#the finale was so good /gen
xxnugg3tqu33nxx · 4 months
currently screaming about my boy.
I love them oh so much.
All of the Finale endings were so so beautiful. Genuinely, thank you so so much Fable SMP! I cannot describe how much being here has changed my life, and I’m so so thankful.
Thank you, Fable SMP! Both the wonderful, wonderful cast, and the welcoming, loving and caring community for being such a big part of my life.
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front-facing-pokemon · 4 months
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exhaustedwriterartist · 4 months
Regular Leo and Our Other Halves Leo. My little vent outlets:
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I head cannon Leo disassociating, reliving events, and having a truly hard time forgiving himself post-movie.
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Joys shown through my boy. Art block is starting to hit hard, but I've retaliated by drawing my feelings in two mediums.
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sunnova-art · 1 year
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“The Hero”
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egophiliac · 7 months
YEA RIDE KAMENS ART IM CRYING.. is there a rider you want to appear in the game? i'm personally praying for kiva 😭
YEAH! :D I'm having a lot of fun anticipating the reveals (and being extremely wrong about most of them) but I am also unironically extremely excited for this game! it is the kind of buckwild adaptation that we both need and deserve (and also I kind of adore all the characters already).
we're never getting a Fourze but. I desperately want a Fourze. 😭 Kiva would also be EXCELLENT, the vampire motif would work SO well with these designs! (not to mention the whole stained-glass theming in general...Kiva had some really beautiful designs going on, just LOOK at Saga --)
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eljeebee · 2 months
Winter Postlude: Pity
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“I’ll be out for a bit, Father.”
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Shit. Bloody shit. I can’t keep him inside that makeshift casket for long. I need to find her.
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Amelia noticed her hand. They were shaking. Surprised, she let out a breathy laugh and a “shit”.
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She’s nervous? A vampire like her? Preposterous.
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Amelia takes a deep breath. She can’t find Teresa Williams because she’s been dead for centuries. How is she going to proceed with her plans without her?
I know those Watcher imposters chose another person to be a Pupil. The question is who?
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Amelia wandered around, from Newcrest, to the Promenade, to San Myshuno, deep in thought. She needs to find Teresa’s successor to find the woman. The High Priestess. But she’s having difficulties looking for the new Pupil. On top of that, her father’s whining like a little runt.
Just then…
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“What are you looking at?” She can see me. That shouldn’t be. My spell is strong…
A woman whose neck was covered (Amelia almost clicked her tongue with this) with thick colorful scarf was walking and was looking straight to her.
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She opened her mouth as if she was gasping, as if she was surprised that she saw Amelia, shocked, at the sight of her, but she sneezed and turned away. The woman entered the apartment beside them, presumably her home. Her actions were a little…odd…though. It seemed like her sneeze was forced.
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I thought she could see me…her eyes looked straight at me. I might need to see her again…just in case.
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Amelia finds herself sitting on a picnic table in the middle of who-knows-where in San Myshuno. The sun had already set, and the streetlights illuminated the city. If this was under normal circumstances, she would have enjoyed exploring what the modern world could offer, but she’s stuck with her father, and they must stick together, because they’re the “only ones who have each other”.
Or whatever her father said. He has plans.
Amelia knows he’s not going to accept unfulfilled plans. She knows her father – as spoiled as his sons. Whatever he wants, he gets. Whatever his plans are, it happens. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t get the Overlord’s friendship when another vampire maiden was chosen to be his bride.
I just know if I was the Overlord’s wife, I wouldn’t be stuck with him…
I don’t want to be his wife though.
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Amelia let out a loud exhale.
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When she got back to their refuge, she saw her father sitting on her stool. The candle was lit.
Is his dark vision waning?
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“You left the candle lit, Amelia. What if I was burned?”
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“I didn’t,” she restrained clicking her tongue, or even sighing. “You won’t burn, Father. That’s an ordinary fire.”
“Why do you keep this thing?”
“I like it. Why did you light it?”
He didn’t answer. Of course he won’t. Since when has he admitted things? Is he getting weak? Should I be worried?
“Did you find her?”
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“Amelia, you useless child! How long are we going to be like this? I need to find the Pupil now; I want to get my hands on Straud right fucking now!”
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She tries her best not to snarl. With practiced patience, she replied, “It’s not easy looking for mortals in this cold, Father. They want to keep warm. Once the ice melts and the flowers bloom, it will be easy.”
And she wants to investigate this girl she saw earlier. But of course, she’s not going to tell him. If she did, he’d do everything himself, and her plans might fail.
He huffed. “A lord like me shouldn’t be stuck in this dump, feeding on rats.”
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Her fangs gritted together, her head pounding. With a hiss, she angrily said, “That’s all I could give you without people suspecting us! Do you want to alert the Overlord? While you’re at this state?” She knows he might hit her for this, but it would be like an ant’s bite. He’s weak. He’s no longer as powerful as before. She doesn’t fear him anymore.
“It’s not enough, Amelia.” It was almost a whisper. But her sharp hearing picked it up.
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His shoulders slumped. He mumbled, “Just this once, dear. Let Father have one mortal blood. My body just needs one more push…”
Amelia took a moment to let her golden eyes wander around her father’s body. She could feel his dark energy pulsating weakly, its tendrils barely enveloping his body. It no longer reaches her. He’s no longer frightening. It’s like it’s fading. Waning. The Overlord struck him well.
She sighed.
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“I’ll go look for a poor urchin. You’ll have to help me get rid of the body though.”
“I will…thank you, my dear.”
She turned on her heel and left.
