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hellaarknight ¡ 7 months ago
Imagine being held on Chuuya's lap while he's kissing your neck and playing with your boobs, all while Dazai is eating you out and playing with your pussy. Then they take turns eating you out. Dazai being all mean about it and cocky „Oh Bella, look what a mess I've done of you. Suck a slut for my mouth, aren't you?” And then there's Chuuya who's sweet and attentive, caressing your hips while lapping at your oversensitive clit „C'mon baby, just one more, give me one more orgasm, you can do it. You're such a good fuckin' girl f' me”. And you can't even complain because your brain is in such a mush state after all the orgasms they coaxed out of you. You can barely keep your eyes open after the last one. Now both men go into aftercare mode, cleaning you up, rubbing your back, and squishing you in between them, making you fall asleep. You're far in the dreams land to hear how the two of them verbally fight about who made you cum more, more intensely, and made you scream the loudest. And obviously, because they can't settle it, they just decide to do it again tomorrow.
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lodgeveronicas-blog ¡ 7 years ago
👕 waurel
     philadelphia could be a quite chilly town -- there was no surprise in that. there was also no surprise in how late they were staying at annalise’s place that night, empty cups of coffee pilled all over the desks surrounded with papers from their newest case. however, eventually, they all needed rest -- especially laurel, who had barely gotten any sleep since the fire. rubbing blue eyes, the brunette let out a frustrated sigh before putting away the folder she had been staring at for the past hours. “well, everybody, i don’t know about you but i am going to get some well-deserved sleep because i am making no progress with this. see you tomorrow?” she announced, the cup of coffee placed between her lips as she took one final sip. michaela, connor and asher mumbled something that sounded like good night and laurel found herself shaking her head -- they were all exhausted. working for annalise killed them. but at least they had stopped killing people and were just destroying their own lives -- one step at a time.
     wes, however, got up the same moment she did -- relief washing over her. laurel couldn’t quite find the words to explain how glad she was they finally put all the drama behind them -- they were happy, wes wasn’t a murder suspect anymore and everything was going to be okay. walking towards him, the brunette smiled up to him as her arms wrapped around his waist. “do you wanna come to my place? we can order chinese takeout”, she whispered. once he nodded in agreement, she placed her hand on his and dragged him out the door -- the sooner they were out of there, the less likely it was for them to be dragged back into reading case files. as soon as she was outside, however, laurel remembered she had forgotten her jacket inside. wrapping her arms around herself, the brunette chuckled softly. “should i go back inside or just run really fast to the car?” she asked. 
     before she knew it, wes was taking off his jacket. “wes, come on. it’s just a short walk. i am not going to freeze to death for not having a jacket on for five seconds”, she whispered, once again coming closer to him. “i am going to be fine, i promise. but i am pretty sure i can handle colds better than you so you should definitely keep it on”, laurel added before kissing him softly. “i do appreciate it though.”
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shookwrites ¡ 8 years ago
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     you’re in love with him, and he’s in love with you, and it’s like a goddamn tragedy, because you look at him and see the stars, and he looks at you and sees the sun. and you both think the other is just looking at the ground. // happy birthday, fefe ( @hallfhearted / @hellawrites )
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culebrawrites-blog ¡ 8 years ago
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she tells him “i don’t love you” and she believes it. but then she sees him with another and she whispers to herself “i DO love you.”
happy birthday holly ( @hellawrites / @hallfhearted ) ! i already got super sappy on skype at 4 a.m. and idk how much more sap i can squeeze out. but i love you so much and i hope your birthday has been amazing. you’re a gift tbh ://
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jennowrites-blog ¡ 8 years ago
"You could have died!” noelena
   maybe it was the alcohol still working it’s way through her system or maybe it was the adrenaline rush she had gotten by standing on the ledge of the building that was clouding her judgement & her ability to care. either way, all elena could do was laugh – more like giggle – at how worried he looked.
shaking herself loose from noel’s grasp, the brunette backed away from him. there was a smile on her lips, one that was all too playful for this situation. if she were in her right mind, elena would’ve been touched by how he seemed to still care about her. mind muddled with alcohol & the pain of their breakup won that battle.
     ‘ i wasn’t going to jump, noel! if you wouldn’t have rushed at me, you would’ve seen that i was just about to get down. i just wanted to see the town from up here. it’s beautiful. ‘
playfully, elena pushed on his chest. another giggle passing through her lips as doe eyes looked up at him. there was something in the back of her mind telling her that she shouldn’t be acting like this – that what she had just done was extremely dangerous, especially while being drunk. even as she felt the adrenaline begin to die down, she pushed away the capability to care.
