much, he got a pc and videogames and probably lessons but if we compare the room AFO gives Tenko in the beginning and Tomura's room in the bar, it's probably the same. All his life lived between four walls. Alone. Isolated. With the constant pain and rage and feeling you need to destroy.
If you think quarantine was hard, imagine this.
We also know Tomura was lacking self care when we first met him on the manga. I'm talking about some levels of hygiene and basic routines. We know Tomura is used to not sleeping in days, eating so little, and other things that shouldn't be normal at all, unless people are being negligent with you or you're living in a war or something.
Or– you're poor. This fucks me up each time because there's no way AFO is poor. And yet we've seen Tomura's situation.
Also imagine being around people who only tells you "do it for him, do this to please him, be like him, follow his lead, become him, listen to him". What type of brainwashing is that.
I still hold that Tomura's itching comes from emotional and psychological stress. And since AFO told him to never heal, you can imagine why his scars looked so bad and full of blood in the beginning of the manga.
Tomura didn't have a normal childhood or teenage years. He lost both to the trauma. What Tomura likes to do beside destroying? Playing video games, and because that was the only possible scape he had. Being on the internet lying about his identity and his life.
Note how we don't have a good memory of Tomura in those years. It's always AFO rescuing him. The last real good memory of Tomura was about Hana, his sister, and Nao, his mother, both being gentle to him.
He started really living with the League. " Why does he care about them ", even when he was a child, we have no records of Tenko having close friends. The closest thing was Hana, his sister, and Mon-chan, his dog. The League are the first real friends he ever had. Of course he doesn't know how to be a friend at first, he has never seen people around his age so close to him in at least 15 years.
And note how AFO doesn't care about them either. He sees everyone as toys to play with. He never tries to protect Tomura's friends.
AFO doesn't even see Tomura as a person, like I said before, because he saw Tomura as a body he could later posses to keep existing. A recipient, a vessel, whatever you want to call it. He only cares about Tomura's feeling because he need his hatred to take OFA.
We saw that when Deku started hurting himself from using too much his quirk, everyone worried. Deku was the only who worried about Tomura when the AFO quirk started destroying him.
AFO practically killed Tomura by relegating his consciousness to the bottom of his mind, taking over the body. Yeah sure, Kotaro tried to kill Tenko and Enji is responsible for Touya's dead, but nothing as brutal as this.
AFO gave his own last name to Tomura not as a parent-son link, but to mark that body as his.
He gave an identity to Tomura to mark him as he possession. He is so proud of that.
Besides, Tomura looks a lot like AFO's younger brother and Nana Shimura, two of the people AFO obsessed with, a lot. He also was compared before to All Might, when he was Tenko and share many similarities with Deku. Basically he sees in Tomura everything he wants to posses and destroy.
He used Tomura in almost every way.
He destroyed Tomura in almost every way.
And do it because he wanted to do it, not for some type of justice or self-righteousness or twisted parental feelings.
He enjoys destroying Tomura, he wanted to destroy Tomura, to break him.
No other character should be compared to AFO. Even Kotaro and Enji, that would be a grave mistake. At least Enji and Kotaro were humans, complex and abusive humans, but AFO is something straight out of a nightmare.
Yes, he's definitely the worst parental figure of bnha / mha.
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virtuosin · 4 years
AIGHT Billye inspired me so I’m tossing a ‘LEARN MORE ABOUT LENORE’ post below! Give it a look if you wanna learn more about me  ;w;
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SLAMS HANDS ON TABLE okay so @vixtionary​ decided to be the best of beans and made munday into positivity and wholesomeness and sharing so I’M DOING A SECOND ONE-- Hi, I’m Lenore, I’m 27, pan, and go by she/her. I love dogs, animu, D&D, and a bunch of other nerdy crap. I’m a freelance digital artist, cosplayer, lewd model, though I’ve primarily focused on my kemonomimi craft--which is the long way of saying I make faux fur ears/tails/accessories for fashion, cosplay, etc. (the above is actually from AquariusGarden tho!) Honestly, I’ve been a creative all my damn life so whatever it is I’m doing for work or pleasure, it HAS to be something I can express myself with! I am proud and incredibly humbled with the privilege I have to live a life where I can pursue my dreams. My SO is incredibly supportive with all my ventures and I can honestly say I would be so miserable and far too nervous to achieve my dreams without his gentle nudges and words of encouragement! My roots of nerdiness are attributed to my father and my uncle! I remember sitting on their laps while they played Age of Empires, Diablo, and Command and Conquer. I instantly fell in love with PC gaming, as well as Nintendo consoles. Gaming tied in well with my love for art as well so both my hobbies meshed super well in my childhood! My pops is also a musician so ofc I am super enamored with music too! (I’m sure you can tell now that I main bards in D&D asdfjkl;--) I also learned to love computers and how they work because of my father and uncle, and my adoration of sci-fi and space came from them too! Sadly, I lost that uncle due to COVID-19 this year, which hit me really hard, but even if we weren’t able to have a funeral, it’s never a bad time to remember a good man! So I’m trying to cry less and smile more often when I think of him and the achievements I never got to share with him! On a lighter note, I’m currently focused on a few goals at the moment; getting my ear business popping, getting a better work/life