A glance, before she went down the stairs, and she saw him returning to the makeshift casket.
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Amelia sometimes pities her father.
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The Miracle We Need
Chapter 5
With Kakyoin and Avdol in the hospital, Holly uses this time to regroup. However, her rest is cut short by an uncanny new enemy.
Read on AO3 here!
No warnings as far as I’m aware, only a minor nightmare mention
Chapter 5: Try My Best, Be a Real Individual
Outside of the hospital in Aswan, after dropping off Avdol and Kakyoin, the remainder of the group stood to discuss their plans.
“What do we do?” Polnareff said. He’d recovered from his blood loss, so the doctors had agreed to let him leave. His leg was bound tightly, having 10 stitches. He was to use a crutch to make sure he didn’t rip them. He wore a spare pair of baggy gray cargo pants until he could buy a new white pair.
“We can’t afford to wait around here for long. Even though Holly isn’t sick, there’s the threat of DIO becoming too strong. Every day we don’t reach him is another day he gets to grow stronger,” Joseph said, touching his chin.
“The doctors said Kakyoin’s eyes are doing well with the first aid we did, and they’re healing rapidly. Maybe we can give him a couple days?” Holly said. “Avdol will probably be ready to go in that time.”
Holly thought back to Kakyoin. The boy suffered for the whole car ride. She had felt awful about it, and tried to make him as comfortable as possible, but it was really no use. The pain he’d been in must have been unbearable. Now, however, he was already much better. Just being in the hospital had perked him up, as well as having been healed by Holly. Avdol had not been much better. He slipped in and out of consciousness, although his wounds were not as severe and had taken the Hamon better, probably because Joseph was the one who healed him. Seeing Holly do it had inspired the old man.
Joseph nodded. “That’s reasonable. We need the time to regroup anyways. We’ll stay here for two days or until Avdol is better, whichever comes first.”
“What do we do in the meantime?” Jotaro said. “Get supplies?”
“That, and rest. This will be a good chance for us to recuperate after so long without a good night’s sleep. I’ll even splurge on a good hotel!” Joseph said with a grin.
“Oh, I’ll buy some ingredients while we’re out. I’ll make everyone a big dinner to help stay strong. I’ll do dessert too,” Holly said. “Oh, and snacks for Kakyoin and Avdol!”
She saw Jotaro visibly perk up at the prospect of her making dinner. “Sure,” he said coolly. “I’ve got a few errands as well.” He adjusted his jacket, which was freshly mended from the fight yesterday. His shoulder was okay for now, but he wasn’t supposed to use it if he could help it.
Joseph checked his watch. “Alright, we’ll split up. We’ll go visit Avdol and Kakyoin around dinner whenever Holly finishes the food, so do whatever you want until then.”
Polnareff pouted. “What am I supposed to do? I have to use a crutch all day…”
“You could go book our rooms at the hotel and hang out there,” Holly said. “You should rest there if you can. Your leg will heal faster that way.”
“A nap does sound nice…” Polnareff said, pinching the bridge of his nose.
Joseph opened his wallet and pulled out a few bills. “This should cover it. Get your sleep and then meet us at the fountain in an hour or so.”
As Polnareff limped away, Holly turned to Joseph and Jotaro. “I’m gonna go buy stuff for dinner, do either of you want to come?”
Jotaro grabbed his hat. “Go ahead.” Before anyone could speak he turned and walked away, shoving his hands in his pockets.
Joseph blinked. “What’s got him in a bad mood?” He said to Holly.
She frowned. “I’m not sure. He probably need his space after that fight, though. It seemed like it was hard on him.”
Holly led Joseph down the sidewalk a ways, then realized something. “Where’s Iggy?”
Her dad shrugged. “I’m not sure, but it’s probably best to leave him be. He’ll probably follow Polnareff to the hotel so he can ruin his hair again.”
Holly cringed, recalling how many times Iggy had attacked Polnareff on the ride here. “Will we ever be able to clean up all the hair in the car? It’s everywhere.” She sighed and continued walking.
“Doubtful. How does Polnareff even have that much hair? Iggy’s been ripping it out in chunks and his goofy flat top is still untouched,” Joseph said, shaking his head.
Holly laughed. “Are you jealous, papa?”
Joseph stuck his chin up. “No! I still have a full head of hair, so there’s nothing for me to be jealous of.”
At the store, Holly pulled a list out of her pocket and studied it. The writing was tiny and covered the whole page. She took out her pen and crossed out a few items.
Joseph laughed. “You had that ready ahead of time?”
“Of course. What else was I supposed to do on that long car ride?” Holly smiled. “I was looking forward to making dinner for everyone, so I wrote down several ideas. We’ll buy whatever they have.”
“What did you cross out?” Joseph said curiously.
“Those were meals that Jotaro is neutral about. Now the only ones left are ones he likes. I’ll make one of his favorites so he’ll feel better.” She smiled, then her face immediately dropped. “Wait. Papa, does anyone have a food allergy? I didn’t even consider that!” She started to scribble more notes on the other side of the list.
“No, no! We’re all good. None that I know of. We’ve eaten tons of stuff.” Joseph waved his hands in a negative gesture.
Holly nodded. “Great!”
As Holly shopped, Joseph fidgeted. He felt antsy. It was a good thing to rest in Aswan for a few days, but whenever they were still he started to worry. The last time he’d felt like this consistently was back in his youth while training to fight the Pillar Men. He could barely even get a wink of sleep back then—the stress had been relentless. He hoped Jotaro wasn’t that way, the boy needed his rest.