     ‘ i didn’t realize you cared so much about what i do. ‘
her chestnut eyes flashed as she took a step closer to him. maybe teasing him would bring that rush back. pushing noel to a place to test him. to annoy him. to make him stop looking so serious so that voice in the back of her mind would shut up & just let her have her fun. elena didn’t want to feel anything when it came to noel anymore. & the more he looked at her with worry etched into his features, the more she realized how dumb she was.
( @hellawrites ) | meme 
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dear-indies ¡ 7 years ago
Who are some of your favourite RPH-esque blogs? I need some more to follow that have good resources
✨ @kcrph @octomoosey @olivaraofrph @indigenousrph @steinfeldofrph @resourcemakers @tinasresources @themuslimrpc @astraeawrites @victnam @thelovelyicons @astraeawrites @slicknicwrites @cassiemanips @pocrpc @psychictwinsrph @kbunburyhelps  @consultthemuses @orneryrps @dulcerps @notcisrpc @transrph @mapleofrph @pocresourcing @sonamhelps @parrillaofrph @lisbugrph @drakegraham @jaehelps @sharkrph @evansyhelp @lavellofrp @completeresources @peachresources @yeahps @dekaythepunk @sorasrph @broadwayfaceshq @filipino-rph @obamarps @hellawrites @rosequartzwrites @hoetiquette @cupidrph @blossom-resources @wtfkrishna @batmanrph @juliaroleplays @casshelps @blueshelp ✨
In no particular order. Some of these make amazing original content and others are always reblogging amazing content so make sure to check these all out! Under a read more because I’ve probably missed a few people out fgfdgfdgdfgdf but then I can go back to add them. -C
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katedisonsmoved ¡ 7 years ago
hellawrites >> katedisons
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hellaarknight ¡ 5 months ago
Spacing out
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Genre : fluff. Warnings: swearing
"What about this one?"
"What about him?"
"Oh, c'mon Ichigo, I need your honest opinion"
Ichigo rolled his eyes. This all help Y/N choose a guy to date was pissing him off. Orihime had the brilliant idea to help each other date because with all the problems caused by the Soul Society, none of them had a proper dating life. It wasn't a really horrible idea in the end if not for the fact that they started with you. All grouped in Ichigo's room and looking at different photos of guys from highschool, or friends of a friend. Why did he agree to this? He couldn't remember.
"Orihime, that guy is not Y/N's style." Rukia chimed in with a smug smile on her face.
"Oh yeah, and what's her style? Right, Y/N what boys do you like? More handsome or less handsome? Tall or short or...?" Orihime started her list while you were deep in thought.
Ichigo wanted so badly to have a piece of your mind. He noticed you spaced out about ten minutes ago, 'bout the time Orihime scattered the guys photos on the floor.
"I think she likes strong guys, maybe a bit old like Urahara or Ukitake" Yoruichi just wanted to mess with Ichigo, she's seen the way he looked at her, the way she always was his priority in all events and circumstances.
Ichigo choked on his water. "I don't remember inviting you over, Yoruichi". His tone was almost menacing, so she was definitely rilling him up. "I don't need to be invited, as it is about Y/N, our beloved, very, much adored by both Kisuke and Ukitake who entrusted me to protect her. Am I wrong or you also asked me to keep an eye on her?"
"That's just because..." Ichigo mumbled some words, awkwardly scratching his cheek. "Listen, I don't need to explain my reasons to you!"
"Rukia, if I remember correctly, didn't your brother also tell you to take care of her?" Chad asked.
"Now that you mentioned it, him and Renji, both told me to keep an eye on her."
Ichigo put his hands into his hair, pulling at it. Urahara, Ukitake, Renji and now even Byakuya?? How was he supposed to compete with them? Then what about the guy you'll choose to go on a date with? He spared you a glance and somehow you were still blissfully unaware of the commotion going on around yourself. His lips curled into a smile. You didn't seem very interested in all this dating thing and for some reason he felt relieved. He liked you and wanted just the best for you. He... He liked you. It downed on him as he saw you smiling to yourself while looking at the framed picture of your group that he had on his nightstand. He wanted to keep that smile on your lips forever. Ichigo realized that all this was bothering him because of his own feelings. His ears started to become red as he was getting flustered by all the feelings that were pouring out of his heart towards his mind.
