#the first time you see it you're like ohhhh this is the last thing a mouse sees before a cat kills them
marlinspirkhall · 3 months
Throwback to the time I watched midnight mass without knowing anything about it and the moment the vampire's eyes appeared like headlights in the darkness like this •• and I almost threw my knitting needles in surprise
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
chaggie vs alastor being a nosy gossip when it comes to potential past break up drama and possible current relationship drama (alastor loses)
Charlie: "Not that I MIND seeing you around, Alastor-"
Vaggie: "I do."
Charlie: "-the hotel is your home too after all-"
Vaggie: "A home. Not a radio exhibit."
Charlie: "-maaaaaybe there's something we can help you with though? Since you've kinda been, errrr, hanging around?"
Vaggie: "Leering."
Charlie: "I get the feeling you wanna ask us something, basically!"
Alastor: "Oh I DO indeed! But you know, you two were just being such a CHARMING little couple, just the PICTURE of young love, I couldn't BEAR to interrupt you~!"
Vaggie: "Great, so fuck off."
Charlie: "We could use some time sitting together without you- or anyone!- staring at us the whole time."
Vaggie: "You can donate that time for free or over your dead body."
Alastor: "Well WELL then! What a CHARMING little offer from a CHARMING little lady!
Vaggie: "You have until three. Two."
Alastor: "I'll just make my inquiries about THIS picture and be on my way!"
Charlie: "What picture- ohhhh THAT picture...."
Alastor: "Familiar, no~?"
Charlie: "Yyyyyyeesssss...."
Vaggie: "Who's the guy that looks like boyband fell in a vat of comic book chemicals? You two look. Close."
Charlie: "Thhhat'ssss my ex boyfriend."
Vaggie: "You're ex?"
Alastor: "Oh REALLY! Do tell~"
Vaggie: "She doesn't have to tell you SHIT, asshole."
Charlie: "No it's okay, it wasn't that bad!"
Charlie: "I mean."
Charlie: "The relationship wasn't great and I didn't even cry after it ended which might be a sign of something maybe although I DID cry about being alone again if that counts.... and, we haven't really talked since breaking up but-"
Vaggie: "I won't kill him, sweetie, but I can stab him for you."
Charlie: "He wouldn't deserve it."
Vaggie: "Ask me if I care."
Charlie: "Heh. It's fine, Vaggie, really. He was perfectly nice to me! We just, didn't make a good pair..."
Alastor: "Pray tell the reason for this apparently INCONSOLABLE mis-match?"
Vaggie: "Alastor I swear-"
Charlie: "I guess it really boils down to him wanting a girlfriend and me wanting a, well, a partner."
Vaggie: "Isn't that what a girlfriend is?"
Charlie: "Mmeh? Not always, I guess?"
Alastor: "Oh will you LOOK at THAT! I have a fresh box of tissues here, and popcorn, and HOURS until my next broadcast~!"
Vaggie: "If you giggle even once over this I'll broadcast my spear right up your-"
Charlie: (laughs) "No you won't, Vaggie."
Vaggie: (whispering) "We don't have to let HIM know that."
Charlie: "Pretty sure he already does? Everyone else in the hotel knows you'd never really shish kabab them or anything."
Vaggie: "Everyone knows?" (drooping) "Are you sure?"
Charlie: "Yep! Niffty was crying about it last week!"
Vaggie: "Well FINE but your ex doesn't live in the hotel, I could at least threaten him."
Charlie: "Empty threat... I think that's why..."
Alastor: (leaning in) "HMMM~?"
Vaggie: (shoving him back) "Why what, babe?"
Charlie: "Why it's different, with you."
Vaggie: "Different?"
Alastor: "SOMEHOW the LESBIANISM isn't different enough already?"
Charlie: "We're partners."
Vaggie: "Yeah?"
Charlie: "Vaggie, we're actually partners."
Vaggie: "I know??"
Charlie: "You listened to the 'Redeem Sinners!' rants and didn't laugh, or doze off, or start messing with your phone half way through my first two-hour long presentation-"
Vaggie: "How could I be messing with my phone when we were recording your practice run?"
Charlie: "-EXACTLY! It was, is, a serious thing for you!"
Vaggie: "Charlie you've seriously been working on this for decades."
Charlie: "And my friends were FINE with that! My friend? Friend singular if we don't count Razzle and Dazzle- my former friend. Whatever! It was okay if I had weird pipe dreams to nowhere, that was totally fine! And when I started dating her brother, he was fine with it to! I was quirky! Silly! Eccentric! Naïve! DUMB!"
Vaggie: "You are not d-"
Charlie: "I know I know! It was FINE!"
Vaggie: "You sound less than fine about it?"
Alastor: "Here it comes~!"
Charlie: "Because 'just fine' sucked ASS."
Vaggie: "Oh..."
Alastor: "OH HO HO!"
Charlie: "It was always just Charlie's dumb little daydream or Charlie wasting her time! Charlie with her dumb head in the heavenly clouds!"
Vaggie: "Oh sweetie, hey-"
Charlie: "It was a quirk he was OKAY WITH. It wasn't that bit a deal! It was a big deal to ME but that was FINE if I didn't waste too much of my time on it, or our time, or his time-
Charlie: "And sure he wasn't laughing in a mean way, I think, probably, but I still HATED when he'd do the amused little oh Charlie's being silly again chuckle!"
Vaggie: "Did you tell him? Did he stop?"
Charlie: "Tell him what? He wasn't doing anything wrong!"
Vaggie: "But Charlie, that's not the point-"
Charlie: "No the point is- HE didn't think he was doing anything wrong treating sinners like immortal chew toys! Everyone else does it! THEY do it to THEMSELVES! And they're damned anyway, Charlie, they're all gonna get killed horribly someday for the shit they did, so what the HELL does it matter!?"
Vaggie: "It matters. You've shown people how much it matters."
Charlie: "No I haven't."
Vaggie: "Yes you have, sweetie. People know better now-"
Charlie: "No they DON'T!"
Charlie: "But you do."
Charlie: "And we're... our hotel is starting to maybe help some people kinda take us a little seriously...."
Charlie: "It's..."
Alastor: "Quite a lot of WE and OUR and US in that last sentence, my dear!"
Vaggie: "No shit, dumbass. We run the damn hotel together."
Charlie: "Yeah. We do."
Alastor: "A fact made while staring at DEAR Vaggie in the most REVOLTINGLY lovesick way, I might add!!"
Charlie: (laughs) "Sorry Alastor- I can't help it."
Charlie: "She's my partner, after all."
Vaggie: (smiles) "It's on my resume."
Vaggie: "Right above girlfriend and hotel manager."
Charlie: (BEAMS)
Vaggie: "I have no idea how anyone could miss out on that chance, honestly."
Charlie: "I'VE no idea how anyone else could ever even come CLOSE to being you, Vaggie."
Vaggie: "Well... the guy in the picture is way too tall for starters."
Charlie: (snorts)
Alastor: "FACINATING. You'll both have to excuse me! My stomach is too DELICATE for this PUTRID display of emotional bliss~"
Vaggie: "You eat rotting deer carcasses, Alastor."
Charlie: "EW he WHAT-?"
Charlie: "Ah um! Oh that's....! ERRRRR interesting-?"
Vaggie: "It's gross."
Alastor: "Aue contraire my dears, YOU TWO are the ones who are GROSS~"
Alastor: (fades back into shadows)
Vaggie: "If I told him that trick was getting tacky, think he'd stop?"
Vaggie: "... babe?"
Charlie: "I think...he took the picture?"
Vaggie: "He what."
Charlie: "The picture of my ex, I think he kinda, borrowed it?"
Vaggie: (groans) "WHY is our friend such a creep."
Charlie: (sing-songs) "Be-cause you ha-ven't killed him yyyyet!!!!"
Vaggie: "Maybe tomorrow I will."
Charlie: (smirks)
Vaggie: "...."
Vaggie: "Look, I can't at least still daydream about it, alright?"
Charlie: "Sure you can." (hugs) "Softie."
Vaggie: "RRgh." (hugs back) "I'm literally only soft with you."
Charlie: "And with our friends."
Vaggie: "Am not."
Charlie: "You are! In your own, special Vaggie way~"
Vaggie: "...."
Charlie: "....which admittedly is mostly about not killing them all in frustration several times a day, but that's a pretty big thing in Hell!!!"
Vaggie: (groans again) (snuggles her)
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nats-bottom · 4 months
NR - I Never Get Jealous
Summary: Natasha gets jealous over Reader dancing with other women.
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warnings: Alcohol, jealousy
Notes: Sorry this took so long for me to write! I had some writer's block, but I'm back now!
I saw Fly Me to the Moon last night, and it is such a good movie! I highly recommend!
I also have accounts on Wattpad and AO3! The users there are @ paige_vers
Please give me requests! You can submit them here or on my insta, @ scarlettsoutset
Natasha POV
I took another sip of my drink. Me and my girlfriend, y/n were at another one of Tony's parties. He threw parties all the time, most of the time for no reason. This party was no different. Just a party for no specific reason, with random people that none of us knew. 'Us' being the Avengers. We were all there because one, Tony made us all come, and two, there was no way we could sleep in the tower with all the loud music. 