balance, opening up my art commissions again and working on my portfolio (FOUND OUT MY FRIEND HAS AN INTERVIEW WITH RIOT AND IT REALLY MOTIVATED ME TO HIT UP MY ART GRIND AGAIN), and getting some cosplays made and photographed! Currently, I’m aiming at Jester (Critical Role) and honestly? I was thinking of Sona, but I love all her skins...and also, I just love a lot of League champs? And I have a half-finished Diana I should do too? But I’m also helping my friend build his Darius and he wants me to do a Noxian and while Sona isn’t canon Noxian asdfjkl;-- and I did Kat before but not her base skin so I could do that but-- Also I was supposed to have a 3 week trip to Japan last November BUT WE AIMING FOR IT THIS YEAR FOR REAL HOPEFULLY. I traveled a lot to conventions in the US to work booths and attend, from NYC to LA, but with cons being dead this year, it allows me some precious time for a vacation! I hope it works this time around now that vaccines are rolling out! But side note if you do cons I’m always happy to meet and chill and grab food cuz it’s the best <3 I’m also really bad at responding to messages but please know it’s nothing personal! I’m just...bouncing between a lot of passions and work stuff and irl things SO USUALLY I’m just bad at being timely with messages and I’m so sorry about it asdfjkl;-- But yeeee I’m otherwise an open book and am a friendly bean who works hard on making her space a safe space for all! I’m glad to get to know you all better today and I hope you’ve learned a lil more ‘bout me too  ;w;
I kinda wanted to share more pics of my stuff but asdfjkl;-- maybe a different post cuz I don’t wanna spam a buncha stuff
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skippyv20 · 4 years
Nicknames Reflect the Truth
Hi Skippy & Friends-Pilgrim asking what is a PC name for rmm? We have some suggesting that using narc for a description, which I have been doing, is not a medically proven claim and might not be nice to those that have this condition. It also upsets many because this gives rmm an illness to fall back on, to use as a “get out of jail” card. I totally agree with another anon who was thankful that we have learned about this type of dangerous personality. I had no idea what was going on when I bumped into people like this over the years, making me feel like an awful person for seemingly no reason at all, spinning my guilt blah blah blah…not anymore! My new, finely honed skills were at work last night when we watched the film called War Dogs. It is based on a real story and the “narc” character comes across instantly now that I know the signs. He was played really well by Jonah Hill who said, “his character was so manipulative, shady and kind of evil.” In real life, two childhood friends (who end up in jail) were taking advantage of the military supply system that was open for bids for equipment where they did deals and made millions quickly. Jonah’s character was addicted to making money at everyone elses peril. Entertaining if you have not seen it. Recipe for new meaningful name. 1. Con means to swindle, deceive, trick, cheat and is the preface for conceit, conceal, conflict, contradiction plus many more. 2. rmm thinks of herself as an artist in her craft as an actress. So, ConArtiste suits her perfectly. 3. Grifter really pertains to her behavior too. It means one gets money or property illicitly, as in a confidence game, or con game, when a grifter gains the confidence of their victims and swindles them. According to Felonies.org, “We now have both grafters and grifters. Grafters, as everyone knows, are those who separate us from our earned or unearned increment in the ordinary course of business. Grifters do not pursue the ordinary channels…grifters keep out of the legitimate channels of commerce and resort to unique and extraordinary practices. Grifting is far more sensational and spectacular than grafting, and commands less respect. Con artists are often so good that you never see them coming or realize you are the target of a long con.“ Maria Konnikova, the author of The Confidence Game, had this to say in an interview with The Atlantic regarding how a certain con artist’s biographer was being conned while writing his book: “I stopped talking to con artists I was writing about, about halfway through the research process, because I realized that the same thing was happening to me. When I actually spoke with them and met them, I was no longer objective because they’re so good, so charismatic—you really start identifying with them and thinking, ‘Oh, they’re really not so bad.’” "Konnikova describes a “dark triad” that most con artists share: Lack of Empathy—Their brains work differently from yours, as emotions don’t mean a lot. Everything about your brain that would engage you emotionally brings out a coldness in scammers. Narcissism—This is defined as selfishness with a sense of entitlement. A narcissist has an exceedingly high opinion of themself. Machiavellianism—The ability to manipulate people while lacking a moral code is Machiavelliansism. The list continues in this great read…7 signs you have been targeted by a Grifter: does not respond to NO as an answer; offers help you did not ask for; asking for a small favor; excessive charm; excessive details; forcing the term "team” and says I promise. We could fill in longs lists of her overtly lame news stories, uninvited visits to schools, bakeries and fundraisers. Even HMTQ’s no is not obeyed! PC was asked to walk her down the aisle and had to cough up a huge budget for her clothes that were merched later for her profit. She constantly held hands with PH even when it was not protocol…team player show off. From now on I will not use narc referring to her even though that behavior is in the mix of this type of criminal. How about ConArtistGriftesse? CAG for short? La Griftesse? L'Artiste de Grift? La ConArtiste? Without titles and after a divorce she will be Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, so there is this, Meghan, Griftesse of LA. Please dive in if you feel like it. Over and out from sunny & chilly Cape Cod.