"Guys, why don't we ask Y/N about who she would like to go on a date with, hm?" As usual, Ishida was the most rational person in that room. They all turned around to face you, but you were too deep in thought to realize, until Rukya's voice reached you.
"Hmm?" You turn your head towards her.
"I asked you who you'd like to go on a date with?"
"Ichigo, obviously, what a dumb question Rukya."
You answered nonchalantly like it was the most normal thing in the world. Until you came to your senses and started to perceive all eyes in the room fixated on you. Then you remembered where you were and what was the purpose of your reunion. Your eyes met Ichigo's wide eyes and red face while you gasped audibly.
"Fuck, I forgot we're all here!"
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lodgeveronicas-blog ¡ 7 years ago
☂ luis/amanda (lumanda? muis? de manning?)
      amanda’s house was considerably close to the grindhouse, to the point where she always tried to walk there and back. it was only a few blocks, enough to get her exercise on but not too much that she would get there exhausted. that afternoon was no different. after giving her mom some meds and putting her to take a nap, the redhead had headed towards the grindhouse -- not because she wanted coffee, but because she was hoping to hang out with gemma. it turned out that she had gotten her days mixed up and gemma was actually off. instead, amanda encountered luis. truth be told, the girl didn’t mind spending time with him as an alternative, but she knew things were still quite awkward between the two of them. she still chose to stay though, snacking on some sweets while he made coffee for other people, chatting during his breaks and when there wasn’t a customer in line. it felt good, to be distracted and to be around him. good enough to distract her from the time. 
      before she noticed, it was dark outside -- and time for luis to close the place. amanda was about to take off when he offered to walk her home. in return, the girl helped him clean the counter and grabbed a cupcake to take to her mom -- just in case she was feeling strong enough to eat ( god, she hoped her mom was strong enough to eat ). within a few minutes they were done and out the door. however, the cold breeze brushed against amanda’s bare legs and arms and she instantly regretted her choice of outfit. “i guess fall is really here”, the girl whispered, glancing at the boy with a smile as she hugged her own arms. but then luis took off his own sweatshirt and placed it around her shoulders -- which was more than enough for amanda’s cheek to burn crimson red. 
        “luis, come on, you are gonna freeze!” amanda complained, but the boy was quick to dismiss her -- he said he would be okay because he was wearing a long sleeve shirt and jeans. besides, it was just until they got to her place. the redhead couldn’t quite argue with that logic. “well, thank you. you didn’t have to, but thank you”, she whispered, walking closer to him and tiptoeing so she could press a soft kiss to his cheek. pulling away, amanda glanced up at him and held the sweatshirt closer to her body -- intoxicated with the familiar smell of his perfume. “shall we go?” the girl asked quietly, eyes glancing down at their hands for just a second before she started walking alone. right, they didn’t do that anymore -- they weren’t that anymore.
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luisdeleons-blog ¡ 7 years ago
i’m sad to see this group go, but thank you all for making this such a memorable experience ! i’m gonna miss this rpg so much & if yall would like to keep in touch, my writing blog is @hellawrites
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shookwrites ¡ 8 years ago
‘ sorry, baby girl, but I can’t tonight. ’ MORE CHRISEVA
      she smiles weakly, heart racing at the nickname -- baby girl, that was a new one. instead, eva shakes her head, pressing glossy pink lips together to hold herself back from smiling too much. “you can’t tonight?” the girl repeats, rolling her eyes before wrapping her arms around his neck. “well, may i remind you that it was your idea to introduce yourself to my mom? now she wants you to show up at dinner. you put us in this mess and now you get to handle it. meaning you will be in my place for dinner”, she whispers, pressing a soft kiss to his lips before playfully pushing him away. “but, before you get any ideas, this does not mean we are a couple.”
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pebbleswrites ¡ 8 years ago
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@hellawrites --- first & foremost, i want to wish you the happiest of all the birthdays. i know you’re like me & you’re also Not a fan of this occasion, but i couldn’t let the day go uncelebrated !! tbh, you deserve to be celebrated not only today, but every single day. not to get too sappy or anything, but i’m just really glad to be able to call you one of my best friends ( ok that was a lil too sappy but deal w/ it ). you’re so incredibly important to me & i feel so fortunate to have grown as close to you as i have, even if i once shaded you right to your face ( we’ve grown so much since those times bye ). i love you more than mindy loves bear-claws, more than julian loves grease 2, more than archie loves vegas, more than the humphreys love waffles, more than kelly loves getting attention by any means necessary, & more than you love taking trips to flavortown !! basically, to sum this all up just -- thank you for being you & thank you for keeping me around for some reason that i don’t think i’ll ever figure out tbh. i love you to bits & pieces & i hope all your birthday wishes come true. 