I'm taken out of my thoughts when I feel a hand on my thigh and hear y/n say she's going to go dance. I give her a quick kiss and watch her as she walks off towards the dance floor. I move to the couch area, where a bunch of other Avengers are sitting. I sit down next to Steve, who's sitting next to Bucky. They each have a beer in hand, and are casually flirting with each other, but won't admit it. I start up a conversation with them, internally laughing every time one of them blushes at the other's comment. 
After a while, I get a glimpse of y/n on the dance floor, dancing with two other women, neither of whom I know. I feel the anger inside of me rising as I see y/n grinding on one of them. I watch her for a few minutes, when Steve waves his hand in front of my face. 
"Nat? Are you there Nat? Earth to Natasha!" he says trying to get my attention.
"What? Oh sorry. What's going on?" I ask.
"I just asked you how many pop tarts you think Thor will eat tonight. But clearly your mind is somewhere else. What's up?" 
"Oh, um, y/n is just dancing a little too much with some other women." I say as I feel the heat rising to my cheeks. 
"Ohhhh, I see. Someone's jealous." Bucky says with a smirk.
"No, I'm not jealous. I'm just, um, observing." I reply, not wanting to admit to my jealousy.
"Yes you definitely are. You should see your face." Steve says with a chuckle.
"Fine. I guess I am. And I'm going to go do something about it." I say as I get up and set down my drink on the table. I hear Bucky and Steve try to stop me, but I just ignore them and keep walking towards y/n. I squeeze through other people in the crowd and finally get to y/n. 
"Nat! Wanna da-" but before she can finish I pull her into me and give her a big kiss on the lips. She acts a little shocked at first, but then melts into the kiss. As I let go for air, she tries to hang on to the kiss a little longer. I keep my arms around her waist, hers around my neck. "What was that about?" She said with a smirk.
"I just didn't like how you were dancing with those other ladies." The other women had walked away by this point, leaving once they saw me glare at them. 
"Oh, is someone a little jealous?" y/n asks smugly, and drunkenly. 
"Jealous? Me? I never get jealous." I replied.
"Yeah. Sure. Uh-huh. I saw the look on your face as you came over here."
"I was not jealous. You can dance with whoever and I won't care." I say, trying to get her to believe me when I say that I'm not jealous.
"Then why'd you scare those other ladies off?"
"Because I want them to know that you're mine and mine only." I say in a deep voice. I pull her off the dance floor and to a couch in an area with the other Avengers. I sit down first and put her on my lap, putting my arms around her stomach. She rests her hands on mine and she leans back into my embrace. 
We talk with the other Avengers about random things, from Tony's newest project to how fast everyone thinks Pietro can run. I'm not really paying attention to the conversation though, all I can think of is y/n. How pretty she looks tonight, how she was dancing, and how I wished she danced with me like that. I move her hair aside, and start kissing her neck. She tilts her head to the other side a little after letting out a small, barely audible gasp. I start nibbling on her neck, making sure to leave a mark. I suck on the bite, then run my tongue over it. I move over to another spot, doing the same. I look over the marks I made, satisfied with it.
I move my hands to y/n's arms, rubbing them up and down. I whisper in her ear "you look so pretty, all marked up. Showing everyone else that you're all mine." I feel her squirm a little in my lap. "You like that don't you, pretty girl." I say, now playing with her hair. I nibble on her ear a little and I feel her shiver. "You just want everyone here to know that, don't you. You want everyone here to hear you scream my name." I hear her gasp, and see her nod ever so slightly. "Meet me in our room in 10 minutes." I whisper in her ear. She nods and excuses herself from the party, saying that she's tired and wants to go to bed. About five minutes later I excuse myself, explaining that I have an early day tomorrow. 
I leave the party and head to my room. I open the door to our shared room and see y/n there on the bed, clad in a matching lingerie set. I close the door behind me and walk up to her, smashing our lips together.
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cowpokeomens · 5 months
Imagine you've been making out with Noah for three months. No sex. You're drawing things out to see how patient he can be. He's used to getting everything quickly, but you're not going to make it easy for him.
How do you imagine that first time you fuck after waiting so long? Poor guy is going to explode. So needy...🤭
Because he’s not gonna pressure you!! He’s not gonna rush you!! Understands that you may not be ready yet!! But then one day you grind into him and moan all breathy and needy and he’s like “gonna let me fuck you? I’ll make you feel so good” and you can’t help the grin on your face when you say “nope!” And he stills and is like. “Are you. Teasing me?” And you’re like “😳 no?” And ohhhh dear oh dear he’s flipping you over so that you’re trapped underneath him and sliding a hand into your panties and saying “you’re awfully wet. Sure you don’t need me to fuck you?” And your resolve is crumbling!! His fingers are long and one of them slides into you slowly, intentionally, but you’re strong!! You shake your head because if you open your mouth you know you’ll whimper or do something else embarrassing but he just tsks at you and slides in a second finger entirely too easily and maybe!! Maybe you aren’t strong!!! Because he says “last call. Tell me you want it and it’s yours.” And you thing you just might be able to resist until he curls aforementioned two fingers inside you and you shudder through it and gasp lewdly and he really has the nerve to say “Gotcha.”
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lionhanie · 4 months
sungho as your boyfriend! ♡
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boyfriend sungho x gn reader!!!!, fluffy fluff, he loves you so much :-(
word count: ~720
warnings: none
a/n: bf sungho everyone CHEERED!!!! i literally geeked writing the last point bc i'm madly in love with him... hope u enjoy ^_^ also he's actually so breathtaking in that pic im going crazy
likes ♡ and reblogs ↺ always appreciated!
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i lowkey feel like in the start of your relationship he’s super … well mannered? not that he isn’t normally, but moreso ... the last thing he would want to do is make you uncomfortable so he goes out of his way to make sure he isn’t overstepping any boundaries until he knows you’re okay with something
the two of you are eating dinner with each other & sungho can’t stop looking at the sauce on the side of your mouth; he contemplates not saying anything about it because you look really cute when you’re enjoying the food so well…he eventually holds up a napkin by your face and he’s just like
“can i…?” once you understand what he's asking, you’re a little embarrassed because how long was there something on your face????? but regardless you give him a small nod & he gently wipes the stain off your face, as both of you struggle to keep the smiles off your own faces
always giving gifts with MEANINGS like boy will do his research and go above and beyond!!!!. and will always be so happy to explain said research if you happen to ask about it  
(im specifically thinking about their debut gifts to each other and sungho was so drawn to the Meanings of the flowers he got for woonhak rather than focusing only on what they looked like)
at one of your relationship milestones, he pulls out a jewelry box. there’s a dainty ring sitting inside of it, with two gemstones planted side by side in its center. you immediately gasp because IT’S SOOOO PRETTY? but you can’t help but wonder where he got it because it looks… handmade?
“where did you get this? the gems complement each other so well!”
“ah… taesan and i went to a jewelry making workshop a couple weeks ago, so i wanted to make something for our anniversary,” he grabs your hand to place the ring on one of your fingers, finding it to be a perfect fit. “it’s not the best, but i tried my hardest. i even put our birthstones on it!” 
even if sungho didn’t think the ring was perfect, it definitely was perfect to you <3 
when you give him gifts he will be OVER THE MOON, esp if it was something you got for him /just cause/. he falls in love with you even more knowing that you put in the same effort he does when it comes to gifts
a necklace? he never forgets to put it on before he goes out for the day. a framed picture of you two from your first date? it lives atop his dresser for him to see every morning :3 
i'm a firm believer that sungho will go out of his way to implement constant reminders of you throughout his daily routine (because you're obviously his favorite thing to think about), which is why he adores the things you get for him
u already know this man does not hesitate to serenade you whenever he gets the chance to. omygooooddd his angelic voice paired with a love song you just KNOW he is dedicating to you 
plus i feel like it’d be intimate as hell…. he’s gently strumming his guitar, playing the chords to one of your favorite songs, only breaking eye contact to take a quick look back at his fingers to make sure he plays the next notes correctly OHHHH i’m in love with him i fear
when the time comes for his weekly deep clean of the dorms, he swears he’s ready to propose to you right then and there as you help him tidy up everyone’s mess LOL 
sungho’s accepted the fact that he sometimes needs to clean up after the other members, but now that you’re wiping down the kitchen counters next to him as he washes the various pots and pans that have been piling up in the sink, he almost looks forward to it. it’s oddly domestic-- not that he’s complaining. 
“you know, you don’t need to clean up their mess for them. it’s not like you’re their mom or something,” he says as he places another clean plate on the dish rack beside him. 
“i mean, i know that. but you don’t need to either! i don’t mind helping you out if it means i get to spend some more time with you.” you shyly admit, spraying the counter with disinfectant. out of nowhere, he comes up behind you and places a sweet kiss atop your head, thanking you for everything you do for him. ♡
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© lionhanie 2024 ; all rights reserved!
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 2 months
Not really a request, at least not a super detailed one but, anything with Rosa Diaz x autistic reader would be amazing!!
Maybe R drops off some lunch or something for rosa and meets the rest of the squad or smth?