Thank you!  Fantastic post, and very informative.  Much appreciated.😊❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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jq37 · 4 years
The Royal Report– A Crown of Candy Ep 9 Safe Harbor
Out at Sea
We start this week on the recently commandeered La Fondue, milk raining down on our exhausted and injured PCs who are still reeling from Stilton’s betrayal. Most of Annabelle’s crew are even more badly injured so the PCs are forced to help sail the ship in a group skill check which 4/6 of them pass for a group pass. The gang watches the surviving enemy ships sail away and Jet considers blasting them with canons but the La Fondue doesn’t have artillery. Jet also asks Annabelle if maybe, now that they’ve saved all of their lives, they can break protocol and bring them to Candia instead of the Dairy Islands, a question she doesn’t answer at the moment.
(Edit: Wait! I should have called this section Sweet Life on Deck! Dangit! They better be on a boat again so I can use it!)
Most of the group start to fall asleep, understandable considering they’re living through the longest day of their lives, but Theo takes a second to talk to Cumulous first. He asks about Cumulous’s backstory and learns that the Spinning Star monks used to be able to teleport all over the place with teleportation circles made by Lazuli but, without her around to tend to them, they’ve been breaking down and are now unstable and dangerous to use. Him using one to get to them was a big risk and he really only made it because he’s one of the strongest monks. Additionally, as alluded to before, Candia being at war with the Concord released him from certain vows which allowed him to join the fight. They also bond over being the #1 and #2 Archmage Lazuli stans (or actually maybe #2 and #3 as we’ll find out soon) and Cumulous who is either really into magical weapons in general or magical weapons made by Lazli or a little of both gets emotional over Battlepop like he did over Sourscratch a scene before. 
The next day, there’s a funeral for the one sailor Annabelle lost in the fight. Ruby ties the milk-silk handkerchief from Primsy to her collar in solidarity. Speaking of, Primsy shows up--still injured from the attempt on her life--and invites everyone not to tea, but to a parlay. Clearly affected by the recent events, she declares that she doesn’t recognize the excommunication of Amethar and questions the church’s position on witchcraft considering all the witchcraft her Candian allies used to save her. She’s also pretty chill about the whole Stilton thing considering.
Primsy says she’ll help them but first wants them to fill in the gaps in Brie’s brief letter. Amethar explains about how he was excommunicated for still officially being married to Katherine Ghee. During an aside to this conversation, he drops what I naively thought was going to be the headline news from this episode: Caramelinda was engaged to someone else before marrying Amethar--Lazuli! It was for political reasons in part but also a love match and when Lazuli died, she ended up getting married to Amethar to at least maintain the alliance. Anyway, Ruby asks if Cara knew about Ghee and Amethar says no one knew except Jack, Belford (the priest), and Ghee herself (plus his sisters but they’re all dead). Annabelle and Primsy question whether Amethar didn’t try to have the marriage annulled and he says that he did right after the war but she couldn’t be found. Annabelle says that there are a lot of little islands she could have run to in the aftermath of the war (a smart move considering the target that would be on her back) and says that Dairy ships have a better chance at finding Ghee if she’s still around so she’ll help arrange that.  
They have a little convo-detour about various plot points:
Primsy asks how the Pontifex knew to ask Jack about Ghee in the first place. Ruby and Jet suggest she used magic or maybe found something in the files Ciabatta claimed had no Candian secrets. 
Annabelle questions the fact that Plumbeline would name Ciabatta as the successor right before having to swear on the Book of Leaves. That seems to indicate that either she’s not working with the Pontifex or the Pontifex wanted to specifically and publicly rule out Ciabatta as a possible candidate. 
Also, we learn that ex-communicating Amethar doesn’t take away his right to rule as Emperor. The Pontifex doesn’t have that authority, at least not on paper. But, as Ruby points out, she effectively has the authority by power. Still, if they can get the Book of Leaves and confirm Amethar was named emperor, that’s a huge point in their favor because he obviously wouldn’t declare war on Candia as emperor so the war would be without proper authorization and a violation of the Concord pact. 
Theo and Amethar speculate that the Pontifex doesn’t actually want to name a new emperor and want to just “provisionally” (but really indefinitely) fill the power vacuum herself.  
Anyway, Primsy reaffirms that the Dairy Islands are with Candia all the way and they continue to sail. They have 18 days before they land and Jet uses that time to finally read the rest of her banned book. You’ll remember that she already read about the first thing--the Profidian Heresy--which was an old, now heretical belief of certain members of the church that the Hungry One was as strong as the Bulb. We get a little bit of new info on that: One person who believed that doctrine and was later killed for it was a Veduit Priest (fight me Brennan) named Bartholomew Brocolpatch who was a mentor to a young Belizabeth Brassica. 
Onto the second term--the Ramsian Doctrine (did not clock the Gordon Ramsay reference until it was mentioned on Adventuring Party). It is a full, end times, Revelations, Ragnarok type thing. Ruby helps with this because she speaks Bulbosi (which is like Candian Celestial or church speak). Basically what it says is that the Bulb can’t win until the Hungry One devours the world and the Hungry One won’t devour unhealthy souls (Ruby translates “healthy” from the Bulbosi phrases “farm to table” and “locally sourced”) so in order to bring about the end of days, there needs to be a destruction of all the trash people or, phrased differently because the word for people and food is the same in Bulbosi--the junk food.
Even knowing what happens later in this episode, this still might be the thing I'm most mad at Brennan about.