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hereticgraveyard-blog ¡ 8 years ago
send me ✨ for the aesthetics / feelings my muse relates to yours.
she smells like flowers, the ones you two spent the evening picking together from the fields behind the old blackwell house. she smells like flowers, the ones she’d tucked behind her ear as she walked among the weeds that were nearly as tall as her. she smells like flowers, the ones that are fresh and the ones that were fermented in the oils of the perfume that she applied every morning – in the curve of her neck, on the inside of her wrist. she had been reaching across you for something on a make shift shelf, something needed for the spell you’d found in the worn and wrinkled pages of the book that belonged to your mother before you. the hint of flowers enough to catch your attention, so you reach out, bring the wrist to your lips. a soft kiss, one and then two and then three. a trail as you follow the smell, until your lips find the crook of her neck. there’s a warmth you find there, one you find in her. she is kind, she is caring. you remember the first time you kissed her – thirteen years old, talking about boys and giggling about your first date with adam. you’d never kissed a boy, neither had she. so you practiced there in the floor of your bedroom while some top 100 hit played on the radio. she tasted different now, and you wondered if it was because she was different or if because when you kissed her this time – gentle, warm, open – you weren’t searching for something innocent the way you had in your bedroom in hopes for when you’d kiss your first boy you’d be prepared. instead it was her, only her. part of her wondered if it would only ever be her again.
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susierpt ¡ 8 years ago
Here are #99 gif icons of Katie Stevens, as requested by @hellawrites​. (Sorry this took a thousand years!) All of these gif icons were made from scratch by me. Feel free to use them or edit them in any way you like -- just don’t repost and claim as your own. All the gif icons are 100x100 and HQ, and there shouldn’t be any repeats. Please like or reblog if this helped you!
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restlessromeo-blog ¡ 8 years ago
    indie  has  been  a  huge  part  of  my  life  for  a  while  now.   i  joined  here  after  leaving  the  forum  site  i  started  rping  on  &  after  having  a  bad  experience  with  rpgs,  i  came  back.  there’s  been  a  lot  of  ups,  plenty  of  downs,  but  it’s  gotten  to  a  point  where  i’ve  just  had  enough.   as  much  as  i  love  my  writing  partners  &  my  muses,  i’m  at  a  point  in  my  life  where  i  feel  like  tumblr  is  holding  me  back.   every  time  i  come  on  the  dash,  i  feel  like  i’m  about  to  suffocate  –––  &  as  someone  with  anxiety,  i  really  don’t  need  my  release  to  become  my  stress.
    i’m  done  rambling.  here’s  the  truth:   i’m  putting  my  accounts  on  indefinite  hiatus  –––  most  of  them  anyway.   as  for  felix  price,  my  fandomless  oc,  i  can’t  bear  to  part  with  him  &  the  plots  that  have  made  him  who  he  is,  so  i’ll  be  keeping  @hallfhearted  as  my  only  account  on  a  very  loose  basis.   it  will  be  low  activity,  a  place  i’ll  log  into  when  the  muse  hits,  but  other  than  that  –––  no  more  blog  making  for  now.   this  is  not  the  end  of  rp  for  me.   felix  will  be  semi  active,  my  sky.pe  is  available  to  mutuals  &  i’ve  recently  started  using  my  writing  blog  (  @hellawrites  )  again  &  am  open  to  trying  1x1.   after  some  time  away,  who  knows ?   i  may  start  back  up  some  of  my  other  blogs,  but  for  now  this  is  goodbye  to  archie,  sutton,  my  multi  muse,  &  every  other character  i’ve  poured  my  heart  &  soul  into  over  the  past  two  years.   thanks  again  to  my  partners  for  getting  me  through  some  of  the  hardest  times  in  my  life  &  i  hope  you  choose  to  keep  in  touch.
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ferrisofrp-blog ¡ 8 years ago
@astraeawrites - i could never do all the stuff astra can. her resources are amazing and her theme is simplistic but both aesthetically pleasing and easy to read. go check her out!  
@hellawrites - a Good mutual. valued very much. bless em
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