In general i am in love with your autistic!reader fics. Im currently in the process of being diagnosed with autism, and its just really rather comforting to see myself in a reader insert
Hey, Ara! 🥰 So glad you enjoy the autistic!reader fics! They are some of my favorites to write. I was just diagnosed about a year ago, so it's still new-ish for me, but I also find a lot of comfort in the autistic reader inserts. Hope this is what you're looking for, and best of luck with your diagnosis process! Feel free to reach out if you need a fellow autistic pal to talk through stuff with! 💕 –illdowhatiwantthanks
A Little Lunch
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Rosa Diaz x autistic!fem!reader Warnings: explicit language, overstimulation (the autism kind), established relationship (let me know if I missed anything!) Word count: 1.4k
Summary: People aren't your forte, but you told your girlfriend you'd have lunch with her at the precinct, and so you will. And it goes... surprisingly better than expected.
You took a few deep breaths outside the precinct door, sandwiches from Rosa’s favorite shop in hand. You’d never visited her at work before, never met her coworkers. People weren’t your strong suit. But Rosa had asked you. She didn’t ask you for much. She liked to keep her work life separate from her personal life, for the most part. And the fact that she wanted you to meet her squad? Well, you couldn’t let her down. You wouldn’t.
The overhead lights were bright, and the general office noise was overwhelming when you stepped inside. You lurked in a corner, trying to acclimate yourself, trying to survey the room and find Rosa and calm yourself down so you could have a nice, normal lunch with your girlfriend.
You jumped a bit as a woman in a rolling chair slid in front of you, hands pressed together over her waist.
“Is that my Panera?” she said, staring at the bag in your hands.
“Uh… no.”
The woman stared at you for a moment, and you shuffled uncomfortably under her gaze and felt the need to provide a reason for your presence.
“I’m, uh… I’m here to see Rosa. Diaz. She's a detective. Do you know where she is?”
The woman’s face lit up. “Ohhhh… interesting. Did she order Panera, too? Great minds.” She held out your hand for you to shake, so you did. “Gina Linetti,” she told you. “Dancer, secretary, genius.”
“Gina, stop tormenting my girlfriend!”
You’d know that voice anywhere. You visibly relaxed as Rosa walked into the squad room, placing a strong, protective hand at the small of your back.
Gina held up her hands, as if in defense. “Sorry, Rosa. I thought she was Panera.”
“She’s not Panera,” Rosa growled. “She’s my girlfriend, and we’re eating lunch, and you’re leaving us alone.”
Rosa took your hand and led you through the precinct, into a break room scattered with tables where, alone and away from prying eyes, she planted a gentle kiss on your cheek.
“You okay?” she asked softly.
You nodded and held up the bag of food. Rosa gestured toward the table and went to grab napkins and, for neither the first nor the last time, you were grateful that you often didn’t need words with Rosa. You were comfortable in one another’s silence and, for you, this was life-changing. Your words were one of the first things to go when you got overstimulated, but Rosa never seemed to mind. For this, and for many other reasons, you loved her.
But you’d barely started on your lunch before people started trickling into the break room: Jake, Amy, Charles. All ostensibly eating lunch, too, even if they’d already taken lunch, even if all they had was a bag of chips from the vending machine, as Jake did.
“So, Y/N,” Amy started. “How did you and Rosa meet?”
Rosa jumped in before you forced yourself to say anything. “Hey,” she spat at the group crowding the table next to yours. “When I told Y/N she could meet me for lunch, I meant me. Not me and half the squad. Scram, losers.”
You gave a little half wave as they slunk out of the room, smiling a little as Charles mouthed off to you behind Rosa’s back: “We’ll catch up later!”
“Sorry,” Rosa said a few minutes later. “I know they can be a bit much.”
You shook your head and squeezed her hand, able to find your voice again. “It’s okay. They seem nice.”
“If by nice, you mean fucking crazy, then yes.”
A knock on the doorframe. At first, Rosa seemed annoyed by the interruption, but when she saw that it was Captain Holt she looked almost… proud?
“Captain,” she said, rising from her seat and nodding at him. She gestured toward you. “This is my girlfriend, Y/N. Y/N, Captain Holt.”
You moved to stand and shake his hand, but Holt stopped you. “Oh, no, please.” He sat down next to you, and Rosa seemed comfortable with him, so you decided that Captain Holt was someone you would like. “It’s lovely to meet you,” he said.
“You too,” you replied, trying not to let your voice shake too much. You tried to think of something to say, tried to think of a topic of conversation, but you were floundering. Your voice was hard for you on a regular day, even sometimes with people you loved, like Rosa. You just couldn’t manage to force anything out. You felt your cheeks growing red. You hoped you weren’t embarrassing Rosa.
You couldn’t have said all this to Rosa even if you’d wanted to, but Rosa always seemed to get it anyway.
“Y/N, Captain Holt and his husband are going to the symphony tonight. I told him that was one of your favorites, too.”
You lit up. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Rosa, you thought. You loved the symphony. She was right; it was one of your favorites. Despite Rosa’s general indifference toward classical music, she’d gotten you both season passes for your birthday. She didn’t love the music, but she loved the way your eyes shone when you listened, the way you perched on the edge of your seat like a child. She loved that when she held your hand during the performances, she could tell when you were particularly moved because you’d get goosebumps and the hair on your skin would stand up.
“Oh, it’s John William Weischselbraun tonight, right? Bach’s Oboe Sonata? That should be excellent!”
Holt looked about as excited as Rosa had ever seen him.
“You’re a fan of the oboe, are you?” he asked, eyebrows raised.
“Oh, yes, sir.” You nodded enthusiastically. “I played oboe in my high school orchestra. It’s a severely underrated instrument.”
Rosa beamed at you as Holt reached out to shake your hand. “Diaz....” he said, shaking a finger at her. “She’s a keeper.”
“Yes, sir,” Rosa nodded.
He stared at her reproachfully. “I hope you take this fine lady to the symphony and not just to your rock concerts.”
“She does, sir,” you assured him. “We even have season passes.” And then you had what you thought was maybe one of your more brilliant ideas. “Maybe we could all go together, sometime? Me and Rosa and you and your husband?”
Rosa and Captain Holt stared at each other for a moment, and you were afraid you’d misread the situation terribly. You’d always thought that Rosa liked Captain Holt, at least from the way she talked about him. You thought they were friendly with one another. Maybe you’d been wrong.
You tried to backtrack. “Or maybe not,” you blurted. “Just a thought.”
You couldn’t help but smile at how quickly both Rosa and Captain Holt jumped to reassure you. So quickly that their voices overlapped.
“That’d be great, babe.”
“Now, doesn’t that sound nice?”
Gina rolled in front of the door to the break room. “Captain, you have a phone call,” she yelled out as her chair rolled by.
“Excuse me,” Holt said, standing. He stood, pressed his hand over yours and said, “Truly nice to meet you, Y/N. I look forward to our mutual date.”
When he’d gone, Rosa stared at you. She was smiling. Really smiling.
“What?” you asked, your face reddening.
She leaned forward and kissed you quickly, her hand gently grasping your chin.
“What was that for?”
She tucked your hair behind your ear. “You did really good today,” she whispered. “I know you were nervous. Thanks for lunch.”
You turned an even deeper shade of red. “Anytime. Or, well, sometimes.”
She smirked and kissed you one more time, pulling away quickly as Jake wolf-whistled from the doorway.
“Shut your mouth, Peralta, or I’ll shut it for you,” she growled.
It was always so funny to you to see Rosa with others. So rough, so intimidating. When she turned back to you, she was soft. She was always soft with you.
“I’ll see you tonight?” she asked, squeezing your hand.
You nodded, as you stood to leave, perching on tiptoes to kiss her on the cheek. Your voice had slipped back inside of you for the time being, so you simply squeezed her hand back and let her walk you out of the precinct.
Rosa watched you go, swinging your arms a bit as you walked down the sidewalk, and her heart ached. She loved you so much. Your quiet voice, that was always a gift to hear. Your swinging, fidgety arms. The fact that you loved her so much, so purely. She only hoped she could show you just as much love in return.
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dsireland86 · 6 days
Dad!Noah Halloween request
It's the reader and Noah's first Halloween with their newborn son. While Noah is at the studio, the reader decides to dress their newborn son up as a replica of Noah. The three of them spend the evening together passing out candy to trick-or-treaters, carving pumpkins, etc. Once their newborn goes to sleep, it's time for the reader and Noah to have their own private Halloween time together. 😉
Ohhhh this is going to be so good!!!
Happy Halloween
@philomenie @supersquirrel1996 @foliosgirl @angelmarie89 @fadingintothegrey @theanarchymuse95 @thisbicc @lma1986 @dominuslunae @shayzillaaaa @thefallenangel @fadingintothegrey  @an0mallly @alwaysfightforwhoyouare @mrsnoahsebastian
18+ Below The Cut
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“Alright, Levi, let's go see Daddy for his birthday," you say to the tiny four and a half month old.