Cumulous later calls a meeting of all the Candians and drops a little more exposition on them. He says that the reason that Candia has magic and the other kingdoms largely don’t is because his order of monks curates and tends to the magic of the realm while other kingdoms neglect their sources of magic. He also says that the church’s power comes from others not having it. After Ruby mentions that she sees Lazuli on a semi-regular basis through her magic, Cumulous drops the bombshell that his power comes from the Hungry One--though he doesn’t worship them. It’s just like a power source. They also discuss Jet’s research on the end of days stuff and Jet thinks maybe the move is to spread as much junk food as possible to delay the apocalypse.  
After a long time out at sea, the gang arrives at Port Syrup at the mouth of the Cola River. As they sail in, they see three sunk Imperial warships and that the port is heavily defended. Clearly they got the memo. And we quickly see who gave it to them when Brie and Manta Ray Jack run up to meet them! Amethar is super happy to see his friends alive and they also confirm that Cal made it out and so did basically everyone except the Swirlies (RIP). The Jawbreaker castle--Castle Many-Licks--is under siege but it’s very hard to break into and it seems like most of the rest of Candia is doing OK.
Brie thanks Ruby for her help in finding Manta Ray Jack and then confirms Amethar/Theo’s suspicions that the Pontifex is ruling in the absence of an emperor (she says that until Candia is back in the Concord, technically, there can be no emperor). He also swears to duel Liam who truly cannot stop putting his foot in his mouth (this time about the church and a *very* confusing..complement?), after the war.
Amethar and Cumulous have a quick aside where Cumulous once again says that his mission is more to protect the magic of Candia than them specifically. It just so happens that, right now, those two things are pretty aligned.
As they make their way back to Castle Candy (w/ their Dairy Island friends), the citizens are pretty stoked to see them so it seems that war with the Concord has not lessened the populace’s love for their king. They take a pit stop and get a war update. The mountains are full of Imperial soldiers and random marauders plus there are reports of “Long Live the Queen” written in Imperial soldier blood on the side of a mountain which isn’t ominous at all. Also, there’s a call for all the help they can get to defend Castle Candy because an army from Comida is coming. Ruby tries and succeeds in communing with Lazuli who sends her a vision: to help Castle Many Licks troop-wise, they’d have to leave Port Syrup defenseless basically which would be a huge strategic loss. Meanwhile, the army coming to Castle Candy is full of discord so there’s a better chance at being able to muster (not mustard) troops there and be successful. The Dairy peeps say they’ll help as well and leave for Lacramore--except for Brie who holds down the fort in Port Syrup and Jack who goes with them to Castle Candy.
They make it there, at like 4am and Carmelinda is there to meet them, full weeping in relief at her daughters’ safe return. Cal is also there (with fancy new pants) and very happy to see Amethar. Caramelinda is less happy to see Amethar and you can clearly feel the tense conversation they’re gearing up for. The girls want to stay but Cara lays down the mom hammer and starts lecturing them. They all try to stealth away (non-daughters included) but Cara goes Full Mom and hits a Nat 20 to eyes-on-the-back-of-her-head notice. She stomps her foot and traps them all in caramel, demanding they all stop messing around and go to bed. Theo Messages her to give a quick word in favor of the girls and their maturity and battle prowess which Cara acknowledges.                   
Cal gets acquainted with Cumulous while Amethar follows Cara into their chambers for a convo that had me feeling like *I* was in trouble. She’s emotionally overwhelmed in a kind of understated and detached way as she talks to Amethar--she’s again openly weeping but not really about him. She doesn’t expect much from him. Him never telling her and hoping the problem would go away like a child makes sense. But his sisters knew which means Lazuli knew and never told her which hurts a whole lot more because, “Lazuli I loved with all my heart and this is just politics.” Ow. Amethar promises he’s going to do better. She doesn’t seem convinced as she leaves the room.      
Later (Note: I’m not 100% clear on the timeline since Siobhan says when they wake up but it seems like it’s still dark in the next scene), Ruby takes the “For Candia” note from Lapin and brings the rest of the PCs to the Sugar Plum Fairy’s standing stones to have a little funeral. Liam finds a peppermint seed and puts it down for Preston. Cumulous is also there and has the urge to meditate while everyone goes back to the castle.
Rocks Fall 
Ruby and Jet see, as their mom walks out of her study, a piece of tearaway lingerie in her desk as she locks the door behind her. And it’s not Jet’s. You know the girls gotta investigate that and Ruby, of course, gets a Nat 20 to pick the lock. In fact she doesn’t have to pick it. She approaches it with an air of mischief and it yields to her, opening without her even having to break out her thieves' tools. They find a letter from Lazi Fierce (interesting name choice) of Lazi Fierce Lingerie who apparently has been spying on them for their mom since they were little (which is funny considering she seemed outraged about their buying lingerie in ep 1). The letter also cryptically refers to something she’s keeping hidden in the attic of her shop and that she needs to leave and she doesn’t know when she’ll be back so if Cara needs it, she should go get it. Much like Siobhan/Adaine stealing that book in S1 of Fantasy High, there is no way the girls were gonna get that info and *not* follow up on it. They grab Liam and go.
With a 25, Ruby easily picks the lock and...we cut to Cumulous. 
As he’s meditating, the Sugar Plum Fairy appears to him in a traditional, cutesy form. Cumulous sees through the glamour and asks what she wants. She says she wants the magic of Candia safe, same as him and says she would owe him a boon if he brought the royal family (who she needs safe) to the Great Stone Candy Mountain. She says there’s safety there for them and Candia’s magic. Maybe not in the way Lazuli planned but this is a better plan. Cumulous says he’ll think about it.