One thing he’d always loved about Suzi was that she never fell for his tricks. She knew he was upset back then and was very gracious to him. He probably wouldn’t have made it if it weren’t for her constant support in combination with being pushed to the brink by his competitiveness against Caesar. He missed her. He’d call her as soon as he had time at the hotel.
“Okay,” Holly said, placing an item into her basket. “That’s the main course.” She crossed out a few more words on her list. She hoped everyone would like the dinner she chose, but there was always next time if she messed up.
After a small silence, Holly decided to ask Joseph something that had been bothering her for a long time. “Papa, do you have nightmares?” She said quietly, touching her necklace. The calming effect worked momentarily, but quickly dissipated as her anxiety grew.
“Sometimes, yeah…why do you ask? Have you been getting them?” His brows furrowed in concern.
“Pretty often, ever since I woke up. I’m wondering if it’s because I have a Stand now. I’m directly connected to Jonathan’s body, or just DIO at this point.” She pursed her lips.
“Wait, you’re having specific nightmares?” His eyes widened.
She paused, collecting herself so she wouldn’t cry. “I usually see DIO…and I see Jotaro as well. He’s always injured or worse.” Her voice caught. “It’s horrible…”
Joseph quickly hugged her. “I’m so sorry, sweetie. Have you been getting all the rest you need?”
“I think so…I’m not tired. I’m just…drained. I was so worried about Jotaro…”
“He’s fine, and he’ll be fine in the future. I promise you he’ll make it. He’s stronger than any of us could ever hope to be, and smarter too. Have faith in your son, Holly…he won’t die on you.” Joseph paused. “I know that won’t help the dreams, but I promise you they won’t come true.”
She nodded, her lip quivering. She held back her tears. She wasn’t about to cry in a public market. “Thank you, papa.” she touched her necklace again.
“Take it easy if you can…And tell me if your dreams ever change. I’m wondering if it’s an offshoot of my spirit photography.”
“If it’s that, doesn’t it mean the dreams will come true?” Holly said.
“Spirit photography can be misleading at times, and DIO has previously interfered with Hermit Purple. It’s very possible he’s doing something to you to try and break down your will. Don’t let him get to you, okay?” Joseph put a hand on her shoulder. She still felt like a little girl whenever he did that—his hands were so heavy, even the non-metal one.
“Okay,” Holly said, taking a breath to calm down. She wanted to believe him more than anything, but something about her dreams made her think they were real. She didn’t know when the time would come, but eventually she would need to save Jotaro’s life, and she had no idea if she’d be able to pull it off.
Holly trotted down the street. She was a touch late after dropping the groceries off at the hotel and making treats for Kakyoin and Avdol. Joseph had left early, saying something about going to a coffee shop with Polnareff and Jotaro. Holly was initially sad she didn’t have time to go, but on further reflection realized she didn’t really want coffee. She clutched the box of homemade sweets to her chest, putting on speed so she wouldn’t be any more late.
The buggy was parked to the side of the road, and three people stood around it. Joseph, Polnareff and…someone else. He was around Jotaro’s height, but it wasn’t him at all. The others were talking to him like they knew him. Holly assumed it was a friend they’d previously met while traveling and happened to run into again.
As she got closer, she caught a glimpse of the newcomer’s face. Her heart skipped a beat. This strange man’s face looked like Jotaro, but…wrong. Holly couldn’t quite place it, but this wasn’t her son. It was like someone had make one of those hyper-realistic wax figures of him. It was a perfect likeness, but definitely still wrong.
She didn’t know what to do. Joseph and Polnareff weren’t attacking him for now. They were probably going to try and catch him off guard and interrogate him about DIO. At the moment it meant playing along, she thought.
“Bonjour, Holly,” Polnareff said with a smile. “We were just about to leave, you’re just in time.”
“Everyone get in,” Joseph said, sliding into the driver’s seat.
“Oh, I’d rather walk,” not-Jotaro said, starting to sweat. That immediately raised Holly’s suspicions. If the enemy didn’t want to be in the car, that likely meant he’d tampered with it.
Holly decided to put some pressure on him. she grabbed his hand. “C’mon, sit with me!” The impostor’s hands were cold and clammy, unlike Jotaro’s, which were always warm from being in his pockets. Not-Jotaro also had none of the abrasions Jotaro had picked up yesterday, although he did have old scars from earlier in the journey. Holly was somewhat impressed.
“Oh, no…I’m okay…Holly…” not-Jotaro didn’t seem to realize he was supposed to be her son. She was a bit flattered he hadn’t noticed her age, but unsure what he’d thought of instead.
“Hey, don’t disrespect your mother like that!” Joseph snapped. “At least you didn’t call her a bitch, but calling her Holly is rude. You’re old enough to know better.”
“It’s okay,” Holly said cheerfully. “I don’t mind!” She smiled at him. If it was the real Jotaro, he would have looked away, but this person just stared at her like a deer in headlights.
Holly looked at Joseph, slightly panicked. She didn’t know what to do about the impostor. He winked at her. Oh, so he had a plan. She decided to mess with the impostor until Joseph dealt with him according to whatever he was plotting. He had to go along with whatever she said, right?
“Anyways, we don’t have time for you to walk. Get in the car, it’ll be easier.” Polnareff shoved not-Jotaro into the backseat.
Holly got in next to him as Polnareff sat in the front passenger seat. She noticed an orange on the seat that had escaped the bag of them on the floor. She went to pick it up, but not-Jotaro snatched it before she could.
He quickly tossed the orange out the window, pretending he’d dropped it.