Adjusting the mask after you buckle him snuggly into his carrier, you smile down at him, admiring how adorable he looks in his “mini Noah” costume. Levi’s a spitting image of his daddy, right down to the freckles over and around his small pointed nose. The little black ski mask that sits loosely over Levi's tiny face is embellished with white embroidered symbols that stand out brightly among the sea of black. But it works. Levi looks just like Noah. Feeling confident about your birthday gift, you gather up the diaper bag and head to the studio.
Pumpkins, hay bales, mums and cornstalks line the streets and business along the strip. The sight of fall is everywhere even though in the eighty degree California heat, it doesn't feel like it much.
You open the door to the studio, instantly greeted by the sound of drums. Folio must be tracking today. You walk into the main part of the studio and are greeted by excited hellos, smiles and hugs from Jolly and Nicholas. When they see Levi, they freeze.
"Holy shit, Y/N," Jolly cries, gushing over your son.
"Hey! Look! It's baby Noah," Nick laughs.
All of their excitement makes you laugh. "It's one of Noah's birthday presents. You think he'll like it?" you ask, skeptically.
"Like it! Y/N, Noah's going to love it!" Nichols assures you. "Thanks for always trying to make my brother happy."
"You're welcome," you smile, leaning into the side hug Nick gives you.
"Y/N, where did you get the mask?" Jolly asks, carefully undoing the straps of his nephews carrier.
"A friend back home made it for me," you reply, grinning when Jolly coddles Levi into him.
"Where's Noah?"
"He and Matt are in the soundproof room with Folio."
That explains the sudden quietness. You take Levi and head towards the back, excited to show off his outfit. Sure enough, with their backs toward you, Matt and Noah are watching Folio as he hammers out a few blasts. It only takes a few minutes for Folio to notice you, smiling and waving, causing Matt and Noah to turn around.
The instant Noah sees you and Levi, he leaves the soundproof room and comes over to you, gathering you up in a heated kiss. It doesn't last long, but it's enough to drive you crazy.
"I've missed you," he confesses, laying his forehead on yours.
"It's only been two hours," you chuckle.
"It feels longer."
"Oh god," Matt groans, laughing. "You two are ridiculous."
"What? When you find a woman as good as the one I have, you'll understand," Noah, retorts, looking back at you.
"Happy birthday, love," you tell him, watching that familiar frown sweep over his face. You knew Noah hated celebrating his birthday, but he always made the exception of not complaining for you. Out of respect, you always tried to downplay it, only doing simple little things for him; like this one.
"What is this?" He gasps, finally looking at Levi and noticing his outfit. "Babe?"
The smile that spreads over his face makes your heart flutter and you know that he loves your surprise. Taking Levi from you, Noah examines his son's outfit, laughing and smiling like a kid on Christmas.
"Oh my god, Princess, this is adorable! Where did you get this mask?"
"A friend," you answer, giggling at how happy Noah is. Proudly, he begins showing off your baby to everyone, telling all of them how awesome you are for dressing Levi up to look like him. Your heart swells with pride and love for your husband and seeing him this happy is what you know life is all about.
"Are you almost done here? It is Halloween."
Noah kisses your forehead again, shifting Levi in his arms.
"Yes. Folio just has a little bit more to track. Trying to knock this part out. What are the plans for later? I told the guys I'm all yours and Levi's tonight."
You smile, running your hand down Noah's cheek, appreciating the way he's always trying to balance home and work life.
"I was thinking about carving some pumpkins first, before getting ready for the neighbors Halloween party tonight."
"Oh yeah, that's right, we agreed to help them pass out candy tonight."
"Yup. Ready to become my pumpkin king tonight," you say, reaching up on your tip toes and kissing Noah's soft, pouty lips. The sensation gives you shivers and travels lightly over your center, making your muscles tighten. His massive hand finds your bottom, gripping your cheek tightly and pushing you closer to him. It excites you, making you giggle.
"Only if you're ready to be my ragdoll, in more ways than one."
You catch the little glint in his eyes, knowing very well what that means. Noah wants you entirely to himself tonight once you get Levi to bed.
"Of course. Anything for you, my King."
You bite your bottom lip and grin, knowing fully well what it does to Noah. He laughs and pulls you in, laying a kiss on the top of your head.
"I am your fucking king, baby. Always."
"I suck at carving pumpkins," Noah admits. He pulls the remaining part of his pumpkin's eye out, revealing a crooked, uneven triangle. You look at it and grin, loving how imperfect it looks
"Love, it's freaking awesome! He's perfect!"
Noah's face lights, your words giving him confidence to continue his work. You watch how his long fingers work over the orange skin of his pumpkin, gripping the entire side of it as if it's nothing. It reminds you of how he grips your thigh when he's making love to you. The thought makes you clench your legs together. He notices how quiet you are.
"Everything alright over there?" Noah looks up at you, the familiar look of desire deep in his eyes.
Your lips curl into a small smile "Yeah, everything's fine."
Noah narrows his eyes, placing his cutting tool down and crawling over to you, knocking over the baby monitor in the process. He tackles you, gathering you up in a hot and heavy kiss that sends your head spinning.
"Noah," you giggle, as he attacks your neck and you push back against him.
"If you don't get off me I'm going to smear your pretty face with pumpkin guts," you squeal, pushing on his shoulders.
"What! I'm at an advantage here, Princess. You can't go anywhere."
"Noah!" you shriek the moment he tickles your side.
Levi's soft cry comes over the monitor, making both of you freeze.
"It's your fault," Noah playfully accuses you, tickling you again.
"Mine! You're tickling me," you giggle as his fingers dig into your side.
Levi's cry gets louder, making Noah huff a sigh. "I'll get him," he offers, kissing you hard one more time before jumping up.
"You finish your pumpkin." He flashes you his charming smile before rushing up the stairs to Levi's bedroom.
You work vigorously, cutting and carving, shaping your pumpkin into the image you have in your mind. Noah returns shortly with your little boy in his arms.
"There she is, little man," Noah says softly, handing him over to you.
One baby bottle and two carved pumpkins later, Noah sits the finished product out on your front porch, lighting the tea light candle. He takes a step back next to you, crossing his hands in front of him, staring at the two pumpkins.
"What?" You look up at him to find he's scowling.
"Mine's so crooked on the right side. It looks deformed."
"I told you it like it, though!"
"Yeah, but next to yours, it looks shitty."
You try to hide your smile at the way Noah is seriously pouting over carved pumpkins, reminding you of how much of a big kid he can still be despite being almost thirty.
"Okay, fine. Watch this."
You turn Noah's to right and yours to the left, hiding the imperfection from his view.
"Better?" throwing your hands on your hips.
Noah grins.
"Yup! Thanks, mom!" he chuckles, slipping his finger under your chin to raise your head, kissing you softly.
Jack, Sally, and their little pumpkin sit by the front door of their neighbors house, handing out treats to all the little people dressed up for the haunted holiday.
From witches to vampires to movies and TV show characters, you sit on Noah's right, left arm laced around his right while holding a sleeping little Levi, who quickly became the highlight of entertainment, in the crook of your arm. You were exhausted, laying your head on Noah's shoulder.
"Tired?" Noah asked, kissing the side of your head.
You nod, yawning.
"You wanna go home?"
You nod, again.
Noah drapes his arm around your thigh, softly rubbing the inside of it. Just his touch makes you shiver. The goosebumps do not go unnoticed by Noah.
"Are those little bumps from the cold, Princess, or from me?"
His warm breath on your ear makes your breath hitch just a little.
"You should know," you whisper, hearing a low grunt from him in response. The sound makes your center tighten, then release, forcing you to close your thighs around Noah's hand.
"Come on, Princess. Let's go home. Little man needs his bed and I want my birthday present."
Noah puts the candy bowl down, holding his hands out to you.
"Your birthday present?"
Noah pulls you up and into him, catching your lips with his. Instantly, you feel his need against you and the hunger in the way he's kissing you. You almost can't breathe. When you part, Noah blinks a few times as his chest rises and falls rapidly.
"Let's go," he says, his voice husky and low.
Noah's lips trail slowly down your neck, barely gracing your collar bone. You tilt your head slightly to the side giving him more access to one of his favorite spots. His hands slide up your thighs and up under your dress, drifting over the silk panties covering your bottom. He gives it a good squeeze while pushing you closer to him, bringing your hands to rest on his bare shoulders.
"I love you, he mumbles against your neck, voice low and soft.
"I know you do. I love you too."
Noah's lips find yours, kissing you until you can taste the longing coming from his parted lips. His tongue slides slowly and softly over yours, making you whimper. He lifts you and you cling to him as he effortlessly carries you over to the bed you share, laying you down gently. Standing over you, Noah smiles.
"You're the best gift ever, you know that?"
His hands begin pushing your dress up higher and higher.
"You and Levi, you're enough."
Noah climbs on the bed, straddling you, and sits you up to pull your dress up over your head, tossing it to the floor. Your red push-up bra has your breasts almost spilling out, making Noah's mouth water.
"Goddamn, aren't you a beautiful sight," he sighs, moving up, closer to you. He buries his face between your breasts for a moment, kissing and sucking the soft pale skin. Placing both your hands on the side of his head, feeling the way he moves as he kisses you, you run your hand through his dark, long locks, earning you a "fuck" and a deep growl. Pulling you up, he quickly unclasps your bra, letting you fall back into the softness of the mattress.