Calroy finds Amethar and takes him to the ramparts of the castle to have a guy chat and also talk strategy. As they get up there, Amethar sees that there’s a ton of soldiers in tents out in the fields. And then he feels a knife in his back. Brennan asks for 3 Con saves.
Water dagger.
He takes 34 points of damage (about half his HP) and is paralyzed as Cal starts to monologue about how he’s always hated Amethar for being so lucky. Fifth in line and somehow makes it to the throne while he’s stuck having to wheel and deal for everything he has. He reveals that he had Rococoa killed when she found out he was selling weapons to Cersians AND that the tents in the field aren’t all Candian tents. Some of them are Ceresians. He got Stilton interested in Primsy. He set up the cheese ambush. He worked with Alfredi to get the water daggers to Kerradin. He told the Pontifex about Ghee (he was in that conversation you’ll remember). He *also* says that, in her younger days, the Pontifex had Citrina (who he claims to have actually liked) killed in the street by Vegetanian knights. 
“I wonder if they’ll call you Amethar the Unfallen after this.”
Boom, Amethar is sent over the castle walls. 
Jet, Ruby, and Liam are in the attic and they see a gleam of golden light from a chest where something is clearly being held. Brennan makes everyone roll Initiative as they walk in and Liam sees four shapes in the room move, all masked, dressed in black, and holding water-steel daggers.  
Ally scrambles for combat dice--because this is a STORY episode what is HAPPENING--and attacks for, in total, 67 damage to one guy who smells of sourdough and does not drop. He hides and Ally, in a burst of realization, puts together that it must have been Ciabatta, something confirmed by Brennan’s coy smile as he rolls a million dice.
Emily and Siobhan hold hands and brace for whatever’s coming. 
Ruby is hit by a dagger and Jet, it seems, is hit by two (since she takes 6 saving throws to Ruby’s 3). Ruby takes 49 damage (down to THREE) and Jet takes 53+51, dropping her and poisoning her. She has to make a death save with disadvantage (bc of the poison) which she passes.   
Ruby wants to stay and fight but Liam and Jet insist she run so, visibly distraught, she casts Invisibility on herself and runs for Theo. Liam casts Rope Trick, grabs Jet, and brings her into a little pocket dimension with him. Ciabatta takes off his mask and tells his men to find them and they say, “Yes Imperator.” They leave. We’re out of combat.
But Jet still has death saves to make.
Nat 1.
That’s two fails.
Liam tries to make a DC 15 medicine check to stabilize her or at least give advantage but fails.
She rolls again.
Nat 1.
As she lays in the Rope Trick, bleeding out, Liam trying his best to stanch the wound, Jet feels a glow on her Locket of the Sweetest Heart. Ruby feels the glow as she sprints over the bridge back to the castle and as she reaches the other side, the glow extinguishes.    
“Tell Ruby I love her,” Jet says to Liam, not from her body, but standing above her body. “And tell her she did the right thing.”
The spirit of her aunt Rococoa shows up to ferry her to the other side.
“Good job soldier. You got her home. Ruby’s gonna be alright. Work’s not over. There’s plenty we can do from this side. You ready?” Oh, hell yeah she is.
Which brings us to Theo who is in the castle, looking for other knights, when he finds Sir Toby in his room, butchered. The door is slammed and locked shut behind him by some of Cal’s men who taunt him about eating Toby’s corpse to survive. But Theo isn’t just a brawn guy. He’s the ward of Archmage Lazuli. He casts Knock and the door flies open.                    
Cumulous hears shouting from the castle and runs towards it immediately.
And Amethar is still falling.
Brennan says he has the time to make 3 checks to come out of paralysis. He comes out of paralysis on his first turn and, as is mechanically useful and narratively appropriate, goes into a rage. As he falls he thinks about Ruby doing that slick aerial arrow shooting last ep and Jet stabbing that dude with him during the ambush. He sees a point of light across town cross the bridge and go out and he *knows* Jet is dead. If he wasn’t raging before, he’s raging now. He falls and takes 72 points of damage, halved to 36. He’s still up. Amethar the Unfallen, yet again. 
The sounds of war erupt and that’s where we end our ep.
Safe harbor my ass. 
In Memoriam
Oh, Jet.
I’ve known this was something I was going to have to write for ages now. I’m honestly only surprised this wasn’t the first one. Jet has had a date with the Grim Reaper for ages now and it was just down to confirming the date and time.
The moment she said, “I go on top of the carriage and lay myself perfectly to protect Ruby,” she might as well have started picking flowers for her grave. Her willingness to throw herself in harm’s way to protect anyone she held in any regard without the slightest hesitation was always going to be her downfall. A noble end to be sure, but still an end. And it sucks that, if she had to die, she didn’t die in a blaze of glory in battle, but she made the most of her senseless death. She died, telling Ruby to run, wishing she could have done more to save her, telling Liam to make sure she knows that she’s loved and that she didn’t abandon her, she did the right thing. Not a single thought for herself, only for her sister. 
Jet, who never wanted to be queen and now never will be.
Jet who longed for war and fell right on the cusp on the biggest one in years.
Jet who was forced by circumstances to step up and did so every time. 
I didn’t include her last exchange with Rococoa in the recap because I wanted to use those lines here. 