Holly masked her suspicion with a laugh. “Jotaro, you butterfingers!” She said. The orange was probably significant in some way, she thought. She didn’t know how. She needed more time to observe.
Not-Jotaro gave a strained laugh. “Yeah…”
He could have at least tried with the laugh, Holly thought. Jotaro’s laugh was nothing like that, not that this person would have any way of knowing. It was almost offensive for her to see such a sloppy rendition of her beloved son.
Holly leaned back in her seat. She was just getting irritated now. She hoped the real Jotaro was safe, but on second thought, an enemy this clueless would never be able to get one over on him. She took a breath to stay calm. The best way to defeat this enemy is to wait him out, she thought.
Polnareff suddenly spotted something in the rear-view mirror. “Hey, Mr. Joestar…it’s Iggy! He’s trying to catch up to us.” He leaned towards the mirror so he could see better. “He’s got an orange in his mouth. Did he steal that?”
So Holly was right about the orange…unless Iggy was just feeling generous, which she highly doubted. Iggy probably knew something she didn’t. She had no idea what.
A moment later, the dog jumped up and squirmed in through the open window, dropping the stray orange right onto not-Jotaro’s lap before sitting down next to Holly.
“NO!” Not-Jotaro shouted.
Polnareff snatched the orange. “Jotaro, where’s your cool exterior? It’s not like you to scream that way.” He paused. “Or is it, Holly? I could be wrong.”
“Oh, it certainly isn’t…” Holly said. She grabbed not-Jotaro’s hand. “What’s got you worked up, pumpkin?”
He stared at her. “Uhh, I meant…did you no-tice that cow over there?” He pointed.
She turned and looked. “Oh, so cute! I love cows, thanks for pointing her out!” She smiled. Internally, though, her thoughts raced.
Firstly, Jotaro would have been annoyed if she called him “pumpkin.” That was irrelevant, however, compared to the orange mystery…not-Jotaro seemed to want nothing to do with that one specific orange. It wasn’t like he had a phobia…a bag of them was sitting right at his feet. It had certainly been tampered with. But in what way? It couldn’t have been poison or he wouldn’t be scared of its presence, only of eating it. Unless it was a poison that could kill by touch or smell? No, that didn’t work either. If it was a strong poison like that, Iggy and Polnareff would probably be dead, as well as the impostor since he was the one who planted it here.
“You’re acting peculiar today, Mon ami. Could it be…” Polnareff said, looking back at not-Jotaro over his seat. “…that you’re a fake?”
Not-Jotaro visibly stiffened. Holly wasn’t sure what Polnareff’s game was, but she was curious how it would unfold. Holly wouldn’t have thought to just directly confront him, or was it more of a mind game?
“Uhh, good grief.” Not-Jotaro grabbed the brim of his hat. “What’re you even talking about?”
Holly laughed. This one was actually genuine, mainly because of how bad the impression was. “He’s just kidding around, silly!” She was slightly nervous about the group’s safety if they were to let on that they saw through his disguise. She hated to interfere with whatever Polnareff was planning, but the more she thought about it, the more she wanted to play it safe.
Polnareff paused. “Ugh, I’m bored.” He lit up a cigarette and held out the box to not-Jotaro. “Do that trick you showed me, would you?”
“Trick?” The impostor said. He was sweating heavily at this point.
Polnareff pointed to his mouth as he flipped the cigarette backwards, catching it and holding it with the lit side in the back of his mouth. He puffed smoke out of his nose and grinned.
Joseph chuckled. “Hey, you’ve gotten way better! Good work.”
Polnareff successfully turned the cigarette back, snickering. Not-Jotaro cut in. “Yeah, I can do that. It’s easy.”
Holly raised an eyebrow. She remembered Lisa Lisa teaching her that trick as a child, back when Holly still thought of her as Grandma. Lisa Lisa said it came from her husband’s family.
Except, of course, Holly was taught using candy instead of cigarettes.
It had apparently become a Joestar heirloom…Joseph must have passed it down to Jotaro without Holly knowing. She had no idea how far back in the Joestar line the trick went. The thought of her ancestor Jonathan, who she’d only ever heard the highest praise of, doing such a funny thing…She couldn’t help but smile.
Although she did wish Jotaro didn’t feel the need to smoke. She couldn’t exactly blame him for that, however, with how stressful this journey had become.
“Great. Do the one with five cigarettes, then,” Polnareff said, pulling out a handful of cigarettes from the box and thrusting them into not-Jotaro’s hands.
It would be pretty funny to watch him struggle and maybe even bump into him so he’d burn himself, she thought…but she had a better idea.
Holly grabbed the cigarettes. “You shouldn’t smoke…it’s bad for you. You should know better, sweetie!”
Polnareff shrugged, sheepish. “I suppose he is a bit young to be smoking…my apologies, Holly.”
“It’s alright…it just makes me so sad as a mother!” Holly said. She pinched herself to bring tears to her eyes. “Oh, I’m sorry for getting emotional…” she faked a sob, burying her face in her hands.
Joseph glared at Polnareff, then not-Jotaro in the rearview mirror. “Apologize right now, both of you. No one makes my daughter cry and gets away with it,” he growled.
Holly rarely saw him this serious. That steely gaze was reserved for only the worst of offenses, and had only once been placed on Holly herself. She shuddered, recalling her teenage antics.
“I’m really sorry, Holly,” Polnareff said. “I wasn’t even thinking.” He put out his own cigarette. Holly felt bad. She had nothing against Polnareff…she hoped he realized she was only toying with the enemy and not actually upset with him. She’d make sure to mention it later.