"I love your breasts, you know that?" Noah's words come in between kissing and licking. "They taste so fucking good."
He nips your nipple causing you to gasp loudly.
"Shit, Noah," you moan, wrapping your legs around his waist.
Moving down, Noah finds your belly, running his hand over the not so firm and tight skin. He smiles, planting soft kisses all over it. "This was my baby's home for nine months," he says softly, running his large, tattooed hand over it.
"I don't like my stomach. Even before having Levi," you confess honestly. Noah peers up at you through his dark brown eyes filled with a burning hunger.
"I love your stomach, Princess. I love that it's so soft and that I have something to hold on to when we're cuddling. Or fucking."
Noah chuckles at how wide your eyes get.
Moving down, he grazes your wet core with his breath on the way down to your thighs, causing your muscles to clench and then unclench.
"I love you thighs, too, and how they warm my cheeks as I'm going down on you."
Noah's comments pull a small laugh from you making him smile some more.
"But my favorite is when you're straddling my legs. I like getting to watch you cum."
Noah bites the inside of your thigh. You release a soft cry and try to sit up, but Noah holds you down with his strength.
"But this, this is my absolute favorite," running his nose over your silk covered folds.
"Fuck, Noah," you whine, grabbing his hair and pulling it a little. "It's your birthday. I should be giving you what you want."
The look Noah gives you is one of sincerity.
"Princess, you are giving me what I want. I want your body, I want your heart. I want your pussy. But you know what I really want the most?"
You shake your head, grinning.
Without taking his eyes off yours, Noah slips his fingers inside your panties and pulls them off.
"You're cum on my tongue."
Without another word, he falls to his knees on the bed and licks straight up between your folds. You suck in a large breath, unable to withstand the penetrating feeling coming from down below.
The way Noah moves his tongue over your clit, sucking and nipping it, has your mind reeling. With each plunge of his tongue inside you, that familiar magical pressure begins building. You can't hold back the moans and whimpers that spill from your lips as you continue to look down, watching Noah eat you like you're his own personal birthday cake. It's a huge turn-on. The more you watch him, the more the heat inside you builds, creating the deep urgent need to feel him inside you. But there isn't time. Before you realize it, your orgasm gushes over you, causing you to be louder than you probably should be as you cry out his name.
Noah doesn’t stop but continues to pull every bit of your orgasm out of you until you're at the point of giggles.
"Hearing you scream my name is the best birthday gift I could ask for. You're beautiful," Noah gushes, crawling over you and laying on top. You hold him close, running your hands over his back and up his neck, into his thick hair, feeling the weight of his body as he relaxes.
"Happy Birthday, my love. I'm so glad you were born."
Noah raises his head to look at you, and you see the tears he's holding back.
"It's okay, Noah. It's okay," you assure him, caressing the sides of his face, lifting your head to kiss him.
"I don't deserve you."
"Yes, you do, and more. "
Noah cocks his head, wondering how you see him the way you do.
"Now, I have one more small gift for you," you tell him, pushing him up and off you.
Grabbing his button-up dress shirt from his costume, you slip it over you, leaving the front open.
"You're like the best fucking eye porn I've ever seen, Princess."
Noah's admission has your cheeks burning red.
Sitting on the side of the bed, he stretches his long legs out, leaning back slightly on the heels of his hands. His dark eyes, aroused and heavy lidded, watching your every move.
"So, now what," he asks, pulling his bottom lip in between his teeth. The sight has your entrance soaked.
Now," you say, moving between his thighs and running your fingers through his hair. "I take care of you."
Noah closes his eyes and leans lovingly into your touch. It makes your heart race, the feeling of love you have for this man being the power source.
You fiddle with his belt, undoing the buckle while leaning down and kissing him, slowly but sweetly massaging his tongue with yours. Noah groans then growls the moment your fingers are inside his pants.
"Fuck me," he whispers under his shaking breath, staring intently as you lower yourself to your knees.
"That's the goal. Happy Birthday, Noah."
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yusa-lisaxyuta · 2 months
ok guys im sorry i just have some thots i must share about my lord and savior Jordan Li bc oh my GOD
the different genres of Jordan too mmnmsmsnsnhshshsmd
we have your average roommate!Jordan thats an absolute dick to u bc they want u so bad bro
always pissing u off on purpose with stupidly loud moans, PRAYING it pisses you off enough times after youve had to find refuge in marie or andre's dorms bc wtf
the way theyre so desperate it doesnt make sense anymore i swear
they literally have not even the slightest clue on how to show how much they fucking adore you so they decide to be a dick about it every chance they get because theyre more emotionally fucking constipated than katsuki bakugou himself BUT JORDAN CANT HELP IT!!!! THEY WANT U!!!! JUST U!! ONLY U!!! And they're tight asf when they cant have u!!!! LIKE WHY CANT THEY HAVE U!!!
soon they corner u and confess everything to u while just blindly raging bc they're sick and tired of this shit n at first ur js like "um what" bc you didnt realize at all and thought they hated u
and they say it so condescendingly too??? on some "Stupid fucking freshie, your fuckin' scent is all over my shit. Shit drives me wild, you know what you fuckin do to me? I dont think so. Of fucking course you dont." LIKE AAA???? But in REALITY they're praising EVERYYYYY little thinggggggg. DOWN TO UR SHITTY HANDWRITING WHEN YOU JOT THINGS DOWN?! Fucking perfect to them. But it gets them so mad, they're used to getting what they want. And they dont know how to handle it when they cant-
you genuinely arent prepared for the type of down bad desperate needy sex you two have your first time together oh my GOD you dont understand
"Mine- fuckin' waited way too long, and fought too hard for this pretty pussy- pussy's mine, heart's mine- shit- can feel the heart in the pussy, mama- fuck-!"
oh no but then we have Mafia!Jordan???? UM HELLO???
(cw/tw: guns used during sex [im sorry something in my head goes wonky with jordan and guns in the same vicinity])
no because the dirty talk would be on POINT oh em gee think about it
"Cmon princess- don't fuckin' run. I'll make you regret it- cmon, baby. Take this fuckin' dick- fuckin love this princess cunt."
bros makes my ovaries do backflips i swear
AND THE WAY THAT THEY SPOIL YOU?!!?!?! Now see EVERY JORDAN finna apoil tf outta you BUT MAFIA JORDAN OH GOOD GAY GOLLY GUYS. OHHHH GOLLY. The way they're such a fuckin jerk and so cold to everyone else but they make sure you ALWAYS feel like their precious little princess AUUUUGGGHHHH
"I swear, ask me for the price of that shit one more time- just fuckin' get it. Ok? Last fuckin' time i say it. Now let's go, you said you wanted to stop at Prada, right?"
this person would watch you take hours to pick out cute outfits, blow a couple racks on that shit, and watch you skip to the next store happily knowing DAMN well they have every intention to ruin that outfit.....also with the intention of buying you a better one, of course.
BACK TO THE GUNS IM SORRY BUT HEAR ME OUT- someone getting too close to u for their liking and touching you with the cold metal as punishment <3333 i mean they know you only have eyes for them but where's the fun in that, yk?
"Im guessing you like this, huh? Like when others give you attention so i can get like this, baby? If you wanted this you just had to ask... but, 'm mad now.. 'n you're gonna take everything i give you."
gahshshgshagdhsg sorry guys the demons took over im still waiting for s2 of genv 🙏 pls i need more jordan 🙏 🙏 🙏
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hellaarknight · 2 months
Chuuya drabble ahead.
Someone thought it was a good idea to eat my last ice cream. I'm beyond pissed and ready for revenge. Mention of NSFW content towards the end. Enjoy!
- I love you.
- Ok, and?
Chuuya groaned exasperated. He knew he fucked up and you got mad, but giving him the cold shoulder and not responding back to his desperate confession was beyond evil.
- Baby, doll face c'mon... I apologized, I promised I'll buy you another one, stop being so fucking stubborn.
- Ohhhh, so now I'm also stubborn. Good choice of words Chuuya. Desperate, pitiful and now stubborn.
You just puffed your chest, pretending to be offended. He couldn't get away with it this time.
- My loooove, please, for the love of anything holy, stop acting so childish!
You raised an eyebrow and looked him dead in the eyes. He gulped, sighed then spoke again.
- Ok, maybe this wasn't the smartest choice of words. Look doll, I promise I'll make it up to you. In any way you'd like. Please, just please, stop this madness of being cold and petty towards me, is driving me insane.
The pitiful one was Chuuya right now. If someone saw him right now they couldn't have said that he was a Port Mafia executive. And honestly, it was a delight for you to see the prideful, stubborn motherfucker of your boyfriend beg you for forgiveness for eating your favorite last ice cream. And it's not like he didn't have any other alternative, the fucking freezer was full of every type of ice cream, minus your favorite. Also, you wouldn't make such a big deal out of it... but you asked him nicely, then also sent him a message throughout the day to not touch your damned ice cream because you had an awful day and your period had to start... You were just a mess emotionally and needed your emotionally support food. That's all.
- Everything, everything?
- Yes, I'll do everything and anything you'll ask me to.
You grined.