Her aunt says, “I have bad news. If you thought the adventure was gonna end, it’s not.”
“Well,” Jet replies with a slight smile, “if you thought the adventurer was gonna die, she definitely fucking wasn’t.”
The Bastard Jet Rocks. RIP.
1 Million Years Dungeon 
That damn cake bastard and his stupid fancy pants. I KNEW it I KNEW it I hate that I’m right but I KNEW IT.
Not that it was a crazy puzzle as a viewer. In a story like this there *has* to be a traitor to the king and for someone to be a traitor, they first have to be a friend. And Cal has been *real* friendly.  Brennan thought he could throw us off the scent by saying that Cal was is his DMNPC, as if we don’t already know he’s the enemy. That’s just more evidence for the pile baby! I SEE YOU VILLAIN. 
But damn if it didn’t still hurt when it happened. After what he’d just been through? That’s just insult to injury, or vice versa I suppose. And in a story ep???? Brennan?????
Wild that he waited 20 years to off this dude and then monologued his entire plan and didn’t wait to make sure Amethar--the famously Unfallen--was dead though.
Anyway, absolute BASTARD MAN (and not in the cool Jet way). I need him DEAD and I need that to happen ASAP.
(Also, this is more on Brennan but full-circling Lou’s “shit/piss” running joke with a MURDER ATTEMPT? That’s an extra year dungeon my guy.)
Sunnyside Up
“You’ve struck me. Why have you done this? It was wee and gentle but you've struck me nonetheless.” I love Primsy with my whole heart. 
The “slam down big style” line was, like, moderately funny when I first heard it but every repetition in and out of game made it exponentially funnier. 
“If we have to follow the rules, you have to follow the rules!” 
“Everyone needs to stop making sworn enemies. We already have enough.”
“I sentence you to death.”/“No let him do it.” and then his, “Later.” So good. 
It didn’t *end* funny but I maintain that that the, “There’s a *war* going on,” back and forth between Jet and Ruby was gold. 
This isn’t actually from the episode but everyone roasting Brennan with full lies when he gets up to use the bathroom in the Adventuring Party is one of the funniest things Dropout has ever put out. Also, Murph taking Brenna’s cookie story and Murphing it is very good. Just watch this week’s AP, even if you don’t usually. 
Things I’m Concerned About
Going into this battle ep, Ruby has THREE HP and Amethar has FIFTEEN. Like I know Rococoa said Ruby would be OK but I hope that has some mechanical effect because IDK ABOUT THAT.
Is Lady Donetta w/ Cal or was she just a pawn, like Primsy?
Also, idk if this matters but I can’t shake the thought that Cal murdered the Swirlies. Like it’s very probable that they just suck but the thought struck me. 
Don’t love that it seems like Cal is going right for Cara this ep. Hopefully Theo (who Big Brained on that clutch Knock) can help her out and, if not, it looks like she has some skills of her own. I’m pulling for her. 
How out the window is the format? Like, I’ve been concerned about a random combat ambush for a while now--partially because of the genre and partially because of how story heavy the tourney ep was. Things have been bleeding through already and now, at the halfway point, it seems like a plausible time for Brennan to fully throw the rulebook out the window and be like, “Game’s changed y’all.” They didn’t roll for initiative at the end of last ep. I wonder if that’s logistical or somehow relevant (like, are they going *right* into combat or not).
AHHHHHHH, OK, Jet’s death. As much as I felt it coming, ouch. And not just ouch for me Ouch for everyone. I am so worried about how this is going to break Ruby specifically. Like, poor Cara--she *just* got her daughter back only for her to die in her old stomping grounds because of a letter *she* had--poor Amethar--he’s outlived his firstborn who he saw safely through battle and loved more than anyone besides his other daughter, just like he outlived all his sisters--but Ruby? This is going to CRUSH her. She egged on the sneaking out. She ran instead of staying to try and help (correct move but total guilt trip). She’s never been alone before. I know we’ve all been kinda tense for whatever that, “Family is vulnerable,” line from Siobhan in the trailer is but man I’m *so* much more tense now. I wonder if she’s gonna take a class tweak like Liam did (I know he had more of a reason for it but still curious). 
(Also, Theo who’s whole purpose in life is protect the Rocks family having Jet die and Amethar almost die in one night? RIP to that dude’s mental health.)
Note: I recognize that there’s a theory floating around that Cara set up what happened as an ambush and is evil but I refuse to consider that and if that makes me boo boo the fool in two episodes, so be it.
Seriously though, Concerned about whatever that “Long Live the Queen” stuff is. Like it could be referring to Cara but it could be referring to someone else entirely. Either way, sketchy.   
Lol also the health food-pocalypse. That’s a thing. Extremely wild that that’s not even close to the headline of this episode. 
I may have trusted Lapin by the end but I do *not* trust the Sugar Plum Fairy. Whatever’s going on with her and Cumulous? Do not vibe. 
Ciabatta better be toast by the end of this show. This isn’t a concern. This is my Denny’s order. Toasted Ciabatta with a side of dice I can pour down Brennan’s throat.