Joseph shot a look at not-Jotaro that could have shredded him on the spot, or maybe melted him. “And what about you?”
The impostor froze for a moment, then turned to Holly, frantically rearranging his uncanny mannequin face into something vaguely apologetic. “I’m sorry…uh, mommy…” as soon as the last word escaped his mouth he realized his mistake.
Holly snorted, caught completely off guard. She held back a laugh, feigning more sobs. “Oh, it’s okay…I knew my little boy would understand…” she put her hands down. “I’m so proud of you…”
Not-Jotaro audibly sighed in relief when he received a positive reaction. Holly might cry from trying not to laugh. The real Jotaro would probably sell his soul before calling Holly “mommy,” especially in front of others. She could count on one hand the amount of times that happened once he was over the age of 10. She was shocked at the ignorance of this enemy. He might have had a chance of fooling her if he’d bothered to study Jotaro’s mannerisms and personality.
Polnareff slowly turned, exhaling from his nose. “Did I just hear you correctly?” He laughed. “‘Mommy?’” He laughed harder. “Are you buttering her up or what?”
“No,” not-Jotaro spat. “What’s your problem?”
“You really aren’t feeling well today, huh?” Polnareff said through a cackle. “You’re nearly 18, right? What 18-year-old still says ‘mommy?’”
“My 18-year-old!” Holly said dramatically, grabbing onto not-Jotaro’s arm. She was committed to making the most uncomfortable social situation possible. She snuggled against him. “Oh, I was so so worried you’d hate me after what happened between us…”
Not-Jotaro panicked again, as well as appearing to be very weirded out by her. “Oh, that? It was nothing…” he said uncertainly, trying to subtly shift and get out of her embrace. She didn’t want to be hugging this stranger, but it made her ruse funnier, so she’d commit. She tightened her arms.
By dismissing the intentionally ambiguous falling-out, he’d fallen right into her trap.
“Even though I got in a fight with your girlfriend back home and stabbed her with a kitchen knife?” Holly said the most outlandish thing that popped into her head, batting her eyelashes. “You finally forgive me? When we visited her grave you said you never wanted to see my face again!”
Not-Jotaro swallowed hard, probably starting to connect the dots in his head. She’d been trying to build up to him thinking she was completely overbearing and strange. “Uh…” he leaned further away from her.
“You really do?” She said, feigning a hopeful look. She hated to admit it, but she was having a lot of fun with this. She’d always wanted to be an actress when she was younger. Up front, Joseph and Polnareff shared a look, baffled.
Before the impostor could dig his own grave any deeper, Polnareff cut in. “Hey, Jotaro, how about we have an orange eating contest? Much safer than cigarettes.”
“I can allow that,” Holly said, sniffing theatrically and wiping a fake tear. “I’m so relieved you have such good friends, sweetie pie!” Yet another nickname Jotaro would hate.
Polnareff grabbed the orange Iggy brought back, tossing it upwards and snatching it out of the air. “Ugh, I hate peeling these…”
The blood drained from Not-Jotaro’s face and his mouth fell open. “Not that one!” He shouted frantically.
Holly racked her brain. What could he have possibly done to that orange to make him so scared of it? Why would he willingly be in the same car as it, in that case? Holly wasn’t familiar with the situation before she arrived, but something must have happened that he wasn’t planning on. Were they in immediate danger? She didn’t know whether to get serious.
What was Joseph planning?
“What now, Jotaro? What’s wrong with it?” Polnareff asked, arching an eyebrow.
“Uh, Iggy brought it back, right? Who knows where he found it?” Not-Jotaro gestured to the dog, who was politely sleeping on Holly’s lap.
Iggy probably brought it back because he realized he’d been tampered with. He was able to smell Geb, which meant that whatever this new enemy was up to was likely not going to escape his keen nose. Holly scratched his ears.
“It looks clean, but if it bothers you I’ll eat it. Grab another one from the bag,” Polnareff said.
Not-Jotaro froze for a split-second, paralyzed by panic. He suddenly howled in pain, clutching his stomach. “Stop the car! My stomach hurts!”
Holly’s suspicions were immediately raised. What was he getting at? “You have a tummy ache? Why didn’t you just say so?”
He folded in his seat, groaning loudly. “Ughh, I need to go now!” He fumbled with the door.
“We’re almost at the hospital, Jotaro…can’t you wait?” Joseph said.
“NO!” Not-Jotaro blurted. “No, it’s really bad! I’ll catch up later, I mean it!” He dove out of the car and stumbled to his feet.
“Hey, wait a sec!” Polnareff said, rummaging through the glovebox. “Take some toilet paper so you don’t ruin your underwear. At least be civilized.”
Not-Jotaro snatched the roll and took off running, barely remembering to thank him.
In the pause a moment ago, Holly had snuck the suspicious orange into the enemy’s pocket. She wondered what would become of him, but whatever happened, she couldn’t allow her friends to be harmed.
Holly watched him go, disappearing behind a rock in a cloud of dust. It was like something out of a cartoon.
Once he was out of earshot, Holly burst out laughing. She clutched at her sides, doubling over and wiping tears from her eyes.
Polnareff and Joseph glanced at each other as the old man parked the buggy in the hospital lot. “What’s so funny, Holly?” Joseph said.
“That was awful,” she said, barely able to speak from laughing so hard. She put a hand to her chest.
Suddenly, there was a loud blast that echoed across the horizon. It was shockingly close, and came from the same direction not-Jotaro had gone.