- You'll call Mori and ask for a week off. And you'll spend it with me. No interruptions. No work. No fucking paperwork. No quickies, but finally a good fucking passionate sex session. And you'll buy me all the ice cream I want, you will not touch or eat any drop of it...
Chuuya blinked slowly, registering what you just told him.
- what... I can't take a week off for that Sugar, I mean we can't do it in the weekend. Honestly that sounds more like a reward than a punishment.
- Naha. Week off, or I'm going to be a petty bitch for a fucking month. Your choice, Sweetheart.
- Love, baby, you know it's not that easy to ask Mori for...
- I don't care. Your actions have consequences so deal with it.
Chuuya passed a frustrated hand through his ginger hair. He wanted a break from work too and spending all that time with you was just what he craved. And maybe you were right, your bedroom sessions weren't the most romantic or affectionate ones, he did kinda neglect you. Fuck, he could see the extra work already pilling up... But then, he couldn't resist you.
- Fine. I'll call Mori First thing in the morning. Now, are you happy?
He smiled, also content with his choice. He deserved a good break.
- Maybe yes, maybe not. Who knows. We will find out after your trip to the supermarket, when you bring me back my goods.
- Of course it couldn't be that easy... Yes, everything for you, I'll get going.
Anything else?
- Did I mention that I plan to eat the ice cream out of your body? While you're all tied up? And you will not be able to touch me? All week?
Chuuya choked on his saliva and his eyes widened in shock. The smirk on your face was telling him that you were more than serious.
- What!? Ain't no fucking way I'll do that doll face.
- Oh, but of course you will. If you fuck around you find out Chuu, baby. Next time you plan to try to get a reaction out of me by eating my last piece of delicious ice cream, maybe you'll think twice about it. Because ain't no fucking way that I'm not capable of doing even worse than this. Right, sweetheart, you know how much I do love you?
A shiver went down Chuuya's spine. You would make one hell of a Mafia member with this attitude. He made a mental note to never mess with your food again when you're in your premenstrual period. To hell with it, never mess with your food or try to prank you again.
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in-som-niyah · 10 months
Hiii<3 not sure if you right sub!Jason todd but if you do could we get some headcanons?
If not could we get some breeding kink jason content 👀👀
tee hee yes u can anon im feralll for him coming home all tired but horny and letting reader take control.....
Sub!Jason Todd would include:
He's just itching to touch you, regardless if he's dom or sub his hands just need to be roaming the expanse of your body. However, if when he's subbing you restrain him, prepare yourself for him to whine. Yea I said it, Big Bad Jason Todd whines when he can't touch you while he's balls deep in you. He'll say things like
"ugh- please? I'll be- fuck- i'll be good" "Please baby I- shit- I need you...you're so f-far away "Ohhhh fuck let me touch you, I wanna touch you p-please?"
Contrary to popular belief, he gets shy when he's not in control. He keeps in his whimpers (unless he's about to come) and sparingly releases his moans. he's a little embarrassed honestly, subbing doesn't quite fit his brand. That is until you encourage him to be louder/are loud yourself and all of a sudden his "yesyesyes" and "ohh fuck you feel s-so good" are slipping out and he's all over the place, moans mixed with whimpers and whines, pleading at nothing yet everything at the same time.
Side note: you can't help but think about how pretty he is, sprawled out under you, sweat beading down his forehead and toned abs, cheeks flushed and head thrown back in pleasure...
Very self-conscious, but not in the way you think. He's confident and comfortable in his masculinity so him being a sub in that respect is not a problem. It's the fact that you're the only person who gets to see him as vulnerable as he is and it both makes him fond of you and a little scared. Underneath the mask and metal, he wants to protect the abandoned little boy inside, so him being subby with you is more than him relinquishing control during sex. His ability to be vulneraBle with you ultimately brings you both closer together.
Anyways, he would be eager and wide eyed, tracking your every move. He's always up to make you feel good, but he needs a little reminding that this is his turn to shut up and sit pretty. He's into restraints (not before making sure he could break out of them first) but makes sure theyre safety involved if he changes his mind.
He'll tell you to go slow at first, be it stroking him, taking him down your throat or sheathing him inside you, but that request doesn't last long. He's begging for more with phrases like:
"ohhhh right there yes fuck- right there for me baby" "m-more shit- more i n-need more please" "oh yea j-just like that fuck- I love you"
OVERSTIMULATION. no more needs to be said.
His pleas get breathy and desperate, broken and incoherent. So many
"I-I can't take it! please~" "g-gonna cum shit- please let me cum" "n-no please, I fuck- I can't hold it anymore g-gonna"
Aftercare is so stressful though, after all his (many, many) orgasms, he wants to take care of you. You literlly have to physically hold him down as you wipe at his hot and sticky skin, plead with him to let you get him a glass of water, beg him to stop holding you and take a hot shower you prepared for him. Even when he subs, he never stops taking care of you.
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cadotoast · 3 months
In regard to your post (this), I humbly propose:
John Price x Reader, Soulmate AU of sort, fluffy but toxic.
John is no way in hell anything but an emotionally unavailable gentleman that makes his FWB love him. (IMO)
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Ohhhh I like this prompt
Here you go! I hope it's good 😅
Civilian Female Reader x Emotionally Unavailable Soulmate Price.
Content warnings: toxic Price, allusions to sex but no actual smut, allusions to potential murder, slightly manipulative price
But Your Heart Got Teeth
The knock on your door is simultaneously expected and startling. You've been expecting this particular visitor since he'd signed the lease you'd emailed him a few days ago: John Price, a Captain in the SAS, and your new roommate.
"The door is open! Come on in!" You look around your living room one last time, the monochrome view mocking you for the barest of seconds before you turn towards the front door.
It swings open, and for the barest of seconds, you catch a glimpse of a mountain of a man, broad shoulders, well-groomed facial hair, and wearing a startled expression, before your world bursts into color.
"Hang on, hang on, hang on." Miriam waves her hands erratically in front of herself, stopping your rant. "Your hunk of a new roomie is your soulmate?"
You sigh into your cappuccino, the light brown color mesmerizing you.
"It was like some stupid romcom," you admit with a sigh. "Our eyes locked, he's standing in the doorway like some kind of Greek god, and then I have the most disorienting experience of my life."
"Did you pass out? I've heard some people pass out." Miriam stage-whispers to you across the cafe table.
While the burst of color has certainly been trippy to say the least, you and John had both gathered yourselves enough to shake hands, and you had assisted John in bringing his boxes in before you'd locked yourself into your bedroom and texted your best friend immediately.
Since then, you've googled a color chart, which before had been various shades of a color called "grey", and have been adjusting to such a vibrant world.
"No, I didn't pass out..." Your voice trails off. "but this whole 'soulmate thing' seems a bit anticlimactic."
Miriam chuckles at your use of air-quotes, stirring her tea. "Just because the universe has tied you two together by your souls doesn't mean you don't have to get to know the guy first." Her smirk grins. "What, did you expect him to drop everything and ravage you over the nearest surface?"
Your cheeks and ears warm with a blush. With a muttered "no, fuck you", you drain your cup and get to your feet to return it to the barista. Miriam is watching you like a hawk, and the minute your butt touches the soft green cushion of your chair, she pounces on you.
"Where's he from? What does he do? Does he have a girlfriend? What color are his eyes? Is he packing?"
Her enthusiasm is drawing some looks, and you rush to appease and quiet her shrill excitement.
"I don't know, he's military, I don't know, blue, and wouldn't you like to know?" You rattle off the answers to her rapid fire questions. "And why would the color matter to you? You can't tell the difference!"
"It matters to you, and therefore it matters to me." She reaches forward, her warm hand settling on your forearm. "So, how are you gonna jump his bones?"
Life with John as a roommate is... interesting. He sets up an auto draft to you each month for rent and his half of the utilities, even though he isn't at the place 80% of the time. You barely have time to learn that he was an only child, and to find a new brand of tea in your pantry, before he is shipped off for something work-based, and you're once again alone.
A week later, he is sneaking into the apartment at three in the morning, while you're having a midnight snack of cheesecake. Needless to say, you were both surprised to see each other.
A knocking on your bedroom door stirs you from sleep. Blearily, you roll over, glancing at the clock. 8 AM.
"Sorry to wake you," John's voice is muffled through the door. "But I was going to make breakfast. How do you like your eggs?"
You pause for a minute while your brain processes the information. "Um... Over easy, please." You rub your hands over your face tiredly. "Thank you, John."
"o'course." And then his heavy steps are recording once more.
When you exit your bedroom, clad in a long band T-shirt and leggings, you're greeted with the smell of bacon, eggs, and toast.
"Tea or coffee?" John looks over his shoulder to glance at you.
"Tea, preferably." For the first time, John cracks a smile at you, and you can't help but chuckle, walking around him to get to the electric kettle. "Though on occasion a coffee is nice."
John is wearing some comfortable-looking sweatpants and a worn T-shirt, similar to yours. The same band, actually, just a different tour.
The conversation between the two of you gets easier, less stilted and awkward. The two of you grow close over the following months. Perhaps too close. The first time you wake up in his bed, you know something has shifted.
"I'm not ready for a relationship." You tell him that afternoon. "Whatever is between us... I'm not ready for a boyfriend."