Five More Things
So, Emily’s new character. I have two thoughts. One (and this was suggested to me by @buck92) is that she’s playing the Queen’s Champion--Ser Amanda Maillard who’s been mentioned twice--once in the first episode by Theo and Sir Toby and once this episode as part of the war effort (leading troops south). A named character doing important things but with no art sounds like a possible backup PC. Also, Emily getting to play this cool knight who Murph’s character is slightly jealous of would be A Dynamic. The other strong possibility is the Sugar-free chocolate warlock Brennan mentioned in episode 1 when they were on the way to Comida. I thought they were gonna get jumped by that character and they weren’t which makes me think that’s a PC too. It would also make Emily 3 for 3 on warlocks! 
RIP to all of us who made the Bread Wedding joke before the season started. We were right, but at what cost. 
Ruby talking about how it doesn’t matter what she does because she’s not next in line and then having Jet suddenly die and instantly becoming crown princess has painfully Big Amethar Energy. 
Also, a nat 20 to break in and find the letter and then two Nat 1 death saves? The dice REALLY wanted Jet dead. Addendum: Almost forgot! Liam *just* learned Twinspeak! Like, off. What a narrative hand-off having that happen right before Jet died. It was like written in the stars.
It’s just a little moment but I loved Cara including Liam in her lecture with a little, “You are included, Liam.” 
One More Thing!
This has been circulated a bunch already but I still wanted to shout out this very good video edit by @breadddie! It hit me real hard man. 
Also, I don’t think I can link this properly without tumblr getting mad at me but this animatic with Amethar’s Fall set to What’s Up Danger on Twitter is excellent!
Edit: Here’s a link to an ask where I link to the animatic! Novatank is the artist’s @ btw. 
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rosexknight · 4 years
@arceusfan493 Here’s that Dragon Age 2 rant you wanted.
Because I am still not over it.
Under the Read More, I have for you: - Lore Context - How Dragon Age 2 is Amazing - How it Hurt Me Enjoy~!
Oh yeah and major spoiler warning for Dragon Age 2 and minor spoiler warning for Dragon Age Origins and Awakening.
Lore Context ((Note: It is way more in-depth than this, I am simplifying ALOT))
Okay so. In the Dragon Age universe, magic is seen as super dangerous, because mages and those who have magical abilities are connected what is called the Fade, which is like a world that mirrors ours. It is also known as the Dream World, and every race but dwarves dream, but Mages specifically are connected to it in a way that lets them manipulate it for magic. In the Fade there are spirits and demons that can be brought into the real world by a mage or take over a mage’s body to enter our world. When this happens the mage becomes what is called an “Abomination” and loses all semblance of themselves. Demons are dangerous, spirits not so much, and demons are actually just spirits that have been twisted from their original purpose, usually by desire/pride/rage/etc. Spirits are the embodiment of virtues, where as demons are usually the embodiment of sins. There’s also Blood Magic which is hella powerful but corrupting and usually links back to demons.
There is also some religious reasons why magic is so feared, as it’s basically said that mages that got too close to God caused all the bad shit happening in the world (specifically a literal and metaphorical plague called the Blight) and also there are political reasons since there is a country/kingdom that’s all mage-run and it’s not great.
So for the protection of all the non-mages, they lock all mages in these towers called Circles so that they can study, hone their skills, etc. But they're essentially prisons, and the mages are watched over by Templars, which are like anti-magic paladins. And all this is ran by the church called the Chantry (there's a shit ton of lore and all these fears are linked back to that religion I mentioned earlier.) In order to become full mages, you have to pass a test where they put you against a demon in the Fade to prove you can handle your magic. If you fail you become an abomination. If the Circle thinks you will fail this test, they will (literally) brand you Tranquil, which cuts off a mage from the Fade but ALSO makes them 100% emotionless. Also if you get too good, they might also brand you a Blood Mage and kill you anyway.
Also, there is no escape. You can try to escape, but when you come to the Circle, the Chantry takes your blood and puts it in a vial. They then use this blood to track you down if you slip away.
Now, in the games we have seen that SOMETIMES the Circles are not that bad. Mages can get special permission to live outside the Circles as long as they can get jobs. Some mages are perfectly content there, while others aren’t. The mages might be governed by the Chantry and Templars but usually each Circle is kind of given its own freedoms to have its own politics, etc. HOWEVER, whether or not you're put in a good Circle is a toss-up, completely dependent on where you are, who is in charge, etc. And also the Templars can call upon the Right of Annulment if they feel the things in the tower are getting out of control, which essentially nukes the tower and destroys it and all the mages. OH and you are sent to the Circles when your magic starts manifesting (between the ages of 4-14) with no say from you or your family. Just “Oh you got magic? Time to lock you in this tower.” SO needless to say, things between Mages and Templars are fucking tense, and the game is not shy about giving this whole thing a prison feel. The mages are very obviously the oppressed class here (elves are also oppressed but in a different way and I’m not going into that.)
Also you can play as a mage in-game, which makes this all hit especially home if you do since you as the player both see and experience it.
OKAY that should be all the lore context you need.
How Dragon Age 2 is Amazing
DA2 takes place in a town with one of the bad Circles. The Commander of the Templars, Meredith, has basically gone insane. She’s become paranoid, and is turning mages Tranquil (illegally btw because we know that she turns some Tranquil even after they passed that test I mentioned earlier,) or killing them left and right. However, in conjunction to that, there's ALOT of shit that happens that are all mages fault. Blood magic, demons, your mom (basically the only family you have left at that point btw) gets killed by a crazy necromancer, etc.