No way. She looked at Iggy. The orange…was it a bomb? She raised her eyebrows and the dog nodded, or at least he moved his head in a manner that could be interpreted as a nod. She didn’t know how to feel about this. On one hand she hoped the enemy wasn’t dead, but on the other hand he’d had every intention to kill them, so it was probably for the best.
“Are they doing construction over there?” Polnareff said, shading his eyes against the sun and leaning forward on his toes to try and see better.
Holly raised her eyebrows and opened her mouth to speak, but Joseph cut her off.
“Jotaro!” He called, grinning and waving at the boy, who was sauntering towards them on the sidewalk.
Holly whirled around. She was absolutely delighted to see the real Jotaro. He looked as annoyed as ever, his eyes half-lidded as he regarded them with a touch of confusion.
“Where’d you come from? Weren’t you just…?” Polnareff said, scratching his head. “Did you get over your sickness that fast?
“Good grief, what are you talking about?” Jotaro grumbled.
Holly laughed. “Hey, he doesn’t know what happened…at least explain before you joke about it.”
“Huh?” Joseph said. “Are you feeling bad again, sweetie?” He placed his prosthetic hand on her forehead absentmindedly, then realized what he was doing and switched. “You feel okay…”
“Do you have some sort of super speed ability you never told us about? I don’t know how you got from the spot we dropped you off to all the way over here in such a short time,” Polnareff said to Jotaro, raising an eyebrow.
Holly blinked. “Wait, you’re not joking?” She paused. He had fallen for the enemy’s disguise? She supposed that was understandable, he hadn’t known Jotaro for as long as Holly.
“Well, yeah…it’s a reasonable question,” Joseph said. “I have to admit I’m curious as well.”
Holly stiffened, turning to face him. “What? You too? You both thought that was actually Jotaro in the car with us?” She grabbed his shoulders. “You’re being 100% serious and not pulling my leg?”
They stared at her. “…yeah?” Polnareff said. “Who else would it be?”
Holly pursed her lips. “Jotaro, were you in the car with us just now?”
“No,” Jotaro said. He was bent over fishing an orange out of the bag in the buggy. “I walked here. No clue what any of you are on about.”
“Oh my god!” Joseph said. “Was it an impostor?”
“Yes!” Holly practically shouted. “I thought you knew…why did you wink at me?” She put her hands to her head.
“Oh, I meant it to show you I was kidding around…” Joseph swallowed. “I, uh…didn’t realize the guy in the car was a fake.”
“So, Holly, you’re saying everything you did in the car was an act?” Polnareff asked.
She gaped. “You thought it was real? I was messing with him because I thought Papa had a plan!”
“I wasn’t sure what to think!” Polnareff put his hands up defensively.
“Neither I nor Jotaro would ever do anything that just happened,” Holly said, pinching the bridge of her nose. “I don’t think we need to worry about the enemy, either. That explosion a second ago was the orange he was scared of.”
“It was a bomb?” Joseph exclaimed. “He was trying to blow us up…that’s…”
Holly sighed. She shook her head to try and get her thoughts together. She didn’t know whether to be mortified, angry, or just laugh until her lungs gave out.
Jotaro was leaning against the buggy eating an orange. Holly could tell he was enjoying watching Joseph and Polnareff make fools of themselves. “If the enemy’s out of commission there’s not a problem. Let’s go see how Avdol and Kakyoin are doing,” he said, pushing off the car and walking towards the hospital entrance.
Holly fell into step next to him. “Sorry about that. I guess I shouldn’t have betted on Papa. Polnareff I can understand, but Papa?”
“Doesn’t surprise me…They can be pretty dense,” Jotaro said. He was smiling ever-so-slightly. He offered her a portion of his orange and she quickly accepted.
“Yeah,” Holly said with a small laugh. As she opened the door, she heard a siren blaring in the distance. Turning, she noticed an ambulance racing down the road towards the ER.
As the paramedics unloaded the patient, Holly’s jaw dropped. It was the fake Jotaro as well as another small person. They were both mangled and bleeding, with some areas in temporary dressings. The two were rushed away on gurneys.
“H-his outfit—“ Holly said, completely in disbelief.
“It’s ugly as hell.” Jotaro crossed his arms, looking away disdainfully.
Holly cackled victoriously. “I knew it! That was the guy pretending to be you.”
Jotaro’s eyebrows shot up. “And they bought it?” He seemed to realize the extent of how bad the impostor’s disguise was. He looked embarrassed.
“And his acting was terrible on top of that,” Holly said. “It was a train wreck!”
Kakyoin perked up as he heard the door open, his pinkish hair swishing as he looked over. “Is someone there?”
“Yes!” Holly said, trotting over to the side of his bed. “We came to see you! How are you feeling?”
The boy beamed. “I’m doing a little better. Thank you for thinking of me.” He folded his hands on his lap, clearly trying not to touch the bandages over his eyes. “Did anyone else come with you, Miss Holly?”
“Yep, everyone’s here! Even Avdol. We brought him along since he was feeling up to a walk.” Holly grinned as the man carefully shuffled in, sitting down in a chair off to the side. He was fairly well recovered, in fact the doctors said he just needed a day or so.
“I’m glad to hear that.” Kakyoin said.
“I made you two some cookies,” Holly said, setting down the box. “They’re chocolate chip, would you like one?”
“Yes! Uh, I mean, if it’s not too much trouble…”
“Of course it isn’t! I made these just for you.” She fished out a cookie and gave it to him, lightly patting the top of his head. He stiffened at the touch. “Oh, sorry, I wasn’t thinking,” Holly said sheepishly.