"Of course, love, whatever you want."
That should have been your sign.
You see other people. Or try to, anyways. They always fall through. So far, four dates in a row have bailed on you last minute, and you're starting to lose hope.
John always seemed to be home on the nights those dates fell through. Always there to pull you into his lap, listen to your tearful sniffles that another date has fallen through, and you're starting to question your worth.
He hugs you close to his chest and lets you bury your face, your makeup streaming down your cheeks. He lets you blubber and sob, silent as he strokes your hair and back. Once your tears have stopped, he scoops you into his arms and cuddles you, large hands rubbing in soothing circles.
Little do you know, the same man who is scooping you up into his arms to take you to bed is the same man who has stalked your last five date prospects and warned them away. The same man who lays you out on his bed and worships your body is the one who released Ghost, Gaz, and Soap on some poor sod in town who looked at you the wrong way.
And when you're cuddled in his arms, sweaty from your copious lovemaking, he whispers something in your ear. And when you don't pull away, but instead snuggle closer, he knows that he's won.
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oskidontle · 3 months
holy heifer I have so many questions about your hungry smilers au, I love it so much. Do some of the properties or effects last even after the hunt is over (like how Alan gets back/neck pains)? Do the others know of Pim’s mild resistance to The Hunger? When in the hunt are they aiming to eat or just kill the victim? What about the boss? Is he aware of what’s going on? Is it affecting him? Is he ever curious as to why the smiling friends are acting different or does he ignore it? You said Pim is fully aware of what goes down but what about the others? Is it more awareness for some of them and less for others? How do Pim’s claws work? Ohhhh there is just so much to ponder about with your au it’s soooo goooood
OG AU Post for those confused
I'm glad you're enjoying my lil AU so far! You got a lotta questions and I got a lot of answers let's go!
The hunger is a stubborn and impulsive state. It tends to "leak" out when not on a hunt. Particularly if they've gone without eating for awhile. If hungry it can be difficult to keep from showing signs that something is amiss. Subtle stuff out first: twitchiness, trouble focusing, mood swings... But as time goes on it becomes harder to hide: Constant smiling, extreme impulsivity(lashing out), urges to eat being nearly impossible to resist. If they can't keep it together enough to do their job without being noticed they usually stay back at the office while one of the others takes their place for that hunt.
If they are fed though they remain in proper control of themselves but cannot control of they change forms or not. Little bits of their other forms are still a constant though.
Allan, as stated goes through a lot of neck and back pain, his proportions are never quite right. It's very subtle but his neck still stretches instinctively.
Charlie gets pounding headaches and his tounge is still two. If he coughs hard enough he could accidentally spit a couple drops of acid.
Glep still has small fangs when he opens his mouth.
Pim usually gets sore all throughout his chest and back. A physical giveaway is the permanent black splotches that line his back from below the neck to the base of the spine.
Yes they are aware. It almost costs them hunts sometimes. The only reason he can even begin to fight it is because he starves himself of flesh often and it has trained him to resist The Hunger. Granted it's not much but that moment of resistance he can give could mean life or death for the victim.
When on a hunt the overall goal is to feed. Depending on how ravenous The Hunger is that day, they'll eat till satisfied and that's when they regain control or they will be able to regain control long enough to bring the body back for the whole office to share.
Ohohoho see I've thought long and hard about this since the beginning. Excuse me being a little cryptic up ahead here because I think leaving things up for others to theorize is fun.
What I WILL reveal is Mr.Boss knows more than he lets on. In fact he is the reason The Hunger is such a thing. He's not afflicted by it himself but he has his own motives for causing it. As I told one of my friends before metaphorically Mr.Boss is playing chess and the Smiling Friends are just his pawns in a bigger picture.
Now I'll add to the answer with more questions for you to think about. Why have they never been caught by authorities nor even questioned when the killings so clearly all link to the Smiling Friends company. Why does the media never seem to report on these killings? Why are there never any police records kept accurate? (Files mislabeled as perpetrator unknown or missing persons)
Pim has a slightly higher level of awareness as the others. What makes him notable the fact he can use that awareness to, like previously stated, hesitate against The Hungers will somewhat. Either way to all of them it's like looking through foggy glass mentally. It can be a bit hard for them to tell what's going on and they have to make an active effort to clear the brain fog. Sometimes it's easier to let the mental fog do it's thing though, at least they won't have to think about the life they just took.
Pims extra limbs form from a thick substance that oozes out of patches on his back. This substance shapes itself and rematerializes to match his true arms as much as possible. This is highly imperfect though. As you've probably noticed, the extra arms all bend in unusual ways. Too many joints, imperfect joints.
Because of the substance they were made out of they can stretch or rematerialize partially on the fingers. This is the premise for his claws. All that needs to happen is some reorganizing on a molecular level and suddenly those claws are harder than and sharper than a razor. The claws can rematerialize back into normal looking hands as well depending on the nessisary situation. It is of note though his true limbs cannot do any of that.
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shock · 5 months
I walked into the print shop we're going through for my collages to drop off the last batch and our conversation went:
Me: Hi I think [x] called earlier to let you know I was coming to drop these off!
Guy 1: yep, I'll take those, here's the ones we've finished so far, I'm not happy with them (starts pointing out the little imperfections, apparently they had set up the lamination to try to do all the EDGES PERFECTLY???)
Me, blown away: no no that's fine, the only thing I'd care about is if they got ripped, it's okay that they're not 100% sealed I just wanted them laminated so I wasn't worried about the text falling off
Guy 1: ohhhh, okay! So are you the head of this project?
Me: [thinking he means the grant] oh no haha I'm just the guy that makes these
Guy 1: Wait, you made all of these?
Me: yeah!
Guy 2, coming in hot: like ALL of them?
Me: yeah!
Guy 1: oh man, that's a lot of cutting
Me: haha yeah it's my craft!
Guy 2: you're a maniac, these are so cool. We've been looking through them and, wow, yeah, that's a lot of work
Me: well if you want to come see them my gallery opening is (time date)! They're gonna hang from the ceiling!
Both of them, realizing why they are the way they are: ohhhhh
Me: but yes that's pretty much all I need them laminated for, so I can put hooks on the back without actually cutting into them. Can I take these finished ones or
Guy 1: [hands me some of them]
Me: thank you thank you these look so good. I've been telling everyone dropping them off makes me feel like I'm dropping off my kid at daycare for the first time
Laughter + Guy 2 as im leaving: I just can't believe it. Wow. That's so much cutting
The vibes were so awesome i love how much they cared. And its soooo charming that theyre just sitting there looking at all of these and they thought it must have been done by some TEAM.😭😭😭😭 I just love cutting paper. If I don't I'll kill people.
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stolenslumber · 1 year
[8:30pm] (sjy)
PAIRING: sim jaeyun x gender neutral reader GENRE: established relationship, pure and simple fluff WARNINGS: kissing, suggestive content WORD COUNT: ~800
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Jungwon opens the door with a toothbrush sticking out of his mouth, mumbling some approximation of "He's in his room" around it.
You throw him a thumbs-up and slip down the hallway to Jake's room, trying your best not to disturb any of the sleeping boys knocked out on various surfaces in the dorm. When you enter Jake's room, the air conditioning is on at full blast, making you shiver in your thin top.
The room is dark save for the glow-in-the-dark stars you had spent an afternoon sticking on the ceiling together, so it takes a second for your eyes to adjust and make out the shape of your boyfriend curled up in bed, cocooned in a black hoodie and the quilt your mom had made for him last year. Jake sleeps with one arm underneath his head, the other curved around some invisible cavity. You have to suppress the urge to coo at the sight— even in slumber, he makes space for you.
Jet lag has clearly hit him hard, and even though you had been ready to order delivery and watch a movie with him, just looking at him makes you want to sleep, too. Decision made, you waste no time in slotting yourself into the space he left for you and carefully rearranging the quilt so that it covers you both.
Jake grunts but shifts automatically to accommodate you, mumbling something incomprehensible. You pat the arm now laying over your waist soothingly, and soon his breathing evens back out, asleep once more. You're quick to follow, lulled by the rhythmic whooshing of the air conditioning and the steady pulse in his wrist against your fingertips.
When Jake wakes up some indeterminable amount of time later, the first thing he notices is the numbness of his arm, pinned underneath his head when he'd accidentally fallen asleep waiting for you to arrive. The next thing he notices is warm skin underneath his palm, from where his hand had slipped under your top while you were both asleep.
He's so, so happy to see you, though he feels bad about falling asleep before you even got here. The past few weeks have been exhausting and anxiety-ridden, and the sight of you feels like a balm to his soul.
He's smiling dopily at the back of your neck, so he doesn't notice when you wake up, and then he's startled when you twist in his hold to face him, greeting him with a slightly hoarse, "Hi, baby."
"Hey," he whispers back, leaning towards you slightly to plant a kiss on your forehead. Still half-asleep, his mouth runs sweet nonsense without really thinking about it. "I thought I dreamed of you coming in, but you're really here."
You release a laugh in the form of a puff of air and tug on the strings of his hoodie to keep him close to you. "Of course I'm really here; where else would I be?"