So it puts you, the player and your PC Hawke, in this situation where you clearly see magic is HELLA DANGEROUS, but you also see that the mages are being pushed too hard by the Templars and are taking drastic measures to escape or fight back. And again, it hits doubly hard if you play as a mage. The game also takes place over the span of 7 years, so you see it all build up and get worse and worse as you play.
So it presents the conundrum: Do all mages suck or is it because of what is happening? It's fucking brilliant. Especially coming from the first game, Origins, where you see a good Tower that's super chill until one crazy mage fucks it up. You see what horrors magic can bring but also see and hear how crazy Templars can be when they face such horrors (this is clear with both Meredith herself AND a recurring character named Cullen but if I talk about him we’ll be here all day.)
Anyway, point is there's clearly no right answer to which side is right or wrong, and the game builds up on it alot. It gives you all the perspectives with Meredith, the paranoid Templar Commander, Orsino, the leader of the Circle who is just trying to keep the peace and defend the mages, and the Grand Cleric in the Chantry Elthina, who refuses to take a side even though she has the power to basically end it all. Your companions also have opinions on all of it as it unfolds. And it puts you right in the middle of it all. And you experience all of it.
Like I said, fucking brilliant.
How it Hurt Me
One of your companions is Anders, who is a mage that has run away from the Circle you know of from Origins. He's a healer that is helping people from an underground (free) clinic, and has also been helping mages escape the city. He's all about freedom for mages, and has fused with a Justice spirit that he became friends with. The spirit saw the injustice that was happening to the mages and wanted to further help. Both Anders and Justice are from Dragon Age Awakening, which comes after Origins. They are companions in that game and you see how their friendship grows and how they come to be able to help each other.
Now I LOVED Anders and Justice in Awakening. I was ALL FOR seeing them again seeing how the years had changed them, and helping them. I also played as a mage in both games so I was also all for mage freedom. It’s also worth noting that in Awakening you learn the Circle was NOT kind to Anders. He’s a free spirit, a lover not a fighter, and he was suffocated. He tried to escape like 7 times and after the last one they put him IN SOLITARY CONFINEMENT FOR A FUCKING YEAR. He was 100% expecting to be killed every time he was caught. “Oh but couldn’t he have used those methods you mentioned earlier to live outside the Circle?” you may ask. And like, yeah maybe. But also...No one should have to do that?
I romanced Anders because I adore him. He’s a bit of a broody boy in DA2 that tries to push you away, but he’s hella sweet and supportive. Funny. Small hint of danger with Justice. He's great. And it was great to romance him in DA2 since I was playing Awakening going “No please why can I not romance YOU?”
Well throughout the game you see that due to the anger Anders has, Justice is getting morphed into something more akin to a spirit of Vengeance as things are pushed more, and that Anders is having trouble controlling him. Depending on what route you take with the romance, he and Justice can either fuse into something like only one being, or Justice can be turned fully into a demon of Vengeance. Both of these are heavily implied more than confirmed, so it’s kind of ambiguous, but the ending is the same. Anders becomes consumed by this, and everything else is drowned out.
Eventually, towards the end of the game, when Meredith has sent off for permission to the Right of Annulment, and Orsino can’t control the many other mages wanting to fight back, and things between mages and Templars are coming to a head, Anders asks you to come with him to get some ingredients that will make a potion to separate he and Justice. Then that turns out to be a lie and he asks you to distract Elthina in the Chantry so he can do...a thing. And he won’t tell you what. And you know he's up to something. BUT in DA2 and Awakening he's ALWAYS said that violence isn't the answer and that we have to show people mages can be good by example, and been against blood magic, etc. So you have the option to help him or not.
I helped him because SURELY he wouldn't do anything crazy. And SURELY he wouldn't ask/trick me, the woman he loves, to do something crazy. He simply asks you to trust him, and I did.
Aaaaaaand then I was wrong. Very, very wrong.
He blew up the Chantry in that town. Confirmed death toll from game lore is 100, but people estimate it could be more. This was the second time I had to walk away from this game due to emotions, the first being when your mom dies.
The Chantry runs the Templars, and the Templars watch the mages. Things were coming to a head. It had been a silent war raging. The Knight-Commander of the Templars was seeing shadows, threatening to basically rip the tower apart to find Blood Mages where there weren't. The leader of the Mages supported the Circle but was doing little to lead the mages against the Templars, and if the mages snapped all hell would break loose. The Cleric in the chantry refused to take sides, even though her word would essentially sway the masses into siding with someone. But she had to stay neutral because she couldn't choose as it wasn't her place, and she agreed there was no right answer both sides had a point. He blew up the Chantry, and forced people to take sides. Change had to come, and he decided he had to take the matter into his own hands to do it. And whether or not it was him or Justice or both is ambiguous and dependant on the route taken.
And I fucking helped him.
The game at this point forces you to choose a side, and I chose to side with the Mages because I WAS one and also Meredith wanted to kill every mage there for what Anders did.
I was betrayed by this character I had loved for two games, who my Hawke fell in love with, who I trusted, etc. And THAT hurt worse than anything else ever. You then had the option to kill him, which was the third point I had to walk away and agonize over a decision. Whether or not Anders was right is a topic still viscerally debated in the Dragon Age community too and it gets ROUGH.
So yeah. That is why I’m not over it and why I love this game so much but also how fucking dare it do this to me.
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