“No, it’s okay…that just reminded me of my mom, is all…”
Holly turned around from giving Avdol a cookie, feeling a pang of sadness. “Aw, sweetie…” she put her hand on Kakyoin’s shoulder. “You’ll be back home before you know it. I promise.”
Holly frowned. She couldn’t imagine what the poor boy was going through. He probably hadn’t seen his parents properly in months. She doubted he’d gone back to them while under DIO’s control. Kakyoin’s resilience inspired her.
“Thank you. I hadn’t realized how homesick I was until now.” He took a bite of the cookie and chewed for a moment before completely freezing. He quickly swallowed. “Miss Holly, these are delicious!”
“Agreed!” Avdol chimed in.
Holly smiled. “I’m so happy you all like them. I wasn’t sure what to make, so I went with a classic.” She remembered something, and reached into her bag. “I brought cards. I thought we could play some games together. We’ll take turns being your eyes, Kakyoin, how about that?”
“That sounds fun,” he said. “I’d love to.”
“Perfect! How about we play Go Fish?” Holly suggested. “Uh, unless you’re too old for it,” she added sheepishly.
“No, let’s do it,” Polnareff said, sitting down next to Kakyoin on the edge of the bed. “I’m great at Go Fish. We’ll win for sure.”
Kakyoin chuckled. “I’m fairly certain it isn’t skill-based…”
“Then you haven’t seen a real expert play.” Polnareff cracked his knuckles as the rest of the group pulled up chairs around Kakyoin’s side table and Joseph dealt out cards.
After a few turns, Kakyoin spoke. “Did anything interesting happen to you guys today?”
Holly grinned deviously. “I’m so glad you asked. In fact, we encountered a Stand user.”
Joseph and Polnareff groaned in unison. Jotaro put down a pair of cards after receiving one from Avdol.
Kakyoin laughed. “What happened?”
“His ability was to shapeshift—oh, got any 6’s?—and he turned into Jotaro.”
“Go fish,” Joseph said, cringing from embarrassment as she spoke.
Holly drew a card. “His disguise was realistic but…off. I knew something was wrong right away, but I might have fallen for it if his impersonation wasn’t garbage.”
“In what way?” Avdol said, curious.
“In every way!” Holly said, smacking down a pair of cards for emphasis. “It was honestly ridiculous.”
She continued to tell Kakyoin and Avdol all about it, sparing no details. She was getting lots of laughs and embellishing the story in areas. Eventually, one round of Go Fish stretched into many, and the afternoon stretched into evening.
“I’m sorry to cut the party short, but we’ve gotta get back to the hotel, and you two need to rest,” Joseph said as he gathered up the cards after a round.
Kakyoin nodded. “I understand. Thank you again for coming.”
“See you,” Jotaro said, touching the brim of his hat as he left the room.
Joseph tipped his own hat. “Bye-bye!”
As Avdol left and Holly was about to say her own goodbyes, she looked at Kakyoin and noticed wet stains on his bandages. “Are you alright, Noriaki?”
“Yeah, I’m alright…” he said with a sniff. “Sometimes my wounds, uh…leak.”
“Oh, that’s unfortunate.” She crossed back to him and gently took his head in her hands, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. “We’ll be back first thing tomorrow.”
Kakyoin sniffed again, looking away. “Thank you, Miss Holly.”
“Of course, sweetie.” She smiled softly. She thought of the boy as another son and was glad she could be here to comfort him. She hoped to be able to get him back to his real mother unharmed, but for now she was happy to be a stand-in.
She patted his head again, and turned to leave.
Holly gently closed the door, and as she walked down the hall she heard him cry in earnest. She closed her eyes, suddenly noticing the wetness on her own cheeks.
Thank you for reading!
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Genloss deserves more
K I saw someone else post about it and I went to find it and lost it, but if I see it again I’ll reblog
Anyways. Ranboo, and the rest of the cast for that matter, deserve some freaking recognition for genloss and all the time and effort and passion that was put into it. They rented a whole freaking mall for it, ranboo got 2nd degree burns because of it, and the whole thing was so incredibly detailed and made with purpose. It twitch or some other content creator reward thing (I don’t know this stuff) doesn’t give ranboo and the show some sort of recognition I’m going to be so upset. This has been years in the making and deserves so much hype and support
Thank you Ranboo and crew for putting your everything into creating this and I can’t wait to see what comes next
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tachyon-omlette · 1 year
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hehe tfa Quintus design :]
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cuteniaarts · 1 month
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2 hour rough drawing of Ehuang, my precious Green Opal child who I don’t draw nearly enough <3
#my art#artists on tumblr#the legend of korra#Kat and Nia and their multiverse of madness#original character#ehuang beifong#<— finally. a new OC with a proper tag#tbh it is much easier to tag characters who have last names#and we’ve never discussed it but I do think Ehuang carries the Beifong last name. whether or not she uses it is a different matter#I feel like she’s a Beifong officially she never puts much emphasis on it. she prefers the other side of her family anyway#okay moving on from that#next gens for next gens. quite a deep niche in reaching here#but I don’t care. I love Ehuang as a representation of everything good and pure in the world too much to object to her existence#baby girl. sweet girl#and yeah I’ve drawn her with Midori Opal and Suiren before so I thought I’d try something else#and while Kuvira isn’t actually shown here. just know that she’s absolutely tearing up off screen#you can pull the idea of Kuvira absolutely adoring her little niece out of my cold dead hands#wait omg I never posted my earlier art of Ehuang on here have I#okay once I’m done with my current projects I’ll refine and post those#the world deserves to see more of Ehuang#I feel like this particular scenario also hits some spot in Kuvira bc she knows who Ehuang’s bio dad is#and Ehuang looks just enough like him. despite being very similar to Midori. that imagining her with a beauty mark under her eye…#it brings Certain Ideas to mind. very fleeting and eliciting a ‘imagine that. I love this girl to bits but I’m sure glad I’m not her mom’#kind of response. but overall no one really lingers on that fact. I feel. her parents are Midori and Opal#Bataar’s just the donor. no one calls him her bio dad. he doesn’t see her as his daughter. probs Suyin is the only one who puts up a fuss#like not letting up about Ehuang being his kid even though he’s told her countless times that his involvement is irrelevant#he doesn’t wish to be ehuang’s dad. that wasn’t why he helped create her.#he did so because he loves his sister and SIL. because he knew they wanted a baby. not because he wanted a child himself#he’s quite content being her uncle thank you very much. and idk why I just went on this ramble lmao#maybe I should try to write something Ehuang related. explore all these relationships and whatever. we’ll see