His response is automatic. "In my dreams, angel."
You snort and push against his chest a little. "Sick line, dude, how often does that work for you?"
He whines and brings you back even closer, nudging his nose into your neck and nipping at your pulse point, just because he likes the way it makes you gasp and squirm in his arms. "Seems to be working pretty well for me right now, don't you think?"
"Yeah, yeah, I get it, you've got the rizz, or whatever." You try to match his playful tone, but the hitch in your breath when his mouth starts wandering across your collarbones gives you away.
He's stopped by his own yawn, though, and then he's smiling apologetically at you. "Sorry I fell asleep, by the way. You wanna watch that movie now, or— ohhhh." Interrupted by his own yawn, again.
You do coo this time, enamored by the way his eyes blink half-open and his hair falls messily across his forehead. "Nah, we can always do that another time. I know you're going to be hungry later, though, so I scheduled the delivery to come in an hour. Go back to sleep, yeah? I'll wake you when it's here."
He beams at you in delight. "You're perfect, and I love you."
"'Cause I got you pizza? You're kinda easy, you know." You pat his cheek gently, your actions contrasting your teasing words.
He giggles, and then he turns his head to kiss the palm of your hand. "Only for you."
You hum softly, reaching up to run your fingers through his sleep-mussed hair. "Love you, too. Sweet dreams, Jaeyun."
He nods against your hand and leaves one last kiss on the tip of your nose before closing his eyes. "See you there, darling."
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sea-owl · 10 months
Ohhhh if you’re taking writing prompts how about enemy chefs to lovers Polin?
Before I get into this, let me clarify that I am of the belief that if they don't try to kill each other at least once, then it's not enemies to lovers. Now that that's out of the way, this gives me an idea. Also partly inspired by @thekatebridgerton post of the siblings being embodiments of the 7 (8) deadly sins.
Penelope grew up in a family where every generation, one child would be born to be eaten by the gluttonoust demon whose domain bordered her family's ancestral lands. Well technically they were raised to be the one who cooks for the demon but when it always ends with them being devoured instead it doesn't really matter does it?
Typically, this role should have been taken on by the second born, Penelope's older sister Philippa, but instead, Penelope's mother had convinced her father to make Penelope the sacrifice instead.
"You're smarter than your sisters," Portia had told her the night it was announced. "Clever. If any of you have a chance of killing the demon it is you Penelope."
From that point on, Penelope learned how to make different dishes from things like mince pies, biscuits, and her personal favorite eclairs. She knows how to prep all different kinds of meat from farm raised animals to game to fish. She knows which fruits are ripe and which still need time. Portia made sure Penelope knew how to use a knife and which plants mixed well for flavor and which would end a life if mixed together.
"Remember, Gluttony will always want to consume more," Portia would remind her daughter. "There is no such thing as never enough."
Finally, on the day of her 18th birthday, the day came where Penelope would present her first meal to the demon. She decided to go with a fish covered in a basil and lemon cream sauce. Some roasted potatoes and vegetables. A loaf of dark bread, wine, and mixed berry eclairs for dessert.
All that was left was to bring it to the forest and pray he eats it instead of her. Carefully, she packed everything into a basket. She had to be at there by sunrise after all.
"Pen wait!" Penelope's youngest sister, Felicity, called out. The eleven year old ran down the stairs with a package in her arms.
"Litty!" Penelope exclaimed. "What are you doing awake? The sun has yet to rise."
"I wanted to give you your birthday present," Felicity said, holding up the package.
Penelope set her stuff down and carefully opened the gift. Inside was a beautiful set of kitchen knives. Every single one sharp and ready for use. "Oh Litty."
Felicity hugged her sister. "The blacksmith promised me they are extra sharp. So maybe, maybe you can come home soon."
Penelope hugged her sister tighter. Even if she could get rid of the demon it wasn't guaranteed she live too.
"I'll try," Penelope promised.
That seemed to be good enough for the eleven year old as she gave Penelope one last hug before waving her off.
In the forest, where Penelope was to meet her new master sat a table directly over the border between her family's lands and the demons. It is where her relatives in the past have presented their first and often times last meal to the demon of Gluttony.
It is where Penelope sets up the meal as the first rays of light spill across the land behind her. It is also where Penelope sees her new master for the first time.
Gluttony honestly looks like any other man Penelope has seen, a rather handsome one, but still a man. Penelope would put him at around 6 feet with dark chestnut hair and green eyes. His beauty, though, screamed dangerous to Penelope. Like a poisonous snake whose pretty colors serve as a warning to the venom they carry.
Now that snake sat across from Penelope at the table.
"Ah are you my new mortal?" Gluttony asked.
Penelope bowed her head. "Penelope Featherington, my lord."
The demon picked up the fork Penelope placed and dug in. He let out a moan tasting the food. "Delicious, and thank you for not poisoning it like some of your other relatives."
Well that's one plan Penelope shouldn't rely on.
Gluttony bit into the eclair. "Are you not eating?"
Penelope shook her head. This had to be some sort of test, right? Gluttony doesn't share. "No, my lord, I know sharing food isn't something you do."
Gluttony's eyes lit up. "I don't share huh?"
Penelope found herself on her back, staring up into green eyes. A piece of the eclair was being pressed into her lips. The same piece that Gluttony held in his own lips.
What is he doing? Gluttony always wants more so what is he getting more of out of this?!
Penelope found herself frozen on the grass. She tries to command her hand to reach for anything that can help her. She can't breathe. She opens her mouth to take a deep breath, but that only entices Gluttony to push the eclair further in.
Penelope felt her hand brush against her basket. Somehow, she reaches inside and grabs the handle of one of Felicity's gifts. Her grip firmly secured Penelope plunges the knife into the demon's side.
Gluttony, still on top of Penelope looks down at his side.
Oh shit. Well, she's definitely getting eaten.
"Lord Gluttony I-"
Penelope is cut off by the demon's chuckle.
"Gluttony is my sister," the demon said, looking back down at Penelope. Without even flinching he pulled out the knife. "I'm Wrath."
Penelope's eyes widen. "But the food-"
The demon Wrath only smirked. "I'm a growing boy, and you mortals have such delicious food."
Colin grinned down at the little mortal underneath him. Oh, she had no idea of the courting ritual she just initiated by stabbing him. He's going to have fun playing with her.
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Can I get some kinda Eden Fluff when it's period time? I'm having particularly shitty pre- cramps that are dropping me into a fetal position pretty quickly.
He's lost. Well and truly, lost. When you've spent most of your life living alone, and have never had a uterus or any of those parts associated with it, periods and how to handle them are alien.
His books are no help, it wasn't exactly a proper topic of discussion back when they were written, most mentions of it being something like "But alas, she was not with child as she had wished, for her bleeding time came as it always did."
So, when his darling spouse can barely get out of bed and is walking around hunched up like an arthritic 90 year old, his first (horrified) thought is food poisoning.
"Here, some bread." He offers it to you as you curl up on the bed once more after returning from the outhouse. "It helps."
You only look confused as you take it and nipple on the slice. "Bread? Really? I heard ginger helps, and a hot water bottle. Even orgasms. Never heard bread, though."
"... how are orgasms meant to help with food poisoning?"
Eden feels like a fool when you burst out laughing, clutching your tummy harder and letting out little "Ow,"s in between breaths.
"It's not food poisoning," you finally get out on a shaky breath, "it's period cramps."
Ohhhh. Yeah, he still doesn't understand.
"You get cramps when you have a period?"
"Well, yeah. Cause the uterus contracts and squeezes the blood out like a sponge."
He almost shivers at that. The thought of an organ just hurting when you've done nothing to the damn thing seems cruel.
"Do we have any painkillers?"
With a nod, Eden fetches his box of medicine he'd grabbed from the pharmacy. There's paracetamol, ibuprofen, codeine Bailey gave him cause the damn hospital in town requires a prescription. He lets you have your pick of which as he fetches some water to wash it down with.
"How long do they last?"
"Depends. Can be just at the start, can last a few days into it. Sometimes they get really bad and they're all the way through. And don't get me started on the lower back pain, either."
It can come with back pain? The animals in heat he sees don't seem to be in pain when they bleed. Why the hell do humans get pain?
"Oh, and sometimes you can get headaches too."
"I'm glad I don't have periods."
"You think this is bad, imagine giving birth."
Yeah, no. He's fine right now. He wants kids, sure, but thinking about labour sends his head reeling.
"Did they not teach you about this stuff in science class?" You reach for his hand and place it under your shirt, holding it to your tummy. "You're staying here by the way, no work today. Your hands are warm and it helps."
Eden almost protests before he remembers the food stores are stocked and there's enough firewood for the rest of the week.
"Like I said, I wasn't very good in school. Probably slept through that lesson." He climbs back into bed behind you, spooning you and keeping his apparently warm hands pressed to your stomach.
"... you said orgasms help?"
"Later," you giggle, "when it hurts a bit less. Right now I feel like I'll throw up on you if you jostle me around too much."
"So does the blood like... just drip down your leg? Like a wolf?"
"No, I bought pads, they're in my drawer. Might need to pick some more up, though."
He isn't quite sure he knows what a pad is.
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