#the figure partizan
swordbreakerz · 7 months
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realized if you weren't on twitter then you might not have experienced austin's balence amv so: enjoy
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ANDREW: There is probably a whole thing where they’re using their psychic connection to like, guide Broun-
ALI: Aww!
ANDREW: -through some weird corridors or whatever. [Ali chuckles]
ALI (as Broun): Oh, I’m here. H- oh- hey.
ANDREW (as Valence): I think, I think there’s stuff in here that makes us even?
ALI (as Broun): Wait, um. Like that spaceship you’re standing in front of? ANDREW (as Valence): Yeah.
ALI (as Broun): Does it work? ANDREW (as Valence): I- you know. [Ali chuckles] I didn’t turn it on. I didn’t think turning on a spaceship inside was a good idea. Also, it’s like, you know, if it does work it’s your spaceship and I’d feel really bad like, if I drove it before you did [Austin chuckles]. Like if I bought you a car, but said, well I drove it over here.
ALI (as Broun): So it’s mine? ANDREW (as Valence): If you want it. You’re- you and I are the only people who know about this.
ALI (as Broun): Oh, so it’s mine then. Um. [Austin chuckles, then Ali] Thank- thank you. I have to run some tests, I guess, um.
ANDREW (as Valence): Do you need any help?
ALI (as Broun): Well if you think you know what you’re doing. I- yes. I would.
ANDREW (as Valence): I mean, you know what you’re doing.
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humanmorph · 8 months
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at last! my Secret Samol gift for @snoozyiver on twt / @kalvinbrnine on here! she gave me the very lovely prompt of "ANYTHING about figure a" & ran with it : >
part iv
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madcap-nattery · 2 years
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I have seen (slash made) enough jokes about these two being tumblr sexymen to let it pass without comment. i can and will pit two queens against each other
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ahcoffeebeans · 1 year
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just two guys being dudes what's the matter with that
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pewterbee · 1 year
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the wolf, the martyr, the cautionary tale
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lustrecannon · 1 year
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how i look with he/they in my bio
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banneduser-ripcohost · 8 months
"Selfless: The Dao of Becoming a Room"
A Palisade nano-fic
In Phrygian [lounge form].
Brnine: "...so what do you like about uhh...being a room?"
Phrygian: "It's nice, you know. It's relaxing. I feel like being a room is all about truly letting go. Like finding a posture that is both good for you and easy to do."
Brnine:*remembering Saffron's recommendation to correct their slouching: "heh yeah. Posture."
[palpably awkward silence]
Phrygian: "The key thing is —and this is important—when you become a room you really need to become the whole room. You can't do it halfway. This is why you don't also see me in the room too cause I gotta let myself just be the room."
Brnine: "uh huh!"
Phrygian: "That's what those icebreaker guys never got. They never even came close to getting it. But it's not like they ever asked how I felt about it. Cause why would they, you know?"
Brnine: "yeah. I'm sorry if you feel... bad remembering all that."
Phrygian: "Thanks. Yeah nah it's fine. I actually got a lot more out of them than they got out of me, if you can believe it. "
Brnine: "oh. Cool~"
Phrygian: "...You wanna try the cereal? Figure says I'm getting better with the dried berries."
Brnine: "uh!..."
The Table:
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Palisade spoilers below the cut, specifically honesty and integrity
I like to think about how Brnine assassinated Dahlia as a regicide by passion paired with technical and biological consequence. I could describe it as "trying to be a self absorbed princept running two divines (one of which is supposed to be a tandem divine) while also trying to be a Project Deck7 style room is like spreading yourself super super thin. Risks include loss of focus, unintended soundproofing, and extreme blood loss if compromised."
But I prefer to think that Brnine specifically realized that Phrygian's torture was this piece of shit's insane vanity project and the disgust became more personal and violent than Brnine had ever felt about anything in their life. Partway through the fight Brnine flashbacked this conversation and intuited that Dahlia not only must, but could be defeated in this opportunity.
You can try to spread yourself into a room-like shape, but to truly be a room, you gotta let go of the self.
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luketaluketa · 2 years
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The Figure in Bismuth
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seafleece · 6 months
i’ve been relistening to both the palisade and partizan soundtracks a lot lately, both because i’m catching up on palisade and lately it’s had plenty of implications for both seasons as a whole and because i’m slowly writing my own hack/setting/something about screaming mechs and i think the thing that strikes me listening the second time to partizan is how different it feels when you think of each synth as the voice of a mech or divine that is Screaming and Afraid and Alive. or just like. the sound of metal being Used. how scary would the sound of welding be to a robot. do the columnar or divines or any other synthetic people hear the constant alarms on ships like icebreaker or palisade and hear screaming. the way humans hear screaming in death whistles. posthumanism will not save you from body horror and from witnessing horrors made of flesh or seeing bodies corrupted destroyed and used. and in fact you are even more vulnerable. or something.
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wereshrew-admirer · 4 months
hello 🅱️alence enjoyers…
do you have any favorite quotes other than the ‘it’s easy to promise you a ship’ one?
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filohazard · 1 year
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Lil' noodle of the Figure because I don't think I've ever drawn them. This is probably no longer accurate But I'm Four Episodes Behind.
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eclecticopposition · 7 months
Chapter Six is coming TOMORROW for Leap Day!
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This one has charades and block tower euphoria!
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humanmorph · 1 year
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Day 5 - Waking Up
My favorite sentence is: "The day she knew she was very old, she was suddenly filled with happiness that years ago, she had gotten that tattoo of a -
shoutout to Figure A forever <3 i was so so happy to see them show back up in pzn my favourite minor npc previously only featured in 10 minutes of one episode
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guccigarantine · 2 years
I wonder what Crystal Palace thinks about being the Reflecting Pool now is it like a “this might as well happen” type deal or what
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chemiosmotic · 2 years
thinking about the Divine Past
i noticed that Guaranteed Events has a musical motif i think of as a Partizan one. jack and austin have previously said that those get reused only if it makes sense in context, and it
Past's death is the fundamental inciting incident for the season, crashing itself into the moon in the vain hope of escaping the Principality. Its redesignation and coronation was, indeed, the founding of Divinity. So this central pillar of the edifice of faith is crumbled, never acts on its own except to stand as a monument to death.
Crystal Palace is a menacing and hegemonising external threat throughout all of Twilight Mirage, the latest model of Rigour-like worker-bee organization of dystopia. It extended from laying out the ultimate fate in one sector to lending its power to the effort to obliterate time and space across the galaxy.
And yet, I feel deeply sorry for it. I hope Clementine wasn't able to bring it back.
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