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simmersofia · 9 months
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elyuzts-echo · 4 months
why is george harrison's self titled album so good
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like what was george doing to make that much of a banger??? its so good lmaooo
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sieglinde-freud · 3 months
i realize its because everyone else on the summer banner is a mythic unit/normal vaike isnt in the game yet but if inigos a tempest trial unit he should get to appear in the story and he just shows up at the beach full armor fuckass boots ON like “why is everyone wearing swimwear. i thought we were fighting.” and at the end hes like “huh. well it looks like everyones having fun, maybe i could join in…” BAM segue into summer banner part 2 lead unit summer inigo fire emblem coming at you with a steel pail. hire me intsys
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
what happened to boreas during the events of saint's campaign? I'd have figured because of his self sustaining properties, he'd be one of the last iterators actually functional before saint inevitably bababooeys him
-snaps fingers n fingerguns atcha- you got That right, buckaroo! Boreas indeed is still kicking just fine when Saint enters the Aeolus Root ring, especially if you ignore his mental state consisting of crushing loneliness and nasty ass giant case of guilt. i told Shkiki this- i geniunely think he'd only die if a lot of ice would block his water filtration systems. he's like a damn cucaracha
(see, Beebee is stationed very high up north n i think he's close enough to the sea that he uses That as his water supply. he runs Very cold, much more so than a normal Iterator- this is mostly the case cuz i wanna give the greek god Boreas shout out with it, but in-universe can be blamed on his sheer massive size. he needs to keep himself as cold as possible. can't exactly cool his systems with solid ice tho and so this person who doesn't like/can't handle other people Needs these other people that warm up the atmosphere n keep the polar caps at bay. so honestly even tho he's fine n dandy when Saint finds him, he was already living on borrowed time)
Saint has a bossfight with Boreas just like with Sliver except Boreas is.. kinda more sturdy n also more aggressive n has a bigger chamber- he's like Sliver+, that girl was a weasel. hard mode Sliver.
it takes a bit, but eventually Boreas' puppet falls and the antigravity stutters to a stop. i imagine that working iterators that put up a fight need multiple blasts before they completely die because each blast is killing only a portion of the Hivemind, then the rest of it rushes to fill in the holes, that gets blasted and the process is repeated until there's no more of the collective left. so you can imagine what kind of state B is prolly in after like 9 direct blasts
torn apart, exhausted and so much more smaller n lonelier than before, Boreas finally stops fighting and instead huddles in a corner. for once absolutely terrified out of his mind n insterestingly enough- regretful. he tries to send out a warning signal to the rest of the group, but he can't manage it with how diminished he's become. Saint approaches. Boreas doesn't plead for mercy. he stares the rat down even when its eyes wildly flash
Saint finishes him off. Leaves. Notos watched the whole thing
to say that Notos is fuckin Traumatized from that is an understatement. its special overseer stays with Boreas' puppet beeping at it for an hour, waiting for him to wake up. but of course, nothing
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now, i'll add- Beebee n Notty didn't ever really Fully Click together. either they didn't interact much because of their "i gotta work, man" mentalities, they were shit at interaction or they barked at each other (even in mythology it says that fights between Boreas and Notos were catastrophic and absolutely terrifying- fun fact! Notos actually seems more dangerous than Boreas from what i've read n this Is meant to be reflected with the Anemoi Iterators too). like i've had the idea that when Notos calls for an elder brother n Boreas n Euros look up, it'd specify "the elder brother that I actually appreciate" when needin Euros
either way, these two were still siblings and Boreas *did* Mentor Notos when it needed it (along with Euros; the Winds r kinda like a lil self-sustaining group within the bigger group- they are "Elite"/Leading Iterators of The Children of Eo after all) n they still like... Loved each other. even when Notos cut the communications with him after everything started going down the drain, it still loved him. n it regrets some things it said to him (thoughtless.. cruel things...) but cuz of the way it is as a person it never decided to step up n be the one to reestablish contact and apologize
and now Boreas is dead. one of the first iterators of the group gone, maybe the third. it can never say now, how it is so sorry and never meant it
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vanivanvanilla · 2 years
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on yearning and eternal devotion
moon at sundown, maurice saprio // we gotta go for all we know, genesis_frog // fruit roll ups, waterparks // i turned a corner, thoroughly modern millie // leo tolstoy & anna karenina // drawing down the moon, david derr // trista mateer // the song of achilles, madeline miller // alone time, lovelytheband // for that star trapped in your chest, dogdomesticated // moonlight on the river, ralph albert blakelock
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